CV - cetrad


CV - cetrad
1. Personal data
Full name
Lívia Maria Costa Madureira
National identity card
Birth date
Institutional address
Quinta de Prados
5000 801 Vila Real
Contact data
Telephone: +351259350330
Email: [email protected]
2. Academic degrees
Academic degree
PhD (Land and
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
MSc (Agricultural
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
BSc (Agricultural
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal
3. Previous and current scientific and/or professional activities
Position or category
Junior Assistant
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Senior Assistant
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Assistant Professor
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
CETRAD – Centre for Transdisciplinary
Development Studies (University of Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro)
CETRAD – Centre for Transdisciplinary
Development Studies (University of Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro)
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Research line MANOMA (at CETRAD):
Demonstrating & Capturing Value of Market
and Non-Market Goods
Member of the
SPER–Portuguese Association of Rural Studies
Regional Group of APDEA (Portuguese
Association of Agricultural Economics)
Chair of the Direction
APDEA (Portuguese Association of Agricultural
Member of Fiscal
APDEA (Portuguese Association of Agricultural
2008 (2nd
grant from Fundação
Luso Americana)
Department of Agricultural and Resources
Economics (ARE) of University of CaliforniaBerkeley, US
Visitant Professor
Faculty of Economics, University Nova de
Lisboa, Portugal
2010 (April)
scientific mission
grant from European
Science Foundation)
Centre for Social and Economic Research on
the Global Environment (CSERGE), University
of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
2011 (April)
Visitant Professor
Universidade Federal do Pará, Belen, Brasil
2011 (June)
Visitant Researcher
Short Mission
(supported by the
Scottish Agriculture College, Edinburgh, U.K.
2012 (2nd
Visitant Researcher
(sabbatical grant from
Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia)
Land Economy and Environment Research
Groups (LEERG), Scottish Agriculture College,
Edinburgh, U.K.
4. Area of scientific activity
Economics and Development
5. Domain of specialization
Domain of specialization
Land and Environmental Economics
Present research interests
Main research lines at the present:
1. Methodological advances and empirical research on the field of economic
valuation of non-market goods and services (e.g. environmental goods and
services, ecosystem services, cultural goods and services, renewable energies
and eco-friendly products).
2. Methodological advances and empirical research on the field of governance and
mechanisms to capture the value of ecosystem services towards the promotion
of local sustainable development.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
3. Methodological advances and empirical research on the field of agri-rural
knowledge and innovation focused on the identification and measurement of
new trends and patterns of innovation, namely non-technological innovation.
6. Other skills/activities
Teaching activities
(1994- ) Responsible and lecturer of several disciplines of 1º and 2º Cycles in the
areas of basic economics (microeconomics) and applied economics to
environmental and natural resources, tourism and sustainable development and
also in the area of environmental and sustainability policies and management.
Advanced formation
(2014) International course on Integration of ecosystem services into development
Planning: A stepwise approach for practitioners based on the TEEB approach.
Coordinated by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
GmbH, San José, Costa Rica, 6-7 September, 2014
(2010) International Short Course in Experimental Design for Stated Choice Data.
Coordinated by Riccardo Scarpa, Waikato Management School. Trento,
Italy.October 29th to November 1st, 2010.
(2009) Benefit Transfer and Meta Analysis. COST Action E45 (Euroforex) Training
Course. Coordinated by Stale Navrud and Olvar Bergland. Department of Economics
and Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB), Norway,
May 13-17, 2009.
(2006) Advanced Course Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market
Shares. Coordinated by Michel Bierlaire (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne) and Ben Akiva (MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology). Organised
jointly by the Operational Research Group (ROSO) and the Industrial Liaison
Program Alliance, EPFL. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. March 26-30, 2006, Lausanne, Switzerland.
(1997) Advanced Course The Economics of Natural Resources. Instituto Agronómico
Mediterrânico de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, February, 1997.
(1996) Intensive Course Environmental Economics. Instituto Agronómico
Mediterrânico de Chania, Crete, Greece, June, 1996.
Other technical formation
(2005) Professional training: "Estatística Multivariada com o SPSS" (30 horas).
Coordinated by the enterprise PSE – Produtos e Serviços de estatística, Lda., with
the support of CETRAD. UTAD, January, 2005, Vila Real (30 hours).
(2005) Professional training: “Getting Ready for Framework 7”. Coordinated by
Hyperion Ltd. Training Courses, Irland. Univerity of Lisbon, February, 2005, Lisbon
(8 hours)
(2002) Professional training: Environmental Audits ISO 14001. Associação
Industrial Portuguesa. Centro de Formação da COPRAI, September, 2002, , Lisbon
(30 hours).
Outreaching activities
(2008-2013) Member of Environment and Resources advisor Committee of the Liga
dos Amigos do Douro a Património Mundial (LADPM- ONG related to the safeguard
of the Alto Douro Vinhateiro World Heritage site).
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(on-going) Promotor of a number of protocols and collaborations with associations
of society civil and professional organizations, such as Quercus (national
environmental association), Urze (Forest association), AJAP (Young farmers
7. Editorial/Referee activity
(on-going) Member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific journal Revista
Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais, da Associação Portuguesa de Economia Regional.
Referee activity
(on-going) Regular invited reviewer for international scientific journals: Journal of
Forest Economics (Elsevier), Ecologic Economics (Elsevier), Ecossystem Services
(Elsevier), International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services &
Management (Taylor & Francis).Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier), Land Use
and Policy (Elsevier), Regional Environment Change (Springer), Local Environment
(Taylor & Francis), Letters on Spatial and Resource (Springer), Urbain
Environnent/Urban Environment.
8. PhD Teaching Experience
PhD Teaching Experience
(2010-2015) Invited professor of the PhD programme Gestão Interdisciplinar da
Paisagem (Interdisciplinary Landscape Management). Joint PhD of University of
Évora, University of Açores and University Técnica de Lisboa. Évora and Lisbon.
(2009/10) Invited professor of the PhD programme Paisagem, Biodiversidade e
Sociedade (Landscape, Biodiversity and Society). University of Évora, Évora.
(2012) Invited lecturer of the PhD programme in Gestão (Management Sciences) of
the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro in the Seminar module, Vila Real 16th
July, 2012.
(2013) Invited lecturer of the Postgraduate Course “Decision Support Methods on
Territorial Policies”, ISCED, Huambo, Angola, 12-17 December 2013.
(2015) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, January 12-16th 2015.
(2014) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, July 7th -11th 2014.
(2014) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, July 7th -11th 2014.
(2013) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, February 18th -22nd 2013.
(2012) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, 30th Jannuary-3rd February 2012.
(2011) Scientific Coordinator and lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on
Economic Valuation of the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). University of
Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 4-8th July 2011, Vila Real, Portugal.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(2011) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, 31st Jannuary-5th February 2011.
(2010) Invited lecturer of the Short Ph Advanced Course on Economic Valuation of
the Environment, Credits: 6 ECTS (3rd cycle). Instituto Superior de Agronomia,
University Técnica de Lisboa, 21-25th June 2010.
Member of Jury evaluation for PhD thesis project presented in the PhD course
Landscape, Biodiversity and Society, 17-18 June, University of Évora, Évora,
(2009) Scientific coordinator and lecturer of the advanced course on Choice
Modeling (E45 COST action training School), 2-6 September 2009. University of
Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal.
MSc Teaching Experience
(2012- ongoing) Responsible for the subject Sustainability in Economics and in the
Organisations in the MSc Economic and Management Sciences, University of Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real (2012-).
(2007- ongoing).Co-responsible for the subject Planning and Management in the
MSc Environment Technology (Tecnologia Ambiental) University of Trás-os-Montes
e Alto Douro, Vila Real (2007-).
(2010- ongoing) Co-responsible for the subject Social and Economic Valuation of
Forestry Resources in the MSc Forestry Sciences (Engenharia Florestal) University
of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real (2010-).
(2010- ongoing) Co-responsible for the subject Economics and Sociology of Natural
Resources in the MSc Ecosystems Management Environment (Gestão de
Ecossistemas) University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
(2003-2007) Member of the co-ordination team of the MSc Desenvolvimento Local
– Territórios, Sociedade e Cidadania. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
Vila Real.
(2004-2006) Responsible for the subject Project evaluation and Cost-Benefit
Analysis (quarterly discipline) in the MSc Economics of Organisations (Economia das
Organizações). University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
(2002-2006) Responsible for the subject Natural Resources Economics (quarterly
discipline) in the MSc Engineer of Forestry Resources (Engenharia de Recursos
Florestais). University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
Member of Jury evaluation for MSc thesis presented in the MSc course Farm
Management and European Studies. Tirana Agricultural University, Albania, from 21
to 27 of June, 2003. MSc course supported by TEMPUS Programme.
(2001-02)Responsible for the subject Valuing the Environment (September of
2002) in the MSc programme Farm Management and European Studies. Tirana
Agricultural University, Albania. MSc organised and financed by TEMPUS
Programme, 2001/2002.
9. Supervising experience
PhD thesis supervision
Concluded projects
(2012) Índios Tembé da Terra Indígena Alto Rio Guamá, Estado do Pará, Brasil, na
era dos Créditos de Carbono: um estudo de caso. Thesis for PhD in Gestão
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(Management Sciences) University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real,
successfully presented by Miguel Ramos da Silva, in July 2012 (Scientific
supervisors Lívia Madureira - UTAD and Thomas Adalbert Mitschein, Univ. Federal
(2015) Innovation Dynamics In Rural Areas: Contributions To Capture And Measure
Innovation, Valuing Territorial Specificities. Thesis for PhD in Gestão Interdisciplinar
da Paisagem (Interdisciplinary Landscape Management) University of Lisbon,
Lisboa, successfully presented by Teresa Maria Gamito, in October 2015 (Scientific
supervisor Lívia Madureira – UTAD, co-supervisor José Lima Santos, U. Lisboa)
On-going PhD projects
Desenvolvimento Sustentável no Brasil e o Caso da Organização Holding
ELETROBRAS SA. São os relatórios de sustentabilidade (GRI) capazes de comunicar
o desempenho sustentável das organizações? Intention Thesis for the PhD in
Gestão. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Kalink
Shangred Silva Almeida in May 2015 (Scientific supervisors Livia Madureira, UTAD).
Submited for public discussion.
O desenvolvimento sustentável numa pequena cidade da Amazónia: a perceção dos
cidadãos de Paragominas, Pará, Brasil. Intention Thesis for the PhD in Gestão.
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Adalcindo Ofir de
Souza Duarte in October, 2007 (Scientific supervisors Livia Madureira, UTAD, and
Margarida Correia Marques, UTAD). Submited for public discussion.
Valorização económica de espécies aquáticas do estuário do Sado, como ferramenta
de apoio à decisão na conservação da biodiversidade. Intention Thesis for the PhD
in Climate Change. University Joint PhD Degree University de Lisboa, University
Nova de Lisboa and University Técnica de Lisboa, presented by Carina Silva, at the
University of Lisboa in June 2012 (Scientific supervisor José Lima Santos, Univ.
Técnica de Lisboa; Scientific co-supervisors Lívia Madureira, UTAD and José Lino
Costa, Sciences Faculty, Univ. Lisboa).
Custos dos serviços de abastecimento de água em áreas de diferentes densidades
de África: Caso de estudo da Cidade do Huambo. Intention Thesis for the PhD in
Interdisciplinary Landscape Management. Joint PhD Degree University of Azores,
University of Évora and University Técnica de Lisboa, to be presented by Bernácia
Zita Benguela at the Uni. Técnica de Lisboa in June 2012 (Scientific supervisors
Tomaz Dentinho, Univ. dos Açores, and Lívia Madureira, UTAD).
Valoração económica e ambiental da zona litoral Oeste atribuída pelas preferências
dos surfistas e banhistas. Intention Thesis for the PhD in Interdisciplinary
Landscape Management. Joint PhD Degree University of Azores, University of Évora
and University Técnica de Lisboa, to be presented by Ana Filipa Ferreira, at the
University of Évora in June 2011 (Scientific supervisors José Lima Santos, Univ.
Técnica de Lisboa, Lívia Madureira, UTAD e Luís Catela Nunes, Nova Business and
Economics School, Univ. Nova de Lisboa).
O valor económico do birdwatching em Portugal continental: modelação de escolhas
de local de recreio. Intention Thesis for the PhD in Interdisciplinary Landscape
Management. University Joint PhD Degree University of Azores, University of Évora
and University Técnica de Lisboa, to be presented by Maria de Lurdes Carvalho, at
the University of Évora in June 2011 (Scientific supervisor José Lima Santos, Univ.
Técnica de Lisboa; Scientific co-supervisors Lívia Madureira, UTAD e Luís Catela
Nunes, Nova Business and Economics School, Univ. Nova de Lisboa).
Valuation of green urban spaces quality. Intention Thesis for Landscape
Architecture and Urban Ecology (Arquitectura Paisagista e Ecologia Urbana Programa LINK). University Técnica de Lisboa, Lisboa, presented by Joana Santos
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
da Silva, in March 2011 (Scientific supervisor Ana Luisa Soares, Univ. Técnica de
Lisboa; Scientific co-supervisors Francisco Castro Rego, Univ. Técnica de Lisboa and
Lívia Madureira, UTAD).
Economic Potential of Wind Power Distributed Microgeneration in the Rural
Territory. Intention Thesis for the PhD in Landscape, Biodiversity and Society.
University of Azores, Angra do Heroísmo, Açores, presented by Ana Cristina
Rodrigues, in July, 2010 (Scientific supervisor Tomaz Dentinho, Univ. dos Açores,
Scientific co-supervisor Lívia Madureira, UTAD).
