Curriculum Vitae | Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva


Curriculum Vitae | Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva
Curriculum Vitae | Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva
Pliensbachian Source Rock interval in the Asturias Basin (Spain)
Curriculum Vitae
Table of Contents
1 | Academic record ............................................................................................................................... 3
2 | Participation in Scientific Projects and Research Groups ............................................................ 4
2.1. Research funding
3 | Collaboration in National and International meetings ................................................................... 7
4 | Scientific production and teaching/mentorship ............................................................................. 8
4.1. Referee of international journals
4.2. Contributions to published papers acknowledged by the authors
4.3. Editorial Responsibilities
4.4. Peer-reviewed papers in international and national journals and books indexed to international
data bases
4.5. Peer-reviewed abstracts of international meetings published in international journals (indexed to
JCR with impact factor)
4.6. Book chapters
4.7. Scientific Reports
4.8. Workshop books and related publications
4.9. Field trip guide books
4.10. Abstracts published in Abstract and Proceedings of Scientific meetings
4.10.1. Extended abstracts
4.10.2. Regular abstracts
4.10.3 .Oral presentations in scientific meetings
4.11. Invited Conference presentations
4.12. Teaching
4.13. Member of supervisory and/or examining committees
4.14. Student supervision
5 | Awards ............................................................................................................................................. 27
6 | Training (main events attended) .................................................................................................... 28
7 | Some Extra-curricular activities related with Geology ................................................................ 28
8 | Skills and competences.................................................................................................................. 30
8.1. Language Skills
8.2. Informatics skills (including Petroleum Geological Software)
8.3. Social and organizational skills and competencies
8.4. Other skills
9 | Driver licence................................................................................................................................... 32
10 | Hobbies .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 1
Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
RICARDO FERREIRA LOURO SILVA is the eldest son of Edviges da Conceição Dias Ferreira and José Alberto Soares Louro Silva
(deceased), and he was born on May 4th 1982 at S. Jorge de Arroios, Lisbon, Portugal.
Department of Earth Sciences,
Room 3060, Life Science Center,
Dalhousie University
Halifax NS B3H 4R2
Tel: +1 902 494 8019
Fax: +1 902 494 6889
E-mail: [email protected]
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 2
Curriculum Vitae
1 | Academic record
Post-doctoral Fellow at the Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University.
Adjunct (Scholar), Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University
PhD in Geology Summa cum laude: Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal. Theme: Jurassic organic-rich carbonate series of
the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Paleoenvironmental interpretation. Supervised by
Professor Luís Vítor Duarte and Professor Ana Cristina Azerêdo from Coimbra and Lisbon universities. Date of defense:
19 July, 2013.
Sedimentology; Mineralogy; Petrography; Palaeontology; Ichnology; Biostratigraphy; Sequence Stratigraphy;
Palynofacies; Elemental, Isotopic and Organic Geochemistry; Hydrocarbons research; carbonated series; black shales;
Jurassic; Lusitanian Basin.
International research internships:
University Complutense of Madrid: Biostratigraphy (ammonites, Professor María José Comas-Rengifo);
University of Cardiff: Elemental and Isotopic geochemistry (carbon and oxygen isotopes);
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro: Organic Geochemistry and Palynofacies (Professor João Graciano Mendonça
PhD fellowship SFRH/BD/47362/2008: Science and Technology Foundation from the Science, Technology and Education
Ministry of the Portuguese Republic (four year fellowship, starting of 1st March, 2009). Placed second in the Earth and
Space Sciences research area.
BSc in Geology: Coimbra University, Earth Sciences Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Coimbra, Portugal.
Final classification of 17 values (out of 20). Highest final score in 25 years in the Department.
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 3
Curriculum Vitae
2 | Participation in Scientific Projects and Research Groups
Co-leader (with Dr. Grant Wach) of the Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic Margin Consortium:
Dalhousie University, BP Canada Energy Group ULC, Husky Energy, Repsol Energy North America Corporation,
Shell Canada Limited, Suncor Energy
Participant in the International GeoScience Program (IGCP) Project No.: 632 Continental Crises of the Jurassic: Major
Extinction Events and Environmental Changes within Lacustrine Ecosystems. International GeoScience Program
is one of UNESCO’s scientific programs also supported by IUGS. [Co-applicant with Jingeng Sha (leader)].
EBSCO, GeoRef, SciELO, DOAJ, Latindex e SCIRUS), special issue 1 of the commemorative volume 100, entitled
Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos,
sedimentológicos e geoquímicos.
Post-Doctoral Fellow of the Basin and Reservoir Lab, Department of Earth Sciences, Dalhousie University.
Collaborator member of the international research Group IMAR-CMA, Coimbra University.
Current scientific collaborations include the Universities of Coimbra (L.V. Duarte, Portugal), Lisbon (A.C. Azerêdo, Portugal),
Moulay Ismail-Meknes (Driss Sadki, Morocco); Complutense of Madrid (M.J. Comas-Rengifo, Spain), Lyon 1 (E. Mattioli,
France), Federal of Rio de Janeiro (J.G. Mendonça Filho, Brasil), the Museo del Jurásico de Asturias (J.C. GarcíaRamos, Spain), BP Angola (N. Pocas Ribeiro, Angola), UNISIM/CEPETRO (G. Correia, Brazil), among others.
Researcher on the project PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008 “High-resolution stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic organic-rich
marine series in the Lusitanian Basin”, funded by the Science and Technology Foundation (Science, Technology and
Education Ministry of the Portuguese Republic) and coordinated by Professor Luís V. Duarte.
Collaboration (several meetings and co-coordination of a field-trip) with the Porto Energy Corp., Sorgenia International B.V.
and Rohöl-Aufsuchungs Aktiengesellschaft, in the form of a consortium (MSR Consortium), aiming to assess the
unconventional resource potential of the Lower Jurassic shale interval in the Lusitanian Basin.
Researcher on the Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry Group, Environmental Organic Geochemistry research line.
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Leaders: Professor João Graciano Mendonça Filho and Dr. Tais Freitas da Silva.
Collaborator member of the IMAR-CMA, Coimbra University.
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 4
Curriculum Vitae
Collaborator member of the IMAR-CMA, Coimbra University.
Collaborator member of the Centro de Geologia, Lisbon University.
Collaboration with Selma Sofia Martins Lima, Geosciences Centre of the University of Coimbra, in field and sampling works
related to her PhD research.
Technician fellowship of the project PDCTE/CTA/44907/2002 “Singular episodes and stratigraphical limits: Searching for high
resolution records in the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)”, funded by the Science and Technology Foundation
(Science, Technology and Education Ministry of the Portuguese Republic) and coordinated by Professor Ana Cristina
Collaborator member of the Centro de Geologia, Lisbon University.
Collaborated in field work conducted in Portugal and Northern Spain, related to the bilateral cooperation project between the
Portuguese Universities Deans Council and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, “E-2/05 –
Palaeontological characterization (Ammonoidea, Brachiopoda and calcareous Nanofossils) and geochemical signatures
of the transition Sinemurian-Pliensbachian in Iberia. Elements of comparison and correlation”, coordinated by Professor
Luís Vítor Duarte and Professor Maria José Comas-Rengifo.
2.1. Research funding
Dalhousie University, BP Canada Energy Group ULC, Husky Energy, Repsol Energy North America Corporation, Shell
Canada Limited, Suncor Energy - Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic Margin Consortium.
CAD$ ~1,200,000.000
Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD) and Irish Shelf Petroleum Study Group (ISPSG) Project IS13/16 - Source Rock and
Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic Margin
CAD$ 224,000.000
Post-doctoral Fellowship: Basin and Reservoir Lab, Department of earth Sciences, Dalhousie University.
