Compact Curriculum Vitae
Compact Curriculum Vitae
Compact Curriculum Vitae - Prof. José Fontanelli Baby Swimming Teaching Specialist Athlete As an Athlete, I took part in the following clubs:ACM, Hebraica, Pinheiros and Paulistano. • Paulista University Team • Ex-athlete, paulista record owner of 100m back swimming. • Brazilian record holder at the Macabeus Games. • Pan-American Vice-champion at the Macabeus Games. • Clube Espéria Swimming Coach. Scholar Background • Specialized in Pediatric Emergencies - Hospital das Clínicas. • Graduated in Physical Education - Escola Superior de Educação Física de Santos -1972. • Special Degree in Swimming - Faculdade de Educação Física de Santo André. Educator Over the last 43 years, I have dedicated myself exclusively to teaching babies how to swim. By means of speeches, Internet, newspapers and magazines, and even on television, I have encouraged the public to join the Baby Swimming program due to its wide educational, remarkable importance. In statistics arisen in 1991, it is concluded that, Nationwide, over 27,000 babies, parents and grandparents have already been directly or indirectly benefited. •Creator of the so called “Fontanelli Affective Baby Swim“ method by North Americans. •Since 1982, I have been a technical pedagogical professor in charge of encouragement and improvement of swimming programs to Babies at schools and universities nationwide, such as the “Escola Manoel do Santos” in SP, where I worked for 12 years. •On June, 30th, 1985, I opened “FONTANELLI SWIM CLUB DE SÃO PAULO”. • In 1986, I organized the 1st National Baby Swim Course. •In 2000 I opened the “FONTANELLI SWIM CLUB” swimming school in Vinhedo. Academic Production I have published articles on Swimming for babies in national journals and magazines as well as on the Internet, besides articles regarding Underwater Breastfeeding in the “Via Láctea” Bulletin. Publishing •Learning how to Swim Through Recreation •Physical Fitness Through Circuits for Ladies •Aquatic Emergencies to Physical Education Teachers •Aquatic Emergencies to Parents. Book published •Swimming for Babies “Betweeen Pleasure and Techniques” - Editora Ground 2nd Edition - December, 1985 50,000 books printed and sold. Scientific reviewer •of the book “Aquatic Exercises During Pregnancy” in 1999 Titles, Positions and Homages Abroad •Elected – Board member of W. A. B. C. of the United States in 1996. •Elected unanimously – Pedagogical Director to Americas - W.A.B.C. - 1997. •Puebla State - Mexico – Distinct Visitor’s Certificate – Puebla City Hall - 1998 •Elected the ‘Professional of the Year’ by the 6th ‘Congresso Mundial de Educacion Acuática para Bebés y Ninõs’ (World Congress On Aquatic Education for Babies and Toddlers), Buenos Aires, Argentina – 2001. •Awarded in the USA – International Hall of Fame, Fort Lauderdale – Awarded Due to Phylosophy, Technical and Affective Methodology – May, 2008. • ABPNI (INATI) - Named na academic member at ABPNI (Academia Brasileira de Profissionais de Natação Infantil – Brazilian Children’s Swimming Professional Academy) through INATI Board of Directors, due to the remarkable, relevant contribution to CHILDREN’S SWIMMING by means of notorious professional performance and acknowledgement by Brazilian children’s swimming community in March, 2011. Courses and Speeches Through courses and speeches in universities, clubs and swimming schools, I stated my experience and knowledge to over 12,000 professionals nationwide. I became the first Brazilian to publicize our methodology through affection to the sports world. - 1991. Brazil •Speaker on Swimming for babies at the 15th Fitness – Brazil which took place in 2005 “Natação para Bebês PréEscolares” (PreSchool Baby Swimming) Santos - SP. •Speaker at the Course for Pregnant Women with the “Faculdade de Vinhedo” (Vinhedo College), in May, 2005. •Speaker at the “Brasília Capital Fitness” in August, 2008. •Speaker at the “Faculdade de Jundiaí” (Jundiaí College) to the group of Pediatricians - “Babies’ Swimming - Precocity: Pros and Cons” – November, 2008. •Speaker at the “CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE NATAÇÃO INFANTIL” (BRAZILIAN CONGRESS ON CHILDREN’S SWIMMING) at UNIP University, São Paulo – November, 2008. •Speaker to Physical Education Students in Jundiaí, November, 2008. •Speaker at the Goiânia Capital Fitness - “Children’s Swimming, from the Cradle to the Pool”- March, 2009. •Speaker at “Unievangélica de Goiânia” – March, 2009 •Participant honored at the “Congresso Brasileiro de Natação Infantil (Brazilian Congress on Children’s Swimming)”, - March, 2011. Overseas • Speaker at the National Swimming School Association Annual Convention - (NSSA) San Francisco - USA - 1991. •Speaker at the International Clinic of Post Olympics Swimming - Hualtulco – Mexico - 1992. First Brazilian Coach to speak about base swimming in international events. •Speaker at the “ New Stimulating Ways to Babies’ Swimming” - Oaxaca Mexico - 1993. •Speaker at the II World Convention on Babies’ Swimming in Los Angeles - USA -1993. •Speaker at the IV International Swimming Clinic in Puerto Vallarta - Jalisco - Mexico - 1993. •Organizer and speaker of the 4th International Baby Swimming Course in São Paulo – Brazil – 1996. •Guest Speaker at the “World Aquatic Babies Conference“ in Oaxaca - Mexico - 1997. •Organizer and Professor of the 1st International Baby Swimming Meeting in São Paulo - Brazil -1998. •San Franscisco 1998 – Speaker at the Aquathermal Course “El Mejor caminho al mundo Acuatico”. •Speaker at the “IV Convencion internacional”-Aerobics Fitness Zaragoza - Spain - 1999. •Speaker at the baby Swimming Course - Buenos Aires - Argentina - 2000. •Speaker at the baby swimming course in Rio Grande, Patagonia - Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina in 2001. •Speaker at the development program of spine (as the basis for controlled movements) in Alicante Spain - 2003. •Speaker at the 1st International Course On Aquatic Activities – Swimming for Babies: Between Pleasure and Techniques, in Murcia Spain - 2003. •Speaker at the International Course On Psych pedagogy in Swimming – Mexican Federation - Casa Blanca - DF - Mexico 2004. •Speaker at the “Clinica de Capacitacion Aquática Nelson Vargas” - DF - Mexico - 2005 •Speaker at the International Seminar of Children’s Swimming and Motivation - Puebla - Mexico - 2007. •Speaker at the 10th World Aquatic Babies Congress – Brighton, England – October, 2009. •Speaker at the CAI2010 - Clínica Acuática Internacional, September, 2010 - Guadanajuato Mexico. •Speaker at the “Aquatic Babies” Course targeted to parents and professionals at the “Escuela de Natación Acuarela” in Oaxaca – Mexico – September, 2010 •Speaker at the teachers’ training course to the AquaMarina School, in Rio Grande, USHUAIA – July, 2012