OFFICIAL GAZETTE EDITION E X T R A T U E S D A Y , X fO T I C B Y N O V E M B E R l l, 19 4 7 S o s a ^ g u n , C M b a - ic e n Pu blic N otice S e p tem be r 18 , 1947 v C l a im an ts : H a g a y o s h i M a ed a K o . 2 , 'K i t a - s e n d a n te t a - xa a c h i , K um a m o t o - sh i Y o s h i tom i I to c / o G o t o -, N o . 4 5 3 , 2 - c h o m e , . A m a n m a a , Suginam i ku f Toky o-to A GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU A t t h e i n s t a n e e o f ' t h e a b o v e in e n t i o n e d p e r s on s , th e b ea r er s o f s ha r e c e r t i f i - Set Ito ca t e s sh ow n on c / o O 6 t o $ J o * 4 5 3 , 2 - c i io ra e f A i i^ n i tQ ia , h e r e by r e q u e s t ed S ug in a m i - k u , T o & y o - t o o n t h e s a i d 'c e r t i f i c a t e s a n d s u b m i t t h e N o . 1 2 3 , 2 c h o t te , , N i s h i - O g i fc u b o , Su g in a m i k u * T o ky o - t o . , a .m . , M a y In th e ir c la im s 13 , 1948 . ca s e o f f a i lu r e t o n ot i f y a n d s u b m i t i rr a q c o x d a n c e w i t h paragraph ' B o 6 7 9 , F u k a t ; ,'H o n j o - m u r a , M u k o - g u n , H y b g o - fc e n by t h e id a t e th e p r e c e d in g . f i x e d ;- t h e s a i d . s h a r e c er t if i ca t e s m a y * ¥ , and void * b e d e c la r e d n u l l I' , rf T o lc y o S u m m a r y C o u r t S o ta x o' H a k ^ n o ;M o ・3 7 3 , T o y o -d h i ,t o n o t i f y c e r t i f i c a t e s t o t h i s ' C o u r t b y 1 0 . '0 0 K in n o s u k e Iw a ta . * R a i ae k i Sa ka gu c M t h e -a n 'n ^ x e d s h e e t a x e ( A n n e x e d s h e e t s a b r i d g e d .'] H os o ka w a -m u r a . , H i .n o - g u n ' H y a g o - k e n H e i j ir o Gn o u e H o # 4 5 0 , A z a - J i o n j i , A a a k u r a - im i r a , I s o s 'h i r o r g u n ., N a y a - k e n M a s a $ I fi a r u y a m a H o . 15 0 9 , O a z a K a w a g o e ; K a w a g o e ^ s h i P u sa k i cM N ov8 Suzuk i K a m i a a k a n a - ra a c h i * O k a z a k i - a h i S e p t em b er 20 , 194 7 C l a i ra a n t E : Toyoji Ueda' N o ・2 6 , '' A z a - m i % & t e g u c h j . O h u s o m u ra . H a s a k u g u n , X s Ji i k a w & k e n 'o s a ft a S h o j i K .K . N o e S O * 2 - c h o iare , X m b a s h i , H i g a s h i - .k u , O s a k a - o >ii O toklohl Mori Y a s u h e i M t tr a tn a i s u 1 -3 9 7 3 , Y ol ka i c h i b a - m a c h i , 7 - 1 3 - g o , T a k e l ia r a , K o J i a m a - n ia c h I , ¥ Toshiki-gmi, September $ukui~ken •E•E•E•E•E!>•E•E Claimants Earuo Yoshimura e/o 22* 1947 ^ f M* ^akaizumi, Ghabu, : Jiksahuro Ikuta-nmxa, Haxada Ho 9sK) s Hir&©$aiisQ~&©ri , I?uku©lca~sM Asa-gun 8 Yamaguchi-ken Toshio Tokusabuxp l-No^AS, Iwata Ter&shina Bo•E1238, Aza~gochu, 0ku~machi , 2-ch.ome, Ka-tsusHika-ku, Ka&a-machi, Tokyo-to Hakashima-gun , Aichi-ken Kiyohachi Ini&i S-clio&e , Ghitose-maohi Kusanji lomuxa Ho46, No#17* , Hagftoka-shi Keigoiiondori,x ^ukuoka*s3ii ! - ' ' Nariiani \ H&kaao 1'f Bo128O, Ren Jimura Ho 22, 3ftiko-'gun9 Barogo *)cda 7 3-ciioiae, T&ral, feiaukaSojof V v' Oasa-Ji®j0, lKitaKawaohl-tun 8hijomv^a9 f ^Osalca-fu 3-chome ,Tei2;ukaYama]aaka? Sumiyoshi-ku, i Ejairvai Osaka-slii <' ^omei Ta&ashi ©n©v ' ' Kalsim1. machi f ckuo'~kuv Tp]qro Tsuguyoshi Oie Segoshi-mura, k% the instan'ce p:eisons,the cates Inuasa-gun beajrexs requested on the said May 15* In case annexed share sheet are their claims Court the to with date certificates notify and sub- the preceding fixedr the may be 'declared