New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from


New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from
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New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera,
Cerambycidae) from South America
Maria Helena M. Galileo
Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, [email protected]
Ubirajara R. Martins
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, [email protected]
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Galileo, Maria Helena M. and Martins, Ubirajara R., "New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from South America"
(2010). Insecta Mundi. Paper 639.
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A Journal of World Insect Systematics
New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from South America
Maria Helena M. Galileo
Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul
CP 1188, 90001-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Ubirajara R. Martins
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo
CP 42494, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Date of Issue: March 12, 2010
Maria Helena M. Galileo and Ubirajara R. Martins
New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) from South America
Insecta Mundi 0115: 1-9
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ISSN 0749-6737
ISSN 1942-1354
ISSN 1942-1362
0115: 1-9
New species of Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
from South America
Maria Helena M. Galileo
Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul
CP 1188, 90001-970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
[email protected]
Ubirajara R. Martins
Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo
CP 42494, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
[email protected]
Abstract. New species are described in the tribe Piezocerini: Gorybia rondonia sp. nov. from Brazil (Rondônia) and
G. bahiensis sp. nov. from Brazil (Bahia); in the tribe Hexoplonini: Calycibidion rubricolle sp. nov. from Brazil
(Bahia); in the tribe Ibidionini, Tropidina: Tropidion argentina sp. nov. from Argentina (La Rioja) and T. boliviensis
sp. nov. from Bolivia (Santa Cruz); in the tribe Rhinotragini: Ommata (Ommata) albitarsis sp. nov. from Brazil
(Rondônia); and in the tribe Rhopalophorini: Cosmisoma viridescens sp. nov. from Brazil (Bahia). To validate the
tribal names, Hexoplon Thomson, 1864 and Tropidion Thomson, 1867, are here designated type genera of Hexoplonini
and Tropidiina, respectively.
Keywords. Hexoplonini, Ibidionini, Piezocerini, Rhinotragini, Rhopalophorini.
Resumo. Novas espécies de Cerambycinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) da América do Sul. Espécies novas descritas
em Piezocerini: Gorybia rondonia sp. nov. do Brasil (Rondônia) e G. bahiensis sp. nov. do Brasil (Bahia). Em
Hexoplonini: Calycibidion rubricolle sp. nov. do Brasil (Bahia). Em Ibidionini, Tropidina: Tropidion argentina sp.
nov. da Argentina (La Rioja) e T. boliviensis sp. nov. da Bolívia (Santa Cruz). Em Rhinotragini: Ommata (Ommata)
albitarsis sp. nov. do Brasil (Rondônia). Em Rhopalophorini: Cosmisoma viridescens sp. nov. do Brasil (Rondônia).
Para validar os nomes de tribo e subtribo, Hexoplon Thomson, 1864 e Tropidion Thomson, 1867, são aqui designados
gênero-tipos de Hexoplonini e Tropidiina, respectivamente.
Palavras-chave. Hexoplonini, Ibidionini, Piezocerini, Rhinotragini, Rhopalophorini.
Based on material from various collections, new species within the tribes Piezocerini, Hexoplonini,
Ibidionini (Tropidiina), Rhinotragini and Rhopalophorini are described.
Among Cerambycinae with finely faceted eyes, two species of Gorybia Pascoe, 1866 (Piezocerini) are
described. This genus was reviewed by Martins (1976), with 32 species at the time. It was once again
reviewed by Martins (2006), adding colored photographs for many species. Martins and Galileo (2007a)
added G. montana, and in 2008, Galileo and Martins described G. quadrispinosa.
A new species is described in Calycibidion Martins, 1971 (Hexoplonini), which had only included two
species so far. Hexoplonini was reviewed by Martins (2006).
Two species are described in Tropidion Thomson, 1867 (Ibidionini, Tropidiina) a speciose genus which
was reviewed by Martins (1968), when it included 64 species; it was once again reviewed by Martins and
Galileo (2007b), comprising 69 species in South America.
