Stephen King Biography - pradigital-tome
Stephen King Biography - pradigital-tome
Stephen King Biography Stephen King Biography L.E.. Biography: Stephen Edwin King was born on September 21, 1947as the son of Donald King and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury. He graduated in 1966 on his state University of Maine. He married Tabitha Spruce in 1971. Having written over 40 books, including a 7 part series of novels, a 6 part serial novel, and numerous short stories, he is one of the world’s most popular all time writers, and is undoubtedly the world’s leading horror writer. King and his novelist wife Tabitha Spruce, they married in 1971 and live in Bangor, Maine still. They have 3 children: Naomi Rachel, a reverend; Joseph Hillstrom, who writes under the pen name Joe Hill and is a lauded horror-fiction writer in his own right; and Owen Phillip, whose first collection of stories was published in 2005. On 1999 he had his first grandchild Ethan. Stephen’s work consists on horror, fantasy, and science fiction, creating a scary mix to the reader. The “Shinning” starring Jack Nicolson is a masterpiece of modern horror cinema. It was directed in 1980 by Staley Kubrick, one of the acclaimed directors in cinema history. Shinning was inspired in the novel which has the same name, this novel was written by Stephen King and is for sure one of his best works . Besides “Shinning” there more immortalized works in the cinema that King wrote like: “Misery”; “It”; “Dream Catcher”; “Carrie” among others. Stephens’s interest in horror writing began in 1959 when he found a box of old science-fiction and horror magazines at his Aunt's house. He’s first professional sale occurred in 1967 when he published "The Glass Floor”. In our days Stephen and Tabitha provide scholarships for local high school students and contribute to many other local and national charities, and he spends much of he’s time not just writing but transforming some of he’s literary works in to films . 2 Work done by Tomé, 17 of September 2010 Stephen King Biography L.E.. Biografia: Stephen Edwin King nasceu em 21 de Setembro de 1947, filho de filho de Donald King e Nellie Ruth Pillsbury. Ele formou se em 1966 na sua universidade pública e casou-se com Tabitha Spruce, em 1971. Tendo escrito mais de 40 livros, incluindo uma série de 7 porções de romances, um romance de 6 partes, e inúmeras curtas histórias, ele é um dos escritores mais populares do mundo e é, sem dúvida um dos mestres da literatura de terror. King e sua esposa romancista Tabitha Spruce, casaram se em 1971 e vive em Bangor, no Maine. Eles têm três filhos: Rachel Naomi, reverendo, José Hillstrom, que escreve sob o pseudônimo de Joe Hill e é um aclamado escritor de ficção de horror em seu próprio direito, e Owen Phillip, cuja primeira colecção de histórias foi publicado em 2005. Em 1999, King teve o seu primeiro neto, Ethan. O trabalho Stephen King consiste em horror, fantasia e ficção científica, criando uma mistura assustadora para o leitor. “Shinning ", com Jack Nicolson, é uma obraprima do cinema de horror moderno. Foi dirigido em 1980 por Staley Kubrick, um dos directores mais aclamados na história do cinema. “Shinning” foi inspirado no romance que tem o mesmo nome, este romance foi escrito por Stephen King e é com certeza um dos seus melhores trabalhos. Além de “Shinning", imortalizado no cinema outros também assim ficaram caso de:" Misery "," It "," Dream Catcher "," Carrie ", entre outros. O interesse de King em escrever horror começou em 1959 quando encontrou uma velha caixa de revistas de ficção científica e horror na casa da sua tia. A vida profissional começou quando publicou pela primeira vez, em 1967 a obra "The Glass Floor". Nos nossos dias, Stephen e Tabitha fornecem bolsas de estudo para estudantes do ensino médio, contribuindo também para outras instituições de caridade locais e nacionais, King passa a maior parte do tempo não apenas escrever, mas também a levar as suas obras ao cinema. 3 Work done by Tomé, 17 of September 2010 Stephen King Biography L.E.. Reflection: For me making this exercise was very nice. It reminded me how nice it is to read a good book, which is something that I don’t do for a while. Stephen King is one of the authors that that I like, even if I just read one of his works “Misery”, I followed some of he’s other works on the big screen. Now it was interesting to read he’s own life story. So far I’m enjoying the English learning of the verbs in the Past Simple. This work I thing I could have done it better, but at the moment it has been such a rush, because it’s our last mouths in class. 4 Work done by Tomé, 17 of September 2010