inhtl Vo i645 t< lrohomef &atsusM,ka-kUs No.6503, sheets Tolcyo abridged) c Bhl.baxoatarvuiohi Tokyo t ' >Shimazakl Fuehu-machi,, , Kitatama^gun, v* saicj null Haratetsu lo#59, ' Bdogstivaka Tokyo and void* (Annexed tttvujlro Sanesaburo of failure ^' 2-oh©mof /'Hirais by 1CKOQ 1948. by the '80,928, certlfi- and submit this in accordance ^paragraph s'haze to notify to , atooTemeiationed certificates certificates a,nu, the' of shown on the .hereby mit , o| , Ishik&iia-keii S-ummary Court TSn&o KK 6ch9mot ,Hon~ch© 3ffaka^kus !£& Hwayama Shoten Ho,iX2#, Iaka-ku N©*10, 3ffctsukfegeiaaohi 5-oliQme, Ser.fbashi, Yokohama- shi Ho 210$ Hol29 3-c-hoioe9 Ia^a3cu9 Eaigandorif Klkuko Yokohama- shi Sute&ichi 3fakaaatomachi OhajmMin&mi~machit ito ) f Mlimmt-3n% Ohira Io8O4t OaaaK&waomof At the If.o# 1445 V. ' , * -Hortnouchi ' ' oat@s Shino-Ka^vabe* of the bearers requested; abbrementioned of share sh@Wn on the hereby, Yamada 2-Ho#72f certificate1^ Hinode-saaehi* ' Shisuoka~shi9 *•E*•E', my ^ to notify tQ ihi lo#84 ^ 6taf . , chilmta^muray Sliizuoka;-keii ] ' > ^ of failure with toy the. date •Ebar* certificates c/o HaHe3ci-gunf (Aiinexe'd Oasa~Ogaira, sheets the preceding fix#d f 9 Hagano-ken 'Uo.lOt x5-chome At the Hlkoa'^-shi are 'Otsuki Ho*2087, Tpu, , of the requested on'the said the 1947 Sakura-maehi, , Tsu~shi abOYemeniioned of the 'share.cer- shown on the and submit 1, o ,Balcamura possessors hereby claims Koteki / Te tsushir instance tificates Siiritoashi* ' Maiunouchi p;exsonfthe Otsuki said Summary Court abridged) September Ha. 619 , JClyaftichi-Yamashita-machi Koichi the urn/ be, 'declared.null, | I"baragi-*k@n Soeda MJatsiamoto<slil sub* Isaa-mura,, Claimant; Tom-lzo ^ and and YotdU Hirose Z*S©ki the " to, notify Tolsyo Sttdaklohl submit ' paragraph Hamanaguaf claims by'10.00 14fl1948. mlt in accordance tahlda Court , are their and I- In,ea.a® Shiro bertifi- s>nnex%& sheets on the. said^certificates TaAakiebi shi Hiroshima-ken instano© personssthe , Hasraiaa-Biachij , Sakai- Toshimi mura* Onchogui*$ Arakawa S&kai-s&l Ho. 210fOfcpa~Mliiaml-igaahl Murayam 2Tbft81, Kb! Hikoae^shi , annexed to notify share sheet their, certificates same to this Court by 10*00 a.m., March Tn case 12, 1948* of failure ku, to notify Osaka-sM their Hiromitsu claims and submit the Koo35, cordance with the Hayashi same in ac- preceding Okada-hause, Okada-cho, paragraph Suz uka -slii by the date fixed, tificates the said may be declared null Tokyo (Annexed sheet share : the person, Kurnagai c/o )Kumagai, ate claims and submit 10.00 of the the In catie claims share 10, the date fixed, preceding said and (Annexed share null and void* Claimant: Court 20, 194? or 1948, and, preceding time fixed, may be declared Osaka Summary Court abridged) instance person,the Imadegawa-dori, Fishiixu, Kamikyo-ku, Shoteushita, and"submit the 194? Kumiai Yokogam- the February the said null store sheet notify their•E certificates this 'Court their same in accordance paragraph share by 1948* to notify the cex- annexed 23, of failure preceding the share same to and submit aboveinentioned of to said the a.m., claims with of requested on the be declared NisMnari- 3-chorae, shown on the hereby fixed, Yosiiisaki 21, Shinyo possessors In case ICakino, 2-cbome, at $he the the cho ,' Hiroshiioa-shi 10.00 Ky.o to-snl No.4, with Ko.770-1, 'tificates Makino Sermosuke 5, Hiroshima-shi .At the District abridged) Texa-machi, Court August certificates : Toraji submit