factbook 2014 - Observatório da Emigração
factbook 2014 - Observatório da Emigração
observatório da emigração portuguese emigration factbook 2014 www.observatorioemigracao.pt Observatório da Emigração Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2014 Rui Pena Pires*, Cláudia Pereira*, Joana Azevedo*, Inês Espírito-Santo* e Inês Vidigal** * ** Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal Universidade de Lisboa (UL), IGOT-UL, Lisbon, Portugal; Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL), Lisboa, Portugal Revised December 2015. Cancels and replaces the same document of December 2014. Corrects errors in table 1.3 and chart 1.1 (pages 23-25). Revised May 2016. Cancels and replaces the same document of December 2015. Corrects errors in table 1.4 (page 26). December 2014 © OEm, Observatório da Emigração, 2014 Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2014 was co-ordinated by Rui Pena Pires and compiled and prepared by Rui Pena Pires, Cláudia Pereira, Joana Azevedo, Inês Espírito Santo and Inês Vidigal. Please cite this publication as: Observatório da Emigração (2014), Portuguese Emigration Factbook 2014, Lisbon, Observatório da Emigração, CIESIUL, ISCTE-IUL. DOI: . First published December 2014 by Observatório da Emigração. First revised version December 2015 by Observatório da Emigração. Second revised version May 2016 by Observatório da Emigração. ISBN: 978-989-20-5329-5 DOI: 10.15847/CIESOEMFB2014 URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10071/8626 Tables and charts are provided in Excel format. Just type the link at the beginning of each chapter to obtain the corresponding file. The Observatório da Emigração (OEm) is based at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL), at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), and supported and funded by a partnership between ISCTE-IUL and the Directorate-General for Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities (DGACCP). Observatório da Emigração Av. das Forças Armadas, ISCTE-IUL, 1649-026 Lisbon, Portugal Tel. (CIES-IUL): + 351 210464018 E-mail: [email protected] www.observatoriodaemigracao.pt Public disclosure authorized The OEm encourages dissemination of its work. You can copy, download or print this content for your own use, and you can include excerpts from this publication in your own documents, presentations, blogs, websites and teaching materials, provided that suitable acknowledgement of OEm as source is given. http://www.observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/4093.html PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Contents List of tables, charts and maps ...................................................................................................... 5 Signs, abbreviations and acronyms ............................................................................................. 10 Acknowledgments ....................................................................................................................... 11 Foreword ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Highlights ..................................................................................................................................... 16 1 | Total emigration........................................................................................................... 19 Country statistical profile ............................................................................................................ 21 Estimates of total emigration...................................................................................................... 23 International comparison ............................................................................................................ 32 2 | Emigration to top destination countries ........................................................................ 37 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 39 Inflows ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Stocks .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Citizenship ................................................................................................................................... 50 Consular data .............................................................................................................................. 56 3 | Remittances ................................................................................................................. 59 Volume and composition ............................................................................................................ 61 Changes ....................................................................................................................................... 66 Economic weight ......................................................................................................................... 68 International comparison ............................................................................................................ 69 4 | Focus: changes in emigration to top destination countries, 2001-2013 ........................... 73 Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 74 Belgium........................................................................................................................................ 76 Brazil ............................................................................................................................................ 79 Canada ......................................................................................................................................... 81 France .......................................................................................................................................... 84 Germany ...................................................................................................................................... 86 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 3 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Italy .............................................................................................................................................. 89 Luxemburg................................................................................................................................... 92 Netherlands ................................................................................................................................. 95 Norway ........................................................................................................................................ 98 Spain .......................................................................................................................................... 101 Switzerland ................................................................................................................................ 104 United Kingdom ........................................................................................................................ 107 United States ............................................................................................................................. 110 Venezuela .................................................................................................................................. 113 Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 115 Metadata ................................................................................................................................... 119 References................................................................................................................................. 128 Webography .............................................................................................................................. 130 4 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 List of tables, charts and maps Tables Table 1.1 Main social indicators: international comparison .................................................. 21 Table 1.2 Main migration indicators: international comparison ........................................... 22 Table 1.3 Permanent outflows of Portuguese emigrants: the historical background ............................................................................................................. 23 Table 1.4 Estimates of the outflows of Portuguese emigrants, 2001-2013 ........................... 26 Table 1.5 UN estimates of the stock of Portuguese-born emigrants, 1990-2013.................. 27 Table 1.6 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in EU and EFTA countries, 2000/2001 and 2010/11 ......................................................................................... 28 Table 1.7 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in OECD countries by age group and educational attainment, 2000/2001 and 2010/11 .......................................... 30 Table 1.8 Emigrants by country of origin, 2010 ..................................................................... 32 Table 1.9 Emigration and immigration rates in EU countries, 2010 ...................................... 34 Table 2.1 Main indicators of Portuguese emigration to top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ..................................................................... 39 Table 2.2 Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ................................................................................................... 42 Table 2.3 Change in Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available ................................................... 45 Table 2.4 Stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ............................................................................................... 46 Table 2.5 Change in the stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available ................................................... 49 Table 2.6 Population with Portuguese citizenship in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ...................................................................................... 50 Table 2.7 Change in the population with Portuguese citizenship in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available................................ 52 Table 2.8 Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ...................................................................................... 53 Table 2.9 Change in the acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available................................ 55 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 5 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.10 Stock of consular registrations in top destination countries, 2012 or last year available ................................................................................................... 56 Table 2.11 Change in the stock of consular registrations in top destination countries, 2011-2012 or last two years available ................................................... 58 Table 3.1 Inward and outward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 ...................................... 61 Table 3.2 Top inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 ..................................................... 64 Table 3.3 Changes in inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2012-2013 ................................ 66 Table 3.4 Changes in economic weight of remittances in Portugal, 2012-2013 .................... 68 Table 3.5 Top remittance-receiving countries, thousand US dollars, 2012 ........................... 69 Table 3.6 Top remittance-receiving countries, economic weight, 2012 ................................ 71 Table 4.1 Main changes in top emigration countries, 2003-2013: average annual growth in percentage................................................................................. 74 Table 4.2 Belgium: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................................ 76 Table 4.3 Belgium: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ....................................... 77 Table 4.4 Belgium: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 .............................. 78 Table 4.5 Brazil: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ................................................ 79 Table 4.6 Brazil: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ........................................... 80 Table 4.7 Canada: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................................. 81 Table 4.8 Canada: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ........................................ 82 Table 4.9 Canada: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ............................... 83 Table 4.10 France: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ......................................... 84 Table 4.11 France: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ................................ 85 Table 4.12 Germany: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .......................................... 86 Table 4.13 Germany: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ..................................... 87 Table 4.14 Germany: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ............................ 88 Table 4.15 Italy: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .................................................. 89 Table 4.16 Italy: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ............................................. 90 Table 4.17 Italy: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 .................................... 91 Table 4.18 Luxemburg: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ....................................... 92 Table 4.19 Luxemburg: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 .................................. 93 Table 4.20 Luxemburg: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ......................... 94 Table 4.21 Netherlands: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ..................................... 95 Table 4.22 Netherlands: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ................................ 96 Table 4.23 Netherlands: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ....................... 97 Table 4.24 Norway: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................................ 98 Table 4.25 Norway: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ....................................... 99 Table 4.26 Norway: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ............................ 100 6 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.27 Spain: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .............................................. 101 Table 4.28 Spain: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ......................................... 102 Table 4.29 Spain: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ................................ 103 Table 4.30 Switzerland: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .................................... 104 Table 4.31 Switzerland: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ............................... 105 Table 4.32 Switzerland: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ...................... 106 Table 4.33 United Kingdom: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................. 107 Table 4.34 United Kingdom: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ........................ 108 Table 4.35 United Kingdom: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013............... 109 Table 4.36 United States: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ................................. 110 Table 4.37 United States: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ............................ 111 Table 4.38 United States: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ................... 112 Table 4.39 Venezuela: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ................................. 113 Charts Chart 1.1 Permanent outflows of Portuguese emigrants: the historical background ............................................................................................................. 25 Chart 1.2 OEm estimates of the outflows of Portuguese emigrants, 2001-2013 .................. 26 Chart 1.3 UN estimates of the stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in Europe, in percentage of total Portuguese-born emigrants, 1990-2013 ................................ 27 Chart 1.4 Major changes in the stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in EU and EFTA countries, 2000/2001 to 2010/11.................................................................. 29 Chart 1.5 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in OECD countries by age group and educational attainment, 2000/2001 and 2010/11 .......................................... 31 Chart 1.6 Emigrants by country of origin, 2010 ..................................................................... 33 Chart 1.7 Emigration and immigration rates in EU countries, 2010 ...................................... 35 Chart 2.1 Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ................................................................................................... 43 Chart 2.2 Portuguese permanent inflows as a percentage of all permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ........................... 44 Chart 2.3 Stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ............................................................................................... 47 Chart 2.4 Stock of migrants born in Portugal as a percentage of all foreign-born in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ....................................... 48 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 7 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.5 Population with Portuguese citizenship in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ...................................................................................... 51 Chart 2.6 Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ...................................................................................... 54 Chart 2.7 Stock of consular registrations in top destination countries, 2012 or last year available ................................................................................................... 57 Chart 3.1 Top inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 ..................................................... 65 Chart 3.2 Changes in top inward remittance flows in Portugal, nominal values, thousand euros, 2012-2013.................................................................................... 67 Chart 3.3 Changes in economic weight of remittances in Portugal, 2012-2013 .................... 68 Chart 3.4 Top remittance-receiving countries, economic weight, 2012 ................................ 72 Chart 4.1 Belgium: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2012 ............................................ 76 Chart 4.2 Belgium: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ....................................... 77 Chart 4.3 Belgium: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2012 .............................. 78 Chart 4.4 Brazil: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2004-2013 ................................................ 79 Chart 4.5 Brazil: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001 and 2010 .................................... 80 Chart 4.6 Canada: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................................. 81 Chart 4.7 Canada: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001, 2006 and 2011 ....................... 82 Chart 4.8 Canada: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2011 ............................... 83 Chart 4.9 France: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2005-2011 ......................................... 84 Chart 4.10 France: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2012 ................................ 85 Chart 4.11 Germany: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .......................................... 86 Chart 4.12 Germany: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ..................................... 87 Chart 4.13 Germany: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ............................ 88 Chart 4.14 Italy: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2003-2012 .................................................. 89 Chart 4.15 Italy: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2011-2012 ............................................. 90 Chart 4.16 Italy: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2008-2012 .................................... 91 Chart 4.17 Luxemburg: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ....................................... 92 Chart 4.18 Luxemburg: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001 and 2011 ........................... 93 Chart 4.19 Luxemburg: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ......................... 94 Chart 4.20 Netherlands: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ..................................... 95 Chart 4.21 Netherlands: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ................................ 96 Chart 4.22 Netherlands: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ....................... 97 Chart 4.23 Norway: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................................ 98 Chart 4.24 Norway: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ....................................... 99 Chart 4.25 Norway: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ............................ 100 Chart 4.26 Spain: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .............................................. 