Coccolithinae Discoasteridae, 3 Radiolaria and BY Tan Sin Hok DISCOASTERIDAE. INTRODUCTION. known to half first them of G. localities, the Ehrenberg bodies and inorganic as bensternchen" or accurate they found are (Bibl. 4, coral reefs Prom the in the C. G. by Prof. marls He 216). Ehrenberg in marls called (Bibl. in the 4, they stellate 201). p. built shape could crossed crystal. Moreover e.g. ends, has by in only be explained the asterisks similar Brouweri never does shapes, var. been met of with been is an discovered among Jukes (Bibl. 4, marl found beyond doubt. For, origin their that the appear the a Guinea, Bibl. 3). inorganic with by are the the raised Messrs. from accepting agree shown which by from 600—2000 fathoms them disks or Very Barbados, West Coast of Java optically as a, by not etc.). „crystalloids". have German New case were „Sehei- lying under (Bibl. 2); depths (former in 156, overlain them described aragonitc, consequence nicols between coaster, occur has of Pinschhafen up Such D. they Haupt p. deposits Timor from nature of these asterisks organic are fold twins. distal Dr. neighbourhood The as to them According 215). Their they Hill from asterisks Brown and Harrison mention them from the p. the „Polygastern” however, 115, p. directly these Archipelago of mentioned unknown. group given by Mr. are the have „Crystalldrusen", as calciferous oceanic in 177 & p. Indian (Bibl. 2, these forms Radiolarian deposits famous mentioned „Crystalloids" descriptions of his „Microgeologie”, his already recognised. them to referred in authors remained almost been were micropaleontologist great subsequent have they always not Actiniscus; name considered where has nature too 1843 Prof. In the and century of this group representants Ehrenberg, 19th the from various organic with C. Prof. fact that the Notwithstanding they as one arms of characterised twins of are observation polythat homogenous certain Dis- by thickened aragonitc. 93 According Ehrenberg buted the Prof. to be might asterisks from gigas Dendy anchors, Discoaster Pending has called In have the on the been In of they recent 11. sp. a Discoaster the the in Challenger text these that organisms, shape, to in rods, as the Holothurians, if explainable these bodies the have they Pliocene the present author of representants of E. Borneo, this group occurring with them from sp. has Expedition 338), not as dredged appears from mentioned. been In the figure this below marl have from been described from a young Rotti. Bebalain, SPECIES. OF Brouweri — Hemediscoaster p. Tan Bibl. Mollucas, pentaradiatus Idem, its with lb, p. varieties —8. a — Young 415. Idem. with Tan, the same varieties as D. Brouweri. Tan. (Hemidiscoaster) D. Brouweri. triradiatus Tan Molengraaffi — 2 ). Idem, — Bibl. Idem, Tan, 45, p. p. with the 1097, and same varieties Bibl. 7, p. 417. 417. Heliodiscoaster Tan. (Heliodiscoaster) p. „ barbadiensis bebalaini Tan. var. — Idem, 415. Ehrenbergi Remarks: — 416. „ Discoaster 4 station ¹ (Diseoaster) as eldest Station 4, mentioned probably Hilli Tan. Discoaster have opinion Globigerina-ooze. a Tan the Miogypsina and (Bibl. Tertiary, ,, of 3). Chirodota Holothuroids. LIST Discoaster be (Bibl. as containing Discoaster, attributed would foraminiferal marl sp. seas species Tertiary, be as characteristic very rock-specimens which Archipelago in Ocean In occur The of attri- immature stage author is Holothuroids, final identification of Indian found Atlantic PI. the the in has organisms Holothurians, the present to Haeckel them Discoaster. Nephrolepidina the fact same of „Crystalldrusen” Prof. which spicules certainty a the to the 560) p. certain numerous with to show spicules found, belong that belong not In the might been never 10, Holothuroids. Discoaster, show etc. which spicules fact may a in view do always moreover, have 1) as appearance the asterisks wheels, (Bibl. (Bibl. of Finschhafen the Notwithstanding similar Zittel spicules 1) 2) Tan. Idem, Eudiscoaster syn. With D. — variaties Brouweri. p. 415. Tan. similar to the a- and /8-shape of 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. A. Dendy, land and 2. Ehrenberg, 3. HA.UPT, C. O. Jukes Murray, J. London Soksy, H. Tan Sm Kon. C. Knowledge our 1907, of the New Zea- 95 —125. p. 1854. Leipzig wahrscheinlich jung-tertiarer Mergel Zeitschr. Deutschen aus Ges. geol. Kayser 1906, 57, ten Akad. K. Zittel, the 1892, Barbados II. The Oceanic 170. p. Sea Deep on so-called 1861, Deposits. Challenger-Ex- Natuurk. 35, kalksteen 1926, incertae Natuurk., 36, 1927, p. 1927, samenstelling het Jaarb. Handbuch der v. h. en the Chalk. Ann. English Kon. b. p. Bd. eiland Akad. met Botti Wetensch. traduction Akad. English in Am- Proceed. Wetensch. traduction Amster- in Proceed. 411. ontstaan Mijnwezen, 55, Palaontologie het van Kon. 1095. sedis. 198. p. Amsterdam, 30, Over de Molukken. b. 711. p. Amsterdam, 29, of „Crystalloids" 193. p. tertiairen jong Discoasteridae o. A. een Afd. Wetensch. de van 48, mangaansuperoxyde-sphaerieten. en Afd. Hok. Sin of Geology Report of Origin Over a. Hok. F. (3d Ser.), 8, Wetensch. Verslagen Tan the Verslagen Sin A. The London Soc. 1891. calco- dam. geol. Benard, On Tan J. B. Harrison, Hist. Hok. Akad. Kon. 10. to Society, 30, Neu-Guinea). Journ. and Nat. Mag. sterdam. 9. and Quart. coccolithen, 8. (Deutscli pedition. & 7. Additions Mikrogeologie. Kreide-ahnlieher, Browne Deposits. 6. Some Linnean 565. p. 5. Journ. G. Ein Wilhelmsland 4. E. Hindle, Holothurians. van krijt- Verhand. I, 3e mergolgesteen- en ged., 1926. 1876—80. COCCOLITHINAE. INTRODUCTION. In this recent group built up group From sented Soea been not the the by Lain, 1 and from Rotti; worked they 4, p. Hymenomonas still The 113). occur in the OF more which fossil are attention almost representants (Lohmann). of this coccolithic of Rotti species are repre- Hoen mentioned below probably recent rocks (Batoe seas. Pliocene (Bibl. 3 marls and and have from 4). SPECIES. — Young-Tertiary 1098. pellucida (Lohmann). on totally Kamptner. huxleyi p. „ rocks young-Tertiary, LIST Syracosphaeraceae the spent intensively. the eldest Radiolarian the known are out Archipelago Oxfordian Bibl. described Bebalain, Indian Rocks Systematically been yet have sedimentologists Flagellata. coccoliths. by have the years the of — Idem. Rotti, Bibl. 3a. 95 Coccolithaceae Kamptner. leptophorus Coccolithus pellagicus „ thomsoni Discosphaera and (Murr. (Wallich). Blaokm.). Ostenfeld. Idem. — Idem. — Idem. — BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. A. H. Brouwer, E. Kamptner, 2. f. Hok. Sin Aid. Amsterdam, Proceed. TAN Kon. Sin das und die der Phylogcnie tertiairen jong kalksteen 35, 1926, Jaarb. het van Archiv. Kalkflagellaten. samenstelling Molukkcn. Jaarb. eiland b. met Rotti Akad. Wetenseh. traduction English in 1095—1105. p. ontstaan het en het van 771 —781. p. Wetenseh., 29, 1926, de Rotti. Versl. Kon. mangaansuperoxyde-sphaerieten. Over de van eiland 18—43. p. een het op 3920. System 1928, Natuurk., Akad. Hok. gesteenten en ged. 3e Over a. caleo- eoccolithen, 4. Ueber Protistenkunde, 64, Tan 3. Geologische Onderzoeking-en Verhand. Mijnwezen, 49, Mijnwezen, 55, Krijt- van Verhand. mergel- en 3e ged. 1926, 111—113. p. RADIOLARIA. INTRODUCTION. with Compared Archipelago, are but Prof. a is of little K. investigated. Martin but small. small the in 1881. From the The first The number view fossil species descriptions of the paleontology of point Radiolaria of number of large of the Radiolarian special study very the Foraminifera the notwithstanding from are authors of the stratigraphy the Indian already known, the who Indian the hand of had made Archipelago Radiolaria are importance. LIST OF SPECIES. SPUMELLARIA HAECKEL. Order BELOIDEA Formae incert. sed. („Sphaerozoum") Cenomanian Bibl. 9, Triassic p. Borneo, 249; Savoe; Ceram, Boeroe, p. „ 954 incert. and sed. ? Triassic Bibl. *). Bibl. Jurassic, 7, p. HAECKEL. 