void* sheets claims c/o claims to notify certificates by the said August Toyosuke this or before ,, are Claimants at are their August their same in accordance Tokyo (Annexed.sheet by' a.m., in accordance, •E Court tp certifi- sheets and of failure paragraph the to notify certificates 10.00 the of annexed certificates null certificates paragraph may be declared cer- their this the the said In case sheet to notify and submit on the submit aboYementioned 1948. of failure With share annexed same to a.m.,"May the to notify said requested before the possessors hereby Tokyo abovementioned of requested on the 3-chome of shown on the said Bq,17, shown on the hereby 194? Koto-ku, possessors tificates 3 instance persons'*,the Court cates- Eiko instance the At the abridged) Puruishiba, At and void. District September Claimant cer- cextificates by the date may and void* Otsu Summary Court (Annexed sheet abridged) his claim and certificate .> Claimant : August29, Toshikuni At the the ti floated are on the submit this the fails to cer~ failure to in accordance paragraph share by the date ^certificates sheets Claimants c/o preceding fixed., the said may be declared Kijoshi, 'Masataka c/o Court Ukyo-ku, Emiko 23, mot6 J8o454, Sadajixo Bogazuka, Kislii- Sumiyoslii-mura/ /Motoina-macM Hanazono, Ogaki-ahi ~ Kakinokizaka, Megux^o'-ku, Tokyo Jiyoto-shi Xsamn Miyazaki B'o70, la.kajnuxa-ku, ' the withNreference to described tbe possessor hereby public in of the the the said notified claimants r Omiya-iaachi, Tos'Mtaro abovementioned. for is 35agoya-shi Usui Ho•E902, requested cate X-chome* Ube-shi Yamada Bagoya-shi cates 194? Mismai Ichiro'Honjyuku No..8* 3-chome ,Hijie-cho, has Wo190, 1947* Banno Whereas Court - He$resentatiYe: Miyanobara9 abridged) Myoshinji, l/iizuho-lcu, -Court ' Syunkoin 3, No.12, Kishimoto Shitorn! Claimants: Sunomry' abridged) null Suiruoary September day, Kaiaizawa Kato Takinoshin sheet fixed : Shixo and Yoid, (Annexed 1948. and sub- the "Kyoto not may be declared July March.28* notify with May 4, by'the their certificates a.m., Court and void,. Sadao mit do,so Hyuga-ma-chi of a.m*, share sheet 1948, In case Local certificate (Annexed certificates share by 9*00 10,00 said Kagoya share annexed share said Court the to notify said than share null this abovemention'ed of requested he the Hyogo-ken the shown on the claims to of possessors hereby and 1-cborae , Yamashita- Akashl-ehi, instance person, If the to latex Umeda No*779, cho, 1947 submit No.630, 3aseho-shi Kabashiim Miike, Omuta-shi, Fukuoka-ken notification share attached shaxe that Gonno&uke certifi- No.1209, papier, Toyota-gun certifi- Whereas he report -5- Yooeda Shimotakeni, Takeni-mura, Hiroshima-ken the -abovementioned claimants .have requested fof with to reference described in possessors the share the attached of the said tes -axe'hereby Zenzo Murakami public-"notifications certificate papers, share notified the Kaku Tsuko certifica- that tfrey Tsukurai-cho, Hokkai^gun* Oita~keB shall / report the said submit the same to Jhis not If later they the than fail share share certificates 9.00 a.m., to do so by the , Ifunaki sheets fixed 1948. date, Yoshizo Claimants; ' Akizo c/o i , '' Hixota Tani YaekoIt© 0 Gnoda-siii •E CMyo-imchi, 1947 , Onodashi, Yaiaaguchi-.ken.