CHARACTERIZATION AND POSSIBLE UTILIZATION OF BRAZILIAN COALS INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COAL TECHNOLOGY PETROBRAS/ABCM Rio de Janeiro - Brazil March 14, 2007 CORREA DA SILVA, Zuleika GOMES, Cleber J.B. BRAZILIAN COALS The origin and formation of coal in the Southern Hemisphere are very complex and have been discussed by several authors. (Plumstead. 1957; Mackowsky. 1975; Stach et al.. 1982; Cook. 1981; Marques-Toigo & Correa da Silva. 1984; Falcon. 1986; Correa da Silva 1989 and 1991 among others). In southern Brazil the major coal-bearing strata occur in the intracratonic Parana Basin, in isolated coalfieds located along the margin of the Precambrian Shield, from the southermost part of the State of Rio Grande do Sul through Santa Catarina to the north of the State of Parana (Figure 1). The coal measures are considered to range in age from the Artinskian to the Kungurian (Early Permian) and occur in the Rio Bonito Formation associated with shales, sandstones, para and orthoconglomerates and clays. Fig1: Parana Basin and lithostratigraphy of coal bearing interval Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary rocks Back BRAZILIAN COALS According to Schneider et al. (1974) continental deposits predominate in the Rio Bonito Formation in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, with local influences of rapid transgression episodes. The sedimentation in the State of Santa Catarina and southern Paraná is represented by a fluvio-deltaic regressive cycle (Triunfo Member) followed by a transgression (Paraguaçu Member) and a new regression with development of line-shaped sand barriers (Siderópolis Member). Northward (São Paulo and northern Paraná States) the deposition took place in marine environments (Paraguaçu Member). Thus, the peat-forming conditions were not uniform throughout the basin. WhiIe in Rio Grande do SuI and southern Santa Catarina peat developed either in limnic or paralic swamps protected by sand barriers and during a long time-span resulting in thick sequences of coal and coal-bearing strata, in northern Santa Catarina and Parana States peat deposition occurred in interdistributary areas of deltaic systems. In Sao Paulo. the formation of peat was restricted to oxbow lakes in meandering fluvial plains. BRAZILIAN COALS Such variation of depositional conditions caused the formation of a wide range of coal types and explains why the thickness as well as the number of coal seams decreases from the south to the north of the Paraná Basin. The progressive proximity of marine-influenced areas from Candiota in Rio Grande do Sul, to Cambuí in Paraná, accounts for the increasing sulphur content in the coals. The peat forming plant communities as well as the climatic, tectonic and environmental conditions are important factors that influenced the formation of coal deposits and their characteristics. Marques-Toigo & Correa da Silva (1984) discussed the origin of the Brazilian Gondwana coals on the basis of palynological and petrographic data and recognized the existence of four different moor facies as a result of different types of vegetation and water level variations. BRAZILIAN COALS Coal occurs interbedded with such different rock types as ortho- and para conglomerates with greyish matrix, white, yellow and pink quartzose sandstones, grey to yellow and brown carbonaceous shales, shales and mudstones. The lithologies of the coal-bearing strata vary from south-west to northeast and facies changes are interpreted as caused by the influence of the paleotopography on the depositional systems that controlled the peat-forming conditions. In the State of Rio Grande do Sul the coal seams were considered as formed mainly in subaquatic conditions, in open-water and limno-telmatic moors from arborescent and herbaceous pteridophytic plants, with subordinate tree-like gymnospermae and associated algae and algae-like elements (Correa da Silva. 1987). BRAZILIAN COALS Despite the fact that several coal beds exist in every coalfield, just one or two are worth mining. Thickness is normally about 2 m, with the exception of the Candiota seam, which in some places is about 7 m thick. The coals, according to the petrographic analyses, present high average mineral matter and inertinite contents, ranging from 16 to 43 % and from 10 to 43%, respectively, in run-of-mine coals and 80% in washed coals, and liptinites vary from 1 to 15% in run-of-mine coals, in microscopic examination under white light, but can reach more than 20% under ultraviolet irradiation. The results of proximate analysis confirm those of microscopic examination. Because the coals are ash-rich (34 to 67% in as-mined coal samples) the volatile matter is over estimated. Sedimentary basins in Brasil Overlap of Parana and Pelotas Basin offshore 80°0'0"W 70°0'0"W 60°0'0"W 50°0'0"W 40°0'0"W 8ª RODADA DE PETRÓLEO E GÁS NATURAL Pará-Maranhão MACAPÁ BELÉM Barreirinhas SÃO LUÍS MANAUS 0°0'0" N 0°0'0" N BOA VISTA FORTALEZA TERESINA NATAL JOÃO PESSOA 10°0' 0"S RIO BRANCO PALMAS MACEIÓ Tucano-Sul ARACAJU 10°0' 0"S RECIFE PORTO VELHO Sergipe-Alagoas