The Chatterbox - St. Nicholas School


The Chatterbox - St. Nicholas School
September 5, 2008
Volume 1, Issue 1
St. Nicholas School
The Chatterbox
Special points of
Welcome Back
Sept. Calendar
Earn Tuition Credit 3
2 Gold Club
Principal Awards
Class of 2009
Student Council
Saints Sports
Magazine Drive
What’s New?
Daycare Update
Flag Football 2007 6
After School
Welcome back for the 2008 – 2009 school year. We have much to be thankful for this new school year. Our Senior Class of 2008 decided to use the money they raised from the student store and various other fundraisers to purchase the equipment needed for our new tricycle area, including the tricycles, helmets, and accessories for the cityscape. We are very appreciative of their efforts and generosity. Good luck in high school Class of 2008! We are also very thankful for the generosity of AHEPA for donating $8,000 to purchase brand new updated Greek textbooks for our kindergarten through sixth grade classes, as well as software, audio CDs, and other teaching supplements that were available with the series. Our children will certainly be enriched by being better equipped to learn the Greek language, as well as the cultural heritage of Greece. Our Boosters Club, with the help of many parent volunteers raised over $31,500 last year. The $14,000 from the golf tournament has purchased a server and seven new computers for our classrooms. So far, we were also able to purchase sixth grade math textbooks, additional educational toys, outfit a new preschool classroom, and add another preschool bathroom. We were also able to begin to compile a resource library on wheels from the Book Fair funds that were raised. A new after school workshop to improve sport skills is now available for students in kindergarten through eighth grade. This workshop has been added to our after school enrichment programs that were previously offered, such as Greek language, dance, piano, guitar, chess, drawing and cartooning classes, choir, and joining Girls’ and Boys’ Scout troops. Class of 2008 Sean Ferguson and
Nicholas Dinsmore
Page 2
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
September 2008
5 10:00 am
Cub Scouts
Sale Starts
8 First Day of
Welcome Back!
2:30 – 4:00
2:30 – 4:00 & 6-7
2:30-4:00 & 6-7
Savalas Room
Savalas Room
Savalas Room
7 pm Back to
School Night
Jr. High
7 pm Back to
School Night
Preschool - 5th
Auditorium Auditorium 2:30 Church:
Blessing of Waters
3:30 Cub Scout Meeting
6:30-9:30 pm
Jr. High Back
To School
26 Cub Scout
Sea World
Elections –
Middle School
Provided by St. Nicholas Booster Club Revised 09/08/08 27
Cub Scout
Sea World
Have you sent in your Volunteer Form? If not, please sign up to help with the upcoming events: ‐Book Fair ‐Magazine Drive ‐Halloween Festival ‐Mother/Son Night ‐Father/Daughter Dance ‐Christmas Bake Sale ‐Family Night ‐Golf Tournament ‐Jog‐A‐Thon Page 3
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
A Fundraiser That Pays YOU!
The Bucks Back program raises money for our school while you earn money too!
Each gift card purchase you make through this program will earn you cash back that can be used toward your
school tuition. There are many choices of merchant cards that you can use to buy groceries, fuel, go to the
movies and much more.
Here’s how it works,
With every gift card purchase made through the Simplified Scrip Bucks Back program, the card-issuing
merchant makes a donation to our school. A portion of the merchant donation (50%) is rewarded to you as
Bucks Back. Bucks Back are tracked and credit towards your tuition for the amount you earn are distributed
back to you quarterly.
To get started, there is an order form attached to this letter listing the many merchants whose cards are
available. You can mail this order form or you can also place online orders at The
gift cards will be delivered to your home. To receive your Bucks Back, simply enter your St. Nicholas School
student’s name where indicated.
Through Bucks Back, 50% of the merchant donations from the cards you purchase will come back to you.
However, if you would prefer that St. Nicholas School receives 100% of the merchant donations, just leave the
“student name” information blank but still designate St. Nicholas School.
It is our hope that the benefits you will receive from this program will encourage participation and result in a
very strong fundraising program for our school that will benefit all.
