departamento de fisiologia e patologia
departamento de fisiologia e patologia
1 DEPARTAMENTO DE FISIOLOGIA E PATOLOGIA PRODUÇÃO CIENTÍFICA TRABALHOS PUBLICADOS – 2014 Livros Organizados 1. DE LUCA JR, LA, MENANI, JV, JOHNSON, AK. Neurobiology of Body Fluid Homeostasis - Transduction and Integration. Boca Raton: CRC Press - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014, v.1. ISBN-13: 978-1-4665-0693-0. Capítulos de Livros Nacionais 1. SOARES DGS, BASSO FG, HEBLING J, DE SOUZA COSTA CA. Metabolismo pulpar frente às intervenções operatórias In: Odontologia estética: respostas às dúvidas mais frequentes.1 ed.São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 2014, v.1, p. 1-18. 2. SOARES DGS, BASSO FG, HEBLING J, DE SOUSA COSTA CA. Odontologia Estética - respostas às dúvidas mais frequentes In: Metabolismo Pulpar Frente às Intervenções Operatórias. 01 ed.São Paulo: Editora Artes Médicas Ltda, 2014, v.01, p. 01-18. 3. SOARES DGS, RIBEIRO APD, BRISO ALF, HEBLING J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Complexo Dentino-Pulpar - fisiologia e resposta às injúrias In: Dentística - Uma Abordagem Mutidisciplinar.00 ed.São Paulo: Editora Artes Médicas Ltda, 2014, v.01, p. 01-324. Capítulos de Livros Estrangeiros 1. DE LUCA JR, LA, DAVID, RB, MENANI, JV. Homeostasis and Body Fluid Regulation - An End Note In: Neurobiology of Body Fluid Homeostasis Transduction and Integration.1ª ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014, v.1, p. 303-308. ISBN-13: 978-1-4665-0693-0. 2. MENANI, JV, VIEIRA, AA, COLOMBARI, DSA, DE PAULA, PM, COLOMBARI, E, DE LUCA JR, LA. Preoptic-Periventricular Integrative Mechanisms Involved in Behavior, Fluid-Electrolyte Balance, and Pressor Responses In: Neurobiology of Body Fluid Homeostasis - Transduction and Integration.1ª ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press - Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2014, v.1, p. 67-82. ISBN-13: 978-1-46650693-0. 3. MOLKOV, YI, ZOCCAL, DB, BAEKEY, DM, ABDALA, APL, MACHADO, BH, DICK, TE, PATON, JULIAN FR, RYBAK, IA. Physiological and pathophysiological interactions between the respiratory central pattern generator and the sympathetic nervous system In: Progress in Brain Research. 1 ed: Elsevier, 2014, v.212, p. 1-23. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63488-7.00001-X. 4. MORAES, DJA, MACHADO, BH, ZOCCAL, DB. Coupling of respiratory and sympathetic activities in rats submitted to chronic intermittent hypoxia In: Progress in Brain Research.1 ed.: Elsevier, 2014, v.212, p. 25-38. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-63488-7.00002-1. 2 Revistas Nacionais c/Referees e/ou Indexadas 1. BECCI, ACO, MARTI, LM, ZUANON, A, BRIGHENTI, FL, SPOLIDORIO, DMP, GIRO, EMA. Influence of the addition of chlorhexidine diacetate on bond strength of a high-viscosity glass ionomer cement to sound and artificial caries-affected dentin. Revista de Odontologia da UNESP (Online), v.43, p.1 - 7, 2014. 2. BEDRAN, TBL, TOLEDO, FA, ROCHA,F, SPOLIDORIO, LC, SPOLIDORIO, DMP. Detecção de Periodontopatógenos, Glicoproteína Emmprin (Cd-147) e sua relação com MMP-2 e MMP-9. ROBRAC (Online) (Goiânia), v.23, p.40 - 46, 2014. Revistas Estrangeiras c/Referees e/ou Indexadas 1. ALMEIDA, LCAG, GALLINARI, MO, SANTOS, PH, SOARES, DGS, DE SOUZA COSTA CA, BRISO, LAF. Color alteration, hydrogen peroxide diffusion, and cytotoxicity caused by in-office bleaching protocols. Clinical Oral Investigations (Print), v. 19, p.673-680, 2014. 