SALVADOR CUIABÁ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 - BELO HORIZONTE CAMPO GRANDE Blocos exploratórios # Rodada - Ano 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 SÃO PAULO Espírito Santo RIO DE JANEIRO CURITIBA FLORIANÓPOLIS Santos PORTO ALEGRE Pelotas Setores 8ª Rodada Blocos 8ª Rodada Bacias Sedimentares 80°0'0"W VITÓRIA 20°0'0 "S Legenda 70°0'0"W 0 150 300 60°0'0"W 50°0'0"W Blocos de Elevado Potencial 600 900 40°0'0"W 1.200 Kilometers 30°0'0 "S 30°0'0 "S 20°0'0 "S GOIÂNIA SÃO PAULO NW CURITIBA FLORIANÓPOLIS Santos SE PORTO ALEGRE Pelotas 0 150 300 60°0'0"W 50°0'0"W Back BRAZILIAN COALS The predominance of the sub-aquatic environment enhanced the deposition of significant amounts of clay along with plant tissues, algae, spores and/or pollen grains, so that coal is found intermingled with shales and mudstones and is liptinite-rich. Plant debris underwent high oxidation during the transportation from the vegetation covered areas towards the sites of deposition which accounts for the high contents of inertinite. As a result of their predominant sub-aquatic origin the Brazilian coals are mainly hypo autochthonous. Subordinately, some coals which rest on underlay with roots of pteridophytic plant material, may have an autochthonous deposition (Correa da Silva. 1987. 1989). BRAZILIAN COAL RESOURCES UF Jazida Paraná Cambuí Sapopema Santa Catarina Barro Branco Bonito Pré-Bonito Rio Grande do Sul Candiota Leão Charqueadas Iruí/Capané Murungava Santa Terezinha/Torres Total (PR, SC e RS) Recursos (106 t) % 44 45 89 0,14 0,14 0,28 1.045 1.601 414 3.060 3,29 5,04 1,30 9,64 12.275 2.439 2.993 2.688 3.128 5.068 28.591 38,67 7,68 9,43 8,47 9,86 15,97 90,08 31.740 100,00 Cambuí Sapopema PR SC Barro Branco Bonito RS Pré-Bonito Santa Terezinha Distritos Mineiros Charqueadas Leão Source: Informative of Coal Industry – DNPM / 2000 Candiota Iruí / Capané Murungava Parana Coalfields Santa Catarina Coalfield Jacui Valley Coalfields Candiota Coalfield Eastern Coalfields Coalfield Candiota¹ Capané¹ Reflectan ce Moistur Ash d.b. Coal Seam Rm e% % % Volatile Matter d.b.a.f. % Calorific Value cal/g Classification Superior 0.40 ± 0.04 12.0 11.9 37.8 3,208i Sub-bituminous A Inferior 0.40 ± 0.04 15.2 7.6 40.8 3,416i Sub-bituminous A Capanezinh 0.57 ± 0.05 o 17.43 5.52 34.4 6,800ii Sub-bituminous A Iruí¹ Superior 0.48 ± 0.05 8.2 9.4 36.1 ------ Sub-bituminous A Leão¹ Superior 0.49 ± 0.02 7.35 6.55 37.7 6,000iii Sub-bituminous A MB 0.51 6.6 14.0 36.7i 6,579ii Sub-bituminous A I1F 0.47 10.2 17.5 36.2i 6,829ii Sub-bituminous A I2B 0.46 14.8 19.2 41.9i 5,930ii Superior 0.52 ± 0.04 5.5 8.8 37.3 ------ Média 0.54 ± 0.03 9.5 7.7 37.3 ------ Inferior 0.56 ± 0.04 5.6 2.3 37.7 ------ M1 0.62 ± 0.04 ------ ------ ------ ------ Sub-bituminous A Bituminous high volatile C/B Bituminous High Volatile C/B Bituminous High Volatile C/B Bituminous High Volatile B M2 0.62 ± 0.04 ------ ------ ------ ------ Bituminous High Volatile B M3 0.52 ± 0.03 ------ ------ ------ ------ Bituminous High Volatile B Charqueadas ² Faxinal¹ Morungava¹ Coalfield Chico Lomã¹ Sta Terezinha¹ Santa Catarinaiv Santa Catarinaiv Reflectanc Moistur Ash d.b. Col Seam e Rm e% % % Volatile Matter d.b.a.f. % Calorific Value cal/g Classification Bituminous High Volatile B/A Bituminous High Volatile B/A Bituminous High Volatile B/A CL1 0.62 1.79 4.9 42.5 ------ CL4 0.69 1.75 7.5 37.5 ------ CL6 0.67 1.53 21.5 45.3 ------ ST4 0.88 0.70 iv 15.4 iv 36.6 iv ------ Bituminous High Volatile A Banco 0.80 0.7 12.7 37.6 8,635 Bituminous High Volatile A 0.6 15.2 36.5 8,619 Bituminous High Volatile A 1.1 11.2 37.5 - Bituminous High Volatile A Forro Irapua 0.83 Classification of some Brazilian coals (Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina), according “rank”, chemical analysis of concentrate of vitrain, average reflectance of vitrinites and calorific value. 1 – Coal Lab. Federal University of Rio Grande i) Dry basis do Sul State - UFRGS ii) Dry basis and ash free iii) 20% ash 2 – Nahuys. 1967 (coal floating in 1.50) iv) Coal floating in a density of 1.50 Coalfield Santa Catarina Rio Grande Do Sul Parana Canada Polonia South Africa China Colombia Coal Products sulphu Moisture r % % Max. Max. Ash d.b. % Volatile Calorifi Calorific Calorific Matter c Value Value FSI d.b. Value Kcal/Kg MJ/kg % BTU/lb Back Fluidity CE 5200 2.00 10.0 35.0 25.0 5,200 20,600 21.77 <2 - CE 4500 2.30 10.2 43.0 21.0 4,500 17,800 18,84 <2 - MET 6800 1.70 6.0 17.5 30.0 6,800 26,900 28.47 CE 5900 1.50 20.0 22.0 30.0 5,900 23,400 24.70 - - CE 5200 0.57 19.0 29.0 30.9 5,200 20,600 21.77 - - CE 4700 1.50 19.0 35.0 31.0 4,700 18,600 19.67 - - CE 4200 1.50 19.0 40.0 29.0 4,200 16,600 17.58 - - CE 3700 1.50 15.0 47.0 24.0 3,700 14,600 15.49 - - CE 3300 1.50 17.0 54.0 19.0 3,300 13,000 13.81 - - CE 3100 1.00 15.0 57.0 - 3,100 12,300 12.97 - - CE 6000 3.30 15.0 25.0 36.0 6,000 23,800 25.12 - - HV 1.30 8.5 3.5 36.0 - - - 7- 8 20,000 MV 0.40 8.0 10.0 23.0 - - - 6 - 8 20 – 100 LV 0.45 6.5 7.5 20.0 - - - 7- 9 MV 0.75 8.50 8.0 29.0 - - - 7- 8 HV 0.80 8.0 7.5 35.0 - - - 5 20,000 HV 0.40 8.0 8.0 35.0 - - - 35,000 MV 