Report Review of the Quality Management System 2014
Report Review of the Quality Management System 2014
Report Review of the Quality Management System 2014 1 INTRODUCTION This Report seeks to summarize all the work done to ensure the continuous development of the quality. In order to have a guideline it makes an analysis of what was done under each of the actions of the Quality Development Plan. It is also dedicated a large space to the results obtained and to its comparison with the results achieved in 2013. The results allow us to state that the year 2014 in which the results remain generally positive trends. This was a year of consolidation of work processes and a year when did not happen significant changes in the quality management system, either at the level of working procedures or at the level of instruments and control mechanisms. The year 2014 was an important year in ASSOL´s life having been a dedicated an effort and a special attention to the celebrations of the 25th anniversary. 1 - MONITORING OF THE QUALITY DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2013-2016 We begin this review report of the quality management system by the balance of the activities foreseen by the Quality Development Plan 2013-2016, with reference to each one of the actions, we started to summarize their status performance, which corresponds to the monitoring done by the Technical Board at the end of 2014. Improvement Date of the Date of Situation beginning To optimize the indicators list in the Quality Manual and the registration tables in the database Creation of indicators to measure the impact of ASSO’s activity the end at Situation the end of end of 2013 2014 at 2013 2013 Concluded Concluded 2013 2013 Concluded Concluded the Concluded Some M To improve the evaluation of the training impact 2013 2014 Not initiated KPI associated Training Plan 2 were to the In order to improve the measurement mechanisms of the empowerment and participation 2014 2015 Not initiated Elaborate To review the surveys to stakeholders In order to provide training to employees on Person Centred Planning and on Gentle Teaching To create a procedure for welcoming new employees 2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 Initiated the The families’ survey to the satisfaction families evaluation was done Training Days 2013 Training Days Person Centred Planning course Not concluded Not initiated It was created a new To reformulate book 3 - Vocational training 2014 2014 working version of Not initiated work and new reference To review the Procedures Manuals -2ª edition of book 8 Initiated 2013 2014 Needs – to Needs to be ended be ended The appliance was To publish a Manual for Inclusion (school) 2014 2015 Not initiated made but not concluded To complete the implementation of the public procurement code 2013 2014 To organize specific training for the internal audits group It was made to all the in several mandatory situations purchases To publish a manual on the Person Centred Planning Already applied 2013 2013 2015 2013 The draft was initiated 2013 2016 book published. was «People Centred Supports» Performed in Concluded 2013 /25h 12 Annual performance of internal audits The audits performed in Internal audits were performed in all units 2013 To perform in each year four benchmarking actions 2013 2015 In 2013 it was Were exceeded than 4 It developed Annual review of the quality development process 2013 2015 was a It made was more made the Report Review report of the Of the process review Management in 2013 System. 3 Quality Review of the Mid Term Plan To review the Quality Manual (self-evaluation) To prepare the application for the EQUASS renewal certification 2015 2015 Not initiated 2015 2015 Not initiated 2016 2016 Not initiated To be performed in 2015 To be performed in 2015 To be performed in 2016 1.2 - INDICATORS LIST In the year 2014 we opted not to introduce new indicators to enable consolidation and implementation of the amendments to the list of indicators in 2013. The collection made together with the participant organizations shows that there is still a wide variety of indicators and metrics. However, no new indicators appeared that would justify a change to the list made in 2013. 1.3 - REVIEW OF PLANNING INSTRUMENTS AND REGISTRATION In 2014 it continued the work of revising the Procedures Manuals, in particular Book 8 and Book 3 - Vocational Training having been several reviews of the Recording instruments detailed below. NEW IRS ASSOL´s CLASS CREATED IN 2014 In this class there was only created IR / 37 / ASSOL / 1 VOLUNTARY AGREEMENT IRS REVISED BOOK 2 - EARLY INTERVENTION IN CHILDHOOD AND CRI / INTEGRATED PROJECT Under the TVA and Self-Determination / Gulbenkian project, it was started the process of developing a Procedures Manual on TVA that should result in a manual for schools. It is expected to be published 3,000 copies. The work basis are the procedures for TVA, as described in Book 2 - Early Childhood Intervention and CRI / Integrated Project, which will undergo some adjustments to allow their widespread use in all schools. One of the innovations was the need for regular measurement of families’ satisfaction. For this purpose were created in 2014 two new IRs: IR / 12 / PI / 1 – EVALUATION SURVEY OF THE FAMILIES´SATISFACTION 4 IR / 01 / IPI / 1 - EVALUATION SURVEY OF THE FAMILIES´SATISFACTION BOOK 3 - VOCATIONAL TRAINING At the end of 2013, following the evaluation of its functionality and usefulness, of benchmarking actions performed and some recommendations of the IEFP, there were performed several changes that would be implemented in 2014, setting a relevant change of the procedures that will justify an renovation of the entire Procedures Manual of Vocational Training to be materialized in the future. It has already come into use the general renovation of the Registration Tools, namely: - CONTRACT – IR / 01 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 01 / FP / 2 There were adjusted some aspects in the wording of the contract, being the contract itself to contemplate the informed consent for the use of personal data (Clause 6), and to clarify the