Brazil Passenger Airlines 2012 Source Documents
Brazil Passenger Airlines 2012 Source Documents
Brazil Passenger Airlines 2012 Source Documents Market Size & Segmentation SUPERINTENDÊNCIA DE PLANEJAMENTO AEROPORTUÁRIO E DE OPERAÇÕES - DOPL Movimento Operacional da REDE INFRAERO de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2011 Aeronaves Dependência Domest. Superintendência Regional do Centro-Leste - SRCE 177.717 SBAR - Aeroporto de Aracaju 20.654 SBIL - Aeroporto de Ilhéus 13.185 SBMO - Aeroporto Internacional de Maceió 20.114 SBSV - Aeroporto Internacional de Salvador 121.069 SBUF - Aeroporto Paulo Afonso 2.695 361.524 Superintendência Regional do Centro-Oeste - SRCO SBBR - Aeroporto Internacional de Brasília 184.742 SBCG - Aeroporto Internacional de Campo Grande 29.568 SBCR - Aeroporto Internacional de Corumbá 2.102 SBCY - Aeroporto Internacional de Cuiabá 56.729 SBGO - Aeroporto de Goiânia 69.810 SBPJ - Aeroporto de Palmas 17.365 SBPP - Aeroporto Internacional de Ponta Porã 1.208 224.654 Superintendência Regional do Nordeste - SRNE SBFZ - Aeroporto Internacional de Fortaleza 64.022 SBJP - Aeroporto Internacional de João Pessoa 13.323 SBJU - Aeroporto de Juazeiro do Norte 7.020 SBKG - Aeroporto de Campina Grande 3.345 SBNT - Aeroporto Internacional de Natal 29.247 SBPB - Aeroporto Internacional de Parnaíba 1.645 SBPL - Aeroporto de Petrolina 8.213 SBRF - Aeroporto Internacional de Recife 80.027 SBTE - Aeroporto de Teresina 17.812 160.346 Superintendência Regional do Norte - SRNO SBBE - Aeroporto Internacional de Belém 50.770 SBCJ - Aeroporto de Carajás 6.496 SBHT - Aeroporto de Altamira 7.152 SBIZ - Aeroporto de Imperatriz 8.447 SBJC - Aeroporto Júlio César 16.002 SBMA - Aeroporto de Marabá 14.085 SBMQ - Aeroporto Internacional de Macapa 12.252 SBSL - Aeroporto Internacional de São Luís 27.867 SBSN - Aeroporto de Santarém 17.275 119.750 Superintendência Regional do Noroeste - SRNR SBBV - Aeroporto Internacional de Boa Vista 12.458 SBCZ - Aeroporto Internacional de Cruzeiro do Sul 6.086 SBEG - Aeroporto Internacional de Manaus 49.265 SBPV - Aeroporto Internacional de Porto Velho 21.781 SBRB - Aeroporto Internacional de Rio Branco 16.322 SBTF - Aeroporto de Tefé 11.773 SBTT - Aeroporto Internacional de Tabatinga 2.065 384.700 Superintendência Regional do Rio de Janeiro - SRRJ SBCP - Aeroporto de Campos 6.212 SBGL - Aeroporto Internacional do Galeão 106.483 SBJR - Aeroporto de Jacarepaguá 72.242 SBME - Aeroporto de Macaé 70.703 SBRJ - Aeroporto Santos-Dumont 129.060 300.275 Superintendência Regional do Sudeste - SRSE SBBH - Aeroporto da Pampulha 65.441 SBCF - Aeroporto Internacional de Confins 101.608 SBMK - Aeroporto de Montes Claros 9.358 SBPR - Aeroporto Carlos Prates 30.247 SBUL - Aeroporto de Uberlândia 27.248 SBUR - Aeroporto de Uberaba 9.458 SBVT - Aeroporto de Vitória 56.795 SDZY - Aeroporto da Zona da Mata 120 634.180 Superintendência Regional de São Paulo - SRSP SBGR - Aeroporto Internacional de Guarulhos 187.016 SBKP - Aeroporto Internacional de Campinas 90.003 SBMT - Aeroporto Campo de Marte 132.970 SBSJ - Aeroporto de São José dos Campos 16.638 SBSP - Aeroporto de Congonhas 207.553 342.408 Superintendência Regional do Sul - SRSU SBBG - Aeroporto de Bagé 371 SBBI - Aeroporto de Bacacheri 30.559 SBCM - Aeroporto de Criciúma/Forquilhinha 3.111 SBCT - Aeroporto Internacional de Curitiba 90.542 SBFI - Aeroporto Internacional de Foz de Iguaçu 18.450 SBFL - Aeroporto Internacional de Florianópolis 45.267 SBJV - Aeroporto de Joinville 9.873 SBLO - Aeroporto de Londrina 29.310 SBNF - Aeroporto Internacional de Navegantes 21.437 SBPA - Aeroporto Internacional de Porto Alegre 88.522 SBPK - Aeroporto Internacional de Pelotas 3.792 SBUG - Aeroporto Internacional de Uruguaiana 1.174 INFRAERO 2.705.554 Obs.: - Aeronaves - pouso mais decolagem (sem militar). - Passageiros - embarque mais desembarque (sem militar). - Carga Aérea e Mala Postal - embarque mais desembarque (com trânsito) PLANILHA ELABORADA EM 28/03/2012 (unid.) Intern. 