CAD$ 210,000.000
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 5
Curriculum Vitae
Offshore Energy Research Association of Nova Scotia (OERA) - Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Scotian Basin
CAD$ 195,000.000
Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Energy Innovation Research Grant [Co-applicant with Natasha Morrison and Dr. Grant Wach
(Dalhousie University)]
CAD$ 10,000.000
Shell Experiential Learning Fund (SELF): The record of the Early Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAE) in the Scotian
Basin (offshore Nova Scotia, Canada) [Co-applicant with Naomi Plummer and Dr. Grant Wach (Dalhousie University)]
CAD$ 3,500.000
Science and Technology PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008 “High-resolution stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic organic-rich marine
series in the Lusitanian Basin”, [Co-applicant with Dr. Luis V. Duarte (Coimbra University)]
EUR€ 150,000.000
PhD research fellowship: Science and Technology Foundation from the Science, Technology and Education Ministry of the
Portuguese Republic.
EUR€ 126,280.000
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 6
Curriculum Vitae
3 | Collaboration in National and International meetings
Co-leader (with Professor Grant Wach) of the 2st Field Trip and Core Workshop of the Source Rock and Geochemistry of the
Central Atlantic Margin Consortium.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the IX Portuguese National Geological Meeting/II Geological Meeting of Portuguese
speaking countries.
Co-leader (with Professor Grant Wach) of the 1st Field Trip and Core Workshop of the Source Rock and Geochemistry of the
Central Atlantic Margin Consortium.
Co-Coordinator of a field-trip in the IX Portuguese National Geological Meeting/II Geological Meeting of Portuguese speaking
Co-Coordinator of the field-trip “The Lower Jurassic at Peniche (Lusitanian Basin). Recent advances in stratigraphy and
sedimentary geology” for the international meeting Strati2013.
Co-Coordinator of the Workshop “Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica
ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos”, Coimbra
Co-Coordinator of the Field Trip “The Lower Jurassic of the west coast of Portugal: stratigraphy and organic matter in
carbonate sedimentation” associated with the Training Course in Dispersed Organic Matter (DOM), International
Committee for Coal and organic Petrology, 63rd ICCP Annual Meeting, wielded in Porto (Portugal)
Collaborator of the Training Course in Dispersed Organic Matter (DOM) organized by the International Committee for Coal
and organic Petrology in association with the 63rd ICCP Annual Meeting, wielded in Porto (Portugal)
Co-Organizer of the Workshop: “Sedimentação orgânica e carbonatada. Do Paleozóico ao Recente”, wielded in Peniche
Co-Coordinator of the Field Trip associated with the X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa/XVI
Semana de Geoquímica wielded in Porto (Portugal)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 7
Curriculum Vitae
4 | Scientific production and teaching/mentorship
4.1. Referee of international journals
Paleoceanography (2013 Impact Factor: 3.918)
Sedimentary Geology (2013 Impact Factor: 2.134)
Comunicações Geológicas (national journal)
4.2. Contributions to published papers acknowledged by the authors
1. Izumi, K., Rodríguez-Tovar, F.J., Piñuela, L., García-Ramos, J.C., 2014. Substrate-independent feeding mode of the
ichnogenus Phymatoderma from the Lower Jurassic shelf-sea deposits of central and western Europe. Sedimentary
Geology, 312, 19–30 (2013 Impact Factor: 2.134)
2. Lima, S.M., Neiva, A.M.R., Ramos J.M.F., 2013. Adakitic-like magmatism in western Ossa-Morena Zone (Portugal):
geochemical and isotopic constraints of the Pavia pluton. Lithos, 160-161, 98–116 (2012 Impact Factor: 3.779)
3. Lima, S.M., Corfu, F., Neiva, A.M.R., Ramos J.M.F., 2012. Dissecting Complex Magmatic Processes: an in-depth U–Pb Study
of the Pavia Pluton, Ossa–Morena Zone, Portugal. Journal of Petrology, 53 (9), 1887-1911 (2012 Impact Factor: 4.714)
4.3. Editorial Responsibilities
4. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C. (Eds). Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia
Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100,
volume especial I. (indexed to Elsevier-Scopus & GEOBASE, EBSCO, GeoRef, SciELO, DOAJ, Latindex e SCIRUS)
4.4. Peer-reviewed papers in international and national journals and books indexed to international data bases
Metrics (1st of June 2015)
Citation indices taken from Google Scholar
Since 2010
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 8
Curriculum Vitae
In preparation (* - student)
5. Silva, R.L., Plummer, T.*, Wach, G., Sedore, P*. in prep. The carbon isotopic record of the Aptian-Albian in the Nova Scotia
offshore (Scotian Basin, Canada). To be submitted to Paleo3 (* - student)
6. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., in prep. Kerogen carbon and nitrogen isotopic record of the Sinemurian in the Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). To be submitted to Earth and Planetary science Letters (* - student)
7. Silva, R.L., Paredes, R.*, Duarte, L.V., in prep. The oxygen and carbon isotopic record of Gryphaea spp. shells from the
Sinemurian of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). To be submitted to Chemical Geology (* - student)
8. Campbell, T.*, Silva, R.L., Richards, B., Eliuk, L., Wach, G., Interpretation of the Penobscot 3D Seismic Volume Using
Constrained Sparse Spike Inversion, Sable sub-Basin, Offshore Nova Scotia. Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014 Impact
Factor: 2.639) (* - student)
9. Silva, R.L. and Duarte, L.V., 2015. Organic matter production and preservation in the Lusitanian Basin and Late
Pliensbachian climatic hot snaps. Global and Planetary Changes 131, 24–34 (2014 Impact Factor: 2.766)
10. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, 2015. Chapter 13. Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of Lower Jurassic carbonate
deposits, Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): Implications and limitations to the application in sequence stratigraphic studies. In:
Ramkumar, M. (Ed). Chemostratigraphy: concepts, techniques, and applications. Elsevier, pp. 341-371.
11. Cabral, M.C., Colin, J-P., Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2015. Brackish and marine ostracode assemblages from
the Sinemurian of western Portugal, with description of new species. Micropaleontology 61, 3-24 (2013 Impact Factor:
Web of Science® Citations: 0
Citations: 0
12. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, T.F., Duarte, L.V., 2014. Palynofacies and TOC analysis of marine
and non-marine sediments across the Middle-Upper Jurassic boundary in the central-northern Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). Facies, 60, 255–276 (2013 Impact Factor: 1.338)
Web of Science® Citations: 4
Citations: 7
13. Duarte, L. V., Comas-Rengifo, M. J., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R.*, Goy, A., 2014. Carbon isotope stratigraphy and ammonite
biochronostratigraphy across the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary in the western Iberian margin. Bulletin of
Geosciences, 89, 719–736 (2013 Impact Factor: 1.495) (* - student)
Web of Science® Citações: 0
Citações: 0
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 9
Curriculum Vitae
14. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2013. Optical and geochemical characterization of Upper Sinemurian (Lower
Jurassic) fossil wood from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Geochemical Journal, 47, 489–498. (2013 Impact Factor:
Web of Science® Citations: 0
15. Poças Ribeiro, N.*, Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça, J.O., Silva, T.F., 2013. Palynofacies and
Organic Geochemistry of the Sinemurian carbonate deposits in the western Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): Coimbra and
Água de Madeiros Formations. International Journal of Coal Geology. International Journal of Coal Geology, 111, 37–52
(2013 Impact Factor: 3.313) (* - student)
Web of Science® Citations: 8
Citations: 11
16. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., 2013. A sedimentação margo-calcária
rica em matéria orgânica do Pliensbaquiano da Bacia Lusitânica: estratigrafia integrada e evolução paleoambiental. In:
Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C. (Eds). Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia
Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100,
volume especial I, 83–87
17. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Duarte, L.V., 2013. Palinofácies e caracterização de matéria orgânica da
Formação de Cabaços (Bacia Lusitânica): contributos para a discriminação das dinâmicas paleobiológicas e
paleoambientais em meios carbonatados dominantemente não-marinhos. In: Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C.
