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PDF - University of New Hampshire
REPORTS OF T H E AUDITORS, OVERSEERS OF T H E POOR, AND OF THE OF THE TOWN OF MOLLIS, FOR T H E Year Ending March 1st. 1874. H OLLIS, N. H. P R I N T E D BY J. ('. IIILDIIETII, 18 7 4 . University of New Hampshirt Library REPORTS OF THE AUDITORS, OVERSEERS OF T H E POOR, AND OF THE Superintenfling Scliool Committee, OF THE TOWN OF HOLLIS,, FOR T H E Year Ending March 1st. 1874 . H O L L I S , N. H. P R I N T E D B Y J. C. H I L D R E T H , 1 8 7 4. M 3 5 ^ , 0 ' T HIM isrtM I AUDITORS' REPORT. R E P O R T OF T H E T O W N TREASURER. Treasurer in account with the Town of Ilollis, I)r. To Balance in Treasury, March 1,1873, 6650 93 Amount of Taxes assessed April 1 187!fo? 4307 <17 A. J. Farley, interest cm Taxes, 9 15 Isaac Hardy, " " 45 03 Savings Bank Tax, 1798 24 Railroad Tax, 458 08 Literary Fund, 107 42 Use of Town Hall, 10 00 Cash on State Bounty, 544 00 -§13,931 12 (Jr. By Cash paid out as follows. Summer Schools, Winter Schools, Winter Roads, Repair of Bridges, Repair of Roads, Miscellaneous Expenses, Errors in Taxes, Abatement of Taxes, Overseers of the Poor, Repairs of School Houses, Non-resident Highway Tax, Town Officers, State Tax, County Tax, Repair of Public Buildings, Due from Isaac Hardy, Collector, Cash in Treasury, ' 886 01 1638 88 1314 57 82 79 893 20 1464 19 59 89 48 97 910 92 186 46 19 20 603 50 3150 00 1038 28 334 46 284 42 1015 38 -$13,931 12 4 Dis No. Dis. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12 13 14 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 SUMMER SCHOOLS. Nathan WilloUghby, 160 84 George H. Blood, TO 00 Wm. E. Howe, 48 00 Leonard J. Farley, 61 97 Albert F. Ilills, 35 00 George W . Pierce, 64 38 A. G. Twiss, 50 00 Waldo E. Hills. 66 55 Andrew II. Spalding, Isaac W Pierce, Levi J. Nutting, Francis Lovejoy, Noah Hardy, 80 39 50 112 47 08 15 93 00 11 W I N T E R SCHOOLS. 215 Nathan Willoughby, Daniel W . Pierce, 1S73. 150 88 George II. Blood, 65 Wm. E. Howe, 165 Leonard J. Farley, 18 Noah Dow, 1873. 120 James D. Hills, 140 George W . Pierce, 145 Alfred G. Twiss, 110 Waldo E. Hills, 90 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 W m . O 'Neil, Andrew II. Spalding, Isaac W . Pierce, Levi J. Nutting, Francis Lovejoy, E. S. Colley, 1873. Noah Hardy, 00 00 38 60 00 00 75 92 72 83 18 81 -886 01 -1, 638 88 5 WINTER Isaac Woods, Jolin Parker, Daniel W . Pierce, Charles W . Read, Noah Farley, Timothy E. Flagg, Gains Wright, A. F. Shattuck, Samuel Hayden, George T. Fletcher, Andrew H . Spalding, Charles II. Burgess, Henry B. Flagg, Susan Cutter, 1867, Wm. Arbuckle, Wm. O Neil, Albert F. Hills, Daniel W . Pierce, Horace Rideout, B. W. Rideout, Peter Cassidy, Daniel Bailey, E. ,T. Colburn, Albert J. Farley, E. S. Colley, Noah Dow, Isaac Vandyke, Jerome K. Patch, Mary S. Farley, 1867. A. II. Bills, ' Hale Gage, John Farley, Noah Hardy, N. II. Proctor, ROADS. 