Contract Termination conditions (Clause 10). - PROFILE OF SKILLS - IR / 02 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 02 / FP / 2 Given that this document prior knowledge of skills / abilities of each student, it was drawn up together between the trainer of the base component and technology, there is now only one document that gathers the areas previously covered in two profiles. - PROFILE OF SKILLS OF TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION - IR / 03 / FP / 1 - it is no longer used - BASIC TRAINING PROGRAM - IR / 04 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 04 / FP / 2 - TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING PROGRAM - IR / 05 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 05 / FP / 2 The programs now have a quantitative evaluation field (0 to 20) and a combined field of hours given in each UFCD, which allows at the end to report these data either for the preparation of certificates, and for the evaluation table. - SUMMARIES OF BASIC TRAINING - IR / 06 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 06 / FP / 2 Small adjustments of functioning - definition of all UDCD in the summary table. - BASIC TRAINING ATTENDANCE - IR / 07 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 07 / FP / 2 Changing only in the headline - PROTOCOL - IR / 08 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 08 / FP / 2 Small drafting adjustments - TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION SUMMARIES- IR / 09 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 09 / FP / 2 5 Changing only in the headline - TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING ATTENDANCE - IR / 10 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 10 / FP / 2 Add a field for notes - BASIC TRAINING EVALUATION FORM - IR / 11 / FP / 1 - is no longer used - MONITORING AND EVALUATION FORM- IR / 12 / FP / 1 - remains - SELF EVALUATION FORM- IR / 13 / FP / 2 - remains - GLOBAL TRAINING EVALUATION FORM - IR / 14 / FP / 1 becomes IR / 14 / FP / 2 This IR has significantly changed, becoming more functional, and allowing finishing the year with a quantitative global evaluation of both the basic training and technological training - resulting from the evaluation of the PIF also introduced. This information is then used in the preparation of the certificates. It also allows, in the evaluation of the first half (July) recording a review of the relevant aspects for the following half. - REGISTRATION FORM - IR / 01 / ASSOL / 1 - maintains - CHARACTERIZATION FORM - IR / 02 / ASSOL / 1 - maintains - INFORMED CONSENT - IR / 02A / ASSOL / 1 - is no longer used - MEETING NOTICE- IR / 03 / ASSOL / 1 - maintains - REGISTRATION OF MEETING - IR / 04 / ASSOL / 1 - maintains - SESSION PLAN - new IR / 17 / FP / 1 This IR was introduced for the first time, resulting in a demand made by DGERT. It allows you to set work goals for each session, for UFCD. - DECLARATION OF WITHDRAWAL - new IR / 16 / FP / 1 This new IR allows, in withdrawal situation, the trainee to confirm that claim, stating the reason. - GLOBAL SELF EVALUATION OF THE FP- new IR / 15 / FP / 1 Replacing the evaluation by UFCD, which previously was held in the PIF and in which the degree of difficulty of the trainees to achieve the outlined goals to evaluate and confront, was high, it was created this new IR, where the trainee records what he learned in each competence and make an global evaluation of the year. IR / 15 / FP / 1 – EVALUATION SURVEY OF THE FAMILIES’ SATISFACTION Given the need to evaluate the families’ satisfaction it was created a new IR which will be applied only in situations where there is a relevant connection with the family of the trainees. 6 BOOK 4 - CAO The IR / 01 / CAO / 3 - SUPPORT AGREEMENT has been changed in its point II Individual Development Plan To measure the families’ satisfaction it was created the IR / 10 / CAO / 1 EVALUATION SURVEY OF THE FAMILIES’ SATISFACTION BOOK 5 - FORUM The IR / 01 / FORUM / 3 - SUPPORT AGREEMENT has been changed in its point II Individual Development Plan To measure the families’ satisfaction it was created the IR / 10 / FORUM / 1 EVALUATION SURVEY OF THE FAMILIES’ SATISFACTION BOOK 6 – SHELTERED HOME It was changed the IR / 01 / LAR / 3 - SUPPORT AGREEMENT in its point II - Individual Development Plan 1.4 - IMPROVING EVALUATION OF THE TRAINING IMPACT In the Training Plan 2014 were included three goals, whose compliance may have a direct relationship with the continuous training: 1 – To achieve the level of renewal of the planned activities in the units activities plans 2 – To ensure global satisfaction levels of the staff above 90% 3 - To comply the legal requirements The three goals were successfully overcome. 1 - To achieve the level of renewal of the planned activities in the units activities plans - It was achieved a renewal rate exceeding 10% which was the goal. 2 - To ensure global satisfaction levels of the staff above 90% - The global staff satisfaction was 90.91% 3 - To comply the legal requirements in what regards to continuous training - The average hours of training undertaken per employee was 41.38 hours, far above the 35 hours recommended by the legislation. 7 The evaluation of the Training Plan and of each of the activities performed allowed the gathering of the following data (using a scale of 1 to 4): - The Effectiveness of Training - evaluated by the performance evaluation teams - was 3.76 - The average of the training self-evaluation held (quality and interest) - was 3.75 - The average of the training evaluation (quality and interest) held by staff and made by the performance evaluation teams was 3.65 1.5 - REVIEWING THE SURVEYS TO STAKEHOLDERS Satisfaction surveys to families: It was applied in the Integrated Project and in CAO and created mechanisms for their evaluation in other units. 