0.80 6.0 8.0 24.0 - - - 7 7– 9 4 - 5 >20,000 10 600 – 1,000 100 Candiota Coalfield Several coal seams occur in the basin, but on account of rentability just Candiota seam is been mined. A cross section along five boreholes drilled in the area, aligned approximately northwestsoutheast (Fig. 2A) shows the distribution of the Candiota coal seam as well as the occurrence of other seams in the sequence. Detailed data on Candiota coal basin is found in Correa da Silva (1975 and 1993) and Correa da Silva & Marques Toigo (1985). PR SC 6.560.000 6.560.000 6.552.000 6.552.000 6.544.000 6.544.000 6.536.000 6.536.000 6.528.000 6.528.000 RS JAZIDA CANDIOTA Ia EF Ib 6.520.000 6.520.000 Ib Hulha Negra IIa III IIb 6.512.000 6.512.000 272.000 V VI 6.504.000 6.504.000 V V VI 6.496.000 6.496.000 V III VI VI 6.488.000 6.488.000 IV VI VI 6.480.000 6.480.000 VII VI 6.472.000 6.472.000 I 6.464.000 6.464.000 VII II UR UG U 6.456.000 VI AI 272.000 6.456.000 Back Regional Stratigraphy of Candiota Coalfield Rochas sedimentares gondwânicas Lopes et al. 2003 S 14 k m HV39RS 6 km 25 km SC20RS HV31RS HN44 RS 13 km SC80RS Se dimentos Ter ciários 3 115´ N 8 km HN23RS 31 30 ´ Em basamento Espessura > 0,5m de carvão contido HN23 RS HN44RS SC8 0RS Camada Candiota SC20 RS 50m CS 4 +6 Camada Candiota Su perior 4 C Camada Candiota Su perior 6 HV 31RS CS4+6 - Camadas Ca ndiota Superior 4 a 6 C - Camada Candiota Margas Carvão e pel itos car bonosos Folhelhos Pelitos Pelito com acamadamento wa vy e linsen Arcóseos Arenito com hummocky Conglomerado Quartzo aren ito Embasamento Flú viodelt aico Arenitos transicionais HERVAL SW Linha de erosão atual HV 39 RS 32 00 ´ 540 0´ Planicie costeir a Marino raso C ANDI OTA-HULH A NE GRA -SEI VAL Gr. Itarar é Embasamento 320 0´ 53 30 ´ Afogamen to Progradação B OLENA NE B Candiota Coalfield Coal Resources by Overburden Range Coal Seams < 50 m 160 ft CS7 84.4 4.4 - - 124.8 CS6 95.8 47.3 - - 143.8 CS5 63.5 12.6 - - 76.1 CS4 256.4 253.0 - - 509.4 Candiota 2.272.7 5.326.0 185.0 - 7.783.7 CI2 503.4 1.046.3 153.1 - 1.702.8 CI3 550.0 1.075.6 159.1 - 1.784.7 CI4 104.9 65.4 0.1 - 170.4 TOTAL 3.931.1 7.866.6 497.3 - 12.295.0 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM 50 m a 300 m 300 m a 800 m > 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft Thermal coal TOTAL in 10 3 metric tons Banco Louco Candiota Superior Candiota Inferior Back Jacui Valley Coalfield To the north of the Precambrian Shield, along the plan of the Jacui River and associated with the sedimentary Gondwanic sequence, several isolated coal basins occur, some of which are exploited either as open cast or as underground mines. These basins are here referred to as the Jacuí Valley Coalfields and are, in a west-to-east direction, the so-called: Capane, Irui, Butiá, Charqueadas, Santa Rita and Faxinal coal basins. Piccoli et al. (1986); Correa da Silva et al., 1984; Henz & Dias-Fabricio, 1985; Araujo et al., 1985 presented detailed data on the formation and composition of these coals. Jacui Valley Coalfields -Capané Coal Resources by Overburden Range Coal Seams Capanezinh < 50 m 160 ft 50 m to 300 m 300 m to 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft > 800 m TOTAL 78.0 8.4 - - 86.4 Iruí Sup. 52.9 8.4 - - 61.3 Iruí Inf. 5.2 1.0 - - 6.2 Jeribá 73.7 374.0 426.1 - 859.3 TOTAL 209.8 359.5 426.1 - 1.013.2 o Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM Thermal coal in 10 3 metric tons Jacui Valley Coalfields - Iruí Coal Resources by Overburden Range Coal Seams Cordilheira Capanezinh < 50 m 160 ft 50 m to 300 m 300 m to 800 m > 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft TOTAL - 32.9 - - 32.9 24.0 19.6 - - 43.6 12.8 50.1 60.3 - 123.2 Iruí Sup. 178.2 991.3 273.3 - 1.442.8 Iruí Inf. 18.0 4.7 - - 22.7 Jeribá - 0.7 - - 0.7 TOTAL 232.2 1.100.3 333.6 - 1.665.9 o Iruí Sup. 1 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM Thermal coal in 10 3 metric tons Jacui Valley Coalfields - Leão Coal Resources by Overburden Range Coal Seams < 50 m 160 ft S1 - 19.0 8.9 - 27.9 S2 - 207.0 146.6 - 353.6 S3 - 261.1 180.9 - 442.0 I - 413.1 296.7 - 709.8 I2 - 47.1 14.1 - 61.2 I3 - 338.2 254.6 - 592.8 I4 - 210.2 44.5 - 254.7 TOTAL - 1.495.7 946.3 - 2.442.0 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM 50 m to 300 m 300 m t0 800 m > 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft Thermal coal TOTAL in 10 3 metric tons Jacui Valley Coalfields - Charqueadas Coal Coal Resources by Overburden Range 50 m to 300 m 300 m to 800 m > 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft Seams < 50 m 160 ft SB 51.1 322.1 275.6 - 648.8 MB - 0.9 0.7 - 1.6 I1F 71.7 667.6 594.9 - 1.334.2 I1 FA - 1.8 - - 1.8 I2 B 52.6 655.4 267.1 - 975.1 I3F - 30.7 2.2 - 32.9 TOTAL 175.4 1.678.5 1.140.5 - 2.994.4 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM Thermal coal TOTAL in 103 metric tons Main Map EASTERN COALFIELDS The sedimentation of the Rio Bonito Formation in the Eastern Coalfield is thought to have occurred in lacustrine and paludal environments. The sequence is composed essentially of fine -grained rocks and contains several coal seams. The