ExaME.com - Huson International Media
ExaME.com - Huson International Media
BILL F ORD C ONTA COMO S E TOR More NOU U M SOB REVIV ENTE www E D IÇ 9 77 0102 1 8> 02 re .e x a m TROIT e .c o m .b r L 43 Edição Qu 0 0 9 inzenal 4 2880 lion l i m 1 aders DE DE ÃO 9 48 ANO than N º- 14 - 29/ 7/ 2 009 HCOST site Compo 9 /07/0 1 - 29 AME E - EX EXAM E EXAM VOLTA A CRE MOS SCER Olhe p c a r ro s a r a o s l a d d e p r e de eletr o s . O s fa b o r ô de em d u ç ã o. O v n i c o s b a t e i c a n t e s d e m prego a d e vo s s ã o r e j o c r e s c re c o rd e s l g Brasil t a . A c o n f erados. O e. M i l h a re s iança , a cri crédit s e pa r o e c e te t a m b é m . P est á r f i ca d a ra o o para trás 16nd9copies th eader in its segment, EXAME is the most complete business and economics magazine in Brazil. It has been the source of quality information and in-depth analyses of the main 2 ousa events in the national and international scenario for the past 40 years. Brands that want to reinforce their excellence 81% rs – cribe among the most qualified readers must bs are su loyalty2 g hi h title to the be found on EXAME’s pages. E EXAM ost m e is th business zil red admi zine in Bra a mag r the 10th e fo cutiv conse ar 4 ye 91exe% es cutiv of all EXAME read : lation Circu 3 With credibility, independence, relevance and agility in editorial coverage, EXAME content is decisive for the professional life of executives, business owners and investors. INVESTIMENTOS PESSOAIS 2009 sZXgX IS O RETRATO ATUAL DA BOLSA DE VALORES BRASILEIRA, uma instituição que, apenas cinco anos atrás, beirava a irrelevância: • Nos primeiros sete meses de 2009 não houve bolsa no mundo que valorizasse mais do que a BM&FBovespa. Em dólar, seus investidores ganharam 87% no período. A segunda bolsa com maior valorização foi a de Xangai, na pujante China, com 79% de ganhos em dólar. • A bolsa brasileira é hoje a quarta maiora do mundo em valor de mercado. E a 12 quando se soma o valor das ações das 432 companhias negociadas. Juntas, elas valem hoje 1 trilhão de dólares. • De janeiro a agosto, os investidores estrangeiros têm um saldo positivo de quase 14 bilhões de reais na BM&FBovespa. Apenas em maio, mês que registrou o recorde histórico de aportes internacionais, foram investidos 6 bilhões de reais. • Desde 2004, o valor total das compa- O BRILHO DA BOLSA <cXk\m\XdX`fiXckX\eki\kf[XjXjYfcjXj[fdle[fefXef%8Yi`^fl fj\^le[fdX`fi@GF%M`iflldX[Xj\jki\cXjdX`ji\clq\ek\j[X\Zfefd`X ^cfYXc%<dYXcX[Xg\cXi\Zlg\iXf\Zfed`ZX#X9fm\jgXjlY`l[\gXkXdXi efjck`dfjd\j\jÇ\`jjfldXk`dXefkZ`XgXiXfj`em\jk`[fi\j# fj\dgi\j}i`fj\fgXjsGiuliana Napolitano nhias negociadas dobrou. E os recursos levantados nas ofertas de ações feitas por elas somaram 180 bilhões de reais. • A bolsa brasileira abrigou em 2009 a segunda maior abertura de capital do mundo, a da processadora de operação com cartões Visanet. Em julho, o banco espanhol Santander anunciou que fará aqui uma oferta de ações de sua operação local que poderá chegar a 7 bilhões de reais — é a primeira vez que uma multinacional escolhe o mercado brasileiro para levantar tamanha quantidade de recursos. J\[\[X9fm\jgX# \dJfGXlcf1 Xm\cfZ`[X[\ [Xi\Zlg\iXf[X YfcjXgXlc`jkXldX dfjkiX[fefmfjkXklj \Zfed`Zf[fgXj G8KI@:@8J8EKFJ Sources: 1) Projection for Brazil of Editora Abril readers. Base Marplan/EGM and IVC/2008. 2) IVC average Jan-Oct/2009. 3) Executive Reading Habits at the 500 biggest companies in Brazil. Marplan/2007. Nine Markets. 