3, 1 E. — p. Billiton, Bibl. 2, 9; Cretaceous Cretaceous, Ceram, 172 and E. 225; Rotti, Celebes, Central 955. — ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. 33. p. S, Bibl. Bibl. 224; E. 4, 4, Celebes, Prae- Borneo, p. 700; p. 700; Bibl. 5, 96 SPHAEROIDEA Order sed. Pormae ineert. FAM. 1 Pliocene — LIOSPHAERIDAE Genus Cenosphaera Cenosphaera HAECKEL Hinde. Jurassic Rotti, „ disseminata Rust. „ gregaria Rust. Tan. „ sp. ind. a. sp. ind. b. sp. ind. E. ind. sp. sp. Sphaeropyle nova Tan. Dorysphaera sp. „ sp. „ sp. Savoe, Bibl. E. 12. 701. p. Bibl. Borneo, Celebes, Bibl. Rotti, 4, Borneo, Bibl. 3, Bibl. 4, 8, 34. p. 3, p. 702. p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. 12; 954. Prae-Oenomanian Borneo, Jurassic — Rotti, Bibl. 4, Bibl. 3, p. 3, p. 12. 3, p. 13. Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. 3, p. Borneo, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Celebes, Bibl. 4, 13. 3, p. 701. p. — — 1 Pliocene Prae-Cenomanian — Bibl. Rotti, ! Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, 8, p. p. Bibl. Borneo, ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, 34. 35. 3, p. 13. 35. p. Tan. Tan. Tan. — — — ? Pliocene «Pliocene ? Pliocene Hinde . NOV. — Rotti, Jurassic GEN. Rotti, Bibl. 8, Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. 8, 8, p. Rotti, Bibl. p. 34. 34. p. 34. 4, p. 703. 2) Hinde. ind. a. ind. b. ind. e. — — — Bibl. 3, p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. Prae-Cenomanian 3, p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Borneo, Bibl. 11. 702. p. Bibl. Tan. 11. 11. p. Dreyer. simplex Dorysphaera 13; p. Bibl. — DORYSPHAERIDAE Genus 3, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Tan. a. chonopora fallax „ Bibl. Borneo, Haeckel. Styptosphaera Sphaeropyle p. Bibl. 4, Haeckel. diversipora Styptosphaera 3, Ceram, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — Haeekeli „ p. Hinde. Carposphaera Carposphaera 5, — ? Triassic FAM. ? Pliocene Rust. — e. tumida „ Genus ? Triassie — Hinde. punctata „ E. 1 Triassic E. Ceram, Bibl. 4, ; Prae-Cenomanian •>— Bibl. paehyderma „ REGNY. Borneo, Bibl. ? Triassie Prae-Cenomanian minuta Pantanelli. Celebes, Genus Triassie — — Hinde. hispida immanis ,, Savoe ; Prae-Cenomanian Hinde. crebipora „ DE 701. p. „ VINASSA Jurassic Rotti Cayeuxi Hinde. „ 33. p. Prae-Cenomanian Triassic Hinde. „ Genus EMEND. 8, 701. affinis „ Rotti, Bibl. Ehrenberg. aculeata p. „ HAECKEL. 14. 14. 14. 10; 97 Genus Mendonense Hinde. Doryplegma FAM. Hinde. Doryplegma STYLOSPHAERIDAE Genus Genus E. densiporata obtusa FAM. Squinaboli FAM. ind. sp. Hinde. a. ELLIPSIDAE Genus Cenellipsis Cenellipsis „ Genus Genus „ „ Hinde. Hinde. ? — — Savoe, ■ sp. Bibl. 703. p. Bibl. 8, 3, 15. p. 35. p. Bibl. Borneo, Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. 3, p. 15. 4, 8, 703. p. 36. p. HAECKEL. ind. a. — Prae-Cenomanian — Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. 4, — p. 3, Rotti, Bibl. 4, Bibl. Borneo, 3, p. p. 15; p. ? Pliocene Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. 8, Borneo, Borneo, Bibl. p. Bibl. 3, p. 36. 3, p. 16. Dunikowski. rugosus Tan. — ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. 3, p. 37. Haeckel. — Jurassic ind. spinosum ■ — Rotti, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian Tan. — 16. 704. 704. Prae-Cenomanian — Borneo, Bibl. ? Cretaceous Jurassic, Haeckel. sp. 4, Borneo, Haeckel. Ellipsoxiphus Lithapium Rotti, Jurassic PRUNOIDEA Hinde. Lithapium — 1 Pliocene — micropora Ellipsoxiphus Bibl. Savoe, Prae-Cenomanian praelonga sp. „ Cretaceous 36'; p, HAECKEL. Triassic „ 8, HAECKEL. gracilis Hinde. „ Bibl. HAECKEL. Tan. compressa favus „ ? Pliocene — — Order FAM. Rotti, 249. p. Triassic — mammillata Hinde. tuberosa „ 702. p. Haeckel. Conosphaera Conosphaera 9, Prae-Cenomanian — Tan. ASTROSPHAERIDAE Genus 4, Haeckel. Staurosphaera Staurosphaera Bibl. Hinde. STAUROSPHAERIDAE Genus Bibl. Haeckel. „ „ ? Pliocene — Borneo, Stylosphaera Stylosphaera Celebes, HAECKEL. tuberosa Tan. S. E. Haeckel. Xiphosphaera Xiphosphaera ? Triassic — ? Pliocene 4, p. 704. Borneo, Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. 8, p. 17. 37. 7 16. 98 DRUPPULIDAE FAM. Genus Hinde. areta ind. sp. „ ? sp. „ Genus Haeckel. Druppula Druppula HAECKEL. a. ind. b. Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. ovatus Paronae Hinde. tener „ SPONGURIDAE Genus Spongurus Spongurus Bibl. 3, 17. p. 17. p. 3, 17. p. Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. Borneo, 3, Bibl. Borneo, p. 3, 3, p. 19, 18, IS. p. Haeckel. Parona. longaevus — Prae-Cenomanian DISCOIDEA Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. 20 HAECKEL. HAECKEL. Theodiscus Haeckel. ind. Theodiscus sp. a. — ind. b. sp. „ — COCCODISCIDAE Genus Bibl. 3, p. 20. Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. 3, p. 21, Borneo, HAECKEL. ind. sp. PORODISCIDAE Genus Porodiscus Porodiscus levis „ Bibl. Rust. 4, 3, 21. p. Triassic Savoe, ? Triassic — Hinde. — p. Bibl. — 3, 21; p. 705. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — — tenuis Hinde. „ Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — Hinde. Hinde. pygmaeus „ Bibl. HAECKEL. Savoe, parvulus „ Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — Hinde. elegans „ a. Haeckel. affinis Triassic Gemis Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Trigonocyclia Haeckel. Trigonocyclia FAM. 3, HAECKEL. CENODISCIDAE Genus — — Order FAM. Bibl. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. „ FAM. Bibl. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Stylatractus Haeckel. Stylatractus FAM. Prae-Cenomanian — — E. Bibl. 4, Celebes, p. Bibl. Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, 3, 22. p. 705. 4, 705. p. 3, p. 21. Bibl. Bibl. 3, 22. p. Stylodictya Haeckel. Stylodictya fimbriata Hinde. Genus Amphibrachium Amphibrachium „ „ sp. Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. 22, Hinde. — Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3. 23. crassum p. Prae-Cenomanian Haeckel. eordiformis p. — Hinde. — Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3, 23. ind. a. — Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. 23. 