Boca Raton - Digifind
Boca Raton - Digifind
BOCA RATON NEWS 22 Pages Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 Vol. 14, No. 18 Seven enter race for three council seats NO PARKING 3t^* • Only one will ji Srt ^ be eliminated in primary Roadbuilding equipment installs new, temporary pavement for a detour around tunnel construction site at Spanish River Park. Work on tiie pedestrian tunnel is scheduled to start as soon as the detour route is completed. Contractor Andrew Kay said construction of buildings in the park has been delayed because special lumber could not be shipped from South America during dock workers strike. Housing, business combined Cluster ordinance approved By MARLENE FREEDMAN After two and a half years of talks, T«ar!:ed' by fears of increased density, the Planning and Zoning Board Thursday approved a draft ordinance to provide for cluster development. The controversial project would allow single-family units, multiple-family units and com- mercial buildings in one selfcontained area. Under a draft submitted by Walter Young, Planning and Zoning director, and James Becker, co-members of a subcommittee studying the matter, the gross density of the cluster area would not be able to exceed the density of the area if it contains only single-family dwellings. Zone board studies parking requirments The city Planning and Zoning Board has scheduled a public hearing for Feb. 20 to consider its new proposed parking ordinance that generally increases the number of offstreet parking spaces for most buildings. The proposed ordinance was presented to the board for the first time Thursday night by James Becker and Howard McCall, co-members of a submittee studying the matter. Perhaps its most striking revision is the allotment of parking spaces for multiplefamily dwellings — an increase from 1.5 parking spaces per unit to two per unit. This, according to Robert Rodgers, board chairman, will result in " a 25 per cent r e duction in density in some cases." Some of the other revisions include these: Off-campus student housing, fraternities and sororities — 1.5 spaces per two beds, one space or manager or operator, and one space per employee. Hotels and motels — one space per sleeping room. Hospitals — one space per two patient beds, one space per staff doctor or nurse, and one space per two employees. Theatres — one space per three seats and one space per two employees. Mortuaries — one space per 40 square feet (originally was 50 square feet), and one space per employee,, Restaurants, bars and cocktail lounges — one space per 30 square feet and one space per two employees. Under the proposed ordinance, parking for single-family residence remains the same at two per unit. Off-street parking has been before the board for some time. The board recently approved a proposal allowing offstreet parking for multiplefamily housing in adjacent zones. The proposal awaits action by the City Council. The Board has already approved an ordinance calling for clusters of single-family units which is being considered by the City Council. • The draft approved Thursday night is being readied for a public hearing which will be scheduled in the near future. In their report, Young and Becker said its purpose was to "accomplish a more desirable environment than would be possible through the strict application of minimum requirements of the ordinance" and to * 'enhance the appearance through preservation of natural features, the reservation of recreational areas and open space in excess of the requirements of existing zones, and master plan requirements." The draft reads, as follows: "Open space requirements may be considered cause for population density and building intensity increases and this is the purpose the permitted type of development units may include single - family detached homes and multiple - family apartment complexes. "Cluster proposals for the development of combination of single - family and multiplefamily residents use shall be considered only when the gross (Continued on Page.3A) Attorney James Foreman got under the wire by one hour F r i day afternoon when he filed as a candidate for a council seat at 4 p.m. Foreman's entry into the political race brought the total number of candidates to seven0 Four others had filed Thursday in addition to the two men who had filed earlier,, Arrival of the seventh candidate almost automatically forced the contest to a primary runoff combination. Normally, - the primary election picks twice the number of candidates as there are vacant seats. If only six candidates were in the race for the three seats, the first election would be the end of the contest. However, if any candidate should receive a majority vote in the FebT4 primary, he would automatically be seated and would not have to stand again in a runoff. If three candidates r e ceive majority votes in the p r i mary, it would also end the contest after the first vote. Putting down their $25 fees on Thursday were incumbents Sidney Brodhead and Bernard Turner, Emil Danciu and Tore Wallin. Of the four, only Wallin is a newcomer to politics. Starting the ball rolling early in the filing period was perennial candidate, Joe Delong, He was followed by Dr. Harry Sorenson, . ocal dentist who had tried ya*. was .defeated.for the office in 1958. Incumbent Brodhead is running his fifth race for retention to his council seat. He has been successful in three of those attempts. He had said sometime earlier that he might retire from politics but apparently changed his mind to align his campaign with Wallin, Emil Danciu, local contractor, has been unsuccessful two times in bids for a council seat. Danciu is an outspoken opponent to the Garden Apartment referendum and is expected to base his campaign on that platform. He has also voiced opposition to a boardwalk at Spanish River Park. Incumbent Turner will not align himself with any other candidate and will base his own campaign on past performances in the council. He said he felt greater pressure to run this time since one seat will see a change, that of Councilman Ed Guthrie. Guthrie said he will not seek re-election. Wallin is a newcomer to the political field, however he is not a newcomer to the official workings of the city. He is (Continued on Page 3A) Jan. 8 - 11, 1969 Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.(noon) Hi 76 77 72 76 Lo 46 53 61 56 Rain 0 0 .07 A chilly ride in ihe early morning hours, but this charter fishing boat mate in the tuna tower has the best vantage point for spotting game fish. Just off Boca Raton beaches, this grew is in some of the finest fishing waters in <he world. ^ _ ^ '^** _ ' It was a drab and drizzly day, and there weren't many, persons who wanted to park on A-l-A at Spanish River Park anyway. The new signs pave the way for a start on construction of a pedestrian tunnel between the beach and parking lots west of A-l-A. 'Salesmen'force entry, beat and rob ROH couple the first man into the house and when Mrs, Below rushed to see what was going on she Local police officials had no was also knocked down. new developments Saturday As the pair of robbers searchmorning in the pistol whipping ed through the house, Mrs. Berobbery of a local couple about low was dragged by one of the noon Friday, Mi*, and Mrs. Carl Below t •" men. The $30 in cash was taken from Mrs. Below's pocketbook. 682 SW Second St., "Royal Oak After going through the Hills, were both beaten by pishouse, the robbers handcuffed tols when two men forced their the aged couple to a towel rack way into the couples home and in a bathroom. Below is 70 robbed them of about $30. years old, his wife, Marie, is Det. Lt. Al Nahrstedt said one of the robbers knocked on .71. Tearing the towel rack from the door, apparently posing as a salesman, then forced his the wall, the couple rushed to way into the house when Be- the front door in time to see the low opened the door. pair of robbers drive away in Below told police the man a late model automobile, Lt. came in with a gun in his hand Nahrstedt said. and the resident immediately The car, reportedly stolen grappled with the intruder. Be- in Hollywood, was later found low was beaten over the head in a local shopping center and knocked to the floor. The parking lot. Investigation of the second robber quickly followed case is continuing. (See editorial, p|tge4A) Heliport? Not yet, says P&Z committee A municipal heliport drew little support from the city Planning and Zoning Board Thursday night. The Board heard a detailed report from Howard Flammer, member of a subcommittee studying the matter, which was described as an interim r e port but indicated no need for a heliport at this time. Flammer and his committee co - member, Howard McCall, gathered technical requirements required for heliports by the Federal Aviation Administration, such as minimum size of landing pad, clearance zones and permissible noise levels. The board appointed the committee as part of its consideration of 1,100 items of study to plan for future growth of the city. "The reaction I got from people around was not favorable," Flammer told the board. He said officials of several large institutions expressed disinterest in a heliport, saying the Boca Raton Airport was sufficient for air travel in and out of the city. He noted that Pompano Beach officials had recently considered a heliport and rejected it on the grounds that a metropolitan airport was located near enough to fill air travelers' needs. Robert Rodgers, chairman of the board, commended, "Idon't think there's any question that we don't need one now. , . but we should study the possibility for the future." Several members of the board point out that helicopters land at the airport now and that a Royal Palm resident lands one by his home. This brought up a discussion of whether any property owner could land a helicopter on his land if he had the minimum size landing pad required by the FAA. The consensus was that such a purpose was not prohibited by any existing zoning ordinance. Flammer was hesitant to make a recommendation until further information is r e ceived from the FAA, but he observed, "If I had to make a recommendation now, I'd say we don't need it," A touch of humor crept in when Edward H. Benham quipped, "There's some land across from City Hall that would make a good heliport," referring to Garden Apts., a rundown complex of wartime barracks that is up for referendum next month for city acquisition.- 3Rodgers r e plied wryly, ' 'That s too controversial." m Amusement Ann Landers Calendar Classifieds Editorials Public Notices Real Estate Sports Women'si News Page 6A 2B 3B :•:. 10-1 IB 4A 10B 6-7-8B 8A 1..2-3-4B 2A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 SALES for R.C.A., MOTOROLA, and ADMIRAL Adult judo class set COVE TV An adult judo class of Judo, i s a student at Atlantic Unihas been scheduled to Florida begin Jan. 15 at 8:30versity. He will meet p.m. at the Community with the on Wednesday evenings at 8:30 Center. Instructor S t e v e and Saturday afternoons Squire, a "brown belt" at 3 p.m. There is a from the Miami School monthly tuition fee. Pre-registration by telephone to the Recreation Department is r e c ommended since a c e r tain number of students are necessay for the class to begin. COLOR CENTER The BEST in service for all makes! Cove Shopping Center Deerfield Beach, Fla. Marry Foy 399-7585 Call 395-8300 For Classified Ads Two-Si!ory TOWN HOUSE 2 bedrooms, 2V2 baths. Includes carpets, drapes, washer, dryer. Short walk to beach and Cabana Club. Good financing. OPEN HOUSE: Sat. & Sun,, Jan. 11 & 12, 77.-OOo.rn. to 4A0 p.m. BR-1372 CHAPEL $32,500. CONDOMINIUM So. Ocean Blvd. - 2 DAN LOW Buy Wise-By WARD RIVERSIDE NEED TRUCK TIRES? FUNERAL SERVICE FOR ALL DENOMINATIONS 4213 NO. FEDERAL HWY., POMPANO BEACH, FLA. bedrooms, 2 baths, central heat and air conditioning. Pool. Private access to beach. Includes carpets and drapes. BC89P $24,500 ph: 943-8204 Colorful towel protects beach visitors from chikly winds which have been sweeping through from the northwest every once in a while. The beach has been sunny - most of F. BYRON PARKS, GIVE ME A CALL the time - though, and it's still a fine place for shelling or walking (below) even it i t s a bit cool for swimming. AMBULANCE SERVICE Ample Parking — Hammond Organ Holland E. Becker, Funeral Director REALTOR Via Mizner Royal Palm Plaza Boca Raton, Florida STORE 832-1762 HOME 395-1176 FOR ALL YOUR TIRE NEEDS PALM BEACH GOUNTY'S FIRST! REGISTER NOW for W I N T E R CLASSES Phonfe: 395-3700 or 395-3227 in INTERIOR DECORATING IMMEDIATE POSSESSION in BOCA RATON 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, two car garage, family room,completely furnished. COMPLETE COURSE *Layout *PIan Reading *Color Coordination *Viindow Treatment *Wooc/s, Finishes *Sfyles of Furniture. Day and Evening classes by Popular Request. ... $57,268 An Exclusive With Member National Home Fashions League Designers and Decorators 0>uila RUTENBERG HOMES CLASSES STARTING Monday, Jan. 20th 2201 Banyan Rd., Boca Raton Newest Innovations in Fashion Design for Today's Living. Information and Consultation Regarding Courses Phone 391-1180. Under Direction of Avis E. ChenoweihN.H.F.L. Buy with confidence from Americas largest jeweler* 500 stores coast to coast Diamonds to $5000 I Watches to $1300 AVIS INTERIOR D E S I G N S 16 S.E. ist'Ave. F6Q Day money back guarantee if not satisfied on any purchase Boca Raton's First Interior Decorator 391-1180 Expert watch repair Shoppers Haven Pompano 941-5710 NOW IN BOCA RATON OpeftUl |9 P.M.NitelyJ to serve you better FLORIDA STATE VISION SERVICE when/you... TURN TO THE FIRM BEST QUALIFIED 601 S. Federal Hwy. i n BOCA RATON COVE CARD AND GIFT SHOP BATH ACCESSORIES WALL DECOR " "Everything to make a house a home" COVE SHOPPING CENTER at the Hillsboro bridge Deerfield Beach 399-2332 SALES GABRIEL COMMUNICATIONS CORP. t94A N. W. 20ih Slrt-ct U H Q ; 5LFIV ICE Bfc.vri R-mn Florkl.1 27AT3 399-8950 2 WAY RADIO ©COMPLETE SALES 8, SERVICE SYSTEMS — 399-8950 « B O C A MOBILPHONE-—RADIO TELEPHONES FOR ALL TYPES Of BUSINESS 391-2221 ® POCKET PAGING— RECEIVE MESSAGES ANYWHERE 0 AGABRIEL ANSWERING SERVICES — "QUALITY SERVICE" -399-8950 . Guild schedules 18th annual art exhibition for Feb. 15 The 18th annual ex- for this exhibit, Mrs. professional qualificahibition of the Art Guild Harold Burris-Meyer, tions." said " t h e of Boca Raton will open director, Friday evening, Feb. growth in importance of to the public, admission free, Saturday, Feb. 15. this annual exhibition 14, the Art Guild's board This is a juried show, over the years is very of directors will be open to all artists and significant. Last year hosts to the patrons and sculptors, regardless of the competition was exhibiting artists. Sunlocation,, Prizes for opened to all artists and day afternoon, Feb. 16, paintings are: $250 for sculptors and for the there will be a recepfirst award and $150first time was held in tion and tea for Guild for second; for sculp- the Guild building. The members ' and their ture; first and second results were very grat- guests. It is expected awards of $150 and $100 ifying. This year the that the exhibition will respectively, also r i b - prize money has been be kept open every day increased and there will and evenings except Satbon awards. be two jurors of high urday and Sunday. Qualified artists and sculptors may submit their work according to ENTRY BLANK the official prospectus. These and entry blanks may be obtained at the Annual City-Wide Guild Office. In announcing plans Table Tennis Tournament FLORIDA ATLANTIC OCEAN SCIENCES INSTITUTE OFFERS A 10 WEEK COURSE APPLIED OCEANOGRAPHY and DIVING TECHNIQUES" f " i i OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - LIMITED ENROLLMENT f ||!P REGISTRATION FEE ...... $50 Tuesdays 7 P.M. ta 9 P.M. Thursdays 6:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Classes start January 28 at FAOSI Cove Yacht Basin, Deerfield Beach Diving Certificates will be awarded to ihose who qualify. Instruction by FAOSI Oceanographers and Divers. Contact: Robert A, Rosof, Director, Florida Atlantic Ocean Sciences Institute. Phones 399-8445 and 399-8446 1969 391-2920 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Open Friday Evenings til 7:30 p.m. EYEGLASSES EMERGENCY SERVICE * LATEST FRAME FASHIONS FOR ENTIRE FAMILY * LICENSED TO FILL ALL EYEGLASS PRESCRIPTIONS * SAFETY GLASSES * NEWEST SUNGLASS STYLES 3364YIEST BROYtARD BLVD., FORT LAUDERDALE 587-7075 EXCLUSIVE IN FLORIDA PRIVATE COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSHIP IN BOCA RATON Luxury size One and Two Bedroom Condominium Co-sponsored: Boca Raton Recreation Department Boca Raton News PRELIMINARIES: UNIQUE BUY! Adults (17 & over)..Thurs., Jan. 16 - 7:30 p.m. Boys & Girls (13-16). .Thurs., Jan. 16,-6:30 p.m. Boys & Girls (12 & under) Fri., Jan. 17 - 3:30 p.m. FINALS All Divisions Thurs., Jan. 30 - 7:00 p.m. Avden/;->/;r-. ihevery apartment .Apartments on your own private 18 hole Championship Golf Course. BOCA RATON COMMUNITY CENTER GAMEROOM NAME ADDRESS. .AGE. PHONE. DATE OF BIRTH. Pleoss check age group you are entering (January 1, 1969 basis for age) ( ) Boys 12 & under ( ) Boys 13-16 ( ) Men 17 & over ( ) Girls 72 & under ( ) Girls 13 - 16 ( ) Women 17 & over Entry blanks should be mailed to: TobU Tennis Tournament. Recreation Department, 150 N.W. Crawford Avenue, Boca Raton, Fla., on or before ----Monday, Jan. 13, 1969. ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED FROM BOCA RATON RESIDENTS ONLY!!! s 14,990 80% financing available • Every Apartment with Private Terrace overlooking Golf Course 9 Completely Equipped Electric Kitchen 9 Central Air Conditioning and Heating « Wall to Wall Carpeting • Elevator Heated Swimming Pool and Patio Area • Minutes From Shopping Beaches • Theatres • Houses of Worship Membership includes use of Club House and magnificent facilities Dining Room and Lounge Completely Equipped Men and Women's Gym and Sauna Bath Card Rooms • Billiard Room Hobby Room Tennis Courts Driving Range — Putting Green Furnished Models Open Daily at 51st St. & U.S. 1 in Boca Raton Apartments and Country Club located at: N.W. 51st Street and 2nd Avenue • Boca Raton (1/2 mile west of U.S. 1) Phone:399-5120 Public hearing set Housing, business on new R-5-A zoning '(Continued from page 1) areas of the proposals exceeds approximately 25 acres. When a cluster development is proposed in a single-family residential zone, 60 per cent of all dwelling units proposed A public hearing will be held Feb. 20 to consider the establishment of an R-5-A zone in Boca Raton to include all land now in R-5 zones except that area east of A1A. The city Planning and Zoning Board will hear arguments for and against the proposed zone which would limit the height of buildings west of the Intracoastal Waterway to 150 feet. In other action Thursday night, the Board: — Approved a r e quest from Archer Development Co. to use parking area in the Royal Palm Shopping Center. — Authorized the city engineer to draw up the necessary setback r e quirements for the Board's proposed alignment of Northwest 2 avenue from 24 St« to 35 St. Walter Young, planning and zoning director, asked the Board to drop its proposed westerly alignment of the THE NEW 1969 road and adopt City EnJ. P. Vansant's PHMTOM EAR gineer easterly proposal for "financial and legal" reasons. He said Vansant told him the board's plan HEARING AID would be more costly than his and would inOn volve negotiations with of a cumbersome number the of property owners. In . World's contrast, he said, Ms [Smallest Hearing alignment plan would cut Aids., through an industrial lo Cordstract. No TubesNo Button. The board, listened Hear But Do Not Understand? but insisted that its proThis could well be NERVE DEAFNESS. Ttte New 1969 posed alignment be r e PHANTOM EAR might well tained. solve your problem. Robert Rodgers, board chairman, comNow more than ever before mented, "Since when is Make No Mistake it such a problem to deal with a few property owners?" He said Vansant's proposal might be cheaper and easier to handle, "but it's not the best/' HEARING Pkoie BOCA CENTER 3*5-424! For Fast Results Use The Roys! Palm Plows BOCA RATON BOCA RATON NEWS Don't fight over your INCOMETAX It's eaiy *o lit-ep a iwPtdisposition when income to problems get you down. Ju1 lake it to BlOCK wher I rained 'ax men know i h answers. Quickly, ot low COi your lax return is done with guaranteed a c c u r a c y . You keep smiling! Politics Corn in January? That's the way it is in Florida,. .and this is growing in the farm lands west of Boca Raton. Two homes were broken into , here by thieves Wednesday night. An attempt on a third residence was foiled by double locks and barred windows. Det. Sgt. Al Nahrstedt said $700 in cash and a $350 ring was taken from the home of Oliver Van Hame, 1345 SW Ninth Ave. A ring was also taken from the residence of Clarence Burbaum, 1323 SW Ninth Ave. It was valued at about $60. An attempt was made on the home of Herman Coleman, 1333 SW Ninth Ave. Several windows were broken and door jimmied but thieves program opens • GUARANTEED We guOfont»o accurate preparation or of every !• prvparottort we make any «rrou that colt you any panalry or w« will pay i H * penalty or in1«r»*(. inc. America's Largest Tax Service with Over 3000 Offices 23 S. East 5th Ave. 115 W. Palmetto Park Rd". Del ray Beach Boca Raton 395-7157 (Continued from Page 1) presently a member of the Planning and Zoning Board. Wallin has been a proponent of low density housing on the board, seeking to half re-zoning to allow more multi-family and high-rise units0 Forman has acted in some capacity for the city since he was named - / prosecuting attorney ad litem. It will be his first attempt at politics. In addition to the candidates' races for three council seats, a big issue in the Feb. 4 election will be the Garden Apartments referendum. In it the city is seeking approval of an $850,000 bond issue to buy the 16 acre tract. The issue was put to referendum by the present council upon a petition by the Chamber of Commerce. A referendum to buy the land was previously defeated by a vote of more than two to one. within that zone shall be for single-family dwelling. "The owner or owners of any track of land comprising an area of 100 acres or more may submit to the Planning and Zoning Board a cluster development plan which may include a minimum amount of commercially zoned property. "The purpose of this zoning will be to service the basic convenience needs of those residing in the cluster complex. The commercially zoned property cannot be contiguous to any single-family res~ idential use abutting the cluster development. "The commercially zoned property must have the same architecturally appearance and quality as the total cluster complex and must meet or exceed all existing requirements for setbacks, appearance and parking. The Board may approve such a plan, subject to Council acceptance, provided it finds that: 1. Because of the location of the tract some commercial zoning would be essential. 2. That adjacent property would not be adversely affected, 3. Total amount of commercially zoned property does not exceed 2 per cent of the total cluster complex." Burglars enter two homes After-school COMPLETE RETURNS 278-1708 Sunrjay, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3A An after-school r e c reation program for youngsters age 6-12 opens Monday in Memorial Park. Recreation Director Jim Rutherford said the program will operate Monday through Fridays from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Gene Lockhart will supervise the six-week program. Scheduled activities include: Mondays — girls softball: Tuesdays and Wednesdays — boys soccer; Thursdays — girls softball- F r i days — boys and girls volleyball. BILLY GRAHAM failed to gain entry b e cause of the double locks and barred jalousie windows. All burglaries and attempts apparently occurred between 7:45 and 10 p.m. Complete UMBRELLA Protection * Travelers * Aetna * Continental Group * Royal Globe * London & Lancashire * Boston Insurance Co. JOHN D. TALBOTT INSURANCE AGENCY, inc 489 N.E. 20th St. Boca Raton Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 275 VIA ROSADA * BOCA RATON, F L A . I • Royol Palm Plaza - 395-0544 . |/» STORE-WIDE SALE 2 0 % OFF THIS WEEK ONLY CLEAN-UP PAINT-UP Start your New Year right with a clean white roof and freshly painted house. Top quality paints - no chipping, peeling, flaking - stop mildew - (we use no cement or lime mixes) FAST SERVICE if we can schedule it now. The best costs less lin the long run, "** ROOF CLEANING& PAINTING GENERAL PAINTING - INTERIOR & EXTERIOR BlATTON ROOF & WALL COATING CO. MEMBER OF BOCA RATON and DELRAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 395-7482 7300 N. FEDERAL, BOCA RATON • You'll PICK A WINNER When you finance your car with the Boca Raton National Bank NORMAL DOWN PAYMENT UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY WE OFFER .9% IN PERSON i.Tf'1 BOCA NATIONAL'S 3.9% NEW CAR FINANCING AMOUNT MONTHLY PAYMENTS FINANCED 12M0S. 24M0S. 36M0S 1000.00 86.S8 1500.00 130.33 2000.00 173.68 2500.00 217.05 3000.00 260.40 3500.00 303.76 157,58 Call and Compare Payments 395-2300 UNES COMMUNITY CHURCH .