Opções e custos de recuperação de habitat de aves esteparias. Intention Thesis for
the PhD in Landscape, Biodiversity and Society. University of Évora, Évora,
Portugal, presented by Carlos Miguel da Cruz, in July, 2010 (Scientific supervisors
Pedro Azenha Rocha, Univ. Técnica de Lisboa, Livia Madureira, UTAD, Teresa Pinto
Correia, Univ. Évora).
Master thesis supervision
Concluded projects
(2015) Investigação e Ensino – Percurso Profissional no Ensino Superior Agrário.
Relatório de Atividade Profissional em Engenharia Agronómica. University of Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, successfully presented by Maria Lúcia de Jesus
Pato in 2015.
(2014) Metodologia para integração de sistemas de gestão de qualidade, ambiente
e segurança. Thesis for the MSc in Engenharia do Ambiente. University of Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, successfully presented by Nuno Miguel Bandarinha
Monteiro in January, 2014.
(2014) Contributo Do Engenheiro Do Ambiente Na Implementação De Sistemas
Integrados De Gestão Da Qualidade, Ambiente, Segurança E Saúde Do Trabalho
Nas Organizações Portuguesas. Relatório de Atividade Profissional em Engenharia
do Ambiente. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, successfully
presented by Filipe José Da Fonseca Carvalho in 2014.
(2014) Are Networks for Innovation an Important Strategic Tool for Sustainable
Rural Development. Intention Thesis for the MSc in Economics, University of Porto,
Porto, successfully presented by Joana Leão in 2014 (Livia Madureira is cosupervisor; Main supervisor is Aurora Teixeira, University of Porto). (Thesis will be
published in 2015 by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany).
(2014) Valoração económica de serviços de ecossistema. O caso do Parque Natural
da Serra da Estrela. Intention Thesis for the MSc in Engenharia Ambiental.
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, successfully presented by
Raquel Oliveira in 2014.
(2013) Empreender em turismo sustentável. Thesis for the MSc in
Empreendedorismo. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real,
successfully presented by Vinicia Malho in November, 2013.
(2010) Inovação nas Áreas Rurais: O Impacto no Emprego em Portugal. Thesis for
the MSc in Empreendedorismo. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila
Real, successfully presented by Susete Costa in January, 2010.
(2005) Valoración económica de Externalidades de la Agricultura en el Medio Rural
Portugués y Espanöl. ERASMUS Final Course Project in Agricultural Engineer. Vila
Real, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Project successfully presented by
presented by Sergio Navarro Sousa in 1st September, 2005 at the Lleida University
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(2003) A Framework of the Environmental Policy, Rural Development, Waste
Management: Europe and Albanian Situation. Master Thesis for MSc on the course
Farm Management and European Studies. Vila Real, University of Trás-os-Montes e
Alto Douro and Tirana Agricultural University, Albania. Thesis successfully presented
by presented by ERMIR KASMI in 24th June, 2003 at the Tirana Agricultural
University, Albania.
On-going projects
“Redes Inovadoras para a Internacionalização da Agricultura Portuguesa”.Thesis for
the MSc in Economics and Management Sciences. University of Trás-os-Montes e
Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Patrícia Isabel Pires Dinis in July, 2015.
“Estratégias de Internacionalização das PMEs Portuguesas: Estudo de Caso do
Sector Alimentar”. Thesis for the MSc in Economics and Management Sciences.
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by André Manuel
Fonte Gameiro in July, 2015.
Percepção de lideranças de uma grande siderúrgica brasileira sobre a influência da
sustentabilidade ambiental na gestão atual, na competitividade futura e em seus
próprios níveis de empregabilidade.Thesis for the MSc in Gestão. University of Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Nilson Gonçalves Pereira Baptista
in July, 2014.
Investigação e Ensino – Percurso Profissional no Ensino Superior Agrário. Relatório
De Atividade Profissional Em Engenharia Agronómica. University of Trás-os-Montes
e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Maria Lúcia de Jesus Pato in July 2013.
Inovação: uma estratégia para o crescimento das empresas no mercado. Intention
Thesis for the MSc in Economics and Management Sciences. University of Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Ana Rita Porto in July, 2013.
Identificação, quantificação e mapeamento de serviços de ecossistemas no Parque
Natural da Serra da Estrela. Intention Thesis for the MSc in Engenharia Florestal.
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Carlos Marinho
in July, 2012.
Sistemas de Pagamentos por Serviços ambientais. Intention Thesis for the MSc in
Engenharia Florestal. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real,
presented by Dulce Silva in July, 2012.
Avaliação dos sistemas de pagamentos por serviços ambientais governamentais em
áreas protegidas. O caso do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. Intention Thesis for
the MSc in Engenharia Ambiental. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila
Real, presented by Alice Martins in July, 2012.
Desenvolvimento de um Software Aprimorado para Sistematizar as Metodologias
Aplicadas para o Sistema De Gestão Ambiental no Brasil. MSc in Environmental
Engineer. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by,
Fabrício Chaves Cavalcante de Oliveira, 2011.
Ferramentas para implementação do turismo sustentável. O caso da certificação
Chave Verde. Intention Thesis for the MSc in Tourism. University of Trás-os-Montes
e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by Paulo Fernandes in December, 2009.
Definição, implementação e certificação de um sistema de gestão ambiental
segundo a norma ISO14001:2004. Intention Thesis for the MSc in Environmental
Engineer. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, presented by,
Daniela Dias Coelho, 2009.
Desenvolvimento de sistema de indicadores para avaliação dos impactos da
inovação no desenvolvimento sustentável das áreas rurais. Intention Thesis for the
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
MSc in Management. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real,
presented by Diana Silva in November, 2009.
A eficácia da gestão ambiental Amapaense em face da política nacional de meio
ambiente. Intention Thesis for the MSc in Public Management. University of Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro (Convénio Luso- Brasileiro), Vila Real, presented by Sinval
da Silva Rola in July, 2009.
O desenvolvimento sustentável e a implementação de sistemas de recolhas e
reciclagem de resíduos na cidade de Montes Claros. Intention Thesis for the MSc in
Public Management. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Convénio LusoBrasileiro), Vila Real, presented by Carlos Frederico Bastos Queiroz in July, 2009.
Design de sistemas de gestão ambiental em organizações públicas. O caso da
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Intention Thesis for the MSc in
Tecnologia Ambiental. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real,
presented by Raquel Rodrigues in October, 2008.
Valoração Económica de Variações na Qualidade dos Recursos Cinegéticos em
Reservas de Caça. Intention Thesis for the International MSc in Gestão do
Desenvolvimento Rural. University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real,
presented by João Costa Sequeira in January, 2006 (abandoned project).
Research fellow’s supervision
(2012-2015) MSc fellow Dora Ferreira in the project PROAKIS Prospects for
Farmers’ Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS. FP7 project. Lívia Madureira
is responsible researcher at the UTAD of the project. Project initiated in December,
2012. Duration 36 months. Main research topic of fellow Dora Ferreira is the study
of the ability of farmers/rural networks to enhance co-innovation.
(2012-2013) BSc fellow Joana Leão in the project RU@L INOV – Inovar em Meio
Rural. Project funded by the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is
scientific coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration
16 months. Main research topic of fellow Joana Leão is the study of innovative
networks as business models enabling critical dimension of SME.
(2012-2013) MSc fellow Ivo Oliveira the project RU@L INOV – Inovar em Meio
Rural. Project funded by the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is
scientific coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration
16 months. Main research topic of fellow Ivo Oliveira is the study the role of
innovation strategies in the firms survival.
(2012-2013) BSc fellow Carlos Marinho in the project SAVE- Valorização de
Serviços Ambientais de Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas. Project funded by
the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is scientific coordinator of the
project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration 16 months. Main research
topic of fellow Carlos Marinho is the Mapping ecosystem services.
(2012-2013) BSc fellow Raquel Oliveira in the project SAVE- Valorização de
Serviços Ambientais de Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas. Project funded by
the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is scientific coordinator of the
project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration 16 months. Main research
topic of fellow Raquel Oliveira is the Economic valuation of ecosystem services.
(2012-2013) BSc fellow Dulce Silva in the project SAVE- Valorização de Serviços
Ambientais de Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas. Project funded by the
Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is scientific coordinator of the
project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration 16 months. Main research
topic of fellow Dulce Silva is the Governance and Mechanisms for value capture of
ecosystem services.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(2012-2013) MSc fellow Dora Ferreira in the project RU@L INOV – Inovar em Meio
Rural. Project funded by the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is
scientific coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration
16 months. Main research topic of fellow Dora Ferreira is the Identification of the
innovation patterns in the Portuguese rural areas and their main determinants.
(2012) MSc fellow Danny Silva in the project RU@L INOV – Inovar em Meio Rural.
Project funded by the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is scientific
coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration 16
months. Main research topic of fellow Danny Silva is the Identification of the factors
facilitating and hindering innovation rural areas. Fellow has abandoned the project
and has been replaced by Mariana Lobo.
(2012) MSc fellow Mariana Lobo in the project RU@L INOV – Inovar em Meio Rural.
Project funded by the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is scientific
coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December, 2011. Duration 16
months. Main research topic of fellow Mariana Lobo is the Identification of the
factors facilitating and hindering innovation rural areas.
(2012-13) MSc fellow Ana Coelho Ferreira in the project Feasibility Study on the
Valuation of Public Goods and Externalities in EU Agriculture (PGaE-VALUE). Project
selected for Tender IPTS-11-J5-27-NC. Funded by European Commission, through
the Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies. Lívia
Madureira is scientific coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December,
2011. Duration 16 months. Main research topic of fellow was the delimitation of EU
supranational agro-ecological macro-regions and assist the development of a
Choice Modeling pilot survey to value public and externalities of EU agriculture.
Undergraduate supervision activity
(2010) BII (Bolsa de Iniciação à Investigação/ Grant for Initiation to Scientific
Research) on Carbon Markets: The state of the Art. Student Carla Sofia Mendes.
Funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia). Duration 12 months.
Project concluded in October 2010.
(2011) Estágio em Ecologia Aplicada (Final Course Project in Applied Ecology).
Identificação e valoração de serviços de ecossistema – um caso de estudo para o
Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. Intention presented by Tiago Assunção in
December 2010. (Joint supervision with Paulo Magalhães, Quercus). Project
concluded in July 2011.
10. Participation in research projects
International projects
(2012-2015)-Prospects for Farmers’ Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS.
FP 7 COOPERATION WORK PROGRAMME KBBE – Food, Agriculture and Fisheries,
and Biotechnologies, in the Work programme topic: KBBE.2012.1.4-07: Agricultural
Knowledge and Innovation Systems for an inclusive Europe. Coordinated by
Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (Germany). Livia MADUREIRA is a
member of the project research team and responsible researcher at the UTAD.
(2011-2013) Feasibility Study on the Valuation of Public Goods and Externalities in
EU Agriculture (PGaE-VALUE). Project selected for Tender IPTS-11-J5-27-NC.
Funded by European Commission, through the Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Prospective and Technological Studies. Livia Madureira is scientific coordinator.
Project concluded in March 2013.
(2006-2010) COST Action E45- European Forest Externalities (EUROFOREX).
Project coordinator Pere Riera (University Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain). Lívia
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
MADUREIRA was Portuguese delegate for this Cost Action. Lívia MADUREIRA was a
member of the Management Committee.
(2010-2011) MIT Portugal – Green Islands – Electric Mobility. SubProject
coordinated by Tomaz Dentinho (University of Azores). Livia Madureira was project
(2007-2009) Contract No. 044264 - RAPIDO (Rural Areas, People & Innovative
Development). Framework Programme 6- Call identifier: FP6-2005-SSP-5 A&B
INFLUENZA; Project Coordinator Rainer Muessner (ECOLOGIC); Member team from
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro: Lívia Madureira was Leader of Working
Package 3 - Sectors where innovation would help create employment.
(2004-2006) Capitalisation of Research Results on the Multifunctionallity of
Agriculture and Rural Áreas (MULTAGRI). 6th Framework Programme Priority:
Global Change and Ecosystems (Capitalisation on results from the past research on
sustainable agriculture) - Contract nº 505297. Project co-ordinated by CEMAGREF
(France). Project Co-ordinator Dominique Cairol (CEMAGREF); Member team from
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro: Lívia Madureira; Project initiated in
April, 2004; Project duration: 18 months; Project budget: 834023 Euros. (project
(2005-2006) DOURINOV Projecto Transfronteiriço de Valorização e Transformação
de Recursos. Prooject integrated in the Community Iniciative INTERREG III A –
Projecto Douro/Duero Sec. XXI, co-ordinate by the University of Trás-os-Montes e
Alto Douro with the participation of University of Salamanca representing the region
of Castilha-Leon. Project initiated in October, 2005; Subproject duration: 12
(2003-2005) Benefícios Ambientais, Culturais e Recreativos da Paisagem do Douro
– Valor Económico e Promoção da Sua Valorização. Subproject integrated in the
Community Iniciative INTERREG III A – Projecto Douro/Duero Sec. XXI, co-ordinate
by the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro with the participation of University
of Salamanca representing the region of Castilha-Leon. Subproject responsible:
Lívia Madureira; Subproject initiated in October, 2003; Subproject duration: 24
months; Subproject budget: 27115 euros. (project concluded).
(1997-1998) Intégration des Préoccupations Environmentales dans le agriculture de
Montagne (J.O.: 96/C 72/14, Abril 96). Project financed by European Commission.
Project co-ordinated by Euromontana (Association Européene de Regions de
Montagne). Project initiated in January 1997; Project duration: 12 months. (project
National projects
(2012-2015) PTDC/CS-GEO/117967/2010. Rural Matters - Significados do Rural em
Portugal: Entre as respresentações sociais, os consumos e as estratégias de
desenvolvimento (Rural Matters - Meanings of the Rural in Portugal: Between social
representations, consumptions and development strategies). Project co-ordinator
Elisabete Figueiredo (Univesity of Aveiro). Lívia Madureira is member of the team.