5.122 47 50 112 4.911 2 7.462 4.828 1.423 114 372 318 169 238 6.695 1.831 9 6 0 1.068 6 154 3.611 10 1.806 979 16 28 23 11 134 500 57 58 8.197 1.032 41 7.033 34 30 6 21 33.566 24 32.960 0 13 569 7.652 413 6.522 36 59 53 71 498 0 96.189 83.584 9.979 539 360 1.727 21.080 37 91 5 3.601 1.915 3.830 30 190 225 11.061 51 44 187.769 Passageiros Total 182.839 20.701 13.235 20.226 125.980 2.697 368.986 189.570 30.991 2.216 57.101 70.128 17.534 1.446 231.349 65.853 13.332 7.026 3.345 30.315 1.651 8.367 83.638 17.822 162.152 51.749 6.512 7.180 8.470 16.013 14.219 12.752 27.924 17.333 127.947 13.490 6.127 56.298 21.815 16.352 11.779 2.086 418.266 6.236 139.443 72.242 70.716 129.629 307.927 65.854 108.130 9.394 30.306 27.301 9.529 57.293 120 730.369 270.600 99.982 133.509 16.998 209.280 363.488 408 30.650 3.116 94.143 20.365 49.097 9.903 29.500 21.662 99.583 3.843 1.218 2.893.323 Domest. 11.173.694 1.093.122 512.964 1.539.037 8.024.889 3.682 22.398.882 15.014.345 1.497.012 31.642 2.549.748 2.800.412 503.353 2.370 17.058.462 5.417.226 1.142.181 343.000 104.744 2.463.183 2.397 372.040 6.138.063 1.075.628 6.666.593 2.951.454 105.579 104.834 269.687 29.711 341.209 559.658 1.843.249 461.212 4.824.798 341.033 123.197 2.855.822 983.737 393.300 86.277 41.432 20.359.260 17.462 11.211.468 160.365 454.944 8.515.021 14.379.700 791.328 9.112.585 224.656 28.290 907.020 133.285 3.182.394 142 43.483.480 18.647.834 7.455.815 388.072 235.307 16.756.452 21.410.749 1.979 101.881 24.874 6.863.616 1.626.361 2.899.226 484.626 961.876 1.167.721 7.266.332 9.274 2.983 161.755.618 (unid.) Intern. 380.370 21 131 10.191 370.011 16 406.466 384.392 18.528 304 1.372 1.590 55 225 598.268 229.878 2 0 0 123.037 2 16 245.306 27 45.708 44.874 10 8 10 0 12 659 135 0 165.389 852 282 163.604 75 511 0 65 3.741.384 7 3.741.362 0 15 0 424.658 1.977 422.402 4 0 268 7 0 0 11.468.968 11.355.594 112.569 28 777 0 962.423 165 0 0 105.868 65.031 222.809 143 0 177 567.980 229 21 18.193.634 Carga Aérea Total 11.554.064 1.093.143 513.095 1.549.228 8.394.900 3.698 22.805.348 15.398.737 1.515.540 31.946 2.551.120 2.802.002 503.408 2.595 17.656.730 5.647.104 1.142.183 343.000 104.744 2.586.220 2.399 372.056 6.383.369 1.075.655 6.712.301 2.996.328 105.589 104.842 269.697 29.711 341.221 560.317 1.843.384 461.212 4.990.187 341.885 123.479 3.019.426 983.812 393.811 86.277 41.497 24.100.644 17.469 14.952.830 160.365 454.959 8.515.021 14.804.358 793.305 9.534.987 224.660 28.290 907.288 133.292 3.182.394 142 54.952.448 30.003.428 7.568.384 388.100 236.084 16.756.452 22.373.172 2.144 101.881 24.874 6.969.484 1.691.392 3.122.035 484.769 961.876 1.167.898 7.834.312 9.503 3.004 179.949.252 Domest. 44.842.691 2.266.755 1.775.537 4.077.762 36.537.356 185.281 85.444.668 59.581.320 4.971.063 78.372 8.066.697 9.201.068 3.546.148 0 108.317.985 47.171.489 3.229.637 1.239.558 630.761 6.178.420 37.208 1.242.051 44.176.503 4.412.358 46.144.614 25.749.880 66.671 406.911 1.467.870 26.481 2.585.807 3.252.354 7.696.512 4.892.128 127.439.268 1.409.344 392.160 120.931.624 3.174.505 1.436.197 75.008 20.430 30.970.365 127.310 24.772.396 0 247.794 5.822.865 18.686.657 0 9.639.332 3.348 0 1.607.409 181.103 7.234.977 20.488 245.202.284 186.054.945 9.098.514 0 72.400 49.976.425 44.372.961 10.361 133.830 119 12.311.556 815.926 3.290.194 1.251.701 1.826.685 1.689.871 22.971.274 16.010 55.434 751.421.493 (Kg) Intern. 