PYP Exhibition May 5th and 6th


PYP Exhibition May 5th and 6th
St. Nicholas
Newsletter :: April I :: 2010
Upcoming events
Wed 28th
Kindergarden Multiskills Festival
Wed 28th
Infants Multiskills PE
Thu 29th (Evening)
Yr 10 - A Night at the Oscars
Fri 30th
Casual Clothes Day
Last school day for Yr 12 - Study leave
Tue 4th
IB Examinations start
Inter House Futsal 2010
St. Nicholas
Twenty six goals for London as they
sneak to a 2nd victory in the 2010
Junior House Futsal
No house dominated the 3rd Junior House
Futsal pointwise in the manner of that of
the Seniors. The overall result was only
decided in the last game played on the day
by Yr5. With a blend of teamwork, positive
approach and fine finishing, the futsal was
at times messy as it was fun and creative.
London had the improved goal difference
by a large margin and this will be Oxfords
and Cambridge's only regret.
Glory for Cambridge as they storm
to victory in the 2010
Senior House Futsal
Cambridge often renowned as the sporting
underdogs and the intellects stormed to
a superb overall victory in the 3rd Senior
House Futsal. The tournament was full
of drama after tightly contested games
throughout Yr7 to 12. High emotions, good
Futsal and memorable penalty shootouts
in Yr8/9 created quite a buzz and
spectacle on the last Friday before Easter.
Congratulations to all players involved
especially the goalkeepers, female players
and penalty takers.
Tue 11th
IGCSE Examinations start
5th and 6th
PYP Exhibition
Fri 7th
Last day for Yr 10 - Study leave begins
Nursery Trip to Pet Zoo
Year 2 Trip to MASP
House Futsal
Year 5 Trip to Itatiaia
- For further results and pictures see Sports > Events on our website -
Wed 12th May - Kindergarten X
29th April - Year 3Y
13th May - Year 4X
PYP Exhibition
Ortografando 2010
Departamento de Português
Parabéns a todos pelo sucesso do Primeiro Ortografando; não apenas aos participantes,
mas também a todos que assistiram e souberam cooperar comportando-se de forma
exemplar, proporcionando, assim, ambiente propício para a realização do evento. Os
vencedores são:
Years 3 e 4 - Felipe Lírio
Years 5 e 6 - Tom Kuzniec
May 5th and 6th
FNAC Vouchers for Years 7, 8, 9 and 11
April 28th
As mentioned in the last Newsletter, we are awarding a R$50 FNAC voucher to the
student in each year group in the Senior School who has demonstrated the greatest
improvement, progress and contribution since the last Grade Report. The most recent
reports went out to Years 7, 8, 9 and 11. Tutors decided that the following students
deserved to be rewarded: Year 7, Sofia Soares; Year 8, Kyle Sogl; Year 9, Christopher
Atuonah; Year 11, Leila Abduni. Congratulations to you all!
Resenha do livro Várias Histórias,
de Machado de Assis
O livro de contos Várias Histórias, de
Machado de Assis, é uma excelente
porta de entrada para os amantes de
literatura machadiana, por reunir vários
de seus principais contos. Por serem
curtos, facilitam a leitura e a fluidez do
livro, possibilitando que o leitor leia uma
história a cada dia e, em minha opinião,
sem nunca se entediar. Nesta resenha,
farei um breve resumo dos meus contos
preferidos contidos nesta coletânea. “A
Cartomante” é o primeiro conto do livro
e também meu preferido. Machado narra
a história de Camilo, Vilela e Rita. Os
dois primeiros eram melhores amigos; a
segunda era esposa do Vilela e amante do
primeiro. Quando Camilo começa a receber
denúncias anônimas, diminui a frequência
das visitas ao amigo. Preocupada, Rita
visita uma cartomante, fato que faz Camilo
rir. Quando Vilela chama Camilo a sua
casa, ele vai preocupado, e passa antes na
cartomante pensando que não tem nada a
perder. Ela lhe assegura que nada vai dar
errado e ele chega despreocupado a casa
de Vilela, onde encontra Rita morta. Vilela
então o mata.