# 600 N.W. 4fh Ave Boca Raton ONE NI6HT ONLY Wednesday, Jan. 15th - 7:30 P.M. Boca Raton National ALL SEATS FREE DOORS OPEN 7 P.M. PUBLIC INVITED EXTRA PARKING PROVIDED ] Meeting will be amplified for overflow in the north parking area and Memorial H a l l . SOUTH FEDERAL HWY. AT CAMINO REAL, BOCA RATON . . . CALL 3 9 5 - 2 3 5 0 ® Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 9 Member Federal Reserve System - CALL 395-2010 - 24 HOURS A DAY FOR THE CORRECT TIME OF DAY - 278-3238 27ie sidewalk superintendent Here we go again ing year. Things will be slightly difSo here we go again with ferent in this election. We are out annual little game of mus- assured of having one brand new since Ed Guthrie has ical chairs. This being the big face year when three chairs will be chosen not to run again. If inavailable to the winners of the cumbents Nardie Turner and Sid Brodhead are re-seated, game. For the next three and one- who will the third man be? Will he be a conservative or half weeks, candidates for city council will dance to the tune a liberal? Or will he perhaps of whatever funds they can sit in the middle of the road raise. Then on Feb. 4 the whis- and follow the will of the crowd? Joe Delong ran a strong third tle blows for the last time and three gentlemen will be seated in the two-seat election last to help run our city for the com- February. But by the same By JIM RIFENBRUG Enforcement Thursday we commented on the city's code requirements for door-to-door salesmen and solicitors,, We suggested that perhaps some of the law's requirements might need clarification. . .that it some cases they may impose an undue burden on non-profit organizations seeking to raise funds for worthy causes. But we also stood firmly behind strict enforement of the law as long as it is on the books, Friday's events — an armed robbery and beating of householders in Royal Oak Hills — brings the issue sharply into focus. It underscores the types of activity possible without strict laws rigid enforcement procedures. Essentially the situation was this: a couple of men, apparently posing as door-to-door salesmen, called on a home in Royal Oak Hills. After the door was opened, they forced their way into the house, beat and robbed the residents, and escaped. It's a matter of speculation whether or not the incident could have been avoided, but there're a couple of guidelines to remember: - Everyone soliciting door-to-door in Boca Ration is required by the existing law to have a police identification card. If he doesn't don't open the door and don't under any circumstances do business with him. - Licensed firms are required to have a l i cense decal on their cars and trucks. If they don't, you're courting trouble if you deal with them. - If you encounter firms or individuals without proper identification cards or license decals on their vehicles, call the police department. The theft, beating, swindle, or life that you save may be your own. Admittedly there's a certain problem in saying that if the lady next door wants to go around the neighborhood soliciting for her favorite charity, she should report to the police station, be fingerprinted, photographed and issued an identification card. You know the lady next door and probably would be happy to make a contribution whether she had a card or not. But you have no way of knowing whether the next person who rings your bell is someone's next door neighbor or a visiting hood down to enjoy the winter season. First game today Our only safeguards are these provided by the law. However, the public seems to be apathetic about these matters and the police department isn't much better,, There seems ample evidence that enforcement is slovenly at best. Our city councllmen have looked the other way to the extent of issuing an official proclamation honoring the violation of the code. Unless the police department, backed up by a firm stand on the part of our elected and appointed city officials, cracks down on door-to door solicitors, we can look forward to more daylight muggings.. .right in your own home. Views of other newspapers Old law/new facts For many years books have had on the copyright page a warning against printed quotations except for reviews. In a new book we see a considerable extension of the usual warning. It includes: "No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher." Which reminds us that one item of business stalled in the most recent session of Congress was bringing up to date a copyright law last remodeled in 1909. As the session opened a listing of issues facing Congress by Congressional Quarterly, a private research organization, included the copyright revision and observed that there are three difficulties: "Uses of. computers, data storage devices and other technological advances in reproduction of" copy righted works; royalties for performers when their records are played on radio and television; and liability of community antenna television for royalty payments." When Congress closed up shop, Congressional Quarterly used many pages to review what had been done and left undone, without even a mention of the copyright law. We sup- pose it will show up again in the January listing of issues facing Congress. —Commercial Appeal How long? Pahute Mesa, Nev., Dec. 19 (AP) — A hydrogen type nuclear device with the wallop of a million tons of TNT heaved a mesa top momentarily heavenward and sent ocean-like waves rippling over the Nevada desert. On the eve of this test, termed "very sucThe view cessful" by the Atomic Energy Commission, the U.S. Public Health Service reported that the fallout from a Dec, 8 blast — consisting primarily of radioactive tungsten 187 — reached the highest levels in six years. It was said, as usual, that there appeared to be no cause for concern. The device tested then had a punch equivalent to "only" 35,000 tons of TNT. Yesterday, By MALCOLM JOHNSON the AEC asserted, there was no venting of r a diation into the air.. How long is the anxious The legislative branch of public expected to accept these rote reassurances and what possible human purpose do these Florida's government is coming close to encroaching on grim experiments serve? constitutional prerogatives of — New York Post the executive branch, and a showdown could come before the new Constitution is very old. What's bringing it to a head is the new provision for annual, instead of biennial, s e s sions of the Legislature and an eagerness by some legislative leaders to keep a dayed the whole thing, even if there gether, listening to favorite fox to-day, year-around watch and • By GUS HARWELL were only a handful of her age trots of the forties. control over spending and adIt all adds up to telling us ministration by the executives. I DIDN'T go to the recent group in the crowd, what we really should know by pop festival at Gulf stream Park, They say this is. merely HER COMMENTS on way of history. The younger bringing the Legislature up to but I got full reports on it. generation has its own lan- full partnership in the tradiMy wife, who has more gump- the crowds and their behavior guage, code of ethics, music, tional American triumvirate tion than I have about such were of special interest to me customs and hangups. We in which divides government r e things, took our teenagers and a — and made me wish I'd been the older generation have ours. sponsibility between the execucouple of others down for the there to see it. There was little or no misBut those of us who believe tive, the legislative and the jufestival. that the younger bunch is going dicial branches. She didn't know exactly what behavior, at least that she could to hell in a handbasket are to expect, and didn't realize it see. The youngsters were in Although, in this scheme, cowrong. was sort of an all-day affair. their "hippiest" outfits, and equality is more nominally atthere was a great deal of long Young people don't think or tributed than constitutionally The original intention was to act exactly as we did 20 years prescribed we might concede spend the afternoon only, and hair, but she said she didn't ago, and we mustn't expect them a point and still caution probably to be home by supper- see a single dirty-looking youngster there. them to. time. them against an inclination to Each and every one that she The Now Generation isn't so fudge in defining the field. bad after all. I don't think I'm TURNED OUT that there were had anything to do with was Specifically, at the moment, going to worry about turning some newly designated legisa lot more people than she ex- courteous and exhibited good this old world over to them. lative appropriations commitpected to see — the report was manners. Curiously, she said They could hardly botch tee members are trying to force that there were 45,000 the day she saw almost no smoking, things up any worse than we the executive branch's Budget they attended. It also lasted on especially during the afternoon. have. into the night. Commission, composed of GovTHERE WERE a few arrests ernor and Cabinet, to prepare I WOULD probably have en- one-year budgets for all agenMy crew got home at mid- made, some for marijuana posjoyed seeing all. those young cies and institutions. night. I expected my better half session. But considering the people behaving themselves at to be worn to a frazzle and fed crowd present, the misbehavior the- festival. I certainly would up with kids and pop music. was minor. You'd expect as Budget Commission officers not have enjoyed listening to correctly point out that the only But she wasn't. As a matter much or more if you put that their music for 10 hours. of fact, she thoroughly enjoy- many middle-age people tolaw on the books prescribes two-year budgets. They don't believe a committee of the Legislature, between sessions, can require them to follow an unlawful course. Besides, they argue that all the forces of all the agencies (3) What efforts have been tion on the issue of the Garden and institutions have for months been going through the prelimmade by the city to encourage Apartments Referendum? Bond issue the construction of low cost s/Mrs. Philip J. Mallon inary steps of preparing twoyear budgets and the bookkeephousing for residents who perTo the editor: • ing shift at the last minute Before any voter in Boca form needed services? Poverty would be impossible. Raton can render a decision in (4) Have investigations been You can't just cut a twothe February elections as to made about federal assistance To The Editor: year budget in half and call it whether or not the Garden programs? I stand in opposition to any an annual budget, particularly Apartments should be purchas(5) If Boca Raton does not American citizen paying any in Florida where the populaed, I feel the following ques- provide low cost housing where taxes time for any r e a - tion and needs grow so fast that tions should be asked and sat- can the people live that per- son ifatitany fairly can be shown an even division would leave isfactorily answered; form needed services for us? that his annual income is at or (1) For what purpose and Since our city is growing rapid- below the poverty level. In my the agencies with too much when will the land be used? ly don't we need people of all opinion, such taxes constitute money the first year, and not enough the second year unless (2) Where will the residents skills living here? a cash hand-out by the poor to the Budget Commission (prinof Garden Apartments live if (6) Will those who have an- the rich. cipal executive control agenthe apartments are sold to the nounced their candidacy for City s/Horace F . Wells cy) worked overtime keeping city? Council take a definite posi- token, Emil Danclu has been making himself known in political circles and has gained strength. Tore Wallin already has a foot in the door as a member of the strong Planning and Zoning Board, one of the most powerful forces in our city government. Dr. Harry Sorensen is comparitively new at the game, however he's quite well known. The same applies for Attorney James Foreman. Since Boca Raton is not noted for having open forums, political rallys or extensive speaking engagements for candidates, voters have had to rely on intuition and what they read in newspapers. The candidate with the most money to spend has been able to run full page advertisements and radio spots to get his message across. Some are content to save their funds and talk to people on the street, in offices or wherever they can. This year, our voting populace will get a helping hand in their thinking. At least on three of the candidates. A group called the City Affairs Committee of the Federation of Boca Raton Homeowners Associations will investigate and question each candidate. This committee will then recommend three men whom they feel are most qualified to fill the job. For newcomers to the city, this group will serve a good purpose, although if they list the qualifications of only three candidates, the new voters will never know anything about the rest. Al 1 of the details of the plan have not yet been revealed to us. I suspect they will be forthcoming in the near future. A big issue in the election and one likely to draw more voters than the candidates is the Garden Apartments referendum. The Chamber of Commerce currently has a campaign going to convince voters we should purchase the property. I think the Chamber is wast- ' ing its time and energy. from Tallahassee A showdown coining On second thought Surprising youngsters • 7 ality, the Legislature cannot administer the government effectively in Florida or anyIt would serve these impa- where else because of its size tient legislators right if the and diversity. Its job is to make laws within Cabinet and Budget Director should tell them flatly if they the limits prescribed by the want to appropriate money on Constitution (and to determine an annual basis beginning with policy to the extent that these the next fiscal year on July laws show policy), to decide what functions of government 1, to go ahead and do itLegally, and traditionally, are to be financed by taxalegislators are sitting in on tion, to levy the taxes and althis week's budget hearings only locate the proceeds. as observers. They get their Thereupon, it should adjourn crack at the fund requests, by and leave the day-to day adminlaw, after the Cabinet makes istration of laws and expendiits recommendations; and they ture of funds to the executive have been building staffs of fis- branch, with disputes to be setcal experts to advise them. tied by the judiciary. Any other When they convene in April, procedure would have too many they could change the law p r o - cooks in the mess. viding for biennial budgets, then The Florida Legislature almake their appropriations to the ready has taken unto itself the agencies and institutions accordingly for one year only. The auditor who checks to see that the money has been spent acBudget Commission probably cording to law and all is accould administer these budgets counted for. That's proper, and as it does its own two-year sufficient. budgets; but it would be gropIt needn't, and shouldn't, also ing in the dark because its try to take over the actual control estimates of need are spending. based on two years' projections and even — in compliance Indeed, its record of wisdom with a 1967 law — moving toin taxing and allocating doesn't ward five-year plans. recommend its competency to Of course, the Legislature go further. It seldom has left the executive branch a budget itself could stay in session or available funds and attempt to authorize interim with authorized expenditures in balcommittees to exercise supervision and control over ex- ance. Without expert and prudent Budget Commission manipenditures of money according pulation, we would have been in to its allocations. continual chaos. But, as a matter of practicthem from overspending in the first part. Sunday 4A Jan. 12,1969 Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. 2nd st., Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, by the Boca Raton Publishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. W.H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher JOHN T. OPEL Editor H. CLAY-RILEY Adv. Mgr. Entered as s e c o n d class mail at the postoffice at Boca Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. Member of the Florida P r e s s Association and National Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in the city70<£ per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10.00, 6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 5A Mitch Woodbury reports COSmETIC STUDIO Pro football - books vs. television Football Fan . . . I promised my friend I wouldn't use his name. So the central figure on this tale will have to be nameless. Let's just say he's a football fan. On second thought, let's state it correctly. He's, a rabid football fan. Like all other fervent addicts of the gridiron pastime, he spends his Sunday afternoons sitting in front of his television set watching pro game double-headers. As might be imagined, his wife doesn't think very much of this. The other day she suggested he spent more time reading. Being a dutiful husband he went out and bought a book. You can imagine his wife's reaction when she saw its title — "How To Enjoy Pro Football." Patriotic . . . If everyone was as patriotic as one of my Boca Raton neighbors what a wonderful country this would be. He s got to be Boca's Mr. Patriotism. His name is Tom Kane. He lives in Harbour Terrace in Harbour East and not a single day passes that he doesn't put out the Stars and Stripes in front of his apartment. Congratulations, Tom. I admire you for your loyalty to Uncle Samuel. Tom's a happy man these days. His wife, Nell, is home again after a hospital stay,, Have A Smile „ . . TV star Fred Rogers tells of the dutiful husband who finally got around to trying the cologne his wife had given him for Christmas, An hour later, while waiting to be seated in church, he heard a woman say to her friend: "I didn't know they used incense in Presbyterian churches,," Meeting . . . For years Mr. and Mrs. Chet Glowacki, of Cloister Beach Towers, and Mr. and Mrs. George Henry, 690 NE 30th Place, lived in Toledo, Ohio, and never met. Then the Henrys moved to Boca Raton and the Glowackis started coming here for the fall and winter seasons. And still they never met. It wasn't until a holiday cruise aboard the new steamship, Starward, to Jamaica that they were introduced. Turned out they had staterooms next to each other. There is a waitress at Lou Rizzo's popular r e s taurant here in Boca who is a Katherine Hepburn lookalike. So strong is her f acilal resemblance to the movie and stage star that some of the patrons call her Kathy. Her name? It's Myrna Pohl. Harriet (Mrs0 Walter) Davis is a happy gal these days. One of her Christmas gifts was a hole in one scored on the 120 yard (with a fairway of only about 40 yards) sixth hole at the Sun and Surf Beach Club golf course. The new president of the real estate development known as Harbour East is George Northcott, elected at the annual meeting last week. Other officers for 1969 are Allen Smith, vice president, and Charles Ronald Chapman, treasurer . . . Faces In Places: Baltimore Colt coach Don Shula at Pal's Captain's Table, John Unitas at the Charcoat Pit. Community Bible Scbool RETURNING TO BOCA RATON *9:30-10:30 A.M. - Sunday Mornings! *Enroll now! Just beginning! *Term runs for nine weeks - Jan. 12-March 9! *Cal I 395-3942 a 943-0193 *Classes for children between 4 and 12. *Sponsored by The Christian Reformed Church 901 W. Palmetto P L Rd. IT'S WHERE YOUR FRIENDS WILL BE! TELEPHONE 395-1701 RUDOLPH COLOR C. LARSON PHOTOGRAPHY DF DISTINCTION TO THE MAN W/TH SOMETHING TO SELL: Does your brochure have a tired look? Distinctive photographs in co/or will put sparkle in It! An attractive brochure illustrated with distinctive photographs in color helps you get your message across and lends prestige to your business. EXECUTIVE SUITE WEIR PLAZA BLOG. BS5 B. FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 3 3 4 3 2 ARCHITECTURAL INTERIORS INDUSTRIAL MARINE • complexion care * eye make upy NEW HOMES NOW AVAILABLE IN BOCA RATON'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREAS IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY or WILL BUILD - WITH OR WITHOUT POOL WIGLETS and BOUTIQUES 513 N.E. 20th St., Boca Raton 395-8891 One of the area's TV stations has been giving us some pretty old taped shows, recently. The other night on "Password" Barry Nelson was introduced as the star of "Cactus Flower." He hasn't been in that stage comedy in more than two years. And on the Steve Allen show last week they talked of the late Bobby Kennedy in the present GAMP HIGHLANDER! A unique summer experience for boys and girls, 7-15 I'm sure they couldn't care less, but the Smothers brothers are going to lose a viewer named Woodbury. That rock and roll group they had on last Sunday night ruined my indigestion. The hair worn by those five geeks was revolting. Woody's Back „ . . We were leaving the Charcoal Pit in Fort Lauderdale the other night before proceeding to the Parker Playhouse when I hear someone exclaim: "Mitch!" I turned to greet my namesake, Woody Woodbury, the night club, TV and stage comedian (he appeared in a play in Chicago two weeks ago) was in Florida for a few dayso Said he'd just purchased Julie Andrews' Overheard . . . I overheard one of the clerks house in California and had taken his home here in the State liquor store here tell one of Big (Plantation) off the market. Reported he soon was Daddy's customers: "A liquor store is one place to return to Las Vegas' Caesar's Palace and had you'll never find a person trying to exchange a four Dinah Shore TV shows coming up. Hadn't Christmas gift." decided if he was staying for the Super Bowl game today „ "If I do I'll have to bring my wife here Observations . . . If I were Victor Borge I would from the West Coast," he said. file plagiarism charges against Dom DiLuise. At How was the Playhouse's second attraction? It least a half dozen of the little comedy touches was Arthur Miller's "The Price." And, believe used by Dom in his personation of an aging piano me, "The Price" was right. It was a seering, artist on a recent Dean Martin TV show were gimcompelling drama with numerous deft comedy micks long identified, created and used by Victor. touches. Beautifully written and superbly played Someone should tell that Fort Lauderdale sports by Arthur Meeker, Gary Merrill, Joseph Buloff writer the distance between that community and and Mercedes McCambridge it provided a terrific Boca Raton. My speedometer clocked 17 miles session in the theater. between my home here and the Statler Hilton Hotel, where the Baltimore Colts were guests bePer capita consumpfore their Super Bowl game today. This fellow tion of bread in this stated the Colts were complaining about traveling country amounts to a 50 miles to and from their recent practice ses- nearly two pounds week. sions at St. Andrews School here. CBS. is FOR KIDS *Games * Stories *Friends *Music *Crafts COURTESY-MAKE UP LESSONS New vets officer to visit Legion post Lantana from North By MIRIAM WRIGHT Carolina 12 years ago. William Good, ap- He has been bailiff in pointed by the County the Palm Beach County Commission Dec. 30 as Courthouse for the past that he an assistant veterans year. Before service officer, will be drove an ambulance for at the American Legion two years for the County Post in Boca Raton Home Hospital. Mahoney, a 10 year every Friday afternoon from two to four to a s - U.S. Navy veteran is a sist veterans or their native of Rhode Island families with any pro- and attended Brown Uniblems connected with versity. He now lives service in the Armed in Lantana, is married Forces. and has three children Good is being train- and two grandchildren. ed by the newly hired One son 20, attends Palm Beach County, Palm Beach Junior Colservice officer, Ray- lege 'and another son, Mahoney, who took the 17, attends Lakeworth place of George Vought. High School. His daughtVought resigned after er is married to an Air complaints were turn- Force sergeant. Maed in against his work. honey was a deputy tax Palm "We are trying to give assessor for the veterans of Boca Beach County before beRaton and all outlying ing hired as veterans Palm Beach County dis- service officer. For 12 tricts better and more years he has been a p e r s o n a l assistance member of the state VeRehabilitation then they have had here- terans Commission, tofore," Mahoney said. "I believe Good to be well qualified for the The Chamorro people outside veterans s e r - believe the unusual vice officer, a job which ' l a t t e s , " or capped colwe are just in the pro- umns of heavy coral cess of establishing. rock, were built by gi"Good will have an ant - sized ancestors office and regular hours of the Pacific Islandnot only in Boca Raton ers who live on Guam. but in Delray Beach, Archeologists have Lantana Hospital, Rivi- found more than 200 era Beach, Belle Glade, latte sites on the 30Pahokee, and the County mile-long island. Welfare Home in West Palm Beach. The main office, in the county of- Use the Classifieds fice building on Datura St., West Palm Beach, will be open daily from nine to five, Monday thru Friday. I will be going with Mr. Good to these outside offices the first couple of weeks to help him learn the work. 123 E. Royal Palm Rd. Good is married and has a son, 19, and twin son, 16. All three attend Phone Lake Worth High School. A native of Pennsylvania, he is retired marine Dr. P.A. McRill Optometrist. HORSEBACK RIDING • CAMPING • CANOEING WATERSKIING • SAILING • SWIMMING RIFLE RANGE • MINING FOR RUBIES • CRAFTS and wonderful evening programs which include Torch Parade, Ghost Court Trials, Ship Wreck Party, Gold Rush Night and Monte Carlo Night QUALIFIED COUNSELORS • CHALLEH61MG PROGRAM The summer vocation you remember a lifetime' Camp Highlander Is the highest campsite in the Eastern U.S., high atop Brush Mountain in North Carolina. APPLY NOW! LIMITED ENROLLMENT! Opening Session: June 17 SEND TODAY FOR FREE COLOR BROCHURE! CAMP HIGHLANDER Mr. Lorry Br. Pedicord, Administrator 1501 N.E. 62 Street. Comp B, ft. loudcrdale, Flo. 33308 NAMEADDRESS- r CITY -STATE- _ZIP_ .TEL.. A Non-Profit Summer Camp Owned ond Operated by I Pine Crest School, port Lauderdale [ -1 CALL WEEKDAYS, 933-4441 gdmqumdedwUh ATLANTIC FEDERAL! Bmnwe mi hare vonreniemeof Oil, „// /T 0ffir(\S,t, 0 w must be mrw) Because ire offer the HIGHEST BATES! EARNING EARNING PER m ANNUM Paid quarterly. Available in amounts of $1,000 or more. Minimum term six months. Paid and • ' compounded quarterly SAVINGS RECEIVED BY THE 20th OF THE MONTH / ' * EARN FROM THE 1st SAVINGS RECEIVED BY THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE 1st 395-0660 corps captain moving to ONE OF THE MOST OUTSTANDING MODELS IN BOCA RATON Locations Available: PALMETTO PARK TERRACE LAKE FLORESTA TUNISON PALMS THE ESTATES GOLDEN HARBOUR (WATERFRONT) 3 - 4 - 5 Bedroom models are available for Immediate Occupancy. OVER 20 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM A L L MODELS INCLUDE: Wall-to-wall carpeting - Central Heat and Air Conditioning - G£ Kitchen Range - Dishwasher <S Many Other Features Everyone Loves A BUICK FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A 1969 BUKK SEE FRANK COULSON Direcf Factory Dealer • FINESTSERVICE * LARGE PAINT & BOD* SHOP TELEPHONE AT MODEL 399-4179 itvenus DEVELOPMENT & INDUSTRIAL CORP. 41 S.E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, Fla. 395-1211 399-5453 Miami 944-1912 DELRAY BEACH 1616 N. Federal Hwy. - Ph. 278-3292 You receive personal attention... the same warm personal service offered to all members of the Atlantic Federal family is the reason for our remarkable growth. Wouldn't today be a good day to come in and get acquainted? ATLANTIC FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION • FORT LAUDERDALE H. P. GREEP. President SUNRISE OFFICE: Sunrise Boulevard and N.E. 17th Way 525-2801 SOUTH SIDE OFFICE: South Andrews and 16th Street 524-8565 NORTH SIDE OFFICE: North Andrews and 43rd Street 5B4-7636 POMPANO BEACH OFFICE: McNab Road and Federal Highway U.S. 1 942-7443 ' WEST SIDE OFFICE: (Located in the Lauderhill Mail) Jus! north of Sunrise Blvd. on State-Road 7tti.S.441) Lauderhill. Fla. 'Opening on or about Feb. 1st, 1969 6A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 Dedicated to... FINE DINING Famous for Prime Roast Beef, •/Boneless- Duck, Scampi, and ••Special Gourmet Dinners: THE GOLD COASTS NEWEST! Stand Tall in Florida's^ Future! LOUNGE Singing Host ED MELLO Presents BOYNTON BEACH "A TOUCH OF HAWAII" f Starring Ph. 732-2222 ; •'•; •:•.'.;."". ~ to the •romantic music of JOSEPMTROPPE CARL KALANi TRIO Exotic Drink* Saronged Serving Girli and the Finest Polynesian Dining. GOME WITH (Dancing Too!) ON THE OCEAN A-l-A So. Pompano Bch. All major : Credit :Gdrds : Reservations 941-6600 H o n o r e d ; '.••:-: .: To reserve : ::. CALL MAI"TRE (1: JOSEPH • •'y\i 563-1234-'.•"'''•'•/•f.V . Miami ,949;17O7 : « 2 2 2 2 Nv Oceaji Dr. U AUK GABLE YIYIEN LEIGH LESLIE HOWARD OIJVL\dcIL\\ILL\M) NOW PLAYING 8 P.M. Everyday at 2 & 8 PM No Advance in Price Ed Mello is the singing host of the new Nalu Lounge in Fompano Beach on A-l-A. A resident of Boca Raton, Mello is known as the "Portugese Man-of-Song." The Nalu Lounge is the Gold Cosst's newest water- FAMOUS DOOR CHINESE RESTAURANT In the COVE SHOPPING CENTER „_„_.,_.__..,_ DEERFIELD J ^ ^I'^nTZrl^v^Serving Lunch - Dinner - Late Supper en Noon f i l CLOSED MONDAY °P Midnight FOR RESERVATION OR TAKE OUT ORDERS - 399-5455 inghole and is located in the Surf Rider Motel. Also featured until Jan. 20 is the Carl Kalani Trio and their "Touch of Hawaii", show. The Harrington Trio will be featured after the 20th. OUR SPECIALTY Char-Broiled Steaks and Broiled Florida Lobster Mail order COCKTAILS 524 4 TO 6 P.M. library Travel Agent Costs No (Except Sunday & Holidays) S.chrafft's famous recipes of traditional foods assures you of top-notch quality whether for breakfast, luncheon or dinner. It's Schrafft's for your favorite foods. A library in a rural section of the state of Washington has experimented in building up service to its widely scattered patrons by sending out a "mailorder book catalog." A reply form enclosed permits the library user to order up to eight books for loan by mail. Most are paperbacks. Steamship Tours Cruises Airline 103 E. PALMETTO PARK RD. BOCA RATON PH. 391-0303 PHONE 395-4800 ' '-.<>•*. .-EEE3S333S U. S. N B . 1 «t 20th ST. BOCA BATON TODAY OPEN 1:30 P.M. GftTEWflY | 182OE 1820 E. SUNRISE BLVD, FT.. ILAUDERDALE { OPEN O P I 1:30 P.M. "A SIZZLER FROM FRANCE. Makes 'THE FOX' look like a milk-fed puppy. 'Therese and Isabelle' will be the most talked-about movie around." -WINS RADIO "Where Dining is Something linicjiie" Ann Gael is featured as Isabelle in "Therese and Isabelle," now playing at the Boca Raton Theatre. Co-starring with her is Essy Persson as Therese. The film carries an " T " rating - restricted to persons over 17. Your Host, " J O E K VTO," will b e ha|i[>>U> Serve y o u . Airman L u n c h e o n s slai-l a t 1 1 : 3 ( X A ! V 1 . . . " ; J o h n n y Grayson e n l c r l a i n s in oiir s p ^ c l a c u l a r u n d e r g r o u n d makes solo flight 429 Ni federal Highway • Deerffeld Beach, Florida • For?Res? Call ^99-8300 You Are Invited To Attend The PRO-BOWL RALLY SUNDAY (Jan. 12) 8:15 P.M. ist the Iocs Rufon H@t§I It GREAT HALL SEVERAL FOOTBALL GREATS FROM 51 PRO-TEAM'S OF THE NFL & AFL 1 I L L TELL OF "LIFE'S GREATEST MOMENT' NFL & AFL'S CHAPLAIN, IRA "DOC" ESHLEMAN WILL REPORT ON THE FOOTBALLS BOYS RANCH AND THE PRO-PLAYERS TOUR TO KOREA, JAPAN AND VIETNAM. Complimentary tickets will be available in the lobby of the Great Hall 7:00 to 8:00 PM the night of the Rally (Sunday, Jan. 12) N a v a l Aviation Officer Candidate Robert P. McTeague Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert P. McTeague of Boca Raton, made his first solo flight. The flight was made in a T34. "Mentor" trainer after five months of intensive academic, military and physical training, including his last month of Primary Flight Training with Training Squadron One at Saufley Field, Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. The "Mentor" is the military's version of the civilian Beechcraft "Bonanza." He wil 1 continue on to more advanced phases of his flight training for an additional 13 months before r e ceiving his pilot's "Wings of Gold." You can make decorative roses from cream cheese slightly with milk and add the d e sired shade and amount of fool coloring. Then with the tip of a teaspoon arrange cheese petals on bonbons, smoothing them " down from the top. Call 395-8300 For Classified Ads THE TROUSER SHOP 4 .»S 409 E. ATLANTIC AYE., DELRAY BEACH ARCADE TAP ROOH BLD6. PHONE U.S. * »ETWEEH »-4114.?0MI»ANO AND OEEKFICLf. . $2.00 ADM. NO ONE UNDER 17 ADMITTED starring ESSY PERSSON ("I. A Woman") as Therese and Anna Gael as Isabelle Produced and Directed by RADI.EY METZGER ASBEJLLITT Imagine . . . eighteen fork-tender crab specialties! As a starter, choose your favorite crab cocktail. Then banquet on Dungeness crabmeat Imperial. A delicacy plucked from the Pacific which we saute in sherry wine and butter. Now . . . enjoy gourmet food in a festive mood I Celebrate our 20th Anniversary with u s . . . at a n y . . . or all of our conveniently located restaurants up-downand-around Florida! ACRES OF FREE PARKING • ROCKING: CHAlU LOGE) Feel devilish ? Try baked Baltimore deviled crab. All tender white crabmeat artfully spiced, delicately blended with mayonnaise and pimento, served enticingly on the shell. Or savor Baked Alaskan King Crab Legs. Heavenly Crabmeat Imperial. Soft shell crabs, a Maryland specialty. Consider saucy crabmeat au gratin or a la Newburg. You get the idea. If you simply can't make up your mind, your waitress will be hovering near without hurrying you. Maybe she can help. ONE GROUP OF WORSTED W O O L a n d DACRON LUNCH/D1NNER/C0CKTAILS-7 DAYS REGULAR 10 22,50 1599 CUFFED FREE WHILE YOU WAIT SPECIAL SIZES 28 TO 60 WAIST - SHORT, REG., LONG Boca Raton - 1 7 0 1 N. Federal H w y . - 39B-8181 North Palm Beach-661 U.S.Hwy. 1-848-5245 West Palm Beach - 7400 S. Dixie H w y . - 582-5822 Also in Perrine, Coral Gables, Miami, North Miami, Dania, Ft. Lauderdale South, Ft. Lauderdale North, Pompano Beach, Cocoa Beach, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Orlando (Maitiand) First in Florida for Seafood Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7A News from the High School Robert Wallace, DOS Announces the opening of his office at 99 SE 1st Avenue Royal Palm Shopping Center Boca Raton, Florida Semester exams coming up By Dianne E. Rocheleau The New Year has gotten off to a busy start at Boca Raton High School. Semester exams are being given during the coming week and most students are studying hard in a last minute attempt to refresh their knowledge of the material they have covered in classes. The chorus is continuing to prepare for its upcoming musical pres= entation of the Broadway comedy, "Mr. President", The chorus is currently enlisting patrons from the student body and the community. Anyone interested in becoming a patron of this production should contact Mrs. Vivian Randon, head of the music department of the high school. People Unlimited members joined forces with Soul Seekers Dec. 26 for a combination Christmas - Nev/ Year's Party, held at Flood district seeks lower bridge costs The governing board the southern part of of the Central and South- West Palm Beach. ern Florida Flood ConIt was announced Fritrol District deferred action Friday on a bid day that it is expected on construct a major a substantial portion of highway bridge south- the West Palm Beach Canal will be improved west of Homestead and at no expense to the took exception to what District, as material to were described as ex- be excavated be cessively high bridge used for fill for will Intercosts. The board voted to state 95. A $5 million plan to explore the possibility of the FCD advertising improve the West Palm for bids for bridge con- Beach Canal has been struction instead of the authorized by Congress, State Road Department and it is predicted that in an effort to save tax- this work will return benefits to Palm Beach payers money, County estimated at Robert 1. Searle of more than $10 for every Coral Gables, an FCD board member, noted $1 of expense. Robert W. Padrick of that when the State Road Department handles Fort Pierce, chairman, construction, bids are noted that the canal is only accepted from con- to be realigned as well tractors that the SRD as the highway and railconsiders "qualified." road. Searle suggested that Director G. other contractors, un- E.Executive Dail Jr. explained der bond, might be able that the original alignto build highway bridges ment of Interstate 95 at reduced costs. would have taken considThe action was spark- erable ground, including ed when William V. the athletic field of ForStorch, chief engineer est Hill High School, for the FCD, present- and would also have gone ed a request for an ad- through the 6th hole of ditional $35,000 for con- the West Palm Beach struction of State Road Country Club, 27 bridge over canal L-31 West, This will be a new bridge on the highway leading into Everglades National Park. Storch said the lowest bid received by the SRD was $86,000, and the second lowest bid was $99,000 for the bridge. The Flood Control District had e s timated the bridge cost previously at less than $60,000. The FCD will now ask the State Road Department for permission to advertise and perhaps construct the highway bridge to SRD specifications. It could set a precedent for construction of other future SRD bridges by the district. In other action Friday, the board voted to advise the State Road Department that the FCD will be responsible for the cost of a new Seaboard Coastline Railroad bridge crossing the West Palm Beach Canal. The bridge, which will cost more than $250,000, is proposed for construction in about two years, at about the same time that the Seaboard tracks are moved westward, and Interstate Highway 95 is constructed through Schell, a renowned European actor. Voices were dubbed in in English. The film was a rewarding experience for many students who enjoyed seeing the play that they had read come alive on the screen. Hopefully, more such films will be shown at Boca High to supplement regular courses. the Unitarian Church on Palmetto Park road. Guests included members of both clubs, holiday visitors from out of state, VISTA workers from , the Unitarian Church, and the pastor of the church. Everyone agreed that the dancing, the good company, good food, and soul-beat music made for a very entertaining evening. Red Cross members and their sponsor attended a County Red Cross meeting in West Palm Beach Wednesday. They saw a program presented by a woman missionary from Vietnam who appeared in native Vietnamese dress and explained the customs and surroundings of the Vietnamese people. Last Monday, senior English classes presented the film, "Hamlet", a Shakespearean play which all seniors are reading. The movie, made in Germany, featured Maximillian Practice of General Dentistry Office Hours 8:30 - r2:00 1:00- 5:30 391-0020 Star-spangled key to a home o£ your own SALE PRICES GOOD THRU MONDAY SHOP 9 'TIL 9 WEEKDAYS SUNDAY SHOP 10 'TIL 7 MAKE ECKERDS YOUR DRUG HEADQUARTERS BIG PENS BOCA RATON OPTICAL SERVICE THE LATEST STYLES OF FRAMES -professionally fit to your needs. MEN'S BANLON SHIRTS REGULAR COLLAR IN ASSORTED COLORS, SMALL, MEDIUM AND LARGE, 100% NYLON. Colonial Medical Bldg. CALM SPRAY 4.2 ©Z. DEOBSR&MT POWDER US. We, LIMIT DRAPERY Custom Draperies and Shades Decorating Service Free Consultation LAGTONA NATURAL TOOTH BRUSH PHONE 399-7033 3062 N. FEDERAL HWY. BOCA RATON, FLA. GORIGIDIN , COLD TABS C BOTTLE OF 25 1.25 VALUE LIMIT ONE 5 f OIIMDS M R RES. 49c, LIMIT | TEFLON COVER WITH PAD FITS ALL STANDARD SIZE IRONING BOARDS 1.00 VALUE WHITE STRIPE TIRES NOW SALE PRICED CHOPO-MATIC HOUBROOK THE FOOD CHOPPER AS SHOWN O N TELEVISION Tubeless white stripe Plus Fed. Excise Tax and 4 trade-in tires off your car. 8.85x15 8.85x14 TROUBLE LIGHT 25 FOOT C O R D , HEAVY DUTY, DOUBLE SIDE OUTLETS, SHOCKPROOF HANDLE 9.00x15 9.15x15 15.95 V4LBE 6" Fit Most Lincoln Continentials, Buicks, Cadillacs, Chevroiets, Dodges, Mercurys, Pontiacs, Thunderbirds, Oldsmobiie BOCA RATON'S COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER 11 TRAINED MEN TO SERVE YOU 1 EXPERT MECHANICAL REPAIRS Air Conditioning Firestone & Goodyear Tires Wheel Alignment- Brakes - Shocks "* Use this coupon to tet us know you're here. Name Address Cily t * • Pfease have the Welcome Waj^n Hostess cafl on me I • I would !ika to subscribe to the f j ; Q I already subscribe to the I5£ Filf out coupon anil mail ft? Circulation 63 SALTS LIGHTWEIGHT A N D EASY TO CARRY, MODEL 1103 8.15x15 8.45x15 * | | j; I 58 1S0IHCE OUR RE6UUR Me OUR REG. 83c LIMIT 1 HAND GAFF ANY SIZE LISTED A visit from our hostess will make you feel at home, with her basket of gifts and answers to questions about the city, its services and facilities. Just call . . . § W E L C O M E NEWCOMERS! WOODBURY SHAMPOO MEDIUM, HARD OR EXTRA HARD Any way you figure i t . . . THE FINEST WELCOME TO BOCA RATON IS WELCOME WAGON 76 STUDIO BOCA RATON'S TIRE CENTER SS DELUXE CHAMPION HANDY FOR HOME OR . OFFICE, ACCURATE 1.00 VALUE 3.98 VALUE (Off Federal Hgwy.) 47 SE 3rd St. 399-6500 POSTAL SCALE MAJOR & MINOR MOTOR WORK Carburetors - Mufflers - Radiators Ignition & Electrical Work Foreign Cars - Light Towing SEMAN SHELL 1930 N. Federal Hwy. 395-7739 BOCA RATON REMANUFACTURED SPARK PLUGS 3.15 VALUE SERVICE STATION WEST1NGHOUSE SET OF 8 GUARANTEED FAMOUS MAKE ECKERO 99 3 PACK FLASHCUBES 99 2.25 VALUE WHILE THEY LAST DRUGS- S.T.P. OIL ADDITIVE OPEN 24 HOURS 15 OUNCE GAN 1.35 VALUE LIMIT 1 WITH C08FDN THRU 1/13 66 Brack Creme Rinse 4 OUNCE OUR REG. 54c LIMIT t WITH COUPON THRU 1/13 31 Bobcats can't catch up and Stuart coasts to 70-51 win If the Boca Raton Bobcats could have played only the second half F r i day night against Stuart, they could have had a good ball game. The first half counted, the Martin County 8A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 Fighting Tigers cranked out a tremendous lead, and then coasted to an easy 70-51 victory. STUART 16 8 0 16 Matheny 8 3 2 Rogers 9 4 1 Johnson •7 4 18 Kahle 5 1 11 Mclntyre Harris 0 0 0 0 0 0 Howard Boca Raton went up against one of the best basketball machines in the area when they took on the Tigers. No one member of the north county team could be picked out as being outstanding. Each and every member who took the floor was outstandDespite the fact Boca ing,, Raton's Ernie Jones was A fast break, terif- high point man with 18, fic ball handling and ex- the Jayvees bowed to cellent shooting was Martin County Friday the combination Stuart night, 54-39, in the p r e used against the local liminary contest. Too fast, too tall and team. It is also the pattoo good on the boards tern they have used to give them an undefeated were the reasons forthe season so far this*year Stuart win. Although no one man overshadowed and one that is likely to his feammates, the make them first when visiting Jayvee squad the books are totaled at worked well as a team the end of February and had little trouble Boca Raton outscored building up an early the visitors, 35-28 in lead. the second half, but The little Bobcats by this time Martin came back in the secCounty was clearing the ond quarter to effect a bench of second string 23-23 tie at halftime, players and coasting., but they couldn't keep During the opening two the pace and quickly fell quarters, they had. behind again in the last cranked out a 42-16 two quarters „ lead0 They had opened the game by putting 12 points on the Scoreboard before Boca Raton was allowed the first bucket. 