MARK J - Université Lille 3
MARK J - Université Lille 3
MARK J. L. SABINE Department of Hispanic and Latin American Studies, University of Nottingham, NG7 2RD Tel.: 0115-8466441 Mobile: 07771-956560 [email protected] (1) CAREER DEVELOPMENT Lecturer (scale B) in Lusophone Studies University of Nottingham, 2003 – present. Tenure confirmed summer 2006. Post-doctoral Researcher (funded by the European Commission) Institute of Romance Studies, University of London School of Advanced Study, 20012003. Part-time Lecturer University of Nottingham, 2002-2003. University of Oxford, 2002-2003. University of Southampton, 2001-2003. Visiting Lecturer (* funded by the E.C. Socrates-Erasmus programme) University of Manchester, 2001-2003 *Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 2005-present .*Università degli Studi di Bologna, from 2011 (2) EDUCATION 1991-2001 1997.2001 University of Manchester PhD in Portuguese, supervised by Prof. Hilary Owen. British Academy AHRB postgraduate studentship, 1997-2000. Thesis: 'Form and Ideology in the Novels of José Saramago 19801989'. Examiners: Prof. Paulo de Medeiros (University of Utrecht) and Prof. Clive Willis (University of Manchester). Archive work at the Universidade de Coimbra, 1998-1999, supervised by Dr Stephen Wilson and Dra Ana Paula Arnaut. 1996.1997 MA with Distinction, in European Languages and Culture (Spanish and Portuguese). Vicente Cañada Blanch Foundation postgraduate scholarship. 1991-1995 First Class BA Honours in Hispanic Studies. One year spent as an Erasmus student at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. Anglo-Portuguese Society Annual Prize for outstanding student of Portuguese at a British University, 1995. (3) PUBLICATIONS (3.1) EXISTING PUBLICATIONS Edited volumes 2010 O Corpo em Pessoa: Corporealidade, Género, Sexualidade (Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim). 366 pp. Co-edited with Anna M. Klobucka, trans. by Humberto Brito. Part-funded by the Instituto Camões and the Luso-American Development Foundation. 2007 Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 332 pp. Co-edited with Anna M. Klobucka. 2006 In Dialogue with José Saramago: Essays in Comparative Literature (Manchester: Manchester Spanish and Portuguese Studies). 195 + x pp. Co-edited with Adriana Alves de Paula Martins. Funded by the Gulbenkian Foundation and the Luso-American Development Foundation. Volume articles 2014 ‘Colonial Masculinities under a Woman’s Gaze in Margarida Cardoso’s “A Costa dos Murmúrios”’, in H. Owen & A.M. Klobucka (eds), Gender, Empire, and Postcolony: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Intersections (NY: Palgrave-Macmillan), 87-109. 2013 ‘Reconstruindo o corpo político de Angola: Projeções globais e locais da identidade e protesto em O Herói’, in Alessandra Meleiro (ed.), Filmes da África e da diáspora (Salvador: EDUFBA). 2013 ‘Al Berto: ‘Truque do pêssego’, in Cláudia Pazos Alonso & Stephen Parkinson, Reading Texts in Portuguese (Oxford: Tamesis). 2012 ‘Inverted Aesthetics: Pessoa, Campos, and António Botto’s Canções’, in Mariana Gray de Castro (ed.), Fernando Pessoa: Influences, Dialogues, Responses (Oxford: Tamesis). 2012 'Saramago's ‘Other’ Pessoas and ‘Pessoan’ Others: Heteronymic Creation and the Ethics of Alterity', in David Frier (ed.), Fernando Pessoa in an Intertextual Web: Influences and Interpretations (Oxford: Legenda, 147-170). 2011 ‘Re-fitting the Lexicon of Resistance: Saramago, symbolism and dictatorship’, in Alison Ribeiro de Meneses& Catherine O’Leary (eds), Legacies of War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spain and Portugal (Oxford-Bern: Peter Lang), 3965. 2010 ‘Introdução: Os Corpos de Pessoa’ (co-written with Anna M. Klobucka), in O Corpo em Pessoa: Corporalidade, género, sexualidade (details above), 13-47. 2010 ‘“Contínuo mistério reposto e repetido”: Homossexualidade e heteronímia em Antinous’, in O Corpo em Pessoa: Corporalidade, género, sexualidade (details above), 189-226. 2010 ‘Putting Violence back in the Picture: Margarida Cardoso’s A Costa dos Murmúrios and Post-Colonial War Anamnesis’, in Conflict, Memory Transfers and the Reshaping of Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars’ Press), 291303. 2010 ‘Writing after the Dictatorship’ (co-written with Claire Williams), in Stephen Parkinson (ed.), A Companion to Portuguese Literature (Oxford: Tamesis), 182201. 2010 ‘Killing (and) nostalgia: Testimony and the image of empire in Cardoso’s ‘A Costa dos Murmúrios’, in Cristina Demaria & Macdonald Daly (eds), The Genres of Post-Conflict Testimonies (Nottingham: CCCP), 249-276. 