Brazilian Earth Observations Satellites
Brazilian Earth Observations Satellites
INPE Agency Report Outline Satellites Planned INPE’s Launching Schedule INPE’s Facilities and Satellite Reception Station INPE SATELLITES Data Collecting Satellites – SCD 1 & SCD 2 The satellites SCD 1 & SCD 2 operate the Brazilian Data Collecting System – for collecting environmental data through data collecting platforms scattered around the country. PLATAFORMAS DE COLETA DE DADOS - SISTEMA SCD - DEZ/2.001 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 HIDROLÓGICA 262 METEOROLÓGICA 117 QUALIDADE D'ÁGUA -70 -65 10 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 CBERS-2B Sensor Configuration WFI 260 m (860 km) PAN HRC 2,5 m (27 km) CCD 20 m (120 km) 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.5 1.7 Successfully launched 19 September 2.1 2.3 Assembly of CBERS-2B at INPE Distribution of CBERS Imagery (01/05/04 a 01/03/06) Number of scenes distributed (145 Mb/image) Institutions Scenes per week Average recquired time 300.000 5.200 2.170 10 min •Brasil and China agreed to grant a no-access fee of CBERS2-B to African countries (direct downlink, real time). •South Africa and Spain will use their ground stations to receive, process and distribute CBERS data. CBERS-2 CCD, Minas Gerais, Brazil Planned INPE’s Launching Schedule PLANNED PLANNED INPE’s INPE’s LAUNCHING LAUNCHING SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 2010 CBERS-3 CBERS-3 2015 CBERS-4 CBERS-4 CBERS-5 CBERS-5 GPM GPM AMAZONIA-1 AMAZONIA-1 2020 EQUARS EQUARS MIRAX MIRAX SCD-3 SCD-3 MAPSAR MAPSAR CBERS-6 CBERS-6 EQUARS-2 EQUARS-2 SCD-4 SCD-4 AMAZONIA-2 AMAZONIA-2 AMAZONIA-3 AMAZONIA-3 MAPSAR-2 MAPSAR-2 CBERS 3 – 4 Sensor Configuration WFI 73 m (860 km) MSS 40 m (120 km) CCD 20 m (120 km) MUX 10 m (60 km) PAN 5 m (60 km) 0.4 μm 0.5 0.7 Built by China 0.9 1.1 1.5 Built by Brazil 1.7 2.1 2.3 Multi-Mission Platform Mass Power Consumption 185 Kg 150W Available power for the payload 180W (80W during eclipse) Orbit inclination 0 a 90 Orbit altitude 400 Km a 1500 Km Stabilisation 3 axis Remote Sensing Satellite – AMAZON 1 PMM equipped with CCD camera and a data collecting transponder. Polar orbit. Main applications: Agriculture – Surveying of cultivated areas and productivity estimates; Water resources – monitoring of pollution in coastal areas; Disaster management. AMAZON-1 optical payload AWFI 0,45-0,52 B Spectral bands ( μm) Spatial resolution (m) Swath (km) Revisit period (days) 0,52-0,59 G 0,63-0,69 R 0,77-0,89 NIR 40 800 5 MAPSAR subreflector, data downlink antenna reflector antenna feed horn SAR payload solar panel MMP MAPSAR payload Parameters Frequency Polarization Incidence interval Spatial resolution Swath Orbit Coverage Look direction Revisit period Access to data Add. requirements L band single, dual and quad polarization 20° – 45° 3 – 20 m 20 – 55 km sun-synchronous global ascending/descending and left/right weekly near real time Interferometry and stereoscopy GPM-Tropical LAUNCHING CONFIGURATION LIGHTNING DETECTOR MICROWAVE RADIOMETER Proposed GPM-Tropical - Satellite Passive Microwave Sensor, Conical Scanning of the type of GMI or MASDRAS Lighting Detector Equatorial orbit Scientific Satellites MIRAX EQUARS Monitoring of the nucleus of our Galaxy in the Xray region of the spectrum. Monitoring of the Atmosphere and Ionosphere in the Equatorial Region INPE’s Facilities and Satellite Reception Station and Products Ministry of Science and Technology- MCT National Institute of Space Research - INPE São Luís (MA) Eusébio (CE) Natal (RN) Cuiabá (MT) Brasília (DF) São Martinho da Serra (RS) Santa Maria (RS) Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies - CPTEC Cachoeira Paulista (SP) São José dos Campos (SP) Atibaia (SP) CRAAM Satellite (SP) Cuiabá Satellite Facilities Center and Environmental System Division - DSA INPE Satellite Reception Stations CUIABÁ CACH. PAULISTA NOAA/HRPT NOAA/ HRPT NOAA/ HRPT Geonetcast AQUA-MODIS/AIRS/AMSU/AMSR TERRA-MODIS EUMETCast/ GOES/ MSG -HRIT SEVIRI GVAR To be installed this year – ENVISAT and METOP Remote sensing Data and Products VIS IR WV 3.9 GOES-10 Products Thank You