Biosev SA
Biosev SA
(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Individual and Consolidated Interim Financial Statements For the three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Interim Financial Statements June 30, 2016 CONTENTS AUDITOR’S REPORT ON REVIEW OF INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS................................................ 03 BALANCE SHEET ............................................................................................................................................. 05 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 06 STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE LOSS ................................................................................................... 07 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY ........................................................................................................ 08 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS ..................................................................................................................... 09 STATEMENT OF VALUE ADDED ................................................................................................................... 10 NOTES 1. GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................11 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING PRACTICES ....................................................................12 3. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS ...........................................................................................................14 4. SHORT AND LONG -TERM INVESTMENTS ...........................................................................................15 5. TRADE RECEIVABLES ............................................................................................................................15 6. INVENTORIES ..........................................................................................................................................17 7. BIOLOGICAL ASSETS ..............................................................................................................................18 8. RECOVERABLE TAXES ...........................................................................................................................19 9. ESCROW DEPOSITS ...............................................................................................................................19 10. CURRENT AND DEFERRED INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION ..........................................20 11. INVESTMENTS (PROVISION FOR INVESTMENT LOSS) .......................................................................23 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................25 13. INTANGIBLE ASSETS ..............................................................................................................................27 14. BORROWINGS AND FINANCING ............................................................................................................28 15. TRADE PAYABLES...................................................................................................................................29 16. TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS PAYABLE ..............................................................................................30 17. PROVISION FOR TAX, LABOR, CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINGENCIES ..............................30 18. RELATED PARTIES..................................................................................................................................32 19. EQUITY .....................................................................................................................................................39 20. NET REVENUES AND COST OF SALES AND SERVICES .....................................................................40 21. EXPENSES BY NATURE ..........................................................................................................................41 22. FINANCE INCOME (EXPENSES) .............................................................................................................42 23. OTHER OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) ..........................................................................................42 24. LOSS PER SHARE ...................................................................................................................................43 25. RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS ........................................................................43 26. COMMITMENTS .......................................................................................................................................51 27. INSURANCE .............................................................................................................................................53 28. EMPLOYEES’ BENEFITS .........................................................................................................................53 29. SEGMENT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................53 30. NON-CASH TRANSACTIONS ..................................................................................................................55 31. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS ..........................................................................................................................55 32. APPROVAL OF INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .............................................................................55 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) REPORT ON REVIEW OF INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION To the Shareholders and Management of Biosev S.A. São Paulo - SP Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying individual and consolidated interim financial information of Biosev S.A. (the “Company”), identified as Parent and Consolidated, respectively, which comprises the balance sheet as of June 30, 2016 and the related statements of operations, comprehensive income (loss), changes in equity and cash flows for the three-month periods then ended, including the explanatory notes. The Company’s Management is responsible for the preparation of the individual and consolidated interim financial information in accordance with technical pronouncement CPC 21 (R1) - Interim Financial Information and with international standard IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board - IASB. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review. Scope of review We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and international standards on review of interim financial information (NBC TR 2410 and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and of applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with standards on auditing and, consequently, does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion on the interim financial information Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying individual and consolidated interim financial information referred to above was not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with technical pronouncement CPC 21 (R1) and international standard IAS 34. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Other matters Statements of value added We have also reviewed the individual and consolidated interim statements of value added (“DVA”) for the three-month period ended June 30, 2016, prepared under the responsibility of the Company’s Management, the presentation of which is required by the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) applicable to the preparation of Interim Financial Information (ITR) and considered as supplemental information for International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRSs, which do not require the presentation of DVA. These statements were subject to the same review procedures described above, and, based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that they were not prepared, in all material respects, consistently with the individual and consolidated interim financial information taken as a whole. The accompanying individual and consolidated interim financial information has been translated into English for the convenience of readers outside Brazil. São Paulo, August 10, 2016 DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU Auditores Independentes © Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. All rights reserved. João Eugenio Leitão Filho Engagement Partner (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. BALANCE SHEET AS AT JUNE 30, 2016 (In thousands of Brazilian reais - R$) Com pany ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Derivative financial instruments Trade receivables Inventories Biological assets Recoverable taxes Other receivables Note 3 4 25 5 6 7 8 06.30.16 29,205 56,838 132,603 100,175 687,918 641,616 75,357 14,474 1,738,186 Assets held for sale 1,738,186 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Long-term receivables Short-term investments Advances to suppliers Escrow deposits Recoverable taxes Deferred income tax and social contribution Other receivables 4 9 8 10.1 Consolidated 03.31.16 860,087 150,732 46,077 83,616 506,577 556,819 72,177 17,025 2,293,110 2,293,110 06.30.16 242,382 306,694 132,603 250,751 1,353,018 979,640 117,956 102,902 Com pany 03.31.16 1,826,121 408,268 46,077 156,000 807,533 886,707 117,529 53,459 3,485,946 4,301,694 3,506 3,506 3,489,452 4,305,200 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrow ings and financing Advances from domestic customers Advances from foreign customers Trade payables Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Derivative financial instruments Other payables Note 14 18 15 16 25 Total current liabilities 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 1,364,359 8,224 562,311 228,530 75,027 9,638 162,612 70,046 872,813 16,144 626,928 225,783 71,200 14,703 180,189 82,745 3,358,562 13,485 732,230 542,560 134,855 18,416 182,686 141,860 1,830,913 29,389 637,884 572,483 124,720 46,035 201,882 159,651 2,480,747 2,090,505 5,124,654 3,602,957 858,745 681,851 964 164,743 110,933 3 539,114 587,195 1,652,310 736,389 641 106,201 3 551,337 646,517 2,693,243 1,769,427 1,802 208,961 48,434 349,928 3 56,138 - 4,881,016 2,149,690 1,233 44,719 47,668 338,301 3 72,885 - 2,943,548 3,693,398 5,127,936 7,535,515 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 9,438 136,404 149,206 11,777 4,823 8,887 126,252 140,577 1,141 11,952 26,770 252,248 269,261 42,577 19,994 4,831 21,404 237,877 253,388 263,963 19,545 Borrow ings and financing Advances from foreign customers Trade payables Deferred income tax and social contribution Derivative financial instruments Provision for tax, labor, civil and enviromental contingencies Taxes payable Other payables Provision for investment loss Total non-current liabilities 14 18 15 10.1 25 17 16 11 Investments 11 422,686 428,437 206,660 209,655 Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets 12 13 2,328,547 15,168 2,336,375 16,826 4,417,414 931,754 4,489,503 934,163 EQUITY 3,073,226 3,075,270 6,166,678 6,434,329 Capital 19 2,618,214 2,618,214 2,618,214 2,618,214 Capital reserve Accumulated losses Other comprehensive loss 19 1,355,616 (3,901,616) (685,097) 1,355,616 (3,548,466) (840,887) 1,355,616 (3,901,616) (685,097) 1,355,616 (3,548,466) (840,887) (612,883) (415,523) (612,883) (415,523) Total non-current assets Total equity attributable to the Com pany's ow ners Non-controlling interests Total equity TOTAL ASSETS 4,811,412 5,368,380 9,656,130 10,739,529 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY (612,883) 4,811,412 (415,523) 5,368,380 16,423 16,580 (596,460) (398,943) 9,656,130 10,739,529 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements. 5 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS FOR THE THREE-MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 (In thousands of Brazilian reais - R$) Com pany Note NET REVENUE Cost of sales and services 20 20 e 21 GROSS PROFIT Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended ended 06.30.16 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 1,672,682 (1,607,986) 1,362,426 (1,323,029) 789,046 (729,655) 663,370 (608,816) 59,391 54,554 64,696 39,397 OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) General, administrative and selling Equity in subsidiaries Other operating income Other operating expenses 21 11 23 23 (212,290) (59,496) (152,674) 7,432 (7,552) (273,729) (66,797) (199,794) 10,612 (17,750) (139,586) (150,908) (2,995) 25,078 (10,761) (75,132) (137,494) (2,490) 99,233 (34,381) OPERATING LOSS BEFORE FINANCE INCOME Finance income Finance expenses Derivatives Exchange rate changes 22 22 22 22 (152,899) 9,494 (101,609) (72,984) 156,723 (219,175) 9,777 (56,821) 14,213 36,472 (74,890) 32,241 (184,994) (137,380) 317,153 (35,735) 29,776 (141,383) (10,108) 30,473 10.2 (161,275) (191,875) (215,534) (118,394) (47,870) (305,437) (126,977) (206,609) (353,150) (333,928) (353,307) (333,586) 24 (353,150) - (333,928) - (353,150) (157) (333,928) 342 24 24 (1.66867) (1.66867) (1.60486) (1.60486) (1.66867) (1.66867) (1.60486) (1.60486) LOSS BEFORE TAXES INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION LOSS FOR THE PERIOD Attributable to: Company's ow ners Non-controlling interests LOSS PER SHARE - R$ Basic Diluted The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements. 6 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE LOSS FOR THE THREE-MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 (In thousands of Brazilian reais - R$) Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended Note LOSS FOR THE PERIOD OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) Items subsequently reclassified to profit or loss: Financial instruments - hedge accounting of futures Financial instruments - hedge accounting of Libor sw ap Financial instruments - hedge accounting of Non-Deliverable Forw ard (NDF) Financial instruments - hedge accounting of exchange differences Deferred income tax and social contribution related to components of other comprehensive income (loss) COMPREHENSIVE LOSS FOR THE PERIOD Attributable to: Company's ow ners Non-controlling interests 25 25 25 25 10.3 ended 06.30.16 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 (353,150) (333,928) (353,307) (333,586) (170,733) 2,904 107,601 296,274 (80,256) (25,596) 13,481 100,105 134,520 (75,653) (170,733) 2,904 107,601 296,274 (80,256) (25,596) 13,481 100,105 134,520 (75,653) 155,790 146,857 155,790 146,857 (197,360) (187,071) (197,517) (186,729) (197,360) - (187,071) - (197,360) (157) (187,071) 342 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements. 7 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE THREE-MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 (In thousands of Brazilian reais - R$) Other com prehensive Capital Capital reserve incom e (loss) Accum ulated losses equity 1,355,616 - - - - - 146,857 Com prehensive incom e (loss) for the period - - 146,857 BALANCES AS AT JUNE 30, 2015 2,618,214 1,355,616 (610,848) (2,992,096) 370,886 11,162 382,048 BALANCES AS AT MARCH 31, 2016 (840,887) (3,548,466) (415,523) 16,580 (398,943) (353,150) (353,150) 2,618,214 1,355,616 - - - - - 155,790 Com prehensive incom e (loss) for the period - - 155,790 2,618,214 1,355,616 BALANCES AS AT JUNE 30, 2016 (685,097) (333,928) (333,928) - 557,957 Total consolidated interests 2,618,214 Loss for the period Other comprehensive income (loss): Adjusted derivatives (hedge accounting), net of taxes (2,658,168) Non-controlling Profit (loss) for the period Other comprehensive income (loss): Adjusted derivatives (hedge accounting), net of taxes BALANCES AS AT MARCH 31, 2015 (757,705) Com pany's equity (333,928) 146,857 (187,071) 155,790 (353,150) (197,360) (3,901,616) (612,883) 10,820 342 342 (157) (157) 16,423 568,777 (333,586) 146,857 (186,729) (353,307) 155,790 (197,517) (596,460) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements. 8 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE THREE-MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 (In thousands of Brazilian reais - R$) Note Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended ended 06.30.16 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Loss for the period Non-cash transactions: Depreciation and amortization Loss from sale of property, plant and equipment Equity in subsidiaries Interest, exchange rate changes and inflation adjustments, net Exchange, interest rate and commodities risk management Provision (reversal) of provision for tax, labor, civil and enviromental contingencies Provision of allow ance for doubtful accounts Reversal of impaiment Provision (reversal) of allow ance for negative margin and realization of storeroom inventories Gains on changes in fair value less estimated costs to sell biological assets Deferred income tax and social contribution Loss on Hedge operations Non-controlling interests Decrease (increase) in assets: Trade receivables Inventories Biological assets Assets held for sale Derivative financial instruments Recoverable taxes Advances to suppliers Other receivables Increase (decrease) in liabilities: Trade payables Advances from foreign customers Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Advances from domestic customers Payments of labor, civil, tax and environmental contingencies Derivative financial instruments Other payables (353,150) (333,928) (353,307) (333,586) 5 12 6 152,371 2,762 152,674 (96,467) 110,415 6,138 226 (130) 2,053 160,505 1,495 199,794 (15,836) 19,954 (3,645) 218 (123) (1,318) 270,539 2,913 2,995 (347,621) 111,268 20,177 984 (222) (3,855) 244,390 2,741 2,490 (276,315) 28,371 (80,038) 295 (418) 9,313 20 e 21 (69,102) (4,571) (57,774) (28,602) 10.2 191,875 129,799 - 136,657 164,931 - 305,372 236,046 157 224,976 222,510 (342) 229,464 324,133 187,672 15,785 (16,231) (184,221) (86,526) (11,809) (551) 2,726 63,427 (66,870) (50,192) 9,266 (11,230) (1,967) 128,115 (95,084) (533,681) (86,526) (16,300) (5,366) (50,049) (11,724) (465,674) (52,357) (727) 9,266 (27,006) (10,875) 31,088 (296,612) 70,549 (787,006) (528,009) 3,070 (119,155) 3,827 (5,065) (7,920) (1,406) (127,992) (24,922) (6,038) (87,878) (1,408) (27,044) (3,221) (1,049) (122,756) (32,925) (29,354) (285,917) 10,135 (27,619) (15,904) (8,550) (129,698) (34,538) (52,392) 115,869 5,746 (41,378) (7,504) (6,183) (139,589) (122,740) 21 23 11 5 6 7 25 8 15 16 17 25.1 (279,563) (282,319) (521,445) (248,171) Cash provided by (used in) operating activities, before dividends and interest Interest paid on borrow ings and financing (346,711) (98,621) 112,363 (62,348) (1,120,779) (165,313) (760,395) (140,747) Cash provided by (used in) operating activities (445,332) 50,015 (1,286,092) (901,142) (10,152) 99,954 (206,245) (97,884) (60,916) (766) (8,677) (41,939) (111,769) (37,446) (98,933) (669) (14,371) 95,290 (125,123) (104,088) (954) (18,176) (793,240) (56,570) (171,368) (1,089) (276,009) (299,433) (149,246) (1,040,443) 567,110 (676,651) 511,534 (672,846) 1,544,855 (1,693,256) 2,367,558 (1,734,646) Cash used in financing activities (109,541) (161,312) (148,401) DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (830,882) (410,730) (1,583,739) (1,308,673) CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Increase in escrow deposits Decrease (increase) in short-term investments Decrease in investments (provision for investment loss) Additions to in property, plant and equipment Additions to biological assets Additions to intangible assets 9 4 11 12 7 13 Cash used in investing activities CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Borrow ings and financing Payment of borrow ings and financing 14 14 632,912 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 3 860,087 577,625 1,826,121 1,946,971 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 3 29,205 166,895 242,382 638,298 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements. 9 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. STATEMENT OF VALUE ADDED FOR THE THREE-MONTH PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2016 (In thousands of Brazilian reais - R$) Note 1 - REVENUE 1.1) Sales 20 1.2) Allow ance for doubtful accounts - Provision 23 1.3) Other operating revenues 23 2 - EXPENSES FROM FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION 3 - INPUTS PURCHASED FROM THIRD PARTIES 3.1) Cost of products sold Cost of products sold, net of taxes 21 Recoverable taxes 3.2) Materials, electric pow er, external services and other 3.3) Gains on changes in fair value of biological assets and other 4 - GROSS VALUE ADDEED (1-2-3) 5 - DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION 21 6 - VALUE ADDED CREATED BY THE ENTITY (4-5) Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended ended 06.30.16 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 816,599 693,112 1,751,968 1,507,182 809,393 682,718 1,727,874 1,408,244 (226) (218) (984) (295) 7,432 10,612 25,078 99,233 - - - - (499,373) (342,112) (1,200,087) (660,046) (448,831) (1,405,031) (1,107,220) (926,274) (601,908) (393,791) (1,291,253) (1,013,656) (58,138) (55,040) (113,778) (93,564) (31,245) 191,918 (124,306) 231,025 (119,647) 324,591 (122,471) 303,417 317,226 351,000 551,881 580,908 (152,371) (160,505) (270,539) (244,390) 164,855 190,495 281,342 336,518 1,020,261 1,133,181 197,824 (152,674) 1,172,935 (199,794) 191,155 (2,995) 1,136,176 (2,490) 200,314 8 - VALUE ADDED FOR DISTRIBUTION (6+7) 1,185,116 181,856 1,414,523 534,342 9 - DISTRIBUTION OF VALUE ADDED 1,185,116 181,856 1,414,523 534,342 7 - VALUE ADDED RECEIVED IN TRANSFER 7.1) Equity in subsidiaries 7.2) Finance income 11 22 (8,639) 70,472 85,456 151,935 140,088 Direct compensation 44,100 60,993 97,170 88,592 Benefits 17,802 16,250 38,354 35,919 8,570 8,213 16,411 15,577 9.2) Taxes, rates and contributions 218,902 190,029 372,110 331,822 Federal 190,081 163,208 322,612 290,700 28,783 26,790 49,402 41,028 38 31 96 94 1,248,892 240,299 1,243,785 396,018 67,581 52,785 134,629 104,462 1,181,311 187,514 1,109,156 291,556 9.1) Personnel and payroll taxes 21 Severance pay fund (FGTS) State Municipal 9.3) Third-party capital use Rentals Interest and exchange rate changes 22 9.4) Equity capital (353,150) (333,928) (353,307) (333,586) Loss for the period (353,150) (333,928) (353,307) (333,586) The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim financial statements. 