2009 ‘Uma Penélope pós-colonial: Des(a)fiando a odisseia lusa’, in Ana Paula Arnaut (ed.), António Lobo Antunes (Cânone) (Lisboa: Edições Setenta). 2007 'História, harmonia, verdade: Sobre o simbolismo da música em Memorial do Convento', in Paulo de Medeiros and José N. Ornelas (eds), Da Possibilidade do Impossível: Leituras de Saramago (Utrecht Portuguese Studies Series) (Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht), 283-92. 2007 'Pessoa's Bodies' (co-written with Anna M. Klobucka), in Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality (details above). 3-36. 2007 'Homosexuality and Heteronymy in Antinous', in Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality (details above), 149-77. 2006 'Saramago and the Politics of Literary Quotation' (co-written with Adriana Martins), in In Dialogue with José Saramago (details above), 1-23. 2006 'Risen from the Ground after One Hundred Years of Solitude: The telling of time and truth in Saramago and García Márquez' in In Dialogue with José Saramago: Studies in Comparative Literature (details above), 141-61. 2005 '"Once but no longer the Prow of Europe": National Identity and Portuguese Destiny in José Saramago's A Jangada de Pedra', in José Saramago, ed. Harold Bloom (New York: Chelsea House). 75-94. Republication: originally published 2001 (see below). 2004 'Gender, Race and Violence in Luís Bernardo Honwana's Nós matámos o Cão-tinhoso: The emasculation of the black patriarch', in Hilary Owen and Phillip Rothwell (eds), Sexual/Textual Empires: Gender and Marginality in Lusophone African Literature (Lusophone Voices Series, 2) (Bristol: University of Bristol), 23-44. 2004 'Um Olhar Consumidor: O antropofagismo luso-queer nos "Truques de ilusionismo" de Al Berto', in Sérgio Aboud, Denilson Lopes, Berenice Mello, and Wilton Garcia (eds), Imagem e Diversidade Sexual (São Paulo: Nojosa edições/ABEH), 316-28. 1997 'Giovanni Pontiero's translation of Clarice Lispector's Laços de Família' in Juan Sager and Pilar Orero (eds), The Translator's Dialogue: Giovanni Pontiero (Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamin), 145-53. Journal/ Series articles 2012 ‘Rebuilding the Angolan body politic: global and local projections of identity and protest in O Herói’, Journal of African Cinemas 3:1, ‘Lusophone Africa’ (ed. by Alessandra Meleiro), 211-29. 2011 ‘Nós Matámos o Cão-Tinhoso: A emasculação de África e a crise do patriarca negro’, Via Atlântica 17, 88-104. 2010 ‘“Pedaços de corpos envoltos no coral”: Cânone literário, identidade, e expressão “queer” em “Salsugem” de Al Berto’, Colóquio-Letras 173 (Janeiro de 2010), 47-63. 2007 'Gender Dysphoria and Sexual Difference in Eça de Queirós's O Primo Basílio and O Padre Amaro'. Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies 12, ‘The Other Nineteenth Century’ (edited by Kathryn Bishop-Sánchez), 117-137. 2006 'Shrinking the Leviathan Erection: Power, satire and the body in Saramago's Memorial do Convento', article published in National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Lusophone Studies Series, 15. 30pp. 2002 'Re-incarnating the poet: Pessoa, the body and society in José Saramago's O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis', Journal of Romance Studies 2.2 (Summer 2002), 37-52. 2001 '"Once but no longer the Prow of Europe": National Identity and Portuguese Destiny in José Saramago's A Jangada de Pedra', Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 6 On Saramago (ed. Anna Klobucka), 185-203. Review articles 2007 'Worlds of Difference, Words of Equivalence: The Selected Prose of Fernando Pessoa, trans and ed. by Richard Zenith', Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 7 (in press). 2005 'The Twilight World of the Lusosexual: Exploring sexuality in Portugueselanguage literatures', JRS 5.2 (Summer 2005), 103-112. 2001 On Carlos Reis, Diálogos com José Saramago, PLCS, 6 (see above), 251-6. Reviews 2012 Review of Josiah Blackmore (ed.), The Songs of António Botto (translated by Fernando Pessoa) (2010), Ellipsis (Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association), 10 (forthcoming). 2011 Review of Hilary Owen, Mother Africa, Father Marx: Women’s Writing of Mozambique, 1948-2002 (2007) (forthcoming). 2007 Review of Adriana Alves de Paula Martins, A Representação da Nação na Obra de José Saramago e de Gore Vidal (2006), Ellipsis (Journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association), 5. 