2. ALVES, F, MIMA, EG, DOVIGO L, BAGNATO VS, DE SOUSA COSTA CA, PAVARINA, AC. The influence of photodynamic therapy parameters on the inactivation of spp: and studies. Laser Physics, v.24, p.045601, 2014. 3. AMARAL NO, NAVES, LM, FERREIRA-NETO, ML, FREIRIA-OLIVEIRA, AH, COLOMBARI, E, ROSA, DA, REIS, AAS, IANZER, D, XAVIER, CH, PEDRINO, GR. Median Preoptic Nucleus Mediates the Cardiovascular Recovery Induced by Hypertonic Saline in Hemorrhagic Shock. The Scientific World Journal, v.2014, p.1 - 9, 2014. 4. ANDRADE, CAF, ANDRADE-FRANZÉ, GMF, DE PAULA, PM, DE LUCA JR, LA, MENANI, JV. Role of alfa2-adrenoceptors in the lateral parabrachial nucleus in the control of body fluid homeostasis. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research, v.47, p.11 - 18, 2014. 5. ANDRADE, CAF, OLIVEIRA, LB, ANDRADE-FRANZÉ, GMF, DE LUCA JR, LA, COLOMBARI, DSA, MENANI, JV. Gabaergic and opioid receptors mediate the facilitation of NaCl intake induced by alpha2-adrenergic activation in the lateral parabrachial nucleus. Behavioural Brain Research, v.278, p.535 - 541, 2014. 6. BASSI, M, FURUYA, WI, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, DSA, DO CARMO, JM, DA SILVA, AA, HALL, JE, MOREIRA, TS, WENKER, IC, MULKEY, DK, COLOMBARI, E. Leptin into the ventrolateral medulla facilitates chemorespiratory response in leptin deficient (ob/ob) mice. Acta Physiologica (Print), v.211, p.240 - 248, 2014. 7. BASSO, FG, TURRIONI APS, SOARES, DGS, BAGNATO, VS, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA CA. Low-level laser therapy for osteonecrotic lesions: effects on osteoblasts treated with zoledronic acid. Supportive Care in Cancer, v. 22, p.2741-2748, 2014. 8. BEDRAN, TBL, GRIGNON, L, SPOLIDORIO, DMP, GRENIER, D. Subinhibitory concentrations of triclosan promote Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation and adherence to oral epithelial cells. Plos One, v.9, p.e89059, 2014. 3 9. BLANCH, GT, FREIRIA-OLIVEIRA, AH, SPERETTA, GFF, CARRERA, EJ, LI, H, SPETH, RC, COLOMBARI, E, SUMNERS, C, COLOMBARI, DSA. Increased Expression of Angiotensin II Type 2 Receptors in the Solitary-Vagal Complex Blunts Renovascular Hypertension. Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. 1979), v.64, p.777 - 783, 2014. 10.BUENO DA SILVA, HA, EUZEBIO ALVES, VT, SPOLIDORIO, LS, CÉSAR NETO, JB, EICHLER, RS, CATELLI DE CARVALHO, MH, HOLZHAUSEN, M. Expression of Protease Activated Receptor-1 in Chronic Periodontitis. Journal of Periodontology (1970), v.85, p.1763 - 1769, 2014. 11.CHAVES, CAL, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, VERGANI CE, SOUZA, PPC, MACHADO, AL. Effects of Soft Denture Linerson L929 Fibroblasts, HaCaT Keratinocytes, and RAW 264.7 Macrophages. BIOMED RES INT, v.2014, p.1 - 14, 2014. 12.CHAVES, C, VERGANI, CE, THOMAS, D, YOUNG, A, SALIH V, CUCCI A, DE SOUZA COSTA CA. Biological effects of soft denture reline materials on L929 cells in vitro. Journal of Tissue Engineering, v.5, p.01 - 08, 2014. 13.COIMBRA, LS, STEFFENS, JP, ROSSA JR, C, SPOLIDORO, LC. Clopidogrel enhances periodontal repair in rats through decreased inflammation. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, v.41, p.25 - 302, 2014. 14.CONTE NETO, N, DE ANDRADE, CR, SPOLIDORIO, LC, PLANETA, CS, CRUZ, FC, DE SOUZA BASTOS, A, MARCANTONIO JR, E. Effects of chronic stress and alendronate therapy on the osseointegration of titanium implants. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2014 Oct;16(5):762-71. 15.COSTA NETO, CM, DUARTE, DA, LIMA, VA, MARIA, AG, PRANDO, EC, RODRÍGUEZ, DY, SANTOS, GA, SOUZA, PPC, PARREIRAS E SILVA, LT. Noncanonical signalling and roles of the vasoactive peptides angiotensins and kinins. Clinical Science (1979), v.126, p.753 - 774, 2014. 