7.948.473 0 3.028 11.586 7.933.859 0 1.547.304 1.394.133 153.171 0 0 0 0 0 11.614.691 3.082.021 0 0 0 960.483 0 2.272.041 5.300.146 0 53.041 52.867 0 0 0 0 0 52 0 122 58.150.698 0 0 58.150.698 0 0 0 0 89.324.846 0 89.324.845 0 1 0 9.192.921 0 5.230.524 0 0 0 610 3.961.787 0 603.289.582 329.120.513 274.169.069 0 0 0 31.248.058 673 0 0 26.138.341 67.245 2.303 50 0 0 5.039.446 0 0 812.369.614 Source: Informamos que a partir do mês de março de 2011, o Aeroporto de Zona da Mata (SDZY) não é mais administrado pela INFRAERO. Mala Postal Total 52.791.164 2.266.755 1.778.565 4.089.348 44.471.215 185.281 86.991.972 60.975.453 5.124.234 78.372 8.066.697 9.201.068 3.546.148 0 119.932.676 50.253.510 3.229.637 1.239.558 630.761 7.138.903 37.208 3.514.092 49.476.649 4.412.358 46.197.655 25.802.747 66.671 406.911 1.467.870 26.481 2.585.807 3.252.406 7.696.512 4.892.250 185.589.966 1.409.344 392.160 179.082.322 3.174.505 1.436.197 75.008 20.430 120.295.211 127.310 114.097.241 0 247.795 5.822.865 27.879.578 0 14.869.856 3.348 0 1.607.409 181.713 11.196.764 20.488 848.491.866 515.175.458 283.267.583 0 72.400 49.976.425 75.621.019 11.034 133.830 119 38.449.897 883.171 3.292.497 1.251.751 1.826.685 1.689.871 28.010.720 16.010 55.434 1.563.791.107 Domest. 29.573.991 0 0 451 29.573.540 0 9.938.111 20.228 1.717.079 0 6.576.389 944.492 679.923 0 24.129.762 7.234.909 0 0 0 2.680 0 0 11.377.510 5.514.663 9.644.025 4.929.483 0 436.919 135 0 399 748.901 3.528.188 0 2.953.673 214.949 220.872 0 2.156.480 566 286.060 74.746 23.599.282 4 23.599.276 0 2 0 11.869.085 0 9.382.953 72.658 0 1.170 0 2.412.304 0 62.981.447 62.980.384 1.063 0 0 0 21.440.541 0 0 0 7.226.119 0 5.253.392 0 0 30 8.961.000 0 0 196.129.917 (Kg) Intern. 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.645 6.645 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 3.535 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.975 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.823.528 0 4.823.528 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.931.905 7.931.905 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.765.620 Total 29.573.991 0 0 451 29.573.540 0 9.944.756 26.873 1.717.079 0 6.576.389 944.492 679.923 0 24.129.766 7.234.909 0 0 0 2.680 0 0 11.377.514 5.514.663 9.647.560 4.930.043 0 436.919 135 0 399 748.901 3.531.163 0 2.953.673 214.949 220.872 0 2.156.480 566 286.060 74.746 28.422.810 4 28.422.804 0 2 0 11.869.088 0 9.382.956 72.658 0 1.170 0 2.412.304 0 70.913.352 70.912.289 1.063 0 0 0 21.440.541 0 0 0 7.226.119 0 5.253.392 0 0 30 8.961.000 0 0 208.895.537 Market Shares ______________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANHIAS AÉREAS ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Participação das Companhias Aéreas no Transporte de Passageiros Tráfego Doméstico 4% 6% 5% 39% 9% 37% Gol / Varig TAM Azul Webjet Avianca Outras Tráfego Internacional 25% 47% 9% 4% Tam Gol / Varig TAP 7% American Airlines 8% Air France Outras Tráfego Doméstico + Internacional 4% 11% 6% 36% 8% 35% Gol / Varig PLPS1 – PLPS – DOPL - DO TAM Azul Webjet Avianca Outras Página 7 Elaborado em 12/04/2012 Permission Mail :: Inbox: ENC: Request for Information - Brazil Passenger Airlines Market 2011 Date: From: To: Subject: Part(s): Page 1 of 2 Tue, 15 May 2012 17:54:09 +0000 [05/15/2012 17:54:09 UTC] Roberta Freire Lima Reichert <[email protected]> [email protected] <[email protected]> ENC: Request for Information - Brazil Passenger Airlines Market 2011 2 Anuario_2011_2.pdf 4,067.14 KB 1 unnamed 5.93 KB Prezada Sra. Maru, boa tarde. Conforme solicitado, segue em anexo o Anuário Estatístico Operacional de 2011. Nele estão contemplados os movimentos operacionais de Passageiros, Aeronaves, Carga Aérea e Correios dos 66 aeroportos que fazem parte da Rede INFRAERO. Estamos a disposição para eventuais dúvidas. Atenciosamente, =================================================================== Roberta Freire Lima