2004 Review of conference Transcultural Samplings and Global Reverberations, UK newsletter of International Association for the Study of Popular Music. (3.2) ARTICLES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION OR IN PREPARATION 2012 Introduction (c.5000 ww) for English-language translation of Eduardo Pitta’s Fractura: A Condição Homosexual na Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea (2004). (3.3) CURRENT PROJECTS Monograph volumes José Saramago: Truth, Utopia, and the Necessity of Error. Manuscript to be submitted, by invitation, to Manchester University Press, Winter 2011. Articles ‘“Estranha forma de vida”: Amália as gay icon’. To be submitted, by invitation, to Luso-Brazilian Review. 'The Mariner and the Nomad: Exile and elsewhere in the work of Al Berto'. 'Post-Imperial Penelopes: Re-writing the hero's return in Portuguese literature of the 1980s'. (4) MAJOR RESEARCH COLLABORATIONS (4.1) CONFERENCES ORGANISED 2010 American Portuguese Studies Association 7th international conference, Brown, University, October. Conference co-chair. 2009 Association of British and Irish Lusitanists 3rd internatinal conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, September. Conference programme co-chair. 2008 American Portuguese Studies Association 6th international conference, Yale University, 10-12 October. Conference chair. 2006 American Portuguese Studies Association 5th international conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 12-15 September. Section organiser. 2006 Association of British and Irish Lusitanists First International Conference, University of Nottingham, 15-16 September 2006. Principal organiser. 2006 Popular Musics of the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds, University of Newcastle, 14-16 July. Co-organised with Vanessa Knights and Ian Biddle, in association with the organizers of the ¡Vamos! Festival of Latin Culture, Newcastle Gateshead, 7-16 July. 2003 Latin American Popular Music: Transcultural Samplings and Global Reverberations, Institute of Romance Studies, London, 5-6 December. Coorganised with Patricia Montenegro (UCL). (4.2) MULTI-INSTITUTIONAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS 2010-present Global Cities/ Global Citizenship (funded by the European Commission & US Govt Atlantis partnership programme). Academic Partners: University of Bologna; University of Denver; Portland State University. 2009-present Cinema of Post-Conflict in Africa Academic Partners: University of Cape Town; Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo; University of Naples ‘l’Orientale’; University of Minho; Queen Mary, University of London; New York University; School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 2007-2009 Estudos Comparados da Narrativa Lusófona Pós-Colonial Academic Partners: Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo; University of Lisbon; University of Naples ‘l’Orientale’; University of São Paulo; University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2004-present Post-Conflict Cultures (coordinated by University of Nottingham and University of Bologna) 2001.2003 Cultural Units of Learning - Tools and Services (funded by European Commission) Academic partners: Technical University of Berlin, University of Salzburg, University of Southampton, University of Tartu, University of Tel Aviv, University of Vienna. (4.3) AFFILIATIONS American Portuguese Studies Association (APSA) – Executive committee member 2006-present. Association of British and Irish Lusitanists (ABIL)– Conference secretary and steering group member, 2005-2006; executive committee member, 20062009. Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas (AIL) Brazilian Association for the Study of Homoculture (ABEH) Modern Languages Association (MLA) (4.4) EDITORIAL/ PEER-REVIEWING ACTIVITIES Peer-reviewer for proposals and manuscripts for the following: Ashgate Press Manchester University Press St Jerome Press University of Wales Press Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Ellipsis (journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association) Hispanic Research Journal Journal of Romance Studies Modern Language Review Politics and Policy The Review of Politics (5) RESEARCH FUNDING AWARDED 2009 £26,000 from the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council, to part-fund research leave to undertake the researching of José Saramago: Truth, Utopia, and the Necessity of Error. 2009 £950 from University of Nottingham Centre for Advanced Study, to fund participation in international conference ‘Sexual/ Textual Empires’, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA. 2008 €1,500 from the Luso-American Development Foundation (FLAD), to part-fund translation and publication of O Corpo em Pessoa (see above). 