99 Dictyastrum Haeckel. Genus desecatum Rust. Dietyastrum Genus — Hinde. pistillum Hinde. tortum ■ — Cretaceous Hinde. Jurassic Bibl. Borneo, ■ — Jurassic 9, celatus Hinde. cribrosus ? Pliocene — Sp. Hinde. <l _ tenuis Triassic Savoe, ? Triassic — Pliocene Hinde. „ textilis — Hinde. LARCARIDAE Genus Triassic — — HAECKEL fragilis Stypolarcus cf. 8, EMEND Tan. — Bibl. 3, p. Borneo, 8, 4, 26. 37. p. 706. p. Bibl. Savoe, 4, Haeckel. spongiosus Tan. Order TRIPOCALPIDAE Ellyae Bibl. Bibl. 4, p. 3, p. 26. 707. Bibl. 4, p. 707. HAECKEL. 3) Botti, — Bibl. 1 Bliocene — ? Bliocene Botti, 8, p. 38, Bibl. Botti, Bibl. 8, p. HAECKEL. CYRTOIDEA HAECKEL. Suborder MONOCYRTIDA Tripocalpis 37. p. Botti, TAN. J Bliocene NASSELLARIA Tripocalpis p. 25. Triassic ; Savoe, Jurassic „ Genus 3, Haeckel. laboriosus FAM. 706. p. Tan. ■■*) Cenolarcopyle Stypolarcus 25; Borneo, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti Bibl. Rotti, Hinde. ■ annularis Cenolareopyle p. Haeckel. Spongolonche Genus 4, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Suborder LARCOIDEA FAM. 3, 706. p. Spongolonche 706. p. 249. Bibl. Rotti, „ Genus 4, Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — Tan. Hinde. — gracilis nitidus „ p. Prae-Cenomanian — „ „ Rotti, Bibl. Haeckel. Spongodiscus Spongodiseus 24. p. 24. HAECKEL. SPONGODISCIDAE Genus p. 3, Haeckel. obliquum Hagiastrum FAM. E. S. Verbeeld Hinde. Hagiastrum Genus Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. — „ „ Bibl. 3, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Haeckel. Rhopalastrum Rhopalastrum Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — Parona. speciosum „ HAECKEL. HAECKEL. Haeckel. Tan. — ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. 38. 8, 38. p. 38. 100 Haeckel. Genus Tripilidium Hinde. Tripilidium obliquum FAM. CYRTOCALPIDAE Genus Cornutella öornutella acuta Prae-Cenomanian — Ehrenberg. Tan. 1 Pliocene — adunca Tan. apicata Tan. facilis Tan. Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — 8, Bibl. Rotti, Genus Archicorys Archicorys „ Genus Rotti, Bibl. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. ? Pliocene Rotti, ? Pliocene Rotti, — Tan. turgida Tan 39. 8, p. p. 39. 8, p. Bibl. 8, 39. 39. p. — var. a. — Bibl. ? Pliocene 8, 40. p. Rotti, Bibl. 8, — Hinde. Tan. operosa ? Pliocene Tan. ■ digitiformis modesta „ pachyderma ? Pliocene — Tan. tessellata Hinde. „ 8, 8, 8, p. 3, p. 27. 41. p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — 3, 40. p. Bibl. Rotti, 41. p. Bibl. Borneo, Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — „ Bibl. 27. Archicapsa Haeckel. Genus Archicapsa „ „ fieii'ormis Parona. guttiformis Tan. guttiformis var. mntila Tan. similis Parona. „ sp. „ Genus Dictyophimus Dictyophimus Genus Peromelissa a crassa — ? Pliocene — Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian Rotti; — Borneo, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, 1 Triassic E. 8, Bibl. 8, 8, — Rotti, p. Bibl. 3, p. Ceram, Bibl. 4, p. Bibl. Borneo, Bibl. 8, p. 42. Haeckel. Tan. SETHOCYRTIDAE — ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. 42. HAECKEL. Genus Sethoconus Haeckel. Sethoconus Cordayae Nashi Tan. Tan. — — ? Pliocene «Pliocene Rotti, Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. 41. p. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian ? Pliocene p. 27. 42. Ehrenberg. Tan. 3, 41. p. HAECKEL. gracilis Peromelissa 1 Pliocene ? Pliocene — Hinde. TRIPOCYRTIDAE Prae-Cenomanian — — «Triassic — Tandjani „ „ 40. p. Cyrtocalpis Haeckel. „ FAM. 8, 40. p. Haeckel. turgida Cyrtocalpis FAM. 39. p. 8, Rotti, Bibl. ! Pliocene — Tan. procera ? Pliocene — — nitida Tan. „ 26. 3, p. HAECKEL. „ „ Bibl. Borneo, 8, 8, p. p. 43. 42. 3, 28. 707. p. 28. 101 Genus Sethocapsa Sethocapsa Haeckel. elevata Hinde. cometa Pant. „ Jurassic hastata „ Tan. Martini nobilis „ sp. „ sp. ind. „ „ „ «Pliocene — 3, p. 29. 3, p. 30. Hinde. Verbeeki Tan. Verbeeki Tan. Tan. — ■ — ? Triassie E. ? Pliocene — var. a. „ Sethamphora f Pliocene — Bibl. Rotti, Rotti, 30. p. 8, Rotti, 44. p. Bibl. 4, 8, 45. p. Bibl. 8, 8, 45. p. p. 45. Bibl. 4, p. 710. Haeckel. Hinde. Hinde. — ■. — Jurassic Rotti, Bibl. 4, p. Jurassic Rotti, Bibl. 4, p. 708. 708. HAECKEL. Haeckel. Badauense Hinde. — Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3. 31. Savuense Hinde. — Triassie „ „ 3, 44. p. Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. Jurassic — Squinaboli p. „ 709. p. HAECKEL. Hinde. Theosyringium Tricolocampe Tricolocampe 4, Bibl. 1 Cretaceous Rotti, ? Pliocene — pyriformis Theosyringium Genus Bibl. 8, 44. p. Haeckel. THEOCYRTIDAE Genus ? Pliocene 8, 44. p. Borneo, Bibl. Rotti, Jurassic, ? Pliocene — Tan. Tan. Phormocyrtis . — — 8, Celebes, Prae-Cenomanian — Bibl. Rotti, Rotti, Bibl. Principi. hastellata Tan. Sethamphora ? Pliocene — 1 Pliocene 709. Phormocyrtis lagena Genus p. Bibl. Hinde. PHORMOCYRTIDAE Genus 43. Borneo, inclusa pylosa „ 43. p. Prae-Cenomanian Tan. pachyderma „ 8, 8, 30. p. Bibl. inauris Stylocapsa Styloeapsa Bibl. 3, Borneo, — 28 p. 43. p. Prae-Cenomanian cephalocrypta p. Genus 8, Bibl. Kotti, Rotti, Bibl. Borneo, Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — — Wichmanni Hinde. „ FAM. ? Pliocene 29. p. 3, Haeckel. exquisita „ FAM. a. ind. b. Genus Dicolocapsa Dicolocapsa Tan. p. 3, Bibl. Borneo, 709. Prae-Cenomanian — — Tan. 4, Bibl. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian — Bibl. Rotti, gracilis Hinde. ,, Prae-Cenomanian — sp. Bibl. 4, p. 710. Haeckel. angularis Hinde. brevis Hinde. pumila Savoe, — — Hinde. — Prae-Cenomanian Prae-Cenomanian ? Triassie E. Borneo, Bibl. 3, Borneo, Bibl. 3, Ceram, Bibl. 4, p. p. p. 32. 32. 711. 102 Genus Theocampe Theocampe Haeckel. tumida Hinde. ? — Rotti, Bibl. 4, ? Cretaceous Jurassic, 711. p. Theocapsa Haeckel. Genus Theocapsa „ curata Tan. curata Tan. elata Tan. laevis Tan. simplex „ urniformis ? Pliocene — Tan. 46. p. 8, 8, 46. p. Rotti, Bibl. 8, 8, Bibl. Rotti, 45. p. 46. p. 8, „ variabilis Tan „ Tricolocapsa Hinde. arrecta Tan. dispar „ „ a. ? Pliocene — Triassic — Pant. sp. Celebes, Bibl. 5, Tan. Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. nodosa Tan. 1 Pliocene -— Tan. parva „ „ 1 Pliocene — parvipora Tan. parvipora Tan „ pinguis Hinde. Triassic Savoe; S. pinguis E. Bibl. Rüsti Tan. Rüsti Tan „ „ simplex „ spinosa „ Tan. 9, p. Tan. Tan. Hemicryptocapsa Tan. Hemicryptocapsa „ capita pilula p. „ „ Tan. — 8, 48. p. Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. Borneo, Bibl. 4, 3, 49. p. p. Creta- 712; p. 33. 32; 249. Bibl. Borneo, Bibl. Rotti, Rotti, 1 Pliocene 3, 32. p. Bibl. 3, p. 34; 8, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, 50. p. Bibl. 8, 8, 8, p. p. 50. 48. 49. p. Bibl. 8, p. 49. ) ? Pliocene Rotti, — (Hinde) 33; Celebes, p. Rotti, ? Pliocene B p. t Pliocene Rotti, — 6 ). ?Triassic pilula (Hinde) 3, „ • 48. p. 47. 954. ? Pliocene — triangulosa „ 8, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, ? Pliocene «. 8, 49. p. 3, E. — 8, p. Bibl. — 32; 712. 