The Catholic Church in Jersey
The Catholic Church in Jersey
The Catholic Church in Jersey One Catholic Parish for the Island of Jersey 30/31 August 2014 ~ Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Year A THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK I seem to be playing a game of snakes and ladders in my search for a Portuguese speaking priest for Jersey. After months of enticing a priest to come here, which is like climbing a ladder, I hit a snake in the form of his Bishop who says no. Thus my hopes of Fr Tiago coming here were dashed as his Bishop refused permission and sent him to another parish in his diocese. The plea I wrote to that Bishop about our serious pastoral needs went unanswered. So, after fifteen years trying, I am back to the foot of the ladder once again. Snakes and ladders in the East of the Island have been easier. Sadly, after going straight to the top of the ladder in being appointed my assistant priest last autumn, with special responsibilities at St Martin’s and St Patrick’s, Father Phillip has slid down the snake at the Bishop’s request to take up his new responsibilities as a parish priest at the opposite end of our diocese on the River Thames. His successor, Father John Lavers, is a priest of the Archdiocese of St John’s in Newfoundland who has asked to come and work near his sister who lives in Southampton; he is due to arrive at the end of September. Here’s hoping! Father Kevin is settled in the West, well assisted by Deacon Brendan and Deacon David. So no snakes and ladders at that end of our Island parish. As today’s gospel reminds us, discipleship will never be easy. The cross will be ever present to be embraced rather than resented. So, as I begin my sixteenth year among you, I commit myself to God and to you all again. I will try to continue to put into practice St Paul’s instruction to us today to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice. Father Nicholas FAREWELL PARTY FOR FR PHILLIP Although Father Phillip Harris officially ended his Ministry among us at the end of July, he is not able to take up residence in his new parish until after 14 September. He is returning from his holiday to complete his packing. This delay has enabled us to arrange for a farewell party for him in St Patrick’s Hall next Friday 5 September at 7.30pm; all very welcome. Father Phillip will also be able to help us out by celebrating Masses next weekend. For news of his successor, please read Father Nicholas’ ‘Thought for the Week’ above. PRIESTS: Mgr Nicholas France (Dean & Parish Priest) Fr Kevin Hoiles (Associate Parish Priest) Fr Phillip Harris (Assistant Priest) Fr Janusz Kopeć (Polish Mission) Little Sisters OFFICES: East St Helier 853953 720235 720235 863149 853953 07797778786 875960 [email protected] [email protected] DEACONS: David Cahill Brendan Flaxman Iain MacFirbhisigh Christopher Walters Tony Ward PARISH WEBSITE: West 863149 Safeguarding Officer 07797752151; [email protected] 07797908194; [email protected] 725963; [email protected] 07700773030; [email protected] 853804; [email protected] [email protected] Linda Wiseman 07797776640 COMMUNITY NOTICES We are delighted that Mr John Scally has accepted the honorary position of Executive Director of Caritas Jersey. John has an office at Catholic Pastoral Services and can be contacted on: 768963 or emailed at: [email protected] . Fr Nicholas introduced John Scally to the Caritas Forum meeting, where John took the opportunity of explaining how he and members of Caritas Jersey will be working in partnership with many others in order to carry out our social action effectively. In this week’s newsletter there by Caritas Jersey, focussing elections to encourage people vote. It is chiefly aimed communities. Pass it on! is a leaflet, produced on the forthcoming to both register and at