Mail order:
Simplified Scrip
P.O. Box 628458
Middleton, WI 53562-8458
Ms. Kamenos
Simplified Scrip office:
Please call ahead 821-1020
7448 Hubbard Ave, Suite 120
Middleton, WI
Page 4
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
! You can take
! your turn
first. I can
! wait.
Thank you!
You are so
kind, but I can
wait. You go
ahead first.
To motivate students to practice the Golden Rule.
To develop and practice the following character
• Respect
• Manners
• Sportsmanship
• Responsibility
• Perseverance
To motivate students to exemplify good
citizenship in work and in deed, both
inside and outside the classroom, and to
acknowledge those students who do.
Principal Award Certificate and a special
monthly reward, which will vary each
month. This month, students can earn a
Freebie Ticket, which will entitle them
to a free pass for one homework
assignment approved by the teacher.
Punctuality: Attendance is taken at 8:15 at line-up
for morning exercises. Therefore, anyone not in
line-up is tardy. Names will be announced aloud
while the teachers mark their attendance book.
One tardy per month is permissible.
Homework: All homework must be complete,
neat, and on time. Therefore, any student not in
compliance on any given day is disqualified.
Teachers will keep a record of all homework
turned in.
Behavior: Students will be disqualified from
earning a Principal’s Award, if they earn a study
hall, pink slip, or are referred to the principal.
Disruptive behavior with special teachers, such as
Greek or religion will also cause the student to be
Student becomes a member of the Gold Club and earns a
gold star.
2. Grades K – 5: Student earns a free dress day for each month
he/she earns the most gold points in their class.
3. Grades 6 – 8: Student earns a free dress day for each month
he/she earns the most gold points in their class.
The student in each class who earns the most points in a
month becomes part of the Gold Club.
In class: Every time a student demonstrates the Golden Rule
and/or the character traits above = 1 point
Outside of class: Every Gold Slip earned for demonstrating
the Golden Rule and/or the character traits above = 1 point
Teachers will keep a chart posted in the room showing how
many points each student has for the month.
At the end of each month, the points will be totaled to
determine the Gold Club Member for the month.
Page 5
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
8th Grade
Student Council
Eighth grade students, who qualify, will be able
to participate in student government by running for
Student Council..
They will learn about the
campaign, election procedures and the necessary
requirements to become a representative. Each aspect
of the campaign and the election promises to be an
enjoyable learning experience.
The Student Council will consist of up to nine
members, which will be elected by the Middle School
students. The top nine nominees who receive the
most votes will become part of the student council.
Being a senior Student Council Representative at St.
Nicholas School is a privilege which carries
responsibilities. Each representative must maintain a
minimum "C" average in all subject areas. Equally
important is the consistent demonstration of good
citizenship inside and outside the classroom.
Therefore, no "Us" on the report card are permissible.
All Student Council members are expected to be role
models not only for the senior class but for the entire
student body in every respect.
In order to run for office, the nominees must apply
by Friday, September 19. and must qualify to run for
office, which means there cannot be any U's, or less
than 77% on the second semester report card during
his/her 7th grade year. The nominee must also be in
good standing as a citizen of St. Nicholas School. All
officers must also be available for monthly school
meetings that will take place in the morning at 7:30
AM. The day and time will be decided upon by the
council and sponsors, Mr. Wapner and Mrs. Barefoot.
Officers must be willing to devote time to carrying
out their responsibilities.
Students will be able to campaign for office
beginning the week of September 22 by creating
posters to put up in the classrooms and passing out
stickers to encourage support. NO "treats for votes"
are permitted. A 2-minute speech will be presented
on election day, Friday, September 26. More detailed
information will be distributed to the eighth graders
during the second week of school. Good luck to all
those who plan to run for office.
Team tryouts were held and the teams have been selected.
The members of the 2008 Boy’s Flag Football Team
are John Alex, Patric Amar, Patrick Cassley, Georgie Ashi,
Michael Curtis, Nick Dinsmore, Andres Ocampo, Gerard
Matar, Michael Messiha, Alex Mikrakis, Jeffrey Palmer,
Justin Salib, Mina Tawfick, J.T. Legg, Anthony Luu, Sean
Ferguson, Alexander Dinsmore.