10 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Biosev S.A. (“Company”), headquartered at Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 1355, 11º andar, Pinheiros, São Paulo, SP, and its subsidiaries (collectively “Group”) are mainly engaged in the production, processing and sale of agricultural products, primarily sugarcane and its by-products; the agricultural operations in Company-owned or third-party land; the export, import and sale of petroleum by-products, lubricants, fuel, grease and hydrated ethyl alcohol; the purchase, sale, import and export of agricultural products and its by-products; and the generation and sale of electricity and its byproducts. The Group comprises the activities of Biosev S.A. and Biosev Bioenergia S.A. (“Biosev Bioenergia”), based in Brazil, and Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. (“Biosev Bioenergia International”), based in Switzerland. Additionally, the Group consists of the subsidiaries of such companies, including (i) Biosev Bioenergia Limited, based in the Cayman Island, which was established for the purpose of conducting certain international business transactions of the Group, notably the sale of sugar, but which never went into operation and which is currently in liquidation stage; (ii) Biosev Finance International B.V, based in the Netherlands, is mainly engaged in the performance of short-term investments with own resources and investment in other companies, either as partner or shareholder, in Brazil or abroad; and (iii) Biosev Comercializadora de Energia S.A., a special-purpose entity established to hold and operate the electric power cogeneration assets of the Passa Tempo unit, located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The Group is organized in industrial clusters, composed as follows, with their corresponding branches: Ribeirão Preto Agri-Industrial Cluster: Santa Elisa, Vale do Rosário, MB (Morro Agudo), Jardest and Continental plants (located in the State of São Paulo); Mato Grosso do Sul Agri-Industrial Cluster: Maracaju, Passa Tempo and Rio Brilhante plants (located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul); Northeast Agri-Industrial Cluster: Estivas (located in the State of Rio Grande do Norte) and Giasa (located in the State of Paraíba) plants; Leme/Lagoa da Prata Agri-Industrial Cluster: Leme (located in the State of São Paulo) and Lagoa da Prata (located in the State of Minas Gerais) plants. The Company is a subsidiary of the Louis Dreyfus Company Group, directly controlled by Sugar Holdings BV, which holds 59.58% of its shares. The Company’s management has adopted measures to stabilize equity position, readjust the indebtness profile and forward working capital improvements. In particular, the Company seeks to maximize the use of its assets without impacting its strict financial discipline, in order to increase its operating efficiency and production to reach a positive free cash flow. In relation to the compliance with the Company’s financial obligations over the next 12 months, the Company’s management considers the possibilities referred to in items (i) and (ii), as well as the assumptions set forth in item (iii), in addition to the operating cash generation: (i) Renewal of relevant installment (comparable to the renewals over the last years) of the available bank credit facilities. The syndicated ACC financing facility in the amount of US$440,000 as of June 30, 2016, is disclosed in current liabilities considering that its governing documentation expires in June, 2017. This financial facility is under negotiation with a consortium of banks, and the Company’s management has already secured the extension, to June, 2019, of the availability of substantial portion, equivalent to about 70% of the its originally committed amount, a process that is currently in final stage of documentation Management currently assumes that the Company will be able to satisfactorily complete the documentation process for the mentioned extended amount. (ii) Use of the short-term investments relating to the financing operations, as referred to in item (iii), Note 4, mainly in relation to the settlement of the principal installments of such financing, as set forth in the respective contractual clauses. (iii) New raising of funds, taking into consideration the available and potential credit facilities. 11 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING PRACTICES 2.1 Statement of compliance and basis of preparation The individual and consolidated interim financial statements were prepared in accordance with CPC 21 (R1) Demonstrações Intermediarias and IAS 34 – Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). These interim financial statements are presented in accordance with the standards issued by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) applicable to the preparation of the Interim Financial Information (ITR). As there is no difference between the consolidated equity and the consolidated profit attributable to the Company’s owners, disclosed in the consolidated interim financial statements prepared in accordance with CPC 21 (R1) and IAS 34, and the Company’s equity and profit or loss disclosed in the individual interim financial statements prepared in accordance with CPC 21 (R1), the Company opted for presenting these individual and consolidated interim financial statements in a single set, using a side-by-side format. The preparation of the individual and consolidated interim financial statements in accordance with CPC 21(R1) and IAS 34 requires the adoption of certain accounting estimates by the Company’s management. The interim financial statements have been prepared based on the historical cost, except for certain financial instruments, held-for-sale assets, and biological assets measured at their fair values. The historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration paid in exchange for assets on the transaction date. The accounting practices and calculation methods adopted in the interim financial statements are similar to those adopted in the financial statements as at March 31, 2016, except for CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41, as described in item 2.1.1 (a2) below. 2.1.1 New and revised standards and interpretations a) Standards, interpretations and revised standards not yet effective and which were not early adopted by the Company. a1) The standards and amendments to the standards below were published and are mandatory for periods beginning after June 30, 2016. However, the Company did not early adopt or amend them. Standard IFRS 15/CPC 30 IFRS 9 IFRS 16 Main requirements Effective date “Revenue Recognition”. IFRS 15 sets forth that the revenue is recognized in order to reflect the transfer of goods or services to the customers at an amount representing the company’s expectations to receive back the rights relating to such products or services. "Financial Instruments". IFRS 9 maintains but simplifies the combined measurement model and establishes two main categories to measure financial assets: amortized cost and fair value. The basis for classification depends on the entity’s business model and the contractual cash flow characteristics of the financial asset. The new standard introduced a new expected-loss impairment model and restructured the hedge accounting model. Effective for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2017. “Leases”. IFRS 16 replaces IAS 17 and related interpretations and sets forth the principles for lease recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure. Effective for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2019. Effective for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. These standards, revised standards and interpretations are effective for annual financial statements beginning on or after 2016 and were not used in preparing these interim financial statements. The Company does not expect that these new standards will have a material effect on the Group’s financial statements, except for IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments, which may change the classification and measurement of the financial assets held by the Group and IFRS 16 – Leases, which 12 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) may change the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of leases. The Company does not intend to adopt these standards in advance and the related effects have not been measured. The CPC has not yet issued the pronouncements related to the IFRS 9 and IFRS 16 above. Considering the commitment of CPC, CFC and CVM to keep the set of standards up-to-date as amendments are made by the IASB, these standards are expected to be issued by CPC and approved by CFC and CVM by the date they become effective. a2) The amendments to CPC 27/IAS 16 and CPC 29/IAS 41 are mandatory for the year beginning January 1, 2016 and were adopted in the preparation of these interim financial statements. Standard CPC 27/IAS 16 and CPC 29/IAS 41 Main requirements These pronouncements set forth that the plants used in the production of agricultural products, which can be remotely sold as agricultural products, are to be measured at historical cost instead of fair value. Effective date Effective for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2016. Under CPC 29 and CPC 27, sugarcane ratoons classified as the Bearer Plant for standing sugarcane, which is the consumable biological asset. As a result, the sugarcane plantation (ratoons) will be reclassified to property, plant and equipment, measured by the amortized cost and depreciated over its useful lives, in a descending order, based on the expected productivity under CPC 27. The consumable biological assets continues to be measured at fair value less sales cost, and become to be disclosed in current assets considering the maturity of sugarcane is twelve months, nonetheless can be harvested up to eighteen months. The Company adopted the transition rule that allows the companies to apply the fair value of the bearer plant as deemed cost at the beginning of the earliest period present in the financial statements. The adoption of the standard adjusted the equity balances and profit or loss disclosed in the financial statements for the years ended March 31, 2015 and 2016, as follows: Balance Sheet Com pany 03.31.15 Disclosed Adjustm ents 03.31.15 03.31.16 Ajusted Disclosed 03.31.16 Adjustm ents Ajusted ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Biological assets - 381,330 381,330 - 556,819 556,819 1,141 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Deferred income tax and social contribution - - - - 1,141 Biological assets 1,083,387 (1,083,387) - 1,836,758 (1,836,758) - Property, plant and equipment 1,766,427 702,057 2,468,484 1,693,140 643,235 2,336,375 Deferred income tax and social contribution - - - 215,338 (215,338) - Provision for investment loss - - - 454,861 191,656 646,517 - - - (2,936,585) (611,881) (3,548,466) LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES EQUITY Accumulated losses 13 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Balance Sheet Consolidated 03.31.15 Disclosed Adjustm ents 03.31.15 03.31.16 Ajusted Disclosed 03.31.16 Adjustm ents Ajusted ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Biological assets - 541,720 541,720 - 886,707 886,707 263,963 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Deferred income tax and social contribution - - - 164,090 99,873 Biological assets 1,685,048 (1,685,048) - 2,834,735 (2,834,735) - Property, plant and equipment 3,618,599 1,143,328 4,761,927 3,468,567 1,020,936 4,489,503 - - - 260,057 (215,338) 44,719 - - - (2,936,585) (611,881) (3,548,466) LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Deferred income tax and social contribution EQUITY Accumulated losses Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period ended Three-m onth period ended Statem ent of Operations 06.30.15 Disclosed Adjustm ents 06.30.15 06.30.15 Ajusted Disclosed 06.30.15 Adjustm ents Ajusted Cost of sales and services (540,506) (68,310) (608,816) (1,219,954) (103,075) Equity in subsidiaries (176,850) (22,944) (199,794) - - Income tax and social contribution (141,619) 23,225 (118,394) (241,655) - 35,046 (206,609) Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period ended Three-m onth period ended Statem ent of Cash Flow s 06.30.15 Disclosed Loss for the period (1,323,029) Adjustm ents 06.30.15 06.30.15 Ajusted Disclosed 06.30.15 Adjustm ents Ajusted (265,899) (68,029) (333,928) (265,557) (68,029) (333,586) 149,332 178,850 11,173 22,944 160,505 201,794 225,807 - 18,583 - 244,390 - (61,708) 57,137 (4,571) (113,094) 84,492 (28,602) Non-cash transactions: Depreciation and amortization Equity in subsidiaries Losses (gains) on changes in fair value of biological assets, less estimated sales costs Deferred income tax and social contribution 3. 159,882 (23,225) 136,657 260,022 (35,046) 224,976 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Com pany 06.30.16 Cash and banks Short-term investments Debentures 03.31.16 Consolidated 06.30.16 03.31.16 9,794 4,772 14,639 685,271 106,502 68,314 174,239 22,601 45,542 1,520,727 135,888 169,506 29,205 860,087 242,382 1,826,121 Short-term investments refer to floating rate Certificates of Bank Deposit (CDBs) and/or CDBs indexed at rates ranging from 10% to 102% of the Interbank Deposit Rate (CDI) as at June 30, 2016 (96% to 102% as at March 31, 2016). The CDBs investments are subjected to repurchase commitments by the financial institutions issuers and/or custodians. Debentures not subject to Tax on Financial Transactions (IOF) are issued from local prime financial institutions indexed to rates ranging from 100% to 101% of CDI as at June 30, 2016 (80% to 101.5% as at March 31, 2016). 14 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 4. SHORT AND LONG -TERM INVESTMENTS Com pany 06.30.16 Short and long-term investments Fixed-income investment fund Current assets Non-current assets Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 56,838 155,555 305,369 - - 1,325 411,802 1,297 56,838 155,555 306,694 413,099 56,838 150,732 306,694 408,268 - 4,823 - 4,831 Short and long-term investments refer to restricted deposits and are operations represented by (i) floating rate Certificates of Bank Deposit (CDBs) and/or CDBs indexed at rates ranging from 90% to 102% of the Interbank Deposit Rate (CDI) as at June 30, 2016 (90% to 102% as at March 31, 2016); (ii) margin deposits in derivative transactions; and (iii) foreign currency-denominated deposits related to prepayments of export performed by subsidiary Biosev Bioenergia International S.A., in the amount of R$136,567, as at June 30, 2016 (R$183,610 as at March 31, 2016), indexed at average rate of 0.49% p.a. These deposits may be considered, together with future agricultural production and sugar and ethanol inventories, for purposes of calculation of the indices set forth in the prepaid export agreements. The fixed-income investment funds are subject to the rates ranging from 13% to 14% p.a. as at June 30, 2016 (12.9% to 14% p.a. as at March 31, 2016). 5. TRADE RECEIVABLES Com pany 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 Related parties (Note 18) In Brazil Abroad Third parties In Brazil Abroad (-) Allow ance for doubtful accounts 2,477 27,552 5,498 38,497 158 50,159 154 30,296 30,029 43,995 50,317 30,450 71,415 27 40,308 383 135,132 79,952 90,202 49,014 71,442 40,691 215,084 139,216 101,471 84,686 265,401 169,666 (1,296) (1,070) (14,650) (13,666) 100,175 83,616 250,751 156,000 Before recording transactions with new customers, the Group performs comprehensive risk analyses and assesses the qualification of such counterparties. This analysis is carried out using balanced scorecard techniques, through the analysis of financial statements, financial position and business references, taking into consideration quantitative and qualitative aspects. As at June 30, 2016, the balance of overdue items in the line “Trade receivables” (see the aging list below) amounts to R$8,883, in Company, and R$35,829 in Consolidated (R$11,633 and R$22,497 as at March 31, 2016, respectively). Out of this total, R$1,296, in Company, and R$14,650, in Consolidated, as at June 30, 2016 (R$1,070 and R$13,666 as at March 31, 2016, respectively) are recorded in allowance for doubtful accounts in the aging list below. The remaining balance of R$7,587, in Company, and R$21,179, in Consolidated, as at June 30, 2016 (R$10,563 and R$8,831 as at March 31, 2016 respectively) does not comprise the allowance for doubtful accounts, as there was no significant change in the credit quality and the amounts are still considered recoverable. 15 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) The aging list of trade receivables is as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Current Overdue: Up to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days 91 to 180 days Over 180 days Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 92,588 73,053 229,572 147,169 6,574 876 135 250 1,048 4,300 5,268 563 1,131 371 14,865 1,676 1,108 1,435 16,745 4,369 2,141 607 2,073 13,307 101,471 84,686 265,401 169,666 The change in the allowance for doubtful accounts is as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Balance at the beginning of period/year Impairment losses recognized on receivables Uncollectable amounts derecognized in the period/year Amounts recovered in the period/year Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 (1,070) (425) 199 (265) (4,094) 47 3,242 (13,666) (1,359) 375 (12,685) (4,654) 75 3,598 (1,296) (1,070) (14,650) (13,666) The breakdown of the allowance for doubtful accounts per due date is as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 61 to 90 days 91 to 180 days Over 180 days Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 (1) (250) (1,045) (3) (875) (192) (65) (1,016) (13,569) (45) (954) (12,667) (1,296) (1,070) (14,650) (13,666) The overdue items not included in the allowance for doubtful accounts are broken down as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Up to 30 days 31 to 60 days 61 to 90 days 91 to 180 days Over 180 days Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 6,574 876 134 3 4,300 5,268 560 256 179 14,865 1,676 1,043 419 3,176 4,369 2,141 562 1,119 640 7,587 10,563 21,179 8,831 The income (expense) on the recognition of the allowance for doubtful accounts was recorded in line item “Other operating income (expenses)” in the statement of operations. When recovery of additional cash is not expected, the amounts credited to line item “Allowance for doubtful accounts” are in general reversed against the definite write-off of the receivable and are recorded in profit or loss. Maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting dates is the carrying amount of each aging range, as shown in the aging list above. 16 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 6. INVENTORIES Com pany 06.30.16 Finished products Sugar Ethanol Sugar syrup Other (*) Allow ance for negative inventory margin Raw materials and packaging materials Storeroom supplies Allow ance for realization of storeroom inventories Advances to suppliers (**) Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 72,224 120,899 2,377 85,260 (3,168) 77,807 98,216 2,654 30,983 (2,668) 154,630 190,599 7,389 136,271 (10,834) 89,525 151,992 4,943 39,882 (16,448) 277,592 206,992 478,055 269,894 2,271 73,625 (5,486) 339,916 1,886 58,631 (3,933) 243,001 3,826 114,433 (7,277) 763,981 2,724 92,795 (5,518) 447,638 410,326 299,585 874,963 537,639 687,918 506,577 1,353,018 807,533 (*) Out of total consolidated amount as at June 30, 2016, R$130,004 (R$29,665 as at March 31, 2016) refers to export of commodities, as described in Note 18. (**) Out of total amount as at June 30, 2016, R$66,267, in Company, and R$214,634 in Consolidated (R$57,769 and R$208,243 as at March 31, 2016, respectively) refer to advances to sugarcane suppliers that are adjusted on a monthly basis according to the specific conditions and indices set forth in the agreements, and R$273,649, in Company, and R$549,347, in Consolidated (R$185,232 and R$239,395 as at March 31, 2016, respectively) refer to export prepayment of commodities, as described in Note 18. The changes in the allowance for negative inventory margin and realization of storeroom inventories are broken down as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Negative inventory m argin Opening balance Additions Reversals Realization of storeroom inventories Opening balance Additions Reversals Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 (2,668) (3,168) 2,668 (6,321) (2,668) 6,321 (16,448) (10,834) 16,448 (13,028) (16,448) 13,028 (3,168) (2,668) (10,834) (16,448) (3,933) (2,908) 1,355 (12,919) (7,022) 16,008 (5,518) (3,647) 1,888 (19,598) (10,344) 24,424 (5,486) (3,933) (7,277) (5,518) The allowance for negative inventory margin is calculated by analyzing the average production cost of finished products as compared to their realizable value in the market, less costs to sell. The allowance for realization of storeroom inventories, considered obsolete and slow-moving items is recognized on a quarterly basis based on inventory management procedure of storeroom inventories duly approved by the Company. The estimated storeroom inventories realizable after 12 months is R$4,812 as at June 30, 2016 (R$3,417 as at March 31, 2016). The amount of the Company’s inventories recognized as cost of sales and services for the period ended June 30, 2016 is R$729,655, in Company, and R$1,607,986 in Consolidated (R$608,816, in Company, and R$1,323,029, in Consolidated, for the period ended June 30, 2015, respectively). 17 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 7. BIOLOGICAL ASSETS Com pany 06.30.16 Opening balance Increases arising from expenses on sugarcane crops and crop treatments Gains on changes in fair value less estimated costs to sell Sugarcane harvest at fair value in the year Write-off Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 556,819 113,393 381,330 428,531 886,707 236,848 541,720 874,759 670,212 809,861 1,123,555 1,416,479 69,102 74,887 57,774 125,958 (97,698) - (327,599) (330) (201,689) - (655,400) (330) 641,616 556,819 979,640 886,707 When determining the fair value, the Company takes the following into consideration: Valuation methodology The discounted cash flow is the method used for the economic and financial evaluation of sugarcane biological assets. Discount rate The discount rate used to calculate the discounted cash flow was 11.02%, which represents the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), net of taxes. This rate is used as proper parameter to calculate the discount rate applicable to future cash flows of the biological assets. Market overview Own or third-party sugarcane is processed by the plant or ethanol distillery. Its own sugarcane has two different origins: (a) sugarcane grown in own land; and (b) sugarcane grown in leased land, where the plant leases the land from third parties and is responsible for all farming activities. These lease agreements are for a six-year period (one cycle). The sugarcane from third parties is acquired by the plant under supply contracts. Either the supplier or the plant itself can be responsible for the transportation of sugarcane to the plant. The formula of Conselho dos Produtores de Cana-de-Açúcar, Açúcar e Álcool (CONSECANA) calculates the consideration per ton of sugarcane based on:: a) The volume of ATR/KG delivered by the sugarcane supplier. b) The share of the sugarcane production cost as a percentage of the sugar, ethanol residue, anhydrous ethanol and hydrated ethanol. c) The net prices of sugar in the domestic and foreign markets, and the prices of anhydrous ethanol and ethyl ethanol fuel, hydrated ethanol, and ethanol for other purposes. d) The plant’s production mix for said crop. CONSECANA’s reference price is published on monthly basis. The following assumptions were used to determine the fair value: Com pany 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 Estimated harvest area (in hectares) Expected yields (in ton of sugarcane per hectare) 190,097 81.56 185,409 81.79 299,626 82.98 291,427 83.20 Total volume of recoverable sugar (in kilogram per ton of sugarcane) Value of a kilogram of total recoverable sugar (in R$) - CONSECANA Discount rate 125.13 0.78 11.02% 133.08 0.68 11.02% 126.87 0.77 11.02% 134.59 0.67 11.02% As at June 30, 2016, the Company provided as guarantee for the export prepayment 226,034 hectares (226,034 hectares as at March 31, 2016), equivalent to approximately 18,757,013 tons of sugarcane (18,806,632 as at March 31, 2016), at fair value approximately of R$739,029 (R$687,740 as at March 31, 2016). Such prepayment falls due between April 2018 and September 2019. 18 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) As at June 30, 2016, the amount allocated to inventory totaled R$9,355, in Company, and R$15,796, in Consolidated (R$17,025 and R$18,558 as at March 31, 2016, respectively), related to sugarcane harvest at fair value. 8. RECOVERABLE TAXES Com pany 06.30.16 State VAT (ICMS) Taxes on revenue (PIS and COFINS) (a) Witholding income tax (IRRF) on short-term investments and prepayments Excise Tax (IPI) and other taxes Current assets Non-current assets Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 58,177 105,743 54,296 100,389 68,656 215,150 66,188 210,595 54,536 52,164 92,842 83,878 6,107 5,905 10,569 10,256 224,563 212,754 387,217 370,917 75,357 72,177 117,956 117,529 149,206 140,577 269,261 253,388 (a) Refers to PIS and COFINS credits relating to applicable legislation, mainly Laws 10637/02, 10833/03, 11774/2008 and 13043/14, the latter refers to the Regime Especial de Reintegração de Valores Tributários para Empresas Exportadoras - REINTEGRA. 