Syndromes Compatible With Classical Swine Fever Week: # 44 COUNTRY % COV Period: 26/10/2014 MAP COORDINATES NATIONAL SOUTH AMERICA 01/11/2014 Nº OF WEEKS WITH OCCURRENCE IN PRESENT YEAR SOUTH AMERICA BRASIL COLOMBIA 87 2672B 19 44S 2 2672B 19 44S 2 3267D 25 49S 1 0443A 10 74N 5 1645C 4 73N 5 1743B 4 74N 5 1840H 3 76N 1 2337H 1 77N 4 2341E 1 75N 1 2437C 0 77N 11 0325C 0 76N 1 0525C 0 76S 5 1220A 4 79S 4 89 ECUADOR 0 Countries reporting no occurrence during the week (%COV) Sounth America PERU (...), URUGUAY (100%), VENEZUELA (92%) Central America and mexico No countries Pag. 1 %COV % of local offices reporting ... information not available Week: # 44 Period: 26/10/2014 01/11/2014 Countries not repoting during the week. South America ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, CHILE, PARAGUAY Central America and Mexico BELICE, COSTA RICA, EL SALVADOR, GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, MEXICO, NICARAGUA, PANAMA Pag. 2 %COV % of local offices reporting ... information not available COUNTRY WEEKLY REPORT / REPORTE SEMANAL DE LOS PAISES Síndromes Compatibles a Colera Porcino Compatible Syndromes to Classical Swine Fever Síndromes Compatíveis à Peste Suina America del Sur Semana/Week 44/2014 South America América do Sul Unidade de Epidemiologia PANAFTOSA - OPS/OMS
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