Project initiated in May, 2012.
(2014) Estudo de Benchmarking sobre as Práticas de Transferência de Tecnologias
para o Agronegócio – Alguns Casos Europeus. Study developed under the project
Internacionalização de Tecnologias e Serviços do Agronegócio. Partnership of CH
Business Consulting e Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Lívia
Madureira was member of the team.
Public Goods Provided by Portuguese Agricultural and Agro-forestry Systems.
Project coordinator José M. Lima Santos. Study for the Portuguese Agricultural,
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Rural Development and Fisheries Minister. Lívia Madureira is member of the team.
(project is pending).
(2011-2013) PRRN-PA nº0400195. Projecto Inovar em Meio Rural (RUR@L INOV).
Project funded by the Programa da Rede Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is
coordinator of the project. Project initiated in December, 2011.
(2011-2013) PRRN-PA nº0400289. SAVE - Valorização de Serviços Ambientais de
Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas. Project funded by the Programa da Rede
Rural Nacional. Lívia Madureira is scientific coordinator of the project. Project
initiated in December, 2011.
(2010-2011) Elaboração do Plano de Compensação Socioeconómica e Cultural para
o Aproveitamento Hidroeléctrico de Gouvães, Padroselos, Alto Tâmega e Daivões.
Project coordinator Fernando Bessa Ribeiro (UTAD). Lívia Madureira is member of
the team. Project initiated in December, 2010.
(2010-2011) Projecto Ecosaldo, incluído no projecto Earth Condominium (Condomínio da Terra), coordenado pela Quercus – Associação
Nacional de Conservação da Natureza. Project initiated in November, 2010.
(2010-2011) – Study for the Valuation of ecologic and recreation services of
Natural Park of Serra da Estrela. Joint work with URZE (Forest owners association).
Project coordinator Lívia Madureira. Project initiated in January, 2010.
(2006-2008) Study of Environmental Impact Assessment for the Project of the
hydro-electric station Foz Tua – Responsible for the socioeconomic component.
Project coordinator Profico Ambiente e Ordenamento, Lda. Project initiated in May,
2006; Concluded.
(2006-2007) Estudo sobre a notoriedade e percepções dos residentes da região de
Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro relativamente ao Teatro Municipal de Vila Real. Study
coordinator João Rebelo, CETRAD/UTAD. Project initiated in October, 2006; Project
duration: 6 months. Concluded.
(2006) Caracterização dos Municípios do Alto Tâmega e Edição do Atlas/Guia das
Rotas do Alto Tâmega – Responsible for the Caracterização Sócio-Económica do
Alto Tâmega Study coordinator DHVTECNOPOR, Consultores Técnicos, Lda. Project
initiated in June, 2006; Project duration: 4 months. Concluded.
(2001-2004) Forest Ecosystem Management: Integrating Temporal Scales,
Biodiversity and Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability
(POCTI/36332/AGR/2000). Project co-ordinator José Guilherme Borges (Instituto
Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa); Project initiated in January 2001; Project duration:
36 months; Project budget: 154630 Euros. (project concluded)
(1999) Avaliação Económica da Paisagem do Amendoal Tradicional de Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro. Study financed by the Portuguese Minister of Agricultura, das
Pescas e do Desenvolvimento Rural. Study co-ordinated by José Lima e Santos
(Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa); Study initiated in January 1999; Study
duration: 12 months; Project budget: 5000 Euros. (Study concluded)
(1998-1999) Dinamização de Zonas Desfavorecidas através da Valorização dos
Recursos Endógenos. Project financed by the Secretaria de Estado do
Desenvolvimento Regional/PROCOA. Project coordinator Artur Cristovão (University
of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real). Project initiated in October 1998;
Project duration: 14 months. (project concluded)
(1997-1998) Estudo de mercado e políticas de marketing para o azeite produzido
em Trás-os-Montes. Subproject integrated in the PDRITM II (Projecto de
Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) co-ordinate by
the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro and supported by the World Bank.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Subproject initiated in January, 1997; Subproject duration: 18 months. (project
(1996-1997) Benefícios Sócio-Ambientais da Produção Oleícola na Terra Quente
Transmontana. Subproject integrated in the PDRITM II (Projecto de
Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) co-ordinate by
the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro and supported by the World Bank.
Subproject responsible: Lívia Madureira; Subproject initiated in October, 1996;
Subproject duration: 18 months. (project concluded)
(1993-1994) A Olivicultura e Sector do Azeite em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Subproject integrated in the PDRITM II (Projecto de Desenvolvimento Rural
Integrado de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) coordinate by the University of Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro and supported by the World Bank. Subproject responsible:
João Rebelo; Subproject initiated in March, 1993; Subproject duration: 18 months.
(project concluded)
11. Organization of congress, seminars and workshops
Organisation of international congresses
(2015-2016) Chair of the Organising Committee of the 11th Iberian Conference on
Rural Studies to be held at UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, 13-15 October, 2016.
(2015-2016) Member of Scientific Committee of the Second International
Symposium. New Metropolitan Perspectives. Strategic planning, spatial planning,
economic programs and decision support tools. Contributions for a multidisciplinary
integrated approach, through the implementation of Horizon/Europe2020"
(ISTH2020), to be held May 18-20th 2016 in Reggio Calabria (Italy).
(2015) Member of Scientific Committee of the International Conference “Meanings
of Rural” to be held at University of Aveiro, Portugal, 28-29 September, 2015.
(2015-2016) Member of the Scientific Committee of the 8th Congress of the APDEA
(Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária). Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal, 2016.
(2014-2015) Member of Scientific Committee of the 22nd European Seminar on
Extension and Education, ESEE 2015 held in Wageningen, The Netherlands on April
28 - May 1, 2015.
(2013-14) Responsible for the scientific coordination and organizer of the learning
seminar Enhancing Services for Rural Innovation Networks. Seminar organised
under the project PRO AKIS to held in Vila Real, 24th February, 2015.
(2013-2014) Member of Organizing Committee of the X CIER (Congress of Iberian
Rural Studies) to be held on 16-18 October, 2014 in Palencia, Spain.
(2012-2014) Member of Scientific Committee of the 20th Congress of Portuguese
Association of Regional Development (APDR) to be held on 10-11 July, 2014 in
Évora, Portugal.
(2013-2014) Member of Scientific Committee of the First International Symposium.
New Metropolitan Perspectives. The integrated approach of Urban Sustainable
Development through the implementation of Horizon/Europe2020 to be held May 69th 2014 in Reggio Calabria (Italy).
(2012-2013) Member of Organising and Scientific Committee of the joint event
ESADR Feeding minds overcoming global crisis to be held 15-18 October 2013, in
Évora, Portugal.
(2012-2013) Member of Scientific Committee of the 19th Congress of Portuguese
Association of Regional Development (APDR) held on 20-22 June, 2013 in Braga,
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(2012-2013) Responsible for the scientific coordination and organizer of the 2nd
international workshop of the project RUR@L INOV held in Lisbon 23rd May 2013
under the topic patterns and dynamics of innovation, involving the participation of
international experts such as Bjorn Asheim and others.
(2012) Responsible for the scientific coordination and organizer of the 1st
international workshop of the project RUR@L INOV held in Lisbon 29-30th October
2012 under the topic reviewing the framework to identify and measure innovation,
involving the participation of international experts such as Bjorn Asheim.
(2011) Responsible for the scientific coordination and co-organizer together with
Rui Xavier from the URZE-Associação Floresta da Encosta da Serra da Estrela of the
Seminar “O Valor dos Bens Públicos da Floresta de Protecção nas Áreas de
Montanha, Seia, 7th October 2011.
(2010-2011) Member of Scientific Committee of the 17º Congress of Portuguese
Association of Regional Economics (APDR), Bragança and Zamora, 29th June to 2nd
July4 -5 de Julho, 2011.
(2008-2009) Member of Scientific Committee of the 15th Congress of Portuguese
Association of Regional Development (APDR), the 2nd Congress Lusofóno of
Regional Science, the 1st Congress of Cape Verde Regional Science and the 3th
Congress on Nature conservation and Management. Organised by APDR and
University Piaget of Cape Verde, Cape Verde,6-11th July, 2009.
(2008) Responsible (with ECOLOGIG) for the organisation of the 2nd Workshop of
RAPIDO - Rural Areas, People & Innovative Development. FP6 Contract No. 044264.
Vila Real 27-28 November, 2008.
(2007-2008) Member of Scientific Committee of the 4th International Conference
(EEESD'08), Faro, Portugal 11-13th 2008.
(2007-2008) Member of Scientific Committee of the 8th IFSA Symposium 2008
Empowerment Opportunities: renewing farming systems perspectives, Clermont Fd,
France, 6th to 10th July 2008.
(2007-2008) Convenor of Workshop Landscape as a frame and resource for
development integrated on the 8th IFSA Symposium 2008 Empowerment
Opportunities: renewing farming systems perspectives, to be held in Clermont Fd,
France, 6th to 10th July 2008.
(2003-2004) Member of local organisation committee of 6th IFSA Symposium
2004.Vila Real, Portugal, 4th to 8th April, 2004.
Organisation of national congresses/seminars:
(2013-2015) Member of Organizing Committee of the VI CER (Congress of Rural
Studies) held from 16-18 July, 2015 at Lisbon, Portugal.
(2014) Scientific coordinator and co-organizer of the Roteiro de apresentação do
livro Inovação em Portugal Rural. Detetar, Medir e Valorizar e dos debates regionais
“Porque nos fazem os inovadores acreditar no Portugal Rural”. 17th September,
Teatro Municipal, Vila Real; 22th September, Biblioteca Eugénio de Andrade,
Fundão, 29th September, Universidade de Évora, Évora and 13th October, Fundação
Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, 2014.
(2014) Organiser of the seminar (CETRAD permanent research seminar)
Metodologia para Integração de Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade, Ambiente e
Segurança held at University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, in Vila Real, 12th
April, 2014.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
(2014) Responsible for the scientific coordination and organizer of the workshop
Valorização Económica da Biodiversidade e dos Serviços de Ecossistema held at the
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, in Vila Real, 20th March, 2014.
(2013) Responsible for the scientific coordination and organizer of the 3rd workshop
of the project RUR@L INOV “Inovadores e inovação nas áreas rurais portuguesas
como se convertem ideias em organizações e produtos que acrescentam valor”,
held at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, in Vila Real, 18th September,
(2011) Responsible for the organization of visit to CETRAD of the Prof. Pere Riera
and the research seminar he was the invited speaker “Environmental Liability. A
Valuation Study for Forest Fires”. CETRAD, UTAD, Vila Real, 6th October 2011.
(2011) Responsible for the organization and scientific coordination of the workshop
“Meta-Análise e Transferência de Benefícios”, 8th July 2011, Vila Real.
(2012-2011) President of the Organising Committee of the APDEA (Associação
Portuguesa de Economia Agrária) and scientific coordination of the workshop “Como
assegurar a oferta de bens públicos pela agricultura e floresta”, 1st April 2011, Vila
(2009-2010) Member of the Organising Committee of the 4th Conferência Nacional
de Avaliação de Impactes, 20 a 22 de Outubro de 2010, Vila Real (CNAI'2010).
(2009-2010) Member of Scientific Committee and Organising Committee of the 6th
Congress of the APDEA (Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária). Universidade
dos Açores, 15-17 July, 2010, Ponta Delgada, Açores.
(2010) Responsible for the organisation of the workshop “Empreender com a
Natureza: Experiências e Oportunidades” (Nature and Entrepreneurship:
Experiences and Opportunities), Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 5th
May, 2010, Vila Real, Portugal.
(2009) Responsible for the organization of visit to the UTAD of the Prof. Pere Riera
from the University Autonomous of Barcelona, August, 2009.
(2008) Responsible for the organisation (with Hermínia Botelho e Rede Europeia
Anti-Pobreza – REAPN) of the seminar Responsabilidade Social: limites e
potencialidades. Vila Real, 15th December, 2008.
(2007-2008) Member of Scientific Committee of the 11th National Meeting of
Ecology, organised by SPECO – Portuguese Society of Ecology, Vila Real, 20-22 of
November, 2008.
(2008) Responsible for the organisation of the 4th Workshop da LASO- Land
Society Research Network, Armamar, 27-28 of October, 2008.
(2007-2008) Member of Scientific Committee of the 14º Congress of Portuguese
Association of Regional Economics (APDR), Tomar, 4 -5 de Julho, 2008.
(2006-2007) Responsible for the organization (with José Portela) of the seminars
included into the cycle SPID (Permanent Seminar of R&D) 2006-2007.
(2006-2007) President of Local Organising Committee of the 5th Congress of the
APDEA (Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária). Universidade de Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro, 4-6 October, 2007. Vila Real.
(2005) President of Organising Committee for the Seminar Gestão Ambiental e
Competitividade nas PMEs. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 25 th
November, 2005. Vila Real.
(2004-2005) President of Organising Committee for the Workshop Agricultura e
Biodiversidade: dos conceitos à prática. Núcleo regional da APDEA – Trás-os-
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Montes e Alto Douro. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 24th May,
2005. Vila Real.
(2002-2003) President of Organising Committee for the Seminar Sistemas de
Gestão Ambiental e Certificação. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, 8th
January, 2003. Vila Real.
12. Publications
Madureira, L. (2001). Valoração Económica de Atributos Ambientais e Paisagísticos
através de Escolhas Contingentes. O amendoal Tradicional do Douro Superior. Tese
de doutoramento. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Vila Real.
Madureira, L. (1994). A Olivicultura nos Sistemas de Produção Agrícola de Trás-osMontes e Alto Douro: Um Contributo para o Estudo das Relações entre a Agricultura
e o Ambiente. Tese de Mestrado em Economia Agrária e Sociologia Rural. Instituto
Superior de Agronomia. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Lisboa.