40-year campaign with readers / 2007 4) Troiano Consultoria and Meio & Mensagem. The Most Admired Vehicle A - 22/07 /09 00:08 - CAPA R $ 12 ,0 0 É inútil tentar prever o comportamento das ações nos próximos seis meses, daqui a um ano, em 2012. Seria o mesmo que tentar prever o futuro. Mas os acontecimentos dos últimos meses e o incrível histórico de queda e recuperação do mercado acionário brasileiro EXAMEsINVESTIMENTOS PESSOAIS 2009s, Ye a r b o o k s a n d G u i d e s E X AME ’ s B e s t a n d B i g g e s t Y e a r b o o k 3ye7ars Annual edition with the broadest and most recognized study of the evolution of business in the country. It brings the ranking of the 1000 biggest Brazilian companies, the performance of the 500 biggest, an analysis of agribusiness and of the main sectors of the economy. July 2010 #'' I*, 0 9 > 020 0 9 77 008 i fd%Y Xd\%Z nn%\o '0sn 323 104 f&)' Alc_ <O8 D < D <C? FI< J < D8@ FI< J s A esas r p m e es maoioBrrasil io d negóc o agro lc_ f&)' '0 2009 Awards Natura, best company of the year Executives and entrepreneurs gathered at MM 2009 EXAME rheld a big event to launch the edition. An award ceremony that includes the presence of executives, economists, politicians, journalists and other opinion formers. Edition 2009 As país as d panhigrupos dfionanceiras m o c iores iores ções 00 mdaos 100 mraes institui 4 s A o l : i E mais O perfiing das ma Rank w S NTO E M STI S 2009 4 E V N I OAI S S 14 E P X fm\jg X X[X9 fcj ef \X s8]fiefd`X#XY e\jk SA \ YXcX XjlY`l[ Z`XgXiX i`\[\ <d c\`i dXefk j j` X jfiXj \j iX `j Y k` ifd [\jkXhl Xjld m\`j ldX X`jg j s8jd dj\if g}^`e fj#`d Z`[`i Ç ES k\ Xj+( cjX#]le[ [fiX[\ lXj AÇÕ \gifd\ jÇ `d o f k` j `jhl ()d\j\ Xjgi fYi\Y `em\j mXc`Xi j d gXg fj 0 C\`XekX^\ejj al[XdffÇ\XX fe_\Xfj# F[jfjgio`fdj[\ZX[Xl \)'' X i i\j[ c_fi\j \ Z\[f i\gf fi`Xhl\ l[`e_\`i ]i\ek\%:fj[fgX f \fji`jZ jm\e Çfjd sF \ j [ X i ekX fcfZXij l`gXiX \i\Zl =le[X DOS l\[`q\dXj \ N j U f F Xg e[\Z \j[Xh j[ \fh fj[fg [X \iXd f lij \ikfl \jkfi\ Zclj`mX j\jg \j Hl\djjf[Ç X \i\Z X`jXZ `kf Xgc`Z \c_fi\j^hl`jX\o fhl\\c\ fjd\j fi\ l\dd Zf<jgi ^\jk SsH e kX d Xg\j `YX jgio`d X ORA iX[f9X fiXeXc`j T j E d \ R \kf \d\c_ i^Xj# gXiXf e[fl CORX#[XZfiid [ j\^l \klc`fMX jk fgi `f \ : > fiX Cl`q #c\mfl ^\jk b JXekf p=`e #XdX`fi sCXii b FIL cXZbIfZf9iXj`c R E P fef[X9 e[f#m fdl ff[ X :fd Zlijfj[ Yfc_ ^\[X ikX [\i\ sCfe XckX if]\ VEIS lXjlg\ X[f\d Ó IM j\\m`kf lfd\iZ f \i`jZ XZi` \[\`of `# fj\[ l [ h 8 sLdX m\`j RIA [\`d X ADO Xi\j\im T N SE gXik\[ i j6 APO gc`ZX dX\ \ lifX yj\^ m`[eZ`X i\ [Xg The publication that has had the trust and loyalty of the reading public for more than a decade. It presents the most profitable funds and best investment opportunities; BOL[Xg\cX\Z\fgXkXdXfigXj 18 32 August 2010 34 36 2009 40 Edition 1ye4ars Personal Investments Guide s unitie t r o p e op the Uniqu e among ons to b orporati c al large rofession t and p he greates with t jection in pro arket. the m Ye a r b o o k s a n d G u i d e s 1ye1ars s rbook AME a e y The o all EX nt t igh are se scribers: h d sub lation an circu ed public. fi quali Nove mbro/ 2009 | R$ 19,90 |w ww.e xam e.co m.br E X AME ’ s S u s t a i n a bi l i t y G u i d e Inter nacio nal Um panorama sobre a sustentabilidade nos negócios. As melhores práticas e um olhar aprofundado sobre os temas ambientais, sociais e econômico-financeiros. Brasi l 2009 Gestã o Negó cios EXAM E - EXAM E - EE XA2 - 7 - 12 /11/09 - Compo site - RGOD EGUEZ - 03/11/ 09 23:05 - 01_C AD November 2010 da C Por que onfe os pa rência ís d es pa consee Copen rticipant guem hague es se en não tend Algun er s gov ernos suas c comp ritérios estão a ras — v d e ganerdes paraotando hand o comfazer isso Empr es todoas do mu n e do xig se sejamus fornec em que cada edore respovez maiss nsáv eis A bus ca pe la efi orige energé ciência