barbara weinstein - Department of History


barbara weinstein - Department of History
March 17, 2015
PERSONAL: Department of History
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012-1098
(212) 998-8618; 995-4017 (fax)
3 Washington Square Village, #3BD
New York, NY 10012
(646) 649-3939; (301) 325-5463 cell
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
EDUCATION: Ph.D., History, Yale University, May 1980
M.A., M.Phil., History, Yale University, 1976
A.B., History and Latin American Studies, Princeton University, 1973
Chair, Department of History, New York University, 2013-2016
Silver Professor of History, New York University, 2010—
Professor of History, New York University, 2007-2010
Professor of History, University of Maryland-College Park, 2000-2006
Professor of History, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1997-2000
Fulbright Lecturer, Latin American Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Spring 1993
Director of Women’s Studies, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1984-85; 1989-90
Associate Professor of History, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1984-97
Assistant Professor of History, SUNY at Stony Brook, 1982-84
Fulbright Lecturer, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (São Paulo), Summer 1983
Instructor and Assistant Professor of History, Vanderbilt University, 1979-82
Chair, 2014 Distinguished Service Award Committee, Conference on Latin American History
Co-Chair, Fundraising Committee, AHA Friedrich Katz Prize in Latin American History
General Editor (with Daniel J. Walkowitz), “Radical Perspectives: A Radical History Review Book
Series,” Duke University Press (2002-2015)
Keynote, American Association of University Professors annual banquet, Washington, DC (June 14, 2008)
President, American Historical Association, 2007
Director, Miller Center for Historical Studies, University of Maryland (2004-2006)
Co-chair, Program Committee, 2005 American Historical Association Meetings
Senior Editor, Hispanic American Historical Review (2002-2007)
Book Review Editor, Radical History Review (1997-1999)
Editorial Board/Collective/Advisory Board: Radical History Review, ILWCH, Revista de História (USP),
Revista Brasileira de História, Anos 90, Historia Critica, História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos, PósHistória, Revista de História da Amazônia, Brill Book Series, “Studies in Global Social History”
Chair, Grupo de Trabalho em História, Brazilian Studies Association, BRASA VI, (2002)
Member, Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) Nominating Committee (2002)
Member, Clarence Haring Prize Committee, American Historical Association (2001-2002)
Member, Program Committee, 2001 American Historical Association meetings
World History Taskforce, Advanced Placement Exams, Educational Testing Service (1996)
External Examiner, Departments of History, University of North Carolina-Charlotte (2015), Texas State
University-San Marcos (2012), Rice University (2012), Hunter College (2012), University of Richmond
(2009); Ohio State University (2008); Queen’s University, Ontario (2006); University of Texas at Austin
(2003); University of California-San Diego (2003); Duke University (1999); Center for Latin American &
Caribbean Studies, Brown University (2009)
Co-organizer, Conference on The Body and The Body Politic in Latin America, University of Maryland
(College Park, MD, April 18-19, 2003).
Co-organizer, Conference on Cultures of Dictatorship: Historical Reflections on the Brazilian Golpe of
1964, University of Maryland (College Park, MD, October 14-16, 2004).
Co-organizer, Conference, “We Shall Be All”: Toward a Global History of the Middle Class, University of
Maryland (College Park, MD, April 27-29, 2006).
The Color of Modernity: São Paulo and the Making of Race and Nation in Brazil (Durham: Duke
University Press) 2015, xiii + 458 pp.
The Making of the Middle Class: Toward a Transnational History, co-editor with A. Ricardo López
(Durham: Duke University Press) 2012, xi + 446 pp.
For Social Peace in Brazil: Industrialists and the Remaking of the Working Class in São Paulo, 1920-1964
(Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press) 1996, xvii + 435 pp.
(Re)formação da Classe Trabalhadora no Brasil, 1920-1964 (São Paulo: USF/Editora Cortez) 2000, 460 pp.
[Portuguese edition of For Social Peace in Brazil]
The Amazon Rubber Boom, 1850-1920 (Stanford: Stanford University Press) 1983, x + 356 pp.
