Brussels and Geneva, October 1, 2014 – The Tech Tour, the leading


Brussels and Geneva, October 1, 2014 – The Tech Tour, the leading
Brussels and Geneva, October 1, 2014 – The Tech Tour, the leading European platform for investors
to source the next wave of entrepreneurial winners, today announced the top 25
entrepreneurial companies in the Iberian Peninsula. The Iberian Tech Tour takes place from October
1-3 in Valencia and Lisbon and the selected companies will present to 50+ investors who represent
over Eur10Bn in funds under management. The companies have undergone a rigorous review process
carried out by an independent Selection Committee, comprised of senior global venture capital and
technology industry leaders. The final 25 were selected from a total of 262 applications and represent
the top investment opportunities in Iberia today.
The top 25 presenting companies are:
Gigas Hosting
ClippingBook Inside Visions
Talent Clue
PETsys Electronics Uniplaces
Kronomav Systems
Previous Tech Tour Companies have raised $1.5Bn
The Tech Tour provides a significant opportunity for the selected Spanish and Portuguese businesses
who are seeking funding for international expansion. Companies who have presented at previous
Southern European Tech Tours in 2003, 2007 and 2011 have since raised over Eur 1.5Bn collectively.
The 25 selected companies span several technology sectors and stages with 15 Expansion stage
companies, 9 Start-up, and 1 Seed. ICT is the largest sector represented with 17 companies in total as
well as 5 companies are from Healthtech & Life Sciences and 1 from Cleantech. Of the 25 companies,
12 are based in Portugal and 13 in Spain.
The Tour will commence in Valencia on October 1st Veles e Vents with the opening address by
Spanish Co-President Iker Marcaide. This will be followed by formal addresses from Maximo Buch,
Regional Minister of Economy, Industry, Tourism and Employment of Region of Valencia
and by the Mayoress of Valencia Rita Barberá Nolla. The City of Valencia will showcase 5 Regional
companies: Cronoshare, Kanteron Systems; Medip Health; Mobincube and SAI Wireless.
In Portugal company presentations will take place at the Centro Cultural de Belém (Berardo
Museum) and the day will begin with a welcome speech by Stephan Morais, Portuguese CoPresident. On the afternoon of October 2nd the Tech Tour will join with Beta-i and Seedcamp to
showcase 12 Portuguese start-ups. VIP Networking dinners in both Valencia and Lisbon will host
entrepreneurs, investors, Government officials and industry VIP’s.
For more information regarding the agenda and registration please visit:
About The Tech Tour:
The Tech Tour was founded in Geneva in 1998 in response to the growing interest in emerging
technology companies in various European regions. The Tech Tour mission is to promote investment
in the most promising technology companies in Europe through Regional Tours and Vertical Summits.
Since its inception in 1998, Tech Tour companies have been very successful in obtaining funding and
the company provides an important platform for Entrepreneurs. Investors, Government influencers,
Industry experts and Advisers to come together network, collaborate and further innovation in
About the Iberian Tech Tour Event
The Tech Tour brings an experienced group of international investors and businesses together with
the next wave of successful Iberian entrepreneurs. Over two days, the event showcases the top 25
investment opportunities in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as presenting some of the great success
stories. The main feature of the Tech Tour is independence and quality. The Selection Committee
carefully reviews each application to ensure that only the best companies are chosen to present.
Media Contact
Patrice McCauley
Tech Tour
+41 22 544 60 62
[email protected]