Hexoplonini Martins, 2006 and Tropidina Martins and Galileo, 2007 are nomina nuda by article 16.2
of the ICZN (Bousquet et al., 2009). To validate these tribes, Hexoplon Thomson, 1864 and Tropidion
Thomson, 1867, are designated as the type genera of Hexoplonini and Tropidiina, respectively.
In Rhinothragini, one species of Ommata (Ommata) White, 1855 is described. This subgenus had so
far included seven species (Monné and Hovore, 2005). Concerning Rhopalophorini, one species was added
to the genus Cosmisoma Audinet-Serville, 1834, which was reviewed by Monné and Magno (1988).
2 • INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010
The acronyms throughout the text correspond to ACMS, American Coleoptera Museum, San Antonio,
Texas, United States of America; FSCA, Florida State Collection of Arthropods, United States of America;
MNKM, Museo Noel Kempff Mercado, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia; MZSP, Museu de Zoologia da
Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil; UEFS, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana,
Bahia State, Brazil.
Gorybia rondonia Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 1)
Description. General integument dark reddish-brown (Figure 1). Frons and vertex with microsculptured
alveoli. Upper ocular lobes with three rows of ommatidia. Antennal tubercles distant from each other and
rounded at the top. Antennae almost reaching the elytral apex. Scape densely punctate. Antennomere III
not projecting on the external apex; IV to X subserrate.
Prothorax rounded at sides. Pronotum (female), entirely alveolated except for a small longitudinal
area at the basal groove; alveolus microsculptured. Prosternal process recurved. Mesosternum punctate
and microsculptured. Metasternum shining at central area and microsculptured at the lateral-anterior
Elytra with shining integument, densely punctate; at the basal one-half, gradually sparser towards the
apex; erect hairs organized in five longitudinal rows. Elytral apices emarginated, having a short spine on
the external side and wide projection on the internal one.
Anterior coxal cavities narrowly open behind. Meso- and metatibiae not expanded at the apex.
Urosternites shining with microsculptured sides.
Measurements in mm. Total length, 11.8; prothorax length, 2.5; largest prothoracic width, 2.4; elytra
length, 8.3; humeral width, 3.2.
Type material. Female holotype, BRAZIL, Rondônia: Mutum-Paraná (left margin of the Paraná River),
19.11.2003, without name of collector, light trap (MZSP).
Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition and refers to the State of Rondônia.
Diagnosis. Gorybia rondonia sp. nov. is similar to G. quadrispinosa Galileo and Martins, 2008 by
emarginate elytral apices, dark-reddish brown coloring, antennomeres IV to X subserrated, and upper
ocular lobes with three rows of ommatidia. It is distinguished by having linear middle and posterior
tibiae, which do not expand towards the extremity (without an external projection). In G. quadrispinosa,
the meso- and metatibiae projecting at the apex.
Gorybia bahiensis Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 2)
Description. General coloring brown; antennae, dorsal area of elytra and urosternites, reddish-brown.
Frons and vertex with microsculptured alveoli. Antennal tubercles slightly projecting and acute. Upper
ocular lobes with three rows of ommatidia. Antennae reach the apical one-third of the elytra. Scape
punctate and microsculptured. Antennomere III not expanded towards the apex; antennomeres IV to X
with an external projection at the apex, which becomes increasingly pronounced towards the apical
antennomeres; antennomere XI appendiculate.
Prothorax rounded at sides; basal constriction pronounced. Pronotum (Figure 2) completely alveolated,
with long hairs and a shallow groove at the centre of the base. Prosternum smooth in the center and
alveolated on the sides at the anterior regions; prosternal process not projecting. Mesosternum and
mesepimera with shallow alveoli. Metasternum smooth in center; anterior region microsculptured at
INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010 • 3
Figure 1-5. Habitus. 1) Gorybia rondonia, female holotype, length 11.8 mm. 2) Gorybia bahiensis, female
holotype, length 6.4 mm. 3) Calycibidion rubricolle, male holotype, length 7.9 mm. 4) Tropidion argentina, male
holotype, length 10.6 mm. 5) Tropidion boliviensis, female holotype, length 11.4 mm.