0 0 0 Thomas Davis •2 0 4 0 0 May 0 2 0 Bowling 4 0 0 Barfields 0 Totals 31 8 70 Bobcats...4 12 1817-51 Stuart...22 20 1513-70 Jayvees how to MC by score of 54-39 Terry Albury shoots from far out. Gulfslream will open Sunday after rainout Last week's rainout reschedules Gulfstream Polo's season opener for Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Lake Worth Road grounds a half-mile west of Sunshine State Parkway. In the postponed 40th season inaugural Gulfstream will ride against Palm Beach with revised lineups. Peter Orthwein, r e cently returned from a tour of polo centers in central America, will replace his twin brother Steve in the Gulfstream lineup. A severe fracture in a practice match last Tuesday will Short Is winner Mignon Short posted a plus six this week to take honors for women at Boca Raton Country Club. Thirty - two ladies participated in the stroke play golf tournament. Second place went to Becky Stiltson for a plus five. Ella Noll and Peg Toy tied for third place, each with a plus four. 18 Hole Par-3 Phone 276-9992 Lessons Available DRIVING mm sideline him for several weeks. Dolph Orthwein, father of the twins will ride in the No. 2 position. Heath Manning, and Allen Jerkens complete the Gulfstream squad. Palm Beach will counter with Herb Pennell, Keith Bailey, Butch Butterworth and Bert Azqueta of Palm Beach. FG FT TP Eggenberger 0 2 2 Coerancesco 1 0 2 Jones 6 6 18 Aspinwall 0 0 0 Gross 0 4 4 Shannon 6 113 Totals 13 13 39 STUART FG Jackson 6 Rich 3 Harvey 4 Bletch 5 Thompson 2 Ought er son 2 Turner 0 Brinkley 0 Stroudmire 2 Totals 24 Jayvees,..5 18 9 7-39 Stuart. ..11 12 1318-54 Royal Palm, Milwaukee, tangle in polo opening Del Carroll and Benny Gutierrez will be the high goal leaders Sunday as Royal Palm Polo takes another crack at opening the season. The game was called off last Sunday when rains soaked the playing fields. Carroll will ride in the number two position for Royal Palm's entry and will be carrying a rating of eight goals. With him at the number one slot will be Joe Casey, four goal er, Jack Jim Agatheas one hands a bucket. Women of the University Park Country Club held a best ball of two tournament this weeko Nadine Tapscott and Molly Davis came in first with a score of 65. In second place, Mel Robertson and Lee Stevens had a combined t o tal of 68. Third place went to Ida Jacoby and Esther Schieid- for their score of 70, There were three chip-in winners. They were Dot Whitman, Gert Reif steck and June Munnick. Bowling standings Phone 395-3060 lor Storting Time Go oof Stale Rcf. tf808^past FAU fo U.S. 441 (State Rcf. 7} furn south 2 miles. r €M Sturdy Oaks Bowling Weekly winners: l-Spar 255 2-Freed 254 3-Lane, Edens & Reguly 248 High team game Edens, Cann, Arseneau, Morrison 1079; high CHOOSE THIN CHOOSE THE YEAR also SEE CONNOR BROWN'S OTHER TOP NAME LINE OF PRE-OWNED CARS in the finest condition LARGEST USED CAR DISPLAY IN THE SOUTH team triple Niemeck, Novy, O'Brien, VanSteenberg and Morrison 3006; ind. high, Reguly 223; ind. triple Van Steenberg 579. Industrial League Team Won Lost Rinker 52 20 Causeway 49.5 22O5 Mark Fore 40 32 Velda Farms 39.5 32.5 Boca Heat 30 42 Jone's Svc. 29 43 Bruning 28 44 Plumbing 20 52 High team game. Causeway Lumber 765; high team triple Rinker Material 2094; indc high P. St. Jean 237; ind. triple D. Macdonald 590." FAU Bowling League Team Won Lost Guttersnipes 35 21 Qualify 34 22 34 22 33 23 32 24 32 24 31 25 30 26 26 30 30 26 27 29 28 Mr. & Mrs. 28 2Q Eagles 27 26 30 Lancers No See Ums 25 31 Chumps 25 31 Twin D'ble 24 32 Unisons 23 33 34 Bookworms 22 Bibliocrats 11 45 High team game E a gles and Penguins 787; high team triple E a gles 2272; women's ind. high and ind, triple Dottie King 206 and 536; men's ind. high and ind. triple Carl Miller 221 and 537. Flyers Injuns Strugglers Derelicks Bangtails Crawdads Pin Pushers Penguins Souls Gnats Early Bird Bowling Team Won Lost Skylarks 51 17 Hum. Birds 45 23 41.5 26.5 Members of the Uni- Hawks 37.5 30,5 versity Park Country Swans 37 31 Club men's association Cardinals 36 32 held qualifying rounds Kook'ras 34 34 this week for the an- Blue Jays 30 38 nual handicap tourna- Peacocks ment. First round of Roadrunners 28.5 39.5 40 the tourney will be held Mynah Birds 28 Pelicans 20.5 47.5 next Wednesday, 19 49 Winners this week Sandpipers High team game and were Floyd Trump and high team triple KookFred Bezz at 69. Second place went to aburras 713 and 1826; Dale Sheaffer for a 72 ind. high and ind. triple and William Pahl came Eileen Massarella 209 and 507. in third with a 73. for match BOWLING 1st In Fine Cars 1st In Customer Satisfaction 1st In Dependability GMAC AND LOCAL BANK FINANCING EVERY CAR CAREFULLY CONDITIONED Open Tril 9:30 p.m. Mon., Wed., and Friday, Tuesday Thurs. Sat. Till 6 p.m.: 1699 S. Federal Hwy., Pompano Beach 942-8585 Authorized Cadillac Dealer Fast action saw this type of spill all night Friday. Best ball tourney Takes low gross title One Mi!e Ssyfh ef Delray Beach on U.S. X Connor Brown FT TP 0 12 1 7 1 9 1 11 3 7 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 54 For the Bobcats, Garry Lambert was high point man with seven field goals for 14 points „ Terry Albury, the only other man going into the double firgures, had three field goals and four at the line for a total of 1 0 . The Cats were scheduled to play at Northeast Saturday night. They will go against Lake Worth next Wednesday. The box score BOBCATS FG FT TP 1 Sparling 0 1 7 0 14 Lambert 3 4 10 Albury 6 2 2 Agatheas 6 3 0 Parker 6 3 0 Miller 4 1 2 Keitzer 2 Hayden 0 2 Mary Stewart was the Graham 0 0 0 low gross winner at the Finger 0 0 0 Hotel and Club course Caylor 2 1 0 this week in Class A 20 11 51 Totals division. Class A low net winners were Ruby Clark and Lean Arnauton. They tied for the honors. In Class B, low gross was shared by Karen Camino Gardens League Chingos, Helen Cohen Team Won Lost and Ann Tfeltf. Low net Maypops 29 19 winner was Amy Lynah. Tamarinds 28 20 Irene Merriman took Hickories 28 20 low gross in Class C Bayberries 27 21 and Mare Moir was low Butternuts 26 22 net winner. Sycamores 23 21 No scores were given June Berries 23 25 for any of the partici- Hollyhocks 23 25 pants. Elm Trees 22 26 Pep'ridges 19 29 Apple Trees 18 26 Peach Trees 18 30 High team game SyATA FINE EXECUTIVE COURSE camores 804; high team triple Tamarinds 2306; 4 Holes over 300 yds men's ind. high Dave 1 Hole 270 yds. 1 Hole 280 yds. Dickson 190, ind0 t r i SNACKBAR - BEER ple Bill Wilkens 503; RENTAL CLUBS women's ind. high ElDRIVING RANGE. sie Griffith 173, ind. Green Fees $3.00 triple Virginia Somer10 Play Book $25.00 ville 477. FIRST JAYVEES Midway Befween Ft, Lauderdale and Pompano Billiards RESTAURANT *TROPH1ES * AWARDS *FNGRAVING UNIVERSITY BOWL The South's Most Luxurious Recreation Center" CornerN.E. 20th St. and Dixie Hwy. Phone 395-5222 Oxley in number three with five goals and Chuck Wright riding at back with a four goal rating. The squad will have an aggregate of 21 goals^ Milwaukee is the opposition and Gutierrez will be in number three position with his rating of seven goals. Up front in the number one spot is Russell Firestone, two goals, making a comeback aft-' er two years layoff from the polo game. Jules Romfh, at four goals is riding number two and Juan Rodriguez, five goals will be in the.back position. Royal Palm will give up three points to the visiting Suds City team at the beginning of the game because of the total handicap. They will need to make three goals to bring the contest back on an even footing. The full lineups are as follows: ROYAL PALM * Joe Casey 4 Del Carroll 8 Jack Oxley 5 Chuck Wright 4 Total "2T MILWAUKEE Russell Firestone 2 Jules Romfh 4 Benny Gutierrez 7 Juan Rodrigues 5 Totals T8" Rally set Russ Baumann was top golfer in Class A group this week as the Dirty Dozen Plus group took to the links at Boca Raton Country Club. He shot a'low net of 55. Jim Gargill and Ed Yerg tied for honors in Class B competition. Both men had scores of 59. In Class C, with a 59, Al Beckmann was the top man. The nearest to the pin contest was held on hole number 18 and was won by Charley Finley. The ladies also played and Alyne Bisset came in winner with a score of 50. at hotel A post Super Bowl rally' will be held iri the Great Hall at the Hotel and Club Sunday at 8:15 p.m. Two players each from the Dallas Cowboys, Atlanta Falcons and Miami Dolphins will be featured under the direction of the Sports World Champlaincy. Delegations from area churches and high schools are invited. The 1,500 seats are complimentary. Classic 910 League Team Won Lost Cisco Kid 34 17 Boca Print. 33.5 17.5 First Bank 28 23 A&P Const. 26 25 #3 25 26 Whistle St. 23 28 #5 20.5 30.5 Ruterberg 14 37 High team game and high team triple A & P Construction 990 and 2 , 766; ind. high George Rohan 264; ind. triple Bill Berry 620. golfers!. ALL THE ROADS LEAD TO THE NEW SA3AL PALM COUNTRY CLUB W H I C H IS IN TOP CONDITION - FROM THE DUAL GREENS ON THE PAR THREES TO SCENIC DELIGHTS ON THE FAIRWAYS. IBM Mates League Team Won Lost Galleys 36 20 Sloops 34 22 Commodores 32 24 Destroyers 30o5 25O5 Mates 24.5 31.5 Anchors 24 32 Stowaways 22 34 Cruis'tes 21 35 High team game and high team triple D e stroyers 667 and 1889; ind. high Cathleen L u cas 189; ind. triple Mary Galletly 466. Bauman < Is low STARTING TIMES HONORED COUNTRY CLUB Can You Beat Us ? * 90% Residential Financing to Qualified Properties and Purchasers. * 27 Years on New Construction * More than Competitive Rates * No Pre-payment Penalties * Appraisals in 24 to 48 hours * No obligation or deposit required to receive prompt comm, CALL msir MORTGAGE COMPANY 399-6153 G. Wm. Anderson, Broker WEIR P L A Z A B U I L D I N G 855 South Federal Highway Boca R a t o n , F l o r i d a 33432 Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 9A SEE THIS MAH FOR YOUR CARPET NEEDS Carpet Problems? Ask Bob Perkins — he's the man that can solve them. Bob, with his many years of carpeting experience, personally supervises all carpet sales, installations, and cleaning. Stop by and see him today PERKINS RUG Co. Sales - Installation - Cleaning 5501 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton -395-1337 BOATERS Another Chance To Enroll For m BOATING COURSE U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 36 announces due to the large response at our Tuesday class a second class w;ill be conducted. This will be held at the The S/S Queen Elizabeth Ray SoreFs seachest ADDISOM MISHER SCHOOL Initials clue to ship's propulsion system By RAY SOREL The name of a ship is often preceded by a couple of initials like the S/S Queen Maude, or the M/V Meteor, or the M/S Explorer. These initials tell you what kind of power the ship has. S/S stands for Steam Ship, M/V for Motor Vessel, and TIRED OF RETIREMENT? But you don't really core for full employment. Why not calf for an interview today regarding the financial field of stocks, bonds, and securities selling to select clientele. Call Mr. Bogren at 395-0546 for Appointment. BYER INCORPORATED Royal Palm Plaza Boca Raton, Florida OPENING WED., JAN. 15 INCOME TAX SERVICE Please Phone 395-8556 to contact Mrs. G@r!md@ M . Swtspp Please Phone for Appointment 32 Years as Tax Consultant — Mass, and Fla. 6 Years in Boca Raton Office in 140 Building (Bebout Bldg.) 2ND FLOOR - TAKE ELEVATOR North Federal Highway, Boca Raton M/S for Motor Ship. We may have other designators soon; N/S for Nuclear Ship and G/S for Gas turbine ship. A steam ship may have either a reciprocating (piston) engine or a steam turbine,, A motor ship has diesel engines which are piston engines, and of course a gas turbine has a turbine. The type of engine you find in a ship isn't due to some whim of the naval architect or the builder. There's a limit to the size (horsepower) that you can put into piston engines,, You won't find diesels much bigger than ten or fifteen thousand horsepower . which is a pity because they're almost twice as efficient as high pressure steam engines. You can build a ship with twin screws and get maybe twenty or thirty thousand total horse- *«-—*^^^ If you buy one, the finance company will hate you. Most car loans last about three years. So do most cars. So when youfinishpaying for your old car, it's time to start paying for a new one. As a result, you'll always be broke. But the finance company will love you. Unlike most other cars, Volvo is built to last a lot longer than the payments. Over 95% of all the Volvos registered in the United States I in the last 11 years are still on the road today. This means that if you buy a Volvo, the day will come when you'll be able to stop making payments to the finance company and start making payments to yourself. Of course, the finance company will stop loving you. But by then, their love will be one of the thin is you can afford to do without. power, but it's no good when you need close to a hundred thousand for some warships and fast passenger liners. Shipping companies with freighters are interested in economy rather than speed and so most freighters have diesels. During World War II, there were some freighters that cruised at only seven knots. There aren't many freighters that slow left these days, but there are many that don't make better than ten or twelve knots. I went to India on a troop transport that was considered fast. It could cruise at twenty knots but it had steam turbines for power, A couple of Liberty ships that had been used during the war had r e cently been taken out of mothballs and equipped with gas turbine engines. They've been put into service on an experimental basis to see how they would work. Because the gas turbine has no reciprocating parts, it can be made with much.more horsepower than diesels. It burns the same fuel as a diesel at close to the same efficiency. But the early gas turbines didn't last very long so they weren't fit for marine service. When you make a big gas turbine, the forces acting on the spinning parts grow with size. If you make the buckets of the turbine strong enough to stand these forces, the material won't stand the corrosion and erosion from the burning gases. If you use a material that will withstand the corrosive effects of the burning gas, the materials aren't strong enough to stand the centrifugal forces. Recently, though, methods were found where strong alloys could be surface treated to resist corrosion and gas turbines can now go for thousands of hours before a major overhaul is necessary. The lightweight and small size for a given horsepower is another advantage they enjoy. If you've ever ridden in an airplane with gas turbine engines, you can appreciate the smoothness, the freedom from vibration, of this kind of engine. You might not notice this smoothness in a ship, though, because there's usually more vibration from the propeller than from the engine. The Coast Guard has | SEDANS and WAGONS 3 t l V e J\)\) f GOLD COAST SPORTS CAR CENTRE 1000 S, Federal Hwy., Pompano Beach Phone 942-5520 Open Daily 9 to 9 Sat. 9 to 6 Sun. 77 to 5 Florida s largest authorized Factory Dealer. Bank Financing. 7:30 P.H. sharp spare engine for each shaft in case of a breakdown. Canada's college enrollment increased from 63,000 in 1952 to about 250,000 last year. EVERYONE INTERESTED CAN ENROLL NEXT WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15 AT 7:30 P.M. MAYER MOTORS, INC. The Place l o Go Far The Finest in Foreign Car Servicing MERCEDES-BEMZ VOLVO TOTOTA 116 S.E. Sixth Avenue - 523-4381 FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. (U.S. 1 - North end of the Tunnel) DEERFI ELD 399-6104 BREAK AWAY FROM HUM-DRUM DRIVING AIR-CONDITIONED 1968 VOLVO I Executive Demonstrators C * • * » < * S C A A ^ a 93 foot patrol craft that has an unusual engine installation. The vessel has two propellers but four diesel engines. When cruising, only one diesel is connected to each of the two shafts. But when on a high speed run, two engines are connected to each of the propeller shafts through a special transmission. Either engine can be used to drive the prop. This power arrangement can be used to take advantage of another characteristic of diesel engines. A diesel engine is most efficient when it is being run at close to eighty or ninety per cent of its rated power. Operating this vessel at half power on one of two engines is more efficient than operating it at half power on one large engine. There's also the advantage of having a For The Next 9 Weeks at the BOCA RATON COUNTRY CLUB Pro Shop —Driving Range Club Rentals Semi Private Club Guests Welcome PAR 40 EXECUTIVE COURSE Lunch In Beautiful Golfview Dining iReom—Cola Beer GREEN FBES $4.00 ELECTRIC CARTS . . . $ 5 . 0 0 10 PLAY BOOK . . . . $35.00 Bob Grant, P.G.A. Instruction CALL FOR STARTING TIMES 391-1666 7*01 N.-Country Club Blvd. MO Yds. West of U.S. 1 in Boca Raton Clou lo Defray Beach SEE US TODAY JERRY EARL PONTIAC ONE MILE NORTH of BOCA RATON 278-3217 399-3200 10A BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 We're not ei after your money. We're after your business. Our two banks aren't in business to just sit on your savings « We want you to come to us for help in planning, borrowing, budgeting, bookkeeping, business, estates.The works. The better job we do, the more you'll use us. Keep an eye on our two banks in Boca. We mean to set this town on its ear with better ideas in banking. And we mean to help bring more business to Boca like IBM . . . to help build more attractions like Florida Atlantic. We wouldn't say it if we didn't mean business. m i f I \].- First Bank and Trust / University National Bank Two Banks in Boca FinST a«N« AND TRUST COM, «HT OF BOCA RATON. N.A. m-* I Sunday, Jan. 12,1969 Section B Page One kink An astronaut? Not for me By Marlene Freedman No, it's not true that everyone wants to be an astronaut. Out of four Boca Raton High School students surveyed, not one wanted to be one — not even one who hopes to become an airline stewardess. Generally agreeing that space travel is still too risky were Craig Dubisky, ninth-grader, Janet Magnum, tenthgrader; Jeannine Mitchell, eleventh-grader; and Keith Higgins, twelfth-grader. Keith's reservations were summed up by his observation that "there's too much risk involved." He said he followed news of the flight Apollo 9 and kept hearing about thedanger that the capsule might re- enter the earth's atmosphere "at the wrong angle and we'd never see them again." So he's sure that he doesn't want to be an astronaut. "Not now, not in the 1960's, he says, predicting however that the risks will be minimized in years tocoineBut right now he's content to stay on earth. Janet, hopeful candidate for an airline stewardess school, shares Keith's hesitations. Anticipating that women will become astronauts in the next ten years, she nevertheless professes no desire to be in select that group. "I wouldn't want to go through all the training'% she says, conceding, "I'd be scared to go up that far." "Not many people have done it before. I'd rather wait until more people were doing it." Craig also is concerned about risks, but brings up another point. Astronauts have alot of free time between their chores and this, according to him, would be "pretty boring" and "sort of lonely." Jennine doesn't toss aside the space program totally. She says she sees more opportunities as a technician working on the space program than as an astronaut herself. The students also agreed on the appropriateness and propriety of the astronauts reading from the Bible during their Christmastime flight. Critics have attacked that as a violation of separation of church and state. It was a perfectly natural thing for them to do, according to Jennine "The whole majesty of God's creation was visi-. ble to them.. .His beauty was all revealed to them." Craig sees the religious reading as the natural tendency of people taking a long trip during a holiday period. To Janet, it was also natural. After all, it was Christmastime." Keith, recognizing the dangers of space travel, again, concludes, "It was the time of their life when they needed religion the most." And he ventured an opinion of America's space program as a whole. "I think we're spending our money wisely on the space program", he says, "but maybe we concentrate too much on beating the Russians to the moon and instead should be concentrating on beating the Communists in Vietnam." Janet Magnum Craig Dubisky Keith Higgins Jennine Mitchell T Author to address club i # # j L 9 The Boca Raton Women* s Republican Club will present as g u e s t speaker, Dr. Robert J. Huckshorn, author and professor of political science at Florida Atlantic University, at a luncheon Jan. 14 at Ramada Inn, Deerfield Beach. His topic will be "The 1968 Elections and its Aftermath." Formerly a member of the Republican coordinating committee task force on functions of federal, state and local governments, Dr. Huckshorn was also an advisor to Governor Robert Smylie of Idaho, a special assistant to national chairman William E. Miller and director of the division of arts and sciences of the Republical National Committee. All candidates for City Council will be invited to attend the 12:30 p.m. meeting and will have an opportunity to speak and answer questions. Mrs. Joseph Gola or Mrs. Joanne Aker are in charge of reservations. WHY ACCEPT LESS? 6 Month Self-Renewing Savings Certiiicates Multiples of $1000 Paid Quarterly PER ANNUM and Paid and Compounded Quarterly on Passbook Savings SERVING BOCA RATON FOR OVER 18 YEARS FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION of De-Iray Beach Club sets installation Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 74, will hold installation of 0 officers at 8 p.m. Jan. 25 at American Legion Post 162, Deerfield Beach. \ v FREE TRANSFER of FUNDS from ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. BOCA RATON DELRAY BEACH 601 N. Federal Hwy. Phone 395-2121 645 E. AtlanticAve. Phone 276-6311 Ed Earnhardt VICE PRESIDENT & BOCA RATON BRANCH MANAGER 2B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 ANN LANDERS My uncle molested me Busy workers meet at the home of Mrs. Jack Royer to make table prizes for the dessert bridge party sponsored by the Boca Raton Welcome Wagon Jan. 30 for the benefit of Boca Raton Community Hospital. The benefit will be held at 12:30 p.m. at the Community Cen- ter. Shown are, from left, Mrs. Howard Beatty, ticket chairman; Mrs. J. W. Hoffman, prize chairman; Mrs. Royer, general chairman, and Mrs. Jack Schaffner, Welcome Wagon president. Reservations are available from Mrs. Beatty or Mrs. Frederick Heldt. too hot tot Dear Ann Landers: him. He hasahuladanc- accomplished if they does it become Send for Anrfc God bless you for print- er tattooed on one arm take a position and let handle? booklet,?, ing that letter about the and a U.S. flag on the their kids know they Landers' "Necking And Petting — (Old uncle who molested other. The boy is nev- mean it. It's always eas- What Are the Limits?" • the little girls in the er without a cigaret in ier to say yes than no, Mail your request to Ann, family. You'll never his mouth. He stands' but the easy out adds up Landers in care of your! to total abdication of with his thumbs hooked know what you did for newspaper enclosing oO\ parental responsibility. in his pants. My husme. cents in coin and a long, \ How far should a teenband can't stand him. I am 16 years old and stamped, self-address-j age couple go? Can Last night Sandy said for years — exactly how envelope, many, I can't remember they, want to be 'pre- necking be safe? When edAnn Landers will engaged" before he — I have kept a secret help you witl gglad toproblems. locked inside me. Just ships out. This means Send they promise to wait for your to her in care reading that letter has of them made me feel 100 per each other and the x,v^~ Raton News, Box promise is sealed with a Boca cent better, I always 3346, Chicago, Illinois, thought I was a freak ring. We are ready to 60654, enclosing a say yes just to get some — that no one but me stamped, self-addresshad ever had so horri- rest. Should we? ed envelope. ble an experience. Now - TIRED OF FIGHTING I know I am not alone. Dear Tired: Noo A 15I The capital of AusI couldn't have been year - old girl has tralia was a raw town of more than four years no business getting pre15,000 at the end of old when my uncle did engaged, whatever that World War II. Now the things to me that I now means, and you should federal city has thea-^ realize he had no busi- • not allow it. ters, stores, high-risdi; ness doing. It all startParents would be suroffice buildings, a uni-' ed when he took me prised at what can be versity, a national libswimming, I didn't know Caroline Ruth Thomas erty and concert cenwhat he was doing and I didn't realize it was ter. Its population, now wrong. After he molest110,000, may reach Engagement 250,000 ed me he took me for by 1980. long rides and bought me candy. He always is announced Classified Ad Service. told me never to tell anybody what happenMr. and Mrs. Albert Phone 395-8300 ; ed. C. Thomas of 1308 S. Deerfield Ave., anMy uncle died when I nounce the engagement was seven. I remember of their daughter,! Carhow happy I was, I realoline Ruth, to Richard ly feared and hated him. Open to all — Jan. 21 Moegenburg, son of Mr. And then I felt guilty at the and Mrs. Carl R. Moebecause everybody was genburg of Boca Raton. ART GUILD crying and I was glad. Miss Thomas is a of BOCA RATON Please, Ann Landers, 821 West Palmetto Mr. and Mrs. Walter graduate of Pompano tell your readers how Park Road. little girls can be pro- Drolet, of 12840 Long- Senior High School and REFRESHMENTS at tected. Thank you for acre Road, Detroit, is employed at Publix. 1:00 PM with card Her fiance is a gradgiving me the chance Mich., announce the play following. Valuato express myself on engagement of their uate of Boca Raton High ble door prizes. Tickets a subject that has been daughter, Susan Jane, School and is stationed $2.50 are a donation to haunting me for years. to E. Paul Dunn, son at MacDill Air Froce ffie Guild's building Base in Tampa. - BEEN THERE fund. PHONE 395-1887] A March wedding is Dear Been: I'm glad of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas for reservations. you wrote, and I urge Dunn of Boca Raton. A planned at the Moravian others to do so. It's good summer wedding is Church in Boca Raton. planned. therapy. And now for the advice.