Comissão G
Comissão G
Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Inez S. Batista [email protected] Brazilian National Delegate Research activities related to Commission G are developed at the following institutions (the identification is still going on and this is only a preliminary list) •National Institute for Space Research (INPE), São José dos Campos, SP ( •University of Vale do Paraíba (UNIVAP), São José dos Campos, SP, ( •Center for Radio-Astronomy and Astrophysics (CRAAM/Mackenzie), São Paulo, SP, ( •Aeronautic Technological Institute (ITA), São José dos Campos, SP ( •Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, PB ( Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities INPE Digisondes at Cachoeira Paulista, SP, Fortaleza, CE and São Luís, MA (Dr. Inez S. Batista) Ionosonde CADI at São João do Cariri in collaboration with UFCG (Dr. Inez S. Batista and Dr. Ricardo Buriti) VHF radars in São Luís, MA (Dr. Eurico de Paula and Dr. Clezio De Nardin) A chain of GPS receivers over various locations in Brazil (Dr. Eurico de Paula) Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities UNIVAP Ionosonde, Riometer and GPS receivers at São José dos Campos, SP, Palmas, TO, and Manaus, AM (Dr. Paulo Fagundes) GPS receivers at Ji-Paraná (Dr. Paulo Fagundes) Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities CRAAM Three more receivers were added to the South America VLF NETwork (SAVNET), that is now composed by 11 VLF tracking bases (Dr. Jean-Pierre Raulin) Scientific objectives and activities using SAVNET: -long-term monitoring of the low ionosphere (mainly C and D regions) to infer solar activity temporal trends related to solar Lyman-alpha radiation variability -study of transient subionospheric propagation anomalies due to solar flare events and strong bursts from remote objects like Anomalous X-ray Pulsars or magnetars, to characterize the physical properties of the low ionosphere, and the actual incident photon spectra. -VLF diagnostics of mesospheric perturbation at high latitudes, related to the presence of planetary waves. - Tracking of subionospheric VLF propagation characteristics is also used to better define the Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities CRAAM •2 VLF systems (AWESOME): one at the Brazilian Base in Antarctic (EACF) and one at the Itapetinga Radio Observatory (ROI) in Atibaia (since 2006) •1 GPS receiver dual frequency for TEC measurements at EACF (since 2004) •1 CADI ionosonde CADI at EACF (since March 2009) •5 riometers: 2 installed in ROI (30 and 38 MHz), and 3 in EACF (30 and 38 MHz, for polarization measurements in 38 MHz) (since March 2009) •2 GPS receivers were installed in 2010 at EACF and ROI to monitor ionosphere TEC and scintillation, as part of the Expert Group GRAPE (GNSS Research and Application at Polar Environment) under the coordination of SCAR (Dr. Emilia Correia) Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities CRAAM - Plans for new installations SAVNET (South America VLF NETwork) is planning another VLF receiver installed in Quito, Ecuador, until the end of 2012 The observations at the Brazilian Base in Antarctic (EACF) were discontinued after the fire at the station last summer. The equipments will be put in operation again in near future (hopefully in 2013). UNIVAP - Plans for new installations A new Canadian Digital Ionosonde (CADI) will be installed in Jatai - GO Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities INPE - Plans for new installations • • INPE is implanting an ionospheric observatory in Belém, PA, under the magnetic equator. The equipments to be installed in this new observatory are: – A coherent radar at 50 MHz with 4 sets of 16 yagi antennas each. Two sets will be used for transmission connected to two transmitters (8 kW each). The 4 sets, connected to 4 receivers, will be used for reception. The radar operation will be based in interferometry. The transmitters are solid state. – An ionosonde for vertical sounding, ionospheric drift measurements and gravity wave studies. INPE will install permanent digisondes at the three sites used for the COPEX campaign (2002): Boa Vista, Campo Grande and Cachimbo. The installation in Boa Vista will be ready at the end of 2012. Campo Grande and Cachimbo are planned to be concluded in 2013. Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Location of some of the equipments in Brazil and in the Brazilian Antarctic Base (INPE, UNIVAP, CRAAM) Ionosonde or Digisonde Ionosonde or Digisonde (planed or being installed) Riometer VLF receiver VHF radar VHF radar (planed) Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Summary of GPS Stations in Brazil: (INPE, IBGE, INCRA and LISN/NSF) SINGLE FREQUENCY MAGNETIC EQUATOR SCINTILLATION (available) SCINTILLATION AND ZONAL DRIFT (available) TEC AND SCINTILLATION (NSF) TEC (RBMC-IBGE) (available) AFRL ASHTEC (available) ALLEN-OSBORNE (available upon request) TEC (RIBAC-INCRA) SAVNET (South America VLF NETwork) Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Bertoni, F. C. P. ; Reinisch, B. W. ; Kherani, E. A. ; Sobral, J. H. A. . Equatorial Ionosphere Responses to Two Magnetic Storms of Moderate Intensity from Conjugate Point Observations in Brazil. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 117, p. A05321, 2012. Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Brum, C. G. M. ; MacDougall, J. ; Santos, A. M. ; Souza, J. R. ; Sobral, J. H. A. . Solar flux effects on the equatorial evening vertical drift and meridional winds over Brazil: A comparison between observational data and the IRI model and the HWM representations. Advances in Space Research, v. 46, p. 1078-1085, 2010. Amorim D.C.M. ; PIMENTA, Alexandre Alvares ; BITTENCOURT, José Augusto ; FAGUNDES, P. R. . Longterm study of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using O I 630 nm all-sky imaging and ionosonde over Brazilian low latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, p. 1-7, 2011. Balan, N. ; YAMAMOTO, M. ; Sreeja, V. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Lynn, K. J. W. ; Abdu, M. A. ; Ravindran, S. ; Kikuchi, T. ; Otsuka, Y. ; Shokawa, K. ; Alex, S. . A statistical study of the response of the dayside equatorial F2 layer to the main phase of intense geomagnetic storms as an indicator of penetration electric field. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, p. 1-15pp, 2011. BATISTA, I. S. ; Abdu, M. A. ; Nogueira, P. A. B. ; Paes, R. R. ; Souza, J. R. ; Reinisch, B. W. ; Rios, V. H. . Early morning enhancement in ionospheric electron density during intense magnetic storms. Advances in Space Research, v. 49, p. 1544-1552, 2012. BATISTA, I. S. ; Diogo, E. M. ; Souza, J. R. ; Abdu, M. A. ; Bailey, G. J. . Equatorial Ionization Anomaly: The Role of Thermospheric Winds and the Effects of the Geomagnetic Field Secular Variation. In: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Pancheva, Dora; Bhattacharyya, Archana. (Org.). Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere. Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere. 1ed .: Springer, 2011, v. 2, p. 317-328. BERTONI, F. ; RAULIN, J. P. ; RIVERO-GAVILAN, H. ; GUEVARA, W. D. ; RODRIGUEZ, R. ; FERNANDEZ, G. . SAVNET: a ground-based facility for study ionospheric, atmospheric and natural phenomena. Radio Science Bulletin, v. 334, p. 43-48, 2010. Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Publications 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Bertoni, F.C.P. ; SAHAI, Y. ; Raulin, J.