9. ESCROW DEPOSITS Com pany 06.30.16 Civil Environmental Tax law suits: Federal VAT (IPI) payable Income tax (IRPJ)/Social Contribution (CSLL) ICMS, PIS e COFINS Social security contributions Other Labor Labor appeals Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 1,201 1,097 2,298 1,176 1,074 2,250 6,327 6,406 12,733 6,196 6,274 12,470 4,496 32,533 18,265 19,151 9 74,454 4,361 31,982 17,770 17,397 10 71,520 15,174 40,859 23,819 25,729 938 106,519 16,306 40,128 23,201 23,876 929 104,440 59,652 59,652 52,482 52,482 132,996 132,996 120,967 120,967 136,404 126,252 252,248 237,877 The changes in the Company’s escrow deposits are as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Opening balance Additions Offsets/redemptions Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 126,252 11,257 (1,105) 66,148 68,755 (8,651) 237,877 18,380 (4,009) 161,491 99,287 (22,901) 136,404 126,252 252,248 237,877 19 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 10. CURRENT AND DEFERRED INCOME TAX AND SOCIAL CONTRIBUTION 10.1 Deferred income tax and social contribution assets and liabilities disclosed in balance sheet Company 06.30.16 Deferred income tax and social contribution assets Deferred income tax and social contribution liabilities Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 (164,743) 1,141 - 42,577 (208,961) 263,963 (44,719) (164,743) 1,141 (166,384) 219,244 10.2 Income tax and social contribution recognized in profit or loss Com pany 06.30.16 Results from current income tax and social contribution Results from deferred income tax and social contribution related to the origin and reversal of temporary differences and tax loss carryforw ards Consolidated 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 - 18,263 (65) 18,367 (191,875) (136,657) (305,372) (224,976) (191,875) (118,394) (305,437) (206,609) 10.3 Income tax and social contribution recognized in other comprehensive income (loss) Com pany 06.30.16 Results from deferred income tax and social contribution recognized in other comprehensive income (loss): Financial instruments - hedge accounting of futures Financial instruments - hedge accounting of exchange rate changes Effects on subsidiaries 06.30.16 06.30.15 58,049 18,456 58,049 8,703 - - (987) (4,584) (15,441) (16,617) (40,414) 3,884 (36,585) (100,733) (34,036) (45,736) (75,653) Financial instruments - hedge accounting of Libor sw ap Financial instruments - hedge accounting of Non-Deliverable Forw ard (NDF) Consolidated 06.30.15 25,991 (18,074) (80,256) (106,247) (57,579) - - (80,256) (75,653) (80,256) (75,653) 10.4 Reconciliation of income tax and social contribution expenses at statutory and effective rates Com pany 06.30.16 06.30.15 Consolidated 06.30.16 06.30.15 Results before taxes Statutory rate (161,275) 34% (215,534) 34% (47,870) 34% (126,977) 34% Income (loss) from income tax and social contribution at statutory rate Equity in subsidiaries Goodw ill amortization Unrecognized deferred income tax and social contribution credits Tax revenue (grants) Foreign subsidiary rate differential Thin Capitalization Other 54,834 (51,909) (189,941) 2,471 (7,061) (269) 73,282 (67,930) (122,993) 1,372 (2,125) 16,276 (1,018) 8,778 (311,483) 2,471 (1,402) (16,105) (2,954) 43,172 (847) 8,778 (257,652) 1,372 (1,945) 513 Results from incom e tax and social contribution at effective rate (191,875) (118,394) (305,437) (206,609) 20 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 10.5 Balances of deferred income tax and social contribution assets and liabilities Com pany Temporary differences: Provision for tax, labor, civil and environmental contingencies Adjustment at fair value of biological assets Adjustment to present value (AVP) - Law 11638 Hedge accounting of Libor sw ap, NDF and exchange rate changes Effect of translation of functional currency Unrealized exchange rate changes Amortization of tax goodw ill Encouraged accelerated depreciation (*) Impairment Mark-to-market of derivatives Other Unutilized tax losses and credits Tax loss carryforw ards Social contribution tax loss carryforw ards Openning Recognized in Recognized in other Closing balance as at profit or loss com prehensive balance as 03.31.16 for the year incom e (loss) at 06.30.16 36,389 (109,068) 93 80,371 (68,867) 162,495 (245,277) (42,235) 26,570 (57,474) 38,671 1,609 (19,856) (93) (21,144) 1,302 (110,124) 3,039 424 (35,894) (11,138) 25,991 - 37,998 (128,924) 85,218 (67,565) 52,371 (245,277) (39,196) 26,994 (93,368) 27,533 (178,332) (191,875) 25,991 (344,216) 131,615 47,858 - - 131,615 47,858 1,141 (191,875) 25,991 (164,743) (*) Refers to the adoption of accelerated depreciation coefficient, based on Law 4506/64. Com pany Temporary differences: Provision for tax, labor, civil and environmental contingencies Provision for losses on advances to suppliers Adjustment at fair value of biological assets Adjustment to present value (AVP) - Law 11638 Hedge accounting of Libor sw ap, NDF and exchange rate changes Effect of translation of functional currency Unrealized exchange rate changes Amortization of tax goodw ill Encouraged accelerated depreciation (*) Impairment Other Unutilized tax losses and credits Tax loss carryforw ards Social contribution tax loss carryforw ards Openning Recognized in Recognized in other Closing balance as at profit or loss com prehensive balance as 03.31.15 for the year incom e (loss) at 06.30.15 36,071 8,045 (68,487) 469 80,422 (83,125) 200,998 (227,126) (56,281) 28,565 56,758 (1,597) (258) (5,637) (83) (16,100) 2,114 (69,850) (6,050) 3,972 (42) (43,126) (18,074) - 34,474 7,787 (74,124) 386 46,248 (81,011) 131,148 (233,176) (52,309) 28,523 13,632 (23,691) (136,657) (18,074) (178,422) 131,615 47,858 - - 131,615 47,858 155,782 (136,657) (18,074) 1,051 21 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Temporary differences: Provision for tax, labor, civil and environmental contingencies Adjustment at fair value of biological assets Adjustment to present value (AVP) - Law 11638 Hedge accounting of Libor sw ap, NDF and exchange rate changes Effect of translation of functional currency Unrealized exchange rate changes Amortization of tax goodw ill Mark-to-market of derivatives Encouraged accelerated depreciation (*) Impairment Appreciation of acquired assets Assets held for sale Fair value of financial debts Other Unutilized tax losses and credits Tax loss carryforw ards Social contribution tax loss carryforw ards Recognized in Recognized in other Closing Saldo inicial em profit or loss com prehensive balance as 03.31.16 for the year incom e (loss) at 06.30.16 115,181 (172,288) 26 450,609 (68,856) 467,850 (245,277) (310,814) (42,235) 36,851 (317,135) 893 (16,315) 91,170 3,950 (23,241) (116) 1,302 (317,837) 48,920 3,039 394 6,334 1,743 (30,728) (80,256) - 119,131 (195,529) (90) 370,353 (67,554) 150,013 (245,277) (261,894) (39,196) 37,245 (310,801) 893 (14,572) 60,442 (10,340) (306,240) (80,256) (396,836) . 167,850 61,734 638 230 - 168,488 61,964 219,244 (305,372) (80,256) (166,384) (*) Refers to the adoption of accelerated depreciation coefficient, based on Law 4506/64. Consolidated Temporary differences: Provision for tax, labor, civil and environmental contingencies Provision for losses on advances to suppliers Adjustment at fair value of biological assets Adjustment to present value (AVP) - Law 11638 Hedge accounting of Libor sw ap, NDF and exchange rate changes Effect of translation of functional currency Fair value of financial debts Unrealized exchange rate changes Amortization of tax goodw ill Held-for-sale assets Mark-to-market of derivatives Encouraged accelerated depreciation (*) Appreciation of acquired assets Impairment Other Unutilized tax losses and credits Tax loss carryforw ards Social contribution tax loss carryforw ards Openning Recognized in Recognized in other Closing balance as at profit or loss com prehensive balance as 03.31.15 for the year incom e (loss) at 06.30.15 147,510 8,539 (102,891) 1,038 407,757 (83,114) (33,266) 466,718 (227,126) 1,276 (230,772) (56,281) (488,673) 38,658 116,381 (27,712) (258) (18,922) (639) 2,114 2,490 (172,469) (6,050) 40,692 3,972 6,521 (141) (56,241) (75,653) - 119,798 8,281 (121,813) 399 332,104 (81,000) (30,776) 294,249 (233,176) 1,276 (190,080) (52,309) (482,152) 38,517 60,140 (34,246) (226,643) (75,653) (336,542) 168,900 62,112 1,226 441 - 170,126 62,553 196,766 (224,976) (75,653) (103,863) (*) Refers to the adoption of accelerated depreciation coefficient, based on Law 4506/64. As at June 30, 2016, the Company contains tax loss carryforwards in the amounts R$2,927,351 in Company, and R$5,043,527 in Consolidated (R$2,368,701 and R$4,127,401 as at March 31, 2016, respectively) for which no deferred income tax and social contribution assets have been recognized. 10.6 Management projections for the realization of deferred income tax and social contribution balances According to the Company’s management projections, deferred income tax and social contribution arising from tax loss carryforwards will be realized as shown below, based on taxable income projection. 22 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Com pany 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 2017/2018 crop 56,804 90,850 56,804 90,850 2018/2019 crop 2019/2020 crop 122,669 - 88,623 - 173,648 - 88,623 50,111 179,473 179,473 230,452 229,584 The Company’s deferred income tax and social contribution balances consist of tax loss carryforwards and temporary differences. The study on the realization of these balances focuses exclusively on the expected realization (utilization) of tax loss carryforwards. The projections of future taxable income include several estimates related to the performance of the Brazilian and international economies, exchange rate fluctuation, sales volume, sales price, tax rates, and others, which may change in relation to actual data and amounts. The Company’s projected earnings are based on the increase of own sugarcane availability, production capacity increase, increase in sugarcane suppliers, specific projects for cost reduction and market price increase. As income tax and social contribution depend not only on taxable income but also on the existence of non-taxable income, non-deductible expenses and several other variables, there is no relevant correlation between the Group’s net profit and income tax and social contribution on net profit. 11. INVESTMENTS (PROVISION FOR INVESTMENT LOSS) Com pany 06.30.16 Investments in subsidiaries and jointly-controlled subsidiaries Other investments Investm ents Provision for investm ent loss Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 420,184 425,935 204,158 2,502 2,502 2,502 207,153 2,502 422,686 428,437 206,660 209,655 (587,195) (646,517) - - a) Interest in subsidiaries and jointly-controlled entities Com pany Biosev Consolidated Biosev Biosev Bioenergia Com ercializadora Bioenergia S.A. International S.A. de Energia S.A. TEAG Capital Profit (loss) for the period Equity Elimination of gains on the sale of property, plant and equipment w ith related parties 843,603 (146,955) (1,080,294) (1,012) 175 (5,805) 5,657 - 2,501 54 3,161 - 64,702 (1,791) 68,153 - Ow nership interest Value of investm ents in subsidiaries under equity m ethod 100% (1,081,306) 100% 5,657 100% 3,161 50% 34,077 494,079 32 - - 170,081 204,158 Goodw ill/realization of concession value, net Elimination of gains on the sale of property, plant and equipment w ith related parties - 5,657 3,161 Provision for investm ent loss (587,195) - - - Equity pick up in subsidiaries (146,923) (5,805) 54 (895) Investm ents b) Changes in investments in subsidiaries, jointly-controlled entities and non-controlled entities 23 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Com pany Goodw ill Biosev Bioenergia S.A. (1,140,596) (146,923) Opening balance Capital increase Equity pick up in subsidiaries Other comprehensive loss Tavares de Melo (*) 407,675 - Am pla (*) 3,691 - Other 2,502 - 06.30.16 (712,159) (152,674) 03.31.16 (350,356) 2,500 (144,877) 206,245 - - - - - - 206,245 (27,770) - - - - - - (191,656) (1,081,274) 5,657 3,161 407,675 3,691 2,502 (658,588) (712,159) 494,079 - - - - - 494,079 494,079 - 5,657 3,161 407,675 3,691 2,502 422,686 428,437 (587,195) - - - - - (587,195) (646,517) Efects from changes in accounting standard - IAS 41 Value of investm ents in subsidiaries under equity m ethod Biosev Biosev Bioenergia Com ercializadora International S.A. de Energia S.A. 11,462 3,107 (5,805) 54 Goodw ill Value of investm ents Provision for investm ent loss (*) Companies merged in prior years. Consolidated TEAG Opening balance Dividends Equity pick up in subsidiaries Profit (loss) Realization of concession value, net 06.30.16 03.31.16 207,153 - 2,502 - 209,655 - (2,995) - (2,995) 6,095 (895) - (895) 14,494 (2,100) - (2,100) (8,399) - - - (488) 204,158 2,502 206,660 209,655 Other Value of investm ents Other 215,029 (10,981) c) Investments in jointly-controlled entities Terminal de Exportação de Açúcar do Guarujá Ltda. (TEAG) Due to the Company’s control over Crystalsev Comércio e Representação Ltda. (Crystalsev) on December 28, 2011, the Company recognized, through its indirect subsidiary Sociedade Operadora Portuária (SOP), for accounting purposes, 50% of TEAG’s capital. This investment results from a joint venture between SOP and Cargill Agrícola S.A., a company headquartered in Guarujá, SP, engaged in the undertaking of operations typical of a port operator and shipping agency; road transportation of goods for own account or for third parties; the provision of services for own account or for third parties, and the provision of specialized, commercial and industrial assistance to other local or foreign entities; and holding interests in other entities as shareholder. The respective balance sheet and statement of operations are broken down as follows: TEAG 06.30.16 03.31.16 Balance Sheet Assets Total current assets Long-term receivables Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 46,467 8,515 29,576 49,089 10,772 32,211 Total non-current assets 38,091 42,983 Total assets Liabilities Total current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Equity Total equity Total liabilities and equity 84,558 92,072 11,146 5,259 13,746 8,382 68,153 69,944 84,558 92,072 24 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) TEAG 06.30.16 Statem ent of operations Net revenue Operating expenses General, administrative and selling Other operating income 06.30.15 19,934 12,961 (23,182) (70) (14,647) 27 Operating loss before finance incom e (expenses), net Finance income, net (3,318) 626 (1,659) 503 Loss before incom e taxes Income tax and social contribution (2,692) 901 (1,156) 374 Loss for the period (1,791) (782) 12. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Com pany Cost Land 06.30.16 03.31.16 Accum ulated Accum ulated depreciation 16,863 Buildings 321,272 Improvements Facilities (109,336) Net Cost 16,863 26,953 211,936 323,296 depreciation (108,471) Net 26,953 214,825 51,915 (28,846) 23,069 51,897 (28,176) 23,721 402,647 (187,912) 214,735 400,839 (181,705) 219,134 7,086 Furniture and fixtures 15,375 (8,399) 6,976 15,270 (8,184) IT equipment 35,518 (29,076) 6,442 35,388 (28,638) 6,750 2,293,375 (1,262,878) 1,030,497 2,259,931 (1,230,005) 1,029,926 Machinery and equipment (*) Vehicles 15,035 (10,989) 4,046 15,064 (10,720) 4,344 729,673 (598,823) 130,850 710,125 (578,979) 131,146 1,660,715 (1,005,483) 655,232 1,605,375 (962,140) 643,235 5,542,388 (3,241,742) 2,300,646 5,444,138 (3,137,018) 2,307,120 Agricultural machinery and implements (**) Bearer Plan Construction in progress (Note 12.1) 27,901 5,570,289 (3,241,742) 27,901 29,255 2,328,547 5,473,393 (3,137,018) 29,255 2,336,375 Consolidated 06.30.16 03.31.16 Accum ulated Cost Land 19,419 (63,141) 91,422 154,289 (61,627) 92,662 (255,587) 319,399 563,656 (246,431) 317,225 (13,384) 10,174 22,780 (13,074) 9,706 (45,367) 14,494 58,642 (44,382) 14,260 5,135,545 (2,848,926) 2,286,619 5,078,231 (2,766,823) 2,311,408 49,665 (44,733) 4,932 48,487 (44,356) 4,131 1,183,576 (938,700) 244,876 1,159,331 (902,148) 257,183 2,705,102 (1,662,736) 1,042,366 2,608,975 (1,588,039) 1,020,936 10,435,291 (6,052,330) 4,382,961 10,264,039 (5,844,450) 4,419,589 34,453 69,914 4,417,414 10,333,953 154,563 574,986 Furniture and fixtures 23,558 IT equipment 59,861 Vehicles Construction in progress (Note 12.1) 34,453 10,469,744 (179,756) (6,052,330) - Net 40,036 Facilities Bearer Plan depreciation 529,612 Improvements Agricultural machinery and implements (**) Cost 19,419 529,016 - Accum ulated Net 349,260 Buildings Machinery and equipment (*) depreciation (177,570) (5,844,450) 40,036 352,042 69,914 4,489,503 (*) Includes deferred manufacturing costs. (**) Includes deferred agricultural costs. 25 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Changes in the net value of property, plant and equipment are as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Opening balance Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 2,336,375 2,468,484 4,489,503 Acquisitions and additions 98,241 388,731 136,680 686,959 Residual value of w rite-offs Impairment reversal (*) (2,299) (25,468) (2,794) (28,543) 130 (103,900) 8,176 (503,548) 222 (206,197) 8,764 (939,603) 2,328,547 2,336,375 4,417,414 4,489,503 Depreciation for the year/period 4,761,926 (*) See Note 12.3. 12.1 Construction in progress Construction in progress is broken down by plant as follows: Com pany Plant Leme 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 1,436 1,597 1,436 1,597 819 2,263 819 2,263 Giasa 4,745 2,569 4,745 2,569 Lagoa da Prata 4,639 8,406 4,639 8,406 215 2,947 215 2,947 Maracaju 5,493 4,164 5,493 4,164 Estivas 7,490 5,142 7,490 5,142 Santa Elisa - - 2,029 16,303 Vale do Rosário - - 2,987 17,450 MB - - 159 2,774 Continental - - 1,377 4,132 Corporativo 3,064 2,167 3,064 2,167 27,901 29,255 34,453 69,914 Passatempo Rio Brilhante The balance of construction in progress refers basically to the adaptation of industrial facilities, increase in sugar production and refurbishment of administrative facilities. 12.2 Fixed assets given in guarantees and commitments for acquisition of fixed assets As at June 30, 2016, the Company had agreements with suppliers for acquisition of fixed assets, amounting to R$22,990 (R$29,807 as at March 31, 2016), and total fixed assets given in guarantees in the amount of R$973,000 (R$912,942 as at March 31, 2016). 12.3 Impairment As at June 30, 2016, the impairment of the Company’s fixed assets resulted in a gain from reversal of impairment in the amount of R$130 in Company, and R$222 in Consolidated. As at June 30, 2016, the accumulated balance of impairment is R$71,698 in Company, and R$197,175 in Consolidated (R$71,828 and R$197,387 as at March 31, 2016, respectively). The main impaired assets comprise land, buildings, furniture and fixtures, computers, machinery and equipment, vehicles, and agricultural machinery and implements. 26 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 13. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Com pany 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 Goodw ill Biosev Bioenergia - - 494,079 494,079 Usinas Tavares de Melo Ampla - - 407,675 3,691 407,675 3,691 - - 905,445 905,445 15,168 16,826 18,854 20,724 15,168 16,826 18,854 20,724 - - 7,455 7,994 Softw are Licenses Other - - 7,455 7,994 15,168 16,826 931,754 934,163 Changes in intangible assets are as follows: Com pany 03.31.16 Additions Am ortization 06.30.16 Softw are Licenses 16,826 766 (2,424) 15,168 16,826 766 (2,424) 15,168 Com pany 03.31.15 Additions Am ortization 06.30.15 Softw are Licenses 19,308 669 (2,918) 17,059 19,308 669 (2,918) 17,059 Consolidated 03.31.16 Additions Am ortization 06.30.16 Goodw ill Biosev Bioenergia 494,079 - - 494,079 Usinas Tavares de Melo 407,675 - - 407,675 3,691 - - 3,691 (2,793) 18,854 Ampla Softw are Licenses 20,724 923 Other Other 7,994 934,163 923 (539) 7,455 (3,332) 931,754 27 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated 03.31.15 Additions Am ortization 06.30.15 Goodw ill Biosev Bioenergia 494,079 - - 494,079 Usinas Tavares de Melo 407,675 - 407,675 3,691 - - 3,691 21,973 1,090 (3,294) 19,769 Ampla Softw are Licenses Other Other 9,939 937,357 1,090 (704) 9,235 (3,998) 934,449 14. BORROWINGS AND FINANCING Description Advance on Foreign Exchange Contract (ACC) (c) Currency US$ Weighted average financial charges Maturity Collaterals Exchange rate change plus average interest rate of 5.56% p.a. TJLP plus average interest rate of 3.68% p.a. or currency basket plus average interest rate of 3.13% p.a. Exchange rate change plus Libor plus average interest rate of 5.40% p.a. From 08.03.16 to 06.15.18 Guarantee and promissory note From 12.15.16 to 04.16.18 Mortgage, lien, guarantee and promissory note On 09.30.19 757,131 836,250 60,480 82,747 Guarantee, promissory note and receivables 472,039 619,940 103,736 107,222 19,497 24,471 - 10,187 Financing - BNDES R$ Export Prepayment - PPE (b) US$ Constitutional Fund to Finance the the Midw est FCO R$ Interest of 8.5% p.a. On 12.01.23 Collateral and financed assets Finame R$ Average interest rate of 5.74% p.a. or TJLP plus average interest rate of 2.85% p.a. From 04.15.17 to 11.15.19 Mortgage, lien, guarantee and promissory note Constitutional Fund to Finance the Northeast (FNE) R$ Export Credit Note and Bill - NCE R$ Offshore Loan - Proparco (e) US$ Bank Credit Note - CCB R$ Average interest rate of 136.77% of CDI or CDI plus average rate of 4.25% p.a. Exchange rate change plus Libor plus average interest rate of 5.72% p.a. Average interest rate of 16.65% p.a. or average interest rate of 120.90% of CDI rate From 07.07.16 to 04.24.17 Guarantee and promissory note 354,867 442,378 On 10.15.27 Mortgage, credit rights and machinery and equipment 161,872 177,945 From 08.03.16 to 06.25.18 Collection and assignment of receivables 293,482 2,223,104 1,364,359 858,745 223,983 2,525,123 872,813 1,652,310 Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Descrição Currency Restructured debt (ex-Debentures) - R$ (c) R$ Restructured debt - US$ (c) US$ Restructured debt (Debenture) - R$ (a)/(c) R$ Advance on Foreign Exchange Contract - ACC (c) US$ Financing - BNDES R$ Weighted average financial charges Com pany 06.30.16 03.31.16 Maturity From 10.26.16 to 07.10.24 Exchange rate change plus Libor + average interest From 07.11.16 to rate of 2.47% p.a. 07.10.24 CDI plus 1.72% p.a. Collaterals Consolidated 06.30.16 03.31.16 Guarantee, receivables, mortgage and shares Guarantee, receivables, mortgage and shares Guarantee, receivables, mortgage and shares 261,983 252,437 1,057,175 1,162,546 317,372 303,478 1,972,998 2,215,713 60,480 82,747 1,314,833 1,557,375 CDI plus 1.72% p.a. On 07.10.24 Exchange rate change plus average interest rate of 5.58% p.a. TJLP plus average interest rate of 3.68% p.a. or currency basket plus average interest rate of 3.13% p.a. Exchange rate change plus Libor + average interest rate of 4.63% p.a. From 08.03.16 to 06.15.18 Guarantee and promissory note From 12.15.16 to 04.16.18 Mortgage, financed assets, guarantee and promissory note From 10.26.17 to 09.30.19 Guarantee, promissory note and receivables Export Prepayment (PPE) (b)/(c)/(f) US$ Constitutional Fund to Finance the the Midw est FCO R$ Interest of 8.5% p.a. On 12.01.23 Guarantee and financed assets 103,736 107,222 Finame R$ Average interest rate of 6.81% p.a. or TJLP plus average interest rate of 2.85% p.a. From 04.15.17 to 04.15.21 Mortgage, financed assets, guarantee and promissory note 38,059 34,606 Constitutional Fund to Finance the Northeast (FNE) R$ - 10,187 Rural Securitization Program (PESA) R$ IGP-M plus 4% p.a. From 05.01.18 to 08.02.19 Guarantee, promissory note and National Treasury Certificate (CTN) 10,711 10,857 From 07.07.16 to 06.14.18 Guarantee and promissory note 459,104 572,832 On 10.15.27 Mortgage, credit rights and machinery and equipment 161,872 177,945 From 08.03.16 to 06.25.18 Collection and assignment of receivables 293,482 6,051,805 3,358,562 2,693,243 223,984 6,711,929 1,830,913 4,881,016 Export Credit Note and Bill - NCE (d) Offshore Loan - Proparco (e) Bank Credit Note - CCB R$/US$ US$ R$ Average interest rate of 136.81% of CDI or exchange rate change plus interest of 5.78% p.a. or CDI plis average rate of 4.25% p.a. Exchange rate change plus Libor plus average interest rate of 5.72% p.a. Average interest rate of 16.65% p.a. or average interest rate of 120.90% of CDI rate. Current liabilities Non-current liabilities 28 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) (a) Net of commission costs for the issuance of debentures, in the amount of R$3,015, as at June 30, 2016 (R$3,109 as at March 31, 2016), monthly recorded in profit or loss through the maturity of such transaction. (b) Net of commission costs for the issuance of PPE, in the amount of R$197, as at June 30, 2016 (R$224 as at March 31, 2016), monthly recorded in profit or loss through the maturity of such transaction. (c) Net of deferred expenses, in the amount of R$24,553, as at June 30, 2016 (R$30,996 as at March 31, 2016), monthly recorded in profit or loss through the maturity of such transaction. (d) As at June 30, 2016, the US debt amounts to R$7,074 in Consolidated (R$25,756 as at March 31, 2016). (e) Net of commission costs for the issuance of Offshore Loan – Proparco, in the amount of R$1,318, as at June 30, 2016 (R$1,347 as at March 31, 2016), monthly recorded in profit or loss through the maturity of such transaction. (f) Include export prepayments, contracted on January 9, 2015, by subsidiary Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. with the trade union of foreign financial institutions, in the amount of R$795,461, as at June 30, 2016 (R$866,799 as at March 31, 2016). These operations are collateralized by a set of assets for settlement. As at June 30, 2016, the foreign currency-denominated deposits referred to in item (iii), Note 4, comprise, together with the agricultural production (sugarcane) of specific units and sugar and ethanol inventories, the ration of 141.42% of the obligations. Non-current liabilities mature as follows (crop year): Com pany Consolidated 06.30.16 06.30.16 July 2017 to March 2018 354,899 896,262 April 2018 to March 2019 201,439 517,084 April 2019 to March 2020 109,243 317,033 April 2020 to March 2021 31,433 238,667 April 2021 to October 2027 161,731 724,197 858,745 2,693,243 Some of the financing agreements entered into by the Company contain restrictive covenants, including the debt restructuring agreement of Biosev Bioenergia S.A., as set out in the Obligation Acknowledgment Master Agreement and Other Covenants entered into on October 26, 2009, and the related agreements, as part of the acquisition process of Biosev Bioenergia S.A. These restrictive covenants, applicable beginning 2010 (inclusive), require compliance with a minimum current liquidity ratio, net debt-to-EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) ratio, as defined in the terms of contracts, and EBITDA-to-net financial expenses ratio. The verification of compliance with the restrictive covenants occurs annual, at the close of Company’s year. As at March 31, 2016, the Company was compliant with the contractual provisions of its borrowings and financing. 