- Mothers should be alert to all male Malone friends and relatives who are overly attenPALM BEACH HOME tive to their young chilnamed dren. When youngsters HEW YORK APT. return from a ride or an In his first act as outing they should al- king of the 1969 GolIncluding collection of Jades ways be asked where den Palm Festival, Euand period silver. they went, whom they ;• gene A. Robinson, asstarting saw and what happened. sistant to the president Any reluctance to speak of Florida Atlantic UniMONDAY, JANUARY 13th, 8 P.M. should be interpreted as versity, announced the and Continuing Every Night a danger signal. appointment of Paul.E. The number of chil- Malone of Boca Raton, On the Premises of the dren who are molest- as his prime minister. ed and raped every year Robinson will reign is appalling, and the with Queen Jane Marie guilty party is usually Howley, a graduate of not a stranger, inter- Florida Atlantic, over estingly enough, but a the festival festivities family friend or a rel- the week of Jan. 17-24 615 East Atlantic Avenue ative. in West Palm Beach. Delray Beach, Florida "E Pluribus Unum" Dear Ann Landers: SPECIAL SUNDAY EXHIBITION Our daughter was 15 in- first appeared on UnitJANUARY 12fh 12 Noon to 4 P.M. September but she looks ed States coinage in and acts older. Sandy 1795. started to date when she was 12, I wasn't very happy about it but she The newest, most versatile was always ahead of her years and there was no ir Hairpiece today! way I could hold her back. Sandy has gone crazy over a sailor who is stationed near here. The boy is 20 years old, doesn't say much, and for the life of me I can't figure what she sees in ESTATE OF THE LATE ARTHUR L.ROSIN First poster reminding Boca Raton residents of the Jan. 16 meeting of the Friends of the Library featuring author and lecturer Catherine Marshall went up — quite naturally — in the library window, Admiring the poster are from left , Mrs. Allan B. Miller, musical director; Rev. Albert Shiphorst, president; Mrs. Ralph B. Kling, Board of Director member, and Mrs. Warren J. Murray, librarian. Friends of Library schedule forum with Catherine Marshall Catherine Marshall, story based on the life author of the best-sel- of her mother who left ling book and motion her home in North Carpicture, "A Man Call- olina to teach in a oneed Peter", will dis- room schoolhouse in a cuss her first novel in dangerous area of the a forum Jan. 16 under Smoky Mountains. Her novel is her latthe sponsorship of Friends of the Library est product in a growof Boca Raton. The meeting, which Cluh plans is open to the public without charge, will be held at 8 p.m. at the annual event Community Center. The author, who is now Mrs. LeSourd, lives Planning is going full in Boynton Beach. She speed ahead for the 8th will discuss her new annual luncheon-fashion novel "Christy/' a show of the Episcopal Church Womens club of St. Gregory's Church, Club holds according to Mrs. Joseph Caros, promonthly meet gram chairman. The event will take The Friendship Wa- place at noon Feb. 12 goneers of Boca Raton at Crystal Lake Counwill hold their month- try Club. ly meeting and lunchTickets are available eon at Pal's Captain's from Mrs. Vincent Table on Wednesday, Mueller and Mrs. Frank Jan. 15 at 11:30 a.m. Shober. Miss Helen Uphoff is Assisting Mrs. Caros in charge of reserva- with preparations is tions. Mrs. Edward Geary. ing list of literary accomplishments. In addition to writing' 'A Man Called Peter", a biography of her late husband, Dr. Peter Marshall , who was chaplain of the Senate until his death in 1949, she has edited many of his sermons into published books. The meeting will also feature music by the Boca Raton Music Study Openings in flower class The Boca Raton Recreation Department still has openings in the plastic flower class which meets Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. at the Community Center with Alfreda Straleau. Mrs. Straleau also has openings in her "Fabulous Fakes" class which meets at 1 p.m. at the Community Center on Tuesdays, From U.S. 1 take Atlantic Ave. or S E. 10 St. to Military Trail and follow signs to the grove Club chorus under the direction of Mrs. Allan B. Millar. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Edward Henderson. Arrangements for the program were supervised by officers of the Friends of the Library, Rev. Albert Shiphorse, president; Mrs. Clarence Kent, vice president; Mrs. Robert T r a f f o r d , secretary; an Dr, F.W. Sullivan Jr., treasurer. The organization aims to create public interest in the library and promote knowledge of its functions, resources services and needs. (Salletie* (Open Evenings) Unmatched for styling Don't WATCH The early bird . . . BE one! Bring your Income Tax flexibility, this gorgeous top piece may be worn as TO UNIT AX SYSTEMS a full wig, INCOMETAX Featuring Accurate 8c Prompt service at reasonable costs we stand ready to serve you year r o u n d . . . We are aware of all legal tax savings . . . See Unitax Today . . . > cascade or deluxe wiglet 50 Priced at only $f 9*0 GUARANTEE \ Accurate preparation of every tax ( return is guaranteed. If you are / charged a penalty or interest d > to our error we will pay the ( penalty or interest. SPECIALIZING IN GRAPEFRUIT TEMPLE ORANGES TANGELOS BUY DIRECT WEEKDAYS: 9 A.M.-9 P.M. SAT. 9 AM.-5.P.M FROM THE GROVE UNITED 276-7671 BLOOD'S HAMMOCK GROVES GIFT PACKAGING OR BUY IT BY THE BAG FRUIT JUICES BY THE GALLON OR HALF GALLON • VISITORS WELCOME ..« • OPEN NOV. I TO MAY I "* * CLOSED SUNDAYS BOX 21 1. DELRAY BEACH. FLA. 33444 SYSTEMS TAX SERVICE 833-1007 5th Avenue Shopping Plaza N. Federal Hwy. at 20fh St. BOCA RATON MO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ^ r ^cu -&d^A<i. &£(Uo£- WIG WAREHOUSE SHOPPER'S HAVEN > POMPANO 942-6050 ^W—^**! W Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3B Pastor, wife visit son Monday, Jan. 13 Pbmobile, Neighborhood Center, 9:30 a.m. corsage class, Garden Center, 10 aom. Woman's choral group, First United Methodist Church, 10 a.m. DAR Estahakee chapter, Deerfield Beach Country Glub, noon. Horticulture, Garden Center, 1 p.m. Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts., 1 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 303, St. Gregory's Church, 7p o m. Lions Club, 399 NW 35 St., 7:15 p.m. Business and Professional Womens Club, Boca I Raton National Bank, 8 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 14 Sketch group for members, Art Guild, 10 a.m. Job corps, Neighborhood Center, 10 a.m. Kiwanis Club, New England Oyster House, noon0 Poinciana Womens Republican Club, Deerfield Beach Country Club, noon. Boca Raton Womens Republican Club, Pal's Captain's Table, 12:30 p.m. Hospital tours, Boca Raton Community Hospital - lobby, 1:15 p.m. County legal aid, Neighborhood Center, 1:30 p.m. County public health nursing and immunization . m, clinic, Neighborhood Center, 2-4 p.m. Migrant legal aid, Neighborhood Center, 6:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 333, First Presbyterian Church, 7 p.m. Table tennis for adults, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. Civitans, University Inn, 7:30 p.m. American-Italian Social Club, University Bowl, 7.-30 p.m. Lady Lions, members' home, 7:30 p.m. St. Joan of Arc Guild, school, 8 p.m. BPO Does Drove 173, 140 NW 11 St., 8 p.m. a.m. Sewing groups, Garden Center, 10 a.m. Soroptimists, Dutch Pantry, 12:15 p.m. Exchange Club, Pal's Captain's Table, 12:15 p.m. Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts,, lp.m o Sunrise Kiwanis Club, Dutch Pantry, 7:30 p.m. Florida Nurses Association, 7:30 p.m. Table tennis for adults, Community Center, 7:30 p«m0 Weight Watchers, First Federal Savings and Loan, 7:30 p.m. American Legion, 160 NW 2 St0, 8 p.m. Masonic Lodge 328, 7171 N. Federal Highway, 8 p.m. Junior Chamber of Commerce, Chamber of Commerce building, 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 17 Fiesta workshop, Garden Center, 10 a.m. Veterans service, American Legion Hall, 2 p.m. Sea Explorer Ship 307, Boy Scouts, 414 NW 35 St., 7 p»m. Saturday, Jan. 18 Sparky Fire Department, Boca Raton Theatre, 10 a.m. Pictured on their honeymoon 55 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. DeVenneof 267 SW 2 St., Boca Raton, are celebrating their anniversary today. Married 55 years today Mr. and Mrs. E. L. DeVenne of 267 SW 2St. are celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary today. Their daughter, Mrs. Keith Knapp of Pom- Wednesday, Jan. 15 iStory hour for ages 4 to 6, Boca Raton Library, W 9 a.m. Family service agency counselor, Neighborhood , Center, 9 aom0 to 5 p o m. Boca Raton Womens Golf Association, golf course, ; 9 a.m, DR Board of Trustees, Hospital development of: fice, 9:30 aome Boca Buckeye Club, Schrafft's, noono Rotary Club, New England Oyster House, 12:15 :: p.m. Boy Scout Troop 337, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. Epsilon Pi chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, members' ; home, 8 p.m. J i l k s Lodge 2166, 140 NW 11 St., 8 p.m. feoca Raton Association for Retarded Children, First United Methodist Church, 8 p o m. Alcoholics Anonymous, First United Methodist Church, 8:30 p.m. Pontiac, Mich, where he was a purchasing agent for a manufacturing firm. He has since retired. Open House will be from 2 to 5 p.m. pano Beach, is holding open house at their home today for all their friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. DeVenne moved to Boca Raton 10 years ago from Patio Door Designs YOUR CHOICE OF M A N Y DESIGNS . . . PERMANENTLY SAND-ETCHED FOR SAFETY A N D BEAUTY CALL: .7/' Thursday, Jan. 16 Vocational rehabilitation counselor, Neighborhood i Center, 9 a.m. Royal Palm Womens Golf Association, Royal Palm Golf Course, 9:30 a.m. Weight watchers meeting, University Bowl, 9:30 HOLIDAY MAGAZINE AWARD Rev. and Mrs. Albert L. Eastman recently r e turned from a visit to Stone Mountain, Ga., where they had a reunion with their son, Rev. Earle Eastman, pastor of the Western Presbyterian Church in Palmyra, N . Y . Rev. Eastman, who is pastor in Boca Raton at the Church of the Open Door, was accompanied on the trip by his wife, their daughter, Vickie, and their son, John, John spent the holidays with his parents during r e cess from Dallas Theological Seminary where he is a junior. He is also pastoring the F aught Union Church in Paris, Tex. Phene 395-2299 A sequence of four cosmetics-fashion ads photographed here r with fashion model, Carlotta, will appear in Vogue this week. This issue of Vogue features Florida and Florida industries. Sponsors of the ads are ALO-Cosmetics and Miami's Serbin Fashions. This picture was taken aboard the boat of Fred J. Fitzgerald, administrative vice president of marketing and sales for ALO-Cosmetics. The setting is the canal back of the Fitzgerald home on Coconut Palm Road in Boca Raton. 5-STAR MOBIL GUIDE AWARD LE DOME OF THE FOUR SEASONS "Distinctive Dining in America" . ' • • - . - • „ . . . . - • . - . . ? • - , - Opening School menus PRE-THEATRE GOURMET MENU Orders taken 5:30 to 6:45 COCKTAILS FROM 5:30 A LA CARTE 5:30-11:00 Complete Dinner Six Dollars "FASHIONS AT LUNCHEON" Tuesdays and Thursdays January 9 through April 3 12:00 Noon $3.50 THE AYERS ENTERTAIN IN LA CAVE FROM 8:30 Reservations Suggested: 525-3303 PENTHOUSE FLOOR 333 SUNSET DRIVE FORT LAUDERDALE J.C. MITCHELL Monday — beenie weenies, peaches, cabbage salad, cookies, half pint milk. Tuesday — baked lasagne, tossed salad, French bread, jello, half pint milk. Wednesday — Submarine sandwich, potato chips, cake, fruit, half pint milk. Thursday — Spanish rice, tossed salad, applesauce, cinnamon rolls, half pint milk. Friday — fish sandwich, buttered corn, French fries, orange juice bar, half pint milk. BOCA RATON ELEMENTARY and ADDISON MIZNER Monday — Hot dog/ bun, buttered corn, cole slaw, brownies, milk. Tuesday — Lasagna, Tossed salad, corn bread/butter, fruit mix, milk. Wednesday — Hoagie, collard greens, celery sticks, cake, milk. Thursday — Meat loaf, buttered rice, steamed cabbage, hot biscuit/butter, purple plums, milk. Friday —• Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, spinach, potato chips, coconut custard, milk. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS the most important musical event in the history of Palm Beach County. H&M INTERIORS. LEONARD BERNSTEIN and The Entire NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA West Palm Beach Auditorium e IONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1969 $3.50 Tickets available at: Defray Appliance and Music Center 307 E, Atlantic Ave., Oelray Beach, Fia. ' and Vincents Music Center Royal Palm Plaza, Boca Raton, Fla. and Matthews Cameras Lantana Shopping Center, Lantana, Fla. Other tickets available at the; Flagler Museum, Whitehall Way, Palm Beach, Fla, YOU MEAN MY SCREENS AREN'T COVERED ? INSURE WITH "DAY" BE SURE TOMORROW! g ^ y iSOOS.FEDERAL tiWYi 395-0220 85 E. PALMETTO PARK RD. BOCA RATON • draperies ® fixtures ® rods ® accessories ® wall decorations. '*- With every $189.00 or more, purchaser will receive a custom made quilted bedspread $80.00 value equal amount applied to purchase of twin, full, or king size. One to a customer, please. 391-1000 4B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 Radtke in Greece for sixth fleet holiday 1 Navy Ensign David M, of the Sixth Fleet. The carrier is schedRadtke, son of Mr. and uled to stop at Palma, Mrs. M. H. Radtke of Boca Raton, spent the Spain before returning Christmas and New home to Norfolk, Va., Years holidays in Ath- in late January. ens, Greece. See that each garment He is serving aboard you put into you clothes the attack aircraft c a r rier USS Independence closet is hung properwith the U.S. Sixth Fleet ly. Watch the shoulders. in the Mediterranean, A poorly - hunt garment While in the Mediter- will not keep its shape, ranean the "Indy" p a r - and the hanger can ruin ticipated in several ma- the appearance of clothjor exercises, including ing that isn't hung the joint Fleet Anniver- squarely. sary Parade Exercise "Flapex," which marked the 20th Anniversary ORIOIIfAL OIL *5.TO'.*125 PICTURE FRAMING SCHERTLE ART GALLERY 540 5. FED. HWY. •OMPANO BEACH 943-5450 OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 PM V ROYAL PALM PLAZA (In Cafeteria Building) 399-3500 Practicing for the musical portions of St. Joan of Arc's annual lunch eon-fashion show to be held Jan. 18 in the Great Hall of the Boca Raton Hotel and Club, committee members stand around one of the centerpieces. Mrs. Emil Danciu, at left, discusses plans with pianist Sonny Weldon who will provide music for the event. Looking on from left, Mrs. Jene Bellows, fashion commentator; are Mrs. Norman Sheffield, fashion coordinator and, Mrs. William DiCicco, committee member. Spring Lamb - Fresh Pork • Fresh Dressed Poultry j FINEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC PIPES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND ACCESSORIES OPEN FRIDAY UNTIL 9:00 . ROYAL PALM PLAZA BOCA RATON Boca's original tobacconist Established 1968 See Goldia model Fashion Wigs at Luncheon Fashion Show Sponsored by St. Joan of Arc in the Great Hall, Boca Raton Hotel, January 18th, 12:30 anoro e vine at sp #tj! PERSONALIZED SERVICE PRIME and CHOICE WESTERN MEATS 190 N. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach (Across from the Drummond BIdg.) Call 3 9 9 - 1 8 8 7 of the crowd Hon. lues. & Wed. Specials At Banyan House in Delray Beach. It's private, luxurious, and quite unlike the heavilypopulated overdone condominium residences. Live independently. Individually. From a stimulating bridge game to a dip in the pool beside the ocean. A stroll through the charming shops of Delray Beach. Golf. Tennis. An evening on your yacht at the Banyan's private dock. Looking for quiet elegance, sophisticated play? Come to the Banyan House, 1225 South Ocean Blvd., Delray Beach.278-2479. Residence ownership starting at $35,000. Furnished models open daily, 9 am to 5 pm. USDA PRIME BONELESS BOTTOM Roynd Roust (your choice) or Top R®y§fd Ross! LB. USDA PRIME BONELESS M | Q R®ygfd Sfesk LB. I FRESH DRESSED GA. SHIPPED gfo g& Roasting Chickens L B . 3 3 C FRESH CHICKEN Brsasts FRESH CHICKEN LEGS, Thighs LB. Portraying Joan of Arc in the skit to be presented at St. Joan of St. Joan of Arc's luncheon-fashion show is Connie Scott, member of Saturday Troopers. Watching are her piano accompanists, Linda Bradshaw and Beverly Wiseman. < WE SPECIALIZE IN FREEZER CUTS U.S. PRIME & CHOICE Featuring: * Prime and Choice Western Beef * Fresh Dressed Chickens * Fresh Western Pork * Spring Lamb -Fresh Minnesota Veal DAIRY & BAKERY PRODUCTS CHICKEN & RIB EARBEQUEO DAILY HOURS MON. THRU SAT, 9 TIL 6 - Hempel on honor list On the fall term academic honors list at Shattuck School, Fairbault, Minn., is Allen Hempel J r . , son of Mr. and M r s . Allen Hempel of Boca Raton, who r e ceived honors in English and history. y f B • ' • ^ ij »' M ^J ^B ROYAL PALM PLAZA BOCA RATON all CIGARETTES Special Cigarette prices for Sunday. Jan. 12th, ONLY or King Carton \ - . • . ; . , ; . • . • . . '•:es3 lush landscaping, classic fountains and statuary, the Mausoleum at Forest Lawn provide the dignity of above • a noble resting place. We welcome your inspection at I're-need selection offers family protection at lower •• d wider choice of location. Write, call or visil for ^ ^ • :olor brochure and complete information. ^ ^ The following prices effective thru Saturday, Jan. 18 Always-Good ICE MILK GAL Broward and Palm Beach Counties CAN » CLOROX Limit one each with , $5.00 Food order '(excluding cigarettes) Grade A FLA. OR GA. SHIPPED fryers WHOLE * » £ » * LB. * ® * FRESH PICKED Strawberries Pint 39* GOLDEN RIPE Bananas LB. 1 P $ 1 Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 5B the cracker critic Stetson poet gathers collection of works By ED HIRSHBERG "Devoirs to Florida," by William E. Taylor. Olivant Press, $1.00. Professor Bill Taylor of the Stetson University English department is one of Florida's finest poets, as well as a good friend to all poets, many of whom he has helped. This slim little collection, devoted to the y_ Ed Hirshberg Sunshine State, proves that he can write poetry with the best of them. It contains eight of his new poems never befor published; the rest are reprinted from anthologies where they appeared previously, or from some of the "little" magazines, such as "Epos" and "Southern Poetry Review." Most characteristic of Taylor's poetry is his wry sense of humor — even the title of his book, which means "Respects" in French, is ironical, since he makes fun of Florida just as often as he pays it his respects. Typical is such a poem as this one, about one of our state's most respectable residents, the alligator: His brain's no larger than a black-eyed pea; it rolls in his head like a pebble in the sea. If you pull his head back, the pea will roll about, knock against the bone, and black him out. Hence, Tarzan has such easy wrestlings on location here at Homosassa Springs. Taylor's images are not only funny, but also very vivid, giving a poetic flair to his sometimes prosaic style. Here are some of the ways he describes typically Florid ian scenes or objects: Daytona Beach is "littered with living porno'graphy;" bougainvillea is "sweet and pregnant as the ocean;" the sun "dissolves flake by flake into the sea." Images like these break through the prosey sound and rhythms, catching you and holding you long enough to sprinkle a little sand in your shoes — and if his poems can do that, then they're as successful as the poet wanted them to be. 2%, 5 or 10 ACRE TRACTS West of Boca Raton A FINE HOME IN CAMINO GARDENS Golf Course and Canal Frontage Garden class scheduled A tropical home gardening course will start Feb. 18 at the Mounts Agricultural Center on Military Trail in West Palm Beach. The course will meet Tuesday evenings at 7:30 through March 18. Robert S. Pry or, county agricultural agent, will host the lecture s e ries on basic horticulture for home owners. Additional information is available from Turner Nursery in Boca Raton. Classified Ad Service Phone 395-8300 the size and spectacle of ballet. Since the quartet was formed five years ago it has had a highly successful European tour and several return engagements to the Caribbean. The 1966-67 season was highlighted by performances in Boston, New York, Pittsburgh and Louisville. That tour alone included 92 engagements in this country, with numerous appearances at colleges and universities throughout the nation — from the American International College in Springfield, Mass. to the huge Berkeley campus of the University of California, The dancers have a repertory that now includes more than 30 ballets, many choreographed by themselves and others done by distinguished choreographers interested in their performances. The group also has designed and made many of their costumes as well as created the productions. *2,500 an acre and up G#lf Course LOTS 100'* 220' S 5 r 9 5 0 PICTURESQUE HOME IN ROYAL OAK HILLS This waterfront home is equipped with everything to make Florida living a real pleasure. It includes 2 pier docks and heated pool amidst professional landscaping, two bedrooms, two baths, washer-dryer, oversized single garage, automatic sprinkler system, and many other extras. You can only appreciate its charm by seeing it. Call us today for an appointment. MLS BR-1693V/P. J-C-UJTitCHELL&SONS \ VJLwJL/ / REALTORS Boca Raton, Fia. City wafer and sewer available Ideat for low density apartments or Cluster Development$6000 per acre - terms *:W:*:S:S::S:*x™:>ra:¥^ Inside—9ixllx83/a in. SECURITY SAFE SALES 5449 N. Federal Hwy. F l Lanrterdals — 565-2011 IN ROYAL PALM YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB SEASONAL RENTALS INCREDIBLE golf course location . . . with beautiful view across three fairways. Three large bedrooms plus a maid's suite or den, breakfast room, large screened patio and pool. A value at $82,500. (MLS BR 1661PG) Call Imogene Eidson, Associate CONVENIENCE ** COMFORT** CHARM One block from Cabana Club in selected Estates section. SPACIOUS, lovely two bedroom, two bath home. Available Jan. 15 until slush season is over up north. CALL DORIS BURKE - ossoc. also SAN REMO Completely Furnished 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Private Ocean Beach, Pool. $2,500 until May 15th. OCCUPANCY THIS FALL CLOISTER DEL MAR 17 STORY OCEANFRONT CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCE JUST SOUTH OF THE BOCA BATON INLET/BOCA HATON, FLORIDA 2-3 bedroom apartment homes and penthouses with 2 oceanfront balcony terraces George B. Van Zee, Realtor ROYAL BALM SHOPPING PLAZA 307 Golf View Drive — Boca Raton Telephone 395-1661 '1 REAL ESTATE CORNER h 395-4624 1180 South Ocean Boulevard • Boca Raton, Florida Phone Boca Raton 399-5022 coR£«tv«d, created end developed by Edgvwatw Parfc S a l * i ( Inc., A Subsidiary of RABICE REALTY AND CONSTRUCTION CORPOSUTIOH OF NEW rORK AKD FLORIDA MVESTKEIT IWIOEHS SIICE 1 I » REALTY 757 S. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Building Boca Raton 395-4044 LISTINGS •fiiS" We Had 'Em! We Sold 'Em! JBff We Heed 'Em! Call Us "THE YELLOW DOOR" **>» at PLASTRIDGE REALTY, INC. from $34,750 Fully furnished and decorated exhibit apartment homes are open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. CLOISTERlt DEL MAR M OTHERWELL 22 S.RATON, FEDERAL BOCA FLA. PHONE 395-4711 PHONE 399-6711 Boca Raton—Waterfront 2 100 Foot lots in Old Floresta Addition with survey and land f i l l included in price. ™® It will be a wonderful home for the complete family. The furnishings are the very best selected by a professional interior decorator. Each bedroom has its own private bath. Two bedrooms on south wing and one bedroom (being used as a den) on north wing. Home has all the extras, sprinkler system, overhead garage doors with electric opener. Bring your hat — quick closing. Large 53/4% mortgage. Call us for inspection. MLS BR-1653 ACRES GOLD COAST GOLD! New d n d ' Used WALL SAFE REALTY ROYAL PALM YACHT & COUNTRY CLUB EAST PATIO EXPOSURE FURNISHED - $59,500 ATTENTION!!! DEVELOPERS... 3 water front lots on El Rio Canal priced to move quickly. SAFES IWB This is an Ant/over model with a two car garage, located on a large, beautifully landscaped corner lot. Among its many features are two bedrooms, two baths, carpeting in family room and patio, draperies, central air conditioning and heating, utility area in the garage, and is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system. W/iy wait and have a new home constructed, when you can own one now that is almost new. Call us today and make an appointment to see this home. MLS BR-1729. Four Arts schedules chamber ballet group The First Chamber Dance Quartet, an ensemble of dancers who left stellar positions in the three largest ballet companies of the country, will perform Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 8:45 p.m. in the first of a series of three music and dance programs of the Society of the Four Arts. Lois Bewley, Charles Bennett, William Carter and Janice Groman, all formerly with such distinguished companies as the New York City Ballet, Ballet Russe and American Ballet Theatre, will appear in the program which includes German and Japanese dances, among others. The quartet, which made its first tour in 1964, left the traditional ballet theatre to c r e ate " a new kind of chamber dance," one that could have the intimate impact of chamber music and not depend upon MOTHERWEIL *&*&£&. 