8, ? Triassic var. p. 49. p. p. Bibl. ? Pliocene — Prae-Cenomanian 5, — Rotti, 8, 4, Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — — 48. p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. a. Borneo, var. Celebes, ? Pliocene — piriformis Hinde. „ Genus — var. „ „ 47. p. Borneo, Bibl. 3, Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene ■ — pauperata Hinde. ceous 8, 713. p. 8, Bibl. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. — 4, Bibl. Rotti, Savoe, Triassic Tan. pachyderma „ p. 954. p. „ „ 47. Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — — humilis Hinde. „ 8, Savoe, ? Pliocene — elongata frequens „ var. Rotti, Bibl. Haeckel. Tricolocapsa Genus ? Pliocene — 45. p. „ variabilis Tan. 47. p. 47. p. Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — 8, Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — 8, Bibl. Rotti, Rotti, Bibl. ? Pliocene — Rotti, Bibl. 1 Pliocene — 'Pliocene Tan. parvipora „ var. — Tan. ? Pliocene — — E. 7 var. Ceram, ) Bibl. 8, 50. p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — Bibl. 4, p. Bibl. 3 712. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl 33. p. pseudopilula regularis Tan. Tan. — — ? Pliocene Rotti. Bibl. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, 8, p. p. 51. 51. 103 Genus Stylocryptocapsa Tan. >. fallax Tan. Styiocryptocapsa Verbeeki Tan. (Hinde). Tan. Tan. — ? Triassic ? Pliocene — Hinde. polita Tan. dignus 1 — Jurassic, ? Pliocene — Tan. Tan. „ ornatus Tan. „ parvus Tan. „ ? Pliocene — ? Pliocene — Tan. affinis Hinde. Hinde. cavea cincta cribraria 8, Bibl. 8, ? Pliocene — 4, 711 p. 53. Bibl. 4, 54. 53. 53. p. 54. p. 55. p. Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. Savoe, 4, 8, p. 3, p. 54. 713. p. Borneo, Bibl. Savoe, ? Triassic Jurassic E. 34. Rotti, — sp. 4, 3, p. Bibl. 3, 716. p. Bibl. 4, Bibl. Borneo, 4, 35. p. 717. Borneo, Bibl. 3, Bibl. 36. 716. p. p. Celebes, Prae-Cenomanian — Pant. 4, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — dilatata Hinde. Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — — — Borneo, Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. 4, Savoe, Triassic — Hinde. Ehrenbergi 3, 39. p. 715. p. Borneo, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian p. 36. 714. p. 3, Borneo, p. 36. Bibl. 3, 37. Ehrenbergi Bibl. 3, p. glandula assic E. Pant. Hinde. — Celebes, Haeekeli Pant. laevigata var. Hinde. — Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, 37. gradata Hinde. Lelaini „ Triassic Hinde. Hinde. crassa p. „ p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — — Hinde. „ „ 52. p. 52. Rotti, p. Rotti, Bibl. 8, Rotti, Triassic — consobrina Hinde. decora „ p. 8, p. 8, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. arrecta „ „ 8, Dictyomitra Zittel. australis Hinde. „ 8, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — „ „ 8, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, Triassic — Hinde. Tandjani Dictyomitra „ Bibl. ? Cretaceous Rotti, ? Pliocene — Hinde. pusillus „ „ 51. Bibl. Celebes, Rotti, Rotti, 1 Pliocene — pseudomulticostatus „ „ Bibl. HAECKEL. nodosus „ E. Rotti, f Pliocene — „ „ Rotti, p. 713. erectus „ „ p. 8, Lithostrobus Bütschli. Litbostrobus Genus ? Pliocene — 52. 8, Bibl. Haeckel. LITHOCAMPIDAE Genus a. Rotti, ) • cclata p. FAM. var. Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — fallax Stichophormis Stichophormis 9 Tan. Hindei Genus ? Pliocene — Tan. Holocryptocapsa Holoeryptocapsa ) Verbeeld „ Genus 8 — sp. Hinde. Hinde. Triassic Bibl. Savoe; ? Triassic — p. Ceram; Jurassic Bibl. 3, p. Borneo, Bibl. 3, Rotti, Bibl. 4, Rotti, Bibl. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian Triassic B. ? Tri- 714. Prae-Cenomanian — — 4, 4, p. p. 715. 717. 40. p. 37. 104 Dictyomitra Tan. Lilyae mediocris „ obtusa „ E. rudis „ Hinde. Savuensis „ scalaris seansilis „ scitula „ „ Hinde. „ sp. ind. a. „ sp. ind. b. sp. ind. e. sp. ind. d. „ „ Cretaceous venusta „ Genus p. 717. 4, p. 714. 3, p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. Prae-Cenomanian Bibl. 3, p. Prae-Cenomanian — E. S. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — 9, Triassic Savoe, Triassic Rotti, — 35. 39. 39. 39. 3, 3, p. Bibl. 3, p. 35. 38; 249. p. Prae-Cenomanian Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. Bibl. Borneo, — Bibl. Bibl. Borneo, 40. 715. 4, Bibl. Borneo, 38. p. p. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian velata Hinde. „ 3, 4, p. truncata Hinde. „ Bibl. Bibl. 56. p. p. 3, — ; 716. p. Bibl. Bibl. Ceram, 8, 3, Bibl. — — Bibl. 4, Timor, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, tenuis Hinde. „ Bibl. Celebes, E. 38. p. Ceram 0, Bibl. Borneo, Savoe, E. 1 Triassic — Hinde. superba „ 1 Triassic 41. p. 3, 713. p. Triassic Upper 3, Bibl. Borneo, ; 55. p. Bibl. ? Pliocene Rotti, — ? Triassic — — 8, PraejOenomanian Borneo, — Hinde. 4, Triassic — — Hinde. ). Savoe Prae-Cenomanian Hinde. simplex Bibl. 10 (Tan) — Hinde. „ Triassic — 55. p. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian — Celebes, pseudoscalaris „ 8, Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. ? Triassic Rotti, Bibl. ? Pliocene — Hinde. pygmaea „ — Hinde. proxima „ 1 Pliocene ■ Tan. Borneo, Bibl. Borneo, Bibl. 4, p. 4, p. 3, p. p. 38. 40. 715. Lithomitra Bütschli. Lithomitra catenata Hinde. Tan. excellens „ Hinde. extensa — Triassic — Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, 1 Pliocene — Rotti, Bibl. 4, „ Hinde. praelonga „ Savoe, Bibl. 4, scalaris „ Genus Eucyrtidium Eucyrtidium Hinde. — ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, Tan. ? Pliocene — var. a. Brouweri Tan var. /?. Brouweri Tan var. y. „ „ Brouweri Tan var. „ parviporum Thiensis Eusyringium Eusyringium „ 4, 8, p. p. 57. 718. Bibl. Rotti, Tan. Tan. — 58. p. Bibl. 8, p. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. — 1 Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. — ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. — Tan. — ? Pliocene Rotti, ? Pliocene Bibl. Rotti, ! Pliocene Rotti, — 8, Rotti, ? Pliocene — Rotti, Bibl. 8, 8, p. Bibl. Bibl. 8, 58. 8, p. p. 59. Haeckel. gracile Hinde. ingens S. Hinde, emend. deformis Tan. Genus Triassic Rotti; ? Pliocene — „ „ 717. 1 Cretaceous Jurassic, Triassic — Brouweri Tan „ p. Ehrenberg. Brouweri cincta 56. p. 718. Tan. pseudopingruis „ 1 — p. 718. 8, Tan. — — Triassic ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 4, Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. p. 719. 62. 57. 59. 59. 58. 57. p. 60. 105 Eusyringium Hinde. jaculum Kruizingai „ Niobeae Tan. Triassie — Tan. ? Pliocene — Bibl. 4, Rotti, 1 Pliocene — Rotti, Bibl. 8, 8, var. Niobeae Tan var. Niobeae Tan var. y. Niobeae Tan var. 8. a. — 61. p. 61. p. „ Niobeae Tan 719. p. Rotti, Bibl. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, p. 61. „ /?. „ „ „ Genus Hinde. parvulum „ Tan. ingens Lithocampe Lithocampe „ . Tan. Hinde. elegans Grutterinki levis „ „ Genus «Pliocene — Triassic — pseudochrysalis Tan Hinde. Asseni Tan. Asseni Tan « horrida a. a. E. 8, 63. p. Tan. Tan. Houwt Tan p. 8, 8, 4, 720. 63. p. 64. p. 720. p. Bibl. Celebes, 4, 8, 4, 720. p. 63. p. Rotti, Bibl. 8, Bibl. p. 64. 