Lista de competidores que avanzan a la Ronda 2
Documentos relacionados
NetRiders Latin America and the Caribbean
Below are the NetRiders CCNA Round 2 Rankings. The top 20 competitors
are invited to advance to Round 3 on Thursday, 8 September, 2016.
All Round 3 competitors will be sent an email to arrange thei...
Lista de competidores que avanzan a la Ronda 2
Para maiores informações sobre as regras desta competição, verifique as perguntas mais frequentes (FAQ),
por favor, visite a página regional Latina e Caribe em
Name - NetRiders
For more details on all the rules for this competition, as well as the frequently asked questions, please visit
the Latin America and the Caribbean regional page on
Name - NetRiders
Colegio de Estudios Cientificos y
Tecnologicos del Estado de Guanajuato
Universidad Nacional de Asuncion Facultad de Ingenieria / IPT
Fase 1 - NetRiders
The list is separated into the 4 regions (Brasil, CANSAC, MCO and Mexico). This is who you will be competing against for the
4 study trip prizes that will be awarded at the end of Phase 3.
The top ...
NetRiders Latinoamérica y el Caribe
The list is first separated into the 4 regions (Brasil, CANSAC, MCO and Mexico). This is who you will be competing against
for the 4 study trip prizes that will be awarded at the end of Phase 3.