6O 5. FID. HWY. BOCA RATON RFALTORS Ph. 395-4624 So " Federal Hwy. Boca Raton 395-1433 - 399-6517 At Palm Beach Junior College Parent-child relations are subject for workshop judge, two ministers, topic of the roots of bediscussing two teachers, the exe- havior, cutive director of the ''Psychodynamics." The secion on " F a m Family Service Agency, two guidance counse- ily," will have two lors, two psychologists, meetings. January 22, the county solicitor and Rabbi Max Landman, a probation and parole Temple Emanu-el of supervisor as guest Palm Beach: "Family Stresses and Strains," lecturers. The course, "Under- and Jan. 29, Dr. Sidney standing Parent-Child Davies, PBJC instrucRelationships," meets tor, minister and m a r Wednesdays, 7-10 p.m. riage counselor: ' 'Marin Room 06 of the So- ital Problems and Their cial Science Building, Effect on Behavior." Four class meetings and as a non-credit workshop does not r e - will be centered around quire high school or col- a discussion of "Child: lege transcripts for en- Stages of Growth and Serling will Development." try. Dr. John Roberson, "We a r e extremely psychiatrist, will speak fortunate that the area speak Tuesdayon Feb. 5 on "Infancy, has people of the highBest - selling author Preschool Period and est professional comRobert Serling will petence who are will- Middle Childhood." speak on "The Search ing to donate their time Dr. Edgar Kellerman, for Air Safety" at the to a community serv- psychiatrist, will cover Preadolescent Years, Tuesday lecture series ice project like this one," Miss Mayock Adolescence," on Feb. of the Society of the said. 12. Four Arts Jan. 14 at 4 On Febo 19, Charles On Jan. 15, the second p.m. Sutherland, BPJC inclass meeting, Dr. Jack His best known work, Wright, structor in Social Scipsychiatrist, "The President's Plane will cover the general ence will speak on " D i s Is Missing," remained on the national bestseller lists more than 6B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 six months, and is being made into a movie. The book has been EM hailed as "fiction so close to what could happen that it holds the impact of screaming headby lines." John B. Do/an Serling formerly was Vice President, Bafeman & Co., Realtors the award-winning aviation editor for United Today, as perhaps never before, the Press International. He received TWA's Award sophisticated investor is almost certain to for Best Aviation Writhave definite Real Estate objectives in his ing seven times, and planned portfolio. Americans are not alone earned the Strebig-Dobin their realization that major corporations ben Memorial Award, present sound opportunities in their move to the Sherman Fair child International Air Safeexpand local outlets. Improvements in ty Writing Award, and transportation and communication media the James Strebig Mepermit a decentralization of Industry today, morial Trophy. and as industry views with added interest His first book, "The the Sunshine State, so is the astute investor Probable Cause," was the first study of air taking his second look at the Investment accident investigation. opportunities in Florida property. Another, "The Electra Story," received a c i Investors in Real Estate should have one tation as the best nonor more objectives. Income or current yield fiction aviation book of - sometimes referred to as a prime invest1963 from the Aviation/ Space Writers Associament deal - may be one objective, short or tion (AWA). In 1966, the long term speculation another, and perhaps AWA termed his book, a combination of each. Each objective "The Left Seat," the demands an in depth study of the factors best aviation novel of the year. peculiar to a given piece of Real Estate. The brother of teleThe factors that influence the value of vision writer - producany property in addition to the usual populaer Rod Serling, the aution, scarcity and inflation factors must thor at times has colinclude development, financing and tax laborated with him on shows dealing with aviafactors. tion. Serling resigned from Profits on Real Estate Investments may be UPI in 1966 to devote found in the investment yield - that is the full time to creative percentage return on the equity investment. writing. He also serves Amortization profits, tax profits and appreas consultant to the airline industry on air ciation profits may often be tailored by time safety projects. to suit a particular investor owner's tax Parents who seek a better understanding of their children may still register for a workshop course at Palm Beach Junior College which will bring together some of the best professional advice and information available in this area. Miss Eleanor Mayock, PBJC faculty coordinator of the course, has obtained the services of three psychiatrists, a juvenile court cipline." Dr. Page Talley, chairman of the counseling department at Florida Atlantic University will speak Feb. 26 on "Problems of Growing Up." A section of the course called "Psychological Tests" will be covered March 5 by Dr. John Demming, director of pupil personnel services of the coun- ty school system. Two speakers on March 12 will discuss professional help for child or parent: D r . Charles Taffel, psychologist, director of the Child Guidance Center, and Dr. George Welscher, psychiatrist, d i rector of the Adult Psychiatric Clinic. Conduct disorders will be discussed on three evenings. GENERAL # ELECTRIC FREEZERS FROM Hospitalman Apprentice James E. Tyldsley, USN, son of E. J. Tyldsley of Boca Raton, was graduated from the 14week basic Hospital Corps School, Great Lakes, 111. The school, located at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, is designed to train both men and women of the Navy and Coast Guard, Taught by Navy nurses and senior hospital corpsmen, the curriculum covered instruction in patient care, the study of anatomy and physiology, minor surgery, the nature and prevention of communicable disease, and the administering of medicines. In addition to attending classes, he worked with doctors and nurses at the Great Lakes Naval Hospital where he put to practical use the knowledge gained in the classroom. Classified Ad Service Phone 395-8300 PRICED FROM o TELEVISIONS DISHWASHERS 149 PRICED FROM'$70 PRICED FROM • MM, THEY'VE GOT TO COS ' DISHWASHERS • FREEZERS • REFRIGERATORS • RANGES* T V s * STEREOS • WASHERS • DRYERS Pike& Sia&ked! In Real Estate, the competent investor can most often apply the principle of leverage to a distinct advantage for i t i s generally possible to finance a larger portion of the purchase price than in any other investment. We have to make room for newly arriving merchant ^ dise—AH floor models have been reduced for quick t sale' Everything must go regardless of cost or lossl * ?> Investors today are again looking towards Florida. They still look at the sun, the beaches and the fishing but more important they are looking at the area forecast in population growth, the universities, the clean industries, the magnificent highways and the solid state of economic expansion. BUY NOW AND A P0RTA-C0WR MODEL H213CWS WASHERS DRYERS Boca Raton, 40 miles north of Miami, 20 miles south of Paim Beach, an average temperature of 74 degrees, the home of Florida Atlantic University, once roamed by the Seminole Indians, is roamed today by the far thinking, knowledgabie investor. His trail is more distinct and certainly much safer. The author of the above article, JOHN B. DOLAN, may be contacted to discuss your investment objective by writing: $1 Values Galiii BATEMAN & CO., Attention: John B. Dolan, Vice-President 1299 South Ocean Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Telephone: Area Code 305 - 395-9355 OPEN MON. & FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. 305 - 399-82814 The Word Is Reliance At. * . COME TO SEE U S . . . on your way to the Polo Game this weekend 4 bedroom, 2 bath, garage, pool-patio ALL electric, Gold Medalion homes, with builder's 5 year guarantee INVESTMENT 199 AIR CONDITIONERS bracket. basic course ices of the court. Robert Stephanchick, executive director of the. Family Service Agen~cy will speak on: "Coun«i seling Service for Mar-) ital Problems, Parent-Child Relationship and Individual Adjustment." Parents wishing to enroll may do so at the class meeting of Jan. 15, The regular PBJC workshop fee is $12.5^ is charged. I REAL ESTATE * AS AN INVESTMENT Tyldsley ends "Juvenile "Delinquen- to discuss various comcy" will be discussed munity services availMarch 18 by Larry Tut- able to parents. tle, PBJC instructor. Dr. Robert Fuerst, Marvin Mounts, coun- program specialist and ty solicitor, will cover school psychologist for "Drugs: Use andthe county school sysAbuse," on March 26. tem will discuss "Stu"Alcoholism," will dent Personnel Servbe the topic, April 2, ices." for W. Robert Ritvo, Emery Newell, Judge Probation and Parole of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Supervisor. Three specialists are will discuss the purscheduled for April 9 pose, function and serv- GORPORATIO.N 2276 Park Place (Paradise Palms) Boca Raton Phone 395-0657 SHOPPERS HAVEN WH 1-5837 POMPANO BEACh 5th Ave. Shop. Plaza 395-4122 BOCA RATON Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7B Commission joins in exhibit for tourists The exhibits depart- the exhibit and workers ment of the Florida De- will be in the Internavelopment Commission tional Amphitheatre in 1 'participated with sever- Chicago for the Chicaal chambers of com- go Sportsmen's and Vamerce to kick off the cation Show. 1968-69 International Next will come the Travel Show season Columbus Sports, VaFriday in New Orleans. cation and Travel Show The Florida exhibit, at the Ohio Exposition including two baby lions Center in Columbus. from Palm Beach Coun- The show begins Feb. 8 ty's Lion Country Sa- and ends Feb. 16. The fari, will be graced by Arena in St. Louis, will Miss Florida, Miss Lin- be the next stop for the da Fitts. Also on hand Floridians where the will be members of the Midwest Sports, T r a participating chambers vel and Boat Show will and development boards be held on Feb. 21 and a host of welcome through March 2. station attendants. Miss Fitts and her Welcome station fellow Floridians will hostesses will present appear at the Southwest interested exhibit vis- Sports, Camping, Boat itors with brochures and and Vacation Show in other information to Dallas March 9-16. The plan vacations and hol- show will be in MemorNew drive-in teller's position is newest iday visits, to Florida ial Auditorium. and how to establish a The last stop will be :• permanent residence in a visit with Canadians the Sunshine State. during the Canadian NaThe exhibit will be in tional Exhibition which New Orleans until Jan. is tentatively set in MidAugust through Labor19 in The Rivergateduring the New Orleans Day. Travel Exposition. On Participating chamTan. 24 through Feb. 2, bers include Charlotte column of questions return. It contains idenCounty, Daytona Beach, andThisanswers on federal tax BUY - BUILD - SELL Mt. Dora, Miami matters is provided by thetifying information to local office of the U.S. In- help avoid mistakes that BRANNON REALTY, Inc. Springs, Hialeah, Oca- ternal Revenue Service and delay processing and la, Panama City, Pen- is published as a public serRealtor sacola, Pompano Beach, vice to taxpayers. The column refunds. Complete Service questions most freThe Form 1040 tax Property Management Vero Beach, West Palm answers quently asked by taxpayers. package that you receivBeach and Ste Augustine. 330 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. 391-2444 391-1984 Q. I went into busi- ed in the mail has a ness for myself this two-part preaddressed year and have several label that shows the taxemployees. Is there any payer's name, address Social Security deadline for me to i s - and sue their withholding number. If you do not statements? One of use the form sent you, my people already ask- peel off the top label and put it on the form ed about it. CONDOMINIUM A. The law requires you file,, The card Form employers to issue 1040A i s pre-printed with the taxpyer's name, withholding statements Under Construction by Jano 31. Many em- address and Social SecTwin Towers rising from a Peninsula juiting ployers try to issue urity number. info the Intracoastal — just a short stroll to them as soon as possibeach and shopping — a truly unique location, ble after Jan. 1 so their Q. Were there any and opportunity of a lifetime. employees may file tax changes in the tax law Each Seagate Towers apartment offers a large returns early. last year I should know living room and balcony, a separate dining about when I file my room, a master bedroom and dressing room, a 1968 return? Q. Where can I get second bedroom or study, and two luxurious A. Adoption of a surcopies of the new tax baths, a total of approximately 2,000 sq. feet. tax in 1968 was the maforms? Seagate Towers also offers a panorama view A. Most taxpayers jor change. This surtax from every apartment, — every room — even should receive their in- will increase the amount every kitchen. Seagate Towers, in our opinion, come tax forms in the 'of income tax most indiis truly a ""gem," a building with "'integrity,'* mail early in January; viduals will pay for 1968 that we are proud of. ' Forms will also be by 7-1/2 percent. Aline available at local IRS has been added to the tax offices as well as inform to help taxpayers Priced from $33,000 many post offices and make this calculation Model Open Daily 9-5:30, Sunday 11-5 and it is explained in banks. OCCUPANCY OCTOBER '69 the instructions that If you received a form 200-220 MacFarlane Drive, Defray Beach in the mail, please use come with the tax form. Telephone 278-4564, 399-8633 it when you file your tax Q. Do I have to include Social Security benefits when I add up my income for the year? DO FINE THINGS APPEAL TO YOU? A. Social Security benefits are not taxable. However they do have to be included when determining if the support test has been met for a dependent. For example, if a widow had no other income but Social Security benefits of '$1,200 during 1968 and she spent it for her own support,, it will be necessary for anyone claiming her as a dependent to provide more than $1,200 t o wards her support for the year. Seagate Towers Q. Where can I get a copv of the new Farm- I f//m in I /'/. I \ I'lS Mirrnnmling iJx-ir pool and rrcrealian Stevens takes claims course Wilbur C. Stevens of Boca Raton, has just completed the Allstate claim training course which was held for three weeks at the Allstate southern zone headquarters in Atlanta. Stevens is the son of Mrs. Lillian Stevens of North Hollywood, Calif, and i s married to the former Jeanette Weaver of Lincoln, 111. They have four children. addition to Boca Raton National Bank. - " > ; ; • < » ? . • : * : 7 * • • ' GRIFFIN FLOORING CO. 'Griffin Has The Floor" VINYL CORK CARPET FORMICA SANDING FINISHING FREE ESTIMATES 118 N. Federal Hwy. DeJray CR 8-1210 . • • . , . . . : • . ; - • Whatever Your Taste in e r ' s Tax Guide, Publication 225? A. Contact your local IRS office or county extension agent for a free copy. Q. I want to get my return in as soon as possible so I can get my refund. Do I have to wait until my boss gives me my W-2? I have my own record of wages and tax withheld. A. A copy of your W-2 form must be attached to your tax return. Many taxpayers had their r e funds delayed last year because they forgot to do this. The law requires employers to issue W-2 statements to their employees by January 31. Many issue them sooner so you should have your W-2 Form shortly. Q. I don't think my medical expenses were more than 3 percent of my income in 1968. Does that mean I can't deduct my Blue Gross payments? A. One-half of your medical insurance p r e miums up to a maximum of $150 may be deducted even though your total medical expenses do not exceed 3 percent of your income. Therefore, you may deduct part of your Blue Cross premium if you itemize. Information to help you figure out your medical expense deduction is given on page 7 of the 1040 instructions. Mistakes in handling medical insurance premiums occurred frequently on tax r e turns last year. To avoid mistakes, read the instructions carefully. Elegant plains or exciting p r i n t s — -- you'll find the "exactly r i g h t " fabric from our huge selection. No charge for making full length, regular or traverse, from $1.98 yd. Q« Last year I bought a bull at an auction. If I keep it for breeding purposes do I use i t s cost to figure depreciation? A. Yes, generally the basis for depreciation of purchased livestock held for draft, dairy or breeding purposes is cost. However, special rules apply if purchased livestock are included in inventory. We s e r v i c e and maintain free of charge every drapery rod we sell and install as long as you use it. Open Mon.-Sat. 9 to 5 Draping the Gold Coast A premarital health examination for both applicants for a marriage license is required in 46 states. Come In Or Phone 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach, 278-2877 Visit our nationally famous Browse 'n Think Shop (Cove Center) Deerfield Beach 1603 S.E. 3rd COURT - PHONE 399-2837 for the CORRECT TIME 24 hours a day Call 395-2010 courtesy of BOCA RATON NATIONAL BANK 5. Fed. at Camino Real area. . . . When only true Country Club Living is the answer to your dreams, then it's time to seriously consider a residence in beautiful ATLANTIS, Regardless of the type of living you prefer . . . whether it be a distinctive home, an elegant Villa, or a charming apartment . . . you will find them all in ATLANTIS. . . a relaxed, country club community far removed from the noise and irritation of bumper to bumper living. . . yet only minutes away from all conveniences. Enjoy the privacy of your home bordering the lush fairways of the beautiful Atlantis Country Club . . . and at the same time have _the convenience and freedom from maintenance worries that make apartment living attractive! STOCKS BONDS MUTUAL FUNDS Let Us Help You Choose the Mutual Fund Best Suited to Your Investment Objectives. Our Account Executives are Well Informed and will Serve You with Unbiased Advice. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY AVAILABLE in the Henri of the Famed Palm Beaches CLUB ESTATES CALL OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION ATLANTIS, FLORIDA 33460 Start Living Golf it! Swim it! Sound too good to be true? Come and see for yourself. . . visit Atlantis today. NTRY is everything PHONE 965-7900 Sun it! Live it! Sail it! Swing it! Condominiums . . . 3 Golf Courses... Oceanfront Hotel Living really starts at Palm-Aire, luxurious condominium apartments and villas overlooking three exciting golf courses. Year-round guest facilities at The Lodge and Country Club and our oceanfront resort, The Barefoot Mailman. Also Coral Key condominium apartments on the Intracoastal Waterway. LAIRD, BISSELL & MEEDS, INC. Members New York and American Stock Exchanges and Principal Commodity Exchanges Arvida Building Boca Raton, Florida 551 South Pompano Parkway, Pompano Beach, Fla., Tel: 305-972-3300 Models open daily 9 am to 6 pm Phone 395-7300 8B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jdn. 12, 1969 WHATS SPECIAL ABOUT US ! a f e e l i n g h e r e . . . of r e i a x o - "on. .of uniqueness. An intangible something you'll n o t i c e at once For 'nstonce, our entrance is more like a •wuntiy c l u b . . . o u r surroundings, 'ike a park. Mere words cannot describe the beauty so evident here - come see for ? I reafi2e how we ™- T Take a walk IN our grounds a n d Country Catlap in the SLj Seasonal, monthly or Ion, term rental to accommodate a discriminating clientele. Located on Tropic Isle Harbor, 9V2 acres of Florida living at its finest, with 1320* of waterfront. 2 BEDROOM - 2 BATH ____ CONDOMINIUM FiRsf OFEIGHT FUIUMNGS""" SOLD OUT Quiet waterway reflects palm trees and homes in residential section of Boca Raton. I CONSTRUCTION STARTED New president at bank .- — — _ _ DEMAND ! V I MODEL OPEN DAILY Bradshaw is elected AND SUNDAY I •TIL 6 P.M. O f f U.5. H where Boca meets Delroy SsacFs Foil Color Brochure on Request directors in their meetFounding President ing which followed last William M. Stowe r e week's annual meeting quested that Bradshaw of the shareholders. be named his successor and that it be done prior to his retirement to provide time for an orderly transfer of official responsibilities. Stowe, in making his recommendation, cited the excellent performTRANS-FLORIDA ROOF TRUSS INC ance of the University PHONE 972-0077 National Bank under the 4000 N. Power Line Rd.-No. Pompano Beach Fla. leadership of Bradshaw Kenneth N. Bradshaw was elected president of University National Bank by the board of ROOF TRUSSES 7 DAY DELIVERY See Boca Ratorfs MOST BEAUTIFUL MODEL HOMES i i a HALLMARK Ell MODEL If! 2 VERSIONS as executive vice p r e s ident since its founding in 1965. The bank experienced a 75 per cent increase in deposits over 1967 and now has total a s sets over $11 million. Shareholders approved a stock dividend of three per cent payable Feb. .5, 1969, to stockholders of record as of the close of business Jan. 10, 1969. Bradshaw was elected to the board of directors and all other eleven members were re-elected. Bradshaw came to Boca Raton in January, 1965, as vice president of First Bank and Trust Company. When the charter was granted for its affiliate, University National, he moved to the executive vicepresidency of the new institution,, He and his family moved here from Wildwood, N.J. where he had served with the Marine National Bank for 18 years rising to the post of vice president and assistant trust officer. Why The Science SOOFFD CJt-R JCKEENED PAJIO 5TOEAGE $ S% BEDROOMS, BEDROOMS, $ , 2 BATHS FROM 2 BATHS FROM "Prices for homes on your lot anywhere from Pompano to Boynton, inclusive. We bav plenty of choice lots available in Boca Raton, 19,650 3 MODELS AT CORNER S.W. 9fh AYE. & 5.W. 3 r d ST.. BOCA RATON : MODELS •— — '= _ ___ -^ * .