15. TRADE PAYABLES Com pany 06.30.16 Related parties (Note 18) In Brazil Abroad Third parties In Brazil Abroad Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 1,169 52,416 5,121 45,120 6,797 67,191 13,229 78,319 53,585 50,241 73,988 91,548 175,573 336 176,026 157 452,872 17,502 466,636 15,532 175,909 176,183 470,374 482,168 229,494 226,424 544,362 573,716 228,530 225,783 542,560 572,483 964 641 1,802 1,233 29 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 16. TAXES AND CONTRIBUTIONS PAYABLE Com pany 06.30.16 Installment plan (*) IPI State VAT (ICMS) Tax on revenue (PIS and COFINS) Social Securities Tax (INSS) Income tax (IRPJ) and social contribution (CSLL) Other Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 841 159 790 518 4,056 517 2,760 1,201 392 768 231 7,280 391 4,443 2,653 695 792 856 8,093 2,447 2,883 9,937 799 14,737 322 12,642 2,402 5,199 9,641 14,706 18,419 46,038 9,638 14,703 18,416 46,035 3 3 3 3 (*) Refer to the adhesion of installments plans in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, according to Attachment IX, of Decree 9203/1998 RICMS/MS, including the outstanding ICMS credits subject to reduction of interest and fines, and extension of payment term. 17. PROVISION FOR TAX, LABOR, CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTINGENCIES The Company is a party to various ongoing lawsuits involving tax, labor, civil and environmental matters arising in the normal course of business. Com pany Inflation 03.31.16 adjustm ent Additions Reversals Paym ents 06.30.16 Tax ICMS 219 1 - - - IRPJ/CSLL 801 12 - - - 813 12,163 343 1,102 - - 13,608 13,183 356 1,102 - - 14,641 Social security contributions Labor (4,514) (1,406) 220 79,811 598 8,072 Environmental 7,988 338 - - - 82,561 Civil 5,219 183 3 - - 93,018 1,119 8,075 (4,514) (1,406) 96,292 106,201 1,475 9,177 (4,514) (1,406) 110,933 8,326 5,405 Com pany Inflation 03.31.15 adjustm ent Additions Reversals Paym ents 06.30.15 Tax ICMS 247 (20) - IRPJ/CSLL 908 13 - Social security contributions Labor (11) - - 216 - 921 13,043 (1,479) 473 (2,962) - 9,075 14,198 (1,486) 473 (2,973) - 10,212 81,563 1,252 3,136 (5,411) Environmental 6,150 251 - (29) Civil 3,355 142 1,000 91,068 1,645 4,136 (5,440) (1,049) 90,360 105,266 159 4,609 (8,413) (1,049) 100,572 - (1,049) - 79,491 6,372 4,497 30 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Inflation 03.31.16 adjustm ent Additions Reversals Paym ents 06.30.16 Tax IPI levied on sugar sales IPI PIS and COFINS (taxes on revenue) ICMS IRPJ/CSLL Social security contributions Other Trabalhistas Ambientais Cíveis 16,551 146 6,380 218 9,448 38,032 724 123 22 1 100 1,007 9 1,981 - - - 16,674 146 6,402 219 9,548 41,020 733 71,499 1,262 1,981 - - 74,742 200,054 38,674 28,074 2,667 1,610 682 17,862 334 3 (6,224) - (8,550) - 205,809 40,618 28,759 266,802 4,959 18,199 (6,224) (8,550) 275,186 338,301 6,221 20,180 (6,224) (8,550) 349,928 Consolidated Inflation 03.31.15 adjustm ent Additions Reversals Paym ents 06.30.15 Tax IPI levied on sugar sales IPI PIS and COFINS (taxes on revenue) ICMS 87,794 110 - 146 - - - - 146 32,961 20 - - - 32,981 1,402 (831) - IRPJ/CSLL 10,855 91 - Social security contributions 52,965 Other (1,479) 689 186,812 Labor 1,943 10 (71,718) (11) (4,692) - (2,079) - - 1,943 (76,421) 16,186 - 560 - 10,946 - 48,737 - 699 - 110,255 222,591 314 7,531 (14,292) Environmental 31,604 1,368 - (72) (6,183) - 209,961 Civil 27,583 682 1,001 (13) - 281,778 2,364 8,532 (14,377) (6,183) 272,114 468,590 285 10,475 (90,798) (6,183) 382,369 32,900 29,253 Contingencies - court or out-of-court claims classified as possible losses and not provided for Tax The tax claims (court and out-of-court) existing as at June 30, 2016, with an acknowledged possible likelihood of loss and not provided for are shown in the table below: Com pany 06.30.16 Tax Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 483,142 474,825 1,258,427 1,224,529 483,142 474,825 1,258,427 1,224,529 Among the contingencies for which a provision has not been recognized and that have been assessed as possible loss is the collection of ICMS due to an alleged difference identified in inventories. Additionally, there is a discussion also involving ICMS on the reasonableness in levying ICMS on export of semi-finished products. 31 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Civil and labor The civil and labor claims (court and out-of-court) as at June 30, 2016, with an acknowledged possible likelihood of loss and not provided for are shown in the table below: Com pany 06.30.16 Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 Civil 21,638 19,565 36,321 33,238 Labor 21,189 24,479 47,729 50,164 42,827 44,044 84,050 83,402 As at June 30, 2016, the Group was a party to labor and civil lawsuits whose likelihood of loss is considered possible based on the opinion of Group’s legal counsel. 18. RELATED PARTIES There are no significant changes of transactions with related parties as disclosed in the financial statements as at March 31, 2016. The related parties transactions present in the tables below, basically refer to: (i) product sales in the domestic and foreign market by price agreed between the parties, based on market price; (ii) loans; (iii) cost-sharing related to mutual sharing structures; (iv) provision of services related to market advisory and brokerage services related to derivative transactions; (v) commodities exports performance; (vi) purchase of inputs operations, sugarcane, rural lease and/or agricultural partnership, sugar elevation services and sugar storage. The table below shows the balances and transactions as at June 30, 2016 between the Company and its subsidiaries, which are consolidated in its balance sheet: Com pany Asset Subsidiaries Trade receivables Total Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. Biosev Bioenergia S.A. 26,974 2,344 26,974 2,344 06.30.16 29,318 29,318 Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. Biosev Bioenergia S.A. 37,960 5,368 37,960 5,368 03.31.16 43,328 43,328 Com pany Liability Subsidiaries Advances from Trade payables custom ers (*) Loan (**) Total Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. Biosev Bioenergia S.A. Sociedade Operadora Portuária de São Paulo Ltda. 52,396 720 - 302,475 - 527,476 9,322 354,871 528,196 9,322 06.30.16 53,116 302,475 536,798 892,389 Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. Biosev Bioenergia S.A. Sociedade Operadora Portuária de São Paulo Ltda. 25,268 1,376 - 262,997 - 521,829 9,064 288,265 523,205 9,064 03.31.16 26,644 262,997 530,893 820,534 (*) As at June 30, 2016, the amount of R$192,542 (R$167,927 as at March 31, 2016) and R$109,933 (R$95,070 as at March 31, 2016) was recorded in current liabilities and non-current liabilities, respectively. 32 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) (**) As at June 30, 2016, the amount of R$9,322 (R$1,555 as at March 31, 2016) and R$527,476 (R$529,338 as at March 31, 2016) was recorded in current liabilities and non-currently liabilities, respectively, in line item "Other payables". Com pany Profit or loss Revenues Expenses Interest and Interest and exchange rate Subsidiaries Sales changes exchange rate Total Purchases changes Total Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. Biosev Bioenergia S.A. Sociedade Operadora Portuária de São Paulo Ltda. 142,779 2,580 - 19,447 - 162,226 2,580 - (5,900) - (3,051) (21,306) (303) (3,051) (27,206) (303) 06.30.16 145,359 19,447 164,806 (5,900) (24,660) (30,560) Biosev Bioenergia International S.A. Biosev Bioenergia S.A. Sociedade Operadora Portuária de São Paulo Ltda. 105,395 711 - 4,418 3,012 - 109,813 3,723 - - (726) (70) (265) (726) (70) (265) 06.30.15 106,106 7,430 113,536 - (1,061) (1,061) The table below shows the balances and transactions as at June 30, 2016 between the Company and other related parties: Com pany Assets Derivatives (*) Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Term Commodities Inc. Com pany controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Sermatec Industria e Montagens Ltda. 06.30.16 Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Term Commodities Inc. Com pany controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Sermatec Industria e Montagens Ltda. 03.31.16 Trade Advances to receivables (**) suppliers (***) Total 24,475 133 578 - 273,649 - 273,782 578 24,475 24,475 711 273,649 298,835 - 4,846 - 4,846 - 4,846 - 4,846 24,475 5,557 273,649 303,681 109,923 130 537 - 185,232 - 185,362 537 109,923 109,923 667 185,232 295,822 - 5,081 - 5,081 - 5,081 - 5,081 109,923 5,748 185,232 300,903 (*) As at June 30, 2016, the amounts of R$16,580 (R$32,473 as at March 31, 2016), were recorded in line item “Derivatives”, and R$7,895 (R$77,450 as at March 31, 2016), in line item “Short-term investments”, in current assets relating to margin deposits in derivative transactions. (**) As at June 30, 2016, out of total trade receivables, the amount of R$4,846 (R$5,081 as at March 31, 2016) was recorded in line item “Other receivables” in non-current assets. (***) As at June 30, 2016, out of total advances to suppliers, the amount of R$273,649 (R$185,232 as at March 31, 2016) corresponds to export of commodities. 33 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Assets Derivatives (*) Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Sucos S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Term Commodities Inc. Com pany controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Anbisa Agricultura Ltda. B5 Participações Ltda. Beabisa Agricultura Ltda. Beabisa Agro Comercial e Empreendimentos Ltda. Carbisa Agricultura Ltda. Edimasa Agricultura Ltda. Elbel Comércio e Participações Ltda. Usina Santa Elisa S.A. Sermatec Industria e Montagens Ltda. Relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Beatriz Biagi Becker Edilah Faria Lacerda Biagi Maurilio Biagi Filho 06.30.16 Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Sucos S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Term Commodities Inc. Com pany controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Alebisa Empreendimento e Participações Ltda. Anbisa Agricultura Ltda. B5 Participações Ltda. Beabisa Agricultura Ltda. Beabisa Agro Comercial e Empreendimentos Ltda. Carbisa Agricultura Ltda. Edimasa Agricultura Ltda. Elbel Comércio e Participações Ltda. Panorama Agricultura Ltda. Usina Santa Elisa S.A. Sermatec Industria e Montagens Ltda. Relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Beatriz Biagi Becker Edilah Faria Lacerda Biagi Maurilio Biagi Filho 03.31.16 Trade Advances to receivables (**) suppliers (***) Total 24,475 634 152 6 49,525 - 549,347 - 634 549,499 6 49,525 24,475 24,475 50,317 549,347 624,139 - 4,846 528 137 604 40 408 1,174 1,529 200 - 528 137 604 40 408 1,174 1,529 200 4,846 - 4,846 4,620 9,466 - - 63 223 359 63 223 359 - - 645 645 24,475 55,163 554,612 634,250 109,923 52 148 6 30,244 - 239,395 - 52 239,543 6 30,244 109,923 109,923 30,450 239,395 379,768 - 5,081 720 924 572 185 22 610 51 2,658 67 353 - 720 924 572 185 22 610 51 2,658 67 353 5,081 - 5,081 6,162 11,243 - - 768 2,698 351 768 2,698 351 - - 3,817 3,817 109,923 35,531 249,374 394,828 (*) As at June 30, 2016, the amounts of R$16,580 (R$32,473 as at March 31, 2016), were recorded in line item “Derivatives”, and R$7,895 (R$77,450 as at March 31, 2016), in line item “Short-term investments”, in current assets relating to margin deposits in derivative transactions. (**) As at June 30, 2016, out of total trade receivables, the amount of R$4,846 (R$5,081 as at March 31, 2016) was recorded in line item “Other receivables” in non-current assets. (***) As at June 30, 2016, out of total advances to suppliers, the amount of R$549,347 (R$239,395 as at March 31, 2016) corresponds to export of commodities. 34 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Com pany Liabilities Derivatives Trade Advances from payables custom ers (*) Loan Total Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV - 20 449 - 873,894 65,194 - 20 449 873,894 65,194 06.30.16 - 469 939,088 - 939,557 13,662 15,982 3,472 3,870 273 - 993,092 71,567 - 12 - 15,982 3,484 996,962 71,567 273 13,662 13,662 23,597 1,064,659 12 1,101,930 Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Macrofértil Indústria e Comércio de Fertilizantes Ltda. Term Commodities Inc. 03.31.16 (*) Amounts recorded in advances from foreign customers, R$361,324 (R$423,340 as at March 31, 2016) in current liabilities and R$577,764 (R$641,319 as at March 31, 2016) in non-current liabilities, relating to 2016/2017 to 2018/2019 crops. 35 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Liabilities Derivatives Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC LDC Trading and Services Co. S.A. Term Commodities Inc. Com panies controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Alebisa Empreendimento e Participações Ltda. Anbisa Agricultura Ltda. B5 Participações Ltda. Beabisa Agricultura Ltda. Carbisa Agricultura Ltda. Edimasa Agricultura Ltda. Maubisa Agricultura Ltda. Elbel Comércio e Participações Ltda. Panorama Agricultura Ltda. Santa Elisa Participações S.A. Usina Santa Elisa S.A. Trade Advances from payables custom ers (*) Loan Total - 509 65,924 653 150 464 1,974,177 494,882 - - 509 2,040,101 494,882 653 150 464 - 67,700 2,469,059 - 2,536,759 - 410 478 87 268 170 1,014 229 2,884 236 99 3 - - 410 478 87 268 170 1,014 229 2,884 236 99 3 - 5,878 - - 5,878 Jointly-controlled entity TEAG - Terminal Exp. Açúcar Guarujá Ltda. Relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Beatriz Biagi Becker Edilah Faria Lacerda Biagi 06.30.16 Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Macrofértil Indústria e Comércio de Fertilizantes Ltda. LDC Trading and Services Co. S.A. Term Commodities Inc. Com panies controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Alebisa Empreendimento e Participações Ltda. Anbisa Agricultura Ltda. B5 Participações Ltda. Beabisa Agricultura Ltda. Beabisa Agro Comercial e Empreendimentos Ltda. Carbisa Agricultura Ltda. Edimasa Agricultura Ltda. Maubisa Agricultura Ltda. Elbel Comércio e Participações Ltda. Panorama Agricultura Ltda. Renk Zanini S.A. Equipamentos Industriais Usina Santa Elisa S.A. Relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Beatriz Biagi Becker Edilah Faria Lacerda Biagi 03.31.16 - 390 - - 390 - 390 - - 390 - 1 19 - - 1 19 - 20 - - 20 - 73,988 2,469,059 - 2,543,047 13,662 3,482 61,854 16,036 806 83 346 1,990,658 728,309 - 12 - 3,494 2,052,512 728,309 16,036 806 83 14,008 13,662 82,607 2,718,967 12 2,815,248 - - - - 662 546 383 694 5 578 540 229 4,077 454 107 263 - - 662 546 383 694 5 578 540 229 4,077 454 107 263 - 8,538 - - 8,538 - 99 304 - - 99 304 - 403 - - 403 13,662 91,548 2,718,967 12 2,824,189 (*) Amounts recorded in advances from foreign customers, R$699.632 (R$569.277 as at March 31, 2016) in current liabilities and R$1.769.427 (R$2.149.690 as at March 31, 2016) in non-current liabilities, relating to 2016/2017 to 2018/2019 crops. 36 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Com pany Profit (loss) Sales Incom e Expenses Interest and Interest and exchange rate Total changes incom e Purchases exchange rate Total changes expenses Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC Louis Dreyfus Company Asia Pte. Ltd. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Term Commodities Inc. Com pany controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Renk Zanini S.A. Equipamentos Industriais 150,204 649 274,729 - 55,856 9,327 5 206,060 649 274,729 9,327 5 (551,537) (50,660) (274) (9,343) (1,011) (319) (551,811) (9,343) (1,011) (50,979) 425,582 65,188 490,770 (602,197) (10,947) (613,144) 278 - 278 - - 278 - 278 - - - 425,860 65,188 491,048 (602,197) (10,947) (613,144) Louis Dreyfus Company Sucos S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Macrofértil Indústria e Comércio de Fertilizantes Ltda. Louis Dreyfus Company Asia Pte. Ltd. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Term Commodities Inc. 121,675 144,496 - - 121,675 144,496 - (1) (293,743) (1,126) (383) (390) (6,283) (57) (1) (294,133) (1,126) (6,283) (440) 06.30.15 266,171 266,171 (295,253) (6,730) (301,983) 06.30.16 Com panies under com m on control - 37 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Profit (loss) Sales Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC LDC Trading and Services Co.S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Asia Pte. Ltd. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Term Commodities Inc. Jointly-controlled entity Teag-Terminal Exp. Açúcar Guarujá Ltda. Incom e Expenses Interest and Interest and exchange rate Total changes incom e Relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Beatriz Biagi Becker Edilah Faria Lacerda Biagi Com panies under com m on control Louis Dreyfus Company Ethanol Merchandising LLC LDC Trading and Services Co. Louis Dreyfus Company Sucos S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Brasil S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. Louis Dreyfus Company Asia Pte. Ltd. Macrofértil Indústria e Comércio de Fertilizantes Ltda. Sugar Netherlands Finance BV Term Commodities Inc. Jointly-controlled entity Teag-Terminal Exp. Açúcar Guarujá Ltda. Com panies controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Alebisa Empreendimento e Participações Ltda. Anbisa Agricultura Ltda. B5 Participações Ltda. Beabisa Agricultura Ltda. Beabisa Agro Comercial e Empreendimentos Ltda. Carbisa Agricultura Ltda. Edimasa Agricultura Ltda. Elbel Comércio e Participações Ltda. Panorama Agricultura Ltda. Renk Zanini S.A. Equipamentos Industriais Santa Elisa Participações S.A. Usina Santa Elisa S.A. Relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Edilah Faria Lacerda Biagi 06.30.15 Total changes expenses 136,661 66,636 5 7 640,503 449,707 66,636 5 (16,397) (220) (893,479) (18,863) (50,660) (15) (274) (23,358) (9,505) (474) (16,397) (235) (893,753) (42,221) (9,505) (51,134) 953,556 203,302 1,156,858 (979,619) (33,626) (1,013,245) - - - (4,217) (84) (4,301) - (4,217) (84) (4,301) 405 - - 405 - (1,998) (1,870) (1,214) (834) (1,257) (734) (9,348) (1,425) - (1,998) (1,870) (1,214) (834) (1,257) (734) (9,348) (1,425) 405 - 405 (18,680) - (18,680) - - - (866) (3,019) - (866) (3,019) 06.30.16 exchange rate 7 503,842 449,707 - Com panies controlled by a relative of a Com pany's key m anagem ent m em ber Alebisa Empreendimento e Participações Ltda. Anbisa Agricultura Ltda. B5 Participações Ltda. Beabisa Agricultura Ltda. Carbisa Agricultura Ltda. Edimasa Agricultura Ltda. Elbel Comércio e Participações Ltda. Renk Zanini S.A. Equipamentos Industriais Usina Santa Elisa S.A. Purchases 953,961 - - - 203,302 (3,885) 1,157,263 - - (3,885) (1,006,401) (33,710) (1,040,111) (1,127) (289) (16,050) (59) (36,305) (255) (155) (580,191) (14,889) (1,708) (16,050) (442) (17,525) (649,995) 15 409,582 311,476 - 1,415 - 15 410,997 311,476 - (36,305) (255) (155) (579,064) (14,600) (1,708) (383) 721,073 1,415 722,488 (632,470) - 6 6 (3,970) - (3,970) - 6 6 (3,970) - (3,970) - - - (1,814) (1,614) (979) (1,182) (21) (1,783) (1,130) (8,895) (1,026) (3) (796) (720) - (1,814) (1,614) (979) (1,182) (21) (1,783) (1,130) (8,895) (1,026) (3) (796) (720) - - - (19,963) - (19,963) - - - (379) - (379) - - - (379) - 721,073 1,421 722,494 (656,782) (17,525) (379) (674,307) 38 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Compensation of key management personnel The compensation of officers and other key management personnel for the period is as follows: Com pany and Consolidated 06.30.16 06.30.15 Short-term benefits 7,807 6,737 Long-term benefits 2,073 1,704 9,880 8,441 Short-term benefits of the key management personnel consist of salaries, social security and pension plan contributions, payroll taxes, profit sharing, and short-term performance bonuses. Long-term benefits include performance bonus and deferred benefits that expired in each financial statements. 19. EQUITY Capital Changes in capital are as follows: Shares Com m on In reais (thousand) Capital Capital reserve 03.31.16 219,628,363 2,618,214 1,355,616 06.30.16 219,628,363 2,618,214 1,355,616 As at June 30, 2016, capital is represented by 219,628,363 common shares (219,628,363 common shares as at March 31, 2016), all registered and without par value. In accordance with the Company’s Bylaws, the Company is authorized to increase its capital by up to 167,000,000 registered common shares, with no par value, regardless of any amendment to the bylaws, based on a Board of Directors’ resolution, as well as define the price and other issuance terms and conditions. 