JOÃO MASSANO João Massano is a Neurologist at


JOÃO MASSANO João Massano is a Neurologist at
João Massano is a Neurologist at Hospital Pedro Hispano/ULS Matosinhos, a researcher and Professor at
University of Porto Medical School (Departamento de Neurociências Clínicas e Saúde Mental/Clinical
Neurosciences and Mental Health Department) and he is the coordinator of the Unidade de
Neurocognição e Demência, Hospital CUF Porto (Neurocognition and Dementia at Hospital CUF, Porto).
He is co-author of more than thirty articles published in indexed scientific journals and of several book
chapters, national and international, associated editor of “Acta Médica Portuguesa” and Reviewer for
several scientific, national and international, journals.
João Massano is a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Academy of Neurology (Scientific
Subspecialty Panel Higher Cortical Functions, Scientific Subspecialty Panel Movement Disorders) and of
the American Academy of Neurology (Behavioral Neurology Section, Movement Disorders Section). He is
the 2015-2017 Board Secretary of the Grupo de Estudos de Envelhecimento Cerebral e Demências,
(Cerebral Ageing and Dementia Studies Group) and Vice-President of the Sociedade Portuguesa de
Doenças do Movimento, 2009-2012 e 2015-2017(Portuguese Movement Disorder Society).

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