67 14 10 00 IS 60 12 60 19 20 33 60 38 38 1 50 12 78 94 20 30 50 22 17 5 75 5 28 1 00 10 50 44 40 81 00 52 00 54 70 5 60 34 20 28 10 18 53 22 80 40 00 41 05 2 00 8 20 12 SO 1 go 70 50 80 30 79 00 W m . Sextou, Thomas M. Stearns, Ebeu. W . Cram, Charles S. Runnells, Samuel B. Blood, G. P. Patch, Alpheus Rideout, Truman Ilurd, A. G. Twiss, Isaac Hardy, -Silas M. Spalding, REPAIR Wm. Lund, G. p. PATCH, Worcester Brothers, E. S. Bowditch, Alonzo R. Wilson, Perry M.Farley, E. J. Colburn, A.J.Farley, Peter Cassidy, Amos F. Shattuck, Charles S. Runnells, John F. Smith, James Farley, J. N. Hayden, B. P. Burns, George H. Baitemus, Jefferson Colburn, Noah Hardy, Wm. Sexton, Silas M. Spalding, 3 ^ 10 4 ^ *< 8 < 56 ™ 56 1' 3 00 7 36 J 1 , :> $1, 314 57 OF R O A D S . ^ 10 i 2 3 o 3-J 42 12 4« 2* < 35 4 8 * J 14 3 4 124 ™ ^ ^ 8' ™ ' a(i 00 33 09 1 2 0 0 4 0 0 20 7 R E P A I R OF BRIDGES. James E. Hills, C. W . Read, Wm. E. Fox, Samuel Fletcher, Charles K. Twiss, Noah Austin, Cyrus Burge, George A. Burge, 3 50 9 50 2 00 5 00 17 00 14 00 2 50 29 29 -$82 79 MISCELLANEOUS E X P E N S E S . Levi Abbot, copies of school laws. 50 Jerome K. Patch, work on graveyard, 5 00 C. B. Richardson, hose carriage, 50 00 " " hearse harness, 70 00 Peter Cassidy, sheep killed by dogs, 8 00 B. B. Whitteniore, printing reports, 22 00 B. L. Farley, repairing engine, 7 44 H. N. Smith, watering tub, 1 00 T. A. Wilson, advice about bridge. 9 00 Mr. Pratt, " « 5 00 J. C. Hildretli, order blanks, 3 00 H. W . Willoughby, recording birtlis and deaths, 6 25 James Laird, school books, 2 5S Engine men, 58 50 Warren Iv. Lovejoy, removing nuisance, 1 50 B. L. Farley, two stoves, 35 65 Wm. J. Gates, care of engine hall, 7 60 Asa Fowler, services and expenses in procuring state bounty, 250 00 Samuel F. Hayden, building road, Levi Abbot, Soldiers Monument, J. C. Ilildreth, care of Town Hall, 249 50 577 50 10 00 8 J. C. Hildrcth, ringing bell, ^8 00 B. L. Farley, cost in Dorr case, 11 '' uu « a « Whittemore case, Isaac Hardy, shovel and straps for sexton 2 00 « « recording and returning births and deaths, .James E. Hills, stationery, Silas M. Spalding, " ™ u » repairing cemetery fence, George A. Burge, expenses to Concord to settle bounty claims, C. B. Richardson, pick for sexton, Silas M. Spalding, expense paid for showing lines, E. T. Wheeler, spikes and nails, v 5 50 1 50 1 46 ^ ^ E R R O R IN T A X E S . Allen B- Fairar, ,, Joseph A. llall, • C. S. Boutell, Charles 1'. Kemp, Isaac F. Fletcher, Luray C. Powers, Isaac Hardy, J. Frank Twiss, .A. Willoughby, Frank D. Wheeler, D. C. Draper, dog tax, Nathaniel P. Clough, 'Timothy French, ^ 5 00 ^ g7 ? 06 ^ g5 1872, ]S'-> 1872, 18?2, 2 (;9 5 52 1 65 68 ^ 1 g _ 1872, ^ 1Q fi5 g9 I 9 A B A T E M E N T OF T A X E S . Amos C. Wright, Thomas P. Lyons, Peter Smithwiek, .lames Farley, Mrs. Catherine Woods. Mrs. C. L. Willoby, George E. Blake, Albert -1. Farley, collectoi 1872, Zebediah Shattuck, Jacob E. Sargent, « Frank D. Wheeler, cc Gains Wright, « Daniel I-. Jewell, 1870, Albert A. Porter, 1867, Ai Colburn, collector, 68 68 <!S 3 15 3 00 3 40 68 4 66" 1 65 1 65 1 65 (i 90 1 65 5 54 1.3 00 -$48 97 R E P A I R S OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS', Nathan Willoughby, repair of belfry, 3 00 Albert F. II ills, drawing paints, etc, 2 00 Nathan Willoughby, repairing blinds, 75 Charles F. Chase, painting meeting house, 55 86 J. C. Hildretli, " " " >11 87 B. L. Farley, repairing engine house, 11 46 J. C. Hildretli. labor and paint on town hall, 22 30 Noah Lovejoy, labor on town hall, 1 75 J. C. Hildretli, painting engine house, 20 00 George Badger, guilding vane, 10 00 Ban- & Co., for