101 8 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 4.27 Spain: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ......................................... 102 Chart 4.28 Spain: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ................................ 103 Chart 4.29 Switzerland: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 .................................... 104 Chart 4.30 Switzerland: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2005-2013 ............................... 105 Chart 4.31 Switzerland: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ...................... 106 Chart 4.32 United Kingdom: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ............................. 107 Chart 4.33 United Kingdom: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ........................ 108 Chart 4.34 United Kingdom: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013............... 109 Chart 4.35 United States: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 ................................. 110 Chart 4.36 United States: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ............................ 111 Chart 4.37 United States: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 ................... 112 Chart 4.38 Venezuela: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 ................................. 113 Maps Map 1.1 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in EU and EFTA countries, 2010/11................................................................................................................... 29 Map 2.1 Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ................................................................................................... 40 Map 2.2 Stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available ............................................................................................... 41 Map 3.1 Inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 ............................................................ 63 Map 3.2 Outward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 ......................................................... 63 Map 3.3 Top remittance-receiving countries, thousand US dollars, 2012 ........................... 70 Map 4.1 Average annual growth in percentage of the stock of migrants born in Portugal, in top emigration countries, 2003-2013 ................................................. 75 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 9 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Signs, abbreviations and acronyms .. missing value, not applicable or not available EFTA European Free Trade Association EU European Union OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development PALOP Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (Portuguese-speaking African countries) ISO codes for countries AGO Angola BEL Belgium BRA Brazil CAN Canada CHE Switzerland DEU Germany ESP Spain FRA France GBR United Kingdom ITA Italy LUX Luxemburg MOZ Mozambique NLD Netherlands NOR Norway USA United States of America VEN Venezuela 10 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Directorate-General of Consular Affairs and Portuguese Communities (DGACCP), from the Cabinet of the Secretary of State of Portuguese Communities Abroad, for all the support provided. We wish to acknowledge the help provided by the national statistical institutes from the following countries: Angola (Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, INE), Brazil (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, IBGE), France (Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, INSEE), Germany (Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Destatis), Italy (Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, ISTAT), Luxemburg (Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg, STATEC), Mozambique (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, INE), Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, CBS), Spain (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, INE), Switzerland (Office Fédéral de la Statistique, OFS), United Kingdom (Office for National Statistics, ONS). We are grateful for the data sent by OECD and Eurostat concerning 2011 Census. We appreciate the data from the following institutions: Angolan Consulates in Portugal (Lisbon and Oporto), Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of Germany (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge), Federal Office of Migrations of Switzerland (Office Fédéral des Migrations), Department for Work and Pensions of UK and the Brazilian International Migrations Observatory (Observatório das Migrações Internacionais, OBMigra). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 11 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Foreword Trends in Portuguese emigration 01. Portugal is today the European Union country with the highest emigration as a proportion of its population. There are more than two million Portuguese emigrants, meaning more than 20% of the Portuguese population lives outside the country of their birth. Over recent decades, the growth in the number of Portuguese emigrants has been greater than the growth of the resident population in Portugal. Around 110,000 Portuguese left the country in 2013 alone. 02. There has been constant emigration from Portugal since the Second World War, although the rate has varied. Up until the mid-1960s, emigration was mainly intercontinental, with the main destinations being the Americas and the former colonies in Africa. Since the mid-1960s emigration has been mainly to Europe, although there was a brief interregnum during the decade following the 1974 Revolution. 03. Gradually but steadily, emigration began to rise again after Portugal joined the European Economic Community in 1986. Freedom of movement within Europe, to European Union and EFTA member states, explains why most Portuguese emigration was increasingly focused on Europe during this period. Not only did more than two-thirds of Portuguese emigrants settle in this group of European countries, in 2010, so did more than 85% of the emigrants who left Portugal that year. 04. The economic trend to stagnation and downward pressure on public investment that followed Portugal’s entry into the Euro, led to increased emigration during the first two decades of the 21st century. This increase was interrupted by the 2008 crisis, but it has returned with greater intensity since 2010. 05. The effects of the crisis on the scale and pattern of Portuguese emigration have varied over recent years. During the first phase, from 2008 to 2010, the global nature of the financial crisis and in particular its impact on employment in Spain, then the main destination for Portuguese emigrants, resulted in a decline in the number of Portuguese migrants. With the asymmetrical nature of the so-called sovereign debt crisis and the recessionary effects of austerity policies, emigration has grown faster since 2010 than before the crisis. 12 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 06. The main destinations during the current phase of Portuguese emigration are the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France and Germany. Not only is the United Kingdom the main destination for Portuguese emigrants, but it is also the most important in attracting qualified migrants. 07. In the older emigration destinations in the Americas, there are today large and ageing populations in decline. This is the case in Canada, the United States, Venezuela and Brazil, although there are signs that there is a slight increase in emigration to this last one. In general, however, the arrival of new Portuguese migrants in the Americas has declined to such an extent that it has been unable to compensate for mortality, returns and re-emigration. 08. In those European destinations favoured by Portuguese migrants during the 1960s, the Portuguese emigrant populations are large and ageing, but still growing. The recent return of Portuguese migration to countries such as Germany, France and Luxembourg has been sufficient to stabilise or even halt the decline of the resident Portuguese population in these countries, but it has not been able to compensate for the fact they are ageing, which is largely a result of the interruption of the flow of migrants during the years after 1974. 09. In the new destinations favoured by Portuguese emigration, the migrants are young and their numbers are growing, although the patterns are still varied. The focus here is on three of these countries: Switzerland, which has the longest history of intensive Portuguese migration, dating from the mid-1980s; the United Kingdom, which is currently the main destination for Portuguese migrants, and which is still growing rapidly; and Spain, which is emerging from period of decline as a destination country following the 2008 financial crisis, which was largely a result of the recession in construction that until then was the main pull sector for unqualified labour migration. 10. The new Portuguese emigration is more qualified. However, with the data available from the 2010-11 census it is not possible to state if the emigrants are more qualified than the Portuguese population in general, which is also more qualified than before. Up to the date of the last census, the growth in the proportion of the emigrant population with a university degree had been at the same rate as the growth in the proportion of the population living in Portugal with a university degree. Nevertheless, with the collapse in the 21st-century flow of unqualified Portuguese emigration to Spain after 2008, and the growth in emigration to new destinations such as the United Kingdom, it is possible that there have been as yet unregistered changes in the structure of the qualifications held by emigrants. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 13 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 11. The growth of emigration during recent years has already translated into changes in the value of remittances received in Portugal. In nominal terms, this value has increased by more than 10% a year since 2011. This year, recorded inward remittances exceeded three billion euros, corresponding to around 1.8% of GDP. In relative terms, Portugal is now one of the European Member states in which the economic impact of remittances is greatest. France and Switzerland, the two main countries of Portuguese emigration, were also the source of more than half of the remittances received in Portugal in 2013. Methodological remarks 12. There is a basic asymmetry in international migration. The right to leave the country in which you live is today established as a basic human freedom. However, entry into a country of which you are not a national continues to depend on the sovereign will of the nation states. Consequently, there is no record of exits (emigration), only of entries (immigration). Estimating and characterising emigration from a country therefore requires gathering data on the entry and permanence of emigrants in their country of destination. The data the Observatório da Emigração gathers, reports and analyses is obtained from the institutes responsible for collecting immigration statistics in each of the countries the Portuguese emigrate to. 13. The challenge of harmonising the data produced by such a large number of organisations, the weaknesses of the statistical systems in some countries, and the international nature of the movements studied are at the root of increasing intervention by leading international organisations responsible for the production of databases and statistical indicators on emigration. Consulting this data is now crucial if we are to achieve a better understanding of the phenomenon of migration. The Factbook also brings together data and estimates about Portuguese emigration available from sources such as Eurostat, the OECD, the World Bank and the United Nations. 14. There is currently a consensus among international organisations on the use of place of birth as a migration indicator: an emigrant is someone who has lived for more than a year in a country different from the one in which they were born. However, in terms of the statistics concerning the entry of immigrants into a country, the data generally refers to the entry of foreigners, given that controlling the entry of foreigners is the purpose of the register. As a rule, the Factbook uses both emigration indicators. When measuring and characterising the emigrant Portuguese population, the indicator used whenever possible is country of birth – people born in Portugal and living in other countries. When measuring the entry of Portuguese 14 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 into their destination country, the indicator generally used is that of nationality – Portuguese citizens entering other countries. 15. The dispersion of data about Portuguese emigration, which is produced by statistics agencies in dozens of countries, each in their own national languages, and which are often unavailable to the public, makes it very difficult to obtain quick individual access to relevant information. The Observatório’s main goal is to remove the difficulties and to compile and select original data on Portuguese emigration that is available from the sources in the destination countries, and, whenever necessary, to negotiate the collection of and access to the data produced by these sources that remains unavailable. The Observatório then harmonises and gathers together the data and makes it available through its website and in its publications. The Factbook is intended to be an annual compilation of the main indicators of Portuguese emigration resulting from this systematic endeavour, making it available in a condensed format to all those requiring this information: in particular to researchers, decision-makers and journalists. 16. The Factbook consists of four chapters. The first chapter provides aggregated data on total Portuguese emigration, much of which is estimates, as well as comparative data on Portuguese and global emigration. The second chapter contains more detailed information on the four indicators of Portuguese emigration to the main destination countries: flows, stocks, citizenship, and consular records. The third chapter brings together the main information concerning remittances received in Portugal and sent from Portugal. The content of chapter four changes each year. In this first issue, the Factbook provides a chronological series on Portuguese emigration to all main destinations during the 21st century. Next year’s issue will contain data from the 2000-01 and 2010-11 censuses concerning the socio-demographic characteristics of immigrant Portuguese populations in the main destination countries. Finally, the Factbook also contains basic information regarding the indicators and sources consulted (metadata and glossary). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 15 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Highlights Total emigration There are more than two million Portuguese emigrants worldwide, according to estimates by the United Nations and the World Bank (between 2.0 and 2.3 million). Portuguese emigrants amount to more than 20% of the population living in Portugal. In relative terms, Portugal is the European Union country with more emigration (after Malta). Total inflow of Portuguese in destination countries exceeded 110 thousand migrants in 2013, almost three times more than in 2001 (about 40,000). Population in Portugal dropped by 0.5% between 2012 and 2013. The new Portuguese emigration is more qualified than it was in the past. The share of graduates in Portuguese immigrants in OECD countries rose by more than 50%, from 7% in 2001 to 11% in 2011. However, in 2010/11 over 60% of Portuguese immigrants in OECD countries were low-skilled (primary or lower educational attainment). Emigrants from previous waves of Portuguese emigration, less qualified than the current ones, are still more numerous than new emigrants. Portuguese immigrant population in OECD countries continues to age. Between 2000 and 010, the share of the elderly grew by 80%, while the percentage of immigrants aged 25-64 increased only by 10%. The contribution of the current, younger, emigration wave is still insufficient, in most destination countries, to offset the aging of former generations of emigrants. Emigration to the main destination countries Ten out of the 16 most important countries of destination of Portuguese emigration are European. The Portuguese emigration is mainly a European emigration. The United Kingdom is the main destination of Portuguese emigration: 30,000 inflows in 2013. Between 2012 and 2013, the number of Portuguese inflows in the UK rose by 47%. In 2013 Switzerland, France, and Germany ranked second, third, and fourth with inflows of Portuguese emigration of respectively 20 thousand, 18 thousand, and 11 thousand. 16 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Outside Europe, the main destination countries of Portuguese emigration are in Africa and speak Portuguese: Angola (ranked 5th) and Mozambique (ranked 7th). In 2013 the Portuguese were the nationality most represented among the new immigrants in Luxembourg and France. In Switzerland they were the second most represented nationality and in the United Kingdom and Brazil the fifth. With more than half million persons born in Portugal living in France (592,281 in 2011), this is the single most important country of destination of Portuguese emigration. Switzerland is the second country with more Portuguese-born migrants, over 200 thousand persons (211,451 in 2013). About a quarter (23%) of all immigrants living in Brazil in 2010 were Portuguese. In Luxembourg, 30% of all immigrants in 2011 were Portuguese. Portuguese-born is the second most numerous immigrant population in Switzerland (9% of all immigrants) and the third in France (11% of all immigrants). In 2013, the two countries with the highest growth of the stock of migrants born in Portugal were Norway (+ 26%) and the UK (+ 19%). Portuguese were more than a fifth (22%) of the foreigners that acquired Luxembourg citizenship in 2013. Remittances In 2013, recorded inward remittance exceeded three thousand million euros, corresponding to around 1.8% of GDP. France and Switzerland, the two main countries of destination of Portuguese emigration, were the source of more than half of the remittances received in Portugal (respectively, 30% and 25%). Brazil was the destination for nearly half (46%) of remittances sent abroad by immigrants living in Portugal. Between 2012 and 2013, remittances received in Portugal rose by 10% in nominal terms and 9% as a percentage of GDP. In 2012, Portugal ranked 29th among the top recipient countries of recorded remittances. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 17 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Changes in emigration to top destination countries, 2001-2013 Between 2003 and 2013, Portuguese inflows increased in all main destination countries. Major changes were registered in Norway (+31%), Brazil (+22%), Belgium (+10%) and United Kingdom (+9%). After 2008, with the crisis, there was a large decrease of Portuguese inflows in Spain (-21%) and sharper increases of inflows in Brazil (+34%), Norway (+ 25%), Germany (+22%) and the United Kingdom (18%). Between 2003 and 2013, the largest increases in the stock of Portuguese-born immigrants were registered in Norway (+ 11%), Spain (+ 7%), Switzerland (+ 6%) and the United Kingdom (+ 5%). Sharper decreases were registered in Brazil (-5%) and Venezuela (-4%). Between 2003 and 2013, the largest increases in the number of Portuguese emigrants that acquired the citizenship of the host countries were registered in Luxembourg (+ 22%), Spain (+ 9%), Switzerland (+ 7%) and Germany (+ 5%). Sharper decreases were registered in France (-9%), Canada (-8%), The Netherlands (-6%) and the United States (-3%). 18 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 1 | Total emigration www.observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/4093 [OEm_Factbook_2014_TablesCharts01] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 19 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 20 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Country statistical profile Table 1.1 Main social indicators: international comparison Top three countries of destination of Portuguese emigration (outflows) Indicators Top three countries of origin of immigration in Portugal (inflows) Portugal United Kingdom Surface area (1000 km2, 2013) Switzerland Germany Brazil Cabo Verde Romania 91.6 241.9 39.5 348.5 8,358.1 4.0 230.0 10.5 64.1 8.1 80.6 200.4 0.5 20.0 114.2 264.9 204.5 231.3 24.0 123.8 86.8 Urban population (% of total) 62.3 82.1 73.8 74.9 85.2 64.1 54.2 Population growth (annual %, 2013) -0.5 0.6 1.1 0.2 0.9 0.9 -0.6 Population ages 0-14 (% of total, 2013) 14.8 17.6 14.8 13.1 24.1 29.5 15.1 Population ages 65 and above (% of total, 2013) 18.8 17.5 17.7 21.1 7.5 5.3 15.1 Population (millions, 2013) Population density (people per km2, 2012) Fertility rate, total (births per woman, 2012) 1.3 1.9 1.5 1.4 1.8 2.3 1.5 Labour force, total (millions, 2013) 5.5 32.6 4.6 41.8 104.7 0.2 9.6 Labour force with tertiary education (% of total, 2011) 18.3 36.7 32.9 27.5 17.2 .. 17.2 Unemployment, total (% of total labour force, ILO estimate, 2012) 15.6 7.9 4.2 5.4 6.9 7.6 7.0 Long-term unemployment (% of total unemployment, 2012) 48.7 34.7 34.7 45.2 14.6 .. 