2007 €1,000 from the Instituto Camões, to part-fund translation and publication of O Corpo em Pessoa (see above). 2007 £650 from Nottingham Humanities Research Office, to part-fund translation and publication of O Corpo em Pessoa (see above). 2007 £880 from Nottingham Humanities Research Office, to fund participation in the MLA annual convention in Chicago, USA. 2006 £1450 from Nottingham Humanities Research Office, to fund participation in the 5th APSA international conference at the University of Minnesota, USA, and to part-fund the publication of Embodying Pessoa (see above) 2006 £900 from University of Nottingham Dean of Arts Fund, to part-fund publication of Embodying Pessoa (see above). 2005 £1600 from Nottingham Humanities Research Office, to fund participation in international conferences at the University of Maryland, USA; the University of Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain; and the University of Leipzig, Germany. 2004 £1200 from Gulbenkian Foundation, to half-fund publication of In Dialogue with José Saramago. 2004 £1200 from Luso-American Foundation for Development (FLAD), to half-fund publication of In Dialogue with José Saramago. 2006 £2000 from Newcastle Institute for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (NIASSH), to underwrite international conference Popular Musics of the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds. 2004 £1000 from Nottingham Humanities Research Office, to fund participation in international conferences at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, and Universidade de Brasília, Brazil. 2003 £1700 from the Universities of Nottingham and London (KCL, UCL and IRS), and from corporate sponsors, to fund international conference Transcultural Samplings and Global Reverberations. (6) SELECTED CONFERENCE PAPERS AND GUEST LECTURES (* indicates activities carried out with institutional or external funding) 2012 ‘Political & aesthetic innovation and continuity in Saramago’s Levantado do Chão’. Guest lecture, School of Modern Languages, University of Bristol, 19 October. 2012* ‘Beyond Nation, beyond Gender: Al Berto from ‘luso-queer’ to nomad’. American Portuguese Studies Association Fifth International Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, 4-6 October. 2012* Respondent: ‘Jorge Amado and the Lusophone World’. International conference ‘The World of Jorge Amado/ Jorge Amado and the World’, British Library, 8 June. 2012* ‘Beyond Iberianism: Internationalism and (Inter-)identity in A Jangada de Pedra’. Dept of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies research seminar, University of Leeds, 25 April. 2011 ‘Visual Cultures/ Plural Cultures: Using Cinema and Visual Arts in Teaching Lusophone Studies’ (with Rhian Atkin). III E. Allison Peers Symposium, ‘Iberia’s Plural Cultures, Past and Present: Reflections on Research-led Teaching’, University of Liverpool, 9 December. 2011* ‘Portuguese Men at War: Picturing Masculinities in Margarida Cardoso’s A Costa dos Murmúrios’. IV CECC International Conference on Culture and Conflict, ‘(Post-)Conflict Cinema: Remembering Out-breaks and In-tensions’, Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon, 5-6 December. 2011* ‘Saramago and the Micro-politics of Desire’, IV Association of British and Irish Lusitanists International Conference, University of Leeds, 9-10 September. 2011* Respondent, plenary session on ‘Migrações e Subalternidades’, International Conference ‘Nação e Narrativa Pós-Colonial Angolana e Moçambicana’, ISEG-University of Lisbon, 1-2 July. 2010 ‘The films of Flora Gomes: An introduction’. Festival de Cinema ‘35 Anos da Independência dos PALOP’, Queen Mary University of London, 9-13 November. 2010* ‘Post-conflict Cinema in Lusophone Africa: Projecting Local Visions in Globalized Spaces’. International Colloquium ‘Post-Conflict Cultures: Topographies of Reconstruction’, University of Bologna, 4-6 November. 2007* '"Gay" literature in modern Portugal: the contested paternity of an invented tradition'. Contribution to 'Queering/Querying the Portuguese Twenty-first Century' (special session in memory of Timothy McGovern), Modern Languages Association International Congress, Chicago 27-30 December. 2007* ‘Conflicts of Memory and Memories of Conflict in Saramago’s “Iberian” Fiction’. International conference ‘Contested Pasts: Approaches to War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Spanish and Portuguese Culture’, University College, Dublin, 19-29 October. 