REGULAR OPERATION (BLUE, GREEN and PURPLE LINES) Passengers under 12 years must travel accompanied by a responsible adult. Minors over 12 years old can travel alone. SEASONAL OPERATION (YELLOW and PINK LINES) Passengers under 12 years old must travel accompanied by a responsible adult. Minors, aged between 12 and 15 years old can travel alone since in possession of parental permission, a formal authorization given in Annex I. In both cases, if the adult that accompanies the minor is not the parent, it should be filled the form in Annex II. Passengers over 16 years old can travel alone without any additional authorization. Group Travel Both in the Regular operation as in the Seasonal Operation, under age, travelling in organized groups, including sports groups, school groups or others, can travel with the adult responsible for the group, since in possession a responsibility statement, which is available in Annex II. Sede Social: Rua Nova, 29 r/c, 9900-023 Horta Telefone: 292 200 380 | Email: [email protected] Escritórios Ponta Delgada: Gare Marítima do Terminal Oceânico - Portas do Mar – Av. Infante D. Henrique, 9500-770 P. Delgada | Telefone: 296 304 310 | Fax: 296 304 311 | Email: [email protected] Capital Social 7.145.400 Euros | Conservatória Registo Comercial Horta 00531 | Contribuinte n.º 512 091 773
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