The Lair of the White Worm
The Lair of the White Worm
1 2 lair (s) – toca, covil, antro 2 worm (s) – verme, bicho 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Lair of the White Worm By Bram Stoker 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CHAPTER I ADAM SALTON ARRIVES 2 Adam Salton sauntered into the Empire Club, Sydney, and found awaiting him a letter from his granduncle. He had first heard from the old gentleman less than a year before, when Richard Salton had claimed kinship, stating that he had been unable to write earlier, as he had found it very difficult to trace his grandnephew's address. Adam was delighted and replied cordially; he had often heard his father speak of the older branch of the family with whom his people had long lost touch. Some interesting correspondence had ensued. Adam eagerly opened the letter which had only just arrived, and conveyed a cordial invitation to stop with his grand-uncle at Lesser Hill, for as long a time as he could spare. 9 arrives(s) – vinda, chegada 11 saunter (to) – deambular, vaguear, passear sem destino 11 await (to) – esperar, aguardar 11 grand-uncle (s) – tio-avô 12 claim (to) – reclamar, reinvidicar, pedir, exigir, pretender 13 kinship (s) – parentesco, laços de sangue 13 stating (s) – declaração, relato 13 grand-nephew (s) – sobrinho-neto 14 reply (to) - responder 16 ensue (to) – seguir-se, suceder 16 eagerly (adv) – avidamente, ardentemente 16 convey (to) – transportar, transmitir 17 stop (to) - ficar 17 as long as – enquanto, desde que 17 spare (to) – ceder, dispensar 3 19 fitting (adj) – conveniente, apropriado 21 long-lived race – família que vive muito tempo 21 span (s) – duração, espaço de tempo 21 bound (s) – limite, fronteira 22 receipt (s) – recepção, chegada 24 draft (s) - cheque 26 where are you bound for? onde é que vai? 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 "Indeed," Richard Salton went on, "I am in hopes that you will make your permanent home here. You see, my dear boy, you and I are all that remain of our race, and it is but fitting that you should succeed me when the time comes. In this year of grace, 1860, I am close on eighty years of age, and though we have been a long-lived race, the span of life cannot be prolonged beyond reasonable bounds. I am prepared to like you, and to make your home with me as happy as you could wish. So do come at once on receipt of this, and find the welcome I am waiting to give you. I send, in case such may make matters easy for you, a banker's draft for 200 pounds. Come soon, so that we may both of us enjoy many happy days together. If you are able to give me the pleasure of seeing you, send me as soon as you can a letter telling me when to expect you. Then when you arrive at Plymouth or Southampton or whatever port you are bound for, wait on board, and I will meet you at the earliest hour possible." 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 4 Old Mr. Salton was delighted when Adam's reply arrived and sent a groom hot-foot to his crony, Sir Nathaniel de Salis, to inform him that his grand-nephew was due at Southampton on the twelfth of June. Mr. Salton gave instructions to have ready a carriage early on the important day, to start for Stafford, where he would catch the 11.40 a.m. train. He would stay that night with his grand-nephew, either on the ship, which would be a new experience for him, or, if his guest should prefer it, at a hotel. In either case they would start in the early morning for home. He had given instructions to his bailiff to send the postillion carriage on to Southampton, to be ready for their journey home, and to arrange for relays of his own horses to be sent on at once. He intended that his grand-nephew, who had been all his life in Australia, should see something of rural England on the drive. He had plenty of young horses of his own breeding and breaking, and could depend on a journey memorable to the young man. The luggage would be sent on by rail to Stafford, where one of his carts would meet it. Mr. Salton, during the journey to Southampton, often 28 reply (s) - resposta 28 groom (s) – criado, lacaio 28 hotfoot (adv) – apressadamente, precipitadamente 28 crony (s) – amigo, camarada 29 twelfth (num) – décimo segundo 32 either of them - os dois 33 bailiff (s) – administrador de propriedades 33 postillion carriage (s) - carruagem 34 relay (s) – muda de cavalos 35 intend (to) – querer, tencionar, planear 36 drive (s) – passeio de carro ou carruagem 36 breeding (s) – criação, reprodução 36 break (to) – domar, domesticar, amansar 37 depend (to) – confiar, depender 37 send on (to) – enviar, fazer seguir 38 cart (s) – carroça, charrete 5 39 meet (to) - conhecer 40 switch (s) – desvio, mudança, neste caso refere-se a que naqueles tempos os comboios muitas vezes esperavam parados para lhes mudarem as agulhas da linha e assim seguirem para outro sentido e outra linha 41 fire (to) – excitar a imaginação, encher de entusiasmo 41 afresh (adv) – de novo, outra vez 42 draw up (to) - parar 42 dockside – plataforma e término de linha de caminhos-de-ferro 42 trap (s) – tarecos, tralhas 42 he wrenched the door open - ele abriu a porta violentamente; 47 heartily (adv) – cordialmente, de todo o coração 47 wring of the hand aperto de mão; 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 wondered if his grand-nephew was as much excited as he was at the idea of meeting so near a relation for the first time; and it was with an effort that he controlled himself. The endless railway lines and switches round the Southampton Docks fired his anxiety afresh. As the train drew up on the dockside, he was getting his hand traps together, when the carriage door was wrenched open and a young man jumped in. "How are you, uncle? I recognised you from the photo you sent me! I wanted to meet you as soon as I could, but everything is so strange to me that I didn't quite know what to do. However, here I am. I am glad to see you, sir. I have been dreaming of this happiness for thousands of miles; now I find that the reality beats all the dreaming!" As he spoke the old man and the young one were heartily wringing each other's hands. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 The meeting so auspiciously begun proceeded well. Adam, seeing that the old man was interested in the novelty of the ship, suggested that he should stay the night on board, and that he would himself be ready to start at any hour and go anywhere that the other suggested. This affectionate willingness to fall in with his own plans quite won the old man's heart. He warmly accepted the invitation, and at once they became not only on terms of affectionate relationship, but almost like old friends. The heart of the old man, which had been empty for so long, found a new delight. The young man found, on landing in the old country, a welcome and a surrounding in full harmony with all his dreams throughout his wanderings and solitude, and the promise of a fresh and adventurous life. It was not long before the old man accepted him to full relationship by calling him by his Christian name. After a long talk on affairs of interest, they retired to the cabin, which the elder was to share. Richard Salton put his hands affectionately on the boy's shoulders-though Adam was in his twenty-seventh year, he was a boy, and always would be, to his grand-uncle. 6 49 proceed (to) – continuar, prosseguir 50 novelty (s) – novidade, inovação 51 affectionate (adj) – afectuoso, carinhoso 51 willingness (s) – boa-vontade, solicitude, disponibilidade 51 fall in with (to) – conhecer por acaso, harmonizar-se com, ligar-se a 52 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 52 warmly (adv) - calorosamente 53 terms (s) (plural) – relações, relações pessoais 55 surrounding (adj) – circundante, circunjacente, neste caso refere-se ao bom ambiente encontrado pelo Adam 55 throughout (prep) – durante todo o tempo, ao longo de tudo 55 wandering (s) – divagações, sonhos 56 solitude (s) – solidão, isolamento 56 adventurous (adj) – aventureiro, empreendedor 57 christian name – nome de baptismo 57 affair (s) – acontecimento, assunto, questão, negócio 58 elder (adj) – mais velho 7 63 enter upon (to) – iniciar, encetar, empreender 64 tie up (to) – ligar, amarrar, atar 65 venture (s) – risco, aventura 65 as far as I am concerned - no que me diz respeito 66 course (s) – rumo, direcção, rota, caminho 68 fill (to) – encher, neste caso refere-se às lágrimas 69 will (s) - testamento 70 deed (s) – documento notarial ou judicial ou escritura 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 "I am so glad to find you as you are, my dear boy--just such a young man as I had always hoped for as a son, in the days when I still had such hopes. However, that is all past. But thank God there is a new life to begin for both of us. To you must be the larger part-- but there is still time for some of it to be shared in common. I have waited till we should have seen each other to enter upon the subject; for I thought it better not to tie up your young life to my old one till we should have sufficient personal knowledge to justify such a venture. Now I can, so far as I am concerned, enter into it freely, since from the moment my eyes rested on you I saw my son--as he shall be, God willing--if he chooses such a course himself." "Indeed I do, sir--with all my heart!" "Thank you, Adam, for that." The old, man's eyes filled and his voice trembled. Then, after a long silence between them, he went on: "When I heard you were coming I made my will. It was well that your interests should be protected from that moment on. Here is the deed--keep it, Adam. All I have shall belong 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 to you; and if love and good wishes, or the memory of them, can make life sweeter, yours shall be a happy one. Now, my dear boy, let us turn in. We start early in the morning and have a long drive before us. I hope you don't mind driving? I was going to have the old travelling carriage in which my grandfather, your great-grand-uncle, went to Court when William IV. was king. It is all right--they built well in those days--and it has been kept in perfect order. But I think I have done better: I have sent the carriage in which I travel myself. The horses are of my own breeding, and relays of them shall take us all the way. I hope you like horses? They have long been one of my greatest interests in life." "I love them, sir, and I am happy to say I have many of my own. My father gave me a horse farm for myself when I was eighteen. I devoted myself to it, and it has gone on. Before I came away, my steward gave me a memorandum that we have in my own place more than a thousand, nearly all good." "I am glad, my boy. Another link between us." 8 71 wish (s) – anseio, desejo, aspiração 72 turn in (to) – deitar-se, ir-se deitar 76 relay (s) – muda de cavalos 79 go on (to) – continuar, prosseguir 79 steward (s) – administrador, mordomo 80 memorandum (s) - documento 80 nearly (adv) - quase 81 link (s) – ligação, elo 9 82 Grã-Bretanha fancy!/fancy that!/just fancy! - ora veja lá!; imagine!; 82 fancy (to) – imaginar, supor 84 state (s) – modo, condição, estado 84 four-in-hand (s) – carruagem tirada a quatro cavalos 85 ribbons (s) (plural) - rédeas 86 team (s) – grupo, neste caso é de cavalos 88 pleasure (s) – alegria, prazer 88 heir (s) – herdeiro, sucessor 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 "Just fancy what a delight it will be, sir, to see so much of England--and with you!" "Thank you again, my boy. I will tell you all about your future home and its surroundings as we go. We shall travel in old- fashioned state, I tell you. My grandfather always drove four-in- hand; and so shall we." "Oh, thanks, sir, thanks. May I take the ribbons sometimes?" "Whenever you choose, Adam. The team is your own. Every horse we use to-day is to be your own." "You are too generous, uncle!" "Not at all. Only an old man's selfish pleasure. It is not every day that an heir to the old home comes back. And--oh, by the way. . . No, we had better turn in now--I shall tell you the rest in the morning." 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 10 CHAPTER II THE CASWALLS OF CASTRA REGIS Mr. Salton had all his life been an early riser, and necessarily an early waker. But early as he woke on the next morning--and although there was an excuse for not prolonging sleep in the constant whirr and rattle of the "donkey" engine winches of the great ship--he met the eyes of Adam fixed on him from his berth. His grand-nephew had given him the sofa, occupying the lower berth himself. The old man, despite his great strength and normal activity, was somewhat tired by his long journey of the day before, and the prolonged and exciting interview which followed it. So he was glad to lie still and rest his body, whilst his mind was actively exercised in taking in all he could of his strange surroundings. Adam, too, after the pastoral habit to which he had been bred, woke with the dawn, and was ready to enter on the experiences of the new day 92 Caswalls – nome de uma família da região 94 to be an early riser - ser um madrugador, gostar de se levantar cedo 94 he is an early waker - ele acorda sempre cedo 95 although (conj) – embora, se bem que, ainda que 95 whirr (to) – zumbido, barulho de turbina 95 rattle (s) - barulheira 96 “donkey” (s) – maçador, insuportável, malfadado, importuno 96 engine (s) - mecanismo 96 winch (s) – manivela, guincho, sarilho, molinete 96 berth (s) – beliche ou camarata de navio ou comboio 97 despite (prep) – apesar de 99 interview (s) – prosa animada, conversa, entrevista 100 take in (to) – compreender, interiorizar, abranger 100 pastoral (adj) – do campo, pastoral 101 bred (to) - criar 11 102 whenever (adv) – em qualquer altura que, sempre que 102 suit (to) – convir, servir 102 elder (adj) – mais velho, mais idoso 102 wonder (s) – maravilha, prodígio, surpresa 103 readiness (s) – prontidão, disponibilidade 103 jump up (to) – levantar-se de um salto e rapidamente 103 steward (s) – criado de bordo 104 gangway (s) – prancha de embarque ou desembarque 104 on shore - em terra ♣♣♣ to go on shore - dirigir-se a terra ♣♣♣ to set foot on shore - desembarcar; 106 bailiff (s) – oficial de diligências ou administrador de propriedades 106 look out for (to) – tomar conta de, cuidar de, olhar por 106 dock (s) – doca, doca de descarga (ou término de linha ferroviária) 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 106 them (pron) – a eles, a elas, os, as 107 point out (to) – apontar para, indicar, mostrar 108 suitability (s) – aptidão, conveniência 108 harness (to) – prender, arrear, aparelhar, ajaezar 108 useful (adj) – bom, capaz, eficiente, competente 108 postillion (s) – postilhão, o que monta num dos cavalos da frente em carro puxado por mais de uma parelha de cavalos 110 luxury (s) – luxo, ostentação, fausto 110 useful (adj) – bom, capaz, eficiente, competente 111 obstruct (to) – tapar, bloquear, obstruir 111 travel (to) – viajar, deslocar-se, percorrer 112 trap (s) – caleche, carruagem (armadilha, ratoeira) 112 suitable (adj) – adequado, apropriado, conveniente whenever it might suit his elder companion. It was little wonder, then, that, so soon as each realised the other's readiness, they simultaneously jumped up and began to dress. The steward had by previous instructions early breakfast prepared, and it was not long before they went down the gangway on shore in search of the carriage. They found Mr. Salton's bailiff looking out for them on the dock, and he brought them at once to where the carriage was waiting in the street. Richard Salton pointed out with pride to his young companion the suitability of the vehicle for every need of travel. To it were harnessed four useful horses, with a postillion to each pair. "See," said the old man proudly, "how it has all the luxuries of useful travel--silence and isolation as well as speed. There is nothing to obstruct the view of those travelling and no one to overhear what they may say. I have used that trap for a quarter of a century, and I never saw one more suitable for travel. You shall 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 12 test it shortly. We are going to drive through the heart of England; and as we go I'll tell you what I was speaking of last night. Our route is to be by Salisbury, Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, Worcester, Stafford; and so home." Adam remained silent a few minutes, during which he seemed all eyes, for he perpetually ranged the whole circle of the horizon. "Has our journey to-day, sir," he asked, "any special relation to what you said last night that you wanted to tell me?" "Not directly; but indirectly, everything." "Won't you tell me now--I see we cannot be overheard--and if anything strikes you as we go along, just run it in. I shall understand." So old Salton spoke: 113 shortly (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 116 range (to) – alcançar, abranger, percorrer (ordenar, alinhar, pôr em ordem de batalha) 121 strike (to) – afligir, impressionar 122 run it in – diga-me, entre no assunto 13 124 lecture (s) – conferência, prelecção, lição universitária 124 report (s) – relato, narração 125 addition (s) - acrescento 126 to be fond of - gostar muito de; ter muita simpatia por, ser amigo de 126 research (s) – investigação, pesquisa, estudo 127 forbear (s) - antepassado 129 amount (s) – paixão, importância, quantidade 130 make up (to) – formar, constituir, compor 131 conglomerate (s) – conglomerado, união íntima, fusão 132 rather (adv) – sem dúvida, certamente 132 gather (to) – concluir, deduzir 132 definite (adj) - definido 132 after all – no fim de contas, afinal 133 keep (to) – possuir, ter 133 except (prep) – excepto, menos 133 making (s) – criação, realização, feitura 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 "To begin at the beginning, Adam. That lecture of yours on 'The Romans in Britain,' a report of which you posted to me, set me thinking--in addition to telling me your tastes. I wrote to you at once and asked you to come home, for it struck me that if you were fond of historical research--as seemed a fact--this was exactly the place for you, in addition to its being the home of your own forbears. If you could learn so much of the British Romans so far away in New South Wales, where there cannot be even a tradition of them, what might you not make of the same amount of study on the very spot. Where we are going is in the real heart of the old kingdom of Mercia, where there are traces of all the various nationalities which made up the conglomerate which became Britain." "I rather gathered that you had some more definite--more personal reason for my hurrying. After all, history can keep--except in the making!" 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 14 "Quite right, my boy. I had a reason such as you very wisely guessed. I was anxious for you to be here when a rather important phase of our local history occurred." "What is that, if I may ask, sir?" "Certainly. The principal land-owner of our part of the county is on his way home, and there will be a great home-coming, which you may care to see. The fact is, for more than a century the various owners in the succession here, with the exception of a short time, have lived abroad." "How is that, sir, if I may ask?" "The great house and estate in our part of the world is Castra Regis, the family seat of the Caswall family. The last owner who lived here was Edgar Caswall, grandfather of the man who is coming here--and he was the only one who stayed even a short time. This man's grandfather, also named Edgar--they keep the tradition of the family Christian name--quarrelled with his family and went to live abroad, not keeping up 134 such as – tal como 134 wise (adj) – sábio, sagaz 135 rather (adv) – bastante, muito 135 phase (s) – período, fase 135 occur (to) – ocorrer, acontecer 137 county (s) – condado, distrito 138 care (to) – querer, desejar (importar-se, preocupar-se) 139 abroad (adv) – lá fora, no estrangeiro 141 estate (s) – propriedade, quinta, herdade, bens 141 world (s) – domínio, neste caso refere-se a terras que estão encostadas às do senhor Richard 141 seat (s) - lugar 142 grandfather (s) – avô, antepassado 144 quarrel (to) – discutir, questionar, disputar 144 keep up (to) – manter, ter 15 145 intercourse (s) – comunicação, relações 145 particular (adj) – próprio, especial, particular 146 estate (s) – propriedade, quinta 146 yet (adv) - ainda 146 grandson (s) - neto 146 inheritor (s) - herdeiro 147 absentee (s) – pessoa ausente 149 tenant (s) – arrendatário, rendeiro, inquilino 150 complain (to) – queixar-se, lamentar-se 150 All the same – mesmo assim 151 own (to) – possuir, ser proprietário de 152 ground (s) - região 153 spire (s) – agulha ou flecha de uma torre, pináculo, coruchéu 154 county (s) – condado, distrito 154 keep one's mind on something (to)- concentrar-se em algo 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 any intercourse, good or bad, with his relatives, although this particular Edgar, as I told you, did visit his family estate, yet his son was born and lived and died abroad, while his grandson, the latest inheritor, was also born and lived abroad till he was over thirty--his present age. This was the second line of absentees. The great estate of Castra Regis has had no knowledge of its owner for five generations--covering more than a hundred and twenty years. It has been well administered, however, and no tenant or other connected with it has had anything of which to complain. All the same, there has been much natural anxiety to see the new owner, and we are all excited about the event of his coming. Even I am, though I own my own estate, which, though adjacent, is quite apart from Castra Regis.--Here we are now in new ground for you. That is the spire of Salisbury Cathedral, and when we leave that we shall be getting close to the old Roman county, and you will naturally want your eyes. So we shall shortly have to keep our minds on old Mercia. However, you need not be disappointed. My old friend, Sir Nathaniel de Salis, who, like myself, is a 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 16 freeholder near Castra Regis--his estate, Doom Tower, is over the border of Derbyshire, on the Peak--is coming to stay with me for the festivities to welcome Edgar Caswall. He is just the sort of man you will like. He is devoted to history, and is President of the Mercian Archaeological Society. He knows more of our own part of the country, with its history and its people, than anyone else. I expect he will have arrived before us, and we three can have a long chat after dinner. He is also our local geologist and natural historian. So you and he will have many interests in common. Amongst other things he has a special knowledge of the Peak and its caverns, and knows all the old legends of prehistoric times." They spent the night at Cheltenham, and on the following morning resumed their journey to Stafford. Adam's eyes were in constant employment, and it was not till Salton declared that they had now entered on the last stage of their journey, that he referred to Sir Nathaniel's coming. 156 freeholder (s) – indivíduo proprietário de bens livres não vinculados 156 border (s) – limite, fronteira 156 doom (adj) – fatal, de perdição (alguém traduziu doom tower por torre do julgamento) 156 peak (s) – planalto elevado 160 geologist (s) - geólogo 162 legend (s) – lenda, narração de acontecimentos mais ou menos remotos e um tanto ou quanto incertos, fantasia 163 resume (to) – reatar, reencetar, recomeçar 164 employment (s) – uso, ocupação, serviço, emprego, trabalho 164 till (prep) - até 165 stage (s) – jornada, fase, período 165 refer (to) – referir-se, aludir, falar de 17 166 dusk (s) – escurecer, crepúsculo, anoitecer 166 close down (to) – fechar 166 drive on (to) – não parar, seguir em frente 167 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 168 ablaze (adj) - (adv) - brilhante 169 morrow (s) – dia seguinte, manhã 169 defer (to) - adiar 170 greet (to) – saudar, cumprimentar 171 come over (to) – chegar, fazer uma visita, passar em casa de alguém 171 meet (to) – conhecer, ser apresentado a, encontrar-se com alguém, ir ter com 175 impart (to) – comunicar, transmitir 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 As the dusk was closing down, they drove on to Lesser Hill, Mr. Salton's house. It was now too dark to see any details of their surroundings. Adam could just see that it was on the top of a hill, not quite so high as that which was covered by the Castle, on whose tower flew the flag, and which was all ablaze with moving lights, manifestly used in the preparations for the festivities on the morrow. So Adam deferred his curiosity till daylight. His grand- uncle was met at the door by a fine old man, who greeted him warmly. "I came over early as you wished. I suppose this is your grand- nephew--I am glad to meet you, Mr. Adam Salton. I am Nathaniel de Salis, and your uncle is one of my oldest friends." Adam, from the moment of their eyes meeting, felt as if they were already friends. The meeting was a new note of welcome to those that had already sounded in his ears. The cordiality with which Sir Nathaniel and Adam met, made the imparting of information easy. Sir Nathaniel was a clever man of the world, who had travelled much, and within a certain area studied deeply. 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 18 He was a brilliant conversationalist, as was to be expected from a successful diplomatist, even under unstimulating conditions. But he had been touched and to a certain extent fired by the younger man's evident admiration and willingness to learn from him. Accordingly the conversation, which began on the most friendly basis, soon warmed to an interest above proof, as the old man spoke of it next day to Richard Salton. He knew already that his old friend wanted his grand-nephew to learn all he could of the subject in hand, and so had during his journey from the Peak put his thoughts in sequence for narration and explanation. Accordingly, Adam had only to listen and he must learn much that he wanted to know. When dinner was over and the servants had withdrawn, leaving the three men at their wine, Sir Nathaniel began. "I gather from your uncle--by the way, I suppose we had better speak of you as uncle and nephew, instead of going into exact relationship? In fact, your uncle is so old and dear a friend, that, with your 177 conversationalist (s) - conversador 177 as was – como era 178 unstimulating – desinteressante, sem estímulo, sem interesse 178 to a certain extent/degree - até certo ponto 178 fire (to) – excitar a imaginação, encher de entusiasmo 179 willingness (s) – boa-vontade, solicitude 179 accordingly (adv) – por consequência, por conseguinte 180 basis (s) - bases 180 warm (to) – animar-se 180 interest (s) – interesse, atractivo 180 proof (s) - testemunho 182 sequence (s) – ordem, encadeamento lógico 183 explanation (s) – esclarecimento, explicação 183 accordingly (adv) – por consequência, por conseguinte 184 servant (s) – criado/a 184 withdraw (to) – retirar, afastar 184 wine (s) - vinho 185 by the way – a propósito 186 relationship (s) – parentesco, afinidade 19 187 drop (to) – deixar cair 187 altogether (adv) - completamente 190 avoidance (s) – acto de evitar, fuga 191 personal (adj) - íntimo 192 lead (s) – primeiro lugar, dianteira, liderança, chefia 193 post (to) – informar de, actualizar 193 regarding (prep) – com respeito a, em relação a 193 relationship (s) – relação, ligação afectiva ou profissional 194 partly (adv) – parcialmente, em parte 194 minute (adj) – minucioso, pormenorizado, circunstanciado 194 detail (s) – pormenor, detalhe 195 anything (adv) - (pron) – qualquer coisa 196 immediate (adj) – neste caso não significa imediato mas antes que o “record” o registo ou o estudo ou os conhecimentos foram realizados mesmo por “nós” são de nossa autoria: Sir Nathaniel and Sir Richard 196 estate (s) – propriedade, quinta, herdade 196 kingdom (s) – propriedade/s (reino, monarquia) 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 permission, I shall drop formality with you altogether and speak of you and to you as Adam, as though you were his son." "I should like," answered the young man, "nothing better!" The answer warmed the hearts of both the old men, but, with the usual avoidance of Englishmen of emotional subjects personal to themselves, they instinctively returned to the previous question. Sir Nathaniel took the lead. "I understand, Adam, that your uncle has posted you regarding the relationships of the Caswall family?" "Partly, sir; but I understood that I was to hear minuter details from you--if you would be so good." "I shall be delighted to tell you anything so far as my knowledge goes. Well, the first Caswall in our immediate record is an Edgar, head of the family and owner of the estate, who came into his kingdom just about the time that George III. did. He had one son of about twenty-four. There was a violent quarrel 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 between the two. No one of this generation has any idea of the cause; but, considering the family characteristics, we may take it for granted that though it was deep and violent, it was on the surface trivial. "The result of the quarrel was that the son left the house without a reconciliation or without even telling his father where he was going. He never came back again. A few years after, he died, without having in the meantime exchanged a word or a letter with his father. He married abroad and left one son, who seems to have been brought up in ignorance of all belonging to him. The gulf between them appears to have been unbridgable; for in time this son married and in turn had a son, but neither joy nor sorrow brought the sundered together. Under such conditions no RAPPROCHEMENT was to be looked for, and an utter indifference, founded at best on ignorance, took the place of family affection--even on community of interests. It was only due to the watchfulness of the lawyers that the birth of this new heir was ever made known. He actually spent a few months in the ancestral home. 20 199 surface (s) – aparência, aspecto exterior 199 trivial (adj) – superficial, banal, frívolo, vulgar 202 meantime (s) – intervalo de tempo 202 exchange (to) – trocar, permutar 203 bring up (to) – criar, educar 203 gulf (s) – abismo, precipício 204 unbridgeable (adj) – dificuldade insuperável, inultrapassável, intransponível 204 joy (s) – alegria, júbilo, prazer 205 sunder (to) – separar, dividir 205 rapprochement (s) – aproximação 205 look for (to) – procurar, esperar 205 utter (adj) – completo, total, absoluto 206 found (to) – fundar, criar 206 at best – na melhor das hipóteses 207 watchfulness (s) – vigilância, atenção 207 lawyer (s) - advogado 207 heir (s) - herdeiro 207 ever (adv) – alguma vez 208 spend (to) - passar 21 209 interest (s) – interesse, atenção 209 heirship (s) – direito de herdar, qualidade de herdeiro 210 new (adj) - recente 210 intervening (adj) – que aconteceu, que sucedeu 210 heritage (s) – herança, património 212 bear in mind (to) – lembrar-se, ter presente 212 prevailing (adj) – predominante, dominante 213 one and all - todos 213 reckless (adj) – imprudente, irreflectido 214 pursuit (s) – busca, perseguição 214 faith (s) – fé, religião 215 little (adj) – pouco, pequeno 215 concern (s) – preocupação 215 beforehand (adv) – antecipadamente, de antemão 216 gain (to) – alcançar, atingir, 216 burthen=burden (s) – fardo, carga, consequência 217 recurrent (adj) – frequente, que se repete 217 policy (s) – política, linha de conduta, plano de acção 218 ensure (to) – garantir, assegurar 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 "After this the family interest merely rested on heirship of the estate. As no other children have been born to any of the newer generations in the intervening years, all hopes of heritage are now centred in the grandson of this man. "Now, it will be well for you to bear in mind the prevailing characteristics of this race. These were well preserved and unchanging; one and all they are the same: cold, selfish, dominant, reckless of consequences in pursuit of their own will. It was not that they did not keep faith, though that was a matter which gave them little concern, but that they took care to think beforehand of what they should do in order to gain their own ends. If they should make a mistake, someone else should bear the burthen of it. This was so perpetually recurrent that it seemed to be a part of a fixed policy. It was no wonder that, whatever changes took place, they were always ensured in their own possessions. They were absolutely cold and hard by nature. Not one of them--so far as we have any knowledge--was ever known to be touched by the 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 22 softer sentiments, to swerve from his purpose, or hold his hand in obedience to the dictates of his heart. The pictures and effigies of them all show their adherence to the early Roman type. Their eyes were full; their hair, of raven blackness, grew thick and close and curly. Their figures were massive and typical of strength. "The thick black hair, growing low down on the neck, told of vast physical strength and endurance. But the most remarkable characteristic is the eyes. Black, piercing, almost unendurable, they seem to contain in themselves a remarkable will power which there is no gainsaying. It is a power that is partly racial and partly individual: a power impregnated with some mysterious quality, partly hypnotic, partly mesmeric, which seems to take away from eyes that meet them all power of resistance--nay, all power of wishing to resist. With eyes like those, set in that all-commanding face, one would need to be strong indeed to think of resisting the inflexible will that lay behind. 220 soft (adj) – suave, brando, cortês 220 swerve (to) – desviar-se 220 purpose (s) – objectivo, fim 220 hold (to) – conter, reter, segurar 220 dictate (s) – imposição, ordem 221 picture (s) – quadro, pintura, retrato 221 effigy (s) - retrato 221 adherence (s) – fidelidade, adesão 221 early (adj) - primitivo 221 full (adj) – largo, amplo 222 raven (adj) – brilhante e negro como um corvo 222 thick (adj) – denso, espesso 222 close (adj) – fechado, cerrado 222 curly (adj) – encaracolado, ondulado 222 massive (adj) – sólido e pesado 224 low (adj) - abaixo da altura considerada como média 224 endurance (s) - resistência 225 remarkable (adj) – notável, fora do vulgar, digno de nota 225 piercing (adj) - penetrante 225 unendurable (adj) – insuportável, intolerável 226 gainsaying – neste caso significa que outra pessoa não conseguiria negar-se contra a vontade da primeira pessoa, refutação, negação, contradição 226 partly (adv) – em parte, parcialmente, até certo ponto 227 mesmeric (adj) – mesmérico, recurso ao magnetismo animal e ao hipnotismo 228 take away (to) – tirar, retirar 23 232 surmise (to) – supor, conjecturar 233 compelling (adj) – irresistível, empolgante, emocionante 233 any (adj) - (pron) - nenhum 233 wonder (s) – espanto, admiração, surpresa 233 there be abroad (to) – correr o boato (aqui abroad não significa no estrangeiro) 234 tend (to) – tender, ter tendênci 235 sell (to) – vender, vender-se 236 get through (to) – ultrapassar, atravessar 237 susceptibility (s) – sensibilidade, predisposição, susceptibilidade 237 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 239 lie (s) – disposição do terreno, situação, posição 239 thing (s) – problema, coisa, interesse 240 seek (to) – procurar, investigar, pesquisar 240 enlightenment (s) – explicação, esclarecimento, iluminação 240 start (s) – início, princípio, partida 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 "You may think, Adam, that all this is imagination on my part, especially as I have never seen any of them. So it is, but imagination based on deep study. I have made use of all I know or can surmise logically regarding this strange race. With such strange compelling qualities, is it any wonder that there is abroad an idea that in the race there is some demoniac possession, which tends to a more definite belief that certain individuals have in the past sold themselves to the Devil? "But I think we had better go to bed now. We have a lot to get through to-morrow, and I want you to have your brain clear, and all your susceptibilities fresh. Moreover, I want you to come with me for an early walk, during which we may notice, whilst the matter is fresh in our minds, the peculiar disposition of this place--not merely your grand-uncle's estate, but the lie of the country around it. There are many things on which we may seek--and perhaps find-- enlightenment. The more we know at the start, the more things which may come into our view will develop themselves." 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 24 CHAPTER III DIANA'S GROVE Curiosity took Adam Salton out of bed in the early morning, but when he had dressed and gone downstairs; he found that, early as he was, Sir Nathaniel was ahead of him. The old gentleman was quite prepared for a long walk, and they started at once. Sir Nathaniel, without speaking, led the way to the east, down the hill. When they had descended and risen again, they found themselves on the eastern brink of a steep hill. It was of lesser height than that on which the Castle was situated; but it was so placed that it commanded the various hills that crowned the ridge. All along the ridge the rock cropped out, bare and bleak, but broken in rough natural castellation. The form of the ridge was a segment of a circle, with the higher points inland to the west. In the centre rose the 244 grove (s) – bosque, pomar, arvoredo 247 ahead (adj) - (adv) – à frente 247 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 248 long (adj) – longo, comprido ♣♣♣ long (adv) – muito tempo, por muito tempo, durante muito tempo 250 eastern (adj) – oriental, de leste 250 brink (s) – beira, borda 251 crown (to) – encimar, coroar, colocar nos topos 252 ridge (s) – serrania, crista 252 crop out (to) – aflorar, aparecer 252 bare (adj) – despido, nu, descoberto 252 bleak (adj) – desabrigado, batido pelo vento, ermo, desolado, árido 252 rough (adj) – grosseiro, rude 252 castellation (s) – que tem a disposição de amontoados a lembrar castelos ou até a lembrar as próprias ameias 253 inland (adj) – no interior, situado no interior 25 255 amongst=among (prep) – entre, no meio de 255 ruins (s) (plural) – ruína, restos ou destroços de edifícios 256 massive (adj) – sólido, pesado 256 limestone (s) – pedra calcária 257 shape (to) – dar forma a 257 the fall of the ground – a inclinação do terreno 258 overhang (to) – estar suspenso sobre, projectar-se para fora, sobressair 258 plain (s) - planície 258 below (adv) - (prep) – por baixo, em baixo, debaixo 261 extent (s) – dimensão, extensão, tamanho 262 willing (adj) – de muito boa vontade 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 Castle, on the highest point of all. Between the various rocky excrescences were groups of trees of various sizes and heights, amongst some of which were what, in the early morning light, looked like ruins. These-whatever they were--were of massive grey stone, probably limestone rudely cut--if indeed they were not shaped naturally. The fall of the ground was steep all along the ridge, so steep that here and there both trees and rocks and buildings seemed to overhang the plain far below, through which ran many streams. Sir Nathaniel stopped and looked around, as though to lose nothing of the effect. The sun had climbed the eastern sky and was making all details clear. He pointed with a sweeping gesture, as though calling Adam's attention to the extent of the view. Having done so, he covered the ground more slowly, as though inviting attention to detail. Adam was a willing and attentive pupil, and followed his motions exactly, missing--or trying to miss--nothing. 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 26 "I have brought you here, Adam, because it seems to me that this is the spot on which to begin our investigations. You have now in front of you almost the whole of the ancient kingdom of Mercia. In fact, we see the whole of it except that furthest part, which is covered by the Welsh Marches and those parts which are hidden from where we stand by the high ground of the immediate west. We can see--theoretically--the whole of the eastern bound of the kingdom, which ran south from the Humber to the Wash. I want you to bear in mind the trend of the ground, for some time, sooner or later, we shall do well to have it in our mind's eye when we are considering the ancient traditions and superstitions, and are trying to find the RATIONALE of them. Each legend, each superstition which we receive, will help in the understanding and possible elucidation of the others. And as all such have a local basis, we can come closer to the truth--or the probability--by knowing the local conditions as we go along. It will help us to bring to our aid such geological truth as we may have between us. For instance, the building materials used in various ages can afford their 266 furthest (adj) – extremo, o mais extremo 266 Welsh (adj) – galês, de Gales 266 marche (s) – marca, limite, confins 267 high ground - colina 267 immediate – (do lado west) deles 267 theoretically (adv) - teoricamente 268 bound (s) – limite, fronteira 269 bear in mind (to) – lembrar-se, ter presente 269 trend (s) – orientação geral, direcção, rumo 271 legend (s) – lenda, conto 272 basis (s) - fundamento 273 go along (to) – progredir, continuar 273 aid (s) – ajuda, auxílio, apoio 274 instance (s) – exemplo 274 afford (to) – dar, conceder, proporcionar 27 275 height (s) – altura, altitude 275 nay (adv) – ou antes, ou melhor, mais que isso 276 enlightening (adj) – esclarecedor, elucidativo, informativo 277 instance (s) - exemplo 277 venture (to) – arriscar, aventurar 278 main (adj) – mais importante, principal 278 site (s) – local, sítio 278 wise (adj) – sábio, sagaz, sensato 279 ostensible (adj) – só de exterior e só de aparência, falso 280 unseen (adj) – invisível, oculto 280 unproved (adj) – não demonstrado, não provado 280 also (conj?) - também 282 seriatim (adv) – ponto por ponto, sucessivamente, um por um 283 imply (to) – sugerir, insinuar, implicar 283 former (adj) – primeiro, anterior 284 oak (s) - carvalho 284 suggest (to) – sugerir, lembrar 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 own lessons to understanding eyes. The very heights and shapes and materials of these hills-- nay, even of the wide plain that lies between us and the sea--have in themselves the materials of enlightening books." "For instance, sir?" said Adam, venturing a question. "Well, look at those hills which surround the main one where the site for the Castle was wisely chosen-on the highest ground. Take the others. There is something ostensible in each of them, and in all probability something unseen and unproved, but to be imagined, also." "For instance?" continued Adam. "Let us take them SERIATIM. That to the east, where the trees are, lower down--that was once the location of a Roman temple, possibly founded on a pre-existing Druidical one. Its name implies the former, and the grove of ancient oaks suggests the latter." "Please explain." 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 28 "The old name translated means 'Diana's Grove.' Then the next one higher than it, but just beyond it, is called 'MERCY'--in all probability a corruption or familiarisation of the word MERCIA, with a Roman pun included. We learn from early manuscripts that the place was called VILULA MISERICORDIAE. It was originally a nunnery, founded by Queen Bertha, but done away with by King Penda, the reactionary to Paganism after St. Augustine. Then comes your uncle's place--Lesser Hill. Though it is so close to the Castle, it is not connected with it. It is a freehold, and, so far as we know, of equal age. It has always belonged to your family." "Then there only remains the Castle!" "That is all; but its history contains the histories of all the others--in fact, the whole history of early England." Sir Nathaniel, seeing the expectant look on Adam's face, went on: 286 beyond (adv) - (prep) – para lá do, além, do outro lado, ao longe 287 pun (s) – trocadilho, jogo de palavras 288 early (adj) – primitivo, antigo 289 nunnery (s) – convento de freiras 289 do away with (to) – suprimir, abolir, fazer desaparecer 289 reactionary (s) - reaccionário 291 freehold (s) – bens de raiz livres 291 equal (adj) – igual, idêntico 295 expectant (adj) – expectante, na expectativa 29 296 furthest (adj) – extremo, o mais extremo 296 surmise (s) – suposição, conjectura, presunção 297 inference (s) – conclusão, dedução 297 guess (s) – suposição, conjectura 298 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 300 useful (adj) – útil, proveitoso, vantajoso 300 infer (to) – deduzir, inferir, sugerir 301 highest (adj) – importante, principal, avançado, extremo 301 camp (s) – acampamento, exército em campanha 302 advance (s) – avanço, progresso 303 march (s) – fronteira militar, limite, marca 303 beyond (adv) - (prep) – para lá do, além, do outro lado, ao longe 304 lie (to) – estar, encontrar-se 304 provide (to) – dar, oferecer, proporcionar 304 get (to) – ter, obter, possuir, atingir 306 tributary (adj) – rio afluente 306 swift (adj) – rápido, veloz 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 "The history of the Castle has no beginning so far as we know. The furthest records or surmises or inferences simply accept it as existing. Some of these--guesses, let us call them--seem to show that there was some sort of structure there when the Romans came, therefore it must have been a place of importance in Druid times--if indeed that was the beginning. Naturally the Romans accepted it, as they did everything of the kind that was, or might be, useful. The change is shown or inferred in the name Castra. It was the highest protected ground, and so naturally became the most important of their camps. A study of the map will show you that it must have been a most important centre. It both protected the advances already made to the north, and helped to dominate the sea coast. It sheltered the western marches, beyond which lay savage Wales--and danger. It provided a means of getting to the Severn, round which lay the great Roman roads then coming into existence, and made possible the great waterway to the heart of England--through the Severn and its tributaries. It brought the east and the west together by the swiftest 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 30 and easiest ways known to those times. And, finally, it provided means of descent on London and all the expanse of country watered by the Thames. "With such a centre, already known and organised, we can easily see that each fresh wave of invasion-the Angles, the Saxons, the Danes, and the Normans--found it a desirable possession and so ensured its upholding. In the earlier centuries it was merely a vantage ground. But when the victorious Romans brought with them the heavy solid fortifications impregnable to the weapons of the time, its commanding position alone ensured its adequate building and equipment. Then it was that the fortified camp of the Caesars developed into the castle of the king. As we are as yet ignorant of the names of the first kings of Mercia, no historian has been able to guess which of them made it his ultimate defence; and I suppose we shall never know now. In process of time, as the arts of war developed, it increased in size and strength, and although recorded details are lacking, the history is written not merely in the stone of its building, but is inferred in the 308 expanse (s) – extensão, vastidão 310 desirable (adj) – desejável, apetecível, conveniente 310 possession (s) – domínio, território, possessão 310 ensure (to) – garantir, assegurar 311 upholding (s) – conservação, protecção, apoio 311 vantage ground – posição vantajosa 312 impregnable (adj) – invencível, inconquistável, inexpugnável 314 develope (to) – crescer, desenvolver-se 315 historian (s) - historiador 315 ultimate (adj) – derradeiro, final 316 In process of time – com o decorrer dos tempos 316 as (adv) - (conj) - (pron) - quando 316 increase (to) – desenvolver-se, crescer, aumentar 317 lack (to) – faltar, não haver 317 infer (to) – deduzir, inferir, sugerir 31 318 structure (s) – construção, edifício, obra, trabalho 318 sweeping (adj) – vasto, extenso, amplo, completo, radical 318 wip out (to) – apagar, aniquilar, limpar 319 lesser (adj) – mais pequeno, menor 319 than (conj) – do que 319 early (adj) – primitivo, primevo 320 late (adj) – não mais recente que, que aparece depois de 321 surrounding (adj) – circundante, circunjacente 321 establish (to) – fundar, estabelecer 321 certain (adj) – certo, determinado 322 extent (s) – grau 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 322 prove (to) – provar, demonstrar 322 retain (to) – conservar, manter, reter, preservar 322 pertain (to) – pertencer, ser próprio de 323 afford (to) – proporcionar, dar, conceder 323 pass away (to) – desaparecer (falecer) 324 so much … but – não só … mas também 324 hollow (s) - caverna 325 become (to) – ser feito, suceder 326 furtively (adv) – sem deixar que se perceba, às escondidas, furtivamente 326 keep up with (to) – acompanhar, manter-se a par de changes of structure. Then the sweeping changes which followed the Norman Conquest wiped out all lesser records than its own. To-day we must accept it as one of the earliest castles of the Conquest, probably not later than the time of Henry I. Roman and Norman were both wise in their retention of places of approved strength or utility. So it was that these surrounding heights, already established and to a certain extent proved, were retained. Indeed, such characteristics as already pertained to them were preserved, and to-day afford to us lessons regarding things which have themselves long since passed away. "So much for the fortified heights; but the hollows too have their own story. But how the time passes! We must hurry home, or your uncle will wonder what has become of us." He started with long steps towards Lesser Hill, and Adam was soon furtively running in order to keep up with him. 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 32 CSOB CHAPTER IV THE LADY ARABELLA MARCH "Now, there is no hurry, but so soon as you are both ready we shall start," Mr. Salton said when breakfast had begun. "I want to take you first to see a remarkable relic of Mercia, and then we'll go to Liverpool through what is called 'The Great Vale of Cheshire.' You may be disappointed, but take care not to prepare your mind"--this to Adam--"for anything stupendous or heroic. You would not think the place a vale at all, unless you were told so beforehand, and had confidence in the veracity of the teller. We should get to the Landing Stage in time to meet the WEST AFRICAN, and catch Mr. Caswall as he comes ashore. We want to do him honour--and, besides, it will be more pleasant to have the introductions over before we go to his FETE at the Castle." 333 remarkable (adj) – notável, digno de nota 333 relic (s) – relíquia, ruínas, despojos 335 stupendous (adj) – estupendo, fantástico, formidável 335 anything (adv) - (pron) – (na negativa) - nada 335 heroic (adj) - heróico 336 vale (s) – vale, planície 336 At all – realmente, de facto, afinal 336 beforehand (adv) – antecipadamente, de antemão 336 confidence (s) – confiança, segurança 336 teller (s) – narrador, aquele que conta histórias ou contos 337 landing (adj) – de desembarque 337 stage (s) – estrado, plataforma pouco elevada, cena, local de acção 337 ashore (adv) – em terra, a terra 338 honour (s) – reverência, respeito 338 introduction (s) – apresentação (introdução) 339 fête (s) – festa, festival 33 341 keen (adj) – rápido, forte (agudo, penetrante) 342 exhilarating (adj) – entusiasmante, estimulante 342 pace (s) – velocidade, ritmo, andamento 343 presently (adv) – em breve, dentro em pouco, logo 343 draw up (to) - parar 343 opposite (adv) – em frente, diante de 343 heap (s) – montão, pilha, monte 344 wayside (s) – margem da estrada, beira da estrada 345 unnoticed (adj) – despercebido, não notado 346 dawn (to) – surgir, amanhecer 346 Anglian kingdom – reino Anglo (Inglês) 349 passer-by (s) - transeunte 349 heathen (adj) – pagão, idólatra 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 The carriage was ready, the same as had been used the previous day, but there were different horses-magnificent animals, and keen for work. Breakfast was soon over, and they shortly took their places. The postillions had their orders, and were quickly on their way at an exhilarating pace. Presently, in obedience to Mr. Salton's signal, the carriage drew up opposite a great heap of stones by the wayside. "Here, Adam," he said, "is something that you of all men should not pass by unnoticed. That heap of stones brings us at once to the dawn of the Anglian kingdom. It was begun more than a thousand years ago--in the latter part of the seventh century--in memory of a murder. Wulfere, King of Mercia, nephew of Penda, here murdered his two sons for embracing Christianity. As was the custom of the time, each passer-by added a stone to the memorial heap. Penda represented heathen reaction after St. Augustine's 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 34 mission. Sir Nathaniel can tell you as much as you want about this, and put you, if you wish, on the track of such accurate knowledge as there is." Whilst they were looking at the heap of stones, they noticed that another carriage had drawn up beside them, and the passenger--there was only one--was regarding them curiously. The carriage was an old heavy travelling one, with arms blazoned on it gorgeously. The men took off their hats, as the occupant, a lady, addressed them. "How do you do, Sir Nathaniel? How do you do, Mr. Salton? I hope you have not met with any accident. Look at me!" As she spoke she pointed to where one of the heavy springs was broken across, the broken metal showing bright. Adam spoke up at once: "Oh, that can soon be put right." "Soon? There is no one near who can mend a break like that." 350 as much as – tanto como 351 accurate (adj) – correcto, exacto, preciso 352 draw up (to) - parar 354 travelling (adj) – que viaja 354 blazon (to) - brasonar 354 gorgeously (adv) – esplendorosamente, magnificentemente 355 address (to) – falar, dirigir a palavra 358 spring (s) - mola 358 across (adv) - (prep) – de lado a lado 360 mend (to) – reparar, consertar 360 break (s) – ruptura, fractura 35 362 dapper (adj) – elegante, gentil, vivo, dinâmico 363 workman (adj) – de operário, de artífice 365 fast (adj) – rápido, veloz 365 farriery (s) – ofício de ferrador 365 mechanics (s) - mecanismos 365 come (to) – acontecer, suceder 367 gladly (adv) – com prazer, alegremente 367 avail (to) – aproveitar, servir-se de 369 honour (s) – reverência, respeito 369 make up her mind (to) – perceber, compreender 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 "I can." "You!" She looked incredulously at the dapper young gentleman who spoke. "You--why, it's a workman's job." "All right, I am a workman--though that is not the only sort of work I do. I am an Australian, and, as we have to move about fast, we are all trained to farriery and such mechanics as come into travel-- I am quite at your service." "I hardly know how to thank you for your kindness, of which I gladly avail myself. I don't know what else I can do, as I wish to meet Mr. Caswall of Castra Regis, who arrives home from Africa to-day. It is a notable home-coming; all the countryside want to do him honour." She looked at the old men and quickly made up her mind as to the identity of the stranger. "You must be Mr. Adam Salton of Lesser Hill. I am Lady 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 36 Arabella March of Diana's Grove." As she spoke she turned slightly to Mr. Salton, who took the hint and made a formal introduction. So soon as this was done, Adam took some tools from his uncle's carriage, and at once began work on the broken spring. He was an expert workman, and the breach was soon made good. Adam was gathering the tools which he had been using--which, after the manner of all workmen, had been scattered about-when he noticed that several black snakes had crawled out from the heap of stones and were gathering round him. This naturally occupied his mind, and he was not thinking of anything else when he noticed Lady Arabella, who had opened the door of the carriage, slip from it with a quick gliding motion. She was already among the snakes when he called out to warn her. But there seemed to be no need of warning. The snakes had turned and were wriggling back to the mound as quickly as they could. He laughed to himself behind his teeth as he whispered, "No need to fear there. They seem much more afraid of her than she of 371 slightly (adv) – ligeiramente, um pouco 371 hint (s) – alusão, insinuação 372 introduction (s) – apresentação 374 expert (adj) – conhecedor, habilidoso, hábil 374 breach (s) – quebra, brecha 374 gather (to) – recolher, juntar, reunir 375 scatter (to) – espalhar em todas as direcções 376 several (adj) - (pron) – vários, muitos 376 snake (s) – cobra, serpente 376 crawl out (to) – rastejar para fora 378 quick (adj) - rápido 378 gliding (adj) – que desliza suavemente 380 wriggle (to) – menear-se, torcer o corpo 380 mound (s) – monte, pilha 37 383 instinct (s) – instinto, intuição 383 vermin (s) – animal daninho, bicharada 384 appear (to) - parecer 384 unconcerned (adj) – desinteressado, despreocupado 384 dress (s) – vestido, roupa 385 clothe (to) - vestir 385 stuff (s) – pano, tecido 385 cling (to) – pegar-se, colar-se 385 form (s) – forma do corpo 386 sinuous (adj) – com muitas curvas, sinuoso 386 close-fitting (adj) – com a medida conveniente 386 cap (s) – barrete, boné 386 fur (s) – pêlo, pelagem 387 dazzling (adj) – brilhante, resplandecente 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 387 coil (to) - enrolar 387 necklace (s) - colar 388 dazzle (to) – ofuscar, encandear 388 peculiar (adj) – estranho, singular 389 sibilation (s) – sibilação, assobio 390 wave (to) – ondear, ondular 390 To and fro – de um lado para o outro 391 appear (to) - parecer 391 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 391 at ease – calmo, à vontade 391 party (s) - grupo them." All the same he began to beat on the ground with a stick which was lying close to him, with the instinct of one used to such vermin. In an instant he was alone beside the mound with Lady Arabella, who appeared quite unconcerned at the incident. Then he took a long look at her, and her dress alone was sufficient to attract attention. She was clad in some kind of soft white stuff, which clung close to her form, showing to the full every movement of her sinuous figure. She wore a close-fitting cap of some fine fur of dazzling white. Coiled round her white throat was a large necklace of emeralds, whose profusion of colour dazzled when the sun shone on them. Her voice was peculiar, very low and sweet, and so soft that the dominant note was of sibilation. Her hands, too, were peculiar--long, flexible, white, with a strange movement as of waving gently to and fro. She appeared quite at ease, and, after thanking Adam, said that if any of his uncle's party were going to Liverpool she would be most happy to join forces. 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 38 "Whilst you are staying here, Mr. Salton, you must look on the grounds of Diana's Grove as your own, so that you may come and go just as you do in Lesser Hill. There are some fine views, and not a few natural curiosities which are sure to interest you, if you are a student of natural history--specially of an earlier kind, when the world was younger." The heartiness with which she spoke, and the warmth of her words-- not of her manner, which was cold and distant--made him suspicious. In the meantime both his uncle and Sir Nathaniel had thanked her for the invitation--of which, however, they said they were unable to avail themselves. Adam had a suspicion that, though she answered regretfully, she was in reality relieved. When he had got into the carriage with the two old men, and they had driven off, he was not surprised when Sir Nathaniel spoke. "I could not but feel that she was glad to be rid of us. She can play her game better alone!" "What is her game?" asked Adam unthinkingly. 394 view (s) – vista, paisagem 395 early (adj) - (adv) - primitivo 397 heartiness (s) – cordialidade, sinceridade 397 warmth (s) – entusiasmo, calor 398 suspicious (adj) – desconfiado, com suspeitas 398 in the meantime (adv) - entretanto 399 unable (adj) - incapaz 399 avail (to) – aproveitar, servir-se de 400 regretfully (adv) – pesarosamente, com pesar 401 drive off (to intrans) – ir-se embora 402 rid (to) – livrar-se, libertar-se, desembaraçar-se 403 unthinkingly (adv) – irreflectidamente, descuidadamente 39 404 county (s) – condado, distrito 406 mortgage (to) - hipotecar 406 up to the hilt – até ao pescoço 406 draw (to) – tirar uma conclusão 408 nearly (adv) - quase 408 alleged (adj) – alegado, pretenso, suposto 410 pay (to) – retribuir, dar, oferecer 413 remainder (s) - resto 413 uneventful (adj) – sem grandes acontecimentos, calmo 413 on arrival - à chegada 413 aboard (adv) - (prep) – a bordo 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 "All the county knows it, my boy. Caswall is a very rich man. Her husband was rich when she married him--or seemed to be. When he committed suicide, it was found that he had nothing left, and the estate was mortgaged up to the hilt. Her only hope is in a rich marriage. I suppose I need not draw any conclusion; you can do that as well as I can." Adam remained silent nearly all the time they were travelling through the alleged Vale of Cheshire. He thought much during that journey and came to several conclusions, though his lips were unmoved. One of these conclusions was that he would be very careful about paying any attention to Lady Arabella. He was himself a rich man, how rich not even his uncle had the least idea, and would have been surprised had he known. The remainder of the journey was uneventful, and upon arrival at Liverpool they went aboard the WEST AFRICAN, which had just come to the landing-stage. There his uncle introduced himself to Mr. Caswall, 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 40 and followed this up by introducing Sir Nathaniel and then Adam. The new-comer received them graciously, and said what a pleasure it was to be coming home after so long an absence of his family from their old seat. Adam was pleased at the warmth of the reception; but he could not avoid a feeling of repugnance at the man's face. He was trying hard to overcome this when a diversion was caused by the arrival of Lady Arabella. The diversion was welcome to all; the two Saltons and Sir Nathaniel were shocked at Caswall's face--so hard, so ruthless, so selfish, so dominant. "God help any," was the common thought, "who is under the domination of such a man!" Presently his African servant approached him, and at once their thoughts changed to a larger toleration. Caswall looked indeed a savage--but a cultured savage. In him were traces of the softening civilisation of ages--of some of the higher instincts and education of man, no matter how rudimentary these might be. But the face of Oolanga, as his master called him, was unreformed, unsoftened savage, and inherent in it were 415 follow up (to) – dar seguimento a 415 comer (s) – pessoa que chega ou vem 416 absence (s) - ausência 417 warmth (s) - calor 417 avoid (to) - evitar 418 overcome (to) – dominar, vencer 418 diversion (s) – diversão, distracção 420 ruthless (adj) – cruel, implacável 422 presently (adv) – em breve, logo 422 approach (to) – aproximar-se 422 toleration (s) - tolerância 423 cultured (adj) – civilizado, culto 423 softening (adj) – amaciador, suavizante 423 civilization (s) - civilização 425 unreformed (adj) – não corrigido 425 unsoftened (adj) - abrutalhado 425 inherent (adj) – próprio, inerente, intrínseco 41 426 hideous (adj) – horrível, terrível, hediondo 426 ride (to) – dominar, oprimir, submeter (cavalgar) 426 swamp (s) – pântano, charco 427 regard (to) – considerar (dizer respeito a) 427 ostensibly (adv) – aparentemente, segundo parece 428 appearance (s) – aparecimento, aspecto 429 condescend (to) – condescender, dignar-se 429 concern (s) – interesse, reparo 430 bearing (s) – atitude, comportamento 430 pride (s) - orgulho 431 worshipper (s) – adorador, devoto, fiel 431 deity (s) - divindade 432 outstretch (to) – estender, esticar 433 go over (to intrans) – ir, dirigir-se 434 bailiff (s) – administrador de propriedades 435 attentive (adj) – atento, amável 435 steward (s) – criado de bordo 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 all the hideous possibilities of a lost, devil-ridden child of the forest and the swamp--the lowest of all created things that could be regarded as in some form ostensibly human. Lady Arabella and Oolanga arrived almost simultaneously, and Adam was surprised to notice what effect their appearance had on each other. The woman seemed as if she would not--could not-- condescend to exhibit any concern or interest in such a creature. On the other hand, the negro's bearing was such as in itself to justify her pride. He treated her not merely as a slave treats his master, but as a worshipper would treat a deity. He knelt before her with his hands out-stretched and his forehead in the dust. So long as she remained he did not move; it was only when she went over to Caswall that he relaxed his attitude of devotion and stood by respectfully. Adam spoke to his own man, Davenport, who was standing by, having arrived with the bailiff of Lesser Hill, who had followed Mr. Salton in a pony trap. As he spoke, he pointed to an attentive ship's steward, and presently the two men were conversing. 