Técnicas de Construção, Manipulação e Encenação de Marionetas
Técnicas de Construção, Manipulação e Encenação de Marionetas
TÉCNICAS DE CONSTRUÇÃO, MANIPULAÇÃO E ENCENAÇÃO DE MARIONETAS Subtemas: autómatos; cinema de animação; marionetas de fios; marionetas de luva; marionetas de sombra; marionetas de vara; máscaras; teatros de papel GERAL Como fazer teatro com marionetas Nina Morel Coleção Encenação, 1957 Jouez avec vos marionnettes Claudie MARESCOT Temps Apprivoisé , 2000 L' univers magique des marionnettes Susan Niner Janes Hatier, 1996 Magic, Stage Illusions, Special Effects & Trick Photography Albert HOPKINS Dover Publications, 1976 Marionnettes Roser Piñol Fleurus 1993 Marionnettes - atelier et création Albert Mourey Fleurus 1993 Marionnettes et poupées animées - a fabriquer soi-même G. Spini De Vecchi 2001 Marionnettisme - Introduction au Monde Merveilleux de la marionnette MariaReyes L'Harmattan , 2001 Puppets Carole Hooper Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers, 1990 Puppets and marionettes - a collector's handbook & price guide Jan Lindenberger A Schiffer Book for Collectors, 1997 Puppets and masks - Stagecraft and Storytelling N. Rump Puppets and puppet theatre David CURRELL The Crowood Press 1999 Puppets and the Puppet Stage Cyril W. BEAUMONT A Studio Book 1938 Puppet Theatre: Production and Manipulation Milles LEE Faber and Faber, Ltd , 1958 Puppets and Plays - a Creative Aproach Marjorie BATCHELDER FABER and FABER Ltd , 1959 Puppets and Puppetry Peter FRASER B T BATSFORD LTD , 1980 Puppets Shows: Using Poems and Stories Laura Ross Kaye & Ward, 1970 Puppetry into Performance: a user´s guide The Central School of Speech and Drama/Theatre Museum Simple and Cheap Recipes for Puppetmaking MARTENS Bread & Puppet Press , 1997 Simple Puppetry Sheila Jackson Watson – Guptill Publications, 1969 The complete book of puppetry George Latshaw Dover Publications , 2000 The Puppetry Handbook A SINCLAIR Anita Sinclair , 2000 The Puppet Theatre Handbook - A complete guide for the puppeteer Marjorie BATCHELDER HarperCollins Publisher / Herbert Jenkins Limited Una estética para el Teatro de Títeres Michael Meschke Concha de la Casa AUTÓMATOS Animani Mario Mariotti Bertrand Editora, 1984 Auto Mate Japan Commitee – Lisboa 94 capital Europeia da Cultura Automata and Mechanical Toys R PEPPÉ The Crowood Press, 2002 Cabaret Mechanical Movement - Understanding movement and making Automata A ONN Cabaret Mechanical Theatre, 1998 Jouets mécaniques, automates, boites à musique et limonaires Artcurial Deauville, 2007 CINEMA DE ANIMAÇÃO Livros de Animação e outras maneiras de dar vida aos desenhos Patrick Jenkins Gradiva Junior, 1993 MARIONETAS DE FIOS Everybody´s marionette book H. W. Whanslaw Wells Gardner, Darton & Co., 1948 Expert Puppet Technique - a Manual of Production for Puppeteers Eric and Christopher C. Bramal & Somerville FABER and FABER, 1963 Hand Puppets and String Puppets Waldo Lanchester Dryad Press 2002 L'art et la technique de la marionnette à fils Bruno Frascone B. Frtascone 2001 Marionettes, Masks and Shadows Mills H. and Louise M. MILLS & DUNN Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1927 Marionettes - How to Make and Work Them H. Fling Dover Publications, Inc. 1973 Marionnettes a fils Elen Le Roux Fleurus Idees, 1986 Stevens' Course in Puppetry M. STEVENS Charlemagne Press, 1997 MARIONETAS DE LUVA 101 