• • • — ' -* ^ ! *Prices for homes on your lot anywhere from Pompano Beach to Boynton Beach, inclusive. We have plenty of choice lots available in Boca Raton. MODELS AT CORNER OF / S.W. 9lh AVE. and S.W. 3rd S7., BOCA RATON DeMARCO & SONS, Inc. DESIGNERS • BUILDERS • DEVELOPERS SINCE 1919 TELEPHONES 3 9 9 - 4 3 0 0 ® 395-4300 COO Tropic Jsle DrWe, Rslray Beach, Florida 399-6867 _ 278-3358 Kitchens by 1021 HILLSBORO MILE (AlA) HILUB0R0 BEACH 943-8000 *Open Daily and Sunday* NOW HIU-SBORO SELLING? Monitor recommends yon read your local newspaper I FEDERAL HIGHWAY WING Christian K C C F i D OVER SC0LENEO PATIO (3400 block) of SOUTH RENTING? ON the 1NTRACOASTAL end on the OCiAN TOO! PRE-DEVELOPMENT PRICES FROM FEATURES INCLUDE: HOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER dercover The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Private Ocean Beach/ Private docking/Un- _ ADVERTISE Please start my Monitor subscription lor the period checked below. \ enclose $ {U.S. funds). off- atoti 395-8300 Street. an d street parking/Private roofed, screened each balcony for oporfmenf/Oceans/de c/ubfiouse and heated swimming pool/Putting green "Shufihboard/Full-time manager and maintenance staff. HILLSBORO O 1 YEAR SZ6 O 6 months $13 • 3 months $6.50 Name. 20 4OO. MODELS OPEN DAILY 9-5 EXCEPT SUNDAY 12-5 Your local newspaper keeps you informed of what's happening in your area — community events, public meetings, stories about people in your vicinity. These you can't—and shouldn't — do without. The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and world news . . . with exclusive dispatches from one of the largest news bureaus in the nation's capital and from Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countries and all 50 states. TRY THE MONITOR — I T ' S ft PAPER THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY $ QUALITY -APPlilAIVeES CONDOMINIUM APARTMENTS 1050 Hiltsboro MliefA-I-A), H/;/5fcoro Beach Cily_ State. _Z1P Code. P6-17 -1 Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 9B How about a pizza party? A How about a pizza warty for that teenager /of yours? I Pizza has long been a horite of the young set d while most teens efer their pizza in an Jian restaurant here's a recipe for pizza that might turn your kitchen into the next best thing. t CHEESE AND SAUSAGE PIZZA 2 cups dices salami m 18-ounce can tomato sauce 16-ounce can tomato paste 1/3 cup finely chopped onion 11/2 teaspoons oregano 1 teaspoon basil 1 teaspoon garlic, salt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 28-ounce cans r e frigerated biscuits 26-ounce packages 9Mozzarella cheese 2/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese Combine salami, tomato sauce, tomato paste, onion, oregano, basil, garlic salt and sugar; mix. Roll biscuits on a floured surface into rounds 5-inches in diameter. Fit rolled! biscuits over bottom and up sides of two 12-inch pizza pans, ^ a k e in hot oven, 400 degrees, until slightly browned, about 5 minutes. Remove from oven. Cover crusts using 1/2 of the Mozzarella cheese. Spread tomato mixture over cheese. Top with remaining Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese 0 Return to oven and continue baking until crust is done, filli n g is hot and cheese -melted, about 15 minutes. Make two 12-inch pizzas. TRY O U R . . . LOWER SHELF EVERY SHELF & MORE DEEP PRICES, A LITTLE SAVING ON GUT SPECIALS EVERY WEEK. 32 OZ. HOOD PINK LIQUID QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED PRICES GOOD THRU WED., JAN. 15 DETERGENT.35 SOFT BLUE BONNET MARGARINE -37 EVERCANE GALLON \The bleach with muscle iguKj SUGAR CLOROX LB. BAG LIMIT ONE WITH $3. ORDER OR MORE LIMIT ONE WITH $3. ORDER OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES EXCLUDING CIGARETTES BIG ROLL WHITE OR COLORS % GAL. HOME BRAND BUTTERMILK VIVA TOWELS INSTANT .29 MAXWELL HOUSE 29 01. 10 OZ. 5/7.00 6/1.00 LIMIT ONE WITH $3. ORDER OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES 9/1.00 SUPERBRANO <. 6/7.00 8/1.00 8/*I,OQ MARGARINES LIMIT TWO WITH $3. ORDER OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES Treat using CANNED GOODS blueberries SALE Normal as blueberry pie, but this pie is not a normal Blueberry Pie! It is deliciousdifferent due to a imooth cream cheese layer beneath the blueberries. Together, they make a delightful flavor combination. Since this pie is made with canned blueberries, it can be enjoyed anytime in the year. Blueberry Ribbon Pie 1 baked (9 inch) pastry shell 1(1 pound) can blueberries A T: 1(8 3/4 ounce) can crushed pineapple 1(8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened 2 tablespoons sugar 1/2teaspoon vanilla 1/4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice Whipped cream ^ Drain blueberries and pineapple separately, 3 «1.00 gg Sis:war OZ. $ ' C 16CANS ASTOR 4/J.00 FRUIT COCKTAIL . 0 CAN THRIFTY MAID WHOLE KERNEL !CREAM STYLE V America's i \ Favorite GOLDEN CORN PEAS HEAVY WESTERN BEEF 6 1.00 7/$1.00 16 0Z. CAN THRIFTY MAID SMALL OR LARGE s& BOLOGNA LB. * 6/T.00 BOHELESS t u u - « • ROUND STEAK FRESH FROZEN U.S.O.A. GRADE "A" LB. BACON - o o COMPLETELY CUT UP FRYERS lAff QURFn _ IB. LB. 1.19. reserving syrup from each. Blend cream cheese, 2 tablespoons sugar, vanilla and 2 tablespoons pineapple syrup. Mix in drained pineapple. Spread in bottom of baked pastry shell. Chill. Blend 1/4 cup sugar, corn starch and salt in saucepan. Combine ;lueberry syrup and r e ' aining pineapple syrup; add water to make 11/2 cups. Blend into corn starch mixture. Stirring constantly, bring to boil and boil 1 minute over medium .heat. Stir in berries and lemon juice. Cool completely. Spoon over cfiilled cream cheese layer. Chill. Top with whipped cream before serving. SUPERBRAND SHERBET OR .59 A Massachusetts Institute of Technology research team has combined a computer, television camera and -mechanical arm into a 'machine that " s e e s " "what'*' it's doing and 'makes adjustments as it works. The device stacks blocks of various sizes into pre-ordained #fehapes, choosing the correct block without step-by-step instructions. ICE CREAM-59 MORTON OUR FOOD PRICES . . . . . A R E LOWER GOLDEN RIPE $• HARVEST FRESH JUICY LARGE TEMPLE ORANGES 11 59 HARVEST FRESH LEAFY GREEN OABBAGE APPLES 2/.29 11/1.00 WASHINGTON STATE RED OR GOLDEN DELICIOUS GARROTS 2LRBK.19 POTATOES IOLBBAG.58 HARVEST FRESH U.S. NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES 'j=^Mm&M^ BANANAS HARVEST FRESH FLORIDA CRISP HARVEST FRESH U.S. NO. 1 WHITE • _ - ^ FLORIDA TURKEY FOR BEEF CHiCKEN W-D 20 02. FROZEN BEEF BURGERS OR BEEF STEAKETTES .79 6 EAR ORE IDA FROZEN LB. BROCCOLI CORN ON GOB .59 MIXED VEGETABLES 4/.8$ STRAWBERRIES .39 10 0Z. FROZEN ASTOR 16 0Z. FROZEN WHOLE ' FROZEN CRINKLE CUT 20 LB BAG ,89 POTATOES ' , 5 * BAG .79 OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CAMINO REAL SHOPPING CENTER CAMIHO H A L MM S.W. 3rd M 10B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jan. 12, 1969 10 A Help female 10 B Help Male 10 C Help, Male or Female Classified It's So Easy To Earn Extra Money With Want Ads You Can Sell Just About Anything From A to Z Antiques Bicycles Cameras Dishes Encyclopedias Fencing Guns Heaters Insulation jalousies Kitchenware Luggage Motors Needlework Oars Pets Quilts Ranges Stamps . Tools Uniforms Vibrators Watches Xylophones Yachts Zircons Classified Ads 15 A Miscellaneous Sale ! 25 B Apartments for Rent 25 C Houses (or Rent POOL HOME FURN DUPLEX apt. 1 GARDENER WANTED NEED MONEY? bedroom. Available Im- BOCA SQUARE 2 bedrm TAX CONSULTANTS "SELL AVON CALL278- One day a week. $2. hour mediately. Seasonal 2 bath completely furCall Mrs. Fox 399-8844 Experienced in indiv4972. nished, a/h, sprinklers. 395-4770. 7884. • idual and small busHOUSEKEEPER — Live MANAGER-ASSIST ANT iness. Top money. Full $275 month. Lease. Im1 br. — nicely furnish-" in D r ' s home. Neat, MANAGER TRAINEES. or part time Boca Ra- GERT's a gay girl — mediate occupancy call Q ready for a whirl after ed air cond. Jordan Ma- 395-0349. clean. Must have ref- $90 - $115. Apply 2198 \ nor 101 N.W. Pine ton, Pompano area. cleaning carpets w i t h erences and like chil- N.E. 1st Ave. Jack\ *58 MGA. Runs but needs dren. Circle 395-4567. UNIT AX SYSTEMS Nicely and completely Blue Lustre. Rent elec395-1351. son Minute Market. work $250 call 395-7668 GUARANTY BLDG. furnished 2 bedrm SPACIOUS STUDIO tric shampooer $l.B.elBUS GIRL. Permanent REAL ESTATE SALES WPB 833-1007 zer Hardware, 3198 N. $135 Month. Pool etc. home, fully equipped. i ; *64 OLDSMOBILE mod- job. Lunch only. Call Experienced licensed DAY SHIFT Fed. Hwy., Boca Raton. Boca Hall Apt 14B,near • Reverse cycle air/heat. \ l el F85. 2 door with fac- 395-9722 ask for M r s . person for active office. NIGHT SHIFT Citrus trees. Season,, 'f 395-2120.. hospital tory a i r . Low mileage McCray. Complete facilities. FULL TIME 354 Lancaster St., Bo15 B Musical Instruments $700. Call 946-2494 SEASONAL extra nice 1 Phone for appointment. PART TIME RENT AN ORGAN Classified Ad Service bedrm central air/heat ca. Call 391-1025. MacLaren & Anderson FRINGE BENEFITS '66 Mercury 2 door OR PIANO carport. Call 399-7761 3 bedroom, 2 bath, WARealtors 395-1333. Phone 395-8300 Contact Duane E. Webhardtop A1 condition. 1 ONLY $2 A WEEK TERFRONT, home, until or. 566-2721. NEW SERVICE STAster, PRECISION owner car. 17000 miles,. WAITRESS AND KITFREE LESSONS AND May 30, $3,300. ChilAttractive 2 room apt., Air, full power. $1,500. CHEN HELPER. EVE- TION in Boca area needs CASTINGS, INC. 3800 EXCLUSIVE dren and pets welcome. service station mechan2 or 3 adults, 1/2 block Call 391-2520. NINGS - CORKYS PIZ- ic and attendants. Good N.W. 2nd Avenue, BoWURLITZER HOBBY Call Fred Condell or to beach. Private enca Raton, Fla. 33432, COURSE June Chaplin. Bruce '66 V.W. DELUXE MI- ZA.- PHONE 395-9823. salary plus commis- Call 395-4848, trance, carport, TV. All rental applies if you Darrell Realtor, 425 E. d: CROBUS. 1 owner. New EXPERIENCED ELEC- sion. Full time or part 10 0 Situations Wanted buy. Your choice of Any Boca 399-8762. Palmetto Park Rd., Bo- 1 tires, excellent condi- TRO - MECHANICAL time. Call 395-0275 afBOCA'S Newest & fin- ca Raton 395-1322. OHIO HOME N,ew Wurlitzer, tion,, Phone 395-4096 ASSEMBLER. Call 9 ter 5 PM or Sat. and est Annual rental ApartBUILDER RODERICK PIANOSafter 4 p.m. AM to 4 PM for appt. Sun. ments, unfurn., 1 bed- SEASONAL RENTAL 11 YRS. CONTRACTING ORGANS 391-1881. '66 Mustang hard toproom, 1-1/2 bath, and 3/3 RESIDENCE in exHouseman and general AND SALES EXPERIFoot of Datura (119) V-8 - 4 speed, disc REGISTERED NURSE maintenance work eith- ENCE wishes to p e r i 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Lat- clusive Spanish River 832-3858 brakes, limited slip for busy physicians of- er seasonal or year manently relocate in Lillian Merz 395-7089 est GE kitchen R/C air Land Company section rear - 1 owner $1500 fice, Delray Beach area. round. Experience not Boca Raton area a s s u cond. W/W carpeting. of Boca Raton. Rent now Boca Raton firm. Phone 395-9630. Hours 9:30 to 6. Tel. necessary - will train. perintendent or r e l a t - Open Mon. and F r i . Til Screened Patios, Pool, until anytime in April. Adults, no Pets, model Will negotiate price. Excellent opportunity ed position Call 395. 9 PM '62 RAMBLER CLAS- 278-1280. open for inspection. 331 15 C Plants, Trees Etc. SIC - 4 door power, EXPERIENCED SEC- for right person. Good 1838. SW 8th St. 395-5779. wages and working con15 A Miscellaneous Sale auto trans, radio. 25 RETARY Shorthand and PUPPIES FOR SALE miles a gal. low mile- typing required. Legal ditions. Phone 276-4150 Portable electric fan Grooming & Supplies CHILDREN AND PETS Appraisal & Really,; inc. 450 E. Palmetto Pit. Pd. age - like new $450 experience preferred. for appt. PET BOARDING with heat $5, daybed $10, WELCOME. Central air Boca Raton 399-4440 Call 395-0933. Air Conditioned 399-0819. Needed at Once! medium dog airplane conditioning and heatMARMACK Licenced Real Estate For sale or rent 1964 kennel (new) $10. 395ing, plus pooli '66 PONTIAC 6 passen- CLEANING LADY. 2 7598 N. Fed. 3 Bedrm. 1 Bath-unfurn, Gulfstream house trailger station wagon. Full days a week. $1.50 h r . sales person for major 2436. 15 D Pets for Sale er 10' x 55' 2 bedrm, Efficiencies-Furnished power air conditioned. for 6 h r s . own trans- condominium develop- BEAUTIFUL LAMPS. in Boca Ra- Brand new reduced for 11/2 baths $3500. ComAdorable AKC champion 25,000 mi. original own- portation. References. ment pletely furnished with blood lines. Male toy er. Beautiful condition. Call after 5:30 PM. 395- ton. Prefer experience fast clearance. C ash and kconan pc in condominium selling. carry. Ball Interiors, new air conditioner. Or Poodle puppies. $100. Price $2100 Call 395- 0265. 2800 N. Fed. Hwy, move in now and rent for Call 399-0941. 2235. BABYSITTER 4 to Excellent income with 6299 N. Fed. Hwy. Phone Boca Raton good future for right long season for only $ 1,15 G Merchandise Wanted I NEED A GOOD CAR. 5 nights from 3 PM to person. Must be avail- 395-3736 391-00 83 anytime 000. Adults only. Call 11 PM for girl age 3. Contents of 1 large bedSmall monthly payable now. Phone 399- Rose color wing chair, 276-5838 or 276-4384. apt. living ments. No cash down. College student prefer- 3061 Ask for sales man- 90 Inch Sleeper Sofa, room SEASON and bedrm furniture, red. Call 395-6850. Ask Lovely 2 bedrm 2 bath one upholstered chair, No credit. Employed loRENTAL! ager. 2 aluminum fold up good quality, light in Two bedroom 2 bath home for the long, long, cally. Write Boca Raton for Carmen. NATIONAL FOOD chairs, Dehumidifier. color. Also sofabed 278- completely & beautiful- season.' Pets and chilNews Box A47. Include TYPIST year round 5652, , AND VENDING dren allowed. Nice Boca Call 395-2134. phone number for an im- full time. Only experly furnished. No chil- location CORPORATION intracoas15 H Boats-Motor or Sail mediate reply. ienced need apply. SecGARAGE SALE dren or Pets. Available tal withnear TV, garage, Has an opening in the Have your Boat, Marine *68 CADILLAC sedan retarial Services Un- Boca Raton area for a Garden tools, books and Harware etc. TEFLON Now! for long season. washer, air/heat, lawn limited 395-5245 9 AM misc items Mon. and Heated swimming pool. service, citrus trees DeVille blue with white vending route man. ExFor appointment to in- and fenced yard. Comleather interior. Load- to 5 PM Ask for Mrs. perienced not neces- Tues. from 10 to 4 PM Coated. Boca Tackle Shop 282 Princess Palm Rd. spect call HARRY ed with extras. Execu- Sedlak. furnished. Suitsary, however if you 395-0969 GRIFFITHS . . . Asso- pletely tive's car 12,000 care- SECRETARY -RECEP- ARE experienced s a l - Boca 391-0296. able for 2 couples. Util15 Q HOUSEHOLD GOODS ciate. ful miles $4950 phone TIONIST for construc- ary will be based on ex- BLACK SOUTH AMERities included. $2,800. WEIR REALTORS 395-0165. BROADTAIL 2 CUSTOM corner cabition office, Neat ap- perience. If you are am- ICAN 395-8662. Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwy nets Italian Provincial with black '65 PONTIAC 427 Con- pearance a must. Apply bitious and want a c a - JACKET Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 bedroom suite and ChinTHE UNUSUAL vertible 2 Plus 2 Full 2260 NE 1st Ave. Boca reer in a growing bus- mink collar. Size 12-14 ese bedrm suite. One AS USUAL SAN REMO Power, A/C, Reverb Raton between 4 PM & iness contact MR. SAM- Like new $150 Phone cherry Dining Table and EXCEPTIONAL In rentals of course 391-1607. Radio 4 Brand new F i r e - 6 PM PLE ARA Services 500 4 Chairs. All in good 1 BEDRM 1 BATH San ON THE OCEAN stone 500 Tires. NAD A Full or part time BOOK- W. 18th St. Hialeah, SWAP SHOP" condition Call 399-1823. Remo private ocean NEAR THE OCEAN bood value $1950. Call KEEPER RECEPTION- Fla. Call 887-6528. Every Sat. & Sun, Buybeach, pool and ICWW. FOR THE SEASON I won it but don't need Ken Higgins 395-4711 IST for expanding Boca ers, 25 cents — DealHelp, Male or Female Completely furnishWITHIN REASON animal clinic. Sched- DISHWASHER or 395-3629. ers, $2.00. Thunderbird it. Kitchen pantry cab- ed $2500 for long s e a inet, Malayan Teak Finules and salary d i s 1 B Motorcycles, Bicycles NIGHTS. Must be relia- Drive-in Theater, 3121 son thru May 15. Call cussed at interview Call ble. All benefits. Apply W. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. ish. Retail price $639 - Charles RENT A HONDA Frey, Assoc. Sale price $250 Call eve. 757 S. Federal Hwy. Across from Polo mornings for appoint- Chez Joey, 36 SE 3rd Lauderdale, 583-8724. evenings 391-0604. 395-8299. Colonial Building ment. 395-6485. St. Boca. grounds 395-2029. GARAGE SALE Boca Raton, Fla. Baldwin Acrosonic HIGH SCHOOL GIRL GE B/W TV 20" good Spinet Piano and Bench. Needed at Once! Phone 395-4044 ADULT ENGLISH TRI- Girl 16-18 to work eve$40; 30-gal. New Naugahyde Beige. 25 6 Wanted To Rent CYCLE PRACTICALLY nings in downtown Del- Licensed Real Estate cond. iOi.FlD.HWY. • O C A BATON NEW. CALL 395-0922 ray Beach Office. Hours sales person for major aquarium w/stand and Lounge . chair and OtRetired couple would filters $25; • wrought- toman. ' Bunk Beds' matcondominium developlike unfurnished cotEXECUTIVE APTS. I F Mobile Homes 4 PM to 7:15 PM $1.60 ment in Boca Raton. iron columns, corner 8'. tresses and springs. INTRACOASTAL tage duplex or apartGRAND OPENING per hour to start. For Prefer experience in flat, 12' of railing, $25; Call 395-3607 SPECIAL FURNISHED 1 BED- ment on yearly basis. selling. two 36 x 48 jalousies Handsome Thinking of buying a mo- appt, call Mrs. Fergu- condominium DREXEL ROOM APTS. One block $75 a month or nearbile Home? Buy a mobile son 278-5474 Between Excellent income with windows, $15; tap and Mahogany Chippendale from Boca Raton Hotel est to. Call 391-1938. good future for right die sets; table for porhome during the month 4 PM-7 PM. and Club, overlooking EXPERIENCED SEC- person. Must be avail- table power saw, fan, twin bedroom suite; Royal Palm Yacht and 25 F Miscellaneous for Rent of January. triple dresser, night IN BOCA RATON lawnmower, RETARY 5 day week able now. Phone 399- gas log, (RECEIVE FREE Country Club. Seasonal Warehouse or light instand, box springs, and light dictation and typ- 3061 Ask for sales man- many misc items. 391COLOR TV SET) mattress, $300 (less & yearly. MODELS dustry 2600 square ft8 0888. ing. Excellent working ager. RAINBOW ESTATES than half price) ENG- OPEN DAILY 10 AM- new building call 399conditions in office of MOBILE HOME PARK LISH Mahogany bed- 5 PM 1075 Spanish R i - 7800 or 395-8912.deluxe high rise apart& SALES room suite; double bed ver Road. ment building. Boca Ra924 N. FED. HWY. SLAT House, 100 J xl50' with Fleur-de-lis head25 G Houses for Rent AIR CONDITIONING ENTERTAINMENT BOYNTON BCH. FLA. ton 399-3121. for Rent. Water furnishboard, high boy chest • \ SEASONAL Taking orders now for MAIDS for work in mo- Fedders air cond. ResiMAGICIAN ed, 5201 N. Federal and vanity. $100 SimCommercial SPECIALIZING 3b/ RENTALS? space in our ALL new tel. Good pay. Exper- dential, Hwy. Call 395-2712 IN mons studio couch $35. modern mobile home YES! Anytime or write IE. AND Large white garden umience helpful but not Central & Room, Arcade CHILDREN'S park. PARTIES. brella and table $25. necessary. Apply in Electronic, 20 29 NW 2nd ADULT Sizes, All Prices Camino Real, Boca RaCALL 395-2235 ANY- Phone 391-0296 Open daily 9a.m. to 5:30 person. Travelodge Mo- Ave., 395-4611. ton. ATLANTIC ALTERATIONS TIME tel - 2899 N. Federal p.m. BOCA REALTY 25 B Apartments for Rent Hwy., Boca Raton. Ask R.C. Bennett 5 A Lost & Found HOME IMPROVEMENT Realtor LOVELY private effifor Geneva. Ladies & Men's alter- Florida Rooms, C a r - ciency - patio. TV Near HARRIET JACKMAN, REWARD Assoc. 395-8500 Lost Tues. -whiteshort Year round position for ations. 1821-B NE 25th ports — Patios — Awn- beach. Couple. Boca Anytime. haired cat near Art experienced ings — Porches — Kit- 395-4365. (MANI- St., Pomp. 943-5414. Guild 399-8889. CURIST - HAIRDRESS- EXCELLENT TAILOR chens — Additions — Furn. 1 Bedrm. & eff. LOVELY FURNISHED 2 Lost - Prescription ER) no age barrier! Ap- All kinds of Ladies & Storm • Panels. Phone apts. Air cond. 450' to bedrm 2 bath in Boca reading glasses, light ply in person. Park Ave. Men's Alterations , , . 395-4884, John E . F e l d SLIP COVERS Public beach. Monthly Square only $2,500 for blue frames with Rhine- Beauty & Wig Salon 103 Barton & Miller Clean- man. or season 399-4453. long season. Call 395RATTAN CUSHIONS, stones, near Camino Royal Palm Rd. Boca ers & Laundry, 2600 REPAIRS 42aL FOAM RUBBER. YOUR SEASON " N. DiaXa Hwy. at 5 REPAIR - ALL Types Real east and Fed. Hwy Raton. FABRIC OR OURS. OR MONTHLY 2 bedrms 2 bath comPoints, Wilton Manors, going north. Reward. Formica Cabinets - you Studio apartment c e n - pletely furn., color TV. Young woman ~ 16-25 FACTORY TO YOU. Call 391-1132. name it - I do it 942- tral h e a t / a i r . 1 block Quiet street. Adults. needed for verification 566-4314. CALL 399-5152 work in downtown Del- ARE U FUSSY Creative 1671. i;B Personals. to shopping. Adults, no Long season. Call 395Bored? Over 40? Join ray Beach Office. No dressmaking and alter- All Types - Repairs, pets. 395-4663. 7995. Boca Raton's newest experience necessary, ations 399-4038. Formica work, CabWithin walking distance ARTICLES FOR RENT NEW BEACH DUPLEX $1.60 per hour to start inets, you name it Adult Fun Club. 395to beach and shopping pool, sauna, 2 bedrm, Hours 9 AM-1 PM or Massage Belts I do it. 942-1671. 8635 between 6 & 8 P.M. 3 bedroom, 2 bath com4 PM-7 PM Call 2782 bath, furnished, seaRollers-Exercycle ROOFING Business woman needs 5404. pletely furnished home sonal, no children. 900 Dixie Rents & Sales GUARANTEED ROOF ride with same to and N.E. 6th St. Boca, 399- for long seasonal rental. 395-7359 REPAIRS from Pompano week EXPERIENCED MAID Central heat and air. for steady job 2 days AUTO PARTS 1 day leak repair s e r - 1969 or 399-8384. days. Call evenings 395Call 395-3475. EXPERT per week. Year round Car, Truck & Tractor vice Ph: 278-0721 ANY 1 BEDRM EFFICIENCY 4584. by couple, no children. Parts Fast! D&M Auto TYPE ROOF APT. Everything furn- 2 Bedroom, 2 bath, heatGUTTERING GATEWAY General house work no Parts, Dick Heidgerd, ished. Adults. Close to air; color T.V., Stereo; SWIMMING POOLS SERVICE NATURAL FOODS laundry. Must have ref- 220 S. Dixie, 395-2412 Expert maintenance and town $100 a week. By Well furnished - incl. Any type gutter & downNatural, Vitamins & erences and own transMONARCH week, month or season. linens, silver, etc. dishspouts made to order & Minerals Organically portation. 395-8190 be- 133 NE 2nd Ave. Deer- service washer; G.E. Washer. installed. 22 years exgrown, dried fruit. Di- fore 9 AM or after 6 field Beach, 399-8220. POOL MAINTAINANCE Call 395-4737. Lawn Service; Lovely perience - 13 years in "One of the largest in BABY SITTING Want mature female corner, 4 month seaetetic Foods & Vegeta- PM. So. Florida. Estimates this a r e a " for informaMature woman. Local student or pleasant lady son $3,000. Phone 395ble Juices. at no obligation. 10 6 Help Male r e f s . day or eve. Own tion call to share partially furn. 1268. 1298 N.W. 7th St. 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. TO PARK CARS transportation. Call 278-0721 VIC REMICK apt and utilities. Must Pompano 941-8120 MEN Boca Raton. at private country club. 399-5735 or 399-1859 like animals. Write Box After 5 PM 523-8324 Child Care Call Mr. Masterson A 47, Boca Raton News TV ANTENNAS BUILDING TIC TOC Private 395-5030. TV Color Svc, Antennas RESIDENTIAL a n d School. Infants to 7 HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE years. Open all year. We have openings for 2 COMMERCIAL N e w installed, TV repaired APTS. Altera- Bring your TV & watch E GLOUCHESTER ST. 273" N.W. 15th St. Boca Real Estate Salesmen. Construction, it repaired same day Please call Mr. Rogers, tions and additions. Call 395-5044. NORTH BOCA RATON Florida Realty 391- 399-5080 or 943-6126. service. CROWN TV Deluxe furnished apt. 1 D Instructions, Tutoring Wehrwein Constr,. Inc. COLOR SERVICE CEN- Bedrm 1 1 / 2 baths, w/w 0990. TELEPHONE 395-8542 PROFESSIONAL TER 1140 E . Hills- carpeting. Now till. CAMERA SERVICE All ages. AH problems. Full-time help in off_ _ _ boro. Deerfield. 399Yearly Bookkeeping and 300 N.E. 20th Street M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad. set newspaper camera, 19c Color Print. C a m - 2594. Accounting Service Boca Raton, Fla. Harold Selleck 395-3303 lab and platemaking de- era Repair, F r e e e s t . VILLAS OF BOCA TAILOR partment. Ideal full- Passports photos. The apartBoca Palm Day School. time work for man. Photo Mart. 942-6043. EXCELLENT TAILOR Efficiencies, ments and villas. TV, Children 21/2 to 6 y r s . Experienced, or we will All kinds of Ladies & air and heat. Private CARPENTRY Half Day - Full Day. train you. Boca Raton Men's Alterations . , . beach and dock. ChilBookcases Cabinets 395-3698. Lie. & Ins. News, 34 S.E. 2nd St., Panelling - Plantation Barton & Miller Cleandren welcome. Daily o r FRENCH LESSONS by 395-8300 Shutters & Doors. Bill ers fit Laundry, 2600 weekly, rates Call 395N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 5220. native teacher, begin- SERVICE STATION AT^ P e t e r s . 399-1951. Get Atlantic Rug Co. prices on carpeting for Points. Wilton Manors, ners and advanced. Call TENDANT daytime onOCEAN FRONT 1 CLEANING your Co-ops, Condominiums, Apartments, 566-4314. MRS. YVONNE PERK- ly. 8 to 5, 6days.Hosbedrm, kitchenette, p r i PROFESSIONAL CleanHomes, Offices, etc. • INS 276-5694. TEFLON vate court. Monthly or pitalization and comm, ing Services, commerCall Mr. Stevenson, Contract Division' SPANISH good working cond. Ask cial & residential. All We TEFLON everything season. Linens, c o m Cook-Ware to plete furnishings, utiliNative Spanish teacher for Jim 395-9864 or work insured. Special - from ties. $115 weekly. R e with Teacher Certifi- 395-9537. Jims Shell any 9 x 12 rug pick- Boats, Guns, Etc. Shoppers Haven, Pompano Beach— Ph..'••541.