A Borracha na Amazônia: Expansão e Decadência, 1850-1920 (São Paulo: HUCITEC/EDUSP) 1993, 371
pp. [Portuguese edition of The Amazon Rubber Boom]
“Prefácio,” Da nitidez e invisibilidade: o legado da pós-emancipação no Brasil., Flávio dos Santos Gomes
e Petrônio Domingues, eds. (Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço) 2014.
“Álbum de família: memória, identidade paulista e a Revolução de 32,” Brasileiros e Brasilianistas: novas
gerações, novos olhares (São Paulo: Arquivo do Estado de São Paulo, 2014), pp. 132-146.
“Pensando a história fora da nação: a historiografia da América Latina e o viés transnacional,” Revista
Eletrônica da ANPHLAC (São Paulo), no. 14 (Jan.-Jun. 2013), pp. 13-29.
[Spanish translation, “Pensando la história más allá de la nación: la historiografia de América Latina y la
perspectiva transnacional,” Aletheia: Revista de la Maestría en Historia y Memoria (La Plata), 3, no. 6
(julio 2013), 14 pp.]
“Weiß, männlich, Mittelschicht: Regionalismus, Transnationalismus und Klassenidentität im São Paulo des
frühen 20. Jahrhunderts,” in Georg Fischer et al., eds., Brasilien in der Welt: Region, Nation und
Globalisierung 1870-1945 (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2013), pp. 320-347.
“Modernidade Tropical: Visões estrangeiras da Amazônia nas décadas 1930 e 40,” in Priscila Faulhaber,
Heloisa M. Bertol Domingues, and Luíz C. Borges, eds., Ciências e Fronteiras (Rio de Janeiro: Editora da
MAST), 2013, pp. 33-61.
“The World is Your Archive? The Challenges of World History as a Field of Research,” in A Companion
to World History, Douglas Northrop, ed. (Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell) 2012, pp. 63-78.
“Commentary: The Making of the Middle Class and Practices of Modernity,” in A.R. López and B.
Weinstein, eds., The Making of the Middle Class: Toward a Transnational History (Durham: Duke
University Press) 2012, pp. 107-118.
“Postcolonial Brazil,” in José C. Moya, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Latin American History (New York:
Oxford Univ. Press, 2011), pp. 212-256.
“América indígena e América Africana—uma divisão problemática?” in J.L. Bendicho Beired, et al.,
Intercâmbios Políticos e Mediações Culturais nas Américas (Assis/S.Paulo: FCL/UNESP e-book, 2010),
pp. 391-418.
“Fordlandia after the Transnational Turn,” H-Diplo roundtable on Greg Grandin, Fordlandia, Spring 2010,
“Diálogos Brasil-Estados Unidos: Entrevista com Barbara Weinstein,” Tempo 13, no. 25 (Jul.-Dec. 2008),
pp. 237-245.
“Entrevista com Barbara Weinstein,” Anos 90, Porto Alegre, 15, no. 27 (Jul. 2008), pp. 387-404.
“Erecting and Erasing Boundaries: Can We Combine the ‘Indo’ and the ‘Afro’ in Latin American
Studies?,” Estudios Interdisciplinares de America Latina y el Caribe v. 19, no. 1, 2008, pp. 129-44.
“Developing Inequality,” American Historical Review v. 113, no. 1 (Feb. 2008), pp. 1-18.
“Modernidade tropical: visões norte-americanas da Amazônia nas vésperas da Guerra Fria,” Revista do
IEB 45 (Sep. 2007), pp. 153-176.
“ ‘They don’t even look like women workers’: Femininity and Class in Twentieth-Century Latin America,”
ILWCH no. 69 (Spring 2006), pp. 161-176.
[Portuguese translation, “‘Elas nem parecem operárias’: Feminilidade e classe na América Latina do
Século XX,” Anos 90, Porto Alegre, 17, no. 31 (Jul. 2010), pp. 145-171.]
“Slavery, Citizenship, and National Identity in Brazil and the United States South,” in Don Doyle and
Marco Antonio Pamplona, eds. Nationalism in the New World (Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 2006), pp.
[Portuguese translation in Nacionalismo no Novo Mundo (Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 2009).]
“Inventing the Mulher Paulista: Politics, Rebellion, and the Gendering of Brazilian Regional Identities,”
Journal of Women’s History 18, no. 1 (Winter 2006), pp. 22-49. Awarded 2007 LASA-Brazil Essay Prize
for best article on Brazil; Honorable Mention, 2007 Conference on Latin American History Prize.