1.6 - ENSURING THE STAFF TRAINING ON THE PERSON CENTRED PLANNING AND ON THE GENTLE TEACHING In 2014 the Person Centred Planning and the Gentle Teaching become again a topic of the Training Days and these were one of the issues and continue to be worked out in the teams meetings. In September, a two-day course on the Person Centred Planning was held for younger employees. In late September it was organized a week of training for assisting the hired employees for TVA Project - Gulbenkian where these issues were also dealt with. 1.7 - REVIEWING OF THE PROCEDURES MANUALS – DOING THE 2nd EDITION OF BOOK 8 The established procedures and activities are in use but it was considered appropriate not to close its edition to accommodate some new suggestions that may emerge in 2015. 8 1.8 - PUBLISHING A MANUAL FOR INCLUSION (SCHOOL) The Gulbenkian Foundation has not approved the project so it was not accomplished. Although it may be held something similar according to other project already ongoing. 1.9 - CONCLUDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC HIRING CODE In 2014 all the procedures that would be necessary to open were made following the Public Hiring Code. Significant advances have been made in regard to the purchase of goods and services. It was duly formalized the purchase of fuels, of the canteen management services, cleaning, communications, medicine and safety at work and others. 1:10 – Publish A HANDBOOK ON PERSON CENTERED PLANNING It was released in November the book "People Centred Planning” 1:11 - ORGANIZE SPECIFIC TRAINING FOR THE INTERNAL AUDITORS GROUP It was completed in 2013 1:12 - ANNUAL PERFORMANCE OF INTERNAL AUDITS There were performed 14 internal audits covering all units. It was decided to change the date of the audits from October to May. In the year 2014 were carried out between 20 and 29 October, internal audits covering: CAO OFR, CAO SPS, FORUM OFR, FORUM SPS, Vocational Training, Early Intervention, RI; Sheltered Home, Activities Functions Support and the Management Support Functions. In no audit were found nonconformities. However it was decided to anticipate the internal audits from October to May and to introduce some improvements in the sample of the processes to analyse. In the year 2014, ASSOL was a POPH audit object, not being flagged nonconformities but there were indicated opportunities for improvement at the level of the technical teaching process and some IRS - already implemented (see section 1.2), in the process nothing was marked. In 2014 were subject of the Social Security monitoring: 9 CAO 1 - 06/11/2014 nothing identified CAO 2 - 11/06/2014 nothing identified FORUM OF - 06/11 /2014- nothing identified LAR - on 10.23.2014 - where were flagged two non-conformities: - Absence of documents relating to the licensing of the institution by the CM - problem that drags due to the non-definition of the legal framework and for having the understanding that because of the age of the building, the licensing is not required. - Lack of updated hygiene and health inspection certification documents issued by the health authority - Absence of the certification of security conditions issued by the national authority of civil protection - the project was elaborated but we do not know the procedures within the Civil Protection Authority 1:13 - CARRY ON EVERY FOUR YEAR BENCHMARKING ACTIONS - Benchmarking Group - FORMEM In 2014 ASSOL maintained an active participation in the FORMEM Benchmarking Group, which this year functioned as a real group of data exchange and discussion of approaches, ways to deploy this approach, indicators and results achieved. The work produced by the group including lists of indicators used by the participants, are published in 2014FORMEM books. Within this group we participated in all meetings, from which we leaves a little note. Although all the participating organizations support people with disabilities it is verified that in central points we use different approaches, such as: - Recognition of motivation policies for employees. - Performance evaluation - Treatment of suggestions and complaints, - Training of employees and measuring their impact - Advocacy concept and considered actions - The assessment of the stakeholder’s satisfaction - Prevention and abuse, violence and neglect - Person-centred Planning - What are innovation and its measurement? From this discussion we could conclude that many practices stem from the history of the organizations and it will be neither possible nor desirable to align them. 10 At the meeting in APACI, Barcelos on January 10, 2014 the issue under consideration was the Principle 2 - Human Resources / Employees. The biggest arguments and disagreements in approaches happen in issues related to the performance evaluation, recognition policies of merit and in the satisfaction evaluation. Performance evaluation is a procedure already installed in organizations although none has the negotiation experience of a document as our Individual Responsibilities Assignment Agreement. The attribution of some sort of compensation, taking into account the evaluation, in is a matter some organizations have experimented, but there is no consensus on this. The continuous training was reported by some organizations as an employees’ recognition mechanism, giving more opportunities to those with the best ratings. The annualized average of hours of training carried out by ASSOL’s employees are of the highest among the participating entities. As for the assessment of satisfaction, the way we apply it was subject of some criticism for not guarantee anonymity and for not be voluntary. But the alternative models were not sufficiently attractive to warrant a change. On the 7th of March 2014 at the meeting in ARCIL in Lousã, principles 3 and 4 were discussed: Rights and Ethics One of the issues is related to the mechanisms that allow people served to know and t exercise their rights. In what concerns the level of information, there aren’t much different solutions from ours. In the exercise of rights level there are several entities that have created several forms of self-organization of people served, e.g. self-representative groups. By the practices that have been reported this issue will be well secured by the processes and negotiation of the supports and by the meetings with the people served in each unit. The effort that each entity performs to promote the effectiveness of the rights to what we call advocacy proved to be subject to multiple interpretations. A separator line was to consider advocacy the support given to problem solving that goes beyond the contracted services, including help for the person to have access to public services in their community: health, justice, finance, social security, etC… On this topic it would be made a benchmarking specific action with CERCIAG. 