Livros disponíveis para empréstimo aos estudantes do PPESTBIO
Livros disponíveis para empréstimo aos estudantes do PPESTBIO
Relação de livros adquiridos com recursos de editais da FAPEMIG Aviso aos estudantes da PPESTBIO: Para pedir um livro emprestado, envie um e-mail ao professor cujo nome se encontra na última coluna da tabela a seguir. Título A handbook of statistical analyses using R Advanced Statistics Calculus with Applications in Autor Editora B.S.Everit, T.Hothorn Chapman & Hall André I. Khuri Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (November 4, 2002) Oxford University Press, USA (January 11, 1990) Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (March 23, 2007) An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics Edward H. Isaaks An Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis Alan Agresti Análise Espacial de Dados Geográficos Suzana Druck, Marília Sá Carvalho, Gilberto Câmara e Antônio Miguel Vieira Monteiro Embrapa (2004) Paolo Giudici Wiley (October 31, 2003) Applied Data Mining: Statistical Methods for Business and Industry Applied Multivariate Statistics With SAS Software Ravindra Khattree Basic Linear Geostatistics Margaret Armstrong Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction Peter M. Lee Clustering for Data Mining: A Data Recovery Approach Common Errors in Statistics (and How to Avoid Them) Boris Mirkin Phillip I. Good, James W. Hardin SAS; 2 edition (September 27, 2006) Springer; 1 edition (July 7, 2005) A Hodder Arnold Publication; 3 edition (April 16, 2004) Chapman & Hall/CRC (April 29, 2005) Wiley-Interscience; 2 edition (April 28, 2006) Experimentação Agrícola David A. Banzatto e Sérgio do Nascimento Kronka Funep, 4 ed. 2006 Extending the linear model with R J.F.Faraway Chapman & Hall Genética Biométrica e Estatística Melh. de Marcos Deon Vilela de Resende Embrapa ISBN 1-58488-539-4 0471391042 0195050134 0471226181 85-7383-260-6 0470846798 1580253571 3540618457 0340814055 1584885343 0471794317 85-87632-71X 1-58488-424X 85-7383161-8 Professor Peternelli ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Policarpo ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) Peternelli 1 Título Autor Plantas Geostatistics Banff 2004 (Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics) (Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics) Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists (Statistics in Practice) Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation (Applied Geostatistics Series) Geostatistics: Modeling Spatial Uncertainty (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data Interpolation of Spatial Data: Some Theory for Kriging (Springer Series in Statistics) Editora ISBN Oy Leuangthong Springer; 1 edition (January 9, 2006) 1402035225 Richard Webster Wiley (February 1, 2001) 0471965537 Pierre Goovaerts Jean-Paul Chilès Sudipto Banerjee, Bradley. P. Carlin, Alan E. Gelfand Michael L. Stein Oxford University Press, USA (August 20, 1997) Wiley-Interscience (April 7, 1999) Chapman & Hall/CRC (December 17, 2003) Springer; 1 edition (August 11, 2006) 0195115384 0471083151 158488410X 0387986294 Introdução ao controle estatístico da qualidade Douglas C. Montgomery LTC Editora (2004) Introduction to Mixed Modeling: Regression and Analysis of Variance N. W. Galwey Wiley (November 17, 2006) Linear Mixed Models B.T.West, K.B.Welch, A.T.Galecki Chapman & Hall 1-58488-480-0 Linear models with R J.F. Faraway Chapman & Hall 1-58488-425-8 Local Models for Spatial Analysis Christopher D. Lloyd CRC (October 25, 2006) Making Sense of Data: A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining Glenn J. Myatt MATLAB® Recipes for Earth Sciences Martin H. Trauth Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics Jan R. Magnus, Heinz Neudecker Model-based Geostatistics Peter J Diggle e Paulo Justiniano Ribeiro Modern Experimental Design Thomas P. Ryan Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation Ming-Hui Beyond Chen, Qi-Man Shao, Wiley-Interscience (November 28, 2006) Springer; 1 edition (March 14, 2006) Wiley; 2 edition (January 1, 2001) Springer (2007) Wiley-Interscience (February 2, 2007) Springer; 1 edition 85-216-1400-4 0470014962 0415316812 047007471X 3540279830 047198633X 978-0-38732907-9 0471210773 0387989358 Professor ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Peternelli 2 Título Autor Joseph G. Ibrahim Nonparametric Geostatistics S. Henley Quality Improvement Through Statistical Methods Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology Bovas Abraham Bryan F.J. Manly Response Surface Methodology And Related Topics Andre I. Khuri SAS for Mixed Models Ramon Littell Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering Daniel A. Griffith Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice Robert Haining Spatial Statistics and Computational Methods Jesper Moller Statistical Analysis of Geographic Information with ArcView GIS And ArcGIS Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability) Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis (Texts in Statistical Science Series) David W. S. Wong Jesper Moller Oliver Schabenberger Statistical Methods in Spatial Epidemiology Andrew B. Lawson Statistical Process Manufacturing Keats Control in Statistical Quality Control Methods Statistics in the 21st Century Statistics: Methods and Applications Automated Editora (January 21, 2000) Springer; 1 edition (January 1, 2001) Birkhäuser Boston; edition (May 22, 1998) ISBN 0853349770 1 Chapman & Hall World Scientific Publishing Company (February 28, 2006) SAS Publishing; 2 Pap/Cdr edition (February 21, 2006) Springer; 1 edition (September 21, 2006) Cambridge University Press (June 16, 2003) Springer; 1 edition (November 2, 2004) Wiley; Har/Cdr edition (October 20, 2005) Chapman & Hall/CRC (September 25, 2003) Chapman & Hall/CRC (December 20, 2004) Wiley; 2 edition (July 11, 2006) CRC (September 29, 1988) Irving W. Burr CRC (February 1, 1976) Adrian E. Raftery, Martin A. Tanner, Martin T. Wells Thomas Hill, Paul Lewicki Chapman & Hall/CRC (July 9, 2001) StatSoft, Inc. (November 0817640525 1-58488-541-6 Professor ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) Peternelli ([email protected]) 9812564586 Nerilson ([email protected]) 1590475003 Nerilson ([email protected]) 3540009329 0521774373 0387001360 0471468991 1584882654 1584883227 0470014849 0824778898 0824763440 1584882727 1884233597 Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) Nerilson ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) José Ivo ([email protected]) José Ivo 3 Título Autor Editora 2005) ISBN Professor ([email protected]) 4
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