mau ti m ca de 1 bilhã que m mercadou o de re ovime ais no nta país Companies that stand out in sustainability are awarded at an event where the edition is also launched. anuá rio Dezem bro/20 09 | R$ 1o200 bras w.exa me.co m.b r 2009• 2010 EXC LUSI VO Fund Estudo d a Ca ção D a quais bral mosom os es tra ta co infr m a m dos país aestrutu elhor ra do e aqu mais eles qu ness evoluírame a últimárea nos os an os em ou projeto no peam const rução ís E X AME I n f r a s t r u c t u r e Y e a r b o o k 6 years site - ALES ILVEIR A - 01/12/ 09 16:24 - 01_C AD Lista com 29,90 | ww EXAM E Edition - EXAM 2009 E - EX INFRA2 -5- 10/12/ 09 - Compo Reports and analyses on sector trends, the main works developed in the country and a map of the different infrastructure segments throughout Brazil. Obras de tr do Sã ansposiç ão mais o Fran de ci envolv 8 000 ho sco: men idos no trabal s ho December 2010 2009 Wal-Mart, 2009 sustainable company Edition 2009 Award Ceremony E x a me C E O = 3 1 CEO capaCEO.o k 02/04/200 8 05:44 AM Page 8 09 ; 0 @ / 20/ ; 3 1 = 20 &0 j8 E E E 3 F Z`[\ d[\ Xhl\ jgXi @[`X & @ & [P`] 2ShS Inspiração para quem decide 3F 13 /;3 = j 23H 3 Ed;it0io@ =n Abril/2008 f [ e l \ek\ Fd ^ i \ \d eZ`Xje[`Xc k f g l Xj \efmfed`ZXd [ f k d\e X\Z jli^`X^\f^iXÔ f f :fd Ôe`e[f \[\ \jk}i h]\ h>W\ `WUcS SWZZ ¸< @]R VW]\ WSU] W[= \2 \aYW8 W^^S/U b] \ WS WZ ZW V 1 0WZZ1 `> 8O\ OSZ OQY;O cZ1]ZZWS Ub[ O `a 8 > / aS \ O b] Wa <O[ SA] W\Sd RW`D /\b] `\O\R]R ;]Wa{a O\\OG \R S OWdO O`c\9V /aZc O`]d6 RS> B \RS`a a^ [c`c >Saa]O O/ O``g9O \ `O O aW 1 c P`S U5 ]/ZS `Q]a ZPS`b OdWR9W\ \R;O cSZRS/ 2 c [ [\1/ `jkXj SEOZYS`S W`abS\0]]c`YSAO 9 ZZ eki\m fj\\ 5OP`WSaS^V<gS 9SdW\=¸@ `^ ik QS S X :fd 3ReO`R:cOSRO8]ZR4W\RZOg \O 1Oab @] `US5 8] ' B =C & @ GLOBALIZ AÇ O que é prec iso saber sob ÃO re e • Hse texto é mu q X \ i j \ 8jZXj \ [X uma peça 002 do [\ Xj `jk m ki\ \e j\ f k`^ Xi d f : ito falso de ixou o teatro dramaturgo as metrópo • 001 que alemã • Aão mulhe res afeto ales • 003 e nono mu o Bert Breth • 00 era personagem de 3e da as metrópo les com ram para as metróponono mudaram para • nononono 005 fome, • les 004 ing nono co la country about strategic themes in the economy and business. They bring articles and interviews with the greatest specialists in the world. les m nonono no nonono no afeto a as metrópo as les 005 fom nononono e Circulation geared towards C-Level executives: f ek jl f j X d jk `Zf il l\ ji j\ dXh dX` \ f [ d l \q Ô [\ iX iXd Xm \jX [X `oX ieX fZX[[f[jfZ`\ }% \ \ A [ f Xj \k e[ ek j\ c\% k`Z j\j dl #[`X i\jXfd\ } X d \ g d k k Z Zc` c`j %L \e \d Xi Xj kX `ZX cd j# c`[ e Y`\eed foX \ief [\ X l[ d f X[ m f d XX \Z Xi %>f k\i 8j gXik`ZX\k}#gjj\q jÇ c \j jZX ekf gf \ al [X Ç g dS O` 6 \O ] W W ` c 4 VO V \ OQ \\O >OQ SW\ @ ]TW/ `O9 ] R R 9 O\ S\ `\ `U @OX 4S PS g S[ WQY SZZ ]ZR 5ZS W` 9 5 \ bS` 0ZO ]\ a{ [ 8] >S \g 3O `\ B] S` WbS QV AbS ca eO O4Wa ZOa RVO V `b Y V] ` bbS aQV <WQ <] AO 8] ` BSR dWR a US 2O V S` S\ AOQ S\P WZZWY \ UO `Sg SZZ b; 4O STT ZAV PS` ] WO\ 8 S 0` ]R WQVO @ O `U E] W; O\h ] b S P [ S[ :Sd 1]a ] O \: 5` Z/ S`b X]` OS P 0 S` QV @] a 2g ;W S\ TT RR 5S] bSW\ W a g5 SZR ]\ \4 bV `bW /\ ;O The editions talk to the highest executives in the CEO, CMO, CIO, CHRO, CFO, COO, CCO March / June / October 2010 Abril /200 ,0 R$ 28 9• 0 E x a me . c o m Online reference on business, economics and finance. Continuously updated, it gathers scoops, news and analyses involving this universe. There are more than ten blogs, diverse videos in EXAME TV, a newsletter, Investor Center, Best and Biggest Online, EXAME Mobile, RSS – everything to bring safest and most important information from the business world to the Internaut. Page views: 5,4 million 1 Unique visitors: Source: 1 ) Google Analytics Sept-Dec/2009. 