Curriculum vitae


Curriculum vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Language Skills:
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Portuguese (mother tongue); English (Expert, certificate of proficiency and First Certificate in English, Cambridge EFL); German (advanced, comprehensive, spoken, and written);
French (Advanced); Spanish (Intermediate, compreehensive and spoken and written).
Piano playing, Yoga.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Ph.D. (“summa cum laude”) in Informatics, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Advisor:
Prof. Dr. Pedro Veiga; co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Roch Guérin, University of Pennsylvania.
Title: “SICAP, a Shared-Segment Inter-Domain Control Aggregation Protocol”.
M.Sc. (“Very Good”) in Informatics, University of Lisbon. Advisor: Prof. Dr. Pedro
Veiga. Title: “Study of ISAKMP/Oakley as the Key Management Standard for the Security
Architecture for IP, IPSec”.
Diploma (16 out of 20) in Informatics engineering, University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Specialization in Computer Networks and Architectures. Title: “IPv6: Internet Protocol,
the Next Generation”.
Director COPELABS - Association for the Research and Development in Cognition and
People-centric Systems
Senior Researcher, SITI - Informatics Systems and Technologies - Research Group, COPELABS.
Responsible for the Research Line “Internet Science”.
Scientific Director for Technology, Research and Development Unit SITILABS Informatics Systems and Technologies, University Lusófona.
Associate Professor, University Lusófona, School of Communication, Arts, Architecture, and Information Technologies.
Coordinator of the Internet Architectures and Networking (IAN) area, Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM), Associated Laboratory INESC Porto (INESC
TEC). Main research topics: disruptive architectures and Internet models; advanced routing.
Senior Researcher, responsible for advanced forwarding and mobility paradigms.
Senior researcher at Bundeswehr University, Information Systems Laboratory, IIS,
Communication Systems Group. Research topics: inter-domain routing, traffic dynamics,
mobile networks, IPv6.
Teaching Assistant at University of Lisbon, Informatics Department, in Data Structures
and Algorithms, Informatics degree, first semester.
Visiting scholar, CATT, New York University-Poly. Research theme: mobility estimation.
Visiting scholar at the Multimedia and Networking Laboratory, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, EUA. Advisor: Prof. Roch Guérin. Research theme: interdomain control path aggregation.
Visiting scholar at the Internet Center for Advanced Internet Research (ICAIR),
Evanston, EUA. Sponsored by IBM among others, ICAIR has as main goal the conception of
projects related to the next generation networks and services. Research theme: Differentiated
Services. Contact: Dr. Brian Carpenter (IBM).
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Co-founder of Senception, Lda, Coimbra, Portugal. Senception is a spin-off of COPELABS.
Main topic: cooperative sensing (
Senior Research Scientist at Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH, Munich, Germany,
Research, Technology & Platforms, Network Transport, Network Control Plane and Transport (RTP NT NCT). Main Topics: Future Internet, mobility management, Ethernet in
Large Scale Networks/Carrier-grade Ethernet, IPv6.
Senior Research Scientist at Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, Information and
Communications, Networking & Multimedia (IC2), High Speed Networking competence center in Munich, Germany. Main topics: Access networks (fixed/mobile/wireless), Ethernet in
Large Scale Networks/Carrier-grade Ethernet, IPv6.
Engineer at FCCN, the portuguese National Research and Education Network. Involved in
the conception and deployment of a global wireless campus, today known as “Eduroam”, that
allows users registered in different portuguese universities to roam securely and seamlessly
between participating entities; consultant in the deployment of remote access to RCTS, the
portuguese computational network. RCTS provides IP services to portuguese educational,
scientific, technological and cultural entities.
Liaison to the IST project 6NET; Involved in the candidature/proposals for possible new
European projects.
Coordinator of the IPv6 mobility working group of the IPv6 Portuguese Task-Force.
Member of the Wide Area Networks (WAN) Operations Team: routing management of
RCTS (Juniper/Cisco equipment).
1998/1999 Involved in the FCCN IPv6 pilot conception and implementation. Management
of the pseudo TLA FCCN (peering and remote access given to entities/organizations that
wished to have access to the 6Bone); member of the RCTS Team. Management of remote
access by public schools connected to the RCTS.