2007* ‘AIDS and the politics of transition in the work of Cazuza’, day symposium ‘Brazilian Studies in the North-West’ (funded by AHRC), University of Manchester, 22 June. 2007* '(Self) Discoveries and (Rough) Trade: Queer Portuguese identities and beyond in the work of Al Berto'. Plenary lecture, 12th Iberian Studies Forum, University of Oxford, 1-2 June. 2007 '"Vida breve… vida imensa": Popular music and the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Portugal and Brazil'. Public lecture at the Lisbon Inn, Liverpool, organized by the Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Liverpool, 16 February. 2007 'Re-thinking heteronymity: Ricardo Reis and Saramago's other Pessoas', International symposium on Literary Representations of Fernando Pessoa, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Leeds, 24 January. 2006* 'Post-imperial Penelopes: Re-writing the hero's return in Portuguese literature of the 1980s', American Portuguese Studies Association Fifth International Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, 5-7 October. 2006 'Fernando Pessoa's Antinous: Art, love and the multiple self'. Public lecture accompanying the exhibition 'Antinous: The Face of the Antique', Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, 5 July. 2006 'Size matters: Corporeal imagery and satire in Memorial do Convento'. Guest lecture, Department of Spanish, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 27 April. 2005* 'Apologia pelo invertido, ou imperialismo andrógino: A temática do homoerotismo na obra de Fernando Pessoa'. German Association of Lusitanists International Conference, University of Leipzig, 15-18 September. 2005* ''Salsugem' de Al Berto: (Re)visão queer do cânone português', Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas International Conference, University of Santiago de Compostela, 18-23 June. 2005* 'Des(a)fiando a lusa odisseia: Reinscrições de Penélope na literatura portuguesa pos-colonial'. Guest lecture, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viséu, 9 April. 2004 'The mariner and the nomad: Exile and Al Berto's queering of national identity'. International conference on Exile And Migration from/to Portuguese-Speaking Countries, Institute of Romance Studies, London, 26-27 November. 2004* ''Gender, race and violence in Luís Bernardo Honwana's Nós Matámos o Cãotinhoso: The emasculation of the black patriarch'. American Portuguese Studies Association Fourth International Conference, University of Maryland, USA, 14-16 October. 2004* 'Camões, Campos e a reinterpretação queer dos Descobrimentos em "Salsugem" de Al Berto'. International colloquium O Cânone e a Política do Silêncio, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Brazil, 15 June. 2004* 'A alquímia do princípio luso-queer: Os "Truques do ilusionismo" de Al Berto'. Brazilian Association for the Study of Homo-culture Second International Conference, University of Brasília, Brazil, 16-19 June. 2004* 'José Afonso and the music of 25 de Abril'. Colloquium Trinta Anos do 25 de Abril, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 28 April. 2004* Public interview with novelist and playwright Hélia Correia, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Manchester, 19 March. 2003 'Genre trouble: The representation of sexual transgression in two recent adapatations of O Crime do Padre Amaro'. International conference Forms of Rewriting and Intertexuality, Institute of Romance Studies, London, 12-13 September. 2002* 'A problem in Pessoa's ethics: Homoerotism, beauty and art'. Modern Languages Association annual convention, New York City, USA, 27-30 December. 2002* 'García Márquez's Cien años de soledad and Saramago's Levantado do Chão: Ideology, fantasy and the dynastic saga'. American Portuguese Studies Association 3rd international conference, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, 7-9 November. 2002* 'The satiric body in Saramago's Memorial do Convento'. University of Oxford (Portuguese sub-Faculty Research Seminar), 7 March. 2001* 'Pessoa embodied: Saramago's materialist critique in O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis'. Jornada Internacional de Estudos Pessoanos, St Peter's College, University of Oxford, 23 November. 2001 'Gender dysphoria and sexual morality in Eça de Queiroz's O Primo Basílio and O Crime do Padre Amaro'. Women in Spanish and Portuguese Studies annual conference, Insitute of Romance Studies, London, 29 June. 2000* '"Em Abril, falas mil": The New Dawn chorus in Saramago's Levantado do Chão'. Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland annual conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, 3-5 April. 1999* 'From spurious borders to uncertain frontiers: New voyages of discovery in José Saramago's A Jangada de Pedra'. Kent Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities international conference Bordering Europe, University of Kent, Canterbury, 20-22 September. 1999 '"Ever-repositioned mysteries": Male homosexual subjectivity and the phallus in Fernando Pessoa's Antinous'. Hispanic Lesbian and Gay Experience Conference, University of Bradford, 7 May. 1999 Guest lectures delivered on José Saramago's O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis and A Jangada de Pedra at the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Leeds, 17 March. 1999* 'From a European Rift to Utopian Drift: Trajectories of integration and fragmentation in José Saramago's A Jangada de Pedra'. European Studies Research Institute, international conference Beyond Boundaries II: New Europe... Pan-Europe?, University of Salford, 20 February. 1998* 'A canon full of wrath: Literature as a political weapon in Saramago's O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis'. Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland international conference, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal, 5-11 September. (7) TEACHING (7.1) MODULES DEVISED, CONVENED AND TAUGHT (Full details of current University of Nottingham final year modules are available at Final year undergraduate 'Remapping Portuguese Identity since the 1974 Revolution'. University of Nottingham, 2003-2011. 'Gender and Sexuality in Portuguese Literature and Culture, 1875-1974'. University of Nottingham, 2003-2011. ‘Lusophone Identities: Cultural exchanges in the contemporary Portuguesespeaking World’. University of Nottingham, commencing 2011-2012. Second year undergraduate 'Fernando Pessoa and José Saramago'. University of Oxford, 2002-2003. 'Lusophone Africa on Film'. University of Nottingham, 2007-2009. 'Discoveries, Colonies and Empire in the Portuguese-speaking World: Part 2'. University of Nottingham, 2010-present. First year undergraduate 'Portuguese History and Society 1750-2000'. University of Nottingham, 20032009. ‘Spain and Portugal in the Twentieth Century’. University of Nottingham, 2010present. Convened Final year dissertation module, University of Nottingham 2003-present. Supervised final year dissertations, University of Nottingham, 2002-present. (7.2) MODULES CO-DEVISED AND CO-TAUGHT Final year undergraduate 'Advanced Portuguese Translation'. University of Nottingham, 2002-2003; ‘Brazilian Cultural Studies’, University of Nottingham, 2011-2012. 'Culture and Identity in the Portuguese-speaking World'. University of Southampton, 2001-2002. 'Gender and National Identities in Spanish cinema', University of Southampton, 2002-2003. Lecturer on Portuguese and Mozambican literature, University of Manchester, 1999-2001. Second year undergraduate 'Discoveries, Colonies and Empire: Portugal, Africa and Brazil, 1450-1750'. University of Nottingham, 2004-2005. 'Introduction to Portuguese and Brazilian Culture and Society'. University of Southampton, 2001-2002. 'Luso-African literature since 1960'. University of Oxford, 2002-2003. 'Portuguese grammar and translation'. University of Oxford, 2002-2003. 'Língua Portuguesa Nível Intermédio'. University of Nottingham, 2006-present. First year undergraduate 'Twentieth-century Brazilian Literature'. University of Oxford, 2002-2003. 'Introduction to Portuguese History and Society'. University of Nottingham, 2002-2003. 'Introduction to Western European Society: Germand, France, Spain and Portugal'. University of Nottingham, 2003-present. (7.3) GUEST LECTURES Visiting lecturer, University of Bologna, 2012-2013, funded by the EC Erasmus Lecturer Mobility Scheme. Visiting lecturer, University of Coimbra, 2005-2008, funded by the EC Erasmus Lecturer Mobility Scheme. (7.4) POSTGRADUATE SUPERVISION AND TEACHING Current Ph.D. Supervisions Laíz Chen Capra 'Literary Canon Formation in Brazil: The reception of the work of Patativa do Assaré'. Commenced September 2005 (part-time). Commenced writing up September 2010. Alexandrina das Neves Oliveira 'Governmental Policy on the International Provision of Portuguese Language Teaching since the 1974 Revolution'. Commenced September 2006 (part time). Anderson James Engkiong Commenced February 2011. Postgraduate modules devised, convened and taught 40-credit MA module ‘Introduction Visual Culture’, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, 2011-present. 