our immigrant Another more detailed booklet produced by Caritas Jersey will be delivered to each household in the Island from Monday 8 September; it offers serious questions to be asked of candidates for the forthcoming elections. WELCOME CENTRE MANAGER Following Manuela Vieira’s wish to retire as manager, and in response to the recent advert in this newsletter, Claudia Reis was interviewed and appointed as manager and will take up her responsibilities later in September. We owe a great debt of gratitude to Manuela for all she has done to make the Centre live up to its name of ‘Welcome’. We wish Claudia every success. coming to help us out while priests have been away on holiday. We wish him well for his new teaching post at the University of Warsaw. FR NICHOLAS … Will be celebrating Masses in the East this Sunday and Fr Stan in town. (Deacon Iain is on holiday this week). WEBSITE: WWW.CATHOLICCHURCH.ORG.JE The updated website has now gone live. There is now a calendar of events which will be updated weekly to keep everyone informed about the activities within our Island parish. Please note some pages are still ‘work in progress’ but we hope to have everything completed by the end of next month. If you would like to receive your weekly newsletter by email, then please go to the website and sign up on the home page. EAST OF JERSEY SUMMER RAFFLE Thank you to everyone for your great generosity in buying all 3,000 tickets. The list of prize winners can be found at the back of churches in the East. Prizes can be collected from the church office in St Martin on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. SACRED HEART FLOWER ARRANGERS Dawn Cowieson has been a long standing member of the team at the Sacred Heart and has recently stepped down. We thank her for all her hard work during that time. We are now in need of a replacement and preferably two or three more helpers. You do not need to be a professional just able to arrange flowers tastefully. Please call Deanna on 863149 (8.30am to 2.30pm Tue to Fri) for more information. JERSEY LOURDES PILGRIMAGE AGM OF CAFOD , JERSEY Takes place on Tuesday 23 September at 8pm in St Thomas’ Small Hall. We will be reviewing the activities and fund-raising events of last year and planning for the year ahead. All interested parishioners who would like to support developing CAFOD in our island are very welcome to attend this meeting. For further information please contact Rosemarie Hill on 854281. CAR WANTED FOR SISTER ANABELA Does anyone have a small car they don’t use, or would like to buy a used one, to enable Sister Anabela of our new Community of Christ at Bethany to get around the Island to visit people? Please contact Father Nicholas if you could help. The Sisters have no income and rely on charity, though the St Helier district of our Island parish provides rent-free accommodation, heating, water and electricity in the former Presbytery next to St Mary & St Peter’s Church. (Father Janusz, the Polish Priest, lives in the flat beneath them). THANK YOU TO FR STAN Once again we are grateful to Fr Stan for including us in his busy schedule in Rome and in Poland by A meeting for all pilgrims will be held this Wednesday 3 September at 7.30pm at Sacred Heart Presbytery. LITURGY AND SACRAMENTS CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME – GET READY!! Begins on Tuesday 9 September - young people who will be in year 9+ from September this year are invited to register for the Confirmation programme. It is important that the young person registering attends with at least one parent on either Friday 5 September at 8pm OR Sunday 7 September at 5pm at St Thomas’ Hall. ST MARY & ST PETER’S CHURCH – FEAST DAY Will be celebrated at SMP, by Fr Nicholas, for Our Lady’s Birthday at 7pm on Monday 8 September. This date is also the 15th