width=1 - LxMLS 2016
width=1 - LxMLS 2016
VI Lisbon Machine Learning School LxMLS 2016 Lisboa, 21–28 July, 2016 Sponsors Gold sponsor: Bronze sponsor: Partners: Silver sponsor: Demo Day sponsor: Official carrier: Organization LxMLS 2016 Organizers: Bruno Martins (IST, INESC-ID) Fernando Batista (ISCTE-IUL, INESC-ID) Mariana Almeida (Priberam, IT) Mário Figueiredo (IST, IT) Ramón Astudillo (Unbabel) Organization Steering Commitee: André Martins (Unbabel, IT) Fernando Pereira (Google) Isabel Trancoso (IST, INESC-ID) João Graça (Unbabel) Luis Sarmento (Amazon) Mário Figueiredo (IST, IT) Technical Staff LxMLS 2016 Monitors: Carla Viegas Chris Hokamp Daniel Ferreira David Buchaca Prats David Semedo Fabio N. Kepler Fernando Batista Gustavo H. Paetzold Inês Almeida Marta Garnelo Norberto Gutiérrez Nut Limsopatham Pedro Balage Rubén Solera Sam Hopkins Silvio Moreira Sophie Song Tilia Ellendorff Zita Marinho O campus Alameda situa-se numa das zonas mais centrais de Lisboa, beneficiando de uma ampla rede pública de transportes. Na sua proximidade, encontram-se inúmeros espaços comerciais, de lazer, cultura, entretenimento, e desporto. Campus Map DemoDay Lunch Lectures Lunch Welcome Reception Afternoon labs Endereço postal Today’s Schedule 9:00–10:30 Morning Lecture 1: Probability Theory Refresher 10:30–11:00 Coffee Break 11:00–12:30 Morning Lecture 2: Introduction to Python 12:30–14:00 Lunch (use the tickets provided in your envelope!) 14:00–17:00 Afternoon Labs 17:00 Welcome Reception Practical Info WiFi access: Use eduroam, if you have it Alternative: X Network: tecnico-guest X Username: lxmls2016 X Password: qvjcVb Practical Info WiFi access: Use eduroam, if you have it Alternative: X Network: tecnico-guest X Username: lxmls2016 X Password: qvjcVb See the website for more info (schedule, speakers, ...): http://lxmls.it.pt Practical Info WiFi access: Use eduroam, if you have it Alternative: X Network: tecnico-guest X Username: lxmls2016 X Password: qvjcVb See the website for more info (schedule, speakers, ...): http://lxmls.it.pt If you haven’t done so, join the LxMLS 2016 Google group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lxmls-2016-participants Practical Info WiFi access: Use eduroam, if you have it Alternative: X Network: tecnico-guest X Username: lxmls2016 X Password: qvjcVb See the website for more info (schedule, speakers, ...): http://lxmls.it.pt If you haven’t done so, join the LxMLS 2016 Google group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lxmls-2016-participants Saturday evening: LxMLS banquet at Casa do Alentejo (directions on the LxMLS website) Practical Info WiFi access: Use eduroam, if you have it Alternative: X Network: tecnico-guest X Username: lxmls2016 X Password: qvjcVb See the website for more info (schedule, speakers, ...): http://lxmls.it.pt If you haven’t done so, join the LxMLS 2016 Google group: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/lxmls-2016-participants Saturday evening: LxMLS banquet at Casa do Alentejo (directions on the LxMLS website) Monday afternoon: Demo Day (details on the LxMLS website) Enjoy LxMLS 2016 and enjoy Lisbon!
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