[Also published as “Inventando a “Mulher Paulista”: política, rebelião, e a generificação das identidades
regionais brasileiras,” Revista Gênero (Rio), 5, no. 1, 2. sem. 2004, pp. 71-95.]
“Uma história alternativa da borracha,” Nossa História, ano 2, no. 22 (agosto 2005), pp. 54-60.
“History without a Cause? Grand Narratives, World History, and the Postcolonial Dilemma,” International
Review of Social History 50 (2005), pp. 71-93.
(with Daryle Williams), “Vargas Morto: The Death and Life of a Brazilian Statesman,” in Lyman Johnson,
ed., Death, Dismemberment and Memory: Body Politics in Latin America (Albuquerque: Univ. of New
Mexico Press, 2004), pp. 273-315.
“Making Workers Masculine: The (Re)Construction of Male Worker Identity in Twentieth-Century
Brazil,” in K. Hagemann, S. Dudink and J. Tosh, eds., Masculinity in Politics and War: Rewritings of
Modern History (Manchester: Manchester Univ. Press, 2004), pp. 276-294.
“Repensando a história das relações Estados Unidos-América Latina: de dominação política a circulação
cultural?” Textura, n. 9 (Canoas, RS, Apr.-Oct. 2003), pp. 11-20.
“História sem Causa?: A Nova História Cultural, a Grande Narrativa, e o Dilema Poscolonial,” História,
vol. 22, n. 2 (São Paulo, 2003), pp. 185-210.
“Regional vs. National History: Rethinking Categories from a Comparative Perspective,” Territórios e
Fronteiras, vol. 4, n. 1 (Cuiabá, Jan.-June 2003), pp. 23-31.
“Racializing Regional Difference: São Paulo vs. Brazil, 1932,” in Nancy Appelbaum, Anne Macpherson
and Karin Rosemblatt, eds., Race and Nation in Modern Latin America (Chapel Hill: Univ. of North
Carolina Press, 2003), pp. 237-262.
[Reprinted in Spanish as “Una mirada racial a las diferencias regionales: São Paulo versus Brasil, 1932,”
Entrepasados: Revista de Historia, Año XV, número 29, Buenos Aires, 2006, 63-83; reprinted in
Portuguese as “Racializando as diferenças regionais: São Paulo X Brasil, 1932,” Esboços, no. 16,
Florianópolis, 2006, 281-303.]
“Experiência de pesquisa em uma região periférica: a Amazônia,” História, Ciências, Saúde —
Manguinhos, vol. 9, n. 2 (Rio de Janeiro, May-Aug. 2002), pp. 261-272.
Contributing Editor for Latin America, The Encyclopedia of World History, Peter N. Stearns, general
editor, 6th ed. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001).
“The Decline of the Progressive Planter and the Rise of Subaltern Agency: Shifting Narratives of Slave
Emancipation in Brazil,” in Gilbert Joseph, ed., Reclaiming the Political in Latin American History: Essays
from the North (Durham: Duke University Press, 2001), pp. 81-101.
“Buddy, Can You Spare a Paradigm?: Reflections on Generational Shifts and Latin American History,”
The Americas 57:4 (April 2001), pp. 453-466.
“Where do New Ideas (About Class) Come From?” International Labor and Working-Class History, 57
(Spring 2000), pp. 53-59.
"The Discourse of Technical Competence: Strategies of Authority and Power in Industrializing Brazil,"
Political Power and Social Theory, 12 (1998), pp. 137-175.
[Reprinted in Portuguese as “O Discurso da Competência Técnica: Estratégias de Autoridade e Poder no
Processo da Industrialização Brasileira,” Revista DIEESE de Ciências do Trabalho (São Paulo), 1, no. 1
(2013), pp. 9-49.]
"Imagining an Industrial Community: Industrialists and Working-Class Culture in Postwar Brazil," Anos
90, 9 (July 1998), pp. 7-26.
Radical History Review, 70 (Winter 1998) [Co-editor of issue "Women and Power"]
"A Pesquisa sobre Identidade e Cidadania nos EUA: da Nova História Social à Nova História Cultural,"
Revista Brasileira de História, XVIII, 35 (1998), pp. 227-246.