* •E , , Kifoe'-muxa, Iamagucnl-k<sn Takexoatsu Kyuji 21, , Kikuicshi, , Asa-gun, Shim, August Takachiho^ku* Yamaguc hi -ke n Summary Court Yaw&te, ^ , YaBaa^uchi- Eawaguchi UshirQgata9 '* abridged) Onoda-shi ken may be declared toid. (Annexed March ll, Yosisioka Takasago-cfto, Summary Court, certificates nulland ShunicM and Shinzo SMnicixi Koyam I,o6(393,f Onoda,1 Minejixo Ito Ho.6362 Onodlai, X0noda-s3ii / tibe-ehl SMhozaki- O|ioda-siii8 Kusae, Ube-shi Y&maguclii Kazuko Shiixoz&'ki, Ha^ime' iCueae, Ube-shi 775, Toshio Siiioi Shozo Ishida Tozenji , Higashifuji^ra-mura, Sano,^ Akasaki-mura, Inben~gun f *ken Toyota Xkuishi-clio, Oita-shi Eisen-gun, Iwate-ken 'Wie-ken F ura i o S u z u k i Rijiro l< Koda ^Tawaxa-machi , Atsumi-gun, R i ic h i T a n a k a Isamu TacMbana ft Ta k e o O o ka Masao Fuwa n -6- Aichi-jcen * 10*00.a.m., Mfceab Mishida Bhinojuku* UreslilriOHsmr&i Fujitsu-* June% In case of 1948* failure to'notify his ( claim gun* Saga-ken MItsui Txust Court Co* Fuk-ao:ka Representative H©35 r : Misao Kamikoyaim-cho, Hir@shii®a~shi Hisat® Branch Makino and submit witb the date fixed, the preceding paragraph the may be declared Fukuok^-sM , Shiny® (Annexed Kumiai sheet certificates. null and void. abridged) September Claimants Keiko c/o have requested ^-or with t© the reference described, in 'the' possessors are shall report.the ^al^im&nts public share hereby x l , ;pa$ex8, aaid snaxe notified' said share this the certifi- that wAt the they person certificates' the, same to Court later than not toy 15, 1948* ' they date, the fall the to- do',so ' Odawara, ' null [ share and sheets e$rtl£l®mta$ to this August 27, instance person the of said possessor failure , is requested on the said, the annexed to notify ©hare share a.m., ! with the date may be declared fixed^ null cer- his sheet Claimants : Tanio Miki , Uo 530, 1 by -7- mxo8&iBia~i8hi and •E Summary Court aoridged) September sheet Court gaid' ; certificates same to 'this ori( to notify by the abovementioned of the the f in accordance check (Annexed ' , the shown on the and submit 1947 claims by io.OO paragraph ¥bM. Tenjin-cho tificates hereby court Sendai > *Hamamatsu~3hi At1the their kiyoko.Ximbaxa Ho.1004, check are1 hereby, and submit of the and submit , ' the ' sheet ,,' preceding Claimant: •E the abdvementioned annexed pheck In case Summary/Court abridged) T ' of the April26^1948. void-i , , Junaki ' ('Annexed of to notify said check ]' declared J MiyamachiN, possessors requested ainu* -^ fixed Office. SiiBtoja'xy 9#00 If fishery Higaahiura-cho, instance the 1947 Sendai~shi' shown on'the and submit Miyagi~ken No7, certificates 16, 2to Organization 'notification attached ©f the cates claim share )3~ch©me , Tokogawa-ckoV "Wherea® ethe abatement!oned maybe said Hamamtsu Summary Court Bir oshiiaa-shi the by the Qku Ho *1-770, ' by same in accordance 1,1947 ^ > Senda~machi, -1-ciioiae "' ', , Yoshiichi Mat^sui ] the Hoæf409-18 Kosafet, iFuBg-shi null 'At the instance persons, the set annexed of' tue forth hereto, the certificates in of the (Annexed their of hereby tificates and Court claims by 9.00 In ca^e submit the September 8, to notify and iroid request of date the Doomae "Mo.689 Kamliio-ohof Eitaro Boomae Ho*68, Kamino-olio, At the instance of the the possessors with person®, the cXaiaartta* sheets O^kayaaa, Suiwnary Court abridged) ' ~ certificates lists annexed the aaid^cextificates quested Claimants: > lobu September ' >r I* 194? to Court In case submit Cxonnosuke the Toheda ^ 38(Ha^)^Motoi~machi4, , At the persons, instance of the possessors last share certificates lists annexed the said said1 to set to this