Pollen storage and vitamin B stability
Pollen storage and vitamin B stability
VITAMIN B STABILITY OF DRIED BEE POLLEN DURING STORAGE Prof. Assoc. Ligia Bicudo de Almeida Muradian Food and Nutrition Department -Pharmaceutical Science School University of São Paulo, Brazil [email protected] Countries which has bee pollen regulation: • • • • • • Argentina Armenia Bulgaria Brazil China Cuba • • • • • Poland Russia Switzerland Turkey Uruguay BRAZIL Production of 200 ton/year Bee pollen production Collect............... Freeze Dehydration.............................................. Cleaning Package....... Bee pollen collect Vitamins studied: (water-soluble vitamins of the B complex) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) deficiency = beriberi (neurological and cardiovascular disease) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) deficiency = ariboflavinosis (include cracked and red lips, inflammation of the lining of mouth) Vitamins studied: (water-soluble vitamins of the B complex) Vitamin B3 (PP or niacin) deficiency = pellagra (diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia) Nicotinic acid Nicotinamide Vitamin B6 (Piridoxine) 3 isomers Piridoxine Piridoxal Piridoxamine Material and Methods Material 07 Batches of bee pollen from Sao Paulo, Brazil were collected using 15 bee hives (Apis mellifera) and were kept at room temperature (with and without light exposure) an in freezer Methods Simultaneous extraction (Moreschi, 2006; Presoto and Almeida-Muradian 2008) HPLC: Vitamin B1 (pre-column reaction): Mobile phase: phosfate buffer pH 7.2 and dimethylformamide; Column: C18; fluorescence detection (Ex 368 nm; Em 440 nm) Vitamin B2: Mobile phase: phosfate buffer pH 7.2 and dimethylformamide; Column: C18; fluorescence detection (Ex 450 nm; Em 530 nm) Vitamin PP (post-column reaction): phosfate buffer with hidrogen peroxide and copper sulphate, cobre; Column: C18 ; fluorescence detection (Ex 322nm; Em 380 nm) Vitamina B6: phosfate buffer with pH 2.5 with ion par and acetonitrile: Column: C18; fluorescence detection (Ex 296nm; Em 390 nm) Chromatograms Standards B1 B2 PP Samples Chromatograms B6 Standard Sample Results Vitamin B1 mg/100g 0.80 0.70 Stable 0.60 Light 0.50 inicial Initial 4 meses 8 meses 12 meses Months Light Luz Dark Escuro Freezer Initial concentration Teor inicial Results mg/100g 2,7 Vitamin Vitamina B2 2,2 1,7 a ab a a a a a a a 1,2 inicial Initial 4 meses Light Luz Escuro Dark 8 meses Freezer months 12 meses Initial concentration Teor inicial 28% lost Still vitamin source Results Vitamin Vitamina PP mg/100g 13 11 9 7 a 5 a a 3 inicial Initial 4 meses Luz Light Escuro Dark 8 meses Freezer 12 12meses months Initial Teorconcentration inicial 60% lost Results Vitamina B6 Vitamin mg/100g 0,35 0,1 a -0,15 a a -0,4 Initial inicial 4 meses Luz Light Escuro Dark 8 meses Freezer 12months meses 12 Teor inicial Initial concentration total lost Conclusion • After one year the vitamins were: • B1 Æ remain • B2 Æ 28% lost • PP Æ 60% lost • B6 Æ 100% lost • The vitamin loose depends more on the time of storage than the conditions of storage. Thank you all... • • • • • Vanilda Arruda (PhD student, USP) Aline Pereira (Undergraduate student, USP) Ortrud Monika Barth (PhD, FIOCRUZ) Alex Freitas (MS student, FIOCRUZ) Fabricia Soriane (PRONATU)