É com o mesmo tom abstrato de sarcasmo
e leve ironia que escreve “A Causa
Secreta”. Este outro conto relata a história
Coluna St. Nicks
Guilherme Riskallaha (Year 10)
de dois homens que, após um salvar a
vida do outro, tornam-se sócios. Mas
pouco a pouco um deles vai demonstrando
tendências sádicas, torturando animais,
fato que atordoa a esposa. Quando ela
morre, Fortunato, o sádico, presencia o
amigo beijar a testa da mulher e derreterse em choro, saboreando o momento de
dor do amigo que lhe traía.
Por fim, “O Enfermeiro” conta a história de
um homem que, à beira da morte, narra
um caso de seu passado. Em 1860 foi
enfermeiro de um velho e maldoso coronel,
que acaba esganando alguns dias antes de
partir por não mais o suportar. Quando
o testamento é aberto, ele é declarado
herdeiro universal e distribui lentamente
o dinheiro em esmolas. Enquanto isto se
passa, convencendo de sua inocência,
apoiado pela sociedade que odiava o velho
e suas ações, que considera redentoras.
Poderia falar de muitos outros contos deste
fantástico escritor, mas permanecerei
breve. Recomendo este livro para os
amantes da literatura brasileira e que, em
especial, apreciam o estilo machadiano.
Em minha opinião, Machado é e sempre
será o maior escritor de nossa literatura.
Earth Day 2010
Valentin and João (Yr 3X Student Council Representatives)
On Friday 23rd April 2010, St Nicholas
School will be celebrating Earth Day. This is
a day when we think about all the beautiful
places on our Earth and how to save our
fragile world.
Student Council have organised some
special events for this day. Everyone will
come to school wearing blue and green
clothes to represent the Earth. We will
use as little power as possible – turning
off lights, fans, air conditioners, computers
and projectors in order to save energy. The
kitchen will also have no power, so we will
enjoy a picnic with our classes at lunchtime.
Miss Fontoura will also be visiting the Junior
classes to do some recycled art.
Don't miss this day – it will be a fun day
and it is our chance to help the planet.
Dedé Toffoli
In English we have many words which have more than one meaning; sometimes the
various meanings are totally unrelated. This is because English has been influenced
by many other languages over its long history, and words which now look the same
might have come from entirely different sources. In this puzzle, I give you 2 different
meanings and you try to work out the word. Give your answers to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL)
and get an R.O.A.!
1. a flying animal • a wooden rod
4. a measurement • a back garden
2. group of people • run in competition
5. a usual way of behaving • costume
worn by a member of a religious order
3. a nasty parasite • the noise of a clock
6. to put something into words • fast, quick
Name:__________________________________ Year: _ ___________
Last issue's winners: Se Yun (5Y), Sarah and Ami (6X) and Pedro Camargo (6Y)
Uma Volta ao Mundo
Ana Brunner
A viagem começou na Inglaterra. O
objetivo? Dar a volta ao mundo no
menor tempo possível. Da Inglaterra,
fui para o Egito, com uma escala na
França, onde nem tivemos tempo de
dar uma volta. Uma pena, sempre
quis conhecer a França. No Egito,
tivemos que esperar doze horas até o
próximo vôo até a Índia.
Decidimos então dar uma volta na
cidade do Cairo. Foi muito legal,
especialmente o museu egípcio que
conhecemos. A idéia era ir até as
pirâmides, mas não voltaríamos a
tempo de pegar o avião. Mas no
museu havia várias múmias, então já
valeu a pena.
No fim, o avião atrasou, e quando
chegamos na Índia, descobrimos
que havíamos perdido a conexão
até Hong Kong, na China. Então foi
aquela correria. Discutimos com
vários funcionários da companhia
aérea, mas não teve jeito. Teríamos
que esperar até
de manhã para
pegarmos o próximo vôo. Pelo menos,
a companhia concordou em pagar a
estadia em um hotel ali perto.
