PROGRAMME A ADDVVAANNC CEED DC CO OU URRSSEE IIN N LLA APPA ARRO OSSC CO OPPIIC CU URRO OLLO OG GIIC CA ALL SSU URRG GEERRYY JJU UN NEE 2255TTTHHH TTO O 2277TTTHHH,, 22001155 IIRRC CA AD D -- B BRRAAZZIILL C CHHAAIIRRM MA AN N Henrique Prata Barretos Cancer Hospital Brazil PPRREESSIIDDEENNTT D DIIRREEC CTTO ORR Jacques Marescaux Armando Melani President, IRCAD University of Strasbourg, France Barretos Cancer Hospital Brazil C CO OUURRSSEE D DIIRREEC CTTO ORR Thierry Piechaud Clinique Saint Augustin Bordeaux, France O OBBJJEEC CTTIIV VEESS To present operative techniques by live operative demonstations from expert centers To describe common laparoscopic urological techniques and operative procedures To describe outcomes and potential complications of laparoscopic procedures Hands-on training sessions to improve technical performance in laparoscopic urological surgery EEDDUUC CA ATTIIO ON NA ALL M MEETTHHO OD DSS Interactive theoretical and video sessions between faculty and course participants. Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations FFAAC CUULLTTYY Claude-Clément Abbou (France) Mirandolino Mariano (Brazil) Marcos Tobias Machado (Brazil) Anibal Wood Branco (Brazil) Eric Mandron (France) Clovis Fraga Pereira (Brazil) Marcos Flávio Rocha (Brazil) TTRRAAIINNEERRSS Romolo Guida (Brazil) Alejandro D’orázio (Argentina) Ricardo Nishimoto (Brazil) Roberto Dias Machado (Brazil) Bruno Lopes Cançado (Brazil) Celso Heitor de Feiras Jr. (Brazil) Alexandre Santos (Brazil) JUNE 25TH, 2015 Morning 08.00 am Welcome to participants - Introduction Theoretical Session 08.00 am Laparoscopic Kidney Surgery: Pyeloplasty, pyelotomy Laparoscopic nephrectomy 08.20 am Extraperitoneal radical nephrectomy 08.40 am Transperitoneal radical nephrectomy Live surgery 09.00 am Live Operative Demonstration (according to patient availability): Transperitoneal radical nephrectomy 10.30 am Break 11.00 am Partial nephrectomy 11.30 am Laparoscopic adrenalectomy: Extraperitoneal approach, transperitoneal approach 11.50 am Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy: My technique Live surgery 12.00 pm Live Operative Demonstration (according to patient availability): Single Port Adrenalectomy 13.00 pm Lunch at the Institute Afternoon EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY – Practical session on Live Tissue 02.00 pm 06.30 pm Approach of the upper urinary system: Renal pedicle dissection Ureterolysis Pyeloplasty Ureteral repair Right nephrectomy Left nephrectomy End of day session This program may be subject to modifications JUNE 25TH, 2015 Morning Theoretical Session 08.00 am Laparoscopic treatment of genito-urinary prolapse Technique principles Technique and Complications Live surgery 08.45 am Live Operative Demonstration (according to patient availability): Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy Theoretical Session – Pelvic Laparoscopic 10.00 am Ureterovesical implantation 10.30 am Break 10.45 am Laparoscopic Radical cystectomy: Technique of cystectomy 11.30 am Extended lymphadenectomy 11.50 am Urinary diversion after laparoscopic radical cystectomy Live surgery 12.05 pm Live Operative Demonstration (according to patient availability): Prostatectomy for BPH 1.15 pm Lunch at the Institute Afternoon EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY – Training on Live Tissue 02.00 pm 06.30 pm Approach of the lower urinary system: Ureterolysis Burch Cystotomy Ureterovesical implantation End of day session This program may be subject to modifications Operator: M. Mariano B. Dauster JUNE 27TH, 2015 Morning Theoretical Session 08.00 am Radical prostatectomy: Anatomical reminder 08.30 am Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: step by step procedure Live Surgery - Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy 09.00 am Live Operative Demonstration (according to patient availability): Radical prostatectomy 10.30 am Break 11.00 am Points of technique about my laparoscopic approach for prostatectomy 12.00 pm Laparoscopic adenomectomy: Millin’s technique 12.30 pm Lunch at the Institute Afternoon EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY – Training on Live Tissue 01.30 pm 04.30 pm Practice of previously performed procedures: Nephrectomy Pyeloplasty, ureterolysis Partial nephrectomy ... End of seminar Delivery of the certificates of attendance This program may be subject to modifications