-1657 BOCA TACKLE SHOP duced after Apr. 15 395cate. Private or small Service 5000 Glades Rd. ed up & delivered $10. group. Call 391-0692* Boca. 3236. Call F r i , or Mon. 395-0969 MR, SERVICE 399-8866 INCOME TAX 2 PHILCO TV SETS. 6 months old. Portable B & W $100 each. 395- CARltN SERVICE DIRECTORY FREDERICK HELDT INCOME TAX SERVICE CALL 395-8300 399-6719 BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS " F.Miscellaneous for:Rent i S B Co-ops 1 : Condominiums s a l ^ ^ ^ ^ H : : 35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes for "Sale351H Homes for isle Sunday^Jan. 12, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 11B WELLINGTON ARMS BUILDER'S MODEL POOL HOME LAKE FLORESTA ROYAL PALM 35 Hi; Homes.far Safe CONDO. 2 bedrm 2 bath BOCA SQUARE 2 Bedrm Lovely Brand new 3 bed4 Bedrm. 2 Bath, Pool. INTRACOASTAL; from $18,900 6530 N. 2 bath completely fur- r o o m residence Wall/ Luxurious & Spacious, Also 3 Bedrm, 2 Bath, ON describes this 3 bedrm, den; 2 baths; great views Ocean Blvd., Ocean Rid- nished a/h, sprinklers. Wall carpeting, screenIN LOVELY pool for February o c 3-1/2 bath unique Home, with privacy. Walk ge, Fla. 732-2442. cupancy. Call 399-6790., ed Pool, central Air/ht. $24,700. Owner 395BOCA RATON 42' NO VAC Pool, over " A l o i s & Acreage Sale around 800 Marine Furn. 1 Bedrm co-op 0349. Immediate occu- 2 car garage, deluxe sized garage, fireplace, JANUARY Deluxe Rental ResidencDrive 1 block east of features galore. 399- large corner Lot & Many apt. screened balcony. pancy^ ' OCCUPANCY University Inn, • es. Private Beach. One, 5453. APT. ZONED R3 Walk stores, churches. other extras. BY own1037 S.W. 12th Ave. Two or Three Bedroom To Place a Classified Maint. $30 mo. includes IDEAL LOCATION er - 2398 Areca Palm In - Boca Raton Square $950 DOWN Apartments. All Luxury taxes. 395-1612. ad call 395-8300 and Plus closing costs buys Rd. 395-8569. 3 Bedrm 2 bath, family Lovely 2 bedrm 2 bath Features. Saunas, Pool room, util. 9 1/2 acres - $75,000. First floor condominiroom, 2 car garage, Florida 399-6719 Beach, Docks. Annual of this sparkling 2 bedrm SHOWPLACE Terms EXCLUSIVE room, air cond/ um model apartment screened pool, sprink1 bath air conditioned Seasonal Rentals. From SLONE REALTY IN THE COVE UNUSUAL centrally located in Bolers, range, dish- heat, extras, $17,200. gem. Walking distance This $175.00 up. luxurious 1 1 / 2 3 BEDROOM Call 395-3093. 912 N. Dixie Hwy. ca. 1 bedrm 11/2 bath, to schools and church- year old Deerfield home washer, disposal w/w 399-1223 swimming poolo $8,000 A beautiful pool and pa- e s . 35:JsOut of Town1 Property OCEANVIEW Refrigerator and looks brand new. Has carpeting. mortgage with 6% int. tio with extended fam- washing AN machine, APARTMENTS MBLCOR HOMES CHOICE ily room are deluxe ex- drapes and carpeting in- 2 baths, and a Florida Call owner 399-0022. EXCLUSIVE 2579 N. Ocean Blvd. 391-0941 - 399-5202 WATERFRONT room that could be conHIDEAWAY LUXURY APT. 2 bedrm tras included in this new cluded. See today, it verted into a 3rd large Boca Raton !.-!5a3. LOTS INVESTMENT 2 bath S.E. exposure on contemporary 3 bedrm, won't last! BR 1725. 399-8290 bedroom. Screened 2 bath home. All apJust off intracoastal on ocean PROPERTY in Hillsboro An Itvenus Enterprise BOCA SQUARE porch, workshop area are DEwide canal. Excellent Beach, 3 car garage, 2 pointments IN JAMAICA m in garage, carpeting and LUXE. The location is jp Boca Raton neighbor- balconies, ON BEAUTIFUL MONcarpeted, drapes a r e included. Realtor hood. Priced reasona- draperies, TEGO BAY. If you have mirrored great - particularly for bly for quick sale from wall, beautiful chande- a family. 399-6444 395-0650 j>32,500 MLS BR 1621. 3/2 partially furnish- that EXTRA $45,000 Classified Ad Service *wall to wall carpeting $8,500. Buy 1 or all. lier, Americana Range . ROYAL OAK HILLS ed home. Sprinkler sys- contact Ed Ronan, Phone 395-8300 MacLaren & Anderson, $42,000 Can be seen *self cleaning oven Exceptional Value — 3/2 tem, storm awnings, *2 car enclosed garage Inc., 135 E. Palmetto by calling 395-2577 for on lovely 98' frontage drapes and carpeting inAppraisal S Realty, InC. *sprinkler & sod Pk. Rd., 395-1333. corner lot; $3000 worth 450 E- Palmetto Pk. Rd. cluded. $26,900 MLS BR appt. *beautiful slate of landscaping, sprink1683, Boca Raton 399-4440 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. Corner lot 92' x 110' entrance foyer, ler, A/H, 2 car garage, Classified Ad Service SLONE REALTY Boca Raton S.W. 12th Ave. and 11th ICWW to see your DREAM store room 5 3/4 mortg. 912 N. Dixie Hwy. 391-0083 anytime St. $5500. Call 395-1899 Phone 395-8300 ROYAL PALM! house call us MLS BR Priced below most comBoca Raton WILL BUILD 1720-P - $35,500. |MOVE IN NOW parable homes in this Lowest priced home IMMEDIATE 399-1223 S' S* Exclusive I:- -:': •: ON YOUR LOT choice area. Shown by OCCUPANCY MOTHERWELL appointment. Call 395- three bedrooms, 2-1/2 PRIVATE COUNTRY CLUB F r e e estimates, housUNUSUALLY DEERFIELD BOCA RABrand New REALTY baths -Sun Patio-POOL es, duplexes, apart- TON AREA ocean front MEMBERSHIP LARGE 0261. 757 S. Federal Hwy. - Central heat & a i r . Lot affords real privaH ments, commercial or condominium apt. - l u x CONDOMINIUM MODEL Colonial Building See the Boats go by industrial. Licensed and 5 BEDROOM cy for this 2 bedroom, uriously furnished, decBoca Raton, Fla. from this sweeping view insured. E. R. Doering orator 2 bath, one-car garage HOME APARTMIN? designed. 2 Phone 395-4044 of the Intracoastal General Contractor bedrm 2 1 / 2 baths. 7th home with cable heat. «7Ss!!i NEAR OCEAN MLS 1273 - $92,500, Large, beautifully fur' ROYAL OAK HILLS 399-1969. Built-in electric oven Big home on spacious floor high-rise buildFor appointment to see, nished, decorator-deLarge 3/2 with heated, BOCA RATON HULLS and range. Large launlot. Prime location near ing. 40 ft. balcony. 24 signed model apt. 1 br., 8 Large lots, Sacrifice, hour security. Private screened pool. Central beach. All large rooms call KEN PRICE . . . dry tub in utility room. VA Baths. At San Remo, North West Corner of cabana. Club pool, put- air/heat, one car ga- with privacy for every- Associate, 10x28 East facing patio. WEIR REALTORS the 13-acre condominium 40th St. and 5th Ave. ting greens. 5 3/4 mort- rage with automatic one. Complete kitchen Weir Plaza Carpets and draperies Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwy door, sprinkler system, and laundry equipment. estate stretching from . Zoned Residential. Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 included. MLS BR-1679 gage avail, for appoint- circular drive. New Realistically priced at 18-Hole Championship Atlantic to Intracoastal, Other properties zon- ment call 391-1160. - $22,500. Course on 720-Acre w/w carpeting, (Bath - $49,500. Good financing ed for units in Pompano in Boca Rafon. Every private estate EXCEPTIONAL 35 C Apis, Motets, Hotels-Sale Kitchen - Patio CarUOTHERWELL Fla. Call aft. 6 luxury. Private balBR 1709 COURSE HOME IWB One and two bedroom peted) All this luxury avail. REALTY INTRACOASTAL PM Ft. Laud. 522-7207 cony, huge closets, cusMacLaren & Anderson WITH POOL!! for only $39,000o For L CONDOMINIUM APARTMENT SITE 757 S. Federal' Hwy. or Write 719 N0E. 5th tom-kitchen. Private Inc., 135 E. Palmetto Seldom can we offer evappt. to see BR1624 P APARTMENTS Zoned 80 units Colonial Building Terr Ft Lauderdale Flao beach, clubhouse. OnPk. Rd., 395-1333. erything in one packCall WARD PERRIN Ason golf course. Call Bill DaCamara Boca Raton, Fla. site marina. Magnificent age. Pool, S.E. exposTHINK BIG soc. 391-0083 (Sun. & Furnished Models BONNELL REALTY, Phone 395-4044 gardens. 24 hour securBOCA RATON Open Daily If your house is burst- ure, looking over 3 manEve. 399-2745). INC. at 51st St. & INDESCRIBABLY ity. Ask for Apt. #734. icured fairways, of the ing at the seams trying U.S. =1 in 278-3383 Delray DELICIOUS SAN REMO, 2877 N. Lots in Mizner School Boca Raton famous Royal Palm to accommodate your rcowan frc OPEN Ocean Blvd., (A-l-A) district and near Junior growing family „ . . con- Yacht & Country Club. 4 FOR Boca Raton, Fla. Call & High Schools. $3,950 Only occasionally does 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. sider this 4 bedroom, bedrms, 3 baths, plus ": ESTATES ~ GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 399-3061 (no toll INSPECTION each. For details c a l l . . . a Home so cheerfully Boca Raton 3 bath home located on cheerful family room. 7':f HM. Sist St. and 2nd *ve., charge). Boca Raton"(VS mile west of U.S. 1) decorated, so very WEIR REALTORS large well elevated lot 391-0083 anytime Entire residence comNear shopping and othWeir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwy er "FLORIDA", pop up for conveneiences. ESTATES — custom 4 in exclusive "Little pletely done over. $82,Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 Sale. Gay blending of Across from ocean, ad- bedrm. 2 bath, 2 c a r Harbor" Subdivision of 500. This is my favor30 ACRES whites, yellows and orjoining prestige r e s i - garage, screened pool, Deerfield. Close to Pub- ite. Let me show you West of Military Trail dential area. A small w/w carpeting, beauti- lic & Catholic schools, this cheerful home toanges, makes this large ESTATES SECTION! $1,500 Per Acre. Home, completely inbuilding with compat- ful drapes thru-out the shops and beach. $30,- day. Call Fred Carey, TERMS viting. Immediately deAssoc. MLS BR 1661 ible neighbors. Spacious house. Reverse cycle 500 MLS BR1727. JUST LISTED! A magnificent 3 bedroom — 34£ bam sirable. 3 large bedPG. apt. with large screen- air conditioning. Ownhome on a large corner lot in Boca Raton's most derooms, 31/2 baths, den, ed patio facing south. er moving north. Call • BATEMAN & CO. sirable Estates Section. The 35 ft. living room conhobby room, a magnifi2800 N. Fed. Hwy. tains an island fireplace and all rooms are similarly Central Air-condition- after 1 for appt. 395- * REALTORS spacious. Architect states 3900 sq. ft. under roof. Ma• Appraisal & Realty, ing. Modern applianc- ,5842. Boca Raton 450 E. Palmetto Pk.Inc. Rcf. 1299 S. Ocean Blvd. cent porch 15' x 37' in ture citrus trees grace the well landscaped property, Boca Raton 399-4440. es, carpets, drapes in391-0083 .anytime and a queen size kitchen for the gourmet who deBoca Raton 395-9355 the incomparable E s WHY WAIT tates Section, One block mands adequate space. It cannot be duplicated at the cluded. Private Beach ~ BOCA IS Just bring the bride and ,6 MONTHS??? OPEN DAILY listed price of $59,500 and the desirable $40,000 mortfrom the Ocean. "A club across street GROWING FAST!! $6700 for a 2 bedrm. gage may be assumed as part of the purchase price. Available now!! BeauNEW LUXURY HOME must s e e " at $77,500. MLS - BR-1622. Call John B. Dolan to arrange your Choice building site for available for low fee. tiful 2 bedrooms, 2 bath 1 bath with extra large DOCKAGE FOR YACHT inspection. BR 1472. shops and office - cen- Comfortable living in home with screened pool paneled family room. 4 BEDROOMS & DEN FIRST REALTY CORP. fine atmosphere for onBATEMAN & CO., REALTORS Completely, furnished, ter of town - near Post and large Patio 'facing 181 Coconut Palm Rd., .. 1399, Spjjth Ocean Boulexard:, Boca. Raton „ Ela. 33432 '- : : 20-SE 1st Ave. '•"": Office and new bank ly $18,500. BC 83. Open East, in Boca Square, 1 even the TV. Then pay .......;,-• - , , : * 385-9355 399-8284 ROYAL PALM YACHT Call'anytime 395-8600 building - 125' x 145' Sunday, 1 to 5 P.M. Ad- year old, priced below $79 a month for princi& COUNTRY CLUB dress: 930 Osceola Dr., - zoned B-3 - ready for construction cost plus, pal, interest, tax and See this fabulous home. 4 i V* A GEM! U^lliL MLJ3 BR w immediate use. A real Apt #3, Boca, MacLar- you save $2,000. on wall insurance, Large Patio & Pool, en & Anderson, 1608. • • value for only "$36,875. to wall carpeting, drapgorgeous kitchen and Inc., 395-1333. MLS BV-195. eries, and landscaping Two bedroom 2 bath truly beautiful bathand good 5 3/4% morthome in Palmetto Park rooms, formal dining BOCA RATON gage. Call us for apTerrace. Central heat room, marble & slate 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. APARTMENTS! pointment!! MLS BR& air, sprinkler sys757 S. Federal Hwy. halls, built-in vacuum Boca Raton 1675. tem. Beautifully landColonial Building system, etc. For those 391-0083 anytime $25,000 to $110,000 scaped. Lots of closet Boca Raton, Fla, who want the best - come MOTHERWELL We take pride in offerBOCA SQUARE space. Large rooms. Phone 395-4044 and see the only new IVS REALTY ing the following pres2 Bedrm 2 bath, utility house available on the Eat-in kitchen w/pass757 S. Federal Hwy. DELRAY BEACH U.S. #1 HIGHWAY tige apartment r e s i room, oversize garage, water. MLSBR-1409WP thru to enormous Colonial Building By owner, nicest s e c - dences to qualified purFRONTAGE - 1st Time w/w carpeting, reverse screened roofed patio. Boca Raton, Fla, tion in LAKE IDA chases: OTHERWELL Offered!!! cycle air and heat, r e Washer, frost-free r e Phone 395-4044 SUBDIVISION. 3 large REALTY BERKLEY SQUARE frigerator, garbage disOnly $.88 per square foot with frig., patio drop shades corners on Gardenia "757 S. Federal Hwy. $25,000 - ' 2 bedroom 2 posal, screened in paterms to suit you. Dial us right "SUNRISE" MODEL & like - new carpetT e r r , and N.W. 6th Ave. bath garden type apartColonial Building tio, awnings, storm now — the most important call RAINBOW HOME ing & draperies includand inside lot near the ment, MLS BC 85P Boca Raton, Fla. panels, sprinkler sysyou'll make this year. Call DEERFIELD ed at $27,500. MLS 1726 DELRAY BEACH Phone 395-4044 VILLA FLORA tem, corner lot, circuMary Law, Asso. for appointFor appointment PLAYHOUSE on a caLike new 2 bearoom 2 lar drive, well landSAN REMO JUST COMPLETED ment. 395-1661 (days) and to see, call IVAN nal. All lots face north bath home with every scaped. By owner. Price 278-5467 (evenings). which- will place your $27,850. 2 bedroom 2 extra. Located on high- $28,500 Call 395-8160 Beautiful new 3 Bedrm HAACK . . . Associate. bath and garage MLS 2 Bath, white brick with WEIR REALTORS pool or patio to the S.E. ridge in County and on garage. ALL large Weir Plaza Bldg. 855S Fed. Hwy sewers^ water, electric B Condo 102WP BOCA SQUARE a quiet "retired" REDUCED $5,000 for VILLA CAPRI rooms including famare in. Area homes Less than 1 year old Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 street. BR 1548. SAN REMO iiy room with circular IMMEDIATE SALE!!! range $35,000 to $50,BRAND NEW FIRST REALTY CORP. 3/2 plus family room, breakfast bar, and truDon't miss this bargain! Terrif000. These lots under- $30,000. 2 Bedroom 2 on beautifully landscap3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 20 SE 1st Ave. ly modern kitchen with fic financing available. Delay priced at $6400 to $8,- bath and includes addied, sewered lot with DEN POOL 900. To see turn west tional private sun deck Call Anytime 395-8600 sprinkler means disappointment; see this system. disposal, dishwasher & OCCUPANCY 30 DAYS IMMEDIATE off Hwy 1 at NE 8th 14 ft x 26 ft. plus screenunusual offer today! MLS BRBeautiful large fully en- separate utility room. P r i c e includes lot St. to Swinton Ave. then ed porch. MLS B ConOCCUPANCY 1687. Call Mary Law, Asso. closed garden patio. En- King size screen porch *City Water & Sewers take N.W. 9th St. W all do 113 WP 3 Bedrm 3 bath, large closed for appointment. 395-1661 garage, attic and sun deck. Paved *Central air & heat, VILLA VERONA the way in to LAKE IDA. pool, family room, GE storage. Complete G.E. front entrance & foyer (days) and 278-5467 (evenings). *GE Disposal, dishSAN REMO For information phone kitchen, 2 car garage, kitchen. Reverse cycle with guest closet. Wall washer, oven & range Pompano Beach 943- $34,600. Largest of the radiant heat, air condi- air and heat, w/w car- to wall carpets thruout. *Wall-to-wall carpet2834. two bedroom 2 bath tioning, carpets and peting and drapes. Completely air condiing apartments, includes drapes. $32,900. 1498 Washer and dryer. Own- tioned including bath & *14x28 Screened-in George B. Van Zee, Realtor garage in this newest N.W. 4th Ct. Call 395- er leaving town. Call kitchen. Fully sodded ~ CHOICE Pool RESIDENTIAL and landscaped. Over of villas. MLS B Condo 5434 for appt. Royal Palm Shopping Center 391-0970. *Sprinkler System 2200 sq. ft. of living 107 WP LOTS! 307 Golf View Drive *Fully Sodded Lot LARGE FAMILY? area. Concepts DevelVILLA DEL MAR . Golf course - Royal HOSTESS' *Circular Drive 395-1661 WANT 3 Bedrms and opment Inc. 399-1872. Palm Yacht & C.C. one $48,000. Ocean front 2 DREAM! *Many other features den and family room and of few remaining. Lo- bedroom, completely Buy Now and Select All A GARDEN OF EDEN cated in close proximity furnished. Cannot last at This uniquely designed swimming pool and- 2 Nestled in this ideal set- Your Colors —Move in to Country Club - Ideal this figure. MLS B Con- luxury home in Royal baths and an extra half ting, sits a house that Jan. 30, Palm Yacht & C.C. lends bath and air conditionI for ardent golfer or do 115 WP itself both to family fun ing and large living will make you a lovely Full price under $30,000 CLOISTER BEACH * those wishing to have a and entertaining. Three room and carpets and home . . . especially if DON-ARROW, INC. TOWERS home overlooking the you like tropical garlarge bedrooms, 2-1/2 drapes and large 395-2227 $49,500. Large 2 bedgolfers activity - BV dens and privacy. Large baths, huge recreation patio and screened patio and pool, 251G - Priced at $15,- room 2 bath beautiful- room, bar, oversize screened ly decorated and heated pool, shuffle- sprinkler system and 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 000. Carpeting and Another choice corner includes garage,, A 14th board c o u r t , etc. Beau- fully equipped kitchen W/W homesite in Royal Palm floor view. MLS B Con- tifully fenced yard. C a r - &, &, & only $27,500 drapes. Good closet and ••..- faces Northwest in do 116 WP. peting and draperies in- For appt. to see MLS BR. utility room space. This ATLANTIC CLOISTEL area of attractive cluded in realistically 1531 P. Call DICK DE- home is in excellent price $55,000 - MLS VOE Assoc. 391-0083 condition. $24,900. MLS homes. Priced at $ 1 1 , - $54,000 furnished. A large 1600 Sq. Ft. two 1660 P - F o r appoint- (Sun. & Eve. 395-3483) BR 1730WP 500 - BV .162. V Builders attention - bedrooms plus den — ment to see, call TOM k Homesite in Winfield garage included. Ready RAINES, Associate. * WEIR REALTORS Park on N.EO 2nd C i r - to occupy. MLS, B Con2800 N. Fed, Hwy,, Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwj \ cle. Size 86 x 114 - do 103 P Boca Raton 450 E. prT. SABAL POINT Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 Price of $3,750 in391-0083 anytime Boca Raton 399=4440 $110,000 Completely cludes assessment for BOCA SQUARE installed sewer s y s - furnished the only 3 bed- o mo. old 3/2 plus fam- * * * * * — R A R I J H y i S T S I E M T OFPORTUHfTY room apartment ready STAR-LITE VILLAS * BEACH £R*EA 6 E M * * tem - BV 209. ily room, on beautifully For further information to occupy in this p r e s - landscaped, sewered lot * * FOR SALE OR RENT N O W * * 110 N.E. 19th Avenue Deerfield Beach call LLOYD LIVELY... tige building. MLS B with sprinkler system* Excellent Potential. Prestige. Privacy. 1 Block to Beach and Condo 89P TWO BLOCKS TO OCEAN AND SHOPPING Associate. . . Beautiful large fully enFinest Shoppes. 2nd FLOOR PENTHOUSE APT-PLUS 3 BedCall J. B. DOLAN or WEES REALTORS ]&2 Bedroom Apfs. $165 and $185 Per Month closed garden patio. Enroom 2 Bath Villa, Balconies,Terraces, etc. Use Separately FRED CAREY, assoWeir PlazaBldg. 855 S Fed. Hwj closed garage, attic Wall To VfalI Carpeting All Electric Kitchens Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 ciate, now to arrange storage. Complete G.E. OR as 9 Room, 4 Bath LUXURY RESIDENCE. Property Central Heat*Air Conditioning*Large Screened Porch "35 BCo v ops:S Condominiums Sale your personal inspec- kitchen. Reverse cycle Zoned for 6 More VILLAS: PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE ACFor choice selections in tion. TION!!! $75,000, (Vforth More)- Terms. Owner, Viv Johnair and heat, w/w cari BOCA VERDE call BATEMAN & CO. peting and drapes. son, 217 Andrews Ave., Delray Beach, (305) 276-6278, 11Katherine Julian 399REALTORS Washer and dryer. Own5 OR (24 Hr. Answer Service (305) 399-2811 HURRY!!! 7385 Everglades Real1299 S. Ocean Blvd. Telephone er leaving town. Call Adjacent Lot The Cove Shopping Center BROKERS INVITED!!! sold or $250,000 ty. Boca Raton 395-9355 391-0970. Jf. Deerfield Beach, Florida 399-4220 OFFICE SPACE or STOREROOM. Air Conditioned. Down town Boca. Phone 395-5002 or 395-5005. RICHARDm ROSS CQNDOMIMfUH FOR SALE 1 : CARLM i 1 M ROYAL PALM REALTY ANNUAL RENTALS DEERFIELD ARMS 12B BOCA RATON NEWS Sunday, Jon. 12, 1969 oAmFried Chicken Swift's Premium All Meat Franks Herman's Orange Band Pure Pork, Breakfast Link Sausage • another menu suggestion fromPUBLIX 44 Jumbo Smoked * Canadian Cod • lb Mrs. Kinser's Picnic Style Potato Sdlcidf, €®Ie Slaw or Macaroni Salad Ib- 33$ Danish Cooked Prices Effective Mon-Tue-Wed. January 13-14-15 It's New, Parkay Soft Corn Oil Margarine. • • • 'Iff: .47« Sliced Ham . . . , ' 69* Kraft's Mohawk m L i m b u r g e r • . . . Se 3 9 c Wisconsin Mild |b Brick Cheese. . . 89« (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Kraft B l u e Cheese . • • portion FROZEN FOODS Ocoma Chicken, Beef, Turkey Pot P i e s . . . . 6 Stouffer's Creamed 39< Peas & Potatoes Swift's Premium Proten U.S. Choice U.S.D.A. Inspected Beef Sirloin Steak T-Bone Steak Boneless Round Steak Porterhouse Steak. . . . . (LIMIT 1 WITH OTHER PURCHASES OF $3 OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES) Morton Honey Buns • . 4 $|19 9 9 s fze 9 ib. $|19 Comstock Cherry Pie Pilling * . . 2 Contadino Ib. Tomato Sauce • 8 • c "an' General Mills Clackers Ib. Breakfast Cereal 1 $129 Dinty Moore Beef Stew • . . . Hormel 15-oz. cans Chili w/Beans . 3 Armour Liquid Chiffon 22-or. bot. Pish Petergent • Pillsbury's Sweet Cream 16 z P k°g Pancake Mix. . • 25c Kraft's French Dressing • 8 D °t. With 35-ct. Cups, 5-oz. Size Oak Hill Tomato Jyice . .4 Dixie Cup Dispenser . • . • 46-oz. cans Hi-C Assorted 35c Cairo Beauty Fruit O'Sage Raggedy Ripe Freestone ^ Peaches Peanut Butter & Jelly . . • . • . 2%-doz. size Florida Instant Celery. . . . .2—2 9 * 'me Ripe Sanka Coffee • • EXTRA pk ^GreenStanips ,v 3 9 * Tomatoes Easy On Spray Starch Bltton adishes . . . 3 19< (Coupon expires Wed. January 15,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) ; Aiicy, Sweet Tdngelos 100 size ifor 39c - 9 9 g 8 ° 33' 80 Z 6 for 29c juicy 150-j Anjou Pears . 8 59 S ^WGreenStamps O Carnation All Flavors 25< T wme, Qkebblm Prices In This Ad Effective Only In Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties. F&P Whole Kernel 3 u: 49< ^WGreenStamps ^WGreenStamps J e w e l Shortening WITH THTi COUfOH AMD ri/KCMASI OF 3 b et n 59c (Coupon expires Wed. January 15,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) Beechnut Strained Baby Food 6 ££. 65c (Coupon expires Wed. January 15,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) Aerowax „.. ... Purchase of $1. or more of Any Candy (Coupon expires Wed. January 15,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) ST-oz. size (Coupon expires Wed. January 15,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) Camino Gardens - Boca Raton 100 W. Camino Real EXTRA WITH THIS W W ' O M AND PUHCHASI OF Swift's EXTRA Floor Wax Sweet Peas . . .3 2£ 49* EXTRA j£|. (Coupon expires Wed. January 15,1969) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) iV/GreenStamps[™w, F&P Fancy Green €?wm AMD F I C H A S I : Slender F&P Red Sliced Beets . .- .2 EXTRA 5th Ave. PLAZA- Boca Raton U.S. Highway # 1 & 5th Aye. Palm Aire Shopping Center 272 S. Federal Hwy., Deeriield Beach
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24 oceanfront residences
All prices are subject to change at any time and without notice, and do not include optional features or premiums for upgraded units. From time to time, price changes may have occurred that are not...
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