Reichert ASIII - Analista de Sistemas Coordenação de Estatística e Estudos de Demanda Operacional - PLPS-1 Gerência de Planejamento Sistêmico de Operações - PLPS Superintendência de Planejamento Aeroportuário e de Operações - DOPL Diretoria de Aeroportos E-mail:[email protected] Fone: 3312-2433 -----Mensagem original----De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Enviada em: terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2012 11:38 Para: Paulo Tsai Wang Assunto: Request for Information - Brazil Passenger Airlines Market 2011 Dear Paulo, Good Morning! I hope this email finds you in good health! I'm extremely thankful for the time you spent over the call today. It was a pleasure talking to you. As I briefly discussed over the phone, my name is Maru and I work for Global Market Navigator (GMN), a part of Mintel Group, which is a market research company based in London. Currently, I am pursuing a research study on the Brazil Passenger Airlines Market 2011. My study involves conducting interviews with experts to gauge the dynamics of the market and gain some valuable insights. As part of this exercise, I am trying to explore market specific information such as market size, segmentation, and shares. During the course of my research, I came across your Web site and understand that you are one of the leading organisations in the industry. I appreciate your industry expertise and would like your views on further understanding the market. From my preliminary research, I have noticed some developments in the market. => In 2010, I found some relevant information on the market shares in your web site. Please find the link below (page 8) ( I am looking for the "Anuário Estatístico Operacional 2011". => I would when this is likely to be published. => Alternatively, if you can share the top 10 players based on the passengers carried and their market shares, it would be very helpful. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with some additional insights on the market based on your experience. Once again, I thank you for your support and appreciate your time and thoughts. I'll send you the complimentary copy of the report once it's published. I look forward to hearing from you. Maru Research Analyst About Mintel: Global Market Navigator/Snapshots, part of Mintel Group, publishes over 4000 Snapshot summaries, updated annually and covering a broad range of industries. Each Snapshot provides a brief overview of the market size, segmentation, shares and is designed to provide the user with an initial view of a global market. During our research process, GMN conducts semi-structured telephone interviews with industry experts and key market players, and undertakes secondary research where data is collected from trade magazines, trade associations, statistical offices, company statements and trade departments, amongst other sources. You can find more about us on ---------------------------------------------------------------This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. <pre><font size="1" face="Verdana"> Mintel Group | London | Chicago | New York | Sydney | Shanghai | Tokyo 5/16/2012 Mail :: Inbox: ENC: Request for Information - Brazil Passenger Airlines Market 2011 Page 2 of 2 Contact details for our offices can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. This email and any attachments may include content that is confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected under applicable law. Unauthorised disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, including without appropriate authorisation, then please reply to the sender about the error and delete this email and any attachments.