720. p. « « — «Pliocene Rotti, a. Tan. Indonesiensis Tan — ? Pliocene «Pliocene — var. — Bibl. Molengraaffi Tan. Tan var. a. Molengraaffi Tan var. /3. Molukkensis Tan. Tan. ? Pliocene — „ piriformis Tan. pseudocerra pseudonauris Tan. pseudoreticulata Rottensis — Tan. Tan. — 8, p. 65. 65. p. 8, p. 67. 8, p. 70. Bibl. Rotti, 8, p. 70. 69. p. 8, 66. p. 8, p. 66. Bibl. 8, p. 66. Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, 8, 8, Rotti, Rotti, 8, Bibl. p. p. 8, Rotti, Bibl. Bibl. 69. p. 66. p. Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. 8, ? Pliocene ? Pliocene 65. «Pliocene Rotti, ? Pliocene — p. Bibl. ? Pliocene — 8, Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — Tan. — 64. p. Rotti, ? Pliocene — 8, Bibl. Rotti, «Pliocene — 67. p. 68. Rotti, Bibl. 8, «Pliocene — Molengraaffi 8, p. Rotti, Bibl. «. Pliocene «Pliocene — 8, Rotti, Bibl. 8, Bibl. „ miserabilisTan. 67. p. Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, var. Bibl. Pliocene Pliocene — — a. 8, Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, ! Pliocene — Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — var. Indonesiensis ovalis 4, Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. Savoe, „ „ p. ? Pliocene — Triassic «Pliocene — Tan. Houwt „ Bibl. ? Pliocene — Pliocene — var. „ „ 62. 719. p. Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, Savoe, var. — Grutterinki Tan „ 63. 62. Haeckel. Grutterinki „ 8, Bibl. Rotti, ? Triassic — Tan. Gilseae Tan. „ 4, Rotti, Savoe, ? Pliocene — pseudochrysalis Cyrtocapsa Cyrtocapsa Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, Triassic — Tan. Hinde. pupoides „ Rotti, ? Pliocene — Mendonensis Hinde. „ Triassic — 61. Ehrenberg. Hanni Tan. „ — ? Pliocene — Molengraaffi Genus — Principi. Syringium Syringium — 8, p. 68. 68. p. 8, 67. 69. p. 69. 106 Genus Haeckel. Stichocapsa Stichocapsa Hinde. aeerra Hinde. Bebalainsis „ Hinde. capax „ Savoe, Triassic Savoe, 1 Pliocene Triassic Bibl. ? — 4, p. 4, p. Bibl. Rotti, 4, 724. 8, 70. p. Bibl. 3, 42. p. 723. p. ? Cretaceous Jurassic, 725. p. 723. Borneo, Bibl. Savoe, Rotti, Bibl. 4, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — — Hinde. capitata „ Triassic — Hinde. Boengani „ — Tan. ? Cretaceous Jurassic, — aspera „ ? — Hinde. ■ apicata „ Rotti, Bibl. 4, 3, 43. 724. p. Hinde. cepula „ Triassic — cribrata Hinde. Bibl. Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — crinita Hinde. „ - ? Cretaceous — fenestrata Hinde. „ p. ? — Tan. fusii'ormis Bibl. Rotti, 1 Pliocene — Hinde. hispida Hinde. inauris Hinde. „ — — Bibl. Rotti, Triassic — intermedia Hinde. 8, Triassic Savoe, Triassic Rotti, Bibl. lens Hinde. mucronata ? Pliocene — nitida Hinde. Jurassic — Hinde. patuia „ p. Hinde. procera „ pseudapicata ? Pliocene — Tan. Tan. — pseudornata Hinde. pygmaea „ Tan. reticulata „ rustica Rutteni Tan. singularis „ „ sp. ind. a. sp. ind. b. „ — Triassic — Tan. — — "Wichmanni Artocapsa Artocapsa p. 726. p. 3, p. 41. 43. Bibl. 4, Ceram, 721. p. 8, Borneo, Bibl. 4, Bibl. 4, ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, — Savoe, ? Pliocene Rotti, p. 8, Rotti, Bibl. Savoe, p. 8, Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, 8, Bibl. p. p. 71. p. 3, p. 71. 73. p. Borneo, Bibl. 3, p. 42. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Bihl. 3, p. 42. — — 3, Prae-Cenomanian Tan. Tan. ultima Tan. 72. — 1 Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. 8, ? Pliocene ? Pliocene Rotti, Bibl. Rotti, Bibl. 8, 8, p. p. p. 74. 74. 43. 724. Haeckel. bicornis p. 73. 727. p. 8, 72. 8, Bibl. p. Bibl. p. 725. 73. Bibl. p. Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, Triassic — „ Genus — ■ Hinde. ? Pliocene < „ 4, 3, Rotti, Bibl. 4, Rotti, Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. rotunda Hinde. „ 42. 43. p. Bibl. E. p. 726. Bibl. Bibl. Rotti, ? Pliocene — 4, Rotti, ? Pliocene ? Pliocene — Bibl. ? Cretaceous „ „ 3, p. Bibl. Borneo, 3, 72. p. Rotti, ? Triassic Rotti, Jurassic, — Tan. pseudopentacola „ ? — Tan. pseudodecora „ 8, 4, ■ Bibl. Bibl. Borneo, ? Cretaceous Savoe ; Jurassic — Hinde. pseudocincta „ Triassic — 721. p. 723. polita „ 4, Rotti, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — 722. Borneo, Prae-Cenomanian Borneo, — Hinde. ovata ? Jurassic. — ornata Hinde. „ 4, 727. p. p. Rotti, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — Hinde. „ „ Bibl. Rotti, 4, 4, Bibl. Prae-Cenomanian — Tan. lageniformis „ p. 722. p. 73. p. Savoe, Bibl. „ „ Bibl. 4, 1 Cretaceous Jurassic, „ „ 721. p. 725. fallax „ 4, Borneo, „ 71. 41. 107 ANNOTATIONS For the The In that consequence, if cannot be from but the done Por the in the of Dr. work be on Schwarz the are isolated the an off of they of the Dutch. spicules new single can be the form. study Radiolaria slides are The in of the from in not these Such is p. family is Hinde. the nearly established radial remarks This as is family of gentle of this without Cenolarcopyle diagnosis sremis radial fragilis of can be to renders pressure the above is not to include placed as Hinde Radiolarian with hut Hinde and genera Dorysphaera be been exact, Dr. After Prae-Tertiary to made; only list. all as be to are between Lio- the Stylosphaeridae. the Larcaridae in diagnosis skeleton, forms then are diagnosis has genera. such spine, a Sphaerozoum to various in common 9). primary list whose genera to the mounting by method systematical rotation. to spicules belong Another way for forms as up laborious which isolated preceding to or matrix. very Canada-balsam. cut rocks in which such favourable marls, or be to are clear a by most rocks brought include the forms provided The isolated the from The present authors emandatio refer to the enlargement diagnosis 5. fossil described references bear upon may and sphaeridae The the motion of obtained in rocks matrix. diluted The (Bibl. 3, Doryplegma 4. with of the Many been against Tripels the forms attribution This will be The emendationes to in rocks. 3. Expedition. section available, systematical not have siliceous 17). much „Sphaerozoum" one in examination of the form from all sides, some such 2. Challenger Radiolarian rocks distinctly the dissolving very relate The author refer to Prof. present manner. results Radiolarian by in published 1. SPECIES. incomplete an are which Indies, (Bibl. cover-slip, On they satisfactory The best preparation possible skeletons examination siliceous slides. mounted but give OF known. Radiolaria show is the Radiolaria available complete a LIST Radiolaria of the former Netherlands poorly thin too of the THE the Radiolaria the on comparison shows ones of system Haeckel's Report TO that with is: a sense pylom. that this of Haeckel's family Larcopylidae may also Dreyer). Larcoidea without internal Larnaeilla- spines, provided with a pylom. Genotype: Tan. this genus is: Tricyrtida eradiata, clausa with- Hemiout apical horn, Thorax hidden in the abdomen. Genotype: Tan. capita cryptocapsa 6. Syn. Tricolocapsa pilula Hinde. 7. Syn. Tricolocapsa pilula Hinde 8. The diagnosis apical horn. Genotype: of this Both genus cephalis Stylocryptocapsa var. is: and Tricyrtida thorax Verheeki Tan. eradiata, hidden in clausa, the with abdomen. 