2) Survey with Exame.com Internauts Aug/2008 606 thousand 1 The best environment on the Internet to expose your brand to Internauts with qualified profiles: >> 86% belong to class AB >> 92% exercise remunerated activities 2 2 w w w . e x a m e . c o m . b r Events Grea e event n of th ussio t reperc (exame forum) Brazil – Construction of the 5th Biggest Economy in the World Internationally renowned names analyze Brazil economic scenario and discuss the directions for the company to become a world power. omy e Econ e Glo 009: Th 2 Forum EXAME ve fo lternati d the A sis an bal Cri ding th r Rebuil Aplicação em fundo escuro. S or José Govern Debates on: •Macro economy •Stock market •Infrastructure •Energy •Domestic market erra at gth stren est ’s E M EXA s the bigg cs, i r gathe in econom , s s name trepreneur d en rities an autho olars. sch May 2010 e s: (in th Nobel Prize onomic rs in Ec Winne ward and Ed undell lfim Netto M t r e b ht, De tz, Ro h Stigli ott. To the rig ) Josep c s le d re P id m nt the eve Events (exame forum) E X AME T h e m a t i c F o r u m EXAME Energy Model of the event famous for gathering big business and economy specialists. Promotes indepth debates on topics of utmost importance to Brazil and the world, such as Energy and Sustainability. Forum 2 009 September 2010 r: A Speake s trobra a, of Pe rbass lmir Ba Debate – bu siness oppo EXAME Sustain ability Forum 2 009 rtunities for a sustainab le Brazil Aplicação em fundo Special Projects ons soluti t e d a os -m Tailor eet the m ges m n lle to se cha ers and r e v i d s in a vertis of ad eir brand ner. an e th expos entiated m differ Si e m e n s B l o g A space on the Internet to debate and disclose themes that are part of the day-to-day activities of those who live in large cities. Sp e c i a l I B M F o l d e r e - AGNALD posit - Com ite 09 - Compos /10/ - E EXAM EXAME BRAZIL ON WHEELS advertising special. A map of the domestic cargo system sponsored by Volkswagen Trucks. EXAME - EXA EXAM E- EXAM E- - 21/ ME - 79 74 - 21 10/09 Vo l k s wag e n T ru c k s AGNA O LDO - - 09/10/ 09/1 09 0/09 19:25 19:2 3 - - 03_C 03_CAD AD Segmentation of the EXAME CEO magazine mailing base into IBM operating sectors, directing the action towards CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CIOs, CMOs and CHROs. The action also included an ad for each segment. Nextel A personalized belt with EXAME mailing and subscriber base segmentation. With a device similar to a radio mechanism and a team on the other side of the line, the action enabled the reader to talk to the company in real time. Pronasci Bilingual, customized magazine developed especially to promote the Ministry of Justice’s PRONASCI – Program to Combat Criminality. Special Editions in English E X AME i n E n g l i s h The magazine was launched in July 2009 with some articles in English, projecting Brazil’s economy in the international scenario. E’s EXAM with ories t s n i lian ma Brazi e h t on et mark news d n a my econo Directed distribution: 5000 copies for entrepreneurs at multinational companies, public institutions and the main embassies. B r a z i l’ s Y e a r A 60-page retrospective of Brazil’s strong rebound after the international crisis. The reports, all translated into English, record Brazil’s rise in the global scenario. Directed distribution: 2000 copies to presidents of multinational companies, government representatives, embassies and consulates. Separate sales: 5000 copies sold in just 20 days August / December 2010