45.3 Unemployment, youth (ages 15-24, ILO estimate, 2012) 37.7 21.3 8.4 8.1 15.5 12.8 22.8 220.0 2,521.4 650.4 3,634.8 2,245.7 1.9 189.6 GDP growth (annual %, 2013) -1.4 1.7 1.9 0.4 2.5 0.5 3.5 GDP per capita (current US$, thousands, 2013) GDP (current US$, billions, 2013) 21.0 39.3 80.5 45.1 11.2 3.8 9.5 Infant mortality rate (deaths per 1000 live births, 2013) 3.1 3.9 3.6 3.2 12.3 21.9 10.5 Mean years of schooling (2012) 8.2 12.3 12.2 12.9 7.2 3.5 10.7 HDI score (2013) 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.8 41.0 14.0 3.0 6.0 79.0 123.0 54.0 HDI ranking (2013) Note Top three countries of emigration and immigration with available data for, at least, the last three years. Source Table by OEm, data from the World Bank, DataBank, World Development Indicators, updated 11/06/2014, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2014 Human Development Report (for mean years of schooling, HDI score and HDI ranking). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 21 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 1.2 Main migration indicators: international comparison Top three countries of destination of Portuguese emigration (outflows) Indicators Portugal United Kingdom Stock of emigrants (thousands, 2010) Top three countries of origin of immigration in Portugal (inflows) Switzerland Germany Brazil Cabo Verde Romania 2,230.0 4,668.3 407.8 3,540.6 1,367.1 192.5 2,769.4 Stock of emigrants as percentage of population (2010) 20.8 7.5 5.4 4.3 0.7 37.5 13.1 Emigration rate of tertiary-educated population (age of entry > 22, %, 2000) 13.1 11.7 6.6 3.2 1.9 55.5 10.2 918.6 6,955.7 1,762.8 10,758.1 688.0 12.1 132.8 8.6 11.2 23.2 13.1 0.4 2.4 0.6 4,372.4 1,711.9 3,148.9 15,204.4 2,537.2 175.9 3,515.0 Stock of immigrants (thousands, 2010) Stock of immigrants as percentage of population (2010) Inward remittance flows (current US$, million, 2013) Inward remittance flows as a percentage of GDP (2013) Outward remittance flows (current US$, million, 2013) 2.0 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.1 9.3 1.9 1,230.9 2,221.9 30,109.0 16,700.6 1,019.4 9.7 543.0 Note Top three countries of emigration and immigration with available data for, at least, the last three years. Source Table by OEm, data from the World Bank: Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, second edition (stocks of emigrants and of immigrants); Migration Database with Age of Entry, 1900-2000 (emigration rate of tertiary-educated population); DataBank, World Development Indicators, updated 11/06/2014 (remittance flows). 22 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Estimates of total emigration Table 1.3 Permanent outflows of Portuguese emigrants: the historical background By destination By legal status Year Total 1901 20,646 18,426 207 2,013 3,097 17,549 1902 24,170 21,916 290 1,964 3,626 20,544 1903 21,611 19,339 320 1,952 3,242 18,369 1904 28,304 25,963 379 1,962 4,246 24,058 1905 33,610 31,227 292 2,091 5,042 28,568 1906 38,093 34,094 369 3,630 5,714 32,379 1907 41,950 40,152 106 1,692 6,293 35,657 1908 40,995 40,046 83 866 6,022 34,973 1909 37,451 37,295 67 89 5,733 31,718 1910 39,675 39,359 48 268 5,927 33,748 1911 59,549 59,150 253 146 4,176 55,373 1912 88,834 88,383 329 122 6,225 82,609 1913 77,425 77,015 407 3 5,435 71,990 1914 25,730 25,576 114 40 1,801 23,929 1915 19,314 18,830 390 94 1,352 17,962 1916 24,897 21,662 2,292 943 1,743 23,154 1917 15,825 11,593 3,381 851 1,108 14,717 1918 11,853 7,663 3,219 971 830 11,023 1919 37,138 26,883 7,989 2,266 2,600 34,538 1920 64,783 58,618 5,008 1,157 4,535 60,248 1921 24,597 18,387 5,167 1,043 1,722 22,875 1922 39,795 30,536 8,488 771 2,786 37,009 1923 40,171 28,395 11,195 581 2,812 37,359 1924 29,710 17,294 12,003 413 2,080 27,630 1925 22,884 15,697 6,818 369 1,602 21,282 1926 42,067 34,538 7,087 442 2,945 39,122 1927 27,674 24,375 3,073 226 1,937 25,737 1928 34,297 32,084 2,013 200 2,401 31,896 1929 40,361 35,898 4,122 341 2,825 37,536 1930 23,196 15,805 7,014 377 1,624 21,572 1931 6,033 4,055 1,328 650 .. 6,033 1932 5,909 5,151 557 201 .. 5,909 1933 8,905 7,872 720 313 .. 8,905 America Europe Other Clandestine Legal [to be continued] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 23 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 By destination Year Total America Europe By legal status Other Clandestine Legal 1934 7,472 6,491 623 358 .. 7,472 1935 9,140 8,228 434 478 .. 9,140 1936 12,484 12,024 .. 460 .. 12,484 1937 14,667 13,505 .. 1,162 .. 14,667 1938 13,609 11,290 .. 2,319 .. 13,609 1939 17,807 17,466 .. 341 .. 17,807 1940 13,226 13,013 .. 213 .. 13,226 1941 6,260 6,191 .. 69 .. 6,260 1942 2,214 2,108 .. 106 .. 2,214 1943 893 660 .. 233 .. 893 1944 2,424 2,168 .. 256 .. 2,424 1945 5,938 5,728 .. 210 .. 5,938 1946 8,275 8,123 .. 152 .. 8,275 1947 12,838 12,128 .. 710 .. 12,838 1948 12,343 11,474 .. 869 .. 12,343 1949 17,296 15,647 .. 1,649 .. 17,296 1950 21,892 21,491 401 .. .. 21,892 1951 34,015 33,341 674 .. 351 33,664 1952 47,407 46,544 863 .. 389 47,018 1953 39,962 39,026 936 .. 276 39,686 1954 41,190 40,234 956 .. 179 41,011 1955 30,147 28,690 1,457 .. 351 29,796 1956 28,096 26,072 2,024 .. 1,079 27,017 1957 33,894 32,150 1,744 .. 1,538 32,356 1958 35,600 29,207 6,393 .. 1,570 34,030 1959 34,754 29,780 4,974 .. 1,296 33,458 1960 35,159 28,513 6,646 .. 2,841 32,318 1961 38,572 27,499 11,073 .. 5,046 33,526 1962 43,002 24,376 18,626 .. 9,463 33,539 1963 55,218 22,420 32,798 .. 17,389 37,829 1964 75,576 17,232 58,344 .. 32,256 43,320 1965 91,488 17,557 73,931 .. 28,736 62,752 1966 111,995 33,266 78,729 .. 20,388 91,607 1967 94,712 28,584 66,128 .. 16,197 78,515 1968 96,227 27,014 69,213 .. 27,246 68,981 1969 155,672 27,383 128,289 .. 85,507 70,165 1970 183,205 22,659 160,546 .. 116,845 66,360 1971 158,473 21,962 136,511 .. 108,073 50,400 1972 115,545 20,122 95,423 .. 61,461 54,084 1973 129,732 22,091 107,641 .. 50,215 79,517 Source Table by OEm, data from Maria Ioannis Baganha and José Carlos Marques (2001), “População”, in Nuno Valério (ed.) (2001), Estatísticas Históricas Portuguesas, vol. I, Lisbon, Instituto Nacional de Estatística, pp. 33-126. 24 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 1.1 Permanent outflows of Portuguese emigrants: the historical background 200,000 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 America Europe 1973 1971 1969 1967 1965 1963 1961 1959 1957 1955 1953 1951 1949 1947 1945 1943 1941 1939 1937 1935 1933 1931 1929 1927 1925 1923 1921 1919 1917 1915 1913 1911 1909 1907 1905 1903 1901 0 Other Source Chart by OEm, data from Maria Ioannis Baganha and José Carlos Marques (2001), “População”, in Nuno Valério (ed.) (2001), Estatísticas Históricas Portuguesas, vol. I, Lisbon, Instituto Nacional de Estatística, pp. 33-126. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 25 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 1.4 Estimates of the outflows of Portuguese emigrants, 2001-2013 Source Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Institute of Statistics) [A] Year Total Permanent OEm [B] Temporary 2001 20,223 5,396 14,827 40,000 2002 27,358 8,813 18,545 50,000 2003 27,008 6,687 20,321 60,000 2004 .. 6,757 .. 70,000 2005 .. 6,360 .. 75,000 2006 .. 5,600 .. 80,000 2007 .. 7,890 .. 90,000 2008 .. 20,357 .. 85,000 2009 .. 16,899 .. 75,000 2010 .. 2,376 .. 70,000 2011 100,978 43,998 56,980 80,000 2012 121,418 51,958 69,460 95,000 2013 128,108 53,786 74,322 110,000 Source Table by OEm, data from: [A] Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), Migratory Exit Movement Survey (1992 until 2007) and Annual Estimates of Emigration (as from 2008), based on the Portuguese Labour Force Survey data, in Pordata, Contemporary Portugal Database; [B] OEm estimates based on destination countries permanent inflows data. Chart 1.2 OEm estimates of the outflows of Portuguese emigrants, 2001-2013 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from OEm, estimates based on destination countries permanent inflows data. 26 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 1.5 UN estimates of the stock of Portuguese-born emigrants, 1990-2013 Total Europe America Others Year N Percentage N Percentage N Percentage N Percentage 1990 1,918,681 100.0 1,091,746 56.9 768,251 40.0 58,684 3.1 2000 1,988,941 100.0 1,274,812 64.1 656,854 33.0 57,275 2.9 2010 1,869,415 100.0 1,254,706 67.1 529,087 28.3 85,622 4.6 2013 1,984,230 100.0 1,343,051 67.7 544,201 27.4 96,978 4.9 Source Table by OEm, data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013), Trends in International Migrant Stock: Migrants by Destination and Origin (United Nations database, POP/DB/MIG/Stock/Rev.2013). Chart 1.3 UN estimates of the stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in Europe, in percentage of total Portuguese-born emigrants, 1990-2013 70.0 65.0 60.0 55.0 50.0 1990 2000 2010 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2013), Trends in International Migrant Stock: Migrants by Destination and Origin (United Nations database, POP/DB/MIG/Stock/Rev.2013). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 27 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 1.6 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in EU and EFTA countries, 2000/2001 and 2010/11 Country 2000/2001 2010/2011 Change 859,013 1,131,965 272,952 Belgium 21,370 .. .. Bulgaria 13 .. .. Czech Republic 39 368 329 Denmark 683 1,221 538 Germany .. 75,110 .. Estonia 0 39 39 Ireland 590 2,246 1,656 Greece 292 336 44 Total Spain 56,359 98,975 42,616 France 581,062 617,235 36,173 Croatia .. .. .. 4,158 5,241 1,083 Cyprus 33 166 133 Latvia 1 32 31 Lithuania 3 .. .. 41,690 60,897 19,207 28 290 262 .. 57 .. 10,218 .. .. 950 1,634 684 Italy Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Austria Poland 60 222 162 Romania 116 1,016 900 Slovenia 10 39 29 Slovakia 4 33 29 Finland 141 355 214 Sweden 2,514 2,974 460 36,556 92,065 55,509 Iceland 104 416 312 Liechtenstein 331 .. .. Norway 713 1,540 827 100,975 169,458 68,483 United Kingdom Switzerland Note Low reliability of data on France for 2010. Source Table by OEm, data from Eurostat, based on member states census data, 2000/2001 and 2010/2011. 28 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Map 1.1 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in EU and EFTA countries, 2010/11 Source Map by OEm, data from Eurostat, based on member states census data, 2010/2011. Chart 1.4 Major changes in the stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in EU and EFTA countries, 2000/2001 to 2010/11 Switzerland United Kingdom Spain France Luxembourg 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 Source Chart by OEm, data from Eurostat, based on member states census data, 2000-2001 and 2010/2011. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 29 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 1.7 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in OECD countries by age group and educational attainment, 2000/2001 and 2010/11 2001 2011 Indicator Thousands % Thousands % 1,193 100.0 1,474 100.0 15-24 82 6.9 93 6.3 25-64 991 83.1 1,163 78.9 65+ 120 10.0 218 14.8 Low 799 69.3 895 61.8 Medium 276 24.0 394 27.2 High 78 6.8 160 11.0 Unknown 40 .. 26 .. Total Age group Educational attainment Source Table by OEm, data from OECD, Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries, DIOC 2000-2001 and DIOC 2010-2011. 30 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 1.5 Stock of Portuguese-born emigrants in OECD countries by age group and educational attainment, 2000/2001 and 2010/11 Age group 100% 80% 60% 65+ 25-64 40% 15-24 20% 0% 2001 2011 Educational attainment 100% 80% 60% High Medium 40% Low 20% 0% 2001 2011 Source Chart by OEm, data from OECD, Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries, DIOC 2000-2001 and DIOC 2010-2011. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 31 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 International comparison Table 1.8 Ranking Emigrants by country of origin, 2010 Top countries of origin Emigrants, millions 1 Mexico 11.9 2 India 11.4 3 Russian Federation 11.1 4 China 8.3 5 Ukraine 6.6 6 Bangladesh 5.4 7 Pakistan 4.7 8 United Kingdom 4.7 9 Philippines 4.3 10 Turkey 4.3 11 Egypt, Arab Rep. 3.7 12 Kazakhstan 3.7 13 Germany 3.5 14 Italy 3.5 15 Poland 3.1 16 Morocco 3.0 17 State of Palestine 3.0 18 Romania 2.8 19 Indonesia 2.5 20 United States 2.4 21 Afghanistan 2.3 22 Portugal 2.2 23 Vietnam 2.2 24 Colombia 2.1 25 Korea, Republic of 2.1 26 Uzbekistan 2.0 27 Sri Lanka 1.8 28 Belarus 1.8 29 France 1.7 30 Puerto Rico 1.7 Source Table by OEm, data from the World Bank, Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, second edition. 32 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 1.6 Emigrants by country of origin, 2010 Mexico India Russian Federation China Ukraine Bangladesh Pakistan United Kingdom Philippines Turkey Egypt, Arab Rep. Kazakhstan Germany Italy Poland Morocco State of Palestine Romania Indonesia United States Afghanistan Portugal Vietnam Colombia Korea, Republic of Uzbekistan Sri Lanka Belarus France Puerto Rico 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Emigrants, millions Source Chart by OEm, data from the World Bank, Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, second edition. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 33 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 1.9 Country Austria Emigration and immigration rates in EU countries, 2010 Emigration rate Immigration rate 7.1 15.6 Belgium 4.3 13.7 Bulgaria 16.0 1.4 Cyprus 17.0 17.5 3.6 4.4 Czech Republic Denmark 4.7 8.8 Estonia 12.7 13.6 Finland 6.2 4.2 France 2.8 10.7 Germany 4.3 13.1 Greece 10.8 10.1 Hungary 4.6 3.7 Ireland 16.1 19.6 Italy 5.8 7.4 Latvia 12.2 8.8 Lithuania 13.5 4.0 Luxembourg 11.8 35.2 Malta 26.2 3.8 Netherlands 6.0 10.5 Poland 8.2 2.2 Portugal 20.8 8.6 Romania 13.1 0.6 Slovakia 9.6 2.4 Slovenia 6.5 8.1 Spain 3.0 15.2 Sweden 3.4 14.1 United Kingdom 7.5 11.2 Source Table by OEm, data from the World Bank, Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, second edition. 34 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 1.7 Emigration and immigration rates in EU countries, 2010 25 Ireland 20 Austria Immigration rate in percentage Spain 15 Sweden Estonia Belgium Germany United Kingdom France Netherlands Greece 10 Denmark Latvia Portugal Slovenia Italy Czech Republic 5 Finland Hungary Lithuania Poland Slovakia Bulgaria Romania 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Emigration rate in percentage Note Only countries with more than one million inhabitants. Source Chart by OEm, data from the World Bank, Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, second edition. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 35 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 36 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 2 | Emigration to top destination countries www.observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/4093 [OEm_Factbook_2014_TablesCharts02] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 37 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 38 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Summary Table 2.1 Main indicators of Portuguese emigration to top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Country Portuguese permanent inflows Stock of migrants born in Portugal Population with Portuguese citizenship Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Stock of registrations in Portuguese consulates Angola 4,651 .. .. .. 115,595 Belgium 4,227 31,564 38,813 211 53,977 Brazil 2,913 137,973 .. .. 581,869 Canada 629 140,310 23,765 607 151,087 France 18,000 592,281 501,810 3,887 1,243,419 Germany 11,401 104,084 127,368 510 171,933 446 4,740 5,517 20 2,337 Luxemburg 4,590 60,897 88,200 982 103,009 Mozambique 3,759 3,767 4,279 .. 24,871 Netherlands 2,079 15,486 17,266 38 46,517 815 1,967 2,432 12 4,400 Italy Norway Spain 5,302 134,248 129,079 1,265 48,653 Switzerland 20,039 211,451 253,227 2,184 294,925 United Kingdom 30,121 107,000 136,000 628 257,000 918 158,002 54,669 1,585 198,781 .. 37,326 .. .. 300,000 United States Venezuela Note [AGO] Permanente inflows: data from visas concerning permanent emigration. [BEL] Permanent inflows: 2012. [BRA] Migrants born in Portugal: 2010. [CAN] Migrants born in Portugal and population with Portuguese citizenship: 2011. Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese and registrations in Portuguese consulates: 2012. [FRA] Permanent inflows: 2012. Migrants born in Portugal: 2011. Population with Portuguese citizenship: 2011. [ITA] Permanent inflows: 2012. Registrations in Portuguese consulates: 2010. [LUX] Migrants born in Portugal: 2011. [MOZ] Migrants born in Portugal and population with Portuguese citizenship: 2007. [USA] Population with Portuguese citizenship: 2012. [VEN] Migrants born in Portugal: 2011. Source Table by OEm, source data detailed in following pages. Entities: Consulado-Geral da República de Angola em Lisboa and Consulado-Geral da República de Angola no Porto, Portugal; Direção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e das Comunidades Portuguesas, Portugal (DGACCP); OCDE; Eurostat; Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Brazil; IMILA, Investigación Migración Internacional de Latinoamérica; Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, France; Ministère de L’intérieure, France; Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Mozambique; Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Italia; Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; Ministère de la Justice, Luxembourg; Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Netherlands; Statistics Norway; INE España; Observatorio Permanente de la Immigración, España; Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Switzerland; Department for Work and Pensions, UK; UK Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) /Labour Force Survey (LFS); Government UK, Home Office; US Department of Homeland Security; Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Venezuela. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 39 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Map 2.1 Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Note [AGO] Data from visas concerning permanent emigration. [BEL] 2012. [FRA] 2012. [ITA] 2012. [VEN] 2011. Source Map by OEm, data from: [AGO] Consulates of Angola in Portugal (Lisbon and Oporto); [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego; [CAN] Citizenship and Immigration Canada; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [ITA] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Direção Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP) based on data from Mozambique Ministry of Labor; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Department for Work and Pensions; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security; [VEN] Instituto Nacional de Estadística. 40 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Map 2.2 Stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Note [BRA] 2010. [CAN] 2011. [FRA] 2011. [LUX] 2011. [MOZ] 2007. [VEN] 2011. Source Map by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Censos 2010; [CAN] Statistics Canada; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Instituto Nacional de Estatística; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey; [VEN] Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censos de Población e Vivienda. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 41 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Inflows Table 2.2 Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Portuguese inflows Country Total inflows As a percentage of total inflows N Angola Ranking in total inflows .. 4,651 .. .. 109,995 4,227 3.8 .. 62,387 2,913 4.7 5th Canada 258,953 629 0.2 .. France 229,600 18,000 7.8 1st Germany 932,920 11,401 1.2 .. Italy 350,772 446 0.1 .. 21,098 4,590 21.8 1st Mozambique .. 3,759 .. .. Netherlands 137,160 2,079 1.5 .. 66,934 815 1.2 .. Spain 342,390 5,302 1.5 .. Switzerland 167,248 20,039 12.0 2nd United Kingdom 617,236 30,121 4.9 5th United States 990,553 918 0.1 .. Venezuela 287,499 .. .. .. Belgium Brazil Luxemburg Norway Note [AGO] Data from visas concerning permanent emigration. [BEL] 2012. [FRA] 2012. [ITA] 2012. [VEN] 2011. Source Table by OEm, data from: [AGO] Consulates of Angola in Portugal (Lisbon and Oporto); [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego; [CAN] Citizenship and Immigration Canada; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [ITA] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Direção Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP) based on data from Mozambique Ministry of Labor; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Department for Work and Pensions; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security; [VEN] Instituto Nacional de Estadística. 42 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.1 Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available United Kingdom Switzerland France Germany Spain Angola Luxemburg Belgium Mozambique Brazil Netherlands United States Norway Canada Italy 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 Note [AGO] Data from visas concerning permanent emigration. [BEL] 2012. [FRA] 2012. [ITA] 2012. Source Chart by OEm, data from: [AGO] Consulates of Angola in Portugal (Lisbon and Oporto); [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego; [CAN] Citizenship and Immigration Canada; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [ITA] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Direção Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP) based on data from Mozambique Ministry of Labor; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Department for Work and Pensions; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 43 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.2 Portuguese permanent inflows as a percentage of all permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Luxemburg Switzerland France United Kingdom Brazil Belgium Spain Netherlands Germany Norway Canada Italy United States 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Note [BEL] 2012. [FRA] 2012. [ITA] 2012. Source Chart by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego; [CAN] Citizenship and Immigration Canada; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [ITA] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Department for Work and Pensions; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security. 