(Eds). Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia Lusitânica. Novos contributos
paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100, volume especial I, 113–118
18. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Cabral, M.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Correia, G.*, Ferreira,
R.*, Loureiro, I.M., Paredes, R.*, Pereira, A., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, 2013. O Projecto PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008 Estratigrafia de alta resolução das séries carbonatadas marinhas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico Inferior da
Bacia Lusitânica: Perspectivas iniciais e resultados obtidos. In: Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C. (Eds). Fácies
carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos,
sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100, volume especial I, 7–13 (* - student)
19. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2013. Variação do COT e pirólise Rock-Eval do Jurássico Inferior da região
de S. Pedro de Moel (Portugal). Potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos. In Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C.
(Eds) Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia Lusitânica. Novos contributos
paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100, volume especial I, 107–111
20. Cabral, M.C., Azerêdo, A.C., Colin, J-P, Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2013. Associações de ostracodos da Formação de
Coimbra (Sinemuriano) de S. Pedro de Moel (Bacia Lusitânica): valor paleoecológico e paleobiogeográfico. In Duarte,
L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C.. (Eds) Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 10
Curriculum Vitae
Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100,
volume especial I, 43–47 (* - student)
21. Correia, G,* Duarte, L.V., Pereira, A.C., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2013. Utilização da espectrometria de raios
gama na caracterização das fácies ricas em matéria orgânica do Sinemuriano-Pliensbaquiano da Bacia Lusitânica. In
Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C. (Eds) Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia
Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100,
volume especial I, 77–82 (* - student)
22. Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Duarte, L.V., Goy, A., Paredes, R.*, Silva, R.L., 2013. El Sinemuriense Superior (cronozonas
Oxynotum y Raricostatum) en la región de S. Pedro de Moel (Cuenca Lusitánica, Portugal). In Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L.
and Azerêdo, A.C. (Eds) Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da Bacia Lusitânica. Novos
contributos paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100, volume especial I, 15–
19 (* - student)
23. Mendonça Filho, J. G., Silva, T.F., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, 2013. Distribuição dos biomarcadores
hopanóides e sua relação com a matéria orgânica nas séries jurássicas de S. Pedro de Moel, Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal).
In Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. and Azerêdo, A.C.. (Eds) Fácies carbonatadas ricas em matéria orgânica do Jurássico da
Bacia Lusitânica. Novos contributos paleontológicos, sedimentológicos e geoquímicos. Comunicações Geológicas, 100,
volume especial I, 101-105 (* - student)
24. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., da Silva, F.S., Duarte, L.V., Silva, T.F., Ferreira, R.*, Azerêdo, A.C. 2012. Can
biogeochemistry aid in the palaeoenvironmental/early diagenesis reconstruction of the ~187 Ma (Pliensbachian) organicrich hemipelagic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)?. Bulletin of Geosciences, 87, 373–382 (2013 Impact Factor:
1.495) (* - student)
Web of Science® Citations: 3
Citations: 7
25. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, Chagas, R.B.A.*, 2012. High-resolution stratigraphy,
Palynofacies and source rock potential of the Água de Madeiros Formation (Upper Sinemurian) of the Lusitanian Basin,
Portugal. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 35 (2), 105–126 (2013 Impact Factor: 1.525) (* - student)
Web of Science® Citations: 12
Citations: 21
26. Correia, G.G.*, Duarte, L.V., Pereira, A., Silva, R.L., 2012. Outcrop gamma-ray spectrometry: Applications to the
Sinemurian–Pliensbachian organic-rich facies of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Journal of Iberian Geology, 38 (2), 373388 (2013 Impact Factor: 0.875) (* - student)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 11
Curriculum Vitae
27. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., 2011. Update of the carbon and
oxygen isotopic records of the Early–Late Pliensbachian (Early Jurassic, ~187 Ma): Insights from the organic-rich
hemipelagic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Chemical Geology, 283, 177–184. (2013 Impact Factor: 3.482)
Web of Science® Citations: 15
Citations: 22
28. Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Cabral, M.C., 2010. Subtidal stromatolites from the Sinemurian of the Lusitanian
Basin (Portugal). Facies, 56, 211–230 (2013 Impact Factor: 1.338)
Web of Science® Citations: 8
Citations: 12
29. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Oliveira, L.C.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Silva, F., 2010. Organic-rich facies in the Sinemurian and
Pliensbachian of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal: Total Organic Carbon distribution and relation to transgressiveregressive facies cycles. Geologica Acta, 8 (3), 325-340 (2013 Impact Factor: 1.483)
Web of Science® Citations: 20
Citations: 39
4.5. Peer-reviewed abstracts of international meetings published in international journals (indexed to JCR with impact factor)
30. Silva, R.L., Duarte. L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., da Silva, F.S., Silva, T.F., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., 2011. Recognition of
mucilage and microbial events on the Early–Late Pliensbachian (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal). Mineralogical Magazine,
75 (3), 1875 (2012 Impact Factor: 2.212)
31. Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Silva, R.L., Oliveira, L.C.V., 2011. Rock-Eval pyrolysis of the Água de Madeiros
Formation (Lower Jurassic) from the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3), 785 (2012 Impact
Factor: 2.212)
32. Correia, G.G.*, Duarte, L.V., Pereira, A.C., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2011. Spectral Gamma-ray applications to
marine organic-rich sediments of the Lower Jurassic of Portugal. Mineralogical Magazine, 75 (3), 696 (2012 Impact
Factor: 2.212) (* - student)
33. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Azerêdo, A.C. and Ferreira, R.*, 2010. Organic-rich
facies of the top Ibex–Margaritatus zones (Pliensbachian) of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): TOC and biomarkers variation.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74 (12-S1), A962 (2012 Impact Factor: 3.884) (* - student)
Web of Science® Citations: 4
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 12
Curriculum Vitae
34. Oliveira, L.C.V, Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Rodrigues R., 2009. Belemnite δ18O and δ13C record of the Lusitanian Basin
Pliensbachian carbonate series (Portugal). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73 (13S), A969 (2012 Impact Factor:
Web of Science® Citations: 3
4.6. Book chapters
35. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Cabral, M.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Correia, G.*, Ferreira,
R.*, Loureiro, I.M.*, Paredes, R.*, Pereira, A., Poças Ribeiro., N.*, 2014. Advances in the Stratigraphy and Geochemistry
of the Organic-Rich Lower Jurassic Series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). In Rocha, R., Pais, J., Kullberg, J.C.,
Finney, S. (Eds.). STRATI 2013. First International Congress on Stratigraphy at the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy,
Springer. pp. 841-846 (* - student)
36. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Azerêdo, A.C., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2011. Sedimentological and geochemical contributes to the
modeling of the Portuguese oil systems: the Jurassic organic-rich facies of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) (translated
from Portuguese). Contributos sedimentológicos e geoquímicos para a modelação dos sistemas petrolíferos
portugueses: as séries jurássicas ricas em matéria orgânica da Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal). Modelação de Sistemas
Geológicos, Laboratório de Radioactividade Natural da Universidade de Coimbra, pp. 383–391
37. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Poças Ribeiro, N., Ferreira, F.*, 2011. Chapter 8: Case Studies (Dispersed
Organic Matter). Lusitanian Basin: Geological setting, stratigraphy and organic matter record in the Lower Jurassic
hemipelagic deposits of the Lusitanian Basin. In Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), ICCP Training Course on Dispersed
Organic Matter, ICCP Training program Commission I, Porto, Portugal, pp. 107–118 (* - student)
38. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Duarte, C.B.*, Azerêdo, A.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J. 2008. Lithostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic
of the S. Pedro de Moel area (Lusitanian Basin) (translated from Portuguese). Litostratigrafia do Jurássico Inferior da
região de S. Pedro de Moel (Bacia Lusitânica). In: Callapez, P. M., Rocha, R. B., Marques, J. F., Cunha, L. S. & Dinis.