11 The principle of ethics is general respect for the personality and individuality of each of the people served. The concern of the organizations is reflected in the attention that is put in situations such as breach of confidentiality, the security conditions and the provision of services with strong care on ethical aspects. Also in this principle, although there are interesting experiences in other organizations, ASSOL’s results and situations compare very well with best practices. We believe that the fact we use People Centred Planning and Gentle Teaching as methodologies, give ASSOL a big advantage on these principles. Meeting notes held on May 9, 2014, in CERCIVAR in Ovar. There were discussed 5 and 6: Partnerships and Participation The establishment of partnerships with other community organizations is a present policy in all organizations. The number of partnerships emerged as an obvious indicator although it requires a clarification of the concept of partnership and a clearer classification of the different types of partnerships. Our number of partnerships and the percentage of people served who maintain interactions with partner organizations continue to be comparatively high. One of the indicators for evaluating the satisfaction of partners reported by other entities was also the renewal partnerships rate. Regarding Principle 6 - PARTICIPATION it appears that Person Centred Planning is itself a great guarantee of the participation and empowerment of people served by putting themselves in a situation that we consider forefront. 11th of July 2014, in APPACDM of Viseu. Principles 7 and 8 were discussed: Person Centred Approach and Effectiveness ASSOL on the principle of the person-centred approach is a step forward and it can managed to provide supports directed to the dreams and desires of people and focused on creating the future desired by each person. Many others entities are still at a stage where the content of the PDIs is decided by the technicians as a result of the evaluations it conducts and there are cases where the PDIs follow a pre-established list of goals - in some cases following an electronic platform. 12 In the principle of comprehensiveness, ASSOL is well placed because it can have no waiting lists and the dispersion of the supports at different locations makes people not to make longer trips than people in the region to get to school or to their jobs. In CERCIGUI – Guimarães, 03 October 2014 were analysed 9 and 10 Orientation for the Results and Continuous Improvement These two principles revealed major difficulties, first to find indicators that show the achieved results and as for the continuous improvement to define what is considered an improvement or what it can be assumed as innovation. The stakeholders’ satisfaction always appears as one of the key performance indicators. Nevertheless, it was clear that there was no better formula than the others to collect these data. The development of continuous improvement plans is a widespread practice, although it has different names and forms. It was discussed the way to make the collection and processing of the suggestions, having ASSOL a relatively simple scheme that counteracts with who collects everything including small suggestions in everyday life. The use of the meetings of the teams and the people served and the support negotiating moments as strong moments of collecting the suggestions, makes the suggestion boxes to have received only two suggestions in 2014. The question of innovation is very delicate because all organizations - such as ASSOL like to say that they are innovative but there is a risk to misunderstanding continuous improvement with innovation. Our indicator that measures "The number of hours of training carried out to third parties," may be a good innovation capacity indicator because it measures the perception that the community has from ASSOL as an entity that generates knowledge and innovation. This number has been growing consistently. Benchmarking action with AFID We held a meeting on June 2, 2014 and we updated the comparable list of indicators that had been worked in 2012 and its five years update. There were discussed the changes of the lists of indicators of the two entities. In general it is found that the indicators of the two entities are globally aligned although there are profound differences in the size and in the developed activity. 13 Benchmarking action with CERCIAG An ASSOL group moved on 9th April to CERCIAG with the objective to compare the ASUS made by people served in CAO as well as to understanding the definition of the advocacy actions. We conclude that CERCIAG maintains a more restrictive interpretation of ASUS activities being their number and greater diversity in ASSOL. As for the advocacy, we found to be difficult to display a common understanding. 