[Reprinted in Spanish as “La investigación sobre identidad y ciudadanía en Estados Unidos: de la nueva
historia social a la nueva historia cultural,” Fronteras de la historia (Bogotá), 5 (2000), pp. 73-91.]
"Unskilled Worker, Skilled Housewife: Constructing the Working-Class Woman in São Paulo, Brazil," in
John D. French and Daniel James, eds., The Gendered Worlds of Latin American Women Workers
(Durham: Duke University Press, 1997), pp. 72-99.
"Getúlio Vargas, Diário, 1937/1942," Luso-Brazilian Review, 34, 2 (Winter 1997), pp. 137-141. (Review)
"Lucía: Inventing Women's History on Film," in Donald F. Stevens, ed., Based on a True Story: Latin
American History at the Movies (Wilmington: Scholarly Resources), 1997, pp. 123-142.
"As novas tendências historiográficas nos Estados Unidos e a pesquisa sobre a América Latina," CEDHAL:
Série Seminários de Pesquisa, Texto 4 (São Paulo, 1997).
"Before the Boom: The Amazon Rubber Trade Under the Empire," in Támas Szmrecsányi and J.R. do
Amaral Lapa, eds., História Econômica da Independência e do Império (São Paulo: HUCITEC/FAPESP)
1996, pp. 59-74.
"Industrialists, the State, and the Limits of Democratization in Brazil, 1930-1964," in G.R. Andrews and H.
Chapman, eds., The Social Construction of Democracy, 1890-1990 (New York and London: New York
University Press and Macmillan) 1995, pp. 315-39.
"The Model Worker of the Paulista Industrialists: the ‘Operário Padrão’ Campaign, 1964-85," Radical
History Review, 61 (Winter 1995), pp. 92-123.
"Not the Republic of Their Dreams: Historical Obstacles to Political and Social Democracy in Brazil,"
Latin American Research Review XXIX, 2 (1994), pp. 262-73. (Review essay)
[Reprinted in Portuguese as "Essa Não é a República dos Meus Sonhos: Obstáculos Históricos à
Democracia Política e Social no Brasil," Revista Brasileira de História, XVI, 31/32 (1996), pp. 62-75.]
"Las mujeres trabajadoras en São Paulo: De obreras no-calificadas a esposas profesionales," Reflejos
(Jerusalem) II, 2 (August 1993), pp. 45-57.
[Reprinted in Portuguese as "As mulheres trabalhadoras em São Paulo," in Cadernos Pagu (Campinas),
4 (1995), pp. 143-71.]
"The Industrialists, the State, and the Issues of Worker Training and Social Services in Brazil, 1930-1950,"
Hispanic American Historical Review, LXX, 3 (August 1990), pp. 379-404.
"The New Latin American Labor History: What We Gain," International Labor and Working-Class
History, 36 (Fall 1989), pp. 25-30.
"The Persistence of Pre-capitalist Relations of Production in a Tropical Export Economy: The Amazon
Rubber Trade, 1850-1920," in Michael P. Hanagan and Charles Stephenson, eds., Proletarians and Protest:
Studies in Class Formation (Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press) 1986, pp. 55-76.
"From Slavery to Vagrancy in Brazil," Luso-Brazilian Review, XXIII, 2 (Winter, 1986), pp. 126-131.
"Persistence of Caboclo Culture in the Amazon: The Impact of the Rubber Trade, l850-l920," in Eugene
Parker, ed., The Amazon Caboclo: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Studies in Third World
Societies, 32 (June, 1985), pp. 89-113.
"New Views on Amazonian Development," Luso-Brazilian Review, XXII, 1 (Summer, 1985), pp. 79-88.
"Pará versus Amazonas," Estudos Econômicos, XV, 2 (Maio-Agosto, 1985), pp. 221-240.
"Capital Penetration and Problems of Labor Control in the Amazon Rubber Trade," Radical History
Review, 27 (1983), pp. 121-140.
[Reprinted in Spanish as "Penetración del capital y problemas de control de la mano de obra en el
comercio amazonico del caucho," Memoria y Sociedad (Bogotá), II, 3 (1997), pp. 57-73.]