notify Court In case preceding the the of failure the N in the hereby a.m., to in -the possessors hereby on the and submit the by 10.00>a.1$,/ void the njay 8,194a of and with by the certificates same July to notify paragraph of re- claims same in accordance of date the fixed, be declared in accordance with the claimants•E Okayama Summary Court (Annexed sheets abridged) the July notifyof 'by the September on the- -same in accordance paragraph forth their re- claims and submit by 9.00' of of the possessors-of 'are their and request abovementioned forth hereto, certificates submit the certificates quested null Hiroshima-shi above-mentioned are of failure the said Qlc&yama-shi hereto,,."the certificates preceding \ 03cayaimsM set to notify this ' Kkjitani last sJaare said \ 1947 : Hisano fixed, may be declared 1 s '{Annexed' of.'and with in accordance tlie 1, 1948* by the certificates cer- same to'this July ' the said same, in accordance paragiaph said null a.m., of failure preceding the the the abridged) requested on the submit with claimants•E sheets Claimants to notify in accordance lists, possessors are and ¥oid may be declared Okayama Summary Court share the certificates request aboveffle&tiohecl possessors certificates said of the said Credit same Representative, 8,1948', Koboru and 7?0(Mo.1)f with date .Hiroshima the chome, fixed. At Q the instance 1; 1947 Association, of the above, Qlcu Yokogawa-ma^cM ,3mroshima-shi of the abovementioned person, the last certificates set annexed said possessor forth hereto, the certificates to notify in claims the submit the the said null and void of cer- with date the fixed, may be declared in accordance the with the claimants Okayama Summary Court J tAnnexed sheet abridged) Applicant: Zenzaburo of Law, having public notice and reminder to ceitificate the annexed hereto person to file to said the May 29, Applicants: o'Katsutaro -( t Seo Michio the of ownership the rigiit declared No.2, This lic to notice the District certificate annexed been no person ownership declared to ' ; abridged) , in to file respect forth in This jEoshii&a. No8 Aza-Kitayokkaichit; Iwayado-machi, said the having right the 1947, of public notice to certificate the annexed the 1947 Esashi-gun, , (, the an<i reminder set hereto said v< said the 12, in the of ownership right declared the certificates sheet forth respect the been the invalidation abridged) no to of applicant* District list on in accordance Tokyo (Annexed with having 1947, request'of made a and there certificate, the of the of Law, having to file September with certificate request Court person the certificate, of •E with the said with made a pub- and there 28, accordance applicants hereto on January invalidation 12, Akixa / , Asakusa~ku, set the Court September 2-chome , -'Mulcaiyanagl-. and reminder list the applicant* sheet Applicant: \ ' Toky o-$o of Law, having Court with jtshilcawa hara-m^chi T on of the in accordance Tokyo Seo ' U list been no invalidation certificate of the the having Iiw&te-ken c/o in and there ; ,' y Saburo- forth respeet 1947' Seo 'ToshiqSeo1.'