39 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 20. NET REVENUES AND COST OF SALES AND SERVICES Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended 06.30.16 ended 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 Gross revenue Dom estic m arket Sugar 92,460 79,023 158,497 128,464 Ethanol 181,491 212,400 350,902 341,692 Energy 34,380 2,497 35,739 2,872 56,217 14,460 62,026 11,242 310,828 330,034 580,076 543,424 74,352 1,365 424,932 84,346 3,496 266,171 359,336 101,181 693,449 287,615 36,653 542,579 500,649 354,013 1,153,966 866,847 811,477 684,047 1,734,042 1,410,271 (20,347) (2,084) (19,348) (1,329) (55,192) (6,168) (45,818) (2,027) 789,046 663,370 1,672,682 1,362,426 (70,067) (158,691) (8,219) (3,568) (63,162) (183,887) (10,196) (2,795) (107,301) (326,210) (15,762) (14,748) (100,646) (325,354) (16,624) (10,307) (240,545) (260,040) (464,021) (452,931) (121,631) (1,945) (434,636) (86,134) (2,558) (264,655) (384,997) (108,534) (708,208) (314,332) (51,198) (533,170) (558,212) (353,347) (1,201,739) (898,700) Other Foreign m arket Sugar Ethanol Other (a) Taxes (b)/(c) Sales rebates Net revenue Cost of sales and services (d)/(f) Dom estic m arket Sugar Ethanol Energy Other Foreign m arket Sugar (e) Ethanol (e) Other (a) Gains on changes in fair value less estim ated costs to sell biological assets Sugar Ethanol 37,597 31,505 69,102 (729,655) 3,516 1,055 30,680 27,094 21,957 6,645 4,571 57,774 28,602 (608,816) (1,607,986) (1,323,029) (a) Amounts relating to the export of commodities, as described in Note 18. (b) Includes government grants, which reduced the taxable base on sales by R$21,135, in Company, in the period ended June 30, 2016 (R$20,319, in Company, in the period ended June 30, 2015). (c) In the period ended June 30, 2016, revenues and expenses include PIS and COFINS credits in the amount of R$11,812, in Company, and R$23,705, in Consolidated (R$16,952 and R$27,185 in the period ended June 30, 2015, respectively), as deemed credit, as set forth in article 1, of Law 12859, of September 10, 2013, published in the Official Gazette on September 11, 2013. (d) Include PIS and COFINS credits in the amount of R$3,817, in Company, and R$5,864, in Consolidated, in the period ended June 30, 2016 (R$3,326 and R$4,724, in the period ended June 30, 2015, respectively), as prescribed by article 3, of Law 10637/02, which addresses the non-cumulativeness of PIS/PASEP; and article 3, of Law 10833/03, which addresses the non-cumulativeness of COFINS. 40 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) (e) Include REINTEGRA credits, in the amount of R$154, in Company, and R$519, in Consolidated, in the period ended June 30, 2016 (R$1,469 and R$3,353, in the period ended June 30, 2015, respectively), as set forth in article 21, of Law 13043, of November 13, 2014, which addresses the REINTEGRA reintroducing. (f) Include ICMS-ST credits on the acquisition of diesel fuel, in the amount of R$83, in Company, and R$663, in Consolidated (R$73 and R$2,300, in the period ended June 30, 2015, respectively), as set forth in article 155, paragraph 2, of CF88 and untimely ICMS credits on materials, in the amount of R$393, in Company, and R$1,702, in Consolidated, in the period ended June 30, 2016. 21. EXPENSES BY NATURE The information on the nature of cost of sales and services and general, administrative and selling expenses is as follows: Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended 06.30.16 ended 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 Cost of sales and services Personnel (*) (48,300) (63,786) (111,302) (101,765) (148,549) (155,810) (263,205) (236,210) Raw materials (121,474) (107,680) (420,435) (276,283) Inputs Products for resale (27,749) (452,685) (16,990) (269,121) (57,730) (813,088) (35,055) (702,318) (601,908) (393,791) (1,291,253) (1,013,656) Depreciation and amortization (**) Raw materials and inputs, net of taxes: Gains on changes in fair value less estimated costs to sell biological assets 69,102 (729,655) 4,571 57,774 28,602 (608,816) (1,607,986) (1,323,029) General, administrative and selling expenses Personnel (*) (25,314) (24,445) (46,534) Depreciation (3,822) (4,695) (7,334) (8,180) (19,607) (13,870) (48,307) (32,399) (2,417) (17,093) (19,073) (36,774) 89 (8,425) (59,496) (125) (6,569) (66,797) (17,559) (12,101) (150,908) (5,656) (11,065) (137,494) Freight Services Shipping expenses Other (43,420) (*) In the period ended June 30, 2016, the personnel expenses, in Company and Consolidated, in the amount of R$73,614 and R$157,836, respectively (R$88,231 and R$145,185, respectively, in the period ended June 30, 2015), comprise R$70,472 and R$151,935, respectively (R$85,456 and R$140,088, respectively, in the period ended June 30, 2015) relating to personnel expenses, and R$3,142 and R$5,901 (R$2,775 and R$5,097, respectively, in the period ended June 30, 2015) relating to INSS contribution, respectively. (**) Includes biological asset and agricultural produce. 41 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 22. FINANCE INCOME (EXPENSES) Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended ended 06.30.16 Finance incom e Derivative of Commodities Derivative of exchange - Comercial transactions Derivative of exchange - Financial transactions Derivative of interest rate - Libor sw ap Discounts obtained Income from fixed-income investments Interest Other Finance expenses Derivative of Commodities 06.30.15 6 649,533 513,902 06.30.16 06.30.15 1,458 32,562 147,358 6 587,345 513,902 1,458 13,305 147,358 - - 2,682 8,417 164 3,442 3,849 2,039 21 3,017 5,765 974 172 9,375 19,398 3,296 37 10,318 13,230 6,191 1,172,935 191,155 1,136,176 200,314 (1,127) (7,954) (1,283) (7,954) Derivative of exchange - Comercial transactions (560,400) (77,607) (560,400) (77,607) Derivative of exchange - Financial transactions (674,898) (81,604) (674,898) (81,604) (91,740) (778) (7,826) (569) (54,062) (433) (1,421) (905) (4,734) (171,901) (886) (8,755) (919) (13,481) (135,435) (1,526) (3,139) (1,283) - (2,533) - (223,986) (1,426,309) (322,029) Derivative of interest rate - Libor sw ap Interest Discounts granted Tax on financial transactions (IOF) Other PIS/COFINS on finance income (696) (1,338,034) Exchange rate changes Finance expenses 156,723 36,472 317,153 30,473 (8,376) 3,641 27,020 (91,242) 23. OTHER OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended 06.30.16 Reversal (recognition) of provision for tax, labor, civil and environmental contingencies Contractual Fines and indemnities Tax expenses Impairment reversal - property, plant and equipment (3,257) (27) (1,279) ended 06.30.15 4,853 (9,607) (779) 06.30.16 (5,406) 15,963 (1,459) 06.30.15 86,506 (18,610) (1,241) 130 123 222 418 (2,762) (226) 7,301 (1,495) (218) (15) (2,913) (984) 8,894 (2,741) (295) 815 Total other operating incom e (expenses), net (120) (7,138) 14,317 64,852 Total other operating incom e 7,432 10,612 25,078 99,233 (7,552) (17,750) (10,761) (34,381) Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment Recognition of allow ance for doubtful accounts Other operating income (expenses), net Total other operating expenses 42 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 24. LOSS PER SHARE The basic and diluted loss per share was calculated based on the loss attributable to the Biosev’s owners divided by the weighted average number of outstanding common shares. Com pany 06.30.16 Loss for the period attributable to the Company's ow ners Weighted average number of shares used to calculate basic and diluted earnings per share Total basic and diluted loss per share (353,150) 211,635,628 (1.66867) Consolidated 06.30.15 (333,928) 208,072,484 (1.60486) 06.30.16 (353,150) 211,635,628 (1.66867) 06.30.15 (333,928) 208,072,484 (1.60486) 25. RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS I - Risk management The Company is exposed to risks arising from its operations and considers market, credit, liquidity, and capital risks as the most significant risks to which it is exposed. The objective of the Company’s risk management program is to hedge its results against fluctuations in sugar prices, foreign exchange and interest rates. These risks are managed using hedging financial instruments available in the financial market, such as: swaps and interest rate futures; currency forwards and futures; commodity forwards, futures and options. Transactions carried out in the over-the-counter market are contracted through low-risk domestic and foreign banks, and transactions contracted on the stock exchange market are mainly traded in futures and options markets at the New York Commodities Exchanges (NYSE: ICE) and São Paulo Stock and Mercantile Exchange (BM&FBOVESPA). The use of these instruments is guided by the Financial and Risk Management Policy approved and reviewed by the Board of Directors on September 13, 2013 and on June 01, 2016, respectively. Additionally, the Company does not carry out transactions with any type of leverage, as well as does not have transactions with exotic derivatives. The risk management policies, practices and instruments are determined by the Executive Committee and the Strategic Committee (the body that supports the Company’s Board of Directors). The Executive Committee has the following responsibilities before the Board of Directors: (i) monitor the compliance with the policy and report eventual non-compliances; (ii) inform about the indebtness of the Company and its subsidiaries, as well as the related debt instruments; (iii) inform about the burdens on the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries; and (iv) monitor the risk management instruments of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Market Consultancy Service Agreement, between Biosev Bioenergia International S.A, Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A. and Biosev S.A, entered into on November 29, 2010 with due date on March, 31, 2024, and according to the addition on July 30, 2013, assists the Executive Committee’s responsibilities in the Risk Management, based on the information on the sugar and ethanol markets provided by Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A., including historical information, studies, analyses, credit risk advisory, as well as researches, opinions and estimates about several issues in the main agricultural commodities markets, including the domestic and international sugar and ethanol markets. The Risk Management Department is subject to the Chief Financial Officer and is responsible for the calculation, measurement, analysis and monitoring of the exposure, by issuing daily reports based on which the necessary corrective measures are taken. It is also responsible for monitoring the compliance with the risk management policies. 25.1 Market risk The Company is mainly exposed to risks related to foreign exchange, interest rate and agricultural commodity price fluctuations. In order to hedge against these market risks, the Company uses various derivative financial instruments, including: Forward, options and futures foreign exchange contracts to hedge fair value and cash flow items against exchange rate changes; Interest rate futures to supplement the hedging of mentioned items; 43 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Interest rate swap contracts to mitigate LIBOR fluctuation risk; Derivative commodity contracts to hedge inventory and future agricultural commodity delivery transactions. The parameters used to manage these risks are based on hedging strategy monitoring tools, such as sensitivity analysis, stress tests, and a hedging scale, aimed at securing the future amount of sugar and ethanol sales, including the effects from foreign exchange rate, as well as interest rate exposure. As at June 30, 2016, the assets and liabilities relating to the derivative transactions are broken down as follows: Com pany 06.30.16 Exchange risk management (Note 25.1.1) Interest rate risk management (Note 25.1.2) Agricultural commodities risk management (Note 25.1.3) Current assets Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 (45,167) 15,158 (152,465) 18,353 03.31.16 (45,167) (68,508) 15,158 (152,465) (69,361) 18,353 (203,473) (30,009) (134,112) (98,517) 132,603 46,077 132,603 46,077 (162,612) (180,189) (182,686) (201,882) (48,434) (47,668) - - 25.1.1 Foreign exchange risk management Because the Company’s functional currency is the Brazilian real (R$), the foreign currency-denominated operations are exposed to the foreign exchange risk. Foreign exchange positions are managed based on the Financial and Risk Management Policy, approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on September 13, 2013. The Company carries out transactions with currency derivatives in order to reduce variability in its profit or loss due to the existence of US dollardenominated net cash flows from exports. The Company carries out transactions with interest rate derivatives traded on the BM&FBOVESPA (one-day DI futures) in order to supplement foreign exchange rate hedges contracted under foreign exchange contracts traded on said exchange — future dollar financial instruments (DOL) and exchange coupon futures (DDI). The consolidated use of such futures contracts aims at having effects similar to those of one single DOL futures contract. This strategy is adopted by the Company without leverage. This is necessary because an individually traded DOL futures contract does not have significant liquidity for terms above three months and, therefore, could not meet the Company’s foreign exchange hedging requirements. This practice is regulated by the BM&FBOVESPA and has been widely disseminated among futures market participants in Brazil for over a decade. 44 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) The table below shows the Company’s NDF, DOL, DI and DDI forward currency sale instruments, used for purposes of hedging foreign exchange risk and respective results: Com pany and Consolidated Notional value Average exchange rate contracted 06.30.16 Foreign currency 03.31.16 06.30.16 Local currency (*) 03.31.16 06.30.16 (Sale) purchase Fair value 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 (Sale) purchase Outstanding forw ard contracts – NDF US dollar Hedge Accounting Maturity: Less than 3 months 3.722 - (109,524) - (407,697) - 52,528 - 3 to 6 months 3.659 3.876 Over 6 months 3.692 - (94,991) (177,981) (24,531) - (347,559) (657,179) (95,086) - 32,885 26,873 4,685 - (382,496) (24,531) (1,412,435) (95,086) 112,286 4,685 Non-Hedge Accounting Maturity: Less than 3 months 3.637 3.979 59,524 220,000 216,479 875,484 (25,405) (87,495) 3 to 6 months 3.687 3.876 Over 6 months 4.155 4.155 (9) 199,981 (469) 200,000 (34) 830,837 (1,819) 3 830,910 (131,705) 30 (40,817) 259,496 419,531 1,047,282 (57,500) 8,750 (184,564) 31,140 7,745 10,595 (57,500) 8,750 (184,564) 31,140 7,745 10,595 Less than 3 months 363,544 133,894 1,166,902 476,515 (11,663) (6,470) 3 to 6 months (56,504) (77,068) 68,751 (117,333) (181,365) (247,372) 244,679 (417,578) 2,010 1,659 (1,947) 2,963 229,972 85,312 738,165 303,616 (7,994) (5,454) (116,070) (188,076) (372,562) (669,344) 2 1 71,774 78,014 (73,659) 81,500 230,379 250,409 (262,146) 290,052 (3) (96) 24 59 33,718 (180,235) 108,226 (641,438) (97) 84 1,704,575 (157,107) (128,282) Outstanding futures contracts DOL - dollar futures Maturity: Less than 3 months DDI - futures exchange coupon Maturity: Over 6 months DI - 1 day: Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months Over 6 months US outstanding option contracts Maturity: - 3 to 6 months 100,000 - - 100,000 355,890 - - 355,890 - (34,093) (34,093) (45,167) (152,465) (*) Convenience conversion. 25.1.2 Interest rate risk management The Company uses Libor derivatives to hedge against interest rate fluctuations. These derivatives are traded on the Brazilian over-the-counter market with low-risk banks as counterparties, and are registered with CETIP S.A. - Balcão Organizado de Ativos e Derivativos (Brazilian organized OTC market), as required by prevailing legislation. The table below shows the Company’s Libor swap instruments with receipt of Libor interest and payment of fixed rates, and presents the derivatives used for purposes of hedging Libor interest risk and respective results: Consolidated Notional value Average fixed rate contracted - % 06.30.16 03.31.16 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% Foreign currency 06.30.16 03.31.16 Local currency (*) 06.30.16 03.31.16 Fair value 06.30.16 03.31.16 Hedge Accounting Outstanding position: Less than 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 5 years Over 5 years 39,967 39,967 119,900 95,968 39,967 39,967 119,900 95,968 128,285 128,285 384,855 308,039 142,237 142,237 426,712 341,542 (20,074) (16,399) (27,282) (4,753) (21,693) (16,970) (26,690) (4,008) 295,802 295,802 949,464 1,052,728 (68,508) (69,361) (*) Convenience conversion. 45 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 25.1.3 Agricultural commodities risk management The Company carries out transactions with commodity derivatives (sugar and ethanol) in order to reduce the impact of the changes in the market prices considering that these changes may significantly affect the Company’s future sales value. These risks are managed according to the Company’s Risk Management Policy and the hedge strategy monitoring tool which determines the hedge volume and timeframe. The Company’s futures and options contracts in the period used for commodity risk hedging and the related results are as follows: Com pany and Consolidated Notional value Foreign currency 06.30.16 Local currency (*) 03.31.16 06.30.16 Fair value 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 Outstanding sugar futures contracts ICE RAW Açúcar Hedge Accounting Maturity: 3 to 6 months Over 6 months (83,232) (57,080) (58,813) (73,167) (267,159) (183,215) (209,309) (260,395) 10,585 8,629 7,879 8,521 (140,312) (131,980) (450,374) (469,704) 19,214 16,400 8,949 (100,603) 137,230 (62,406) (40,796) 38,424 28,725 (322,916) 440,481 (222,097) (145,188) 136,746 (1,019) (5,259) 3,645 8,380 4,638 3,216 45,576 (64,778) 146,290 (230,539) (2,633) 16,234 - 120 (11,831) - 427 (42,107) - (20) (13,642) - (11,711) - (41,680) - (13,662) (1,508) (1,508) (5,992) (5,992) (1,423) (545) (1,508) (1,508) (5,992) (5,992) (1,423) (545) (2,010) 2,252 - Non-Hedge Accounting Maturity: Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months Over 6 months Outstanding sugar options contracts Options - ICE RAW sugar Maturity: Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months Outstanding forw ard contracts – NDF sugar NDF - sugar Maturity: Above 6 months Outstanding ethanol futures contracts Futures Ethanol - BMF&Bovespa Maturity: Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months - (565) 633 - - 68 - 242 87 - - 87 - 176 (337) Futures ethanol - CBOT Maturity: Less than 3 months 3 to 6 months - (2,804) 5,193 - (9,978) 18,481 - 2,389 - 8,503 15,158 (161) 18,353 (*) Convenience conversion. 25.2 Credit risk The credit risk is managed through the careful analysis of the customer portfolio, the definition of credit limits, and the ongoing control of outstanding positions. In conformity with the Company’s credit policy, using a risk assessment methodology, the Company adopted balanced scorecard techniques. The Company adopts hedging instruments, such as collaterals, pledges and guarantees, to mitigate potential credit exposures. Historically, the Company does not record significant losses in trade receivables. 46 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 25.3 Liquidity risk The Company operates with a liquidity level considered sufficient for its operations and uses a number of sources of funds to finance its activities. In order to cover possible liquidity deficiencies or mismatches between cash and cash equivalents with short-term maturities, the Company has good relationship with first-class banks, in Brazil or abroad, as well as a credit line with its parent. Moreover, the products financed by the Company are highly liquid and can be easily sold to generate cash or also be provided as a guarantee for financial transactions. In addition, part of the investments, especially those related to sugarcane plantation treatments, is supported by short-term financing and will be realized in the following harvest campaign. 25.3.1 Liquidity and interest rate tables The tables below show in detail the expected maturity of the Group’s financial liabilities: As at June 30, 2016 Borrow ings and financing Derivative financial instruments Trade payables Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Other payables As at March 31, 2016 Borrow ings and financing Derivative financial instruments Trade payables Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Other payables As at June 30, 2016 Borrow ings and financing Derivative financial instruments Trade payables Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Other payables As at March 31, 2016 Borrow ings and financing Derivative financial instruments Trade payables Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Other payables Less than 1 1 to m onth 3 m onths Com pany 3 m onths to 1 year 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Total 172,116 29,299 95,208 17,019 7,398 15,847 598,241 1,423 40,068 2,216 1,760 8,361 594,002 131,890 93,254 55,792 480 45,838 852,618 964 3 10,512 6,127 528,602 2,223,104 162,612 229,494 75,027 9,641 609,160 336,887 652,069 921,256 864,097 534,729 3,309,038 241,232 61,749 155,738 84,136 107,784 38,810 547,445 10,656 31,235 1,474,150 641 178,160 - 2,525,123 180,189 226,424 10,175 12,668 76,469 27,441 320 5,736 33,584 1,715 540 3 551,337 - 71,200 14,706 634,082 558,031 264,227 625,175 2,026,131 178,160 3,651,724 Less than 1 1 to m onth 3 m onths Consolidated 3 m onths to 1 year 1 to 5 years Over 5 years Total 570,326 40,335 389,321 31,565 12,695 43,053 770,250 1,423 48,130 4,473 1,824 13,336 2,017,986 140,928 105,109 98,817 3,897 85,471 1,982,366 43,680 1,802 3 20,808 710,877 4,754 35,330 6,051,805 231,120 544,362 134,855 18,419 197,998 1,087,295 839,436 2,452,208 2,048,659 750,961 7,178,559 340,683 61,749 465,934 18,963 40,519 137,970 402,457 107,784 70,761 44,326 320 6,451 1,087,773 32,349 35,788 61,431 5,196 15,230 4,031,242 42,477 1,233 3 72,885 849,774 5,191 - 6,711,929 249,550 573,716 124,720 46,038 232,536 1,065,818 632,099 1,237,767 4,147,840 854,965 7,938,489 25.4 Capital risk The Company manages its capital structure in order to safeguard a continuous return to the Company’s shareholders. The Company monitors capital through financial leverage index analysis; these indexes include adjusted net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio. In turn, the net debt corresponds to total borrowings and financing (including short- and long-term borrowings and financing), less cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and highly liquid inventory (ethanol, sugar and allowance for negative inventory margin). The Company allocates the swap contracts designated as hedge accounting (see Note 25.1.2) to the adjusted net debt for capital risk analysis purposes. 47 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) The Company may change its capital structure, in conformity with economic and financial conditions, aiming at optimizing its financial leverage and/or debt management. 25.5 Margin calls Derivative transactions in commodity exchanges (ICE and BM&FBOVESPA) require an initial margin call in guarantee. To trade on the ICE, as at June 30, 2016, the Company has R$28,277 (R$80,794 as at March 31, 2016), fully deposited by the Company’s in cash, through fiduciary agent Term Commodities Inc, a company under common control. To trade on the BM&FBOVESPA, the margin call required, as at June 30, 2016, is R$27,997 (R$68,429 as at March 31, 2016), deposited as Bank Deposit Certificate (CDB), in the amount of R$15,050 (R$68,400 as at March 31, 2016). As at June 30, 2016, the Company’s derivative transactions on the over-the-counter market do not require margin calls. 