P.M. (Eds). A Terra, Conflitos e Ordem. Homenagem ao Professor Ferreira Soares. Museu Lab. Mineral Geol. Univ.
Coimbra, pp. 175–185 (* - student)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 13
Curriculum Vitae
4.7. Scientific Reports
39. Duarte, L. V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Cabral, M.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Correia, G.*, Loureiro,
I.M.*, Paredes, R.*, Pereira, A., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, Caniço, A.*, Carvalho, C. 2012. Relatório de Execução Científica do
Projecto PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008: “Estratigrafia de alta resolução das séries marinhas ricas em matéria orgânica
do Jurássico Inferior da Bacia Lusitânica”. Final status: Approved (* - student)
40. Azerêdo, A.C. (coord.), Cabral, M.C., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Loureiro, I.M.*, Pinto, S.V., Martins, M.J. 2010. Special
events and stratigraphical boundaries: searching for high-resolution records in the Jurassic of the Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). Final report of the Project PDCTE/CTA/44907/2002, financed by the Science and Technology Foundation
from the Science, Technology and Education Ministry of the Portuguese Republic. Final status: Approved (* - student)
4.8. Workshop books and related publications
41. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R.*, 2012 (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in the carbonated Jurassic series of the
Lusitanian Basin: from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential. (translated from Portuguese).
Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de
geração de hidrocarbonetos, Conimbriga, Portugal, IMAR-CMA, 34 pp.. ISBN: (versão impressa) 978-989-97997-0-7 (*
- student)
42. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R.*, 2012 (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in the carbonated Jurassic series of the
Lusitanian Basin: from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential. (translated from Portuguese).
Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de
geração de hidrocarbonetos, Conimbriga, Portugal, IMAR-CMA, 34 pp.. ISBN: (versão digital) 978-989-97997-1-4 (* student)
43. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., 2010 (Coords), Workshop Organic and carbonate sedimentation. From Paleozoic to Recent
(translated from Portuguese). Workshop Sedimentação orgânica e carbonatada. Do Paleozóico ao Recente, Peniche,
Portugal, pp. 9
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 14
Curriculum Vitae
4.9. Field trip guide books
44. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2014. Unidades potencialmente geradoras de hidrocarbonetos do Jurássico
Inferior da região de S. Pedro de Moel (Bacia Lusitânica, Portugal). Field Trip Guide book of the IX Congresso Nacional
de Geologia (IX CNG)/ 2º Congresso de Geologia dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (2º CoGePLiP)
45. Wach, G., Silva, R.L., 2014. Source Rock And Geochemistry Of The Central Atlantic Margins. Field And Core Workshop
#1 Petroleum Systems Of The Maritimes, Fundy & Scotian Basins. Source Rock and Geochemistry of the Central Atlantic
Margins Consortia Field Trip. 102 pp.
46. Duarte, L.V., Mattioli, E, Rocha, R.B. and Silva, R.L., 2013 (Co-ordinators). The Lower Jurassic at Peniche (Lusitanian
Basin). Recent advances in stratigraphy and sedimentary geology. Strati 2013 Field Trip Guide Book
47. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2011. The Lower Jurassic of the west coast of Portugal: stratigraphy and
organic matter in carbonate sedimentation. In Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), 63rd Annual meeting of the International
Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology - Field Trip Guide Book, Memórias nº 17, 42 pp.
48. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Oliveira, L.C. 2010. Geochemical evidences from the Lower Jurassic of
Peniche (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): state of the art and future perspectives (translated from Portuguese). Evidências
geoquímicas do Jurássico Inferior de Peniche (Bacia Lusitânica, Portugal): Estado de arte e perspectivas futuras. In
Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa/XVI Semana de
Geoquímica, Memórias 15, pp. 3-24
49. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. 2010. Integrated stratigraphy, facies and cyclicity of the carbonated lower Jurassic of Peniche
(translated from Portuguese). Estratigrafia integrada, fácies e ciclicidade do Jurássico Inferior carbonatado de Peniche.
In: Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L. (Coords), Workshop “Sedimentação orgânica e carbonatada. Do Paleozóico ao Recente”,
Peniche, 15–16 de Setembro de 2010, p. 8
4.10. Abstracts published in Abstract and Proceedings of Scientific meetings
4.10.1. Extended abstracts
50. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Silva, T.F., Azerêdo, A.C., 2010. The organic geochemistry as a tool in the
palaeoceanographic characterization of the Pliensbachian of the Lusitanian Basin: advances and new goals (translated
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 15
Curriculum Vitae
from Portuguese). A geoquímica orgânica como ferramenta na caracterização paleoceanográfica do Pliensbaquiano da
Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal): avanços e novas metas. Actas X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua
Portuguesa/XVI Semana de Geoquímica, Porto. In: Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), Actas X Congresso de Geoquímica
dos Países de Língua Portuguesa/XVI Semana de Geoquímica, Porto, Portugal, Memórias 14, pp. 381–387 (cd volume)
51. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C. 2010. Contrasts between the two main Jurassic source rocks
in the western margin of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). In: Pena dos Reis, R, Pimentel, N (Eds.), II Central & North
Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference. Extended Abstracts, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 261–265
52. Ferreira, R.*, Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça, J.O., 2010. Organofaciological variation in the
organic-rich succession of the Pliensbachian of Peniche (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal) (translated from Portuguese).
Variação organofaciológica na sucessão rica em matéria orgânica do Pliensbaquiano de Peniche (Bacia Lusitânica,
Portugal). In Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), Actas X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa/XVI
Semana de Geoquímica, Porto, Portugal, Memórias nº 14, 301–308 (cd volume) (* - student)
53. Ferreira, R.*, Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça, J.O. 2010. Hydrocarbon generation potential of
the Pliensbachian organic-rich series of Peniche (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): An organopetrographic and thermal
maturation assessment integrated analysis. In: Pena dos Reis, R, Pimentel, N (Eds.), II Central & North Atlantic
Conjugate Margins Conference. Extended Abstracts, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 116–120 (* - student)
54. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Oliveira, L.C.V., 2009. Compositional classification of sedimentary rocks based in geochemical
indicators: the case of the Upper Pliensbachian–Lower Toarcian of Peniche (Portugal) (translated from Portuguese).
Classificação composicional de rochas sedimentares com base em indicadores geoquímicos: o caso do Pliensbaquiano
superior-Toarciano inferior de Peniche (Portugal). VII Congreso Ibérico-X Congreso Nacional de Geoquímica. Biblioteca
Electrónica de la Excma. Diputación Provincial de Soria, vol. 17, Soria, pp. 118–127
4.10.2. Regular abstracts
55. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Evidence of Pliensbachian climatic hot snaps and organic matter production and preservation in
the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). V.M. Goldschmidt 2015 Conference, Prague.