16.CRESTANI, C, CRUZ, FC, MOLINI, R, SPOLIDORO, LC, ENGI, SA, PLANETA, CS. Cardiovascular Complications following Chronic Treatment with Cocaine and Testosterone in Adolescent Rats. Plos One, v.9, p.e105172, 2014. 17.DAVANÇO, MG, AGUIAR, AC, DOS SANTOS, LA, PADILHA, EC, CAMPOS, ML, DE ANDRADE, CR, DA FONSECA, LM, DOS SANTOS, JL, CHIN, CM, KRETTLI, AU, PECCININI, RG. Evaluation of antimalarial activity and toxicity of a new primaquine prodrug. PLoS One. 18;9(8): e105217, 2014. 18.DE MOLON, RS, DE AVILA, ED, BOAS NOGUEIRA, AV, CHAVES DE SOUZA, JA, AVILA-CAMPOS, MJ, DE ANDRADE, CR, CIRELLI, JA. Evaluation of the host response in various models of induced periodontal disease in mice. J Periodontol. 85(3):465-77, 2014. 19.DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, HEBLING, J, SCHEFFEL, DLS, SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, RIBEIRO, APD. Methods to evaluate and strategies to improve the biocompatibility of dental materials and operative techniques. Dental Materials, v.30, p.769 - 784, 2014. 4 20.DUQUE, CCO, SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Bleaching effectiveness, hydrogen peroxide diffusion, and cytotoxicity of a chemically activated bleaching gel. Clinical Oral Investigations (Print), v.18, p.1631 - 1637, 2014. 21.FURUYA, WI, BASSI, M, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, E, ZOCCAL, DB, COLOMBARI, D SA. Differential modulation of sympathetic and respiratory activities by cholinergic mechanisms in the nucleus of the solitary tract in rats. Experimental Physiology (Print), v.99, p.743 - 758, 2014. 22.FURUYA, WI, BASSI, M, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, E, ZOCCAL, DB, COLOMBARI, DSA. Differential modulation of sympathetic and respiratory activities by cholinergic mechanisms in the nucleus of the solitary tract in rats. Experimental Physiology (Print), v.99, p.743 - 758, 2014. 23.GARCIA, LFR, HUCK, C, SOUZA, PPC, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Biocompatibility of New Calcium luminate Cement: Tissue Reaction and Expression of Inflammatory Mediators and Cytokines. Journal of Endodontics, v. 40, p. 20242029, 2014. 24.GARCIA, LFR, HUCK, C, MENEZES DE OLIVEIRA, L, CHAVES DE SOUZA, PP, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Biocompatibility of New Calcium Aluminate Cement: Tissue Reaction and Expression of Inflammatory Mediators and Cytokines. Journal of Endodontics, v.40, p.2024 - 2029, 2014. 25.GASPARINI, S, MENANI, JV, DANIELS, D. Moxonidine into the lateral parabrachial nucleus modifies post ingestive signals involved in sodium intake control. Neuroscience, p.768 - 774, 2014. 26.GREENWOOD, M. BORDIERI, L, GREENWOOD, M, MELO, MDR, COLOMBARI, DSA, COLOMBARI, E, PATON, JFR, MURPHY, D. Transcription Factor CREB3L1 Regulates Vasopressin Gene Expression in the Rat Hypothalamus. The Journal of Neuroscience, v.34, p.3810 - 3820, 2014. 27.LEMES, EV, ZOCCAL, DB. Vagal afferent control of abdominal expiratory activity in response to hypoxia and hypercapnia in rats. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology, v.203, p.90 - 97, 2014. 28.LIMA, AF, BASSO, FG, RIBEIRO, APD, BAGNATO, VS, HEBLING, J, MARCHI, GM, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Effects of Laser Irradiation on Pulp Cells Exposed to Bleaching Agents. Photochemistry and Photobiology, v.90, p.201 - 206, 2014. 