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 42 "I think we ought to be moving," Mr. Salton said to Adam. "I have some things to do in Liverpool, and I am sure that both Mr. Caswall and Lady Arabella would like to get under weigh for Castra Regis." "I too, sir, would like to do something," replied Adam. "I want to find out where Ross, the animal merchant, lives--I want to take a small animal home with me, if you don't mind. He is only a little thing, and will be no trouble." "Of course not, my boy. What kind of animal is it that you want?" "A mongoose." "A mongoose! What on earth do you want it for?" "To kill snakes." "Good!" The old man remembered the mound of stones. No explanation was needed. When Ross heard what was wanted, he asked: 438 under weigh – em marcha, a caminho 441 be (to) – existir, haver, ter, ficar (ser, estar) 444 mongoose (s) – mangusto, mamífero carnívoro da família dos Viverrídeos, da África, da Ásia e do Sul da Europa, de corpo esguio, grande comedor de ofídios (cobras), também chamado manguço, rato-de-faraó, rato-do-egipto, icnêumone (na Europa), etc.; 43 451 Nepaul – Nepal, Índia 455 hullo (interj) – olá!, Ena! 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 "Do you want something special, or will an ordinary mongoose do?" "Well, of course I want a good one. But I see no need for anything special. It is for ordinary use." "I can let you have a choice of ordinary ones. I only asked, because I have in stock a very special one which I got lately from Nepaul. He has a record of his own. He killed a king cobra that had been seen in the Rajah's garden. But I don't suppose we have any snakes of the kind in this cold climate--I daresay an ordinary one will do." When Adam got back to the carriage, carefully carrying the box with the mongoose, Sir Nathaniel said: "Hullo! what have you got there?" "A mongoose." "What for?" "To kill snakes!" 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 44 Sir Nathaniel laughed. "I heard Lady Arabella's invitation to you to come to Diana's Grove." "Well, what on earth has that got to do with it?" "Nothing directly that I know of. But we shall see." Adam waited, and the old man went on: "Have you by any chance heard the other name which was given long ago to that place." "No, sir." "It was called--Look here, this subject wants a lot of talking over. Suppose we wait till we are alone and have lots of time before us." "All right, sir." Adam was filled with curiosity, but he thought it better not to hurry matters. All would come in good time. Then the three men returned home, leaving Mr. Caswall to spend the night in Liverpool. 461 has that got to do with it?" – que tem uma coisa a ver com a outra? 465 talking over (s) - discussão 465 suppose (to) – implicar, precisar de, exigir (supor) 467 fill (to) - encher 45 469 set out (to) - partir 469 for the time – por algum tempo, no momento 471 crowd in (to) – amontoar-se, acotovelar-se 472 degree (s) – posição social 472 locate (to) - localizar 473 cheering (s) – vivas, aplausos 474 closely (adv) – minuciosamente, de perto 475 flight (s) – lanço de escadas 476 host (s) – dono da casa, anfitrião 478 dais (s) – estrado, dossel 478 tenant (s) – rendeiro, caseiro das terras ♣♣♣ coign (s) – canto saliente 478 coign of vantage - lugar com boas vistas 479 the order of the day - a ordem do dia 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 The following day the Lesser Hill party set out for Castra Regis, and for the time Adam thought no more of Diana's Grove or of what mysteries it had contained--or might still contain. The guests were crowding in, and special places were marked for important people. Adam, seeing so many persons of varied degree, looked round for Lady Arabella, but could not locate her. It was only when he saw the old-fashioned travelling carriage approach and heard the sound of cheering which went with it, that he realised that Edgar Caswall had arrived. Then, on looking more closely, he saw that Lady Arabella, dressed as he had seen her last, was seated beside him. When the carriage drew up at the great flight of steps, the host jumped down and gave her his hand. It was evident to all that she was the chief guest at the festivities. It was not long before the seats on the dais were filled, while the tenants and guests of lesser importance had occupied all the coigns of vantage not reserved. The order of the day had been carefully arranged by a committee. There were some 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 46 speeches, happily neither many nor long; and then festivities were suspended till the time for feasting arrived. In the interval Caswall walked among his guests, speaking to all in a friendly manner and expressing a general welcome. The other guests came down from the dais and followed his example, so there was unceremonious meeting and greeting between gentle and simple. Adam Salton naturally followed with his eyes all that went on within their scope, taking note of all who seemed to afford any interest. He was young and a man and a stranger from a far distance; so on all these accounts he naturally took stock rather of the women than of the men, and of these, those who were young and attractive. There were lots of pretty girls among the crowd, and Adam, who was a handsome young man and well set up, got his full share of admiring glances. These did not concern him much, and he remained unmoved until there came along a group of three, by their dress and bearing, of the farmer class. One was a sturdy old man; the other two were good-looking girls, one of a little over twenty, the other not 480 speech (s) - discurso 480 feasting (s) – bom jantar, banquete 481 arrive (to) - chegar 482 come down (to) - descer 483 greeting (s) – cumprimento, saudação, felicitação 483 gentle (s) - fidalgo 483 simple (s) – gente de aldeia 484 scope (s) - alcance 485 afford (to) - proporcionar 485 so on all these accounts – por todas essas razões 486 account (s) – causa, motivo 486 take stock of (to) - examinar cuidadosamente; pensar cuidadosamente em 486 rather (adv) – preferentemente, antes, de preferência 488 well set up (to) – bem proporcionado, bonito/a pessoa 488 glance (s) – olhadela, olhar 488 concern (to) – preocupar, perturbar 489 bearing (s) – porte, comportamento 489 farmer (adj) – de agricultor, de lavrador 490 sturdy (adj) – forte, robusto, vigoroso, resoluto 47 492 flash (to) – brilhar, cintilar 492 spark (s) – faísca, chispa 492 recognition (s) - reconhecimento 494 warm (to) – entusiasmar-se, animar-se 495 tenant (s) – rendeiro, lavrador 496 point out (to) – mostrar, indicar, apontar para 496 granddaughter (s) - neta 497 elder (adj) – mais velho 498 first/full cousin - primo em primeiro grau 499 draft (to) – recrutar, destacar 500 abroad (adv) – no estrangeiro 501 dacoit (s) – salteador Birmanês ou Indiano 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 quite so old. So soon as Adam's eyes met those of the younger girl, who stood nearest to him, some sort of electricity flashed--that divine spark which begins by recognition, and ends in obedience. Men call it "Love." Both his companions noticed how much Adam was taken by the pretty girl, and spoke of her to him in a way which made his heart warm to them. "Did you notice that party that passed? The old man is Michael Watford, one of the tenants of Mr. Caswall. He occupies Mercy Farm, which Sir Nathaniel pointed out to you to-day. The girls are his granddaughters, the elder, Lilla, being the only child of his elder son, who died when she was less than a year old. His wife died on the same day. She is a good girl--as good as she is pretty. The other is her first cousin, the daughter of Watford's second son. He went for a soldier when he was just over twenty, and was drafted abroad. He was not a good correspondent, though he was a good enough son. A few letters came, and then his father heard from the colonel of his regiment that he had been killed by dacoits in Burmah. He 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 48 heard from the same source that his boy had been married to a Burmese, and that there was a daughter only a year old. Watford had the child brought home, and she grew up beside Lilla. The only thing that they heard of her birth was that her name was Mimi. The two children adored each other, and do to this day. Strange how different they are! Lilla all fair, like the old Saxon stock from which she is sprung; Mimi showing a trace of her mother's race. Lilla is as gentle as a dove, but Mimi's black eyes can glow whenever she is upset. The only thing that upsets her is when anything happens to injure or threaten or annoy Lilla. Then her eyes glow as do the eyes of a bird when her young are menaced." 505 fair (adj) - louro/a 505 spring (to) - nascer 506 dove (s) - pombo/a 506 glow (to) – incandescer, brilhar 506 whenever (adv) – sempre que, em qualquer altura que 507 upset (adj) – perturbado, incomodado, abalado 507 injure (to) - ferir 507 threaten (to) - ameaçar 507 annoy (to) – aborrecer, irritar, importunar 508 youngs (s plural) – crias de animal 508 menace (to) - ameaçar 49 511 worm (s) – verme, talvez até cobra 514 relationship (s) – parentesco, relação 515 prospect (s) – intenção (perspectiva, esperança) 516 eligible (adj) – desejável, que cumpre os requisitos, preferível 517 barrier (s) - barreira 517 caste (s) – casta, classe 519 endeavour (to) – esforçar-se, lutar 519 promising (adj) – prometedor, promissor 519 affair (s) – acontecimento, assunto, caso, negócio 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 CHAPTER V THE WHITE WORM Mr. Salton introduced Adam to Mr. Watford and his grand-daughters, and they all moved on together. Of course neighbours in the position of the Watfords knew all about Adam Salton, his relationship, circumstances, and prospects. So it would have been strange indeed if both girls did not dream of possibilities of the future. In agricultural England, eligible men of any class are rare. This particular man was specially eligible, for he did not belong to a class in which barriers of caste were strong. So when it began to be noticed that he walked beside Mimi Watford and seemed to desire her society, all their friends endeavoured to give the promising affair a helping hand. When the gongs sounded for the banquet, he went with her into the tent where her grandfather had seats. Mr. Salton and Sir Nathaniel noticed that the 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 50 young man did not come to claim his appointed place at the dais table; but they understood and made no remark, or indeed did not seem to notice his absence. Lady Arabella sat as before at Edgar Caswall's right hand. She was certainly a striking and unusual woman, and to all it seemed fitting from her rank and personal qualities that she should be the chosen partner of the heir on his first appearance. Of course nothing was said openly by those of her own class who were present; but words were not necessary when so much could be expressed by nods and smiles. It seemed to be an accepted thing that at last there was to be a mistress of Castra Regis, and that she was present amongst them. There were not lacking some who, whilst admitting all her charm and beauty, placed her in the second rank, Lilla Watford being marked as first. There was sufficient divergence of type, as well as of individual beauty, to allow of fair comment; Lady Arabella represented the aristocratic type, and Lilla that of the commonalty. 521 claim (to) – pedir, reclamar, reivindicar 521 appointed (adj) – designado, fixado, determinado 521 dais (adj) – do estrado, do dossel 522 remark (s) – reparo, comentário, observação 523 striking (adj) – surpreendente, impressionante 524 fitting (adj) – adequado, apropriado, conveniente 524 rank (s) – posição social, classe 525 partner (s) – par, parceiro, companheiro 525 heir (s) – herdeiro, sucessor 525 appearance (s) – aparecimento, aparição, comparência 526 nod (s) – aceno com a cabeça 527 mistress (s) – patroa, dona de casa, senhora 530 allow of (to) - admitir 530 fair (adj) – justo, correcto, leal 530 comment (s) – apreciação, comentário, crítica 531 commonalty (s) – povo, plebe 51 532 thick (adj) – carregado, cerrado, denso 532 send away (to) – mandar embora, despedir 533 come in (to) – chegar, entrar 535 close/near at hand - perto 536 interval (s) – pausa, intervalo 536 drawing-room (s) - salão ♣♣♣ ruffle (to) – perturbar, transtornar 537 ruffled (adj) – perturbado, transtornado 538 unfold (to) – revelar, descobrir 541 handkerchief (s) – lenço de bolso ou de assoar 541 master (s) – dono, senhor, mestre 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 When the dusk began to thicken, Mr. Salton and Sir Nathaniel walked home--the trap had been sent away early in the day--leaving Adam to follow in his own time. He came in earlier than was expected, and seemed upset about something. Neither of the elders made any comment. They all lit cigarettes, and, as dinner-time was close at hand, went to their rooms to get ready. Adam had evidently been thinking in the interval. He joined the others in the drawing-room, looking ruffled and impatient--a condition of things seen for the first time. The others, with the patience--or the experience--of age, trusted to time to unfold and explain things. They had not long to wait. After sitting down and standing up several times, Adam suddenly burst out. "That fellow seems to think he owns the earth. Can't he let people alone! He seems to think that he has only to throw his handkerchief to any woman, and be her master." 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 52 This outburst was in itself enlightening. Only thwarted affection in some guise could produce this feeling in an amiable young man. Sir Nathaniel, as an old diplomatist, had a way of understanding, as if by foreknowledge, the true inwardness of things, and asked suddenly, but in a matter-of-fact, indifferent voice: "Was he after Lilla?" "Yes, and the fellow didn't lose any time either. Almost as soon as they met, he began to butter her up, and tell her how beautiful she was. Why, before he left her side, he had asked himself to tea to- morrow at Mercy Farm. Stupid ass! He might see that the girl isn't his sort! I never saw anything like it. It was just like a hawk and a pigeon." As he spoke, Sir Nathaniel turned and looked at Mr. Salton--a keen look which implied a full understanding. 542 outburst (s) – explosão, erupção, acesso, ataque 542 enlightening (adj) – elucidativo, informativo, esclarecedor 542 thwarted (adj) – contrariado, impedido, frustrado ♣♣♣ thwart (to) – opor-se, contrariar, frustrar, impedir 542 guise (s) – aspecto, forma 543 amiable (adj) – afável, amável, agradável 544 foreknowledge (s) – previsão, presciência 544 inwardness (s) – essência, natureza íntima 544 matter-of-fact (adj) – objectivo, comum, vulgar, terra-a-terra, prosaico 545 after (prep) – atrás de, a seguir a 546 either (adj) - (adv) - (conj) - (pron) – tão-pouco, também não 546 As soon as – logo que 546 butter up (to) – engraxar, dar graxa a, lisonjear, bajular 547 Why, before he left her side, he had asked himself to tea to- morrow at Mercy Farm. - E, veja só, antes de se despedir, ele mesmo se convidou para o chá, amanhã, em Mercy Farm 548 ass (s) – burro, jumento, idiota, estúpido 548 sort (s) – casta, classe, género, tipo, espécie 549 hawk (s) – falcão, açor 549 pigeon (to) - pombo/a ♣♣♣ dove (s) - pombo/a 550 keen (adj) – agudo, penetrante, forte, intenso 53 554 worst (adj) - pior 554 be bound to (to) – ser obrigado a, estar sujeito a 555 object to (to) – não concordar com, opor-se, objectar, protestar 556 yet – yet – todavia – todavia, contudo - contudo 556 boil (to) – ferver, entrar em ebulição 557 come in (to) – usar-se (entrar, chegar) 557 "How did the hawk and the pigeon come in?" – “Porque usou a expressão falcão e pomba?” 557 soothing (adj) – tranquilizador, relaxante 558 contradiction (s) – oposição, incompatibilidade, contradição 558 overdone (adj) – excessivo, exagerado 558 suit (to) – satisfazer, servir, convir 558 win (to) – conquistar, cativar, convencer (vencer, ganhar) 558 confidence (s) – confiança, segurança 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 "Tell us all about it, Adam. There are still a few minutes before dinner, and we shall all have better appetites when we have come to some conclusion on this matter." "There is nothing to tell, sir; that is the worst of it. I am bound to say that there was not a word said that a human being could object to. He was very civil, and all that was proper--just what a landlord might be to a tenant's daughter. . . Yet--yet--well, I don't know how it was, but it made my blood boil." "How did the hawk and the pigeon come in?" Sir Nathaniel's voice was soft and soothing, nothing of contradiction or overdone curiosity in it--a tone eminently suited to win confidence. "I can hardly explain. I can only say that he looked like a hawk and she like a dove--and, now that I think of it, that is what they each did look like; and do look like in their normal condition." "That is so!" came the soft voice of Sir Nathaniel. Adam went on: 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 54 "Perhaps that early Roman look of his set me off. But I wanted to protect her; she seemed in danger." "She seems in danger, in a way, from all you young men. I couldn't help noticing the way that even you looked--as if you wished to absorb her!" "I hope both you young men will keep your heads cool," put in Mr. Salton. "You know, Adam, it won't do to have any quarrel between you, especially so soon after his home-coming and your arrival here. We must think of the feelings and happiness of our neighbours; mustn't we?" "I hope so, sir. I assure you that, whatever may happen, or even threaten, I shall obey your wishes in this as in all things." "Hush!" whispered Sir Nathaniel, who heard the servants in the passage bringing dinner. After dinner, over the walnuts and the wine, Sir Nathaniel returned to the subject of the local legends. "It will perhaps be a less dangerous topic for us to discuss than more recent ones." 563 early (adj) – primitivo, primevo 563 set off (to) – provocar uma reacção, desencadear um acontecimento, detonar uma bomba 567 quarrel (s) – discussão, desavença, briga, rixa 568 feeling (s) – simpatia, amizade, sentimento 569 threaten (to) - ameaçar 571 hush! (interj) – chiu!, silêncio! 572 over the walnuts and wine - à sobremesa ♣♣♣ walnut (s) – noz fruto da nogueira 572 legend (s) - lenda 573 topic (s) – assunto, tema, tópico 55 574 heartily (adv) – cordialmente, de todo o coração 574 depend (to) – depender, contar com 575 call at (to) - visitar 576 appointment (s) – encontro marcado 578 steadily (adv) - firmemente 578 lest (conj) – para evitar que, para que não 578 mood (s) – disposição, vontade, bom humor 579 delay (s) – demora, atraso 580 propose (to) – tencionar, planear, propor, sugerir 581 purpose (s) – objectivo, fim, propósito 581 few (adj) – alguns, poucos 582 root (s) – raiz, fundo, essência 583 crop (s) – produção, colheita 583 too far off – demasiado longe 583 matter (s) – facto, interesse, importância, matéria 584 detail (s) – pormenor, detalhe 584 yield (to) – fornecer, conceder 584 legendary (adj) – famoso, lendário, próprio de lendas 584 lore (s) – sabedoria popular 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 "All right, sir," said Adam heartily. "I think you may depend on me now with regard to any topic. I can even discuss Mr. Caswall. Indeed, I may meet him to-morrow. He is going, as I said, to call at Mercy Farm at three o'clock--but I have an appointment at two." "I notice," said Mr. Salton, "that you do not lose any time." The two old men once more looked at each other steadily. Then, lest the mood of his listener should change with delay, Sir Nathaniel began at once: "I don't propose to tell you all the legends of Mercia, or even to make a selection of them. It will be better, I think, for our purpose if we consider a few facts--recorded or unrecorded--about this neighbourhood. I think we might begin with Diana's Grove. It has roots in the different epochs of our history, and each has its special crop of legend. The Druid and the Roman are too far off for matters of detail; but it seems to me the Saxon and the Angles are near enough to yield material for legendary lore. 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 56 We find that this particular place had another name besides Diana's Grove. This was manifestly of Roman origin, or of Grecian accepted as Roman. The other is more pregnant of adventure and romance than the Roman name. In Mercian tongue it was 'The Lair of the White Worm.' This needs a word of explanation at the beginning. "In the dawn of the language, the word 'worm' had a somewhat different meaning from that in use to-day. It was an adaptation of the Anglo-Saxon 'wyrm,' meaning a dragon or snake; or from the Gothic 'waurms,' a serpent; or the Icelandic 'ormur,' or the German 'wurm.' We gather that it conveyed originally an idea of size and power, not as now in the diminutive of both these meanings. Here legendary history helps us. We have the well-known legend of the 'Worm Well' of Lambton Castle, and that of the 'Laidly Worm of Spindleston Heugh' near Bamborough. In both these legends the 'worm' was a monster of vast size and power--a veritable dragon or serpent, such as legend attributes to vast fens or quags where there was 585 besides (prep) – além de 586 pregnant (adj) – sugestivo, significativo, fértil (grávida) 591 gather (to) – deduzir, concluir, inferir 591 convey (to) – transmitir, comunicar 591 size (s) - grandeza 592 diminutive (adj) – que diminui, que expressa a ideia de pequenez, diminutivo 592 legendary (adj) - lendário 593 well (s) – poço 595 attribute (to) – atribuir, imputar 595 vast (adj) – enorme, imenso, vasto 595 fen (s) – pântano, charco, mato 595 quag (s) – atoleiro, pântano, charco 57 596 illimitable (adj) - ilimitado 596 room (s) – espaço, ocasião, oportunidade (quarto) 596 whatever (adj) - (pron) – qualquer, seja qual for 596 truth (s) - verdade 597 actuality (s) – realidade, verdade, condições reais 597 At least – pelo menos 598 plain (s) - planície 598 plentiful (adj) – abundante, copioso 598 supply (s) - fornecimento 598 gather (to) – reunir, juntar 600 mud-hole – buraco de lama 601 flourish (to) – desenvolver-se, florescer 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 601 slime (s) – limo, lodo, muco, baba 602 make for (to) – contribuir para, ter como resultado, conduzir a 602 longevity (s) - longevidade 603 over-lapping (s) – camada, geológica, sobreposição, cobertura 603 come down (to) – aparecer em, descer 603 early (adj) – nos princípios, inicial, primitivo 604 nay (s) - não 604 vastness (s) – vastidão, imensidão 604 bulk (s) – tamanho, grandeza 604 regard (to) – considerar (dizer respeito a) 605 stupendous (adj) – assombroso, prodigioso, fantástico 606 veritable (adj) – verdadeiro, autêntico 606 survival (s) – sobrevivente, relíquia illimitable room for expansion. A glance at a geological map will show that whatever truth there may have been of the actuality of such monsters in the early geologic periods, at least there was plenty of possibility. In England there were originally vast plains where the plentiful supply of water could gather. The streams were deep and slow, and there were holes of abysmal depth, where any kind and size of antediluvian monster could find a habitat. In places, which now we can see from our windows, were mud-holes a hundred or more feet deep. Who can tell us when the age of the monsters which flourished in slime came to an end? There must have been places and conditions which made for greater longevity, greater size, greater strength than was usual. Such over-lappings may have come down even to our earlier centuries. Nay, are there not now creatures of a vastness of bulk regarded by the generality of men as impossible? Even in our own day there are seen the traces of animals, if not the animals themselves, of stupendous size--veritable survivals from earlier ages, preserved by some special qualities in their habitats. I remember 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 58 meeting a distinguished man in India, who had the reputation of being a great shikaree, who told me that the greatest temptation he had ever had in his life was to shoot a giant snake which he had come across in the Terai of Upper India. He was on a tiger-shooting expedition, and as his elephant was crossing a nullah, it squealed. He looked down from his howdah and saw that the elephant had stepped across the body of a snake which was dragging itself through the jungle. 'So far as I could see,' he said, 'it must have been eighty or one hundred feet in length. Fully forty or fifty feet was on each side of the track, and though the weight which it dragged had thinned it, it was as thick round as a man's body. I suppose you know that when you are after tiger, it is a point of honour not to shoot at anything else, as life may depend on it. I could easily have spined this monster, but I felt that I must not--so, with regret, I had to let it go.' 607 shikaree (s) – caçador indígena Indiano, guia Indiano de caçadores 608 come across (to) – encontrar por acaso 609 upper (adj) – superior, mais elevado 609 nullah (s) – ravina ou curso de água da Índia 610 squeal (to) – bufar (chiar, guinchar) 610 howdah (s) – cadeirinha coberta, com dois ou mais lugares, nas costas de um elefante 610 step (to) – pôr o pé, pisar, passar por cima de, (andar, caminhar) 610 across (adv) - (prep) – em contacto com, através de 611 drag (to) – arrastar-se 611 itself (prep) – a si mesmo/a, ele/a mesmo/a 612 hundred feet – cem pés ou trinta metros e meio 612 lenght (s) - comprimento 613 thin(to) – adelgaçar, reduzir, pôr mais fino 613 thick (adj) – largo, grosso, volumoso 613 round (prep) – aproximadamente, por volta de 615 spin (to) – fazer girar, neste caso significa isso mesmo porque as cobras quando atingidas costumam contorcer-se e parecem que estão a girar 615 regret (s) – tristeza, mágoa 59 616 anywhere (adv) – em qualquer parte, em algum sítio 617 morass (s) – pântano, charco, lameiro 617 spread (to) – espalhar-se, estender-se 617 round (adv) – em torno de, em volta de, em roda de 619 least (adj) - o/a menor, o/a mais pequeno/a 619 of (prep) - por 619 still (adv) - ainda 620 at a - num 620 later (adj) – mais tardio…que 620 reply (to) – replicar, responder, retorquir 620 also (adv) - também 621 that (pron) – isso (será: então)? 622 hiatus (s) – falha, lacuna 622 mechanical (adj) - técnico 624 mighty (adv) – extremamente, muito 624 heavy (adj) – pesado, carregado 625 sit down (to) – reunir-se ou juntar-se para debates (sentar-se) 626 leave out (to) – excluir, omitir, ignorar, saltar 626 altogether (adv) - completamente 626 lateral (adj) - lateral 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 "Just imagine such a monster anywhere in this country, and at once we could get a sort of idea of the 'worms,' which possibly did frequent the great morasses which spread round the mouths of many of the great European rivers." "I haven't the least doubt, sir, that there may have been such monsters as you have spoken of still existing at a much later period than is generally accepted," replied Adam. "Also, if there were such things, that this was the very place for them. I have tried to think over the matter since you pointed out the configuration of the ground. But it seems to me that there is a hiatus somewhere. Are there not mechanical difficulties?" "In what way?" "Well, our antique monster must have been mighty heavy, and the distances he had to travel were long and the ways difficult. From where we are now sitting down to the level of the mud-holes is a distance of several hundred feet--I am leaving out of consideration altogether any lateral distance. Is it 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 60 possible that there was a way by which a monster could travel up and down, and yet no chance recorder have ever seen him? Of course we have the legends; but is not some more exact evidence necessary in a scientific investigation?" "My dear Adam, all you say is perfectly right, and, were we starting on such an investigation, we could not do better than follow your reasoning. But, my dear boy, you must remember that all this took place thousands of years ago. You must remember, too, that all records of the kind that would help us are lacking. Also, that the places to be considered were desert, so far as human habitation or population are considered. In the vast desolation of such a place as complied with the necessary conditions, there must have been such profusion of natural growth as would bar the progress of men formed as we are. The lair of such a monster would not have been disturbed for hundreds--or thousands--of years. Moreover, these creatures must have occupied places quite inaccessible to man. A snake who could make himself 627 chance (to) – suceder, acontecer (arriscar) 627 recorder (s) – aquele que regista, neste caso refere-se a nunca ninguém ter descoberto o caminho 628 ever (adv) – nunca, jamais 628 him (pron) – ele 628 legend (s) – lenda (legenda de gravura, inscrição em moeda ou medalha) 630 start on (to) 631 than (conj) - que 631 reasoning (s) – raciocínio, argumentação 633 lack (to) – faltar, não haver 633 also (adv) – também, além disso 634 consider (to) – supor, acreditar, considerar 633 so far – até agora 633 as (adv) - (conj) - (pron) - como 634 as (adv) - (conj) - (pron) - quando 634 comply (to) – respeitar, obedecer 635 profusion (s) – profusão, grande quantidade 635 growth (s) – expansão, desenvolvimento, crescimento 635 bar (to) – barrar, fechar 636 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 637 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 638 quagmire (s) – pântano, charco, atoleiro 638 outskirts (s plural) – limites, periferia 639 morass (s) – pântano, charco, atoleiro 639 anywhere (adv) – em qualquer parte, em algum sítio 639 At all – realmente, de facto, afinal 640 Far be it from me to say that – longe de mim dizer que 640 far be it from me - longe de mim 640 elemental (adj) – elementar, rudimentar, elemental 641 birth (s) - nascimento 641 growth (s) - crescimento 642 riot (adv) – em profusão, em excesso 642 struggle (s) – luta, grande esforço, resistência 642 no (adj) - nenhum/a 642 vitality (s) – vida, capacidade de subsistir 643 even (adv na negativa) - nem 643 survival (s) - sobrevivência 644 demand (to) – exigir, necessitar, precisar de 644 surmise (to) – supor, imaginar, presumir, desconfiar 645 as (adv) - (conj) - (pron) - quando 645 them (pron) – as, os, a eles, a elas 645 overcome (to) - levar a melhor sobre, vencer, dominar 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 61 comfortable in a quagmire, a hundred feet deep, would be protected on the outskirts by such stupendous morasses as now no longer exist, or which, if they exist anywhere at all, can be on very few places on the earth's surface. Far be it from me to say that in more elemental times such things could not have been. The condition belongs to the geologic age--the great birth and growth of the world, when natural forces ran riot, when the struggle for existence was so savage that no vitality which was not founded in a gigantic form could have even a possibility of survival. That such a time existed, we have evidences in geology, but there only; we can never expect proofs such as this age demands. We can only imagine or surmise such things-or such conditions and such forces as overcame them." 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 62 CHAPTER VI HAWK AND PIGEON At breakfast-time next morning Sir Nathaniel and Mr. Salton were seated when Adam came hurriedly into the room. "Any news?" asked his uncle mechanically. "Four." "Four what?" asked Sir Nathaniel. "Snakes," said Adam, helping himself to a grilled kidney. "Four snakes. I don't understand." "Mongoose," said Adam, and then added explanatorily: "I was out with the mongoose just after three." 647 hawk (s) – falcão, açor 647 pigeon (s) - pombo/a 654 to help oneself to... - servir-se de... 654 grilled (adj) – grelhado 654 kidney (s) - rim 656 explanatorily (adv) – explanatoriamente, explicando minuciosamente 656 be out (to) – não estar em casa 63 657 brow (s) – monte, colina, cume 658 cliff (s) – penhasco, falésia 661 tackle (to) – enfrentar, combater, atacar 661 haystack (s) – meda (1) de feno, monte de feno ♣♣♣ meda (1) (s) - montão cónico de feixes ou molhos de cereais, palha, colmo, caruma, etc. 662 walking-stick – bengala ou pau que andam 663 rid (to) – libertar, livrar, desembaraçar 663 clear out (to trans) – esvaziar, acabar com 664 vermin (s) – bicharada, bichos, animais daninhos 667 by myselft/yourself/etc. - sozinho; sem ajuda 667 avoid (to) – evitar, esquivar-se a, fugir a 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 "Four snakes in one morning! Why, I didn't know there were so many on the Brow"--the local name for the western cliff. "I hope that wasn't the consequence of our talk of last night?" "It was, sir. But not directly." "But, God bless my soul, you didn't expect to get a snake like the Lambton worm, did you? Why, a mongoose, to tackle a monster like that--if there were one--would have to be bigger than a haystack." "These were ordinary snakes, about as big as a walking-stick." "Well, it's pleasant to be rid of them, big or little. That is a good mongoose, I am sure; he'll clear out all such vermin round here," said Mr. Salton. Adam went quietly on with his breakfast. Killing a few snakes in a morning was no new experience to him. He left the room the moment breakfast was finished and went to the study that his uncle had arranged for him. Both Sir Nathaniel and Mr. Salton took it that he wanted to be by himself, so as to avoid any 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 64 questioning or talk of the visit that he was to make that afternoon. They saw nothing further of him till about half-an-hour before dinner-time. Then he came quietly into the smoking-room, where Mr. Salton and Sir Nathaniel were sitting together, ready dressed. "I suppose there is no use waiting. We had better get it over at once," remarked Adam. His uncle, thinking to make things easier for him, said: "Get what over?" There was a sign of shyness about him at this. He stammered a little at first, but his voice became more even as he went on. "My visit to Mercy Farm." Mr. Salton waited eagerly. The old diplomatist simply smiled. "I suppose you both know that I was much interested yesterday in the Watfords?" There was no denial or fending off the question. Both the old men smiled acquiescence. Adam went on: "I meant you to see it-668 further (adv) – para além disso 669 half-an-hour – meia hora 669 dinner (s) - jantar 671 get over (to) – solucionar ou dominar um problema 673 sign (s) – sinal, indício, vestígio 673 shyness (s) – timidez, acanhamento 673 about (adv) - (prep) – em volta de, em torno de 673 stammer (to) – gaguejar 674 even (adj) – regular, uniforme 676 eagerly (adv) – impacientemente, avidamente, ardentemente 676 diplomatist (s) - diplomata 677 denial (s) - recusa 678 fend off (to) – esquivar-se ou evitar uma questão ou problema 678 acquiescence (adv) – concordando, consentindo 678 mean (to) – querer, ter a intenção de, tencionar, planear (querer dizer) 65 679 kin (s) – parente, família 679 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 681 hold out (to) – estender, esticar 681 held (to trans) – segurar, agarrar 682 wild (adj) – tolo, estouvado 682 dream (s) – ideal, sonho, fantasia 682 of home – de casa, sobre casa 683 move (to) – comover, emocionar, enternecer (mudar de posição, deslocar) 684 softly (adv) - suavemente 684 youth (s) – rapaz, jovem (juventude) 686 own (adj) – próprio, dono de 687 hurry on (to) – apressar-se 689 regard (s) - consideração 689 anyway (adv) - (conj) – em todo o caso 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 both of you. You, uncle, because you are my uncle and the nearest of my own kin, and, moreover, you couldn't have been more kind to me or made me more welcome if you had been my own father." Mr. Salton said nothing. He simply held out his hand, and the other took it and held it for a few seconds. "And you, sir, because you have shown me something of the same affection which in my wildest dreams of home I had no right to expect." He stopped for an instant, much moved. Sir Nathaniel answered softly, laying his hand on the youth's shoulder. "You are right, my boy; quite right. That is the proper way to look at it. And I may tell you that we old men, who have no children of our own, feel our hearts growing warm when we hear words like those." Then Adam hurried on, speaking with a rush, as if he wanted to come to the crucial point. "Mr. Watford had not come in, but Lilla and Mimi were at home, and they made me feel very welcome. They have all a great regard for my uncle. I am glad of that any way, for I like them all--much. We were 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 66 having tea, when Mr. Caswall came to the door, attended by the negro. Lilla opened the door herself. The window of the living- room at the farm is a large one, and from within you cannot help seeing anyone coming. Mr. Caswall said he had ventured to call, as he wished to make the acquaintance of all his tenants, in a less formal way, and more individually, than had been possible to him on the previous day. The girls made him welcome--they are very sweet girls those, sir; someone will be very happy some day there--with either of them." "And that man may be you, Adam," said Mr. Salton heartily. A sad look came over the young man's eyes, and the fire his uncle had seen there died out. Likewise the timbre left his voice, making it sound lonely. "Such might crown my life. But that happiness, I fear, is not for me--or not without pain and loss and woe." 690 attend (to) – servir, estar ao serviço de 691 cannot but (to) / can't help (to)- não poder deixar de, não poder evitar 692 venture (to) – arriscar, aventurar-se 692 acquaintance (s) – conhecimento, amizade, relações 693 than (conj) – do que 693 previous (adj) – anterior, antecedente, prévio 695 either (adj) - (adv) - (conj) - (pron) – um de dois 696 heartily (adv) – cordialmente, de todo o coração, sinceramente 697 die out (to) – extinguir-se, desaparecer 697 likewise (adv) – também, do mesmo modo, igualmente 698 timbre (s) – característica do tom de voz 698 lonely (adj) – triste, solitário 699 crown (to) – consumar, rematar, recompensar, premiar 699 loss (s) – prejuízo, perda 700 woe (s) – aflição, angústia, pesar, mágoa 67 701 heartily (adv) – cordialmente, de todo o coração, sinceramente 703 remark (s) – observação, comentário 704 too much - demasiado 705 skilled (adj) – perito em, especializado em 705 attempt (to) - tentar 706 give in (to) – render-se, ceder, submeter-se 707 earnestly (adv) – seriamente, com seriedade 707 after all – no fim de contas, afinal 707 realize (to) - compreender 710 twilight (s) – crepúsculo, penumbra 710 steal (to) – deslocar-se furtivamente, deslocar-se sem ser notado 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 "Well, it's early days yet!" cried Sir Nathaniel heartily. The young man turned on him his eyes, which had now grown excessively sad. "Yesterday--a few hours ago--that remark would have given me new hope--new courage; but since then I have learned too much." The old man, skilled in the human heart, did not attempt to argue in such a matter. "Too early to give in, my boy." "I am not of a giving-in kind," replied the young man earnestly. "But, after all, it is wise to realise a truth. And when a man, though he is young, feels as I do--as I have felt ever since yesterday, when I first saw Mimi's eyes--his heart jumps. He does not need to learn things. He knows." There was silence in the room, during which the twilight stole on imperceptibly. It was Adam who again broke the silence. 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 68 "Do you know, uncle, if we have any second sight in our family?" "No, not that I ever heard about. Why?" "Because," he answered slowly, "I have a conviction which seems to answer all the conditions of second sight." "And then?" asked the old man, much perturbed. "And then the usual inevitable. What in the Hebrides and other places, where the Sight is a cult--a belief-is called 'the doom'-- the court from which there is no appeal. I have often heard of second sight--we have many western Scots in Australia; but I have realised more of its true inwardness in an instant of this afternoon than I did in the whole of my life previously--a granite wall stretching up to the very heavens, so high and so dark that the eye of God Himself cannot see beyond. Well, if the Doom must come, it must. That is all." 712 second sight - intuição; visão profética 714 answer (to) – corresponder a (responder, reagir, atender) 717 usual (adj) – vulgar, normal, habitual 718 doom (s) – destino, fatalidade, fado 718 court (s) - tribunal 718 appeal (s) – apelo, recurso 719 scots (adj) - escocês 719 inwardness (s) – essência, significado profundo 720 previously (adv) – anteriormente, precedentemente 720 granite (adj) – de granito 720 stretch (to) – alargar, esticar 720 heaven (s) – céu, firmamento 721 beyond (adv) - (prep) – para lá do, além, do outro lado, ao longe 721 doom (s) – destino, fatalidade, fado 69 723 smooth (adj) – calmo, suave, agradável, gracioso 724 most [superl. de much e many] - muito 730 ay=aye (s) - sim 730 rang (to) – ressoar, estar cheio de eco 731 endeavour (to) – esforçar-se, lutar, empenhar-se ao máximo 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 The voice of Sir Nathaniel broke in, smooth and sweet and grave. "Can there not be a fight for it? There can for most things." "For most things, yes, but for the Doom, no. What a man can do I shall do. There will be--must be--a fight. When and where and how I know not, but a fight there will be. But, after all, what is a man in such a case?" "Adam, there are three of us." Salton looked at his old friend as he spoke, and that old friend's eyes blazed. "Ay, three of us," he said, and his voice rang. There was again a pause, and Sir Nathaniel endeavoured to get back to less emotional and more neutral ground. 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 70 "Tell us of the rest of the meeting. Remember we are all pledged to this. It is a fight E L'OUTRANCE, and we can afford to throw away or forgo no chance." "We shall throw away or lose nothing that we can help. We fight to win, and the stake is a life--perhaps more than one--we shall see." Then he went on in a conversational tone, such as he had used when he spoke of the coming to the farm of Edgar Caswall: "When Mr. Caswall came in, the negro went a short distance away and there remained. It gave me the idea that he expected to be called, and intended to remain in sight, or within hail. Then Mimi got another cup and made fresh tea, and we all went on together." "Was there anything uncommon--were you all quite friendly?" asked Sir Nathaniel quietly. "Quite friendly. There was nothing that I could notice out of the common--except," he went on, with a slight hardening of the voice, "except that he kept his eyes fixed on Lilla, in a way which was quite intolerable to any man who might hold her dear." 733 pledge (to) – empenhar, comprometer 733 E L'OUTRANCE – suponho ser outro estrangeirismo 734 afford (to) – conceder, dar, proporcionar 734 throw away (to) – desperdiçar, deitar fora 734 forgo (to) – renunciar a, pôr de parte 734 we can afford to throw away or forgo no chance – não podemos dar, desperdiçar ou renunciar a oportunidades 735 Can’t help (to) – não poder evitar 735 stake (s) – aposta, quantia, parada, lanço 739 hail (s) – chamada 743 dear (s) – estima, consideração, amor 71 747 range (s) – classe, ordem 747 witness (s) - testemunha 750 fain would be – significa que alguém se estava a “oferecer”, alguém estava “a fim de” 752 pledge (to) – comprometer-se a, responsabilizar-se por 753 amatory (adj) – enamorado (erótico) 753 threatning (adj) – ameaçador, intimidatório 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 "Now, in what way did he look?" asked Sir Nathaniel. "There was nothing in itself offensive; but no one could help noticing it." "You did. Miss Watford herself, who was the victim, and Mr. Caswall, who was the offender, are out of range as witnesses. Was there anyone else who noticed?" "Mimi did. Her face flamed with anger as she saw the look." "What kind of look was it? Over-ardent or too admiring, or what? Was it the look of a lover, or one who fain would be? You understand?" "Yes, sir, I quite understand. Anything of that sort I should of course notice. It would be part of my preparation for keeping my self-control--to which I am pledged." "If it were not amatory, was it threatening? Where was the offence?" Adam smiled kindly at the old man. 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 72 "It was not amatory. Even if it was, such was to be expected. I should be the last man in the world to object, since I am myself an offender in that respect. Moreover, not only have I been taught to fight fair, but by nature I believe I am just. I would be as tolerant of and as liberal to a rival as I should expect him to be to me. No, the look I mean was nothing of that kind. And so long as it did not lack proper respect, I should not of my own part condescend to notice it. Did you ever study the eyes of a hound?" "At rest?" "No, when he is following his instincts! Or, better still," Adam went on, "the eyes of a bird of prey when he is following his instincts. Not when he is swooping, but merely when he is watching his quarry?" "No," said Sir Nathaniel, "I don't know that I ever did. Why, may I ask?" "That was the look. Certainly not amatory or anything of that kind- -yet it was, it struck me, more dangerous, if not so deadly as an actual threatening." 756 since (conj) – visto que, uma vez que 756 offender (s) – ofensor, aquele que ofende, agressor, infractor 756 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 756 teach (to) – ensinar, educar, instruir 756 fair (adv) – correctamente, com lealdade, cortesmente 758 mean (to) – referir-se, falar de, dizer respeito a 758 so long as - se (enquanto, desde que) 758 lack (to) – não possuir, não ter, carecer de 758 And so long as it did not lack proper respect – e se não fosse respeitoso 758 I should not of my own part condescend to notice it – eu não deixaria de reparar nele 759 condescend (to) - condescender 759 hound (s) – cão de caça 760 at rest – em repouso ou descanso 761 prey (s) - rapina 762 swoop (s) – descida da ave de rapina sobre a presa 762 quarry (s) – caça perseguida por caçadores ou cães 763 I don't know that I ever did - penso que jamais fiz isso 764 strike (to) – impressionar, surpreender, dar nas vistas, chamar a atenção, afligir, encher de emoção forte 765 deadly (adj) – mortal, fatal 765 threatening (s) – ameaças 73 767 over (prep) - sobre 767 renew (to) – reatar, retomar 766 767 768 Again there was a silence, which Sir Nathaniel broke as he stood up: "I think it would be well if we all thought over this by ourselves. Then we can renew the subject." 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 CHAPTER VII OOLANGA Mr. Salton had an appointment for six o'clock at Liverpool. When he had driven off, Sir Nathaniel took Adam by the arm. "May I come with you for a while to your study? I want to speak to you privately without your uncle knowing about it, or even what the subject is. You don't mind, do you? It is not idle curiosity. No, no. It is on the subject to which we are all committed." "Is it necessary to keep my uncle in the dark about it? He might be offended." 74 772 appointment (s) – entrevista, encontro marcado 772 drive off (to intrans) – ir-se embora de carro 775 idle (adj) – inútil, vão (ocioso, preguiçoso) 776 committed (adj) – empenhado, dedicado 778 advisable (adj) – aconselhável, recomendável, conveniente 779 concern (to) – perturbar, preocupar 779 unduly (adv) – excessivamente, demasiadamente 780 at (prep) - em 780 umbrage (s) – ofensa, ressentimento 782 lead (to) – levar (conduzir, guiar, indicar o caminho) 782 uneventful (adj) – calmo, rotineiro 783 contain (to) – controlar, moderar 783 apt (adj) – propenso, apropriado 783 perplex (to) – desorientar, confundir, atrapalhar 784 strangeness (s) – invulgaridade, estranheza, singularidade 784 trying (adj) – doloroso, penoso, difícil 784 disturbance (s) – confusão, agitação, perturbação 785 restful (adj) – sereno, calmo, sossegado, tranquilo 786 placid (adj) – tranquilo, sereno, calmo 787 to (prep) - até 787 be (to) – ter (ser) 787 hundred (s) - centena 787 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por conseguinte, por isso, portanto 788 business (s) – obrigação, dever 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 75 "It is not necessary; but it is advisable. It is for his sake that I asked. My friend is an old man, and it might concern him unduly-- even alarm him. I promise you there shall be nothing that could cause him anxiety in our silence, or at which he could take umbrage." "Go on, sir!" said Adam simply. "You see, your uncle is now an old man. I know it, for we were boys together. He has led an uneventful and somewhat self-contained life, so that any such condition of things as has now arisen is apt to perplex him from its very strangeness. In fact, any new matter is trying to old people. It has its own disturbances and its own anxieties, and neither of these things are good for lives that should be restful. Your uncle is a strong man, with a very happy and placid nature. Given health and ordinary conditions of life, there is no reason why he should not live to be a hundred. You and I, therefore, who both love him, though in different ways, should make it our business to protect him from all disturbing influences. I am sure you will agree with 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 76 me that any labour to this end would be well spent. All right, my boy! I see your answer in your eyes; so we need say no more of that. And now," here his voice changed, "tell me all that took place at that interview. There are strange things in front of us--how strange we cannot at present even guess. Doubtless some of the difficult things to understand which lie behind the veil will in time be shown to us to see and to understand. In the meantime, all we can do is to work patiently, fearlessly, and unselfishly, to an end that we think is right. You had got so far as where Lilla opened the door to Mr. Caswall and the negro. You also observed that Mimi was disturbed in her mind at the way Mr. Caswall looked at her cousin." "Certainly--though 'disturbed' is a poor way of expressing her objection." "Can you remember well enough to describe Caswall's eyes, and how Lilla looked, and what Mimi said and did? Also Oolanga, Caswall's West African servant." 789 labour (s) – trabalho, esforço 791 doubtless (adv) – sem dúvida 792 veil (s) - véu 793 in the meantime - entretanto 793 fearlessly (adv) – corajosamente, com intrepidez 793 unselfishly (adv) – desinteressadamente, generosamente, altruisticamente 794 so far as where – até onde 796 objection (s) – desagrado, desaprovação 77 799 stare (to) – olhar fixo 799 motionless (adj) – imóvel, sem movimento 800 wrinkle up (to) – enrugar, franzir, contrair 801 screwed up (adj) – com as feições contraídas 803 stare back (to) – fazer desviar o olhar a alguém olhando fixamente 803 feeble (adj) – fraco, débil, frágil 804 brace up (to) – tonificar, fortalecer 804 return (adj) – de retorno, de desforra 804 stare (s) - olhar 808 throw up (to) – levantar, erguer 809 beside (adv) - (prep) – ao lado de, junto a 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 "I'll do what I can, sir. All the time Mr. Caswall was staring, he kept his eyes fixed and motionless--but not as if he was in a trance. His forehead was wrinkled up, as it is when one is trying to see through or into something. At the best of times his face has not a gentle expression; but when it was screwed up like that it was almost diabolical. It frightened poor Lilla so that she trembled, and after a bit got so pale that I thought she had fainted. However, she held up and tried to stare back, but in a feeble kind of way. Then Mimi came close and held her hand. That braced her up, and--still, never ceasing her return stare--she got colour again and seemed more like herself." "Did he stare too?" "More than ever. The weaker Lilla seemed, the stronger he became, just as if he were feeding on her strength. All at once she turned round, threw up her hands, and fell down in a faint. I could not see what else happened just then, for Mimi had thrown herself on her knees beside her and hid her from me. Then 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 78 there was something like a black shadow between us, and there was the nigger, looking more like a malignant devil than ever. I am not usually a patient man, and the sight of that ugly devil is enough to make one's blood boil. When he saw my face, he seemed to realise danger--immediate danger-- and slunk out of the room as noiselessly as if he had been blown out. I learned one thing, however--he is an enemy, if ever a man had one." "That still leaves us three to two!" put in Sir Nathaniel. "Then Caswall slunk out, much as the nigger had done. When he had gone, Lilla recovered at once." "Now," said Sir Nathaniel, anxious to restore peace, "have you found out anything yet regarding the negro? I am anxious to be posted regarding him. I fear there will be, or may be, grave trouble with him." "Yes, sir, I've heard a good deal about him--of course it is not official; but hearsay must guide us at first. You know my man Davenport--private secretary, confidential man of business, and general factotum. He is 810 nigger (s) – maneira ofensiva de chamar os africanos, preto 811 malignant (adj) – maligno, mau, perverso 811 ugly (adj) – repelente, repulsivo, torpe, vil, ignóbil 812 slink out (to) – escapulir-se, esgueirar-se 813 noiselessly (adv) – silenciosamente, sem ruídos 813 blown out (adj) – derrotado, arrasado 815 put in (to trans) – acrescentar, afirmar subitamente 816 slink out (to) – escapulir-se, esgueirar-se 816 recover (to) – restabelecer-se, recuperar as forças 817 restore (to) – recuperar, restabelecer 817 peace (s) – calma, tranquilidade (paz) 818 post (to) – informar-se, actualizar-se (enviar pelo correio) 818 or may be – ou pode haver 818 be (to) - haver 819 deal (s) - quantidade 819 hearsay (s) – boato, rumor 820 factotum (s) – faz-tudo, indivíduo que tem a seu cargo todos os negócios de alguém, mordomo, administrador 822 strike (to) – impressionar, surpreender 823 steward (s) – criado de bordo, camareiro 824 get on (to) – relacionar-se, dar-se bem 826 afraid (adj) – receoso, assustado, com medo 827 lavish (adj) – liberal, generoso 827 whose (pron) – de quem 827 doesn't matter (it)- não tem importância, não faz diferença; what does it matter? - que importa?; 827 trumpet (to) – anunciar aos quatro ventos 828 greatness (s) – importância, grandeza, nobreza, grandiosidade 828 neither (adv) - (conj) – tão-pouco 828 briefly (adv) – resumidamente, com brevidade 829 witch (s) – feiticeira, bruxa 829 finder (s) - inventor 829 low (adj) – vil, abjecto, grosseiro 829 get up (to) – levantar-se, acordar 830 Obi-man - ??? não encontrei solução na enciclopédia da Porto editora 830 to come to wealth - enriquecer; 830 via (prep) – via, através de, por meio de 830 blackmail (s) - chantagem 831 hellish (adj) – diabólico, infernal, medonho, terrível 831 voodoo (s) – vudu, prática de feitiçaria, vulgar na África Ocidental e nas Antilhas 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 79 devoted to me, and has my full confidence. I asked him to stay on board the WEST AFRICAN and have a good look round, and find out what he could about Mr. Caswall. Naturally, he was struck with the aboriginal savage. He found one of the ship's stewards, who had been on the regular voyages to South Africa. He knew Oolanga and had made a study of him. He is a man who gets on well with niggers, and they open their hearts to him. It seems that this Oolanga is quite a great person in the nigger world of the African West Coast. He has the two things which men of his own colour respect: he can make them afraid, and he is lavish with money. I don't know whose money--but that does not matter. They are always ready to trumpet his greatness. Evil greatness it is-- but neither does that matter. Briefly, this is his history. He was originally a witch-finder--about as low an occupation as exists amongst aboriginal savages. Then he got up in the world and became an Obi-man, which gives an opportunity to wealth VIA blackmail. Finally, he reached the highest honour in hellish service. He became a user of Voodoo, which seems to be a service of 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 80 the utmost baseness and cruelty. I was told some of his deeds of cruelty, which are simply sickening. They made me long for an opportunity of helping to drive him back to hell. You might think to look at him that you could measure in some way the extent of his vileness; but it would be a vain hope. Monsters such as he is belong to an earlier and more rudimentary stage of barbarism. He is in his way a clever fellow--for a nigger; but is none the less dangerous or the less hateful for that. The men in the ship told me that he was a collector: some of them had seen his collections. Such collections! All that was potent for evil in bird or beast, or even in fish. Beaks that could break and rend and tear--all the birds represented were of a predatory kind. Even the fishes are those which are born to destroy, to wound, to torture. The collection, I assure you, was an object lesson in human malignity. This being has enough evil in his face to frighten even a strong man. It is little wonder that the sight of it put that poor girl into a dead faint!" Nothing more could be done at the moment, so they separated. 832 utmost (adj) – extremo, máximo, mais elevado 832 baseness (s) – baixeza, vileza 832 so I have been told - assim me disseram 832 deed (s) – acção, acto, feito 832 sickening (adj) – revoltante, chocante 833 make for (to) – levar a, conduzir a, contribuir para 833 long (to) – ansiar, desejar ardentemente, suspirar 833 help (to) – remediar, dar solução a 833 drive (to) - obrigar 833 back (to intrans) - recuar 833 to (prep) - até 833 to (prep) - a 834 measure (to) - medir 834 extent (s) - medida 835 earlier (adj) - primitivo 836 none (adv) – de modo nenhum, de maneira alguma 836 less (s) - menos 836 hateful (adj) - odioso 837 collector (s) - coleccionador 837 potent (s) – poderoso, forte, enérgico 838 beak (s) - bico 838 rend (to) – fender, rasgar 838 tear (to) – arrancar, despedaçar 840 object (adj) - objectivo/a, de tema 841 dead (adj) – inanimado, inerte 841 faint (s) - desmaio 81 843 smart (adj) – rápido, ligeiro 843 a smart walk - um passeio em andamento rápido 843 brow (s) – cume, colina, monte 844 look in (to) – espreitar para dentro 845 row (s) – fila, fileira 846 damp (adj) - húmido 846 sticky (adj) – viscoso, pegajoso 846 ant (s) - formiga 847 loathsome=loathly (adj) – repugnante, nojento 848 enough (adv) - bastante 849 wherever (adv) – onde quer que, em qualquer parte que 849 Lay, laid, laid (to) – colocar, expor, pôr sobretudo em posição horizontal 850 dirty (adj) – sujo, porco 850 towel (s) - toalha 850 rail (s) – calha, corrimão 851 farmyard (s) – pátio da quinta 851 on the chance of - se por acaso; caso; 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 Adam was up in the early morning and took a smart walk round the Brow. As he was passing Diana's Grove, he looked in on the short avenue of trees, and noticed the snakes killed on the previous morning by the mongoose. They all lay in a row, straight and rigid, as if they had been placed by hands. Their skins seemed damp and sticky, and they were covered all over with ants and other insects. They looked loathsome, so after a glance, he passed on. A little later, when his steps took him, naturally enough, past the entrance to Mercy Farm, he was passed by the negro, moving quickly under the trees wherever there was shadow. Laid across one extended arm, looking like dirty towels across a rail, he had the horrid- looking snakes. He did not seem to see Adam. No one was to be seen at Mercy except a few workmen in the farmyard, so, after waiting on the chance of seeing Mimi, Adam began to go slowly home. 