Resolvidos os problemas, no dia
seguinte, estávamos embarcando
para Hong Kong. A China até que era
interessante, só era um problema a
comunicação, já que não falávamos
Para mudar um pouco a rotina,
pegamos um navio até o Japão. Foi
até legal, mas passei mal a viagem
toda. Depois pegamos um avião até
os Estados Unidos. A viagem foi longa
e ficamos todos cansados. Felizmente
não houve atrasos desta vez, e após
um breve passeio pelo Central Park
em Nova York, estávamos voltando
para a Inglaterra. Estávamos voltando
para casa!
Em casa, revelamos as fotos e
comparamos nossa viagem com a de
Phileas Fogg, no livro Volta ao Mundo
em 80 Dias. Claro que nossa viagem
não demorou 80 dias, com avião foi
muito mais rápido! Mas valeu a pena
para conhecer um pouco melhor o
mundo em que vivemos.
Veja outros textos da Ana, do Matheus Sodré
e do Pedro Henrique na nossa intranet!
year 4 Sci-Fi Stories
Year 4 students worked very hard to write
sci-fi stories. They had four weeks to plan
in detail characters, settings, a creative
beginning, middle and end. After planning
they set off to writing and wrote fantastic
stories. Here are four extracts for you to
read. If you want to read the whole story
or read other sci-fi stories visit the Year 4
classrooms and take a look!
“What was that sound?” asked Danic
waking up from his sleep.
“ I think we crashed on something1” cried
“Let's go and take a look,” said Commander
Jane “and leave Pilot Bill here.”
So they went to take a look. At that moment
Pilot Bill woke up, closed the spaceship and
flew away from the planet with a wicked
“And finally Zlog!” yelled the two brothers
together. Then they came out and saw…
nothing, the planet had absolutely nothing,
except slime, holes and a giant slug.
“That was easy!” said Grog.
“Very easy!” said Nick.
“So let's go and see what is in the black
Extract from Shreya's
story: Journey to the Extract
Mysterious Planet
story: Mission to Planet Extract from Eduardo's
Chapter 2 – The Wrong Way
story: An Adventure in
There was a big bang and the rocket flew
Chapter 2 – Aliens Attack
to space. Everyone on Earth was cheering
for them. Back in the spaceship the movie
that Sarela and Danic were watching was
“Come on Danic, the movie is over let
us go back and tell our parents that we
helped them make the rocket” said Sarela
“Ok, let's go!” shouted Danic. When they
went outside both of them screamed.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” The commander of
the spaceship looked at them, told them to
be quiet and said:
“ Listen, I am Commander Jane and
this is Pilot Bill. We are on a mission to
get a satellite which is going to fall from
The Sarela and Danic understood and they
apologized for the way they screamed for
no reason. So, as they had nothing to do,
Commander Jane told them to help her to
do the work of the spaceship. After some
time Pilot Bill said in a weird voice, “We
have left Earth and there is the Moon. Now
we are going roooooouuuuund Marrrrrrrs!”
Everybody fell from one side to another as
the rocket went round, round and round.
They slept after it was all over.
Weeks passed, months passed and they
worked harder and harder. All of them,
including Sarela and Danic had to do a lot
of things. They had to stop laser rockets
by shooting them, they had to stop getting
hit by a comet or a meteor and they had
to avoid getting sucked into the black hole
many times. The whole crew was tired but
they managed to carry on.
In the end, when they were so close to
Saturn, the pilot suddenly got sick. The
spaceship started to tremble and go in
some other direction. Commander Jane was
really worried and tried to do everything
she could to stop it.
“OH MY GOD!” she shouted. “Our pilot is
sick and he is the only one who can stop
“What are we going to do?” asked Sarela.
