Media Advisory // Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay: a rich variety of


Media Advisory // Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay: a rich variety of
Media Advisory // Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay:
a rich variety ofthrills!
The Olympic Flame will pass through the towns of Trindade,
Aparecida deGoiania, Piracanjuba, Morrinhos and Caldas
The fourth day of therelay begins this Friday, 6 May, in the town of Trindade, moving on toAparecida de
Goiania, Piracanjuba and Morrinhos. It will end the day in Caldas Novas,where the Olympic Pyre will be lit
at the Municipal Events Centre, next to theSports Gymnasium, the venue for a performance by a local
Guitar Orchestra. Oneof the most eagerly anticipated moments on the route is the flame’s descent ofthe
water slide in one of the town’s aquatic parks. Caldas Novas is one of thebiggest hydrothermal spas in the
world. The day’s route will feature 160torchbearers passing through many key tourist spots of natural
beauty andcultural interest. This leg of the journey will cover over 300 kilometres.
In Trindade, the OlympicFlame will pass the Holy Basilica of the Divine Eternal Father, the annual
destination of a pilgrimage undertaken by two million pilgrims. For part of thejourney, the torch will carried
on an ox-drawn cart.
Considered the orchidcapital of Brazil, Piracanjuba will welcome the Olympic Torch as it crossesClock
Tower Square, where it will be abseiled down the tower.
Fruit trees andcolonial-style houses are on the route through Morrinhos, which passes in frontof the
local statue of Christ the Redeemer.
The last destination onthis leg of the journey is Caldas Novas. The Olympic Flame will be taken down
awater slide, an iconic representation of this spa town. The route also takesthe torch past the Casarão dos
Gonzaga (Gonzaga Mansion), built at thebeginning of the 19th century, and one of the most historic
structures in thetown, exhibiting a collection of antique objects and providing a support centrefor the
artisans of Goias State.
Check out some of the torchbearers on this day’s relay
SironFranco, one of Brazil’s most well-knowninternationally-renowned artists, will carry the Olympic
in Aparecida de Goiania.
LucyHelena Rosa Tavares is a local artist basedin Piracanjuba. She gives free art lessons to
children participating in socialprojects, senior citizens in public rest homes and prison inmates. She is also
President of the Piracanjuba Associação Quilombola (Fugitive Slave SettlementsAssociation) and
champions the rights and dignity of fugitive slave descendantsin the municipality, as well as running an
anti-racist NGO to fightdiscrimination against the Afro-American population.
PedroPaulo Furtado Fernandes was born with a levelT-4 medullary lesion and has been
wheelchair-bound since the age of one. Hebegan playing wheelchair tennis following the example set by
of his father. Hewas invited to join the Brazilian National Team that took the bronze medal atthe Buenos
Aires Junior Parapan American Games and will be carrying the torchin Piracanjuba.
ArthemioPerfeito Neto will carry the torch in Morrinhos. Hebegan using drugs in his teens,
overdosed at 24 years of age and contracted hepatitisC at 38. Five years ago his life underwent a
revolution and today his onlyaddiction is running. He pioneered ultra-marathons in Morrinhos, specialises
in42-km races and also initiated a social project, the “Christmas Walk”, tocollect food donations for local
LídiaArantes Borges will carry the torch in Piracanjuba. Shediscovered literature at the age of 7,
listening to her father reciting poems. Aftergraduating in History, she became a teacher, but has always
found time to writepoetry. At 70, she published a book poems, the first of five she has hadpublished. Lidia
was invited to carry the Olympic Torch by the Coca-Colasponsorship.
WilnerJardim will carry the torch in Caldas Novas. Threeyears ago, he decided to give free football
lessons to children. In addition toimproving their performance at school, they stood a chance of being
selected byprofessional talent scouts. Wilner was invited to take part by the Nissansponsorship.
WeltonMorais de Araújo will carry the torch in Trindade. As akarate black belt and physical
education teacher, he works with children andadolescents, and his group has done well in local
tournaments. He was invitedto take part by the Bradesco sponsorship.
Claudineide Oliveira Lima is a former basketball play and municipalphysical education teacher. He
was born in Araguari, but has lived in CaldasNovas for 19 years. He will carry the torch in Caldas Novas.
SthefaniCarvalho da Cruz will also carry the torch in CaldasNovas. She is a taekwondo athlete and
member of the Goiana Taekwondo Team,currently placed second in the national ranking.
Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay
The Olympic Torch Relay bears themessage of the forthcoming Games and the beginning of the world’s
biggestcelebration of the sporting life. By 5 August, the Olympic Flame will havetraversed 327 towns and
cities in all the states of Brazil and the FederalDistrict. In taking the Olympic Torch on a journey across the
entire country,the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee is fulfilling its promise to host theBrazilian Games and
give millions of people the opportunity to participate inan unforgettable experience. The Olympic Torch
Relay across Brazil is aimed atshowing the best of Brazil, including its cultural diversity and natural beauty.