108 9. The horn. Genotype: this Both rections to made in this Dr. thorax fallax Before friend my Tricyrtida eradiata, and E. As many rocks other value of atratigraphical of Persistency this been found in of fossils, genera so that the Algonkian enough, persistency is be furthermore which established, Radiolaria a wealth of form; abundance of faunae so of well forms many insufficient p. 117) one fifty new of the is century new too'low. species, So in in species that the resti a appare porre versi". 140 of the Dr. already which whole portare (Bibl. of a che molto 18, p. Bebalain, species are Rotti, known. deposit; the del striking earliest Most fact dawn of them, The 12). in that few genera of (Bibl. the the were new for (Bibl. of of ad era centenaio can le veduita, forme be said the be 212 which (Italy) centenaio ció che of fact di si young that si fa fossa restano the were forme che che mi di preparazioni numero same Euganei preparazione nuova stato to from of yield to further a 15, end appeared (Italy) altro un the Prof. Sqttinabol remarks from the ogni has discern Cittiglio forms. ..almeno non cases could result a (Bibl. ought occurrence some 16) as Rust Dr. an all Radiolarian consideration, 1892 1). marvellous discloses always fact that in In notwithstanding (Bibl. the (Bibl. the aware from every described The this genera investigation limestones oltre the representants have in by by at appropriate. are Expedition. become described 90 prima piu 12). Sedimentologists know Radiolarian cor- found arrived be Radiolaria-paleontologists fauna, In forma Challenger which he will but very formations, excluded Rüot siliceous 1890 recent to will that estimate an the in- my stylistic consideration of eldest illustrated preservation. opinion discrivere qualche of well-known species of to be are to be variability Brittany; of systematical che aumentando di molto il mente fauna 214 part a the by a age, Their notwithstanding state 1898 Prof. Pabona in but new species, their last the yet discerned in Prof. Haeckel's Report not were had general boundless attributed Radiolaria every new of the acknowledge for great multitude of forms. very collected student Every known phtanites in occur can and fossil faunae described from various the their age the Rhizopoda. group of remarkable to be to REMARKS. the Radiolaria in the Life, they already of abdomen. manuscript. with Radiolarian faunae of features of the of the Radiolaria of the Netherlands Indies have been devoid of comparison wish I Haruoff A. STRATIGRAPHICAL in without clausa, in Tan. concluding, Ch. hidden Tan. pseudoscalaris Acknowledgement: debtedness is: genas cephalis Holocryptocapsa Stichomitra Syn. 10. of diagnosis apical a fa, sup- certadescri- Tertiary already about 8). that Radiolarian only special circumstances give jaspers, cherts, tripolis belong to rise the to a more 109 sediments. exceptional systematical examine slides 5000 of knowledge our have 300 been from living of of about 12 It been is the occurrences; to that but from and greater few Cretaceous of part provided were for had wonder no acquired the Netherlands Indies suited example, Jurassic European is part a for species! 200 the only Rust, the thousands of species is evident Radiolaria did actually that it state, of the ledge which — the homotaxy On 8 To substantiate the about by Dr. Harz, Rust from which In age. that the ation; fact that In this ferous of Sicily examined belong Now in only with in found those discerned, that 8 in rocks rocks of Central the Radiolarian an too character above for the if value, for Stefani that and that the and the of Carboniferous author is parallelis- for any, found was from this by the locality. the Permo-Carooni- wdiich Dr. has Rust the clinches Eocene, the Sicily, notwithstanding in rocks of present instance, known was serve. may jaspers were Tithonian age, an on p. 50). of the the matter. in the The 100 (Bibl. 8, age Borneo from the have faunae axial arrived of suggestion, available which These from it have Cretaceous or the appears been and 4 met were statements show age of the Radiolarian true Radiolaria found the at in the Paleozoic ones. of rocks many and section. cases In the determining for of recognition different formations. younger in most forms the of rocks with meets doubt. that the species dates 85). p. certain forms described Jurassic attempt at establishing for age characters of the Radiolaria identified with occur Triassic an Jurassic probable a 3, pachyderma accidentally and The 2 unreliable, in regions if any, example the Regny little follows: the Radiolarian Stylocapsa at could be when suggestion is different Carboniferous of described, de species exist (Bibl. as rocks, abundant than in ever, of the that forms, of Jurassic rocks suggests 1900 of of conclusion based are Some authors this the element of great 15) been Vestassa rocks number a of that too (Bibl. have Paleozoic in jaspers species Jurassic sufficiently forms index-fossils little evidence in inferred 113) number is Hinde arrived of Central Borneo, species fossil know- wealth of faunae of following found statement of Dr. to in the distinguish to but the opinion Prof. Regny no part of in our 35). p. Dr. included forms 63 the have forms p. number of de question (Bibl. 22, 15, with smaller a latter this small same Vinassa common that statements possible we — with (Bibl. agreement opinion Prof. this in total case small a yet known both already above faunae. identical species but not found in are of these is it is the normally from the covers exist; and if only few forms as rocks Dr. Radiolaria has species described from Notwithstanding and in recolt a these fauna. localities. 10 of its fossil 750 derived forms of for the The occurrences. of Besides, investigation age of many slides such refers to Rust are into criterion, their less practice appearance, show sections Dr. of Billiton This these Cyrtoids will appear furthermore, put cherts globular only features for 1892 Cyrtoids Hbstde the of others, in the Central Borneo. Cyrtoids In faunae 1897 Dr. special So and howsuch cyrtoidal will happen as Cenosphaera. a the Paleozoic only Radiolaria in 110 opposite toto as will not fauna of muta Ie valgono this ease of the two of one and as less and the but tuffs, strative in contains 37 coproliths species described of In this Jurassic ledge (Bibl. has the on same (Bibl. we rather in 65 as Dr. the of other age the words, percentage % the illu- fauna Hinde 's the Algon- further of species found to trace the argu- Radiolarian the to that in total 64 in Borneo have Cyrtoids found was with Cyrtoids. the closely we of Very Radiolarian proportion most the of Cenellipsis unsteady. the as diabase- percentage Germany consider approach number considered forms have been describ- same much that statement to the Ilsede, as to common, limestones The Radiolarian fauna of 274). have the examples: 15), von age p. rocks; relative is age following contains been found the Thus other on are and Cenosphaera to 