1:15 - ANNUAL REVIEW OF QUALITY DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Priorities Quality Development Plan for the Year 2015 Taking into account the work done in 2013 and in 2014 the state of the different actions of the Quality Development Plan the following table summarizes the status of each action and the work to be done in 2015. Improvement Date End begining Situation at Work to do the end of in 2015 2014 Concluded Optimize the list of indicators in the Quality Manual and the registration 2013 2013 2013 2013 - tables in the Database Concluded Creation of indicators to measure the impact of ASSOL’s activity associated M Improving the assessment of the training impact 2013 2014 indicators to Choose the Training indicators Plan Initiated Refine the empowerment measurement and participation mechanisms Review the surveys to stakeholders 2014 2015 2013 2014 Do this study The assessment of - 14 households' satisfaction Done Training Days Provide training to the employees on Person centred Planning and on Gentle 2013 2015 Teaching Person Gentle centred Teaching Planning Study groups Course Create a procedure for welcoming new employees 2014 2015 Initiated Elaborate a Not concluded guide It was created Redesigning Book 3 – Professional Training a new working 2014 2014 version and a new Republish Book 3 benchmarking Review the Procedures Manuals -2nd edition of Book 8 Publishing a manual for inclusion (School) To enclose 2013 2014 2014 2015 Republish the Book 8 The appliance Complete the was made but planned not concluded manual on TVA Gulbenkian project Complete the implementation of the public hiring code 2013 2014 Was made for To apply in all mandatory necessary situations situations Book edited. Edit a manual on The Person Centred Planning 2013 2015 Person Centred - Planning Organize specific training for the group of internal auditors 2013 2013 Performed in 2013 /25h Performed Annual internal audits 2013 2016 the internal audits in all the units Perform in each year four benchmarking activities 2013 2015 There were - Grupos made more Formem 15 Annual review of the quality development process Review of the Midterm Plan To review the Quality Manual (selfevaluation) To prepare the application for the EQUASS renewal certification 2013 2015 than 4 - CRIA It was made a Do a report on report of the the quality quality system system 2015 2015 Not initiated To initiate 2015 2015 Not initiated To initiate 2016 2016 Not initiated To initiate 2 - RESULTS OBTAINED IN 2014 AND ITS COMPARISON WITH THE YEAR 2013 (when there are no comparable data it is marked with a n) The ASSOL’s effectiveness indexes and of the units created in 2013, had in 2014 the evolution that the tables below show. Effectiveness index value ASSOL’s Effectiveness index Effectiveness index of the Units 2013 2014 90% 97,5% 2013 2014 Early intervention 93,75% 100% Integrated project /CRI 93,75% 87,5% (a) Vocational Training Centre 90,63% 93,75% Occupational Activities - SPS 98% 95,9% Occupational Activities – CAC - 1 94% 93,88% Occupational Activities – CAC – 2 n 93,88% 16 CAO – SPS 97,5% 95% CAO – CAC 100% 92,68% 97% 91,2% Sheltered Home a) The reduction of specialized professionals occurred in the schoolyear 2013/2014 had as a consequence a performance lower than the predicted. N – In 2013 it wasn’t calculated autonomously We can see that the effectiveness indexes are in higher levels and very similar comparing the year 2013. The tables below make the comparison of the obtained results in the several indicators on each EQUASS principle. PRINCÍPIO 1 – LIDERANÇA P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 1.1.1 Índice de Eficácia da ASSOL (Grau de aproximação aos objectivos 90 2014 97,5 estatutários) 1.1.2 Taxa sobre esforço da ASSOL para assegurar oportunidades de inclusão 109,32 107,62 social às pessoas da região de Lafões (média do sobresforço realizado na CAO e FORUM) 1.2.1 Grau de concretização das ações previstas no PDQ para o ano 100 1.2.2 Nº de reuniões das Equipas Técnicas onde se fez estudo e reflexão crítica 147 80 171 sobre o Planeamento Centrado na Pessoa e a Pedagogia da Interdependência. 1.3.1 Média de sugestões para atividades dadas pelas p.a (CAO e FORUM) 1,26 1,04 integradas no respetivo acordo de apoio (Capacidade das pessoas apoiadas influenciarem a planificação dos apoios) 1.3.2 Taxa de participação das famílias e outras partes interessadas nos 81,08 74,63 questionários de avaliação dos serviços. 1.3.3 Grau de satisfação das famílias com comunicação recebida da ASSOL 90,75 1.4.1 Nº de participações em organismos da comunidade onde ASSOL está 23 88,25 49 representada 1.4.2 Nº de referências na comunicação social 25 109 17 1.4.3 Participação da ASSOL em reuniões e eventos FORMEM/ FNERDM outros 20 26 movimentos associativos) 1.5.1 Grau de cumprimento dos orçamentos anuais 105,34 103 1.5.2 Grau de execução do plano de ação da ASSOL 92 94,63 1.5.3 Nº de planos de ativ. e relatórios anuais (por unidade/ resposta social: 20 20 Interv. Precoce; Proj. integrado; Formação Prof.; CAO SPS; CAO CAC; FORUM SPS; FORUM CAC; Lar de Apoio 1.5.4 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas no CAO e no FORUM com as 90,5 95,65 Atividades realizadas 1.6.1 Grau de execução do plano de ação da ASSOL 92 94,63 1.6.2 Taxa de auto financiamento 7,4 7,84 1.6.3 Grau de satisfação dos associados com Relatório de atividades (% de 100 100 votos favoráveis) 1.7.1 % de candidatos elegíveis para apoios que ficaram em lista de espera 0 1.7.2 Número de acordos de cooperação com segurança social e projetos com 10 4,28 a) 10 a DREC e IEFP para funcionamento de várias respostas, assinados ou renovados no ano 1.7.3 Grau satisfação das famílias com os serviços medido pelo inquérito de 94,5 91,66 satisfação às famílias 1.8.1 Nº de ações e eventos relacionados com responsabilidade social 38 1.8.2 Nº de horas de formação realizadas por colaboradores da ASSOL para 205 67 282,75 outras entidades ou profissionais a) Todos os casos se referem à formação profissional em que a entrada dos formandos está condicionada o início de novos cursos. Comments Most indicators present small variations and without a relevant meaning. The increase in the number of references in the media is related to the commemoration of the 25 years. The increase in the number of hours performed as trainers for other organizations continues to grow and can be considered an indicator of ASSOL’s prestige in the community. 