- Biade a v with certificate, 1947, (AnnexeJ 28, set OF CERT IFICATES shi Court request JUDGEMENT FOR INVALIDATION ShintsuHaiaehi, JoyaiaaThis 1947 Koike Ho.618, said January Coua?4 May 29$ same to this by the certificates request said July 8, 1948. to notify of and paragraph sheet \ requested same An accordance preceding (Annexed ToJjfyo District abridged) of the on the and submit share list possessors Court by 9.00 a,riu, In case of failure T the axe hereby their tificates of the Court # N Applicants ' ' September 15, 1947 Hobu Sato1 /, Bo*1194, Sekimae, SCusashino- macM,.Kita-Tama-gun, This lie Court notice to the of Law* hating and reminder certificate annexed to file to said September Hitta, in the the of tmnership right list said been declared certificate the request of no Hunobiki TMs Court, notices on invalidation the of. in accordance the Applicant. Totyo (Annexed qheet iiitb, to -District Court the ,the ' ' , 199 \ Oaza-lfiwa, Ibi~gun, 6ifu-'ken'. , Court "notice to certificate the and reminder 'list annexed been xio persoh V •Eownership :clared set hereto to, the on September validation of accordance with ipplioant 'with the 19* the said the in (Annexed Hax'uehige lo,91 lists been of ownersMp declared- on ^ invalidation of in accordance ;abridged) right c/o 1 ' of ' District , - public notice Xuashtop ' in list annexed been no person the the certificate declared 1947 with applicant. the saia the request < Tan^o-mura, -10- sheet in there 21, tiie , hairing right of 1947, fche certificate abridged) Bistrlet > in ojf the ( Tok^o (Annexed respect certificate, on September of with the said ], ' made a, forth to file the f ,. OJcayama-siii and \ ' £0*1, set hereto to ' HXhon-XCangyoginko^ and reminder * to Invalidation , 1947; of 'Law, hairing in- Court 19, September'21, Uendnaà¬M, ^ TMs Couxt the of ' ' Oaza-Kukii, xight 03cayajaa~shiten, abridged) Osawa haTing the 'Tetsuo ownership , the of the' applicants•E , the certificate request •E' accordance Applicants: 1947, sheets haying 1347*, September the the.request Applicants * sheet in certificates respedt. certificate,de-_ Tpkyo (Annexed m and1 there said forth to , forth to file respect certificate®, 19, said with, there file made public; Tokyo' District'Court Ibi-machi, pf Law,.ha? public to said ' This and 1947 Haxuo Hos,ono> Ho.596, set heieto September abridged) of Law9 Imping certificates with / Aichi-ken , Wakayama-shi and reminder no person ' September vApplicants ' Anabe-gun, 9 li&TOguehi Ho.246, annexed the Oaza-Sakanakaohi Toshiyama-miira Tgunekichi hairing the Ho.491, Tokyo and there 1947, Kat© respect forth certificate, 15, Kenichi made a pui>' with set hereto person the Kodazna-guft , ' Sai taiia~kem Court ; % September Applicant:.Tetsuo 2*o l,r of I*aw, having public notice and reminder to the certificate list annexed been no person set hereto Satalce 22, the the f ship certificate of Law, baling certificates to file the said on,.September of the of the respect forth the said having right'of 1947* lists been owner- 'certificates, 23, to in the "and there to made public with set hereto no peison the' Ur&m-sM and reminder annexed - request Court notices of 1947, said with right Ryoke, Tiiis having certificate, * declared the invalidation' certificate's'in accbrdance l r with Tokyo (Annexed sheet Applicant: ( %oz® This \ Court public the ann'exed been no person ownership 'declared to $hi, accordance applicant set hereto the the said with witla TMs Court in,the h&ving lie notice of the certificate said the 1947, annexed the , certificate request of abridged) Kaj,ii and hereto to file to said the September the with Court of"Law, person ,of the District 1947 1m, Tokyo*to respect right 25, c/o $* Taftlguchi; Ho#63, "'Aiw^nos;u-EiacM , Katsushika- certificate, 22, the Court abridged) JTumisSo made k , £b$yt3a file Applicant:. ; and there to Bistiict ,> ' v , sheet sheets applicants* September Imping Tokyo (Annexed 1947 Momogo ,. Numazu* and tem±n&e$ of 22* S3aizuo^a*rken on September1 imr&li<*ation Tokyo (Annexed •E-2*795, certificate list of the Toffio.ta oif ;Law, notice the,'request Couit September,: 1-1-ITo 1 District abridged) ,v in Yo@3aisuK@ Hd508 applicant. 