506). p. determination of Radiolarian on 14, already the based as Cyrtoidea the Jurassic connection mentation for rocks, of Brittany the Cyrtoids % the kian of he one Badoengan marly which South Ural from which 37 jaspers forms applied form part actually the non pre- former similar to those in the belong 3, in Gaang, „forms (Bibl. furthermore and Tepoewai found occurrences are when established was whereas Cyrtoidea", principally of the Devonian ed, he Discoidea" in Cyrtoids altro age for the which which Grotte un criterion, „sphaeroidal and prunoidal rivers age, they the to the same of age in stessa nella di Dr. Hinde found in the diabase tuffs of the than the numerous Rust's Stöhb, anche mentre Paelozoic a Dr. by the deposit, to la fauna delle „che ma campione un Discide, Dr. point in it such as from the Radiolarian 506, p. and whole a localita, cosi e Cyrtide". mentioned same Miocene. marls from having and le e as example, 20, diverse Spongiuride Central Borneo that River, but instances the Bibl. states, accordingly would For grandissime: che Ommitide to grounds Stöhr diversita altro quasi trova Radiolaria case. soltanto nelle non localita esistono Mesozoic each separate Dr. Grotte, radiolarie si the to be valid for in know- our various of the Mesozoic formations. Hinde 's Dr. 54 22 are: % and ceous the give 50 Dr. a conclusion faunae, Prof. tabel example, of The great by separate of is, It the apart the case, is from the in the fact Jurassic; preceding for that a the no 35 group that number in these of preceding non-Triassic forms of age we is toto of In the Euganei is who but an apparent found 52,7 (Bibl. 18) from per a in- Triassic, our special obstacle for Borneo-rocks. one, cent very not difference in the percentages of the Jurassic and the moreover, only their of the Brittany, unsurmountable an im- applies Cyrtoids, for the have not percentages the statement Algonkian than the Creta- % for paragraph sufficient Triassic forms. ignorance less no these percentages which statement equally evident relative Cyrtoids contains this Squinaboi,, fauna of the each a found percentage idea of In the on rocks, whereas for the % Tertiary. formations. value based diminivshed by the ignorance of the percentage Rust's for ceous for general considerably case, that the abundance great 55 Paleozoic; the is in the Borneo occurs for different some stratigraphical as % valid peratively to for the stated already argumentation Cyrtoids per cent as is shown, Cyrtoidea in for the total number of 214 forms Creta- example, Senonian described, 111 a which percentage After the these is Cyrtoids Jurassic value, these more the the of cherts found the in considers one forms is in hornstones, from known fact in of the (Bibl. 14, that of of no they are the Dr. indicative as Rust's of and Prof. respectively 11 and Bibl. p. 18, p. 12). when doubtful, especially of simplicity the the Mesozoic „Kieselschiefer" the latter of the forms Hixde skeletons preservation: that of the solid rocks is and further- character Dr. by considered very or of genera Borneo example, from siliceous limestones, jaspers number faunae. well with agrees favourable been studied Borneo rocks. Cyrtoidean for Rotti, considered statement Rust; their less to have general zoic a due Dr. the relative number of species, simplicity may be criterion, however, of recent the Jurassic and Cretaceous Radiolaria This principal prevalent spined heen the on the represented large a idea which an observation Squikabol's in namely Billiton has of Paleozoic age, a still are feature, the rocks Tertiary found in yet as value. also are occurring that that remark that Allgau young genera Another in of too, besides, to evident st.ratigraphical no Rocks in as found of close very is it Hinde 's further Dr. the is too statements Radiolaria whereas (Bibl. 15, Mesozoic the PaleoIt 119). is contain the best preserved Radiolaria, Squinabol's With respect to Prof. Saturnalis may that opinion Mesozoic be have we forms, still the himself, alia be conclusione Badiolarian (Bibl. of Preface 1, Jurassic the p. the Saturnalis, and 1). forma e has fauna not Anyhow, in the vi è non Bibl. been 16, in of state does not impose that they Prof. mai „si una all details. knowledge our the Italian characteristic are of Besides the 304. p. of the states: quasi investigated present if enlarged. species, of representants of this genus in prevalence Cretaceous yet che his is percentage considerably somewhat genus author high reduced is that the present The delimination of " delimitatione netta tra forme recent the evidence. Saturnalis the on Mesozoic certainly of species writing (Bibl. 19) suggestion the little will molto facilmente venire puó of too moreover, of delimination Squinabol indicative for Mesozoic. Squinabol Prof. draw the the same (Bibl. attention genera 10, the to found in as p. and Miss 12) different Dr. Rust, in nung grosse und den mit the other on alten starken in den mittl«ren ". of different formations: with the Miocene forms the Cretaceous sions. Canayeri dimensions ones states hand, (= palaozoischen) Kugelschalen seems that and jaspers belong found. to age: as a (Bibl. 3, one These of the faunae. the respective and Hinde, rule, the p. the samples larger viel dimen- auftreten, In proportions the samples occurrence thus have Rotti show a the forms than those in Rotti which nothing to thickness of correlative do the relation, as als found being prevalent the cherts practically similar differences have probably dimensions and the of of considered are sehr haufiger Formen observed that namely, of smaller 47). same differences As of comparison Similar differences in dimensions have been the are, 4) in 11, ihrer Gesamterschei- Schichten the Radiolarian fauna of Central Borneo which in the tuffs (Bibl. to possess ausgestattete in Dr. p. representants namely, „in of same the also been with the age Radiolaria of in sofar that 112 thicker skeletons of the larger and in the one than in the agreement with Prof. other Haecker's Valdivia-Expedition that sentants of greater depths, Radiolaria says: gruppen den general zwischen Gegensatz to sich forms are some the repre- value of the page 562 Pormen from quotations der 13) (Bibl. beinahe in alien den kleinen of observed in Rotti, as On in explanation, Badiolaria bathymetrical understood macht the thicker differences, The greater percentage a the on superfluous. Weise auffalliger in come and larger causes. be not occur have these well not will Report sehr „In the that bathymetrical in being Haecker's Prof. it due to possibly are I observations possibly so species same sample, TripyleenOber- warmen flachenschichten und den grossen Arten der kühleren und damit dichteren und zaheren Schichten gelten und kategorien zwar namlich unterscheiden, die tiefenlebenden Riesenformen ". the on Radiolaria of Haecker's Report hervor. neugewonnenes doch mit den unter dige, (Bibl. besonders „In says: erst in den und that admitting is the Dr. Rust's stones, lytides to the been Radiolarit bathymetrical papers, and of lime