The members of the 2008 Girl’s Basketball Team
are Lizette Wood, Athanasia Kyriazis, Georgia Perris,
Lauren Safady, Marissa Hoffman, Chantal Wahba, Mariah
Winston, Soula Bacoulis, and Lily Spirtos.
Page 6
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
What’s New?
As of Thursday, September 18, 2008, we began a new program of sending out memos and flyers. We will now be sending home all memos and flyers for the week in an envelope, rather than on a daily basis. This will reduce the difficulty of scattered unexpected communication. The envelope will be sent home with the youngest sibling, and must be returned by the next day, Fridays. In addition, we will be communicating to some extent by email. This will be the first email communication. Emails will also be used for important bulletins and reminders. We hope to continue the periodic distribution of the “Chatterbox” to keep you informed of school activities. On Thursday, September 18,
we launched our Drive with an
assembly lead by Mr. Scott Green
in the Auditorium. We ask for
your support once again in helping
to make this a successful
fundraising event for our school.
Mr. Green, who has been our
representative for over 25 years,
explained to our students how
easy it is to earn fantastic prizes
by selling magazine subscriptions
to friends and family.
For families who have more
than one child, please submit each
child’s orders to their respective
classes. Do not send in combined
orders with one child, so that each
child will receive credit and prizes
he/she earned.
Collection dates are the next
three Tuesdays on September 23,
30, and October 7.
Daycare Update
Children usually work up an appetite and require a snack in
daycare. We ask that parents, who use our daycare services,
donate snacks for the children. You can donate various snacks,
such as cereal, chips, pretzels, cookies, or crackers. The
children always look forward to snack time and are very
appreciative of your generosity.
Flag Football 2007
From left to right, Gerard Matar, John Alex, Andres Ocampo
If you have any questions or comments regarding anything written in The
Chatterbox, please use the following email address: [email protected].
It would be greatly appreciated if you could send us any pictures you take at the
various school events. You can put them on a disc and drop them off at the
office. We use photos for our yearbook, our Chatterbox, our church bulletin (The
Wonder Worker), as well as for our archives.
Page 7
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
The following 8-week art Workshops are now available.
Art enrichment Grades 1-8 includes: Blind contour line drawing and experimenting with multimedia such as paper, clay, acrylic paint, watercolor, printing, collage, wood, and more. Seasonal art projects include bookmaking, cards, 3D form, jewelry etc. Class dates: Sept.18, 25 Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Last class Nov. 6 Tuition $100.00 Instructor: Mrs. Duschinsky Thursdays 3:30 ‐ 4:30 *Students must be picked up by 4:30 to avoid daycare charges Cartooning- Grades 3-8 includes: Develop drawing skills and learn to create original cartoon characters. Produce a comic strip sequence, anthropomorphic characters, and super heroes. Develop story lines and use creative writing skills. Experiment with colored pencil, watercolor pencil and chalk pastel. Class dates Sept. 18, 25, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Last class Nov. 6 Tuition $100.00 Instructor: Mrs. Duschinsky Thursdays 4:45 ‐ 5:45 *Students must be picked up by 5:45 to avoid daycare charges Drawing Basics Grades 2-4 includes: Individual development of student's skill with emphasis on blind contour line drawing and shape drawing methods. Experimenting with various media, such as watercolor pencil, pastel, charcoal, ink, marker and oil crayon resist. Class dates: Sept. 15, 22, 29 Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 Last class Nov. 3 Tuition $ 90.00 Instructor: Mrs. Duschinsky Mondays 3:30 ‐ 4:30 *Students must be picked up by 4:30 to avoid daycare charges Drawing II Grades 4- 8 Includes: Individual development of student's drawing skills. Focus is on realistic drawing and a variety of subject matter: still life, wild life, landscape, human form and perspective. Students will experiment with various media, such as pencil, charcoal, acrylic, watercolors, and pastels. Class dates: Sept. 15, 22, 29 Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 Last class Nov. 3 Tuition $ 90.00 Instructor: Mrs. Duschinsky Mondays 4:45 ‐ 5:45 *Students must be picked up by 5:45 to avoid daycare charges Art Workshops
The tuition for the 8 weeks includes materials. Turn in this tear‐off with a check payable to St. Nicholas School. Tuition is Non‐ refundable. Be Creative!