paints, 159 72 Noah Lovejoy, repairing settees, belfry and plastering, 16 75 J. C. Hildretli, painting urns for belfry, 2 00 B. L. Farley, turning and putting urns on belfry, 5 50 Silas M. Spalding, repairing town hall, 1 50 -$334 46 10 O V E R S E E R S OF P O O R . B. L. Farley, « « 904 42 6 50 NON-RESIDENT HIGHWAY Amos F. Skattuck, John Farley, George T. Fletcher, Francis Lovejoy, Andrew H. Spalding, Gains Wright, Albert J. Farley, collector « « •« Isaac Hardy, James E. Hills, -$910 92 TAX. 1 66 J9 1 77 2 07 1 28 2 41 3 45 1871, " 51 1 ^ 3 -$19 20 R E P A I R OF SCHOOL HOUSES. Dis. No 10. 4. Andrew H. Spalding, Leonard Farley, State Tax, STATE AND COUNTY T A X . 3, 150 00 County" 41 93 144 53 1,038 28 T O W N OFFICERS. George A. Burge, 1st Selectman, SilasM. Spalding, 2d " James E. Hills, 3d " Albert J. Farley, Collector, Charles B. Richardson, Treasurer, Benj. L. Farley, Overseer of Poor, Isaac Hardy, ' Sexton, Perry M. Farley, " J . N. Hayden, " 75 100 75 60 25 65 81 5 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 ; $186 46 -$4, 18S 28 11 Perry M. Farley, Overseer of Poor, 1872, James Laird, School Committee, 1872, Luther Proctor, Moderator, Levi Abbot, Auditor, O. P. Eastman, « Isaac Hardy, Town Cleric, 20 05 4 2 3 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 -$603 50 S T A T E OF T O W N T R E A S U R Y . School money, in Treasury, 825 94 School house money, in Treasury, 5 22 Orders drawn not paid, Amount of Liabilities, 135 65 $966 81 A M O U N T OF ASSETS. United States Bounty, 2,071 60State Note, ' 5,000 00 Interest on State note, about, 150 00 " " money in Savings Bank about 120 00 Isaac Hardy, Collector, 284 42 Cash in Treasury, 1, 015 38 $8, 641 40" Leaving a balance in favor of town, $7, 674 59 L. A B B O T , ) Auditors. O. P. E A S T M A Nr.. l Hollis, March 1st, 1874 • I R E P O OF R T THE O V E R S E E R S OF THE" P O O R . Received of the old Board Overseers Poor, 11 07 of Town, 910 92 County, 12 00 Income of Widow Jonas Blood place, 24 00 Which we account for as follows : P A I D FOR M R S . WIUTTEMOKE. Paid Mrs. Whitteniore, for her support, 110 00 " H. N. Smith, 55 43 " Dr. H. Willoughby, 12 00 " F. K. Boutell, for meat, 17 86 " Enoch Farley, for wood, cutting same, going for Doctor etc. 8 10 " Isaac Woods, for milk and butter, 75 " Mark Willoby, for shavings, 1 00 " Frank Folleusbee, .for wood, 5 50 " Isaac Fletcher, going for Doctor, 3 00 " B. L. Farley, for peck of apples, 50 " G. Patch, for wood, 5 00' F O R M R S . JONAS BLOOD. " Albert Wheeler, for board, 208 00 " H. JSt. Smith, necessaries, 10 58 " Dr. H. Willoughby, med. attendance, 1 25 $957 99 14 Paid FOE W M . READ. " Warner Read, for board, H. N . Smith, for necessaries, " Mrs. Heminger, for board, I). J. Moore, for his mother, " Mrs. David .T. Wright, for Daniel Jewell's board, 92 1 84 52 25 40 80 00 39 00 Dr. H. Willoughby, med. attendance on Peter Smitliwick, 100 00 " Henry Blood, for Peter Smithwick's board, 50 00 " Isaac Woods, for the support of Asa Jewett the same being due from the. County, 22 00 " Dr. H. Willoughby, med. attendance on Asa Jewett, 2 00 B. L. Farley, support of transient paupers, 31 in number, 21 48 Leaving in our hands, -$903 96 $54 03 B. L. Farley, ) Overseers of P. M. Farley, j the poor. R E P O R T OF