Madureira, L. Magalhães, P., Silva, P. G., Marinho, C. and Oliveira, R., 2013.
Economia dos Serviços de Ecossistema. Um Guia para Conhecer e Valorizar
Serviços de Agroecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas de Montanha. Quercus, Lisboa.
Madureira, L. Gamito, T. M., Ferreira, D. and Portela, J., 2013. Inovação em
Portugal Rural. Detetar, Medir e Valorizar. Princípia, Lisboa.
Madureira L., Santos J. L., Ferreira A., Guimarães H., 2013. Feasibility Study on the
Valuation of Public Goods and Externalities in EU Agriculture. Edited by Maria
Espinosa e Sergio Gomez y Paloma, European Commission, EUR 26135 – Joint
Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. EUR – Scientific
and Technical Research series – ISSN 1831-9424 (online). Luxembourg:
Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2791/22366
Riera, P. and Signorello, G. (Eds.), 2012. Good Practice Guidelines for the NonMarket Valuation of Forest Goods and Services. Leading authors: Kaval, P,
Madureira, L, Mahieu, P-A, Meyerhoff, J, Mavsar, R, Navrud, S, Riera, P, Rulleau, B,
Salvo, M, Signorello, G, Thiene, M. DiGeSA, Department of Agri-Food and
Environmental Systems Management. University of Catania, Italy. (ISBN
Rebelo, J., Cristovão, A. e Madureira, L., 2007. Teatro de Vila Real 2007. Visão dos
Residentes na Região. Teatro Municipal de Vila Real. Colecção de Estudos Culturais.
Chapters in books
Madureira L. 2015. “Inovação e Redes nas Áreas Rurais Portuguesas: Cooperar
para Inovar e Competir”, in Rui Jacinto e Valentín Cabero Diéguez (Eds.), Espaços
de Fronteira,Territórios de Esperança: Paisagens e patrimónios, permanências e
mobilidades, volume nº30 da Coleção Iberografias, CEI/Âncora Editora, pp. 131152.
Madureira L., 2015. “Agendas regionais de inovação e desenvolvimento rural na
UE: porque é fundamental a sua convergência?”, in Neto, Paulo e Serrano, Maria
Manuel (eds.), Políticas Públicas, Economia e Sociedade. Contributos para a
Definição de Políticas no Período 2014-2020", Alcochete, Nexo Literário, pp- 261286.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira L., Gamito T. M., Ferreira D., Oliveira, I., 2013. “Innovation inputs and
processes: the reality out of the box in the Portuguese rural areas”, in Noronha, T.
and Gomes, J. (eds.), Innovation for sustainability and networks, University of
Algarve Book Series, pp. 105-122.
Gamito T. M.; Madureira L.; Portela J., Ferreira D., 2013. “Measurement of good
practices of innovation in rural áreas”, in Noronha, T. and Gomes, J. (eds.),
Innovation for sustainability and networks, University of Algarve Book Series, pp.
Madureira, L. and Diniz, F., 2012. As grandes barragens e o desenvolvimento
regional. O caso do Vale do Tua em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro In Rui Nuno
Baleiras (Ed.) Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional: Exercícios e Soluções. 1ª
edição. Princípia, Cascais, pp. 125-128.
Madureira, L. and Diniz, F., 2011. As grandes barragens e o desenvolvimento
regional. O caso do Vale do Tua em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. In Rui Nuno
Baleiras (Ed) Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional. 1ª edição. Princípia, Cascais, pp.
Portela, J. and Madureira, L., 2007. Trás-os-Montes/Douro. In Filipe Jorge (Ed.)
Portugal Visto do Céu. Argumentum, Lisboa, pp. 54-79, 2007.
Madureira, L., Pereira, D., Teixeira, M., Recio, S., Gonzalo, J.C., 2005. Procura &
Valorização dos Benefícios Ambientais e Culturais do Douro~Duero. In Eduardo
Rosa (Ed.), Aproveitamento e valorização dos recursos do Douro~Duero.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, pp. 39-52.
Papers in international scientific periodicals with referees and indexed at
ISI web of knowledge and/or Scopus
Using public preferences to weight species prioritization criteria in conservation
decision making: a case study to explore potential strengths and weaknesses
Silva, C., Pereira, P. F., Madureira, L., Costa, J. L., Santos, J. L. Using public
preferences to weight species prioritization criteria in conservation decision making:
a case study to explore potential strengths and weaknesses. Forthcoming in Society
& Natural Resources (Scopus indexed)
Santos J. L., Madureira L., Ferreira A., Espinosa, M. and Gomez y Paloma, Sergio.
Building an empirically-based framework to value multiple public goods of
agriculture at broad supranational scales. Forthcoming in Land Use Policy. (ISI web
knowledge indexed)
Silva, C., Madureira, L., Costa, J. L., Santos, J. L. What is nature conservation for
Portuguese public? Understanding commonsensical image of nature to engage the
general public in conservation efforts and to improve the communication between
science and society. Forthcoming in the Portuguese Journal of Social Science. (ISI
web knowledge indexed)
Guimarães, M. H., Nunes, L.C., Madureira, L., Santos, J. L., Sousa, C., Boski, T.,
Dentinho, T. 2015. Measuring birdwatchers preferences: A case for using online
networks and mixed-mode surveys. Tourism Management 46, 102-113.
DOI:10.1016/j.tourman.2014.06.016 (ISI web knowledged indexed)
Guimarães, M. H., Madureira, L., Nunes, L. C., Santos, J. L., Sousa C., Boski, T.,
Dentinho, T. 2014. Using Choice Modeling to estimate the effects of environmental
improvements on local development: When the purpose modifies the tool.
Ecological Economics 108, 79-90. ISI web
knowledged indexed)
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Viegas, I., Nunes, L. C., Madureira, L., Fontes, M. A., Santos, J. L. Beef Credence
Attributes: Implications of Substitution Effects on Consumers` WTP. 2014. Journal
of Agricultural Economics 65:600-615. DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12067. ISI web
knowledged indexed)
Madureira, L., Gamito, T. M., and Ferreira, D. 2014. Networking as Multi-Purposed
Tool for Innovative Organizations in Rural Areas. Advanced Engineering Forum 11:
70-75. DOI: 10.4028/ ISI web knowledged proceedings
Riera P, Signorello G, Thiene M, Mahieu P-A, Navrud S, Kaval P, Rulleau B, Mavsar
R, Madureira L, Meyerhoff, J, Elsasser P, Notaro S, Salvo M., Dragoi S. 2012. NonMarket Valuation Good Practice Guidelines Proposal for Forest Goods and Services.
Journal of Forest Economics 18, 259-270. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfe.2012.07.001 (ISI web
knowledged indexed)
Cunha-e-Sá, M., Madureira, L., Nunes, L. C., Otrachshenko, V. Protesting and
Justifying: A Latent Class Model for Contingent Valuation with Attitudinal Data,
2012. Environmental and Resource Economics 52, 531-548. Env. Res. Econ. (Impact;
DOI: 10.1007/s10640-011-9541-3 (ISI web knowledged indexed)
Madureira, L., Nunes, L. C., Borges, J. G. e Falcão, A. O., 2011. Assessing forest
management strategies using a contingent valuation approach and advanced
visualisation techniques: A Portuguese case study. Journal of Forest Economics 17,
399– 414. DOI:10.1016/j.jfe.2011.04.001 (ISI web knowledged indexed)
B. Dedieu, I. Darnhofer, S. Bellon, K. De Greef, F. Casabianca, , L. Madureira, R.
Milestad, M. Paine, P. Steyaert, DJ. Stobbelaar, S. Zasser-Bedoya (Eds.), 2009.
Special issue: Innovations in farming systems approaches. Introduction. Outlook on
Agriculture 38(2), 108-110. DOI: 10.5367/000000009788632403 (ISI web knowledged
Zander, P. Jeroen C.J. Groot, E. Josien, I. Karpinski, A. Knierim, B. Meyer, L.
Madureira, T. Rambonilaza, W. H. Rossing, 2008. Quantitative evaluation tools of
MFA demand and supply. A review of approaches from France, Germany, The
Netherlands and Portugal. International Journal of Agricultural Resources,
Governance and Ecology 7: 339–360. Indexed by Scopus; DOI: 10.1504/IJARGE.2008.020084
Madureira, L., Rambonilaza, T., Karpinski, I., 2007. Review of methods and evidence
for economic valuation of agricultural noncommodity outputs and suggestions to
facilitate its application to broader decisional contexts, Agricultural, Ecosystems and
Environment 120: 5-20. DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2006.04.015) ISI web knowledged indexed)
Papers in others peer-reviewed journals
Rebelo, J., Madureira, L., Cristóvão, A. and Correia, L. 2010. Performing Arts
Participation in Small Urban Centres: The Theatre Of Vila Real. Revista Portuguesa
de Estudos Regionais 23: 21-30.
Madureira, L. 2005. “Continuidade e mudança na paisagem do Alto Douro
Vinhateiro: percepção, atitudes e preferências dos visitantes e turistas”. Actas do
2º Encontro Internacional História da Vinha e do Vinho no Vale do Douro, 14-17 de
Outubro, 2004, Porto, Vila Real, São João da Pesqueira e Peso da Régua. In Douro
Estudos & Documentos 19: 43-53.
Papers in other journals and revues
Madureira, L. (2014).O que nos ensinam as organizações rurais inovadoras? Inovar
é aprender e interagir. Pessoas e Lugares. MINHA TERRA – Federação Portuguesa
de Associações de Desenvolvimento Local, No. 15, Junho 2014.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira L., Marinho C., Magalhães P., Oliveira R. (2013). Projecto SAVE.
Conhecer e valorizar a oferta de serviços de ecossistemas em áreas protegidas de
montanha. Quercus Ambiente 59, Julho/Agosto 2013, pp.2.
Madureira, L. (2010). Entender o Valor Económico dos Serviços dos Ecossistemas e
da Biodiversidade. Jornal QUERCUS Ambiente. Outubro/Novembro 2010 Ano 6,
Madureira, L. (2009). O PRODER e o paradigma da Sustentabilidade Competitiva.
Revista da Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal (AJAP),
JUL/AGO/SET/2009, pp. 12-13.
Papers addressing international scientific periodicals with referees (work
in progress)
“Awareness and Attitudes towards Biotechnology Innovations among Farmers and
Rural Population in the European Union”. Joint work with Luiza Toma (leading
author) Claire Hall, Andrew Barnes and Alna Renwick.
“Innovation in rural areas: towards a new model?” Joint work with José Portela,
Maria Fátima Ferreiro.
“Getting closer to unlisted target populations using mixed-mode surveying – the
use of social networking websites in a choice modeling application”. Joint work with
Helena Guimarães (leading author) and Luís C. Nunes, José L. Santos.
“The purpose modifies the tool: the use of Choice Modelling to estimate effects of
environmental improvements on local development” Joint work with Helena
Guimarães (leading author) and Luís C. Nunes, José L. Santos, Carlos Sousa
Thomasz Boski and Tomaz Dentinho.
“Consumers choices regarding electric mobility solutions in the Azores Islands”,
joint work with Luís C. Nunes, Ana Rodrigues e Tomaz Dentinho.
"Valuing multi-attribute environmental changes: contingent valuation and choice
experiments", joint work with Luís C. Nunes and José M.L. Santos.
“Multi-Attribute Valuation of Cultural Landscape”, joint work with José M.L. Santos.
Wagner F., Madureira L., Alves A.F., D’Andrea A.F., Alves P., 2013. Oferta e
demanda de mandiioca (manihot esculenta) no Nordeste Brasileiro – um estudo
econométrico. Poster presentation at the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global
Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal.
Madureira L., Ferreira D., Leão J., Entrudo A., Silva A.P., Gamito T.M., 2013.
Inovação em meio rural: Padrões e dinâmicas. Poster presentation at the ESADR
Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal.
Toma, L., Madureira, L.M.C., Hall, C., Barnes, A., Renwick, A., 2012. Awareness
and attitudes towards biotechnology innovations among farmers and rural
population in the European Union. Poster presentation at the SRUC conference
‘Rural Development for Scotland: How can the new SRDP deliver?’, Edinburgh, 1
November 2012.
Papers in conference proceedings
Espinosa Goded, M.; Rodriguez Entrena, M.; Madureira, L., Gomez y Paloma, S.,
Lima Santos, J. (2014). Are models and respondents talking the same language:
evidence from stated and inferred discontinuous preferences in a choice experiment
valuing Public Goods? Proceedings of the 14th EAAE Congress: Agri-Food and Rural
Innovations for Healthier Societies, 26-29th August, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Giuffrida, S., Madureira, L. M. C., Sallemi, C. 2014. A New Course for Urban DeCreasing Earthship As a G-Local Pattern of Land “En-Velope and Conservation
Proceedings of the XVIII - IPSAPA Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference. The
Usefulness of the Useless in the Landscape-cultural Mosaic: Liveability, Typicality,
Wagner, F. A. C., Madureira, L., Andrade, E. M., Palácio, H.A. Q., Vieira, H. 2014.
Determinação do custo econômico da erosão do solo: uma avaliação a partir das
formas de uso do solo na região centro‐sul do Ceará. Proceedings of the 20th APDR
Congress Renaissance of the Regions of Southern Europe, 10-11st July, 2014,
Évora, Portugal, pp. 393-397.
Wagner, F. A. C., Madureira, L., Alves, A. F., D’Andrea, A. F. Wanderley, P. A.
2014. Mercado de mandioca (manihot esculenta) na região nordeste do Brasil - um
estudo econométrico. Proceedings of the 20th APDR Congress Renaissance of the
Regions of Southern Europe, 10-11st July, 2014, Évora, Portugal, pp. 475-481.