18 PRINCÍPIO 2 – RECURSOS HUMANOS P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 2014 2.9.1 Taxa de rotação de colaboradores 1,6 11,69 2.9.2 Média de anos de serviço por colaborador 12 11 2.9.3 % de colaboradores efectivos 96 80,56 2.9.4 Nº de horas de trabalho realizadas por voluntários 1672 882 2.9.5 Grau de adesão dos colaboradores aos valores da ASSOL - Ficha de 98,25 95,45 auto-avaliação indicador 5A 2.10.1 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores com as condições de trabalho 98,75 2.10.2 Nível de envolvimento pessoal/emocional com a ASSOL medido pela 98,75 94,5 97,27 ficha de auto avaliação (domínio 5 indicador 5B) 2.10.3 Rácio colaborador / pessoa apoiada IPI 42,14 44 2.10.4 Rácio colaborador / pessoa apoiada PI 37,71 45,8 2.10.5 Rácio colaborador / pessoa apoiada FP 7,79 8,86 2.10.6 Rácio colaborador / pessoa apoiada CAO 4,29 4,73 2.10.7 Rácio colaborador / pessoa apoiada Fórum 4,57 4,58 2.10.8 Rácio colaborador / pessoa apoiada Lar de apoio 1,57 1,7 2.11.1 Nº de horas de formação realizadas por colaborador ( não se 52,39 41,38 consideram formações académicas) 2.11.2 Eficácia da formação (Média dos dados do IR/20/ASSOL/3) 93,54 2.11.3 Eficácia da formação (Média dos dados do IR/20/ASSOL/3)Grau de 89,5 89 85,91 satisfação com os seus conhecimentos profissionais (medido pela Ficha de Auto avaliação - indicador 3B - Tive oportunidades de mostrar o que sou capaz. 2.12.1 % de colaboradores com acordos de atribuição de responsabilidades 100 83,33 individuais negociados 2.12.2 Valor médio da avaliação dos colaboradores obtido na avaliação dos 4,63 3,87 acordos de atribuição de responsabilidades individuais 2.12.3 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores com as tarefas atribuídas (Ficha 90,25 91,36 de auto avaliação indicador 7A) 2.13.1 Valor médio de sugestões dadas pelos colaboradores nas reuniões de 4,35 4,16 avaliação dos Acordos de Atribuição Responsabilidade Individual (IR/19/ASSOL)) 2.13.2 Número de sugestões de actividades, de melhorias e de formação 140 144 19 dadas pelos colaboradores nas reuniões de equipa 2.13.3 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores com o respeito pelas suas 90,75 88,18 opiniões ( Ficha de auto-avaliação indicador 4B) 2.14.1 Taxa de absentismo 2.14.2 Impacto na qualidade de vida medido pela ficha 4,26 2,46 auto avaliação: 89,25 86 Domínio 8 contentamento interior 8colaboradores) 2.14.3 Faltas justificadas e pagas aos colaboradores como manifestação de 68,5 45,2 apreço 2.14.4 Taxa de mudanças de carreiras ou funções que corresponde aos 0 0 desejos manifestados pelos trabalhadores Comments The indicators that show significant variations are: - The rotation of employees, whose variation is due to the hiring of 11 employees in September. - The absenteeism whose variation is due in good part to the change in the calculation formula. - The average evaluation of the employees is not due to a reduction in performance but only an adjustment in the application of the criteria made by the Technical Board. PRINCÍPIO 3 – DIREITOS P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 2014 3.15.2 Nº de reclamações por incumprimento da carta de direitos 0 0 3.16.1 Nº de Acordos de Apoio (CAO, FORUM, Lar de Apoio), contratos de 266 263 formação negociados com pessoas apoiadas nas várias unidades 3.16.2 % de Acordos de Apoio (CAO, FORUM, Lar de Apoio), PIAF, PEI, PIT e 100 100 contratos de formação negociados com pessoas apoiadas nas várias unidades em que foi discutida a questão dos direitos 3.16.3 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas no domínio 4 -Todos 92,75 80,75 20 cumpriram com as atividades do Acordo (4A) 3.17.1 Nº sugestões de melhoria ou atividades dadas por pessoas apoiadas nas 45 55 reuniões mensais (CAO e FORUM e Lar) 3.17.2 Taxa de cumprimento de prazos de tratamento de reclamações e 100 100 criticas 3.18.1 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas medido pela Ficha de Auto- 94,25 92,96 avaliação no domínio 4-Ter uma vida estruturada (4B 3.18.2 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas com a possibilidade de escolha 88,25 91,5 das atividades - medido pela ficha de auto avaliação no domínio 7- Ter atividades diárias significativas (7B pude escolher as atividades) 3.19.1 Nº Atividades de advocacy (CAO e FORUM) 254 291 3.19.2 Nº de Ações de Apoio a pessoas apoiadas no acesso aos cuidados de 380 446 saúde (CAO,FORUM e LAR) em serviços de acesso comum 3.19.3 Taxa de Satisfação das famílias com a possibilidade de escolha das 90,5 80,75 atividades que o seu familiar realiza na ASSOL (medido pelo questionário de avaliação de satisfação às famílias) 3B Comments The satisfaction indicators remain high. It remained the tendency to increase the number of the activities in health and advocacy support (several supports for problem solving). PRINCÍPIO 4 – ÉTICA P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 4.20.1 Nº de não conformidades em auditoria - segurança das pessoas 1 2014 0 apoiadas 4.20.3 Nº ocorrências não habituais 7 4.20.4 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas no domínio 1 - sentir-se 90,58 3 92 seguro 21 4.21.1 Nº de ocorrências de incidentes de situações de abuso, negligência e 0 0 maus tratos 4.21.2 Nº de Processos disciplinares instaurados a colaboradores por 0 0 violação de deveres éticos para com as pessoas apoiadas 4.22.1 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas, medido pela ficha de auto- 91,04 91,66 avaliação no domínio 1 - integridade corporal e domínio 2 - sentir-se seguro 4.22.2 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores medido pela ficha de auto- 94,63 90,5 avaliação no domínio 1B - integridade corporal e domínio 2B - sentirse seguro 4.22.3 Nº de acidentes de trabalho com colaboradores comunicados ao 2 0 seguro 4.23.1 Grau de satisfaçao das pessoas apoiadas com a confidencialidade, 95,75 95,07 medido pela ficha de auto avaliação no domínio 4 - Ter uma vida estruturada, indicador 4C - Os responsáveis guardaram segredo sobre a minha vida pessoal e os meus dados pessoais) 4.23.2 Desempenho dos colaboradores no objectivo: coerência da linguagem 76,4 76 e postura com a Pedagogia da Interdependência. 4.24.1 Nº de reclamações relacionadas com a quebra de confidencialidade 0 0 4.24.2 Grau de confidencialidade detetado por não conformidades em 0 0 auditoria 4.25.1 (% de colaboradores com acordos de atribuição de responsabilidades 95 91,66 individuais negociados) 4.25.2 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores com o apoio da hierarquia (4A) 92,5 90,74 Ficha de auto-avaliação (QDV)) 4.25.3 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores com o apoio dos colegas (2A) 94,75 92,27 Ficha de auto-avaliação (QDV) Comments All the satisfaction indicators are above 90%. All the indicators related to accidents remain low. There are no incidents record related to breaches of confidentiality. 