</font> ========================================================================================================================== As informações existentes nessa mensagem e nos arquivos anexados são de uso restrito, sendo seu sigilo protegido por Lei. Caso você não seja o destinatário, saiba que a leitura, divulgação ou cópia destas informações são proibidas. Favor apagálas e notificar o remetente. O uso impróprio será tratado conforme as normas da empresa e a legislação em vigor. 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The information contained within this message and attached files is restricted, and its confidentiality is protected by law. If you are not the addressee, be aware that the reading, divulging and copying of this message is prohibited. Please, delete this message and notify the sender. The improper use of this information will be dealt with according to the company's internal regulations and federal laws. 2 Anuario_2011_2.pdf 4,067.14 KB 5/16/2012 Mail :: Inbox: RES: Request for Permission - Brazil Passenger Airlines Date: From: To: Cc: Subject: Page 1 of 2 Tue, 23 Aug 2011 15:45:48 +0000 [08/23/2011 15:45:48 UTC] Elizangela Monteiro <[email protected]> [email protected] <[email protected]> Janete Maria Ribeiro <[email protected]>, Lourival Jose Costa <[email protected]> RES: Request for Permission - Brazil Passenger Airlines Dear Mrs. Maru, As we discussed yesterday I spoke with the Press area, and the person in charge, Mrs. Janet Ribeiro, asked me to inform you that there are no problems in using the data available at Infraero's web site, since the source is mentioned. If you still need an official confirmation, you have to get it directly with Mrs. Ribeiro, who read us in copy, and request a formal response. I hope I have contributed in some way, since only the Press area can arrange it properly. Warm regards, Elizangela Monteiro (55) 61 3312 3994 -----Mensagem original----De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Enviada em: terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011 12:09 Para: Elizangela Monteiro Cc: Imprensa Infraero Assunto: Request for Permission - Brazil Passenger Airlines Dear Elizangela, Thank you for your time over the phone yesterday, regarding my mail below. With your help, I spoke with Janete on my request for permission to source Infraero. However, we await a written confirmation to cite you as the original owner of the information. It would be of great help if you could do the same or send it to Janete/ communication team to confirm the same. Thank you for being so accommodating. Looking forward for your response. Warm Regards, Maru Research Analyst 1800 324 7317 Extn. 8140 ----- Forwarded message from [email protected] ----Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 16:44:56 +0000 From: [email protected] Subject: Query on Brazil Passenger Airlines To: [email protected], [email protected] Dear Angela, Greetings! Hope you are doing fine. Thanks for your time over the phone earlier. My name is Maru. I work for Snapshots International Ltd., part of Mintel Group, which is a market research company based in London. As mentioned, I am currently working on gathering information related to the Brazil Passenger Airlines market. During my research, I came across your company and its to this industry. I would like to confirm/discuss permission to source information published by Infraero across Mintel services. We would like to use information in our report as part of Mintel's services and were hoping to gain your permission to do so and to verify how you would like us to source your organization? We will be happy to cite you as a original source of the information. Your association will be cited in Mintel's report as follows: Infraero Aeroportos SCS Quadra 04 Bloco A n° 58 Edificio Infraero Brasilia; DF; 