“See, we are going out of the Solar
Four months passed and they still couldn't
fix anything. Then one day, while they were
sleeping their spaceship crashed landed on
something. They had no idea what they
had crashed on.
The crew ran like horses and found a place,
a dark one. All of the crew said “Wow!” and
then the Vice Commander said, “Look how
many aliens!”
The crew waited until night and the aliens
had gone. The crew got out and the
Commander Zicrom told Paul from earth
“We are on the planet and it is night. It is
0.00hs and there is no-one. We don't know
if we will be captured if we go outside”
They decided to go outside but were
captured and were put into a prison.
It was day time and the commander said
“The air is breathable!” So Z Action 12
said, “I have an idea! I have a bazooka, so
everyone back!”
Ka boom!!!!
The wall exploded and the alarm rang. The
crew had to fight with the aliens.
Two died but some survived and got the
float board...
Extract from João Pedro's
story: Something Good or
Something Bad?
Chapter 3 – The Real Problem
Nick woke up.
“What happened?” asked Grog.
“I-I-It wa-wa-was Na-Nasa!” said Nick.
“And what happened?” asked Grog.
“We are on a mission to go to a black hole
next to Zlog,” said Nick miserably.
“We are right next to Zlog!” yelled Grog.
“No, that's Blog”.
“Then lets go to Zlog,” said Grog.
“Ok but first I need to go to the bathroom
on that weird planet.”
“That's Slog,” said Grog.
“Then let's go to Zlog.”
Chapter 1 – The Start
When I was born in Bagabagazum there
were already aliens on the planet. My
parents were killed and me and my brother
Filipe were alone.
We went to our uncle Mario's spaceship
and there we met Jonny the robot. But on
the way we had to go in a black hole, go
through Alien planet Alpha LCB3CDKZPS5,
slip into a 1x1mm hole and make a hole
in a massive asteroid and get to the
spaceship without a single drop of water.
But we survived.
“Uncle Mario?” I asked.
“Yes, it's me”
“ If you are Uncle Mario is that robot Luigi?”
asked my brother.
“Certainly not! That is Jonny the robot.”
Jonny the robot looked strange, he had red
eyes and that was all I could see and he
didn't look very trustful. Uncle Mario had a
scar on his neck but he was very kind.
“Uncle, do we have water?” I asked.
“Of course we do!” And he quickly gave me
a cup of water.
“I am extremely
“Right here!” He showed me my bedroom
and the spaceship. While we were doing that
I had a feeling someone was watching me.
PYP Exhibition
Health for All Group
Green Technology Group
Health Charity and Morning Fitness.
Making Our School Eco-friendly
The Health for All group is concerned about
diseases, how they are spread, how to
cure them and how to prevent them. Some
of the members are researching about
diseases from Africa, top diseases in Brazil,
about harmful bacteria, cancer, paralysis,
food poisoning and medicines.
Green technology is something everyone
knows about, but don't imagine how
important it is. It includes every type of
way to economise and save resources,
energy and the planet.
'Advancing Technology for Sustainability' is
our line of inquiry, and what we mean is
that the world needs to develop and more
technology to be able to have a sustainable
planet. We need to know how and where to
use every type of energy and try to make
the best out of it.
Our line of inquiry is 'Equal Access to
Health Care'. Because this is our concern,
we have taken the initiative to look for one
or two institutions where we could offer
assistance. We found PCA (Projeto Criança
/ AIDS), an institution that helps families
who have children with AIDS, and GRAACC
(Grupo de Apoio ao Adolecente e a Criança
com Câncer), which helps children who
have cancer.
PCA was created in 1991. It is an
institution that takes care of children with
AIDS. In the institution they can care for
50 children (maximum).
GRAACC was also created in 1991. It is
an institution that takes care of children
with cancer, and there is a hospital called
“Hospital GRAACC.”