44 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.3 Change in Portuguese permanent inflows in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available Total inflows Country 2012 Angola Belgium Brazil Portuguese inflows Change in percentage 2013 2012 Change in percentage 2013 .. .. .. .. 4,651 .. 117,948 109,995 -6.7 3,140 4,227 34.6 73,022 62,387 -14.6 2,247 2,913 29.6 Canada 257,895 258,953 0.4 560 629 12.3 France 216,640 229,600 6.0 .. 18,000 .. Germany 755,318 932,920 23.5 9,054 11,401 25.9 Italy 385,793 350,772 -9.1 452 446 -1.3 20,478 21,098 3.0 5,193 4,590 -11.6 Mozambique .. .. .. 2,597 3,759 44.7 Netherlands 130,698 137,160 4.9 2,051 2,079 1.4 Luxemburg Norway 70,012 66,934 -4.4 582 815 40.0 Spain 336,110 342,390 1.9 6,201 5,302 -14.5 Switzerland 151,002 167,248 10.8 18,892 20,039 6.1 United Kingdom 518,954 617,236 18.9 20,443 30,121 47.3 1,031,631 990,553 -4.0 811 918 13.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. United States Venezuela Note [AGO] Data from visas concerning permanent emigration. [BEL] 2011 and 2012. [FRA] 2011 and 2012. [ITA] 2011 and 2012. Source Table by OEm, data from: [AGO] Consulates of Angola in Portugal (Lisbon and Oporto); [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego; [CAN] Citizenship and Immigration Canada; [FRA] Institut National Etudes Démographiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Direção Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP), based on data from Mozambique Ministry of Labor; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Department for Work and Pensions; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 45 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Stocks Table 2.4 Stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available All foreign-born migrants Country Total population As a percentage of total population N Angola Belgium Migrants born in Portugal .. .. .. As a percentage of total population N .. .. As a percentage of all foreignborn .. Ranking in foreign-born population .. 11,099,554 1,747,641 15.7 31,564 0.3 1.8 .. 190,755,799 592,570 0.3 137,973 0.1 23.3 1st Canada 32,852,325 7,217,295 22.0 140,310 0.4 1.9 .. France 64.933.400 5,605,167 8.7 592,281 0.9 10.6 3rd Germany 80,716,000 6,402,828 7.9 104,084 0.1 1.6 .. Italy 59,685,227 4,387,721 7.4 7,023 0.0 0.2 .. 512,400 205,162 40.0 60,897 11.9 29.7 1st Mozambique 20,252,223 342,117 1.7 3,767 0.0 1.1 .. Netherlands 16,779,575 1,793,189 10.7 15,486 0.1 0.9 .. 5,051,275 593,322 11.7 1,967 0.0 0.3 .. 47,129,783 6,640,536 14.1 134,248 0.3 2.0 .. 8,139,631 2,289,560 28.1 211,451 2.6 9.2 2nd Brazil Luxemburg Norway Spain Switzerland United Kingdom United States Venezuela 62,605,000 7,780,000 12.4 107,000 0.2 1.4 .. 310,817,022 43,960,023 14.1 158,002 0.1 0.4 .. 27,150,095 1,156,578 4.3 37,326 0.1 3.2 .. Note [BRA] 2010. [CAN] 2011. [FRA] 2011. [ITA] 2012. [LUX] 2011. [MOZ] 2007. [VEN] 2011. Source Table by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Censos 2010; [CAN] Statistics Canada; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] OECD, International Migration Database; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Instituto Nacional de Estatística; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey; [VEN] Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censos de Población e Vivienda. 46 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.3 Stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available France Switzerland United States Canada Brazil Spain United Kingdom Germany Luxemburg Venezuela Belgium Netherlands Italy Mozambique Norway 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Note [BRA] 2010. [CAN] 2011. [FRA] 2011. [ITA] 2012. [LUX] 2011. [MOZ] 2007. [VEN] 2011. Source Chart by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Censos 2010; [CAN] Statistics Canada; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] OECD, International Migration Database; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Instituto Nacional de Estatística; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey; [VEN] Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censos de Población e Vivienda. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 47 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.4 Stock of migrants born in Portugal as a percentage of all foreign-born in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Luxemburg Brazil France Switzerland Venezuela Spain Canada Belgium Germany United Kingdom Mozambique Netherlands United States Norway Italy 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Note [BRA] 2010. [CAN] 2011. [FRA] 2011. [ITA] 2012. [LUX] 2011. [MOZ] 2007. [VEN] 2011. Source Chart by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [BRA] Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Censos 2010; [CAN] Statistics Canada; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] OECD, International Migration Database; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Instituto Nacional de Estatística; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey; [VEN] Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censos de Población e Vivienda. 48 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.5 Change in the stock of migrants born in Portugal in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available All foreign-born migrants Country 2012 Angola Migrants born in Portugal Change in percentage 2013 2012 Change in percentage 2013 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,689,526 1,747,641 3.4 31,560 31,564 0.0 Brazil .. .. .. .. .. .. Canada .. .. .. .. .. .. France 5,514,154 5,605,167 1.7 588,276 592,281 0.7 Germany 5,975,210 6,402,828 7.2 97,445 104,084 6.8 Italy Belgium 4,052,081 4,387,721 8.3 4,226 4,740 12.2 Luxemburg .. .. .. .. .. .. Mozambique .. .. .. .. .. .. Netherlands 1,772,204 1,793,189 1.2 14,868 15,486 4.2 Norway 546,732 593,322 8.5 1,557 1,967 26.3 Spain 6,759,780 6,640,536 -1.8 143,488 134,248 -6.4 Switzerland 2,218,445 2,289,560 3.2 199,209 211,451 6.1 United Kingdom 7,679,000 7,780,000 1.3 90,000 107,000 18.9 44,056,641 43,960,023 -0.2 166,582 158,002 -5.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. United States Venezuela Note [FRA] 2009 and 2010. Source Table by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 49 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Citizenship Table 2.6 Population with Portuguese citizenship in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available All foreigners Country Total population As a percentage of total population N Angola Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship As a percentage of total population N As a percentage of all foreigners .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,099,554 1,253,902 11.3 38,813 0.3 3.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. Canada 32,852,325 1,957,015 6.0 23,765 0.1 1.2 France 64,933,400 3,888,977 6.0 501,810 0.8 12.9 Germany 80,716,000 7,633,628 9.5 127,368 0.2 1.7 Italy 59,685,227 4,387,721 7.4 5,517 0.0 0.1 537,000 238,800 44.5 88,200 16.4 36.9 Mozambique 20,252,223 205,906 1.0 4,279 0.0 2.1 Netherlands 16,779,575 796,243 4.7 17,266 0.1 2.2 5,051,275 448,765 8.9 2,432 0.0 0.5 47,129,783 5,546,238 11.8 129,079 0.3 2.3 Belgium Brazil Luxemburg Norway Spain Switzerland United Kingdom United States Venezuela 8,139,631 1,937,447 23.8 253,227 3.1 13.1 62,605,000 4,902,000 7.8 136,000 0.2 2.8 308,827,259 22,041,983 7.1 54,669 0.0 0.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. Note [CAN] 2011. [FRA] 2010. [MOZ] 2007. [USA] 2012. Source Table by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [CAN] Statistics Canada; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Instituto Nacional de Estatística; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 50 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.5 Population with Portuguese citizenship in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available France Switzerland United Kingdom Spain Germany Luxemburg United States Belgium Canada Netherlands Italy Mozambique Norway 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 Note [CAN] 2006. [FRA] 2010. [MOZ] 2007. [USA] 2012. Source Chart by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [CAN] Statistics Canada; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [MOZ] Instituto Nacional de Estatística; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 51 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.7 Change in the population with Portuguese citizenship in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available All foreigners Country 2012 Angola Foreigners with Portuguese citizenship Change in percentage 2013 2012 Change in percentage 2013 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,224,904 1,253,902 2.4 36,082 38,813 7.6 Brazil .. .. .. .. .. .. Canada .. .. .. .. .. .. France 3,817,562 3,888,977 1.9 495,454 501,810 1.3 Germany 7,213,708 7,633,628 5.8 120,560 127,368 5.6 Italy 4,052,081 4,387,721 8.3 4,740 5,517 16.4 229,900 238,800 3.9 85,300 88,200 3.4 Mozambique .. .. .. .. .. .. Netherlands 786,057 796,243 1.3 16,430 17,266 5.1 Belgium Luxemburg Norway 407,262 448,765 10.2 1,902 2,432 27.9 Spain 5,736,258 5,546,238 -3.3 138,682 129,079 -6.9 Switzerland 1,869,969 1,937,447 3.6 237,945 253,227 6.4 United Kingdom 4,852,000 4,903,000 1.0 111,000 136,000 22.5 22,041,983 21,906,231 -0.6 54,669 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. United States Venezuela Note [FRA] 2010 and 2011. Source Table by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [FRA] Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica; [LUX] Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Instituto Nacional de Estadística; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] UK National Statistics; [USA] US Census Bureau, American Community Survey. 52 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.8 Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Country Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Angola Belgium Brazil As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N .. .. .. 38,612 211 0.5 .. .. .. Canada 113,150 607 0.5 France 97,276 3,887 4.0 112,353 510 0.5 Germany Italy 65,383 20 0.0 4,412 982 22.3 Mozambique .. .. .. Netherlands 25,882 38 0.1 Luxemburg Norway 13,223 12 0.1 261,295 1,265 0.5 34,061 2,184 6.4 United Kingdom 207,989 628 0.3 United States 779,929 1,585 0.2 .. .. .. Spain Switzerland Venezuela Note [BEL] 2012. [CAN] 2012. [ITA] 2012. Source Table by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [CAN] OECD, International Migration Database; [FRA] Ministère de L’intérieure; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica; [LUX] Ministère de la Justice; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Ministerio de Justicia; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Government UK; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 53 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.6 Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese in top destination countries, 2013 or last year available France Switzerland United States Spain Luxemburg United Kingdom Canada Germany Belgium Netherlands Italy Norway 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 Note [BEL] 2012. [CAN] 2012. [ITA] 2012. Source Chart by OEm, data from: [BEL] Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions; [CAN] OECD, International Migration Database; [FRA] Ministère de L’intérieure; [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica; [LUX] Ministère de la Justice; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Ministerio de Justicia; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Government UK; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security. 54 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.9 Change in the acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese in top destination countries, 2012-2013 or last two years available Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Country 2012 Angola Belgium Brazil Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Change in percentage 2013 2012 Change in percentage 2013 .. .. .. .. .. .. 29,786 38,612 29.6 165 211 27.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. Canada 181,338 113,150 -37.6 775 607 -21.7 France 96,051 97,276 1.3 4,294 3,887 -9.5 112,348 112,353 0.0 444 510 14.9 56,153 65,383 16.4 37 20 -45.9 4,680 4,412 -5.7 1,155 982 -15.0 Mozambique .. .. .. .. .. .. Netherlands 30,955 25,882 -16.4 69 38 -44.9 Germany Italy Luxemburg Norway 12,384 13,223 6.8 12 12 0.0 115,557 261,295 126.1 830 1,265 52.4 33,500 34,061 1.7 2,071 2,184 5.5 United Kingdom 194,209 207,989 7.1 499 628 25.9 United States 757,434 779,929 3.0 1,607 1,585 -1.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. Spain Switzerland Venezuela Note [BEL] 2011 and 2012. [CAN] 2011 and 2012. [ITA] 2011 and 2012. Source Table by OEm, data from: [BEL] OECD, International Migration Database (2011); Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions (2012); [CAN] OECD, International Migration Database; [FRA] Ministère de l'Intérieur (2010); [DEU] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; [ITA] Istituto Nazionale di Statistica; [LUX] Ministère de la Justice; [NLD] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek; [NOR] Statistics Norway; [ESP] Ministerio de Justicia; [CHE] Office Fédéral de la Statistique; [GBR] Government UK; [USA] US Department of Homeland Security. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 55 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Consular data Table 2.10 Stock of consular registrations in top destination countries, 2012 or last year available Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Country All registrations in Portuguese consulates As a percentage of all registrations N Angola 115,595 38,994 33.7 Belgium 46,642 33,039 70.8 Brazil 612,203 425,396 69.5 Canada 133,954 103,653 77.4 1,190,798 817,138 68.6 171,166 117,327 68.5 2,337 1,434 61.4 Luxemburg 99,738 60,502 60.7 Mozambique 24,871 10,631 42.7 Netherlands 18,992 11,936 62.8 4,400 .. .. 66,212 47,959 72.4 Switzerland 288,465 210,327 72.9 United Kingdom 171,497 100,542 58.6 United States 195,164 168,484 86.3 Venezuela 165,498 96,509 58.3 France Germany Italy Norway Spain Note [ANG] 2013. The number of those born in Portugal do not include data from the consulate of Benguela and refers only to computerized records. [ITA] 2010. [MOZ] 2013. [NOR] 2013. Source Table by OEm, data from Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e das Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP). 56 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 2.7 Stock of consular registrations in top destination countries, 2012 or last year available France Brazil Switzerland United States United Kingdom Germany Venezuela Canada Angola Luxemburg Spain Belgium Mozambique Netherlands Norway Italy 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 Note [ANG] 2013. [ITA] 2010. [MOZ] 2013. [NOR] 2013. Source Chart by OEm, data from Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e das Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 57 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 2.11 Change in the stock of consular registrations in top destination countries, 2011-2012 or last two years available All registrations in Portuguese consulates Country Registrations by migrants born in Portugal Change in percentage 2012 Angola 113,194 115,595 2.1 .. 38,994 .. Belgium 44,228 46,642 5.5 31,698 33,039 4.2 Brazil 596,668 612,203 2.6 425,449 425,396 0.0 Canada 132,467 133,954 1.1 101,519 103,653 2.1 1,161,900 1,190,798 2.5 801,180 817,138 2.0 164,770 171,166 3.9 115,605 117,327 1.5 France Germany Italy 2011 Change in percentage 2011 2012 1,845 2,337 26.7 1,133 1,434 26.6 Luxemburg 96,467 99,738 3.4 58,860 60,502 2.8 Mozambique 21,114 22,663 7.3 8,315 9,224 10.9 Netherlands 17,172 18,992 10.6 10,809 11,936 10.4 Norway .. 4,400 .. .. .. .. 62,381 66,212 6.1 44,586 47,959 7.6 Switzerland 278,692 288,465 3.5 204,989 210,327 2.6 United Kingdom 159,336 171,497 7.6 96,327 100,542 4.4 United States 191,987 195,164 1.7 167,173 168,484 0.8 Venezuela 142,157 165,498 16.4 80,029 96,509 20.6 Spain Note [ANG] 2012 and 2013. [ITA] 2009 and 2010. [NOR] 2013. Source Table by OEm, data from Direcção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e das Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP). 58 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 3 | Remittances www.observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/4093 [OEm_Factbook_2014_TablesCharts03] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 59 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 60 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Volume and composition Table 3.1 Inward and outward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 Inward flows (thousand euros) Outward flows (thousand euros) Balance 3,015,777 556,044 2,459,733 Algeria 42 220 -178 Angola 304,328 18,847 285,481 449 158 291 Australia 3,221 484 2,737 Austria 9,167 220 8,947 Belgium 67,205 1,566 65,639 Brazil 16,524 253,250 -236,726 Bulgaria 527 5,678 -5,151 Canada 42,792 3,453 39,339 Cape Verde 3,438 13,130 -9,692 China 1,669 78,204 -76,535 Croatia 50 423 -373 Cyprus 982 42 940 Czech Republic 1,193 3,489 -2,296 Denmark 6,024 162 5,862 Egypt, Arab Rep. 180 662 -482 Estonia 673 1,297 -624 Country Total Argentina Finland 3,800 78 3,722 France 894,932 20,145 874,787 Germany 197,247 4,163 193,084 1,118 281 837 Guinea-Bissau 526 2,610 -2,084 Hungary 684 1,352 -668 Iceland 252 23 229 India 571 2,447 -1,876 Greece Ireland 8,753 267 8,486 22,136 2,415 19,721 1,159 27 1,132 99 38 61 Latvia 667 3,688 -3,021 Lithuania 229 866 -637 86,937 1,449 85,488 Italy Japan Korea, Rep. Luxembourg [to be continued] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 61 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Country Inward flows (thousand euros) Outward flows (thousand euros) Balance Malta 944 40 904 Mexico 618 237 381 Morocco 1,132 5,037 -3,905 Mozambique 7,560 10,015 -2,455 Netherlands 61,053 1,733 59,320 96 12 84 Nigeria 554 1,560 -1,006 Norway 5,834 160 5,674 Poland 3,168 6,656 -3,488 Romania 1,789 15,764 -13,975 Russian Federation New Zealand 1,390 4,641 -3,251 São Tomé and Principe 687 986 -299 Saudi Arabia 826 11 815 Slovak Republic 573 1,137 -564 Slovenia 398 868 -470 6,558 480 6,078 Spain 156,697 15,237 141,460 Switzerland 738,128 3,846 734,282 South Africa Sweden 10,175 169 10,006 Turkey 794 341 453 Ukraine 403 31,321 -30,918 United Kingdom 156,227 6,635 149,592 United States 140,320 7,139 133,181 Venezuela, RB 6,974 574 6,400 Other countries 35,305 20,311 14,994 2,622,437 85,247 2,537,190 316,539 45,587 270,952 EU27 1,693,353 95,819 1,597,534 Euro Zone (15) 1,512,615 50,937 1,461,678 OECD PALOP Source Table by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. 62 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Map 3.1 Inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 Source Map by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. Map 3.2 Outward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 Source Map by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 63 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 3.2 Top inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 Country Thousand euros As a percentage of total inward flows Total inward flows 3,015,777 100.0 .. France 894,932 29.7 29.7 Switzerland 738,128 24.5 54.2 Angola 304,328 10.1 64.2 Germany 197,247 6.5 70.8 Spain 156,697 5.2 76.0 United Kingdom 156,227 5.2 81.2 United States 140,320 4.7 85.8 Luxembourg 86,937 2.9 88.7 Belgium 67,205 2.2 90.9 Netherlands 61,053 2.0 92.9 Canada 42,792 1.4 94.4 Italy 22,136 0.7 95.1 Brazil 16,524 0.5 95.6 Sweden 10,175 0.3 96.0 Cumulative percentage Top inward flows Source Table by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. 64 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 3.1 Top inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2013 France Switzerland Angola Germany Spain United Kingdom United States Luxembourg Belgium Netherlands Canada Italy Brazil Sweden 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 Source Chart by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 65 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Changes Table 3.3 Changes in inward remittance flows in Portugal, 2012-2013 2012 thousand euros, nominal values 2013 thousand euros, nominal values Change in nominal values, thousand euros 2,749,461 3,015,777 266,316 9.7 France 846,149 894,932 48,783 5.8 Switzerland 697,326 738,128 40,802 5.9 Angola 270,687 304,328 33,641 12.4 Germany 172,943 197,247 24,304 14.1 Spain 129,910 156,697 26,787 20.6 United Kingdom 130,487 156,227 25,740 19.7 United States 135,553 140,320 4,767 3.5 Luxembourg 74,532 86,937 12,405 16.6 Belgium 52,019 67,205 15,186 29.2 Netherlands 45,468 61,053 15,585 34.3 Canada 45,900 42,792 -3,108 -6.8 Italy 20,013 22,136 2,123 10.6 Brazil 10,733 16,524 5,791 54.0 8,910 10,175 1,265 14.2 Country Total inward flows Change in percentage Top inward flows Sweden Source Table by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. 