70304-902 Tel: +55 61 3312 3222 URL: Note: We understand that during 2010, there were 155.363 million passengers flown into and out of Brazil. Of these, 139.393 million were domestic passengers and 15.97 million were international passengers. Kindly let us know if this is fine. We provide an access point for further research and typically our readers will want to contact you directly in order to investigate the market further and conduct more detailed analysis. It is very important for us to source you correctly (we will be happy to include 8/24/2011 Mail :: Inbox: RES: Request for Permission - Brazil Passenger Airlines Page 2 of 2 web links and contact details of your organization) as it would be viewed by thousands of professionals globally. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you for being so accommodating. Best Regards, Maru Research Analyst 1800 324 7317 8149 About Mintel: Global Market Navigator/Snapshots, part of Mintel Group, publishes over 4000 Snapshot summaries, updated annually and covering broad range of industries. Each Snapshot provides a brief overview of the market size, segmentation, shares and is designed to provide the user with an initial view of a global market. You can find more about us on ---------------------------------------------------------------This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. ----- End forwarded message -------------------------------------------------------------------This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program. <pre><font size="1" face="Verdana"> Mintel Group | London | Chicago | New York | Sydney | Shanghai | Tokyo Contact details for our offices can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. This email and any attachments may include content that is confidential, privileged, or otherwise protected under applicable law. Unauthorised disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this email in error, including without appropriate authorisation, then please reply to the sender about the error and delete this email and any attachments.</font> ========================================================================================================================== As informações existentes nessa mensagem e nos arquivos anexados são de uso restrito, sendo seu sigilo protegido por Lei. Caso você não seja o destinatário, saiba que a leitura, divulgação ou cópia destas informações são proibidas. Favor apagálas e notificar o remetente. O uso impróprio será tratado conforme as normas da empresa e a legislação em vigor. 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PwWb Alar(s Games Markets Investing Personal Finance Industries EconomylPoliiics Trading Deck Jobs EFs Options Bonds Cornrodties Currencies Getting Started 1- MarketWatch Adviser Frenium New sletters Hulbert Interactive Wsearch Tools Dec. 7,201 1,2:26 p.m. EST Global airlines like Brazil, but entrance tricky 0 Comments Tweet Share new Porlfolio R e l e ~ n ~ e LEARN MORE Want to see howthis story relates to your portfolio? Just add items to create a portfolio now: . a ad dl . . . JetBlue Airwarn Corm (JBLU), Enter any symbol or cornc ]-[ or Cancel Already have a porlfolio? Log In By Rogerio Jelmayer --Strong growth in Brazilian airline industry attracts global players --Growth is slowing, but Gol chief executive says that's "healthy" --Restrictions on foreign ownership make it hard to invest --Delta pays $100 million for 3% stake in Gol, the No. 2 carrier --Chile's LAN in merger with Brazil's TAM, the largest carrier SAO PAUL0 (MarketWatch) -- Strong growth in Brazil's airline industry is luring global players to invest in Latin America's largest nation, but they have to take a circuitous route due to government restrictions on