Ata da Negocição Intergovernamental Brasil
Ata da Negocição Intergovernamental Brasil
MinutesofMeeting ,,[the Anllllal Meeting 00 TedlllkaJ and f<'inanei:llCOUIJeraliUI1 hetwecn the Government oI Ihc Fedcrative Rel'lIhlie ur Bra7jl andtileGovenllllCnlof.Japan Thc rcprcscll!alivcs I'ederative of lhe Governmcnl 01' Japan ao<.l 01' lhe Governmcnl Rcpublic Df' 13mzil, mel il1 Hrasilia 00 July 13,2007. pertaining 10ledmical 01' the 10 dis~lIss l11üllcrs and linal1cial coor<:r<llion helwC<.:1llhe Iwo governl11enls, laking imoaecounlll1ediscussion onJ<lpanese 0])/\ loan hctween lhe Iwogovel'lll11ents. hdd in Br<lsilia.ol1April 12,2007. Thc J<lpancsesidc wus hca<.ledby his Excellellcy AJl]buss~<.Iorof Japan to Hrazil Ken Shimal1ollchi, and lhe I3mzilial1sidc was hcalkd by his Excclleney Diredor01' Hrazilian Coopermion Agenc}'. Amh<lssador Luiz Hellriquc Percim <.luFonseca, Thc tullowing itcmswcrediscu>scd: I, OpcningRcl11arks lhchea<.loflhe Brazilian delegaliOIJ welcol11ed lhe JapulJese ddegali unalldexpresscd hi> contcn1mcn! willl the coopcralion, ! of l'residclll cooperaliolJ betwecn Amba'sador da Fonseca welcomed lhe visil 10 Sadako Ogala IIS a ver}' po~ilivc slep 10 rurthcl' sll'Cnglhel1 lhe bolh counlrics, Ambas~ador <.I~Fonseca also underlined thc impoJtanceor'I'CTI', AmbassadorKcn Shimallollehiexprcsscdhisappl'ccialionlOlhespccial arrangemclll laken h)' lhe govcrnmenL lhe hcad orthc Japancsc dclegmioll cxpla;ned Japan's üDA polic}'andinll'oduccdtlwcol1ccplol'fl1vi/a/ionllJ hy Ihe,]apanc~ePrimc "CooIEarrh51J"which\\1Ispl\1posed Millisler Shinzo Ahe, and also rcfClTed 10 lhc rcccnl visitol'lbc Prc~idcnt 01' JICA. Mrs, Sadako Og~ta, wherc shc ~h~rcd lhe vicw with Brazili~n <lulhorilies 101'Ihc nccessily o1'li)cusing on prioril)' issuc~. J-k also ~talcd lhe hope llml thi~ mcetil1g will he a valullbl~ ~Icp towal'd lhe ncw crJ of cooperalion bclWCClllhc lwo cDuntrics, 2. Macro Economic COI1lCXlorUra/.i1 ThcBraziliansidcpresemcdrecclllmacroecOnOllJicundpolilicalsilualiOIl 3. Currenl Si!U~lionoj"Jap~ncsc ODA "rhe Jap>mese sidc cxplaincd aboul recenl lrcnds ol"lhc .Iapanese ODA, ilS budgd and policies and proposcd 10 conlinue wilh tlw annllal mce!ing between the govcrnments in BI1I~ilia 10 IDrmulme well consll'lIeled projecls which belter IIt lhe Japanese ]Jolicie8andthcl3ra~ilianp"licie'andneeds, OOA "rbeBrazilian8idcrc8pondedallirm"livcly 10 the propos~lThe J~]Janesc 8ide cxpresscd rcnewed inlcl'cs! in eoopel1l(;ng Wilh Brazillo comhat glohal warming, in lighl or the eOlleepl of "Cool Earlh 50", The Bra;.-.ilian siJ~ welcomcd Japan's dli)rllo give fllrlber momenlum J()rlhe diseus~ion on climalc ch"nge and look note oi' lhe proposal Mcehanism al1d rccalIed lhe role 01" lhe Clean (COM) in iDSleril1g cooperalion Devclopmenl 10 I'eduee grcenhouse ga8 emissions. 'lhe I-lmzili~n side, to this elfecl recallcd lhe joim communiqué On KYOlO Prolocol CDM isslIed on May 26. 