66 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 3.2 Changes in top inward remittance flows in Portugal, nominal values, thousand euros, 2012-2013 France Switzerland Angola Germany Spain United Kingdom United States Luxembourg Belgium Netherlands Canada Italy Brazil Sweden -10,000 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 Source Chart by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 67 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Economic weight Table 3.4 Changes in economic weight of remittances in Portugal, 2012-2013 Indicators 2012 2013 Change in percentage 2,749,461 3,015,777 9.7 165,107,000 165,666,000 0.3 Exports 63,363,864 67,216,301 6.1 Foreign direct investment (FDI) 47,655,795 30,109,086 -36.8 GDP 1.7 1.8 9.3 Exports 4.3 4.5 3.4 Foreign direct investment (FDI) 5.8 10.0 73.6 Thousand euros, nominal values Remittances GDP Remittances as a percentage of Source Table by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics (remittances and FDI) and Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), National Accounts (GDP and exports). Chart 3.3 10.0 9.0 Changes in economic weight of remittances in Portugal, 2012-2013 2012 2013 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 GDP Exports Foreign direct investment (FDI) Remittances as a percentage of Source Chart by OEm, data from Banco de Portugal, Statistics Online (BPstat), Balance of Payment Statistics (remittances and FDI) and Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), National Accounts (GDP and exports). 68 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 International comparison Table 3.5 Top remittance-receiving countries, thousand US dollars, 2012 Country Total world remittance flows Inward remittance flows, thousand US dollars As a percentage of total world remittance flows 478,460,675 100.0 India 68,820,518 14.4 China 39,221,094 8.2 Philippines 24,641,000 5.2 Mexico 23,365,991 4.9 France 21,675,866 4.5 Nigeria 20,633,319 4.3 Egypt, Arab Rep. 19,236,400 4.0 Bangladesh 14,084,934 2.9 Pakistan 14,007,002 2.9 Germany 13,963,679 2.9 South Africa 10,846,553 2.3 Belgium 10,123,473 2.1 Spain 9,633,131 2.0 Korea, Rep. 8,474,000 1.8 Ukraine 8,449,000 1.8 Italy 7,326,336 1.5 Indonesia 7,212,197 1.5 Poland 6,935,000 1.4 Lebanon 6,918,082 1.4 Morocco 6,507,908 1.4 United States 6,285,000 1.3 Sri Lanka 5,999,552 1.3 Russian Federation 5,787,700 1.2 Guatemala 5,034,519 1.1 Nepal 4,793,419 1.0 Thailand 4,713,381 1.0 Colombia 4,018,675 0.8 El Salvador 3,927,280 0.8 Portugal 3,903,788 0.8 Romania 3,674,000 0.8 Top remittance-receiving countries Source Table by OEm, data from the World Bank, World DataBank, World Development Indicators, Economic Policy & Debt Series. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 69 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Map 3.3 Top remittance-receiving countries, thousand US dollars, 2012 Source Map by OEm, data from the World Bank, World DataBank, World Development Indicators, Economic Policy & Debt Series. 70 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 3.6 Top remittance-receiving countries, economic weight, 2012 Country Total world remittance flows Inward remittance flows, thousand US dollars GDP, thousand US dollars Remittances as a percentage of GDP 478,460,675 72,908,414,851 0.7 Nepal 4,793,419 18,962,963 25.3 El Salvador 3,927,280 23,864,400 16.5 Lebanon 6,918,082 42,945,274 16.1 Top remittancereceiving countries Bangladesh 14,084,934 116,355,057 12.1 Sri Lanka 5,999,552 59,423,009 10.1 Guatemala 5,034,519 50,233,749 10.0 Philippines 24,641,000 250,182,019 9.8 Egypt, Arab Rep. 19,236,400 262,831,913 7.3 Morocco 6,507,908 95,981,573 6.8 Pakistan 14,007,002 225,143,266 6.2 Ukraine 8,449,000 176,308,826 4.8 Nigeria 20,633,319 459,615,932 4.5 India 68,820,518 1,858,740,106 3.7 South Africa 10,846,553 384,312,674 2.8 Romania 3,674,000 169,396,056 2.2 Belgium 10,123,473 482,951,304 2.1 Mexico 23,365,991 1,178,126,184 2.0 Portugal 3,903,788 212,137,608 1.8 Poland 6,935,000 489,795,487 1.4 Thailand 4,713,381 365,965,816 1.3 Colombia 4,018,675 369,606,331 1.1 21,675,866 2,611,199,846 0.8 Indonesia 7,212,197 878,043,028 0.8 Korea, Rep. 8,474,000 1,129,598,273 0.8 Spain 9,633,131 1,322,114,866 0.7 China 39,221,094 8,227,102,630 0.5 Germany 13,963,679 3,425,928,305 0.4 Italy 7,326,336 2,013,375,304 0.4 Russian Federation 5,787,700 2,014,774,938 0.3 United States 6,285,000 16,244,600,000 0.0 France Source Table by OEm, data from the World Bank, World DataBank, World Development Indicators, Economic Policy & Debt Series. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 71 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Chart 3.4 Top remittance-receiving countries, economic weight, 2012 Nepal El Salvador Lebanon Bangladesh Sri Lanka Guatemala Philippines Egypt, Arab Rep. Morocco Pakistan Ukraine Nigeria India South Africa Romania Belgium Mexico Portugal Poland Thailand Colombia France Indonesia Korea, Rep. Spain China Germany Italy Russian Federation United States 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Remittances as a percentage of GDP Source Chart by OEm, data from the World Bank, World DataBank, World Development Indicators, Economic Policy & Debt Series. 72 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 4 | Focus: changes in emigration to top destination countries, 2001-2013 www.observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/4093 [OEm_Factbook_2014_TablesCharts04] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 73 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Summary Table 4.1 Main changes in top emigration countries, 2003-2013: average annual growth in percentage Portuguese permanent inflows Stock of migrants born in Portugal Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Country 2003-2008 Belgium Brazil Canada France 2008-2013 2003-2013 2003-2008 2008-2013 2003-2013 2003-2008 2008-2013 2003-2013 11.9 7.2 9.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 -3.2 0.4 8.9 33.8 22.1 .. .. -4.7 .. .. .. 18.6 -1.1 8.3 -0.4 -1.4 -0.9 -4.4 -11.3 -7.5 .. .. .. 0.8 0.7 0.7 -4.1 -13.0 -8.6 Germany -9.6 22.0 5.0 -2.8 2.7 -0.1 -0.7 11.4 5.2 Italy 6.0 -3.0 1.9 6.5 -0.4 3.0 19.7 -23.7 -2.0 Luxemburg 3.3 0.3 1.8 .. .. 3.9 13.2 32.0 22.2 Netherlands 11.4 0.8 5.6 2.2 4.3 3.2 -3.6 -8.4 -6.1 Norway 37.6 24.6 30.9 1.2 20.7 10.5 -5.1 3.7 -0.8 Spain 28.4 -20.7 0.9 13.6 -0.3 6.5 1.1 17.5 9.0 7.6 2.6 5.1 5.8 6.1 6.0 8.6 4.4 6.5 United Kingdom 0.6 18.3 9.1 4.7 5.2 5.0 -4.1 9.0 2.2 United States -0.9 3.5 1.3 2.9 -6.2 -1.8 14.4 -16.9 -2.5 .. .. .. .. .. -3.5 .. .. .. Switzerland Venezuela Note [BEL] Inflows: no data for 2013. Acquisition of citizenship: no data for 2013. [BRA] Inflows: no data for 2003. Stock: based on census data for 2001 and 2010; no series of data available for other years. Acquisition of citizenship: no series of data. [CAN] Stock: based on census data for 2001, 2006 and 2011; no series of data available for other years. Acquisition of citizenship: no data for 2013. [FRA] Inflows: no series of data available. Stock: no data for 2003-2004 and 2012-2013. [ITA] Inflows: no data for 2013. Stock: data is based on the stock of residents with Portuguese citizenship. Acquisition of citizenship: no data for 2004-2007 and 2013. [LUX] Stock: based on census data for 2001 and 2011; no series of data available for other years. [CHE] Stock: no data for 2003-2004. [VEN] Inflows and acquistion of citizenship: no series of data available. Stock: based on census data for 2001 and 2011; no series of data available for other years. Source Table by OEm, source data detailed in following pages. Entities: OCDE; Eurostat; Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Brazil; IMILA, Investigación Migración Internacional de Latinoamérica; Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, France; Ministère de L’intérieure, France; Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Italia; Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; Ministère de la Justice, Luxembourg; Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Netherlands; Statistics Norway; INE España; Observatorio Permanente de la Immigración, España; Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Switzerland; Department for Work and Pensions, UK; UK Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) /Labour Force Survey (LFS); Government UK, Home Office; US Department of Homeland Security; Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Venezuela. 74 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Map 4.1 Average annual growth in percentage of the stock of migrants born in Portugal, in top emigration countries, 2003-2013 Note [BEL] Inflows: no data for 2013. Acquisition of citizenship: no data for 2013. [BRA] Inflows: no data for 2003. Stock: based on census data for 2001 and 2010; no series of data available for other years. Acquisition of citizenship: no series of data. [CAN] Stock: based on census data for 2001, 2006 and 2011; no series of data available for other years. Acquisition of citizenship: no data for 2013. [FRA] Inflows: no series of data available. Stock: no data for 2003-2004 and 2012-2013. [ITA] Inflows: no data for 2013. Stock: data is based on the stock of residents with Portuguese citizenship. Acquisition of citizenship: no data for 2004-2007 and 2013. [LUX] Stock: based on census data for 2001 and 2011; no series of data available for other years. [CHE] Stock: no data for 2003-2004. [VEN] Inflows and acquistion of citizenship: no series of data available. Stock: based on census data for 2001 and 2011; no series of data available for other years. Source Table by OEm, source data detailed in following pages. Entities: OCDE; Eurostat; Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Brazil; IMILA, Investigación Migración Internacional de Latinoamérica; Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, France; Ministère de L’intérieure, France; Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland; Istituto Nazionale di Statistica, Italia; Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg; Ministère de la Justice, Luxembourg; Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Netherlands; Statistics Norway; INE España; Observatorio Permanente de la Immigración, España; Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Switzerland; Department for Work and Pensions, UK; UK Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) /Labour Force Survey (LFS); Government UK, Home Office; US Department of Homeland Security; Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Venezuela. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 75 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Belgium Table 4.2 Belgium: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 65,974 .. 1,347 2.0 .. 2002 70,230 6.5 1,567 2.2 16.3 2003 68,800 -2.0 1,823 2.6 16.3 2004 72,446 5.3 1,907 2.6 4.6 2005 77,411 6.9 1,934 2.5 1.4 2006 83,433 7.8 2,030 2.4 5.0 2007 93,387 11.9 2,293 2.5 13.0 2008 106,012 13.5 3,200 3.0 39.6 2009 102,714 -3.1 2,854 2.8 -10.8 2010 113,582 10.6 2,717 2.4 -4.8 2011 117,948 3.8 3,140 2.7 15.6 2012 109,995 -6.7 4,227 3.8 34.6 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from OECD, International Migration Database. Chart 4.1 Belgium: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2012 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database. 76 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.3 Belgium: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 1,112,158 .. 21,331 1.9 .. 2002 1,151,799 3.6 21,657 1.9 1.5 2003 1,185,456 2.9 22,324 1.9 3.1 2004 1,220,062 2.9 22,795 1.9 2.1 2005 1,268,915 4.0 23,337 1.8 2.4 2006 1,319,302 4.0 24,005 1.8 2.9 2007 1,380,323 4.6 24,950 1.8 3.9 2008 1,443,937 4.6 26,541 1.8 6.4 2009 1,503,806 4.1 27,532 1.8 3.7 2010 1,628,793 8.3 28,310 1.7 2.8 2011 1,643,614 0.9 29,453 1.8 4.0 2012 1,689,526 2.8 31,560 1.9 7.2 2013 1,747,641 3.4 31,564 1.8 0.0 Note The proximity between the data for the years 2012 and 2013 are due to methodological issues resulting from changes in sources. Source Table by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2012); Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions (2013). Chart 4.2 Belgium: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2001 Note 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 The proximity between the data for the years 2012 and 2013 are due to methodological issues resulting from changes in sources. Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2012); Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions (2013). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 77 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.4 Belgium: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Annual growth in percentage 2001 62,982 .. 276 0.4 .. 2002 46,417 -26.3 318 0.7 15.2 2003 33,709 -27.4 203 0.6 -36.2 2004 34,754 3.1 240 0.7 18.2 2005 31,512 -9.3 229 0.7 -4.6 2006 31,860 1.1 239 0.8 4.4 2007 36,063 13.2 284 0.8 18.8 2008 37,710 4.6 240 0.6 -15.5 2009 32,767 -13.1 215 0.7 -10.4 2010 34,635 5.7 159 0.5 -26.0 2011 29,786 -14.0 165 0.6 3.8 2012 38,612 29.6 211 0.5 27.9 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2012). Chart 4.3 Belgium: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2012 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source Chart by OEm, data from OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2012). 78 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Brazil Table 4.5 Brazil: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year N Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows Annual growth in percentage 2001 .. .. .. .. .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 20,162 .. 482 2.4 .. 2005 24,158 19.8 595 2.5 23.4 2006 25,440 5.3 477 1.9 -19.8 2007 29,488 15.9 550 1.9 15.3 2008 43,993 49.2 679 1.5 23.5 2009 42,914 -2.5 708 1.6 4.3 2010 56,006 30.5 798 1.4 12.7 2011 70,524 25.9 1,564 2.2 96.0 2012 73,022 3.5 2,247 3.1 43.7 2013 62,387 -14.6 2,913 4.7 29.6 Note Data refers to temporary work permits and permanent work permits granted to foreigners, by country of origin. Source Table by OEm, data from Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Coordenação Geral de Imigração (CGIg), Autorizações concedidas a estrangeiros por país de origem, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. Chart 4.4 Brazil: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2004-2013 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note Data refers to temporary work permits and permanent work permits granted to foreigners, by country of origin. Source Chart by OEm, data from Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Coordenação Geral de Imigração (CGIg), Autorizações concedidas a estrangeiros por país de origem, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 79 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.6 Brazil: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of all foreign-born N Annual growth in percentage 2001 683,830 .. 213,203 31.2 .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 .. .. .. .. .. 2005 .. .. .. .. .. 2006 .. .. .. .. .. 2007 .. .. .. .. .. 2008 .. .. .. .. .. 2009 .. .. .. .. .. 2010 592,570 .. 137,973 23.3 .. 2011 .. .. .. .. .. 2012 .. .. .. .. .. 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Note Data of 2001 refers to Census of 2000. Source Table by OEm, data from: IMILA, Investigación Migración Internacional de Latinoamérica, Centro Latinoamericano e Caribeño de Población (CELADE), División de Población de la CEPAL, Santiago, Chile (2001); Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Censos 2010 (2010). Chart 4.5 Brazil: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001 and 2010 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2001 2010 Note Data of 2001 refers to Census of 2000. Source Chart by OEm, data from: IMILA, Investigación Migración Internacional de Latinoamérica, Centro Latinoamericano e Caribeño de Población (CELADE), División de Población de la CEPAL, Santiago, Chile (2001); Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Censos 2010 (2010). 80 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Canada Table 4.7 Canada: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of total inflows Annual growth in percentage 2001 250,640 .. 481 0.2 .. 2002 228,919 -8.7 319 0.1 -33.7 2003 221,203 -3.4 283 0.1 -11.3 2004 235,823 6.6 336 0.1 18.7 2005 262,243 11.2 338 0.1 0.6 2006 251,640 -4.0 424 0.2 25.4 2007 236,753 -5.9 405 0.2 -4.5 2008 247,245 4.4 665 0.3 64.2 2009 252,172 2.0 623 0.2 -6.3 2010 280,688 11.3 629 0.2 1.0 2011 248,749 -11.4 528 0.2 -16.1 2012 257,895 3.7 560 0.2 6.1 2013 258,953 0.4 629 0.2 12.3 Note Data from 2004 to 2013 was reviewed in 2014 by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Source Table by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2003); Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Permanent residents by source country (2004-2013). Chart 4.6 Canada: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note Data from 2004 to 2013 was reviewed in 2014 by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2003); Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Permanent residents by source country (2004-2013). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 81 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.8 Canada: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of all foreign-born N Annual growth in percentage 2001 5,448,480 .. 153,530 2.8 .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 .. .. .. .. .. 2005 .. .. .. .. .. 2006 6,186,950 .. 150,390 2.4 .. 2007 .. .. .. .. .. 2008 .. .. .. .. .. 2009 .. .. .. .. .. 2010 .. .. .. .. .. 2011 7,217,295 .. 140,310 1.9 .. 2012 .. .. .. .. .. 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from Statistics Canada, Place of Birth, Census, 2001, 2006, 2011. Chart 4.7 Canada: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001, 2006 and 2011 155,000 150,000 145,000 140,000 135,000 130,000 2001 2006 2011 Source Chart by OEm, data from Statistics Canada, Place of Birth, Census, 2001, 2006, 2011. 82 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.9 Canada: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 167,353 .. 2,824 1.7 .. 2002 141,591 -15.4 1,407 1.0 -50.2 2003 155,117 9.6 1,229 0.8 -12.7 2004 193,620 24.8 2,178 1.1 77.2 2005 198,724 2.6 1,704 0.9 -21.8 2006 260,803 31.2 1,756 0.7 3.1 2007 199,871 -23.4 1,266 0.6 -27.9 2008 176,575 -11.7 980 0.6 -22.6 2009 156,349 -11.5 993 0.6 1.3 2010 143,678 -8.1 847 0.6 -14.7 2011 181,338 26.2 775 0.4 -8.5 2012 113,150 -37.6 607 0.5 -21.7 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Note Data from 2005 to 2012 was reviewed in 2014 by OECD, International Migration Database. Source Table by OEm, data from OECD, International Migration Database. Chart 4.8 Canada: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2011 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Note Data from 2005 to 2012 was reviewed in 2014 by OECD, International Migration Database. Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 83 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 France Table 4.10 France: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of all foreign-born N Annual growth in percentage 2001 .. .. .. .. .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 .. .. .. .. .. 2005 4,959,000 .. 567,000 11.4 .. 2006 5,136,294 3.6 569,600 11.1 0.5 2007 5,252,696 2.3 576,084 11.0 1.1 2008 5,236,607 -0.3 580,240 11.1 0.7 2009 5,433,000 3.8 585,000 10.8 0.8 2010 5,514,154 1.5 588,276 10.7 0.6 2011 5,605,167 1.7 592,281 10.6 0.7 2012 .. .. .. .. .. 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, Répartition des immigrés par pays de naissance. Chart 4.9 France: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2005-2011 595,000 590,000 585,000 580,000 575,000 570,000 565,000 560,000 555,000 550,000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Source Chart by OEm, data from Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques, Répartition des immigrés par pays de naissance. 84 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.11 France: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 127,548 .. 9,182 7.2 .. 2002 128,097 0.4 8,844 6.9 -3.7 2003 144,649 12.9 9,577 6.6 8.3 2004 168,845 16.7 10,988 6.5 14.7 2005 154,643 -8.4 8,884 5.7 -19.1 2006 147,868 -4.4 10,524 7.1 18.5 2007 132,002 -10.7 3,749 2.8 -64.4 2008 137,452 4.1 7,778 5.7 107.5 2009 135,852 -1.2 6,583 4.8 -15.4 2010 143,261 5.5 5,723 4.0 -13.1 2011 114,569 -20.0 4,720 4.1 -17.5 2012 96,051 -16.2 4,294 4.5 -9.0 2013 97,276 1.3 3,887 4.0 -9.5 Source Table by OEm, data from Ministère de L’intérieure, Immigration, Intégration, Asile et le Dévelopment Solidaire, acquistions de la nationalité française. Chart 4.10 France: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2012 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Ministère de L’intérieure, Immigration, Intégration, Asile et le Dévelopment Solidaire, acquistions de la nationalité française. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 85 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Germany Table 4.12 Germany: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 685,259 .. 9,287 1.4 .. 2002 658,341 -3.9 7,955 1.2 -14.3 2003 601,759 -8.6 6,981 1.2 -12.2 2004 602,182 0.1 5,570 0.9 -20.2 2005 401,493 -33.3 3,418 0.9 -38.6 2006 382,772 -4.7 3,371 0.9 -1.4 2007 402,397 5.1 3,766 0.9 11.7 2008 403,432 0.3 4,214 1.0 11.9 2009 412,404 2.2 4,468 1.1 6.0 2010 472,105 14.5 4,238 0.9 -5.1 2011 609,184 29.0 5,752 0.9 35.7 2012 755,318 24.0 9,054 1.2 57.4 2013 932,920 23.5 11,401 1.2 25.9 Source Table by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2004); Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Ausländische Bevölkerung (2005-2013). Chart 4.11 Germany: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2004); Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Ausländische Bevölkerung (2005-2013). 86 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.13 Germany: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 5,755,232 .. 107,057 1.9 .. 2002 5,804,263 0.9 105,667 1.8 -1.3 2003 5,834,577 0.5 105,135 1.8 -0.5 2004 5,312,860 -8.9 93,190 1.8 -11.4 2005 5,363,410 1.0 92,136 1.7 -1.1 2006 5,386,570 0.4 91,651 1.7 -0.5 2007 5,400,325 0.3 91,253 1.7 -0.4 2008 5,401,777 0.0 91,225 1.7 0.0 2009 5,393,264 -0.2 90,203 1.7 -1.1 2010 5,473,547 1.5 90,148 1.6 -0.1 2011 5,664,681 3.5 92,343 1.6 2.4 2012 5,975,210 5.5 97,445 1.6 5.5 2013 6,402,828 7.2 104,084 1.6 6.8 Source Table by OEm, data from Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Ausländische Bevölkerung. Chart 4.12 Germany: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 110,000 105,000 100,000 95,000 90,000 85,000 80,000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Ausländische Bevölkerung. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 87 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.14 Germany: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 178,098 .. 290 0.2 .. 2002 154,547 -13.2 243 0.2 -16.2 2003 140,731 -8.9 308 0.2 26.7 2004 127,153 -9.6 293 0.2 -4.9 2005 117,241 -7.8 313 0.3 6.8 2006 124,566 6.2 327 0.3 4.5 2007 113,030 -9.3 237 0.2 -27.5 2008 94,470 -16.4 297 0.3 25.3 2009 96,122 1.7 277 0.3 -6.7 2010 101,570 5.7 259 0.3 -6.5 2011 106,897 5.2 376 0.4 45.2 2012 112,348 5.1 444 0.4 18.1 2013 112,353 0.0 510 0.5 14.9 Source Table by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2002); Statistisches Bundesamt Deutshland, Ausländische Bevölkerung (2003-2013). Chart 4.13 Germany: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2002); Statistisches Bundesamt Deutshland, Ausländische Bevölkerung (2003-2013). 88 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Italy Table 4.15 Italy: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 .. .. .. .. .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 470,491 .. 376 0.1 .. 2004 444,566 -5.5 330 0.1 -12.2 2005 325,673 -26.7 382 0.1 15.8 2006 297,640 -8.6 366 0.1 -4.2 2007 558,019 87.5 594 0.1 62.3 2008 534,712 -4.2 503 0.1 -15.3 2009 442,940 -17.2 516 0.1 2.6 2010 458,856 3.6 420 0.1 -18.6 2011 385,793 -15.9 452 0.1 7.6 2012 350,772 -9.1 446 0.1 -1.3 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions. Chart 4.14 Italy: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2003-2012 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source Chart by OEm, data from Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 89 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.16 Italy: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of all foreign-born N Annual growth in percentage 2001 .. .. .. .. .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 .. .. .. .. .. 2005 .. .. .. .. .. 2006 .. .. .. .. .. 2007 .. .. .. .. .. 2008 4,375,240 .. .. .. .. 2009 4,798,715 9.7 .. .. .. 2010 5,350,412 11.5 .. .. .. 2011 5,457,820 2.0 6,624 0.1 .. 2012 5,695,883 4.4 7,023 0.1 6.0 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from OECD, International Migration Database. Chart 4.15 Italy: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2011-2012 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from OECD, International Migration Database. 90 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.17 Italy: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 .. .. .. .. .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 13,406 .. 24 0.2 .. 2004 19,140 42.8 .. .. .. 2005 28,659 49.7 .. .. .. 2006 35,266 23.1 .. .. .. 2007 45,485 29.0 .. .. .. 2008 53,696 18.1 59 0.1 .. 2009 59,369 10.6 44 0.1 -25.4 2010 65,938 11.1 44 0.1 0.0 2011 56,153 -14.8 37 0.1 -15.9 2012 65,383 16.4 20 0.0 -45.9 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions. Chart 4.16 Italy: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2008-2012 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source Chart by OEm, data from Eurostat, Statistics Database, Population and Social Conditions. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 91 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Luxemburg Table 4.18 Luxemburg: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 12,135 .. 2,293 18.9 .. 2002 12,101 -0.3 2,767 22.9 20.7 2003 13,158 8.7 3,857 29.3 39.4 2004 12,872 -2.2 3,542 27.5 -8.2 2005 14,397 11.8 3,761 26.1 6.2 2006 14,352 -0.3 3,796 26.4 0.9 2007 16,675 16.2 4,385 26.3 15.5 2008 17,758 6.5 4,531 25.5 3.3 2009 15,751 -11.3 3,844 24.4 -15.2 2010 16,962 7.7 3,845 22.7 0.0 2011 20,268 19.5 4,977 24.6 29.4 2012 20,478 1.0 5,193 25.4 4.3 2013 21,098 3.0 4,590 21.8 -11.6 Source Table by OEm, data from Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg, Arrivées, 1967-2013. Chart 4.17 Luxemburg: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg, Arrivées, 1967-2013. 92 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.19 Luxemburg: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of all foreign-born N Annual growth in percentage 2001 144,844 .. 41,690 28.8 .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 .. .. .. .. .. 2005 .. .. .. .. .. 2006 .. .. .. .. .. 2007 .. .. .. .. .. 2008 .. .. .. .. .. 2009 .. .. .. .. .. 2010 .. .. .. .. .. 2011 205,162 .. 60,897 29.7 .. 2012 .. .. .. .. .. 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg, STATEC, Pays de naissance, Recensement de la population, 2001, 2011. Chart 4.18 Luxemburg: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001 and 2011 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2001 2011 Source Chart by OEm, data from Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg, STATEC, Pays de naissance, Recensement de la population, 2001, 2011. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 93 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.20 Luxemburg: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Year Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 474 .. 94 19.8 .. 2002 826 74.3 157 19.0 67.0 2003 721 -12.7 132 18.3 -15.9 2004 848 17.6 195 23.0 47.7 2005 995 17.3 273 27.4 40.0 2006 1,084 8.9 330 30.4 20.9 2007 1,311 20.9 383 29.2 16.1 2008 1,129 -13.9 245 21.7 -36.0 2009 4,022 256.2 1,242 30.9 406.9 2010 4,311 7.2 1,351 31.3 8.8 2011 3,405 -21.0 1,085 31.9 -19.7 2012 4,680 37.4 1,155 24.7 6.5 2013 4,412 -5.7 982 22.3 -15.0 Note Nationality law of 2008, applied in 2009, dismissed the renouncement of the individual's original nationality in order to acquire Luxemburg citizenship. Source Table by OEm, data from Ministère de la Justice, Chiffres clés statistiques en matière d'indigénat. Chart 4.19 Luxemburg: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note Nationality law of 2008, applied in 2009, dismissed the renouncement of the individual's original nationality in order to acquire Luxemburg citizenship. Source Chart by OEm, data from Ministère de la Justice, Chiffres clés statistiques en matière d'indigénat. 94 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Netherlands Table 4.21 Netherlands: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 110,554 .. 1,216 1.1 .. 2002 99,808 -9.7 1,189 1.2 -2.2 2003 84,686 -15.2 1,166 1.4 -1.9 2004 74,572 -11.9 984 1.3 -15.6 2005 72,110 -3.3 830 1.2 -15.7 2006 77,666 7.7 1,211 1.6 45.9 2007 91,835 18.2 1,577 1.7 30.2 2008 116,517 26.9 2,002 1.7 26.9 2009 118,130 1.4 1,983 1.7 -0.9 2010 126,035 6.7 1,530 1.2 -22.8 2011 134,500 6.7 1,727 1.3 12.9 2012 130,698 -2.8 2,051 1.6 18.8 2013 137,160 4.9 2,079 1.5 1.4 Note Inflows in Netherlands are registered by country of birth. Source Table by OEm, data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek,Immigration by country of birth. Chart 4.20 Netherlands: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note Inflows in Netherlands are registered by country of birth. Source Chart by OEm, data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Immigration by country of birth. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 95 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.22 Netherlands: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 1,488,960 .. 10,030 0.7 .. 2002 1,547,079 3.9 10,762 0.7 7.3 2003 1,585,927 2.5 11,300 0.7 5.0 2004 1,602,730 1.1 11,729 0.7 3.8 2005 1,606,664 0.2 11,833 0.7 0.9 2006 1,604,259 -0.1 11,823 0.7 -0.1 2007 1,601,194 -0.2 11,940 0.7 1.0 2008 1,619,314 1.1 12,569 0.8 5.3 2009 1,661,505 2.6 13,553 0.8 7.8 2010 1,699,751 2.3 14,356 0.8 5.9 2011 1,735,217 2.1 14,430 0.8 0.5 2012 1,772,204 2.1 14,868 0.8 3.0 2013 1,793,189 1.2 15,486 0.9 4.2 Source Table by OEm, data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Statline Database, Population. Chart 4.21 Netherlands: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 18,000 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Statline Database, Population. 96 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.23 Netherlands: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 46,667 .. 129 0.3 .. 2002 45,321 -2.9 142 0.3 10.1 2003 28,799 -36.5 71 0.2 -50.0 2004 26,173 -9.1 69 0.3 -2.8 2005 28,488 8.8 50 0.2 -27.5 2006 29,089 2.1 77 0.3 54.0 2007 30,653 5.4 76 0.2 -1.3 2008 28,229 -7.9 59 0.2 -22.4 2009 29,754 5.4 57 0.2 -3.4 2010 26,275 -11.7 67 0.3 17.5 2011 28,612 8.9 51 0.2 -23.9 2012 30,955 8.2 69 0.2 35.3 2013 25,882 -16.4 38 0.1 -44.9 Source Table by OEm, data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Statline Database (Nationaliteitswijzigingen; geslacht, nationaliteit en regeling). Chart 4.22 Netherlands: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Statline Database (Nationaliteitswijzigingen; geslacht, nationaliteit en regeling). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 97 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Norway Table 4.24 Norway: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of total inflows Annual growth in percentage 2001 25,412 .. 70 0.3 .. 2002 30,788 21.2 70 0.2 0.0 2003 26,787 -13.0 55 0.2 -21.4 2004 27,863 4.0 76 0.3 38.2 2005 31,356 12.5 98 0.3 28.9 2006 37,429 19.4 97 0.3 -1.0 2007 53,498 42.9 156 0.3 60.8 2008 58,820 9.9 271 0.5 73.7 2009 56,680 -3.6 257 0.5 -5.2 2010 65,065 14.8 284 0.4 10.5 2011 70,759 8.8 458 0.6 61.3 2012 70,012 -1.1 582 0.8 27.1 2013 66,934 -4.4 815 1.2 40.0 Source Table by OEm, data from Statistics Norway, Immigration, emigration and net migration, by citizenship. Chart 4.23 Norway: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Statistics Norway, Immigration, emigration and net migration, by citizenship. 98 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.25 Norway: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 249,904 .. 704 0.3 .. 2002 259,222 3.7 713 0.3 1.3 2003 277,262 7.0 726 0.3 1.8 2004 289,104 4.3 718 0.2 -1.1 2005 301,045 4.1 733 0.2 2.1 2006 318,514 5.8 779 0.2 6.3 2007 341,831 7.3 687 0.2 -11.8 2008 380,643 11.4 769 0.2 11.9 2009 422,594 11.0 941 0.2 22.4 2010 459,347 8.7 1,079 0.2 14.7 2011 500,499 9.0 1,226 0.2 13.6 2012 546,732 9.2 1,557 0.3 27.0 2013 593,322 8.5 1,967 0.3 26.3 Source Table by OEm, data from Statistics Norway, Immigrant and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents. Chart 4.24 Norway: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Statistics Norway, Immigrant and Norwegian-born to immigrant parents. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 99 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.26 Norway: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 10,838 .. 16 0.1 .. 2002 9,041 -16.6 20 0.2 25.0 2003 7,867 -13.0 13 0.2 -35.0 2004 8,154 3.6 15 0.2 15.4 2005 12,655 55.2 18 0.1 20.0 2006 11,955 -5.5 20 0.2 11.1 2007 14,877 24.4 17 0.1 -15.0 2008 10,312 -30.7 10 0.1 -41.2 2009 11,442 11.0 5 0.0 -50.0 2010 11,903 4.0 3 0.0 -40.0 2011 14,286 20.0 13 0.1 333.3 2012 12,384 -13.3 12 0.1 -7.7 2013 13,223 6.8 12 0.1 0.0 Source Table by OEm, data from Statistics Norway, Naturalizations by sex, age and earlier citizenship, 1977-2013. Chart 4.25 Norway: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 25 20 15 10 5 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Statistics Norway, Naturalizations by sex, age and earlier citizenship, 1977-2013. 100 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Spain Table 4.27 Spain: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 394,048 .. 3,057 0.8 .. 2002 443,085 12.4 3,538 0.8 15.7 2003 429,524 -3.1 4,825 1.1 36.4 2004 645,844 50.4 9,851 1.5 104.2 2005 682,711 5.7 13,327 2.0 35.3 2006 802,971 17.6 20,658 2.6 55.0 2007 920,534 14.6 27,178 3.0 31.6 2008 692,228 -24.8 16,857 2.4 -38.0 2009 469,342 -32.2 9,739 2.1 -42.2 2010 431,334 -8.1 7,678 1.8 -21.2 2011 416,282 -3.5 7,424 1.8 -3.3 2012 336,110 -19.3 6,201 1.8 -16.5 2013 342,390 1.9 5,302 1.5 -14.5 Source Table by OEm, data from INE España, Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales, Altas por país de nacionalidad sexo y edad. Chart 4.26 Spain: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from INE España, Estadística de Variaciones Residenciales, Altas por país de nacionalidad sexo y edad. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 101 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.28 Spain: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 1,969,269 .. 62,610 3.2 .. 2002 2,594,052 31.7 67,313 2.6 7.5 2003 3,302,440 27.3 71,843 2.2 6.7 2004 3,693,806 11.9 71,065 1.9 -1.1 2005 4,391,484 18.9 80,846 1.8 13.8 2006 4,837,622 10.2 93,767 1.9 16.0 2007 5,249,993 8.5 111,575 2.1 19.0 2008 6,044,528 15.1 136,171 2.3 22.0 2009 6,466,278 7.0 148,154 2.3 8.8 2010 6,604,181 2.1 148,789 2.3 0.4 2011 6,677,839 1.1 146,298 2.2 -1.7 2012 6,759,780 1.2 143,488 2.1 -1.9 2013 6,640,536 -1.8 134,248 2.0 -6.4 Source Table by OEm, data from INE España, Padrón Municipal de Habitantes, Población por nacionalidad, pais de nacimiento y sexo. Chart 4.27 Spain: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from INE España, Padrón Municipal de Habitantes, Población por nacionalidad, Pais de nacimiento y sexo. 102 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.29 Spain: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Annual growth in percentage 2001 16,743 .. 558 3.3 .. 2002 21,805 30.2 627 2.9 12.4 2003 26,556 21.8 536 2.0 -14.5 2004 38,335 44.4 634 1.7 18.3 2005 42,829 11.7 478 1.1 -24.6 2006 62,339 45.6 430 0.7 -10.0 2007 71,810 15.2 381 0.5 -11.4 2008 84,170 17.2 566 0.7 48.6 2009 79,597 -5.4 485 0.6 -14.3 2010 123,721 55.4 800 0.6 64.9 2011 114,599 -7.4 884 0.8 10.5 2012 115,557 0.8 830 0.7 -6.1 2013 261,295 126.1 1,265 0.5 52.4 Source Table by OEm, data from Observatorio Permanente de la Immigración, Concesiones de nacionalidad española por residencia. Chart 4.28 Spain: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Observatorio Permanente de la Immigración, Concesiones de nacionalidad española por residencia. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 103 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Switzerland Table 4.30 Switzerland: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of total inflows Annual growth in percentage 2001 99,746 .. 4,347 4.4 .. 2002 105,014 5.3 9,005 8.6 107.2 2003 98,812 -5.9 12,228 12.4 35.8 2004 100,834 2.0 13,539 13.4 10.7 2005 99,091 -1.7 12,138 12.2 -10.3 2006 107,177 8.2 12,441 11.6 2.5 2007 143,855 34.2 15,351 10.7 23.4 2008 161,629 12.4 17,657 10.9 15.0 2009 138,269 -14.5 13,601 9.8 -23.0 2010 139,495 0.9 12,720 9.1 -6.5 2011 140,508 0.7 15,020 10.7 18.1 2012 151,002 7.5 18,892 12.5 25.8 2013 167,248 10.8 20,039 12.0 6.1 Source Table by OEm, data from Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Immigration de la population résidante permanente selon la nationalité, 1991 a 2013. Chart 4.29 Switzerland: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Immigration de la population résidante permanente selon la nationalité, 1991 a 2013. 104 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.31 Switzerland: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of all foreign-born N Annual growth in percentage 2001 1,083,580 .. 106,828 9.9 .. 2002 1,106,438 2.1 111,106 10.0 4.0 2003 1,124,813 1.7 118,521 10.5 6.7 2004 1,144,304 1.7 126,789 11.1 7.0 2005 1,159,677 1.3 132,872 11.5 4.8 2006 1,173,324 1.2 138,065 11.8 3.9 2007 1,221,068 4.1 145,736 11.9 5.6 2008 1,287,496 5.4 157,455 12.2 8.0 2009 1,326,262 3.0 164,691 12.4 4.6 2010 2,075,182 56.5 172,274 8.3 4.6 2011 2,158,424 4.0 187,409 8.7 8.8 2012 2,218,445 2.8 199,209 9.0 6.3 2013 2,289,560 3.2 211,451 9.2 6.1 Note Until 2009 data concerning migrants born in Portugal relates to migrants born outside Switzerland with Portuguese citizenship (the only available data), excluding born in Portugal with a foreign citizenship. From 2010 data concern migrants born in Portugal. As such, migrants born in Portugal in 2010, according to the previous calculation, were 169,485. Source Table by OEm, data from Office Fédéral de la Statistique: Population résidante permanente et non permanente selon la région, la nationalité et le lieu de naissance (2005-2009); Population résidante permanente et non permanente selon le canton, le sexe, la nationalité, le pays de naissance et l'âge (2010-2013). Chart 4.30 Switzerland: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2005-2013 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note Until 2009 data concerning migrants born in Portugal relates to migrants born outside Switzerland with Portuguese citizenship (the only available data), excluding born in Portugal with a foreign citizenship. From 2010 data concern migrants born in Portugal. Source Chart by OEm, data from Office Fédéral de la Statistique: Population résidante permanente et non permanente selon la région, la nationalité et le lieu de naissance (2005-2009); Population résidante permanente et non permanente selon le canton, le sexe, la nationalité, le pays de naissance et l'âge (2010-2013). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 105 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.32 Switzerland: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 27,583 .. 779 2.8 .. 2002 36,515 32.4 920 2.5 18.1 2003 35,424 -3.0 1,165 3.3 26.6 2004 35,685 0.7 1,199 3.4 2.9 2005 38,437 7.7 1,505 3.9 25.5 2006 46,711 21.5 2,383 5.1 58.3 2007 43,889 -6.0 2,201 5.0 -7.6 2008 44,365 1.1 1,761 4.0 -20.0 2009 43,440 -2.1 2,336 5.4 32.7 2010 39,314 -9.5 2,217 5.6 -5.1 2011 36,012 -8.4 2,211 6.1 -0.3 2012 33,500 -7.0 2,071 6.2 -6.3 2013 34,061 1.7 2,184 6.4 5.5 Source Table by OEm, data from Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Acquisition de la nationalité suisse selon la nationalité antérieure 1981-2013. Chart 4.31 Switzerland: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from Office Fédéral de la Statistique, Acquisition de la nationalité suisse selon la nationalité antérieure 1981-2013. 106 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 United Kingdom Table 4.33 United Kingdom: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 262,239 .. 4,396 1.7 .. 2002 311,241 18.7 7,915 2.5 80.1 2003 362,148 16.4 12,603 3.5 59.2 2004 412,780 14.0 13,850 3.4 9.9 2005 618,560 49.9 11,710 1.9 -15.5 2006 633,050 2.3 9,700 1.5 -17.2 2007 796,880 25.9 12,040 1.5 24.1 2008 669,560 -16.0 12,980 1.9 7.8 2009 613,210 -8.4 12,230 2.0 -5.8 2010 667,500 8.9 12,080 1.8 -1.2 2011 671,050 0.5 16,350 2.4 35.3 2012 518,954 -22.7 20,443 3.9 25.0 2013 617,236 18.9 30,121 4.9 47.3 Source Table by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001); Department for Work and Pensions, StatExplore (2002-2013). Chart 4.32 United Kingdom: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001); Department for Work and Pensions, StatExplore (2002-2013). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 107 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.34 United Kingdom: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 4,675,000 .. 51,000 1.1 .. 2002 4,861,000 4.0 60,000 1.2 17.6 2003 5,013,000 3.1 66,000 1.3 10.0 2004 5,233,000 4.4 68,000 1.3 3.0 2005 5,552,000 6.1 57,000 1.0 -16.2 2006 5,997,000 8.0 71,000 1.2 24.6 2007 6,342,000 5.8 71,000 1.1 0.0 2008 6,683,000 5.4 83,000 1.2 16.9 2009 6,910,000 3.4 87,000 1.3 4.8 2010 7,139,000 3.3 83,000 1.2 -4.6 2011 7,509,000 5.2 84,000 1.1 1.2 2012 7,679,000 2.3 90,000 1.2 7.1 2013 7,780,000 1.3 107,000 1.4 18.9 Note Data obtained from sampling processes, which may affect variations. Source Table by OEm, data from Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) and Labour Force Survey (LFS), Population by country of birth and nationality. Chart 4.33 United Kingdom: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 2001 Note 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Data obtained from sampling processes, which may affect variations. Source Chart by OEm, data from Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) and Labour Force Survey (LFS), Population by country of birth and nationality. 108 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.35 United Kingdom: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 90,282 .. 284 0.3 .. 2002 120,121 33.1 290 0.2 2.1 2003 130,535 8.7 505 0.4 74.1 2004 148,273 13.6 548 0.4 8.5 2005 161,699 9.1 651 0.4 18.8 2006 154,018 -4.8 532 0.3 -18.3 2007 164,637 6.9 521 0.3 -2.1 2008 129,377 -21.4 409 0.3 -21.5 2009 203,789 57.5 587 0.3 43.5 2010 195,046 -4.3 479 0.2 -18.4 2011 177,785 -8.8 402 0.2 -16.1 2012 194,209 9.2 499 0.3 24.1 2013 207,989 7.1 628 0.3 25.9 Source Table by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2003); Government UK, Home Office, Immigration Statistics March-June 2014, Citizenship grants by previous country of nationality (2004-2013). Chart 4.34 United Kingdom: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from: OECD, International Migration Database (2001-2003); Government UK, Home Office, Immigration Statistics March-June 2014, Citizenship grants by previous country of nationality (2004-2013). OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 109 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 United States Table 4.36 United States: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 Total inflows Year Portuguese inflows Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of total inflows N Annual growth in percentage 2001 1,058,902 .. 1,609 0.2 .. 2002 1,059,356 0.0 1,313 0.1 -18.4 2003 703,542 -33.6 808 0.1 -38.5 2004 957,883 36.2 1,069 0.1 32.3 2005 1,122,257 17.2 1,125 0.1 5.2 2006 1,266,129 12.8 1,409 0.1 25.2 2007 1,052,415 -16.9 1,019 0.1 -27.7 2008 1,107,126 5.2 772 0.1 -24.2 2009 1,130,818 2.1 946 0.1 22.5 2010 1,042,625 -7.8 755 0.1 -20.2 2011 1,062,040 1.9 821 0.1 8.7 2012 1,031,631 -2.9 811 0.1 -1.2 2013 990,553 -4.0 918 0.1 13.2 Source Table by OEm, data from US Department of Homeland Security, Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013, Table 3, Persons obtaining lawful permanent resident status by region and country of birth, fiscal years 2004 to 2013. Chart 4.35 United States: Portuguese permanent inflows, 2001-2013 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from US Department of Homeland Security, Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013, Table 3, Persons obtaining lawful permanent resident status by region and country of birth, fiscal years 2004 to 2013. 