Ficha de unidade curricular (FUC) Modelling in Finance
Ficha de unidade curricular (FUC) Modelling in Finance
! ! "# ! !" $% # & $" ' % & ' () &, / ( *$ + ) -&*++ . / *++ . / ( , / 0 1 0 *++ . / 2 2 ( *++. / "# ( 2( *++ . / 2 *++. / & # # ( & $ 3+ # ( # & )# ( 4 + 1 *+ , + , 5 6 / / 7 5 0 , 8++ , / 7 5 , , 7 5 , 5 5 7 / -(. , 0 -(. ( 5 / , / 0 9: 9 : // 0 0/ / ; 7 , , - / ; 6 / 5 / / / , / / Class #1: Intro, set up groups, gather emails if necessary. Discuss files in the course folder, software to install, and recommended books. Errors in spreadsheet modeling and their consequences (last tab in Margin Account Modeling Assignment – pasting data from a 2 pdf into Excel). Pasting data from a pdf. Class #2: Margin Account Modeling Assignment – solution to homework #1. Construct the first row, explain formulas. Class #3: Margin Account Modeling Assignment – modeling price paths. Explain formulas & modeling approach. “Intro to EditPadPro and regexes - Extracting data from a Word file with solution.pdf”. Class #4: Solution to homework #2. ISERR function. VBA code for assigning names to cells. Discussion of chart macro. Email after class: “Lognormal Asset Price Path Simulation Assignment.xls”. Class#5: Intro to Excel’s user-defined functions – in class, go over the file “Marek’s user-defined functions.xls” and “event trigger.xls”. Class#6: Solution to Capital Budgeting Assignment, automated solver demo, conditional formatting. Intro to Perl. Class#7: Talk about “user form.xls”. Show F7/ShiftF7 object/code switch. Demonstrate the use of “Public” variable declaration on top of a module – go through the code. Explain Otobai Project – expected CF and calculation of NPV, basic idea of monte carlo (“get 10,000 sets normal/uniform of CFs for yeas 1-10), distribution and their 3 rescaling to achieve desired errors, idea of intertemporal (vart = vart-1 + error) and intervariable (errorvar_y = errorvar_x x some_multiple) links. Class#8: Solution to Otobai project. Go over “blank” sections of code. Explain how x-axis formatting on charts is achieved. If time remains, talk about pro-forma modeling and Chimbulak assignment. Class #9: Solution to Chimbulak assignment. Class #10: exam review / 0 ( / - / 5 7* +< - + 1 * /*4+< # 0 0/ / ; 7 , , =/ 5 7 / 6 / , 5 ; / =/ 5 7 / *0 / 5 7 5 ; , 5 / 5 7 / / / / 7 / 0 , * 4 / 0 - . , / -( 2 -( 5 :, * 3' ( , 7 * * . . 555 / ! /. ; ; ; / ;: . . +838+838>4 • Brealey-Myers-Allen: Corporate Finance, chapter 10. • Benninga, Simon - Corporate Finance, a Valuation Approach, chapters 2 and 3.4. • Benninga, Simon - Principles of Finance with Excel, chapters 27-34 6
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