press release - Marlborough Public Schools
press release - Marlborough Public Schools
Marlborough Public Schools Daycare Affidavit for Transportation Services Instructions: Any student in a daycare setting who receives transportation services to/from one of the Marlborough Public Schools must file this completed affidavit to receive those busing services from the daycare location. Please file this document with your child’s school at the beginning of each school year. My name is __________________________________, and I hereby depose and certify as follows: (Please complete all three (3) items and sign below) 1. I am the owner/daycare provider with property located at ___________________________ in the City of Marlborough. My phone number is . Name of daycare center (if applicable) 2. I provide daycare services for ___________________________, who is the parent or legal guardian of __________________________, who I care for during the school year. 3. I have received within the last thirty (30) days payment for the care of Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this _____ day of . , . Signature: ___________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________ Print Address: ________________________________ Print Telephone Number: ________________________ This document must be notarized. Commonwealth of Massachusetts ______________ss (County) On this _____ day of ____________, 20__, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared ___________________________(name of document signer), proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were ________________________, to be the person whose name is signed on the preceding or attached document, and who swore or affirmed to me that the contents of the document are truthful and accurate to the best of (his) (her) knowledge and belief. __________________ (official signature and seal of notary) My commission expires ___________________________ It is the policy of the Marlborough Public Schools not to discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, color, homelessness, sexual orientation, age or disability in its education programs, services, activities, or employment practices. Marlborough Public Schools Daycare Affidavit for Transportation Services Instruções: Qualquer aluno em um ambiente de creche que recebe serviços de transporte de / para uma das Escolas Públicas de Marlborough deve arquivar este depoimento concluída para receber esses serviços büsing do local creche. Por favor, envie este documento com a escola do seu filho no início de cada ano letivo. Meu nome é __________________________________, E eu por meio deste deponho e certifico o seguinte: (Por favor complete todos os três (3) itens e assine abaixo) 1. E sou o dono/fornecedor da crèche com propriedade localizada no ___________________________ na Cidade de Marlborough. Meu número de telefone é . O nome da crèche é (se aplicavel) 2. Eu forneço serviços de crèche para ___________________________, quem são pais ou guardiões legais do/a ___________________________, quem eu cuido durante o ano escolar. 3. Eu tenho recebido pagamentos dos últimos trinta dias (30) para o cuidado do/a . Assinado sob as dores e penalidades de falso testemunho isto _____ dia de , . Assinatura: ___________________________________ Nome por escrito: __________________________________ Endereço: ________________________________ Numero de Telefone: ________________________ Esse documento deve ser notorizado. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instrucciones: Cualquier estudiante en una guardería que recibe servicios de transporte a / desde una de las Escuelas Públicas de Marlborough debe presentar esta declaración jurada para recibir los servicios de transporte escolar de la ubicación de la guardería. Por favor presentar este documento con la escuela de su hijo a principios de cada año escolar. Mi nombre es __________________________________ y aquí declaro y certifico lo siguiente: (Por favor, complete todos las tres (3) frases y firme abajo) 1. Soy el dueño/proveedor de cuidado a niños(as) con una propiedad localizada en ___________________________ en la Cuidad de Marlborough. Mi numero de teléfono es . Nombre del centro (si aplica) 2. Proveo los servicios de cuidado para ___________________________, que es el padre o guardián legal de __________________________, a quien cuido durante el año escolar. 3. En los últimos treinta días (30) he recibido pago por el cuidado de Firmado bajo pena de perjurio el _____ día de Firma: ___________________________________ Imprima el Nombre: __________________________________ Imprima la Dirección ________________________________ Imprima el Numero Telefónico: ________________________ Este documento debe ser notariado. . , .
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signer), proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification, which were
________________________, to be the person whose name is signed on the
preceding or attached document, and who swor...