4 • INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010
Elytra densely punctate at base, becoming gradually sparser towards the apex. Long and abundant
hairs throughout the entire surface. Elytral apices emarginated with an external small spine and slightly
projecting at sutural angle.
Meso- and metatibiae not expanded at apex. Urosternites with punctures and long, sparse hairs.
Measurements in mm. Total length, 6.4; prothorax length, 1.4; largest prothoracic width, 1.6; elytra
length, 4.3; humeral width, 1.6.
Type material. Female holotype, BRAZIL, Bahia: São Félix do Coribe-Coribe, (km 24, 13o33’S 4415’W,
493 m), 07.XII.2007, F. Bravo col. (UEFS).
Etymology. The specific name is an adjective allusive to the State of Bahia.
Diagnosis. Gorybia bahiensis sp. nov. is similar to G. adiaphora Martins, 1976 in general coloring, the
pronotum having a shallow center-basal groove, elytral apices with a small spine at sutural angle and
metatibiae not expanded towards the apex. It is distinguished by its denser pilosity, with long elytra
hairs, which cover the entire surface (over five rows); antennomere III not projecting at the external apex;
and urosternites punctate with long hairs. On G. adiaphora, the elytral hairs are organized in five rows;
antennomere III is projecting at the external extremity and urosternites are not punctate.
Hexoplonini Galileo and Martins, new tribe
Hexoplonini Martins, 2006: 22; Bousquet et al. 2009: 49 (nomem nudum).
Type genus. Hexoplon Thomson, 1864, here designated.
Description. Antennal scape curved inwards. Flagellomeres multicarinate or sulcate. Prothorax curved.
Anterior coxal cavities with articular surface. Metafemurs spined at apex. The tribe is more completely
described in Martins (2006).
Calycibidion rubricolle Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 3)
Description. Head black. Frons smooth with depressed areas in front of the antennal tubercles; longitudinal corrugations between the tubercles. Vertex sparsely punctate. Upper ocular lobes with three rows of
ommatidia. Antennae black surpassing the elytral apices in the middle of antennomere IX. Scape
microsculptured with sparse punctures.
Prothorax reddish. Pronotum with a brownish band along the anterior margin; punctures sparse.
Prothorax and prosternum sides punctate. Mesosternum and metasternum reddish. Mesepisterna,
mesepimera, metepisterna and a narrow band on the sides of the metasternum microsculptured. Metasternum central region punctate with long, sparse hairs.
Elytra (Figure 3) reddish-orange until slightly after the middle and black in the remaining portion.
Coarsely, deeply and densely punctate throughout the entire surface, with erect and long hairs, organized
in rows. Elytral apices emarginated; marginal spine longer and sharper than the sutural one.
Legs black, except coxae and base of femur, which are reddish; apical tarsomeres reddish-brown.
Femurs with sparse punctures. Tibiae hairy and carinated.
Urosternites black, except at the basal half of I, which is reddish-brown; sparsely punctate with long
Measurements in mm. Total length, 7.9-8.6; prothorax length, 1.8-1.9; largest prothoracic width, 1.21.3; elytra length, 5.0-5.7; humeral width, 1.7-1.8.
Type material. Male holotype, BRAZIL, Bahia: São Félix do Coribe-Coribe, (km 24, 13o33’S 4415’W, 493
m), 07.XII.2007, A. M. Silva-Neto col. (UEFS); male paratype, same data of the holotype, F. Bravo col.
Etymology. Latin, rubrus = red; collum = neck; allusion to the red prothorax.
INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010 • 5
Diagnosis. Calycibidion rubricolle sp. nov. is similar to C. turbidum Napp and Martins, 1985 concerning the elytral apices with two spines. It is distinguished by its black head and reddish pronotum; black
antennae; black legs with coxae and femur bases reddish. The head and prothorax of C. turbidum are
black; the pedicels, the flagellomeres and the legs are brownish.
Tropidiina Galileo and Martins, new subtribe
Tropidina Martins, 2007b: 7; Bousquet et al. 2009: 49 (nomem nudum).
Type genus.Tropidion Thomson, 1867, here designated.
Description. Antennal scape pyriform, sulcate basally. Flagellomeres not enlarged. Articles III and IV
equal in length. Pronotum usually with tubercles. Anterior coxal cavities open behind. Anterior coxae
without articular surface. The subtribe is more completely described in Martins (2007b).
Tropidion argentina Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 4)
Description. Head reddish-brown, covered by a yellowish pilosity. Antennal tubercles projecting. Antennae reddish-brown, reaching elytral apices (males) at the tip of antennomere VII. Scape subpyriform,
without a basal groove. Antennomere III carinate, slightly longer than IV.
Prothorax reddish-brown, longer than wide. Pronotum covered with sericeous pubescence, except in a
center-longitudinal area and in a longitudinal band on each side; oblique branches begin at the anterior
extremity of lateral bands, reaching the anterior one-third of the central-longitudinal band. Middle of
pronotum with a central tubercle and a discrete gibosity on each side. Lateral portions of the prothorax
smooth and shining. Prosternum with pubescence bands, prolonged up to the middle. Mesosternum and
metasternum reddish. Scutellum covered by a whitish pubescence.
Elytra (Figure 4) reddish-brown; each one with a lateral yellowish spot on the anterior one-third.
Numerous hairs throughout the entire elytra, poorly organized in rows. Elytral apices rounded.
Femora reddish-brown, clearer at the peduncles and sparsely pubescent. Urosternites reddish-brown.
Measurements in mm. Total length, 10.6; prothorax length, 2.4; largest prothoracic width, 1.6; elytra
length, 7.0; humeral width, 2.0.
Type material. Male holotype, ARGENTINA, La Rioja: Castro Barros (Santa Vera Cruz, 28o67’ S 66o
96’W, 1600 m), 15.II.2005, L. Stange col. (FSCA).
Etymology. Latin, rubrus = red; collum = neck; allusion to the red prothorax.
Diagnosis. Tropidion argentina sp. nov. is similar to T. intermedium (Martins, 1962) concerning unarmed elytral apices, but it is distinguished by its general reddish-brown coloring, having a yellow spot on
the elytra, and by the pronotum, which presents three tubercles. On T. intermedium, the elytra are
yellowish and without spots, the appendices are reddish and the pronotum presents five tubercles.
Tropidion boliviensis Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 5)
Description. Head black, densely pubescent. Upper ocular lobes with three rows of ommatidia. Vertex
punctate between the antennal tubercles and upper ocular lobes. Antennae (female) reach elytral apices
6 • INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010
Figure 6-7. Habitus. 6) Ommata (O.) albitarsis, female holotype, length 8.5 mm. 7) Cosmisoma viridescens, male
holotype, length 7.3 mm.
INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010 • 7
approximately at the tip of antennomere VII. Scape reddish-black, finely punctuate, pyriform, grooved at
Prothorax black and reddish at the base. Pronotum densely pubescent, except at the anterior onefourth portion (where the pubescence is very sparse) and on the central tubercle. Five pronotal tubercles
slightly apparent on a dorsal view, with the exception of the central tubercle, more visible through a side
view. Prothorax sides pubescent, anterior margin shining. Prosternum with “V-shaped” pubescence at
the posterior half. Mesosternum and metasternum reddish, covered by a whitish pubescence.