22 PRINCÍPIO 5 – PARCERIAS P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 5.26.1 Nº de parcerias considerando os quatro tipos propostos no caderno 255 2014 288 0 5.26.2 Taxa de renovação de protocolos de parceria 98,44 98,56 5.26.3 Envolvimento de parcerias na formação dos colaboradores 7 7 5.27.1 Nº de parceiros envolvidos na prestação dos apoios e realização de 111 109 actividades regulares - mínimo uma vez por mês (CAO e FORUM) 5.27.2 Percentagem de pessoas apoiadas que têm um apoio complementar 28,81 24 (sem intervenção directa da ASSOL) de outra ONG, serviço público ou autarquias (em habitação, reabilitação, transporte, outros cuidados básicos) 5.27.3 Avaliação/Contributo (do ponto de vista da ASSOL) da parceria para 3,75 3,77 a qualidade do apoio prestado às pessoas apoiadas, medido pela ficha de avaliação de parcerias Comments There is some stability in the number of partnerships but 98.44% of the partners intend to renew the partnership. An important indicator is the percentage of people who have support from other organizations. 23 PRINCÍPIO 6 - PARTICIPAÇÃO P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 6.28.1 Nº de sugestões de mudanças de atividades apresentadas pelas pessoas 158 2014 137 apoiadas aquando das avaliações dos acordos de apoios (CAO e FORUM)) 6.29.1 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas com a possibilidade de escolha 88,25 93,75 das atividades - medido pela ficha de auto -avaliação no Domínio 7 Atividades Diárias Significativas, indicador 7B - Pude escolher as atividades) 6.29.2 Grau de satisfação com a participação em atividades na comunidade 87,88 88,7 domínio 6 – Participação Social – Medido pela ficha de auto avaliação 6.30.1 Nº Atividades de advocacy 254 6.30.2 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas com a valorização pessoal, 89,25 291 91,36 Domínio 3 – Sentir-se valorizado (3B) – tive oportunidade de mostrar do que sou capaz - medido pela ficha de auto -avaliação 6.30.3 Nº de reuniões com a participação das pessoas apoiadas (CAO, LAR e 50 52 FORUM) onde é feita a análise do funcionamento das atividades 6.31.1 Taxa de pessoas apoiadas (CAO e FORUM) que, no mínimo uma vez por 87,9 81,37 semana, realizam atividades na comunidade, implicando o contacto com pessoas que não são pagas pela ASSOL 6.31.2 Taxa de pessoas apoiadas no CAO que realizem ASU no exterior 51,36 50 (autónomas) 6.31.3 Percentagem das horas de formação profissional - componente 100 100 tecnológica - realizadas em contexto real de trabalho 6.31.4 Nº de reuniões do Conselho de Representantes onde participam 2 2 pessoas apoiadas, familiares e colaboradores 6.31.5 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas com o seu contentamento 90 interior. Medido pela Ficha de auto-avaliação Domínio 90,21 8 contentamento interior (8A ) Sinto-me mais forte Comments In 2014 there was a decrease of suggestions of activities change, which can be understood by the adjustment process that follows, in some cases for several years. 24 It remained the possibility of the people served to perform activities abroad, with 81.9% the percentage of people of CAO and of FORUM that have contacts with nonprofessional people at least once a week. The participation indicators of families of the people served in CAO continues 100%. PRINCÍPIO 7 – ABORDAGEM CENTRADA NA PESSOA P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 7.32.1 Distância entre a residência da pessoa apoiada e local onde acontecem 11 2014 11 os apoios em Kms 7.32.2 % de pessoas apoiadas no (CAO e FORUM) que conseguem aceder aos 42,92 32 serviços por meio próprio ou transporte público 7.32.3 % de formandos (Formação profissional)que conseguem aceder aos 83,72 100 serviços por meio próprio ou transporte público 7.32.4 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas com os transportes. Medido 93,75 92,32 pela Ficha de auto-avaliação. Domínio 1 Sentir-se seguro (1 C - A qualidade e segurança dos transportes) 7.33.1 Taxa de pessoas apoiadas (CAO e Lar de Apoio) que participaram nas 100 100 reuniões de negociação dos seus acordos de apoio 7.33.2 Taxa de pessoas apoiadas no CAO e Lar de Apoio, cujos familiares e 100 96,88 significativos participaram nas reuniões de negociação dos acordos de apoio 7.33.3 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas com a possibilidade de escolha 88,25 91,5 das atividades - medido pela ficha de auto -avaliação no Domínio 7 Atividades Diárias Significativas, indicador 7B - Pude escolher as atividades 7.34.1 Nº de processos de acolhimento e avaliação realizados 53 7.34.2 Taxa de participação das pessoas apoiadas na avaliação dos acordos de 100 92 100 apoio individual 7.34.3 Taxa de pessoas apoiadas (no CAO e LAR) ajudadas por colegas na 27 21,2 avaliação dos apoios 7.35.1 Média da avaliação atribuída pelas pessoas apoiadas às atividades 3,62 3,83 realizadas. (atividades incluídas nos Acordos de apoio CAO e FORUM) 25 7.35.2 Média da avaliação atribuída aos apoios recebidos na realização de 3,87 3,88 atividades medida na auto avaliação do Acordo de Apoio. (CAO, LAR e FORUM) 7.35.3 Taxa de desistência de pessoas apoiadas (pessoas que voluntariamente 3,8 5,4 abandonaram os serviços) por unidade (Formação Profissional, CAO e FORUM) Comments Data remain aligned with those obtained in 2013 and noted a significant change in the number of actions in support employment and evaluation processes performed which is connected with a greater activity in the Resource Centre for Employment. PRINCÍPIO 8 – ABRANGÊNCIA P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 8.36.1 Nº de respostas/serviços que atendem 2013 2014 diferentes grupos de 10 10 pessoas. 