Rodrigues, A., Madureira, L. Nunes, L. C., Dentinho, T. 2014. A Choice Model for
Wind Power Management in Terceira Island. Abstract published in the Economic
Theory, Policy and Applications Abstract: 9th Annual International Conference, held
in Athens, Greece, 21-24July, 2014 (ISBN Number: 978-618-5065-66-9).
Madureira, L. (2014). Rural’INOV (Portugal). Proceedings of the International
Conference “Towards Creative Rural Entrepreneurship”, 21-22nd November, 2013,
Amay, Belgium, pp. 23-24. Link to on line documentation:
Madureira L., Gamito T.M., Ferreira D., Oliveira I., 2013. Hidden innovation and
neglected innovators in the Portuguese rural areas. Forthcoming in Proceedings of
the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora,
Portugal, pp. 4349-4369.
Madureira L., Santos J.L., Ferreira, A.C., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2013.
A methodological framework to value public goods and externalities of agriculture
at UE level. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 1519th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp. 4235-4260.
Madureira, L., Marinho, C., Sá, Joana, Oliveira, R., Magalhães, P., 2013. Ecosystem
services mapping as a tool to identify potential, synergy and conflict areas for their
provision at local scale. An application for the regional NP of Serra da Estrela,
Portugal. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 1519th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp. 4141-4162.
Madureira, L., Silva, P.G., Neiva, R., Marinho, C. and Silva, D. 2013. Are European
current schemes to incentive nature and biodiversity conservation promoting the
supply of ecosystem services? The case of the NP Serra da Estrela. Proceedings of
the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora,
Portugal, pp. 4179-4198.
Madureira, L, Nunes L.C., Oliveira, R., Xavier, R., Loureiro, S., 2013. Valuing
ecosystem services of protected areas to different beneficiaries. the case of NP
Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming
Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp. 4163-4178.
Cristóvão, A., Koehnen, T. Knierim, A., Baptista, A., Madureira, L. 2013. Revisinting
extension in Portugal in a time of crisis and challenges. Proceedings of the ESADR
Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal,
pp. 1251-1258.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Gamito T.M., Madureira L., 2013.A identificação de boas práticas de inovação em
meio rural. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 1519th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp. 1613-1632.
Leão J., Madureira L, Teixeira A., Lamprinopoulou C., 2013. Structure, content and
dynamic of innovation networks in rural context. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding
Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp.
Rodrigues A., Dentinho T., Nunes, L.C., Madureira, L., 2013. Choice Modeling
Applied to Wind Power in Azores. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds,
Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp. 4955-4978.
Silva C, Madureira L., Costa J.L., Santos J.L., 2013. Perceção da população sobre a
importância da natureza e biodiversidade e sua conservação: resultados da análise
de focus groups. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global
Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, pp. 1839-1856. (Best Junior Paper
award of APDEA).
Wagner F., Madureira L., Alves A.F., D’Andrea A.F., Alves P., 2013. Oferta e
demanda de mandiioca (manihot esculenta) no Nordeste Brasileiro – um estudo
econométrico. Proceedings of the ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis,
15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal, 465-480.
Wagner F., Madureira L., Andrade E.M., Queiróz H., Vieira, H., 2013. Valoração da
erosão do solo: uma avaliação a partir das suas formas de uso. Proceedings of the
ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora,
Portugal, pp. 4131-4139.
Madureira L., Santos J.L., Ferreira, A.C., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2013.
A choice-modeling approach to value public goods and externalities of EU
agriculture. Electronic proceedings of the 137th EAAE Seminar: V Workshop on
Valuation Methods in Agro-food and Environmental Economics, “Methodological and
empirical challenges in Valuation Methods”. June 27th—28th 2013, Castelldefels,
Barcelona, Spain.
Santos J.L., Madureira, L., Ferreira, A.C., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2013.
An Empirically-based Framework for the Economic Valuation of Multiple Public
Goods and Externalities of Agriculture at Broad Supranational Scales. Electronic
proceedings of the 137th EAAE Seminar: V Workshop on Valuation Methods in
Agro-food and Environmental Economics, “Methodological and empirical challenges
in Valuation Methods”. June 27th—28th 2013, Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain.
Madureira L., Gamito T., Ferreira D., Oliveira, I., 2013. Introducing a flexible
framework and empirical evidence to uncover hidden innovation, In Proceedings
para o 1º International Workshop Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation, 3rd
September 2013, Porto, Portugal.
Gamito T. M., Madureira, L., 2013. Assessing good practices of innovation – the
case of organizations in rural areas, In Proceedings para o 1º International
Workshop Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation, 3rd September 2013, Porto,
Madureira, L., Silva, P.G., Neiva, R., Marinho, C. and Silva, D. 2013. Are European
current schemes to incentive nature and biodiversity conservation promoting the
supply of ecosystem services? The case of the NP Serra da Estrela. Proceeding of
the 19th APDR Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery, 20-22 June, 2013,
Braga, Portugal, pp. 1159-1170.
Cristovão, A., Koehnen, T., Knierim, A., Baptista, A., Madureira, L. 2013. Where
and how is Extension today in Portugal? Revisiting AKIS in a Time of Crisis and
Challenges. In Orhan, O. (Coordinator). Extension Education Worldwide. Trends,
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Challenges and Cases, pp. 87-92. Proceedings of the 21st ESEE. Antalya, Turkey:
Akdeniz University.
Madureira, L., Marinho, C., Oliveira, R., 2013. Ecosystem services mapping as a
tool to identify potential, synergy and conflict areas for their provision at local
scale. An application for the regional NP of Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Proceeding of
the 19th APDR Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery, 20-22 June, 2013,
Braga, Portugal, pp. 1320-1334.
Madureira, L. Gamito, T.M., Ferreira, D., Oliveira, I., 2013. Innovation patterns and
innovation inputs: the reality out of the box in the Portuguese rural areas.
Proceeding of the 19th APDR Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery, 20-22
June, 2013, Braga, Portugal, pp. 540-551.
Madureira, L, Nunes, L.C., Xavier, R., Loureiro, S., 2013. The valuation of
ecosystem services as a tool to support the design and assessment of landscape
requalification. A case-study for the NP of Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Proceeding of
the 19th APDR Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery, 20-22 June, 2013,
Braga, Portugal, pp. 1344-1352.
Gamito, T.M., Madureira, L. Ferreira, D. Portela, J., 2013. Measurement of good
practices of innovation in rural areas. Proceeding of the 19th APDR Congress Placedbased and Economy Recovery, 20-22 June, 2013, Braga, Portugal, pp. 567 – 578.
Rodrigues, A., Madureira, L., Dentinho, T., 2013. Choice Modeling applied to wind
power development and implementation. Proceeding of the 19th APDR Congress
Placed-based and Economy Recovery, 20-22 June, 2013, Braga, Portugal, pp.
Toma, L., Madureira, Hall, C., Barnes, A., Renwick, A. (2012). Awareness and
Attitudes towards Biotechnology Innovations among Farmers and Rural Population
in the European Union. Proceedings of the 131st EAAE Seminar ‘Innovation for
Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainability of Rural Areas’, Prague, Czech
Republic, September 18-19, 2012.
Madureira, L. Portela, J., Ferreiro, M.F., Sequeira, T., Ferreira, D. (2012).
Innovation in rural areas: towards a new model? Proceedings of the 18th APDR
Congress APDR | Innovation and Regional dynamics | June 14-16, 2012 | University
of Algarve, pp. 344-353.
Guimarães, M. H., Madureira, L. Nunes, L.C., Santos, J. L., Sousa, C., Boski, T.,
Dentinho, T. (2012). Bird watching in praia da vitória bay, azores: can tourists get
involved in nature management? Proceedings of the 18th APDR Congress APDR |
Innovation and Regional dynamics | June 14-16, 2012 | University of Algarve, pp.
Guimarães, M. H., Madureira, L. Nunes, L.C., Santos (2012). Getting closer to
unlisted target populations using mixed-mode surveying. an application of choice
modeling to international birdwatchers in Terceira island, Azores. 19th Annual
Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics,
27-30 June 2012, Prague.
Madureira, L., Rodrigues, A., Gil, F., Dentinho, T. 2010. Demand and Willingness to
Pay for Electric Vehicles in the Azores. Electric Mobility. 8th APDR Workshop. 16th
December, Angra do Heroísmo, Azores.
Madureira, L. and Susete Costa. 2010. Innovation as a tool to promote sustainable
development in European rural areas. 57th Annual North American Meetings of the
Regional Science Association International (RSAI) November 10-13, 2010, Denver,
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira, L., Rodrigues, A., Gil, F., Dentinho, T. 2010. Evaluation of Electric
Mobility Solutions in the Azores with Q Methodology and a Choice Experiment.
NARSC-NECTAR organized sessions onBest Practices in Accessibility Analysis and
Planning. 57th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association
International (RSAI) November 10-13, 2010, Denver, U.S.A.
Madureira, L. and Diniz, F. 2010. As Grandes Barragens e o Desenvolvimento
Regional. O caso do Vale do Tua em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. V Workshop da
APDR, Casos de Desenvolvimento Regional, Coimbra, 8 de Fevereiro de 2010
(submitted for book contribution).
Madureira,L. and Costa, S. 2009. Multifunctionality agriculture as an innovation
path for rural areas. In (Eds. D. Tomic, Z. Vasiljevic and D. Cvijanovic) “The Role of
Knowledge, Innovation and Human Capital in Multifunctional Agriculture and
Territorial Development” Thematic Proceedings of the 113th Seminar of European
Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE), 9-11 December 2009, Institute of
Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia.
Marques, S. C., Costa, S., Madureira, L. 2009. Innovation and employment in
Portuguese rural areas: an exploratory analysis. 12th ICTPI – International
Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation, 13-14 July 2009, University of
Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Costa, S., Madureira, L., Marques, S. C. 2009. Innovation in rural areas and impact
on job creation: evidence from EU and Portugal. 15th Congress of Portuguese
Association of Regional Development (APDR), 6-11 July 2009, University Piaget of
Cape Verde, Cape Verde. Proceedings em CD-ROM.
Madureira,L. and Costa, S. 2009. Multifunctionality and innovation strategies of EU
rural organisations. 15th Congress of Portuguese Association of Regional
Development (APDR), 6-11 July 2009, University Piaget of Cape Verde, Cape Verde.
Proceedings em CD-ROM
Madureira,L.,2008. Job creation potential in rural areas and the role of ICT. 2nd
Workshop RAPIDO - Rural Areas, People & Innovative Development (FP6). Vila
Real, 27-28 November 2008 (available on
Madureira,L., Marques, M. C. e Costa, S., 2008. Challenging
definitions and scales of innovation analysis and policies: the case
based environment management. DIME International Conference
sustainability and policy”, 11-13 September 2008, GREThA, University
Bordeaux IV, France.
of territory“Innovation,
Stobbelaar, D-J., Madureira, L., Baudry, J., 2008. Landscape as a frame for and a
product of developments in rural areas. Introduction paper to the Workshop
Landscape as a frame and resource for development integrated on the 8th IFSA
Symposium 2008 Empowerment Opportunities: renewing farming systems
perspectives. Clermont-Ferrand, França, 6-10 Julho, 2008. Proceedings em CDROM.
Rebelo, J., Madureira, L. Cristovão, A. E Correia, L., 2008. Do Conhecimento à
Frequência de Actividades Culturais: Uma Análise Microeconométrica para o Teatro
de Vila Real. 14º Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Economia Regional,
Tomar, 4 -5 de Julho. Proceedings em CD-ROM.
Sequeira, J., Madureira, L. (2007). Gestão de recursos cinegéticos: variação na
quantidade de caça oferecida e disposição a pagar dos caçadores. Paper presented
at the V Congress of APDEA (Portuguese Association of Agricultural Economics) 46th October, 2007, UTAD, Vila Real. Proceedings edited on CD rom.
Madureira, L. (2006). Multi-attribute valuation of Douro Valley winescape based
upon qualitative data for individual’s attitudes regarding rural heritage and naturerelated attributes. Paper presented at the II Conference of Associação Hispano-
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Portuguesa para o Ambiente e Recursos Naturais (AERNA) 2-3th June, 2006,
Madureira, L. (2006). Multi-Attribute Valuation of Cultural Landscape. Paper
presented at the ENVECON 2006: Applied Environmental Economics Conference.
UKNEE – United Kingdom Network of Environmental Economists and EFTEC –
Economics for the Environment Consultancy. 24th March, 2006, The Royal Society,
London. Available at
Madureira, L. and Marques, C. P. (2006). Tourism promotion and the tourist
demand for landscape features: The Alto Douro wine Region. First International
Congress of Mountain and Steep Slope Viticulture. CERVIM - 16-18 March, 2006,
Aosta Valley, Italy. Proceedings edited on CD rom.
Madureira, L. (2005). Managing Productive Landscape Safeguarding its Cultural
Character – The Alto Douro Vinhateiro Word Heritage Portuguese Landscape. Paper
presented at the 11th International Symposium on Society and Resource
Management, 16-19th June, 2005, Östersund, Sweden. Proceedings edited on CD
Madureira, L., Nunes, L. C., Santos, J. L.(2005). Valuing Multi-Attribute
Environmental Changes: Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiments. Paper
presented at the 14th EAERE (European Association of Environmental and
Resources Economics) Annual Conference, 23-26th June, 2005, Bremen, Germany.
Proceedings edited on CD rom.
Madureira, L., Nunes, L.C., Borges, J.G. and Falcão, A. (2004). "Assessing forest
management strategies values using a Contingent Valuation approach and
advanced visualisation techniques". II Simpósio Iberoamericano de Gestyón y
Economía Florestal, 18-20 Setembro, Barcelona.
Madureira, L. (2004). "Nature and landscape sustainability in Portuguese Rural
Areas: which role for farming external benefits valorisation?", 44th European
Congress of the European Regional Science Association – Regions and Fiscal
Federalism, University of Porto, 25-29 August, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings edited
on CD rom.