We decided that for our exhibition, we will
raise money to donate to Projeto Criança
/ AIDS and spend some time with children
We are raising money by offering
massages during break time and lunch
time. We started doing this last week and
the massages will go on until the end of
the month. We also raised some money by
organising a healthy food sale last Friday,
16th of April.
Another form of action we have taken was
to organise a fun activity of Morning Fitness
where the members of the group led and
taught the whole Junior School dance steps
to Black Eyed Peas' "I Gotta Feeling". This
was in order to observe World Health Day
which was on the April 7th. During lunch
time of the same day, Giovanna Pedrinola
led a session of yoga in Year 6Y.
Members of the group are Pedro Tokushiro,
Sally Shim, Ami Nagai, Luiza Caramez,
Alice Lunardelli, Fatima Abduni, Claudia
Chakmati, Maria Júlia Rolim and Catarina
Marchon da Silva.
Our main topics are:
• Alternative energy
• Eco-transportation
• Eco-construction
Peaceful Resolutions Group
• Water reuse
Our Visit to
The members of our group are Noah
Cukiert, Juno Youn, Gustavo Borges,
Pedro Camargo, Miki Sugimoto and Mark
In our group, we are working on peaceful
resolutions to problems in the world. We
are going to talk about racism, terrorism,
child slavery, laws and war. Our group
members are:
•Paloma Martin ( racism)
•Maryleim Duran Méjias (racism)
•Madalena Ferreira (racism)
•Gabriel Murakami (terrorism)
•John Austin (child slavery)
•Bernardo Cruz (laws)
•Pedro Colaço (war)
Our line of inquiry is 'Peaceful Resolutions
for Racism, War, Terrorism and Child
In our group looking at racism, we are
mainly compiling biographies of important
people in history that fought for human
rights. We've been checking some prices in
Marketing of some things to give in the PYP
Exhibition; also, we made some posters to
put around school. On Friday April 16th of
April, we went to the UPF (Universal Peace
When we got there, we asked some
questions that we had written at school
the day before. We found out about what
problems they work with, They've been
working with racism but with racism of
class and with religion inequality. We also
asked how do they feel working there
(with peaceful problems), if they think it is
important and many more questions. But
after those questions, we asked about the
federation, like when was it formed, who
formed it, how it was inspired and some
more questions.
We have interviewed Rafael Mukai and his
friend Gabriel Hirata, experts on ecological
actions, to learn about efficiencies and
benefits of ecologic energy sources. Also,
to learn about what the school already has
we interviewed Ornésio, our gardener here
at school, to learn about the worm-house
we have.
We have also been getting a lot of help
from teachers and staff from the school.
Miss Vassellucci is helping us with our main
action, in which we are going to make an
eco-corner at the front gates of the school.
We plan to put solar panels and even wind
turbines in the school. Our plans also
include installing glass tiles close to the
lunch room, and then no lights will have to
be turned on. We will show all pupils, staff
and teachers how the school is actually
changing to become more eco friendly.
We will also be selling ecological bags for
everyone who wants them, with our own
designed logos! I hope you like them and
buy one for yourself!
Universidade e Carreira
Direito é uma carreira que, apesar de estar
um pouco saturada, é muito promissora
para profissionais bem qualificados, isto
é, o aluno que sair da faculdade tem
muitos caminhos a seguir. Dentro da
profissão existe um leque de opções que
o bacharel em direito pode escolher. Mas,
em todas elas, vai encontrar um mercado
muito competitivo, com diversos outros
profissionais tentando conquistar espaço.
O profissional de direito irá, basicamente,
trabalhar com leis. A opção mais comum
é a de advogado. Como advogado, o
bacharel em direito pode atuar em cinco
grandes áreas: direito público, penal, do
trabalho, de empresas e privado. Essas
grandes áreas se subdividem em diversas
internacional, comercial, previdenciário,
tributário, administrativo, do consumidor,
agrário, civil, de família, entre outros. Para
Carreira: Direito
chegar a ser advogado, o bacharel em
direito deverá passar no exame da OAB
(Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil). Além
disso, pode atuar prestando assessoria
e consultoria jurídica a empresas,
governamentais e não-governamentais.