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 82 Once more he was passed on the way. This time it was by Lady Arabella, walking hurriedly and so furiously angry that she did not recognise him, even to the extent of acknowledging his bow. When Adam got back to Lesser Hill, he went to the coach-house where the box with the mongoose was kept, and took it with him, intending to finish at the Mound of Stone what he had begun the previous morning with regard to the extermination. He found that the snakes were even more easily attacked than on the previous day; no less than six were killed in the first half-hour. As no more appeared, he took it for granted that the morning's work was over, and went towards home. The mongoose had by this time become accustomed to him, and was willing to let himself be handled freely. Adam lifted him up and put him on his shoulder and walked on. Presently he saw a lady advancing towards him, and recognised Lady Arabella. Hitherto the mongoose had been quiet, like a playful affectionate kitten; but when the two got close, Adam was horrified to see the mongoose, in a state of the wildest fury, with every hair standing on end, 853 pass (to) – ultrapassar (passar, andar, caminhar) 854 even (adv) (na negativa) - nem 854 extent (s) – grau, ponto 854 acknowledging (s) – reconhecimento, recompensa 854 bow (s) - vénia 855 coach house - cocheira 856 intend (to) – planear, tencionar 856 mound (s) – pilha, monte 858 grant (to) – reconhecer, admitir, concordar 860 be willing to (to) - estar disposto a 860 handle (to) – conduzir, dominar, controlar 860 lift up (to) – levantar, erguer 861 walk on (to) – continuar a andar 861 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco 862 hitherto (adv) – até agora 862 playful (adj) – divertido, brincalhão 862 affectionate (adj) – afectuoso, carinhoso, afeiçoado 862 kitten (s) – gatinho 863 his hair stood on end - o cabelo pôs-se-lhe em pé; 83 864 intent (adj) - decidido; resolvido; determinado; 867 disdainful (adj) - desdenhoso 867 pass on (to) – seguir ou continuar o seu caminho 868 stick (s) – pau, vara 868 within striking distance - ao alcance da mão 869 draw out (to) – tirar, arrancar 869 backbone (s) – espinha dorsal 870 pour (to) – vazar, despejar 870 magazine (s) – câmara de arma de repetição, cartucheira 870 coolness (s) – indiferença, frieza, calma, fleuma 871 hauteur (s) – arrogância, an unfriendly way of behaving (comportar-se) towards other people suggesting that you think that you are better than they are 873 apology (s) - desculpa 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 jump from his shoulder and run towards Lady Arabella. It looked so furious and so intent on attack that he called a warning. "Look out--look out! The animal is furious and means to attack." Lady Arabella looked more than ever disdainful and was passing on; the mongoose jumped at her in a furious attack. Adam rushed forward with his stick, the only weapon he had. But just as he got within striking distance, the lady drew out a revolver and shot the animal, breaking his backbone. Not satisfied with this, she poured shot after shot into him till the magazine was exhausted. There was no coolness or hauteur about her now; she seemed more furious even than the animal, her face transformed with hate, and as determined to kill as he had appeared to be. Adam, not knowing exactly what to do, lifted his hat in apology and hurried on to Lesser Hill. 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 84 CHAPTER VIII SURVIVALS At breakfast Sir Nathaniel noticed that Adam was put out about something, but he said nothing. The lesson of silence is better remembered in age than in youth. When they were both in the study, where Sir Nathaniel followed him, Adam at once began to tell his companion of what had happened. Sir Nathaniel looked graver and graver as the narration proceeded, and when Adam had stopped he remained silent for several minutes, before speaking. "This is very grave. I have not formed any opinion yet; but it seems to me at first impression that this is worse than anything I had expected." "Why, sir?" said Adam. "Is the killing of a mongoose--no matter by whom--so serious a thing as all that?" 875 survival (s) – sobrevivência, sobrevivente 877 be (to)/feel put out - estar aborrecido; estar zangado 880 proceed (to) – seguir, avançar, ir para a frente 85 886 think over (to) – pensar bem sobre, reflectir acerca de, meditar em 886 moderate (to) – orientar, moderar 886 in the meantime - entretanto; no entretanto 888 issue (s) – problema, questão 889 sit up (to) – sentar-se 891 withhold (to) – esconder, reter, conter 892 overcome (to) – dominar, vencer 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 His companion smoked on quietly for quite another few minutes before he spoke. "When I have properly thought it over I may moderate my opinion, but in the meantime it seems to me that there is something dreadful behind all this--something that may affect all our lives--that may mean the issue of life or death to any of us." Adam sat up quickly. "Do tell me, sir, what is in your mind--if, of course, you have no objection, or do not think it better to withhold it." "I have no objection, Adam--in fact, if I had, I should have to overcome it. I fear there can be no more reserved thoughts between us." "Indeed, sir, that sounds serious, worse than serious!" 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 86 "Adam, I greatly fear that the time has come for us--for you and me, at all events--to speak out plainly to one another. Does not there seem something very mysterious about this?" "I have thought so, sir, all along. The only difficulty one has is what one is to think and where to begin." "Let us begin with what you have told me. First take the conduct of the mongoose. He was quiet, even friendly and affectionate with you. He only attacked the snakes, which is, after all, his business in life." "That is so!" "Then we must try to find some reason why he attacked Lady Arabella." "May it not be that a mongoose may have merely the instinct to attack, that nature does not allow or provide him with the fine reasoning powers to discriminate who he is to attack?" "Of course that may be so. But, on the other hand, should we not satisfy ourselves why he does wish to attack anything? If for centuries, this particular animal is known to attack only one kind of other animal, are 895 greatly (adv) – muito, fortemente, grandemente 895 at all events - seja como for, de qualquer modo 895 speak out (to) – falar, conversar 895 plainly (adv) – com toda a franqueza e sinceridade, abertamente 897 all along – sempre, o tempo todo 903 provide (to) - proporcionar 903 reasoning (adj) - de raciocínio 904 But, on the other hand, should we not satisfy ourselves why he does wish to attack anything? - Mas de outro lado não deveríamos nos esforçar para saber porque ela queria atacar? 87 906 hitherto (adv) – até agora 908 follow out (to) – prosseguir com a ideia até ao fim, seguir, executar, concretizar 911 account (to) - considerar 913 for instance – por exemplo 914 juxtaposition (s) – situação de uma coisa ao lado de outra sem nada a separá-las, aposição, justaposição 914 supply (to) – fornecer 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 we not justified in assuming that when one of them attacks a hitherto unclassed animal, he recognises in that animal some quality which it has in common with the hereditary enemy?" "That is a good argument, sir," Adam went on, "but a dangerous one. If we followed it out, it would lead us to believe that Lady Arabella is a snake." "We must be sure, before going to such an end, that there is no point as yet unconsidered which would account for the unknown thing which puzzles us." "In what way?" "Well, suppose the instinct works on some physical basis--for instance, smell. If there were anything in recent juxtaposition to the attacked which would carry the scent, surely that would supply the missing cause." "Of course!" Adam spoke with conviction. 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 88 "Now, from what you tell me, the negro had just come from the direction of Diana's Grove, carrying the dead snakes which the mongoose had killed the previous morning. Might not the scent have been carried that way?" "Of course it might, and probably was. I never thought of that. Is there any possible way of guessing approximately how long a scent will remain? You see, this is a natural scent, and may derive from a place where it has been effective for thousands of years. Then, does a scent of any kind carry with it any form or quality of another kind, either good or evil? I ask you because one ancient name of the house lived in by the lady who was attacked by the mongoose was 'The Lair of the White Worm.' If any of these things be so, our difficulties have multiplied indefinitely. They may even change in kind. We may get into moral entanglements; before we know it, we may be in the midst of a struggle between good and evil." Sir Nathaniel smiled gravely. 921 derive (to) – ter origem, derivar, provir 922 do (to) – agir, fazer 922 form (s) - forma 923 either... or - ou... ou, quer... quer 923 live in (to) – viver em, ser residente, estar alojado 926 entanglement (s) – confusão, complicação 926 struggle (s) - luta 89 929 whether (conj) - se 931 scheme (s) – plano, projecto 932 imply (to) – implicar, dar a entender, insinuar 932 mutual (adj) – recíproco, mútuo 932 scheme (s) – método e procedimento 933 so long as - enquanto; desde que; se 933 inherent (adj) – inerente, intrínseco, próprio que está ligado ou faz parte da essência de um objecto, pessoa ou realidade; essencial 933 tendency (s) – tendência, propensão, inclinação 934 veil (to) – esconder, ocultar, encobrir, velar 936 appertain (to) – pertencer, ser próprio de, dizer respeito 937 primaeval = primeval (adj) – primitivo, primevo 938 import (s) – importância, conteúdo, sentido, significado 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 "With regard to the first question--so far as I know, there are no fixed periods for which a scent may be active--I think we may take it that that period does not run into thousands of years. As to whether any moral change accompanies a physical one, I can only say that I have met no proof of the fact. At the same time, we must remember that 'good' and 'evil' are terms so wide as to take in the whole scheme of creation, and all that is implied by them and by their mutual action and reaction. Generally, I would say that in the scheme of a First Cause anything is possible. So long as the inherent forces or tendencies of any one thing are veiled from us we must expect mystery." "There is one other question on which I should like to ask your opinion. Suppose that there are any permanent forces appertaining to the past, what we may call 'survivals,' do these belong to good as well as to evil? For instance, if the scent of the primaeval monster can so remain in proportion to the original strength, can the same be true of things of good import?" 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 90 Sir Nathaniel thought for a while before he answered. "We must be careful not to confuse the physical and the moral. I can see that already you have switched on the moral entirely, so perhaps we had better follow it up first. On the side of the moral, we have certain justification for belief in the utterances of revealed religion. For instance, 'the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much' is altogether for good. We have nothing of a similar kind on the side of evil. But if we accept this dictum we need have no more fear of 'mysteries': these become thenceforth merely obstacles." Adam suddenly changed to another phase of the subject. "And now, sir, may I turn for a few minutes to purely practical things, or rather to matters of historical fact?" Sir Nathaniel bowed acquiescence. 940 switch (to) – agitar-se, ligar para, transferir, neste caso refere-se a que ele se inclinou para o aspecto moral 941 follow up (to) – aprofundar, debruçar-se sobre 942 utterance (s) – expressão, enunciação 942 effectual (adj) – eficaz, válido 942 fervent (adj) – ardente, vivo 942 prayer (s) – oração, prece, reza 943 righteous (adj) – justo, recto, honrado 943 avail (to) - aproveitar 943 altogether (adv) - completamente 944 dictum (s) – máxima, afirmação, dito 944 thenceforth (adv) – daí em diante, a partir daí, desde então 946 phase (s) – aspecto, fase, período 91 952 import (s) – conteúdo, teor 953 which (pron) – qual? 953 shrewdly (adv) – sensatamente, de maneira perspicaz, sagazmente, astuciosamente 960 dove (s) - pombo/a 960 signification (s) – símbolo, nome, expressão, sentido, significação 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 "We have already spoken of the history, so far as it is known, of some of the places round us--'Castra Regis,' 'Diana's Grove,' and 'The Lair of the White Worm.' I would like to ask if there is anything not necessarily of evil import about any of the places?" "Which?" asked Sir Nathaniel shrewdly. "Well, for instance, this house and Mercy Farm?" "Here we turn," said Sir Nathaniel, "to the other side, the light side of things. Let us take Mercy Farm first. When Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory to Christianise England, in the time of the Romans, he was received and protected by Ethelbert, King of Kent, whose wife, daughter of Charibert, King of Paris, was a Christian, and did much for Augustine. She founded a nunnery in memory of Columba, which was named SEDES MISERICORDIOE, the House of Mercy, and, as the region was Mercian, the two names became involved. As Columba is the Latin for dove, the dove became a sort of signification of the nunnery. 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 92 She seized on the idea and made the newly-founded nunnery a house of doves. Someone sent her a freshly- discovered dove, a sort of carrier, but which had in the white feathers of its head and neck the form of a religious cowl. The nunnery flourished for more than a century, when, in the time of Penda, who was the reactionary of heathendom, it fell into decay. In the meantime the doves, protected by religious feeling, had increased mightily, and were known in all Catholic communities. When King Offa ruled in Mercia, about a hundred and fifty years later, he restored Christianity, and under its protection the nunnery of St. Columba was restored and its doves flourished again. In process of time this religious house again fell into desuetude; but before it disappeared it had achieved a great name for good works, and in especial for the piety of its members. If deeds and prayers and hopes and earnest thinking leave anywhere any moral effect, Mercy Farm and all around it have almost the right to be considered holy ground." "Thank you, sir," said Adam earnestly, and was silent. Sir Nathaniel understood. 961 seize on (to) – aproveitar, agarrar 962 carrier (s) – pombo-correio 962 feather (s) – pena, pluma, plumagem 963 cowl (s) – capuz de monge 964 reactionary (adj) - (s) - reaccionário 964 heathendom (s) - paganismo 964 decay (s) – decadência, declínio 964 in the meantime - entretanto 965 increase (to) – aumentar, desenvolver-se 965 mightily (adv) – poderosamente, enormemente, fortemente, extremamente 965 rule (to) - governar 968 desuetude (s) - desuso 968 achieve (to) – atingir, alcançar 969 deed (s) – acção, acto, feito 969 earnest (adj) – fervoroso, sincero, sério, 969 anywhere (adv) – em qualquer parte, em algum sítio 93 972 lunch (s) - almoço 972 keen (adj) – agudo, penetrante, entusiasta, apaixonado 972 wit (s) – inteligência, compreensão, entendimento 975 there is more going on in this neighbourhood than – passam-se mais coisas nesta vizinhança do que 976 come upon (to) – encontrar por acaso, surgir 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 After lunch that day, Adam casually asked Sir Nathaniel to come for a walk with him. The keen-witted old diplomatist guessed that there must be some motive behind the suggestion, and he at once agreed. As soon as they were free from observation, Adam began. "I am afraid, sir, that there is more going on in this neighbourhood than most people imagine. I was out this morning, and on the edge of the small wood, I came upon the body of a child by the roadside. At first, I thought she was dead, and while examining her, I noticed on her neck some marks that looked like those of teeth." "Some wild dog, perhaps?" put in Sir Nathaniel. "Possibly, sir, though I think not--but listen to the rest of my news. I glanced around, and to my surprise, I noticed something white moving among the trees. I placed the child down carefully, and followed, but I could not find any further traces. So I returned to the child and resumed my examination, and, to my delight, 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 I discovered that she was still alive. I chafed her hands and gradually she revived, but to my disappointment she remembered nothing--except that something had crept up quietly from behind, and had gripped her round the throat. Then, apparently, she fainted." "Gripped her round the throat! Then it cannot have been a dog." "No, sir, that is my difficulty, and explains why I brought you out here, where we cannot possibly be overheard. You have noticed, of course, the peculiar sinuous way in which Lady Arabella moves--well, I feel certain that the white thing that I saw in the wood was the mistress of Diana's Grove!" "Good God, boy, be careful what you say." "Yes, sir, I fully realise the gravity of my accusation, but I feel convinced that the marks on the child's throat were human--and made by a woman." Adam's companion remained silent for some time, deep in thought. 94 983 chafe (to) – esfregar, friccionar 984 creep up on (to) – aproximar-se sorrateiramente de, aparecer de repente 984 grip (to) – apertar fortemente, prender 989 mistressn(s) – dona, senhora, patroa 95 994 far (adj) - (adv) – muito, bastante 995 spare (to) – proteger, poupar 996 worry (to) – preocupar, incomodar 998 ascertainable (adj) – verificável, averiguável 1004 wander (to) – vaguear, percorrer 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 "Adam, my boy," he said at last, "this matter appears to me to be far more serious even than you think. It forces me to break confidence with my old friend, your uncle--but, in order to spare him, I must do so. For some time now, things have been happening in this district that have been worrying him dreadfully--several people have disappeared, without leaving the slightest trace; a dead child was found by the roadside, with no visible or ascertainable cause of death--sheep and other animals have been found in the fields, bleeding from open wounds. There have been other matters--many of them apparently trivial in themselves. Some sinister influence has been at work, and I admit that I have suspected Lady Arabella--that is why I questioned you so closely about the mongoose and its strange attack upon Lady Arabella. You will think it strange that I should suspect the mistress of Diana's Grove, a beautiful woman of aristocratic birth. Let me explain--the family seat is near my own place, Doom Tower, and at one time I knew the family well. When still a young girl, Lady Arabella wandered into a small wood near her home, and did not return. She was 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 96 found unconscious and in a high fever--the doctor said that she had received a poisonous bite, and the girl being at a delicate and critical age, the result was serious--so much so that she was not expected to recover. A great London physician came down but could do nothing--indeed, he said that the girl would not survive the night. All hope had been abandoned, when, to everyone's surprise, Lady Arabella made a sudden and startling recovery. Within a couple of days she was going about as usual! But to the horror of her people, she developed a terrible craving for cruelty, maiming and injuring birds and small animals-- even killing them. This was put down to a nervous disturbance due to her age, and it was hoped that her marriage to Captain March would put this right. However, it was not a happy marriage, and eventually her husband was found shot through the head. I have always suspected suicide, though no pistol was found near the body. He may have discovered something--God knows what!--so possibly Lady Arabella may herself have killed him. Putting together many small matters that have come to my knowledge, I have come 1005 bite (s) – mordedura, dentada, mordidela, picada 1006 so much - tanto 1009 couple (s) – dois, par 1009 go about (to) – andar por aí 1010 craving (s) – desejo, ânsia, carência 1010 maim (to) – aleijar, estropiar 1010 injur (to) - ferir 1011 put down (to) – apontar, anotar 97 1016 foul (adj) – revoltante, abominável, imundo, chocante 1017 tenement (s) – corpo, invólucro 1017 revival (s) – renascimento, ressurgimento 1017 craving (s) – desejo, ânsia, carência 1018 maim (to) – aleijar, estropiar 1019 ghastly (adj) – monstruoso, horroroso, pavoroso 1020 once (adv) - outrora 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 to the conclusion that the foul White Worm obtained control of her body, just as her soul was leaving its earthly tenement--that would explain the sudden revival of energy, the strange and inexplicable craving for maiming and killing, as well as many other matters with which I need not trouble you now, Adam. As I said just now, God alone knows what poor Captain March discovered--it must have been something too ghastly for human endurance, if my theory is correct that the once beautiful human body of Lady Arabella is under the control of this ghastly White Worm." Adam nodded. "But what can we do, sir--it seems a most difficult problem." "We can do nothing, my boy--that is the important part of it. It would be impossible to take action--all we can do is to keep careful watch, especially as regards Lady Arabella, and be ready to act, promptly and decisively, if the opportunity occurs." 1027 1028 98 Adam agreed, and the two men returned to Lesser Hill. 99 1030 smelling (adj) – que cheira, que emite cheiro 1033 undertake (to) – empreender, encarregar-se de, ocupar-se de 1034 steadily (adv) – firmemente, perseverantemente 1034 pursue (to) – dedicar-se a, seguir 1035 course (s) – rumo, direcção 1035 whenever (adv) – em qualquer altura que, sempre que 1036 cast about (to) – procurar, andar à procura 1036 baffle (to) – contrariar, frustrar 1038 link (s) – ligação, elo, laço 1038 string (s) – oportunidade, série 1039 bow (s) - vénia 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 CHAPTER IX SMELLING DEATH Adam Salton, though he talked little, did not let the grass grow under his feet in any matter which he had undertaken, or in which he was interested. He had agreed with Sir Nathaniel that they should not do anything with regard to the mystery of Lady Arabella's fear of the mongoose, but he steadily pursued his course in being PREPARED to act whenever the opportunity might come. He was in his own mind perpetually casting about for information or clues which might lead to possible lines of action. Baffled by the killing of the mongoose, he looked around for another line to follow. He was fascinated by the idea of there being a mysterious link between the woman and the animal, but he was already preparing a second string to his bow. His new idea was to use the faculties of Oolanga, so far as he could, in the service of discovery. 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 100 His first move was to send Davenport to Liverpool to try to find the steward of the WEST AFRICAN, who had told him about Oolanga, and if possible secure any further information, and then try to induce (by bribery or other means) the nigger to come to the Brow. So soon as he himself could have speech of the Voodoo-man he would be able to learn from him something useful. Davenport was successful in his missions, for he had to get another mongoose, and he was able to tell Adam that he had seen the steward, who told him much that he wanted to know, and had also arranged for Oolanga to come to Lesser Hill the following day. At this point Adam saw his way sufficiently clear to admit Davenport to some extent into his confidence. He had come to the conclusion that it would be better--certainly at first--not himself to appear in the matter, with which Davenport was fully competent to deal. It would be time for himself to take a personal part when matters had advanced a little further. 1041 induce (to) – induzir, instigar, persuadir 1042 bribery (s) - suborno 1042 brow (s) – cume de monte ou colina 1042 to have speech with - falar com 1046 extent (s) – grau, ponto 1047 not himself to appear in the matter, - neste caso refere-se a que o próprio Adam não deve mostrar-se nos acontecimentos 101 1050 wise (s) – maneira, modo, forma 1050 gift (s) – dom natural 1050 quest (s) – aquilo que se busca 1052 broad (adj) – principal, mais importante, por completo 1052 make up one's mind (to) (to) - decidir-se (a); resolver 1053 task (s) - tarefa 1054 packing case - caixote; caixa de embalagem ou transporte 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 If what the nigger said was in any wise true, the man had a rare gift which might be useful in the quest they were after. He could, as it were, "smell death." If any one was dead, if any one had died, or if a place had been used in connection with death, he seemed to know the broad fact by intuition. Adam made up his mind that to test this faculty with regard to several places would be his first task. Naturally he was anxious, and the time passed slowly. The only comfort was the arrival the next morning of a strong packing case, locked, from Ross, the key being in the custody of Davenport. In the case were two smaller boxes, both locked. One of them contained a mongoose to replace that killed by Lady Arabella; the other was the special mongoose which had already killed the king-cobra in Nepaul. When both the animals had been safely put under lock and key, he felt that he might breathe more freely. No one was allowed to know the secret of their existence in the house, except himself and Davenport. He arranged that Davenport should take Oolanga round the neighbourhood for a walk, stopping at each of the places which he designated. 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 102 Having gone all along the Brow, he was to return the same way and induce him to touch on the same subjects in talking with Adam, who was to meet them as if by chance at the farthest part--that beyond Mercy Farm. The incidents of the day proved much as Adam expected. At Mercy Farm, at Diana's Grove, at Castra Regis, and a few other spots, the negro stopped and, opening his wide nostrils as if to sniff boldly, said that he smelled death. It was not always in the same form. At Mercy Farm he said there were many small deaths. At Diana's Grove his bearing was different. There was a distinct sense of enjoyment about him, especially when he spoke of many great deaths. Here, too, he sniffed in a strange way, like a bloodhound at check, and looked puzzled. He said no word in either praise or disparagement, but in the centre of the Grove, where, hidden amongst ancient oak stumps, was a block of granite slightly hollowed on the top, he 1061 touch (to) - tocar 1062 in talking with Adam – em conversa com Adam 1062 chance (s) – acaso, sorte 1062 farthest [far] (adj) - (adv) – o mais distante 1062 beyond (adv) - (prep) – para lá do, do outro lado, ao longe 1065 boldly (adv) – com ousadia, audaciosamente 1066 death (s) - morte 1067 bearing (s) – atitude, comportamento 1067 distinct (adj) – diferente, distinto 1067 sense (s) – noção, senso 1067 enjoyment (s) – prazer, satisfação 1068 bloodhound (s) – cão de caça, sabujo 1069 at check – à caça, à procura 1069 either… or – quer… quer, ou… ou 1069 praise (s) – elogio, aplauso 1069 disparagement (s) – depreciação, descrédito 1070 stump (s) – toco, cepo 1070 hollow (adj) – ôco, cavernoso 103 1073 which both – o qual em simultâneo 1073 baffle (to) – desorientar, confundir, desconcertar 1076 outcropping (adj) – que aflora à superfície 1077 jaunty (adj) - descontraído 1077 impudence (s) – insolência, descaramento 1078 settled (adj) – estabelecido, enraizado, estável 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 bent low and placed his forehead on the ground. This was the only place where he showed distinct reverence. At the Castle, though he spoke of much death, he showed no sign of respect. There was evidently something about Diana's Grove which both interested and baffled him. Before leaving, he moved all over the place unsatisfied, and in one spot, close to the edge of the Brow, where there was a deep hollow, he appeared to be afraid. After returning several times to this place, he suddenly turned and ran in a panic of fear to the higher ground, crossing as he did so the outcropping rock. Then he seemed to breathe more freely, and recovered some of his jaunty impudence. All this seemed to satisfy Adam's expectations. He went back to Lesser Hill with a serene and settled calm upon him. Sir Nathaniel followed him into his study. "By the way, I forgot to ask you details about one thing. When that extraordinary staring episode of Mr. Caswall went on, how did Lilla take it--how did she bear herself?" 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 104 "She looked frightened, and trembled just as I have seen a pigeon with a hawk, or a bird with a serpent." "Thanks. It is just as I expected. There have been circumstances in the Caswall family which lead one to believe that they have had from the earliest times some extraordinary mesmeric or hypnotic faculty. Indeed, a skilled eye could read so much in their physiognomy. That shot of yours, whether by instinct or intention, of the hawk and the pigeon was peculiarly apposite. I think we may settle on that as a fixed trait to be accepted throughout our investigation." When dusk had fallen, Adam took the new mongoose--not the one from Nepaul--and, carrying the box slung over his shoulder, strolled towards Diana's Grove. Close to the gateway he met Lady Arabella, clad as usual in tightly fitting white, which showed off her slim figure. To his intense astonishment the mongoose allowed her to pet him, take him up in her arms and fondle him. As she was going in his direction, they walked on together. 1083 lead (to) – conduzir, levar 1084 mesmeric (adj) - recurso ao magnetismo animal e ao hipnotismo como forma de tratamento e cura de doenças, segundo o método do médico alemão Mesmer (1734-1815); 1085 skilled (adj) – perito, hábil, especializado 1085 physiognomy (s) - fisionomia 1085 shot (s) - palpite 1086 peculiarly (adv) – de modo original, especialmente 1086 apposite (adj) - apropriado 1086 settle on (to) – decidir, resolver 1086 trait (s) – característica, peculiaridade 1087 throughout (prep) – em todo, durante todo o tempo de 1089 sling (to) – pendurar, suspender 1089 stroll (to) – passear sem pressas, deambular, vaguear 1089 gateway (s) – entrada, porta de entrada 1089 clothe (to) - vestir 1090 tightly (adv) – rigorosamente (fortemente, firmemente) 1090 fit (adj) – próprio, conveniente 1090show off (to) – exibir, ostentar, realçar 1090 slim (adj) – delgado, esguio, elegante 1091 fondle (to) – acariciar, amimar, fazer festas 1092 walk on (to) – continuar a andar 105 1093 entrance (s) – entrada 1094 dusk (s) – crepúsculo, anoitecer 1094 shadowy (adj) – sombrio, indistinto 1094 view (s) – visão, vista 1094 hamper (to) – impedir, dificultar 1095 clustering (adj) - grupo, agrupamento 1095 trunk (s) - tronco 1095 uncertain (adj) – incerto, duvidoso 1096 somehow (adv) – de certo modo 1096 altogether (adv) - completamente 1097 presently (adv) – em breve, dentro em pouco 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1097 come across (to) – encontrar por acaso, deparar-se com 1097 paling (s) - vedação 1097 split (adj) – rachado, fendido 1098 branch (s) – ramo de árvore 1098 avenue (s) - avenida 1100 slip (to) – libertar-se, soltar-se, escorregar 1100 hedge (s) – sebe, cerca, vedação feita de plantas ou ramos entrelaçados 1101 widen (to) – alargar-se, ampliar-se 1102 ebullient (adj) – exuberante, entusiasta 1102 dull (adj) – lento, estúpido 1102 spiritless (adj) – mole, fraco, débil, sem vivacidade 1103 dazed (adj) – atordoado, aturdido 1103 either (adj) - (adv) - (conj) - (pron) – um de dois Round the roadway between the entrances of Diana's Grove and Lesser Hill were many trees, with not much foliage except at the top. In the dusk this place was shadowy, and the view was hampered by the clustering trunks. In the uncertain, tremulous light which fell through the tree-tops, it was hard to distinguish anything clearly, and at last, somehow, he lost sight of her altogether, and turned back on his track to find her. Presently he came across her close to her own gate. She was leaning over the paling of split oak branches which formed the paling of the avenue. He could not see the mongoose, so he asked her where it had gone. "He slipt out of my arms while I was petting him," she answered, "and disappeared under the hedges." They found him at a place where the avenue widened so as to let carriages pass each other. The little creature seemed quite changed. He had been ebulliently active; now he was dull and spiritless--seemed to be dazed. He allowed himself to be lifted by either of the pair; but when he was alone with Lady Arabella he 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 106 kept looking round him in a strange way, as though trying to escape. When they had come out on the roadway Adam held the mongoose tight to him, and, lifting his hat to his companion, moved quickly towards Lesser Hill; he and Lady Arabella lost sight of each other in the thickening gloom. When Adam got home, he put the mongoose in his box, and locked the door of the room. The other mongoose--the one from Nepaul--was safely locked in his own box, but he lay quiet and did not stir. When he got to his study Sir Nathaniel came in, shutting the door behind him. "I have come," he said, "while we have an opportunity of being alone, to tell you something of the Caswall family which I think will interest you. There is, or used to be, a belief in this part of the world that the Caswall family had some strange power of making the wills of other persons subservient to their own. There are many allusions to the subject in memoirs and other unimportant works, but I only know of one where the subject is spoken of definitely. It is MERCIA AND ITS WORTHIES, written by Ezra Toms more 1104 come out (to) - sair 1106 thick (adj) – denso, espesso, cerrado 1106 gloom (s) – escuridão, trevas, obscuridade 1107 get (to) – chegar a (ter, possuir, adquirir, obter) 1108 stir (to) – agitar-se, mover-se 1109 come in (to) – entrar, chegar 1112 subservient (adj) – servil, obediente 1113 unimportant (adj) – insignificante, trivial, banal 1114 definitly (adv) – nitidamente, claramente, de certeza, seguramente, sem dúvida 1114 worthy (adj) – homem ilustre, digno, respeitável 107 1117 state (to) – dizer, referir, especificar 1119 odd (adj) – estranho, extravagante 1119 bequeath (to) – legar, deixar em testamento 1119 bequest (s) – legado, doação 1120 At any rate – de qualquer maneira, seja como for, pelo menos, ao menos 1120 turn up (to) – aparecer, surgir 1122 hurry off (to) – apressar-se 1124 queer (adj) – estranho, esquisito 1124 restless (adj) – agitado, inquieto 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 than a hundred years ago. The author goes into the question of the close association of the then Edgar Caswall with Mesmer in Paris. He speaks of Caswall being a pupil and the fellow worker of Mesmer, and states that though, when the latter left France, he took away with him a vast quantity of philosophical and electric instruments, he was never known to use them again. He once made it known to a friend that he had given them to his old pupil. The term he used was odd, for it was 'bequeathed,' but no such bequest of Mesmer was ever made known. At any rate the instruments were missing, and never turned up." A servant came into the room to tell Adam that there was some strange noise coming from the locked room into which he had gone when he came in. He hurried off to the place at once, Sir Nathaniel going with him. Having locked the door behind them, Adam opened the packing-case where the boxes of the two mongooses were locked up. There was no sound from one of them, but from the other a queer restless struggling. Having opened both boxes, he found that the noise was from the Nepaul animal, which, 1126 however, became quiet at once. In the other box the new mongoose lay dead, with every appearance of 1127 having been strangled! 1128 1126 new (adj) – inexperiente (novo) 108 1127 strangle (to) – estrangular, esganar, sufocar 109 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 CHAPTER X THE KITE 1130 kite (s) – papagaio de papel 1132 set out (to) - partir 1133 otherwise (adv) – de outra maneira, de outro modo 1134 sum up (to) – avaliar, resumir 1134 appearance (s) – aspecto, aparência 1134 manner (s) – atitude, comportamento 1134 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, desta maneira 1134 brace up (to) – preparar-se, fortalecer-se, retemperar-se, tonificar ♣♣♣ (mentalizar-se) to brace oneself for something - preparar-se para alguma coisa; 1135 settle down (to) – acomodar-se, instalar-se 1135 steadily (adv) - firmemente 1135 attentively (adv) - atentamente 1137 detain (to) – reter, fazer esperar 1139 on behalf of - em nome de; da parte de; por conta de On the following day, a little after four o'clock, Adam set out for Mercy. He was home just as the clocks were striking six. He was pale and upset, but otherwise looked strong and alert. The old man summed up his appearance and manner thus: "Braced up for battle." "Now!" said Sir Nathaniel, and settled down to listen, looking at Adam steadily and listening attentively that he might miss nothing-- even the inflection of a word. "I found Lilla and Mimi at home. Watford had been detained by business on the farm. Miss Watford received me as kindly as before; Mimi, too, seemed glad to see me. Mr. Caswall came so soon after I arrived, that he, or someone on his behalf, must have been watching for me. He was followed closely by 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 110 the negro, who was puffing hard as if he had been running--so it was probably he who watched. Mr. Caswall was very cool and collected, but there was a more than usually iron look about his face that I did not like. However, we got on very well. He talked pleasantly on all sorts of questions. The nigger waited a while and then disappeared as on the other occasion. Mr. Caswall's eyes were as usual fixed on Lilla. True, they seemed to be very deep and earnest, but there was no offence in them. Had it not been for the drawing down of the brows and the stern set of the jaws, I should not at first have noticed anything. But the stare, when presently it began, increased in intensity. I could see that Lilla began to suffer from nervousness, as on the first occasion; but she carried herself bravely. However, the more nervous she grew, the harder Mr. Caswall stared. It was evident to me that he had come prepared for some sort of mesmeric or hypnotic battle. After a while he began to throw glances round him and then raised his hand, without letting either Lilla or Mimi see the action. It was evidently intended to give some sign to the negro, 1140 puff (to) – ofegar, arquejar, ficar sem fôlego 1141 cool (adj) – calmo, sereno 1141 collected (adj) – calmo, tranquilo, sereno 1141 iron look – olhar de ferro 1145 draw down (to) – baixar, fechar 1145 stern (adj) – severo, austero 1145 set (s) – firmeza, postura, atitude 1145 jaw (s) – boca, queixo 1146 increase (to) - aumentar 1147 carry (to) - suportar 111 1151 stealthy (adj) – furtivo, dissimulado 1153 distressed (adj) – aflito, em perigo, consternado 1153 strengthen (to) – fortificar, fortalecer 1154 effort (s) – esforço, empreendimento 1154 feeble (adj) – fraco, débil 1155 effective (adj) – eficaz, convincente 1155 gain (s) – vantagem, ganho 1156 diversion (s) – distracção, diversão 1156 apology (s) – desculpa, explicação 1158 fight (s) – combate, luta 1158 sustain (to) – prosseguir, manter 1158 earnest (adj) - sério 1159 fierce (adj) – cruel, feroz 1159 overlord (s) – senhor, senhor de domínio feudal 1160 cost (to) - custar 1160 southern (adj) – do sul 1161 sporting (adj) - brincalhão 1161 phrase (s) - palavreado 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 for he came, in his usual stealthy way, quietly in by the hall door, which was open. Then Mr. Caswall's efforts at staring became intensified, and poor Lilla's nervousness grew greater. Mimi, seeing that her cousin was distressed, came close to her, as if to comfort or strengthen her with the consciousness of her presence. This evidently made a difficulty for Mr. Caswall, for his efforts, without appearing to get feebler, seemed less effective. This continued for a little while, to the gain of both Lilla and Mimi. Then there was a diversion. Without word or apology the door opened, and Lady Arabella March entered the room. I had seen her coming through the great window. Without a word she crossed the room and stood beside Mr. Caswall. It really was very like a fight of a peculiar kind; and the longer it was sustained the more earnest-the fiercer--it grew. That combination of forces--the over-lord, the white woman, and the black man--would have cost some- -probably all of them--their lives in the Southern States of America. To us it was simply horrible. But all that you can understand. This time, to go on in sporting phrase, it was understood by all to 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 112 be a 'fight to a finish,' and the mixed group did not slacken a moment or relax their efforts. On Lilla the strain began to tell disastrously. She grew pale--a patchy pallor, which meant that her nerves were out of order. She trembled like an aspen, and though she struggled bravely, I noticed that her legs would hardly support her. A dozen times she seemed about to collapse in a faint, but each time, on catching sight of Mimi's eyes, she made a fresh struggle and pulled through. "By now Mr. Caswall's face had lost its appearance of passivity. His eyes glowed with a fiery light. He was still the old Roman in inflexibility of purpose; but grafted on to the Roman was a new Berserker fury. His companions in the baleful work seemed to have taken on something of his feeling. Lady Arabella looked like a soulless, pitiless being, not human, unless it revived old legends of transformed human beings who had lost their humanity in some transformation or in the sweep of natural savagery. As for the negro-well, I can only say that it was solely due to the self- restraint which you impressed on me that I did not wipe 1162 mixed (adj) - confuso 1162 slacken (to) – abrandar, moderar 1163 strain (s) – tensão, esforço 1163 tell (to) – fazer-se notar 1163 disastrously (adv) – catastroficamente, desastrosamente 1163 patchy (adj) – às manchas, irregular, desigual 1164 aspen (s) – árvore chamada faia preta 1165 dozen (s) – dúzia 1166 fresh (adj) – novo, recente 1166 pull through (to) – recobrar forças 1167 glow (to) – brilhar, resplandecer 1167 fiery (adj) – inflamado, ardente, impetuoso 1168 still (adv) - ainda 1168 purpose (s) – objectivo, finalidade, intenção 1168 graft (to) – em botânica significa enxertar 1168 berserker (adj) – guerreiro nórdico que combatia como louco 1169 baleful (adj) – sinistro, terrível 1169 take on (to) – adoptar, adquirir, ganhar características 1170 soulless (adj) – sem alma, desumano, frio 1170 pitiless (adj) – sem piedade, impiedoso, cruel 1170 unless (conj) - (prep) – a menos que, a não ser que 1170 legend (s) – lenda, conto 1171 sweep (s) – arrebatamento, acesso, empolgamento 1171 As for – pelo que diz respeito a, quanto a 1172 solely (adv) – somente, unicamente 1172 self-restraint (s) – autodomínio, comedimento, moderação 1172 impress (to) – incutir, infundir, inspirar, suscitar, sugerir 1172 wipe out (to) – matar, aniquilar, eliminar, suprimir 113 1173 warning (s) – aviso, prevenção 1173 fair play – honestidade, desportivismo 1173 grace (s) – favor, bondade 1174 helpless (adj) – indefeso, desamparado, abandonado 1174 resolve (to) – decidir-se, resolver-se, determinar 1174 self-forgetfulness – esquecida de si própria 1175 intent (adj) – atento, concentrado, sério 1176 bond (s) – laço, ligação, cadeia 1176 will (s) - vontade 1176 band (s) – barra, tira, faixa 1176 steel (s) - aço 1176 numb (to) – entorpecer, tolher, paralisar ♣♣♣ guess (to) – pensar, raciocinar 1178 guessing (s) - pensamento 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1178 restlessly (adv) – agitadamente, desassossegadamente 1178 grop (to) – tactear, avançar às apalpadelas 1179 youth (s) - juventude 1180 afresh (adv) – de novo, outra vez 1180 intention (s) – objectivo, propósito, intenção 1181 grasp (to) – agarrar firmemente 1181 band (s) – lado, ser, grupo 1181 blench (to) – empalidecer, embranquecer 1181 knuckle (s) – articulação dos dedos 1182 form (s) – condição física 1183 forward (adj) - (adv) – para a frente 1183 bold (adj) – ousado, audacioso 1183 sweep (s) – gesto majestoso him out as he stood--without warning, without fair play--without a single one of the graces of life and death. Lilla was silent in the helpless concentration of deadly fear; Mimi was all resolve and self- forgetfulness, so intent on the soul-struggle in which she was engaged that there was no possibility of any other thought. As for myself, the bonds of will which held me inactive seemed like bands of steel which numbed all my faculties, except sight and hearing. We seemed fixed in an IMPASSE. Something must happen, though the power of guessing was inactive. As in a dream, I saw Mimi's hand move restlessly, as if groping for something. Mechanically it touched that of Lilla, and in that instant she was transformed. It was as if youth and strength entered afresh into something already dead to sensibility and intention. As if by inspiration, she grasped the other's band with a force which blenched the knuckles. Her face suddenly flamed, as if some divine light shone through it. Her form expanded till it stood out majestically. Lifting her right hand, she stepped forward towards Caswall, and with a bold sweep of her arm seemed to drive some strange 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 114 force towards him. Again and again was the gesture repeated, the man falling back from her at each movement. Towards the door he retreated, she following. There was a sound as of the cooing sob of doves, which seemed to multiply and intensify with each second. The sound from the unseen source rose and rose as he retreated, till finally it swelled out in a triumphant peal, as she with a fierce sweep of her arm, seemed to hurl something at her foe, and he, moving his hands blindly before his face, appeared to be swept through the doorway and out into the open sunlight. "All at once my own faculties were fully restored; I could see and hear everything, and be fully conscious of what was going on. Even the figures of the baleful group were there, though dimly seen as through a veil--a shadowy veil. I saw Lilla sink down in a swoon, and Mimi throw up her arms in a gesture of triumph. As I saw her through the great window, the sunshine flooded the landscape, which, however, was momentarily becoming eclipsed by an onrush of a myriad birds." 1185 retreat (to) – retirar-se, recuar 1185 cooing (adj) – como se fosse arrulho de pombos 1185 sob (s) - soluço 1186 unseen (adj) – inédito, nunca visto 1186 source (s) – fonte, origem, ponto de partida 1187 retreat (to) – retirar-se, recuar 1187 swell out (to) – encher, enfunar, inchar 1187 peal (s) – estrondo, estrépito 1188 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente, lançar com violência 1188 foe (s) – adversário, inimigo 1188 blindly (adv) – cegamente, às cegas, sem reflectir 1189 sweep (to) – arrastar, levar tudo à frente, varrer 1191 baleful (adj) – ameaçador, sinistro, terrível 1191 dimly (adv) – fracamente, debilmente 1192 veil (s) – véu, manto 1192 shadowy (adj) – pouco nítido, vago, indeciso, sombrio 1192 sink down (to) – tombar, cair, ceder, afundar-se 1192 swoon (s) – desmaio, desfalecimento 1193 flood (to) – inundar, encher 1193 landscape (s) – paisagem, vista 1194 momentarily (adv) – gradualmente, momentaneamente 1194 become (to) – tornar-se, 1194 onrush (s) – vaga, investida 1194 myriad (adj) – em número infinito, enorme quantidade 115 1195 threaten (to) – ameaçar, estar eminente 1196 report (s) - relatório 1196 concern (to) – dizer respeito, relacionar-se com 1196 expert (s) – perito, especialista 1197 account (s) - conta 1197 behalf (s) – favor, proveito, utilidade 1197 learned (adj) – científico, erudito 1198 deal (to) – tratar de, ocupar-se de 1198 remedy (s) – remédio, solução, alternativa 1199 report (s) - relatório 1200 tick (adj) – denso, compacto, cerrado, basto 1200 quarter (s) – direcção, lado, quadrante 1200 as well as – também, como também 1201 sound (to) – emitir som, cantar 1201 anger (s) – ira, cólera, irritação 1201 seeking (s) – interrogação, procura, busca 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1201 whirring (s) – zumbido, barulho 1202 muttered (adj) - ribombante 1202 throb (s) – vibração, pulsação rápida e forte 1202 barrier (s) - barreira 1202 shut out (to) – bloquear, afastar 1203 dulled (adj) – surdo, entorpecido, embrutecido 1203 ceaseless (adj) - incessante 1203 murmur (s) – zumbido, ruído 1203 monotonous (adj) – monótono, enfadonho, fastidioso 1204 cheerless (adj) – triste, sombrio 1204 disheartening (adj) – desanimador, desencorajante 1204 long (to) – ansiar, desejar, suspirar By the next morning, daylight showed the actual danger which threatened. From every part of the eastern counties reports were received concerning the enormous immigration of birds. Experts were sending--on their own account, on behalf of learned societies, and through local and imperial governing bodies--reports dealing with the matter, and suggesting remedies. The reports closer to home were even more disturbing. All day long it would seem that the birds were coming thicker from all quarters. Doubtless many were going as well as coming, but the mass seemed never to get less. Each bird seemed to sound some note of fear or anger or seeking, and the whirring of wings never ceased nor lessened. The air was full of a muttered throb. No window or barrier could shut out the sound, till the ears of any listener became dulled by the ceaseless murmur. So monotonous it was, so cheerless, so disheartening, so melancholy, that all longed, but in vain, for any variety, no matter how terrible it might be. 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 116 The second morning the reports from all the districts round were more alarming than ever. Farmers began to dread the coming of winter as they saw the dwindling of the timely fruitfulness of the earth. And as yet it was only a warning of evil, not the evil accomplished; the ground began to look bare whenever some passing sound temporarily frightened the birds. Edgar Caswall tortured his brain for a long time unavailingly, to think of some means of getting rid of what he, as well as his neighbours, had come to regard as a plague of birds. At last he recalled a circumstance which promised a solution of the difficulty. The experience was of some years ago in China, far up-country, towards the head-waters of the Yang-tze-kiang, where the smaller tributaries spread out in a sort of natural irrigation scheme to supply the wilderness of paddy-fields. It was at the time of the ripening rice, and the myriads of birds which came to feed on the coming crop was a serious menace, not only to the district, but to the country at large. The farmers, who were more or less afflicted with the same trouble every 1207 dread (to) – recear, apavorar-se com 1207 dwindling (adj) – cada vez mais reduzido, decrescente 1207 timely (adj) – oportuno, feito a tempo 1207 fruitfulness (s) – fertilidade, fecundidade, produtividade 1208 accomplished (s) – realização, concretização, facto consumado 1208 bare (adj) – vazio, despido 1209 passing (adj) – acidental, passageiro, transitório 1210 unavailingly (adv) - inutilmente 1210 rid (to) – libertar, desembaraçar, livrar 1211 as well as – também, como também 1211 recall (to) – lembrar-se de, recordar 1213 far up (adj) – distante, longe 1213 headwaters (s plural) – correntes que dão origem ao rio, água a montante 1214 scheme (s) – projecto, plano 1214 supply (to) – fornecer, abastecer 1214 wilderness (s) – vastidão, imensidão 1214 paddy field - campo de arroz; arrozal 1214 ripening (adj) – que amadurece 1215 rice (s) - arroz 1215 crop (s) – colheita, safra, produção 1216 at large – em geral 117 1217 kite (s) – papagaio de papel 1217 cause (to) – obrigar, fazer 1217 fly (to) – esvoaçar, voar 1218 incursion (s) – invasão, ataque, incursão 1219 cower (to) – encolher-se de medo 1219 overhead (adj) - suspenso 1220 lay low (to) – deixar, abandonar, largar 1220 accordingly (adv) – em conformidade 1221 adhering 1221 as well as – também, como também 1221 adhere (to) – fiel, manter-se fiel a 1221 sufficiency (s) – quantidade suficiente 1222 overhead (s) – suspensão, altura 1223 seek, sought, sought (to) - procurar 1224 prove (to) – provar, demonstrar 1224 evil (s) – desastre, mal, infortúnio, azar 1225 chirp (s) – chilreio, gorjeio 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 season, knew how to deal with it. They made a vast kite, which they caused to be flown over the centre spot of the incursion. The kite was shaped like a great hawk; and the moment it rose into the air the birds began to cower and seek protection--and then to disappear. So long as that kite was flying overhead the birds lay low and the crop was saved. Accordingly Caswall ordered his men to construct an immense kite, adhering as well as they could to the lines of a hawk. Then he and his men, with a sufficiency of cord, began to fly it high overhead. The experience of China was repeated. The moment the kite rose, the birds hid or sought shelter. The following morning, the kite was still flying high, no bird was to be seen as far as the eye could reach from Castra Regis. But there followed in turn what proved even a worse evil. All the birds were cowed; their sounds stopped. Neither song nor chirp was heard--silence seemed to have taken the place of the normal voices of bird life. But that was not all. The silence spread to all animals. 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 118 The fear and restraint which brooded amongst the denizens of the air began to affect all life. Not only did the birds cease song or chirp, but the lowing of the cattle ceased in the fields and the varied sounds of life died away. In place of these things was only a soundless gloom, more dreadful, more disheartening, more soul- killing than any concourse of sounds, no matter how full of fear and dread. Pious individuals put up constant prayers for relief from the intolerable solitude. After a little there were signs of universal depression which those who ran might read. One and all, the faces of men and women seemed bereft of vitality, of interest, of thought, and, most of all, of hope. Men seemed to have lost the power of expression of their thoughts. The soundless air seemed to have the same effect as the universal darkness when men gnawed their tongues with pain. From this infliction of silence there was no relief. Everything was affected; gloom was the predominant note. Joy appeared to have passed away as a factor of life, and this creative impulse had nothing to take its 1227 restraint (s) – limitação, restrição 1227 brood (to) – alastrar, chocar 1227 denizen (s) – habitante neste caso refere-se aos pássaros 1228 lowing (s) - mugido 1229 die away (to) – desvanecer-se, extinguir-se 1229 dreadful (adj) – terrível, medonho 1229 disheartning (adj) – desanimador, desencorajante 1230 concourse (adj) – grande quantidade de, grande afluência 1230 pious (adj) – piedoso, devoto, religioso 1230 individual (s) – pessoa, indivíduo 1230 put up (to) – oferecer, realizar, demonstrar 1231 solitude (s) – solidão, isolamento 1232 bereave (to) – despojar, privar 1234 gnaw (to) – morder, trincar, atormentar, torturar, consumir 1235 tongue (s) - língua 1236 infliction (s) – pena, castigo, sofrimento, punição 1236 gloom (s) – pessimismo, tristeza, melancolia 1237 note (s) – característica, marca, cunho 1237 pass away (to) – desaparecer, falecer 119 1238 giant (adj) – gigantesco, gigante 1238 spot (s) – mancha, borrão (lugar, sítio) 1238 misanthropic (adj) - misantrópico 1238 misanthropic (adj) – que não aprecia o convívio, social, desconfiado, melancólico 1238 belief (s) – confiança, convicção, crença, fé 1240 grow (to) – tornar-se, ficar, vir a ser 1240 very (adj) – autêntico, verdadeiro, real 1240 senses (s) - sentidos 1241 in chains - acorrentado; preso; a ferros 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1241 palliative (s) – paliativo, que serve apenas para remediar ou esconder um problema em vez de o resolver, tranquilizador 1242 cease (to) – cessar, acabar, parar 1242 instant (adj) – urgente, imediato 1243 even (adv) – igualmente, exactamente 1244 pitiful (adj) – que inspira piedade, de meter pena 1245 weird (adj) – sobrenatural, esquisito 1246 As for – pelo que diz respeito a, quanto a 1246 taste (s) – prova, amostra (gosto, paladar, sabor) 1247 actual (adj) – verdadeiro, real, presente 1247 most [superl. de much e many] (adj) - (adv) – muito, muitíssimo place. That giant spot in high air was a plague of evil influence. It seemed like a new misanthropic belief which had fallen on human beings, carrying with it the negation of all hope. After a few days, men began to grow desperate; their very words as well as their senses seemed to be in chains. Edgar Caswall again tortured his brain to find any antidote or palliative of this greater evil than before. He would gladly have destroyed the kite, or caused its flying to cease; but the instant it was pulled down, the birds rose up in even greater numbers; all those who depended in any way on agriculture sent pitiful protests to Castra Regis. It was strange indeed what influence that weird kite seemed to exercise. Even human beings were affected by it, as if both it and they were realities. As for the people at Mercy Farm, it was like a taste of actual death. Lilla felt it most. If she had been indeed a real dove, with a real kite hanging over her in the air, she could not have been more frightened or more affected by the terror this created. 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 120 Of course, some of those already drawn into the vortex noticed the effect on individuals. Those who were interested took care to compare their information. Strangely enough, as it seemed to the others, the person who took the ghastly silence least to heart was the negro. By nature he was not sensitive to, or afflicted by, nerves. This alone would not have produced the seeming indifference, so they set their minds to discover the real cause. Adam came quickly to the conclusion that there was for him some compensation that the others did not share; and he soon believed that that compensation was in one form or another the enjoyment of the sufferings of others. Thus the black had a never-failing source of amusement. Lady Arabella's cold nature rendered her immune to anything in the way of pain or trouble concerning others. Edgar Caswall was far too haughty a person, and too stern of nature, to concern himself about poor or helpless people, much less the lower order of mere animals. Mr. Watford, Mr. Salton, and Sir Nathaniel were all concerned in the issue, partly from kindness of heart--for none of them could see suffering, even of 1249 draw (to) – arrastar, puxar 1249 vortex (s) – redemoinho, turbilhão 1250 care (s) - cuidado 1251 least (adj) - menos 1252 afflict (to) – afligir, atormentar 1252 seeming (adj) – aparente, suposto 1255 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, desta maneira 1255 fail (to) – falhar, faltar 1255 source (s) – fonte, recurso 1255 amusement (s) – divertimento, distracção 1256 render (to) – dar, entregar, render 1256 immune (adj) – com imunidade, com protecção 1257 haughty (adj) – orgulhoso, altivo, arrogante 1257 stern (adj) – duro, rígido, inflexível, implacável, severo 1257 concern (to) – preocupar, perturbar 1258 much less the lower order of mere animals- ainda menos com os animais 1259 issue (s) – problema 1259 kindness (s) – bondade, gentileza 121 1260 unmoved – sem se sentirem comovidos 1260 account (s) – motivo, causa 1260 ruin (s) - ruína 1262 acutely (adv) – intensamente, extremamente 1262 pinched features - feições macilentas; feições chupadas 1262 dull (adj) – sem brilho 1264 make up his mind – tomar uma decisão 1264 restraint (s) – autodomínio, comedimento, sobriedade 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 wild birds, unmoved--and partly on account of their property, which had to be protected, or ruin would stare them in the face before long. Lilla suffered acutely. As time went on, her face became pinched, and her eyes dull with watching and crying. Mimi suffered too on account of her cousin's suffering. But as she could do nothing, she resolutely made up her mind to self-restraint and patience. Adam's frequent visits comforted her. 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 CHAPTER XI MESMER'S CHEST 122 After a couple of weeks had passed, the kite seemed to give Edgar Caswall a new zest for life. He was never tired of looking at its movements. He had a comfortable armchair put out on the tower, wherein he sat sometimes all day long, watching as though the kite was a new toy and he a child lately come into possession of it. He did not seem to have lost interest in Lilla, for he still paid an occasional visit at Mercy Farm. Indeed, his feeling towards her, whatever it had been at first, had now so far changed that it had become a distinct affection of a purely animal kind. Indeed, it seemed as though the man's nature had become corrupted, and that all the baser and more selfish and more reckless qualities had become more 1267 mesmer (s) – de mesmer ou de mesmerismo recurso ao magnetismo animal e ao hipnotismo como forma de tratamento e cura de doenças, segundo o método do médico alemão Mesmer (1734-1815); Franz Anton Mesmer Médico alemão, nasceu em 1734, em Iznang (Alemanha), e morreu em 1815, em Meersburg (Alemanha). O seu sistema terapêutico, conhecido como mesmerismo , foi precursor da moderna prática de hipnotismo. Criou a teoria de que os planetas e as estrelas exercem uma influência sobre a saúde de todos os seres vivos por intermédio de um fluido, o magnetismo animal, que, distinto do magnetismo físico, tem grandes propriedades curativas directamente sobre doenças nervosas e indirectamente sobre todas as outras. Mais tarde, abandonou o processo de cura por magnetos (ímanes) por supor que existiria dentro de si próprio uma força semelhante que lhe permitiria exercer sobre as pessoas uma influência de algum modo semelhante àquela obtida com as varas magnetizadas. Segundo a teoria de Mesmer, esta força existiria em todo o universo e afectava especialmente o sistema nervoso dos seres vivos. Abre um consultório em Paris, em 1778, onde as suas consultas se tornam famosas, mas é alvo de críticas e acusado de charlatão pelos profissionais da medicina do seu tempo. Em 1784, o rei Luís XVI nomeou uma comissão de médicos e de membros da Academia das Ciências para investigar os métodos de Mesmer. Esta comissão declarou-se incapaz de reconhecer científicas as teorias de Mesmer. Os seus seguidores, mais tarde, desenvolveram uma aplicação legítima do hipnotismo. 