Presentation to investors 5th issue of debentures
Presentation to investors 5th issue of debentures
Energisa Group Investors Presentation 5th Issuance of Debentures Energisa S.A BRL 400,000,000.00 Lead Manager g 2012, May 1 Disclaimer This material was prepared solely as support for presentations related to the 5th Issue of Debentures, unsecured, NonConvertible, up to two tranches of Energisa SA ("Energisa" or "Issuer", "Debentures" and "Offer" respectively) based on information provided by Energisa, and does not imply, by the Bank BTG Pactual SA ("Lead Manager") no representation or warranty t regarding di the th information i f ti contained t i d herein h i or judgment j d t on the th quality lit off the th Issuer I or the th Offer Off or the th securities iti related to this material ("Debentures"). The Lead Manager and their representatives are not responsible for any losses that may result from investment decisions based on the information contained herein. Potential investors should read the Preliminary Prospectus Energisa Debentures ("Preliminary ( Preliminary Prospectus") Prospectus ), in particular the section "Risk Factors Relating to the Offer", before deciding to invest in the Debentures, as well as use other elements they deem necessary to evaluate the possible investment. Any decision to invest based on the information contained in the Preliminary Prospectus shall consider the detailed information about Energisa, activities, financial situation and the risks inherent to the activities of Energisa presented in the “Formulário de Referência” of the Issuer filed with the CVM, as well as its ffinanciall statements. The Preliminary Prospectus may be obtained from Energisa, CVM, Anbima, BMF & Bovespa, CETIP and the Lead Manager. 2 Company’s Presentation SECTION 1 Energisa Group and the Electricity Distribution Industry 4 SECTION 2 The Company 9 SECTION 3 Financial Aspects 14 SECTION 4 Terms and Conditions of the Offer 21 3 1. Energisa g Group p and Electricity Distribution Industry 4 4 Energisa Group and the Power Distribution Sector Energisa Overview Geographic Footprint y Over 107 years of history in the electricity sector y Is registered in the stock exchange since 1907 y Operational Target: Energisa Paraiba Energisa Borborema – Distribution of electricity – Power generation through renewable sources – Energy trading and related services of generation, transmission and distribution Energisa Sergipe y Highlights: – 5 concessions of electricity distribution – 2 Services Companies Energisa Nova Friburgo – 17 Generation Projects (453 MW) Energisa Minas Gerais – Concession Area: 91,180 Km2 – Population Served: 6.7 million 3.5 % Brasil 10.4 % Northeast Dis Cos (1) SHPs Wind Farms Biomass(1) In the final stages of acquisition 5 Ownership Structure Gipar / Itacatu B t lh Family Botelho F il FIP da Serra Free Float CS = 5% TC = 12% VS = 22% TC = 53% VS = 73% TC= 35% VS = Voting Shares / TC= Total Capital TC(1) = 100% Distribution Energisa Minas Gerais Energisa Sergipe gp Energisa Nova Friburgo Services Energisa Paraíba Energisa Comercializadora Energisa Soluções ç Energisa Borborema (1) Except for two SPCs Biomass in final stage of Generation Geração Rio G Grande d PCH Cristina PCH Zé Tunin Eólicas RN Eólicas BA Biomassa SP e MS acquisition (60 MW), where Energisa will possess 85% of the shares 6 Power Distribution Sector Strong Growth and Consumption Base Consumption (GWh) 9.262 7 971 7.971 Customers Base (thousand) 6.271 CAGR: 4,3% 6.593 7.328 7.133 2.590 2,453 2 482 2,482 2,338 1.700 1.805 2.129 2.628 2.234 356 2008 2009 2010 2011 1T12 Consumidor Livre e Outros Mercado Próprio 2 253 2,253 Revenue by Segment of Consumers Energy 2,167 Industry 14.8% 2008 2009 2010 2011 1T12 y Relevant and sustainable growth, characteristic of regions with strong development; y More than 142 thousands consumers connected by the program g “ Light ffor All” until til 1Q12 y Evolution of the consumer base ( +5.1% over 1Q11) Residential 45.7% Commercial 22.8% Others 12.6% Rural 4.1% Residential and commercial segments provide the highest EBITDA margin 7 Power Distribution Sector Reduction of losses and Delinquency Consolidated Energy Losses (%) 20,4 Consolidated Delinquency (% da Gross Revenue) 5.2 47 4.7 4.1 3.9 3.2 20,2 18,1 14,4 14,5 16,3 13,0 12,5 13,7 13,4 5,1 5,5 5,2 4,7 , 4,2 11,1 28 2,8 10,8 2,5 2 5 9,3 8,9 8,2 8,3 8,2 8,4 8,3 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1T12 tecnnical Técnica 2.8 13,4 17,5 