Engineer at Grupo Forum Multimedia, Lisbon, Portugal.
Networks and Informatics Department coordination.
Coordination of the team responsible for the development of virtual environments, Forum
Online; team composed of 4 persons (designers, programmers, journalists).
1995/1998 Network management and administration (around 100 PCs (Windows/Unix)
MACs and a pool of 10 servers connected to the Internet).
PhD scholarship by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, scholarship reference PRAXIS
Research supplement by ICAIR, Evanston, USA.
• people-centric, non-intrusive sensing
• Networking dynamics/social interaction/social networking architectures
• Mobility (management and modeling)
• Packet-based networking
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
8.1 Third-Party Funded Projects/Grants
The third-party support considered in this document has been split into industrial funding, European funding,
national public funding. Industrial funding refers to sub-hiring projects developed with industrial partners. In
what concerns third-party funding, since 2007 I have acquired projects amounting to over 5 000,000 Euros either
as PI or as part of the management and coordination team.
P1 2015
UMOBILE: Universal, Mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture. H2020
project. Senception project manager and Principal Investigator (~150000 Euros). 2015-2018.
P2 2012
MITS: Modular Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems, funded by EFACEC
Sistemas e Engenharias, S.A. (Project Manager and Principal Investigator, ~57 000 Euros).
P3 2010-2012
UcMc: User-centric Mobile Core, funded by Huawei European Research Duesseldorf, GmbH
(Project manager, ~103000 Euros.
P4 2010-2013
FIC: Future Internet Framework, funded by Cisco USA (Coordination, ~277 000 Euros).
P5 2010-2013
ULOOP: User-provided Local Loop. EU IST FP7 call5, objective 1.1, funded by the European Commission, Framework Programme 7, grant number 75418. (Scientific coordinator,
~4000000 Euros).
P6 2010-2013
UMM: User-centric Mobility Management, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia,
reference number PTDC/EEA-TEL/105709/2008 (Principal Investigator, ~103 000 Euros).
P7 2009-2011
ReCooP: Cooperative wireless networks/Redes Cooperativas sem fios, funded by the National
Strategic Reference Framework, project number: 3422. (Scientific Coordination, ~436 000
P8 2010-2012
Hotel3.0: Web3.0 Platform for the Hospitality Market, funded by the National Strategic Reference Framework, project number 7899. (Scientific proposal coordination, ~457000 Euros).
P9 2009-2012
Social Mobility Modeling, Ph.D. grant reference number BD SFRH/BD/62757/2009, student
Andrea Guimaraes Ribeiro, by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. 2009-2012. (Advisorship and coordination, ~36000 Euros).
P10 2009-2013
User-centric Routing, Ph.D. grant reference number BD SFRH/BD/44005/2008, by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. 2009-2013. (Advisorship and coordination, ~48000
8.2 Additional Project Coordination
P11 2014
PEOPLE: PEOple-centric Pervasive solutions for an improved Life Experience (2014-2017). Coordination team. Theme: pervasive sensing.
P12 2006
Network coding: an Applicability Study to fixed packet-based networks (Siemens AG CT).
Principal Investigator. Theme: advanced routing/forwarding concepts.
P13 2005-2006
E-FAME: An Enhanced Forwarding Architecture for Metro Ethernet (Siemens AG CT/Nokia
Siemens GmbH). . Theme: novel forwarding architectures for large scale Ethernet. Project
jointly developed with Prof. Guérin, University of Pennsylvania, USA. Scientific coordination, concept development and execution.
P14 2005-2006
HONEP, Home Networking, the Provider Perspective. Siemens AG. Concept development
and specification; scientific coordination of the Siemens CT team involved. Theme: home
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
P15 2004-2005
HomeG6, A multifunctional IPv6 gateway for Home Networks. Siemens AG. Coordination,
conception and proposal development. Theme: multifunctional and personal services gateway.