56. Silva, R.L., Jorge, M. *, Duarte, L.V., Sedore, P. *, Wach, G., 2015b. Pyrite framboid analysis from the Sinemurian–
Pliensbachian Água de Madeiros Formation (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal). V.M. Goldschmidt 2015 Conference, Prague.
(* - student)
57. Silva, R.L., Sedore, P. *, Plummer, N. *, Wach, G., 2015c. Preliminary evaluation of the compositional sedimentary
variation of the Jurassic Iroquois and Mohican formations of the Scotian Basin (Nova Scotia, Canada). V.M.
Goldschmidt 2015 Conference, Prague. (* - student)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 16
Curriculum Vitae
58. Caniço, A.*, Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Rocha, F., Mendonça Filho., J.G., 2015. Minerals and clay minerals assemblages in
organic-rich facies: the case study of the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian carbonate deposits of the western Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts 17, EGU2015-4807 (* - student)
59. Silva, R.L., Wach, G., 2014. Lower Jurassic organic-rich intervals along the Central-Northern Atlantic Margin. Abstracts
Volume of the 4th Atlantic Conjugate Margins 2014, p. 48
60. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2014. Paleoceanographic constrains on organic matter preservation in the Lusitanian Basin during
the Late Pliensbachian. Abstracts Volume of the 4th Atlantic Conjugate Margins 2014, p. 222
61. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2014. A link between Late Pliensbachian organic matter preservation and the Spinatum
Chronozone icehouse event. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16, EGU2014-1560
62. Silva, R.L., Wach, G., Wong, C*. 2014. Spectral gamma-ray evaluation of Lower Jurassic basalts and lacustrine sediments
from the Fundy Basin (Nova Scotia, Canada). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-1559 (* - student)
63. Silva, R.L., Wach, G., 2014. Overview of Lower Jurassic source rock intervals along the Central-Northern Atlantic Margin.
GAC-MAC 2014
64. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Azerêdo, A.C., Paredes, R.*, Rita, P.*, 2014. A Formação de Coimbra na região de S. Pedro de
Moel (Oeste de Portugal). Caracterização litológica, definição litostratigráfica e interpretação sequencial. IX Congresso
Nacional de Geologia (IX CNG)/ 2º Congresso de Geologia dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (2º CoGePLiP) (* - student)
65. Harnett, A.*, Silva, R.L., Wach, G., 2014. Assessment of the “Passey method” for discrimination of organic-rich intervals in
wells from offshore Newfoundland (Canada). Atlantic Geoscience Society Abstracts: 40th Annual Colloquium & Annual
General Meeting 2014, p. (* - student)
66. Dickson, C.H.*, Silva, R.L., Wach, G., 2014. Overpressure, Seal Integrity, and Reservoir Connectivity in the Scotian Basin.
Geoconvention2014 (* - student)
67. Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R., Goy, A., 2014. Carbon stable isotopes and ammonite
biochronostratigraphy across the Sinemurian-Pliensbachian boundary in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. Geophysical
Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-2011, 2014
68. Wach, G., Eliuk, L.*, Silva, R.L., Kettanah. Y., Dickson, C.*, O’Connor, D.*, Kelly, T.*, Campbell, T.*, Wong, C.*, Morrison,
N.*, Plummer, N.*, 2014. Petroleum systems and risk elements of the Central Atlantic Margin- offshore Eastern Canada.
Conjugate Margins 2014. (* - student)
69. Wach, G., Eliuk, L.*, Silva, R.L., Kettanah. Y., Dickson, C.*, O’Connor, D.*, Kelly, T.*, Campbell, T.*, Wong, C.*, Morrison,
N., Plummer, N.*, 2014. Petroleum systems and risk elements of the offshore Eastern Canada. Geoconvention2014
70. Azerêdo, A.C., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R., 2014. Sequential configuration in Transgressive-Regressive Facies Cycles (2nd order)
of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) Lower and Middle Jurassic. CNG 2014 (Portugal) (* - student)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 17
Curriculum Vitae
71. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Azerêdo, A.C., 2013. 3rd-order sequence stratigraphic scheme for the
Pliensbachian in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Abstract book of Strati2013
72. Duarte, L.V., Silva R.L., Mendonça Filho J.G. et al., 2013. New advances in the stratigraphy and geochemistry of the
organic-rich Lower Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Abstract book of Strati2013
73. Cabral M.C., Colin, J-P, Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, R., Duarte, L.V., 2013. Sinemurian ostracod assemblages from Western
Portugal (Praia Velha and Praia da Concha): palaeoecological signature and palaeobiogeographical implications.
Abstract book of the 17th International Symposium on Ostracoda. Il Naturalista Siciliano, Vol. XXXVII (1), pp. 59–61
74. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Azerêdo, A.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2012. The Lusitanian Basin (Portugal)
Pliensbachian source rock interval and its link to the broad scale geodynamic evolution of the North Atlantic Conjugate
Margins. Abstract volume of the Third Central & North Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference, Dublin, Irland, PIPCo
RSG Ltd., pp. 184–185
75. Silva, R.L., Azerêdo, A.C., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., 2012. New clues to the palaeoenvironmental dynamics of
the lower?- middle Oxfordian series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) taken from combined facies and kerogen
Palynofacies studies. Abstract volume of the Third Central & North Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference, Dublin, Irland,
PIPCo RSG Ltd., pp. 186–187
76. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., 2012. The Pliensbachian organic-rich
marl–limestone sedimentation of the Lusitanian Basin: integrated stratigraphy and geodinamic evolution (translated from
Portuguese). A sedimentação margo-calcária rica em matéria orgânica do Pliensbaquiano da Bacia Lusitânica:
estratigrafia integrada e evolução geodinâmica. In Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R. (Coords), Workshop Organic
facies in the carbonated Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin: from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation
potential (translated from Portuguese). Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da
Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos, IMAR-CMA e DCT-UC, pp. 15–16. ISBN: (versão
impressa) 978-989-97997-0-7
77. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Duarte, L.V., 2012. Palynofacies and organic matter characterization of
the Cabaços Formation (Lusitanian Basin): contributes to the discrimination of the biological and palaeoenvironmental
dynamics in non-marine depositional environments (translated from Portuguese). Palinofácies e caracterização de
matéria orgânica da Formação de Cabaços (Bacia Lusitânica): contributos para a discriminação das dinâmicas
biológicas e paleoambientais em ambientes deposicionais carbonatados não-marinhos. In: Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L.,
Paredes, R. (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in the carbonated Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin: from classic
Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential (translated from Portuguese). Workshop Fácies orgânicas no
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 18
Curriculum Vitae
Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos, IMARCMA e DCT-UC, pp. 28–29. ISBN: (versão impressa) 978-989-97997-0-7
78. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Correia, G.*, Mendonça Filho, J.G., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, Pereira, A., Mendonça J., 2012. Margocalcários ricos em matéria orgânica do Jurássico Inferior da Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal): caracterização geoquímica,
espetrometria de raios gama e potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos. 46° Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia e do 1°
Congresso de Geologia dos Paises de Língua Portuguesa (* - student)
79. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Cabral, M.C., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Correia, G.*, Ferreira,
R.*, Loureiro, I.M.*, Paredes, R.*, Poças Ribeiro, N.*, 2012. The project PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008: high resolution
stratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic organic-rich marine series of the Lusitanian Basin (translated from Portuguese). O
Projecto PTDC/CTE-GIX/098968/2008: Estratigrafia de alta resolução das séries marinhas ricas em matéria orgânica
do Jurássico Inferior da Bacia Lusitânica. In Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R. (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in
the carbonated Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin: from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential
(translated from Portuguese). Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia
clássica ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos, IMAR-CMA e DCT-UC, pp. 6–8. ISBN: (versão impressa) 978989-97997-0-7 (* - student)
80. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, Chagas, R.B.A.*, 2012. Organic geochemistry and
palynofacies of the Upper Sinemurian–lowermost Pliensbachian black shales in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Third
circular, Program of the 29th IAS meeting of sedimentology, Sedimentology in the Heart of the Alps, pp. 402 (* - student)
81. Silva, T.F., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, 2012. Distribuição de homohopanos (H31H35) nas series Jurássicas ricas em matéria orgânica de S. Pedro de Moel, Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal). 46° Congresso
Brasileiro de Geologia e do 1° Congresso de Geologia dos Paises de Língua Portuguesa (* - student)
82. Cabral, M.C., Azerêdo, A.C., Colin, J.P., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., 2012. The paleoecologic value of the Sinemurian
ostracods associations at S. Pedro de Moel: clarification of a brackish to marine record (translated from Portuguese).
