cocktail haute couture made to measure flavor phenomenon
cocktail haute couture made to measure flavor phenomenon
COCKTAIL HAUTE COUTURE Passion Bellini or Strawberry Bellini 12,00 € Passion Fruit or Strawberry Sparkling Wine Java Tulips 14,00 € Absolut, Fresh Ginger, Sugar, Sparkling Wine Royal Sky Cosmo 14,00 € Absolut, Cointreau, Lime, Cranberry Juice and Sparkling Wine MADE TO MEASURE The Real Don of Fashion 10,00 € Olmeca Gold, Ginger Ale, Lime, Basil Alchemist 10,00 € Port Wine, Amarguinha, Macieira Absolut Vanilla In the Sky 10,00 € Absolut Vanilla, Sprite, Lime, Redberries Sex appeal 10,00 € Beefeater, Coconut syrup, Cramberry juice, Strawberry syrup Dry American Beauty 10,00€ Absolut, Dry Martini, Olive FLAVOR PHENOMENON Strawberry or Orange Daiquiri 10,00 € Havana Blanco, Strawberry, Lemon, Sugar Havana Blanco, Orange juice, Lemon, Sugar Mojito 10,00 € Havana Blanco, Lime, Sugar Mint, Sparkling Water Exotic Mojito & Strawberry Mojito 12,00 € Havana Blanco, Lime, Passion Fruit Or Strawberry, Mint, Sparkling Water Jamule 10,00 € Jameson, Lime, Mint, Sugar, Sparkling Water Caipirinha / Caipiroska / Caipirão 10,00 € Janeiro / Absolut / Licor Beirão, Lime, Sugar Girl from Ipanema 10,00 € Janeiro, Mango, Passion Fruit, Lime, sugar Long Island Iced Tea 10,00 € Absolut, Olmeca Blanco, Havana Blanco, Beefeater, Cointreau, Lemon, Coca Cola PinaColada Havana Blanco, Coconut, Pineaplle 10,00 € SKY LEGENDS Cosmopolitan 10,00 € Absolut, Cointreau, Lime, Cranberry Juice Gin Fizz 10,00 € Beefeater, Lemon, Sugar, Sparkling Water Whiskey Sour 10,00 € Four Roses, Lime, Sugar, Sparkling Water Negroni 10,00 € Beefeater, Campari, Martini Rosso Margarita 10,00 € Olmeca Blanco, Cointreau, Lime TOP OF THE WORLD PREMIUM Always a Lady Beefeater 24, Cointreau, Lemon, Sugar 18,00 € Sky Luxury Champagne Wiborowa Exquisite, Champagne Mumm Brut, Lime, Passion Fruit Syrup, Raspberry 25,00 € Elixir of Life Remy Martin X.O, Grand Marnier, Lemon, Sugar 30,00 € Salute Chivas Regal 25, Galliano, Campari 43,00 € NAKED 0% Alcohol Keep Sober 7,00 € Grenadine, Lemon, Honey, Tonic Water Summer in Lisbon 7,00 € Pineaple juice, Passion fruit, Lemon juice, Orange juice Bella Luna 7,00 € Mango juice, Peache juice, Passion fruit Virgin Caipi 7,00 € Lime, Sugar, Sprite Virgin Mojito 7,00 € Lime, Mint, Sugar, Sprite Cranberry Sour Cranberry juice, Mint Syrup, Lemon 7,00 € SPARKLING WINE & CHAMPAGNE Murganheira Super Reserva Brut Murganheira Rosé Reserva Brut Mumm Brut Mumm Rosé Dom Perrignon, 1999 Louis Roderer, Cristal, 2002 WHITE WINE Espirito Da Lagoalva, Tejo, 2011 Planalto Reserva, Douro, 2011 Dona Maria, Alentejo, 2011 RED WINE Espirito Da Lagoalva, Tejo, 2010 D.G. Douro, 2009 Herdade Da Comporta, Setúbal, 2010 ROSE WINE Herdade da Comporta, Setúbal, 2011 WHISKY Ballantine´s, Red Label & F. Grouse OLD BLENDED WHISKY Ballantine´s 12, Chivas 12 & Black Label Chivas Regal 18 Chivas Royal Salute 21 Chivas Regal 25 MALT WHISKY The Glenlivet 12 & Cardhu 12 The Glenlivet 18 WHISKEY 15 cl 75 cl 8,00 € 9,00 € 14,00 € 32,00 € 35,00 € 65,00 € 100,00 € 200,00 € 450,00 € Glass / Bottle 4,50 € / 16,50 € 5,50 € / 23,00 € 6,00 € / 27,00 € Glass / Bottle 4,50 € / 16,50 € 5,00 € / 20,00 € 6,00 € / 24,00 € Glass / Bottle 5,00€ / 20,00 € 5 cl 9,00 € 5 cl 13,00 € 17,00 € 25,00 € 40,00 € 5 cl 15,00 € 25,00 € 5 cl Jameson 11,00 € Jack Daniel´s, Four Roses & Canadian C. Jameson Reserve Crow Royal 12,00 € 14,00 € 15,00 € BRANDIES 5 cl CRF 8,50 € Courvoisier VSOP Adega Velha Remy Martin X.O 15,00 € 18,00 € 25,00 € GIN 5 