"Contrôle Social e Criminalidade em São Paulo--Comentário," in Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, ed., Crime,
Violência e Poder (São Paulo: Ed. Brasiliense, 1983), pp. 219-23.
"Brazilian Regionalism," Latin American Research Review, XVII, 2 (1982), pp. 262-276.
"Impressões da elite sobre os movimentos da classe operária: A cobertura da greve em O Estado de São
Paulo, 1902-1917," in Maria Helena Capelato, et al., O Bravo Matutino: Imprensa e Ideologia no Jornal O
Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo, Ed. Alfa-Omega, 1980), pp. 135-176.
Book reviews and conference reports in American Historical Review, International Labor and WorkingClass History, Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Social History, Luso-Brazilian Review,
Agricultural History, Technology and Culture, Labor History, Latin American Research Review, The
Americas, H-Diplo.
From the President in AHA Perspectives:
“The AHA and Academic Freedom in the Age of Homeland Security,” 45, 1 (Jan. 2007).
“Historians and the Mobility Question,” 45, 2 (Feb. 2007)
“How Much Have We Decentered the Historical Profession?”, 45, 3 (Mar. 2007).
“Let the Sunshine In: Government Records and National Insecurities,” 45, 4 (Apr. 2007).
“Doing History in the Digital Age,” 45, 5 (May 2007).
“The Case of the Incredible Shrinking Historians?” 45, 6 (Sep. 2007).
“Washington for Historians,” 45, 7 (Oct. 2007).
“The AHA and Academic Freedom in the Age of Homeland Security Revisited,” 45, 9 (Dec. 2007).
“Changing the Topic: Diplomatic History and the Historical Profession,” Passport: The Newsletter of the éé
Comments, “The Bush-Cheney Years: A Historians Against the War Roundtable,” American Historical
Association Annual Meeting, January 3, 2009, New York, NY (pamphlet)
Commentator, Panel on Empires Mixing, Russia’s Races: Meanings and Practices of Race in Imperial
Russia and the Soviet Union, Jordan Center, NYU (New York, Feb. 26, 2015).
Commentator, Panel on Local Struggles, Transnational Alliances: Labor Movements and International
Alliances in Latin America, American Historical Association meetings (New York, Jan. 4, 2015).
Speaker, MARHO Panel on “What is the Responsibility of Historians Regarding the Israel/Palestine
Conflict?” AHA meetings (New York, Jan. 3, 2015).
Roundtable and Wrap-up Session, Conference on The Making of the Middle Classes: Social Mobility and
Boundary Work in Global Perspective, Re: Work Institute, Humboldt University (Berlin, Germany, Nov.
6-8, 2014).
Plenary Address, “Perspectiva e escala na história da Amazônia,” Simpósio, Anpuh-Amapá (Macapá,
Brazil, Dec. 5, 2014).
“Conversa,” Café Acadêmico, Biblioteca Brasiliana José Mindlin, Universidade de São Paulo (São Paulo,
May 30, 2014).
“Class, Race, and the Limits of Liberalism in Twentieth-Century Brazil,” Special Session on Liberalism in
Latin American History and Historiography (LASA meetings, Chicago, May 23, 2014).
“From Marxist Political Economy to Latin American Social History,” Evolving Politics and Theory
among (Some) Radical Baby Boomer Historians in the U.S,” European Social Science History
Conference (Vienna, Apr. 24, 2014).
Speaker, Closing Roundtable, Conference on “American (Inter-)Dependencies: New Perspectives on
Capitalism and Empire,” NYU (New York, Apr. 4, 2015).
“From Enslaver of Indians to Symbol of Progress: The Bandeirante and Brazilian Regional Identity,”
Invited Lecture, Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA, Apr. 2, 2014).
Discussant, “The Past and Futures of the Welfare State in Latin America,” American Historical Association
(Washington, DC, Jan. 3. 2014).
“Marianne into Battle?: The Paulista Woman and the War of São Paulo, Brazil 1932.” Invited lecture,
Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME, Oct. 18, 2012; also UCLA Brazilian History Seminar (Los Angeles,
Oct. 14, 2013).
“The Middle Class in Arms: The War of São Paulo,” Workshop on Modern War and Society, Duke
University (Durham, NC, Nov. 15-16, 2013).