8.36.2 Intervalo de idades das pessoas apoiadas 67 68 8.36.3 Nº de candidaturas recebidas 76 111 8.36.4 % de candidaturas recebidas com seguimento para processos de 95,95 97,63 acolhimento e avaliação 8.36.5 Grau de satisfação das famílias com o tempo de espera para início 89,5 90,75 do apoio 8.37.1 Taxa de satisfação global das pessoas apoiadas com os apoios e 96,65 97 serviços (Acordo de Apoio- avaliação global dos serviços CAO, LAR e FORUM) 8.37.2 A conformidade dos processos (medida em auditorias internas, 100 100 externas e de visitas de acomp. e fiscalização 8.38.1 Nº de pessoas que transitaram entre respostas/serviços em 12 8 função da idade ou necessidades 26 8.38.2 % de candidatos admitidos nos apoios (PIIF, PEI, PIT, Acordos de 100 98,6 apoio) 8.38.3 Nº de pessoas já apoiadas que foram encaminhadas para outros 4 1 serviços da comunidade em função das suas necessidades 8.38.4 Grau de satisfação das famílias com a capacidade da ASSOL 83,5 88 garantir o apoio a longo prazo, medido pelo Inquérito de satisfação às famílias 8.39.1 Nº de ações de apoio a pessoas apoiadas no acesso aos cuidados 380 446 de saúde (CAO e FORUM) em serviços de acesso comum 8.39.2 % de candidatos orientados para outros serviços da ASSOL ou da 12,56 7,3 comunidade considerados mais capazes de responder às suas necessidades 8.39.3 % de pessoas do CAO, Lar de Apoio e FORUM apoiadas na sua 50,03 49,63 terapêutica diariamente 8.40.1 Impacto dos apoios na qualidade de vida das pessoas apoiadas - 93,25 93,75 (balanço do ano – auto avaliação) 8.40.2 Percentagem de pessoas apoiadas que têm um apoio 28,81 24 complementar (sem intervenção direta da ASSOL) de outra ONG, serviço público ou autarquias (em habitação, reabilitação, transporte, outros cuidados básicos) 8.40.3 Serviços (criados, alargados ou mantidos) no ano 10 8.41.1 Grau de satisfação dos colaboradores com o apoio da hierarquia 92,5 11 90,74 (4A) Ficha de auto-avaliação (QDV) 8.41.2 Desempenho dos colaboradores no objetivo: coerência da 76,4 76 linguagem e postura com a Pedagogia da Interdependência 8.41.3 Média da avaliação atribuída aos apoios recebidos na realização 3,62 3,88 de atividades medida na auto avaliação do Acordo de Apoio. (CAO e FORUM) Comments The results of 2014 remain in line with those obtained in 2013 27 PRINCÍPIO 9 – ORIENTAÇÃO PARA OS RESULTADOS P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 2014 9.42.1 Nº de auditorias externas anuais 7 7 9.42.2 Taxa de cumprimento dos orçamentos anuais 105,34 103 9.42.3 Taxa de execução do Plano de Acção da ASSOL 92 94,63 9.43.1 Taxa de concretização das actividades previstas nos acordos de 98,6 101,88 apoio (CAO, LAR e FORUM) 9.43.2 Grau de satisfação das pessoas apoiadas medida pela ficha de 93,81 80,75 auto avaliação no domínio 4- Ter uma vida estruturada (4A) Todos cumpriram com as atividades do acordo de apoio (CAO e FORUM) 9.43.3 Média da avaliação obtida pelos formandos no final do ano 9.43.4 % dos formandos que deveriam 14,02 ter concluído o processo 91,4 13,37 88,9 formativo e o fizeram com sucesso 9.44.1 Prazo médio de pagamento a fornecedores 25,2 33 9.44.2 Custo hora das ações de formação profissional PCDI 4,91 4,68 9.44.3 Rácio de colaboradores não diretamente envolvidos com 8,33 6,94 atividades de apoio às pessoas apoiadas (serviços administrativos e funções de apoio à gestão) face ao número total de colaboradores) 9.44.4 % de formandos que à saída da formação tiveram proposta de 83,33 85 integração profissional (contrato, CEI, estágios) 9.44.5 % de ex formandos que após um ano de término da F.P. se 63,4 85 mantêm integrados profissionalmente 9.44.6 Taxa de execução do número de formandos previsto em 100 112,5 candidatura 9.45.1 Nº total de reclamações 0 9.45.2 Grau de satisfação (média) das diferentes partes interessadas 95,19 0 95,26 com o desenvolvimento dos serviços 28 9.45.3 Taxa de renovação dos diversos acordos de cooperação 100 100 formalizados 9.46.1 Índice de Eficácia das Unidades (média) 95,84 94,13 9.46.2 Grau de satisfação dos associados com os relatórios anuais 100 100 9.46.3 Grau de satisfação das tutelas com os relatórios anuais 100 100 9.47.1 Disseminação de informação da vida e atividades da ASSOL para 3000 3000 as partes interessadas em geral - Jornal 9.47.2 Disseminação da Informação de interesse específico para 1300 1440 colaboradores e voluntários (registos CT) 9.47.3 Nº de reuniões de: Assembleia Geral, Direção, Conselho Técnico, 285 292 Equipas Técnicas e reuniões de pessoas apoiadas) 9.47.4 Referências na comunicação social 25 109 Comments In this principle there is also a clear tendency to stabilize and consolidate the results. PRINCÍPIO 10 – MELHORIA CONTÍNUA P.C.I. Indicador de resultado (descrição) 2013 10.48.1 Taxa de implementação de sugestões das sugestões de 99 2014 100 mudanças de atividades dadas pelas pessoas apoiadas, nos novos acordos (CAO E FORUM) 10.48.2 Atividades novas desenvolvidas no ano 17 10.48.3 Grau de satisfação das famílias com a capacidade da ASSOL 84,5 16 83,25 inovar nos serviços e nas atividades. 10.49.1 Taxa de concretização do Plano de Melhoria 71 71,66 10.49.2 Grau de concretização das ações previstas no PDQ para o ano 100 80 10.50.1 Investimento no estudo, divulgação e utilização do Planeamento 572 5762 Centrado na Pessoa e da Pedagogia da Interdependência 10.50.2 N.º de livros, brochuras, (com tratamento tipográfico) editados 0 1500 onde a missão, metodologias e valores são desenvolvidos. 29 Projetos inovadores realizados. (a) 10.50.3 Perceção no nosso meio da natureza inovadora da ASSOL 205 283 medida pelo Nº de horas de formação realizadas por colaboradores da ASSOL para outras entidades ou profissionais Comments The relevant data of 2014 are: - The Publishing of the books: «Preciso de falar contigo às duas» and «Apoios Centrados nas Pessoas» - the TVA and the Self-Determination project funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation and that allowed to experience the methodology of of TVA in Amarante / Resende, Viseu, Sintra / Loures and Odivelas, involving as partners the Parents Association Network, ISPA - University Institute, the CERCIMARANTE the APPACDM and APCV and CEDC. - GAPRICs - this idea that emerged after the International Gentle Teaching Conference and incorporated in 2015 ASSOL’s Activity Program, would interest other organizations and gave rise to an informal consortium, which involves ASSOL and eight other organizations and it is expected to be consolidated in 2015. Oliveira de Frades, March 2015 30