25.6 Categories of financial instruments The financial instruments recorded in the balance sheet, such as cash and cash equivalents and borrowings and financing, are stated at contractual values, which approximates their fair values due to their short terms and characteristics. Derivatives are specifically recorded at market value based on proper market information and/or evaluation methodologies for each financial instrument. The methods used are a common fair value measurement practice of the financial market. The use of different market inputs and/or valuation techniques might result in amounts different from the recognized realizable value of financial instruments. The fair value of financial instruments not traded in active markets (for example, over-the-counter derivatives) is determined using valuation techniques. The Company uses several methods and makes assumptions that are based on existing market conditions at the end of the interim financial statements. The fair value of foreign exchange forwards is determined based on forward exchange rates quoted at the end of the interim financial statements. Com pany 06.30.16 Financial assets: Cash and cash equivalents (Note 3) Fair value through profit or loss: Held for trading Held-to-maturity investments (Note 4) Other financial assets Derivatives designated as hedge accounting (Note 25.1) Financial liabilities: Fair value through profit or loss: Held for trading Derivatives designated as hedge accounting (Note 25.1) Other financial liabilities (*) Consolidated 03.31.16 06.30.16 03.31.16 29,205 860,087 242,382 1,826,121 7,745 56,838 262,828 131,500 26,998 155,555 238,845 21,085 7,745 306,694 625,893 131,500 26,998 413,099 466,881 21,085 169,254 3,146,426 182,195 3,471,535 169,254 68,508 6,947,439 182,195 69,361 7,688,939 (*) As at June 30, 2016, the balance of other financial liabilities consists basically of borrowings and financing, totaling R$2,223,104 in Company and R$6,051,805 in Consolidated (R$2,525,123 and R$6,711,929 as at March 31, 2016, respectively). 25.7 Measurements at fair value recognized in balance sheet Technical pronouncement CPC 40 (R1) - Instrumentos Financeiros: Evidenciação/IFRS 7 – Financial Instruments: Disclosure defines fair value as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or paid to transfer a liability (an exit price) in the primary or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transaction between market participants on the measurement date. Technical pronouncement CPC 40 (R1)/IFRS 7 also establishes a three-level fair value hierarchy which prioritizes inputs for fair value measurement by an entity in order to maximize the use of observable data and minimize the use of unobservable data. Technical pronouncement CPC 40 (R1)/IFRS 7 describes the three levels of inputs that should be used to measure fair value, which are the following: Level 1 - Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets and liabilities. 48 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Level 2 - Inputs other than the data included in Level 1, where prices are quoted (unadjusted). Fair value measurements of Level 2 are obtained based on other variables besides quoted prices included in Level 1, which are directly observable for an asset or liability, such as prices, or indirectly observable, i.e. based on prices. Level 3 - Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs) because market activity is insignificant or does not exist. The Company’s financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis and subject to disclosure as required by CPC 40 (R1)/IFRS 7, as at June 30, 2016, are as follows: Level 1 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial liabilities 19,813 132,603 112,790 132,603 (3,578) (159,034) (162,612) (3,578) (159,034) (162,612) 41,362 41,362 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial liabilities 112,790 Total 19,813 Level 1 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Com pany 06.30.16 Level 2 03.31.16 Level 2 4,715 4,715 Total 46,077 46,077 (51,332) (128,857) (180,189) (51,332) (128,857) (180,189) Consolidated Level 1 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial liabilities Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial liabilities Total 19,813 112,790 132,603 19,813 112,790 132,603 (3,578) (227,542) (231,120) (3,578) (227,542) (231,120) Level 1 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivative financial assets 06.30.16 Level 2 03.31.16 Level 2 Total 41,362 4,715 46,077 41,362 4,715 46,077 (51,332) (198,218) (249,550) (51,332) (198,218) (249,550) 25.8 Derivative and non-derivative financial instruments with the application of hedge accounting In accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil, derivative financial instruments are accounted for at fair value through profit or loss, unless a derivative is designated for hedge accounting. A derivative only qualifies for hedge accounting when all the conditions set out by CPC 38/IAS 39 are met. The adoption of hedge accounting is optional and aims at recognizing gains or losses on derivatives only when the hedged item is realized on an accrual basis and, therefore, reducing the volatility of gains or losses from the mark-to-market of derivatives. 49 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) The Company applies hedge accounting to account for part of its derivative and non-derivative financial instruments. The Company’s derivatives designated for hedge accounting are: Libor swaps, contracted to mitigate the effect of interest rate fluctuations on the long-term debt; sugar futures and currency forwards (NDFs), which hedge future sales and have been classified as cash flow hedges of highly probable transactions (CPC 38/IAS 39, Item 78 b). As prescribed by paragraph 72 of CPC 38/IAS 39, the Company also opted for using non-derivative financial instruments for hedge accounting, by designating export debts as foreign exchange risk hedges (natural hedge), which hedge future exports and are classified as cash flow hedges. The effective portion of derivative and non-derivative financial instruments designated for hedge accounting to hedge future sales is recorded in the balance sheet in line item “Other comprehensive income (loss)”, in equity, and recognized in profit or loss, in line item “Net operating revenue” upon the recognition of the hedged sale. The ineffective portion is recorded as a finance income (expenses) for the period when it is incurred. 25.9 Sensitivity analysis The table below shows the Company’s sensitivity to the presented risk factor, based on changes in the risk factor considered reasonably possible by Management (probable scenario). The probable scenario is obtained based on future dollar, sugar and ethanol market curves (as at June 30, 2016) and the Group’s expectations for each one of the variables indicated, over a twelve-month period. As required by CVM Instruction 475/2008, the sensitivity analysis is also presented to changes in the fair value of financial instruments for another two scenarios, in which market conditions are stressed by 25% and 50% (ethanol and sugar options are included as delta equivalent in futures contracts). The derivative financial instruments are provided to hedge against risks from future cash flows. The non-derivative financial instruments must not be considered as the Company’s net exchange exposure because the table below does not consider the biological asset, as it is not a financial instrument, but it is used in the production of sugar and ethanol for future exports. See Notes 7 and 25.8. Com pany Effects on fair value Notional am ount foreign currency Effects on profit or loss Exchange risk Non-derivatives Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Trade receivables Advances from customers Trade payables Advances from foreign customers Short- and long-term borrow ings and financing Derivatives Futures and forw ards contracts in foreign currency Price risk Sugar futures and options contracts (purchase) Forw ards sugar contracts Effects on equity Exchange risk Non-derivatives Exchange rate change hedge accounting Derivatives NDF hedge accounting Price risk Derivatives Futures hedge accounting Probable Risk factor scenario 25% stress 50% stress 223 2,460 8,593 85,254 (16,435) (399,010) (293,373) Decrease in US$ Decrease in US$ Decrease in US$ Decrease in US$ Increase in US$ Increase in US$ Increase in US$ (150) (1,652) (5,770) (57,247) (11,036) (267,932) (196,997) (179) (1,974) (6,895) (68,412) (13,188) (320,186) (235,417) (358) (3,947) (13,790) (136,825) (26,376) (640,372) (470,835) 431,968 Decrease in US$ (199,945) (238,940) (477,879) 45,576 (1,508) Decrease in sugar price Increase in sugar price (21,220) (4,150) (25,358) (6,683) (50,716) (9,215) (140,000) Increase in US$ (94,009) (112,343) (224,686) (382,496) Increase in US$ (230,963) (276,008) (552,016) (140,312) Increase in sugar price (167,790) (117,834) (235,667) 50 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Effects on fair value Notional am ount foreign currency Effects on profit or loss Exchange risk Non-derivatives Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Trade receivables Advances from customers Trade payables Advances from foreign customers Short- and long-term borrow ings and financing Derivatives Futures and forw ards contracts in foreign currency Price risk Sugar futures and options contracts (purchase) Forw ards sugar contracts Effects on equity Exchange risk Non-derivatives Exchange rate change hedge accounting Derivatives NDF hedge accounting Interest rate risk Derivatives Sw ap LIBOR Hedge Accounting Price risk Derivatives Futures Hedge Accounting 26. Probable Risk factor scenario 25% stress 50% stress 26,187 2,460 70,323 171,147 (37,868) (998,742) (389,262) Decrease in US$ Decrease in US$ Decrease in US$ Decrease in US$ Increase in US$ Increase in US$ Increase in US$ (17,584) (1,652) (47,221) (114,923) (25,428) (670,645) (261,386) (21,013) (1,974) (56,430) (137,337) (30,387) (801,441) (312,364) (42,027) (3,947) (112,861) (274,674) (60,774) (1,602,881) (624,727) 431,968 Decrease in US$ (199,945) (238,940) (477,879) 45,576 (1,508) Decrease in sugar price Increase in sugar price (21,220) (4,150) (25,358) (6,683) (50,716) (9,215) (779,913) Increase in US$ (523,704) (625,841) (1,251,682) (382,496) Increase in US$ (230,963) (276,008) (552,016) 295,802 Decrease in LIBOR interest rate (3,946) (7,895) (15,801) (140,312) Increase in sugar price (167,790) (117,834) (235,667) COMMITMENTS a) Selling The Group has several arrangements in the sugar and ethanol market under which it commits to sell volumes of these products in future crops. As at June 30, 2016, the volumes of these commitments total 2,063,877 tons of sugar (1,840,905 tons of sugar as at March 31, 2016), 276,750 cubic meters of ethanol (276,750 cubic meters as at March 31, 2016), and electricity supply commitments, assumed in power auctions and free market, which total 10,142 GWh to be supplied by 2035 (10,214 GWh as at March 31, 2016). b) Purchases The Group has several commitments for the purchase of sugarcane from third parties to ensure part of its production in future crops. The volume of sugarcane to be purchased is estimated based on the expected productivity of the areas where the sugarcane plantations are located. The amount to be paid by the Group is determined at the end of each harvest campaign according to the price published by CONSECANA, plus or less other applicable contractual terms. As at June 30, 2016, estimated purchase commitments by crop are as follows: Consolidated Harvest 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 After 2020 Estim ated area Estim ated quantity Estim ated (hectares) of cane (Ton) am ount 111,071 107,361 82,302 54,017 56,562 411,313 8,068,560 8,108,893 6,311,422 4,145,949 4,223,988 30,858,812 609,695 602,017 465,068 306,686 311,144 2,294,610 51 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) c) Agricultural partnership or lease agreements As at June 30, 2016, the Group is a party to effective lease or agricultural partnership agreements, which should remain effective in future crops, as shown in the table below, aimed at ensuring the supply of sugarcane to its plants. The consideration of lease or agricultural partnership agreements is usually the payment for a certain sugarcane volume to the farmer, whose price, in turn, is determined at the end of each harvest campaign according to the price published by CONSECANA, plus or less other applicable contractual terms. Consolidated Estim ated quantity Harvest 2016/2017 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 After 2020 of cane (Ton) Estim ated am ount 2,959,593 5,608,001 4,981,040 3,805,217 8,470,537 25,824,388 217,639 412,600 367,082 282,025 651,222 1,930,568 The Company includes the sugarcane volume in leased areas or under agricultural agreements, as indicated above, in the calculation basis of the biological asset’s fair value, according to the assumptions described in Note 7. d) Terminal de Exportação de Açúcar do Guarujá Limitada - TEAG TEAG is a party to an agreement for the lease of a port terminal with Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo ("CODESP"), which provides for the payment by TEAG, as lease, of a fixed monthly installment of R$2,4738/m² calculated on a minimum area of 70,000 m² equivalent to R$173 per month or R$2,078 per year, plus a guaranteed variable minimum installment equivalent to R$3,370 per year payable to CODESP, corresponding to R$2.470/ton calculated on a minimum handling of one million and five hundred thousand tons of cargo. The concession granted to TEAG to operate such terminal will expire on July 6, 2018, renewable for additional 20 years, at CODESP’s discretion. e) Sociedade Operadora Portuária de São Paulo Ltda. - SOP As a result of the acquisition of Crystalsev Comércio e Representações Ltda.’s control, on December 28, 2011, the Group also has the control over its subsidiary SOP, which holds 50% of TEAG shares. 85% of SOP shares are pledged to financial institutions as collateral of the financing transaction, the total principal of which, as at June 30, 2016, is equivalent to U$16,812 thousand (U$22,416 thousand as at March 31, 2016). This financing is included in the Group’s debt, as indicated in Note 14. The SOP shares held by Biosev Terminais Portuários e Participações Ltda. are pledged to the sellers of the 15% equity interest, as collateral of the price payment obligation for this interest. f) Lawsuits against Instituto do Açúcar e do Álcool - IAA The Company is a plaintiff in lawsuits seeking a compensation from the Federal Government for losses arising from pricing differences incurred in the period in which sugar and ethanol prices were frozen. g) Bank guarantees and collateral insurance As at June 30, 2016, the balances of (i) bank guarantee is R$134,843 in consolidated (R$10,279 in Company and R$140,521 in consolidated, as at March 31, 2016); and (ii) collateral insurance relating to lawsuits, of R$231.844 in Company and R$284,389 in Consolidated (R$231,844 and R$284,389 as at March 31, 2016, respectively). 52 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 27. INSURANCE The Company and its subsidiaries adopt internal risk management policies, including insurance coverage. In addition, they are supported by specialists that guide the preparation of the agreements with the insurance companies, in accordance with the nature of the business and market practices, in order to cover significant losses on their assets and responsibilities. The insurance coverage effective as at June 30, 2016 includes: Maxim um coverage (1) Insurance Operating risks (**) General civil liability (**) Vehicles (*) Management liability (**) Equipament and improvement Guarantee (***) Assets, responsibilities or interests covered Com pany Buildings, fixed and machinery equipment of the group’s 13 plants and offices Damages against third parties arising from the Company’s operations Damages against third parties arising from traffic accidents Law suits filed against the Company’s management Machinery and equipment Operations and obligations backed by guarantee 500,000 15,000 500 40,000 76,431 284,389 Consolidated 500,000 15,000 500 40,000 136,865 284,389 (1) Equivalent to the maximum coverage for sundry assets and locations. (*) The maximum coverage equivalent to the civil liability by covered vehicle. (**)Company and subsidiaries covered by the same policy. (***) The maximum coverage equivalent to the total amount approved with the insurance companies. Company and subsidiaries share the same maximum indemnity limit. 28. EMPLOYEES’ BENEFITS The consolidated amount invested by the Company in the pension plan is R$511 in the period ended June 30, 2016 (R$491 in the period ended June 30, 2015), recognized in line item “General, administrative and selling expenses”. Due to the features and design of the pension plan, the Company does not incur any future postemployment or actuarial obligations. The Company records a liability related to the deferred variable compensation that will be paid to some employees, totaling R$18,266 as at June 30, 2016 (R$19,002 as at March 31, 2016). 29. SEGMENT INFORMATION Information by product margin, and geographic areas, used by the key decision makers is as follows: Consolidated Three-m onth period ended 06.30.16 Consolidated profit (loss) by product Net revenue Cost of sales and services Sugar 496,978 Ethanol 422,277 Energy 49,168 Other 704,259 Total 1,672,682 (1,607,986) (461,618) (407,650) (15,762) (722,956) Gross profit 35,360 14,627 33,406 (18,697) 64,696 Gross margin Selling expenses 7% (51,954) 3% (10,846) 68% (2,913) -3% (5,576) 4% (71,289) Operating m argin (16,594) 3,781 30,493 (24,273) (6,593) 53 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) Consolidated Three-m onth period ended 06.30.16 Sales by geographic area Asia Sugar Ethanol Energy Other Total 892,776 North America 191,079 3,165 79,648 21,384 - 622,049 - South America 2,139 74 - - 2,213 Africa 101,893 75 - 15,169 117,137 Europe 61,060 - - 51,022 112,082 - - - 5,209 5,209 Foreign m arket 359,336 101,181 - 693,449 1,153,966 Dom estic m arket 137,642 321,096 49,168 10,810 518,716 TOTAL 496,978 422,277 49,168 704,259 1,672,682 Oceania 24,549 Consolidated Three-m onth period ended 06.30.15 Consolidated profit (loss) by product Net revenue Cost of sales and services Sugar 399,181 (393,021) Ethanol 356,596 (369,907) Energy 54,429 (16,622) Gross profit 6,160 (13,311) 37,807 Gross margin Selling expenses 2% (29,445) -4% (10,279) 69% (2,166) Operating m argin (23,285) (23,590) 35,641 Other 552,220 (543,479) 8,741 2% (17) 8,724 Total 1,362,426 (1,323,029) 39,397 3% (41,907) (2,510) Consolidated Three-m onth period ended 06.30.15 Sales by geographic area Asia Sugar Ethanol Energy Other Total 599,397 North America 136,487 217 32,861 - - 430,049 - South America 1,723 532 - - 2,255 64,667 84,521 3,260 - - 112,530 67,927 197,051 866,847 Africa Europe 217 Foreign m arket 287,615 36,653 - 542,579 Dom estic m arket 111,566 319,943 54,429 9,641 495,579 TOTAL 399,181 356,596 54,429 552,220 1,362,426 The Company’s chief decision makers use the operating margin as a tool to measure the recurring operating cash generation capacity and it also allows comparisons with other companies. Consolidated Three-m onth period ended 06.30.16 06.30.15 Operating m argin Other operating expenses (6,593) (68,297) (2,510) (33,225) Finance income (expenses) Income tax and social contribution 27,020 (305,437) (91,242) (206,609) Loss for the period (353,307) (333,586) Information on key customers In the period ended June 30, 2016, the Group has one customer, its related party Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A., under common control, that accounts for 30% of the Group’s consolidated revenue. 54 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) 30. NON-CASH TRANSACTIONS The Company carried out the following investing and financing activities not affecting cash, which, therefore, were not reflected in the statement of cash flows: Com pany Consolidated Three-m onth period Three-m onth period ended ended 06.30.16 06.30.15 06.30.16 06.30.15 Transfer of depreciation and amortization to inventories Purchase of financed fixed assets 14,707 - - 36,024 10,023 - 31. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS ACC Umbrella Until August 10, 2016, the Company obtained, from participating financial institutions in the syndicated ACC (Advances on Foreign Exchange Contracts) financial facility, originally entered on June 16, 2014, firm commitment letters for extension of the availability of US$310,000, equivalent to 70% of the originally committed US$440,000 amount, to June, 2019, at an interest rate of LIBOR + 5.65% p.a.. This syndicate facility extension is coordinated by ING Bank, and other participating financial institutions are Rabobank, BNP Paribas and Crédit Agricole. Negotiations remain underway between the Company and other international financial institutions, which may result in additional participants joining the syndicate at a later date and, which will be communicated as applicable if and when it occurs. Bellatrix Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (FIDC) On July 7, 2016, the Company and its subsidiary Biosev Bioenergia S.A. subscribed and paid up quotas of the newly released FIDC, the total contracted amount is R$60,000, for a three-year period, under the administration of Oliveira Trust Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários and custody of Banco Petra S.A. The purpose of the Fund is to acquire receivables of sugar and ethanol, as well as derivatives of both products, made in the domestic market. Cession rates of these credit rights are linked to CDI plus basic spread of 1.75% p.a.. 32. APPROVAL OF INTERIM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The interim financial statements were approved by the Company’s management and authorized for issue on August 10, 2016. 55 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) OPINIONS AND STATEMENTS As Directors of Biosev SA, we declare under Article 25, Paragraph 1, Item VI, CVM Instruction 480 of December 7, 2009, that we reviewed, discussed and agreed with information interim financial statements and the terms of the external auditors report on interim financial statements for the three-month period ended June 30, 2016. São Paulo, August 15, 2016 Rui Chammas Chief Executive Officer Paulo Prignolato Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer Eduardo Leme das Neves Chief Operating Officer Daniela Aragão Officer Enrico Biancheri Officer 56 (Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese) Biosev S.A. Notes to the Interim Financial Statements For the Three-month Period Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands of Brazilian reais, unless otherwise stated) OTHER INFORMATIONS CONSIDERED RELEVANT BY THE COMPANY Non-Statutory Audit Committee Opinion The non-statutory Audit Committee of Biosev S.A. (“Company”), jointly with the representatives of the Company and of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes, independent auditors of the Company, examined the interim financial statements of the Company related to the period ended on June 30th, 2016. Based in the analysis performed and considering the draft of the audit report, without remarks, prepared by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Auditores Independentes, the non-statutory Audit Committee of the Company recommended, unanimously and without remarks, to the Board of Directors of the Company the approval of the referred financial statements, pursuant to the terms discussed in the meeting held at this date. São Paulo, August 09th, 2016. FEDERICO ADRIAN CERISOLI WAGNER BERTAZO MÁRCIO ÁLVARO MOREIRA CASTRO 57 PRODUCTIVITY ADVANCES 9% AND CRUSHING EXCEEDS 9 MILLION TONS São Paulo, August 15, 2016 – Biosev, the world’s second largest sugarcane processor, with 11 agroindustrial units in Brazil, presents its earnings for the first quarter of the 2016/17 crop year. 1Q17 HIGHLIGHTS Record agricultural yield of 91.3 ton/ha, an increase of 9.2%: BM&FBOVESPA: BSEV3 Stock price on 8/12/2016: R$10.9 Shares outstanding: 219,628,363 Market cap: R$2.4 billion Conference call in English August 16, 2016 12:00 p.m. (Brasília - BRT) 11:00 a.m. (NY- EDT) 4:00 p.m. (London BST) Dial-in: +1 (786) 924-6977 Toll-free: +1 (888) 700-0802 Code: Biosev Replay: +55 11 3193-1012 Code: 4264297# Conference call in Portuguese August 16, 2016 11:00 a.m. (Brasília - BRT) 10:00 a.m. (NY - EDT) 3:00 p.m. (London- BST) Dial-in: 55 (11) 3193-1001 55 (11) 2820-4001 Code: Biosev Replay: (11) 3193-1012 Code: 1783518# Investor Relations E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +55 (11) 3092 5371 At the Ribeirão Preto (RP) Cluster, yield also hit record levels at 99.7 ton/ha, a rise of 19.2%; At the Leme (L) and Lagoa da Prata (LP) Clusters, yields grew by 10.1% and TCH reached 85.8 ton/ha. Crushing increased by 5.4% to 9 million tons; Sugarcane TRS was 119.5 kg/ton, an increase of 2.1%; TRS product exceeded 1 million tons, a rise of 7%; Sugar revenues were up by 24.5%, boosted by a 12.7% rise in prices; Hedge of 645 thousand tons of sugar (40% of the exposure for the 2017/18 crop year), at 18.35 cUS$/lb and FX rate of 3.692R$/US$, resulting in a price of 67.76 cR$/lb, 26% higher than in the current crop year; Ethanol revenues increased 18.4%, with a 15.4% rise in prices; General and Administrative Expenses were reduced by 17.3%, a 24% cut in real terms; Start-up of initiatives aiming at increasing Biosev’s sugar production capacity as of 2017/18 crop year; Roll over anticipation of a syndicated financing facility, in the amount of US$310 million, with a two-year maturity extension to June 2019. Biosev is the world’s second largest sugarcane processor, with 11 agroindustrial units in Brazil. Biosev is controlled by the Louis Dreyfus Group and began operating in the sugar and ethanol industry in 2000, when it acquired its first unit in Brazil. Since then it has built a track record of growth through both acquisitions and expansion projects that have led its crushing capacity to increase from 0.9 million tons/year in 2000 to 36.4 million tons/year today. Biosev manages 346,000 hectares of land and has surplus biomass power generation capacity of 1,346 GWh. Biosev adopts the highest standards of corporate governance and its stock is traded on the Novo Mercado segment of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (BM&FBovespa). 