Comercial commercial Energisa Energisa Paraíba Paraíba 2.8 2.4 2.0 2.0 y Except Energisa Paraíba (EPB), none of the distribution companies within the group operates with losses higher than 10.2%;; 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 y Focus on managerial actions aiming the continuous reduction of electricity losses (improvement of 1.03 percentage point in the 12 months ended in March 2012) 8 2. The Company p y 9 9 Competitve Advantages / Strenghts Hight i h quality li assets: Strong operational efficiency and financial strength Social Appeal: besides accomplishing its social responsibilities, conducts preservation efforts within its areas of operation Experienced management Wide experience in the energy sector in generation and g distribution Diversified consumers base: Distribution concessions are located in several states (SE, (SE PB, PB MG and RJ) Location associated with growth: Concessions are located in areas of accelerated growth 10 High class assets Distribuition Assets E Paraíba E. E Sergipe E. E Minas Gerais E. E Borborema E. E Nova Friburgo E. 1.167 625 394 172 94 Energy Distributed (GWh) 3.677,6 3.130,2 1.434,4 632,2 318,0 Gross Revenues (BRL million) 1.418,2 942,9 634,9 217,8 163,3 15/01/2031 23/12/2027 07/07/2015 04/02/2030 07/07/2015 DEC 28,96 22,29 9,80 14,64 13,37 FEC 15,79 14,57 8,66 11,85 10,33 Energy Losses (LTM) 13,43 10,11 8,86 7,62 5,50 Consumers (´000s) Concession expiration Generation Assets SHP Cristina Wind Farm Renascenças e Ventos de São Miguel Wind Farm Sobradinho (projeto) UTEs Santa Cândida e Vista Alegre(1) UTEs Santa Cândida e Vista Alegre (expansão) (1) MG MG RN BA SP e MS SP e MS 31,2MW 8MW 3,8MW 150MW 89,7MW 60MW 110MW 153GWh 43GWh 17,9GWh 614GWh 375GWh 216GWh 519GWh Operating p g Feb/13 Operating p g Sep/13 p - Operating p g Apr/14 and Apr/15 SHPs do Rio Grande SHP Zé Tunin RJ Installed Capacity Total annual exportable energy Location Beggining gg g of operation p (1) Project in final stage of acquisition. 11 High class assets (cont.) Installed Capacity - Generation (MWh) 90 453 110 150 8 60 35 SHPs Caju, Caju UTE'ss UTE Santo Antônio, Santa Cândida São Sebastião do and Vista Alto e Cristina Alegre(2) Unit Type Start-Up % Contracted (1) (2) Designed Renascença I, II, III, IV e V.S. Miguel Zé Tunin Expansion Santa Cândida e Vista Alegre(2) Sobradinho(1) SHP Biomass Wind F Farm Sep/13 Feb/13 Apr/14 e Apr/15 - 93% 100% SHP UTE BiomasS Wind Farm In operation In operation 100% 100% The beginning of construction of Sobradinho is to be defined In final stages of acquisition. UTE Contracted Under Development 12 Growth Strategy Becomes the best and most profitable group of distribution companies within its regions Reach 500 MW of power generation ti through renewable sources, under construction t ti or contracted until 2017 Increase the segment of services,, becoming nationally recognized as a provider of p solutions in the energy area for the quality, agility g y and innovation Transform the energy trading company in one of the five most profitable traders in energy sector, constituting a portfolio of more p than 130 MW 13 3. Financial Highlights g g 14 14 Consolidated Financial Highlights Adjusted EBITDA¹(R$ mm) and Adjusted EBITDA Margin(%) 585 Net Revenues (R$ mm) 29% 591 553 26% 24% 25% 23% CAGR: 10,2% 162 130 2.427 2.154 2009 1.997 2010 2011 1T11 1T12 Consolidated Net Income 13 5% 13,5% 277 13,9% 576 654 195 9,0% 212 10,4% 8,7% 6,6% 38 2009 (1) 2010 2011 1T11 1T12 2009 2010 2011 1T11 68 1T12 Adjusted EBITDA: Operating result + Depreciation + Late Charge Revenue Fee. 15 Adjusted EBITDA Breakdown (R$ mm) 46.3 1T2012 72.6 17.5 3.7 7.7 11% 2% 5% 14.5 162.3 9% 29% 100% 45% EPB LTM – 1T12 ESE 214.1 260 9 260.9 EMG ENF EBO Outros Energisa Consol. 83.3 16.1 29.6 19.4 623.4 3% 5% 13% 3% 34% 100% 42% EPB ESE EMG ENF EBO Outros Energisa Consol. 