Madureira, L. (2004). "Ferramentas para incorporar as preferências do público na
gestão do ambiente e da paisagem: funções de valor multi-atributo obtidas a partir
de escolhas contingentes", 1ª Conferência da Associação Hispano-Portuguesa para
o Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, 18-19 Junho, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo –
Espanha. Available on
Madureira, L. (2004). "Traditional farming landscape: a cultural heritage and a
development resource for interior areas from Portugal", 13ª International
Conference of Cultural Economics, University of Illinois, 2-5th June, Chicago,
Illinois, EUA.
Madureira, L. (1996). "O valor da actividade agrícola para a conservação da
paisagem agrária: o caso da Zona da Amendoeira em Flor no Nordeste português",
5º Congresso de Economia Regional de Castilla y Leon - Comunicaciones 2. Junta
de Castilla y Léon, Avila, 1996.
Madureira, L. (1994). “Production of high quality foodstuff as an alternative to less
favoured areas: from the potentialities to the substantiation - the case of olive oil in
Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro”. Communication presented at the 6th Summer
School: The European Rural Sociological, August, 1994. Instituto Agronómico
Mediterrânico de Chania. Crete, Greece.
Papers in other journals and reviews
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira, L. (2014).O que nos ensinam as organizações rurais inovadoras? Inovar
é aprender e interagir. Pessoas e Lugares. MINHA TERRA – Federação Portuguesa
de Associações de Desenvolvimento Local, No. 15, Junho 2014.
Madureira, L. (2010). Entender o Valor Económico dos Serviços dos Ecossistemas e
da Biodiversidade. Jornal QUERCUS Ambiente. Outubro/Novembro 2010 Ano 6,
Madureira, L. (2009). O PRODER e o paradigma da Sustentabilidade Competitiva.
Revista da Associação dos Jovens Agricultores de Portugal (AJAP),
JUL/AGO/SET/2009, pp. 12-13.
Other publications
Prager, K., Knierim, A., Labaethe, P, Madureira, L., Dirimanova, V. and Kania, J.
(2015). Prospects for Farmers’ Support: Advisory Services in European AKIS. PRO
AKIS project, Berlin. Available also in pdf
Prager, K., Knierim, A., Labaethe, P, Madureira, L., Dirimanova, V. and Kania, J.
(2015). Perspectivas para o apoio aos agricultores: Serviços de Aconselhamento no
Sistema de Conhecimento e Informação Agrícola Europeu (
Madureira, L., Koehnen, T., Cristovão, A., Baptista, A., Pires, M., Ferreira, D.
(2015). Advisory services for small-scale farmers: how effective is its response to
farmers needs and demands? Final Synthesis Report for AKIS on the ground:
focusing knowledge flow systems (WP4) of the PRO AKIS. May 2015. Online
Madureira, L., Koehnen, T., Pires, M., Ferreira, D., Cristovão, A., Baptista, A.
(2015). The capability of extension and advisory services to bridge research and
knowledge needs of farmers. Final Synthesis Report for AKIS on the ground:
focusing knowledge flow systems (WP4) of the PRO AKIS. May 2015. Online
Madureira, L., Koehnen, T., Ferreira, D., Pires, M., Cristovão, A., Baptista, (2015).
Designing, implementing and maintaining agricultural/rural networks to enhance
farmers’ ability to innovate in cooperation with other rural actors. Final Synthesis
Report for AKIS on the ground: focusing knowledge flow systems (WP4) of the PRO
AKIS. May 2015. Online resource:
Espinosa-Goded, Maria and Rodriguez-Entrena, Macario and Madureira, Livia Maria
and Lima Santos, Jose and Gomez y Paloma, Sergio, Development of an Analytical
Method to Discriminate Respondent Attribute Processing Strategies: Application in a
Choice Experiment (February 15, 2015). Available at SSRN:
Madureira, L. (Coord.); Koehnen, T.; Pires, M.; Baptista, A.; Cristovão, A.; Ferreira,
D. (2014). The effectiveness of advisory services to respond to demands of diverse
types of small-scale farmers: New small-scale farmers in the small fruits sector in
Portugal. Report for AKIS on the ground: focusing knowledge flow systems (WP4)
of the PRO AKIS project. September 2014. Online resource:
Madureira, L., Ferreira, D., Pires, M. (2014): Designing, implementing and
maintaining (rural) innovation networks to enhance farmers’ ability to innovate in
cooperation with other rural actors. The berry networks in Portugal. Report for AKIS
on the ground: focusing knowledge flow systems (WP4) of the PRO AKIS project.
December 2014. Online resource:
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Baptista, A., Aires, A., Fonseca, C., Monteiro, D. O., Ferreira, D., Mena, E.G.,
Calejo, J., Madureira, L., Bacelar, M., Pires, M., Colmenero, E. L., Aguiar, C.,
Matias, O. (2014). Estudo De Benchmarking Sobre As Práticas De Transferência De
Tecnologias Para O Agronegócio – Alguns Casos Europeus. Projecto
Internacionalização de Tecnologias e Serviços do Agronegócio, CH Business
Consulting e Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Baptista, A., Cristóvão, A., Koehnen, T. Madureira, L., Pires, M. (2013). The PRO
AKIS inventory (WP 3). Portugal Country Report. UTAD, Vila Real.
Madureira L., Entrudo A., Silva A.P., Ferreira D., Portela J., Gamito M.T., 2013.
Inquérito à inovação nas áreas rurais portuguesas – metodologia, resultados,
conclusões e recomendações de política. Newsletter 3 Projeto RUR@L INOV –
Inovar em meio rural, Julho de 2013. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
Vila Real. Available on
Madureira L., Entrudo A., Silva A.P., Ferreira D., Portela J., Gamito M.T., 2013.
Workshops internacionais – Divulgação de conclusões. Newsletter 2 Projeto RUR@L
INOV – Inovar em meio rural, Julho de 2013. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e
Alto Douro, Vila Real. Available on
Madureira, L., Silva, P.G., Marinho, C., Sá, J. Oliveira, R. Diels, J. 2013.
Identificação, quantificação e mapeamento de serviços de agro-ecossistema no
Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. Documento técnico do projecto SAVE Valorização de Serviços Ambientais de Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas.
Available for download in http:/
Madureira L., Entrudo A., Silva A.P., Ferreira D., Portela J., Gamito M.T., 2012.
Projeto RUR@L INOV: Objetivos, metodologia, resultados esperados e equipa.
Newsletter 1 Projeto RUR@L INOV – Inovar em meio rural, Dezembro de 2012.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real. Available on
Madureira, L. and Santos, J.L. 2012. Feasibility Study on the Valuation of Public
Goods and Externalities in EU Agriculture (PGaE-VALUE). Final Report. Study
commissioned by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Prospective Technological Studies, Contract No. 152423. December, 2012
(Forthcoming in 2013 as Technical report of IPTS/JCR).
Madureira, L. and Santos, J.L. 2012. Feasibility Study on the Valuation of Public
Goods and Externalities in EU Agriculture (PGaE-VALUE). Interim Report. Study
commissioned by the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for
Prospective Technological Studies, Contract No. 152423. June, 2012.
Fernando B. Ribeiro, Manuela Ribeiro, Lívia Madureira, Alberto Baptista, Pedro
Ferrão, Artur Cristóvão, Paulo Jablonski, Susete Costa, Marco Magalhães, Ana Silva
e Filipe Ribeiro, 2011. Relatório Compensação Socioeconómica e Cultural
Aproveitamento Hidroeléctrico da Iberdrola na Bacia do Tâmega. Relatório de
projecto financiado pela empresa Iberdrola. UTAD, Vila Real.
Cunha-e-Sa, M. A., Madureira, L., Nunes, L. C., e Otrachshenko, V. 2010.
“Protesting or justifying? a latent class model for contingent valuation with
attitudinal data”, FEUNL Working Paper Series wp547, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Faculdade de Economia.
Riera, P, Mahieu, P-A, Kaval, P., Rulleau, B. Mavsar, R., Madureira, M., Meyerhoff,
J., Dragoi, S. 2011. Stated Preference Guidelines. E45 COST Action Valuing Forest
Externalities (EUROFOREX). Available at
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira, L. 2008. Deliverable No. 3: Sectors where innovation enhance rural
employment. RAPIDO - Rural Areas, People & Innovative Development. FP6 Contract No. 044264.
Madureira, L. and Diniz, F. 2008. Anexos técnicos relativos à componente SócioEconomia do Estudo de Impacte Ambiental do Aproveitamento Hidroeléctrico de Foz
Tua (Anexos IX, XII). PROFICO Ambiente.
Zander, P, Meyer, B., Michel, B., Karpinski, I., Rossing, W., Groot, J., Josien, E.,
Rambonilaza, T., Madureira, L., 2005. Knowledge, Models, Techniques and Tools
that Help to Explain and Forecast Multifunctionality of Agriculture. Comparative
Report MultAgri /WP3. Capitalisation of Research Results on the Multifunctionality of
Agriculture and Rural Areas (MULTAGRI). 6th Framework Programme Priority:
Global Change and Ecosystems, Contract nº 505297.
Borges, J. G. et al. (204). Forest Ecosystem Management: Integrating Temporal
Scales, Biodiversity and Ecological, Economic and Social Sustainability
(POCTI/36332/AGR/2000). Final Report. ISA/FCT, Lisboa.
Madureira, L. e Santos, J. (2000). Avaliação económica da paisagem do amendoal
tradicional de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Final Report. DEASR, Instituto Superior
de Agronomia. Lisboa.
Madureira, L., Tibério, L., Teixeira, M., Cristóvão, C. e Portela, J. (2000).
Valorização dos recursos endógenos na área de intervenção do PROCÔA: o caso dos
produtos agro-alimentares tradicionais e dos recursos paisagísticos. Final Report.
Departamento de Economia e Sociologia. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro. Vila Real.
Madureira, L., Teixeira, M. e Marques, C. (1998). Agentes que produzem e
comercializam azeite de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro – Estudo de caracterização.
PDRITMII/Unidade de Avaliação Unidade de Avaliação, Departamento de Economia
e Sociologia, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
Teixeira, M., Marques, C. e Madureira, L. (1998). Estratégias de marketing e
comercialização para o azeite produzido em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro –
Elementos para discussão. PDRITMII/Unidade de Avaliação Unidade de Avaliação,
Departamento de Economia e Sociologia Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro, Vila Real.
Madureira, L. (1997). O papel da actividade olivícola na conservação do ambiente e
da paisagem: Um estudo para a Terra Quente Transmontana. PDRITMII/Unidade de
Avaliação Unidade de Avaliação, Departamento de Economia e Sociologia,
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
Madureira, L., Rebelo, J. et al. (1994). A Olivicultura e o Sector do Azeite em Trásos-Montes e Alto Douro: Situação Actual e Perspectivas. PDRITMII/Unidade de
Avaliação Unidade de Avaliação, Departamento de Economia e Sociologia,
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
Rebelo, J. e Madureira, L. (1993). Relatório Sumário de uma visita de trabalho a
Córdoba. PDRITMII/Unidade de Avaliação Unidade de Avaliação, Departamento de
Economia e Sociologia, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real.
13. Communications
Oral communications in scientific meetings
Madureira, L., Baptista, A., Cristovão, A., Ferreira, D., Pires, M. and Koehnen, T.,
2015. “The challenges posed to agriculture knowledge networks by inexperienced
and newly-established farmers: The case of the Portuguese small fruits cluster”.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
55th Congress of ERSA (European Regional Studies Association), Lisbon, 25-28th
August, 2015.
Madureira, L., Baptista, A., Cristovão, A., Ferreira, D., Pires, M. and Koehnen, T.,
2015. “Farmer-driven innovation in the case of small-fruits sector in Portugal”. 55th
Congress of ERSA (European Regional Studies Association), Lisbon, 25-28th
August, 2015.
Madureira, L., Prager, K., Boenning, K. Caggiano, M., Knierim, A., McKee, A. and
Ferreira, D, 2015. “Agricultural/rural networks: Features which enhance farmer’s
ability to co-innovate in cooperation with other actors?” ESEE 22, 22th European
Seminar on Education and Extension, 28th April-1st May, 2015, Wageningen, The
Madureira, L., Santos, J. L., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S. 2015. “An empirical
framework to link supply and demand of public good ecosystem services at macroregional agri-environmental policy-relevant scale”. 8th ESP Conference Ecosystems
Services for Nature, People and Prosperity, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 9-13
November 2015
Madureira, L., Santos, J.L., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S. A methodological
framework to value public goods and externalities of agriculture at UE level. 2014.
Seventh International Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference 2014. Local
action for the common good, 6-12th September, 2014, San Jose, Costa Rica.
Madureira, L., 2014. Networking as Multi-purposed tool for innovative organizations
in rural áreas. First International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspectives The
integrated approach of Urban Sustainable Development through the implementation
of Horizon/Europe2020, 6-9th May 2014, Reggio Calabria, Italy.
Madureira L., Gamito T.M., Ferreira D., Oliveira I., 2013. Hidden innovation and
neglected innovators in the Portuguese rural areas. ESADR Feeding Minds,
Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal.
Madureira L., Sequeira T., Marta-Costa A.M., Oliveira I., 2013. Innovation and the
survival of organisations in rural areas. ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global
Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal.
Madureira L., Santos J.L., Ferreira, A.C., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2013.
A methodological framework to value public goods and externalities of agriculture
at UE level. ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October,
2013, Évora, Portugal.
Silva M.R, Madureira L, Mitschein T.M., Opportunities and challenges for indigenous
populations from Amazonian rainforest. ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global
Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal.