Sponsors of the Rio 2016 Olympic Torch Relay:
Coca-Cola and the Olympic Games
Coca-Cola hassponsored the Olympic Torch Relay since Barcelona 1992. The Rio 2016Olympic and
Paralympic Games represent the brand’s 11thparticipation in a Relay, including Summer and Winter
Games. Coca-Colaplayed a part in implementing the first International Torchbearers Programme,allowing
runners from other countries, including Brazil, to carry the OlympicTorch side-by-side with torchbearers
from the host country.
Nissan in Brazil
Nissan, one of the world’s biggest vehicle manufacturers, set up inBrazil in 2000 and now has over 160
dealerships throughout Brazil. The companyhas produced cars at its Renault Nissan Alliance plant in São
José dos Pinhais,State of Parana, since 2002, and invested R$ 2.6 billion in building its ownIndustrial
Complex in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The industrial plant wasinaugurated in April 2014 and has the
capacity to produce 200,000 cars and200,000 engines per year. The plant currently produces the Nissan
March andNissan Versa, as well as 1.0 12V and 1.6 16V flexible-fuel engines.
Nissan do Brasilis an official sponsor of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Thepartnership
agreement covers the supply of some 4,000 vehicles of various typesto satisfy the needs of the Games
and Team Brazil. In addition to partneringthe Games, Nissan also sponsors the Rio 2016 Olympic and
Paralympic TorchRelay. Nissan’s role in the Rio 2016 Games also includes Team Nissan, aninitiative
providing counselling for 31 Brazilian athletes and parathleteswhose aim is to qualify for and bring their
best performance to the first everOlympic and Paralympic Games hosted by Brazil. Counsellors include
the group formedby Hortência Marcari, the Brazilian women’s basketball star, and ClodoaldoSilva who has
collected no fewer than 13 Paralympic medals.
About Bradesco Sports
The Bradesco bank has an impressive trackrecord as a Brazilian sports sponsor, and unsurprisingly, is an
officialsponsor of the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games, handling financialservices and insurance
for Team Brazil and the Olympic Torch Relay. It hassponsored Rio 2016 since 2008 when the wonderful
city first submitted itscandidature to host the event. Bradesco also sponsors six national sports
confederations: judo, basketball, aquatic sports, rugby, sailing and rowing.
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Termos de Uso
Broadcasters Detentores de Direitos (RHBs): Os RHBs podem fazer a transmissão do Revezamento da
Tocha Olímpica no Brasil, de forma não exclusiva, de acordo com os termos de seus respectivos contratos
firmados com o COI.
Broadcasters Não Detentores de Direitos (Non -RHBs): Os Non -RHBs podem fazer a transmissão do
Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica no Brasil (com exceção das cerimônias de abertura e encerramento), de forma
não exclusiva, pelo prazo máximo de 24 (vinte e quatro) horas após o evento. Qualquer transmissão relacionada
a este evento, deve ser realizada de forma estritamente jornalística, sem criar ou ser apresentada como um
programa focado no Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica.
Nenhuma associação comercial / promocional será permitida na cobertura do Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica.
Principalmente, a transmissão do Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica não poderá (i) ser patrocinado ou de
qualquer for criar uma associação que crie a impressão de que o Non -RHBs e/ou qualquer entidade sem
autorização e/ou seus produtos são conectados ou associados ao Revezamento da Tocha Olímpica, ao Jogos
Olímpicos, ao COI e/ou ao Movimento Olímpico e (ii) implique, sugira ou represente os Non -RHBs como sendo
detentores oficiais dos direitos de transmissão e/ou parceiros do Revezamento da Tocha olímpica, dos Jogos
Olímpicos, do COI e/ou do Movimento Olímpico.
Cerimônias de Abertura e Encerramento: A parte do revezamento que ocorrerá durante as cerimônias de
abertura e encerramento dos Jogos faz parte dos direitos exclusivos concedidos aos RHBs e qualquer
transmissão pelos Non-RHBs deve ser realizada em observância às Novas Leis de Acesso do COI.
Terms of Use
Rights Holding Broadcasters (RHBs): RHBs may broadcast the Olympic torch relay in Brazil, on a nonexclusive basis, in accordance with the terms of their respective media rights agreement with the IOC.
Non-Rights Holding Broadcasters (Non-RHBs): Non-RHBs may broadcast the Olympic torch relay in Brazil
(with the exclusion of the opening and closing ceremonies), on a non-exclusive basis, for a maximum of 24 hours
after the event. Any such broadcast must be positioned as news only and not to create, or be positioned as,
Olympic torch relay focused programming.
No commercial/promotional association is permitted with the coverage of the Olympic torch relay. In particular,
broadcast of the Olympic torch relay may not (i) be sponsored or otherwise be associated in any way to give the
impression that Non-RHBs and/or any unauthorized entities and/or products are linked to or associated to the
Olympic torch relay, the Olympic Games, the IOC and/or the Olympic Movement and (ii) imply, suggest or
represent Non-RHBs as being official rights holding broadcasters and/or partners of the Olympic torch relay, the
Olympic Games, the IOC and/or the Olympic Movement.
Opening and Closing ceremonies: The part of the torch relay occurring during the opening and closing
ceremonies of the Games is part of the exclusive rights granted to RHBs and any broadcast by Non-RHBs must
comply with the IOC News Access Rules.
Sala de imprensa

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