16 Consolidated Financial Highlights (cont.) Net Debt/ D b / Adj Adjusted d EBITDA B DA (1) 2,4x 2,7x 2,5x 2,1x 1,9x 2011 1T12 Consolidated Net Debt (R$ mm) 1.603 1.563 1.306 1,551 2010 2 077 2,077 With Perpetual 2 061 2,061 Withthout perpétuo Debt Exposure Cash 319 274 276 (564) (747) (774) 2010 2011(2) Short Term Debt 1Q12(2) Fixed Interest 14,9% TJLP 6,2% IPCA 2,1% CDI 39,1% Due Term USD(3) Swapped (1) (2) (3) (4) Adjusted EBITDA: Operating result + Depreciation + Late Charge Revenue Fee. Fee Does the Perpetual Bond. Interest + Principal Swapped to BRL up to its maturity. Perpetual Bonds: 50% Principal + Interest swapped to BRL up to June 2012. USD(4) 16,0% 21 7% 21,7% 17 Consolidated Financial Highlights (Cont.) Debt Profile Financial Risk Management Policy y Creation of the committee of management of financial risks; y Minimum cash policy (1); Amortization Debt Schedule (R$mm) y Investment policy of the cash position, including g counterparty p y risk limits; 774 y Policy to maintain leverage in line with the regulatory level, ensuring the maintenance of the current rating level; 556 y Guidelines for dividend policy; y Policy to diversify funding sources, preserving an adequate duration of the consolidated debt; 477 236 240 209 y Policy to limit and protect bonds denominated in foreign currencies; and y Policy to manage derivatives and limit losses 163 51 Mar/2012 2012 2013 Cash 2014 2015 2016 2017 Após 2017 Debt (1) Minimum cash equal to (i) 30 days of last year gross revenues, (ii) 50% Adjusted EBITDA last year, or (iii) cash sufficient to achieve the level of EBITDA / Net Debt Short-term greater than 1.25 x 18 Investments First quarter of 2012 by segment Planned investments (R$ mm) 672 Distribution 75.4% Generation 21.3% Other 3 3% 3.3% 13 391 366 4 377 5 169 268 210 203 2012 2013 2014 Generation Services & others Distribution Amount: R$ 93.5 million, an increase of 30.4% compared to 1Q11 580 R$ 1,629 million investments in the next three years (R$ 927 million in renewable energy generation) 19 Dividend Policy 9 The policy established by the Board of Directors for the next three years, until the growth opportunities are defined and observed the maintenance of the ratings, is to distribute up to 50% of the net income, while the holding company is capitalized with maximum dividends from their subsidiaries. Dividend Payout % (ESA) Dividends received from subsidiaries 55% 50% 48% 50% 49% Dividends 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 EMG 91 34 28 52 34 ENF 7 4 14 9 6 ESE 42 62 27 29 40 EPB 29 64 200 81 94 EBO 10 18 11 14 12 ESO 19 - 1 1 1 ECOM 39 2 2 4 5 Others - - - - 2 Total 237 184 283 190 194 ((BRL million) ll o ) 2007 Dividends 153 2008 57 2009 123 2010 97 2011 103 (R$ million) 9 Prudent dividends distribution in periods of increased investment 20 4. Terms and Conditions of the Offer 21 21 Terms and Conditions of the Offer Issuer Instrument Energisa S.A. 5a Issuance of Debentures,no convertible into shares Offer ICVM 400 Species Unsucured Rating Aa3 for Moody’s Total Volume BRL 400 million million, can be increased up to BRL 540 million Unit Amount BRL 10.000,00 (Ten thousand) Number of Debentures 40.000, reaching 54,000 debentures Issuance Date July 15, 2012 Number of Series Up to two series Maturity 1st Serie: 5 years, due in July 15, 2017 2ndd Serie: S i 7 years, maturing i iin July l 15, 20 2019 9 Amortization 1st Serie: Two equal installments, on the 4th and 5th year 2nd Serie: Two equal installments, on the 6th and 7th year g of the Remuneration ceiling bookbuilding Series 1st : CDI + 1.30% 2nd Series : NTNB 2018 + 155 bps 22 Terms and Conditions of the Offer R Remuneration ti P Paymentt 1st Serie: Semiannuallyy 2nd Serie: Annually i) Financial Covenants Trading Environment Estimated Date of Bookbuilding Estimated Date of Settlement Use of proceeds Underwriter and Paying Agent Trustee Ratio of Net Debt and Adjusted EBITDA on a consolidated basis less than or equal to 3.85 by December 2014 (including) and less than or equal to 3.5 from December 2014 (exclusive) until maturity ii) Adjusted EBITDA / net financial expenses greater than or equal to 2.5 Primary: SDT (Cetip) and DDA (BM & F Bovespa) Secondary: SDN (Cetip) and BovespaFix June 27, 2012 Series 1st July 16, 2012 2nd Series July 17, 2012 Finance part of the investment plan of the Issuer Banco Itaú Unibanco S.A and Itaú Corretora GDC Partners DTVM Fiduciary Services LTDA 23 Contact the Coordinator For more information, please contact the Lead Manager: L dM Lead Manager Cristiano Cury 55 11 3383 2659 Rafael Cotta 55 11 3383 2099 Bruno Korkes 55 11 3383 2190 Marcos Xavier 55 11 3383 2819 24 Company Contats Maurício í Perez Botelho CFO and IR Officer E-mail: [email protected] Cláudio á Brandão Silveira Corporate Finance Director E-mail: [email protected] João ã Gabriel G b i l Ratton R Structured Finance Manager E-mail: [email protected] Rio de Ri d Janeiro J i (RJ): (RJ) Av. A Pasteur P 110 / 6º andar d Tel.: (21) 2122-6904 Fax.: (21) 2122-6931 IInternet: i b E-mail: [email protected] 25
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