Elytra (Figure 5) with a reddish anterior half and black apical half; each having a whitish, oblique,
dorsal spot on the anterior half and an oblique band between the dominant colours; this band turns
forward near the margin, through a short prolongation. Rough punctures near the scutellum and along
the suture. The reddish portion of the elytra is also punctate. Each elytron with five longitudinal rows of
hairs. Elytral apices with an external long spine.
Femora reddish. Tips of metafemora slightly projecting. Tibiae and tarsi black. Urosternite I reddish; II to V black.
Measurements in mm. Total length, 11.4; prothorax length, 2.6; largest prothoracic width, 1.9; elytra
length, 7.8; humeral width, 2.5.
Type material. Female holotype, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Buena Vista (Hotel Flora and Fauna, 4,6 km
SSE) 22-25.X.2007, Galileo and Martins col. (MNKM).
Etymology. The epithet is a Latin adjective referring to the native country (Bolivia).
Diagnosis. Tropidion boliviensis sp. nov. is similar to Tropidion fairmairei (Gounelle, 1909) by the
coloring pattern and dense pronotum pubescence. It differs through its upper ocular lobes, with three
rows of ommatidia, pronotum glabrous near the anterior margin, with a pronounced and glabrous centroposterior tubercle, elytra with rough punctures and its anterior spot on the elytra, which prolongs towards the margin without reaching it.
In T. fairmairei, the superior ocular lobes present four rows of ommatidia, the pronotum is pubescent
on the sides of the anterior one-third, the central tubercle is barely projecting, the elytra do not present
rough punctures and the anterior elytra spot is rounded.
Ommata (Ommata) albitarsis Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 6)
Description. Head reddish; antennal tubercles black. Frons moderately punctate (32 x), covered by a
shining, golden-yellow pubescence. Anterior region of the vertex, between the antennal tubercles, with
same kind of pubescence. Occiput punctate. Malar area shorter than the lower ocular lobe (female).
Gula black on anterior portion and reddish on posterior region, with punctures more concentrated on
the sides. Antennae reach elytral apices, almost at the apex of antennomere VIII. Scape black and
punctate. Antennomeres III-VIII black and gradually thicker towards the apical segments; antennomeres
IX-X white; antennomere XI with white basal half and a black apical one.
Prothorax (Figure 6) reddish. Gradually wider sides towards the base; the widest point is next to the
basal constriction. Pronotum and sides of the prothorax punctate. Prosternum with a black band next to
each procoxa; the posterior half is covered by a whitish pubescence. Mesosternum and metasternum
black covered by a whitish pubescence, except metepisternum, with a slight metallic green shining.
Sides of the metasternum, mesepisternum and metepisternum punctate. Scutellum black with a whitish
Elytra metallic-green, indistinctly blue at the basal region; small reddish portions at sides of scutellum; elytral margins slightly narrower towards the apex; densely punctate throughout the entire surface.
Elytral apices rounded and reaching the base of urosternite V.
Protrochanters reddish. Profemora black. Mesotrochanters reddish, mesofemora black with a narrow, reddish basal area. Metatrochanters reddish Metafemora with white pedunculus and a black clava.
8 • INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010
Tibiae, pro- and mesotarsi black. Metatarsomeres I-IV white; metatarsomere V white at the base and
reddish at the apex. Urosternites black covered by a whitish pubescence.
Measurements in mm. Total length, 8.5; prothorax length, 2.1; largest prothoracic width, 1.6; anterior prothoracic width, 1.1; elytra length, 6.0; humeral width, 1.9.
Type material. Female holotype, BRAZIL, Rondônia: Porto Velho (Parque Ecológico), 3.VIII.2008, without
name of collector Malaise trap, “terra firme” (MZSP).
Etymology. Latin, albi = white; Greek, tarsos = tarsi; allusion to white metatarsi.