thickness and number of coal seams were controlled by the irregular palaeo-topography of the basement . In the region of Morungava. tectonic movements developed “horsts" and “graben”. Ferreira et al. (1978) recognized sediments of the Rio Bonito Formation in areas of the Gravatai and Morungava districts. The deposition of coal occurred in the most subsiding areas in which peat-forming swamps formed in fluvial plains. The coals originated in two successive paludal and fluvial cycles (Bottoluzzi et al. 1980). EASTERN COALFIELDS The paludal system formed the main coal measures whereas black shales, carbonaceous shales and thin coal layers were formed in flood plains. Data on coal composition and rank of the coals from Morungava. Chico Lomã and Santa Terezinha basins were presented by Correa da Silva et al. 1985; Matos (1984); Correa da Silva (1989) and others. Eastern Coalfields - Morungava & Chico Lomã* Coal Resources by Overburden Range Coal Seams < 50 m 160 ft M1/CL1 - 10.5 18.2 - 28.7 M2/CL2 10.3 116.4 89.7 - 216.4 M3/CL3 21.2 153.5 112.5 - 287.2 M4/CL4 11.4 423.2 674.9 - 1.109.5 M5/CL5 1.5 65.7 213.2 - 280.4 M6/CL6 94.3 471.6 604.0 - 1.169.9 TOTAL 138.7 1.240.9 1.712.5 - 3.092.1 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM 50 m to 300 m 300 m to 800 m > 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft *Coking an thermal coal TOTAL in 103 metric tons Eastern Coalfields - Santa Terezinha* Coal Resources by Overburden Range Coal Seams < 50 m 160 ft TOTA 50 m to 300 m 300 m to 800 m > 800 m 980 ft 2,600 ft L ST2 - - 22.8 18.6 41.4 ST3 - - 134.7 74.0 208.7 ST4 - - 1.401.7 461.3 ST5 - - 287.6 682.1 ST6 - - 422.9 777.8 TOTAL - - 2.269.7 2.013.8 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM *Coking an thermal coal 1.863. 0 969.7 1.200. 7 4.283. 5 in 103 metric tons Map JAZIDA MORUNGAVACHICO LOMà JAZIDA SANTA TEREZINHA 600000 608000 6 16000 V 6.720.000 V V 6.712.000 ? V III 6.704.000 ? II III IV V V III III 6.696.000 (o) II II ? ? II 6.688.000 II II IVa II JAZIDA I MORUNGAVA CHICO LOMà IVb EF I II I JAZIDA I MORUGAVA IVb CHICO VI V 6.680.000 JAZIDA VII VI VI TRAMANDAÍ SANTA TEREZINHA II JAZIDA II N ova Tr amandaí VI ? ? III MORUNGAVA CHICO LOMà III L ag oa d o Gentil I L g do Tap era O ásis S ul Jardim do Édem 6.672.000 L agoa d o Manoel Nunes S R 6 1 2 PORTO ALEGRE Lag oa d a Fortaleza L g do L essa 6.664.000 Lg da Suzana Cid re ira 7 S R 86 L agoa d a Cidreira L agoa da Rondinha 6.656.000 Pin hal Lagoa do Cerqu inho S R 0 1 6.648.000 5 Mag itério L agoa r o Rincão das Eguas L g d o Cipó Quin tão L g do L avagem L agoa da Porteira 6.640.000 Lagoa do Leão L g. do P otre ir inho ga ré Lago a d o Capão a lto P an L g. do S a n g a P in heiro L agoa do Quintão R S 10 Lg. do Charq ueado Back Back SANTA CATARINA COAL FIELD In Santa Catarina the coal measures occur in the south-eastern part of the State in a single coal basin, about 80 km long in the northsouth direction, associated with shales, sandstones, conglomerates and clay layers of the Rio Bonito Formation, Guata Group. Bortoluzzi et al. (1978) divide the Rio Bonito Formation in Santa Catarina in three members: Triunfo. Paraguaçu and Sideropolis, as suggested by Schneider et al. (1974). Coal occurs in both the intermediate Paraguaçu Member and the upper Sideropolis Member. The sedimentation in this basin started under fluvioglacial conditions (Itarare Group) which was followed by a low gradient fluvial system with peat-forming swamps (Rio Bonito Formation). At the same time te shales and fine-grained sandstones of the Palermo Formation were deposited in a tidal flat environment. Sporadic sea level variations produced two mega-cyclothems, formed by minor fining upward cycles (Bortoluzzi et al. 1978). A typical sequence was established for the formation of coal indicating that the fluvial system evolved into a peatforming paludal environment. Plants growing in the swamps, mainly PTERIDOPHYTA and ALGAE, were the main source of organic matter for the formation of coal. SANTA CATARINA COAL FIELD Data from more than 200 boreholes showed that about twelve coal seams may occur in the basin, as follows: Treviso, Barro Branco, Irapua, "A“, “B”, Ponte Alta, Upper Bonito and Lower Bonito, in the Sideropolis Member; and Upper Pre-Bonito and Lower Pre-Bonito, "C" and "0“, in the Paraguaçu Member (Fabricio. 1973). The seams are irregularly distributed in the basin and some of them occur in small areas. The most importants and the only extensively mined are the Barro Branco and Bonito seams, which occurs throughout the basin. The main petrographic characteristics of the coals is the presence of a high average content of trimacerite and carbominerite and important amounts of exinite (alginite and sporinite) in trimacerite, clarite and durite (Correa da Silva & Wolf. 1978). Mineral matter can reach more than 20% in washed coals. and the ash content of hand-picked vitrain varies from 4 to 8%. These figures indicate mineral-rich coals formed under subaquatic conditions. The presence of singenetic pyrite. described by Correa da Silva & Wolf (op.cit.). together with the occurrence