TRIPTAL COMPANY HISTORICAL The theatrical company CIA. TRIPTAL was formed in 1990, when their priority was a theatrical language research in infantile theater, which resulted in the project MARIA CLARA CLAREOU, which staged seven texts of the Brazilian writer Maria Clara Machado. In recent years, the group has turned toward an adult repertoire and, at the moment, take over the PROJECT HOMENS AO MAR (MEN OUT AT SEA), compose by the translation, staging and setting of 4 plays of the American playwright Eugene O'Neill. Since 2004, we’ve present the project in a several brazilian cities and Festivals like Curitiba, Londrina, São José do Rio Preto, Suzano, Santos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília. The repertory was set together for 03 times at São Paulo and Porto Alegre.Out from Brasil we’ve been invited for Goodman Theatre at 2009’s Season in the XXI Century- A Global Exploration-Eugene Oneill’s International Festival-Chicago. We ran 18 shows in the propitious space to foment reflections on the results that we have reached, with critics and audience amazed with the quality of our project. PROJECTS “Project Men At Sea”: based on Eugene O’Neill plays, directed by André Garolli. LONG VOYAGE HOME- LONGA VIAGEM DE VOLTA pra CASA-direção André Garolli; IN THE ZONE- ZONA DE GUERRA-direção André Garolli (Premio APCA de Melhor Espetáculo); APCA Awards / 2006: Best Spectacle. Nominated to the SHELL AWARDS in the special category for the joint work of the actors technical coaching crew CARDIFF - direção André Garolli (Premio Shell de Melhor Cenário). 03 Nominations in PRÊMIO SHELL DE TEATRO (SHELL THEATRE AWARDS) PRÊMIO SHELL (SHELL AWARDS) / 2006: Best Scenery 2009/2004 – Seasons Men At Sea Project >Trilogy Homens Ao Mar -Goodman Theatre - Chicago curated by Robert Falls- jan./feb.2009. A Global Exploration in 21th Century- Eugene O’Neill Internacional Festival. Run 18 shows. >In The Zone and Long Voyage Home -15º Porto Alegre em Cena (September 08); > In The Zone, Long Voyage Home and Cardiff - Teatro Arthur Azevedo (Mar/Maio 08); > In The Zone and Long Voyage Home -(estréia nacional) SESC Pompéia (Aug/Sep. 2007)>In The Zone – Circuito Cultural Paulista, Teatro da Caixa de Brasília, Teatro de Arena da Caixa do Rio de Janeiro, Centro Cultural da Juventude> Long Voyage Home – Teatro Polytheama de Jundiaí; CCSP (09), Sesc Santos,Sesc Pompéia. 2007– Nacional opening -Estréia Nacional de Long Voyage Home, de Eugene O`Neill. 2006 – Nacional opening Estréia Nacional de In The Zone, de Eugene O’Neill. Seasons -Temporadas: SESC Avenida Paulista, Instituto Cultural Capobianco, Festival Internacional de Rio Preto, Festival Internacional de Teatro de Curitiba, Festival de Teatro de Resende, SESC Araraquara. 2004 – LUAR SOBRE O CARIBE, baseado em Eugene O’ Neill. “Project Maria Clara Clareou”: based on Maria Clara Machado children’s plays, directed by André Garolli and Wagner Menegare. 1994/2002 – Seasons Maria Clara Clareou Project 2002 – CAVALHINHO AZUL (Blue Little Horse) - Maria Clara Machado. 1999 - A BRUXINHA QUE ERA BOA (The Little Witch Who Was Good) - Maria Clara Machado. 1998 - A GATA BORRALHEIRA (Cinderella)- Maria Clara Machado. 1998- CHAPETUBA FUTEBOL CLUBE (Chapetuba Soccer Club)- Vianinha1998 - CHAPETUBA FUTEBOL CLUBE (Chapetuba Soccer Club) – Vianinha 1997 - O RAPTO DAS CEBOLINHAS (The Abduction Of Small Onions) - Maria Clara Machado. 03 PRÊMIOS MAMBEMBE DE TEATRO (MAMBEMBE THEATRE AWARDS) 1996 – TRIBOBÓ CITY - Maria Clara Machado. 02 PRÊMIOS PANAMCO (PANAMCO AWARDS) 1995 – O BOI E O BURRO A CAMINHO DE BELÉM (The Ox And The Donkey On The Way To Belem) - Maria Clara Machado 1995 – A TRAMA DA PAIXÃO (Plot Of Passion) - Fabio Torres. 1994 – A MENINA E O VENTO (The Girl And The Wind) - Maria Clara Machado. 02 PRÊMIOS APETESP (APETESP AWARDS) 1993 – TRAVESSURAS DE UMA CRIANÇA (Pranks Of A Child), free adapted from Martins Pena. 1993 – ROMEU E JULIETA, UM SUSPIRO DOS ANOS TRINTA (Romeo And Juliet, A Sigh Of The Thirties), adapted from William Shakespeare. 1992- ESCOLA DE MULHERES – THE School For Wives- Molière.1992 – ESCOLA DE MULHERES THE SCHOOL FOR WIVES – Molière.