29.LIMA, AF, RIBEIRO, APD, BASSO, FG, BAGNATO, VS, HEBLING, J, MARCHI, GM, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Effect of low-level laser therapy on odontoblast-like cells exposed to bleaching agent. Lasers in Medical Science (Internet), v.29, p.1533 1538, 2014. 30.MARQUES, YMFS, ANDRADE, CR, MACHADO DE SOUZA, SCO, NAVARRO, CM. Oral Verruciform Xanthoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case Reports in Pathology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 641015, 3 pages. 5 31.MARTI, LM, BECCI, ACO, SPOLIDORIO, DMP, BRIGHENTI, FL, GIRO, EMA, ZUANON, ACC. Incorporation of chlorhexidine gluconate or diacetate into a glassionomer cement: Porosity, surface roughness, and anti-biofilm activity. American Journal of Dentistry, v.27, p.318 - 322, 2014. 32.MELO, MDR, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, E, COLOMBARI, DSA. Hydrogen Peroxide Attenuates The Dipsogenic, Renal And Pressor Responses Induced By Cholinergic Activation Of The Medial Septal Area. Neuroscience, v.284, p.611 621, 2014. 33.MENANI, JV, DE LUCA JR, LA, JOHNSON, A. Role of the lateral parabrachial nucleus in the control of sodium appetite. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, v.306, p.R201 - R210, 2014. 34.MONTORO, LA, TURRIONE, APS, BASSO, FG, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, HEBLING, J. Infrared LED irradiation photobiomodulation of oxidative stress in human dental pulp cells. International Endodontic Journal (Print), v.47, p.747 - 755, 2014. 35.MORAES, DJA, BONAGAMBA, LGH, COSTA, KM, COSTA-SILVA, JH, ZOCCAL, DB, MACHADO, BH. Short-term sustained hypoxia induces changes in the coupling of sympathetic and respiratory activities in rats. Journal of Physiology (London. Print), p.2013 - 2033, 2014. 36.MOREIRA, MCS, DA SILVA, EF, SILVEIRA, LL, DE PAIVA, YB, DE CASTRO, CH, FREIRIA-OLIVEIRA, AH, ROSA, DA, FERREIRA, PM, XAVIER, CH, COLOMBARI, E, PEDRINO, GR. High sodium intake during postnatal phases induces an increase in arterial blood pressure in adult rats. British Journal of Nutrition, v.112, p.1 10, 2014. 37.MOREIRA, TS, TAKAKURA, AC, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, E. Activation of central alpha2-adrenoceptors mediates salivary gland vasoconstriction. Archives of Oral Biology, v.58, p.167 - 173, 2013. 38.NEGRINI, TC, FERREIRA, LS, ARTHUR, RA, ALEGRANCI, P, PLACERES, MCP, SPOLIDORIO, LC, CARLOS, IZ. Influence of TLR-2 in the immune response in the infection induced by fungus Sporothrix schenckii. Immunological Investigations, v.43, p.370 - 390, 2014. 39.NOGUEIRA, MNM, AQUINO, SG, ROSSA JR, C, SPOLIDORIO, DMP. Terpinen-4ol and alpha-terpineol (tea tree oil components) inhibit the production of IL-1β; IL-6 and IL-10 on human macrophages. Inflammation Research (Printed ed.), v.63, p.1 - 10, 2014. 40.OGIHARA, CA, SCHOORLEMMER, GHM, LAZARI, MFM, GIANNOCCO, G, LOPES, OU, COLOMBARI, E, SATO, MA. Swimming Exercise Changes Hemodynamic Responses Evoked by Blockade of Excitatory Amino Receptors in the Rostral Ventrolateral Medulla in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. BioMed Research International, v.2014, p.1 - 9, 2014. 6 41.OLIVEIRA, GJPL, PAULA, L, SPIN-NETO, R, STAVROPOULOS, A, SPOLIDORO, LC, MARCANTONIO JR, E, MARCANTONIO, RAC. Effect of Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables on Osseointegration: A Proof-of-Principle Preclinical In Vivo Study. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, v.29, p.949 957, 2014. 42.PANSANI, TN, BASSO, FG, TURRIONI, APS, KURACHI C, HEBLING J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Effects of low-level laser therapy on the proliferation and apoptosis of gingival fibroblasts treated with zoledronic acid. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, v.43, p.1030-1034, 2014. 43.PAVONE, C, CIRELLI, JA, CERRI, PS, SPOLIDORO, LC, SCARDUELI, CR, OLIVEIRA, GJPL, VALVERDE, LRP, MARCANTONIO, RAC. Effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser application in the treatment of experimental periodontitis. Lasers in Medical Science, v.30, p.993-999, 2014. 44.PONTES, ECV, SOARES, DGS, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Cytotoxicity of resin-based luting cements to pulp cells. American Journal of Dentistry, v.27, p.237 - 244, 2014. 45.RICCI, HA, SCHEFFEL, DLS, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, HEBLING, J. Wettability of chlorhexidine treated non-carious and caries-affected dentine. Australian Dental Journal (Print), v.59, p.37-42, 2014. 46.RICCI, HA, SCHEFFEL, DLS, MARIUSSO, MR, SPOLODORIO, DMP, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, HEBLING J. Exposed collagen in resin bonds to caries-affected dentin after dentin treatment with aqueous and alcoholic chlorhexidine solutions. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, v.16, p.21 - 28, 2014. 47.RODERJAN, DA, STANISLAWCZUK, R, HEBLING, J, SOARES, DGS, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, REIS A, LOGUÉRCIO, AD. Histological Features of Dental Pulp Tissue from Bleached Mandibular Incisors. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (A&B), v.4, p.178 - 185, 2014. 48.RONCARI, CF, DAVID, RB, JOHNSON, RF, DE PAULA, PM, COLOMBARI, DSA, DE LUCA JR, LA, JOHNSON, AK, COLOMBARI, E, MENANI, J.V. Angiotensinergic and cholinergic receptors of the subfornical organ mediate sodium intake induced by GABAergic activation of the lateral parabrachial nucleus. Neuroscience, v.262, p.1 - 8, 2014. 49.SCHEFFEL, DLS, ESTRELA, RP, PIRES, PM, MARIUSSO, MR, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, HEBLING, J. Effect of time between adhesive application and photoactivation on adhesion and collagen exposure. American Journal of Dentistry, v.27, p.330 334, 2014. 50.SCHEFFEL, DLS, HEBLING, J, SCHEFFEL, RH, AGEE, K, TURCO, G, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, PASHLEY, DH. Inactivation of Matrix-bound Matrix Metalloproteinases by Cross-linking Agents in Acid-etched Dentin. Operative Dentistry (Online), v.39, p.152 - 158, 2014. 7 51.SCHEFFEL, DLS, HEBLING,J, SCHEFFEL, RH, AGEE, KA, CADENARO, M, TURCO, G, BRESCHI, L, MAZZONI, A, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, PASHLEY, DH, HEBLING, J. Stabilization of dentin matrix after cross-linking treatments, in vitro. Dental Materials, v.30, p.227 - 233, 2014. 52.SILVEIRA, LL, SILVA, EF, ANDRADE, AM, XAVIER, CH, FREIRIA-OLIVEIRA, AH, COLUGNATI, DB, CASTRO, CH, COLOMBARI, E, PEDRINO, G. Involvement of the median preoptic nucleus in blood pressure control. Neuroscience Letters (Print), v.558, p.91 - 96, 2014. 53.SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Concentrations of and application protocols for hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels: Effects on pulp cell viability and whitening efficacy. Journal of Dentistry, v.42, p.185 - 198, 2014. 54.SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, PONTES, ECV, GARCIA, LFR, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Effective tooth-bleaching protocols capable of reducing H2O2 diffusion through enamel and dentine. Journal of Dentistry, v.42, p.351 - 358, 2014. 