1267 chest (s) – cofre, caixa 1269 zest (s) – animação, entusiasmo, gosto 1270 armchair (s) - poltrona 1270 put out (to) – pôr lá fora de casa, pôr de fora, pôr para fora 1270 wherein (adv) – em que, no que, naquilo que 1271 lately (adv) – recentemente, ultimamente, há pouco 1272 pay (to) - pagar 1272 occasional (adj) – acidental, casual, esporádico 1274 so far – neste momento, até agora 1276 base (adj) – baixo, ignóbil, vil 1276 selfish (adj) - egoísta 1276 reckless (adj) – imprudente, irreflectido 1277 conspicuous (adj) – evidente, flagrante, óbvio 1277 so much - tanto 1277 sterness (s) – severidade, rigor, dureza 1277 apparent (adj) – evidente, manifesto, notório, visível 1278 restraint (s) – autodomínio, comedimento, sobriedade 1278 determination (s) – determinação, resolução 1278 become (to) – tornar-se, fazer-se 1278 indifference (s) – indiferença, neutralidade 1279 grow (to) – tornar-se, ficar, vir a ser 1279 morbid (adj) – relativo a doença, patológico, doentio, mórbido, enfraquecimento patológico 1280 mad (adj) – louco, doido, maluco 1282 coil (s) – bobina, rolo 1282 cord (s) – cordel, corda fina, cordão 1283 purpose (s) – finalidade, intenção, propósito 1283 roller (s) – cilindro, rolete 1283 parapet (s) - parapeito 1283 winch (s) – manivela, guincho 1284 pull in (to) – atrair, puxar para dentro 1284 slack (s) – folga de uma corda 1284 outgoing (adj) – de saída, que sai 1284 At least – pelo menos 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 123 conspicuous. There was not so much sternness apparent in his nature, because there was less selfrestraint. Determination had become indifference. The visible change in Edgar was that he grew morbid, sad, silent; the neighbours thought he was going mad. He became absorbed in the kite, and watched it not only by day, but often all night long. It became an obsession to him. Caswall took a personal interest in the keeping of the great kite flying. He had a vast coil of cord efficient for the purpose, which worked on a roller fixed on the parapet of the tower. There was a winch for the pulling in of the slack; the outgoing line being controlled by a racket. There was invariably one man at least, day and night, on the tower to attend to it. At such an elevation there was always a strong wind, and at times the kite rose to an enormous height, as well as travelling for great distances laterally. In fact, the kite became, in a short time, one of the curiosities of Castra Regis and all around it. Edgar began to attribute to 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 124 it, in his own mind, almost human qualities. It became to him a separate entity, with a mind and a soul of its own. Being idle-handed all day, he began to apply to what he considered the service of the kite some of his spare time, and found a new pleasure--a new object in life--in the old schoolboy game of sending up "runners" to the kite. The way this is done is to get round pieces of paper so cut that there is a hole in the centre, through which the string of the kite passes. The natural action of the wind-pressure takes the paper along the string, and so up to the kite itself, no matter how high or how far it may have gone. In the early days of this amusement Edgar Caswall spent hours. Hundreds of such messengers flew along the string, until soon he bethought him of writing messages on these papers so that he could make known his ideas to the kite. It may be that his brain gave way under the opportunities given by his illusion of the entity of the toy and its power of separate thought. From sending messages he came to making direct speech to the kite--without, however, ceasing to send the runners. Doubtless, the height of the tower, 1289 idle (adj) – sem ocupação, sem ter que fazer 1289 apply (to) – dedicar-se a 1290 spare (adj) – disponível, livre, vago 1291 “runner” – refere-se a enviar bilhetinhos na corda do papagaio com um furo no meio do papel para o vento o levar até ao papagaio 1292 string (s) - fio 1293 up (to) – erguer-se, levantar-se 1294 early (adj) – inicial, primeiro 1294 messenger (s) – papel enviado pela corda de um papagaio 1295 bethink (to) – lembrar-se de, reflectir, reconsiderar ♣♣♣ maybe (adv) – talvez, possivelmente 1296 give away (to) – ceder, adoecer, abandonar-se, desistir de 1298 speech (s) – discurso, conversa 125 1299 seated (adj) - localizado ♣♣♣ seat (to) – sentar, colocar num lugar sentado, assentar 1299 ceaseless (adj) - incessante 1299 loft (adj) – elevado, alto 1299 altitude (s) - altitude 1300 speck (s) – mancha pequena, ponto 1300 gaze (to) – olhar fixamente 1301 further (adj) – mais, adicional, suplementar 1301 undoubtedly (adv) – incontestavelmente, indiscutivelmente, sem dúvida 1301 give away (to) – ceder, adoecer, abandonar-se, desistir de 1301 strain (s) – tensão, esforço 1302 occupation (s) - ocupação 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1303 absorbing (adj) – muito interessante, absorvente 1304 bear (to) – assumir, carregar, arcar com (suportar, tolerar, aguentar) 1304 main (adj) – principal, mais importante, fundamental 1304 conscious (adj) – deliberado, intencional 1304 to bring to bear on the main idea of the conscious identity of the kite all sorts of subjects which had imaginative force or tendency of their own quando aplicou sua grande idéia de vida consciente do papagaio a toda a espécie de objetos a que concedeu vida própria 1305 subject (s) - objecto 1306 forebear=forbear (s) - antepassado 1306 of similar tastes to his own – com gostos iguais aos seus 1309 curio (s) – curiosidade, objecto de arte 1309 ikon (s) – imagem, estatueta seated as it was on the hill-top, the rushing of the ceaseless wind, the hypnotic effect of the lofty altitude of the speck in the sky at which he gazed, and the rushing of the paper messengers up the string till sight of them was lost in distance, all helped to further affect his brain, undoubtedly giving way under the strain of beliefs and circumstances which were at once stimulating to the imagination, occupative of his mind, and absorbing. The next step of intellectual decline was to bring to bear on the main idea of the conscious identity of the kite all sorts of subjects which had imaginative force or tendency of their own. He had, in Castra Regis, a large collection of curious and interesting things formed in the past by his forebears, of similar tastes to his own. There were all sorts of strange anthropological specimens, both old and new, which had been collected through various travels in strange places: ancient Egyptian relics from tombs and mummies; curios from Australia, New Zealand, and the South Seas; idols and images--from Tartar ikons to ancient 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 Egyptian, Persian, and Indian objects of worship; objects of death and torture of American Indians; and, above all, a vast collection of lethal weapons of every kind and from every place--Chinese "high pinders," double knives, Afghan double-edged scimitars made to cut a body in two, heavy knives from all the Eastern countries, ghost daggers from Thibet, the terrible kukri of the Ghourka and other hill tribes of India, assassins' weapons from Italy and Spain, even the knife which was formerly carried by the slave-drivers of the Mississippi region. Death and pain of every kind were fully represented in that gruesome collection. That it had a fascination for Oolanga goes without saying. He was never tired of visiting the museum in the tower, and spent endless hours in inspecting the exhibits, till he was thoroughly familiar with every detail of all of them. He asked permission to clean and polish and sharpen them--a favour which was readily granted. In addition to the above objects, there were many things of a kind to awaken human fear. Stuffed serpents of the most objectionable and horrid kind; giant insects from the tropics, fearsome in every detail; 126 1310 worship (s) – adoração, veneração, culto 1311 high pinders – sem tradução, estrangeirismo 1312 double (adj) - duplo 1312 knif (s) - faca 1313 dagger (s) – punhal, adaga 1314 formerly (adv) – antigamente, primitivamente 1315 gruesome (adj) – terrível, horrendo 1316 it goes without saying that... - é evidente que...; 1316 goes without saying – é evidente 1317 inspect (to) – inspeccionar, examinar 1317 exhibit (s) - exposição 1317 thoroughly (adv) – minuciosamente, meticulosamente 1318 sharpen (to) – afiar, aguçar 1318 readily (adv) – prontamente, de boa vontade 1319 grant (to) – conceder, admitir, concordar 1319 above (adv) - (prep) – acima descritos 1319 stuffed (adj) – animal empalhado 1320 objectionable (adj) – desagradável, inconveniente 1320 fearsome (adj) – terrível, assustador 1320 detail (s) – pormenor, detalhe 127 1321 weird (adj) – estranho, esquisito 1321 spike (s) – espinho, espigão, aguilhão 1321 dried (adj) - seco ♣♣♣ dry (to) - secar 1322 deadly (adj) – mortal, fatal 1322 seemingly (adv) - aparentemente 1322 innocuous (adj) – inofensivo, que não faz mal, inócuo 1322 fungus (s) (plur: fungi, funguses) - fungo 1322 trap (s) – armadilha, ratoeira 1322 intend (to) – destinar, planear 1322 beast (s) – bicho, animal, besta 1323 degree (s) - grau 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1323 mercy (s) – misericórdia, compaixão 1328 intricate (adj) – intrincado, complicado, complexo 1328 once (adv) – uma vez 1329 become (to) – tornar-se, fazer-se 1329 likely (adj) – provável, possível 1330 similar (adj) – semelhante, parecido, similar 1330 inquire (to) – fazer perguntas 1330 household (s) – pessoal doméstico 1330 lumber (s) – trates velhos, coisas amontoadas 1330 several (adj) - (pron) - muitos 1331 accordingly (adv) – por conseguinte, em conformidade fishes and crustaceans covered with weird spikes; dried octopuses of great size. Other things, too, there were, not less deadly though seemingly innocuous--dried fungi, traps intended for birds, beasts, fishes, reptiles, and insects; machines which could produce pain of any kind and degree, and the only mercy of which was the power of producing speedy death. Caswall, who had never before seen any of these things, except those which he had collected himself, found a constant amusement and interest in them. He studied them, their uses, their mechanism-- where there was such--and their places of origin, until he had an ample and real knowledge of all concerning them. Many were secret and intricate, but he never rested till he found out all the secrets. When once he had become interested in strange objects, and the way to use them, he began to explore various likely places for similar finds. He began to inquire of his household where strange lumber was kept. Several of the men spoke of old Simon Chester as one who knew everything in and about the house. Accordingly, he sent for 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 128 the old man, who came at once. He was very old, nearly ninety years of age, and very infirm. He had been born in the Castle, and had served its succession of masters--present or absent- -ever since. When Edgar began to question him on the subject regarding which he had sent for him, old Simon exhibited much perturbation. In fact, he became so frightened that his master, fully believing that he was concealing something, ordered him to tell at once what remained unseen, and where it was hidden away. Face to face with discovery of his secret, the old man, in a pitiable state of concern, spoke out even more fully than Mr. Caswall had expected. "Indeed, indeed, sir, everything is here in the tower that has ever been put away in my time except-except--" here he began to shake and tremble it--"except the chest which Mr. Edgar--he who was Mr. Edgar when I first took service--brought back from France, after he had been with Dr. Mesmer. The trunk has been kept in my room for safety; but I shall send it down here now." 1332 infirm (adj) – adoentado, enfermo, frágil 1333 succession (s) – sucessão, série 1333 master (s) – dono, senhor, mestre 1333 absent (adj) - ausente 1333 ever since – desde então 1335 conceal (to) – esconder, dissimular, ocultar 1336 unseen (adj) – nunca visto, desconhecido 1337 discovery (s) - descoberta 1337 pitiable (adj) – lamentável, miserável, deplorável 1337 concern (s) – preocupação, pesar 1337 speak out (to) – falar, dizer o que pensa 1337 fully (adv) – completamente, totalmente 1339 put away (to) – afastar, arrumar, pôr de parte 129 1344 moreover (adv) – além disso 1349 afterwards (adv) – depois, mais tarde 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 "What is in it?" asked Edgar sharply. "That I do not know. Moreover, it is a peculiar trunk, without any visible means of opening." "Is there no lock?" "I suppose so, sir; but I do not know. There is no keyhole." "Send it here; and then come to me yourself." The trunk, a heavy one with steel bands round it, but no lock or keyhole, was carried in by two men. Shortly afterwards old Simon attended his master. When he came into the room, Mr. Caswall himself went and closed the door; then he asked: "How do you open it?" "I do not know, sir." "Do you mean to say that you never opened it?" 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 130 "Most certainly I say so, your honour. How could I? It was entrusted to me with the other things by my master. To open it would have been a breach of trust." Caswall sneered. "Quite remarkable! Leave it with me. Close the door behind you. Stay--did no one ever tell you about it-say anything regarding it-- make any remark?" Old Simon turned pale, and put his trembling hands together. "Oh, sir, I entreat you not to touch it. That trunk probably contains secrets which Dr. Mesmer told my master. Told them to his ruin!" "How do you mean? What ruin?" "Sir, he it was who, men said, sold his soul to the Evil One; I had thought that that time and the evil of it had all passed away." 1354 entrust (to) – confiar, entregar 1355 breach (s) – transgressão, violação, infracção 1356 sneer (to) – rir-se, zombar, escarnecer 1357 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 1357 remarkable (adj) – notável, fora do vulgar 1358 remark (s) – observação, comentário, reparo 1360 entreat (to) – suplicar, rogar, implorar 131 1365 1366 1367 "That will do. Go away; but remain in your own room, or within call. I may want you." The old man bowed deeply and went out trembling, but without speaking a word. 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 132 CHAPTER XII THE CHEST OPENED Left alone in the turret-room, Edgar Caswall carefully locked the door and hung a handkerchief over the keyhole. Next, he inspected the windows, and saw that they were not overlooked from any angle of the main building. Then he carefully examined the trunk, going over it with a magnifying glass. He found it intact: the steel bands were flawless; the whole trunk was compact. After sitting opposite to it for some time, and the shades of evening beginning to melt into darkness, he gave up the task and went to his bedroom, after locking the door of the turret-room behind him and taking away the key. He woke in the morning at daylight, and resumed his patient but unavailing study of the metal trunk. This he continued during the whole day with the same result--humiliating disappointment, which overwrought his 1369 chest (s) - cofre 1371 turret (s) – torreão, torre 1372 keyhole (s) – buraco de fechadura 1372 overlook (to) - vigiar 1373 main (adj) – principal, central, maior 1373 magnifying (adj) – que aumenta, que amplia 1373 glass (s) – lupa, lente 1373 magnifying glass - lupa 1374 flawless (adj) – impecável, sem defeito 1374 compact (adj) – compacto, unido firmemente 1374 sit (to) – sentar-se 1374 opposite (adj) – em frente 1375 evening (s) – noite, noitinha 1375 melt (to) – desvanecer-se, fundir-se 1375 give up (to) - desistir 1376 take away (to) – tirar, retirar 1377 resume (to) – reatar, reencetar, recomeçar 1377 unavailing (adj) – ineficaz, inútil 1378 humiliating (adj) - humilhante 1378 disappointment (s) – desapontamento, desilusão, decepção ♣♣♣ overwork (s) – excesso de trabalho ♣♣♣ overwrought (adj) – exausto, extenuado 1378 overwork (to) – sobrecarregar com trabalho, usar até à exaustão 133 1379 ache (to) – doer, sentir dores 1380 before (adv) – em frente 1380 baffling (adj) – desconcertante, desorientador 1380 distract (to) - distrair 1380 listless (adj) – indiferente, apático, desinteressado 1380 sink (to) – afundar-se, atolar-se 1380 settled (adj) – persistente, constante 1381 gloom (adj) – tristeza, melancolia, pessimismo 1381 steward (s) – administrador, mordomo, intendente 1384 odd (adj) – estranho, extravagante 1384 fancy (s) – fantasia, excitação 1384 high road - melhor caminho 1385 brood over (to) – cismar, matutar 1386 yield (to) – ceder, entregar 1388 memory (s) – recordações, lembrança, memória 1389 guess (to) – pensar, imaginar, conjecturar 1389 crowd (to) – encher, acudir à… 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 nerves and made his head ache. The result of the long strain was seen later in the afternoon, when he sat locked within the turret-room before the still baffling trunk, distrait, listless and yet agitated, sunk in a settled gloom. As the dusk was falling he told the steward to send him two men, strong ones. These he ordered to take the trunk to his bedroom. In that room he then sat on into the night, without pausing even to take any food. His mind was in a whirl, a fever of excitement. The result was that when, late in the night, he locked himself in his room his brain was full of odd fancies; he was on the high road to mental disturbance. He lay down on his bed in the dark, still brooding over the mystery of the closed trunk. Gradually he yielded to the influences of silence and darkness. After lying there quietly for some time, his mind became active again. But this time there were round him no disturbing influences; his brain was active and able to work freely and to deal with memory. A thousand forgotten--or only half-known--incidents, fragments of conversations or theories long ago guessed at and long forgotten, crowded on his mind. He 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 134 seemed to hear again around him the legions of whirring wings to which he had been so lately accustomed. Even to himself he knew that that was an effort of imagination founded on imperfect memory. But he was content that imagination should work, for out of it might come some solution of the mystery which surrounded him. And in this frame of mind, sleep made another and more successful essay. This time he enjoyed peaceful slumber, restful alike to his wearied body and his overwrought brain. In his sleep he arose, and, as if in obedience to some influence beyond and greater than himself, lifted the great trunk and set it on a strong table at one side of the room, from which he had previously removed a quantity of books. To do this, he had to use an amount of strength which was, he knew, far beyond him in his normal state. As it was, it seemed easy enough; everything yielded before his touch. Then he became conscious that somehow--how, he never could remember--the chest was open. He unlocked his door, and, taking the chest on his shoulder, carried it up to the turret- room, the door of which also he unlocked. Even 1392 content (adj) – satisfeito, contente 1393 frame (s) – evolução, desenvolvimento 1393 sleep (s) - sono 1393 essay (s) – tentativa, experiência 1394 slumber (s) – sono, descanso, inactividade 1394 restful (adj) – sossegado, agradável, sereno, calmo 1394 alike (adv) – da mesma maneira 1394 wearied (adj) – cansado, fatigado 1394 overwrought (adj) – exausto, extenuado 1395 arise (to) – levantar-se, erguer-se 1395 beyond (adv) - (prep) – para além de 1398 everything (pron) - tudo 1398 yield (to) – ceder, entregar 1400 also (adv) – também, igualmente 1400 unlock (to) - abrir 135 1401 at the time - naquela altura 1401 whence (adv) – de onde, por que razão 1402 conjecture (s) – conjectura, juízo formado sobre aparências indícios ou probabilidades; suposição; hipótese; 1402 far off - longe 1402 immediate (adj) – urgente, premente 1403 light up (to) - iluminar 1403 sturdy (adj) – forte, robusto 1404 servant (s) - criado 1404 stagger (to) – cambalear, vacilar 1405 lay out (to) – arrumar, dispor 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1405 content (s) - conteúdo 1405 mainly (adv) – principalmente, sobretudo 1407 rather … than – mais … do que 1407 accordance (s) – acordo, conformidade 1408 reasonable (adj) – razoável, sensato, tolerável 1408 result (s) – resultado, consequência, efeito 1409 arrange (to) – organizar, arranjar, ordenar 1409 mostly (adv) – sobretudo, principalmente 1410 acquire (to) – conquistar, adquirir, obter 1410 exquisite (adj) – refinado, requintado, atraente, encantador 1410 subtlety (s) – astúcia, argúcia, delicadeza 1410 volition (s) – vontade, acto de querer ou escolher 1410 weariness (s) – cansaço, fadiga at the time he was amazed at his own strength, and wondered whence it had come. His mind, lost in conjecture, was too far off to realise more immediate things. He knew that the chest was enormously heavy. He seemed, in a sort of vision which lit up the absolute blackness around, to see the two sturdy servant men staggering under its great weight. He locked himself again in the turret-room, and laid the opened chest on a table, and in the darkness began to unpack it, laying out the contents, which were mainly of metal and glass--great pieces in strange forms--on another table. He was conscious of being still asleep, and of acting rather in obedience to some unseen and unknown command than in accordance with any reasonable plan, to be followed by results which he understood. This phase completed, he proceeded to arrange in order the component parts of some large instruments, formed mostly of glass. His fingers seemed to have acquired a new and exquisite subtlety and even a volition of their own. Then weariness of 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 136 brain came upon him; his head sank down on his breast, and little by little everything became wrapped in gloom. He awoke in the early morning in his bedroom, and looked around him, now clear-headed, in amazement. In its usual place on the strong table stood the great steel-hooped chest without lock or key. But it was now locked. He arose quietly and stole to the turret-room. There everything was as it had been on the previous evening. He looked out of the window where high in air flew, as usual, the giant kite. He unlocked the wicket gate of the turret stair and went out on the roof. Close to him was the great coil of cord on its reel. It was humming in the morning breeze, and when he touched the string it sent a quick thrill through hand and arm. There was no sign anywhere that there had been any disturbance or displacement of anything during the night. 1411 little by little - pouco a pouco 1411 wrap (to) – cobrir, envolver 1412 gloom (s) – escuridão, trevas, obscuridade 1413 clear-headed (adj) – lúcido, perspicaz 1414 hooped (adj) – com cercadura de arcos ♣♣♣ hoop (s) – arco, aro, argola 1415 locked (adj) – fechado à chave 1415 steal (to) – mover-se furtivamente, deslocar-se em segredo 1417 wicket (adj) – com portinhola ou portinha 1417 roof (s) - telhado 1418 reel (s) – carrinho de linhas, bobina, carreto 1418 hum (to) – zumbir, sussurrar, fazer ruído semelhante ao das abelhas 1418 thrill (s) - vibração 1419 disturbance (s) – perturbação, distúrbio 1419 displacement (s) – mudança, deslocação 137 1421 utterly (adv) – completamente, totalmente, absolutamente 1421 bewilder (to) – desorientar, confundir 1421 asleep (adj) – a dormir, adormecido 1423 hearty (adj) – vigorosa e substancial refeição 1424 quite (adv) – mais ou menos (completamente, inteiramente) 1424 whereabouts (s) - paradeiro 1425 recall (to) – recordar-se, lembrar-se de 1425 position (s) – localização, lugar, sítio 1426 wheel (s) - roda 1428 recollection (s) – lembrança, memória, recordação 1429 dual (adj) - duplo 1429 action (s) – actividade, funcionamento 1430 forgo (to) – abster-se, renunciar a, pôr de parte 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 Utterly bewildered, he sat down in his room to think. Now for the first time he FELT that he was asleep and dreaming. Presently he fell asleep again, and slept for a long time. He awoke hungry and made a hearty meal. Then towards evening, having locked himself in, he fell asleep again. When he woke he was in darkness, and was quite at sea as to his whereabouts. He began feeling about the dark room, and was recalled to the consequences of his position by the breaking of a large piece of glass. Having obtained a light, he discovered this to be a glass wheel, part of an elaborate piece of mechanism which he must in his sleep have taken from the chest, which was now opened. He had once again opened it whilst asleep, but he had no recollection of the circumstances. Caswall came to the conclusion that there had been some sort of dual action of his mind, which might lead to some catastrophe or some discovery of his secret plans; so he resolved to forgo for a while the pleasure of making discoveries regarding the chest. To this end, he applied himself to quite another matter- 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 138 -an investigation of the other treasures and rare objects in his collections. He went amongst them in simple, idle curiosity, his main object being to discover some strange item which he might use for experiment with the kite. He had already resolved to try some runners other than those made of paper. He had a vague idea that with such a force as the great kite straining at its leash, this might be used to lift to the altitude of the kite itself heavier articles. His first experiment with articles of little but increasing weight was eminently successful. So he added by degrees more and more weight, until he found out that the lifting power of the kite was considerable. He then determined to take a step further, and send to the kite some of the articles which lay in the steel-hooped chest. The last time he had opened it in sleep, it had not been shut again, and he had inserted a wedge so that he could open it at will. He made examination of the contents, but came to the conclusion that the glass objects were unsuitable. They were too light for testing weight, and they were so frail as to be dangerous to send to such a height. 1433 idle (adj) – ocioso, sem ocupação 1433 object (s) – assunto, finalidade 1433 item (s) - peça 1435 straining (s) – tensão, esforço 1435 leash (s) – trela, cordel 1436 increasing (adj) – crescente, cada vez maior 1437 successful (adj) – bem sucedido, com êxito 1437 add (to) - acrescentar 1440 wedge (s) - cunha 1440 at will – à vontade 1441 unsuitable (adj) – impróprio, pouco adequado 1441 light (adj) – leve 1441 weight (s) - peso 1442 frail (adj) – frágil, delicado 1444 Bes – Bes (also spelt as Bisu) was an Egyptian deity (divindade) worshipped (adorado) in the later (tardio) periods of dynastic history as a protector of households (residentes da casa) and in particular mothers and children. In time he would be regarded as the defender of everything good and the enemy of all that is bad. While past (antigos) studies identified Bes as a Middle Kingdom import from Nubia, (África) some more recent research (investigação) believes him to be an Egyptian native. Mentions (referências) of Bes can be traced (encontrar, localizar) to the southern lands of the Old Kingdom; however his cult did not become widespread (generalizado, comum, corrente) until well into the New Kingdom. His name appears to be connected to a Nubian word for "cat" [citation needed] (besa) which literally means "protector", and indeed, his first appearances have the suggestion of a cat god . Egyptians kept cats in order to attack snakes, and creatures that might ruin crop stores, such as mice, and so Bes was naturally singled out (escolhido) as worthy (merecedor) of worship (adoração) in Egypt. 1445 commend (to) – agradar, elogiar 1446 mad (adj) – louco, doido, maluco 1446 cabinet (s) – armário, móvel com prateleiras 1448 carve (to) – esculpir, entalhar 1448 lump (s) - pedaço 1448 lodestone=loadstone (s) – pedra-íman, íman natural, variedade de magnetite 1448 ancient (adj) - antigo 1448 god (s) – deus, divindade 1449 cut, cut, cut (to) – gravar, lapidar, esculpir (cortar) 1449 similar (adj) – semelhante, parecido 1449 think over (to) – pensar bem sobre, reflectir acerca de 1450 Thomas Brown (January 9, 1778 - April 2, 1820) was a Scottish (Escocês) metaphysician (metafísico, teórico, especulativo). 1450 error (s) – erro, lapso, engano 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 139 So he looked around for something more solid with which to experiment. His eye caught sight of an object which at once attracted him. This was a small copy of one of the ancient Egyptian gods--that of Bes, who represented the destructive power of nature. It was so bizarre and mysterious as to commend itself to his mad humour. In lifting it from the cabinet, he was struck by its great weight in proportion to its size. He made accurate examination of it by the aid of some instruments, and came to the conclusion that it was carved from a lump of lodestone. He remembered that he had read somewhere of an ancient Egyptian god cut from a similar substance, and, thinking it over, he came to the conclusion that he must have read it in Sir Thomas Brown's POPULAR ERRORS, a book of the seventeenth century. He got the book from the library, and looked out the passage: 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 140 "A great example we have from the observation of our learned friend Mr. Graves, in an AEgyptian idol cut out of Loadstone and found among the Mummies; which still retains its attraction, though probably taken out of the mine about two thousand years ago." The strangeness of the figure, and its being so close akin to his own nature, attracted him. He made from thin wood a large circular runner, and in front of it placed the weighty god, sending it up to the flying kite along the throbbing cord. 1452 learned (adj) - instruído 1452 cut out (to) – retirar, recortar 1453 lodestone=loadstone (s) – pedra-íman, íman natural, variedade de magnetite 1453 take out (to) – tirar, extrair 1455 strangeness (s) – estranheza, invulgaridade, singularidade 1455 akin (adj) - (adv) – parecido, semelhante, 1456 thin (adj) – fino, delgado 1456 weighty (adj) – pesado, de peso 1456 god (s) – deus, divindade ♣♣♣ throb (to) – palpitar, pulsar 1457 throbbing (adj) – vibrante, que pulsa 141 1462 exceedingly (adv) – muito, extremamente 1462 debt (s) – dívida, quando se deve dinheiro e não se paga 1463 press (to) – pressionar, insistir com 1463 embarrassing (adj) – embaraçoso, incómodo, constrangedor 1463 amount (s) – montante, quantia, importância, dinheiro 1465 wooer (s) – pretendente, galanteador 1466 difficile - estrangeirismo 1466 ever since – desde, desde então 1468 overt (adj) – evidente, claro, notório, manifesto 1469 help (to) – proteger (ajudar, auxiliar) 1469 support (to) – ajudar, auxiliar 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 CHAPTER XIII OOLANGA'S HALLUCINATIONS During the last few days Lady Arabella had been getting exceedingly impatient. Her debts, always pressing, were growing to an embarrassing amount. The only hope she had of comfort in life was a good marriage; but the good marriage on which she had fixed her eye did not seem to move quickly enough-indeed, it did not seem to move at all--in the right direction. Edgar Caswall was not an ardent wooer. From the very first he seemed DIFFICILE, but he had been keeping to his own room ever since his struggle with Mimi Watford. On that occasion Lady Arabella had shown him in an unmistakable way what her feelings were; indeed, she had made it known to him, in a more overt way than pride should allow, that she wished to help and support him. The moment when she had gone across the room to stand beside him in his 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 142 mesmeric struggle, had been the very limit of her voluntary action. It was quite bitter enough, she felt, that he did not come to her, but now that she had made that advance, she felt that any withdrawal on his part would, to a woman of her class, be nothing less than a flaming insult. Had she not classed herself with his nigger servant, an unreformed savage? Had she not shown her preference for him at the festival of his home-coming? Had she not. . . Lady Arabella was cold-blooded, and she was prepared to go through all that might be necessary of indifference, and even insult, to become chatelaine of Castra Regis. In the meantime, she would show no hurry--she must wait. She might, in an unostentatious way, come to him again. She knew him now, and could make a keen guess at his desires with regard to Lilla Watford. With that secret in her possession, she could bring pressure to bear on Caswall which would make it no easy matter for him to evade her. The great difficulty was how to get near him. He was shut up within his Castle, and guarded by a defence of convention which she could not pass without danger of ill repute to herself. 1470 very (adv) – precisamente (muito) 1470 bitter (adj) - amargo 1471 advance (s) – aproximação de alguém 1471 withdrawal (s) – afastamento, distanciamento 1471 on (prep) - de 1472 flaming (adj) – enorme, forte, intenso, chamejante 1472 class (to) – acamaradar com, dar-se bem com 1473 unreformed (adj) - incorrigível 1475 chatelaine (s) – estrangeirismo que significa: castelã 1476 in the meantime - entretanto; no entretanto 1476 unostentatious (adj) – simples, modesto, sem ostentação 1477 keen (adj) - forte 1478 bear on (to) – afectar, influenciar, ter efeitos sobre 1479 evade (to) – evitar, escapar, fugir a 1480 convention (s) – regras sociais 1480 ill (adj) – má, mau 1480 repute (s) – reputação, bom nome 143 1482 rank (s) – posição social, classe 1483 matter (s) – motivo, causa 1484 commit (to) – entregar-se, confiar-se 1484 after all – no fim de contas, afinal 1484 dislike (s) – repugnância, antipatia, aversão 1485 awkward (adj) – difícil, desastrado, embaraçoso 1485 with a man's dislike of difficult or awkward situations. – com as dificuldades próprias dos homens 1485 confidence (s) - confiança 1485 womanhood (s) - feminilidade 1487 gong (s) – campaínha forte, gongo 1490 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 1490 strict (adj) – severo, austero, estrito, rigoroso 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 Over this question she thought and thought for days and nights. At last she decided that the only way would be to go to him openly at Castra Regis. Her rank and position would make such a thing possible, if carefully done. She could explain matters afterwards if necessary. Then when they were alone, she would use her arts and her experience to make him commit himself. After all, he was only a man, with a man's dislike of difficult or awkward situations. She felt quite sufficient confidence in her own womanhood to carry her through any difficulty which might arise. From Diana's Grove she heard each day the luncheon-gong from Castra Regis sound, and knew the hour when the servants would be in the back of the house. She would enter the house at that hour, and, pretending that she could not make anyone hear her, would seek him in his own rooms. The tower was, she knew, away from all the usual sounds of the house, and moreover she knew that the servants had strict orders not to interrupt him when he was in the turret chamber. She had found out, partly by the aid of an 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 144 opera-glass and partly by judicious questioning, that several times lately a heavy chest had been carried to and from his room, and that it rested in the room each night. She was, therefore, confident that he had some important work on hand which would keep him busy for long spells. Meanwhile, another member of the household at Castra Regis had schemes which he thought were working to fruition. A man in the position of a servant has plenty of opportunity of watching his betters and forming opinions regarding them. Oolanga was in his way a clever, unscrupulous rogue, and he felt that with things moving round him in this great household there should be opportunities of self-advancement. Being unscrupulous and stealthy--and a savage--he looked to dishonest means. He saw plainly enough that Lady Arabella was making a dead set at his master, and he was watchful of the slightest sign of anything which might enhance this knowledge. Like the other men in the house, he knew of the carrying to and fro of the great chest, and had got it into his head that the care exercised in its porterage indicated that 1492 opera-glass (s) - binóculo 1492 judicious (adj) – sensato, sagaz, judicioso 1492 questioning (s) – interrogatório, questionação 1493 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 1494 spell (s) – temporada, período 1495 meanwhile (adv) - entretanto ♣♣♣ meantime (adv) - entretanto 1495 household (s) – pessoal doméstico (residentes da casa) 1495 scheme (s) – plano, projecto 1496 fruition (s) – realização, materialização 1496 better (adj) - melhor 1497 rogue (s) – vigarista, intrujão, trapaceiro 1498 advancement (s) – promoção, progresso 1499 stealthy (adj) – furtivo, dissimulado 1499 savage (s) – selvagem, bárbaro 1499 look to (to) – recorrer a, contar com, querer, procurar ♣♣♣ dead set - posição de marrar 1500 to be dead set - estar absolutamente determinado 1500 slight (adj) – leve, ligeiro 1501 enhance (to) – aumentar, melhorar 1501 To and fro – de um lado para o outro 1502 care (s) - cuidado 1502 exercise (to) – usar, empregar 1502 porterage (s) – porte, transporte 145 1503 forever (adv) – sempre (para sempre) 1503 lurking (adj) – emboscado, escondido, à espreita 1504 cautious (adj) – cauteloso, prudente 1504 stealthy (adj) – dissimulado, astuto, manhoso 1505 thus (adv) - assim 1505 aware (adj) – consciente, ao corrente, informado 1505 venture (s) - aventura 1507 glid up (to) – passar sem se notar, deslizar 1509 intentness (s) – atenção forte, concentração 1509 caution (s) – cuidado, cautela, prudência 1510 lest (conj) – para evitar que, para que não 1510 betray (to) – revelar, denunciar (trair) 1511 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 1511 slink (to) – mover-se furtivamente 1511 downstairs (adj) - (adv) – em baixo, no andar de baixo 1511 noiselessly (adv) - silenciosamente 1511 further (to) – promover, favorecer, apoiar, facilitar 1512 bear in mind (to) - lembrar-se; ter presente 1513 steal (to) - roubar 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 it was full of treasure. He was for ever lurking around the turret-rooms on the chance of making some useful discovery. But he was as cautious as he was stealthy, and took care that no one else watched him. It was thus that the negro became aware of Lady Arabella's venture into the house, as she thought, unseen. He took more care than ever, since he was watching another, that the positions were not reversed. More than ever he kept his eyes and ears open and his mouth shut. Seeing Lady Arabella gliding up the stairs towards his master's room, he took it for granted that she was there for no good, and doubled his watching intentness and caution. Oolanga was disappointed, but he dared not exhibit any feeling lest it should betray that he was hiding. Therefore he slunk downstairs again noiselessly, and waited for a more favourable opportunity of furthering his plans. It must be borne in mind that he thought that the heavy trunk was full of valuables, and that he believed that Lady Arabella had come to try to steal it. His purpose of using for his own advantage the 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 146 combination of these two ideas was seen later in the day. Oolanga secretly followed her home. He was an expert at this game, and succeeded admirably on this occasion. He watched her enter the private gate of Diana's Grove, and then, taking a roundabout course and keeping out of her sight, he at last overtook her in a thick part of the Grove where no one could see the meeting. Lady Arabella was much surprised. She had not seen the negro for several days, and had almost forgotten his existence. Oolanga would have been startled had he known and been capable of understanding the real value placed on him, his beauty, his worthiness, by other persons, and compared it with the value in these matters in which he held himself. Doubtless Oolanga had his dreams like other men. In such cases he saw himself as a young sun-god, as beautiful as the eye of dusky or even white womanhood had ever dwelt upon. He would have been filled with all noble and captivating qualities--or 1515 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido, sair-se bem 1515 admirably (adv) – admiravelmente, espantosamente 1516 roundabout (adj) – com desvios, com rodeios, indirecto 1516 course (s) – caminho, rumo, direcção 1516 overtake (to) – alcançar, surpreender, atingir 1519 startled (adj) – surpreso, espantado 1520 worthiness (s) – mérito, valor 1522 eye – um indivíduo que faz “olhinhos” a outra 1522 dusky (adj) – moreno, de cor escura 1523 ever (adv) – nunca, jamais 1523 dwell upon (to) – pensar em 1523 fill (to) – preencher, encher 147 1524 regard (to) - considerar 1524 as such – como tais 1525 fervid (adj) - ardente 1525 depth (s) – profundidade, espessura 1526 hush (adj) - silencioso 1526 suitable (adj) – apropriado, conveniente, adequado 1527 deference (s) – consideração, deferência, respeito 1527 unfold (to) – revelar, explicar 1528 check (to) – conter, reprimir (verificar, conferir) 1529 laughter (s) – riso, gargalhada 1530 subdue (to) – dominar, controlar 1530 mirth (s) – riso, hilaridade 1530 debased (adj) – aviltado, adulterado, corrompido, viciado, estragado 1531 ugliness (s) - fealdade 1531 devilish (adj) - (adv) – diabólico 1531 accomplished (adj) – talentoso, com grandes dotes 1532 consideration (s) – ponderação, reflexão, análise 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 those regarded as such in West Africa. Women would have loved him, and would have told him so in the overt and fervid manner usual in affairs of the heart in the shadowy depths of the forest of the Gold Coast. Oolanga came close behind Lady Arabella, and in a hushed voice, suitable to the importance of his task, and in deference to the respect he had for her and the place, began to unfold the story of his love. Lady Arabella was not usually a humorous person, but no man or woman of the white race could have checked the laughter which rose spontaneously to her lips. The circumstances were too grotesque, the contrast too violent, for subdued mirth. The man a debased specimen of one of the most primitive races of the earth, and of an ugliness which was simply devilish; the woman of high degree, beautiful, accomplished. She thought that her first moment's consideration of the outrage--it was nothing less in her eyes--had given her the full material for thought. But every instant after threw new and varied lights on the affront. Her 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 148 indignation was too great for passion; only irony or satire would meet the situation. Her cold, cruel nature helped, and she did not shrink to subject this ignorant savage to the merciless fire-lash of her scorn. Oolanga was dimly conscious that he was being flouted; but his anger was no less keen because of the measure of his ignorance. So he gave way to it, as does a tortured beast. He ground his great teeth together, raved, stamped, and swore in barbarous tongues and with barbarous imagery. Even Lady Arabella felt that it was well she was within reach of help, or he might have offered her brutal violence-- even have killed her. "Am I to understand," she said with cold disdain, so much more effective to wound than hot passion, "that you are offering me your love? Your--love?" For reply he nodded his head. The scorn of her voice, in a sort of baleful hiss, sounded--and felt--like the lash of a whip. 1534 passion (s) – fúria, furor, cólera 1534 satire (s) – ironia, troça, sarcasmo 1534 meet (to) – enfrentar, defrontar, responder a (encontrar, encontrar-se) 1535 shrink (to) – recuar, acobardar-se 1535 merciless (adj) – implacável, desumano, cruel 1535 lash (s) - chicotada 1535 scorn (s) – desprezo, desdém 1536 dimly (adv) – vagamente, indistintamente 1536 conscious (adj) - consciente 1536 flout (to) – desprezar, escanecer, zombar 1536 anger (s) – ira, irritação, cólera 1536 keen (adj) – forte, intenso 1537 measure (s) – extensão 1537 grind (to) – ranger de dentes 1537 tooth (s) - dente 1538 rave (to) – falar como um louco, enfurecer-se 1538 stamp (to) – bater violentamente com os pés no chão 1538 swear (to) - jurar 1538 imagery (s) – palavrões 1539 well (adj) – bom, conveniente, aconselhável 1539 reach (s) - alcance 1539 offer (to) - oferecer 1541 disdain (s) - desdém 1541 effective (adj) – eficaz, convincente 1543 scorn (s) – desprezo, desdém, escárnio 1543 baleful (adj) – sinistro, terrível, ameaçador 1543 hiss (s) – silvo, sibilo, assobio das serpentes 1544 lash (s) - chicotada 1544 whip (s) - chicote 149 1545 dare (to) – atrever-se, ousar 1545 base (adj) – baixo, vil, ignóbil 1545 vermin (s) – insectos, bichos, bicharada 1546 value (to) – estimar, valorizar, apreciar, prezar 1546 worthless (adj) – sem mérito, sem valor 1546 spider (s) - aranha 1546 hideous (adj) – muito feio, medonho, terrível, hediondo 1547 rid (to) – livrar, libertar, desembaraçar 1549 impudence (s) – insolência, descaramento, falta de respeito 1549 forsake (to) – abandonar, pôr de parte 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1549 weak (adj) – fraco, débil 1550 gibberish (s) – algaraviada incompreensível 1551 mean (to) – significar, exprimir 1551 intonation (s) – entoação, modulação na voz, inflexão, tom 1552 fail (to) – não conseguir, falhar, ser incapaz de 1552 follow (to) – compreender (seguir) 1553 urge (to) – insistir com, pedir insistentemente 1553 suit (s) – pedido, rogo 1553 gross (adj) – grosseiro, vulgar, ordinário 1553 passion (s) – interesse, entusiasmo 1553 threat (s) – ameaça, aviso 1553 warn (to) – avisar, alertar 1554 But if she would be his – se ela casasse com ele "And you dared! you--a savage--a slave--the basest thing in the world of vermin! Take care! I don't value your worthless life more than I do that of a rat or a spider. Don't let me ever see your hideous face here again, or I shall rid the earth of you." As she was speaking, she had taken out her revolver and was pointing it at him. In the immediate presence of death his impudence forsook him, and he made a weak effort to justify himself. His speech was short, consisting of single words. To Lady Arabella it sounded mere gibberish, but it was in his own dialect, and meant love, marriage, wife. From the intonation of the words, she guessed, with her woman's quick intuition, at their meaning; but she quite failed to follow, when, becoming more pressing, he continued to urge his suit in a mixture of the grossest animal passion and ridiculous threats. He warned her that he knew she had tried to steal his master's treasure, and that he had caught her in the act. But if she would be his, 1555 1556 1557 150 he would share the treasure with her, and they could live in luxury in the African forests. But if she refused, he would tell his master, who would flog and torture her and then give her to the police, who would kill her. 1556 flog (to) – flagelar, açoitar, castigar 151 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 CHAPTER XIV BATTLE RENEWED 1559 battle (s) – disputa, batalha 1559 renewed (adj) – reatado, renovado, retomado 1561 acute (adj) – agudo, intenso 1561 far-reaching- longo-alcance 1562 anyone (prep) – qualquer pessoa 1563 such (pron) – este, esse, aquele 1563 inexhaustible (adj) – imperdoáve, indesculpável 1564 insatiable (adj) – insaciável, ávido 1564 vanity (s) – vaidade, presunção 1564 I am pleased to tell you that... - tenho o prazer de o informar que... 1565 hatred (s) - ódio 1565 lust (s) – instinto sexual 1565 greed (s) – avidez, cobiça, cupidez 1565 afire (adj) - (adv) – em chamas, em brasa, ardente, inflamado 1565 core (s) – âmago, medula, parte central 1566 stir (to) – agitar-se, inflamar-se 1566 seething (adj) – fervente, em grande agitação 1567 set upon (to) – muito decidida a, atacar com violência, atirar-se a 1567 encounter (to) – encontrar-se, defrontar-se 1568 endure (to) – suportar, sofrer, aguentar 1568 revenge (s) – vingança, retaliação 1568 seek (to) - procurar The consequences of that meeting in the dusk of Diana's Grove were acute and far-reaching, and not only to the two engaged in it. From Oolanga, this might have been expected by anyone who knew the character of the tropical African savage. To such, there are two passions that are inexhaustible and insatiable--vanity and that which they are pleased to call love. Oolanga left the Grove with an absorbing hatred in his heart. His lust and greed were afire, while his vanity had been wounded to the core. Lady Arabella's icy nature was not so deeply stirred, though she was in a seething passion. More than ever she was set upon bringing Edgar Caswall to her feet. The obstacles she had encountered, the insults she had endured, were only as fuel to the purpose of revenge which consumed her. 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 152 As she sought her own rooms in Diana's Grove, she went over the whole subject again and again, always finding in the face of Lilla Watford a key to a problem which puzzled her--the problem of a way to turn Caswall's powers--his very existence--to aid her purpose. When in her boudoir, she wrote a note, taking so much trouble over it that she destroyed, and rewrote, till her dainty waste-basket was half-full of torn sheets of notepaper. When quite satisfied, she copied out the last sheet afresh, and then carefully burned all the spoiled fragments. She put the copied note in an emblazoned envelope, and directed it to Edgar Caswall at Castra Regis. This she sent off by one of her grooms. The letter ran: DEAR MR. CASWALL, 1569 go over (to) – rever, recapitular 1571 aid (to) – contribuir para, ajudar 1572 boudoir (s) – aposento privado de senhora 1572 trouble (s) – preocupação, cuidado 1573 dainty (adj) - elegante, gracioso, refinado 1573 waste (adj) – de desperdícios ou lixo 1573 tear (to) - rasgar 1573 copy out (to) - copiar 1574 afresh (adv) – de novo, outra vez ♣♣♣ spoil (to) – estragar, deteriorar 1574 spoiled (adj) – estragado, deteriorado 1575 emblazoned (adj) – com brasão, brasonado 1575 send off (to) – enviar ou mandar por pessoa 1576 groom (s) – criado, lacaio 1576 run (to) – um documento concebido em determinados termos 153 1579 chat (s) - conversa 1588 roadway (s) – estrada, parte central da estrada 1588 She wished to take the servants into her confidence as little as possible. - Queria estar o mais distante possível dos criados, em suas confidencias. 1588 take (to) - ter 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 I want to have a chat with you on a subject in which I believe you are interested. Will you kindly call for me one day after lunch-- say at three or four o'clock, and we can walk a little way together. Only as far as Mercy Farm, where I want to see Lilla and Mimi Watford. We can take a cup of tea at the Farm. Do not bring your African servant with you, as I am afraid his face frightens the girls. After all, he is not pretty, is he? I have an idea you will be pleased with your visit this time. Yours sincerely, ARABELLA MARCH At half-past three next day, Edgar Caswall called at Diana's Grove. Lady Arabella met him on the roadway outside the gate. She wished to take the servants into her confidence as little as possible. She turned when she saw him coming, and walked beside him towards Mercy Farm, keeping step with him as 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 154 they walked. When they got near Mercy, she turned and looked around her, expecting to see Oolanga or some sign of him. He was, however, not visible. He had received from his master peremptory orders to keep out of sight--an order for which the African scored a new offence up against her. They found Lilla and Mimi at home and seemingly glad to see them, though both the girls were surprised at the visit coming so soon after the other. The proceedings were a repetition of the battle of souls of the former visit. On this occasion, however, Edgar Caswall had only the presence of Lady Arabella to support him--Oolanga being absent; but Mimi lacked the support of Adam Salton, which had been of such effective service before. This time the struggle for supremacy of will was longer and more determined. Caswall felt that if he could not achieve supremacy he had better give up the idea, so all his pride was enlisted against Mimi. When they had been waiting for 1592 score up (to) – registar, contar, tomar nota de 1592 against (prep) - contra 1593 glad (adj) – satisfeito, contente 1595 former (adj) – anterior, precedente 1597 lack (to) – possuir, não ter, faltar 1597 effective (adj) – eficaz, efectivo 1598 achieve (to) – realizar, concretizar 1599 pride (s) – altivez, arrogância, orgulho 1599 enlist (to) – recrutar, alistar 155 1603 trample (to) – pisar, calcar, esmagar com os pés 1605 lie (to) – estar, encontrar-se 1605 defeat (s) - derrota 1606 overcome (to) – dominar, vencer, derrotar 1607 undercover (adv) – disfarçadamente 1607 retire (to) – retirar-se, afastar-se 1607 unbeaten (adj) – não derrotado, invicto 1609 brow (s) – monte, colina, penhasco 1610 rustling (adj) - sussurrante 1610 crackling (s) - crepitação 1610 reed (s) – cana, caniço 1610 rush (s) - junco 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 the door to be opened, Lady Arabella, believing in a sudden attack, had said to him in a low voice, which somehow carried conviction: "This time you should win. Mimi is, after all, only a woman. Show her no mercy. That is weakness. Fight her, beat her, trample on her--kill her if need be. She stands in your way, and I hate her. Never take your eyes off her. Never mind Lilla--she is afraid of you. You are already her master. Mimi will try to make you look at her cousin. There lies defeat. Let nothing take your attention from Mimi, and you will win. If she is overcoming you, take my hand and hold it hard whilst you are looking into her eyes. If she is too strong for you, I shall interfere. I'll make a diversion, and under cover of it you must retire unbeaten, even if not victorious. Hush! they are coming." The two girls came to the door together. Strange sounds were coming up over the Brow from the west. It was the rustling and crackling of the dry reeds and rushes from the low lands. The season had been an 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 156 unusually dry one. Also the strong east wind was helping forward enormous flocks of birds, most of them pigeons with white cowls. Not only were their wings whirring, but their cooing was plainly audible. From such a multitude of birds the mass of sound, individually small, assumed the volume of a storm. Surprised at the influx of birds, to which they had been strangers so long, they all looked towards Castra Regis, from whose high tower the great kite had been flying as usual. But even as they looked, the cord broke, and the great kite fell headlong in a series of sweeping dives. Its own weight, and the aerial force opposed to it, which caused it to rise, combined with the strong easterly breeze, had been too much for the great length of cord holding it. Somehow, the mishap to the kite gave new hope to Mimi. It was as though the side issues had been shorn away, so that the main struggle was thenceforth on simpler lines. She had a feeling in her heart, as though some religious chord had been newly touched. It may, of course, have been that with the renewal of 1611 help forward (to) – facilitar o progresso de, favorecer 1611 flock (s) – bando de aves 1612 pigeon (s) - pombo 1612 cowl (s) – capuz de monge 1612 cooing (s) - arrulho 1613 multitude (s) – grande quantidade, sem-número 1614 influx (s) – afluência, afluxo 1615 even as - precisamente quando; mesmo enquanto 1616 headlong (adj) – de cabeça 1616 sweeping (adj) – largo, amplo 1616 opposed (adj) – oposto, contrário 1617 easterly (adj) – oriental, leste 1617 length (s) - comprimento 1619 somehow (adv) – de certo modo 1619 mishap (s) – contratempo, contrariedade, revés 1619 a side issue - uma questão secundária; 1620 shear (to) – cortar rente 1620 thenceforth (adv) – daí em diante, a partir daí 1620 simple (adj) – simples, fácil 1621 chord (s) – acorde, corda 1621 newly (adv) – recentemente, há pouco 1621 renewal (s) – reatamento, retoma 157 1622 fresh (adj) – recente, novo, diferente 1622 issue (s) – resultado, conclusão 1623 train (s) – curso ou sequência de ideias 1623 (probabilidade) to be bound to - ser (quase) certo que; 1624 boon (s) – dádiva, favor, mercê 1624 inrush (s) – irrupção, afluência súbita 1624 wing (s) - asa 1624 crackling (adj) - crepitante 1624 rush (s) - junco 1624 grow (to) – tornar-se, ficar 1625 faint (to) - desmaiar 1627 breed (to) – gerar 1628 snake charmer - encantador de serpentes; 1630 sang froid - estrangeirismo 1632 triumph (to) - triunfar 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 the bird voices a fresh courage, a fresh belief in the good issue of the struggle came too. In the misery of silence, from which they had all suffered for so long, any new train of thought was almost bound to be a boon. As the inrush of birds continued, their wings beating against the crackling rushes, Lady Arabella grew pale, and almost fainted. "What is that?" she asked suddenly. To Mimi, born and bred in Siam, the sound was strangely like an exaggeration of the sound produced by a snake-charmer. Edgar Caswall was the first to recover from the interruption of the falling kite. After a few minutes he seemed to have quite recovered his SANG FROID, and was able to use his brains to the end which he had in view. Mimi too quickly recovered herself, but from a different cause. With her it was a deep religious conviction that the struggle round her was of the powers of Good and Evil, and that Good was triumphing. 