cl Beefeater Bombay Saphire 9,00 € 9,50 € Beefeater 24 13,00 € 15,00 € Hendrick´s VODKA 5 cl Absolut & Citron, Vanilia 9,00 € Wiborowa Exquisite Grey Goose 15,00 € 16,00 € RUM Havana Club Anejo Blanco Havana Club 7 Havana Selección de Maestros TEQUILA Olmeca Blanco Olmeca Reposado APERITIFS & LIQUEURS Martini Rosso, Bianco, Extra Dry Martini Gold Pernod & Ricard Amarguinha & Licor Beirão Limoncello, Ruavieja, Cointreau, Kalhua, Amaretto Disaronno, Grand Marnier, Drambuie & Sambuca FORTIFIED WINE´S 5 cl 9,00 € 13,00 € 15,00 € 5 cl 9,00 € 10,50 € 5 cl 6,00 € 10,00 € 7,00 € 7,00 € 8,00€ Sandeman Apitive 6 cl 5,00 € Sandeman Founder´s Reserve 8,00 € Messias LBV 2005 12,00 € Messias 10 Years Messias 20 Years 10,00 € 12,00 € Moscatel de Setúbal 8,00 € BEERS 0,30 cl 0,40 cl Super Bock & Carlsberg Pressão / Draugth Corona Garrafa 0,33 cl Bottle 0,33 cl Super Bock 0% Garrafa 0,33 cl Bottle 0,33 cl 5,00 € 7,00 € 6,00 € 7,00 WATER & SOFT DRINKS 0,25 cl Vitalis Still Water 3,00 € Vimeiro Sparkling Water 3,00 € 3,50 € Pedras Sparkling Water 1Lt Vimeiro Sparkling Water Vitalis Still Water 5,00 € 6,00 € 0,20cl Refrigerantes Soft Drinks Ananás, Pêssego, Laranja, Manga & Pêra 5,00 € 5,00 € Pineapple, Peach, Orange, Mango & Pear SOME LIKE IT HOT Expresso & Descafeinado /Expresso & Decaf. Café Duplo / Double Expresso Café com Leite / Coffee with Milk Cappuccino 3,50 € 4,00 € 4,00 € 5,00 € BLACK TEA Royal Darjeeling, Earl Grey 5,00 € Ceylon Black Tea, Black Tea with bergamot GREEN TEA Jasmine Queen, Moroccan Mint 5,00 € Jasmine flowers, Sahara Mint INFUSÕES / INFUSIONS Chamomile Dry Chamomile flowers 5,00 € FORK AND SHAKER SOUPS Creme de tomate, morangos macerados e poejos 8,50 € Vichissoise de cogumelos e camarão salteado 10,50 € SALADS Salada de figos, espinafres, presunto, queijo chévre 14,00 € Salada de pato fumado, endívias brancas, alface, nozes, maçã e maionese de mostarda 15,00 € Salada de pêra e pimenta rosa, espinafres, chicória, vinagrete limão confit e framboesas 12,00 € Salada de tomate, mozzarella, pesto de rúcula e parmesão 12,50 € Linguinni de camarão “ à la carbonara” 16,00 € SKY to SHARE Bolinhas de alheira de caça, couli de laranja 5,00 € Espetadas de camarão com molho agridoce 7,50 € Gyosas de galinha com molho teriaky 6,00 € Pica-pau á Sky Bar 8,50 € Prego de novilho com presunto em pão de chapata 16,00 € Focaccia mista tostada em azeite de ervas 9,50 € Wrap de salmão fumado com queijo creme aromatizado com aneto 11,50 € Wrap de legumes assados, com peito de peru fumado 10,00 € Sky sandwiche 14,00 € Duo de hambúrgueres em bolo do caco 13,50 € SKY SWEETS Variedade de gelados 8,00 € Rebuçados Tivoli, molho de baunilha 8,50 € Tartelete de limão merengada 7,50 € Espetada de fruta com sorbet de limão 7,00 € Coulant de chocolate amargo, gelado de banana 9,50 € Serviço de Snacks / Snacks Service: Das 17H00 ás 00H00 From 17H00 to 00H00 NARGUILE 15,00€ SABORES / FLAVORS Menta Mint Maçã Apple Melancia Watermelon Morango Strawberry Tutti Fruti Pêssego Peach Coco Coconut Banana Horário / Schedule: Das 17H00 ás 01H00 From 17H00 to 01H00 Contacto / Contact 213198832 ( 16h ás 24h / 16h to 24h ) [email protected] Contacto para Grupos / Groups contacts 213198923 ( 9h ás 18h, Segunda a Sexta ) ( 9h to 18h, Monday to Friday ) [email protected] Este estabelecimento dispõe de livro de reclamações Os preços incluem IVA á taxa legal em vigor This establishment has a complaints book Prices include VAT at the statutory rate in effect
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