1. OPERATING PERFORMANCE The following table presents key indicators for operating efficiency and productivity, which are analyzed in this section: Efficiency and Productivity 1Q17 1Q16 % Crushing ('000 tons) Own Third Parties TCH - Agricultural yield (ton/ha)* Sugarcane TRS (kg/ton) 9,036 5,421 3,616 91.3 119.5 8,576 5,372 3,204 83.7 117.1 5.4% 0.9% 12.8% 9.2% 2.1% 99.0% 97.7% 1.3 p.p. Harvest Mechanization (%) * Own cane only 1.1 Operating Efficiency In the first quarter of the 16/17 crop year, Biosev posted a crushing volume of 9 million tons, up 5.4% on the same quarter of the previous crop year. The higher volume of crushing is mainly due to the 12.8% increase in processing third party sugarcane and higher yield in terms of TCH. These effects were partially offset by a 7.6% drop in the harvested area, due to more rain in 1Q17. The volume of rain in the Center-South region was 233 mm, 56% above the historical average. At the Ribeirão Preto (RP) Cluster, crushing rose to 5.3 million tons, up by 8.4%. This performance was supported by a 19.2% increase in the yield from the sugarcane fields, which grew to a record figure of 99.7 ton/ha, with the highlight to Vale do Rosário unit, where TCH was 106.9 ton/ha. This performance was partially offset by a 9.2% decrease in the harvested area, due to the rains, as mentioned above. Crushing at the Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) Cluster amounted to 2.1 million tons, down 16%. This performance was due to a 18.1% reduction in the harvested area, as a result of a volume of rain which was 77% above the historical average for the region. At the Leme (L) and Lagoa da Prata (LP) Clusters, total crushing was 1.7 million tons, representing an increase of 41.8% as compared to 1Q16. This result was due to a 10.1% increase in yield, which rose to 85.8 ton/ha, and to a 24.8% increase in the harvested area. It should be noted that the Northeast (NE) Cluster is in the off-season period, and so there was no crushing in 1Q17. 59 The following charts show the evolution in crushing volume on a consolidated basis and at the RP and MS Clusters: Crushing Volume ('000 tons) Consolidated 5.4% 8,576 Ribeirão Preto Mato Grosso do Sul 9,036 4,858 8.4% 5,268 -16.0% 2,511 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 2,110 1Q17 60 1.2 Productivity 1.2.1 Tons of Cane per Hectare (TCH) The yield of sugarcane fields measured in TCH reached 91.3 ton/ha in 1Q17, an increase of 9.2%. This growth reflects the positive results of initiatives implemented in the management of the sugarcane fields. These initiatives include: (i) improved handling practices, such as the use of liquid and foliar fertilization, and the modification of processes and equipment to optimize mechanized harvesting and reduce crop trampling; (ii) continuous improvement in the selection of cane varieties; and (iii) the more intensive use of agricultural technologies, to be detailed in section 1.2.3 The following charts show the evolution in TCH on a consolidated basis and at the RP and MS clusters. Of particular note is the consolidated yield of Biosev and the one of the RP Cluster, which reached record levels: TCH (ton/ha) Consolidated Ribeirão Preto Mato Grosso do Sul 99.7 19.2% 9.2% -0.8% 91.3 83.6 83.7 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17 86.6 85.9 1Q16 1Q17 1.2.2 Sugarcane Total Recoverable Sugar (TRS) Cane TRS content was 119.5 kg/ton in 1Q17, an increase of 2.1%. The higher TRS content is mainly explained by the progress in improving varietal profiles, reducing plant and mineral impurities in the harvesting process, and the systematic application of ripeners. The following charts show the change in TRS content between quarters: Sugarcane TRS (kg/ton) Consolidated Mato Grosso do Sul Ribeirão Preto 2.3% 2.1% 117.1 119.5 118.1 120.9 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17 113.1 1Q16 -0.5% 112.5 1Q17 61 1.2.3 Agricultural Technology Biosev consistently invests in agricultural technology to boost yields and increase the longevity of its sugarcane fields. The Company now has Agricultural Operations Centers at all of its 11 agroindustrial units. This management tool has enabled the Company to improve its monitoring of agricultural activities in the field, especially the performance of harvest fronts, and consequently to capture operating efficiency gains. Biosev is also using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for photographing and analyzing its sugarcane fields, to ensure adequate monitoring and support in decision-making. So far this tool has been used to identify and correct problems at the RP, MS and NE Clusters. With 100% use of automatic pilot in mechanized harvesting and planting in its Center-South units, and with all the sugarcane fields now being georeferenced, conditions are in place for fully mechanizing both planting and harvesting. A pilot drip-irrigation project is being implemented in the NE Cluster, at the Estivas Unit, with the objective of increasing yield in the Northeast region. This technology increases the yield and longevity of cane fields, reduces production costs per ton of cane and increases the efficiency of water and input usage. In regards to the varietal profile, Biosev has started to use pre-sprouted seedlings (PSS). The adoption of this technology enables sugarcane to be grown from preselected high-quality seedlings that are free of disease and pests, which ensures a higher multiplication rate compared to traditional planting systems. Additionally, in partnership with the Interuniversity Network for the Development of the Sugar and Ethanol Sector (Ridesa), Biosev has started operating its Experimental Nucleus at the NE Cluster. This initiative is aimed at the research and development of new varieties of sugarcane, to encourage genetic improvements in the Northeast region. In addition to these technologies which are now in place, Biosev will use Precision Agriculture to apply soil correctives in areas to be readied for planting in the 2016/17 crop year. The georeferenced information makes it possible to prepare maps for applying inputs at variable rates, thus improving distribution and control, with direct results on the yield and longevity of the sugarcane fields. As an example of this, tests are being carried out on flow controllers in the planters, to control the application of planting inputs, at the Vale do Rosário Unit. 62 1.3 Production The following table shows production volumes and mix: Production 1Q17 1Q16 % Sugar Mix (%)* Anhydrous Mix (%) Production ('000 tons of TRS Product)** Sugar ('000 tons) Ethanol ('000 m³) Cogeneration (GWh) 51.6% 34.0% 1,058 521 301 237 46.2% 24.8% 989 437 314 266 5.4 p.p. 9.2 p.p. 7.0% 19.4% -4.0% -10.7% * As of 2Q16, sugar mix calculation methodology was aligned with that adopted by the Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA). **It considers the conversion factors applied in São Paulo State, published in Consecana Manual 1.3.1 TRS Product Production in terms of tons of TRS Product came to 1,058 thousand tons in 1Q17, up 7%. The improvement is explained primarily by a 5.4% increase in crushing volume and a 2.1% rise in sugarcane TRS. It should be noted that the share of sugar was 5.4 p.p. higher than in the previous crop year, due to the increase in the amount of TRS allocated to sugar production, given its higher profitability in relation to ethanol during 1Q17. In 1Q17, anhydrous ethanol accounted for 34% of total ethanol production, an increase of 9.2 p.p. over the previous crop year, due to the product’s higher profitability compared to hydrous ethanol and energy cogeneration. 63 1.3.2 Cogeneration Biosev has cogeneration power plants at all of its 11 industrial sites and it is energy self-sufficient during the harvest period. Of these units, nine produce surplus electricity for sale. In 1Q17, cogeneration destined for sale decreased 10.7% to 237 GWh, basically as a result of less energy produced from external biomass, which was partially offset by increased crushing volume. Considering only energy produced from owned biomass, cogeneration volume increased by 5.8% between the periods. The productivity of cogeneration units expressed as a volume of power for sale by ton of sugarcane crushed1 stood at 27.7 kWh/ton in 1Q17, down by 9.6% compared to the previous crop year. This reduction is explained by higher rainfall levels in the period, leading cane bagasse to be used only to keep boilers warm on rainy days, without any surplus power for sale, thus affecting productivity. <0} The following charts show a comparison of the volume of power cogeneration for sale and of productivity for the quarters, on a consolidated basis and for the RP and MS Clusters: Cogeneration for Sale Consolidated 30.6 Ribeirão Preto 27.7 23.0 266 43.1 42.7 -10.7% 237 4.0% 41 112 94 97 25 -30.5% 78 224 237 94 97 88 78 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 1Q17 Cogen for sale (GWh) 1 22.1 Mato Grosso do Sul Cogen for sale - Outsourced biomass (GWh) Cogen for sale/Crushing (kWh/ton) This productivity indicator excludes crushing volume from mills that do not export energy and the amounts of third-party biomass 64 2. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 2.1 Change in accounting standards for biological asset As of this crop year, biological assets will be accounted in accordance with the new accounting standards CPC 27 / IAS 16 and CPC 29 / IAS 41. Accordingly, the following changes were made in the accounting classification and calculation of the fair value of the biological asset: i. Ratoon remains as a non-current asset, under the heading of property, plant and equipment (PP&E), and no longer in the biological asset line, and its value is now measured at deemed cost, and no longer at fair value; ii. Standing sugarcane is now to be recorded in current assets, under the heading of biological assets, and not as non-current asset as previously. Measurement continues to be at fair value less estimated costs to sell, and it will be calculated according to the discounted cash flow method which, under the new standard, will now include projected cash flows for a 12-month period (previously this was six years) In order to adopt the new standards and to maintain the comparability of the Company’s Financial Statements, the figures reported for 1Q16 have been adjusted to reflect the appropriate changes. In the table below we show the adjustments in the Balance Sheet concerning the new accounting standards for biological assets: Balance Sheet ASSETS CURRENT Biological Assets NON CURRENT Deferred income tax and social contribution Biological Assets PP&E LIABILITIES NON CURRENT Deferred income tax and social contribution SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Accumulated losses 03.31.16 Reported 164,090 2,834,735 3,468,567 260,057 (2,936,585) Biological Assets Effects 886,707 03.31.16 Pro forma (1) 99,873 263,963 (2,834,735) 1,020,936 886,707 (2) (215,338) (611,881) 4,489,503 44,719 (3,548,466) The introduction of the new accounting standards has altered the fair value of biological assets from R$2.8 billion to R$1.9 billion in 1Q16 [(1)+(2), as show in the table above]. 65 The effects of the new standards on the Statement of Income are shown below: Income Statement COGS Income Tax and Social Contribution 1Q16 Reported (1,219,954) (241,655) Biological Assets Effects (103,075) 35,046 1Q16 Adjusted (1,323,029) (206,609) It should be noted that these adjustments have had purely economic effects, without affecting Biosev’s cash flow. 66 2.2 Net Revenue Biosev recorded net revenue of R$1.7 billion in 1Q17, increasing 22.8% against 1Q16. The increase reflects primarily the sales volume growth and the higher prices of sugar and ethanol, coupled with growth in revenue from other products, which will be discussed in item 2.2.4. Cogeneration revenue, however, fell 9.7%, mainly due to lower prices during the quarter. A breakdown of the net revenue is presented in the following table: Net Revenue (R$ Thousand) Sugar Domestic Market Export Market Ethanol Domestic Market Export Market Energy Other Products* Total 1Q17 1Q16 % 496,978 137,642 359,336 422,277 321,096 101,181 49,168 704,259 399,181 111,566 287,615 356,596 319,943 36,653 54,429 552,220 24.5% 23.4% 24.9% 18.4% 0.4% 176.1% -9.7% 27.5% 1,672,682 1,362,426 22.8% * By-products obtained from the sugar and ethanol production process such as dry yeast, powdered molasses, raw and hydrolyzed bagasse for animal feed, and commodity products to fulfill export performance contracts. The following table shows the position of sugar and ethanol inventories at the end of the periods indicated: Inventories Sugar ('000 tons) 3 Ethanol ('000 m ) 1Q17 4Q16 1Q16 156 122 68 65 186 164 67 The breakdown of net revenue by product between the periods is presented below, with the increase in revenue from other products being of particular note: Net Revenue by Product (%) 1Q16 40.5% 1Q17 29.3% 25.3% 26.2% 4.0% Sugar Ethanol 29.7% 42.1% 2.9% Energy Other Products Below we present a breakdown of net revenue by market. The increase in the share of revenue from export sales is noteworthy. This performance is due (i) to increased revenue from other products, which are mainly sold in this market; and (ii) to the increase in volumes and prices for the sugar and ethanol in the export market: Net Revenue by Market (%) 1Q16 1Q17 31.0% 36.4% 63.6% 69.0% 68 2.2.1 Sugar Net revenue from sugar sales came to R$497 million in 1Q17, an increase of 24.5% over 1Q16. This result basically reflects a 5.9% growth in sales volume combined with a 12.7% increase in the average sales price in the period. The higher average sales price in 1Q17 reflects the recovery of sugar prices in the international market, as well as the higher premiums over VHP for liquid crystal and refined sugar. The higher sales volume is the result of increased crushing and the larger share of sugar in the production mix. The following charts show changes in net revenue and a comparison of sugar volumes and average prices. For the purpose of analyzing sales performance, the average sugar price excludes the non-cash effects of the hedge accounting of foreign-denominated debt: Net Revenue (R$ million) 24.5% Sales Volume (‘000 tons) Average Sales Price (R$/Ton) 12.7% 497 1,082 960 399 5.9% 359 474 448 288 112 138 1Q16 1Q17 Domestic Market Export Market 348 378 99 96 1Q16 1Q17 Average Price 69 The following chart shows the breakdown of revenue by type of sugar, with the highlight being an increase in the share of higher value-added products (crystal, liquid crystal and refined) in sugar revenue, which rose from 29.9% to 33.8%: Revenue by Sugar Type (%) 1Q16 1Q17 11.5% 9.3% 6.4% 5.8% 12.0% 18.7% 70.1% 66.2% Initiatives to increase sugar production capacity Biosev is implementing initiatives to increase its sugar production capacity, in line with its Strategic and Business Vision. In this context, Biosev has now taken necessary steps to increase production capacity by 81 thousand tons, starting in the 2017/18 crop year. This capacity increase will be achieved by means of marginal investments, budgeted at R$5.9 million, associated mainly with reducing bottlenecks in industrial processes. With the implementation of these initiatives, Biosev’s sugar production capacity (currently at 2.5 million tons a year) will be increased by 3.2%, representing approximately 4.7% of the sugar production in the 2015/16 crop year. Another significant aspect associated with these initiatives is a greater flexibility in the sugar-ethanol production mix. In terms of maximizing sugar production (max sugar), the ceiling will rise from the current level of 57% to 59%. Under the max ethanol scenario, the ceiling will remain unchanged at 53% of total production. We should mention that other initiatives for maximizing sugar production are also being analyzed by the Company. 70 2.2.2 Ethanol Net revenue from ethanol sales in 1Q17 amounted to R$422 million, increasing 18.4% from 1Q16. This result reflects the 15.4% increase in average prices, and a rise of 2.1% in the volume sold during the quarter. The increase in average prices during 1Q17 was driven mainly by: (i) higher ethanol prices in the domestic market, (ii) a greater share for higher value-added products (anhydrous, neutral and industrial ethanol) in the Biosev sales mix; and (iii) higher prices in the export market, particularly due to the increase in exports of Korean Standard hydrous ethanol. In the domestic market, the 14.3% drop in sales volume reflects a more sugar oriented production mix, due to its higher relative profitability, combined with an increase in ethanol exports. The sales volume in the export market was up by 113.4%, driven mainly by more competitive pricing of ethanol due to a 14.1% devaluation of the Real against the US Dollar between 1Q16 and 1Q17. The following charts show changes in net revenue and a comparison of ethanol volumes and average prices. For the purpose of analyzing sales performance, the average ethanol price excludes the noncash effects of the hedge accounting of foreign-denominated debt: Net Revenue (R$ million) Sales Volume (‘000 m3) Average Sales Price (R$/m3) 15.4% 1,609 18.4% 422 1,395 357 2.1% 101 37 320 1Q16 321 1Q17 Domestic Market Export Market 260 265 33 71 227 194 1Q16 1Q17 Average Price 71 The following chart presents a breakdown of revenue by type of ethanol, with the highlight being the greater share for higher value-added products (anhydrous, neutral and industrial ethanol) in the sales mix, which increased from 44.1% to 47.1%: Revenue by Ethanol Type (%) 1Q17 1Q16 7.1% 6.7% 37.4% 55.8% 40.0% 52.9% 72 2.2.3 Energy In 1Q17, net revenue from energy sales amounted to R$49 million, down 9.7%, due mainly to lower average prices, reflecting the lower average settlement price (PLD). This reduction was partially offset by the growth in sales volume due to higher crushing volume and higher volume of resale operations. The following charts show changes in net revenue and a comparison of energy volumes and average prices. Net Revenue (R$ million) Sales Volume (GWh) Average Sales Price (R$/MWh) -28.5% 190 -9.7% 136 25.7% 54 49 288 1Q16 1Q17 1Q16 Volume 362 1Q17 Prices 2.2.4 Other Products The Other Products line records revenue from sales of dry yeast, powdered molasses, raw and hydrolyzed bagasse for animal feed, in addition to revenue from the sale of commodities in the spot market to fulfill export performance contracts with the aim of settling obligations in foreign currency Net revenue from other products was R$704 million in 1Q17, with most of this amount related to export performance contracts linked to maturities of foreign currency debt obligations. 73 2.3 Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) Total COGS was R$1.6 billion in 1Q17, up by 21.5% from the same quarter of the previous crop year. This increase is mainly due to: (i) higher unit costs, to be discussed below; (ii) higher TRS sales volume; (iii) higher volume of resale operations, which includes export performance contracts; (iv) the increase of third party cane in the supply mix; and (v) early start of the 16/17 crop in comparison to the previous crop year, which increased the portion of expenditures allocated to COGS and reduced costs deferred to CAPEX. Cash COGS ex-resale (R$/Ton TRS sold) Excluding non-cash effects and resale costs, COGS amounted to R$589 million, up by 42.7% from 1Q16. Unit COGS rose from R$562/ton to R$691/ton between crops due to: (i) higher raw material costs as a result of a 24.4% increase in CONSECANA prices; (ii) higher diesel prices and their impact on HLT costs; (iii) higher labor costs; and (iv) higher costs of industrial inputs due to the depreciation of the BRL against the USD. 22.9% 691 562 1Q16 1Q17 The tables below show a breakdown of total COGS and cash COGS: COGS (R$ Thousand) Total COGS Non cash items Depreciation and Amortization Gains (losses) from changes in the Fair Value minus estimated costs to sell Biological Assets Cash COGS Personnel Raw Materials (cane, land lease and HLT) Inputs Resale goods 1Q17 1Q16* % (1,607,986) (1,323,029) (205,431) (207,608) (263,205) (236,210) 21.5% -1.0% 11.4% 57,774 28,602 - (1,402,555) (1,115,421) 25.7% (111,302) (101,765) 9.4% (420,435) (276,283) 52.2% (57,730) (35,055) 64.7% (813,088) (702,318) 15.8% • Export performance contracts (699,487) (533,000) 31.2% • Sugar, ethanol and energy (113,601) (169,318) -32.9% Cash COGS ex-resale (589,467) (413,103) 42.7% * 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets (CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41). Cash COGS ex-resale (R$ Thousand) Agricultural HLT (own + 3rd party cane) Land lease 3rd party cane 1Q17 1Q16* % (494,003) (186,641) (88,865) (218,497) (342,160) (130,603) (77,958) (133,599) 44.4% 42.9% 14.0% 63.5% Industrial (84,843) (63,209) 34.2% Other (10,622) (7,733) 37.4% (589,467) (413,103) 42.7% 853 (691) 735 16.1% (562) 22.9% Cash COGS ex-resale TRS Product sold ex-resale ('000 tons) Cash COGS ex-resale (R$/Ton) * 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets (CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41). 74 2.4 Gross Profit In order to analyze the profitability of the company’s operations, we monitored the evolution of cash gross profit, which excludes depreciation, amortization, change in the fair value of biological assets, and the impact from hedge accounting of foreign currency debt on net revenue, in addition to resale operations (resale operations comprise exports performance contracts). Accordingly, the cash gross profit in 1Q17 was R$282 million, up by 6.0% against R$266 million in 1Q16. The gross margin was 32.4%, down by 6.8 p.p. from the same period of the previous crop year. See below the change in cash gross profit and gross margin between the two crops: Cash Gross Profit 2 ex-resale/HACC (R$ million) and Cash Gross Margin ex-resale/HACC (%) 39.2% 32.4% 6.0% 266 282 1Q16 1Q17 Cash Gross Profit ex-resale/HACC Cash Gross Margin ex-resale/HACC 2 Excludes depreciation, amortization, changes in the fair value of biological assets, effects from the hedge accounting of the foreigndenominated portion of debt on net revenue and resale operations (resale operations comprise exports performance contracts). 