of high liptinite contents and the microscopic lamination are further evidences supporting this type of deposition. Santa Catarina Coalfield* Coal Seams Coal Resources by Overburden Range < 50 m 50 m to 300 m 300 m to 800 m > 800 TOTAL 160 ft 980 ft 2,600 ft m Barro Branco 196.6 710.0 292.3 124.4 1.323.3 A - - 106.1 61.0 167.1 Ponte Alta - - 183.5 357.6 541.1 Bonito Superior 4.0 41.7 250.1 - 295.8 Bonito Inferior 344.7 605.7 354.7 Pré-Bonito Sup. - 34.7 181.3 - 216.0 Pré-Bonito Inf. - - 197.8 - 197.8 TOTAL 545.3 1.392.1 1.565.8 Source: MME: DNPM/CPRM *Coking an thermal coal 242.3 1.547.4 785.3 4.288.5 in 10 3 metric tons Santa Catarina Coalfield* Coal Seams Thermal Main Uses of Coal Resources Gasificatio CO 2 Coking n Storage Used in In Use A likely Unknown unknown unknown unknown Ponte Alta likely Unknown unknown Very Unlikely Likely Very Unlikely likely Unlikely Unknown Bonito Superior In use Bonito Inferior In use Pré-Bonito Sup. Likely Pré-Bonito Inf. likely Very likely Likely in Barro Branco Past Probable Methane depht unknown unknown unknown unknown Likely in depht Likely in depht unknown unknown Unlikely unknown unknown unknown Source: ABCM/SIECESC Back PR SC JAZIDA DE SAPOREMA 504.000 RS 512.000 520.000 528.000 536.000 JAZIDA DE CAMBUÍ 544.000 552.000 560.000 568.000 576.000 584.000 592.000 600.000 7.400.000 7.392.000 7.392.000 7.384.000 7.384.000 7.400.000 7.376.000 V J A ZI DA SA P OREMA IV V III II 7.368.000 CA MB UI II I JA Z ID A I 7.360.000 I FIGUEIRA SAPOREMA I 7.352.000 512.000 504.000 520.000 528.000 536.000 544.000 552.000 560.000 568.000 576.000 584.000 592.000 600.000 Back 600 000 608 000 616000 624000 632000 640000 648000 656000 664000 672000 680000 688000 696000 te b e u io R e -d ra n O Q R N A C S A O I URUBICI 07 i o R S o d -4 C e io M é n a S R to S u a o n R C io s a ioA R O N A gus C IO a C io a R oeir tF a s p io R s SANT A RO SA DE LIMA R io o o 6896000 b i R a C chim ue nq io Ta R b ic IO R B io R R O Ç A O D es P ru oU E T i O N iro R segu e do es ugr io R sB do a io R PR o io R ixão C r a B v ona R ar C 6896000 O A L -T A V O D U I R h a C é p u R io V il a San ta Isabel C is B -438 po io R q e P o n e u do S i R r IoC Alu rê o o d u ula R R VIL A VACAS GORDAS io L io v-T a G ro d n ra 6888000 6888000 i ro RIO FORTUNA o M e B r u o d A L A V D U T S C -4 0 7 iod R i m u O io R o io o d a je a e d a DIVISÃO G ERAL DA JAZIDA POR BLOCOS r e u sq o d Vi la Pe ri có te E ço io R ioP C io q e P u o n e R ro A r B a L elo R tas IO R S ispo r A io R R io VIIIc T IO R rês a B R E P ras a h in o Ó IC g a L VIIIb r A i ro G RÃO-PARÁ VIb u o id ro o VIIIc C S 6880000 4 S C - i 2 8 R -439 IIIa R io r ve In d a n VIIIb er IIIb S SC m u S 6880000 a 4 C C ruzeiro ha 38 nto i R S od ni Vb R IO VIa A R io ra io R ra L arnj e R ioM an tiq uei iras IIIa IV N O E 38 Q U E P S C -4 P o stin Va as o h e oP io R R ras lot je i am i La Man ti qu ei ra r io R IIIb 6872000 6872000 ARM AZ ÉM BRAÇO DO NORT E C S VIIIa 8 3 -4 ra orte IIb IIa io R P i SÃO JOAQUIM i R C o LT d n fu a c a C ir e o h 6 9 ó V K a io R ateu o IV s ã oM S io R h in P s iro e R io i R l VIIIb a ra va G t piv ari C BOM JARDIM DA SERRA inh i o R SÃO JUDGERO e B o Gr avatal nto 6864000 IIb IV 0 43 io R rio O RL EANS ira e S C IV O ra tó B a a t S ão S C -4 3 8 VIIIb R io d RS o nd ioR R 6864000 io R D esp raiado IIa R IIb T U IO B A à O R s R C io iv p a ra o T O L III VIIa S A g E P P ouso Alto e Ia LAURO MULLER i R oP T se aqu ueir ar Gua tá IO R L r o A i III V 6 9 T K VIIb Ib F T E C Barro Branco ha oc in R 6856000 io R io da R 6856000 EF E P I R R à A B ru a C O TU I R S O P a lm e ira s III Ib A io R São Ma rti nho T LO O s PEDRAS GRANDES m EF r A R i io R apiv C ar m azé o VIIa o La rin ge Santana o ra n G d s e a o IO io P e R r d S O D Ib 8 s IIa R i La 6 9 T L K V i R io R 3 VIIb -4 C O R A R io M ã e L u zia do S Ia jeadin h RS IIa s a h VIIa a d e P SC N O C F T E C Ib 01 S O T B R -1 TUBARÃO 6848000 6848000 IIb IIa EF Ia o s d IIc C or e E F C T io R ios io R R ú lpio P VII B IVb s io URUSSANGA re IIIa sC o o IIIb R -1 0 d io T REVISO io Ilh R o ta III io M o ro s in R VIII EF s a V C S S R Faxinal Preto h n 69K LT g n o R io L o d C je a Rio Deserto EF lo 6840000 ubíc Trez e de Maio 0 3 2 IVa das 6840000 L ago a da u i o C R Jaguaruna V K T L III C a u o ip R io d ra o F F R S A ) (2 IVa a lto S EF R io Fiorita - 4 C 1 S io R U rus io R ang VIII IVa EF U rus (ca sa n ga do) a K V 69 d io aliz LT rco n (2) SIDEROPOLIS Serri nha M a R III T 2 L 0 K 3 V R S Sil veira EF C S io R VIII J AG UARUNA D a d 6832000 II ivs ? C -43 9 6 T V K d 5 R S )L 2 II io R e doC ? ( S a io g n a o NOVA VENEZ A C -4 S 6832000 n g a S ã o ro M ORRO DA io R EF F UM AÇA u ilve ra R io Mai na io R V II lve A L ag oa Arr oio Cor re nte ? ? EF L II ? T 69 K V C -4 S 3 V S. BENT O 6824000 VIb EF DE BAIXO Lag oa Bon ita EF C S R S 3 EF an o M R io C -4 3 S Jag EF CRICIÚMA I s el a C -4 S II to i r o M S o d o i R io R 6824000 arun C -4 8 VIa R d io cin o B R a d I - 10 R io R e C o R a h ro d d io e M o F ORQUILHI NHA io VIb ? r a B ço ntas d o asA A ro i alto 