40-credit MA module ‘Prose and Poetry in Contemporary Portugal’, University of Nottingham, 2008-2009. Supervised 40-credit MA dissertation of Mr James Hodgson, on the cinema of Glauber Rocha (passed with distinction, 2009). Postgraduate Research Skills seminars 'Building and managing a bibliography', SAS, University of London, 2001-2003. 'Editing theses and articles', University of Manchester, 1998-2000. 'Planning and Completing your Ph.D. Programme', SAS, University of London, 2001. (7.5) LANGUAGE TEACHING Língua Portuguesa Nível Avançado (translation component), University of Nottingham, 2010-present. Intermediate Portuguese grammar, University of Nottingham, 2006-2009. Elementary and intermediate Portuguese language, University of Manchester, 1996-2000. First year (post A-level) Spanish grammar and translation, University of Manchester, 1996-1998. Teacher of E.F.L. to adults and children Various schools in the U.K., Poland, Spain and Slovakia, 1990-1996. (7.6) EXTERNAL EXAMINING External examiner for PhD programmes in Portuguese: - University of Cambridge, 2008-present. - University of Leeds, 2010-present. External examiner for Masters’ programmes in Portuguese:. - University of Cambridge, 2011-present. - King’s College, London, 2011-present. - Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Viseu, 2007. External examiner for undergraduate programmes in Portuguese: - Goldsmiths' College, University of London, 2004-2008. - University of Southampton, 2005-2009. - University of Newcastle, 2008-present. - University of Oxford, 2010-present. - University of Manchester, 2009; 2012. - King’s College, London, 2011-present. (8) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE SPLAS Dept Senior Tutor, University of Nottingham, from 2011. SPLAS Dept Director of Undergraduate Programmes, 2010-2011. SPLAS Dept Examinations Officer, University of Nottingham, 2006-present. SPLAS Dept Year Abroad Officer, University of Nottingham, 2003-2006. SPLAS Dept Website Officer, University of Nottingham, 2004-2006. SPLAS Dept Personal Tutor, University of Nottingham, 2003-present. SMLC Careers Liaison Officer, University of Nottingham, 2007-2009. SMLC Examinations Committee, University of Nottingham, 2006–present. SMLC Year Abroad Committee, University of Nottingham, 2003-2006. Chair, 2005-2006. SMLC Internationalization Committee, University of Nottingham, 2004-2006; 2010-present. Joint responsibility for project management, reporting and accounts, CULTOS project, IRS, 2001-2003. Co-ordinator of workpackages, CULTOS project, IRS, 2001-2003. Contributed to preparations for QAA inspection of SMLC, University of Nottingham, 2003-2004. SPLAS Dept Teaching Committee, University of Nottingham, 2006–present. SPLAS Dept Working party on Curriculum Development, University of Nottingham, 2004. SPLAS Dept Working party on Teaching of History, University of Nottingham, 2004. SPLAS Dept Working party on Website Development (Chair), 2005present SMLC Working party on Year Abroad provision for students with disabilities, 2004-2006. (9) RELEVANT SKILLS AND INTERESTS (9.1) LANGUAGES Spanish - fluent Portuguese - fluent French – upper intermediate Welsh - upper intermediate Italian - reading knowledge Polish - intermediate German - basic Slovak – basic Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) - basic (9.2) I.T. SKILLS MS Office (good) inc. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook. HTML, Netscape Composer, FrontPage, basic Photoshop. Knowledge of database design and extensive experience of collaborating with software engineers in design and testing of new software applications. Co-devised new data management systems for HLAS Dept Year Abroad and Examinations, and new web pages for HLAS Year Abroad, University of Nottingham. (10) REFERENCES Prof. Catherine Davies, Professor of Hispanic and Latin American Studies and Head of SMLC, University of Nottingham Dept of Hispanic and Latin American Studies, University of Nottingham, University Park, NG7 4RD Tel.: 00 44 115 9515655, Fax: 00 44 115 9515812 E-mail: [email protected] Prof. Hilary Owen, Professor of Portuguese and Luso-African Studies, University of Manchester Dept of Spanish and Portuguese Studies, University of Manchester Oxford Road M13 9PL Tel.: 00 44 161 2753687, Fax: 00 44 161 2753031 E-mail: [email protected] Prof. Paulo de Medeiros, Professor of Portuguese Language and Culture, University of Utrecht Kromme Nieuwegracht 29, 3512 HD Utrecht, The Netherlands Tel.: 00 30 253 6400, Fax: 00 30 253 6167 E-mail: [email protected]