Moderator and Commentator, “Marxism and the Legacy of Subaltern Studies,” Plenary Session, Historical
Materialism conference, NYU (New York, Apr. 28, 2013).
“The More Things Change: Conservative Modernization as an Explanation for Inequality in TwentiethCentury Brazil.” Paper presented at Brazilian Studies Committee Session, Conference on Latin American
History, American Historical Association (New Orleans, Jan. 4, 2013).
“Orientalism in One Country? Locating Modernity and Tradition in Twentieth-Century Brazil,” Harvard
Lectures Series in Brazilian Studies (Cambridge, MA, Nov. 19, 2012).
“Flag Burning and Other Conflagrations: The Estado Novo and the Centralization of Brazilian Politics,”
Keynote address, University of Texas symposium “Reflections on Brazil’s Estado Novo, 1937-1945”
(Austin, Nov. 14, 2012).
“The Middle Class in Arms: Fighting for São Paulo.” Paper presented at History Department Workshop,
Washington University of St. Louis (St. Louis, MO, Oct. 3, 2012).
“Álbum de família: memória, identidade paulista e a Revolução de 32,” Lecture, International Seminar
‘Brasileiros e brasilianistas, novas gerações, novos olhares’ (São Paulo, Aug. 22, 2012).
“A historiografia da América Latina e o viés transnacional: notícias da academia norte-americana,”
Opening Lecture, X Encontro de ANPHLAC—Associação de Pesquisadores e Professores da História das
Américas (São Paulo, July 24, 2012). [Also delivered as inaugural lecture for the history doctoral program,
academic year 2012-13, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Recife, Aug. 20, 2012)]
Discussant, Panel on Social Reform in Twentieth-Century Colombia, Latin American Studies Association
meetings (San Francisco, May 24, 2012).
Closing Remarks, Workshop on Communist Feminisms, Rice University (Houston, TX, March 24, 2012).
“Race, Gender, and Regional Conflict in Brazil: The War of São Paulo, 1932,” Invited Lecture, University
of Miami (Coral Gables, FL, February 27, 2012). Also delivered as the Charles Hale Lecture, University of
Iowa (Iowa City, IA, April 26, 2012).
“Relaciones de género y la recuperación de lo social en la historiografía de América Latina,” Keynote
address, colloquium on “Construcción de lo social en América Latina,” Centro de Ciencias Humanas y
Sociales-CSIC (Madrid, December 16, 2011).
Discussant, Panel on “Racialization, Racism, and Racial Identities in Post-Abolition Brazil,” Social Science
History Association Meetings (Boston, November 19, 2011).
“Spatial Inequalities at Home and Abroad: Rethinking Brazilian National History from Regional and
Global Perspectives,” Conference on Brazil in Global Context, 1870-1945, Freie Universität (Berlin,
October 27-29, 2011).
Lecture Series, “The Color of Modernity: Racial and Regional Difference in Postcolonial Brazil,” 34th
Merle Curti Lectures, University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI, October 18, 19, 20, 2011).
“La clase media latinoamericana en perspectiva transnacional.” Invited lecture and workshop, masters
course “Desafios de la historia contemporánea,” Consortium of Spanish Universities, Santander, Spain,
July 11, 2011.
“Race, Region, Nation: São Paulo and the Formation of Brazilian National Identities,” Invited Lecture,
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard (Cambridge, MA, April 26, 2011).
Wrap-up commentary, conference on Latin American Exceptionalisms, New York University (New York,
April 8, 2011).
“Racializing Regional Identity: São Paulo vs. Brazil, 1932,” Public lecture, Radcliffe Institute for
Advanced Study (Cambridge, MA, April 6, 2011).
“Racism in a Racial Democracy: Race and Regional Identity in Twentieth-Century Brazil,” 2011 Jerome
Wood Lecture, Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, Feb. 7, 2011).
“The Colonial Roots of Modern Brazil? Bandeirantes, Senhores de Engenho, and the Struggle over
National Identity.” Paper presented, Conference on Latin American History panel, Festschrift for Karen
Spalding (Boston, Jan. 7, 2011).