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 158 The very appearance of the snowy birds, with the cowls of Saint Columba, heightened the impression. With this conviction strong upon her, she continued the strange battle with fresh vigour. She seemed to tower over Caswall, and he to give back before her oncoming. Once again her vigorous passes drove him to the door. He was just going out backward when Lady Arabella, who had been gazing at him with fixed eyes, caught his hand and tried to stop his movement. She was, however, unable to do any good, and so, holding hands, they passed out together. As they did so, the strange music which had so alarmed Lady Arabella suddenly stopped. Instinctively they all looked towards the tower of Castra Regis, and saw that the workmen had refixed the kite, which had risen again a2nd was beginning to float out to its former station. As they were looking, the door opened and Michael Watford came into the room. By that time all had recovered their self-possession, and there was nothing out of the common to attract his attention. As he came in, seeing inquiring looks all around him, he said: 1633 appearance (s) - aparecimento 1633 snowy (adj) – imaculado, puro 1633 cowl (s) – capuz de monge 1633 heighten (to) – intensificar, acentuar, aumentar 1633 impression (s) – ideia, opinião 1634 tower over (to) – destacar-se em relação a 1635 give back (to) – recuar (devolver, restituir) 1635 before (adv) – em frente, adiante 1635 oncoming (s) - aproximação 1635 pass (s) – passo, movimento, gesto 1635 drive (to) - conduzir 1636 go out (to) - sair 1636 backward (adj) – para trás 1636 gaze (to) – olhar fixamente 1637 unable (adj) - incapaz 1638 pass out (to) – andar, caminhar, avançar 1639 workman (s) - trabalhador 1640 float (to) – planar, pairar 1640 former (adj) – anterior, precedente 1640 station (s) – posição, posto 1642 possession (s) – posse, poder 1643 inquiring (adj) – interrogativo, curioso 159 1644 influx (s) – afluência, afluxo 1645 over (adj) – terminado, acabado 1646 moody (adj) – maldisposto, melancólico, instável 1646 throw back on (to) – atrasar-se (obrigar a recorrer a) 1648 settled (adj) – enraizado, persistente 1648 purpose (s) – objectivo, intenção 1648 revenge (s) – vingança, desforra 1648 chief (adj) - principal 1648 object (s) - objecto 1649 overcome (to) - derrotar 1649 obscure (to) – suplantar, ultrapassar 1650 hate (s) - ódio 1650 harmless (adj) – inocente, inofensivo 1650 tender (adj) – terno, meigo, carinhoso 1651 resemble (to) – assemelhar-se a, parecer-se com 1652 gap (s) – intervalo de tempo 1653 to get rid of - libertar-se de; livrar-se de; desembaraçar-se de; 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 "The new influx of birds is only the annual migration of pigeons from Africa. I am told that it will soon be over." The second victory of Mimi Watford made Edgar Caswall more moody than ever. He felt thrown back on himself, and this, added to his absorbing interest in the hope of a victory of his mesmeric powers, became a deep and settled purpose of revenge. The chief object of his animosity was, of course, Mimi, whose will had overcome his, but it was obscured in greater or lesser degree by all who had opposed him. Lilla was next to Mimi in his hate--Lilla, the harmless, tender-hearted, sweet-natured girl, whose heart was so full of love for all things that in it was no room for the passions of ordinary life--whose nature resembled those doves of St. Columba, whose colour she wore, whose appearance she reflected. Adam Salton came next--after a gap; for against him Caswall had no direct animosity. He regarded him as an interference, a difficulty to be got rid of or destroyed. The young Australian had been so discreet that the most he had against him was his 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 160 knowledge of what had been. Caswall did not understand him, and to such a nature as his, ignorance was a cause of alarm, of dread. Caswall resumed his habit of watching the great kite straining at its cord, varying his vigils in this way by a further examination of the mysterious treasures of his house, especially Mesmer's chest. He sat much on the roof of the tower, brooding over his thwarted passion. The vast extent of his possessions, visible to him at that altitude, might, one would have thought, have restored some of his complacency. But the very extent of his ownership, thus perpetually brought before him, created a fresh sense of grievance. How was it, he thought, that with so much at command that others wished for, he could not achieve the dearest wishes of his heart? In this state of intellectual and moral depravity, he found a solace in the renewal of his experiments with the mechanical powers of the kite. For a couple of weeks he did not see Lady Arabella, who was always on 1656 dread (s) – receio, medo 1657 resume (to) – reatar, reencetar 1657 strain (to) – esticar, retesar 1657 vigil (s) – vigília, observação, exame, fiscalização, cuidado 1658 further (adj) – adicional, suplementar, maior 1659 brood (to) – cismar, matutar 1659 thwarted (adj) – frustrado/a, contrariado/a ♣♣♣ thwart (to) - opor-se a, contrariar, frustrar, impedir 1659 vast (adj) – vasto, amplo, grande 1659 extent (s) – tamanho, extensão, dimensão 1659 possession (s) – propriedade 1660 altitude (s) – altura, altitude 1660 complacency (s) – satisfação, contentamento de si mesmo 1661 ownership (s) – propriedade, senhorio, domínio 1661 thus (adv) - assim 1661 fresh (adj) – vivo, viçoso 1661 sense (s) – sensação, sentimento (sentido físico) 1661 grievance 1661 grievance (s) – injustiça, rancor, ressentimento, ofensa, agravo 1662 command (s) – domínio, controlo 1662 wish for (to) – desejar, querer 1662 achieve (to) – realizar, efectuar, concretizar 1664 depravity (s) – depravação, perversão, alteração mórbida, alteração patológica, alteração doentia 1664 solace (s) – consolação, refrigério, conforto, consolo, alívio 1664 renewal (s) – reatamento, retoma 161 1666 studiously (adv) – cuidadosamente, diligentemente 1667 mark time (to) – esperar, matar o tempo 1667 deal (to) – tratar de, ocupar-se de 1671 lifting (s) - elevação 1672 sentience (s) – sensibilidade, sensações 1672 increase (to) – aumentar, intensificar-se, crescer, desenvolver-se 1673 hang (to) – suspender, pendurar 1674 trend (s) - orientação 1674 all day long - durante todo o dia; 1674 increasing (adj) – crescente, cada vez maior 1675 magnitude (s) – grandeza, importância 1675 send up (to) – fazer subir 1675 cardboard (s) - cartão 1675 leather (s) – couro 1676 concave (adj) – côncavo, que tem superfície curva reentrante 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 the watch for a chance of meeting him; neither did he see the Watford girls, who studiously kept out of his way. Adam Salton simply marked time, keeping ready to deal with anything that might affect his friends. He called at the farm and heard from Mimi of the last battle of wills, but it had only one consequence. He got from Ross several more mongooses, including a second king-cobra- killer, which he generally carried with him in its box whenever he walked out. Mr. Caswall's experiments with the kite went on successfully. Each day he tried the lifting of greater weight, and it seemed almost as if the machine had a sentience of its own, which was increasing with the obstacles placed before it. All this time the kite hung in the sky at an enormous height. The wind was steadily from the north, so the trend of the kite was to the south. All day long, runners of increasing magnitude were sent up. These were only of paper or thin cardboard, or leather, or other flexible materials. The great height at which the kite hung made a great concave curve in the string, so that as the runners 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 162 went up they made a flapping sound. If one laid a finger on the string, the sound answered to the flapping of the runner in a sort of hollow intermittent murmur. Edgar Caswall, who was now wholly obsessed by the kite and all belonging to it, found a distinct resemblance between that intermittent rumble and the snakecharming music produced by the pigeons flying through the dry reeds. One day he made a discovery in Mesmer's chest which he thought he would utilise with regard to the runners. This was a great length of wire, "fine as human hair," coiled round a finely made wheel, which ran to a wondrous distance freely, and as lightly. He tried this on runners, and found it work admirably. Whether the runner was alone, or carried something much more weighty than itself, it worked equally well. Also it was strong enough and light enough to draw back the runner without undue strain. He tried this a good many times successfully, but it was now growing dusk and he found some difficulty in keeping the runner in sight. So he looked for something heavy enough to keep it still. He placed the Egyptian image of 1677 flapping (adj) – que bate, que se agita 1678 hollow (adj) – oco, som surdo, irreal 1678 intermittent (adj) – intermitente, não contínuo 1678 murmur (s) - murmúrio 1678 wholly (adv) – completamente, totalmente, integralmente 1678 obsessed (adj) – obcecado, preocupado contínuamente ♣♣♣ obsess (to) – obcecar, preocupar continuamente 1679 distinct (adj) - nítido 1679 resemblance (s) – semelhança, parecença, similaridade 1679 intermittent (adj) – intermitente, não contínuo 1679 rumble (s) – ruído surdo e prolongado 1680 charming (adj) – fascinante, encantador 1680 reed (s) – cana, caniço 1682 wire (s) - arame 1682 coil (to) – enrolar 1682 finely (adv) – admiravelmente, primorosamente 1682 make (to) – trabalhar, fazer 1682 wheel (s) - roda 1683 wondrous (adj) – espantoso, assombroso 1683 lightly (adv) – facilmente, levemente, sem dificuldade 1684 whether (conj) - se 1685 draw back (to) - puxar 1685 undue (adj) - indevido/a, excessivo/a, desmedido/a 1685 strain (s) – tensão, esforço 1686 grow (to) – tornar-se, ficar 1687 heavy (adj) - pesado 163 1688 wooden (adj) – de madeira 1688 ledge (s) – rebordo, caixilho 1689 indoor (adj) – dentro de casa 1690 uneasiness (s) – intranquilidade, preocupação, inquietação 1690 sleeplessness (s) – falta de sono, insónia 1690 seem (to) - parecer 1691 asleep (adj) – adormecido, a dormir 1692 the points of the compass - os pontos cardeais e colaterais 1692 astonished (adj) – espantado, surpreendido, admirado 1692 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco 1693 controlling (adj) – de controlo, determinante 1693 further (adj) - mais longe, mais distante 1695 in the meantime - entretanto 1696 sextant (s) – sextante, ASTRONOMIA, NÁUTICA instrumento óptico cujo limbo graduado corresponde à sexta parte de um círculo (60 graus) e que permite medir ângulos, a altura dos astros e as distâncias angulares dos astros; 1697 aid (s) – ajuda, auxílio, apoio 1698 ascertain (to) – averiguar, indagar, verificar 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 Bes on the fine wire, which crossed the wooden ledge which protected it. Then, the darkness growing, he went indoors and forgot all about it. He had a strange feeling of uneasiness that night--not sleeplessness, for he seemed conscious of being asleep. At daylight he rose, and as usual looked out for the kite. He did not see it in its usual position in the sky, so looked round the points of the compass. He was more than astonished when presently he saw the missing kite struggling as usual against the controlling cord. But it had gone to the further side of the tower, and now hung and strained AGAINST THE WIND to the north. He thought it so strange that he determined to investigate the phenomenon, and to say nothing about it in the meantime. In his many travels, Edgar Caswall had been accustomed to use the sextant, and was now an expert in the matter. By the aid of this and other instruments, he was able to fix the position of the kite and the point over which it hung. He was startled to find that exactly under it--so far as he could ascertain--was Diana's 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 164 Grove. He had an inclination to take Lady Arabella into his confidence in the matter, but he thought better of it and wisely refrained. For some reason which he did not try to explain to himself, he was glad of his silence, when, on the following morning, he found, on looking out, that the point over which the kite then hovered was Mercy Farm. When he had verified this with his instruments, he sat before the window of the tower, looking out and thinking. The new locality was more to his liking than the other; but the why of it puzzled him, all the same. He spent the rest of the day in the turret-room, which he did not leave all day. It seemed to him that he was now drawn by forces which he could not control--of which, indeed, he had no knowledge--in directions which he did not understand, and which were without his own volition. In sheer helpless inability to think the problem out satisfactorily, he called up a servant and told him to tell Oolanga that he wanted to see him at once in the turret- room. The answer came back that the African had not been seen since the previous evening. 1699 confidence (s) – segredo, confidência 1700 wisely (adv) – sabiamente, sensatamente 1700 refrain (to) – refrear, abster-se, privar-se 1702 hover (to) – pairar, ficar suspenso no ar 1703 locality (s) – localização, área 1703 liking (s) – gosto, preferência, agrado, simpatia 1704 All the same – mesmo assim 1704 turret (adj) – do torreão, da torre 1705 draw (to) – arrastar, puxar 1706 volition (s) - vontade 1706 sheer (adj) – puro, mero, simples 1707 helpless (adj) – desamparado/a, indefeso/a, impossibilidade de 1707 inability (s) - incapacidade 1707 think out (to) – reflectir acerca de, pensar bem sobre 1707 satisfactorily (adv) - satisfatoriamente 1708 answer (s) - resposta 165 1710 irritable (adj) – irritável, irascível 1710 distrait (adj) – confundido, desnorteado 1711 send for (to) – mandar chamar uma pessoa 1711 breathless (adj) – ofegante, sem fôlego, esbaforido 1712 summons (s) – chamamento, ordem 1712 bid (to) – ordenar, mandar 1712 uneasy (adj) – inquieto, preocupado 1712 frame of mind - estado de espírito 1713 speak out (to) – falar, dizer 1718 despite (prep) – apesar de 1718 effort (s) - esforço 1718 remain (to) – permanecer, ficar 1718 go off (to) – piorar, decair 1718 summon (to) – chamar, convocar 1719 apply (to) – aplicar e administrar remédios 1719 remedy (s) – remédio, tratamento 1719 still (conj) – todavia, contudo 1720 appearance (s) – aparecimento, comparência 1720 make up his mind – tomar uma decisão 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 Caswall was now so irritable that even this small thing upset him. As he was distrait and wanted to talk to somebody, he sent for Simon Chester, who came at once, breathless with hurrying and upset by the unexpected summons. Caswall bade him sit down, and when the old man was in a less uneasy frame of mind, he again asked him if he had ever seen what was in Mesmer's chest or heard it spoken about. Chester admitted that he had once, in the time of "the then Mr. Edgar," seen the chest open, which, knowing something of its history and guessing more, so upset him that he had fainted. When he recovered, the chest was closed. From that time the then Mr. Edgar had never spoken about it again. When Caswall asked him to describe what he had seen when the chest was open, he got very agitated, and, despite all his efforts to remain calm, he suddenly went off into a faint. Caswall summoned servants, who applied the usual remedies. Still the old man did not recover. After the lapse of a considerable time, the doctor who had been summoned made his appearance. A glance was sufficient for him to make up his 1721 mind. Still, he knelt down by the old man, and made a careful examination. Then he rose to his feet, and in 1722 a hushed voice said: 1723 "I grieve to say, sir, that he has passed away." 1724 1722 hushed (adj) – calma, silencioso 166 1723 grieve (to) – lamentar, entristecer 1723 pass away (to) – falecer, desaparecer 167 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 CHAPTER XV ON THE TRACK 1726 track (s) - pista 1728 estimate (to) – calcular, avaliar 1729 value (s) – valores, princípios, valores morais 1731 concern (s) – preocupação, pesar 1731 faithful (adj) – fiel, leal, de confiança 1732 thus (adv) – assim, desta maneira, deste modo 1733 remaining (adj) – restante, remanescente, residual 1733 clue (s) – pista, chave, solução 1733 wrap (to) – cobrir, envolver 1734 enough (adj) – bastante, suficiente 1734 ancestor (s) – antepassado, avoengo, avito Those who had seen Edgar Caswall familiarly since his arrival, and had already estimated his coldblooded nature at something of its true value, were surprised that he took so to heart the death of old Chester. The fact was that not one of them had guessed correctly at his character. They thought, naturally enough, that the concern which he felt was that of a master for a faithful old servant of his family. They little thought that it was merely the selfish expression of his disappointment, that he had thus lost the only remaining clue to an interesting piece of family history--one which was now and would be for ever wrapped in mystery. Caswall knew enough about the life of his ancestor in Paris to wish to know more fully and more 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 168 thoroughly all that had been. The period covered by that ancestor's life in Paris was one inviting every form of curiosity. Lady Arabella, who had her own game to play, saw in the METIER of sympathetic friend, a series of meetings with the man she wanted to secure. She made the first use of the opportunity the day after old Chester's death; indeed, as soon as the news had filtered in through the back door of Diana's Grove. At that meeting, she played her part so well that even Caswall's cold nature was impressed. Oolanga was the only one who did not credit her with at least some sense of fine feeling in the matter. In emotional, as in other matters, Oolanga was distinctly a utilitarian, and as he could not understand anyone feeling grief except for his own suffering, pain, or for the loss of money, he could not understand anyone simulating such an emotion except for show intended to deceive. He thought that she had come to Castra Regis again for the opportunity of stealing something, and was determined that on this occasion the chance 1735 thoroughly (adv) – perfeitamente, minuciosamente, meticulosamente 1735 invite (to) – convidar, solicitar 1737 metier (s) – vocação, ofício, profissão 1737 sympathetic (adj) – compreensivo, solidário, simpático 1737 series (s) – sucessão, sequência, série 1738 secure (to) – proteger, salvaguardar 1739 As soon as – logo que 1739 filter (to) – entrar pouco a pouco, passar 1740 play (to) – representar, desempenhar o seu papel (brincar, jogar) 1741 credit (to) – confiar, acreditar em 1741 At least – pelo menos 1741 sense (s) – lucidez, bom senso 1741 feeling (s) - sensibilidade 1742 utilitarian (adj) – prático, utilitário 1743 grief (s) – aflição, pesar 1744 intend (to) – planear, tencionar 1744 deceive (to) – enganar, iludir 1744 show (s) – aparência, simulacro (exposição, espectáculo) 1745 steal (to) – roubar, furtar 169 1746 press (to) – pressionar, insistir com 1746 advantage (s) – vantagem, superioridade, proveito 1746 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 1747 go on (to) – acontecer, passar-se (continuar, seguir) 1747 ever since – desde então 1748 nearly (adv) – quase (de perto, muito de perto) 1748 everyone (pron) – toda a gente 1748 design (s) – desígnio, intenção (design industrial de interiores etc) 1749 research (s) – investigação, pesquisa, estudo 1750 crossing (s) - cruzamento 1751 actually (adv) – na realidade, efectivamente 1752 early (adj) – cedo, de madrugada 1752 survey (to) – observar, cuidadosamente 1753 set out (to) – sair para 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 of pressing his advantage over her should not pass. He felt, therefore, that the occasion was one for extra carefulness in the watching of all that went on. Ever since he had come to the conclusion that Lady Arabella was trying to steal the treasure- chest, he suspected nearly everyone of the same design, and made it a point to watch all suspicious persons and places. As Adam was engaged on his own researches regarding Lady Arabella, it was only natural that there should be some crossing of each other's tracks. This is what did actually happen. Adam had gone for an early morning survey of the place in which he was interested, taking with him the mongoose in its box. He arrived at the gate of Diana's Grove just as Lady Arabella was preparing to set out for Castra Regis on what she considered her mission of comfort. Seeing Adam from her window going through the shadows of the trees round the gate, she thought that he must be engaged on some purpose 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 170 similar to her own. So, quickly making her toilet, she quietly left the house, and, taking advantage of every shadow and substance which could hide her, followed him on his walk. Oolanga, the experienced tracker, followed her, but succeeded in hiding his movements better than she did. He saw that Adam had on his shoulder a mysterious box, which he took to contain something valuable. Seeing that Lady Arabella was secretly following Adam, he was confirmed in this idea. His mind--such as it was--was fixed on her trying to steal, and he credited her at once with making use of this new opportunity. In his walk, Adam went into the grounds of Castra Regis, and Oolanga saw her follow him with great secrecy. He feared to go closer, as now on both sides of him were enemies who might make discovery. When he realised that Lady Arabella was bound for the Castle, he devoted himself to following her with singleness of purpose. He therefore missed seeing that Adam branched off the track and returned to the high road. 1757 substance (s) – coisa, objecto, matéria 1758 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido, sair-se bem 1760 confirm (to) – confirmar, verificar 1763 secrecy (s) – segredo, sigilo, secretismo 1764 bound (adj) – em direcção, com destino 1765 singleness (s) – sinceridade, honestidade 1765 purpose (s) – objectivo, intenção, propósito 1765 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 1765 miss (to) – passar ao lado de, deixar escapar 1765 branch off (to) – separar-se, desviar-se 1766 high (adj) – principal, importante 1766 road (s) - estrada 171 1767 badly (adv) - mal 1767 occurrence (s) – acontecimento, ocorrência 1771 humble (adj) – modesto, despretensioso 1772 brushing (s) – escovadela, vassourada 1772 restoration (to) – restauração, reparação, conserto 1773 screen (s) – ecrã, tela de cinema 1773 chain (s) – cadeia, série, sucessão 1774 watcher (s) – aquele que espreita, espião, observador, 1774 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve, logo 1776 slip in (to) – entrar discretamente sem ninguém dar por nada 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 That night Edgar Caswall had slept badly. The tragic occurrence of the day was on his mind, and he kept waking and thinking of it. After an early breakfast, he sat at the open window watching the kite and thinking of many things. From his room he could see all round the neighbourhood, but the two places that interested him most were Mercy Farm and Diana's Grove. At first the movements about those spots were of a humble kind--those that belong to domestic service or agricultural needs--the opening of doors and windows, the sweeping and brushing, and generally the restoration of habitual order. From his high window--whose height made it a screen from the observation of others--he saw the chain of watchers move into his own grounds, and then presently break up--Adam Salton going one way, and Lady Arabella, followed by the nigger, another. Then Oolanga disappeared amongst the trees; but Caswall could see that he was still watching. Lady Arabella, after looking around her, slipped in by the open door, and he could, of course, see her no longer. 1778 1779 1780 Presently, however, he heard a light tap at his door, then the door opened slowly, and he could see the flash of Lady Arabella's white dress through the opening. 172 1778 tap (s) – pancada leve 1779 flash (s) – brilho súbito, clarão, centelha 173 1782 sympathy (s) – solidariedade, apoio, compreensão amiga 1784 Caswall was genuinely surprised when he saw Lady Arabella, though he need not have been, after what had already occurred in the same way - Caswall ficou realmente surpreso quando percebeu lady Arabela, embora não houvesse motivo para tal, dado o que já acontecera entre ambos 1786 meet (to) – enfrentar, defrontar, fazer frente (encontrar-se com alguém, ir ter com) 1787 still (adj) – quieto, sossegado 1787 sheer (adj) – absoluto, completo, total 1787 amazement (s) – assombro, espanto, estupefacção 1788 to be nonplussed - estar desorientado, não saber que fazer ou pensar 1788 plucky (adj) – corajoso, resoluto, destemido, ousado 1788 although (conj) – embora, se bem que, ainda que 1790 warm (adj) – afectuoso, cordial 1790 sympathy (s) – solidariedade, apoio, compreensão amiga 1790 grief (s) – dor, sofrimento profundo 1790 so (adv) - tão 1790 lately (adv) – recentemente, ultimamente 1791 dull (adj) – estúpido, lento 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 CHAPTER XVI A VISIT OF SYMPATHY Caswall was genuinely surprised when he saw Lady Arabella, though he need not have been, after what had already occurred in the same way. The look of surprise on his face was so much greater than Lady Arabella had expected--though she thought she was prepared to meet anything that might occur--that she stood still, in sheer amazement. Cold-blooded as she was and ready for all social emergencies, she was nonplussed how to go on. She was plucky, however, and began to speak at once, although she had not the slightest idea what she was going to say. "I came to offer you my very warm sympathy with the grief you have so lately experienced." "My grief? I'm afraid I must be very dull; but I really do not understand." 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 174 Already she felt at a disadvantage, and hesitated. "I mean about the old man who died so suddenly--your old. . . retainer." Caswall's face relaxed something of its puzzled concentration. "Oh, he was only a servant; and he had over-stayed his three-score and ten years by something like twenty years. He must have been ninety!" "Still, as an old servant. . . " Caswall's words were not so cold as their inflection. "I never interfere with servants. He was kept on here merely because he had been so long on the premises. I suppose the steward thought it might make him unpopular if the old fellow had been dismissed." How on earth was she to proceed on such a task as hers if this was the utmost geniality she could expect? So she at once tried another tack--this time a personal one. 1792 disadvantage (s) – desvantagem, inconveniente 1793 retainer (s) – servidor, criado 1794 puzzled (adj) – perplexo, desconcertado 1794 concentration (s) - concentração 1795 stay (to) – aguentar, resistir (estar, ficar) 1795 three-score - sessenta 1798 inflection (s) – inflexão, modulação, entoação 1800 premise (s) – instalação, local, edifício, prédio 1800 dismiss (to) – despedir, mandar embora, demitir, destituir 1801 proceed (to) – seguir, avançar 1801 utmost (adj) – mais elevado, máximo, extremo 1801 geniality (s) – boa disposição, bom humor 1802 tack (s) – orientação, linha de acção, estratégia, táctica 175 1803 unconventional (adj) – sem convencionalismos, liberto de convenções ou regras, sem cerimónia 1803 certainly (adv) - certamente 1804 intrude (to) – incomodar, intrometer-se 1805 selected (adj) – escolhido, seleccionado 1805 intrusion (s) – intromissão, intrusão, interrupção 1806 custom (s) – hábito, costume 1806 rise (to) – pôr-se de pé, levantar-se 1806 occasion (s) – ocasião, circunstâncias 1807 at any time – em qualquer altura ou momento 1807 deign (to) – dignar-se, condescender 1809 sweetly (adv) – agradavelmente, suavemente, docemente 1810 at ease – calmo, à vontade 1810 breach (s) – transgressão, violação 1810 glad (adj) – satisfeito, contente 1810 rather … than – mais … do que 1812 forthwith (adv) - imediatamente 1812 proceed (to) – tratar de, ocupar-se 1812 suspicion (s) - suspeita 1813 enlightening (adj) – esclarecedor, elucidativo, informativo 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 "I am sorry I disturbed you. I am really not unconventional--though certainly no slave to convention. Still there are limits. . . it is bad enough to intrude in this way, and I do not know what you can say or think of the time selected, for the intrusion." After all, Edgar Caswall was a gentleman by custom and habit, so he rose to the occasion. "I can only say, Lady Arabella, that you are always welcome at any time you may deign to honour my house with your presence." She smiled at him sweetly. "Thank you SO much. You DO put one at ease. My breach of convention makes me glad rather than sorry. I feel that I can open my heart to you about anything." Forthwith she proceeded to tell him about Oolanga and his strange suspicions of her honesty. Caswall laughed and made her explain all the details. His final comment was enlightening. 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 176 "Let me give you a word of advice: If you have the slightest fault to find with that infernal nigger, shoot him at sight. A swelled- headed nigger, with a bee in his bonnet, is one of the worst difficulties in the world to deal with. So better make a clean job of it, and wipe him out at once!" "But what about the law, Mr. Caswall?" "Oh, the law doesn't concern itself much about dead niggers. A few more or less do not matter. To my mind it's rather a relief!" "I'm afraid of you," was her only comment, made with a sweet smile and in a soft voice. "All right," he said, "let us leave it at that. Anyhow, we shall be rid of one of them!" "I don't love niggers any more than you do," she replied, "and I suppose one mustn't be too particular where that sort of cleaning up is concerned." Then she changed in voice and manner, and asked genially: "And now tell me, am I forgiven?" 1814 advice (s) – conselho, aviso 1814 fault (s) – falta, defeito 1815 swelled (adj) – presunçoso, presumido, elegante, janota, grande figurão, distinto 1815 to have a bee in one's bonnet (about) - estar obcecado (com) ♣♣♣ bee (s) - abelha ♣♣♣ bonnet (s) – touca, gorro, boné, barrete 1816 wipe out (to) – matar, aniquilar, exterminar 1818 concern (to) – preocupar, perturbar 1819 rather (adv) – sem dúvida, certamente (antes, preferivelmente) 1821 let's leave it at that - ponto final; não falemos mais nisso; 1821 anyhow (adv) - (conj) – em todo o caso, de qualquer maneira, seja como for, duma maneira ou de outra 1821 to be rid of - estar liberto de; estar livre de 1822 particular (adj) – difícil (particular, específico, próprio) 1823 where (pron) – a que respeito, em que 1823 clean up (to) - limpar 1823 concern (to) – dizer respeito, envolver, interessar 1823 concerned (adj) – envolvido, interessado 1823 genially (adv) – de bom humor, com amabilidade, jovialmente 177 1829 altogether (adv) - completamente 1829 throw away (to) – deitar fora, desperdiçar, não aproveitar 1831 brow (s) – borda de penhasco 1831 as to – pelo que diz respeito a, quanto a 1831 locality (s) – área, vizinhança, região 1833 early (adj) - (adv) - cedo 1833 appointment (s) – encontro marcado, entrevista 1835 pipe (s) - cachimbo 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 "You are, dear lady--if there is anything to forgive." As he spoke, seeing that she had moved to go, he came to the door with her, and in the most natural way accompanied her downstairs. He passed through the hall with her and down the avenue. As he went back to the house, she smiled to herself. "Well, that is all right. I don't think the morning has been altogether thrown away." And she walked slowly back to Diana's Grove. Adam Salton followed the line of the Brow, and refreshed his memory as to the various localities. He got home to Lesser Hill just as Sir Nathaniel was beginning lunch. Mr. Salton had gone to Walsall to keep an early appointment; so he was all alone. When the meal was over--seeing in Adam's face that he had something to speak about--he followed into the study and shut the door. When the two men had lighted their pipes, Sir Nathaniel began. 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 178 "I have remembered an interesting fact about Diana's Grove--there is, I have long understood, some strange mystery about that house. It may be of some interest, or it may be trivial, in such a tangled skein as we are trying to unravel." "Please tell me all you know' or suspect. To begin, then, of what sort is the mystery--physical, mental, moral, historical, scientific, occult? Any kind of hint will help me." "Quite right. I shall try to tell you what I think; but I have not put my thoughts on the subject in sequence, so you must forgive me if due order is not observed in my narration. I suppose you have seen the house at Diana's Grove?" "The outside of it; but I have that in my mind's eye, and I can fit into my memory whatever you may mention." 1837 tangle (adj) – emaranhado, confusão 1837 skein (s) – meada, confusão, baralhada 1838 unravel (to) - desenredar, resolver, decifrar 1839 then (conj) – portanto, por conseguinte 1840 hint (s) – vestígio, alusão, pista, palpite 1841 put on (to) – organizar, pôr 1842 due (adj) – devido, adequado 1844 fit (to) - ajustar 179 1847 renew (to) – renovar-se, reparar 1847 stand (to) – estar de pé 1847 or rather - ou antes 1847 use (to) – ser usado em 1848 basement (s) – cave, fundações 1848 later (adj) – mais tarde 1849 ago (adj) - (adv) – antes, anteriormente, passado, decorrido 1849 go over (to) – examinar, ver, visitar 1850 purchase (to) – comprar, adquirir 1850 do up (to) – renovar, restaurar 1851 suitable (adj) – adequado, apropriado, conveniente 1851 bride (s) - noiva 1852 intended (adj) – planeado, projectado 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1852 whole (adj) – completo, integral 1852 serie (s) – sucessão, conjunto 1852 deep (adj) – fundo, profundo 1852 underground (adj) – debaixo de terra 1853 strike, struck, struck (to) – impressionar, surpreender, chamar a atenção (bater com, bater em) 1853 masonry (s) – alvenaria, associação de pedras que, ligadas por argamassa, formam uma construção 1854 sunk (adj) - profundo 1854 well (s) - poço 1854 build up (to) – construir, edificar 1854 floor (adj) - no chão, no soalho, no pavimento 1854 level (s) - nível 1855 windlass (s) – sarilho, molinete, guindaste, cabrestante 1856 rag (s) – trapo, farrapo 1856 Woodhull – uma localidade de Inglaterra "The house is very old--probably the first house of some sort that stood there was in the time of the Romans. This was probably renewed--perhaps several times at later periods. The house stands, or, rather, used to stand here when Mercia was a kingdom--I do not suppose that the basement can be later than the Norman Conquest. Some years ago, when I was President of the Mercian Archaeological Society, I went all over it very carefully. This was when it was purchased by Captain March. The house had then been done up, so as to be suitable for the bride. The basement is very strong,--almost as strong and as heavy as if it had been intended as a fortress. There are a whole series of rooms deep underground. One of them in particular struck me. The room itself is of considerable size, but the masonry is more than massive. In the middle of the room is a sunk well, built up to floor level and evidently going deep underground. There is no windlass nor any trace of there ever having been any--no rope--nothing. Now, we know that the Romans had wells of immense depth, from which the water was lifted by the 'old rag rope'; that at Woodhull used to 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 180 be nearly a thousand feet. Here, then, we have simply an enormously deep well-hole. The door of the room was massive, and was fastened with a lock nearly a foot square. It was evidently intended for some kind of protection to someone or something; but no one in those days had ever heard of anyone having been allowed even to see the room. All this is E PROPOS of a suggestion on my part that the well-hole was a way by which the White Worm (whatever it was) went and came. At that time I would have had a search made--even excavation if necessary--at my own expense, but all suggestions were met with a prompt and explicit negative. So, of course, I took no further step in the matter. Then it died out of recollection--even of mine." "Do you remember, sir," asked Adam, "what was the appearance of the room where the well-hole was? Was there furniture--in fact, any sort of thing in the room?" 1857 nearly (adv) – quase, próximo, de perto 1858 fasten (to) – fechar, trancar 1858 foot (s) - pé 1858 square (adj) - quadrado 1858 intended (adj) – planeado, projectado 1860 allow (to) – permitir, admitir 1860 E PROPOS – estrangeirismo que significa: vem a propósito 1861 search (s) - busca 1862 excavation (s) – escavação, desaterro 1862 expense (s) – despesa, gasto, custo 1862 meet (to) – responder a, fazer frente a, enfrentar 1862 prompt (adj) – rápido, imediato 1863 die out (to) – desaparecer, extinguir-se 1863 recollection (s) – lembrança, memória 1866 furniture (s) – mobiliário, móveis 181 ♣♣♣ cloud (to) – turvar, manchar 1867 clouded (adj) - brumoso 1867 dim (adj) – fraco, ténue 1868 intermittent (adj) – não contínuo, intermitente 1868 quite unlike anything I had ever seen - sem nenhuma relação com tudo o que tinha visto 1872 smooth (adj) – polido, liso 1873 stumble (to) - tropeçar 1873 nearly (adv) - quase 1874 smell (s) – cheiro, odor, aroma (olfacto) 1874 for instance - por exemplo 1875 bilge (s) – fundo de porão, fundo dos barcos 1875 rank (adj) – fétido, com mau cheiro 1875 swamp (s) – pântano, charco, lodaçal, atoleiro 1875 nauseating (adj) – que provoca vómitos enjoos e náuseas ♣♣♣ nausea (s) – náusea, enjo, vontade de vomitar 1876 sick (adj) – enjoado, maldisposto, com náuseas (doente) 1876 try back (to) – voltar para trás 1876 recall (to) – lembrar-se de 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 "The only thing I remember was a sort of green light--very clouded, very dim--which came up from the well. Not a fixed light, but intermittent and irregular--quite unlike anything I had ever seen." "Do you remember how you got into the well-room? Was there a separate door from outside, or was there any interior room or passage which opened into it?" "I think there must have been some room with a way into it. I remember going up some steep steps; they must have been worn smooth by long use or something of the kind, for I could hardly keep my feet as I went up. Once I stumbled and nearly fell into the well- hole." "Was there anything strange about the place--any queer smell, for instance?" "Queer smell--yes! Like bilge or a rank swamp. It was distinctly nauseating; when I came out I felt as if I had just been going to be sick. I shall try back on my visit and see if I can recall any more of what I saw or felt." 1878 "Then perhaps, sir, later in the day you will tell me anything you may chance to recollect." 1879 "I shall be delighted, Adam. If your uncle has not returned by then, I'll join you in the study after dinner, 1880 and we can resume this interesting chat." 1881 182 1878 chance (to) – suceder, acontecer, calhar 1878 recollect (to) – lembrar-se, recordar 1880 resume (to) – reatar, reencetar, recomeçar 183 1887 undergrowth (s) – matagal, vegetação média ou rasteira 1887 parallel (adv) - paralelamente 1888 care (to) – importar-se, preocupar-se 1888 wander about (to) – passear, vaguear, dar umas voltas 1890 skirt (to) – circundar, contornar 1890 repay (to) - recompensar 1891 frontage (s) - fachada 1891 fall away (to) – descer num terreno ou precipício 1891 crouch (to) – inclinar-se, rastejar 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 CHAPTER XVII THE MYSTERY OF "THE GROVE" That afternoon Adam decided to do a little exploring. As he passed through the wood outside the gate of Diana's Grove, he thought he saw the African's face for an instant. So he went deeper into the undergrowth, and followed along parallel to the avenue to the house. He was glad that there was no workman or servant about, for he did not care that any of Lady Arabella's people should find him wandering about her grounds. Taking advantage of the denseness of the trees, he came close to the house and skirted round it. He was repaid for his trouble, for on the far side of the house, close to where the rocky frontage of the cliff fell away, he saw Oolanga crouched behind the irregular trunk of a great oak. The man 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 184 was so intent on watching someone, or something, that he did not guard against being himself watched. This suited Adam, for he could thus make scrutiny at will. The thick wood, though the trees were mostly of small girth, threw a heavy shadow, so that the steep declension, in front of which grew the tree behind which the African lurked, was almost in darkness. Adam drew as close as he could, and was amazed to see a patch of light on the ground before him; when he realised what it was, he was determined, more than ever to follow on his quest. The nigger had a dark lantern in his hand, and was throwing the light down the steep incline. The glare showed a series of stone steps, which ended in a low-lying heavy iron door fixed against the side of the house. All the strange things he had heard from Sir Nathaniel, and all those, little and big, which he had himself noticed, crowded into his mind in a chaotic way. Instinctively he took refuge behind a thick oak stem, and set himself down, to watch what might occur. 1893 suit (to) – contentar, satisfazer 1893 thus (adv) – assim, desta maneira, deste modo 1893 scrutiny (s) – exame, análise 1893 at will – à vontade 1894 mostly (adv) – sobretudo, principalmente 1894 girth (s) – contorno, circunferência 1894 steep (adj) – íngreme, escarpado 1895 declension (s) – declive, descida (declínio, decadência, deterioração) 1895 lurk (to) – esconder-se, ocultar-se 1896 draw (to) – arrastar-se 1896 patch (s) – parte, porção 1897 quest (s) – busca, procura 1897 dark (adj) – misterioso, obscuro, secreto 1898 incline (s) – declive, inclinação 1898 glare (s) – brilho, intenso 1899 lying (adj) – situado, sito 1900 crowd (to) – encher, pressionar 1901 stem (s) – tronco de árvore 185 1904 fit (to) – adaptar-se, assentar, servir 1904 tight (adj) – apertado, bem apertado, firme 1904 slab (s) – laje, placa 1905 above (adv) - (prep) – por cima de, em cima de 1908 flaw (s) – defeito, imperfeição, falha 1909 foil (to) – desorientar, derrotar 1909 shrubbery (s) - matagal 1909 plank (s) – tábua grossa 1909 lean (to) – encostar 1912 conceal (to) – esconder, dissimular, ocultar 1912 intent (s) - intenção 1913 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 1913 noiselessly (adv) - silenciosamente 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 After a short time it became apparent that the African was trying to find out what was behind the heavy door. There was no way of looking in, for the door fitted tight into the massive stone slabs. The only opportunity for the entrance of light was through a small hole between the great stones above the door. This hole was too high up to look through from the ground level. Oolanga, having tried standing tiptoe on the highest point near, and holding the lantern as high as he could, threw the light round the edges of the door to see if he could find anywhere a hole or a flaw in the metal through which he could obtain a glimpse. Foiled in this, he brought from the shrubbery a plank, which he leant against the top of the door and then climbed up with great dexterity. This did not bring him near enough to the window-hole to look in, or even to throw the light of the lantern through it, so he climbed down and carried the plank back to the place from which he had got it. Then he concealed himself near the iron door and waited, manifestly with the intent of remaining there till someone came near. Presently Lady Arabella, moving noiselessly through the shade, 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 186 approached the door. When he saw her close enough to touch it, Oolanga stepped forward from his concealment, and spoke in a whisper, which through the gloom sounded like a hiss. "I want to see you, missy--soon and secret." "What do you want?" "You know well, missy; I told you already." She turned on him with blazing eyes, the green tint in them glowing like emeralds. "Come, none of that. If there is anything sensible which you wish to say to me, you can see me here, just where we are, at seven o'clock." He made no reply in words, but, putting the backs of his hands together, bent lower and lower till his forehead touched the earth. Then he rose and went slowly away. 1914 approach (to) – aproximar-se 1915 concealment (s) – esconderijo, retiro 1919 blazing (adj) – ardente, muito brilhante 1919 tint (s) – tonalidade de cor 1919 glow (to) - brilhar 1920 come (interj) – vamos! 1920 none of that! – nada disso! 187 1927 steal (to) – mover-se em segredo, deslocar-se furtivamente 1927 softly (adv) – suavemente, mansamente 1927 back (adj) – anterior, prévio 1927 rear (s) – parte de trás, parte traseira 1929 whence (adv) – de onde 1930 gleam (s) - cintilação 1930 soundlessly (adv) - silenciosamente 1930 undergrowth (s) - matagal 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Adam Salton, from his hiding-place, saw and wondered. In a few minutes he moved from his place and went home to Lesser Hill, fully determined that seven o'clock would find him in some hidden place behind Diana's Grove. At a little before seven Adam stole softly out of the house and took the back-way to the rear of Diana's Grove. The place seemed silent and deserted, so he took the opportunity of concealing himself near the spot whence he had seen Oolanga trying to investigate whatever was concealed behind the iron door. He waited, perfectly still, and at last saw a gleam of white passing soundlessly through the undergrowth. He was not surprised when he recognised the colour of Lady Arabella's dress. She came close and waited, with her face to the iron door. From some place of concealment near at hand Oolanga appeared, and came close to her. Adam noticed, with surprised amusement, that over his shoulder was the box with the 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 188 mongoose. Of course the African did not know that he was seen by anyone, least of all by the man whose property he had with him. Silent-footed as he was, Lady Arabella heard him coming, and turned to meet him. It was somewhat hard to see in the gloom, for, as usual, he was all in black, only his collar and cuffs showing white. Lady Arabella opened the conversation which ensued between the two. "What do you want? To rob me, or murder me?" "No, to lub you!" This frightened her a little, and she tried to change the tone. "Is that a coffin you have with you? If so, you are wasting your time. It would not hold me." When a nigger suspects he is being laughed at, all the ferocity of his nature comes to the front; and this man was of the lowest kind. 1934 least of all - muito menos; em último lugar 1937 collar (s) – colarinho, gola 1937 cuff (s) – punho de camisa 1938 ensue (to) – suceder, seguir-se 1939 rob (to) – roubar, furtar 1940 love (to) - amar 1942 coffin (s) – caixão, urna 1942 waste (to) – perder, desperdiçar 1942 hold (to) – fazer parar, suspender 1944 lowest (adj) – mais baixo 189 1946 keep off (to) – evitar, manter afastado 1946 subject (s) – assunto, tópico, tema 1946 affection (s) – afeição, ternura, amizade 1946 crazed (adj) – maluco, demente, enlouquecido 1947 elsewhere (adv) – em qualquer outra parte 1950 meet (to) – fazer frente a, enfrentar, defrontar 1951 sufuse (to) – espalhar-se, cobrir 1952 eyeball (s) – globo ocular 1952 grind (to) – ranger 1955 do (to) – convir, ser conveniente 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 "Dis ain't no coffin for nobody. Dis box is for you. Somefin you lub. Me give him to you!" Still anxious to keep off the subject of affection, on which she believed him to have become crazed, she made another effort to keep his mind elsewhere. "Is this why you want to see me?" He nodded. "Then come round to the other door. But be quiet. I have no desire to be seen so close to my own house in conversation with a--a--a nigger like you!" She had chosen the word deliberately. She wished to meet his passion with another kind. Such would, at all events, help to keep him quiet. In the deep gloom she could not see the anger which suffused his face. Rolling eyeballs and grinding teeth are, however, sufficient signs of anger to be decipherable in the dark. She moved round the corner of the house to her right. Oolanga was following her, when she stopped him by raising her hand. "No, not that door," she said; "that is not for niggers. The other door will do well enough for you!" 1956 Lady Arabella took in her hand a small key which hung at the end of her watch-chain, and moved to a 1957 small door, low down, round the corner, and a little downhill from the edge of the Brow. Oolanga, in 1958 obedience to her gesture, went back to the iron door. Adam looked carefully at the mongoose box as the 1959 African went by, and was glad to see that it was intact. Unconsciously, as he looked, he fingered the key 1960 that was in his waistcoat pocket. When Oolanga was out of sight, Adam hurried after Lady Arabella. 1961 1957 downhill (adv) – a descer, em declive 190 1957 brow (s) – borda do penhasco alto 1958 gesture (s) - gesto 1958 go back (to) – regressar, voltar 1959 go by (to) – passar, afastar-se 1959 finger (to) – tactear, manusear 1960 waistcoat (s) - colete 191 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 CHAPTER XVIII EXIT OOLANGA 1963 exit (s) – falecimento, morte 1967 crisp (adj) – directo, frontal 1967 concise (adj) – breve, lacónico, sucinto 1969 forewarn (to) – advertir, prevenir, avisar 1969 forearm (to) – precaver, prevenir 1969 mistrust (to) – desconfiar de, suspeitar de 1970 impudence (s) – insolência, descaramento 1972 incredulously (adv) – incredulamente, cepticamente 1972 in spite of himself - zombeteiro The woman turned sharply as Adam touched her shoulder. "One moment whilst we are alone. You had better not trust that nigger!" he whispered. Her answer was crisp and concise: "I don't." "Forewarned is forearmed. Tell me if you will--it is for your own protection. Why do you mistrust him?" "My friend, you have no idea of that man's impudence. Would you believe that he wants me to marry him?" "No!" said Adam incredulously, amused in spite of himself. 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 192 "Yes, and wanted to bribe me to do it by sharing a chest of treasure--at least, he thought it was--stolen from Mr. Caswall. Why do you distrust him, Mr. Salton?" "Did you notice that box he had slung on his shoulder? That belongs to me. I left it in the gun-room when I went to lunch. He must have crept in and stolen it. Doubtless he thinks that it, too, is full of treasure." "He does!" "How on earth do you know?" asked Adam. "A little while ago he offered to give it to me--another bribe to accept him. Faugh! I am ashamed to tell you such a thing. The beast!" Whilst they had been speaking, she had opened the door, a narrow iron one, well hung, for it opened easily and closed tightly without any creaking or sound of any kind. Within all was dark; but she entered as 1973 bribe (to) - subornar 1973 At least – pelo menos 1974 distrust (to) – desconfiar de, duvidar 1975 sling (to) – pendurar, suspender 1975 gun-room (s) – sala de armas 1976 creep in (to) – entrar sorrateiramente 1980 bribe (s) - suborno 1980 faugh! (interj) – que nojo! 1981 beast (s) – animal, besta, bicho 193 1984 misgiving (adj) – receoso, desconfiado 1984 restraint (s) – comedimento, sobriedade, autodomínio 1984 broad (adj) – claro, nítido 1984 as freely and with as little misgiving or restraint as if it had been broad daylight. - adiantou-se resolutamente, sem nenhum temor, nem empecilho, como se andasse à plena luz 1985 flight (s) – lanço de escadas 1986 lead, led ou leaded, led ou leaded (to) – conduzir, guiar 1986 upward (adj) – em sentido ascendente 1987 trip up (to) - subir 1987 swiftly (adv) – velozmente, rapidamente, depressa 1988 enable (to) – possibilitar, permitir, capacitar 1988 outline (s) - contorno 1988 fairly (adv) – razoavelmente, toleravelmente 1988 high (adj) - alto 1991 smooth (adj) – liso, plano, brilhante, escorregadio 1993 girdle (s) – cinta, cintura 1994 bolt (s) – ferrolho, lingueta 1994 hang (to) – colocar, aplicar 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 freely and with as little misgiving or restraint as if it had been broad daylight. For Adam, there was just sufficient green light from somewhere for him to see that there was a broad flight of heavy stone steps leading upward; but Lady Arabella, after shutting the door behind her, when it closed tightly without a clang, tripped up the steps lightly and swiftly. For an instant all was dark, but there came again the faint green light which enabled him to see the outlines of things. Another iron door, narrow like the first and fairly high, led into another large room, the walls of which were of massive stones, so closely joined together as to exhibit only one smooth surface. This presented the appearance of having at one time been polished. On the far side, also smooth like the walls, was the reverse of a wide, but not high, iron door. Here there was a little more light, for the high-up aperture over the door opened to the air. Lady Arabella took from her girdle another small key, which she inserted in a keyhole in the centre of a massive lock. The great bolt seemed wonderfully hung, for the moment the small key was turned, the bolts 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 194 of the great lock moved noiselessly and the iron doors swung open. On the stone steps outside stood Oolanga, with the mongoose box slung over his shoulder. Lady Arabella stood a little on one side, and the African, accepting the movement as an invitation, entered in an obsequious way. The moment, however, that he was inside, he gave a quick look around him. "Much death here--big death. Many deaths. Good, good!" He sniffed round as if he was enjoying the scent. The matter and manner of his speech were so revolting that instinctively Adam's hand wandered to his revolver, and, with his finger on the trigger, he rested satisfied that he was ready for any emergency. There was certainly opportunity for the nigger's enjoyment, for the open well-hole was almost under his nose, sending up such a stench as almost made Adam sick, though Lady Arabella seemed not to mind it at all. It was like nothing that Adam had ever met with. He compared it with all the noxious experiences he 1997 obsequious (adj) – amável, servil 2000 scent (s) – cheiro, odor, perfume, aroma 2000 matter (s) - assunto 2000 manner (s) – educação, maneiras 2001 wander (to) – procurar distraidamente 2001 trigger (s) - gatilho 2004 stench (s) – cheiro pestilento ou nauseabundo 2004 At all – realmente, de facto, afinal 2005 noxious (adj) – tóxico, venenoso, nocivo, nauseabundo 2006 drainage (s) – saneamento, drenagem 2006 slaughter (adj) - de abate de animais 2006 dissecting (s) - dissecação 2007 sourness (s) - acidez 2007 waste (s) – desperdício, lixo, restos 2008 poisonous (adj) – venenoso, tóxico 2008 effluvium (s) - emanação 2008 bilge (s) – fundo de porão 2008 logged (adj) – águas paradas ou estagnadas 2008 whereon (adv) – em que, no qual 2008 drown (to) – afogar-se, inundar 2011 carry out (to) – executar, pôr em prática 2011 intention (s) – desígnio, propósito 2012 grip (s) – pancadaria, força de pulso 2013 steal up (to) – subindo furtivamente 2013 depth (s) - profundidade 2015 glide (to) – deslizar, passar sem se notar 2016 seize (to) – segurar, agarrar, apanhar 2016 elude (to) – evitar, eludir, fugir 2016 grasp (s) – acto de agarrar 2016 just (adv) - quase 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 195 had ever had--the drainage of war hospitals, of slaughter-houses, the refuse of dissecting rooms. None of these was like it, though it had something of them all, with, added, the sourness of chemical waste and the poisonous effluvium of the bilge of a water-logged ship whereon a multitude of rats had been drowned. Then, quite unexpectedly, the negro noticed the presence of a third person--Adam Salton! He pulled out a pistol and shot at him, happily missing. Adam was himself usually a quick shot, but this time his mind had been on something else and he was not ready. However, he was quick to carry out an intention, and he was not a coward. In another moment both men were in grips. Beside them was the dark well-hole, with that horrid effluvium stealing up from its mysterious depths. Adam and Oolanga both had pistols; Lady Arabella, who had not one, was probably the most ready of them all in the theory of shooting, but that being impossible, she made her effort in another way. Gliding forward, she tried to seize the African; but he eluded her grasp, just missing, in doing so, falling into the 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 196 mysterious hole. As he swayed back to firm foothold, he turned his own gun on her and shot. Instinctively Adam leaped at his assailant; clutching at each other, they tottered on the very brink. Lady Arabella's anger, now fully awake, was all for Oolanga. She moved towards him with her hands extended, and had just seized him when the catch of the locked box--due to some movement from within-flew open, and the king-cobra-killer flew at her with a venomous fury impossible to describe. As it seized her throat, she caught hold of it, and, with a fury superior to its own, tore it in two just as if it had been a sheet of paper. The strength used for such an act must have been terrific. In an instant, it seemed to spout blood and entrails, and was hurled into the well-hole. In another instant she had seized Oolanga, and with a swift rush had drawn him, her white arms encircling him, down with her into the gaping aperture. Adam saw a medley of green and red lights blaze in a whirling circle, and as it sank down into the well, a pair of blazing green eyes became fixed, sank lower and lower with frightful rapidity, and disappeared, 2017 sway (to) – vacilar, oscilar, balançar 2017 foothold (s) – apoio para o pé, ponto de apoio, posição firme e segura 2018 leap (to) – saltar, pular 2018 assailant (adj) - (s) – atacante, agressor 2018 clutch (to) – agarrar-se 2018 totter (to) – vacilar, cambalear, oscilar 2018 on the very - precisamente 2018 brink (s) – beira, borda 2019 awake (to) – provocar, suscitar 2020 seize (to) – segurar, agarrar 2020 catch (s) – ferrolho, lingueta 2021 venomous (adj) – violento, venenoso, maldoso 2022 tear (to) - rasgar 2023 spout (to) – jorrar, esguichar 2024 entrails (s plural) – intetinos, entranhas 2024 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente 2025 swift (adj) – rápido, veloz 2025 rush (s) – ataque, investida, arremetida, carga 2025 draw (to) – arrastar, mover 2025 encircle (to) – rodear, cercar, cingir, abraçar 2025 gaping (adj) – aberto, escancarado 2025 aperture (s) - abertura 2026 medley (s) - mistura 2026 sink down (to) – cair, afundar-se, descer 2027 pair (adj) - par 2027 lower (adj) - (adv) – mais baixo 2027 frightful (adj) – assustador, medonho, terrível 2027 rapidity (adj) - rapidez 197 2028 upward (adj) – dirigido para cima 2029 noisome (adj) – mal cheiroso, fétido 2029 shriek (s) – grito agudo, guincho 2029 chill (to) – amedrontar, assustar, sobressaltar, gelar, arrefecer 2032 surround (to) – rodear, cercar 2032 charnel (adj) – ossário, ossuário 2032 pit (s) – abismo, cova, fosso 2033 bowels (s) no plural – entranhas 2033 convey (to) – transportar, levar 2033 nethermost (adj) – o mais profundo 2033 hell (s) - inferno 2033 ghastly (adj) – sinistro, monstruoso, pavoroso 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2033 fate (to) – destino, fado 2034 doom (s) – destino, fatalidade, perdição 2035 veined (adj) - raiado 2035 helpless (adj) – desamparado, indefeso 2035 fear (s) – receio, medo terror 2036 milieu (s) – meio, ambiente 2036 fathomless (adj) – insondável, abismal 2036 pit (s) – abismo, cova, fosso 2037 flood (to) – encher, inundar, transbordar 2037 spot (s) - mancha 2038 frightful (adj) – assustador, medonho, terrível, tremendo 2038 stained (adj) - desonrado 2038 tell of (to) - fazer throwing upward the green light which grew more and more vivid every moment. As the light sank into the noisome depths, there came a shriek which chilled Adam's blood--a prolonged agony of pain and terror which seemed to have no end. Adam Salton felt that he would never be able to free his mind from the memory of those dreadful moments. The gloom which surrounded that horrible charnel pit, which seemed to go down to the very bowels of the earth, conveyed from far down the sights and sounds of the nethermost hell. The ghastly fate of the African as he sank down to his terrible doom, his black face growing grey with terror, his white eyeballs, now like veined bloodstone, rolling in the helpless extremity of fear. The mysterious green light was in itself a milieu of horror. And through it all the awful cry came up from that fathomless pit, whose entrance was flooded with spots of fresh blood. Even the death of the fearless little snake-killer--so fierce, so frightful, as if stained with a ferocity which told of no living force above earth, but only of the devils of the 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 198 pit--was only an incident. Adam was in a state of intellectual tumult, which had no parallel in his experience. He tried to rush away from the horrible place; even the baleful green light, thrown up through the gloomy well-shaft, was dying away as its source sank deeper into the primeval ooze. The darkness was closing in on him in overwhelming density--darkness in such a place and with such a memory of it! He made a wild rush forward--slipt on the steps in some sticky, acrid-smelling mass that felt and smelt like blood, and, falling forward, felt his way into the inner room, where the well-shaft was not. Then he rubbed his eyes in sheer amazement. Up the stone steps from the narrow door by which he had entered, glided the white-clad figure of Lady Arabella, the only colour to be seen on her being bloodmarks on her face and hands and throat. Otherwise, she was calm and unruffled, as when earlier she stood aside for him to pass in through the narrow iron door. 2039 pit (s) – abismo, cova, fosso 2040 rush away (to) – afastar-se 2040 baleful (adj) – sinistro, terrível 2041 shaft (s) – abertura de poço 2041 source (s) – origem, fonte 2041 primeval (adj) – primitivo, primevo 2041 ooze (s) – lama, lodo 2041 close in (to) – aproximar-se, acercar-se, abeirar-se 2042 overwhelming (adj) – esmagador, opressivo 2042 memory (s) - recordação 2043 to rush forward - precipitar-se 2043 slipt (to) - escorregar 2043 sticky (adj) – pegajoso, viscoso 2043 feel (to) – reconhecer, tactear 2044 inner (adj) - interior 2045 rub (to) – esfregar, friccionar 2045 sheer (adj) – absoluto, completo, total 2045 amazement (s) – assombro, espanto 2046 glid (to) – deslizar, passar sem se notar 2046 clothe (to) - vestir 2047 otherwise (adv) – fora disso, sob outros aspectos 2047 unruffled (adj) – calmo, sereno, imperturbável 2047 earlier (adj) - (adv) - antecipadamente 2048 aside (adv) – à parte, de parte 199 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 CHAPTER XIX AN ENEMY IN THE DARK 2054 steady (to) – acalmar, estabilizar 2054 shake (to) – agitar, sacudir 2055 affair (s) – assunto, questão 2058 outsider (s) – estranho, intruso 2059 inmate (s) – pessoa que vive numa casa Adam Salton went for a walk before returning to Lesser Hill; he felt that it might be well, not only to steady his nerves, shaken by the horrible scene, but to get his thoughts into some sort of order, so as to be ready to enter on the matter with Sir Nathaniel. He was a little embarrassed as to telling his uncle, for affairs had so vastly progressed beyond his original view that he felt a little doubtful as to what would be the old gentleman's attitude when he should hear of the strange events for the first time. Mr. Salton would certainly not be satisfied at being treated as an outsider with regard to such things, most of which had points of contact with the inmates of his own house. It was with an immense sense of relief that Adam heard that his 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 200 uncle had telegraphed to the housekeeper that he was detained by business at Walsall, where he would remain for the night; and that he would be back in the morning in time for lunch. When Adam got home after his walk, he found Sir Nathaniel just going to bed. He did not say anything to him then of what had happened, but contented himself with arranging that they would walk together in the early morning, as he had much to say that would require serious attention. Strangely enough he slept well, and awoke at dawn with his mind clear and his nerves in their usual unshaken condition. The maid brought up, with his early morning cup of tea, a note which had been found in the letter-box. It was from Lady Arabella, and was evidently intended to put him on his guard as to what he should say about the previous evening. He read it over carefully several times, before he was satisfied that he had taken in its full import. 