Além de advogado, o bacharel em direito
pode optar pelo magistrado e vir a ser
promotor, juiz, delegado de polícia,
procurador de justiça ou defensor público.
Para tais funções, é necessário passar em
concurso público e ter no mínimo dois
anos de formado.
Em qualquer das áreas, o profissional de
direito deverá ter amplos conhecimentos
de em filosofia, lógica, política e
economia, domínio da língua portuguesa,
jargão do direito e da informática,
particularmente da Internet, fonte de
consulta constantemente utilizada para
Mr Moss
by Mr L. Anderson
se pesquisar grande parte da legislação
brasileira e internacional.
O profissional de direito precisa ter
capacidade de síntese e de organização,
disposição para ler (os processos
geralmente são muito longos), boa
memória, capacidade de convencimento,
falar bem em público, entre outras
qualificações pessoais desejáveis.
Na faculdade prepare-se para ler muito.
As matérias iniciais dos cursos de Direito
são Sociologia, Português, Filosofia,
Teoria do Estado, Direito Civil e Comercial,
Direito Romano, Introdução ao Estudo do
Direito, entre outras.
Os melhores cursos são oferecidos
pelas seguintes instituições:
●● USP , UNESP, FGV, PUC, Mackenzie,
Special Guest
“It only takes a second to score a goal”
It did not take long a long time for our U15 boys to discover the momentum that swept
them to a comfortable 9-0 victory over St Francis. Three goals in the closing minutes
helped to beat St Pauls' 3-2 andthis was followed by a narrow 5-3 defeat to PACA. Felipe
Daccahe, Kenji Fuse, Daniel Rios and Simone Perego performances capped a successful
Saturday afternoon at Graded School.
Club Futsal vs School Futsal
St Nicks 3 vs Hebraica 5
St Nicks 1 vs Hebraica 3
The improving Year 5 & 6 teams set about
their quest for a win with admirable zeal,
leading the game until the last few minutes
3-1. Matt, the two Thomas' and Gabriel's
performances stood out, meriting applause
from the traveling crowd. A strong Hebraica
team finished well and slack marking saw
the game agonisingly slip away from St
Nick's grasp.
Mr. Eagles' Year 3 & 4 players showed
flashes of the football of which they are
capable and Paulo (Yr4) was outstanding in
defence. One of the Lyrio clan scored but
it came far too late to rescue their hopes,
against an organised and well shaped
opposition. Hebraicas' teams were given
a real test but with credit they finished
victors in both games.
On Monday 19th April, the Kindergarten
children had the pleasure of working
with Professor Sassá on their art project.
Professor Sassá is an art educator who
publishes a monthly magazine for children
and has a weekly television programme.
The children had great fun making dolls
and painting African bracelets. We look
forward to seeing more work guided
by Professor Sassá at the Infant Art
Workshop on Saturday morning from
10:00 to 12:00.
Think Green
Mrs Vassellucci
Earth Day is coming! To reuse newspaper and magazine is a nice and enjoyable way to help our planet Earth.
These are two easy things you
can make at home with your
family and have lots of fun!
Recycled paper
Things You'll Need:
measuring cup, aluminum foil, scissors, tape,
cardboard, pencil, book and plastic wrap.
Step 1
Add hot water to a bowl until all the
newspaper is covered with water. Mix up the
paper scraps so that all the scraps are wet.
Step 2
Leave the paper pulp in the bowl for two to
three hours, stirring it occasionally to help
it dissolve in the water.
Step 3
Dissolve three tablespoon. of cornstarch in
a cup of hot water. Add the water to the
bowl and stir it in.
Step 4
Cut two sheets of aluminum foil. Make
the first one about the size you want your
paper to be and the second one about 2
inches longer and wider. Lay the first sheet
flat on top of old newspapers.