TDK SUPERINTENDING SCHOOL COMMITTEE. I herewith submit a table of statistics, for the year jus closed. The larger appropriations have given us longer schools than heretofore. In each of Districts 1 and 13 there have been three terms, the first two of which are united in the table, and appear as summer terms. A tuition school kept in the Town Hall during the autumn was attended by about 40 pupils. A good degree of success has been generally attained, and in several instances the skill and enthusiasm of the teachers has produced marked results. The imperfect organization of the schools, and the- absence (if any provision in this part of the state, for the trainiug of teachers, prevent entire success. A union of adjoining Districts where the number of scholars is small, with the same teacher to keep the terms in each alternately, for the scholars of both, would give probably better, certainly longer schools. This might be provided for, if desired, at their annual meetings. The repairs in Districts 4 and 10 are worthy of mention. The law allows Prudential Committees to expend five per cent of the school money, annually, for repairs of the buildings and furniture. Seats for visitors, a clock, thermometer, blackboards in good condition, and an English Dictionary should be in every school room. To have successful schools, the Districts must furnish healthfid and attractive accommodation, must select, through their Prudential Committees, (whose office is the most important of all,) efficient teachers, and watch the results of their work 16 -with friendly interest and cooperation. The teachers should have in addition to a knowledge of the text hooks, general information and a love of their occupation, combined with a gentleness and courtesy of manner, worthy the imitation of their pupils. Each exercise of the school should have its appointed time, and be conducted with energy, and the results of each recitation, together with the attendance and deportment of the pupils, should be carefully recorded, both as a stimulus to exertion, and as a means of promoting order far superior to the To show what j m / n h may do to u s e of corporal punishment. make successful schools, I quote from one register as follows, « The deportment of the scholars has been very commendable in all respects. There has been no whispering without leave during the year." The same register also reports 105 visitors. The prosperity of a town depends largely upon the education of its youth. The reorganization of schools in a town whose population is constantly decreasing, is difficult. •Whenever an improved plan, acceptable to the citizens of Hollis, shall be proposed and adopted, the money now expended for educational purposes will produce far greater results. LEVI ABBOT, S. S. Committee. Hollis, March 10th. 1874. NAMES OF PUPILS NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY. SUMMER TERM. DISTRICT NO. I Carrie Richardson. 2. Charles C. Blood, Freddie M. Blood. 3. Minnie J. Turner, Fred Bagley. 4. Lura I). Wheeler, Mary E. Patch, Nellie H. Parker, Mary L. Woods, Flora Colburn, Lura B. Colburn, Nettie A. Patch, Fred. S. Wood^, Fred. R. Parker, Frank L. Farley, Charlie J. Farley. 5. George A. French. 6. Sarah M. Brooks, Bertha L. Colburn, Minnie A. Colburn. 7. Lily Eaton. 