Diagnosis. Concerning antennomeres IX-X white, prothorax reddish, elytra metallic-green and
metatarsomeres I-IV white, Ommata (O.) albitarsis sp. nov. may be compared with Ommata (O.)
paradisiaca Tippmann, 1953. It differs by antennomere XI white with apical half black; prosternum, with
a black band next to each procoxa; mesofemora black with a narrow basal area reddish and elytra unicolor
(excepting the reddish basal line beside the scutellum).
Zajciw (1960:94) described the female of O. (O.) paradisiaca, previously recognized only through the
male, with the differential characters: antennomeres IV to VI black and antennae surpassing the elytral
apices by their last two articles (the remaining are secondary sexual characters). In O. (O.) paradisiaca,
antennomere XI is entirely white, the prosternum is entirely black, the basal halves of mesofemora are
white and the elytra present a yellowish longitudinal band, which gradually narrows from the base to the
Cosmisoma viridescens Galileo and Martins, new species
(Figure 7)
Description. Head with a metallic-green integument. Frons and vertex punctate; punctures more sparse
on the vertex. Antennae reach the elytra apexes at the apical one third of antennomere V. Scape metallicblue and irregularly punctate. Irregular fringe of long hairs on the internal edge of the scape, pedicel and
antennomeres III-V. Apical region of antennomere V with a small tuft of long hairs on the internal edge.
Prothorax reddish with anterior constriction and narrow basal region metallic-green; sides discretely
rounded. Pronotum glabrous, punctate except for a center-longitudinal band; the greenish areas transversely striate along the posterior edge and microcorrugations along the anterior edge. Scutellum punctate.
Elytra (Figure 7) metallic-green, punctate with a wide, dorsal and golden pubescence band, from the
base to the apex. Lateral margins slightly narrowed towards the apex. Elytral apices acuminate.
Ventral surface metallic-green with dense sericeous pubescence. Metepisterna reddish. Legs with
sparse sericeous pubescence and a few long hairs on the tibiae. Mesocoxae, metacoxae and bases of
metafemora reddish. Metatibiae curved, without tuft of hairs.
Measurements in mm. Total length, 7.3; prothorax length, 1.7; largest prothoracic width, 1.4; elytra
length, 4.7; humeral width, 1.8.
Type material. Male holotype, BRAZIL, Bahia: São Félix do Coribe-Coribe, (km 24, 13o33’S 44o15’W,
493 m), 07.XII.2007, F. Bravo col. (UEFS).
Etymology. Latin, viridescens = which becomes green; allusion to the integument color.
Diagnosis. Cosmisoma viridescens sp. nov. could be compared with C. gratum Monné and Magno, 1988
by antennomere V, with small hair tuft on the apex; prothorax reddish; antennae and legs black, with
discrete metallic-blue reflexes; elytra unicolored with metallic-green gloss and the metatibiae with hair
tufts. It is distinguished by its black head and reddish-orange pronotum with a metallic-green band along
the margins. The head and prothorax of C. gratum are completely reddish.
INSECTA MUNDI 0115, March 2010 • 9
We thank Alexandre de Almeida e Silva (Universidade Federal de Rondônia) for donating the holotypes to the MZSP; Freddy Bravo (UEFS), James Wappes (ACMS) for the loan of specimens; Eleandro
Moysés (fellowsihp IC/CNPq/FZB) for the photographs and Rejane Rosa for the color illustration, both
from Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul; and Gino Nearns and
Steve Lingafelter for revision of the manuscript and their helpful suggestions. To Conselho Nacional de
Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico for the fellowships.
Literature Cited
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in Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Zootaxa 2321: 1-80.
Galileo, M. H. M., and U. R. Martins. 2008. Novos Cerambycinae (Cerambycidae) da Região Neotropical. Papéis Avulsos Zoologia 48(7): 49-54.
Martins, U. R. 1968. Monografia da tribo Ibidionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycinae). Parte II. Arquivos de
Zoologia 16(2): 321-630.
Martins, U. R. 1976. Sistemática e evolução da tribo Piezocerini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Arquivos
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Received January 8, 2010; Accepted January 28, 2010.
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