been in Dr. Hinde 's Upper Kapoeas terrigenous forms with These any; in for no been derived which, besides the from the Mesozoic observation Plain on been smaller collection is the made found, from and, Semitau Hills dates of hand one dimensions, petrographical and Jaspers again the in on and now, same way in have jaspers the no other marls and have been agree with play but an Radiolarian and cherts admixture hand marly found the only gener- which fossils Mesozoic which horn- jaspers, forms by namely Radiolaria, hornstones the a down, the differences the Paleozoic Radiolaria in Rust's Dr. laid was on in explained have too. occur material has in view from of of the limestones. the of latter bathy- differences. Recapitulating that it Htnde Dr. material in elastic or which at The whereas found, diabase tuffs South of the metrical be causes. to appear skeletons part unimportant rocks. im denbwan- I refer to my paper studied from limestones and siliceous limestones, calcareous The kann dass auch sehr dagegend questions depth can „Kieselschiefer" have sponge-spicules the trotzdem grobe und plumpe Skelette besitzen''. percentage connected with closely differences due rocks. und Oberflachenformen Tiefenformen elaboration of these the dimensions of the with und aufweist, aufgestellt werden, the above cited observations of Dr. Rust and ally tritt die Tiefseeforschung Lücken die Prof. of 8). When in page 570 Sphaerellarien der grosse Cyrtellarien die diinnschalige, this rule holds Anfangen begriffen ist, sehr investigation schoner Weise Gruppen Wahrscheinlichkeit der Satz sedimentological sediment of of On too. und Zwergformen of the application Cyrtellaria Teil sogar verhaltnismassig zum results Trotzdem die Kenntnis dieses fur die Sphaerellarien Ganzen zierliche For the and Schliessmaterial noch grosser the that the seems further Gebietes, vorliegende das it. oberflachlichen After der Tiefenformen in den Derbsehaügkeit Cyrtellarien Rotti it Sphaerellaria also for the good lassen sich fast immer zwei Grössen- die the parallelisation index-fossils common in faunae above the are of as statemens Kadiolaria yet the present author is give hut very if only few known; different localities which has little species of opinion evidence, are heen the if found normal 113 ease of conclusion no these The is of only fact the the the morphology of temperature in depth On the Age of In the the Radiolaria the of their skeletons in zone the deposit Radiolaria above list in the posed the regards as homotaxy which they be in lived, credited be can to seems function a consequence a Radiolaria of all the higher zones of represented. are the at too, but this value is diminished by the circumstance Radiolarian a value with which geological that function of the depth that be arrived practically can faunae. of the the of fossil Archipelago. Indian Radiolaria, according the age of the preceding chapter 1. the Radiolaria of the 2. the Radiolaria of Central Borneo cherts from the fact that the rocks of Billiton views as unknown Prae-Cenomanian are overlain are of are the to is taken species ex- follows: age. concluded as sandstones with Orbitolina by concava. 3. Moluccas, the Radiolaria of the This Triassic. whose or of the in Dr. of taken are Hinde 's fossils be must Dr. by have Hinde been Daonella, the to Jurassic Prof. Brouwer. by Radiolaria age, possibly the of Isle of in Rotti Brouwer Prof. to jaspers dates available with the correspondence according are paper Young-Tertiary in partly are found in rooks Halobia, as attributed has been ascertained as The paper. author's present other by part which The age of the other Radiolarian cherts and 68). p. Moluccas those determined Another etc. described as with case to the Cretaceous possibly (Bibl. 57a, he can age Astroconites, the is (Bibl. the 10) Pliocene. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Works A. 1. Haeckel, the 2. 3. h. G. J. Note Mijnwezen 26, Hinde, G. obtained J. the the on London on a Dr. List of Radiolaria A. Fossil P. G. Hinde, J. Archipelago. 5. Hinde, by G. Mr. E. kruisingen 6. Martin, von Radiolaria Jaarboek Notes J. K. Die Beinwardt, 1881, p. Midden 45, 46, from Radiolaria Central Triassic Celebes. C. of M. from and S. Challenger during of Billiton. 1917, Rocks the in pp. Jaarboek Central Borneo Molengraaff : of the East Indian 694 —737. Central Geologische en Celebes collected Geographische door- 953 —956. Sedimente Samml. of A. P. 1900. Rocks Rock from pp. G. Leiden other 1908, Organic Schneider. Island Appendix Abendanon Leiden the Borneo. Mijnwezen, 37, In E. und H. by 223—227. pp. Versteineruiigsführenden Macklot 55. h. Specimens on C. Abendanon. van from v. ged., Molengraaff . Geologische Verkenningstochten in 4. collected Chert Wetensch. of G. Radiolaria: 1887. Radiolarian 1897, Description Prof. by on Report 1873—76. years Hinde, v. Relating E. geol. Timors nach Sammlungen Beichsmuseum Leiden, 1, 114 7. und 8. Leiden Buru. Sin Tan in Tan 10. the Hok. 248^9. 14. A. Canaveei, L. Cayeux, Soc. di Les 17. V. dem Rust, D. Beitrage Büst, D. RüST, zur D. Neue ontstaan and krijt- van Verhand. Mijnwezen, 1926, gesteenten ed Ein Borneo. van other en 3e niergel- ged. Mijningenieur 10, of general considerations S. Stöhr, E. Sicilia. Verseek, 22. Vinassa R. DE Verfahren 1924, Eiland Rotti. Jaarb. Tan Wiss. 14, der dans Ie terrain préeambrien. 197—228. pp. der Ergebn. Jena Mem. 1—39. p. d'organismes 1894, (Reggio Emilia). Bergonzano 1908, Deutschen Tiefsee-Expe- 1908. fossilen Radiolarien aus Gesteinen des Jura. der fossilen Radiolarien Palaontographica 38, Kenntnis der fossilen aus Gesteinen des Trias 1891/92, Radiolarien. pp. 107—200. Palaontographica zur Freilegung 1904, alia Universita Padova, posizione D. M. Regny, degli cretacee Contribute) comitato pp. Geologiea Rendieonte I R. del dei Radiolari 7, tufo 1914, e 1878, Jaarb. Radiolari Aecad. Atti Eugani. Mem. 2, geol. Italia, 9, E. Radiolarien aus Kieselschiefern. Mem. e R. Accad. Sc. 1—76. conoscenza Molukkenverslag. P. von 242. p. E. Spezia. 34—39. zur Padova, 20, Sulla Boll. 21. presso R. het op 269 —332. p. Schichten. Radiolarie Arti. Sqüin&bol, 1'existence Kenntnis zur di Arti, 28, Ser., 27, Kenntnis Beitrage S. Squinabol, p. (Coram) 1—68. p. A. Schwarz, de 1885, palaoaoisehen 1898/99, ed Dampfer Valdivia, Beitrage der dell'Tstituto 20. het en Silicoflagellati Tiefsee-Radiolarien. auf Lettere 19. h. v. stratigraphical Lett, 3d France, Senckenbergiana 6, 18. Seran Uliassern, 1920. e Scienze, dition 45, Jaarb. ged., preuves Géol. Haecker, 3e Radiolarie P. 1st. Veneto und 16. samenstelling the on Palaontographica, 36, 15. den Ambon, Geologische Onderzoekingen Mijnwezen 49, Bull. 13. de Radiolarienhoudende Relating H. Bbouwer, E. 12. in Molukken, Radiolaria. het 11. den Molukken. pp. Works B. . de Sin 1929, in 1903. Over Hok. gesteenten 9. Reisen K. Martin, delle Lincei. del p. van fossili pp. del Veneto. Mem. 249—306. tripoli nella zona solfifera in 498 —518. het Ftaniti Classe Mijnwezen, di Sc. 34, Titoniane fisiche, di ecc. 1905. Carpèna 7, 1898,