Madureira, L., Marinho, C., Sá, Joana, Oliveira, R., Magalhães, P., 2013. Ecosystem
services mapping as a tool to identify potential, synergy and conflict areas for their
provision at local scale. An application for the regional NP of Serra da Estrela,
Portugal. ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013,
Évora, Portugal.
Madureira, L., Silva, P.G., Neiva, R., Marinho, C. and Silva, D. 2013. Are European
current schemes to incentive nature and biodiversity conservation promoting the
supply of ecosystem services? The case of the NP Serra da Estrela. Forthcoming in
ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 15-19th October, 2013, Évora,
Madureira, L, Nunes L.C., Oliveira, R., Xavier, R., Loureiro, S., 2013. Valuing
ecosystem services of protected areas to different beneficiaries. the case of NP
Serra da Estrela, Portugal. ESADR Feeding Minds, Overcoming Global Crisis, 1519th October, 2013, Évora, Portugal.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira L., Marinho C., Sá J., Magalhães P., Oliveira, R., 2013. Ecosystem
services value mapping as a tool to identify potential, synergy and conflict areas for
their provision at local scale. An application for the regional NP of Serra da Estrela,
Portugal. 6th Annual Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference Making Ecosystem
Services Count!, 26th – 30th August, Bali, Indonesia.
Madureira L., Nunes L. C., Oliveira R., Xavier R., Loureiro S., 2013. The economic
value of ecosystem services for different beneficiaries: Visitors, local population and
general population in the case of the Portuguese NP of Serra da Estrela. 6th Annual
Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference Making Ecosystem Services Count!,
26th – 30th August, Bali, Indonesia.
Madureira L., Silva P. G., Neiva R., Marinho C., Silva. D., 2013. Are European agrienvironmental payments enhancing the supply of ecosystem services? The case of
the NP Serra da Estrela, Portugal. 6th Annual Ecosystem Services Partnership
Conference Making Ecosystem Services Count!, 26th – 30th August, Bali,
Silva M. R., Madureira L., Mitschein T. A., 2013. Opportunities and challenges for
indigenous populations from Amazonian rainforest in the global markets for the
CO2 credits. The case of Tembé tribe. . 6th Annual Ecosystem Services Partnership
Conference Making Ecosystem Services Count!, 26th – 30th August, Bali,
Madureira L., Santos J.L., Ferreira, A.C., Espinosa, M., Gomez y Paloma, S., 2013.
A choice-modeling approach to value public goods and externalities of EU
agriculture. 137th EAAE Seminar: V Workshop on Valuation Methods in Agro-food
and Environmental Economics, “Methodological and empirical challenges in
Valuation Methods”. June 27th—28th 2013, Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain.
Madureira, L., Silva, P.G., Neiva, R., Marinho, C. and Silva, D. 2013. Are European
current schemes to incentive nature and biodiversity conservation promoting the
supply of ecosystem services? The case of the NP Serra da Estrela. 19th APDR
Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery. The Congress was held in 20-22
June, 2013, Braga, Portugal.
Madureira, L., Marinho, C., Oliveira, R., 2013. Ecosystem services mapping as a
tool to identify potential, synergy and conflict areas for their provision at local
scale. An application for the regional NP of Serra da Estrela, Portugal. 19th APDR
Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery. The Congress was held in 20-22
June, 2013, Braga, Portugal.
Madureira, L. Gamito, T.M., Ferreira, D., Oliveira, I., 2013. Innovation patterns and
innovation inputs: the reality out of the box in the Portuguese rural areas. 19th
APDR Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery. The Congress was held in 2022 June, 2013, Braga, Portugal.
Madureira, L, Nunes, L.C., Xavier, R., Loureiro, S., 2013. The valuation of
ecosystem services as a tool to support the design and assessment of landscape
requalification. A case-study for the NP of Serra da Estrela, Portugal. 19th APDR
Congress Placed-based and Economy Recovery. The Congress was held in 20-22
June, 2013, Braga, Portugal.
Madureira, L. Nunes, L.C., Xavier, R., Loureiro, S. 2012. Valuing ecosystem services
as an informational tool to support Natural Park conservation policy: An application
for the regional NP of Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Paper presented at the 5th Annual
International Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference, 31 July – 3 August 2012,
Portland, EUA.
Madureira, l., Marinho, C., Manso, F. T. 2012. Mapping ecosystem services as an
informational tool to support Natural Park conservation policy: An application for
the regional NP of Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Paper presented at the 5th Annual
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
International Ecosystem Services Partnership Conference, 31 July – 3 August 2012,
Portland, EUA.
Madureira, L., Santos, J. L., 2012. Presentation of the interim report of the
Feasibility Study on the Valuation of Public Goods and Externalities in EU
Agriculture (PGaE-VALUE). Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies. 21st
May, 2012, Seville.
Madureira, L., Santos, J. L., 2011. Introduction to the Feasibility Study on the
Valuation of Public Goods and Externalities in EU Agriculture (PGaE-VALUE).
Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies. 7th December, 2011, Seville.
Madureira, L., Xavier, R., Loureiro, S. 2011. Valoração económica de serviços
ecológicos e de recreio da reflorestação do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela.
Workshop Como assegurar a oferta de bens públicos pela agricultura. APDEA
(Associação Portuguesa de Economia Agrária), 1st April 2011, Vila Real, Portugal.
Madureira, L. and Susete Costa. 2010. Innovation as a tool to promote sustainable
development in European rural areas. 57th Annual North American Meetings of the
Regional Science Association International (RSAI) November 10-13, 2010, Denver,
Madureira, L., Rodrigues, A., Gil, F., Dentinho, T. 2010. Evaluation of Electric
Mobility Solutions in the Azores with Q Methodology and a Choice Experiment.
NARSC-NECTAR organized sessions onBest Practices in Accessibility Analysis and
Planning. 57th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association
International (RSAI) November 10-13, 2010, Denver, U.S.A.
Rodrigues, A., Filipe, J., Gil, F., Martins, Dentinho, T., Raposo, J., Silva, C.,
Madureira, L. 2010. Electric Vehicles. MIT Green Islands Spring Workshops 2010,
University of Açores, 27-28 May 2010, Ponta Delgada, Açores.
Madureira, L. 2010. As Grandes Barragens e o Desenvolvimento Regional. O caso
do Vale do Tua em Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. V Workshop da APDR, Casos de
Desenvolvimento Regional, Coimbra, 8 de Fevereiro de 2010.
Madureira, L. 2009. Multifunctionality agriculture as an innovation path for rural
areas. 113th Seminar of European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE), 911 December 2009, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia.
Madureira, L. 2009. Innovation in rural areas and impact on job creation: evidence
from EU and Portugal. 15th Congress of Portuguese Association of Regional
Development (APDR), 6-11 July 2009, University Piaget of Cape Verde, Cape Verde.
Madureira, L.2009. Innovation in rural areas and impact on job creation: evidence
from EU and Portugal. 15th Congress of Portuguese Association of Regional
Development (APDR), 6-11 July 2009, University Piaget of Cape Verde, Cape Verde.
Madureira,L. 2009. Multifunctionality and innovation strategies of EU rural
organisations. 15th Congress of Portuguese Association of Regional Development
(APDR), 6-11 July 2009, University Piaget of Cape Verde, Cape Verde.
Madureira,L. 2008. Job creation potential in rural areas and the role of ICT. 2nd
Workshop RAPIDO - Rural Areas, People & Innovative Development (FP6). Vila
Real, 27-28 November 2008.
Madureira, L. 2006. Multi-attribute valuation of Douro Valley winescape based upon
qualitative data for individual’s attitudes regarding rural heritage and nature-related
attributes. Paper presented at the II Conference of Associação Hispano-Portuguesa
para o Ambiente e Recursos Naturais (AERNA) 2-3th June, 2006, ISCTE, Lisbon.
Madureira, L. 2006.Multi-Attribute Valuation of Cultural Landscape. Paper presented
at the ENVECON 2006: Applied Environmental Economics Conference. UKNEE –
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
United Kingdom Network of Environmental Economists and EFTEC – Economics for
the Environment Consultancy. 24th March, 2006, The Royal Society, London.
Madureira, L. 2006. Tourism promotion and the tourist demand for landscape
features: The Alto Douro wine Region. First International Congress of Mountain and
Steep Slope Viticulture. CERVIM - 16-18 March, 2006, Aosta Valley, Italy.
Madureira, L. 2005. Managing Productive Landscape Safeguarding its Cultural
Character – The Alto Douro Vinhateiro Word Heritage Portuguese Landscape. Paper
presented at the 11th International Symposium on Society and Resource
Management, 16-19th June, 2005, Östersund, Sweden.
Madureira, L., Nunes,L. C., Santos, J. L.(2005). Valuing Multi-Attribute
Environmental Changes: Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiments. Paper
presented at the 14th EAERE (European Association of Environmental and
Resources Economics) Annual Conference, 23-26th June, 2005, Bremen, Germany.
Madureira, L. (2004). “Continuidade e mudança na paisagem do Alto Douro
Vinhateiro: percepção e atitudes dos visitantes e turistas”, IIº Encontro
Internacional História da vinha e do vinho. Organizado pelo Grupo de Estudos de
História da Viticultura Duriense e do Vinho do Porto, 14-17 de Outubro, 2004,
Porto, Vila Real, São João da Pesqueira e Peso da Régua.
Madureira, L., Nunes, L.C., Borges, J.G. and Falcão, A. (2004). "Assessing forest
management strategies values using a Contingent Valuation approach and
advanced visualisation techniques". II Simpósio Iberoamericano de Gestyón y
Economía Florestal, 18-20 Setembro, Barcelona.
Madureira, L. (2004). "Nature and landscape sustainability in Portuguese Rural
Areas: which role for farming external benefits valorisation?", 44th European
Congress of the European Regional Science Association – Regions and Fiscal
Federalism, University of Porto, 25-29 August, 2004, Porto, Portugal.
Madureira, L. (2004). "Ferramentas para incorporar as preferências do público na
gestão do ambiente e da paisagem: funções de valor multi-atributo obtidas a partir
de escolhas contingentes", 1ª Conferência da Associação Hispano-Portuguesa para
o Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, 18-19 Junho, 2004. Universidade de Vigo, Vigo –
Madureira, L. (2004). "Traditional farming landscape: a cultural heritage and a
development resource for interior areas from Portugal", 13ª International
Conference of Cultural Economics, University of Illinois, 2-5th June, 2004, Chicago,
Illinois, EUA.
Madureira, L. (1996). "O valor da actividade agrícola para a conservação da
paisagem agrária: o caso da Zona da Amendoeira em Flor no Nordeste português",
5º Congresso de Economia Regional de Castilla y Leon, Outubro, 1996, Ávila.
Oral communications by invitation
AGRI Research workshop Towards a long-term strategy for European agricultural
research and innovation by 2020 and beyond, 19th June 2015 EXPO Milan site –
EU Pavilion. Invited as expert by the European Commission.
PEGASUS - Public Ecosystem Goods and Services: Unlocking the Synergies.
Towards more effective policy and practice in agriculture and forestry. Expert
Meeting WP1, 29th June 2015, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (MSH), 6
esplanade Erasme, Dijon (France). Invited as expert by the PEGASUS project.
Madureira, L., with Józef Kania, Kinga Boenning, Pierre Labarthe, Timothy Koehnen,
Violeta Dirimanova, 2015. “Challenges for European advisory services. Key findings
from PRO AKIS case studies”. PRO AKIS, Final conference, Brussels, May 20, 2015
Madureira, L., Ferreira, D. Gamito, T.M., 2014. Inovação e, Portugal Rural: Teoria e
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
metodologia no projeto RUR@L INOV. Coordenação do Mestrado em Intervenção
Social, Inovação e Empreendedorismo. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de
Coimbra, 14th November, 2014.
Madureira, L., Ferreira, D. 2014. Inovação nas Áreas Rurais. Semana da Ciência e
Tecnologia, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Escola Secundária
Camilo Castelo Branco, 27 November, 2014, Vila Real.
Madureira, L. 2014. Redes inovadoras na agricultura e áreas rurais: Cooperar para
competir. Curso de Verão 2014 do Centro de Estudos Ibéricos. Espaços de
Fronteira, Territórios de Esperança: velhos problemas, novas soluções, 25 a 28 de
Junho, Sala Tempo e Poesia, Biblioteca Eduardo Lourenço, Guarda.
Madureira, L. 2014. O valor de serviços de ecossistemas na óptica do bem-estar
humano. Encontro da Primavera 2014, Associação Portuguesa de Ecologia da
Paisagem, 17 de Junho, 2014, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto,
Madureira L., 2013. Innovators in Portuguese Rural Areas & Lessons on how to
enhance innovation. European Conference. Réseau Wallon de Développment Rural,
Amay, Belgium, 21st-22nd November, 2013.
Madureira, L., 2013. Aposta em sistemas de inovação centrados nos
empreendedores?. 3rd workshop of the project RUR@L INOV “Inovadores e
inovação nas áreas rurais portuguesas como se convertem ideias em organizações
e produtos que acrescentam valor”, held at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro, in Vila Real, 18th September, 2013.
Ferreira D., Madureira, L., 2013. Perfil dos inovadores e inovação nas áreas rurais
portuguesas. 3rd workshop of the project RUR@L INOV “Inovadores e inovação nas
áreas rurais portuguesas como se convertem ideias em organizações e produtos
que acrescentam valor”, held at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, in
Vila Real, 18th September, 2013.
Madureira, L., Oliveira, R., Silva, D. Os benefícios económicos dos ecossistemas
agro-silvo-pastoris do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. 3rd Workshop of the
project SAVE- Valorização de Serviços Ambientais de Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas
Protegidas, 11st July 2013. Palmela, Portugal.
Madureira, L. 2013. Patterns and dynamics of innovation in rural areas. 2nd
International workshop of the RUR@L INOV project, Lisbon, 23rd May 2013.