55.SOARES, DGS, DUQUE, CCO, BASSO, FG, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Immediate and late analysis of dental pulp stem cells viability after indirect exposition to alternative in-office bleaching strategies. Clinical Oral Investigations (Print), p.01 - 08, 2014. 56.SOARES, DGS, PASTANA, JV, DUQUE, CCO, RIBEIRO, APD, BASSO, FG, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Influence of adhesive restorations on diffusion of H2O2 released from a bleaching agent and its toxic effects on pulp cells. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, v.16, p.123 - 128, 2014. 57.SOARES, DGS, RIBEIRO, APD, SACONO, NT, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Pusobení belení zubu 35% gelem peroxidu vodíku na odolnost vazby mezi zunem a kompozitní pryskyricí. Progresdent, v.5, p.6 - 9, 2014. 58.SPOLIDORIO, LC, LUCAS, PDR, STEFFENS, JP, SILVA, HAB, ALVES, VTE, SPOLIDORIO, DMP, HOLZHAUSEN, M. Impact of Parstatin on Experimental Periodontal Disease and Repair in Rats. Journal of Periodontology (1970), v. 85, p.1266-74, 2014. 59.STEFFENS, JP, HERRERA, BS, COIMBRA, LS, STEPHENS, D, ROSSA JR, C, SPOLIDORO, LC, KANTARCI, A, VAN DYKE, T. Testosterone Regulates Bone Response to Inflammation. Hormone and Metabolic Research, v.46, p.193 - 200, 2014. 60.TAKAKURA, AC, BARNA, BF, CRUZ, JC, COLOMBARI, E, MOREIRA, TS. Phox2bexpressing retrotrapezoid neurons and the integration of central and peripheral chemosensory control of breathing in conscious rats. Experimental Physiology (Print), v.99, p.571-585, 2014. 61.TURRIONI, APS, BASSO, FG, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, HEBLING, J. Phototherapy Up-regulates Dentin Matrix Proteins Expression and Synthesis by Stem Cells from Human-Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth. Journal of Dentistry, v. 42, p.1292-1299, 2014. 8 62.VARGAS, FS, SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Dose-response and time-course of alpha-tocoferol mediating the cytoprotection of odontoblast-like cells against hydrogen peroxide. Brazilian Dental Journal (Impresso), v.25, p.367 - 371, 2014. 63.VARGAS, FS, SOARES, DGS, RIBEIRO,APD, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Protective Effect of Alpha-Tocopherol Isomer from Vitamin E against the H2O2 Induced Toxicity on Dental Pulp Cells. BioMed Research International, v.2014, p.1 - 5, 2014. 64.ZOCCAL, DB, FURUYA, WI, BASSI, M, COLOMBARI, DSA, COLOMBARI, E. The nucleus of the solitary tract and the coordination of respiratory and sympathetic activities. Frontiers in Physiology, v.5, p.238, 2014. Trabalhos Aceitos para Publicação em Revistas Internacionais 1. BASSI, M, NAKAMURA, NB, FURUYA, WI, COLOMBARI, DSA, MENANI, JV, DO CARMO, JM, DA SILVA, AA, HALL, JE, COLOMBARI, E. Activation of the brain melanocortin system is required for leptin-induced modulation of chemorespiratory function. Acta Physiologica (Print). 2. BASSI, M, WERNER, IF, ZOCCAL, DB, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, E, HALL, JE, DA SILVA, A., DO CARMO, JM, COLOMBARI, DSA. Control of respiratory and cardiovascular functions by leptin. Life Sciences (1973). 3. BASSO, FG, PANSANI, T. N., SOARES, DGS, DE SOUZA COSTA, C A, HEBLING, J. Biomodulation of Inflammatory Cytokines Related to Oral Mucositis by LowLevel Laser Therapy. Photochemistry and Photobiology. 4. DE PAIVA GONÇALVES, V, ORTEGA, AAC, GUIMARÃES, MR, CURYLOFO, FA, ROSSA JR, CR, RIBEIRO, DA, SPOLIDORIO, LC. Chemopreventive activity of systemically administered curcumin on oral cancer in the 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide model. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (Print). 5. GARCIA, LFR, SOUZA, PPC, HUCK, C, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Repair of Bone Defects Filled with New Calcium Aluminate Cement (EndoBinder). Journal of Endodontics. 6. GOMES, DAS, PIRES, JR, SPOLIDORIO, LC, ZUZA, EP, GUTIERREZ, JCR, SPOLIDORIO, DMP, TOLEDO, BEC. Directrices para el diagnostico de la diabetes mellitus y la conducta clinica periodontal. Acta Odontológica Venezolana. 7. HEBLING, J, BIANCHI, L, BASSO, FG, SCHEFFEL, DLS, SOARES, DGS, DE OLIVEIRA CARRILHO, MR, PASHLEY, DH, DE SOUSA COSTA, CA. Cytotoxicity of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in direct contact with odontoblast-like cells. Dental Materials. 8. MELO, MDR, MENANI, JV, COLOMBARI, E, COLOMBARI, DSA. Hydrogen peroxide attenuates the dipsogenic, renal and pressor responses induced by cholinergic activation of the medial septal area. Neuroscience. 9 9. NEGRINI, TC, DUQUE, C, MASCARENHAS DE OLIVEIRA, AC, HEBLING, J, SPOLIDORIO, LC, SPOLIDORIO, DMP. Contamination by Staphylococcus aureus in pediatric dentistry clinic. The Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry (Print). 10.PASCHOAL, M, TONON, CC, CORREIA, MF, SPOLIDORIO, DMP, GIUSTI, J, BAGNATO, VS, PINTO, MLS. Comparative effects of photodynamic therapy mediated by Curcumin on standard and clinical isolate of Streptococcus mutans. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 11.SCHEFFEL, D, BIANCHI, L, SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, SABATINI, C, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, PASHLEY, DH, HEBLING, J. Transdentinal cytotoxicity of carbodiimide (EDC) and glutaraldehyde on odontoblast-like cells. Operative Dentistry. 12.SCHEFFEL, D, DELGADO, C, SOARES, DG, BASSO, F, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA, PASHLEY, D, HEBLING, J. Increased Durability of Resin-Dentin Bonds Following Cross-Linking Treatment. Operative Dentistry. 13.SCHEFFEL, DLS, RIBEIRO, APD, SACONO, NT, PASHLEY, DH, DE SOUZA COSTA, C A, HEBLING, J. Immediate human pulp response to ethanol-wet bonding technique. Journal of Dentistry. 14.SOARES, D G, MARCOMINI, N, BASSO, F G, PANSANI, T N, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, C A. Indirect cytocompatibility of a low-concentration hydrogen peroxide bleaching gel to odontoblast-likecells. International Endodontic Journal (Print). 15.SOARES, DGS, BASSO, FG, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Effect of hydrogen-peroxide-mediated oxidative stress on human dental pulp cells. Journal of Dentistry. 16.SOARES, DGS, SACONO, NT, RIBEIRO, APD, BASSO, FG, SCHEFFEL, DÉBORA LS, HEBLING, J, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Responses of dental pulp cells to a less invasive bleaching technique applied to adhesive-restored teeth. Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. 17.TURRIONI, APS, BASSO, FG, ALONSO, JRL, DE OLIVEIRA, CF, HEBLING, J, BAGNATO, VS, DE SOUZA COSTA, CA. Transdentinal Cell Photobiomodulation Using Different Wavelengths. Operative Dentistry (Online).
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Garcia Lda F, Huck C, Menezes de Oliveira L, de Souza PP, de Souza Costa CA.
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Approved Scientific Work for Poster Presentation
Irismar Reis de Oliveira, MD, PhD - Trial
39. Claudino AM, de Oliveira IR, Appolinario
JC, Cordas TA, Duchesne M, Sichieri R,
Bacaltchuk J (2007) Randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial of topiramate
plus cognitive-behavior thera...