Step 5
Tape the second sheet of aluminum foil to a
piece of cardboard. Poke small holes in the
center of the sheet of aluminum foil and
through the cardboard.
Step 6
Spoon about 1/2 inch of paper pulp onto
the first sheet of aluminum. Spread it
around with your fingers to get an even
layer of paper pulp.
Step 7
Place the second sheet of aluminum foil
on top of the first and push down to wring
out some of the water. Remove the second
sheet of aluminum foil and use your fingers
to smooth out the paper.
Step 8
Wrap a book in plastic. Place the aluminum
foil and cardboard sheet on top of the
paper and the book on top of the sheet.
Press down hard.
Open it again. Fold the outer edges to the
inside fold. This is the first fold. Fold the
outer edges to the inside edges again. Fold
the edges to the inside a third time. Tape
this strip to the center roll of paper. Wrap
this strip tightly around the first roll. Tape
the end of this strip to the roll.
Step 9
Remove the sheet and the top layer of
aluminum foil. Leave the paper to dry
Recycled Magazine Bowl
This magazine bowl is made from old
magazine pages that are folded and
wrapped around each other to form a round
bowl. It's an easy project for students in
Year 4 to 8. The students need basic folding
and cutting skills to make it.
Things You'll Need
Magazines, clear scotch tape, glue stick,
clear sealer spray
Step 1
Using a magazine page that has been
neatly cut out of the magazine, fold it in
half, lengthwise. Then open it again. Fold
the outer edges to the inside fold. This
is the first fold. This will be folded to the
inside 2 more times. The width of the paper
will be approx. 1cm. Using this strip, fold
it in half from top to bottom. Use the glue
stick to glue the inside folds so that it holds
together. Roll this strip up tightly. Use tape
to hold it together. This forms the centre
of the bowl.
Step 3
Continue making strips of paper using the
folding method in step 2. Continue taping
the end of the strips to the roll, wrapping
it tightly around the roll, then taping the
end again. Continue wrapping until the roll
measures approx. 25 cm across.
Step 4
Gently pull up the bowl until a bowl shape
is formed or you can shape the bowl over
another bowl and gently pull up the strips so
that a bowl shape is formed. This bowl can
now be sprayed with a clear polyurethane
or clear varnish sealer spray to make it
shiny and protect it.
Step 2
Using the same size of magazine pages,
fold as in step 1. Fold in half lengthwise.
Commemorations, celebrations and fun events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
27th – Freedom Day is a celebration of freedom in South Africa.
It commemorates the first democratic post-apartheid elections
held in 1994 when Nelson Mandela was elected as President.
29th – International Dance Day (World Dance Day) aims
to promote the importance of dance and for governments to
recognise this importance by providing a proper place for dance
in all levels of education.
1st – International Labour Day or May Day is an annual holiday
celebrated all over the world to celebrate the economic and
social achievements of workers. It has its origins in the eighthour work day movement in the 1850s in Melbourne, Australia.
3rd – World Press Freedom Day is a day designated by the
United Nations to raise awareness and to remind governments
of the importance of press freedom and of their duty to respect
people's right to freedom of expression as declared under the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
4th – Youth Day is observed in China to celebrate youth and
literature. This started with the literary and cultural movements
led by student leaders in 1919 which was known as the May
Fourth Movement.
5th – Children's Day is a public holiday in Japan and Korea. In
Japan, it is part of a series of holidays called the Golden Week, and
it is a day to celebrate children's personalities and happiness. In
Korea, families usually visit children's parks, amusement parks,
zoos, or other child friendly locations. Gifts and pocket money
are also given to children on this day. International Children's
Day is on 1st of June.
Cinco de Mayo is originally a Mexican holiday celebrated in the
state of Puebla. Today, it is observed throughout Mexico and in
the United States. Celebrations include food, music, dancing, and
in the United States, it is a day to celebrate Mexican culture.