Valor paleoecológico das associações de ostracodos do Sinemuriano de S. Pedro de Moel: clarificação de um registo
salobro a tendencialmente marinho. In Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R. (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in the
carbonated Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin: from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential
(translated from Portuguese). Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia
clássica ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos, IMAR-CMA e DCT-UC, pp. 9–10. ISBN: (versão impressa) 978989-97997-0-7
83. Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Duarte, L.V., Goy, A., Paredes, R.*, Silva, R.L., 2012. Echiocerátidos de la Zona Raricostatum en la
Península Ibérica. Correlación entre la Cuenca Lusitánica (Portugal) y las cuencas del Norte de España. In Duarte, L.V.,
Silva, R.L., Paredes, R. (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in the carbonated Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin:
from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential (translated from Portuguese). Workshop Fácies
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 19
Curriculum Vitae
orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de geração de
hidrocarbonetos, IMAR-CMA e DCT-UC, pp. 17–18. ISBN: (versão impressa) 978-989-97997-0-7 (* - student)
84. Mendonça Filho, J.G., Silva, T.F., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Poças Ribeiro, N.*, 2012. Biomarkers distribution and its relation
with the organic matter of the Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin (translated from Portuguese). Distribuição dos
biomarcadores e sua relação com a matéria orgânica nas series jurássicas de S. Pedro de Moel, Bacia Lusitânica. In
Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Paredes, R. (Coords), Workshop Organic facies in the carbonated Jurassic series of the
Lusitanian Basin: from classic Stratigraphy to the hydrocarbon generation potential (translated from Portuguese).
Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de
geração de hidrocarbonetos, IMAR-CMA e DCT-UC, pp. 25–27. ISBN: (versão impressa) 978-989-97997-0-7 (* student)
85. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, T.F., Oliveira, A.D., Duarte, L.V., 2011. Palynofacies and organic
geochemistry survey of the Middle–Upper Jurassic transition in the Central-Northern sectors of the Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). In Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), 63rd Annual meeting of the International Commettee for Coal and Organic
Petrology, Porto, Portugal, Memórias 18, 17–18
86. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Silva, T.F., 2011. About the use of δ13C from fossil wood to infer global
carbon cycle perturbations. In Flores, D., Marques, M., (eds), 63rd Annual meeting of the International Committee for
Coal and Organic Petrology, Porto, Portugal, Memórias 18, 91–92
87. Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Paredes, R.*, Cabral, M.C., Silva, R.L., Azerêdo, A.C., 2011. High-resolution
stratigraphy and faunal associations in the Upper Sinemurian organic-rich deposits of the western Iberian margin
(Lusitanian Basin, Portugal). Geophysical Research Abstracts, Wien, Austria, nº 13, EGU2011-8527-1 (* - student)
88. Azerêdo, A.C., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., 2011. Facies, architecture and sequence evolution of the Lower and Middle Jurassic
carbonate ramp succession from the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. IAS
89. Poças Ribeiro, N.*, Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça, J.O., Silva, T.F., 2011. Palynofacies and
organic geochemistry of the Sinemurian marine deposits in the western Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). In Flores, D.,
Marques, M., (eds), 63rd Annual meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, Porto, Portugal,
Memórias 18, pp. 77–78 (* - student)
90. Silva, R.L., da Silva, F.S., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, T.F., Ferreira, R.*, 2010. Preliminary Biochemical
characterization of the Lower Jurassic organic-rich facies of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Annual Meeting of the
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Denver, Unite States of America, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 87 (* student)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 20
Curriculum Vitae
91. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., 2010. Is the Early–Late Pliensbachian
carbon isotopic record a prelude of things to come? Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Abstracts with
Programs, Denver, Unite States of America, Vol. 42, No. 5, p. 175
92. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., 2010. Contrasts between the two main Jurassic source rocks
in the western margin of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). In: Pena dos Reis, R, Pimentel, N (Eds.), II Central & North
Atlantic Conjugate Margins Conference. Program & Short Abstracts, p. 85
93. Silva, R.L., Azerêdo, A.C., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Cabral, M.C., 2010. The Middle-Upper Jurassic transition in
the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): preliminary evaluation of TOC, Sulphur, δ13C and δ18O variation in carbonate deposits
from mainly non-marine environments. In: Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.I., Piñuela, L. & García-Ramos,
J.C. (Eds.),
Comunicaciones del V Congreso del Jurásico de España. Museo del Jurásico de Asturias (MUJA), p. 150
94. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Azeredo, A.C., 2010. Top Ibex−Margaritatus (Pliensbachian) series of the
Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): sedimentology, events and high-resolution correlation. Abstract book of the Special meeting
of the Société Géologique de France in honor of Serge Elmi, Lyon, France, pp. 95–96
95. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, T.F., Azerêdo, A.C., 2010. Preliminary evaluation of age-, sourceand thermal maturity related biomarkers at the Early-Late Pliensbachian transition in the most proximal sector of the
hemipelagic setting of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) Abstract book of the Special meeting of the Société Géologique
de France in honor of Serge Elmi, Lyon, France, pp. 97–98
96. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Pittet, B., Mattioli, E., Oliveira, L.C., Suan, G., 2010. Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Lower
Jurassic hemipelagic deposits in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. In: Schwarz, E., Georgieff, S., Piovano, E. (Eds.) 18th
International Sedimentological Congress, Mendoza, Argentina, p. 315
97. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Azerêdo, A.C., Cabral, M.C., 2010. Carbon and oxygen stable isotopes and clay minerals
signatures in the Coimbra Formation (Sinemurian) of the S. Pedro de Moel reference section (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal).