110 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.37 United States: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 33,107,273 .. 210,269 0.6 .. 2002 35,978,543 8.7 190,736 0.5 -9.3 2003 37,174,627 3.3 188,874 0.5 -1.0 2004 38,234,138 2.9 188,277 0.5 -0.3 2005 37,408,445 -2.2 179,463 0.5 -4.7 2006 37,910,218 1.3 193,621 0.5 7.9 2007 39,524,899 4.3 266,612 0.7 37.7 2008 39,624,216 0.3 217,540 0.5 -18.4 2009 38,947,597 -1.7 171,506 0.4 -21.2 2010 39,937,022 2.5 191,803 0.5 11.8 2011 42,109,468 5.4 177,561 0.4 -7.4 2012 44,056,641 4.6 166,582 0.4 -6.2 2013 43,960,023 -0.2 158,002 0.4 -5.2 Note Some differences in the annual data of those born in Portugal and born abroad may be due to the fact that the information gathering is done through sampling processes. In some years there may be almost no changes, which may be due to the same reason. Source Table by OEm, data from US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic (ASEC), March Supplement, Data Ferrett. Chart 4.36 United States: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Note Some differences in the annual data of those born in Portugal and born abroad may be due to the fact that the information gathering is done through sampling processes. In some years there may be almost no changes, which may be due to the same reason. Source Chart by OEm, data from US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic (ASEC), March Supplement, Data Ferrett. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 111 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Table 4.38 United States: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 Acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners Year Acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese Annual growth in percentage N As a percentage of acquisition of citizenship by all foreigners N Annual growth in percentage 2001 608,205 .. 2,780 0.5 .. 2002 573,708 -5.7 2,198 0.4 -20.9 2003 463,204 -19.3 2,037 0.4 -7.3 2004 537,151 16.0 2,173 0.4 6.7 2005 604,280 12.5 2,403 0.4 10.6 2006 702,589 16.3 2,638 0.4 9.8 2007 660,477 -6.0 2,506 0.4 -5.0 2008 1,046,539 58.5 3,988 0.4 59.1 2009 743,715 -28.9 2,143 0.3 -46.3 2010 619,913 -16.6 1,266 0.2 -40.9 2011 694,193 12.0 1,426 0.2 12.6 2012 757,434 9.1 1,607 0.2 12.7 2013 779,929 3.0 1,585 0.2 -1.4 Source Table by OEm, data from US Department of Homeland Security: Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2004, Table 32, Persons naturalized by region and country of birth, fiscal years 1986-2004 (2001-2002); Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013, Table 21, Persons naturalized by region and country of birth, fiscal years 2004 to 2013 (2003-2013). Chart 4.37 United States: acquisition of citizenship by Portuguese, 2001-2013 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source Chart by OEm, data from US Department of Homeland Security: Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2004, Table 32, persons naturalized by region and country of birth, fiscal years 1986-2004 (2001-2002); Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013, Table 21, persons naturalized by region and country of birth, fiscal years 2004 to 2013 (2003-2013). 112 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Venezuela Table 4.39 Venezuela: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 All foreign-born migrants Year Migrants born in Portugal Annual growth in percentage N N As a percentage of all foreign-born Annual growth in percentage 2001 1,015,538 .. 53,477 5.3 .. 2002 .. .. .. .. .. 2003 .. .. .. .. .. 2004 .. .. .. .. .. 2005 .. .. .. .. .. 2006 .. .. .. .. .. 2007 .. .. .. .. .. 2008 .. .. .. .. .. 2009 .. .. .. .. .. 2010 .. .. .. .. .. 2011 1,156,578 .. 37,326 3.2 .. 2012 .. .. .. .. .. 2013 .. .. .. .. .. Source Table by OEm, data from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censos de Población e Vivienda 2001 and 2011. Chart 4.38 Venezuela: stock of migrants born in Portugal, 2001-2013 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2001 2011 Source Chart by OEm, data from Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censos de Población e Vivienda 2001, 2011. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 113 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 114 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Glossary Acknowledgment Adapted from European Migration Network (2014), Asylum and Migration Glossary 3.0. A Tool for Better Comparability, Directorate General for Home Affairs, European Commission. The EMN Glossary has been developed by the European Migration Network (EMN). The European Commission and the National Contact Points, which collectively constitute the EMN, accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the use made of the information contained in this Glossary or of the content of the websites from which some terms are extracted. [LINK] Acquisition of citizenship Any mode of becoming a national, i.e., by birth or at any time after birth, automatic or non-automatic, based on attribution, declaration, option or application. Notes [1] Art. 3 (d) of Regulation (EC) No. 862/2007 (Migration Statistics Regulation) refers or relates to the acquisition of citizenship to those persons having their usual residence in the territory of the Member State and having acquired during the reference year the citizenship of the Member State and having formerly held the citizenship of another Member State or a third country or having formerly been a stateless person. [2] One of the possible ways of acquiring citizenship is through naturalisation, which refers more to the decision / administrative process by the relevant authorities for the granting of nationality. Citizenship The particular legal bond between an individual and their state, acquired by birth or naturalisation, whether by declaration, choice, marriage or other means according to national legislation. Notes [1] Whilst in some Member States a distinction is made between citizenship and nationality, in the EU context and for the purpose of this glossary, no distinction is made and the two terms are considered to be interchangeable. In countries which distinguish between citizenship and nationality, the term citizenship refers specifically to the legal rights and duties of nationals. The European Convention on Nationality, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Glossary and the EUDO Glossary on Citizenship and Nationality prefer the term “nationality”. [2] According to Art. 1 of the Hague Convention on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Law, 1930, it is for each State to determine under its own laws who are its nationals. [3] The tie of nationality confers individual rights and imposes obligations that a State reserves for its population. Nationality carries with it certain consequences as regards migration, such as the right of a State to protect its nationals against violations of their individual rights committed by foreign authorities (particularly by means of diplomatic protection), the duty to accept its nationals onto its territory, and the prohibition to expel them. Consular registration National citizens of a given country residing abroad and registered voluntarily at a consular office of the origin country. The registration is a consular act, whereby the identification of the national citizen is inscribed in the archives of the consular office of the area of jurisdiction in which the citizen is resident or lives occasionally. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 115 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Emigrant In the global context, a resident (national or alien) departing or exiting from one State intending to remain abroad for a period exceeding one year. In the EU context, a person who, having previously been usually resident in the territory of a Member State, ceases to have their usual residence in that Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months. Note National legislation might understand different time limits in their definitions. Emigration In the global context, the act of departing or exiting from one State with the intention to remain abroad for a period exceeding one year. In the EU context, the action by which a person, having previously been usually resident in the territory of a Member State, ceases to have their usual residence in that Member State or another Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months. Foreign population of a country All persons who have a certain country as their country of usual residence and who are citizens of another country. Immigrant In the global context, a non-resident (either national or alien) arriving in a State with the intention to remain for a period exceeding a year. In the EU context, a person who establishes their usual residence in the territory of a Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another Member State or a third country. Immigration In the global context, the act of arriving in a State with the intention to remain for a period exceeding one year. In the EU context, the action by which a person establishes their usual residence in the territory of a Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another Member State or a third country. Irregular migration Movement of persons to a new place of residence or transit that takes place outside the regulatory norms of the sending, transit and receiving countries. Notes [1] There is no universally accepted definition of irregular migration. From the perspective of destination countries it is entry, stay or work in a country without the necessary authorisation or documents required under immigration regulations. From the perspective of the sending country, the irregularity is, for example, seen in cases in which a person crosses an international boundary without a valid passport or travel document or does not fulfil the administrative requirements for leaving the country. There is, however, a tendency to restrict the use of the term to cases of smuggling of migrants and 116 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 trafficking in persons. [2] Defining irregular migration has been the subject of considerable debate. Terms such as illegal, undocumented, non-documented, and unauthorised migration can have different connotations in national policy debates. Due to this and the association with criminality the term “illegal migration” should be avoided, as most irregular migrants are not criminals. Being in a country without the required papers is, in most countries, not a criminal offence but an administrative infringement. [3] While the UN use the term “irregular” or “undocumented” migration, the European Commission favoured for a long time the term “illegal immigration”, but more recently refers to “irregular migration” as well. [4] The Council of Europe differentiates between illegal migration and irregular migrant. Referring to Resolution 1509 (2006) of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly, “illegal” is preferred when referring to a status or process, whereas “irregular” is preferred when referring to a person. Long-term migrant A person who moves to a country other than that of their usual residence for a period of at least a year (12 months), so that the country of destination effectively becomes their new country of usual residence. Migrant stock The number of migrants in a given area on a certain date (e.g. 1 January or 31 December) of the year in question. Migration In the global context, movement of a person either across an international border (international migration), or within a state (internal migration) for more than one year irrespective of the causes, voluntary or involuntary, and the means, regular or irregular, used to migrate. In the EU context, the action by which a person either: (i) establishes their usual residence in the territory of a Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months, having previously been usually resident in another Member State or a third country; or (ii) having previously been usually resident in the territory of a Member State, ceases to have their usual residence in that Member State for a period that is, or is expected to be, of at least 12 months. Notes [1] At the international level, no universally accepted definition for migration exists. [2] IOM defines migration as follows: “movement of a person or a group of persons, either across an international border (international migration), or within a state (internal migration), encompassing any kind of movement of people, whatever its length, composition and causes”. This broad definition covers all forms of migration (voluntary/forced migration, internal/international migration, longterm/short-term migration), different motives for migration (migration because of political persecution, conflicts, economic problems, environmental degradation or a combination of these reasons or migration in search of better economic conditions or conditions of survival or well-being, or other motives such as family reunification) and irrespective of the means used to migrate (legal/irregular migration). Thus it includes migration of refugees, displaced persons, economic migrants and persons moving for other purposes, including family reunification. [3] Under the UN, the definition “movements for shorter periods” would not be considered migration. Migration flow The number of migrants crossing a boundary, within a specific time period, for the purpose of establishing residence. OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 117 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Notes [1] The boundary can range from within national borders, within the EU and international boundaries, and can range from international migration flows (crossing national borders) and internal migration flows (within the same national border). [2] UN statistics in particular also refer to “inflows” (flow of migrants entering into a particular boundary) and “outflows” (flow of migrants leaving a particular boundary). Net migration The difference between immigration into and emigration from a given area during the year. Notes [1] Net migration is negative when the number of emigrants exceeds the number of immigrants. [2] Since many countries either do not have accurate figures on immigration and emigration or have no figures at all, net migration is frequently estimated as the difference between total population change and natural increase between two dates (in Eurostat”s database it is then called corrected net migration). The statistics on net migration are therefore affected by any statistical inaccuracies in any of the components used for their derivation. Population stock The inhabitants of a given area on a certain date (e.g. 31 December) of the year in question. Note The population is based either on data from the most recent census, adjusted by the components of population change produced since the last census, or on population registers. Remittances Personal remittances. Includes personal transfers and compensation of employees. Personal transfers consist of all current transfers made or received by resident households to or from nonresident households. Compensation of employees refers to the income of border, seasonal, and other short-term workers who are employed in an economy where they are not resident and of residents employed by nonresident entities. Short-term migrant A person who moves to a country other than that of their usual residence for a period of at least three months but less than a year (12 months) except in cases where the movement to that country is for purposes of recreation, holiday, visits to friends or relatives, business, medical treatment or religious pilgrimage. Stock of foreigners The number of foreign nationals in a given area on a certain date (e.g. 1 January or 31 December) of the year in question. Notes [1] The term is added because of the two methods used to calculate population stock. [2] Foreign stock can include migrants plus those born in a given area to foreign parents living in given area. Temporary migration Migration for a specific motivation and/or purpose with the intention that afterwards there will be a return to the country of origin or onward movement. 118 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Metadata www.observatorioemigracao.pt/np4/4093 [OEm_Factbook_2014_Metadata] Acquisition of citizenship Belgium All types of acquisition. Includes only foreigners who were living in Belgium when they got naturalised. Souce 2001-2012: OECD, International Migration Database, based on the Belgium National Statistical Office and Ministry of Justice. [LINK] Canada All types of acquisition. Data refers to country of birth, not to country of previous nationality. Persons who acquire Canadian citizenship may also hold other citizenships at the same time if allowed by the country of previous nationality. Application for citizenship can only be made by a permanent resident after living in Canada for at least three years (1,095 days) in the four years immediately preceding the apply date. Source 2001-2012: OECD, International Migration Database, based on Citizenship and Immigration Canada. [LINK] France All types of acquisition. Data by former nationality. Source 2001-2013: Ministère de L'Intérieure: immigration, intégration, asile et le dévelopment solidaire. [LINK] Germany Source 2001-2002: OECD, International Migration Database, based in Statistisches Bundesamt Deutshland. Source 2003-2013: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Einbürgerungen, Fachserie 1 Reihe 2.1, 2013, tabelle 3b. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] Italy Source 2003-2012: Eurostat, Statistics Database: population and social conditions, acquisition of citizenship by sex, age group and former citizenship. [LINK] Luxemburg All types of acquisition excluding those of children acquiring nationality as a consequence of the naturalisation of their parents. Source 2001-2013: Ministère de la Justice: chiffres clés statistiques en matière d'indigénat. [LINK] Netherlands Acquisition of Dutch citizenship other than by birth. Dutch citizenship can be obtained by law (including by adoption), by option, by naturalization (independent or co OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 119 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 naturalization) and by recognition. Source 2001-2013: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: statline database (Nationaliteitswijzigingen; geslacht, nationaliteit en regeling). [LINK] Norway Source 2001-2013: Statistics Norway: naturalizations by sex, age and earlier citizenship, 1977-2013. [LINK] Spain Includes only acquisitions on grounds of residence in Spain. Data corresponds to acquisition of citizenship whose resolution depends on the Dirección General de los Registros y del Notariado, Ministerio de Justicia. Source 2001-2013: Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigració: concesiones de nacionalidad española por residencia. [LINK] Switzerland Source 2001-2013: Office Fédéral de la Statistique: acquisition de la nationalité suisse selon la nationalité antérieure 1981-2013. [LINK] United Kingdom Source 2001-2003: OECD, International Migration Database, based in Government UK, Home Office. Source 2004-2013: Government UK, Home Office: immigration statistics, July to September 2014, citizenship grants by previous country of nationality. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] United States The conferring, by any means, of citizenship upon a person after birth. Data refers to the fiscal year ending 30 September of each (calendar) year indicated and starting on 1st October of the previous year. Source 2001-2013: US Department of Homeland Security, Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2004, table 32, persons naturalized by region and country of birth, fiscal years 1986-2004 (2001-2002), and Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013, table 21, persons naturalized by region and country of birth, fiscal years 2004 to 2013 (20032013). [LINK] Consular registrations All countries Voluntary registration of Portuguese and relatives in Portuguese consulates. Source 2012-2013 Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros, Direção-Geral dos Assuntos Consulares e das Comunidades Portuguesas (DGACCP), Portugal: information provided on request. Data available in each country page at Observatório da Emigração. [LINK] 120 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Foreign population Belgium Foreign population in the population annual register. Source 2013: Eurostat, based in the Belgium Direction Générale Statistique et Information Économique. [LINK] Canada Foreign population in the 2011 Canadian census. The data refers only to people with one nationality. People with two or more are excluded. In 2011 there were over 18,315 individuals born in Portugal who had a second nationality in addition to the Portuguese one. Source 2011: Statistics of Canada, National Household Survey 2011: citizenship (5), place of birth (236), immigrant status and period of immigration (11), age groups (10) and sex (3) for the population in private households of Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and census, agglomerations. [LINK] France Foreign population in the annual census. The data for census surveys is collected by the municipalities and monitored and organised by the national statistical office. Source 2010: Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE): NAT3B, population par catégorie socioprofessionnelle et nationalité. [LINK] Germany Foreig population registered in the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister). The number concerns individuals of foreign citizenship living in the country for at least three months and includes both those born outside Germany and those born in Germany. Source 2013: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland, Ausländische Bevölkerung, Fachserie 1 Reihe 2, 2013, tabelle 7, Ausländische Bevölkerung. [LINK] Italy Foreign population in the municipal registry offices. Source 2013: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica: resident foreigners. [LINK] Luxemburg Foreign population registered each year. Does not include visitors (less than three months) and cross-border workers. Source 2013: Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg: population par sexe et par nationalité. [LINK] Mozambique Foreign population in the Mozambique census. The data refers only to people with one nationality. People with two or more nationalities are excluded. Source 2007: Instituto Nacional de Estatística: information provided on request. [LINK] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 121 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Netherlands Foreign population in the population register. Data concerns 1st January of 2013. Source 2013: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: population; sex, age and nationality, 1st January. [LINK] Norway Foreign population in the population register. Excludes visitors (less than six months) and cross-border workers. Source 2013: Statistics Norway: population, by sex, age and citizenship. [LINK] Spain Foreign population in the population register. Data includes all registered foreign citizens no matters their administrative status. Source 2013: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Padron Municipal de habitantes: datos nacionales por CCAA y por provincias, población por nacionalidad, pais de nacimiento y sexo. [LINK] Switzerland Residence permits, including also people who stay in the country more than 12 months. Does not include seasonal or cross-border workers. Source 2013: Office Fédéral de la Statistique: population résidante permanente et non permanente selon le canton, le sexe, l'autorisation de résidence, la classe d'âge et la nationalité. [LINK] United Kingdom Estimates of the foreign population based on the Annual Population Survey (APS) which is the Labour Force Survey (LFS) plus various sample boosts. Source 2013: Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) /Labour Force Survey (LFS): population by country of birth and nationality (2.4. Estimated population of overseas nationals resident in the United Kingdom by sex, by nationality). [LINK] United States Estimates of the foreign population based on the annual American Community Survey. Source 2012: US Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Fact Finder, advanced search, race and ethnic groups, detailed groups [enter Portuguese], selected population profile in the United States, one year estimate. [LINK] Permanent inflows Belgium Foreigners holding a residence permit and intending to stay in the country for at least 3 months. Source 2001-2012 OECD, International Migration Database, based in the Belgium Direction Générale Statistique et Information Économique. [LINK] 122 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Brazil Foreigners holding permanent work permits, indexed to periods for at least 1 year, or temporary work permits, indexed to the periods of work contracts (which may be more than 1 year or less than 1 year). Source 2004-2013: Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, Coordenação Geral de Imigração (CGIg): autorizações concedidas a estrangeiros por país de origem. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3] [LINK 4] Canada Foreigners holding a permanent resident status. Source 2001-2003: OECD, International Migration Database, based in Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Source 20042013: Citizenship and Immigration Canada. permanent residents by source country. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] France Specific survey, in which estimate is based on the result of annual census survey sample of France. Since 2004 the new method is based in the following sample of lodgings: for the small departments (less than 10.000 habitants) one in five is registered, for the big departments a sample of 8% is registered every year. Source 2012: Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques: les immigrés récemment arrivés en France. [LINK] Germany All foreigners registered, each year, at the Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister) if they stay in Germany more than ninety days. Foreigners from outside EU hold a resident permit. The total foreign inflows include the number of foreigners born in Germany in the year in question. Source 2001-2004: OECD, International Migration Database, based in Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. Source 2005-2013: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland: Ausländische Bevölkerung, Ausländische Bevölkerung Fachserie 1 Reihe 2, 2013, tabelle 14. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] Italy Foreigners holding a residence permit (short-term and long-term). Long-term resident permits for EU citizens (more than 3 months) grant annual or biennial residence, according to the reason for their presence in Italy, renewable at the end of the expiration date. Source 2003-2012: OECD, International Migration Database, based in Italian Ministro dell'Interno. [LINK] Luxemburg Foreigners who arrived in the country, holding a resident permit and intending to stay for at least 3 months. Source 2001-2013: Le Portail des statistiques du Luxembourg: arrivées, 1967-2013. [LINK] Netherlands For EU citizens arriving in the Netherlands from another country with the intention of staying in the country for at least four months during the first six months following, registration is obligatory at the municipality where they are staying. Foreigners from OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 123 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 outside EU hold a resident permit that is valid for one year and can be renewed. All inflows are registered by country of birth. Source 2001-2013: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: statline database (population > migration and migrants), external migration; sex, age (31 dec), marital status and country of birth. [LINK] Norway Foreigners holding a resident or work permit and intending to stay in the country for at least 6 months. Source 2001-2013: Statistics Norway: immigration, emigration and net migration, by citizenship. [LINK] Spain Foreigners registered in the national Municipal Registers, Padron Municipal de Habitantes, and intending to stay in the country for at least 1 year. Source 2001-2013: INE España: estadística de variaciones residenciales, altas por país de nacionalidad sexo y edad. [LINK] Switzerland Foreigners holding a permanent or an annual resident permit. Holders of an LPermit (short duration) are also included if their stay in the country is longer than 12 months. Inflow includes also status change by citizenship. In 2014 the Office Fédéral de la Statistique altered the collection and recording method of accounting inflows in Switzerland. Source 20012013: Office Fédéral de la Statistique: immigration de la population résidante permanente selon la nationalité, 1991-2013. [LINK] United Kingdom Foreigner 16 and older who entered the country and were conceded a National Insurance Number (NIN) by the Department for Work and Pensions (social security system) because they are looking for work or already obtained employment. Source 2001: OECD, International Migration Database, based in estimates of international passenger survey from Office for National Statistics (UK). [LINK] United Kingdom Foreigner 16 and older who entered the country and were conceded a National Insurance Number (NIN) by the Department for Work and Pensions (social security system) because they are looking for work or already obtained employment. Source 20022013: Department for Work and Pensions: stat-explore. [LINK] United States Inflows correspond to permanent resident permit concessions (including status changes), by country of birth, in the fiscal year ending 30 September of each (calendar) year indicated and starting on 1st October of the previous year. Source 2001-2013: US Department of Homeland Security: Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2013 (table 3, persons obtaining lawful permanent resident status by region and country of birth: fiscal years 2004 to 2013). [LINK] 124 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Remittances All countries Personal remittances. Includes personal transfers and compensation of employees. Personal transfers consist of all current transfers made or received by resident households to or from nonresident households. Compensation of employees refers to the income of border, seasonal, and other short-term workers who are employed in an economy where they are not resident and of residents employed by nonresident entities. Source 20122013: World Bank, World DataBank, World Development Indicators. [LINK] Portugal Personal remittances. Includes personal transfers and compensation of employees. Personal transfers consist of all current transfers made or received by resident households to or from nonresident households. Compensation of employees refers to the income of border, seasonal, and other short-term workers who are employed in an economy where they are not resident and of residents employed by nonresident entities. Source 2012-2013: Banco de Portugal, Balance of Payment Statistics (BOP). [LINK] Stock of foreign-born Belgium Foreign-born population in population register. Source 2001-2012: OECD, International Migration Database, based in the Belgium Direction Générale Statistique et Information Économique. Source 2013: Eurostat, based in the national Direction Générale Statistique et Information Économique (Belgium). [LINK 1] [LINK 2] Brazil Foreign-born population in the 2000 and the 2010 Brasilian censuses. Source 2000 and 2010: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística: information provided on request. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] Canada Foreign-born population in the 2001, 2006 and the 2011 Canadian censuses. Source 2001, 2006, 2011: Statistics Canada, Place of Birth. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3] France Foreign-born population in the annual censuses. The data for census surveys is collected by the municipalities and monitored and organised by the national statistical office. Source 2005: Institut Nacional de la Statistique et des Études Économiques (INSEE): données socio-démographiques sur les étrangers et les immigrés, pays de naissance. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] [LINK 3] Germany Microcensus, based in the records of the national Central Register of Foreigners (Ausländerzentralregister). Data for those born in Portugal correspond to those who were born OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 125 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 outside Germany with Portuguese citizenship (the only available data). Source 2001-2013: Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland: Ausländische Bevölkerung, Fachserie 1 Reihe 2, 2013, tabelle 7 (2013). [LINK] Italy Source 2011-2012: OECD, International Migration Database based in Italian Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. [LINK] Luxemburg Foreign-born population in the 2001 Luxemburg census. Source 2001: Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg: population totale par sexe et groupe d'âge selon le pays de naissance 2001. Source 2011: Le Portail des Statistiques du Luxembourg: population par pays de naissance et situation socio-économique au 1er février 2011. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] Netherlands Foreign-born population in the Municipal Population Register. Data concerns 1st January of each year. Source 2001-2013: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek: statline database, population, persons (first generation background). [LINK] Norway Foreign-born population in the Central Population Register. Data concerns 1st January of each year. Source 2001-2013: Statistics Norway: immigrant and norwegian-born to immigrant parents. [LINK] Spain Foreign-born population in the Population Register. Data concerns 1st January of each year. Source 2001-2013: INE España, Padrón Municipal de Habitantes: datos nacionales por CCAA y por provincias, población por nacionalidad, pais de nacimiento y sexo. [LINK] Switzerland Foreign-born population in the censuses and residence permits. Until 2009 data concerning migrants born in Portugal relates to migrants born outside Switzerland with Portuguese citizenship (the only available data), excluding those born in Portugal with a foreign citizenship. Source 2005-2009: Office Fédéral de la Statistique: titulaires d'autorisation de séjour ou d'établissement selon la nationalité par pays, le lieu de naissance et la durée de résidence. [LINK] Switzerland Foreign-born population in the censuses and residence permits. From 2010 data concerns all migrants born in Portugal. Source 2010-2013: Office Fédéral de la Statistique: population résidante permanente et non permanente selon le canton, le sexe, la nationalité, le pays de naissance et l'âge. [LINK] 126 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 United Kingdom Estimates of foreign-born population based on the Annual Population Survey (APS) which is the Labour Force Survey (LFS) plus various sample boosts. Source 20012013: Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (APS) /Labour Force Survey (LFS), Population by country of birth and nationality (1.4. Estimated overseas-born population resident in the United Kingdom by sex, by country of birth). [LINK] United States Estimates of foreign-born population based inCurrent Population Survey. Source 2001-2013: US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey: Data Ferret, March supplement [select year], view variables, person variables, demographics, country of birth, person. [LINK] Venezuela Foreign-born population in the 2001 and the 2011 Venezuelan censuses. Source 2001: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censo de Población y Vivienda 2001 en REDATAM: población, población nacida en el exterior por año de llegada a Venezuela, según país de nacimiento. Source 2011: Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Censo 2011: unidades de observación, características de las personas, migración, migración toda la vida. [LINK 1] [LINK 2] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 127 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 References Baganha, Maria Ioannis, and José Carlos Marques (2001), “População”, in Nuno Valério (ed.) (2001), Estatísticas Históricas Portuguesas, vol. I, Lisbon, Instituto Nacional de Estatística, pp. 33-126. [LINK] Espírito Santo, Inês, and Rui Pena Pires (2014), “EUA”, Emigração Portuguesa por País, 2, Lisbon, Observatório da Emigração (CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL and DGACCP). [LINK] European Migration Network (2014), Asylum and Migration Glossary 3.0. A Tool for Better Comparability, European Migration Network. [LINK] Lemaitre, Georges (2005), “The comparability of international migration statistics. Problems and prospects”, OCDE, Statistics Brief, 9/2005. [LINK] OECD (2008), A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21st Century. Data from OECD Countries, OECD, Paris. [LINK] OECD (2013), International Migration Outlook 2013, Paris, OECD Publishing. [LINK] Pinho, Filipa, and Rui Pena Pires (2013), “Espanha”, Emigração Portuguesa por País, 1, Lisbon, Observatório da Emigração (CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL and DGACCP). [LINK] Pires, Rui Pena, Cláudia Pereira, and Inês Espírito Santo (2014), “Emigração Portuguesa na União Europeia. Os Dados dos Censos de 2011”, OEm Fact Sheets, 1, Lisbon, Observatório da Emigração (CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL and DGACCP). [LINK] Pires, Rui Pena, Cláudia Pereira, Joana Azevedo and Ana Cristina Ribeiro (2014),Emigração Portuguesa. Relatório Estatístico 2014, Lisbon, Observatório da Emigração (CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL and DGACCP) and Rede Migra. [LINK] Pires, Rui Pena, et al. (2011), Portugal: An Atlas of International Migration, Lisbon, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2011. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (1998), “Recommendations on statistics of international migration. Revision 1”, Statistical Papers Series M, no. 58, Rev. 1, New York, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistics Division. [LINK] United Nations Development Programme (2014), Human Development Report 2014. Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience, New York, United Nations Development Programme. [LINK] United States Department of Homeland Security (2006), Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2004, Washington, DC, US Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics. [LINK] 128 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 United States Department of Homeland Security (2013), Yearbook of Immigration Statistics 2012, Washington, DC, US Department of Homeland Security, Office of Immigration Statistics. [LINK] Vidigal, Inês, and Rui Pena Pires (2014), “Remessas 2014”, OEm Fact Sheets, 2, Observatório da Emigração (CIES-IUL, ISCTE-IUL and DGACCP) [DOI: 10.15847/CIESOEMFS022014]. [LINK] World Bank (2010), Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011, 2nd ed., Washington, The World Bank. [LINK] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 129 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Webography Banco de Portugal, BP Stat, Estatísticas de balança de pagamentos, Remessas de emigrantes/imigrantes. [LINK] Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (Holanda), Statline database. [LINK] Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Permanent Residents by Source Country. [LINK] Department for Work and Pensions, Stat-Explore, United Kingdom. [LINK] Eurostat, Statistics Database. [LINK] Government UK, Home Office, Immigration Statistics April-June 2013, Citizenship Grants by Previous Country of Nationality. [LINK] IBGE, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Base de Dados Agregados. [LINK] IMILA, Investigación Migración Internacional de Latinoamérica, Centro Latinoamericano e Caribeño de Población (CELADE), División de Población de la CEPAL, Santiago, Chile. [LINK] INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain), Estadística de Variaciones Rresidenciales (séries anuais). [LINK] INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain), Padrón municipal de habitants (séries anuais). [LINK] INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Venezuela), Censos de Población e Vivienda. [LINK] INE, Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Mozambique). [LINK] INE, Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Portugal). [LINK] INS, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Italy). [LINK] INSEE, Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (France), ÉtrangersImmigrés. [LINK] Ministère de l´intérieur (France), Immigration, asile, accueil et accompagnement des étrangers en France, L’accès à la nationalité française. [LINK] Ministère de la Justice (Luxemburgo), Chiffres clés statistiques en matière d'indigénat. [LINK] Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego (Brazil), Coordenação Geral de Imigração (CGIg). [LINK] Observatório da Emigração. [LINK] Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigración (Spain), Concesiones de nacionalidad española por residencia. [LINK] OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Database on Immigrants in OECD and non-OECD Countries, DIOC-E 2000-2001 and 2010-2011. [LINK] OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, International Migration Database. [LINK] Office Fédéral de la Statistique (Switzerland), Population. [LINK] 130 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom), Annual Population Survey (APS)/Labour Force Survey (LFS); Population by country of birth and nationality. [LINK] Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom), Nomis, Official Labour Market Statistics, 2011 Census Data for England and Wales. [LINK] Pordata, the Database of Contemporary Portugal. [LINK] Portail des statistiques du Luxembourg (Le), STATEC, Recensement de la population, Population et employ. [LINK] Portal das Comunidades Portuguesas. [LINK] Statistics Canada, Census. [LINK] Statistics Norway (Norway), Immigration and Immigrants. [LINK] Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland (Germany), Publikationen im Bereich Migration. [LINK] United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Reports. [LINK] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2013. Trends in International Migrant Stock: Migrants by Destination and Origin (United Nations database, POP/DB/MIG/Stock/Rev.2013). [LINK] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. [LINK] US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic (ASEC), March Supplement, Data Ferrett. [LINK] US Department of Homeland Security, Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. [LINK] World Bank, DataBank, World Development Indicators. [LINK] World Bank, Global Bilateral Migration. [LINK] World Bank, Migration and Remittances, Bilateral Migration Matrix 2010. [LINK] World Bank, Migration Data, Migration Database with Age of Entry, 1900-2000, Aggregate Data. [LINK] OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt 131 PORTUGUESE EMIGRATION FACTBOOK 2014 132 OEm Observatório da Emigração | www.observatorioemigracao.pt oem The Observatório da Emigração (OEm) is based at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL), at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). www.observatorioemigracao.pt ISBN: 978-989-20-5329-5