“From Enslaver of Indians to Symbol of Progress: The Colonial Pathfinder of São Paulo, Brazil,” 2010
Fusco Lecture, University of Connecticut (Storrs, Oct. 27, 2010).
“O Operário Ideal do Imaginário Empresarial: A Campanha Operário Padrão, 1964-1985,” closing address,
Seminário Internacional Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth: História e Pesquisa, Universidade de Campinas
(Campinas, SP, May 20. 2010).
“Latin American Studies after the Transnational Turn,” panel on Rethinking Latin American Studies,
conference on Reconfiguring Latin America: Conversations for the Twenty-First Century, University of
Maryland (College Park, MD, April 30, 2010).
“Professional Politics: A View from the Presidency of the American Historical Association,” Panel on
Historians as Citizens, European Social Science History Conference (Ghent, Belgium, April 15, 2010).
Commentator, Panel on Historical Ethnographies of Latin American States, ESSHC (Ghent, Belgium, April
15, 2010).
“From Indian Enslaver to Symbol of Progress: The Brazilian Bandeirante,” 2010 Elmer Louis Kayser
Lecture, George Washington University (Washington, D.C., March 31, 2010).
Visões estranhas e estrangeiras da Amazônia nas décadas 30 e 40: Henry Ford, Claude Levi-Strauss e Walt
Disney,” opening address, Seminário “As Fronteiras da Ciências,” Museu de Astronomia/MAST (Rio de
Janeiro, March 17, 2010).
Commentator, Panel on “Frontiers of Identity in Postcolonial Brazil,” American Historical Association
Meetings (San Diego, Jan. 10, 2010).
“White, Male, and Middle Class: Regionalism, Transnationalism, and Class Identity in Early TwentiethCentury São Paulo,” panel on “Struggling with Class: A Transnational Frame,” AHA Meetings (San Diego,
Jan. 9. 2010).
Commentator, Dana Frank, “The AFL-CIO’s Cold War in Honduras,” Tamiment Library Seminar, United
States and the Cold War (New York, Sep. 17, 2009).
“Orientalism in One Country: Regionalism, Whiteness, and the Construction of Alterity in TwentiethCentury Brazil,” symposium on Sensitive Terrains: Difference, Agency, and Transgression, Museu
Nacional (Rio de Janeiro, June 15, 2009).
“Topoi of Progress: Development and Inequality,” panel on Topoi of Latin American History, Latin
American Studies Association (Rio de Janeiro, June 13, 2009).
“Modernity without Borders: Envisioning the Amazon during World War II,” Keynote Address, Latin
America: A People without Boundaries?” 8th Annual Stony Brook Graduate Student Conference, Latin
American & Caribbean Studies Center (New York, Apr. 24, 2009).
“Slave Catchers vs. Slaveowners: The Bandeirantes and Regional Mythmaking in Twentieth-Century
Brazil,” invited lecture, Seton Hall University (South Orange, NJ, Apr. 22, 2009).
ACADEMIC AWARDS (since 1980):
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (elected 2011)
Joy Foundation Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study (2010-11)
Semester Fellowship, General Research Board, University of Maryland (declined, 2007)
Travel Award, David C. Driskell Center for the Study of the African Diaspora (Summer 2005)
Semester Fellowship, General Research Board, University of Maryland (Spring 2002)
United University Professions Faculty Enhancement Grant for Travel to Brazil (Summer 2000)
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow (1998-1999)
United University Professions PDQWL Grant for Travel to Brazil (Fall 1998)
USIA/Fulbright Travel Grant for Lectures in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, Brazil (July 1997)
Academic Specialist Award for Travel to Brazil, United States Information Agency (June 1994)
Fulbright-CIES Lectureship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (spring 1993)
National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend for research in Brazil (Summer 1990)
Fulbright-Hays Post-doctoral Training Fellowship for research in Brazil (1985-86)
Tinker Fellowship for Post-doctoral Research (declined, 1985)
Social Science Research Council Post-doctoral Research Grant (declined, 1985)
Fulbright-CIES Lecturer/Research Fellowship, Brazil (Summer 1983)
Fulbright-CIES Research Fellowship (declined, spring 1983)
Social Science Research Council Post-doctoral Research Grant (declined, 1982)
National Endowment for the Humanities Independent Research Fellowship (July-Dec.1982)