anniversary of the day Fr Nicholas arrived in Jersey and we give thanks for his leadership of the Catholic Church here. The SMP Stewardship Group meets after this Mass. FILIPINO CHOIR – 5TH ANNIVERSARY Fr Claro Conde, a Filipino priest from Southampton, will be celebrating Mass on Sunday evening at 6pm at St Thomas’ to mark this anniversary. BECOME A CATHOLIC? Please give serious consideration to encouraging someone to attend the next Journey in Faith Programme - contact Deacon Christopher Walters: [email protected] ADORATION & BENEDICTION AT OUR LADY, ST MARTIN There will be no Adoration or Benediction on Monday 1 September at 6pm. However, all are invited to join in a service of Word and Communion at 7pm with the Catholic Women's League. SYRIA CRISIS APPEAL Thank you to all those who attended the Ecumenical prayer service at St Mary & St Peter last Friday. £716 was raised to send to the Disasters Emergency Committee. CAFOD COLLECTION EAST In addition to the fantastic sum raised for Gaza and the Middle East, another £1,300 has been sent to CAFOD. LEPROSY MISSION BARN DANCE Will lead a prayer service at St Thomas’ Church on Wednesday 3 September at 7pm. All welcome. The Leprosy Mission is holding a Barn Dance with a live Ceilidh band and supper at St Martin’s Public Hall on 13 September at 7pm - tickets £12. Contact Jo Egré on 07797831631 or [email protected]. BAPTISMS YOUTH NEWS THE COMMUNITY CHRIST OF BETHANY We welcome into the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism: Chloé Zusi Sty, Maria Santos Coelho, Pria Anne Elliott, Aydan Marques McCosker, Maria Isabella Coelho, Chloe Bilgeri, Charlie Tomkins, Florence Lucas, Martyna Winiarz, Ella Fairhurst, Emilia Du Heaume, Edward Crill, Evie Wyse, Hannah Collingwood, Hayley Vieira Ferreira, Clodagh McSorley, Abriana Moiro, Lexi Fernandes, Bridget Tattan, Emma Rose Correia, Thulisa Gouveia de Gois, Youani Jibee Duku and Mikodem Burdyski. MARRIAGES Congratulations to Kimberley Weld-Blundell & Samantha Lock, Lee Marshall & Monika Wydro and Rholo Mba & Sam Mellor. FUNERALS Please pray for the souls of Cary Hunt, Dorothy Dolbel, Ernest Samuel Harzo, Jacques Girard. May they rest in peace. APOSTLESHIP OF PRAYER The Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions entrusted to the Apostleship of Prayer for the month of September are: Mentally disabled – That the mentally disabled may receive the love and help they need for a dignified life. Service to the poor – That Christians, inspired by the Word of God, may serve the poor and suffering . COLLECTIONS We acknowledge with thanks collections: 17 August 25 August CAFOD East £979.70 £1,140.04 £1150.00 St Helier £2026.00 £2849.00 £1950.68 West £1142.02 £1166.61 £1683.03 ST HELIER 500 CLUB Week commencing 18 and 25 August: 1. 147 2. 128 3. 41 4. 243 5. 314 1. 25 2. 51. 3. 263 4. 264 5.98 Activities and events are run for children, teens and young adults. Check or find us on FaceBook. For more information call the Youth Phone: 07797787090) or Mary Cahill Youth Ministry Coordinator 07797742767. Catholic Youth Assembly meets at 4.30pm on Wednesday 3 September in the Youth Room. This week we will be launching details of our plans for the new term ahead. Please come to participate and support. THIS WEEK AT THE OASIS OF PEACE Monday 1 September at 7pm - An opportunity to read, reflect, discuss and pray using the readings for the next Sunday. Thursday 4 September at 9am - Adoration and Rosary at the Oasis prior to 10am Mass. Friday 5 September at 6:30am - Morning Prayer followed by breakfast. Saturday 6 September at 2pm - 5pm – Garden Party Free entry with donations towards running costs of the Oasis of Peace. BBQ, afternoon teas and soft drinks, games, face painting, Filipino and Portuguese choirs, Cannon O’Rafferty School of Irish Dance, tombola. Concluding with Evening Prayer. FRIENDS