2060 housekeeper (s) – responsável pelo governo da casa 2063 content (to) – satisfazer-se, contentar-se 2065 dawn (s) – amanhecer, despontar do dia 2066 bring up (to) - trazer 2067 intend (to) – tencionar, planear 2067 put on (to) – pôr, colocar 2067 guard (s) – alerta, sobreaviso, prevenção, precaução 2068 previous (adj) – anterior, antecedente 2069 read over (to) - reler 2069 import (s) – significado, sentido 201 2073 unseemly (adj) – inconveniente, impróprio 2073 err (to) – errar, cometer erros 2074 unnerved (adj) – desanimado, desencorajado 2076 tremble (to) - tremer 2076 All over – por todo o lado (terminado) 2076 enact (to) – acontecer, decorrer, representar um papel no teatro 2076 grieved (adj) – desolado, entristecido, aflito, cheio de dor 2076 I am grieved beyond measure that I should be, however remotely, a cause of this horror coming on you - Eu estou profundamente aflita por ter sido, embora involuntariamente, uma das causas desse pavor que o atingiu 2078 confidence (s) – confiança, segredo, confidência 2079 pang (s) – aflição, agonia, tormento 2080 lean (to) – apoiar-se, proteger-se 2080 pity (s) – piedade, dó, compaixão 2081 friendliness (s) – amizade, dedicação 2081 help (s) – ajuda, auxílio 2081 confidence (s) – confiança, confidência, segredo 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 DEAR MR. SALTON, I cannot go to bed until I have written to you, so you must forgive me if I disturb you, and at an unseemly time. Indeed, you must also forgive me if, in trying to do what is right, I err in saying too much or too little. The fact is that I am quite upset and unnerved by all that has happened in this terrible night. I find it difficult even to write; my hands shake so that they are not under control, and I am trembling all over with memory of the horrors we saw enacted before our eyes. I am grieved beyond measure that I should be, however remotely, a cause of this horror coming on you. Forgive me if you can, and do not think too hardly of me. This I ask with confidence, for since we shared together the danger--the very pangs--of death, I feel that we should be to one another something more than mere friends, that I may lean on you and trust you, assured that your sympathy and pity are for me. You really must let me thank you for the friendliness, the help, the confidence, the real aid at a 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 202 time of deadly danger and deadly fear which you showed me. That awful man--I shall see him for ever in my dreams. His black, malignant face will shut out all memory of sunshine and happiness. I shall eternally see his evil eyes as he threw himself into that well-hole in a vain effort to escape from the consequences of his own misdoing. The more I think of it, the more apparent it seems to me that he had premeditated the whole thing--of course, except his own horrible death. Perhaps you have noticed a fur collar I occasionally wear. It is one of my most valued treasures-an ermine collar studded with emeralds. I had often seen the nigger's eyes gleam covetously when he looked at it. Unhappily, I wore it yesterday. That may have been the cause that lured the poor man to his doom. On the very brink of the abyss he tore the collar from my neck--that was the last I saw of him. When he sank into the hole, I was rushing to the iron door, which I pulled behind me. When I 2083 shut out (to) – afastar, bloquear 2085 misdoing=misdeed (s) – acção má, acção condenável, delito, crime 2087 fur (adj) – de pêlo, de peliça 2088 ermine (s) – pele de arminho 2088 studded (adj) – guarnecido, ornamentado 2088 covetously (adv) – cheio de cobiça 2089 lure (to) – atrair, fascinar, seduzir 2090 brink (s) - borda 203 2092 sickening (adj) – repugnante, revoltante, asqueroso 2092 chasm (s) – abismo, vazio 2093 spare (to) – poupar, dispensar 2093 endure (to) - suportar 2094 tear out (to) - arrancar 2094 grasp (s) – acto de agarrar, abraço 2095 noisome (adj) – chocante, desagradável, nocivo, malcheiroso 2096 embrace (s) - abraço 2096 hideous (adj) – muito feio, medonho, horrível, terrível 2097 otherwise (adv) – de outro modo 2100 unhappiness (s) – infelicidade, infortúnio, desventura 2100 live on (to) - sobreviver 2100 in additon to – além de 2101 woe (s) – aflição, angústia, pesar, mágoa 2101 get away (to) – ir embora, afastar-se de 2102 go up (to) – ir, dirigir-se 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 heard that soul- sickening yell, which marked his disappearance in the chasm, I was more glad than I can say that my eyes were spared the pain and horror which my ears had to endure. When I tore myself out of the negro's grasp as he sank into the well-hole; I realised what freedom meant. Freedom! Freedom! Not only from that noisome prison-house, which has now such a memory, but from the more noisome embrace of that hideous monster. Whilst I live, I shall always thank you for my freedom. A woman must sometimes express her gratitude; otherwise it becomes too great to bear. I am not a sentimental girl, who merely likes to thank a man; I am a woman who knows all, of bad as well as good, that life can give. I have known what it is to love and to lose. But you must not let me bring any unhappiness into your life. I must live on--as I have lived--alone, and, in addition, bear with other woes the memory of this latest insult and horror. In the meantime, I must get away as quickly as possible from Diana's Grove. In the morning I shall go up to town, where I shall remain for 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 204 a week--I cannot stay longer, as business affairs demand my presence here. I think, however, that a week in the rush of busy London, surrounded with multitudes of commonplace people, will help to soften--I cannot expect total obliteration--the terrible images of the bygone night. When I can sleep easily--which will be, I hope, after a day or two-- I shall be fit to return home and take up again the burden which will, I suppose, always be with me. I shall be most happy to see you on my return--or earlier, if my good fortune sends you on any errand to London. I shall stay at the Mayfair Hotel. In that busy spot we may forget some of the dangers and horrors we have shared together. Adieu, and thank you, again and again, for all your kindness and consideration to me. ARABELLA MARSH 2103 demand (to) – exigir, reivindicar 2104 commonplace (adj) – trivial, banal 2105 soften (to) – suavizar, abrandar, atenuar 2105 obliteration (s) – desaparecimento, eliminação, obliteração, anulação 2105 bygone (adj) - passado 2106 fit (adj) – pronto, apto 2106 take up (to) – tratar de um problema, pegar em (dedicar-se a actividade nova, iniciar actividade) 2107 burden (s) – fardo, carga 2109 errand (s) – tarefa, missão, incumbência 205 2114 effusive (adj) – efusivo, caloroso 2114 epistle (s) – carta, epístola 2115 think over (to) – pensar bem 2116 turn over (to) – dar voltas ao pensamento, ponderar 2117 bearing (s) – importância, relevância 2118 according (adv) – conforme, segundo 2118 value (s) – importância, valia 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 Adam was surprised by this effusive epistle, but he determined to say nothing of it to Sir Nathaniel until he should have thought it well over. When Adam met Sir Nathaniel at breakfast, he was glad that he had taken time to turn things over in his mind. The result had been that not only was he familiar with the facts in all their bearings, but he had already so far differentiated them that he was able to arrange them in his own mind according to their values. Breakfast had been a silent function, so it did not interfere in any way with the process of thought. So soon as the door was closed, Sir Nathaniel began: "I see, Adam, that something has occurred, and that you have much to tell me." "That is so, sir. I suppose I had better begin by telling you all I know--all that has happened since I left you yesterday?" 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 206 Accordingly Adam gave him details of all that had happened during the previous evening. He confined himself rigidly to the narration of circumstances, taking care not to colour events by any comment of his own, or any opinion of the meaning of things which he did not fully understand. At first, Sir Nathaniel seemed disposed to ask questions, but shortly gave this up when he recognised that the narration was concise and self-explanatory. Thenceforth, he contented himself with quick looks and glances, easily interpreted, or by some acquiescent motions of his hands, when such could be convenient, to emphasise his idea of the correctness of any inference. Until Adam ceased speaking, having evidently come to an end of what he had to say with regard to this section of his story, the elder man made no comment whatever. Even when Adam took from his pocket Lady Arabella's letter, with the manifest intention of reading it, he did not make any comment. Finally, when Adam folded up the letter and put it, in its envelope, back in his 2124 accordingly (adv) – em conformidade, por consequência 2124 confine (to) – limitar, restringir, confinar 2126 meaning (s) – significado, sentido 2128 concise (adj) – sucinto, breve, conciso 2128 self-explanatory (adj) – evidente, óbvio, que dispensa explicações 2128 thenceforth (adv) – daí em diante, a partir daí, desde então 2129 acquiescent (adj) - aquiescente 2129 emphasise (to) – realçar, acentuar, dar ênfase 2130 correctness (s) - exactidão 2130 inference (s) - conclusão 2130 cease (to) – cessar, suspender, parar 2131 section (s) - parte, porção 2131 elder (adj) – mais velho, mais idoso 2131 whatever (adj) - (pron) – seja o que for 207 2134 intimation (s) – aviso, insinuação, sugestão 2136 altogether (adv) – completamente, no geral, ao todo 2137 mutual (adj) – mútuo, recíproco 2138 enlightning (adj) – esclarecedor, elucidativo 2140 dissipate (to) - dissipar 2141 fog (s) – confusão, névoa, bruma, nevoeiro 2141 envelop (to) - envolver 2143 intend (to) – tencionar, planear, significar 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 pocket, as an intimation that he had now quite finished, the old diplomatist carefully made a few notes in his pocket-book. "Your narrative, my dear Adam, is altogether admirable. I think I may now take it that we are both well versed in the actual facts, and that our conference had better take the shape of a mutual exchange of ideas. Let us both ask questions as they may arise; and I do not doubt that we shall arrive at some enlightening conclusions." "Will you kindly begin, sir? I do not doubt that, with your longer experience, you will be able to dissipate some of the fog which envelops certain of the things which we have to consider." "I hope so, my dear boy. For a beginning, then, let me say that Lady Arabella's letter makes clear some things which she intended-- and also some things which she did not intend. But, before I begin to draw 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 208 deductions, let me ask you a few questions. Adam, are you heart-whole, quite heart-whole, in the matter of Lady Arabella?" His companion answered at once, each looking the other straight in the eyes during question and answer. "Lady Arabella, sir, is a charming woman, and I should have deemed it a privilege to meet her--to talk to her--even--since I am in the confessional--to flirt a little with her. But if you mean to ask if my affections are in any way engaged, I can emphatically answer 'No!'--as indeed you will understand when presently I give you the reason. Apart from that, there are the unpleasant details we discussed the other day." "Could you--would you mind giving me the reason now? It will help us to understand what is before us, in the way of difficulty." "Certainly, sir. My reason, on which I can fully depend, is that I love another woman!" 2144 heart-whole (adj) - apaixonado 2148 deem (to) – acreditar, imaginar 2150 emphatically (adv) – categoricamente, energicamente, enfaticamente 2150 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 2151 apart from that - para além disso; tirando isso 2151 unpleasant (adj) – desagradável, aborrecido 2154 depend (to) – confiar, depender 209 2155 clinch (to) – encerrar a discussão (tomar uma decisão final) 2155 wishes (s no plural) - votos 2157 definite (adj) – definitivo, definido, preciso, certo, seguro 2159 ripple (s) – modulação da voz 2160 delay (s) – atraso, demora, adiamento 2161 whom (pron) - quem 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 "That clinches it. May I offer my good wishes, and, I hope, my congratulations?" "I am proud of your good wishes, sir, and I thank you for them. But it is too soon for congratulations--the lady does not even know my hopes yet. Indeed, I hardly knew them myself, as definite, till this moment." "I take it then, Adam, that at the right time I may be allowed to know who the lady is?" Adam laughed a low, sweet laugh, such as ripples from a happy heart. "There need not be an hour's, a minute's delay. I shall be glad to share my secret with you, sir. The lady, sir, whom I am so happy as to love, and in whom my dreams of life-long happiness are centred, is Mimi Watford!" "Then, my dear Adam, I need not wait to offer congratulations. She is indeed a very charming young lady. I do not think I ever saw a girl who united in such perfection the qualities of strength of character and 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 210 sweetness of disposition. With all my heart, I congratulate you. Then I may take it that my question as to your heart-wholeness is answered in the affirmative?" "Yes; and now, sir, may I ask in turn why the question?" "Certainly! I asked because it seems to me that we are coming to a point where my questions might be painful to you." "It is not merely that I love Mimi, but I have reason to look on Lady Arabella as her enemy," Adam continued. "Her enemy?" "Yes. A rank and unscrupulous enemy who is bent on her destruction." Sir Nathaniel went to the door, looked outside it and returned, locking it carefully behind him. 2173 rank (adj) – chocante, repulsivo, repugnante, desagradável 2173 unscrupulous (adj) – sem escrúpulos, sem consciência, sem vergonha 2173 bend (to) – inclinar-se para 211 2177 metabolism (s) - metabolismo, 1. FISIOLOGIA conjunto de reacções intracelulares, umas construtivas (anabolismo) e outras destrutivas (catabolismo); 2. BIOQUÍMICA conjunto de mecanismos do organismo necessários à formação, desenvolvimento e renovação das estruturas celulares, e à produção da energia fundamental à vida; (Do gr. metabolé, «mudança» +-ismo) 2179 grave (adj) – grave, sério, solene 2179 inconsequently (adv) – inconsequentemente, que não revela sequência lógica, irreflectidamente, incoerentemente 2181 vortex (s) – turbilhão, remoinho, voragem 2181 be mixed up (to) - estar implicado em; estar metido em 2182 robbery (s) – assalto, roubo, pilhagem 2182 calendar (s) – lista, tabela 2183 affair (s) – assunto, questão 2183 ghastly (adj) – mostruoso, horroroso, pavoroso, sinistro, hprrível 2183 bottom (s) - fundo 2183 unnerving (adj) – enervante, perturbante, desconcertante 2185 slime (s) – limo, lodo, vasa, muco de animal 2185 We must fear nothing--no conclusion, however improbable, almost impossible it may be.- Não devemos rejeitar nenhuma conclusão, por mais improvável ou impossível ela pareça. Nada. 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 CHAPTER XX METABOLISM "Am I looking grave?" asked Sir Nathaniel inconsequently when he re- entered the room. "You certainly are, sir." "We little thought when first we met that we should be drawn into such a vortex. Already we are mixed up in robbery, and probably murder, but--a thousand times worse than all the crimes in the calendar--in an affair of ghastly mystery which has no bottom and no end--with forces of the most unnerving kind, which had their origin in an age when the world was different from the world which we know. We are going back to the origin of superstition--to an age when dragons tore each other in their slime. We must fear nothing--no 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 212 conclusion, however improbable, almost impossible it may be. Life and death is hanging on our judgment, not only for ourselves, but for others whom we love. Remember, I count on you as I hope you count on me." "I do, with all confidence." "Then," said Sir Nathaniel, "let us think justly and boldly and fear nothing, however terrifying it may seem. I suppose I am to take as exact in every detail your account of all the strange things which happened whilst you were in Diana's Grove?" "So far as I know, yes. Of course I may be mistaken in recollection of some detail or another, but I am certain that in the main what I have said is correct." "You feel sure that you saw Lady Arabella seize the negro round the neck, and drag him down with her into the hole?" "Absolutely certain, sir, otherwise I should have gone to her assistance." 2186 hanging (adj) – pendente, suspenso 2186 judgement (s) – discernimento, bom senso 2187 count (to) – contar com 2189 boldly (adv) – com ousadia, audaciosamente 2190 account (s) – relato, narrativa, descrição 2194 drag (to) – arrastar, puxar 2196 otherwise (adv) – de outro modo, senão 2196 assistance (s) – ajuda, auxílio, assistência 213 2197 eyewitness (s) – testemunha ocular 2199 agree (to) – coincidir, corresponder 2199 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por conseguinte, portanto 2201 liar (s) – mentiroso, intrujão 2202 apparently (adv) – manifestamente, evidentemente 2204 actuate (to) – mover 2205 blameless (adj) – inocente, sem culpa 2206 absent (adj) - ausente 2207 beyond/past/without dispute - incontestavelmente 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 "We have, then, an account of what happened from an eye-witness whom we trust--that is yourself. We have also another account, written by Lady Arabella under her own hand. These two accounts do not agree. Therefore we must take it that one of the two is lying." "Apparently, sir." "And that Lady Arabella is the liar!" "Apparently--as I am not." "We must, therefore, try to find a reason for her lying. She has nothing to fear from Oolanga, who is dead. Therefore the only reason which could actuate her would be to convince someone else that she was blameless. This 'someone' could not be you, for you had the evidence of your own eyes. There was no one else present; therefore it must have been an absent person." "That seems beyond dispute, sir." 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 214 "There is only one other person whose good opinion she could wish to keep--Edgar Caswall. He is the only one who fills the bill. Her lies point to other things besides the death of the African. She evidently wanted it to be accepted that his falling into the well was his own act. I cannot suppose that she expected to convince you, the eye-witness; but if she wished later on to spread the story, it was wise of her to try to get your acceptance of it." "That is so!" "Then there were other matters of untruth. That, for instance, of the ermine collar embroidered with emeralds. If an understandable reason be required for this, it would be to draw attention away from the green lights which were seen in the room, and especially in the well-hole. Any unprejudiced person would accept the green lights to be the eyes of a great snake, such as tradition pointed to living in the well-hole. In fine, therefore, Lady Arabella wanted the general belief to be that there was no snake of the kind in Diana's 2209 to fill the bill (to) - possuir as condições necessárias 2209 besides (prep) – além de 2209 She evidently wanted it to be accepted that his falling into the well was his own act - Evidentemente, ela deseja que a queda do negro no poço seja considerada como provocada por ele mesmo. 2212 acceptance (s) – aceitação, aprovação 2214 untruth (s) – falsidade, mentira 2214 ermine (s) – pele do animal arminho 2214 embroidered (adj) - embelezado 2215 understandable (adj) – compreensível, inteligível 2215 draw away (to) – afastar, distanciar 2216 unprejudice (adj) – sem preconceitos, imparcial 2217 in fine – em resumo 2218 therefore (adv) - (conj) – portanto, por isso, por conseguinte 215 2219 art (s) – habilidade, arte, capacidade 2219 veneer (s) – aparência, camada superficial 2219 right through - verdadeiro/a, todo/a, completo/a, 2220 prompt (to) – impelir, incitar, induzir, levar a 2221 infer (to) – sugerir, dar a entender, inferir, deduzir 2222 look for (to) – procurar, andar à procura de 2223 digress (to) - divagar 2223 county (s) – condado, distrito 2223 celebrated (adj) – célebre, famoso 2224 turn (s) - meandro 2225 host (s) – grande número, multidão 2226 valued (adj) – apreciado, estimado 2226 explorer (s) - explorador 2227 descend (to) - descer 2227 gullet (s) – canal ou desfiladeiro estreito (garganta, esófago) 2227 abysmal (adj) – abismal, insondável, profundo 2227 peak (s) – pico, cume, cimo 2228 primeval (adj) – primitivo, primevo 2229 legend (s) – lenda, conto, saga 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 Grove. For my own part, I don't believe in a partial liar--this art does not deal in veneer; a liar is a liar right through. Self-interest may prompt falsity of the tongue; but if one prove to be a liar, nothing that he says can ever be believed. This leads us to the conclusion that because she said or inferred that there was no snake, we should look for one--and expect to find it, too. "Now let me digress. I live, and have for many years lived, in Derbyshire, a county more celebrated for its caves than any other county in England. I have been through them all, and am familiar with every turn of them; as also with other great caves in Kentucky, in France, in Germany, and a host of other places--in many of these are tremendously deep caves of narrow aperture, which are valued by intrepid explorers, who descend narrow gullets of abysmal depth--and sometimes never return. In many of the caverns in the Peak I am convinced that some of the smaller passages were used in primeval times as the lairs of some of the great serpents of legend and tradition. It may have been that such caverns were formed in the usual 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 216 geologic way--bubbles or flaws in the earth's crust--which were later used by the monsters of the period of the young world. It may have been, of course, that some of them were worn originally by water; but in time they all found a use when suitable for living monsters. "This brings us to another point, more difficult to accept and understand than any other requiring belief in a base not usually accepted, or indeed entered on--whether such abnormal growths could have ever changed in their nature. Some day the study of metabolism may progress so far as to enable us to accept structural changes proceeding from an intellectual or moral base. We may lean towards a belief that great animal strength may be a sound base for changes of all sorts. If this be so, what could be a more fitting subject than primeval monsters whose strength was such as to allow a survival of thousands of years? We do not know yet if brain can increase and develop independently of other parts of the living structure. 2230 bubble (s) - bolha 2230 flaw (s) – fenda, greta 2232 suitable (adj) – adequado, apropriado 2232 living (adj) – vivo, que vive 2234 enter on (to) – empreender, encetar, envolver-se em, iniciar 2234 growth (s) - crescimento 2235 enable (to) – permitir, possibilitar 2236 proceed (to) – vir, provir, derivar 2236 lean (to) – inclinar-se 2237 sound (to) – tornar conhecido 2237 fitting (adj) – conveniente, adequado, apropriado 2238 primeval (adj) – primitivo, primevo 2239 increase (to) – aumentar, desenvolver-se 217 2241 counterpart (s) – equivalente, correspondente, correlativo, homólogo 2241 accepted (adj) – aceite, reconhecido 2241 tissue (s) - tecido 2242 wonder (s) – maravilha, prodígio 2242 slow (adj) – hesitante, brando (movimento lento, vagaroso) 2243 however (adv) - (conj) – por mais 2245 convey (to) - transmitir 2247 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, portanto 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 "After all, the mediaeval belief in the Philosopher's Stone which could transmute metals, has its counterpart in the accepted theory of metabolism which changes living tissue. In an age of investigation like our own, when we are returning to science as the base of wonders--almost of miracles--we should be slow to refuse to accept facts, however impossible they may seem to be. "Let us suppose a monster of the early days of the world--a dragon of the prime--of vast age running into thousands of years, to whom had been conveyed in some way--it matters not--a brain just sufficient for the beginning of growth. Suppose the monster to be of incalculable size and of a strength quite abnormal--a veritable incarnation of animal strength. Suppose this animal is allowed to remain in one place, thus being removed from accidents of interrupted development; might not, would not this creature, in process of time-ages, if necessary--have that rudimentary intelligence developed? There is no impossibility in this; it is only the natural process of evolution. In the beginning, the instincts of animals are confined to alimentation, self- 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 218 protection, and the multiplication of their species. As time goes on and the needs of life become more complex, power follows need. We have been long accustomed to consider growth as applied almost exclusively to size in its various aspects. But Nature, who has no doctrinaire ideas, may equally apply it to concentration. A developing thing may expand in any given way or form. Now, it is a scientific law that increase implies gain and loss of various kinds; what a thing gains in one direction it may lose in another. May it not be that Mother Nature may deliberately encourage decrease as well as increase--that it may be an axiom that what is gained in concentration is lost in size? Take, for instance, monsters that tradition has accepted and localised, such as the Worm of Lambton or that of Spindleston Heugh. If such a creature were, by its own process of metabolism, to change much of its bulk for intellectual growth, we should at once arrive at a new class of creature--more dangerous, perhaps, than the world has ever had any experience of--a force which can think, which has no soul and no morals, and therefore no acceptance of 2252 power follows need - a potência sucedeu à necessidade 2253 equally (adv) - igualmente 2254 concentration (s) - concentração 2254 given (adj) – determinado, dado 2256 decrease (s) – decréscimo, diminuição 2256 increase (s) – acréscimo, aumento 2257 axiom (s) – axioma, 1. FILOSOFIA, MATEMÁTICA proposição cuja validade se admite sem demonstração, no início da exposição lógica de uma teoria matemática; 2. máxima; sentença; adágio; (Do gr. axíoma, -atos, «preço; valor», pelo lat. axióma-, àtis, «proposição evidente; axioma») 2259 bulk (s) – capacidade, grandeza 2261 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 219 2262 removed (adj) – afastado, distante 2263 waken (to) – atenuar, reduzir 2263 restrict (to) - restringir 2263 warm (adj) - quente 2263 for instance – por exemplo 2264 guided (adj) – orientado, dirigido 2265 equal (to) – igualar, equiparar-se a 2267 usefully (adv) – utilmente, proveitosamente 2267 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 2267 resume (to) – reatar, recomeçar, retomar, reencetar 2269 attend (to) – prestar atenção, atender a 2271 “easy” (s) – sinceridade, sem-cerimónia, à vontade, franqueza 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 responsibility. A snake would be a good illustration of this, for it is cold-blooded, and therefore removed from the temptations which often weaken or restrict warm-blooded creatures. If, for instance, the Worm of Lambton--if such ever existed--were guided to its own ends by an organised intelligence capable of expansion, what form of creature could we imagine which would equal it in potentialities of evil? Why, such a being would devastate a whole country. Now, all these things require much thought, and we want to apply the knowledge usefully, and we should therefore be exact. Would it not be well to resume the subject later in the day?" "I quite agree, sir. I am in a whirl already; and want to attend carefully to what you say; so that I may try to digest it." Both men seemed fresher and better for the "easy," and when they met in the afternoon each of them had something to contribute to the general stock of information. Adam, who was by nature of a more 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 220 militant disposition than his elderly friend, was glad to see that the conference at once assumed a practical trend. Sir Nathaniel recognised this, and, like an old diplomatist, turned it to present use. "Tell me now, Adam, what is the outcome, in your own mind, of our conversation?" "That the whole difficulty already assumes practical shape; but with added dangers, that at first I did not imagine." "What is the practical shape, and what are the added dangers? I am not disputing, but only trying to clear my own ideas by the consideration of yours--" So Adam went on: "In the past, in the early days of the world, there were monsters who were so vast that they could exist for thousands of years. Some of them must have overlapped the Christian era. They may have progressed intellectually in process of time. If they had in any way so progressed, or even got the most rudimentary 2273 militant (adj) – activo, militante 2273 elderly (adj) – de certa idade 2274 trend (s) – orientação, rumo, direcção (tendência) 2274 turn (to) - virar 2274 present (adj) - actual 2274 use (s) – utilidade, aplicação 2275 outcome (s) – resultado, consequência 2276 whole (adj) - todo/a 2276 added (adj) – acrescentado, somado, adicionado 2278 dispute (to) – contestar, discutir 2282 overlap (to) – coincidir, acontecer ao mesmo tempo 221 2285 marsh (s) – charco, pântano, paul 2285 come up (to) – surgir, chegar 2286 grow down (to) – penetrar no solo 2286 as well as – também, como também 2286 grow up (to) - crescer 2287 commit (to) – cometer, praticar 2288 primal (adj) - primitivo 2289 drag (to) – arrastar, puxar 2290 swamp (s) – pântano, charco, lodaçal 2290 intent (s) – intenção, premeditação 2290 someone=somebody (pron) - alguém 2292 take away (to) – tirar ou levar daqui 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 form of brain, they would be the most dangerous things that ever were in the world. Tradition says that one of these monsters lived in the Marsh of the East, and came up to a cave in Diana's Grove, which was also called the Lair of the White Worm. Such creatures may have grown down as well as up. They MAY have grown into, or something like, human beings. Lady Arabella March is of snake nature. She has committed crimes to our knowledge. She retains something of the vast strength of her primal being--can see in the dark--has the eyes of a snake. She used the nigger, and then dragged him through the snake's hole down to the swamp; she is intent on evil, and hates some one we love. Result. . . " "Yes, the result?" "First, that Mimi Watford should be taken away at once--then--" "Yes?" "The monster must be destroyed." 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 222 "Bravo! That is a true and fearless conclusion. At whatever cost, it must be carried out." "At once?" "Soon, at all events. That creature's very existence is a danger. Her presence in this neighbourhood makes the danger immediate." As he spoke, Sir Nathaniel's mouth hardened and his eyebrows came down till they met. There was no doubting his concurrence in the resolution, or his readiness to help in carrying it out. But he was an elderly man with much experience and knowledge of law and diplomacy. It seemed to him to be a stern duty to prevent anything irrevocable taking place till it had been thought out and all was ready. There were all sorts of legal cruxes to be thought out, not only regarding the taking of life, even of a monstrosity in human form, but also of property. Lady Arabella, be she woman or snake or devil, owned the ground she moved in, according to British law, and the law is jealous and swift to avenge wrongs done within its ken. All such 2295 fearless (adj) – corajoso, intrépido 2295 whatever (adj) - (pron) – qualquer 2295 cost (s) – custo, preço 2295 carry out (to) – realizar, levar a cabo 2297 at all events - seja como for, de qualquer modo 2298 immediate (adj) – perigo iminente 2299 harden (to) – endurecer, tornar duro 2300 concurrence (s) – acordo, cooperação 2300 readiness (s) – prontidão, disponibilidade 2300 carry out (to) – realizar, levar a cabo 2300 elderly (adj) – de certa idade 2301 stern (adj) – severo, austero, rígido, inflexível, implacável 2302 prevent (to) – prevenir, evitar 2302 irrevocable (adj) – fatal, que não se pode anular, definitivo, irrevogável, permanente, perpétuo 2302 think out (to) – pensar bem sobre, considerar cuidadosamente 2303 crux (s) - dificuldade 2305 jealous (adj) – cuidadoso, cioso, zeloso 2305 swift (adj) – rápido, pronto, imediato 2305 avenge (to) - vingar 2305 ken (s) - alcance 223 2306 avoid (to) – evitar, fugir a 2308 postpone (to) – adiar, deixar para mais tarde, protelar, postergar 2309 problematical (adj) – discutível, problemático, incerto, (LÓGICA) possível, mas não necessariamente verdadeiro; 2310 test (to) – verificar, pensar bem 2311 waver (to) – hesitar, vacilar, titubear 2311 funk (to) – recear, ter ou estar com medo de 2312 sanction (s) – aprovação, confirmação, sanção, assentimento, ratificação, consentimento, beneplácito e ainda castigo ou pena 2314 clear up (to) – resolver, esclarecer 2315 baffling (adj) – desconcertante, desorientador 2315 meanwhile=meantime (adv) - entretanto 2315 echo (to) - ecoar 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 difficulties should be--must be--avoided for Mr. Salton's sake, for Adam's own sake, and, most of all, for Mimi Watford's sake. Before he spoke again, Sir Nathaniel had made up his mind that he must try to postpone decisive action until the circumstances on which they depended--which, after all, were only problematical-- should have been tested satisfactorily, one way or another. When he did speak, Adam at first thought that his friend was wavering in his intention, or "funking" the responsibility. However, his respect for Sir Nathaniel was so great that he would not act, or even come to a conclusion on a vital point, without his sanction. He came close and whispered in his ear: "We will prepare our plans to combat and destroy this horrible menace, after we have cleared up some of the more baffling points. Meanwhile, we must wait for the night--I hear my uncle's footsteps echoing down the hall." 2317 2318 224 Sir Nathaniel nodded his approval. 2317 approval (s) – aprovação, autorização 225 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 CHAPTER XXI GREEN LIGHT 2325 slack (adj) – fraco, indolente, mole 2325 mean (to) – tencionar, planear 2327 pledge (to) – comprometer, garantir 2328 pit (s) – poço, fenda, abismo, cova When old Mr. Salton had retired for the night, Adam and Sir Nathaniel returned to the study. Things went with great regularity at Lesser Hill, so they knew that there would be no interruption to their talk. When their cigars were lighted, Sir Nathaniel began. "I hope, Adam, that you do not think me either slack or changeable of purpose. I mean to go through this business to the bitter end-- whatever it may be. Be satisfied that my first care is, and shall be, the protection of Mimi Watford. To that I am pledged; my dear boy, we who are interested are all in the same danger. That semi- human monster out of the pit hates and means to destroy us all--you and me certainly, and probably your uncle. I wanted especially to talk with you to-night, for I cannot help thinking that the time is 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 226 fast coming--if it has not come already--when we must take your uncle into our confidence. It was one thing when fancied evils threatened, but now he is probably marked for death, and it is only right that he should know all." "I am with you, sir. Things have changed since we agreed to keep him out of the trouble. Now we dare not; consideration for his feelings might cost his life. It is a duty--and no light or pleasant one, either. I have not a shadow of doubt that he will want to be one with us in this. But remember, we are his guests; his name, his honour, have to be thought of as well as his safety." "All shall be as you wish, Adam. And now as to what we are to do? We cannot murder Lady Arabella offhand. Therefore we shall have to put things in order for the killing, and in such a way that we cannot be taxed with a crime." 2331 fancy (to) – imaginar, supor 2331 threat (s) – ameaça, sinal de perigo iminente 2331 marked (adj) - marcado 2333 dare (to) – atrever-se, ousar 2334 pleasant (adj) - agradável 2337 offhand (adv) – de repente, sem mais nem menos, imediatamente 2338 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 2338 in such a way that - de tal modo que 2339 tax (to) – acusar, censurar 2340 exceedingly (adv) – muito, extremamente 2340 tight (adj) – apertado, estreito 2340 place (s) – lugar, local 2342 wit (s) – inteligência, talento, engenho, compreensão 2342 heartlessness (s) – desumanidade, crueldade, impiedade 2342 cocotte – estrangeirismo que significa cortesã, dama da corte 2343 impregnability (adj) – invencibilidade 2343 diplodocus – Mesozóico - É a segunda das três grandes eras geológicas, compreendida entre -245 e -66,4 milhões de anos; inclui os períodos Triásico, Jurássico e Cretácico. Durante esta era os continentes estavam separados entre si e a flora e a fauna eram muito diferentes quer das da era anterior (Paleozóico) quer das da posterior (Cenozóico). A meio desta era, a Laurásia, que incluía a América do Norte e a Eurásia, estava totalmente separada de Gondwana pelo Mar de Tétis. As rochas originárias desta era estão espalhadas por todos os continentes, existindo inúmeros depósitos marinhos que foram causados pelo avanço do mar em alguns períodos. Os répteis foram, em terra, a forma de vida dominante. No período Triásico os enormes anfíbios que viviam predominantemente na água, os labirintodontes, eram abundantes, mas extinguiram-se de repente, originando o rápido crescimento de rãs e sapos. 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 227 Os cotilossauros, originários do final do período Carbónico, evoluíram para diferentes grupos de répteis, tais como as tartarugas e os tocodontes. Foi a partir destes últimos que se desenvolveram os dinossauros, enormes e impressionantes: os herbívoros Apatossauros e Diplodocus, o "espinhoso" Stegossauro e o famoso carnívoro Tiranossauro. O Pterossauro, um animal com asas semelhantes às dos morcegos, foi o antepassado das aves e um dos répteis menos adaptados. Os dinossauros dominaram e diversificaram-se durante o Cretácico até que subitamente se extinguiram no final do período. É um dos grandes mistérios da paleontologia. Os répteis marinhos eram muito diversificados e adaptados ao meio, distinguindo-se os notossauros, placodontes, ictiossauros, plesiossauros e mesassauros. Alguns antepassados dos peixes modernos surgiram durante o Mesozóico, destacando-se os teleósteos, com esqueleto, que se tornaram dominantes no final do Cretácico e que deram origem a muitas formas actuais, entre as quais os tubarões. Entre os invertebrados marinhos, os mais importantes foram os amonóides, de formas direitas ou enroladas, cujos fósseis se encontram em várias zonas do planeta. Estes seres, tal como os dinossauros, são característicos da Era Mesozóica e também desapareceram no final da mesma. CONTINUA NA PÁGINA SEGUINTE "It seems to me, sir, that we are in an exceedingly tight place. Our first difficulty is to know where to begin. I never thought this fighting an antediluvian monster would be such a complicated job. This one is a woman, with all a woman's wit, combined with the heartlessness of a COCOTTE. She has the strength and impregnability of a diplodocus. We may be sure that in the fight that is before us there will be no semblance of fair-play. Also that our unscrupulous opponent will not betray herself!" "That is so--but being feminine, she will probably over-reach herself. Now, Adam, it strikes me that, as we have to protect ourselves and others against feminine nature, our strong game will be to play our masculine against her feminine. Perhaps we had better sleep on it. She is a thing of the night; and the night may give us some ideas." So they both turned in. 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 228 Adam knocked at Sir Nathaniel's door in the grey of the morning, and, on being bidden, came into the room. He had several letters in his hand. Sir Nathaniel sat up in bed. "Well!" "I should like to read you a few letters, but, of course, I shall not send them unless you approve. In fact"-with a smile and a blush--"there are several things which I want to do; but I hold my hand and my tongue till I have your approval." "Go on!" said the other kindly. "Tell me all, and count at any rate on my sympathy, and on my approval and help if I can see my way." Accordingly Adam proceeded: DA PÁGINA ANTERIOR 2343 semblance (s) – aspecto, aparência, ar 2344 fair (adj) – correcto, leal, honesto 2344 betray (to) – revelar, denunciar, trair 2345 overreach (to) – ultrapassar, exceder 2346 strong (adj) – hábil, forte, robusto, resistente 2349 turn in (to) – ir-se deitar, deitar-se 2350 bid (to) - convidar 2354 blush (s) - rubor 2356 At any rate – de qualquer maneira, seja como for, pelo menos, ao menos 2358 accordingly (adv) – por conseguinte 2358 proceed (to) – continuar, prosseguir 229 2359 foreground (s) – dar prioridade a, primeiro plano 2360 work (to) – fazer (trabalhar) 2360 harm (s) – ofensa, mal, dano, ferimento 2363 practice (s) – prática, acção 2363 preliminary (s) – preparativo, antecedente 2363 unless (conj) – (prep) - a não ser que, a menos que, salvo se 2363 face (to) – enfrentar, confrontar, lidar com 2366 fatherly (adj) - paternal 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 "When I told you the conclusions at which I had arrived, I put in the foreground that Mimi Watford should, for the sake of her own safety, be removed--and that the monster which had wrought all the harm should be destroyed." "Yes, that is so." "To carry this into practice, sir, one preliminary is required-- unless harm of another kind is to be faced. Mimi should have some protector whom all the world would recognise. The only form recognised by convention is marriage!" Sir Nathaniel smiled in a fatherly way. "To marry, a husband is required. And that husband should be you." "Yes, yes." 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 230 "And the marriage should be immediate and secret--or, at least, not spoken of outside ourselves. Would the young lady be agreeable to that proceeding?" "I do not know, sir!" "Then how are we to proceed?" "I suppose that we--or one of us--must ask her." "Is this a sudden idea, Adam, a sudden resolution?" "A sudden resolution, sir, but not a sudden idea. If she agrees, all is well and good. The sequence is obvious." "And it is to be kept a secret amongst ourselves?" "I want no secret, sir, except for Mimi's good. For myself, I should like to shout it from the house-tops! But we must be discreet; untimely knowledge to our enemy might work incalculable harm." 2370 agreeable (adv) - concordante 2370 proceeding (s) – actuação, conduta, procedimento 2374 sudden (adj) – súbito, repentino 2375 sequence (s) – encadeamento lógico, sequência 2379 untimely (adj) – antecipado, precoce, prematuro 2379 harm (s) – ofensa, mal, dano, ferimento 231 2380 momentous (adj) – decisivo, grave, de grande importância 2380 question (s) – assunto, problema (pergunta, interrogação) 2381 uneasily (adv) - constrangidamente 2387 he added – acrescentou ele 2389 prompt (to) – inspirar, impelir 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 "And how would you suggest, Adam, that we could combine the momentous question with secrecy?" Adam grew red and moved uneasily. "Someone must ask her--as soon as possible!" "And that someone?" "I thought that you, sir, would be so good!" "God bless my soul! This is a new kind of duty to take on--at my time of life. Adam, I hope you know that you can count on me to help in any way I can!" "I have already counted on you, sir, when I ventured to make such a suggestion. I can only ask," he added, "that you will be more than ever kind to me--to us--and look on the painful duty as a voluntary act of grace, prompted by kindness and affection." "Painful duty!" 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 232 "Yes," said Adam boldly. "Painful to you, though to me it would be all joyful." "It is a strange job for an early morning! Well, we all live and learn. I suppose the sooner I go the better. You had better write a line for me to take with me. For, you see, this is to be a somewhat unusual transaction, and it may be embarrassing to the lady, even to myself. So we ought to have some sort of warrant, something to show that we have been mindful of her feelings. It will not do to take acquiescence for granted--although we act for her good." "Sir Nathaniel, you are a true friend; I am sure that both Mimi and I shall be grateful to you for all our lives--however long they may be!" So the two talked it over and agreed as to points to be borne in mind by the ambassador. It was striking ten when Sir Nathaniel left the house, Adam seeing him quietly off. 2391 boldly (adv) – com ousadia, audaciosamente 2393 somewhat (pron) – (adv) - um pouco, um bocado 2395 warrant (s) – justificação, razão, fundamento 2395 mindful (adj) – atento, cuidadoso 2395 acquiescence (s) – aceitação, concordância 2396 grant (to) – concordar, admitir, conceder 2399 talk over (to) – falar sobre, discutir 2399 bear in mind (to) - lembrar-se; ter presente 2399 strike (to) – bater de horas 2400 see off (to) – despedir-se de 2400 quietly (adv) – calmamente, tranquilamente 2401 wistful (adj) – ansioso, inquieto 2401 jealous (adj) – inquieto, receoso 2401 deed (s) – acção, acto 2402 be about (to) – estar prestes 2402 he felt that his own heart was in his friend's breast - ele sentiu que seu próprio coração estava no peito de seu amigo 2403 concern (to) – relacionar-se com, dizer respeito a 2404 stand out (to) – sobressair, destacar-se 2404 boldly (adv) – vigorosamente, fortemente 2404 clearly (adv) – nítidamente, claramente 2405 illimitable (adj) - ilimitado/a 2405 wait (s) - espera 2405 fill (to) – preencher, ocupar 2405 anxiety (s) – ansiedade, preocupação 2405 chagrin (s) – aflição, angústia 2406 At all – realmente, de facto, afinal 2408 Later on – mais tarde 2410 fit (to) – adaptar-se, assentar, servir 2410 elemental (adj) – elementar, rudimentar, simples 2410 mold (to) – moldar, formar, modelar 2410 crowning (adj) – supremo, culminante 2411 entrust (to) – confiar, entregar 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 233 As the young man followed him with wistful eyes--almost jealous of the privilege which his kind deed was about to bring him--he felt that his own heart was in his friend's breast. The memory of that morning was like a dream to all those concerned in it. Sir Nathaniel had a confused recollection of detail and sequence, though the main facts stood out in his memory boldly and clearly. Adam Salton's recollection was of an illimitable wait, filled with anxiety, hope, and chagrin, all dominated by a sense of the slow passage of time and accompanied by vague fears. Mimi could not for a long time think at all, or recollect anything, except that Adam loved her and was saving her from a terrible danger. When she had time to think, later on, she wondered when she had any ignorance of the fact that Adam loved her, and that she loved him with all her heart. Everything, every recollection however small, every feeling, seemed to fit into those elemental facts as though they had all been moulded together. The main and crowning recollection was her saying goodbye to Sir Nathaniel, and entrusting to him loving messages, straight from 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 234 her heart, to Adam Salton, and of his bearing when-- with an impulse which she could not check--she put her lips to his and kissed him. Later, when she was alone and had time to think, it was a passing grief to her that she would have to be silent, for a time, to Lilla on the happy events of that strange mission. She had, of course, agreed to keep all secret until Adam should give her leave to speak. The advice and assistance of Sir Nathaniel was a great help to Adam in carrying out his idea of marrying Mimi Watford without publicity. He went with him to London, and, with his influence, the young man obtained the license of the Archbishop of Canterbury for a private marriage. Sir Nathaniel then persuaded old Mr. Salton to allow his nephew to spend a few weeks with him at Doom Tower, and it was here that Mimi became Adam's wife. But that was only the first step in their plans; before going further, however, Adam took his bride off to the Isle of Man. He wished to place a stretch of sea between Mimi and the White Worm, 2412 bearing (s) – atitude, comportamento 2412 check (to) – suspender, parar 2413 passing grief – extremamente doloroso 2415 leave (adj) – autorização, permissão, licença, consentimento 2416 advice (s) – conselho, aviso 2416 assistance (s) – ajuda, auxílio 2421 take off (to) – retirar, tirar 2421 bride (s) - noiva 2421 isle (s) - ilha 235 2422 mature (to) - amadurecer 2423 avoid (to) - evitar 2424 but (prep) - excepto 2425 shutter (s) - portada 2425 blind (s) - persiana 2425 moreover (adv) – além disso, além de que, aliás 2425 curtain (s) - cortina 2425 draw (to) - puxar 2426 comment (to) - comentar 2427 in the meantime - entretanto; no entretanto 2429 ensconce (to) – esconder-se, meter-se 2430 storey (s) – andar, pavimento 2430 lofty (adj) – elevado, alto 2430 eminence (s) – elevação, monte, eminência 2430 high up (adj) - elevado 2431 peak (s) – planalto elevado 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2431 command (to) – dominar, abranger 2431 prospect (s) – panorama, vista de paisagem 2431 rang (to) – alcançar, abranger 2431 from (prep) – desde, a partir de 2432 brow (s) – cume do monte 2432 bound (s) – limite, fronteira 2432 early (adj) – primitivo, antigo while things matured. On their return, Sir Nathaniel met them and drove them at once to Doom, taking care to avoid any one that he knew on the journey. Sir Nathaniel had taken care to have the doors and windows shut and locked--all but the door used for their entry. The shutters were up and the blinds down. Moreover, heavy curtains were drawn across the windows. When Adam commented on this, Sir Nathaniel said in a whisper: "Wait till we are alone, and I'll tell you why this is done; in the meantime not a word or a sign. You will approve when we have had a talk together." They said no more on the subject till after dinner, when they were ensconced in Sir Nathaniel's study, which was on the top storey. Doom Tower was a lofty structure, situated on an eminence high up in the Peak. The top commanded a wide prospect, ranging from the hills above the Ribble to the near side of the Brow, which marked the northern bound of ancient Mercia. It was of the early Norman period, less than a 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 236 century younger than Castra Regis. The windows of the study were barred and locked, and heavy dark curtains closed them in. When this was done not a gleam of light from the tower could be seen from outside. When they were alone, Sir Nathaniel explained that he had taken his old friend, Mr. Salton, into full confidence, and that in future all would work together. "It is important for you to be extremely careful. In spite of the fact that our marriage was kept secret, as also your temporary absence, both are known." "How? To whom?" "How, I know not; but I am beginning to have an idea." "To her?" asked Adam, in momentary consternation. Sir Nathaniel shivered perceptibly. 2433 younger than (adj) – mais jovem que 2433 barred (adj) – com grades, gradeado 2438 in spite of - apesar de; a despeito de 2442 momentary (adj) – momentâneo, passageiro 2443 shiver (to) - tremer 237 2445 from now on/from now onwards - a partir de agora, de agora em diante; 2445 otherwise (adv) – de outro modo, de outra maneira 2446 divert (to) – afastar, desviar 2447 pitch (adj) – como breu 2450 shrink back (to) - recuar 2450 pressing (adj) – crítico, arriscado 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 "The White Worm--yes!" Adam noticed that from now on, his friend never spoke of Lady Arabella otherwise, except when he wished to divert the suspicion of others. Sir Nathaniel switched off the electric light, and when the room was pitch dark, he came to Adam, took him by the hand, and led him to a seat set in the southern window. Then he softly drew back a piece of the curtain and motioned his companion to look out. Adam did so, and immediately shrank back as though his eyes had opened on pressing danger. His companion set his mind at rest by saying in a low voice: "It is all right; you may speak, but speak low. There is no danger here--at present!" 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 238 Adam leaned forward, taking care, however, not to press his face against the glass. What he saw would not under ordinary circumstances have caused concern to anybody. With his special knowledge, it was appalling--though the night was now so dark that in reality there was little to be seen. On the western side of the tower stood a grove of old trees, of forest dimensions. They were not grouped closely, but stood a little apart from each other, producing the effect of a row widely planted. Over the tops of them was seen a green light, something like the danger signal at a railway-crossing. It seemed at first quite still; but presently, when Adam's eye became accustomed to it, he could see that it moved as if trembling. This at once recalled to Adam's mind the light quivering above the well-hole in the darkness of that inner room at Diana's Grove, Oolanga's awful shriek, and the hideous black face, now grown grey with terror, disappearing into the impenetrable gloom of the mysterious orifice. Instinctively he laid his hand on 2454 concern (s) – ansiedade, preocupação, pesar 2454 knowledge (s) – conhecimento, informação 2455 appalling (adj) – chocante, aterrador, terrível, horrível 2456 forest (adj) – de floresta 2456 forest tree - árvore de grande porte 2457 row (s) - fileira 2457 widely (adv) – com grandes intervalos, intervaladamente, largamente, extensamente 2458 danger signal at a railway-crossing - sinal de alarme de um cruzamento de estrada de ferro. 2459 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco, em breve 2460 quiver (to) – tremer, estremecer 2461 inner (adj) – interior, interno 2461 shriek (s) – grito agudo, guincho, berro 2462 gloom (s) – escuridão, trevas 239 2465 glow (s) - brilho 2463 2464 2465 2466 his revolver, and stood up ready to protect his wife. Then, seeing that nothing happened, and that the light and all outside the tower remained the same, he softly pulled the curtain over the window. Sir Nathaniel switched on the light again, and in its comforting glow they began to talk freely. 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 240 CHAPTER XXII AT CLOSE QUARTERS "She has diabolical cunning," said Sir Nathaniel. "Ever since you left, she has ranged along the Brow and wherever you were accustomed to frequent. I have not heard whence the knowledge of your movements came to her, nor have I been able to learn any data whereon to found an opinion. She seems to have heard both of your marriage and your absence; but I gather, by inference, that she does not actually know where you and Mimi are, or of your return. So soon as the dusk fails, she goes out on her rounds, and before dawn covers the whole ground round the Brow, and away up into the heart of the Peak. The White Worm, in her own proper shape, certainly has great facilities for the business on which she is now engaged. She can look into windows of any ordinary kind. Happily, this house is beyond her reach, if she wishes--as 2468 at close quarters - perto; muito perto; 2470 cunning (s) – astúcia, manha, habilidade, engenho, capacidade 2470 ever since - desde então 2470 range (to) – vaguear, andar, percorrer, atravessar 2471 wherever (adv) – onde quer que, em qualquer parte que 2471 whence (adv) – de onde 2472 learn (to) – instruir-se, informar-se 2472 data (s) – dados, informação 2472 whereon (adv) – sobre o qual, no qual 2472 opinion (s) – opinião, parecer 2473 gather (to) – deduzir, concluir 2473 inference (s) – dedução, conclusão 2473 actually (adv) – realmente, efectivamente 2474 dusk (s) – crepúsculo, escurecer 2474 fail (to) – ser insuficiente, não chegar, carecer de luz 2475 away (adv) - longe 2475 peak (s) - planalto 241 2478 height (s) – altura, refere-se à altura da torre 2478 lest (conj) – para evitar que 2479 learn (to) – ficar a saber, ficar a conhecer, informar-se 2481 will (to) – querer, desejar 2481 slight (adj) – leve, ligeiro, pequeno 2483 expostulatory (adj) – que reclama, que roga, que suplica 2484 lad (s) – rapaz, jovem 2484 at stake - em jogo 2486 blanch (to) – empalidecer, perder a cor 2486 ghastly (adj) – sinistro, monstruoso, pavoroso 2487 reassure (to) – tranquilizar, voltar a animar 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 she manifestly does--to remain unrecognised. But, even at this height, it is wise to show no lights, lest she might learn something of our presence or absence." "Would it not be well, sir, if one of us could see this monster in her real shape at close quarters? I am willing to run the risk--for I take it there would be no slight risk in the doing. I don't suppose anyone of our time has seen her close and lived to tell the tale." Sir Nathaniel held up an expostulatory hand. "Good God, lad, what are you suggesting? Think of your wife, and all that is at stake." "It is of Mimi that I think--for her sake that I am willing to risk whatever is to be risked." Adam's young bride was proud of her man, but she blanched at the thought of the ghastly White Worm. Adam saw this and at once reassured her. 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 242 "So long as her ladyship does not know whereabout I am, I shall have as much safety as remains to us; bear in mind, my darling, that we cannot be too careful." Sir Nathaniel realised that Adam was right; the White Worm had no supernatural powers and could not harm them until she discovered their hiding place. It was agreed, therefore, that the two men should go together. When the two men slipped out by the back door of the house, they walked cautiously along the avenue which trended towards the west. Everything was pitch dark--so dark that at times they had to feel their way by the palings and tree-trunks. They could still see, seemingly far in front of them and high up, the baleful light which at the height and distance seemed like a faint line. As they were now on the level of the ground, the light seemed infinitely higher than it had from the top of the tower. At the sight Adam's heart fell; the danger of the desperate enterprise which he had undertaken burst upon him. But this feeling was shortly 2488 ladyship (s) – senhoria, excelência 2488 whereabout=whereabouts (adv) – onde, por onde, em que lugar 2488 remain (to) – restar, sobrar, sobejar, (ficar, permanecer) 2489 bear in mind (to) – lembrar-se, ter presente 2491 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por conseguinte, por isso, portanto 2493 slip out (to) – sair dando uma saltada a, ir-se embora eclipsando-se 2494 trend (to) – dirigir-se, estender-se 2495 paling (s) – vedação, paliçada 2495 baleful (adj) – ameaçador, sinistro, terrível, maligno 2496 faint (adj) – fraco, débil 2498 undertake (to) – empreender, encarregar-se de, assumir 2498 burst upon (to) – subjugar, submeter, dominar, render, irromper por 243 2499 restore (to) – restabelecer, revigorar, recuperar 2499 loathing (s) – aversão, repugnância 2501 fairly (adv) - razoavelmente 2507 circling (adj) – do meio de, circundante 2508 comparison (s) - comparação 2508 misty (adj) – indistinto, vago, impreciso (com nevoeiro, enevoado) 2509 by (adv) – perto,próximo 2509 seek, sought, sought (to) - procurar 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 followed by another which restored him to himself--a fierce loathing, and a desire to kill, such as he had never experienced before. They went on for some distance on a level road, fairly wide, from which the green light was visible. Here Sir Nathaniel spoke softly, placing his lips to Adam's ear for safety. "We know nothing whatever of this creature's power of hearing or smelling, though I presume that both are of no great strength. As to seeing, we may presume the opposite, but in any case we must try to keep in the shade behind the tree-trunks. The slightest error would be fatal to us." Adam only nodded, in case there should be any chance of the monster seeing the movement. After a time that seemed interminable, they emerged from the circling wood. It was like coming out into sunlight by comparison with the misty blackness which had been around them. There was light enough to see by, though not sufficient to distinguish things at a distance. Adam's eyes sought the green light in the 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 244 sky. It was still in about the same place, but its surroundings were more visible. It was now at the summit of what seemed to be a long white pole, near the top of which were two pendant white masses, like rudimentary arms or fins. The green light, strangely enough, did not seem lessened by the surrounding starlight, but had a clearer effect and a deeper green. Whilst they were carefully regarding this--Adam with the aid of an opera-glass--their nostrils were assailed by a horrid stench, something like that which rose from the well-hole in Diana's Grove. By degrees, as their eyes got the right focus, they saw an immense towering mass that seemed snowy white. It was tall and thin. The lower part was hidden by the trees which lay between, but they could follow the tall white shaft and the duplicate green lights which topped it. As they looked there was a movement-the shaft seemed to bend, and the line of green light descended amongst the trees. They could see the green light twinkle as it passed between the obstructing branches. 2510 surroundings (s plural) – arredores, cercanias 2510 summit (s) – cimo, ponto mais alto 2511 pole (s) – poste, vara, estaca 2512 fin (s) - barbatana 2512 enough (adj) – muito, bastante 2512 lessened (adj) – diminuido/a, atenuado/a 2513 deep (adj) – forte, intenso, profundo, fundo 2514 assail (to) - atacar 2514 stench (s) – cheiro pestilento, cheiro nauseabundo, fedor 2516 by degrees – por etapas 2516 focus (s) – centro, ponto central 2516 towering (adj) – muito alto, muito elevado 2517 tall (adj) – alto, elevado 2517 thin (adj) – fino, delgado 2518 shaft (s) – haste, mastro 2518 duplicate (adj) – de dois, duplo, duplicado 245 2522 coil (s) - espiral 2523 upright (adj) – vertical, perpendicular, direito, de pé 2523 glistening (adj) – brilhante, cintilante, reluzente 2523 fold (s) – ondulação, dobra 2525 swift (adj) – rápido, veloz 2525 pace (s) – ritmo, andamento, velocidade, passo 2526 footfall (s) – ruído de passos, passadas 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 Seeing where the head of the monster was, the two men ventured a little further forward, and saw that the hidden mass at the base of the shaft was composed of vast coils of the great serpent's body, forming a base from which the upright mass rose. As they looked, this lower mass moved, the glistening folds catching the moonlight, and they could see that the monster's progress was along the ground. It was coming towards them at a swift pace, so they turned and ran, taking care to make as little noise as possible, either by their footfalls or by disturbing the undergrowth close to them. They did not stop or pause till they saw before them the high dark tower of Doom. 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 246 CHAPTER XXIII IN THE ENEMY'S HOUSE Sir Nathaniel was in the library next morning, after breakfast, when Adam came to him carrying a letter. "Her ladyship doesn't lose any time. She has begun work already!" Sir Nathaniel, who was writing at a table near the window, looked up. "What is it?" said he. Adam held out the letter he was carrying. It was in a blazoned envelope. "Ha!" said Sir Nathaniel, "from the White Worm! I expected something of the kind." "But," said Adam, "how could she have known we were here? She didn't know last night." 2533 ladyship (s) – senhoria, excelência 2536 hold out (to) - estender 247 2540 suffice (to) – chegar, bastar, ser suficiente, satisfazer 2542 reasoning (s) - raciocínio 2543 nearly (adv) – de perto, particularmente, muito 2545 shun (to) – evitar intencionalmente, fugir a 2545 in spite of - apesar de; a despeito de 2545 bulk (s) – tamanho, grandeza 2547 squirm (to) – contorcer-se, enroscar-se 2547 proceed (to) – agir, proceder, actuar, fazer 2547 stealth (s) – actuação furtiva, disfarce, dissimulação 2547 cunning (s) – astúcia, manha, habilidade, engenho 2547 run away (to) – fugir, escapar 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 "I don't think we need trouble about that, Adam. There is so much we do not understand. This is only another mystery. Suffice it that she does know--perhaps it is all the better and safer for us." "How is that?" asked Adam with a puzzled look. "General process of reasoning, my boy; and the experience of some years in the diplomatic world. This creature is a monster without heart or consideration for anything or anyone. She is not nearly so dangerous in the open as when she has the dark to protect her. Besides, we know, by our own experience of her movements, that for some reason she shuns publicity. In spite of her vast bulk and abnormal strength, she is afraid to attack openly. After all, she is only a snake and with a snake's nature, which is to keep low and squirm, and proceed by stealth and cunning. She will never attack when she can run away, although she knows well that running away would probably be fatal to her. What is the letter about?" 