75 2.5 Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) Expenses SG&A expenses in 1Q17 amounted to R$144 million, increasing by 11.0% against 1Q16. Selling expenses amounted to R$71 million, up by 70.1% from the same period of the previous crop year. The principal factors that contributed for this variation were: (i) higher logistic expenses associated with the increase in the share of exports in the sales mix; and (ii) change in the accounting classification of logistic expenses associated with sugar fobbing expenses, which used to be recognized in COGS and are now recorded as shipment expenses. General and administrative expenses totaled R$72 million, down by 17.3% compared to the amount recorded in 1Q16. In real terms, these expenses decreased by 24.0% reflecting Biosev’s initiatives to streamline its business processes. The table below shows a comparison between the two periods: SG&A (R$ Thousand) Selling Freight Shipping Charges Comissions, wharfage and other G&A Personnel Services Other SG&A (Cash) 1Q17 1Q16 % (71,289) (48,307) (17,559) (41,907) (32,399) (5,656) 70.1% 49.1% 210.4% (5,423) (3,852) 40.8% (72,285) (46,534) (19,073) (6,678) (87,407) (43,420) (36,774) (7,213) -17.3% 7.2% -48.1% -7.4% (143,574) (129,314) 11.0% Depreciation expenses allocated in SG&A totaled R$7.3 million in 1Q17. 76 2.6 EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA was R$140 million (including resale/HACC), down by 23% against 1Q16. Aiming at a more appropriate analysis of Biosev’s operating profitability, we decided to exclude from the calculations of adjusted EBITDA(3)(4) the effects from resale operations, including export performance contracts and the impact from the hedge accounting (HACC) of foreign currency debt on net revenue (noncash impact). In this sense, as shown in the chart below, the ex-resale/HACC adjusted EBITDA was R$152 million in 1Q17, a reduction of 24.4% from the same quarter in the previous crop year. This performance was particularly a result of the increase in COGS and selling expenses, as already discussed, as well as the lower amount in reversal of provisions, which decreased from R$68 million in 1Q16 to R$11 million in 1Q17, as accounted in the Other Operating Income/Expenses. The above mentioned effects were partially offset by the increase in the volume and prices of sugar and ethanol. The ex-resale/HACC adjusted EBITDA margin was 17.4% in 1Q17, a reduction by 12.2 p.p. from the previous crop year, mainly due to higher unit costs, as well as the lower amount in reversal of provisions, as already discussed. See below the changes in ex-resale/HACC adjusted EBITDA and EBITDA margin in the two periods: Adjusted EBITDA ex-resale/HACC (R$ million) and EBITDA Margin (%) 29.6% 17.4% -24.4% 201 1Q16 152 1Q17 Adjusted EBITDA ex-resale/HACC Adjusted EBITDA margin ex-resale/HACC 3 EBITDA corresponds to earnings before net financial result, depreciation, amortization and income and social contribution taxes on net income for the period. Among other metrics, we use EBITDA as a measure of our operating performance and cash flow from operations. Adjusted EBITDA is calculated based on EBITDA (CVM Instruction 527), excluding changes in the fair value of biological assets less estimated costs to sell and non-recurring items. 4 EBITDA is not a measure of financial performance in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil (BR GAAP, IFRS) and should not be considered as an alternative to net income, as an indicator of operating performance, as an alternative for cash flow from operations or as a measure of liquidity. EBITDA does not consider certain costs, which could significantly affect our profits, such as financial expenses, taxes, depreciation and amortization, thus limiting its use as a measure of our profitability. 77 Below is a breakdown of adjusted EBITDA, as well as its reconciliation with net income (loss): EBITDA Composition (R$ Thousand) Net Revenue Cash COGS Gross Profit (Cash) SG&A (Cash) TEAG Profit/(Loss) Other Operating Revenue/Expenses Non-recurring items Adjusted EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA Margin EBITDA Reconciliation (R$ Thousand) NET INCOME (LOSS) Income Tax and Social Contribution Financial result Depreciation and Amortization EBITDA CVM 527 Losses (gains) from changes in the Fair Value minus estimated costs to Amortization of Concession - TEAG 1Q17 1Q16 % 1,672,682 1,362,426 22.8% (1,402,555) (1,115,421) 25.7% 270,127 247,005 9.4% (143,574) (129,314) 11.0% (895) (390) 129.4% 14,317 64,852 -77.9% 44 (255) 140,019 8.4% 181,898 13.4% -23.0% -5 p.p. 1Q17 1Q16* % (353,307) 305,437 (27,020) 270,539 195,649 (333,586) 206,609 91,242 244,390 208,655 5.9% 47.8% 10.7% -6.2% (57,774) (28,602) 102.0% 2,100 2,100 Non-recurring items 44 (255) Adjusted EBITDA 140,019 181,898 Adjusted EBITDA Margin 8.4% 13.4% * 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets . - -23.0% -5 p.p. 78 2.7 Hedge The table below shows the aggregate position of sugar volumes and prices hedged by derivative commodities and foreign exchange contracts as of June 30, 2016. Hedge on 06/30/2016 2016/17 2017/18 1,754 14.51 645 18.35 205 3.693 178 3.692 53.59 67.76 Sugar (#NY11) Volume ('000 tons) Average Price (cUS$/lb) FX (US$) Amount (US$ million) Average Price (R$/US$) Hedged Price (cR$/lb) The volume of 1,754 thousand tons hedged represents approximately 95% of our exposure for the 2016/17 crop year, while the volume of 645 thousand tons hedged represents approximately 40% of Biosev's exposure for the 2017/18 crop year. In addition to the position in foreign exchange derivatives shown above, Biosev recorded additional currency derivatives in order to mitigate any mismatch between revenue flow disbursements in foreign currencies associated with the dollar-denominated portion of the company’s costs and indebtedness. 2.8 Financial Result Net financial result in 1Q17 was R$27 million, representing a reversal of the negative result of R$91 million recorded in the same period of the previous crop year. This reversal results particularly from the positive impact from foreign exchange variation in 1Q17. Net exchange variation amounted to R$317 million and derived from a 9.8% appreciation in BRL against USD on the dollar-denominated portion of assets and liabilities. This amount, accounts for 54% of the total foreign exchange variation in the crop year. The remaining portion, of R$276 million, was deferred to other comprehensive income in accordance with Biosev’s hedge accounting policy. Excluding the effects from foreign exchange variation, the financial result was an expense of R$290 million, up by 138.4% from 1Q16. The increase is basically due to: (i) marking-to-market and realization of derivative currency instruments, and (ii) higher interest rate expenses. On June 30, 2016, the US Dollar was quoted at R$3.2098. See below the evolution of the financial result between the periods: Financial Result (R$ Thousand) Financial Result, net FX Variation Financial Result before FX Interest Expenses Interest Income Derivative transactions Other Revenues/(Expenses) 1Q17 1Q16 % 27,020 (91,242) -129.6% 317,153 30,473 (290,133) (171,901) 9,375 (137,380) 9,773 (121,715) (135,435) 10,318 (10,108) 13,510 138.4% 26.9% -9.1% - 79 2.9 Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) Earnings before the provision for income and social contribution taxes were negative by R$48 million in 1Q17, which compares to the loss of R$127 million in the same period of the previous crop year. In addition to the aspects already discussed in the previous sections, this result had a positive impact from the changes in the fair value of biological assets, less estimated costs to sell between the periods, which amounted to R$58 million in 1Q17. As already mentioned, due to new accounting standards for biological assets, we decided to include the due changes in 1Q16 financial statements for the purpose of comparing the two quarters, as follows: Reconciliation of reported EBT and pro forma EBT Reported EBT 1Q16 Effects from the new accounting standards for Biological Assets 1Q16 (23,902) (103,075) Gains (losses) from changes in the fair value minus estimated costs to sell Biological Assets (84,492) Depreciation and Amortization (18,583) Pro forma EBT 1Q16 (126,977) 2.10 Net Income (Loss) Net loss for the period was R$353 million, compared to a loss of R$334 million in the same period of the previous crop year. In addition to the aforementioned factors, net loss for the period was affected by deferred Income and Social Contribution Taxes (IR/CSLL) expenses, in the amount of R$305 million, as a result of (i) changes in taxable temporary differences in the period, particularly regarding unrealized foreign exchange variations; and (ii) non-recognition of deferred tax assets associated with tax losses carryforwards, all of which have economic effects with no impact on cash. As mentioned above, due to new accounting standards for biological assets, we decided to include the due changes in 1Q16 financial statements for the purpose of comparing the two quarters, as follows: Reconciliation of reported Net Income and pro forma Net Income Reported Net Income 1Q16 Effects from the new accounting standards for Biological Assets Gains (losses) from changes in the Fair Value minus estimated costs to sell Biological Assets Depreciation and Amortization Income Tax and Social Contribution Pro forma Net Income 1Q16 1Q16 (265,557) (68,029) (84,492) (18,583) 35,046 (333,586) 80 3. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE Biosev invested R$251 million in 1Q17, an increase of 11.0% from the amount invested in the same period of the previous crop year. CAPEX from current operations totaled R$246 million, up by 10.5% compared to the same period of the previous crop year. This performance reflects: (i) larger disbursements associated with planting and treatment which reflect the increase in costs of inputs (fertilizers and herbicides), whose prices were impacted by the depreciation of BRL against USD, (ii) industrial investments to increase operations reliability and (iii) the acquisition of harvesters, which did not occur in 1Q16. These effects were partially offset by lower intercrop maintenance CAPEX due to the early start of the 2016/17 crop in comparison to the previous crop year in the RP and L/LP Clusters, which reduced the portion of costs deferred to CAPEX. Expansion CAPEX amounted to R$5 million in line with the Company's strategy to give priority to investments in planting, treatment and industrial/agricultural maintenance. The table below shows the breakdown of capital expenditures: Capex (R$ Thousand) Expansion Operations Industrial Agriculture Planting Treatment Intercrop maintenance (Agr/Ind) Other Total CAPEX 1Q17 1Q16 % 4,627 245,877 18,021 6,084 90,293 79,220 41,029 11,232 250,504 3,204 222,424 5,874 242 80,947 71,224 59,450 4,687 225,628 44.4% 10.5% 206.8% 11.5% 11.2% -31.0% 139.6% 11.0% 4. INDEBTEDNESS Biosev’s gross debt was R$6.1 billion at the end of 1Q17, down by 9.8% compared to the end of the 2015/16 crop, basically due to the impact of the 9.8% appreciation of the Real against the US Dollar on the portion of the debt denominated in dollars, in the amount of R$485 million. Additionally, net amortizations totaled R$138 million, having also contributed to the reduction in gross debt. Adjusted net debt was R$5.2 billion, up by 21.7% against the amount recorded at the end of the 2015/16 crop year. This variation is basically due to a reduction in cash position, which totaled R$549 million at the end of 1Q17 and was affected by the increase in working capital needs. Out of total cash position on June 30, 2016, 55.5% were denominated in US Dollars. 81 The table below shows the breakdown of the debt: Debt (R$ Million) 06/30/2016 Gross Debt Short Term Long Term Cash and Short-term Investments Net Debt Readily Marketable Inventories Adjusted Net Debt Net Debt/Adjusted EBITDA 03/31/2016 Var. % (6,052) (3,359) (2,693) 549 (5,503) 334 (5,168) 3.70x (6,712) (1,831) (4,881) 2,239 (4,473) 225 (4,248) 2.95x -9.8% 83.4% -44.8% -75.5% 23.0% 48.6% 21.7% The following charts present the breakdown of indebtedness by index and by instrument on June 30, 2016, as well as the cash position by currency: Cash and ST Investments by Currency (%) Gross Debt by Instrument and Index (%) 0.1% 4.8% 3.3% 7.6% 0.9% 20.7% 27.2% 32.6% 44.5% 55.5% 11.5% 66.8% 24.4% BNDES/FCO/FNE Reestructed Debt Export Pre Payment ACC Other NCE USD = 74.6% LIBOR Fixed CDI TJLP BRL Other USD As discussed later in this report, in the “Subsequent Events” chapter, Biosev renewed, approximately one year prior to maturity, the syndicated ACC (Advance on Foreign Exchange Contracts) credit facility, which had been originally contracted on June 16, 2014. The renewal totaled US$310 million, or 70% of the amount originally contracted, while the maturity was extended for two years, that is, June 2019. The schedule of maturities below already reflects this renewal: Cash and Pro Forma Amortization Schedule (R$ million) 1,819 1,440 1,312 963 963 1,300 414 305 244 927 513 519 414 104 85 Cash 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R$ 518 US$ 1,227 645 318 2020/21 to 2027/28 Readily Marketable Inventories* 82 5. CAPITAL MARKETS AND INVESTOR RELATIONS The chart below shows the performance of the Company’s shares in the past 12 months compared to the Ibovespa index, as well as the evolution in the liquidity of shares. Biosev shares appreciated 123.4%, exceeding the Ibovespa index, which increased 20.5%: Performance BSEV3 versus IBOV R$10.90 (+123.4%) 150% 100% 50% 58,299 (+20.5%) 0% -50% -100% Aug, 2015 Oct, 2015 Dec, 2015 Feb, 2016 Financial Traded Volume (R$ thousand) Apr, 2016 IBOV Jun, 2016 Aug, 2016 BSEV3 Source: Bloomberg, August 12,2016 It is worth to highlight that Biosev is one of the winners of the 2016 Transparency Award - 20th ANEFAC-FIPECAFI-SERASA EXPERIAN Award, in the “Companies with Net Revenue up to R$5 billion” category. The award recognizes the quality of the financial statements and explanatory notes, as well as the transparency and consistency of the information disclosed, focusing on the full compliance with the Accounting Standards and absence of qualifications in the Independent Auditors' Report, among other matters. 83 6. GUIDANCE Biosev ratifies the guidance already disclosed to the market, in accordance with the table below: 2016/17 Crop year Crushing (Million tons) Sugarcane TRS (kg/ton) Total TRS (Million tons)* Guidance 30.5 - 33.5 129.0 - 133.0 3.93 - 4.46 *Total TRS is the product of crushing volume by sugarcane TRS 84 7. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS Until August 10, 2016, Biosev successfully renewed, approximately one year prior to maturity, a syndicated ACC credit facility, which had been originally contracted on June 16, 2014. The renewal totaled US$310 million, or 70% of the amount originally contracted, while the maturity was extended for two years considering the original maturity, that is, June 2019. The syndicated transaction was coordinated by the ING bank, with participation of the following financial institutions: ABN AMRO Bank, BNP Paribas, Rabobank and Credit Agricole. Negotiations remain underway between the Company and other international financial institutions, which may result in additional participants joining the syndicate at a later date. The transaction will accrue LIBOR + 5.65 % per annum at the current level of financial leverage. This transaction has strategic relevance to Biosev and it was designed to achieve the following objectives: (i) extend the company´s debt profile and (ii) guarantee access to funding on adequate and competitive base. 85 8. APPENDICES – SUMMARIZED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8.1 INCOME STATEMENT Income Statement (R$ Thousand) 1Q17 1Q16* % 1,734,042 (61,360) 1,672,682 1,410,271 (47,845) 1,362,426 23.0% 28.2% 22.8% (1,607,986) (1,323,029) 21.5% 64,696 39,397 64.2% OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) G&A Selling Equity (loss) in subsidiaries Other operating income (expenses) Financial Result, net PROFIT (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES ON INCOME (139,586) (79,619) (71,289) (2,995) 14,317 27,020 (47,870) (75,132) (95,587) (41,907) (2,490) 64,852 (91,242) (126,977) 85.8% -16.7% 70.1% 20.3% -77.9% - Income Tax and Social Contribution NET INCOME (LOSS) (305,437) (353,307) (206,609) (333,586) 47.8% 5.9% Gross Revenue Taxes and Sales Deductions Net Revenue COGS GROSS PROFIT * 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets (CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41). 86 8.2 BALANCE SHEET - ASSETS ASSETS (R$ Thousand) CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Derivative financial instruments Accounts receivables Inventories² Biological Assets Recoverable taxes Other receivables Assets held for sale Total current assets NON CURRENT ASSETS Short-term investments Advances to suppliers Escrow deposits Recoverable taxes Deferred income tax and social contribution Other receivables Investments PP&E and biological assets 06/30/2016 03/31/2016¹ % 242,382 306,694 132,603 250,751 1,353,018 979,640 117,956 102,902 3,506 3,489,452 1,826,121 408,268 46,077 156,000 807,533 886,707 117,529 53,459 3,506 4,305,200 -86.7% -24.9% 187.8% 60.7% 67.5% 10.5% 0.4% 92.5% -18.9% 26,770 252,248 269,261 42,577 19,994 206,660 4,417,414 4,831 21,404 237,877 253,388 263,963 19,545 209,655 4,489,503 0.0% 25.1% 6.0% 6.3% -83.9% 2.3% -1.4% -1.6% • PP&E 3,375,048 3,468,567 -2.7% • Biological assets 1,042,366 1,020,936 2.1% Intangible assets Total non-current assets 931,754 6,166,678 934,163 6,434,329 -0.3% -4.2% TOTAL ASSETS 9,656,130 10,739,529 -10.1% 1 - 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets (CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41). 2 - Includes commodity products to fulfill export performance contracts: R$679 million on 06/30/2016 and R$269 million on 03/31/2016. 87 8.3 BALANCE SHEET - LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (R$ Thousand) 06/30/2016 03/31/2016* CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrowings and financing Advance from domestic customers Advance from foreign customers Accounts payables Accrued payroll and related taxes Taxes payable Derivative financial instruments Other payables Total current liabilities 3,358,562 13,485 732,230 542,560 134,855 18,416 182,686 141,860 5,124,654 1,830,913 29,389 637,884 572,483 124,720 46,035 201,882 159,651 3,602,957 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrowings and financing Advance from foreign customers Accounts payables Deferred income tax and social contribution Derivative financial instruments Provision for tax, labor, civil and environmental contigencies Taxes payable Other payables Total non-current liabilities 2,693,243 1,769,427 1,802 208,961 48,434 349,928 3 56,138 5,127,936 4,881,016 2,149,690 1,233 44,719 47,668 338,301 3 72,885 7,535,515 2,618,214 1,355,616 (3,901,616) (685,097) 2,618,214 1,355,616 (3,548,466) (840,887) Total equity attributable to shareholders (612,883) (415,523) Non-controlling interest Total equity 16,423 (596,460) 16,580 (398,943) TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 9,656,130 10,739,529 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Social Capital Capital reserve Accumulated losses Other comprehensive income (loss) * 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets (CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41). 88 8.4 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW Cash FLOW (R$ Thousand) 06/30/2016 06/30/2015* (353,307) (333,586) 540,979 270,539 349,371 244,390 (57,774) (28,602) (347,621) 236,046 305,372 134,417 (276,315) 222,510 224,976 (37,588) Decrease/(Increase) in assets Increase/(Decrease) in liabilities (787,006) (521,445) (528,009) (248,171) Dividends received Interest paid on borrowings and financing (165,313) (140,747) (1,286,092) (901,142) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Increase in property, plant and equipment Additions to biological assets Increase in intangible assets Decrease/(Increase) in short-term investments Other (135,146) (104,088) (954) 95,290 (14,371) (56,570) (171,368) (1,089) (793,240) (18,176) Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities (159,269) (1,040,443) 1,554,878 (1,693,256) 2,367,558 (1,734,646) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES NET INCOME (LOSS) Non-cash transactions Depreciation and amortization Losses (gains) from changes in the Fair Value minus estimated costs to sell Biological Assets Interest, exchange rate changes and inflation adjustments, net Unrealized losses/(gains) on derivatives Deferred Income tax and social contribution Other non-cash transactions Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Borrowings and financing Payment of borrowings and financing Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities (138,378) 632,912 INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (1,583,739) (1,308,673) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1,826,121 242,382 1,946,971 638,298 * 1Q16 figures are presented on a pro forma basis and adjusted in accordance with the new standards for accounting of biological assets (CPC27/IAS16 and CPC29/IAS41). 89 9. Appendix – Market Overview Sugar Price Sugar prices ended 1Q17 at US$17.04 c/lb, or 37.0% higher than the same period of the previous crop year (US$12.44 c/lb). In BRL, prices were positively impacted by the currency’s depreciation against the USD, reaching R$59.78 c/lb, up by 56.3% from the 1Q16 (R$38.24 c/lb). Fundamentals In the beginning of the 2016/17 crop year, the Center-South region crushed 215 million tons of sugarcane, 10% more than the previous crop year. Sugar production was even more expressive, reaching 11 million tons, up by 20% against the same period of the previous crop year, reflecting the higher share of sugar in the mix and higher TRS content. The increase in the sugar mix was the result of high sugar prices, reflecting the deficit of the international balance between supply and demand. The North-Northeast region will soon close its 2015-2016 crop year (August to July), and should record the lowest crushing level in its history due to the dry weather caused by a strong El Niño. Until the end of June, the region crushed some 46 million tons, having produced 2.5 million tons of sugar. Sugar deficit in the world, which is due to lower supply in several important producing regions of the Northern Hemisphere, has supported prices and stimulated the production of the Brazilian Sugar and Ethanol Industry. This scenario benefited Brazil’s sugar exports, which surpassed 6.5 million tons by the end of July. Average Sugar Prices VHP, Crystal and Refined (US$/ton) Source: Bloomberg, June 2016. 90 Ethanol Price In the beginning of the 2016/17 crop year, the average ethanol price was R$1,619/m3, up by 15.4% from R$1,403/m3 in the same period of the previous crop year. Anhydrous ethanol was traded at an average price of R$1,594/m3, which represents a premium of 11.9% on hydrous ethanol prices, net of the ICMS tax. Supply and Demand Brazil’s ethanol production (CS and NNE) between April and June in the 2016/17 crop year totaled 8.9 million m3, or a light increase of 3.5% against the same period of the previous crop year. Out of this total, 5.5 million m3 was hydrous ethanol, which corresponds to a share of 61.7%, the highest since the 2011/12 crop year. With regard to the demand, due to a weaker economic environment in Brazil the performance of the Otto-Cycle market reduced by 2.6% from 1Q16. Total ethanol consumption was 6.5 million m3, against 7.1 million m3 in the same period of the previous crop year. Unlike the past crop year, consumers have favored gasoline consumption due to the higher parity of ethanol/gasoline prices in Brazilian gas stations (67.43% vs. 63.89%). This trend led to an increase in consumption of anhydrous ethanol, which represented 42.8% of ethanol consumption, against 38.1% in the same period of the 2015/16 crop. BRL’s relative depreciation benefited Brazilian exports, which totaled 480 thousand m3, more than twice the 241 thousand m3 exported in the same period in the 2015/16 crop year. Imports recorded a downturn as a result of foreign exchange devaluation, totaling 167 thousand m3 against 230 thousand m3 in 1Q16. Hydrous and Anhydrous Ethanol Average Prices (R$/m³) Source: Bloomberg, June 2016 91