Arquivo de - Integra RH Consultoria em Recursos Humanos


Arquivo de - Integra RH Consultoria em Recursos Humanos
Davi Souza
especialista em tecnologia web
[email protected]
Graduation degree in business administration at University of Ribeirao Preto and Lato Sensu Post-Graduation
Degree in Software Development for Web at Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar). Senior web
developer and Analyst, developing web systems with high data traffic, knowledge about tablet and web
application development.
Advanced English - Cultural exchange program in U.S., Sycamore - Illinois - Rotary Club (1999/2000) and
professional exchange program England, Brighton (2002/2003).
Knowledge and experience in management and project planning with agile scrum (Certified SCRUM Master CSM).
Modeling, maintaining and creating MySQL database INNODB (relational).
Modeling, maintaining and creating MongoDB databases (NoSQL).
Development within the web standards (Webstandards) and site optimization (SEO). Knowledge of applications
with high usability, findability and accessibility.
Experience with management, maintenance, strategy and planning e-commerce, including payment gateways.
Broad knowledge in development and management of API and Google App.
Analyst statistics information Google analytics, awstats or logs.
Managing digital campaigns for Google Adwords. Advanced knowledge of maintenance and management
structure of information technology within an organization (e-mail servers, web, hardware, networks and
Especializações: Scrum, configuration and maintenance of Windows and Linux servers, broadcast radio and
television over the Internet, development and maintenance of systems, project management method for agile
Node.js, MongoDB, Redix, Adobe Air, AS3, CSS, HTML5, Xhtml, Ajax, JavaScript (JQuery), MySql, Php,
shell scripting, Sql, Xml, Xslt, Jsp, Java, Pal Script (SamBroadcaster). Scrum Master Certified.
Software development for web and tablets.
System Analyst Developer na Ahgora Sistemas
August 2014 - October 2014 (3 months)
Analysis and development of web system on MVC layer with Node.js (Frameworks Express and Hapi), Jade
template engine, database MongoDB (NoSQL) with Mongoose, PHP Framework (Vork) and mobile. Ubuntu
environment, and Git-Sublime Text. Cloud environment, apache, nginx, Redis Services.
Coordenador de TI na BRe Digital - Grupo SEB S/A
February 2012 - April 2014 (2 years 3 months)
Responsável pela analise, modelagem e desenvolvimento da rede social educacional do Grupo SEB S/A para
ambiente web, Android e IOS (Apple). Gerencia de equipe com método ágil (Scrum).
Responsável pela definição, aplicação e gerenciamento da tecnologia aplicada aos dispositivos móveis e web
no setor de educação.
Analista e Desenvolvedor de aplicativos para plataforma Web, Android e IOS, tecnologia aplicada:
Php, Java, Sencha, JqueryTouch, HTML5, JQuery Mobile, Android SDK, XCode, MySQL, CloudLinux,
Implantação e Manutenção de estrutura virtualizada no Cloud da Amazon WebServices.
CEO na Link Nacional - Hospedagem de Sites
January 2004 - January 2014 (10 years 1 month)
Server management, windows and linux, apache, php, mysql, accounting also for the transmission of radio
and TV over the Internet, configuration of cPanel and WHM and web development.
Senior Web Analyst Developer na Alta Comunicazione - Ribeirão Preto/SP
December 2010 - July 2011 (8 months)
Web developer HTML5, PHP, MySQL, XML, AS3, JQuery, Database Modelling, Wireframes with
mockflow. Developing application for Facebook.
Senior Web Analyst Developer na LABCOM Comunicação Total
February 2010 - November 2010 (10 months)
Developing web systems with web standards (W3C), APIs, CSS, X-Html, PHP, CodeIgniter, MySQL, AS3,
Jquery, Modeling database type INNODB with MySQL Workbench, OpenSocial, SmartyTemplate. Website
optimization for search engines (SEO). Tracking projects with SCRUM.
Project manager, Web developer PHP, MySQL, XML, AS3, JQuery, Scrum na SG&C Agência de
November 2007 - January 2010 (2 years 3 months)
Web Coordinator, Developer and responsible for analysis and data modeling of virtual stores, CRM systems,
complete websites and search engine optimization SEO.
Management and coordination of the department web with agile method Scrum.
Instructor Webmaster na Microcamp
January 2007 - November 2007 (11 months)
Worked as a teacher, teaching javascript, html, logic programming, php, mysql and dreamweaver, ensuring
the full assimilation of the content by students.
Webmaster na An7 Agência de Internet
January 2007 - October 2007 (10 months)
Implementation of development e-commerce, portals and websites with general content, ensuring excellence
in the stock effect.
Computer Technician na Banco do Brasil
February 2001 - November 2001 (10 months)
Monitored and network deployment, configuring hubs and routers, monitors and computer maintenance,
installation and repairs on Windows and Linux operating systems providing the smooth running of activities.
Competências e especialidades
Web Development
Software Development
Shell Scripting
Webmaster Services
Information Technology
System Administration
Network Administration
Server Administration
Database Administration
Desenvolvimento de sites
Servidor Apache
Desenvolvimento de software
Project management, technology, internet, e-commerce, IT Coordinator, Web Development.
Formação acadêmica
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Lato Sensu Post-Graduation Degree, Web software development, 2009 - 2011
Atividades e grupos: The Postgraduate Course "Lato-Sensu" Computing aims to train new experts in software
development for web, able to design and implement systems with the use of techniques, methodologies and
appropriate languages, as well as improve their conditions of preparation, analysis and evaluation of system
design software, given the characterization of a new multi-service environment.
Universidade de Ribeirão Preto
Graduação, Administração de Empresa, 2000 - 2006
Atividades e grupos: Business administration with a focus on information technology. Delivering research
paper on e-commerce and affiliate systems.
Instituto Santa Ursula
1997 - 1999
Davi Souza
especialista em tecnologia web
[email protected]
6 pessoas recomendaram Davi
"Davi é um coordenador detalhista, ótimo profissional, responsável com as obrigações."
— Gustavo Fim, trabalhou diretamente com Davi na BRe Digital - Grupo SEB S/A
"Davi sempre procurando novos desafios no desenvolvimento de sistemas, sempre visando as necessidades
do mercado, e antenado nas novas tecnologias."
— Lucas Nunes Pinto Pinheiro, estava em outra empresa quando trabalhou com Davi na Link Nacional Hospedagem de Sites
"O Davi de Souza é um dos melhores Web Developers de Ribeirão e região, tem mais de 10 anos de
experiência em desenvolvimento web e um portfólio de mas de 50 sites. Para quem quer desenvolver um site
profissional sem ter a dor de cabeça de profissionais inexperientes, fica aí uma boa dica de profissional."
— Bruno Ribeiro de Oliveira, estava em outra empresa quando trabalhou com Davi na LABCOM
Comunicação Total
"O Davi é um ótimo web developer e project manager. Por ter uma formação em administracao de empresas.
Sua visão sobre modelos de negócios é muito apurada e ele sempre está atualizado sobre oq ue há de mais
moderno na web."
— Fábio Junior dos Santos, trabalhou diretamente com Davi na SG&C Agência de Comunicação
"Davi is an excellent student and professional expert in CSS, PHP and SEO."
— Leonardo Lima Silva, estudou com Davi na Universidade Federal de São Carlos
"Otimo profissional, trabalha em busca da excelencia nos projetos e com prazos definidos. Bem relacionado
com os professores e com a equipe em geral."
— Atila Lobo, estudou com Davi na Universidade de Ribeirão Preto
Entre em contato diretamente com Davi no LinkedIn