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 248 Sir Nathaniel's voice was calm and self-possessed. When he was engaged in any struggle of wits he was all diplomatist. "She asks Mimi and me to tea this afternoon at Diana's Grove, and hopes that you also will favour her." Sir Nathaniel smiled. "Please ask Mrs. Salton to accept for us all." "She means some deadly mischief. Surely--surely it would be wiser not." "It is an old trick that we learn early in diplomacy, Adam--to fight on ground of your own choice. It is true that she suggested the place on this occasion; but by accepting it we make it ours. Moreover, she will not be able to understand our reason for doing so, and her own bad conscience--if she has any, bad or good--and her own fears and doubts will play our game for us. No, my dear boy, let us accept, by all means." 2549 possessed (adj) – controlado, comedido 2549 wits (s) – inteligências, cérebros, muita manha, muita astúcia, refere-se a um combate entre inteligências 2550 diplomatist (s) - 2. pessoa hábil e com um tacto especial para resolver situações complicadas; 2551 favour (to) – honrar, neste caso com a sua presença 2554 mischief (s) – cilada, emboscada, traição, ardil (travessura, partida) 2554 wise (adj) – sábio, sagaz 2555 trick (s) – habilidade, truque 2556 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás 2558 by all means - faça favor; 249 2559 hold out (to) - estender 2562 to make a point of doing something - fazer questão em fazer algo; ter o cuidado de fazer algo 2562 go in state (to) – ir com pompa ou aparato 2562 inquiringly (adv) - interrogadoramente 2566 court (s) – corte, residência de soberano 2568 convincing (adj) - convincente 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 Adam said nothing, but silently held out his hand, which his companion shook: no words were necessary. When it was getting near tea-time, Mimi asked Sir Nathaniel how they were going. "We must make a point of going in state. We want all possible publicity." Mimi looked at him inquiringly. "Certainly, my dear, in the present circumstances publicity is a part of safety. Do not be surprised if, whilst we are at Diana's Grove, occasional messages come for you--for all or any of us." "I see!" said Mrs. Salton. "You are taking no chances." "None, my dear. All I have learned at foreign courts, and amongst civilised and uncivilised people, is going to be utilised within the next couple of hours." Sir Nathaniel's voice was full of seriousness, and it brought to Mimi in a convincing way the awful gravity of the occasion 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 250 In due course, they set out in a carriage drawn by a fine pair of horses, who soon devoured the few miles of their journey. Before they came to the gate, Sir Nathaniel turned to Mimi. "I have arranged with Adam certain signals which may be necessary if certain eventualities occur. These need be nothing to do with you directly. But bear in mind that if I ask you or Adam to do anything, do not lose a second in the doing of it. We must try to pass off such moments with an appearance of unconcern. In all probability, nothing requiring such care will occur. The White Worm will not try force, though she has so much of it to spare. Whatever she may attempt to-day, of harm to any of us, will be in the way of secret plot. Some other time she may try force, but--if I am able to judge such a thing--not to-day. The messengers who may ask for any of us will not be witnesses only, they may help to stave off danger." Seeing query in her face, he went on: "Of what kind the danger may be, I know not, and cannot guess. It 2570 due (adj) – adequado, devido 2570 course (s) – caminho, direcção, rota 2570 set out (to) – partir para uma viagem 2574 pass off (to) – desenrolar de acontecimentos 2574 appearance (s) – aparência, aspecto 2574 unconcern (s) – calma, sangue frio 2575 care (s) – cuidado, preocupação 2576 spare (to) – dar, ceder, dispensar 2576 attempt (to) – tentar, intentar, provocar 2577 plot (s) – enredo, intriga 2578 witness (s) - testemunha 2578 stave off (to) – adiar, atrasar, afastar, evitar 2579 query (s) – dúvida, interrogação 251 2580 circumstance (s) – incidente, circunstância, ocasião, motivo 2580 account (s) – motivo, causa 2582 livery (s) – uniforme de criado 2582 drawing room - sala de visitas; salão para recepções 2583 (local, competição, debate, etc.) to throw something open (to the public/...) - abrir algo (ao público/...); 2583 forth (adv) – para a frente, para diante, em lugar de realce 2583 get over (to) – recompor-se, harmonizar-se, refazer-se, reorganizar-se 2585 acutely (adj) – intensamente, vivamente, extremamente 2585 suspicious (adj) – desconfiado, cheio de suspeitas 2586 outer (adj) – externo, exterior, de fora, mais afastado 2587 wherein (adv) – em que, naquilo que 2587 quietly (adv) – calmamente, silenciosamente, tranquilamente, serenamente 2588 intently (adv) – atentamente, intensamente 2589 fancy (to) – captar a atenção de alguém, acenar 2589 approval (s) - aprovação 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 will doubtless be some ordinary circumstance; but none the less dangerous on that account. Here we are at the gate. Now, be careful in all matters, however small. To keep your head is half the battle." There were a number of men in livery in the hall when they arrived. The doors of the drawing-room were thrown open, and Lady Arabella came forth and offered them cordial welcome. This having been got over, Lady Arabella led them into another room where tea was served. Adam was acutely watchful and suspicious of everything, and saw on the far side of this room a panelled iron door of the same colour and configuration as the outer door of the room where was the well- hole wherein Oolanga had disappeared. Something in the sight alarmed him, and he quietly stood near the door. He made no movement, even of his eyes, but he could see that Sir Nathaniel was watching him intently, and, he fancied, with approval. 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 252 They all sat near the table spread for tea, Adam still near the door. Lady Arabella fanned herself, complaining of heat, and told one of the footmen to throw all the outer doors open. Tea was in progress when Mimi suddenly started up with a look of fright on her face; at the same moment, the men became cognisant of a thick smoke which began to spread through the room--a smoke which made those who experienced it gasp and choke. The footmen began to edge uneasily towards the inner door. Denser and denser grew the smoke, and more acrid its smell. Mimi, towards whom the draught from the open door wafted the smoke, rose up choking, and ran to the inner door, which she threw open to its fullest extent, disclosing on the outside a curtain of thin silk, fixed to the doorposts. The draught from the open door swayed the thin silk towards her, and in her fright, she tore down the curtain, which enveloped her from head to foot. Then she ran through the still open door, heedless of the fact that she could not see where she was going. Adam, followed by Sir Nathaniel, rushed forward and joined her--Adam catching his 2590 to spread the table - pôr a mesa 2590 fan (to) – abanar com leque 2591 complain (to) – queixar-se, lamentar-se 2591 heat (s) - calor 2591 footman (s) – criado, lacaio 2591 (local, competição, debate, etc.) to throw something open (to the public/...) - abrir algo (ao público/...); 2592 start up (to) – levantar-se repentinamente 2593 cognizant (adj) – conhecedor, sabedor de 2594 gasp (to) – respirar com dificuldade, arfar, arquejar 2594 choke (to) – abafar, sufocar, paralisar 2594 edge (to) – mover, deslocar 2594 uneasily (adv) – agitadamente, preocupadamente, com inquietação 2595 dense (adj) – denso, compacto 2595 acrid (adj) – amargo, corrosivo, cáustico 2595 drawght (s) – corrente de ar 2596 waft (to) – levar suavemente pelo ar 2597 extent (s) – tamanho, dimensão 2597 disclose (to) – descobrir, revelar, divulgar 2597 curtain (s) - cortina 2597 silk (s) - seda 2597 doorpost (s) – ombreira da porta 2597 drawght (s) – corrente de ar 2598 sway (to) – balançar, oscilar 2599 heedless (adj) – descuidadamente, imprudentemente, precipitadamente 253 2601 tight (adj) – apertado, firme 2603 slippery (adj) - escorregadio 2603 spilled (adj) – derramado, entornado 2604 shoot (to) – precipitar-se 2604 stumble (to) - tropeçar 2605 fling (to) – arremessar-se, precipitar-se 2605 tell (to) – contar, fazer-se notar 2605 drag (to) – arrastar, puxar 2608 sustain (to) – encorajar, confortar 2609 thus (adv) – assim, deste modo, portanto 2609 master (s) - senhor 2610 wonderment (s) – assombro, espanto 2611 gaily=gayly (adv) – alegremente, com ar vivo 2611 guiding (adj) - orientador 2611 pressure (s) - pressão 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 wife by the arm and holding her tight. It was well that he did so, for just before her lay the black orifice of the well-hole, which, of course, she could not see with the silk curtain round her head. The floor was extremely slippery; something like thick oil had been spilled where she had to pass; and close to the edge of the hole her feet shot from under her, and she stumbled forward towards the well- hole. When Adam saw Mimi slip, he flung himself backward, still holding her. His weight told, and he dragged her up from the hole and they fell together on the floor outside the zone of slipperiness. In a moment he had raised her up, and together they rushed out through the open door into the sunlight, Sir Nathaniel close behind them. They were all pale except the old diplomatist, who looked both calm and cool. It sustained and cheered Adam and his wife to see him thus master of himself. Both managed to follow his example, to the wonderment of the footmen, who saw the three who had just escaped a terrible danger walking together gaily, as, under the guiding pressure of Sir Nathaniel's hand, they turned to re-enter the house. 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 254 Lady Arabella, whose face had blanched to a deadly white, now resumed her ministrations at the teaboard as though nothing unusual had happened. The slop-basin was full of half-burned brown paper, over which tea had been poured. Sir Nathaniel had been narrowly observing his hostess, and took the first opportunity afforded him of whispering to Adam: "The real attack is to come--she is too quiet. When I give my hand to your wife to lead her out, come with us--and caution her to hurry. Don't lose a second, even if you have to make a scene. Hs- s-s-h!" Then they resumed their places close to the table, and the servants, in obedience to Lady Arabella's order, brought in fresh tea. Thence on, that tea-party seemed to Adam, whose faculties were at their utmost intensity, like a terrible dream. As for poor Mimi, she was so overwrought both with present and future fear, and with horror at the 2612 blanch (to) - empalidecer 2612 resume (to) – reatar, recomeçar, retomar 2612 ministration (s) – distribuição, cuidado, assistência 2613 board (s) - tabuleiro 2613 slop basin - recipiente para recolher o que fica no fundo de chávenas servidas 2615 narrowly (adv) – atentamente, minuciosamente 2615 hostess (s) – anfitriã, dona da casa 2615 afford (to) – proporcionar, conceder 2619 resume (to) – retomar 2621 thence (adv) – por conseguinte 2621 utmost (adj) – mais elevado, máximo 2622 As for, as to, as regards – pelo que diz respeito a, quanto a 2622 overwrought (adj) – cansado/a, exausto/a, extenuado/a 255 2623 dumb (adj) – paralisado, entorpecido 2623 to brace oneself up - retemperar-se; animar-se 2623 trial (s) – provação, problema, dificuldade 2624 assured (adj) - animado/a, encorajado/a (certo, seguro) 2625 suave (adj) – muito delicado, suave, agradável, afável 2625 dignified (adj) – digno, solene 2625 thoughtful (adj) – atento, atencioso, amável 2626 to be ill at ease - não estar à vontade 2629 compound (to) – misturar, combinar 2629 sweetness (s) – doçura, suavidade 2630 thoughtful (adj) – atencioso, amável, solícito 2630 tender (adj) – terno, meigo, carinhoso, afectuoso 2630 honour (s) – reverência, respeito 2631 clear away (to) - arrumar 2631 cup (s) - chávena 2632 waist (s) – cintura, cinta 2632 stroll (to) – passear sem pressas, vaguear 2632 adjoining (adj) – contíguo, adjacente, confinante 2632 collect (to) – juntar, apanhar 2633 scatter (to) - espalhar 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 danger she had escaped, that her faculties were numb. However, she was braced up for a trial, and she felt assured that whatever might come she would be able to go through with it. Sir Nathaniel seemed just as usual--suave, dignified, and thoughtful-- perfect master of himself. To her husband, it was evident that Mimi was ill at ease. The way she kept turning her head to look around her, the quick coming and going of the colour of her face, her hurried breathing, alternating with periods of suspicious calm, were evidences of mental perturbation. To her, the attitude of Lady Arabella seemed compounded of social sweetness and personal consideration. It would be hard to imagine more thoughtful and tender kindness towards an honoured guest. When tea was over and the servants had come to clear away the cups, Lady Arabella, putting her arm round Mimi's waist, strolled with her into an adjoining room, where she collected a number of photographs which were scattered about, and, sitting down beside her guest, began to show them to her. While she was 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 256 doing this, the servants closed all the doors of the suite of rooms, as well as that which opened from the room outside--that of the well-hole into the avenue. Suddenly, without any seeming cause, the light in the room began to grow dim. Sir Nathaniel, who was sitting close to Mimi, rose to his feet, and, crying, "Quick!" caught hold of her hand and began to drag her from the room. Adam caught her other hand, and between them they drew her through the outer door which the servants were beginning to close. It was difficult at first to find the way, the darkness was so great; but to their relief when Adam whistled shrilly, the carriage and horses, which had been waiting in the angle of the avenue, dashed up. Her husband and Sir Nathaniel lifted--almost threw--Mimi into the carriage. The postillion plied whip and spur, and the vehicle, rocking with its speed, swept through the gate and tore up the road. Behind them was a hubbub-- servants rushing about, orders being shouted out, doors shutting, and somewhere, seemingly far back in the house, a strange noise. Every nerve of the horses was strained as they dashed recklessly along the road. The two 2634 suite of rooms - apartamento 2635 seeming (adj) – aparente, suposto 2636 dim (adj) – fraco, ténue 2637 to catch hold of - agarrar-se a; 2638 outer (adj) – externo, exterior 2639 whistle (to) - assobiar 2639 shrilly (adv) - estridentemente 2640 angle (s) - canto 2640 dash up (to) – mover-se rapidamente, precipitar-se 2641 lift (to) – acto de levantar, de erguer 2641 ply (to) – usar diligentemente, manejar vigorosamente 2641 whip (s) - chicote 2641 spur (s) – espora, aguilhão 2641 rock (to) – balançar, abanar, oscilar 2642 sweep (to) – passar velozmente, passar impetuosamente, precipitar-se 2642 tear up (to) – ir a toda a velocidade 2642 hubbub (s) – tumulto, gritaria, confusão 2644 dash (to) – mover-se rapidamente, precipitar-se 2644 recklessly (adv) – temerariamente, ousadamente, arrojadamente, audaciosamente, destemidamente 257 2645 protectingly (adv) - protectoramente 2646 rise (s) – subida, ladeira, rampa 2646 racing (adj) – rápido, acelerado 2647 slack (to) – abrandar, afrouxar, acalmar, moderar 2647 hill (s) – encosta, ladeira 2647 fall away (to) – descer um terreno inclinado 2647 leave (to) – permitir (sair, ir, partir) 2647 downgrade (s) – descida, rampa descendente 2649 keenly (adv) – vivamente, profundamente 2649 inured (adj) – habituado, acostumado 2650 bear up (to) – aguentar-se, manter a cabeça erguida 2650 helpful (adj) – útil, bom 2651 Lie, lay, lain (to) – conservar-se, permanecer, estar, encontrar-se 2651 attempt (to) – tentar, intentar 2651 peep out (to) - espreitar 2652 nowhere (adv) – em parte alguma 2654 unseen (adj) – sem ser visto, despercebido 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 men held Mimi between them, the arms of both of them round her as though protectingly. As they went, there was a sudden rise in the ground; but the horses, breathing heavily, dashed up it at racing speed, not slackening their pace when the hill fell away again, leaving them to hurry along the downgrade. It would be foolish to say that neither Adam nor Mimi had any fear in returning to Doom Tower. Mimi felt it more keenly than her husband, whose nerves were harder, and who was more inured to danger. Still she bore up bravely, and as usual the effort was helpful to her. When once she was in the study in the top of the turret, she almost forgot the terrors which lay outside in the dark. She did not attempt to peep out of the window; but Adam did--and saw nothing. The moonlight showed all the surrounding country, but nowhere was to be observed that tremulous line of green light. The peaceful night had a good effect on them all; danger, being unseen, seemed far off. At times it was hard to realise that it had ever been. With courage restored, Adam rose early and walked along the Brow, 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 258 seeing no change in the signs of life in Castra Regis. What he did see, to his wonder and concern, on his returning homeward, was Lady Arabella, in her tight-fitting white dress and ermine collar, but without her emeralds; she was emerging from the gate of Diana's Grove and walking towards the Castle. Pondering on this and trying to find some meaning in it, occupied his thoughts till he joined Mimi and Sir Nathaniel at breakfast. They began the meal in silence. What had been had been, and was known to them all. Moreover, it was not a pleasant topic. A fillip was given to the conversation when Adam told of his seeing Lady Arabella, on her way to Castra Regis. They each had something to say of her, and of what her wishes or intentions were towards Edgar Caswall. Mimi spoke bitterly of her in every aspect. She had not forgotten--and never would--never could-the occasion when, to harm Lilla, the woman had consorted even with the nigger. As a social matter, she was disgusted with her for following up the rich landowner--"throwing herself at his head so shamelessly," 2657 homeward (adv) – de regresso a casa 2657 fitting (adj) – adequado, apropriado, conveniente 2658 ponder (to) – reflectir, meditar, ponderar 2661 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 2662 fillip (s) – piparote, estímulo 2664 bitterly (adv) - amargamente 2665 consort (to) – ligar-se, associar-se 2666 follow up (to) – seguir de perto 2666 throw (to) – lançar-se, atirar-se 2666 shamelessly (adv) – desavergonhadamente, descaradamente, escandalosamente 259 2668 express (to) – manifestar, exprimir, transmitir 2669 cheek (s) – descaramento, atrevimento, lata 2669 impudence (s) – insolência, descaramento, falta de respeito 2670 granted (adj) – admitido, com concordância 2670 that (adv) – de tal modo, a tal ponto 2670 overlook (to) – fechar os olhos, deixar passar, tolerar 2670 also (adv) - também 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 was how she expressed it. She was interested to know that the great kite still flew from Caswall's tower. But beyond such matters she did not try to go. The only comment she made was of strongly expressed surprise at her ladyship's "cheek" in ignoring her own criminal acts, and her impudence in taking it for granted that others had overlooked them also. 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 260 CHAPTER XXIV A STARTLING PROPOSITION The more Mimi thought over the late events, the more puzzled she was. What did it all mean--what could it mean, except that there was an error of fact somewhere. Could it be possible that some of them--all of them had been mistaken, that there had been no White Worm at all? On either side of her was a belief impossible of reception. Not to believe in what seemed apparent was to destroy the very foundations of belief. . . yet in old days there had been monsters on the earth, and certainly some people had believed in just such mysterious changes of identity. It was all very strange. Just fancy how any stranger--say a doctor-would regard her, if she were to tell him that she had been to a tea-party with an antediluvian monster, and that they had been waited on by up-to-date men-servants. 2673 startling (adj) – espantoso, surpreendente 2673 proposition (s) - proposta 2676 of fact – de facto 2677 on either side - de cada lado 2678 reception (s) – aceitação de ideia 2678 apparent (adj) – evidente, manifesto, visível, palpável, notório 2680 fancy!/fancy that!/just fancy! - ora veja lá!; imagine!; 2681 regard (to) – considerar, respeitar, julgar 2682 wait on (to) - servir 2682 up-to-date (adj) – moderno, actualizado 261 2683 exhilarated (adj) – animado, alegre, entusiasmado 2683 settled (adj) - decidido 2684 phase (s) – fase, estádio, período 2684 inability (s) - incapacidade 2685 extent (s) – grau, extensão 2685 ill (adj) - doentio 2685 effect (s) – efeito, resultado, consequência 2686 ordeal (s) – má experiência, provação, tortura, suplício 2686 to brace oneself up - retemperar-se; animar-se 2686 seek (to) - procurar 2687 talk over (to) – discutir, falar sobre 2687 common (adj) – simples, comum, habitual 2687 sense (s) – lucidez, senso, bom senso, razão, juízo 2687 reliance (s) - confiança 2688 helpful (adj) – útil, bom 2690 at all events - seja como for, de qualquer modo 2691 demeanour (s) – comportamento, procedimento 2692 charm (s) – encanto, simpatia 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 Adam had returned, exhilarated by his walk, and more settled in his mind than he had been for some time. Like Mimi, he had gone through the phase of doubt and inability to believe in the reality of things, though it had not affected him to the same extent. The idea, however, that his wife was suffering ill-effects from her terrible ordeal, braced him up. He remained with her for a time, then he sought Sir Nathaniel in order to talk over the matter with him. He knew that the calm common sense and self-reliance of the old man, as well as his experience, would be helpful to them all. Sir Nathaniel had come to the conclusion that, for some reason which he did not understand, Lady Arabella had changed her plans, and, for the present at all events, was pacific. He was inclined to attribute her changed demeanour to the fact that her influence over Edgar Caswall was so far increased, as to justify a more fixed belief in his submission to her charms. 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 262 As a matter of fact, she had seen Caswall that morning when she visited Castra Regis, and they had had a long talk together, during which the possibility of their union had been discussed. Caswall, without being enthusiastic on the subject, had been courteous and attentive; as she had walked back to Diana's Grove, she almost congratulated herself on her new settlement in life. That the idea was becoming fixed in her mind, was shown by a letter which she wrote later in the day to Adam Salton, and sent to him by hand. It ran as follows: DEAR MR. SALTON, I wonder if you would kindly advise, and, if possible, help me in a matter of business. I have been for some time trying to make up my mind to sell Diana's Grove, I have put off and put off the doing of it till now. The place is my own property, and no one has to be consulted with regard to what I may wish 2693 as a matter of fact - por acaso; na realidade 2695 courteous (adj) – cortês, delicado 2695 attentive (adj) – atento, atencioso, amável, solícito 2696 settlement (s) – acordo, contrato 2698 thus the letter runs - a carta diz assim 2701 advise (to) - aconselhar 2702 putt off (to) – adiar, empatar 263 2705 acquire (to) – adquirir, obter 2705 mining (s) – exploração mineira 2705 sporting (s) – caça, pesca 2707 endear (to) – estimar, tornar querido 2707 affection (s) – emoção, ternura 2709 fair (s) – justo, razoavel 2709 so long – desde que 2712 settlement (s) – instalação ou fixação a um local, acordo, contrato 2714 estate (s) – propriedade, quinta 2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 to do about it. It was bought by my late husband, Captain Adolphus Ranger March, who had another residence, The Crest, Appleby. He acquired all rights of all kinds, including mining and sporting. When he died, he left his whole property to me. I shall feel leaving this place, which has become endeared to me by many sacred memories and affections--the recollection of many happy days of my young married life, and the more than happy memories of the man I loved and who loved me so much. I should be willing to sell the place for any fair price--so long, of course, as the purchaser was one I liked and of whom I approved. May I say that you yourself would be the ideal person. But I dare not hope for so much. It strikes me, however, that among your Australian friends may be someone who wishes to make a settlement in the Old Country, and would care to fix the spot in one of the most historic regions in England, full of romance and legend, and with a never-ending vista of historical interest--an estate which, though small, is in perfect condition and with illimitable possibilities of 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 264 development, and many doubtful--or unsettled-- rights which have existed before the time of the Romans or even Celts, who were the original possessors. In addition, the house has been kept up to the DERNIER CRI. Immediate possession can be arranged. My lawyers can provide you, or whoever you may suggest, with all business and historical details. A word from you of acceptance or refusal is all that is necessary, and we can leave details to be thrashed out by our agents. Forgive me, won't you, for troubling you in the matter, and believe me, yours very sincerely. ARABELLA MARCH Adam read this over several times, and then, his mind being made up, he went to Mimi and asked if she had any objection. She answered-- after a shudder--that she was, in this, as in all things, willing to do whatever he might wish. 2715 doubtful (adj) – indeciso, discutível 2715 unsettled (adj) – indeciso, irresoluto 2715 right (s) – regalia, direito 2716 possessor (s) - possuidor 2716 keep up (to) – manter, aguentar 2717 dernier cri – estrangeirismo que significa: última moda 2717 provide (to) – providenciar, tratar de, prover 2719 trash out (to) – debater exaustivamente, discutir a fundo, resolver, chegar a acordo sobre 2720 trouble (to) – dar trabalho a, incomodar, perturbar 2723 read over (to) - reler 2724 shudder (s) – arrepio, calafrio 265 2727 hitherto (adv) – até agora 2731 query (s) – pergunta, interrogação 2734 vow (to) – jurar, prometer 2735 matter (s) – assunto, facto, problema, caso 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 "Dearest, I am willing that you should judge what is best for us. Be quite free to act as you see your duty, and as your inclination calls. We are in the hands of God, and He has hitherto guided us, and will do so to His own end." From his wife's room Adam Salton went straight to the study in the tower, where he knew Sir Nathaniel would be at that hour. The old man was alone, so, when he had entered in obedience to the "Come in," which answered his query, he closed the door and sat down beside him. "Do you think, sir, that it would be well for me to buy Diana's Grove?" "God bless my soul!" said the old man, startled, "why on earth would you want to do that?" "Well, I have vowed to destroy that White Worm, and my being able to do whatever I may choose with the Lair would facilitate matters and avoid complications." Sir Nathaniel hesitated longer than usual before speaking. He was thinking deeply. 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 266 "Yes, Adam, there is much common sense in your suggestion, though it startled me at first. I think that, for all reasons, you would do well to buy the property and to have the conveyance settled at once. If you want more money than is immediately convenient, let me know, so that I may be your banker." "Thank you, sir, most heartily; but I have more money at immediate call than I shall want. I am glad you approve." "The property is historic, and as time goes on it will increase in value. Moreover, I may tell you something, which indeed is only a surmise, but which, if I am right, will add great value to the place." Adam listened. "Has it ever struck you why the old name, 'The Lair of the White Worm,' was given? We know that there was a snake which in early days was called a worm; but why white?" "I really don't know, sir; I never thought of it. I simply took it for granted." "So did I at first--long ago. But later I puzzled my brain for a reason." 2738 conveyance (s) – transmissão de propriedade, trespasse 2738 settle (to) – decidir, resolver, determinar 2740 call (s) – pedido de dinheiro (chamada, chamamento) 2742 as time goes by - à medida que o tempo passa 2742 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 2743 surmise (s) – suposição, desconfiança, suspeição 2746 granted (adj) – reconhecido, admitido 267 2749 solely (adv) – somente, unicamente, exclusivamente 2750 china-burning – fornos de cerâmica 2750 owe (to) – dever, estar em dívida 2751 clay (s) – argila, barro, porcelana 2751 from time to time - de tempos a tempos; de vez em quando; de quando em quando 2752 exhausted (adj) – gasto, exausto, esgotado 2753 anyone (pron) – qualquer pessoa 2754 strike (to) – encontrar, achar, descobrir 2754 sort (s) – espécie, género, tipo 2757 marsh (s) – charco, pântano, paul 2757 mud (s) – lama, terra lamacenta 2757 clay (s) – argila, barro 2757 pierce (to) – penetrar, furar 2758 bed (s) – estrato, camada, veio 2758 highway (s) – estrada ou caminho principal 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 "And what was the reason, sir?" "Simply and solely because the snake or worm WAS white. We are near the county of Stafford, where the great industry of china-burning was originated and grew. Stafford owes much of its wealth to the large deposits of the rare china clay found in it from time to time. These deposits become in time pretty well exhausted; but for centuries Stafford adventurers looked for the special clay, as Ohio and Pennsylvania farmers and explorers looked for oil. Anyone owning real estate on which china clay can be discovered strikes a sort of gold mine." "Yes, and then--" The young man looked puzzled. "The original 'Worm' so-called, from which the name of the place came, had to find a direct way down to the marshes and the mud- holes. Now, the clay is easily penetrable, and the original hole probably pierced a bed of china clay. When once the way was made it would become a sort of highway for the Worm. But as 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 268 much movement was necessary to ascend such a great height, some of the clay would become attached to its rough skin by attrition. The downway must have been easy work, but the ascent was different, and when the monster came to view in the upper world, it would be fresh from contact with the white clay. Hence the name, which has no cryptic significance, but only fact. Now, if that surmise be true--and I do not see why not--there must be a deposit of valuable clay--possibly of immense depth." Adam's comment pleased the old gentleman. "I have it in my bones, sir, that you have struck--or rather reasoned out--a great truth." Sir Nathaniel went on cheerfully. "When the world of commerce wakes up to the value of your find, it will be as well that your title to ownership has been perfectly secured. If anyone ever deserved such a gain, it is you." 2759 attach (to) – prender, unir 2760 rough (adj) – áspero, rugoso 2760 attrition (s) – atrito, desgaste 2761 hence (adv) – por isso 2762 cryptic (adj) – secreto, oculto 2762 surmise (s) – suposição, desconfiança, suspeição 2763 depth (s) - espessura 2764 comment (to) – comentar, observar 2765 reason out (to) – solucionar pelo raciocínio 2766 wake up (to) - acordar 2767 ownership (s) - proprietário 2767 deserve (to) - merecer 269 2770 constructively (adv) – construtivamente 2771 anxious (adj) – preocupado, inquieto, ansioso 2771 enquiry (s) - interrogatório 2772 reassure (to) – tranquilizar, animar 2773 host (s) – anfitrião, dono da casa 2774 vow (s) – juramento, promessa 2775 undertake (to) – empreender, encarregar-se de 2777 unsurpassable (adj) - inultrapassável 2777 master (s) – senhor, dominador 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 With his friend's aid, Adam secured the property without loss of time. Then he went to see his uncle, and told him about it. Mr. Salton was delighted to find his young relative already constructively the owner of so fine an estate--one which gave him an important status in the county. He made many anxious enquiries about Mimi, and the doings of the White Worm, but Adam re-assured him. The next morning, when Adam went to his host in the smoking-room, Sir Nathaniel asked him how he purposed to proceed with regard to keeping his vow. "It is a difficult matter which you have undertaken. To destroy such a monster is something like one of the labours of Hercules, in that not only its size and weight and power of using them in little- known ways are against you, but the occult side is alone an unsurpassable difficulty. The Worm is already master of all the elements except fire--and I do not see how fire can be used for the attack. It has only to sink into the 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 earth in its usual way, and you could not overtake it if you had the resources of the biggest coal-mine in existence. But I daresay you have mapped out some plan in your mind," he added courteously. "I have, sir. But, of course, it may not stand the test of practice." "May I know the idea?" "Well, sir, this was my argument: At the time of the Chartist trouble, an idea spread amongst financial circles that an attack was going to be made on the Bank of England. Accordingly, the directors of that institution consulted many persons who were supposed to know what steps should be taken, and it was finally decided that the best protection against fire--which is what was feared--was not water but sand. To carry the scheme into practice great store of fine sea- sand--the kind that blows about and is used to fill hour-glasses-- was provided throughout the building, especially at the points liable to attack, from which it could be brought into use. 270 2779 overtake (to) – dominar, assaltar, surpreender, atingir 2779 resources (s plural) – recursos 2779 coal mine – mina de carvão 2780 map out (to) – planear cuidadosamente, organizar ao pormenor 2781 stand (to) – ser submetido a, estar à prova de (pôr de pé, estar de pé 2783 argument (s) – raciocínio, argumento, razão 2783 chartist (s) – partidário do cartismo na política 2787 scheme (s) – plano, projecto 2788 hourglass (s) - ampulheta 2788 provide (to) – fornecer, abastecer 2788 throughout (adv) – por toda a parte 2788 liable (adj) – capaz, sujeito, susceptível 271 2791 early (adj) – cedo, rapido 2791 choke (s) – estrangulamento, sufocação 2791 thus (adv) – assim, desta maneira, deste modo 2792 guise (s) – aspecto, aparência, forma 2792 cut off (to) – isolar, cortar, amputar 2793 weight (s) – peso 2794 obstruct (to) – tapar, entupir, obstruir 2794 friction (s) – desgaste, atrito, ficção 2794 work up (to) – aumentar, intensificar 2796 scheme (s) – plano, projecto 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 "I propose to provide at Diana's Grove, as soon as it comes into my possession, an enormous amount of such sand, and shall take an early occasion of pouring it into the well-hole, which it will in time choke. Thus Lady Arabella, in her guise of the White Worm, will find herself cut off from her refuge. The hole is a narrow one, and is some hundreds of feet deep. The weight of the sand this can contain would not in itself be sufficient to obstruct; but the friction of such a body working up against it would be tremendous." "One moment. What use would the sand be for destruction?" "None, directly; but it would hold the struggling body in place till the rest of my scheme came into practice." "And what is the rest?" "As the sand is being poured into the well-hole, quantities of dynamite can also be thrown in!" 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 272 "Good. But how would the dynamite explode--for, of course, that is what you intend. Would not some sort of wire or fuse he required for each parcel of dynamite?" Adam smiled. "Not in these days, sir. That was proved in New York. A thousand pounds of dynamite, in sealed canisters, was placed about some workings. At the last a charge of gunpowder was fired, and the concussion exploded the dynamite. It was most successful. Those who were non-experts in high explosives expected that every pane of glass in New York would be shattered. But, in reality, the explosive did no harm outside the area intended, although sixteen acres of rock had been mined and only the supporting walls and pillars had been left intact. The whole of the rocks were shattered." Sir Nathaniel nodded approval. 2801 fuse (s) – rastilho, mecha, detonador 2803 prove (to) – demonstrar 2803 sealed (adj) - selado/a 2804 canister (s) - pequena caixa de metal 2804 gunpowder (s) - pólvora 2805 concussion (s) – abalo, choque, abanão 2805 expert (s) - especialista 2806 pane (s) – vidro, vidraça 2806 shatter (to) - estilhaçar 2807 intended (adj) – planeado, projectado 273 2810 tear down (to) – deitar abaixo, demolir 2811 wreck (to) – fazer naufragar, meter a pique, arruinar, demolir 2810 2811 2812 2813 "That seems a good plan--a very excellent one. But if it has to tear down so many feet of precipice, it may wreck the whole neighbourhood." "And free it for ever from a monster," added Adam, as he left the room to find his wife. 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 274 CHAPTER XXV THE LAST BATTLE Lady Arabella had instructed her solicitors to hurry on with the conveyance of Diana's Grove, so no time was lost in letting Adam Salton have formal possession of the estate. After his interview with Sir Nathaniel, he had taken steps to begin putting his plan into action. In order to accumulate the necessary amount of fine sea-sand, he ordered the steward to prepare for an elaborate system of top-dressing all the grounds. A great heap of the sand, brought from bays on the Welsh coast, began to grow at the back of the Grove. No one seemed to suspect that it was there for any purpose other than what had been given out. 2817 conveyance (s) – transmissão de propriedade 2820 top-dressing – tratamento superficial 2821 heap (s) – monte, montão 2821 bay (s) – baía, praia 2822 give out (to) – anunciar, tornar público 275 2823 pursuit (s) – perseguição, caça 2824 extraneous (adj) – não relacionado com, alheio, de fora 2824 move (to) – mudar, deslocar-se 2825 hand over (to) – entregar, passar, cader, delegar 2826 put up (to) – erguer, construir 2826 corrugated iron/sheet iron - chapa ondulada 2826 shed (s) – barracão, telheiro, alpendre 2826 store (to) – armazenar, aprovisionar, juntar para mais tarde 2827 attempt (s) - tentativa 2827 whenever (adv) – em qualquer altura que 2827 content (adj) – contente, satisfeito 2830 bailif (s) – administrador de propriedades 2831 intended (adj) - planeado/a 2831 approach (to) – aproximar-se 2831 apace (adv) – depressa, rapidamente 2832 appear (to) – parecer (aparecer, mostrar-se) 2833 courage (s) - coragem 2833 et deux mains - estrangeirismo 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 Lady Arabella, who alone could have guessed, was now so absorbed in her matrimonial pursuit of Edgar Caswall, that she had neither time nor inclination for thought extraneous to this. She had not yet moved from the house, though she had formally handed over the estate. Adam put up a rough corrugated-iron shed behind the Grove, in which he stored his explosives. All being ready for his great attempt whenever the time should come, he was now content to wait, and, in order to pass the time, interested himself in other things--even in Caswall's great kite, which still flew from the high tower of Castra Regis. The mound of fine sand grew to proportions so vast as to puzzle the bailiffs and farmers round the Brow. The hour of the intended cataclysm was approaching apace. Adam wished--but in vain--for an opportunity, which would appear to be natural, of visiting Caswall in the turret of Castra Regis. At last, one morning, he met Lady Arabella moving towards the Castle, so he took his courage E DEUX MAINS and asked to be 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 276 allowed to accompany her. She was glad, for her own purposes, to comply with his wishes. So together they entered, and found their way to the turret-room. Caswall was much surprised to see Adam come to his house, but lent himself to the task of seeming to be pleased. He played the host so well as to deceive even Adam. They all went out on the turret roof, where he explained to his guests the mechanism for raising and lowering the kite, taking also the opportunity of testing the movements of the multitudes of birds, how they answered almost instantaneously to the lowering or raising of the kite. As Lady Arabella walked home with Adam from Castra Regis, she asked him if she might make a request. Permission having been accorded, she explained that before she finally left Diana's Grove, where she had lived so long, she had a desire to know the depth of the well- hole. Adam was really happy to meet her wishes, not from any sentiment, but because he wished to give some valid and ostensible reason for examining the passage of the Worm, which would obviate any suspicion resulting from his being on the 2834 accompany (to) – acompanhar, caminhar junto a 2834 comply (to) – agir de acordo, respeitar 2834 his – seus dele não dela 2836 to lend itself/oneself to... - prestar-se a...; adaptar-se a...; aceitar... 2836 host (s) – anfitrião, dono da casa 2836 deceive (to) – enganar, iludir 2841 request (s) – pedido, solicitação, petição 2842 meet (to) – satisfazer, ir ao encontro de (encontrar ou encontrar-se com alguém) 2843 ostensible (adj) – exterior, de aparência 2844 obviate (to) – afastar, evitar, prevenir, obviar, tentar impedir, opor-se 277 2845 premise (s) – local, instalações, edifício, prédio 2845 Kelvin (s) - (sistema internacional de unidades de medida) kelvin 2845 sound (to) - 11. (profundidade) sondar, verificar com uma sonda ou vara; 2845 apparatus (s) – aparelho, instrumento, mecanismo 2845 lenght (s) – comprimento, extensão, tamanho 2845 piano-wire (s) – corda de piano 2847 advantageous (adj) – vantajoso, proveitoso, útil 2848 in the meantime - entretanto 2848 quietly (adv) – calmamente, tranquilamente, serenamente 2849 the even tenor of somebody's life - o calmo curso da vida de alguém; 2849 it's all over - acabou tudo; 2851 so long as - enquanto 2853 mate (s) – marido, companheiro, parceiro (amigo, colega) 2855 approve of (to) – gostar de, ver com bons olhos, aprovar 2855 personality (s) - personalidade 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 premises. He brought from London a Kelvin sounding apparatus, with a sufficient length of piano-wire for testing any probable depth. The wire passed easily over the running wheel, and when this was once fixed over the hole, he was satisfied to wait till the most advantageous time for his final experiment. In the meantime, affairs had been going quietly at Mercy Farm. Lilla, of course, felt lonely in the absence of her cousin, but the even tenor of life went on for her as for others. After the first shock of parting was over, things went back to their accustomed routine. In one respect, however, there was a marked difference. So long as home conditions had remained unchanged, Lilla was content to put ambition far from her, and to settle down to the life which had been hers as long as she could remember. But Mimi's marriage set her thinking; naturally, she came to the conclusion that she too might have a mate. There was not for her much choice--there was little movement in the matrimonial direction at the farmhouse. She did not approve of the personality of Edgar Caswall, and his struggle with Mimi had frightened her; but he was 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 278 unmistakably an excellent PARTI, much better than she could have any right to expect. This weighs much with a woman, and more particularly one of her class. So, on the whole, she was content to let things take their course, and to abide by the issue. As time went on, she had reason to believe that things did not point to happiness. She could not shut her eyes to certain disturbing facts, amongst which were the existence of Lady Arabella and her growing intimacy with Edgar Caswall; as well as his own cold and haughty nature, so little in accord with the ardour which is the foundation of a young maid's dreams of happiness. How things would, of necessity, alter if she were to marry, she was afraid to think. All told, the prospect was not happy for her, and she had a secret longing that something might occur to upset the order of things as at present arranged. When Lilla received a note from Edgar Caswall asking if he might come to tea on the following afternoon, her heart sank within her. If it was only for her father's sake, she must not refuse him or show any 2856 unmistakably (adv) – claramente, nitidamente 2858 abide by (to) – acatar uma decisão ou uma regra 2858 issue (s) – questão, problema 2859 as time goes by - à medida que o tempo passa 2861 intimacy (s) - intimidade 2861 as well as – também, como também 2861 haughty (adj) – altivo, arrogante 2861 ardour (s) – ardor, paixão 2862 foundation (s) – base, apoio 2862 maid (s) – donzela, rapariga 2862 alter (to) – alterar, mudar 2863 prospect (s) - perspectiva 2864 longing (s) – desejo, aspiração, ânsia 2864 upset (to) – contrariar, derrubar (virar, voltar-se) 2864 arrange (to) – organizar, arranjar 279 2867 disinclination (s) – pouco entusiasmo, relutância, aversão, repugnância 2867 construe (to) – interpretar, analisar 2867 incivility (s) – indelicadeza, descortesia 2867 miss (to) – ter saudades de, perder, sentir a falta de 2868 hitherto (adv) – até agora 2868 look to (to) – recorrer a, contar com (olhar para) 2869 gentle (s) - carinho 2869 assuring (s) - segurança 2869 supporting (s) - apoio 2870 aching (adj) – doloroso, dorido 2870 void (s) – vazio, vácuo, solidão 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2871 forenoon (s) - manhã 2871 loneliness (s) – solidão, isolamento, abandono 2872 sense (s) - significado 2873 look at (to) – reflectir sobre 2873 think of (to) – ter em conta, lembrar-se 2874 laden (adj) – carregado, cheio 2874 poignant (adj) – doloroso, pungente, comovente 2874 dread (s) – medo, receio, temor 2875 surround (to) – cercar de criminosos ou inimigos 2875 quiet (adj) – calmo, tranquilo, sossegado 2875 apprehension (s) – preocupação, apreensão 2876 haunting (adj) – perturbador, inquietante disinclination which he might construe into incivility. She missed Mimi more than she could say or even dared to think. Hitherto, she had always looked to her cousin for sympathy, for understanding, for loyal support. Now she and all these things, and a thousand others--gentle, assuring, supporting--were gone. And instead there was a horrible aching void. For the whole afternoon and evening, and for the following forenoon, poor Lilla's loneliness grew to be a positive agony. For the first time she began to realise the sense of her loss, as though all the previous suffering had been merely a preparation. Everything she looked at, everything she remembered or thought of, became laden with poignant memory. Then on the top of all was a new sense of dread. The reaction from the sense of security, which had surrounded her all her life, to a never-quieted apprehension, was at times almost more than she could bear. It so filled her with fear that she had a haunting feeling that she would as soon die as live. However, whatever might be her own feelings, duty had to be done, and as she 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 280 had been brought up to consider duty first, she braced herself to go through, to the very best of her ability, what was before her. Still, the severe and prolonged struggle for self-control told upon Lilla. She looked, as she felt, ill and weak. She was really in a nerveless and prostrate condition, with black circles round her eyes, pale even to her lips, and with an instinctive trembling which she was quite unable to repress. It was for her a sad mischance that Mimi was away, for her love would have seen through all obscuring causes, and have brought to light the girl's unhappy condition of health. Lilla was utterly unable to do anything to escape from the ordeal before her; but her cousin, with the experience of her former struggles with Mr. Caswall and of the condition in which these left her, would have taken steps--even peremptory ones, if necessary--to prevent a repetition. 2878 bring up (to) – criar, educar 2878 (mentalizar-se) to brace oneself for something - preparar-se para alguma coisa; 2878 go through (to) – passar por uma experiência 2878 ability (s) – competência, capacidade, aptidão, talento, habilidade, esperteza 2880 tell upon (to) – fazer-se notar 2881 nerveless (adj) – medroso, temeroso, cobarde 2882 quite (adv) – completamente, inteiramente 2882 repress (to) – reprimir, dominar, abafar, sufocar 2883 mischance (s) – desgraça, fatalidade 2884 health (s) – saúde, estado de saúde 2884 utterly (adv) – completamente, totalmente 2885 ordeal (s) – provação, tortura, suplício 2885 former (adj) – anterior, antigo 2886 peremptory (adj) – terminante, decisivo 2887 prevent (to) – evitar, impedir, prevenir 281 2889 upset (s) – perturbação, transtorno 2889 pitiable (adj) – lamentável, deplorável 2889 to brace oneself up - retemperar-se; animar-se 2890 get through (to) – atravessar, ultrapassar 2891 bearing (s) – atitude, comportamento 2892 follow on (to) – acompanhar, seguir 2892 load (s) – peso (carga, carregamento) 2893 stealthy (adj) – furtivo, dissimulado, escondido 2893 approach (s) - aproximação 2893 lest (conj) – para evitar que 2895 forethought (s) – prudência, previsão 2895 provide (to) – providenciar, prover 2895 furnishing (s) – fornecimento, abastecimento 2896 subtle (adj) - subtil 2896 implement (s) – utensílio, ferramente 2897 provender (s) – alimento, comida, mantimento 2897 forth (adv) – em lugar de realce 2897 humble (adj) - humilde 2898 earthen (adj) – de barro 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 Edgar arrived punctually to the time appointed by herself. When Lilla, through the great window, saw him approaching the house, her condition of nervous upset was pitiable. She braced herself up, however, and managed to get through the interview in its preliminary stages without any perceptible change in her normal appearance and bearing. It had been to her an added terror that the black shadow of Oolanga, whom she dreaded, would follow hard on his master. A load was lifted from her mind when he did not make his usual stealthy approach. She had also feared, though in lesser degree, lest Lady Arabella should be present to make trouble for her as before. With a woman's natural forethought in a difficult position, she had provided the furnishing of the tea-table as a subtle indication of the social difference between her and her guest. She had chosen the implements of service, as well as all the provender set forth, of the humblest kind. Instead of arranging the silver teapot and china cups, she had set out an earthen tea-pot, such as was in common use in the farm kitchen. The 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 282 same idea was carried out in the cups and saucers of thick homely delft, and in the cream-jug of similar kind. The bread was of simple whole-meal, home-baked. The butter was good, since she had made it herself, while the preserves and honey came from her own garden. Her face beamed with satisfaction when the guest eyed the appointments with a supercilious glance. It was a shock to the poor girl herself, for she enjoyed offering to a guest the little hospitalities possible to her; but that had to be sacrificed with other pleasures. Caswall's face was more set and iron-clad than ever--his piercing eyes seemed from the very beginning to look her through and through. Her heart quailed when she thought of what would follow--of what would be the end, when this was only the beginning. As some protection, though it could be only of a sentimental kind, she brought from her own room the photographs of Mimi, of her grandfather, and of Adam Salton, whom by now she had grown to look on with reliance, as a brother whom she could trust. She kept the 2899 cup (s) - chávena 2899 saucer (s) - pires 2899 thick (adj) - espesso 2899 homely (adj) - caseiro 2899 delft (s) - louça 2899 cream (adj) – de nata ou creme 2899 jug (s) – jarro, caneca 2900 whole-meal – farinha normal 2900 since (conj) – visto que, uma vez que 2901 preserve (s) - compota 2902 appointments (s plural) – objectos, instalação 2902 supercilious (adj) – arrogante, altivo 2903 enjoy (to) – gostar de, gozar, desfrutar 2903 sacrifice (to) - sacrificar 2905 set (adj) – determinado, de semblante endurecido, imponente, que se impõe, que inspira respeito 2905 iron-clad (adj) – revestido de ferro, transformado em ferro, parecendo feito de ferro 2905 piercing (adj) – penetrante, incisivo 2906 quail (to) – desanimar, intimidar-se, vacilar 2909 by now – por esta altura, por estas horas 2909 look on (to) – olhar para 2909 reliance (s) – confiança e necessidade 283 2910 stray (to) - vaguear 2910 constraint (s) – constrangimento, pressão exercida sobre alguém, coacção, coerção 2910 distrust (s) – desconfiança, suspeição 2911 poignant (adj) – pungente, doloroso 2912 ordeal (s) – provação, tortura, suplício 2913 thoughtful (adj) – cheio de consideração, atencioso, solícito, amável 2914 appear (to) – mostrar-se, manifestar-se, actuar 2915 former (adj) – anterior, antecedente 2916 by this means - desta maneira, por este processo; 2917 preserve (to) – manter, conservar 2917 equality (s) - igualdade 2918 individuality (s) – personalidade, carácter 2918 afresh (adv) – de novo, outra vez 2919 cause (s) – causa, razão, motivo 2919 spirit (s) – ânimo, boa disposição 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 pictures near her heart, to which her hand naturally strayed when her feelings of constraint, distrust, or fear became so poignant as to interfere with the calm which she felt was necessary to help her through her ordeal. At first Edgar Caswall was courteous and polite, even thoughtful; but after a little while, when he found her resistance to his domination grow, he abandoned all forms of self-control and appeared in the same dominance as he had previously shown. She was prepared, however, for this, both by her former experience and the natural fighting instinct within her. By this means, as the minutes went on, both developed the power and preserved the equality in which they had begun. Without warning, the psychic battle between the two individualities began afresh. This time both the positive and negative causes were all in favour of the man. The woman was alone and in bad spirits, unsupported; nothing at all was in her favour except the memory of the two victorious contests; whereas the 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 284 man, though unaided, as before, by either Lady Arabella or Oolanga, was in full strength, well rested, and in flourishing circumstances. It was not, therefore, to be wondered at that his native dominance of character had full opportunity of asserting itself. He began his preliminary stare with a conscious sense of power, and, as it appeared to have immediate effect on the girl, he felt an ever-growing conviction of ultimate victory. After a little Lilla's resolution began to flag. She felt that the contest was unequal--that she was unable to put forth her best efforts. As she was an unselfish person, she could not fight so well in her own battle as in that of someone whom she loved and to whom she was devoted. Edgar saw the relaxing of the muscles of face and brow, and the almost collapse of the heavy eyelids which seemed tumbling downward in sleep. Lilla made gallant efforts to brace her dwindling powers, but for a time unsuccessfully. At length there came an interruption, which seemed like a powerful stimulant. Through the wide window she saw Lady Arabella 2923 unsupported (adj) – sem apoio, sem protecção 2920 At all – realmente, de facto, afinal 2920 contest (s) – competidor, lutador 2920 whereas (conj) – visto que, atendendo a que 2921 unaided (adj) – sozinho, sem ajuda, sem auxílio 2922 flourishing (adj) – próspero, brilhante, notável, são, em bom estado 2922 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 2922 wonder (to) – ficar admirado, admirar-se, pasmar, surpreender-se 2922 dominance (s) – domínio, predomínio, superioridade 2923 to assert oneself - afirmar-se; impor-se; 2923 preliminary (adj) – preparativo, preparatório, prévio 2923 stare (to) – olhar fixamente 2923 conscious (adj) – consciente, deliberado, intencional 2924 ultimate (adj) – final, derradeiro 2925 flag (to) (intrans) – murchar, esmorecer 2925 contest (s) – disputa, luta 2926 put forth (to) – empregar, exercer (avançar com) 2926 she could not fight so well in her own battle as in that of someone whom she loved and to whom she was devoted. - não sabia combater tão bem por ela mesma, como por pessoa a quem amasse e se dedicasse. 2928 brow (s) – testa, sobrancelha 2928 eyelid (s) - pálpebra 2928 tumble (to) – cair, tombar 2929 gallant (adj) – corajoso, ousado, destemido, heróico 2929 brace (to) – tonificar, fortalecer 2929 dwindling (adj) – cada vez mais reduzido, que diminui 2929 unsuccessfully (adv) – sem êxito, infrutíferamente, malogradamente 2929 at length - finalmente; a fundo; detalhadamente 285 2931 plain (adj) – evidente, óbvio, claro 2933 flash (to) – brilhar, reluzir 2935 unconcerned (adj) – despreocupado, desinteressado, indiferente 2935 haughty (adj) – altivo, arrogante, orgulhoso 2935 supercilious (adj) – desdenhoso, arrogante altivo 2935 heighten (to) – intensificar, acentuar 2936 to join battle - travar batalha; 2937 noticeable (adj) – visível, perceptível, que se nota, que se percebe 2938 overcome (adj) – dominado, paralisado 2939 actually (adv) – realmente, efectivamente 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 enter the plain gateway of the farm, and advance towards the hall door. She was clad as usual in tightfitting white, which accentuated her thin, sinuous figure. The sight did for Lilla what no voluntary effort could have done. Her eyes flashed, and in an instant she felt as though a new life had suddenly developed within her. Lady Arabella's entry, in her usual unconcerned, haughty, supercilious way, heightened the effect, so that when the two stood close to each other battle was joined. Mr. Caswall, too, took new courage from her coming, and all his masterfulness and power came back to him. His looks, intensified, had more obvious effect than had been noticeable that day. Lilla seemed at last overcome by his dominance. Her face became red and pale--violently red and ghastly pale--by rapid turns. Her strength seemed gone. Her knees collapsed, and she was actually sinking on the floor, when to her surprise and joy Mimi came into the room, running hurriedly and breathing heavily. 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 286 Lilla rushed to her, and the two clasped hands. With that, a new sense of power, greater than Lilla had ever seen in her, seemed to quicken her cousin. Her hand swept the air in front of Edgar Caswall, seeming to drive him backward more and more by each movement, till at last he seemed to be actually hurled through the door which Mimi's entrance had left open, and fell at full length on the gravel path without. Then came the final and complete collapse of Lilla, who, without a sound, sank down on the floor. 2941 clasp (to) – apertar 2942 quicken (to) – reanimar, avivar, vivificar 2943 drive (to) – mover, movimentar 2943 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente 2944 gravel (adj) – de areia grossa 2944 path (s) – caminho, carreiro, vereda 2944 without (adv) - exteriormente 287 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 CHAPTER XXVI FACE TO FACE 2950 distressed (adj) – aflito, agitado 2950 prone (adj) – deitado de bruços de ventre para baixo 2951 verge (s) – beira, borda, margem 2951 senseless (adj) – sem sentidos, desmaiado, inconsciente 2952 rub (to) – esfregar, friccionar 2953 unavailing (adj) – ineficaz, inútil 2956 altogether (adv) - completamente 2956 master (to) – dominar, subjugar 2956 succeed (to) – ser bem sucedido, ter êxito 2957 extent (s) – grau, ponto Mimi was greatly distressed when she saw her cousin lying prone. She had a few times in her life seen Lilla on the verge of fainting, but never senseless; and now she was frightened. She threw herself on her knees beside Lilla, and tried, by rubbing her hands and other measures commonly known, to restore her. But all her efforts were unavailing. Lilla still lay white and senseless. In fact, each moment she looked worse; her breast, that had been heaving with the stress, became still, and the pallor of her face grew like marble. At these succeeding changes Mimi's fright grew, till it altogether mastered her. She succeeded in controlling herself only to the extent that she did not scream. 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 288 Lady Arabella had followed Caswall, when he had recovered sufficiently to get up and walk--though stumblingly--in the direction of Castra Regis. When Mimi was quite alone with Lilla and the need for effort had ceased, she felt weak and trembled. In her own mind, she attributed it to a sudden change in the weather--it was momentarily becoming apparent that a storm was coming on. She raised Lilla's head and laid it on her warm young breast, but all in vain. The cold of the white features thrilled through her, and she utterly collapsed when it was borne in on her that Lilla had passed away. The dusk gradually deepened and the shades of evening closed in, but Mimi did not seem to notice or to care. She sat on the floor with her arms round the body of the girl whom she loved. Darker and blacker grew the sky as the coming storm and the closing night joined forces. Still she sat on--alone--tearless-unable to think. Mimi did not know how long she sat there. Though it seemed to her that ages had passed, 2959 stumblingly 2959 stumble (to) – caminhar aos tropeções 2963 features (s) – feições, rosto 2963 thrill (to) - penetrar 2963 utterly (adv) – completamente, totalmente, absolutamente 2963 bear on (to) – assumir, arcar com, aperceber-se 2967 tearless (adj) – sem lágrimas 289 2971 consciousness (s) – consciência 2973 intent (s) – intenção, desígnio, objectivo 2973 meaning (s) – intenção, propósito, sentido, significado 2975 account for (to) – ser responsável por 2975 that was what she called it – foi o que ela lhe chamou 2976 avenge (to) - vingar 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 it could not have been more than half-an-hour. She suddenly came to herself, and was surprised to find that her grandfather had not returned. For a while she lay quiet, thinking of the immediate past. Lilla's hand was still in hers, and to her surprise it was still warm. Somehow this helped her consciousness, and without any special act of will she stood up. She lit a lamp and looked at her cousin. There was no doubt that Lilla was dead; but when the lamp-light fell on her eyes, they seemed to look at Mimi with intent--with meaning. In this state of dark isolation a new resolution came to her, and grew and grew until it became a fixed definite purpose. She would face Caswall and call him to account for his murder of Lilla--that was what she called it to herself. She would also take steps--she knew not what or how--to avenge the part taken by Lady Arabella. 