OF THE HOLY LAND (JERSEY) EMERGENCY ‘FAMILY SUPPORT’ APPEAL Only 300 Christian families (1,313 persons from a total population of 1.9 million) remain in Gaza. This includes a few hundred who worship at the Church of the Holy Family. FHL has launched an Emergency ‘Family Support’ Appeal. Every penny donated will go directly to named families, including those most in need recommended to us by Fr Jorge, the parish priest. Please donate to our special Appeal Fund and send a cheque, payable to ‘Friends of the Holy Land (Jersey)’ c/o Deacon Iain St Thomas’ Presbytery, 17 Val Plaisant, St Helier JE2 4TA. Published by Catholic Pastoral Services, printed by the Knights of St Columba. Mass Times in the Parish during the next week Date Saturday 30 August Sunday 31 August Monday 1 September Tuesday 2 September Wednesday 3 Sept Time Church First Mass for 22nd Sunday in Ordinary time 6:00 pm Sacred Heart 6:00 pm St Patrick 6:00 pm St Thomas 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Our Lady, St Martin 9:00 am St Mary & St Peter 9:30 am St Matthieu 9:30 am St Thomas 11:00 am St Patrick 11:15 am St Bernadette 11:15 am St Mary & St Peter 3:30 pm St Thomas 6:00 pm St Thomas 7:30 pm St Thomas Feria 9:30 am Our Lady, St Martin Feria 9:30 am Sacred Heart 9:30 am St Patrick 6:00 pm St Thomas St Gregory The Great 12:30 pm St Thomas 6:30 pm Sacred Heart Mass intention Eileen Murphy RIP Deceased members of Dupre and Cairoli Familier The People of the Parish Jer 20:7-9; Ps 62; Rom 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 Janet Kierulf RIP Mass in Polish For the Souls in Purgatory Olga & Len Hamel RIP Manuel Marquis RIP Keith Wallman RIP Vittorio Crusco RIP Mass in Portuguese: Adelino Domingos Gonçalves Vieira RIP, João & António Teixeira & family RIP, Manuel & Virgínia Teixeira RIP, Rosa Gouveia & family RIP & Holy Souls Andrew McGuigan RIP Mass in Polish 1 Cor 2:1-5; Ps 118; Lk 4:16:30 Renault Family & loved ones living and deceased 1 Cor 2:10-16; Ps 144; Lk 4:31-37 For the Souls in Purgatory McMahon Family RIP Special Intention of Richard & Joan Glynn 1 Thess 2:2-8; Ps 95; Mt 16:13-19 Holy Souls Mary O’Brien RIP 6pm Adoration 7pm Rosary St Cuthbert 1 Cor 3:18-23; Ps 23; Lk 5:1-11 7:30 am St Mary & St Peter Louis Guy Omer RIP 9:30 am St Patrick Fernando Pinto Correia RIP 10:00 am St Matthieu Harold & Webster Wood RIP Friday 5 September Feria 1 Cor 4:1-5; Ps 36; Lk 5:33-39 12:00 pm St Bernadette For the intentions of Ron & Marion Hammersley 12:30 pm St Thomas Funeral Mass of William Dunn 7:00 pm St Mary & St Peter Mass in Polish + Holy Hour Saturday 6 September Our Lady on Saturday 1 Cor 4:6-15; Ps 144; Lk 6:1-5 9:30 am St Patrick Intentions of Angela and Neil 11:00 am St Thomas Marcelo Moreira RIP Saturday 7 September First Mass of the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:00 pm Sacred Heart 6:00 pm St Patrick Alain Pelletier RIP 6:00 pm St Thomas Pedro Bento RIP Sunday 8 September 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Ezek 33:7-9; Ps 94; Rom 13:8-10; Mt 18:15-20 9:00 am Our Lady, St Martin Rita Gray RIP 9:00 am St Mary & St Peter Mass in Polish 9:30 am St Matthieu 9:30 am St Thomas Carry Hunt RIP 11:00 am St Patrick Magdelaine & Peter Thebault 11:15 am St Bernadette 11:15 am St Mary & St Peter Carry Hunt RIP 3:30 pm St Thomas Mass in Portuguese: Arsénia Sá RIP, Adelaide Velosa Rodrigues RIP & Maria de Jesus RIP 6:00 pm St Thomas The People of the Parish 7:30 pm St Thomas Mass in Polish Mass at 10am each morning at the Little Sisters. Thursday 4 Sept Catholic Pastoral Services The Welcome Centre Caritas Jersey Saint Vincent de Paul Society The Oasis of Peace Community Christ of Bethany Padre Pio Prayer Chain 732583 767997 768963 874008 861750 722970 636772 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (m) 07797727625 [email protected]