In: Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.I., Piñuela, L. & García-Ramos, J.C. (Eds.), Comunicaciones del V Congreso del Jurásico de
España. Museo del Jurásico de Asturias (MUJA), Colunga, Spain, p. 184
98. Ferreira, R.*, Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Mendonça, J.O., 2010. Hydrocarbon generation potential of
the Pliensbachian organic-rich series of Peniche (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal): An organopetrographic and thermal
maturation assessment integrated analysis. In: Pena dos Reis, R, Pimentel, N (Eds.), II Central & North Atlantic
Conjugate Margins Conference. Program & Short Abstracts, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 42 (* - student)
99. Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Cabral, M.C., 2009. Palaeoenvironmental and sequential analysis of the early-late
Sinemurian carbonate series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). In: Pascucci, V., Andreucci, S., (eds). Abstract Book of
the 27th IAS Regional meeting, Alghero, p. 439
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 21
Curriculum Vitae
100. Duarte, L.V., Silva, R.L., Oliveira; L.C.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Silva, F., 2009. Hemipelagic carbonate deposits from the
Sinemurian-Pliensbachian of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. TOC, Facies variation and sequence stratigraphy. In:
Pascucci, V., Andreucci, S., (eds). Abstract Book of the 27th IAS Regional meeting, Alghero, Italy, p. 144
101. Cabral, M.C., Azerêdo, A.C., Colin, J.-P., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2009. An unexpected oligohaline ostracod assemblage
from the restricted-marine Sinemurian of W. Portugal: Program and Abstracts, 16th International Symposium on
Ostracoda, Biostratigraphy and Applied Ecology, Brasilia, Brazil, p. 50
102. Silva, R., Duarte, L.V., 2008. Ichnology in lithostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic studies: Examples from the
Toarcian-lower Aalenian series of the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. In: Ruiz-Omeñaca, J.I., Piñuela, L., García-Ramos,
J.C. (eds). Libro de resúmenes. XXIV Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología. Museo del Jurásico de
Asturias (MUJA), Colunga, Spain, pp. 55–56
103. Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2008. Stromatolites as event signs of earliest steps of the Sinemurian marine
transgression in the Lusitanian Basin, Portugal. In: Kunkel, C., Hahn, S., ten Veen, J., Rameil, N., Immenhauser, A.
(eds). 26th Regional Meeting of the International association of Sedimentologists (IAS). Abstracts Volume, Schriftenreihe
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (German Geological Society), Bochum, Germany, Heft 58, p. 39
104. Duarte, L. V., Oliveira, L. C. V., Silva, F., Comas-Rengifo, M. J., Rodrigues, R., Silva, R., 2008. Organic-rich facies in the
Lower Jurassic series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Stratigraphic definition and Total Organic Carbon. Abstract
Volume of the Fifth International Symposium IGCP 506 on: Marine and non-marine Jurassic: global correlation and major
geological events. Hammamet Tunisia, p. 57
4.10.3 .Oral presentations in scientific meetings
105. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Evidence of Pliensbachian climatic hot snaps and organic matter production and preservation in
the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). V.M. Goldschmidt 2015 Conference, Prague.
106. Silva, R.L., Wach, G., 2014. Lower Jurassic organic-rich intervals along the Central-Northern Atlantic Margin. Conjugate
Margins 2014
107. Silva, R.L., Wach, G., 2014. Overview of Lower Jurassic source rock intervals along the Central-Northern Atlantic Margin.
GAC-MAC 2014
108. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., 2014. A link between Late Pliensbachian organic matter preservation and the Spinatum
Chronozone icehouse event. EGU2014 (Vienna).
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 22
Curriculum Vitae
109. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Azerêdo, A.C., 2013. 3rd-order sequence stratigraphic scheme for the
Pliensbachian in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal). Strati2013
110. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., 2012. The Pliensbachian organicrich marl–limestone sedimentation of the Lusitanian Basin: integrated stratigraphy and geodinamic evolution (translated
from Portuguese). A sedimentação margo-calcária rica em matéria orgânica do Pliensbaquiano da Bacia Lusitânica:
estratigrafia integrada e evolução geodinâmica. Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia
Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos
111. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Duarte, L.V., 2012. Palynofacies and organic matter characterization of
the Cabaços Formation (Lusitanian Basin): contributes to the discrimination of the biological and palaeoenvironmental
dynamics in non-marine depositional environments (translated from Portuguese). Palinofácies e caracterização de
matéria orgânica da Formação de Cabaços (Bacia Lusitânica): contributos para a discriminação das dinâmicas
biológicas e paleoambientais em ambientes deposicionais carbonatados não-marinhos. Workshop Fácies orgânicas no
Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos
112. Silva, R.L., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C., Silva, T.F., Oliveira, A.D., Duarte, L.V., 2011. Palynofacies and organic
geochemistry survey of the Middle–Upper Jurassic transition in the Central-Northern sectors of the Lusitanian Basin
(Portugal). 63rd Annual meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology
113. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Azerêdo, A.C. 2010. Is the Early–Late Pliensbachian
carbon isotopic record a prelude of things to come? Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, United
States of America
114. Silva, R.L., Azerêdo, A.C., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Duarte, L.V., Cabral, M.C. 2010. The Middle-Upper Jurassic transition
in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): preliminary evaluation of TOC, Sulphur, δ13C and δ18O variation in carbonate deposits
from mainly non-marine environments. V Congreso del Jurásico de España, Colunga, Spain
115. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Mendonça Filho, J.G., Silva, T.F., Azerêdo, A.C., 2010. The organic geochemistry as a tool in
the palaeoceanographic characterization of the Pliensbachian of the Lusitanian Basin: advances and new goals
(translated from Portuguese). A geoquímica orgânica como ferramenta na caracterização paleoceanográfica do
Pliensbaquiano da Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal): avanços e novas metas. Actas X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países
de Língua Portuguesa/XVI Semana de Geoquímica, Porto, Portugal
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 23
Curriculum Vitae
116. Silva, R.L., Duarte, L.V., Comas-Rengifo, M.J., Azeredo, A.C. 2010. Top Ibex−Margaritatus (Pliensbachian) series of the
Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): sedimentology, events and high-resolution correlation. Special meeting of the Société
Géologique de France in honor of Serge Elmi, Lyon, France
4.11. Invited Conference presentations
117. Silva, R.L. 2014. Planetary-scale changes in the Earth system. Chapter 1: What can we learn from rocks? DIRT Talk.
Dalhousie Graduate Dawson Club.
118. Silva, R.L. 2014. Jurassic organic-rich carbonate series of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal): Sedimentology, Geochemistry
and Palaeoenvironmental interpretation. Universidade de Coimbra
119. Silva, R.L. 2012. O Petróleo aqui tão perto. Escola Secundária de Peniche
120. Silva, R.L. 2011. Is there petroleum in Peniche? The advances and current challenges. (translated from Portuguese).
Haverá petróleo em Peniche? As novidades e os desafios actuais. Organization: Armenia. Movimento Ambientalista de
121. Silva, R.L. 2010. Multidisciplinary approach in the study of the Jurassic organic-rich series of the Lusitanian basin
(Portugal) (translated from Portuguese). Abordagem multidisciplinar no estudo das séries jurássicas ricas em matéria
orgânica da Bacia Lusitânica (Portugal). Science week at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Coimbra, Portugal.
4.12. Teaching
Invited lecturer of ERTH 4153 Petroleum Geology. Earth Science Department, Dalhousie University.
Invited lecturer of ERTH 3303 Stratigraphy. Earth Science Department, Dalhousie University.
Reader of Alex Harnett DIS thesis. Earth Science Department, Dalhousie University.
Invited lecturer of ERTH 4153 Petroleum Geology. Earth Science Department, Dalhousie University.
