18th International Meeting of Young Scientists of the UNESCO
18th International Meeting of Young Scientists of the UNESCO
XVIII Encontro Internacional de Jovens Cientistas das Escolas Associadas da UNESCO XVIII 18th International Meeting of Young Scientists of the UNESCO Associated Schools Theme: GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING - what role for young scientists? 13-16JAN2016 PROVISIONAL PROGRAM JAN13 – Wednesday 10.00 11.00 JAN14 - Thursday JAN15 – Friday JAN16 - Saturday General conclusions Evaluation Delivery of Certificates Reception Presentation of communications Opening Session 10.30 Workshops Visit the exhibitions Study Visit Gulbenkian Institute of Science Presentation of the 19th International Meeting of Young Scientists of the UNESCO Associated Schools Oeiras 11.00 13.00 Lunch 13.00 Lunch 13.00 CLOSURE Lunch Presentation of communications Workshops Visit to the Historic Centre of Santarém General conclusions of communications Lisbon Presentation of papers from schools with no personal attendance 20.00 Dinner Concert offered by Santarém Conservatory of Music 15.00 Study Visit Headquarters of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Gulbenkian Museum Presentation and discussion of the general conclusions 20.00 Dinner Evening party animated by the participants 20.00 Dinner Evening party animated by the participants 1
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