Ferreira D., Madureira, L. 2013. The survey to the innovative organisations:
concepts and methodology. 2nd International workshop of the RUR@L INOV
project, Lisbon, 23rd May 2013.
Portela J., Madureira, L. 2013. Contributions to an agenda for innovation in rural
areas. 2nd International workshop of the RUR@L INOV project, Lisbon, 23rd May
Madureira, L., Oliveira, R., Silva, D. Os benefícios económicos dos ecossistemas
agro-silvo-pastoris do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. 2nd Workshop of the
project SAVE- Valorização de Serviços Ambientais de Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas
Protegidas, 28th May 2013. National Park of Peneda-Gerês, Portugal.
Madureira, L., Marinho, C., Silva, D. Identificação e delimitação dos benefícios
económicos dos ecossistemas agro-silvo-pastoris do Parque Natural da Serra da
Estrela. 1nd Workshop of the project SAVE- Valorização de Serviços Ambientais de
Agro-Ecossistemas em Áreas Protegidas, 9th-10th April 2013. Natural Park of Serra
da Estrela, Portugal.
Madureira, L. 2012. Concepts, approaches and measurement of innovation. The
choices of RUR@L INOV project. 1st International Workshop of the RUR@L INOV
project, Lisbon, 29-30 October, 2012.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira, L. 2012. Concept of Young Rural Entrepreneur, the Need and
Recognition. European Seminar Young Rural Entrepreneurs, Porto, 18th October,
Madureira, L. 2012. Innovation in rural areas: towards a new model? Paper
presented at the Pan-SAC-Seminar, 7th June2012. Scottish Agricultural College,
Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.
Madureira, L. 2011. “Benefícios económicos dos serviços ecológicos e de recreio da
floresta”. Seminar Floresta – Importância e Oportunidades. 15º Aniversário da
AFEDT (Associação Florestal de Entre Douro e Tâmega). Auditório Municipal, Marco
de Canavezes, 25th November 2011.
Madureira, L. 2011. “Benefícios económicos dos serviços ecológicos e de recreio da
floresta”. Seminar Floresta Autóctone Valorização e Protecção. Organização do CISE
– Centro de Interpretação da Serra da Estrela, Seia, 19th November 2011.
Madureira, L. and Xavier R. 2011. “Projecto de Requalificação das Áreas
Degradadas do PNSE (PRADSE): A importância dos serviços ecológicos e de recreio
proporcionados pela floresta de protecção”. Seminário O Valor dos Bens Públicos da
Floresta de Protecção nas Áreas de Montanha, Organised by URZE and CETRAD.
Seia, 7 de Outubro de 2011.
Madureira, L. 2011. “Valuing forest landscape services: the reforestation of Natural
Park of Serra da Estrela”. Research Seminar of the Land and Environment
Economics Research Group of the Scottish Agriculture College (SAC), Edinburgh,
UK., 14th June 2011.
Madureira, L. 2011. “Innovation in rural areas: The need for a new assessment
framework”. Research Seminar of the Land and Environment Economics Research
Group of the Scottish Agriculture College (SAC), Edinburgh, UK., 13th June 2011.
Madureira, L. 2011. “Valorização da Paisagem”. Seminário Floresta: Bens Públicos e
Serviços Ambientais. Organização da Autoridade Florestal Nacional. Feira Agrícola
de Santarém, Santarém, 6 de Junho, 2011.
Madureira, L. 2011. “Procuras pelos serviços ecológicos da floresta: Desafios para
os seus gestores”. Seminário Novos Desafios da Floresta. Floresta na Paisagem.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Semana da Floresta. Organização
Departamento de Ciências Florestais e Arquitectura Paisagista. UTAD, Vila Real, 13
de Maio, 2011.
Madureira, L., Costa, S., Portela, J. 2011. “Innovation in Portuguese rural areas: An
exploratory research on the innovator's strategies”. Regional Innovation Systems
And Food Seminar. Orkestra Basque Institute of Competitiveness, Deusto
Foundation, University of Deusto, 1st April 2011, San sebastian, Spain.
Madureira, L., Rodrigues, A., Gil, F., Dentinho, T. 2010. “Demand and Willingness
to Pay for Electric Vehicles in the Azores”. Plenary Session. Electric Mobility. 8th
APDR Workshop. 16th December, Angra do Heroísmo, Azores.
Madureira, L. 2010. “Valor económico da paisagem e dos serviços de
ecossitemas”.1º Congresso Internacional de Empreendedorismo e Valorização
Sustentável do Território, 17-18 June 2010, Instituto Politécnico de Viana de
Castelo, Ponte de Lima, Portugal.
Madureira, L. 2010. “Multifunctionality agriculture as an innovation path for rural
areas”. Land and Society Research (LASO) Network, 29th March, Instituto Superior
de Agronomia, Lisboa.
Madureira, L. 2010. “Valoração económica de serviços dos ecossistemas”. Jornadas
de Inverno do Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental, Escola Superior Agrária de
Coimbra, 12 de Fevereiro de 2010.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira, L. 2009. “Inovação nas áreas rurais?! Principais conclusões do projecto
RAPIDO (Rural Areas, People & Innovative Development)”. Workshop promoted by
the DGADR (Direcção Geral da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural), no âmbito do
projecto RUR@INOV, 6 June 2009, Moimenta da Beira, Portugal.
Madureira, L. 2009." Linha e Vale do Tua – Desenvolvimento regional”. Debate
sobre a Linha Férrea do Tua, promoted by the Movimento Cívico pela Linha do Tua,
17 Jannuary 2009, Bragança, Portugal.
Portela, J. and Madureira, L. 2008. Viver ou perecer, eis a questão. VI Congresso
Português de Sociologia. Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, Lisboa, 28-28 June,
Madureira, L. 2007."Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro e a ENDS (Estratégia Nacional
para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável)”. I International Seminar on Sustainable
Development. University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, 2-3th May, 2007.
Madureira, L. 2007."O valor da paisagem no Alto Douro”. Seminar Valor dos Bens e
Serviços sem Valor de Mercado Produzidos nos Espaços Florestais. Sociedade
Portuguesa de Ciências Florestais. Coimbra, 12th April, 2007.
Madureira, L. (2006)."Valorização de externalidades agrícolas e florestais". Forum
Agricultura e Florestas. Mogadouro, 13th October, 2006. Organização do Comité
Nacional para o Ano Internacional dos Desertos e Desertificação 2006.
Madureira, L. (2006). "Benefícios indirectos da floresta - Valor económico e
valorização pelo mercado". Uso Múltiplo da Floresta, Acção de formação dirigida a
proprietários florestais. Seia, 24th November, 2006. Organização da FORESTIS
(Associação Florestal de Portugal).
Madureira, L. (2005). "Conservação da Paisagem do Alto Douro Vinhateiro:
Percepções, Atitudes e Preferências dos visitantes". Workshop Preservação do
património do Alto Douro Vinhateiro. Liga dos Amigos do Douro a Património
Mundial, 7th May, Alijó, Portugal.
Madureira, L. (2005). "Gestão da paisagem do Alto Douro Vinhateiro: percepções e
preferências dos turistas". Workshop Douro: Paisagem – Património – Turismo
Curso de Arquitectura Paisagista. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
14th February, 2005, Vila Real, Portugal.
Madureira, L. (2004). "Benefícios Indirectos da Floresta: Valor e Valorização".
Accção de Aperfeiçoamento Técnico Florestal - Comercialização e Promoção de
Produtos Florestais Lenhosos e Não-Lenhosos, 26th November, 2004, Coimbra.
Organização da FORESTIS (Federação Portuguesa das Associações Florestais).
Madureira, L. (2004)."Conservar a paisagem rural: porquê, como e para quem?"
Seminário Recuperação do Património e Valorização da Paisagem Rural. CORANE
(Associação de Desenvolvimento Local). Bragança, 14th April, 2004.
Madureira, L. (2004). "Valoração económica do ambiente", Ciclo de Seminários
Agricultura, Competitividade e Ambiente. Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisboa,
26th March, 2004.
Madureira, L. (2003), “Avaliação económica da qualidade paisagística: Uma
ferramenta de apoio às políticas de conservação e gestão da paisagem”.
Symposium Interpretação da Paisagem e Turismo. CEP – Centro de Estudos da
Paisagem. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 19-20th
September, 2003.
Madureira, L. (2003), “Valoração de recursos ambientais: O caso da Floresta”. II
Jornadas Técnicas da Urze Potencialidades da Floresta na Serra da Estrela. URZE
(Associação de Produtores Florestais). Gouveia, 14th June, 2003
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
Madureira, L. (2002). "Agricultura & Conservação da Natureza e da Paisagem". IV
Quinzena da Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 20th November, 2002
Madureira, L. (2002). "Quanto Vale o Património Natural?", Mesa Redonda:
Património Natural vs Cultura Científica, 4º Mini Fórum Ciência Viva 2202. IV
Quinzena da Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, 24th November, 2002
Madureira, L. (1996). "A olivicultura e o sector do azeite em Trás-os-Montes e Alto
Douro: do diagnóstico às medidas concretas". INSCOOP. Vidago, Junho, 1996.
Madureira, L. (1991). "Ruralidade em Trás-os-Montes". Project Intercultural
Chaves/Genève. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, March, 1991, Vila
Madureira, L. (1991). "Caracterização socioeconómica de Trás-os-Montes". JADE,
curso organizado pela Associação de Telecentros Rurais de Portugal. Universidade
de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, May, 1991, Vila Real.
Other oral communications
Madureira, L., Pereira, D., Teixeira, M., Recio, S., Gonzalo, J. C. (2005). “Benefícios
Ambientais, Culturais e Recreativos da Paisagem do Douro – Valor Económico e
Promoção da Sua Valorização. Final Seminar of the Project INTERREG III A –
Douro/Duero Sec. XXI coordinated by the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto
with the participation of the Universidade de Salamanca, UTAD, 29th June, 2005,
Vila Real.
Madureira, L. and M. Teixeira (2005). "Conservação e valorização da paisagem do
Alto Douro Vinhateiro". Workshop organised for the Project INTERREG III A –
Douro/Duero Sec. XXI with the support of Porto Wine Route, Porto Wine Route,
31th May, Régua, Portugal.
14. Participation on congress, seminars, workshops
Panel discussant “Forest in Protected Areas” in the Spring Seminar of the Centre for
Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD), 30th April, 2010, Montalegre.
1st European Rural Sustainability Gathering, organized by the FORUM SYNERGIES –
Linking Sustainable Practices throughout Europe, 8-11 October, 2009, Göhrde,
SCAR (Standing Committee on Agricultural Research) Workshop, “Strengthening
the links between knowledge and agricultural innovation in Europe”. AGROCAMPUS
OUEST Centre Angers. Institut National d’Horticulture et du Paysage, 6-7th October,
2008, Angers, France.
Discussant of communication Risco e Percepção do Risco: o caso das secas no
Alentejo", presented by Isabel Rodrigo. VIII ciclo de SPID do CETRAD, Vila Real, 15
de Julho, 2008.
Ecocity World Summit 2008. 7th International Ecocity Conference, 22-26 April, San
Francisco, Califórnia, USA.
Conference on California & the Future of Environmental Law & Policy. California
Center for Environmental Law & Policy, U.C. Berkeley, 10-11th April, 2008.
Berkeley, California, USA.
Conferência Emissões e Competitividade. Organised by the Jornal Água e Ambiente.
Hotel Vila Galé Ópera, 19-20th June, 2007, Lisbon.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015
International Seminar on the Carbon Economy. Organised by Carbonnus, CICA,
Caves Porto Calem, 6th June, de 2007. Porto.
Seminar WUR/INRA Programme Multifunctional Agriculture: Lessons from a DutchFrench Scientific Debate. Organised by the WUR (University of Wageningen,
Netherlands) and the INRA (France). University Foundation of Stichting, 8th
December,2006,Brussels, Belgium.
International Seminar Multifunctionality of agricultural and rural areas: Essential
component for sustainable development? Possibilities, drawbacks and research
needs. Final Seminar of the Sixth Framework Research Programme project
Capitalisation of research results on the multifunctionality of agriculture and rural
areas. 1 de Setembro, 2005, Bruxelas, Bélgica.
2ª Conferência Mercado do Carbono: Oportunidades para as Empresas. Hotel Tivoli
Tejo, 15th November, 2005, Lisbon.
WP 3 Expert Workshop. WP 3 is the working group on the topic “Knowledge,
models, techniques and tools that help to explain and forecast multifunctionality of
agriculture”, integrated on the Sixth Framework Research Programme project
Capitalisation of research results on the multifunctionality of agriculture and rural
areas. ZALF, 7-8th February, 2005, Müncheberg, Germany.
II Congresso de Estudos Rurais. Universidade dos Açores, 29th September to 3th
Ocober, 2004, Azores.
Workshop Política e Responsabilidade Empresarial: Gestão de Riscos Ambientais.
Auditório da Torre do Tombo, 11 de Abril, 2003, Lisboa.
9th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource
Economists, Oslo, Norway, Junho, 1999.
Advanced Course The Economics of Natural Resources. Instituto Agronómico
Mediterrânico de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Espanha, Fevereiro, 1997.
Intensive Course Environmental Economics. Instituto Agronómico Mediterrânico de
Chania, Creta, Grécia, Junho, 1996.
34th EAAE Seminar, CIHEAM, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute “Environmental
and land use issues in the Mediterranean Basin: an economic perspective”,
Zaragoza, Espanha, Fevereiro de 1994.
Seminário Tratamento de Efluentes na Indústria Agro-Alimentar. APEMETA
(Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Tecnologias Ambientais), Lisboa, Portugal,
Novembro de 1993.
1ª Congresso Internacional SSIT - Social Sciences Information Technologies.
Amesterdão, Holanda, Dezembro de 1992.
Lívia Madureira, December, 2015