'to, ^ , HIxata-macM , Mieken. respect in the the said of the in accordance with and there on September invalidation made a forth to file to the declared , pijce SusLukarsM , Okayama* 1947 * Qourt ownership - ' Jutaku-62-g© ten , - "23, : TosMoKatsuta o-ginkd"* Ueno~niachi :shi *r Applicants NJJhonlcangy Okayam-Shi y September 1947,, Ivaahiro q/q This 22, the reminder- there hairing the right of _u- sheet the of the abridged) in the to list been ownership declared . ( Tokyo (Annexed respeqt and certificate •E With forth 1947, request made a1 pub-1' set certificate, 25, said having on invalidation in accordance applicant. District Court , - no September Applicants ; 25, 1947 (. Taraau Sasaki c/o K, Sasaki, Io,lX36 A-c^ome, Matsufcara-mcM , Setagaya-ku, person to file the to said certificates, a.Hi, September the invalidation of in accordance 0a#a machi, and there 10*00 Tokyo Roku Kobayashi Ho.810, azmezed.hereto HjgashixnacM, Suzuka-gun, applicants Kameyama- ,fe&ylng right been of ownership declared 25, the s^id v/ith no the on 1947, the certificates request of the * Tokyo Mie-ken (Annexed sheets district Court abridged) Pukum&tsu Fukuda Bo5, 3-ohome, Ktidan, Chiyoda-ku, September Tokyo-to Applicants- IcMxo Haxada Ho.20, 1-chome, v, HanHoachi, . Saikichl ( ' Iruma-gun, Ko$<-3, Ken Eoxie Aiko Ikecia, 'BiBlosLno-^u, JNo.Xl , Momozorio-xnfcchi, Tokyo-to Benkoji, t&aia-gun, Ho.;9p, Tawa-mura, Toicyo-to Sukesaburo ^Mi.sono, Ota-ku8 Yamamoto "Bo*267, Detitoa-ciio,.Ok&zaici-sM No.2'67, Itenma-cho, ( Tomi, Toda No.2343', i 2-chome, Tokyo-to I. ' Sugamxa Sai taroa-ken c/c 9, Minami- Keizo •E Yamamoto Ho.267, ttelaara Demma-cho, .SasMchi Sanjoms.ch4, Ok&z'aki-ehi Okazaki-shi Ishifcawa As^a-sM 3^o•E20, Seido-machi, Ashiya-sM Axao YosMmuxa No.609, Hanada-chp, Toshisabuxo KurasMki-shi, No.224* Cta.yama ~ken On© / Oaza-Sanya, Kitakochi-gup, Maik&ia-racJu OsaJca-fu Kurizo Niioka No.1291, Asam-cho, Hideroa Gotoh Hiroshima-ehi Ho•E1065, Tokyo Enpitsu No.ll , 2-chbme, Daito-ku, This notices the Cour.t Kogyo Yamagate-gun, Yanagibashi, Shunji of Law, havirtg set Iwami-aiux*, ciifu-ken Asakusa, Tokyo-to and reminder certificates Kumiai Pukutomi, Yashikl~No,36b, made public with lespect forth in the t>one Hyogo-ku-, to lists Eiichi -12- Kanda-macM, Kobe-sM Km^xi 1947 ' , ' Ho#1^07, 0aza~Ni8hit Eiokiso-mura, ' Minami-kochi~>gun Applicants Osaka-fu' : 1 Shinzo Hirano Ko.90, JunkichI ku Katsudaira NisMSieisha, Kitashiro, Nagaoka~jnura, Fuoi-gun , foyaioa-ken ' S-chome, ,^ Otana-xo^chi, Chigusa- Hagoya-slii Senzo Kurimoto Hoi560, Oassa-Fucim, Fuchu-inacW , KayaeMna^gun , Hi-XosMma-ken KabueMkikaisha-Kobeginko Ho#56, ' KaniwQLHBnachi't HirosM Ikuta-ku c/o Kobe-shi KabusM kikaislia Jr Ho*56, A Kitto-Kogyo-^busMkikaisha K<k2, Y. Hanina-mcM, Kobe-shi Ikuta-ku, Tokyoto Shlka ' Sano Ifo•E170 4-ciiome, Shinjuku-ku, Ka biishi ki lcai s ha -Eo lsegliilc© Ko&6# Haniwa-isachi K©foe-shl - Kobe-shi public spect , Court notices to of Law,-towing and reminder the certificates in the lists annexed having been no person of ownership,to declared Ikuta-ku, aet said on