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 290 In this frame of mind she lit all the lamps in the room, got water and linen from her room, and set about the decent ordering of Lilla's body. This took some time; but when it was finished, she put on her hat and cloak, put out the lights, and set out quietly for Castra Regis. As Mimi drew near the Castle, she saw no lights except those in and around the tower room. The lights showed her that Mr. Caswall was there, so she entered by the hall door, which as usual was open, and felt her way in the darkness up the staircase to the lobby of the room. The door was ajar, and the light from within showed brilliantly through the opening. She saw Edgar Caswall walking restlessly to and fro in the room, with his hands clasped behind his back. She opened the door without knocking, and walked right into the room. As she entered, he ceased walking, and stared at her in surprise. She made no remark, no comment, but continued the fixed look which he had seen on her entrance. For a time silence reigned, and the two stood looking fixedly at each other. Mimi was the first to speak. 2978 frame of mind - estado de espírito 2978 linen (s) – tecido de linho, roupa branca 2978 set about (to) – tratar de, começar 2979 decent (adj) – adequado, apropriado 2979 ordering (s) – arranjo, disposição 2980 cloak (s) – capa, capote, manto 2980 put out (to) - apagar 2980 set out (to) - partir 2981 draw near (to) – aproximar-se 2983 lobby (s) – entrada, hall de entrada 2983 ajar (adj) - (adv) - entraberto 2984 brilliantly (adv) - intensamente 2984 restlessly (adv) – agitadamente, desassossegadamente 2984 To and fro – de um lado para o outro 2985 clasp (to) – apertar, fechar 291 2996 accomplice (s) - cúmplice 2997 hotly (adv) – com vivacidade, calorosamente 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 "You murderer! Lilla is dead!" "Dead! Good God! When did she die?" "She died this afternoon, just after you left her." "Are you sure?" "Yes--and so are you--or you ought to be. You killed her!" "I killed her! Be careful what you say!" "As God sees us, it is true; and you know it. You came to Mercy Farm on purpose to break her--if you could. And the accomplice of your guilt, Lady Arabella March, came for the same purpose." "Be careful, woman," he said hotly. "Do not use such names in that way, or you shall suffer for it." 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 292 "I am suffering for it--have suffered for it--shall suffer for it. Not for speaking the truth as I have done, but because you two, with devilish malignity, did my darling to death. It is you and your accomplice who have to dread punishment, not I." "Take care!" he said again. "Oh, I am not afraid of you or your accomplice," she answered spiritedly. "I am content to stand by every word I have said, every act I have done. Moreover, I believe in God's justice. I fear not the grinding of His mills; if necessary I shall set the wheels in motion myself. But you don't care for God, or believe in Him. Your god is your great kite, which cows the birds of a whole district. But be sure that His hand, when it rises, always falls at the appointed time. It may be that your name is being called even at this very moment at the Great Assize. Repent while there is still time. Happy you, if you may be allowed to enter those mighty halls 3002 spiritidly (adv) – corajosamente, com vivacidade, com energia, 3002 stand (to) – manter-se firme, durar 3003 moreover (adv) – além disso, aliás, além de que 3003 grinding (s) - moagem 3004 mill (s) – moinho, azenha 3004 wheel (s) – roda, roda de moinho 3004 motion (s) – movimento, deslocação 3005 cow (to) – intimidar, aterrorizar 3006 appoint (to) – determinar, fixar 3007 great assize, last assize - juízo final ♣♣♣ assizes (s plural) - 2. plural tribunal criminal e civil que se reunia, periodicamente, em cada condado de Inglaterra até 1971; 3007 repent (to) – arrepender-se, sentir arrependimento 3007 mighty (adj) - grandioso 3007 hall (s) – entrada, vestíbulo, átrio 293 3009 everlasting (adj) – eterno, perpétuo 3009 torment (s) – tormento, tortura 3010 well-wisher (s) – amigo, pessoa que deseja bem a outra 3011 expect (to) – prever, esperar 3011 vengeance (s) - vingança 3013 busy (to) – ocupar-se, dedicar-se 3014 lower (to) – baixar, descer 3015 stated (adj) – determinado, fixo, estabelecido 3016 corps (s) – conjunto, corpo 3016 assist (to) – ajudar, auxiliar 3016 come over (to) – aparecer, chegar 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 in the company of the pure-souled angel whose voice has only to whisper one word of justice, and you disappear for ever into everlasting torment." The sudden death of Lilla caused consternation among Mimi's friends and well-wishers. Such a tragedy was totally unexpected, as Adam and Sir Nathaniel had been expecting the White Worm's vengeance to fall upon themselves. Adam, leaving his wife free to follow her own desires with regard to Lilla and her grandfather, busied himself with filling the well-hole with the fine sand prepared for the purpose, taking care to have lowered at stated intervals quantities of the store of dynamite, so as to be ready for the final explosion. He had under his immediate supervision a corps of workmen, and was assisted by Sir Nathaniel, who had come over for the purpose, and all were now staying at Lesser Hill. 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 294 Mr. Salton, too, showed much interest in the job, and was constantly coming in and out, nothing escaping his observation. Since her marriage to Adam and their coming to stay at Doom Tower, Mimi had been fettered by fear of the horrible monster at Diana's Grove. But now she dreaded it no longer. She accepted the fact of its assuming at will the form of Lady Arabella. She had still to tax and upbraid her for her part in the unhappiness which had been wrought on Lilla, and for her share in causing her death. One evening, when Mimi entered her own room, she went to the window and threw an eager look round the whole circle of sight. A single glance satisfied her that the White Worm in PROPRIA PERSONA was not visible. So she sat down in the window-seat and enjoyed the pleasure of a full view, from which she had been so long cut off. The maid who waited on her had told her that Mr. Salton had not yet returned home, so she felt free to enjoy the luxury of peace and quiet. 3020 fetter (to) – inibir ou entravar ou restringir qualquer acção, acorrentar, prender 3021 . She accepted the fact of its assuming at will the form of Lady Arabella. - Aceitava o fato de que ele pudesse tomar, à vontade, a aparência de lady Arabella. 3022 tax (to) – acusar, censurar 3022 upbraid (to) – censurar, repreender 3023 work (to) – fazer, realizar 3027 cut off (to) – afastar, isolar 3027 maid (s) - empregada 3027 wait on (to) – servir, ajudar 3028 luxury (s) – luxo, fausto 295 3031 ascertain (to) – verificar, comprovar, averiguar, indagar 3032 hatred (s) – ódio, aversão, forte antipatia 3032 flood (to) – crescer, encher, transbordar, inundar 3032 swiftly (adv) – velozmente, rapidamente, depressa 3033 stealthily (adv) – furtivamente, disfarçadamente, pela calada 3034 to be up to anything - ser capaz de tudo 3034 seize (to) – aproveitar, agarrar 3035 hastily (adv) – apressadamente, precipitadamente 3035 put on (to) – vestir ou pôr roupa 3036 sheen (s) – luminosidade, brilho 3038 quarry (adj) – de caça perseguida por 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 As she looked out of the window, she saw something thin and white move along the avenue. She thought she recognised the figure of Lady Arabella, and instinctively drew back behind the curtain. When she had ascertained, by peeping out several times, that the lady had not seen her, she watched more carefully, all her instinctive hatred flooding back at the sight of her. Lady Arabella was moving swiftly and stealthily, looking back and around her at intervals, as if she feared to be followed. This gave Mimi an idea that she was up to no good, so she determined to seize the occasion for watching her in more detail. Hastily putting on a dark cloak and hat, she ran downstairs and out into the avenue. Lady Arabella had moved, but the sheen of her white dress was still to be seen among the young oaks around the gateway. Keeping in shadow, Mimi followed, taking care not to come so close as to awake the other's suspicion, and watched her quarry pass along the road in the direction of Castra Regis. 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 296 She followed on steadily through the gloom of the trees, depending on the glint of the white dress to keep her right. The wood began to thicken, and presently, when the road widened and the trees grew farther back, she lost sight of any indication of her whereabouts. Under the present conditions it was impossible for her to do any more, so, after waiting for a while, still hidden in the shadow to see if she could catch another glimpse of the white frock, she determined to go on slowly towards Castra Regis, and trust to the chapter of accidents to pick up the trail again. She went on slowly, taking advantage of every obstacle and shadow to keep herself concealed. At last she entered on the grounds of the Castle, at a spot from which the windows of the turret were dimly visible, without having seen again any sign of Lady Arabella. Meanwhile, during most of the time that Mimi Salton had been moving warily along in the gloom, she was in reality being followed by Lady Arabella, who had caught sight of her leaving the house and had never 3039 steadily (adv) – perseverantemente, 3039 depend (to) - depender 3039 glint (s) – brilho débil, reflexo 3040 farther (adj) - (adv) – mais afastado, mais distante 3041 whereabouts (s) - paradeiro 3043 frock (s) - vestido 3043 a chapter of accidents - uma série de contingências 3044 pick up (to) – retomar uma actividade (levantar, pegar, apanhar) 3045 conceal (to) – esconder, dissimular, ocultar 3047 dimly (adv) – fracamente, debilmente 3048 meanwhile=meantime (adv) - entretanto 3048 warily (adv) – prudentemente, cautelosamente, ponderadamente 297 3053 swiftly (adv) – velozmente, rapidamente, depressa 3056 lobby (s) – entrada, vestíbulo 3058 stir (to) – avivar, atiçar 3060 emphasize (to) – realçar, acentuar 3060 upbraiding (s) – censura, repreensão 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 again lost touch with her. It was a case of the hunter being hunted. For a time Mimi's many turnings, with the natural obstacles that were perpetually intervening, caused Lady Arabella some trouble; but when she was close to Castra Regis, there was no more possibility of concealment, and the strange double following went swiftly on. When she saw Mimi close to the hall door of Castra Regis and ascending the steps, she followed. When Mimi entered the dark hall and felt her way up the staircase, still, as she believed, following Lady Arabella, the latter kept on her way. When they reached the lobby of the turret-rooms, Mimi believed that the object of her search was ahead of her. Edgar Caswall sat in the gloom of the great room, occasionally stirred to curiosity when the drifting clouds allowed a little light to fall from the storm-swept sky. But nothing really interested him now. Since he had heard of Lilla's death, the gloom of his remorse, emphasised by Mimi's upbraiding, had made more 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 298 hopeless his cruel, selfish, saturnine nature. He heard no sound, for his normal faculties seemed benumbed. Mimi, when she came to the door, which stood ajar, gave a light tap. So light was it that it did not reach Caswall's ears. Then, taking her courage in both hands, she boldly pushed the door and entered. As she did so, her heart sank, for now she was face to face with a difficulty which had not, in her state of mental perturbation, occurred to her. 3061 hopeless (adj) - desesperado 3061 saturnine (adj) – de temperamento sombrio e melancólico 3062 benumb (to) – paralisar, entorpecer, embotar 3063 ajar (adv) - (adj) - entreaberto 3064 boldly (adv) – audaciosamente, com ousadia 299 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077 CHAPTER XXVII ON THE TURRET ROOF 3071 scope (s) – alcance, esfera de acção 3074 despite (prep) – apesar de 3076 varying (adj) – variável, que varia The storm which was coming was already making itself manifest, not only in the wide scope of nature, but in the hearts and natures of human beings. Electrical disturbance in the sky and the air is reproduced in animals of all kinds, and particularly in the highest type of them all--the most receptive--the most electrical. So it was with Edgar Caswall, despite his selfish nature and coldness of blood. So it was with Mimi Salton, despite her unselfish, unchanging devotion for those she loved. So it was even with Lady Arabella, who, under the instincts of a primeval serpent, carried the ever-varying wishes and customs of womanhood, which is always old--and always new. 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 300 Edgar, after he had turned his eyes on Mimi, resumed his apathetic position and sullen silence. Mimi quietly took a seat a little way apart, whence she could look on the progress of the coming storm and study its appearance throughout the whole visible circle of the neighbourhood. She was in brighter and better spirits than she had been for many days past. Lady Arabella tried to efface herself behind the now open door. Without, the clouds grew thicker and blacker as the storm-centre came closer. As yet the forces, from whose linking the lightning springs, were held apart, and the silence of nature proclaimed the calm before the storm. Caswall felt the effect of the gathering electric force. A sort of wild exultation grew upon him, such as he had sometimes felt just before the breaking of a tropical storm. As he became conscious of this, he raised his head and caught sight of Mimi. He was in the grip of an emotion greater than himself; in the mood in which he was he felt the need upon him of doing some desperate deed. He was now absolutely 3078 resume (to) – retomar, reatar, reassumir 3078 apathetic (adj) – indiferente, apático, irresoluto 3078 sullen (adj) – taciturno, obstinado, sombrio, soturno, carrancudo, insociável 3079 whence (adv) – de onde 3079 look on (to) – assistir, observar 3080 throughout (adv) – por toda a parte 3080 bright (adj) – bem disposto, animado 3081 efface (to) – passar despercebido (apagar-se, desaparecer) 3083 without (adv) – fora, exteriormente, fora de casa 3084 linking (adj) – de ligação 3084 lightning (adj) – de raio, de relâmpago 3084 spring (s) – fonte, nascente, energia, vigor 3085 gathering (adj) - crescente 3087 grip (s) – domínio, controlo 3088 mood (s) – disposição, vontade 3088 deed (s) – acção, feito 301 3089 reckless (adj) – imprudente, irreflectido 3089 drive on (to) – incitar, instigar, encorajar 3092 lash (to) – excitar, espicaçar 3092 vanquish (to) – vencer, dominar, conquistar 3095 lack (s) – falta, carência, necessidade 3095 noticeable (adj) – visível, perceptível, que se nota 3095 uninspired (adj) – não inspirado, vulgar, trivial 3096 onlooker (s) – espectador, assistente 3096 protrude (to) – impor, sobressair 3097 deny (to) - negar 3097 aside (adv) – de parte 3098 pin (s) - alfinete 3098 block out (to) – tapar 3098 scope (s) – alcance, extensão 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 reckless, and as Mimi was associated with him in the memory which drove him on, he wished that she too should be engaged in this enterprise. He had no knowledge of the proximity of Lady Arabella, and thought that he was far removed from all he knew and whose interests he shared--alone with the wild elements, which were being lashed to fury, and with the woman who had struggled with him and vanquished him, and on whom he would shower the full measure of his hate. The fact was that Edgar Caswall was, if not mad, close to the border-line. Madness in its first stage-monomania--is a lack of proportion. So long as this is general, it is not always noticeable, for the uninspired onlooker is without the necessary means of comparison. But in monomania the errant faculty protrudes itself in a way that may not be denied. It puts aside, obscures, or takes the place of something else--just as the head of a pin placed before the centre of the iris will block out the whole scope of vision. The most usual form of monomania has commonly the same beginning as that from which Edgar Caswall suffered--an 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 302 over-large idea of self-importance. Alienists, who study the matter exactly, probably know more of human vanity and its effects than do ordinary men. Caswall's mental disturbance was not hard to identify. Every asylum is full of such cases--men and women, who, naturally selfish and egotistical, so appraise to themselves their own importance that every other circumstance in life becomes subservient to it. The disease supplies in itself the material for self-magnification. When the decadence attacks a nature naturally proud and selfish and vain, and lacking both the aptitude and habit of self-restraint, the development of the disease is more swift, and ranges to farther limits. It is such persons who become inbued with the idea that they have the attributes of the Almighty--even that they themselves are the Almighty. Mimi had a suspicion--or rather, perhaps, an intuition--of the true state of things when she heard him speak, and at the same time noticed the abnormal flush on his face, and his rolling eyes. There was a certain want of fixedness of purpose which she had certainly not noticed before--a quick, spasmodic 3100 alienist (s) – especialista em doenças mentais, psiquiatra, alienista 3101 vanity (s) – vaidade, presunção, vanglória, fatuidade 3102 egotistical (adj) - aquele que tem um sentimento exagerado da sua personalidade; egotista 3102 appraise (to) – estimar, calcular, avaliar 3103 subservient (adj) – subordinado, dependente 3104 disease (s) – doença enfermidade 3104 supply (to) – fornecer, prover 3104 magnification (s) – glorificação, exaltação 3105 proud (adj) – vaidoso, presumido, altivo, presunçoso, arrogante 3105 vain (adj) – vaidoso, convencido 3105 aptitude (s) - capacidade, aptidão, talento 3105 restraint (s) – comedimento, sobriedade, autodomínio 3106 range (to) – alcançar, abranger (ordenar, alinhar) 3106 farther (adj) – mais distante, mais afastado 3106 imbue (to) – imbuir, incutir, infundir 3109 flush (s) – rubor, arrebatamento, acesso 303 3111 utterance (s) – fala, expressão oral 3111 rather (adv) – bastante, mais exactamente, de preferência 3112 staccato (adj) - (adv) - MÚSICA em que cada nota deve ser salientada com nitidez; 3113 lead (to) – conduzir, guiar 3114 defiant (adj) – desafiador, provocador 3119 overwhelming (adj) – esmagador, opressivo 3119 egotism (s) – egotismo, sentimento exagerado da própria personalidade 3120 habit (s) – hábito, costume 3120 reassert (to) – reafirmar 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 utterance which belongs rather to the insane than to those of intellectual equilibrium. She was a little frightened, not only by his thoughts, but by his staccato way of expressing them. Caswall moved to the door leading to the turret stair by which the roof was reached, and spoke in a peremptory way, whose tone alone made her feel defiant. "Come! I want you." She instinctively drew back--she was not accustomed to such words, more especially to such a tone. Her answer was indicative of a new contest. "Why should I go? What for?" He did not at once reply--another indication of his overwhelming egotism. She repeated her questions; habit reasserted itself, and he spoke without thinking the words which were in his heart. 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 304 "I want you, if you will be so good, to come with me to the turret roof. I am much interested in certain experiments with the kite, which would be, if not a pleasure, at least a novel experience to you. You would see something not easily seen otherwise." "I will come," she answered simply; Edgar moved in the direction of the stair, she following close behind him. She did not like to be left alone at such a height, in such a place, in the darkness, with a storm about to break. Of himself she had no fear; all that had been seemed to have passed away with her two victories over him in the struggle of wills. Moreover, the more recent apprehension--that of his madness--had also ceased. In the conversation of the last few minutes he seemed so rational, so clear, so unaggressive, that she no longer saw reason for doubt. So satisfied was she that even when he put out a hand to guide her to the steep, narrow stairway, she took it without thought in the most conventional way. 3128 moreover (adv) – além disso, demais a mais 305 3132 crouch (to) – inclinar-se 3133 rapprochement (s) – aproximação, restabelecimento de relações amigáveis 3136 contemptuous (adj) – insolente, desdenhoso 3136 main (adj) - principal 3136 issue (s) – questão, assunto, problema 3137 aware (adj) – consciente, ciente 3137 rage (s) – cólera, raiva, furor 3138 bound (s) - fronteira 3138 oblivious (adj) – esquecido, alheado, abstraído 3139 forestall (to) – prevenir, antecipar, adiantar-se 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3139 stealthily (adv) – furtivamente, pela calada 3140 noiselessly (adv) - silenciosamente 3140 creep (to) – aproximar-se, deslizar 3140 wicket (s) – portinhola, postigo 3140 ascend (to) – subir, ascender 3140 step (to) - sair 3140 bitterly (adv) - amargamente 3141 gust (s) – rajada ou rabanada de vento 3141 drive in (to) - entrar 3141 through (prep) – por, através de 3141 unimpeded (adj) – não impedido, livre 3142 flagstaff (s) – mastro de bandeira 3142 string (s) - fio Lady Arabella, crouching in the lobby behind the door, heard every word that had been said, and formed her own opinion of it. It seemed evident to her that there had been some rapprochement between the two who had so lately been hostile to each other, and that made her furiously angry. Mimi was interfering with her plans! She had made certain of her capture of Edgar Caswall, and she could not tolerate even the lightest and most contemptuous fancy on his part which might divert him from the main issue. When she became aware that he wished Mimi to come with him to the roof and that she had acquiesced, her rage got beyond bounds. She became oblivious to any danger there might be in a visit to such an exposed place at such a time, and to all lesser considerations, and made up her mind to forestall them. She stealthily and noiselessly crept through the wicket, and, ascending the stair, stepped out on the roof. It was bitterly cold, for the fierce gusts of the storm which swept round the turret drove in through every unimpeded way, whistling at the sharp corners and singing round the trembling flagstaff. The kite- string and the wire which 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 306 controlled the runners made a concourse of weird sounds which somehow, perhaps from the violence which surrounded them, acting on their length, resolved themselves into some kind of harmony--a fitting accompaniment to the tragedy which seemed about to begin. Mimi's heart beat heavily. Just before leaving the turret-chamber she had a shock which she could not shake off. The lights of the room had momentarily revealed to her, as they passed out, Edgar's face, concentrated as it was whenever he intended to use his mesmeric power. Now the black eyebrows made a thick line across his face, under which his eyes shone and glittered ominously. Mimi recognised the danger, and assumed the defiant attitude that had twice already served her so well. She had a fear that the circumstances and the place were against her, and she wanted to be forearmed. The sky was now somewhat lighter than it had been. Either there was lightning afar off, whose reflections were carried by the rolling clouds, or else the gathered force, though not yet breaking into 3143 concourse (s) – confluência, multidão 3143 weird (adj) – estranho, esquisito, misterioso 3143 somehow (adv) – de uma maneira ou de outra 3144 lenght (s) - comprimento 3144 resolve (to) – converter num acorde 3144 fitting (adj) - adequado, apropriado, conveniente 3145 accompaniment (s) – acompanhamento musical 3147 shake off (to) – livrar-se, escapar a 3147 pass out (to) – enfraquecer, esmorecer 3148 whenever (adv) – sempre que 3149 ominously (adv) - ameaçadoramente 3150 defiant (adj) – desafiador, provocador 3151 forearmed (adj) – preparado, prevenido 3152 afar off - ao longe; 3153 else (adv) – mais, de outro modo 3153 gathered (adj) - acumulado/a, amontoado/a 307 3155 altogether (adv) - completamente 3155 boisterous (adj) – violento, turbulento 3159 thus (adv) – assim, desta maneira, deste modo 3159 altogether (adv) - completamente 3162 raging (adj) – fúria, furor, raiva 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 lightning, had an incipient power of light. It seemed to affect both the man and the woman. Edgar seemed altogether under its influence. His spirits were boisterous, his mind exalted. He was now at his worst; madder than he had been earlier in the night. Mimi, trying to keep as far from him as possible, moved across the stone floor of the turret roof, and found a niche which concealed her. It was not far from Lady Arabella's place of hiding. Edgar, left thus alone on the centre of the turret roof, found himself altogether his own master in a way which tended to increase his madness. He knew that Mimi was close at hand, though he had lost sight of her. He spoke loudly, and the sound of his own voice, though it was carried from him on the sweeping wind as fast as the words were spoken, seemed to exalt him still more. Even the raging of the elements round him appeared to add to his exaltation. To him it seemed that these manifestations were obedient to his own will. He had reached the sublime of his madness; he was now in his own mind actually the Almighty, and 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 308 whatever might happen would be the direct carrying out of his own commands. As he could not see Mimi, nor fix whereabout she was, he shouted loudly: "Come to me! You shall see now what you are despising, what you are warring against. All that you see is mine--the darkness as well as the light. I tell you that I am greater than any other who is, or was, or shall be. When the Master of Evil took Christ up on a high place and showed Him all the kingdoms of the earth, he was doing what he thought no other could do. He was wrong--he forgot ME. I shall send you light, up to the very ramparts of heaven. A light so great that it shall dissipate those black clouds that are rushing up and piling around us. Look! Look! At the very touch of my hand that light springs into being and mounts up--and up--and up!" 3165 carring out (s) – realização, execução 3167 despise (to) – desprezar, menosprezar 3167 war (to) – guerrear, combater 3171 rampart (s) – muro, muralha 3170 up (to) – erguer-se, levantar-se 3172 pile (to) – amontoar, empilhar 3172 spring (to) – nascer, brotar (saltar, pular) 3172 being (s) – natureza (ente, ser, entidade) 3172 mount (s) – monte, montanha 309 3174 whence (adv) – de onde 3175 appalled (adj) – chocado, horrorizado 3176 paroxysm (s) – ataque, acesso 3178 in motion - em movimento; 3178 whirr (s) – zumbido, zunido 3179 stiff (adj) – rígido, rijo 3179 ribbon (s) – fita, faixa 3179 snap (to) - estalar 3179 crackle (to) - crepitar 3180 sagging (adj) – curvo, descaído no meio, formando barriga 3181 issue (s) – resultado, consequência 3181 chink (s) – fenda, abertura 3182 countryside (s) - campo 3182 stand out (to) – sobressair, destacar-se 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 He made his way whilst he was speaking to the corner of the turret whence flew the giant kite, and from which the runners ascended. Mimi looked on, appalled and afraid to speak lest she should precipitate some calamity. Within the niche Lady Arabella cowered in a paroxysm of fear. Edgar took up a small wooden box, through a hole in which the wire of the runner ran. This evidently set some machinery in motion, for a sound as of whirring came. From one side of the box floated what looked like a piece of stiff ribbon, which snapped and crackled as the wind took it. For a few seconds Mimi saw it as it rushed along the sagging line to the kite. When close to it, there was a loud crack, and a sudden light appeared to issue from every chink in the box. Then a quick flame flashed along the snapping ribbon, which glowed with an intense light--a light so great that the whole of the countryside around stood out against the background of black driving clouds. For a few seconds the light remained, then suddenly disappeared in the blackness around. It was simply a magnesium light, which had been fired by the mechanism within the box 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 310 and carried up to the kite. Edgar was in a state of tumultuous excitement, shouting and yelling at the top of his voice and dancing about like a lunatic. This was more than Lady Arabella's curious dual nature could stand-- the ghoulish element in her rose triumphant, and she abandoned all idea of marriage with Edgar Caswall, gloating fiendishly over the thought of revenge. She must lure him to the White Worm's hole--but how? She glanced around and quickly made up her mind. The man's whole thoughts were absorbed by his wonderful kite, which he was showing off, in order to fascinate her imaginary rival, Mimi. On the instant she glided through the darkness to the wheel whereon the string of the kite was wound. With deft fingers she unshipped this, took it with her, reeling out the wire as she went, thus keeping, in a 3187 ghoulish (adj) – medonho, terrível, macabro 3188 gloat (to) – regozijar-se, comprazer-se 3188 fiendishly (adv) - diabolicamente 3189 revenge (s) - vingança 3190 lure (to) – atrair, tentar 3191 show off (to) – exibir ou ostentar com vaidade 3192 imaginary (adj) – imaginário, irreal 3193 glid (to) – deslizar sem ser notado 3193 whereon (adv) – no qual 3193 wind (to) – bobinar, enrolar 3194 deft (adj) – hábil, destro 3194 unship (to) – desmontar, desarmar 3194 reel out (to) – soltar, desenrolar 311 3195 glide (to) - deslizar 3195 wicket (s) – portinhola, postigo 3200 mature (to) – amadurecer, aperfeiçoar 3201 to be within somebody's grasp - estar ao alcance de alguém 3202 tear off (to) – arrancar, tirar roupas à pressa 3203 feverish (adj) - febril 3203 slim (adj) – esguio, elegante, delgado 3212 Quite (adv) – bastante, muito, completamente 3214 blustering wind - grande ventania; 3217 effect (to) – realizar, efectuar 3219 wicket (s) – portinhola, postigo 3219 get out (to) – sair, retirar-se, ir-se embora 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 way, in touch with the kite. Then she glided swiftly to the wicket, through which she passed, locking the gate behind her as she went. Down the turret stair she ran quickly, letting the wire run from the wheel which she carried carefully, and, passing out of the hall door, hurried down the avenue with all her speed. She soon reached her own gate, ran down the avenue, and with her key opened the iron door leading to the well-hole. She felt well satisfied with herself. All her plans were maturing, or had already matured. The Master of Castra Regis was within her grasp. The woman whose interference she had feared, Lilla Watford, was dead. Truly, all was well, and she felt that she might pause a while and rest. She tore off her clothes, with feverish fingers, and in full enjoyment of her natural freedom, stretched her slim figure in animal delight. Then she lay down on the sofa--to await her victim! Edgar Caswall's life blood would more than satisfy her for some time to come. 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 312 CHAPTER XXVIII THE BREAKING OF THE STORM When Lady Arabella had crept away in her usual noiseless fashion, the two others remained for a while in their places on the turret roof: Caswall because he had nothing to say, Mimi because she had much to say and wished to put her thoughts in order. For quite a while--which seemed interminable--silence reigned between them. At last Mimi made a beginning--she had made up her mind how to act. "Mr. Caswall," she said loudly, so as to make sure of being heard through the blustering of the wind and the perpetual cracking of the electricity. 313 3221 breast (s) - peito 3221 cage (to) – engaiolar, enjaular 3221 mean (to) – implicar, acarretar 3222 to take at a disadvantage - apanhar desprevenido; 3222 trap (to) – apanhar em armadilha 3222 brute (adj) - animalesco 3223 raucous (adj) – rouco, roufenho 3224 beat (to) – bater, espancar 3224 slum (s) – bairro de lata 3224 hiss out (to) – silvar, sibilar 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 Caswall said something in reply, but his words were carried away on the storm. However, one of her objects was effected: she knew now exactly whereabout on the roof he was. So she moved close to the spot before she spoke again, raising her voice almost to a shout. "The wicket is shut. Please to open it. I can't get out." As she spoke, she was quietly fingering a revolver which Adam had given to her in case of emergency and which now lay in her breast. She felt that she was caged like a rat in a trap, but did not mean to be taken at a disadvantage, whatever happened. Caswall also felt trapped, and all the brute in him rose to the emergency. In a voice which was raucous and brutal--much like that which is heard when a wife is being beaten by her husband in a slum--he hissed out, his syllables cutting through the roaring of the storm: "You came of your own accord--without permission, or even asking it. Now you can stay or go as you choose. But you must manage it for yourself; I'll have nothing to do with it." 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 314 Her answer was spoken with dangerous suavity "I am going. Blame yourself if you do not like the time and manner of it. I daresay Adam--my husband-will have a word to say to you about it!" "Let him say, and be damned to him, and to you too! I'll show you a light. You shan't be able to say that you could not see what you were doing." As he spoke, he was lighting another piece of the magnesium ribbon, which made a blinding glare in which everything was plainly discernible, down to the smallest detail. This exactly suited Mimi. She took accurate note of the wicket and its fastening before the glare had died away. She took her revolver out and fired into the lock, which was shivered on the instant, the pieces flying round in all directions, but happily without causing hurt to anyone. Then she pushed the wicket open and ran down the narrow stair, and so to 3228 blame (to) – culpar, censurar 3228 daresay (to) – atrever-se a dizer 3230 damned (adj) - maldito 3232 blinding (adj) – ofuscante, deslumbrante 3233 suit (to) – satisfazer, contentar, convir, servir 3234 accurate (adj) – exacto, preciso 3234 fastening (s) - fecho 3235 shiver (to) – partir-se, estilhaçar-se 315 3237 lessen (to) – diminuir, atenuar 3241 scrutinize (to) – examinar cuidadosamente, investigar 3242 keenly (adv) – vivamente, intensamente 3242 concern (s) – ansiedade, preocupação 3246 thoughtful (adj) - pensativo 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 the hall door. Opening this also, she ran down the avenue, never lessening her speed till she stood outside the door of Lesser Hill. The door was opened at once on her ringing. "Is Mr. Adam Salton in?" she asked. "He has just come in, a few minutes ago. He has gone up to the study," replied a servant. She ran upstairs at once and joined him. He seemed relieved when he saw her, but scrutinised her face keenly. He saw that she had been in some concern, so led her over to the sofa in the window and sat down beside her. "Now, dear, tell me all about it!" he said. She rushed breathlessly through all the details of her adventure on the turret roof. Adam listened attentively, helping her all he could, and not embarrassing her by any questioning. His thoughtful silence was a great help to her, for it allowed her to collect and organise her thoughts. 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 316 "I must go and see Caswall to-morrow, to hear what he has to say on the subject." "But, dear, for my sake, don't have any quarrel with Mr. Caswall. I have had too much trial and pain lately to wish it increased by any anxiety regarding you." "You shall not, dear--if I can help it--please God," he said solemnly, and he kissed her. Then, in order to keep her interested so that she might forget the fears and anxieties that had disturbed her, he began to talk over the details of her adventure, making shrewd comments which attracted and held her attention. Presently, INTER ALIA, he said: "That's a dangerous game Caswall is up to. It seems to me that that young man--though he doesn't appear to know it--is riding for a fall!" "How, dear? I don't understand." 3249 trial (s) – preocupação, problema, dificuldade, provação 3249 pain (s) – dor, sofrimento 3253 talk over (to) – discutir, falar sobre 3253 shrewd (to) - astuto, perspicaz, sagaz 3253 comment (s) – comentário, observação 3253 attract (to) – atrair, seduzir 3254 presently (adv) – dentro em pouco 3254 INTER ALIA - estrangeirismo 3256 to ride for a fall - cavalgar sem nenhum cuidado; cavar a sua própria sepultura fig. ; 317 ♣♣♣ court (to) – captar, atrair, buscar 3259 to court death - afrontar a morte; 3260 make for (to) – dirigir-se a, encaminhar-se para 3261 develop (to) – desenvolver 3260 bound (adj) – sujeito, obrigado 3263 knock (to) - derrubar 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 "Kite flying on a night like this from a place like the tower of Castra Regis is, to say the least of it, dangerous. It is not merely courting death or other accident from lightning, but it is bringing the lightning into where he lives. Every cloud that is blowing up here--and they all make for the highest point--is bound to develop into a flash of lightning. That kite is up in the air and is bound to attract the lightning. Its cord makes a road for it on which to travel to earth. When it does come, it will strike the top of the tower with a weight a hundred times greater than a whole park of artillery, and will knock Castra Regis into pieces. Where it will go after that, no one can tell. If there should be any metal by which it can travel, such will not only point the road, but be the road itself." "Would it be dangerous to be out in the open air when such a thing is taking place?" she asked. "No, little woman. It would be the safest possible place--so long as one was not in the line of the electric current." 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 318 "Then, do let us go outside. I don't want to run into any foolish danger--or, far more, to ask you to do so. But surely if the open is safest, that is the place for us." Without another word, she put on again the cloak she had thrown off, and a small, tight-fitting cap. Adam too put on his cap, and, after seeing that his revolver was all right, gave her his hand, and they left the house together. "I think the best thing we can do will be to go round all the places which are mixed up in this affair." "All right, dear, I am ready. But, if you don't mind, we might go first to Mercy. I am anxious about grandfather, and we might see that--as yet, at all events--nothing has happened there." So they went on the high-hung road along the top of the Brow. The wind here was of great force, and made a strange booming noise as it swept high overhead; though not the sound of cracking and tearing as it passed through the woods of high slender trees which grew on either side of the road. Mimi could hardly 3271 cloak (s) - capa 3271 cap (s) – boné, boina, barrete 3274 mix up (to) – misturar, baralhar 3279 slender (adj) – delgado, fino 319 3281 hold on (to) – agarrar-se 3287 draw (to) - mover 3287 stumble (to) - tropeçar 3288 trailing (adj) – que se arrasta pelo chão 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 keep her feet. She was not afraid; but the force to which she was opposed gave her a good excuse to hold on to her husband extra tight. At Mercy there was no one up--at least, all the lights were out. But to Mimi, accustomed to the nightly routine of the house, there were manifest signs that all was well, except in the little room on the first floor, where the blinds were down. Mimi could not bear to look at that, to think of it. Adam understood her pain, for he had been keenly interested in poor Lilla. He bent over and kissed her, and then took her hand and held it hard. Thus they passed on together, returning to the high road towards Castra Regis. At the gate of Castra Regis they were extra careful. When drawing near, Adam stumbled upon the wire that Lady Arabella had left trailing on the ground. Adam drew his breath at this, and spoke in a low, earnest whisper: "I don't want to frighten you, Mimi dear, but wherever that wire is there is danger." 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 320 "Danger! How?" "That is the track where the lightning will go; at any moment, even now whilst we are speaking and searching, a fearful force may be loosed upon us. Run on, dear; you know the way to where the avenue joins the highroad. If you see any sign of the wire, keep away from it, for God's sake. I shall join you at the gateway." "Are you going to follow that wire alone?" "Yes, dear. One is sufficient for that work. I shall not lose a moment till I am with you." "Adam, when I came with you into the open, my main wish was that we should be together if anything serious happened. You wouldn't deny me that right, would you, dear?" 3299 deny (to) - recusar 321 3306 cloud (to) – perturbar, manchar 3306 fresh (adj) - novo 3306 concern (s) – preocupação, ansiedade 3309 branch (s) - bifurcação 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 "No, dear, not that or any right. Thank God that my wife has such a wish. Come; we will go together. We are in the hands of God. If He wishes, we shall be together at the end, whenever or wherever that may be." They picked up the trail of the wire on the steps and followed it down the avenue, taking care not to touch it with their feet. It was easy enough to follow, for the wire, if not bright, was self- coloured, and showed clearly. They followed it out of the gateway and into the avenue of Diana's Grove. Here a new gravity clouded Adam's face, though Mimi saw no cause for fresh concern. This was easily enough explained. Adam knew of the explosive works in progress regarding the well-hole, but the matter had been kept from his wife. As they stood near the house, Adam asked Mimi to return to the road, ostensibly to watch the course of the wire, telling her that there might be a branch wire leading somewhere 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 322 else. She was to search the undergrowth, and if she found it, was to warn him by the Australian native "Coo-ee!" Whilst they were standing together, there came a blinding flash of lightning, which lit up for several seconds the whole area of earth and sky. It was only the first note of the celestial prelude, for it was followed in quick succession by numerous flashes, whilst the crash and roll of thunder seemed continuous. Adam, appalled, drew his wife to him and held her close. As far as he could estimate by the interval between lightning and thunder- clap, the heart of the storm was still some distance off, so he felt no present concern for their safety. Still, it was apparent that the course of the storm was moving swiftly in their direction. The lightning flashes came faster and faster and closer together; the thunder-roll was almost continuous, not stopping for a moment--a new crash beginning before the old one had ceased. Adam kept 3315 appalled (adj) – chocado, horrorizado 323 3320 strain (to) – esticar, forçar 3320 detaining (adj) – que segura 3320 dull (adj) – apagado, sem brilho 3321 prevent (to) – impedir, obstar 3321 scrutiny (s) – verificação, exame, análise 3322 at lenght – finalmente 3322 appallingly (adv) – horrivelmente, terrivelmente 3323 mighty (adj) – poderoso, potente 3324 glow (to) – brilhar, incandescer 3325 broad (adj) – claro, nítido, amplo 3325 drop (to) – cair, tombar 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 looking up in the direction where the kite strained and struggled at its detaining cord, but, of course, the dull evening light prevented any distinct scrutiny. At length there came a flash so appallingly bright that in its glare Nature seemed to be standing still. So long did it last, that there was time to distinguish its configuration. It seemed like a mighty tree inverted, pendent from the sky. The whole country around within the angle of vision was lit up till it seemed to glow. Then a broad ribbon of fire seemed to drop on to the tower of Castra Regis just as the thunder crashed. By the glare, Adam could see the tower shake and tremble, and finally fall to pieces like a house of cards. The passing of the lightning left the sky again dark, but a blue flame fell downward from the tower, and, with inconceivable rapidity, running along the ground in the direction of Diana's Grove, reached the dark silent house, which in the instant burst into flame at a hundred different points. 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 324 At the same moment there rose from the house a rending, crashing sound of woodwork, broken or thrown about, mixed with a quick scream so appalling that Adam, stout of heart as he undoubtedly was, felt his blood turn into ice. Instinctively, despite the danger and their consciousness of it, husband and wife took hands and listened, trembling. Something was going on close to them, mysterious, terrible, deadly! The shrieks continued, though less sharp in sound, as though muffled. In the midst of them was a terrific explosion, seemingly from deep in the earth. The flames from Castra Regis and from Diana's Grove made all around almost as light as day, and now that the lightning had ceased to flash, their eyes, unblinded, were able to judge both perspective and detail. The heat of the burning house caused the iron doors to warp and collapse. Seemingly of their own accord, they fell open, and exposed the interior. The Saltons could now look through to the room beyond, where the 3330 rending (s) – acção de fender, de rachar, de lacerar 3330 woodwork (s) - madeiramento 3331 stout (adj) – forte, robusto 3331 undoubtedly (adv) – sem dúvida, incontestavelmente 3332 despite (prep) – apesar de 3333 go on (to) – acontecer, passar-se 3334 shriek (s) – grito agudo 3334 muffled (adj) – abafado, surdo 3338 heat (s) - calor 3338 warp (to) – torcer-se, deformar-se 325 3340 yawn (to) – escancarar-se, abrir-se 3340 chasm (s) - abismo 3342 rending (s) – acção de fender, de rachar, de lacerar 3343 remainder (s) - resto 3344 below (adv) - (prep) - debaixo 3344 throw out (to) – deitar fora 3345 slime (s) – limo, lodo, vasa 3346 rent (adj) - rasgar 3346 tear (to) - rasgar 3346 flesh (s) - carne 3346 fat (s) - gordura 3346 keep on (to) - continuar 3347 shoot up (to) - jorrar 3347 bulk (s) – a maior parte 3348 writhe (to) – contorcer-se 3349 torment (s) – sofrimento, tormento 3349 credence (s) – crédito, credibilidade 3350 mountainous (adj) – enorme, gigantesco 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 well-hole yawned, a deep narrow circular chasm. From this the agonised shrieks were rising, growing ever more terrible with each second that passed. But it was not only the heart-rending sound that almost paralysed poor Mimi with terror. What she saw was sufficient to fill her with evil dreams for the remainder of her life. The whole place looked as if a sea of blood had been beating against it. Each of the explosions from below had thrown out from the well-hole, as if it had been the mouth of a cannon, a mass of fine sand mixed with blood, and a horrible repulsive slime in which were great red masses of rent and torn flesh and fat. As the explosions kept on, more and more of this repulsive mass was shot up, the great bulk of it falling back again. Many of the awful fragments were of something which had lately been alive. They quivered and trembled and writhed as though they were still in torment, a supposition to which the unending scream gave a horrible credence. At moments some mountainous mass of flesh surged up through the narrow orifice, as though forced by a measureless power 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 326 through an opening infinitely smaller than itself. Some of these fragments were partially covered with white skin as of a human being, and others--the largest and most numerous--with scaled skin as of a gigantic lizard or serpent. Once, in a sort of lull or pause, the seething contents of the hole rose, after the manner of a bubbling spring, and Adam saw part of the thin form of Lady Arabella, forced up to the top amid a mass of blood and slime, and what looked as if it had been the entrails of a monster torn into shreds. Several times some masses of enormous bulk were forced up through the well-hole with inconceivable violence, and, suddenly expanding as they came into larger space, disclosed sections of the White Worm which Adam and Sir Nathaniel had seen looking over the trees with its enormous eyes of emerald- green flickering like great lamps in a gale. At last the explosive power, which was not yet exhausted, evidently reached the main store of dynamite which had been lowered into the worm hole. The result was appalling. The ground for far around quivered 3352 scaled (adj) – com escamas, coberto de escamas 3353 lizard (s) - lagarto 3353 once (adv) – uma vez 3353 lull (s) – calma, acalmia 3353 seething (adj) – fervente, a ferver 3353 content (s) – conteúdo, substância 3353 after (prep) – segundo, conforme, à semelhança de 3353 manner (s) – modo, maneira 3354 bubble (to) - borbulhar 3354 spring (s) – fonte, nascente 3354 force up (to) – obrigar a subir 3354 amid (prep) – entre, no meio de 3355 slime (s) – limo, lodo, vasa 3355 entrail (s) – entranhas, intestinos 3355 shred (s) – farrapo, trapo 3356 bulk (s) – tamanho, grandeza 3357 disclose (to) – revelar, divulgar, descobrir 3358 flicker (to) – tremer, tremeluzir 3359 gale (s) – ventania, vendaval 3361 quiver (to) – tremer, estremecer 327 3363 hiss (to) – sibilar, silvar 3364 volcano (s) - vulcão 3364 grooved (adj) – canelado, chanfrado 3365 implement (s) – ferramenta, utensílio 3365 break up (to) – destruir, despedaçar 3365 split (to) – partir, quebrar, rachar, fender 3365 mid (adj) – meio de 3365 riven (adj) – despedaçado, fendido 3366 therefore (adv) - (conj) – por isso, portanto 3367 steam (s) – vapor de água 3367 mingle (to) – misturar, ligar, associar 3368 hurl (to) – atirar violentamente 3372 brooded – pesou, caiu 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 and opened in long deep chasms, whose edges shook and fell in, throwing up clouds of sand which fell back and hissed amongst the rising water. The heavily built house shook to its foundations. Great stones were thrown up as from a volcano, some of them, great masses of hard stone, squared and grooved with implements wrought by human hands, breaking up and splitting in mid air as though riven by some infernal power. Trees near the house--and therefore presumably in some way above the hole, which sent up clouds of dust and steam and fine sand mingled, and which carried an appalling stench which sickened the spectators--were torn up by the roots and hurled into the air. By now, flames were bursting violently from all over the ruins, so dangerously that Adam caught up his wife in his arms, and ran with her from the proximity of the flames. Then almost as quickly as it had begun, the whole cataclysm ceased, though a deep-down rumbling continued intermittently for some time. Then silence brooded over all--silence so complete that it seemed in 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 328 itself a sentient thing--silence which seemed like incarnate darkness, and conveyed the same idea to all who came within its radius. To the young people who had suffered the long horror of that awful night, it brought relief--relief from the presence or the fear of all that was horrible--relief which seemed perfected when the red rays of sunrise shot up over the far eastern sea, bringing a promise of a new order of things with the coming day. His bed saw little of Adam Salton for the remainder of that night. He and Mimi walked hand in hand in the brightening dawn round by the Brow to Castra Regis and on to Lesser Hill. They did so deliberately, in an attempt to think as little as possible of the terrible experiences of the night. The morning was bright and cheerful, as a morning sometimes is after a devastating storm. The clouds, of which there were plenty in evidence, brought no lingering idea of gloom. All nature was bright and joyous, being in striking contrast to the scenes of wreck and devastation, the effects of obliterating fire and lasting ruin. 3373 sentient (adj) - sensível 3373 incarnate (to) - encarnar 3373 convey (to) – comunicar, transmitir 3374 radius (s) – alcance, esfera 3375 perfected (adj) – completado, rematado 3378 remainder (s) - resto 3380 attempt (s) - tentativa 3382 lingering (adj) – demorado, prolongado 3383 obliterating (adj) – que faz desaparecer, que elimina, que suprime 3383 lasting (adj) - recente 329 3384 stately (adj) – imponente, faustoso 3384 pile (s) – grande edifício, conjunto de grandes edifícios 3384 inhabitant (s) - habitante 3384 shapeless (adj) – disforme, sem forma 3384 huddle (s) – barafunda, confusão 3385 shatter (to) – estilhaçar, destruir 3385 dimly (adv) – fracamente, debilmente 3385 keen (adj) – agudo, penetrante 3385 acrid (adj) – acre, amargo 3386 once (adv) - outrora 3387 permanence (s) – continuidade, estabilidade 3388 haze (s) – névoa, neblina 3388 twist (to) – torcer, enrolar 3389 rend (to) – fender, rasgar 3389 bark (s) - barco 3389 strip (to) – desmantelar, desmontar 3389 chip (to) – rachar, lascar 3389 dishevel (to) – desarrumar, desalinhar 3390 thresh (to) – malhar ou debulhar o cereal mas aqui aplica-se à Natureza 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 The only evidence of the once stately pile of Castra Regis and its inhabitants was a shapeless huddle of shattered architecture, dimly seen as the keen breeze swept aside the cloud of acrid smoke which marked the site of the once lordly castle. As for Diana's Grove, they looked in vain for a sign which had a suggestion of permanence. The oak trees of the Grove were still to be seen--some of them-- emerging from a haze of smoke, the great trunks solid and erect as ever, but the larger branches broken and twisted and rent, with bark stripped and chipped, and the smaller branches broken and dishevelled looking from the constant stress and threshing of the storm. Of the house as such, there was, even at the short distance from which they looked, no trace. Adam resolutely turned his back on the devastation and hurried on. Mimi was not only upset and shocked in many ways, but she was physically "dog tired," and falling asleep on her feet. Adam took her to her room and made her undress and get into bed, taking care that the room was well lighted both by sunshine and lamps. 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 330 The only obstruction was from a silk curtain, drawn across the window to keep out the glare. He sat beside her, holding her hand, well knowing that the comfort of his presence was the best restorative for her. He stayed with her till sleep had overmastered her wearied body. Then he went softly away. He found his uncle and Sir Nathaniel in the study, having an early cup of tea, amplified to the dimensions of a possible breakfast. Adam explained that he had not told his wife that he was going over the horrible places again, lest it should frighten her, for the rest and sleep in ignorance would help her and make a gap of peacefulness between the horrors. Sir Nathaniel agreed. "We know, my boy," he said, "that the unfortunate Lady Arabella is dead, and that the foul carcase of the Worm has been torn to pieces- -pray God that its evil soul will never more escape from the nethermost hell." 3395 silk (adj) – de seda 3397 wearied (adj) – fatigado, cansado 3400 gap (s) – intervalo de tempo 3404 nethermost (adj) – o mais profundo 3404 hell (s) - inferno 331 3406 discription (s) – descrição, relato 3407 broad (adj) – amplo, extenso 3408 fringe (s) – orla, franja, borda, margem 3409 get over (to) – dominar, solucionar 3411 however (adv) - (conj) – todavia, contudo 3412 elemental (adj) - elementar 3412 elapse (to) – decorrer, passar 3414 utter (adj) – completo, total, absoluto 3415 beneath (adv) – debaixo, abaixo 3415 rend (to) – fender, rasgar 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 They visited Diana's Grove first, not only because it was nearer, but also because it was the place where most description was required, and Adam felt that he could tell his story best on the spot. The absolute destruction of the place and everything in it seen in the broad daylight was almost inconceivable. To Sir Nathaniel, it was as a story of horror full and complete. But to Adam it was, as it were, only on the fringes. He knew what was still to be seen when his friends had got over the knowledge of externals. As yet, they had only seen the outside of the house--or rather, where the outside of the house once had been. The great horror lay within. However, age--and the experience of age--counts. A strange, almost elemental, change in the aspect had taken place in the time which had elapsed since the dawn. It would almost seem as if Nature herself had tried to obliterate the evil signs of what had occurred. True, the utter ruin of the house was made even more manifest in the searching daylight; but the more appalling destruction which lay beneath was not visible. The rent, torn, and dislocated stonework 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 332 looked worse than before; the upheaved foundations, the piled-up fragments of masonry, the fissures in the torn earth--all were at the worst. The Worm's hole was still evident, a round fissure seemingly leading down into the very bowels of the earth. But all the horrid mass of blood and slime, of torn, evil-smelling flesh and the sickening remnants of violent death, were gone. Either some of the later explosions had thrown up from the deep quantities of water which, though foul and corrupt itself, had still some cleansing power left, or else the writhing mass which stirred from far below had helped to drag down and obliterate the items of horror. A grey dust, partly of fine sand, partly of the waste of the falling ruin, covered everything, and, though ghastly itself, helped to mask something still worse. After a few minutes of watching, it became apparent to the three men that the turmoil far below had not yet ceased. At short irregular intervals the hell-broth in the hole seemed as if boiling up. It rose and fell again and turned over, showing in fresh form much of the nauseous detail which had been visible earlier. 3416 upheave (to) – levantar, sublevar 3416 masonry (s) - alvenaria 3416 fissure (s) – fenda, fissura 3418 bowel (s) – entranha, intestino, tripa 3420 foul (adj) - sujo 3420 cleasing (adj) – de limpeza 3420 or else - ou então; se não; 3421 writhing (adj) – que se contorce e estremece 3421 stir (to) – agitar-se, mover-se, mexer-se 3421 below (adv) - (prep) – debaixo, por baixo 3421 drag (to) – puxar, arrastar 3421 item (s) – coisa, peça 3422 dust (s) - pó 3422 waste (s) – destruição, ruínas 3424 turmoil (s) – agitação, perturbação, confusão 3425 broth - ? 3426 nauseous (adj) – nauseabundo, repugnante, nojento 3426 detail (s) - pormenor 3426 earlier (adj) - (adv) – pouco antes 333 3429 wholly (adv) – totalmente, completamente 3435 beneath (prep) – debaixo de, abaixo de 3435 shining (adj) – brilhante, reluzente 3436 view (to) – examinar, inspeccionar 3437 suggest (to) – propor, sugerir 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 The worst parts were the great masses of the flesh of the monstrous Worm, in all its red and sickening aspect. Such fragments had been bad enough before, but now they were infinitely worse. Corruption comes with startling rapidity to beings whose destruction has been due wholly or in part to lightning--the whole mass seemed to have become all at once corrupt! The whole surface of the fragments, once alive, was covered with insects, worms, and vermin of all kinds. The sight was horrible enough, but, with the awful smell added, was simply unbearable. The Worm's hole appeared to breathe forth death in its most repulsive forms. The friends, with one impulse, moved to the top of the Brow, where a fresh breeze from the sea was blowing up. At the top of the Brow, beneath them as they looked down, they saw a shining mass of white, which looked strangely out of place amongst such wreckage as they had been viewing. It appeared so strange that Adam suggested trying to find a way down, so that they might see it more closely. 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 334 "We need not go down; I know what it is," Sir Nathaniel said. "The explosions of last night have blown off the outside of the cliffs-- that which we see is the vast bed of china clay through which the Worm originally found its way down to its lair. I can catch the glint of the water of the deep quags far down below. Well, her ladyship didn't deserve such a funeral--or such a monument." The horrors of the last few hours had played such havoc with Mimi's nerves, that a change of scene was imperative--if a permanent breakdown was to be avoided. "I think," said old Mr. Salton, "it is quite time you young people departed for that honeymoon of yours!" There was a twinkle in his eye as he spoke. Mimi's soft shy glance at her stalwart husband, was sufficient answer. 3438 blow off (to) – deixar escapar, largar 3440 quag (s) – atoleiro, lameiro 3441 deserve (to) – merecer, ser digno de 3442 havoc (s) – estrago, destruição 3443 breakdown (s) – colapso, esgotamento 3443 avoid (to) - evitar 3444 depart (to) – partir, sair 3446 shy (adj) – envergonhado, tímido 3446 stalwart (adj) – forte, robusto