0K S ca lha e 23 L do V a -F eraV T ? ? ? VIb V VIb 6816000 iod R 6816000 roi r A S a m ola iod io A R R DETAIL 1 S IÇARA 9 4 S C - 4 VIa VIa 8 -4 JAZIDA SUL - CATARINENS E R rto io oJu S C -4 6 oM S R s S C i R i Ur uss anga Ve lha o lve lA R L ag oa da S oe a n M o C i R Gra nde Morro oC d ndiá edro MELEIRO T IM BÉ DO SUL I NE a F axinal T 6808000 C U Z IA A lve s I O R A l e ira e u io La go a do AR M ARACAJÁ o ig F M a n io R PRO GRESSO a d R M à E L nh N oci R a S iod R E R incão 6808000 V Lag oa dos Este ves VIa L R IXb - 285 R B iod aFig - 28 C /S u eir R 5 a R io Ju n d iá IO A R A R N G -1 O A R IXa S C - O 4 R IO S r o S C adou S R ngr IT ioP a S Itou pava U P V A A inho ARARANGUÁ Á R nheir i o R N G A R U ? T URVO i UL 6800000 R B 01 Á U R I A C onventos Mo rro dos 9 4 T L  N T IC O 6800000 io P R in i e h ARARANGUÁ o h rin S -4 C 4 La go a do Bicho V 8 T L K 9 6 ? L ag oa da -10 Ser ra C O R B P edra E A N O II da IXb A o ? Ermo Arroi o do Sil va - 4 C 8 JA S Z ID i R 6792000 JACINTO MACHADO 600 000 608 000 616000 624000 632000 640000 S 648000 656000 672000 C -4 8 664000 Sanga d a To ca 680000 688000 6792000 696000 Lagoa Caverá 678 4000 R io a L d a g e 6784000 Leã o RS C ave R io R io rá SOMBRIO SC tã o e r S R ioC 6 od R i ac ho 6776000 6776000 50 eira io R rê s T Irmãos Lag oa do Somb rio Lago d e Fora Rio C aneco I ? Rio Macaco PRAIA GRANDE SC-450 ? SC I Rio M a p itu b m a RS 6768000 6768000 S.Joã o do Sul ? EN SE JAZIDA SUL - CATARINENSE C AT AR IN R io M a m pit u ba ? 676 0000 SC RS I 6760000 rno n g a u e b iod Sâo Joâo R am M II B 50MVA a oF Pichirica pitu i o d o M R 3 5 -4 R /R -4 S 8 0 8 9 (2,5MVA) Rio O TORRES 6,2 0 5,0 5 MVA 6752000 IC SU L ? 6752000 12,5MVA 12,5MVA T Sâo Ped ro ÂN P a c a s da s 0 5 9 V K 1 38 T A L T L Rio O II Lageadinho A N Rio Seco 6.560.000 Lag o de Itape va 6744000 1 10 CE 6744000 0 A O r a io d T o e R A ZID Três Cach oeiras J DETAIL 2 T 6 9 V K 8 4 C -4 S L ag uzia oa Mãe II 1 1 0 R B 6736000 Rondinha 608000 600000 616000 624000 632000 640000 648000 Back 600000 6 08000 616000 624000 632000 640000 648000 656000 664000 672000 680000 688000 696000 e n -d te R io Q u e b ra R IO C A N O A S U RU BICI 407 R io C o d S R io S a a ta n F é Me i o eir as IO R apo R io C a n R ioA ug us to O A S C A N o C R i s a o s SA N TA ROS A DE LIMA os io d R i xão a C I O R B R A O D Ç O N P es io R T E R O R i oU ru bi ci egu e iro R io R io R io d o T ac h C im bo anq ue io s ug re B R 6896000 r a B v o a rona C 6896000 io R O D IO L A V -T U R a p é u R io C h o isp Vila Santa Isabel i o R P e q u n o e o B io d 43 8 SC - A lurê R v a a L -T u d o rio ula R io V ILA VA C AS GORDAS R IoC 6888000 6888000 RIO FORTUNA r ro A i o M o ro ra n G e d -T U D O S u m id o u r o -4 0 7 R oi d oB i spo R io C S R i o B ra ço R IO L A V A o d Vila Pericó d e a t DI VI SÃO G ERAL DA JAZIDA POR BLOCOS sq u E r e a d e o a j L i o R e lot P a s o R i C R io P e q u n o e r ro A i i o R T rê a g L in h o a C Ó E IR IO P R VI IIc s aB r ar s VII Ib A ro io GRÃO-PARÁ VIb 8 2 4 S u m id u ro o 6880000 S VI IIc 6880000 S C - io R - 4 C 3 9 IIIa v e In rn a d R io VII Ib er ra II Ib aS 43 8 C S o d i R Cruzeiro inh a ton Vb R IO VIa An io R P io R ira La ar nj eira s IV O R io M a tn iq ue U E N E Q S C - 4 3 8 Va II Ia t in h o o P o s Ri lo tas ioP e ri sa m je ar a io L R Manti queira R I IIb 6872000 6872000 ARMAZÉM BR AÇ O D ONORTE S C - 4 3 8 VII Ia rte i ra S ÃO JOA QUIM R io Po IIb I Ia L T 69 R io C a n d fu ó K V o e h ira io C a c R eu s M at IV S ão io P in R h e iro s io R R io a ta l G ra v VIIIb o din h i p iva r C a SÃO J UDGERO R io BO M JARDI M DASERRA on to Gravatal B en io R R 6864000 6864000 I Ib R IV S ão io VIIIb SC - 34 0 te ira io d a B a t a 8 3 S C -4 R IV ORLEANS ra tó rio R io O D espraiado IIa IIb I OT R U B A à O R iv a p r s io C R a Pouso Alto Ia R io a q T u ar P es s eg u e ri o a III Guatá VIIa R IO P E L O A S T LAURO MULLER ro io T 6 9 L K A VIIb V III Ib F T E C a cin h Barro Branco a R o 6856000 6856000 EF iod i o R R P a lm A R B à O e ira s I II ur C ar TU Ib R io R IO S LO TA P E São M artinho C ap iv ars IO R z ém rm a A o R i PEDRAS GRANDES EF io R VI Ia IIa ri n d h a s VIIa SC ado RS Santana T L e d r a s G ra n d e s P R io io inho O IO R R A IIa 38 - 4 C 6 9 K V R S L a jead e P a ge io L Ia VI Ib R io M ã e L u z ia io R R O S C O N T O S D Ib Ib 1 -1 0 R EF T C B TUBARÃO 6848000 6848000 IIb IIa EF Ia IIc o s d C F T C E or e io s R io R io io R P ú l pilo -1 0 1 o r e io d o s C TREVISO VII II Ib R B II Ia IVb I lh io o ta s URUSS ANGA III R io M o r o s in Faxinal Preto VIII R a s h S R S C EF 9K V C o n g o n T6 L R io L a je a d o R io Deserto EF a s lo d 6840000 6840000 ub ícu Treze de Maio R io Lagoa da J aguaruna C 3 0 2 K V 2 )L T ( I Va a o u C a ip o r o S a d lt o I II F F S A IVa R io R EF Rio Fiorita S C -4 1 i o R EF R i o r u U s sa n g a ) a od a liz ca n ( ( 2)L S IDEROPOLIS g a sa n ru s U VIII I Va Serrinha T 69 r co a M io d a R V K I II Silveira VIII R R io S C J AGUARUN A a D d iv isa II 6832000 NOVA VENEZA i o R S a n g o ? ? -4 43 C S C -4 R io S a n g o ã K V 9 do C ed ro 5 ) L T 6 (2 II R io S 6832000 EF L T 2 3 0 K V S M OR RO D A FU MAÇA a runa Ja gu io R V o rto M ira e EF R io Maina R io R o i d o S ilv II EF II S C -4 3 CRICIÚMA I v es el A l La g oa Arroio Co rrente ? ? EF a no i o M R EF II ? L T 6 9 K V 6824000 6824000 C -4 4 S 3 VIb V DEBEN S. BAIXO TO EF Lag oa Bon ita EF S C RS S C -4 3 -4 8 IÇARA B R -1 0 1 cin h a r o d o d o C e i R o d a R o R i S C VIa I io d o M R FOR QU ILH IN HA io e ? ? VIb VIb V R iod 30 K V L T 2 ? o d o B ra ço A ro i o o altS io d r o A tas ? a - F a c o la A m lh a e ra V e da S as A n VIb R io R io 6816000 6816000 C -4 4 S 9 VIa VIa R noe R io ves lA l JAZIDA SUL - CATARINENSE o M S C L a go a da U ru ssan ga Velha S -C 4 48 a M rto d o i o R i R o e dr C oJ u n d iá S C -4 4 6 S R io Morro Grande MELEIRO T IM BÉ DO SU L CA TA RI NE NS E ha oc ni da R i o R io R MARAC AJÁ Z IA U PR OGRESSO e l Ma n o 6808000 V 6808000 L ag oa dos E ste ves I O R l ve s A Mà E L ira e io d a F ig u R Rincão L ag oa do Faxi nal VIa L T 6 9 K V S C - 4 4 8 L ag oa Mãe L uzia R IXb B R - 2 8 5/S io da - 28 C 5 R io J u n d iá R IO A R A R A N GU Á R IO R B -1 0 1 Fi g u eir a IXa R A A ARARANGUÁ d ou ngr a C S a S U P A V A Itoupava ro S R R io GU Á A N R ? T UR VO ho nhe irn i oP i R O IT SU L 6800000 ARARANGUÁ in h P e  TL A Morro dos Conventos C -4 4 S 9 IO R i o R NT IC O 6800000 La g oa do Bic ho irn h o SC K V 9 -4 4 8 T 6 L ? -1 0 1 L ag o a da Ser ra R B O AN CE O II dra I Xb Ermo JACINTO MACHADO 600000 6 08000 616000 ? C -4 4 S 8 6792000 624000 632000 640000 648000 JA ZI D A e P o da R i Arroio do Silva 656000 672000 S C -4 48 S anga da Toca 664000 680000 688000 6792000 696000 Back 600000 608000 616000 624000 632000 640000 SC - 4 648000 656000 672000 8 664000 Sanga da Toca Lagoa Caverá 6784000 R io d a Lag e 6784000 L Ri o R io Ca ve rá SOMBRIO eã o RS SC R io do Rio C ac hoei ra Ser tão 650 6776000 6776000 R io Tr ês Irmãos Lagoa do Sombrio Rio Caneco Lago de Fora I ? Rio Macaco PRAIA GRANDE SC-450 ? SC Rio RS I Ma mp iu tb a 6768000 6768000 S.João do Sul ? SC RS o a rn Fo 6760000 tu b o o d Ri Pichirica I Sâo Joâo pi ue ang d oM Rio JAZIDA SUL - CATARINENSE AR IN EN SE ? 6760000 Ma m pi t ub a CA T Rio M a m II BR - 4 5 50MVA / RS 3 - 4 9 80 0 8 (2,5MVA) Rio ? O 6,25 MVA 5,00 MVA 12,5MVA NT 12,5MVA L Sâo Pedro P aca s das LT 1 38 K 9 50 V AT Rio 6752000 IC SU L TORRES 6752000 II AN Lageadinho 6 .560.000 Lago de Itapeva 110 0 6744000 E 6744000 O Rio Seco ZID A O C T er a i do Ro JA Três Cachoeiras II 10 BR 1 6736000 Rondinha 608000 600000 616000 624000 632000 640000 648000 Back PR SC RS JAZIDA DE CHARQUEADAS JAZIDA MORUNGAVACHICO LOMà JAZIDA SANTA TEREZINHA 600000 608000 6 16000 EF 6.728.000 6 .7 28 .0 00 V 2, 5 6 .7 20 .0 00 6 .7 20 .0 00 EF JAZIDA DO LEÃO V V 6 .7 12 .0 00 6 .7 12 .0 00 ? V ? III 6 .7 04 .0 00 6 .7 04 .0 00 ? ? II IV IV JAZIDA DO CAPANÉ III V V JAZIDA DO IRUÍ II III .5 2 6 .6 96 .0 00 6 .6 96 .0 00 (o) II II ? IV II EF ? III 1 6 .6 88 .0 00 Ib 6 .6 88 .0 00 II II 6 .6 88 .0 00 2.5 .5 2 II Ia 1 2.5 II 7 2MV II 1 I Va Ia IIIa 20 MVA 2, 5 II 1 V IV IIb 6.680.000 I EF IIb I I II JAZIDA MORUNGAVA CHICO LOMà IV b I I Vb JAZIDA IIIb MORUGAVA CHICO 1 T RAMA NDA Í EF IVa V IIa IX Va I V III V VI I VI 6 .6 80 .0 00 JAZIDA VI VI SAN TA TEREZINHA II Vb JAZIDA V III II IVb CACHOEIRA DO SUL Nova Tr amandaí VI MORUNGAVA - ? ? VIII III III CHICO LOMà IVa IV a I Lag oa do Gentil IVa Lg do Tap era Oás is S ul 2 ,5 m V Ia Jardim do Édem 6 .6 72 .0 00 ? VII V IIb IV MI NADO CALOMBO M ina do L e ão I I L agoa d o Manoel MI NA DOSRAT OS ARROI O ? ? ? ? IVa ? Nunes PORTO ALEGRE M IN A DO Mi na d o Le ão B UT IÁ V ? V MINAS DO LE ÃO V II 6 1 -2 S R ? ? 6 .6 72 .0 00 IV V IV La goa d a Fort aleza V Ia 6 .6 64 .0 00 C P A N A É ? M in a Ale n cast ro Lg d o IVa Lessa Va III L g da 6 .6 64 .0 00 S uzana IMruiníaCe dant ral M in a III DO 5 M IN A DO RECREIO Sh u mai kal Vb J Lagoa da Cidreira Mi na do Recrei o Cidr eira 786 DA A IZ S R V Ia VI Lagoa da Rond inha 6 .6 56 .0 00 6 .6 56 .0 00 V V V Miona d F axi na l I I III II P in hal MI NA DE L agoa do AGUA BOA IV Cerq uin ho IV I IIb VI II M in a d o I ru í V Mag it ério 1 5 S R 1 0 II I Ia 6 .6 48 .0 00 6 .6 48 .0 00 III IIIb Ib Ib L agoa r o Rincão das ? IIb ? E guas ? II Ib I IIa ? I Ib I ? Lg d o Cipó ? ? Quintão ? IIIb Ia II Ib ? L av ga dogem Lag oa da Porteira I IIb IIIa 6 .6 40 .0 00 6 .6 40 .0 00 IIIa Lagoa do Leão Min a né Capa do IIIa Lg. do Id I Pot reirinho II Ia L agoa do Capão é alto P Pinhe iro nga Sa 6.632.000 Lg. do angr Ic Ib 6.632.000 L agoa Q uin tão do Ia S R 10 Lg. do Ch arqueado DETAIL 1 DETAIL 2 BACK 6 .728.000 2,5 6 .720.000 JAZIDA DO LEÃO 6 .712.000 6 .704.000 JAZIDA DO CAPANÉ JAZIDA DO IRUÍ 6 .696.000 1 Ib 6.688.000 6 .688.000 IIIa 1 1 Ia 1 IIIa V IV I Ib IIb I II Ib 1 EF IX VIII Va IVa VIIa Vb VIII IVb CACHOEIRA DO SUL V III IVa IVa IVa 2 ,5m VIa VII V IIb ? IV V M ina do Le ão II ? ? ? ? IVa ? MIN A DO ? ? B UTIÁ V Mina d o Leão V ? VII MINAS DO LEÃO VIa A AP C NÉ ? Min a Alen castro IVa Va III Mina da Iru í Ce nt ral DO JA ZI D Min a Shu ma ikal A Vb MIN A DO R ECR EIO I II M in a do Recreio VIa VI V V V I I III II MINA DE AGUA BOA IV IV IIIb Min a do Iruí VI V II IIa III IIIb Ib ? Ib IIb ? IIIb ? ? IIb IIIa I ? ? IIIb ? ? Ia II ? Ib II Ib IIIa IIIa Mina do Capané IIIa I IIIa Back JAZIDA DE CHARQUEADAS EF 2,5 EF ? V ? ? ? IV . 