Hand Puppets - A Beginner's Guide to Puppeteering R. Cummings Dover Publications, 2002 Animani Mario Mariotti Bertrand Editora, 1984 A Manual of Hand Puppet Manipulation L. SCHUBERT DaSilva Puppet Books 1974 Au guignol - comment donner vie aux marionnettes Irène Coran Casterman 1996 Fantoches Nellie Shepherd Editora Civilização, 2004 Fantoches Cardernos F.A.O.J. Secretaria de Estado da Juventude e Desportos Hand puppets - how to make and use them Ross Laura Dover Publications, 1989 Hand Puppets and String Puppets Waldo Lanchester Dryad Press 2002 Histórias para fantoches Marlene M. Blois; Maria Alice Ferreira de Barros Ao Livro Técnico, 1969 Making puppets come alive: how to learn and teach hand puppetry Larry Engler; Carol Fijan Dover Publications, 1973 Marionnettes - atelier et création Albert Mourey Fleurus 1993 Marionetas de dedo B. Hofler Plátano Edições Técnicas 1994 Os meus fantoches Armando Ferreira Guimarães Editores Petits marionnettes en laine Magda Gerhardt Le Temps Apprivoisé, 2002 Puppets and Masks Albert Boekholt Sterling Publishing Co., Inc , 1981 Rod, Shadow and Glove Puppets from the Little Angel J. WRIGHT Robert Hale , 1986 Stevens' Course in Puppetry M. STEVENS Charlemagne Press, 1997 Umani Mario Mariotti Bertrand Editora, 1984 MARIONETAS DE SOMBRA Les Théâtres d' ombres, histoire et techniques Denis BORDAT L' Arche 1956 Marionettes, Masks and Shadows Mills H. and Louise M. MILLS & DUNN Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1927 Rod, Shadow and Glove Puppets from the Little Angel J. WRIGHT Robert Hale , 1986 Schattentheater/Shadow Theatre Vol I R REUSCH Einhorn-Verlag , 1997 Schattentheater/Shadow Theatre Vol II R. REUSCH Einhorn-Verlag , 2001 Shadow play H. W. WHANSLAW WELLS GARDNER, DARTON & CO., LTD. 1950 Shadow Puppets and Shadow Play David Currel The Crowood Press, 2007 The shadow puppets book Janet LYNCH-WATSON Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. / Oak Tree Press Co, Ltd , 1980 Worlds of Shadow: teaching with shadow puppetry David Wisniewski; Donna Wisniewski Teacher Ideas Press, 1997 MARIONETAS DE VARA Faites des marionnettes Genevieve Petit; Dina Van der Haeghen Dessain et Tolra, 1995 La fabrication de la marionnette traditionnelle liégeoise José Maquet J. Maquet Éditeur Marionnettes - atelier et création Albert Mourey Fleurus 1993 Rod, Shadow and Glove Puppets from the Little Angel J. WRIGHT Robert Hale , 1986 MÁSCARAS Marionettes, Masks and Shadows Mills H. and Louise M. MILLS & DUNN Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1927 Masques en papier pour jouer Helene Leroux Hugon Dessain et Tolra, 1996 Puppets and Masks Albert Boekholt Sterling Publishing Co., Inc , 1981 Puppets and masks - Stagecraft and Storytelling N. Rump Wise Fool Basics: A Handbook of Core Techniques K. RUBY Wise Fool Puppetry Intervention, 1999 TEATROS DE PAPEL George Speaight - A life in Toy Theatre B. CLARKE Pollock's Toy Museum / UNIMA 2003 Make your own world of the theater (all you need is a pair of scissors and glue) Rosemary Lowndes, Claude Kailer Angus &Robertson Publishers, 1982 Model Theatre R. POULTER , 1993 Teatros de Papel: A Arte da Precisão Rute Ribeiro EGEAC / Museu da Marioneta, 2008 Theatre Models in paper and card Robert Burgess Guild of Master Craftsman Publications, 1999 Toy Theatres of the World P. BALDWIN Zwemmer , 1992
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