foreign ownership. "The expansion of the domestic economy will continue to drive the airline industry for the next year," said Rosangela Riberio, an airline industry analyst at local brokerage SLW. With low unemployment and rising income --as well as plentiful credit-- the Brazilian air traffic industry has seen double digit growth for much of the last decade. Passenger growth was up 17% in the first 10 months of the year, compared to the same period in 2010, according to Bradl's civil aviation authority, ANAC. A number of major global events, including the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, only add to the attractiveness of the local market. That growth has increasingly come at the expense of profits, particularly since the launch of a slew of new airlines in recent years. On Wednesday, the chief executive of Brazil's second largest airline, Gol Linhas Aereas lnteligentes (GOL, GOLL4.BR), said growth has slowed in recent months as a price war has abated, which is "extremely healthy" and will allow airlines to build more of a financial cushion. "And with the growth of the middle class, that's a rate of growth that's sustainable," Oliveira said. Yet finding a way in can be tricky, as Brazilian legislation limits internationalinvestors to owning 20% of the voting rights in a local airline, and a proposal to lift that to 49% has languished in Brazil's Congress. On Wednesday, US.-based Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) said it has agreed to pay $100 million to take a 3% stake in Gol, in a deal similar to its purchase of a 3.6% stake in Medco's Grupo Aeromedco SAB (AEROMEXMX) in August. Delta will pay 22 Brazilian reais ($12.5) per Gol preferred share, which is a hefly 47% premium from Tuesday's closing price of BRL14.96. "Brazil is one of most important economies around the world and it's the world fourth largest airline industry," said Richard Anderson, Delta's chief executive. A far larger and more complexdeal is making its way through Brazil's lengthy antitrust process. Last year, Chilean airline LAN SA (LFL, LAN.SN) and Gol's biggest rival in the local market, TAM SA (TAM, TAMM4.BR) agreed to join forces, which, if completed according to plan, will lead to the creation of the biggest airline in Latin America. LAN has had to set up a tricky mechanism for carrying out the deal without taking over full Most Popular Germanywill blink and won't let Greece exit euro INDICATKINS U.S. stock futures rise on factory, housing data ASlA WMEE Asia stocks dive as Greek political crisis deepens AL L M l S ., mon didn't practice what he eached at Haward H A L S STOCKS Gold adds to losses as Greek uncertainty remains Join the Conversation o Comments My comments... Communityguidelines D [AddComme;;;] 3reaking Insight WRKEMlATCH FIRST TAKE Greece gets worst of worlds with no euro decision Flip It: Why the GreeWEU set-up is bullish Global airlines like Brazil, but entrance tricky - Marketwatch ownership of TAM. LAN executives have said that a new holding company will own 100% of the economic rights at TAM, although voting rights will remain under the control of the egsting Brazilian shareholders. All the other new arrivals are all commanded by Brazilians. Avianca, which has its origins in Colombia, is owned by Brazilian-Bolivian businessman German Efromovich, while Azul was set up by David Neeleman, the Brazilian-born founder of U.S. lowcost carrier JetBlue Airways Corp. Brazilian businessman Guilherme Paulus recently agreed to sell his airline, WebJet, to Gol, for BRL96 million. MCHAE CASW'S FX HOFUZONS ssie dollar can't fall far enough h114TlHMILYNNS LONDON WE Germanywill blink and won't let Greece exit euro MI. A I Don't Miss... 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