8. Mary A . Cassidy, Lizzie .T. Farley, S. Alice Longa, Clara Longa, S. Jennie Seaver, Willie Cassidy, Edward P. Cassidy, George E. Iiill, Walter L. Mooar, Walter M. Truell. 9. N o school. 10. Freddie M. Smith, Herbert E. Spalding, Belle Spalding, Nellie E. Lund. 11. Mary E. Skelton, Nellie L. Cameron, Nellie M. Moore. 12. Nellie M. Truell, Mary L. Nutting, Frank H. Steams. 13. Elsie L. Willoby. 14. James W . Bills. 18 W I N T E R TERM. DISTRICT NO 3 . Robert. Mc Gregor, Minnie J. Turner. 4. Lura D. Wheeler, Nellie H. Parker, Abbie E. Wheeler, Mary L. Woods, Nellie A. Patch, Mary E. Patch, Flora E Colburn, Fred. S. Woods, Willie C. Colburn, Herbert T. Patch, Fred R. Parker, Frank L. Farley, Charlie J. Farley, 5. Francis A. Lovejoy. 6. Charles W . Colburn, Abbie E. Flagg, Luman T. Flagg, Etta P. Flagg. 7. Lewellyn S. Powers, Perley A. Powers 8. Nellie J. Fletcher, Iiattie A. Fletcher, Abby J. Fletcher Susie A. Hill, S. Alice Longa, Clara Longa, Eldora L. Mooar, Lura M. Willoby, George E. Hill. 9. Emma Louise Swett, Joseph B. Swett, Abby N. Farley. 10. Herbert E. Spalding. 11. Emma L. Farley, Nellie M. Moore, Wilbert P. Farley. 12.Mary A. Rideout, Nellie M. Truell, Mary L. Nutting. 14. Lizzie Hardy, Nellie Bills, James H. Bills, Willis Hall. M co f - 'J H « o 10 c a j | o o co rH-ti TI TI oi "oFL CO B R - I S H ( S » » 0-1 <M •sjoi! % MHO H H t - H R L — 1 O © O 0-1 CO O O © O rH o o t - C* 8'!»!A •A to CO "0 - S "SJ° « ! 8 ! A 10 ^ I - —- J ! L ! O I - ( S ® O O HHF IF -L UH H B O O T - H O © I - W H J1 - •esssoatpjBX TI —I co rH •saipms J0q»0 •Suidaan-Jiooa •naqoSlV • £jojbih -g -n o 71 t- —H •aommBao 00 1 - co oijannfiixv CC 71 CO M TI TI R- CO rH IC — co -TI m co IS TI -jCqdwSosg to to >ft - J3 CO -+ — rH •^H TI TH - rH CO 1 - LO TI —I TI co co t ! — rH rH T - CO 1-1 1- CO IFT • + R-L - TI CO >ra c - rH (M rH rH rH rH 1CT 7J "IT CO -+1 l - C* rH O "F TI TI >T CT rH »—I TI rH R-I rH rH rH CO 1 C O O t X CO O rH rH rH rH T-l RH — —1 TI TI 5 -TI 51 © C O t CO - h X CO Si t — — rH t-H —i s TI TI — rH rH ^ o i TI 1 - t— rH I - 1 - •o m TI r. « CO 1 - TI TI 5 ^ -H TI o 1— 1I - = cc - f m /: -i- co IT Tti in <m >-n in m CO 1C iti tc CO CO co TI r-l rH -H o 2 O © o o O o o O O O o TI -H -T- CO in m -t- - - f TI CO -H co TI 3 T I CO TI TI TI CO TI ^t1 TI CO TI - t TI CO TI TI CO XM TI TI TI TI •Sn;i[3dg •3uipB3a ai ojj •jii[oqas jod aeiiadxg •siaqoaa} j o SO3IIA\ § M I— <X> TI TI CO CI CO CO F, ~ KJ -~ - - O RH rH rH rH rH — rH — TI 71 71 TI Ci O CO o © 1CO — 1 - CO ?o rH r-1 •9.IU[0i[08 JO OJJ on TI 1 - - — rH oq —1 -rH l-H rH — TI -HCO O TI CO -H< •/) O H X 1 - -H TO O r H rH r H '8!(J0tt JO "OJJ rt M —> rHT"H r- rH rH rH r-< •IWJIB 93W»IY cc s § S>0 tT | | 2 W -3 RH =S - <M X - 0) 2® aS if) „ $ „ S'-'O'O « £ 3 3 .S CO . < ITS CO S " CO JS O OIH *BJ0)1S]A J0l|J0 H l S H r t C O H S W '0 "a .1° BM8!A r l W O O C C O l H f f l "0 -S "S J° SI!B!A - q c o c o c o i o - f c s c o •sassoaipjBX •soipnis joqio vjoooiyi^-fii^I—i H 9) - 19 K) rH C » Ol •3uidaa>i-!iooa Tiaqo3[v -iaojsijl "S - n •xmumvsQ vH r-l r-l 5) 51 r- N IM 51 | CO CO •oi}aiui[}uy « w © o - r. s; r—1 M c« O C M'95 I f •SJB[OI[OS JO Of} i—1 jH rt rJ r-Irl — -H •61(0041 JO '0{J » w co H ffl — — co CO Pi H pK 3 Es „ E po - CO. 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