2005, in l'okyo, by PI"esidcn! Luís II11Íci" Lula da Silva and Prime MinisterJunichiro Koi~lImi. 4. Are3sofinlcrestforlcchnicalcoopemlionprojccls lhe Japal1ese side cxpressed ilS ]!)ICl'csl 10 formlllale technical euupcralion pl'ojeel~ joiI1lIY;l1thear~asil1cllldil1g.bulnotlimilcJto,thcfollowin[:: . . sUSl<lÍnablerail1l"oreslmanagcmCl11il1lhe Ama7.on; pmdudionofbio-fllelwithuvicWlosllppnrtsmallfarmersandto lbe rcduc(jon ofgrccnbouse The I3razilian side remarkcd conlributeto ga~ cmb>ions. lhe suppol1 11'0111lhe Jl\pal1~se s;d~ should nol he limitcdWlheAl11azonJ\)reslbutbceXlcndedloolberforeslsYS(emsofl3ra:ÔI, Tlw proposa[ oftl1e Japmwse sidc was maúc due lo lbe Jud 111mWilh dccreasc in lhe blldgel Jor ODA 01' Japan. projcCl$ ~bollld be carci'ulIy sclecl~d 10 maximize lb~ usc ul" limitedrcsources. The Japancsc ~id~ also ~xprc~sed that synergy cJfeCl 01"Japanesc UDA schemcs. namcly Japan<ósc DOA Loul1 and lCchnical Coop<óra(ion, should I1c bcller ~xplorcJ as lwo instilulions, Inlcmmional JICA and .Iapancsc ODA loan úivision 01" JI3IC (Japan Bank lor Coopermion), would mcrgc 10gelli~r as ol1e Il1stilulion in Oelober, 2008. The Bnl7.ilian sidc res]Jl>llllcd by indicming k<óyarcas ol'illlcrcsl, namely cllvironmenl. ilJdll~lry, agricullure, heahh, and ~oeial developmenl. lhe heads ufstale leehnical as ~laled in lhe joilll t.ledamlioE] by in May 2005 in Tokyo. The Drazi]ian !;iJe agreed to jointly fOl'mulale coopermion prüjecls and abo 10 bcl.1er explore Japane~e ODA loan projects wi/h ledmical coopenllion po~~ibililies 10 lumnonize projccl.s. The Brazilian sidc pruposcd 10 fLJr(herdiscus~ lhe maUeroJ'lhe cstablishmenl ora meehanisrn lojoinlly fonnlllale projcel~. 5. Tcehnical Cooperalion for Digilal TV Taking imo aecount thal lhe Brazilian Digital TV Sy~tern is ha~ed on lhe Japanc~c !SDB-T S1'slem. the Japanese ~ide exprcssed ib intere~110eoopemle with Brazil in Ilml area,partíclllar1yinwhatconecrn,lhehumanresnurccsdevelopmenLThe !IIso remarked thallhe extcnsion Japanese side 01' lhe ISDB-T Sy>lem to othe!' eOl1lltrics in Lalin Amcriea isofil~il1teresL Thc Japa11cse sidc cxpre~sed il..';intcrc>;t in scnding Japanese expel1s 10 Bra~i1. lkuil showcd keen interl2st 011eoopcrating lhe mUlual undersmnding on the ~ubjecL wilhin the fi'arncwork o]' reaehed m lhe I3ra~il-Japan Joinl Working Grollp for Digital TV, spcciJically as rcgards lhe ~"pport Ofl.11CJap!lI1ese~ide in the lraining uf I3razilian 'pceiaIi,;ls 011the Digital TV ar"<I.Drazil a]so aweed tl1mlhe pro!TIolionoflhe ISUB-T Syslcl1llo olhcr~ounlrics slmngjoinldTorts in Lalin i\merica is ofbolh il] th"l<tJ'cahavc sides int<:resl and remQrked Ilml beencarriednulineoordinalion wilh th~Japanese side. 6. Mal1Cl'seonccrningJBJ'1' i30th ~idcs eonlirmed lhc Minutcs nrJV1celingoflhe III Planning Commitlee ol'JapQnBrJzil I'annership ProgrJmme (JfJPI') which wa~ hcld Thc.1apanesesidcexpl'essed "n Junc 19,2007 in Brasili". itsinlercsllo'larlthcncgotiationascarlyaspos,iblcon proposed projeçl~ (as per atlad1ll1Cl1l) Ihal have cOl1sent Ih)111allthc whieh incl"dc lhe governmcnlnl'lhetargeted QlIlhuritiescol1ccrned,and p:\rlics involv<:d. eOLJl1lryand thc Br<l;\iJianand .lapanesc ulsotakinginto"e<:ollnlthcprep<lr<:dne,~uflhcrr(1jcclanJ r<:~üUl'cesaVQiJability. The BraziJian side ~harcJ lhe vie\', with lhc Japanesc sidc on lhe is~uc. The Jap<lnesc sidc proposcd a possibilit1' 01' dispalehi11g Bra~ilian experts lolhird counlries in conneclion with thc lhird Counlry Training Programme (TCTl'), considers;j "md as a Jnpp project in lhird counll'ics. Thc 8razilian Side wcJcol1lcd lhc ProposIlIandwillanalyzethebc,lJ()rmofrcspondingtothisproposaIinlincwilhthc Brazilíancoopcralionmechanism. The Jllpanc~e side cxpre~scd ils inlcl'esltQ fOl'mulate third cOllnlry projcctsjoinlly il1 mcas of mulua! inlere~t ml10ng ;111 parLies