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 24
Curriculum Vitae
Invited lecturer of several classes (Stratigraphy, Geochemistry, and Petroleum Geology). Earth Science Department, University
of Coimbra
4.13. Member of supervisory and/or examining committees
Carla Dickson – Master Student, Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
Micael Jorge - Master Student, Coimbra University
4.14. Student supervision
1. Natasha Morrison – Pengrowth-Nova Scotia Energy Innovation Research Grant Master student, Dalhousie University
(Co-applicant with Professor Grant Wach)
2. Charlie Carlisle - Master Student, Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
3. Taylor Campbell - Master Student, Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
4. Micael Pereira Jorge - Master Student, LABAS, IMAR-CMA, Universidade de Coimbra
5. Connor Wentzell – Directed studies at Dalhousie University
6. Kenneth Martyns-Yellowe - Dalhousie University
7. Naomi Plummer – Shell Experiential Learning Fund (SELF) undergraduate student, Dalhousie University
8. Philip Sedore – Shell Experiential Learning Fund (SELF) undergraduate student, Dalhousie University, Co-Op student
Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
9. Carla Dickson – Master Student, Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
10. Alex Harnett – Summer internship at the Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
11. Carlos Wong – Summer internship at the Basin and Reservoir Laboratory, Dalhousie University
12. Trevor Kelly – MEng thesis project, Dalhousie University
13. Ricardo Paredes – Master student, Coimbra University
14. Nadi Poças Ribeiro – Master student, Coimbra University
15. Gil Correia – Master student, Coimbra University
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 25
Curriculum Vitae
16. Rui Ferreira – Master student, Coimbra University
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 26
Curriculum Vitae
5 | Awards
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Basin and Reservoir Lab, Department of Earth Science, Dalhousie University
Goldschmidt2011 Travel Grant Award by the Geochemical Society
Third place winner of the Halifax 2008 Legacy Prize, awarded by the Halifax 2008 Legacy Committee for the best student
presentation at the 2010 Conjugate Margins Conference (Lisbon)
PhD fellowship: Science and Technology Foundation from the Science, Technology and Education Ministry of the Portuguese
Republic. He placed second nationwide in the Earth and Space Sciences research area.
Student grant of the Spanish Paleontological Society to attend the XXIV Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología
Merit Bursary attributed by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Coimbra University to 12 students with exceptional
academic performance. This award refers to the academic year of 2006/2007.
Annual award to the top 3% of the Geology students at Coimbra University. This award refers to the academic year of 2006/2007
Annual award to the top 3% of the Geology students at Coimbra University. This award refers to the academic year of 2005/2006
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 27
Curriculum Vitae
6 | Training (main events attended)
Flügel-Course: International Course on Carbonate Microfacies. GeoZentrum Nordbayern (Erlangen, Germany)
Certified NRCan Level 2 X-ray Fluorescence operator and trainer (2014-2019)
geoLOGIC geoSCOUT Training Course - Getting Started for Geologists
ICCP Training Course in Dispersed Organic Matter, by Prof. João Graciano Mendonça Filho (Brazil) and Dr. Alan Cook
(Australia). Departamento de Geociências, Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território, Faculdade de Ciências da
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Paleotemperature reconstructions based on microbial membrane lipids, by Jung-Hyun Kim (NIOZ, Royal Netherlands
Institute for Sea Research, Netherlands). Energy and Geology National Laboratory, Lisbon, Portugal
Carbonate Depositional Systems: Reservoir Sedimentology and Diagenesis, by Professor V. Paul Wright (BG Group,
United Kingdom). Lisbon University, Portugal
Petroleum Geology short-course, by Professor João Graciano Mendonça Filho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil). X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa/XVI Semana de Geoquímica, Porto,
Dolomite formation in time and space and Stromatolite structures in sedimentary sequences, by Professor Judith
McKenzie (ETH-Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland). Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal
Environmental catastrophes and societal response, by Professor Suzanne A. G. Leroy (Brunel University, United Kingdom).
Coimbra University, Coimbra, Portugal
Sedimentary Geology of Peniche, 1st Summer course, by Professors Luís Vítor Duarte (Coimbra University) and María José
Comas-Rengifo (University Complutense of Madrid). Peniche, Portugal.
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 28
Curriculum Vitae
7 | Some Extra-curricular activities related with Geology
Instructor for a visit of the grade 4 students from Tupper Elementary students
Instructor of Noite da Ciência, Museu da Ciência, University of Coimbra
Invited Lecture to Geology students of the University of Coimbra about Stable Isotopes
Instructor of “Geology in the Summer” program of the Agência Nacional para a cultura científica e tecnológica in Peniche with
the theme: Geologia à beira-mar: Histórias geológicas de Peniche
Invited Lecture to Environmental Engineering students of the University of Coimbra about Stable Isotopes
Instructor of “Geology in the Summer” program of the Agência Nacional para a cultura científica e tecnológica in Peniche with
the theme: Geologia à beira-mar: Histórias geológicas de Peniche
Instructor of the Laboratory of Sedimentary Basins Analysis
Participation in field trips with Master students in the areas of Penela-Ansião and São Pedro de Moel
Acquisition and processing of geophysical data (resistivity), inventory, sampling and determination of some physico-chemical
parameters of water points in the dunes of Bom Sucesso, Figueira da Foz, Portugal
Sampling and determination of some physico-chemical parameters of water lines and stream sediments to assess the
environmental impact of old mining operations in Bragança, Portugal
Collaboration with the Department of Earth Sciences Library in the remodelling of the spaces attached to this sector
Participation in "We and Minerals," education program for primary school students
Participation in the Open Day of the Cultural Week at the University of Coimbra in the Laboratories of Sedimentary Basins
Analysis, Sedimentology and Mineralogy in the presentation of their programs for students of primary and secondary
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 29
Curriculum Vitae
8 | Skills and competences
8.1. Language Skills
In addition to Portuguese (native), he has the following skills in these languages (1, poor, to 5, excellent, in reading, writing and
conversation): English: 5, 3, 4; Spanish: 5, 2, 3; French: 4, 2, 2
8.2. Informatics skills (including Petroleum Geological Software)
Schlumberger Techlog, Petromod and Petrel, GeoScout, Minitabs, MatLab, Microsoft Word, Excel e Power Point, Surfer
8, ArcGIS 9, ER Mapper, Corel Draw, Rock Works and TScreator in the users optics
8.3. Social and organizational skills and competencies
Co-Coordinator of the Field Trip of the IX Portuguese National Geological Meeting/II Geological Meeting of Portuguese
speaking countries
Coordinator of several activities of the Basin and Reservoir Lab
Co-Coordinator of the Field Trip of the Strati2013
Co-Coordinator of the Workshop Fácies orgânicas no Jurássico carbonatado da Bacia Lusitânica: da Estratigrafia clássica ao
potencial de geração de hidrocarbonetos, Conimbriga, Portugal
Co-Coordinator of the Field Trip of the 63rd Annual meeting of the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology
Co-Coordinator of one of the Field Trip of the X Congresso de Geoquímica dos Países de Língua Portuguesa/XVI Semana de
Co-Coordinator of the Workshop Organic and carbonate sedimentation. From Paleozoic to Recent (translated from
2005 – 2007
Student delegate of the S. Salvador University student housing
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 30
Curriculum Vitae
Catering manager of the University of Coimbra freshmen welcoming reception
Monitor at the Agitato Holidays Camp (Quinta do Conde, Lisbon)
8.4. Other skills
2014 – 2019
Certified NRCan Level 2 X-ray Fluorescence operator and trainer (2014-2019)
Basic Life support training
1994 – 2000
Soccer player at several Portuguese clubs. In his last season, he represented the Sport Club Escolar Bombarralense in the
under 18 National League (First National Division)
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 31
Curriculum Vitae
9 | Driver licence
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva is holder of the Driver Licence nº L-1787326 8, Category B, issued by the DGV - Lisbon and valid
until 03/05/2047
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 32
Curriculum Vitae
10 | Hobbies
Cooking and Pastry – had formal training as a cold dessert chef (2013)
Competitive soccer – Currently playing for Dartmouth United Rangers in the Metro Senior Men's Soccer League, Halifax.
Fitness and gymnasium
Reading – mostly scientific fiction novels
Cinema – mostly action or fantastic
Outdoor group activities – hiking, sightseeing, etc.
Ricardo Ferreira Louro Silva 33