5 2 (o) ? IV EF III III ? II . 5 2 2.5 72MV 2.5 II 1 Ia 20MVA 2,5 EF I Va I Vb IV IV M INA DO CA LOMBO M INA ARRO IO DOS RA TOS ? PORTO ALEGRE MINA DO B UTIÁ ? III 5 MINA DO RECREIO Mina do Faxinal I M INA DE A GUA BOA II 5 Back Project For Coal Characterization at Rio Grande do Sul State Petrobras/UFRGS Wolfgang Kalkreuth Eastern Coalfields – Santa Terezinha CPRM. 1986 6720000 0.54 - 0.55 Range of mean random vitrinite reflectances (%) (0.95) Mean random vitrinite reflectance (%) of thermally altered coal TG-02 Borehole selected for methane isotherm experimentation 6710000 0.94 (4.29 - 5.46) 0.67 - 0.75 (0.95) (1.44 - 2.68) 0.53 - 0.55 6700000 0.71 - 0.99 (1.00 - 5.15) 0.87 - 0.91 0.67 - 0.92 TG-10 0.79 - 0.92 0.96 0.65 - 0.80 0.54 - 0.55 0.66 - 0.67(0.80) 0.78 - 0.86 (0.98 - 1.20) 0.54 - 0.63 0.83(0.95 - 3.78) Tramandaí 0.64 - 0.69 0.58 - 0.61 0.57 - 0.63 (0.95) 0.57 - 0.66(1.11) TG-83 0.59 - 0.76 (3.02 - 5.01) 0.69 - 0.67 TG-02 OC EA N 6680000 AT LA NT IC 0.84(1.08 - 1.75) 6670000 0 480000 0.87(2.19 - 4.75) Osório 0.70 - 0.80(1.57 - 3.70) 6690000 TG-95 0.72 - 0.89 0.58 - 0.63 (0.99 -1.47) Capão da Canoa 500000 5 10 15 20 km 520000 540000 560000 580000 Vitrinite reflectance variations. Santa Terezinha Coalfield. RS. Brazil 600000 Map showing borehole distribution. vitrinite reflectance values (Rrandom%) and cumulative coal thickness (m) for structural blocks 1 - 5 Status Report SURPAC 3D Suggested CBM Testwells Time Frame Early 2007 Well Name Depth of coal-bearing interval [m] A TG_89 300 - 326 B TG_14 440 - 462 C TG_99 584 - 618 D TG_59 795 - 837 * from coalification map Total coal thickness[m] 5.39 5.31 8.99 9.8 Number of coal seams 26 31 13 45 Max thickness of coal seam [m] 1.64 0.66 2.15 2.5 Rrandom (%) 0.75 0.73* 0.85* 0.85 3D Petrel/Schlumberger Geological Model showing correlation of parasequences . major structural blocks and suggested location of testwell Modified from Araujo (1990). CPRM TG - 99 Expected CBM Testwell Characteristics Depth = 584 - 618 m Cumulative Coal Thickness = 8.99 m 6 Seams > 0.50 m Maximum Seam Thickness = 2.15 m Vitrinite Reflectance = 0.85 % Rrandom Coal Rank = High Volatile A Bituminous Drilling System = Wireline Coring Diameter = 6.3 cm Trailor for CBM desorption measurements at well site. Temperature controlled box with desorption canisters. (Capacity = 9.60 m of coal) Burette used for thedetermination of desorbed gas volums. Mobile trailer for measurements of desorbed gas volumes Core description and handling. Block Area Mean Max Ro Tcoal Ttotal du dl CBM Km2 Ro [ % ] [%] [m] [m] [m] [m] [cm3/g] 1 288 0.64 0.99 3.76 5.28 197 397 2.13 2 403 0.66 0.80 3.92 6.49 230 343 2.67 3 574 0.73 0.95 3.80 5.19 305 461 3.14 4 366 0.76 0.92 3.13 4.15 463 625 4.28 5 309 0.84 1.03 5.65 6.77 610 902 5.43 area of each block (given by the geometric model) mean and maximum vitrinite reflectence Ro mean of net total coal seam thickness Tcoal mean of total coal seam thickness Ttotal depth range of sampled coal seams du. dl CBM content (estimated from empirical formulas) Area (km2) Depth Range (m) Block 2 473 300-800 Block 3 309 >800 Total 782 -- Coal Resources (10 x 6 t) Seam St2 St3 St4 St5 St6 Total 22.8 134.7 1401.7 287.6 422.9 2269. 7 18.6 74.0 461.3 682.1 777.8 2013. 8 41.4 208.7 1863.0 969.7 1200.7 4283. 5 Table 1: Coal resources. depth range and areal extent for the major coal seams in the Santa Terezinha Coalfield. RS (from CPRM. 1986) Depth Range (m) Resources (106 t) Rrandom (%) Methane Content (m3/t) Total Methane (106 m3) 400-500 500-650 650-800 800-950 125 1095 730 1920 0,72 0,77 0,82 0,88 3,19 4,14 4,89 5,53 399 4533 3570 10618 Total 3870 19119 Table 2: Estimated total methane volume for seams ST4. ST5 and ST6. Santa Terezinha Coalfield. RS coal resource data from CPRM (1986). Summary 9 Coal Resources: 4.328 10 t for the 5 major seams at a depth range from 400 – 950 m Coal Rank : 0.53 % Ro near surface (subbituminous) 0.99 % Ro at depth (high volatile A bituminous) locally thermally altered by intrusiva (anthracite) CBM Potential: 19 Billion m3 methane estimated from coal rank, coal volume and depth of deposit for seams ST4, ST5, ST6 Source: KALKREUTH, W., HOLZ, M., KERN, M., OLIVEIRA, T.A. Implications for CO2 Sequestration The identification of deep-lying bituminous coal seams. associated with predicted significant methane volumes in the Santa Terezinha Coalfield. RS has direct implications for CO2 sequestration considerations: - Studies on the relative adsorption capacities of gas mixtures in wet bituminous coals have shown that in general CO2 is adsorbed by a factor of 2 when compared with CH4 adsorption capacity. whereas the adsorption capacity of N2 is very low (Chaback et al.. 1996; Xiaojiun Cui et al.. 2004; Ozdemir et al.. 2004; Busch et al.. 2003;2006) THANK YOU! QUESTIONS? [email protected] [email protected]