September 9, of the tsaid invalidation in accordance v/ith the re- forth and to file the K Tanatat lo•E2088f 2-^dliome 'KatBushik^-kUji.Tokyo-to Yamda c/o Tanaadftke'n8liin'-Tolcyo , So10.2a Shimnei-chb the.right certificates 1947t Takafttmi Kotani Ho#67, there j imu8ho Sugihami-k,ut ' ' 4~e3aosne , Yataanaka-jnachi , Enuma-gun , lelxikawa-ken Ka^uo Sussiiki Sasalmra, the guii, SMmo-ICawatBU-mwra. , Kamo- 'Shizuoka-ken certificates reqiiest of the Kanjiro Bo,2367, applicants. fOno 'Miyuara^ Haga-o-machi, ) TolQfo (Annexed } made ' with, heyeto t T&naka Norilko ' SMmo0cMai, Tolsyci-to Kana-iaaciii; HaniWHpacMv This c/o- ' ' 10BiBU8hl'ki]fiai8ha-K6beginko Ho.56', Denzo Xkuta-ku, , Kanda-Toyauaa-m&cM, Chiyoda- ku, -iCo beginko Yatsugi sheets District Court- abridged) Asakuclii-gun S'oshichi No.137, September, 16, 1947 , ' OkayjEuna-'Icen Teuyama Kadota-Yaahiki, Otayama-BM Fusalco Miixaliashi U0.319,5, in 'Eitaizumi-wachi, Suita-shi, Imying Osaka-fu Sei ichi the,list annexed hereto before '1,0/00 been/ September IS, the ofN'ownership right 1947, and there a.m # no.pexso.n to to file the Ho•E315, 5choine, certificates KamiNakashimaHOiaclii tfagaoka-ehi,.Biiga.ta-ken and t©.present declared ' i.' on September invalidation. Hideho Taneda No.50, 2~chome, Taito~ku, Okachi-mchi, them, 13, 1947, of the said acQOX&ance with the request applicant * (Annexed sheet Tokyo~to Hiroshi ' Aka"bane of the Tokyo Applicant: YaBunoya^mchi . CMkaia &©hokuku, ; Court notices of Law;, annexed hereto -no'person to to the having set and' file on September the, the respect' forth in there to certificates lasts' list been Tokyo ' annexed no person ship ' 16, quest Court public apect Court notice to the( declaxed the IS, Ni8hisawa( Uo35# Kameyam, / xe.xnindex Shikaxna-- cextifi,cates set reforth, 18, 3947, of owner-. 'and to, oh' September of accordance with the said the re- applicant* Kobe 'District sheet Court abridged) Applicant: i.' September Toyozo Ualcano •E Ho Toko'ta* proxy•E 12, 6-chome,Kita' 4 ikQ-dor1,'Nisiil-^u, made a with right invalidation ! ]sTo*ll, having having 'June' ^ Himejl-Bhi of Law, ,and X947\ the certificates 1 Tamino ku This s&id abridged) September Applicants the xpBpe'Qt forth-in and' 'there to file o,f the 1(Annexed 'with a.ww, certification applicants*1 ' made a reminder set them* 1947, firing' hereto to 1;he p£e&ent in-valiaation District 'and be^n,/before.10.00 In accordance o'f the sheets to declared certificates ,o£ Law notice of-owner- 'the Court t^he KatsuBMIca-ku/ -Tolcyo^to public 'public the liairlng right 1947% request •E(Annexed iriade certifiestes 16,' said, This with ,'the said1 ' ', , ' •E and, reminder with 1947 Watanabe Stoimo'komtsu- . '-No •E1SS1, jomelii* Kikuna-machi* Yokohama-sfa:JL , This Maeaeuke , Toyanaa-Bhi O.kamura ' No•E114, of ,168 Ijaoue No261, ship Court abridge&i September Yoshl the certification Kobe District No. 37,Kotaki-machi,Kakano-ku, the said' 'Samuka-wa *' 1947 HoxieOsaka-ehi the applicant*® ^ This tlo'n Court of Lav* ^having ,made a public notice and reminder irith'respect to the list annexed hereto been, before 1947* no person ownership to present set 900 to the them,, :forth in and there a.m., dance the request Judge having to file the of said certificates right 'certificates and imralida< /,. Jt .A -15'- sheet abridged) applicant. $*odaf of Takaimtsu (Annexed in accor- of the Danshiro 10, the with said the Septembei declared of the Summary Court, Summary Court