involvcd. del1lol1slrated its in!erest lo formulatc projects][) Thc J1Ipane~e side arcas ofagrieulturc IIJSO and bio-fucl~ in lhe Iilturc. Thel3razilian side will a~~csslechnical coopcralion prnjccl oppor1unilies IhateM bc caJTiedoutinlheJBPPindllecour:se. 7. HannonizationofTcehnicalal1dFinaneialCooperaJion 1l1CJapancsc ~ide explaíncd lhe rcform in Japancsc ODA inslitutions, whcrc JJCA wiIlmergc with Japuncse OD1\ IW1l1divbion 01'JRIC in Oclobcr, 200~. lhe Japanesc sidc mcntioned il.'s expeclatíons on tl1e rcform's pOSilivc impacllo teehnical und IinanciaJ coopermion of .la1'al1in Brazil and suei) harmonization of lcelmical and financial cooperatíon bhighly~pprccialed inJ~pm!. g. Sl~lusofJICA Thcl3raziliansidemIarmedlhcJapancsesidcofthcprogrcssoncon~idel'tllionof!hc draJl agreemcm lar gl'tlnting .IIC1\ a new sla[us in Brazi!. As ~oon a.s tbe matlcr is Iinali7..cdtheJapan~segovcl1lmenlwill bedulynotified. 1'l1e Japanesc sidc cxprcsscd its sll'Ong wish to resolvc lhis maltc!' aI the ear]ic~! possiblcdatewilhcverye11urlfi-ombothsidcs. 9. Supplel11cnlal)' Agreemenllo lhe l3asie Agrecmcnl ofTechnicaI CoopcmliOll 111c Japancse side eXpl'e~~cd eonccrn over lhe su1'plcmel11ary agreemenl conduded in limely manner, as devclopmcnt ~ludy in Manau8 not bC;l1g and Training I'rogrmnl11elur Young l.eader8. LhejDm1er Youlh Invit~!ion I'rogmmmc, nre inbibiled Iromheingcxccuted. The Japancse ~idc also slrongiy cl1couragcd lhe Brazilian side 10 resolve lhe issue ~t thecarlícslpossiblcdak. Th~ BmziJial1 side look note 01"lbe Japane~e ~oncem and cxprcssed it~ wiUingness to undertake ~very enbn to help solve lhe matlcr. 10,Olhermatlers 13mhsides ~tressed the impol1anee or year 200X ~s Japan"Brazil Exclmnge Year, nnd also ~s the commcmoratiol1 01"lhe eenlenl1i~Jof JnpJl1ese immigmtion to Bral-il. BOlh side~ aJso expressed their slrong wislws to give funher momenlum for our eoopemtion 011thaloccasiol], 111this rcgard. lhe BrJzilinn side expressed its inlemiol1 to mark the eelebration by inc1uding a speeial evcnltoJmwaUention 10 lhe very impon3nlnspcetnr fill~l1dal anJ teclll1i~al eonJ1~ration l>t:lwecn Japan ~I1J Urazi! within lbe conte"l ofthe eClJ1enni~1. Br~siJja.July , A b~ssadorKenShimnno\lcl1Í ~~d~~~~""" Embassyol"Japml inl3l'azil Dil'eetnr Japan BraziJianCoopemtiOJlAgen~y- ABC Minislry of ExternaJ Relations Fed~rati\'c RepublicofBrazil - MRE 13. }OO7 Attachm""t Possible Propo6ed b)' JBPP Proiects rODosed bv Brazil CounlI}' SeçlOt Po"~jhl" Pmjecl Angola Heallh CQP~cityl)evelopmcnl I"orJo>,na M~cbeJ Ho"p;'al !ln~[)1a PI'OI"c"sional Tmining and Japan C/P [n"t;'ul;on~ in I.ho larxcled<.:ounlry Min'Mryofl!el\ltb ,Iosina Machd HospitaJ PmlncrlllMitHU"">in I3mzil UNJCAM,' S"nIaCru7,Ho"pilJ)1 Medica.IDopl. USI' ,~dvi",,, fo,' Profe"~íunal TraíníngProgmm MflPESSJNI;;FOP SENAI Adv;""rfo,'Tmn,porl [mprovemenlPJ,,~ ror CrC"lCr PanQm" Cily L:]no Tran"pon i\gcnc)' Mini~tr:J'orpublicWork" Minj",IJ' ofFinan"" Gnd Econ"",}' CEI"TRU ~uslain3bl"Wa'er SlIppl)'oJldSani'at;on P"'jectl"orZ<>nuc"Ú, Sl~tc Minis''YofPublkWorh 3!ld HnLJsi,,& Nauullal Dcp"rlmenlofWaler DPOPH-Z"mi}czia Japan Panama M07"~nlb;quc U,-[)~n Tra"~p()rt~l;on ~a~;latio!l Pa'-aguay Governane" Eo~\ Timor Jur;dic"1 SY$lcm lobellol;fi"d Minislry"r Iobeno,;fbl Pn'Sibly M;ní~l'Y of .Ju~(jcc Financ" Pos~ibl)' SABESI' Poso;blyPortoll!cK'" Mun;cipal;ly 1'1'."";1 t()bcnot;fi"d