-P. ; Fagundes, P.R. ; PILLAT, V.G. ; Gimenez de Castro, C.G. ; Lima, W.L.C. . Equatorial spread-F occurrence observed at two near equatorial stations in the Brazilian sector and its occurrence modulated by planetary waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 457463, 2010. Candido, C. M. N. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Becker-Guedes, F. ; Abdu, M. A. ; Sobral, J. H. A. ; Takahashi, H. . Spread-F occurrence over a southern anomaly crest location in Brazil during June solstice of Solar Minimum Activity. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, p. A06316-10pp, 2011. Cardoso, F.A. ; SAHAI, Y. ; Guarnieri, F.L. ; Fagundes, P.R. ; Pillat, V.G. ; da Silva, J.V.P.R. . Dependence of the F-region peak electron density (foF2) on solar activity observed in the equatorial ionospheric anomaly region in the Brazilian sector. Advances in Space Research, v. 48, p. 837-841, 2011. Carrasco, A. J. ; BATISTA, I. S. . Estimation of the initial amplitude of plasma bubble seed perturbation from ionograms. Radio Science, v. 47, p. RS2008, 2012. CORREIA, E. ; Kaufmann, P. ; Raulin, J-P. ; BERTONI, F. ; Gavilan, H.R. . Analysis of daytime ionosphere behavior between 2004 and 2008 in Antarctica. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 2272-2278, 2011. COSTA, Emanoel ; de Paula, Eurico R. ; REZENDE, L. F. C. ; Groves, Keith M. ; Roddy, Patrick A. ; Dao, Eugene V. ; Kelley, Michael C. ; de Paula, E. R. . Equatorial scintillation calculations based on coherent scatter radar and C/NOFS data. Radio Science, v. 46, p. RS2011, 2011. de Abreu, A.J. ; SAHAI, Y. ; Fagundes, P.R. ; de Jesus, R. ; Bittencourt, J.A. ; Pillat, V.G. . An investigation of ionospheric F region response in the Brazilian sector to the super geomagnetic storm of May 2005. Advances in Space Research, v. 48, p. 1211-1220, 2011. de Abreu, A. J. ; Fagundes, P. R. ; SAHAI, Y. ; de Jesus, R. ; Bittencourt, J. A. ; Brunini, C. ; Gende, M. ; Pillat, V. G. ; Lima, W. L. C. ; Abalde, J. R. ; Pimenta, A. A. . Hemispheric asymmetries in the ionospheric response observed in the American sector during an intense geomagnetic storm. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, p. A12312-10, 2010. de Jesus, R. ; SAHAI, Y. ; Guarnieri, F.L. ; Fagundes, P.R. ; de Abreu, A.J. ; Bittencourt, J.A. ; Nagatsuma, T.; Huang, C.-S.; Lan, H.T. ; Pillat, V.G. . Ionospheric response of equatorial and low latitude F-region during the intense geomagnetic storm on 24 25 August 2005. Advances in Space Research, v. 49, p. 518-529, 2012. de JESUS, Rodolfo; SAHAI, Yogeshwar ; F. L. Guarnieri ; Fagundes, P. R. ; Alessandro J. Abreu ; PILLAT, Valdir Gil ; LIMA, Washington Luis Carvalho . F-region ionospheric parameters observed in the equatorial and low latitude regions during medium solar activity in the Brazilian sector and comparison with the IRI-2007 model results. Advances in Space Research, v. 47, p. 718-728, 2011. Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Publications 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. De la Luz, Victor ; Lara, Alejandro ; Raulin, Jean-Pierre . SYNTHETIC SPECTRA OF RADIO, MILLIMETER, SUB-MILLIMETER, AND INFRARED REGIMES WITH NON-LOCAL THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM APPROXIMATION. The Astrophysical Journal, v. 737, p. 1, 2011. De Mendonça, R.R.S. ; Raulin, J.-P. ; Bertoni, F.C.P. ; Echer, E. ; Makhmutov, V.S. ; FERNANDEZ, G. . Longterm and transient time variation of cosmic ray fluxes detected in Argentina by CARPET cosmic ray detector. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 1410-1416, 2011. de Paula, E.R. ; Alam Kherani, E. ; Cueva, R.Y.C. ; Camargo, L.A.P. . Observations of pre-midnight 5-m irregularities in the equatorial F region over São Luís, Brazil: Solar-flux dependence and seasonal variations. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 1544-1554, 2011. de Paula, E. R. ; Muella, M. T. A. H. ; Sobral, J. H. A. ; Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. ; Beach, T. L. ; Groves, K. M. . Magnetic conjugate point observations of kilometer and hundred meter-scale irregularities and zonal drifts. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, p. 1-15, 2010. Ely, C. V. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Abdu, M. A. . Radio occultation electron density profiles from the FORMOSAT3/COSMIC satellites over the Brazilian region: a comparison with Digisonde data. Advances in Space Research, v. 49, p. 1553-1562, 2012. Fagundes, P.R. ; Klausner, V. ; Bittencourt, J.A. ; SAHAI, Y. ; Abalde, J.R. . Seasonal and solar cycle dependence of F3-layer near the southern crest of the equatorial ionospheric anomaly. Advances in Space Research, v. 48, p. 472-477, 2011. FAGUNDES, P. R. ; BITTENCOURT, José Augusto ; Alessandro J. Abreu ; Moor LP; MUELLA, Marcio Tadeu de Assis ; SAHAI, Yogeshwar ; ABALDE, José Ricardo ; PEZZOPANE, M. ; SOBRAL, J. H. A. ; ABDU, A. M. ; PIMENTA, Alexandre Alvares; Amorim D.C.M. . Atypical nighttime spread-F structure observed near the southern crest of the ionospheric equatorial ionization anomaly.. Journal of Geophysical Research, p. 1-9, 2012. HAYAKAWA, M. ; RAULIN, J. P. ; Kasahara, Y. ; Bertoni, F. C. P. ; HOBARA, Y. ; Guevara-Day, W. . Ionospheric perturbations in possible association with the 2010 Haiti earthquake, as based on medium-distance subionospheric VLF propagation data. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (Print), v. 11, p. 513-518, 2011. KAUFMANN, Pierre ; Marcon, Rogério ; Giménez de Castro, C. Guillermo ; White, Stephen M. ; Raulin, JeanPierre ; Correia, Emilia ; Fernandes, Luis Olavo ; de Souza, Rodney V. ; Godoy, Rodolfo ; Marun, Adolfo ; PEREYRA, Pablo . SUB-THz AND H ACTIVITY DURING THE PREFLARE AND MAIN PHASES OF A CLASS M2 EVENT. The Astrophysical Journal, v. 742, p. 106-110, 2011. Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Publications 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. KLIMENKO, M. V. ; Klimenko, V. V. ; Ratovsky, K. G. ; Goncharenko, L. P. ; SAHAI, Y. ; Fagundes, P. R. ; de Jesus, R. ; de Abreu, A. J. ; Vesnin, A. M. . Numerical modeling of ionospheric effects in the middle- and lowlatitude region during geomagnetic storm sequence of 9 14 September 2005. Radio Science, v. 46, p. 1-18, 2011. MacDougall, J. ; Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Buriti, R. A. ; Medeiros, A. F. ; Jayachandran, P. T. ; Borba, G. L. . Spaced Transmitter Measurements of Medium scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances near the equator. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, p. 1-6, 2011. MAKHMUTOV, V. S. ; Kurt, V. G. ; Yushkov, B. Yu. ; Grechnev, V. V. ; Kaufmann, P. ; Raulin, J. -P. ; BAZILEVSKAYA, G. A. ; Stozhkov, Yu. I. . Spectral peculiarities of high energy X-ray radiation, gamma radiation, and Submillimeter radio emission in the impulsive phase of a solar flare. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, v. 75, p. 747-750, 2011. Muella, M. T. A. H. ; de Paula, E. R. ; Mitchell, C. ; Kintner, P. M. ; Paes, R. R. ; BATISTA, I. S. . Tomographic imaging of the equatorial and low-latitude ionosphere over central-eastern Brazil. Earth, Planets and Space, v. 73, p. 129-138, 2011. MUELLA, M. T. A. H. ; Paula, E. R. ; Fagundes, P. R. ; Bittencourt, J. A. ; SAHAI, Y. Thermospheric Meridional Wind Control on Equatorial Scintillations and the Role of the Evening F-Region Height Rise, E B Drift Velocities and F2-Peak Density Gradients. Surveys in Geophysics, v. 31, p. 509-530, 2010. Nogueira, P. A. B. ; Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; de Siqueira, P. M. . Equatorial Ionization Anomaly and thermospheric meridional winds during two major storms over Brazilian low latitudes. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 1535-1543, 2011. PEZZOPANE, M. ; Fagundes, P. R. ; Ciraolo, L. ; Correia, E. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Ezquer, R. G. . Unusual nighttime impulsive F2 enhancement below the southern anomaly crest under geomagnetically quiet conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 116, p. 1-14, 2011. Raulin, Jean-Pierre ; Bertoni, Fernando C.P. ; KAUFMANN, Pierre ; Gavilán, Hernan R. ; Correia, Emilia ; Hadano, Rubens; Schuch, Nelson J. . Solar terrestrial, ionospheric and natural phenomena studies using the South America VLF network (SAVNET). Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 15811586, 2011. REZENDE, L. F. C. ; PAULA, E. R. ; STEPHANY, S. ; KANTOR, I. J. ; MUELLA, Marcio Tadeu de Assis Honorato ; Muella, M. T. A. H. ; de Siqueira, P. M. ; Correa, K. S. . Survey and prediction of the ionospheric scintillation using data mining techniques. Space Weather (Online), v. 8, p. S06D09, 2010. Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities Publications 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. SAHAI, Y. ; Fagundes, P. R. ; de Jesus, R. ; de Abreu, A. J. ; CROWLEY, G. ; Kikuchi, T. ; Huang, C.-S. ; Pillat, V. G. ; Guarnieri, F. L. ; Abalde, J. R. ; Bittencourt, J. A. . Studies of ionospheric F-region response in the Latin American sector during the geomagnetic storm of 21–22 January 2005. Annales Geophysicae (Berlin), v. 29, p. 919-929, 2011. Shume, E.B. ; de Paula, E.R. ; Kherani, E.A. ; Abdu, M.A. ; Denardini, C.M. . Equatorial electrojet plasma irregularities observed during late afternoon by the 30MHz coherent scatter radar in São Luís, Brazil. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, v. 73, p. 1560-1567, 2011. SHUME, E. B. ; DENARDINI, C. M. ; PAULA, E. R. ; TRIVEDI, N. B. . Variabilities of the equatorial electrojet in Brazil and Perú. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 115, p. 10.1029/2009JA0, 2010. Souza, J. R. ; Brum, C. G. M. ; Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. S. ; Asevedo Jr., W. ; Bailey, G. J. ; Bittencourt, J. A. . Parameterized Regional Ionospheric Model and a comparison of its results with experimental data and IRI representations. Advances in Space Research, v. 46, p. 1032-1038, 2010. Takahashi, H. ; Vadas, S. L. ; Wrasse, C. M. ; Taylor, M. ; Pautet, P. D. ; Medeiros, A. F. ; Buriti, R. A. ; de Paula, E. R. ; Abdu, M. A. ; BATISTA, I. S. . Mesosphere Ionosphere Coupling Processes Observed in the F Layer Bottom-Side Oscillation. In: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali; Pancheva, Dora; Bhattacharyya, Archana. (Org.). Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere. Aeronomy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Ionosphere. 1ed .: Springer, 2011, v. 2, p. 163-175. Tanaka, Y. T. ; Raulin, Jean-Pierre ; Bertoni, Fernando C. P. ; Fagundes, P. R. ; Chau, J. ; Schuch, N. J. ; HAYAKAWA, M.; HOBARA, Y. ; TERASAWA, T. ; Takahashi, T. . FIRST VERY LOW FREQUENCY DETECTION OF SHORT REPEATED BURSTS FROM MAGNETAR SGR J1550 5418. The Astrophysical Journal, v. 721, p. L24-L27, 2010. TROTTET, G. ; Raulin, J.-P. ; Giménez ; Lüthi, T. ; Caspi, A. ; Mandrini, C. H. ; Luoni, M. L. ; Kaufmann, P. . Origin of the Submillimeter Radio Emission During the Time-Extended Phase of a Solar Flare. Solar Physics, v. 273, p. 339-361, 2011. WHITE, S. M. ; Benz, A. O. ; CHRISTE, S. ; Fárník, F. ; KUNDU, M. R. ; MANN, G. ; NING, Z. ; Raulin, J.-P. ; Silva-Válio, A. V. R. ; Saint-Hilaire, P. ; VILMER, N. ; WARMUTH, A. . The Relationship Between Solar Radio and Hard X-ray Emission. Space Science Reviews, v. 159, p. 225-261, 2011. Commission G Ionospheric Radio and Propagation 2010-2012 activities
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