Student Name:______________________ Grade:_______________
Check class enrolling: Drawing Basics 2-4
Art Enrichment 1-8
3-8 Drawing II 4-8
Student Name:______________________ Grade:_______________
Check class enrolling: Drawing Basics 2-4
Art Enrichment 1-8
3-8 Drawing II 4-8
Student Name:______________________ Grade:_______________
Check class enrolling: Drawing Basics 2-4
Art Enrichment 1-8
3-8 Drawing II 4-8
Parent Signature___________________________________
Phone ________________
Page 8
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
Beginning Sports Skills
Grades Kindergarten – 3
Developmentally appropriate drills and games are used to introduce and practice fundamental skills, such as throwing, catching, kicking, dribbling, body and spatial awareness, and sportsmanship. Activities include: tag games, Frisbee, soccer, parachute games, gatorball, and basketball. Class dates: Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, and 12. Tuition: $100 Instructor: Mr. Rothenberg Wednesdays 3:30 – 4:15
Advanced Sports Skills
Grades 4 – 8
Prepare yourself to try out for St. Nicholas team sports! This class will show you what it takes to make one of the teams. Play flag football, basketball, softball, hockey and Ultimate Frisbee through fun drills, scrimmages, and sportsmanship. Students will learn basic fundamentals and advanced skills, as well as basic plays, offenses, and defenses. Class dates: Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, and 12. Instructor: Mr. Rothenberg Tuition: $100 Wednesdays 4:30 – 5:15
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Sports Workshops
Sign Ups
Turn in this tear-off with check payable to St. Nicholas School. Tuition is Non- refundable.
Student Name:______________________ Grade:_______________ Check class enrolling: Beginning Sports K - 3 Advanced Sports 4 - 8
Student Name:______________________ Grade:_______________ Check class enrolling: Beginning Sports K - 3 Advanced Sports 4 - 8 Student Name:______________________ Grade:_______________ Check class enrolling: Beginning Sports K ‐ 3 Advanced Sports 4 - 8 Parent Signature__________________________ Phone ________________ Page 9
The Chatterbox
Volume 1, Issue 1
2008 - 2009
Greek language workshops will begin September 18th and end May 29th. The workshops are designed to further
enrich beginning through advanced level students who wish to become more proficient in conversational Greek, as well
as, reading and writing the Greek language. The tuition for the Greek Language Workshops will be $ 375 for fair share
members of St. Nicholas Church and $ 475 for non-members, excluding books. The cost of books and materials will be $
15. The first half of the tuition is due at registration and the remaining half is due the first week of January. The classes
are scheduled weekly as follows:
Beginning (Kindergarten – Grade 2) = Thursdays 3:30 – 5:00
Intermediate through Advanced (Grades 3 – 8) = Fridays 3:30 – 5:00
The success of each student in the program will depend on the cooperation of all parents in bringing their children
regularly and on time. Parent cooperation is also required by showing interest in your child’s lesson progress. On days
when children will be attending the workshops, children should be sent with a snack. An added highlight of the program
will include a presentation in the school’s Greek Independence Day Performance.
To register your child, complete the information below, particularly the emergency information, and send a check
of $ 205.00 (Fair share member) or $ 240.00 (non-member) payable to St. Nicholas School in the enclosed envelope.
Classes will begin on Thursday, September 18th for the beginning class and Friday, September 19th for the advanced class.
Child’s name__________________________
Child speaks Greek:
Child reads Greek:
Birth date___________ Grade_________
Some Greek____
Some Greek____
No Greek_______
No Greek_______
Parents’ names___________________________________________________________
Home phone_______________________ Cell phone____________________________
Emergency contact person__________________________________________________
Relation to student (relative/friend)____________________________
Emergency telephone___________________________
Students must be picked up by 5:15 to avoid a daycare charge.
Tuition is non-refundable.
Parent Signature: ___________________________
I understand and agree that tuition is non-refundable.
Date: __________________