P16 2004
Metrov6, IPv6 Metropolitan Services (Siemens AG CT). Coordination (international team),
concept development and execution. Theme: Explore the potential of IPv6 within multiaccess, multi-service Metropolitan Area Networks.
8.3 Additional Participation, Some Relevant Projects
P17 2010-2013
User-centric Routing. Theme: routing in user-centric environments. Contribution to WP2
in the context of the impact of mobility in multihop routing approaches.
P18 2005
Netbuilder, Siemens AG. Participation as part of the Siemens CT team, contributions in the
context of carrier-grade Ethernet validation.
P19 2004
ESN, Multi Service Access and Carrier Ethernet Require an Intelligent Network Border,
Siemens AG. Concept development and specification.P15␣2006 G-Lab - Control and Management of Coexisting Networks (Siemens AG CT), funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF). Contributions in the context of mobility management.
P20 2005
EU IST FP6 Next generation optical network for broadband European leadership phase 2,
NOBEL II (Siemens AG CT). Theme: GMPLS advanced architectures, 2006-2008. Contributions in the context of large-scale Ethernet surveying.
P21 2003
EU IST FP6 Large Scale International IPv6 Pilot Network (6NET). Contributions to WP1,
WP3, WP7, as part of the development of the national IPv6 pilot. Contributions to the
Global Grid Forum standards, concerning IPv6 operational aspects.
P22 1998-2000
IPv6 Pilot, FCCN. Conception, and coordination.
The publications listed in this document and developed after 2010 are available via the
URL Previous publications are available via my profile in Google Scholar.
The publications follow a cronological order, starting by the most recent ones. the total h-index is of 8, with over
370 citations (May 2015).
9.1 Books
Rute Sofia. SICAP, a Shared-Segment Inter-domain Control Aggregation Protocol. PhD
Thesis, University of Lisboa. Advisors: Roch Guerin, Pedro Veiga. di-fcul-tr-04-22. December 2004.
Rute Sofia. Study of ISAKMP/Oakley as the Key Management Standard for the Security
Architecture for IP, IPSec. MSc thesis, University of Lisboa. Advisor: Pedro Veiga.
9.2 Book Chapters
Antonio Oliveira Junior and Rute C. Sofia, Energy-awareness in Multihop Routing, Wireless Networking for Moving Objects Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2014, pp 137-156,
August 2014.
Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, Mobility Estimation in the Context of
Distributed Mobility Management, User-Centric Networking Lecture Notes in Social Networks
2014, pp 289-310, May 2014.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Michael Gorawski, Enrica Zola, Krzysztof Grochla, Francisco Barcelo-Arroyo, Israel MartinEscalona, Andréa Ribeiro and Rute C. Sofia, New Trends in Mobility Modelling and Handover Prediction, Wireless Networking for Moving Objects Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2014, pp 88-114.
Rute C. Sofia and Luis Amaral Lopes, Trust as a Fairness Parameter for Quality of
Experience in Wireless networks, User-Centric Networking Lecture Notes in Social Networks
2014, pp 159-169, May 2014.
Rute C. Sofia, Paulo Mendes and Waldir Moreira Junior, User-centric Networking LivingExamples and Challenges Ahead, User-Centric Networking Lecture Notes in Social Networks
2014, pp 25-51, May 2014.
Namusale Chama, Antonio Oliveira Junior, Waldir Moreira Junior, Paulo Mendes and Rute
C. Sofia, User-centric Networking, Routing Aspects, User-Centric Networking Lecture Notes
in Social Networks 2014, pp 53-71, May 2014.
Rute C. Sofia, User-centric Networking: bringing the Home Network to the Core, UserCentric Networking Lecture Notes in Social Networks 2014, pp 3-23, May 2014.
Rute C. Sofia, Paulo Mendes, Huiling Zhu, Alessadro Bogliolo, Fikret Sivrikaya (TUB) and
Paolo di Francesco, User-centric Networking: Cooperation in Wireless Networks, Wireless
Networking for Moving Objects Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2014, pp 31-49, August
Carlos Ballester Lafuente, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Rute Sofia, Christian Silva, Waldir Moreira,
Trust Management in ULOOP, Find out how to access preview-only content User-Centric
Networking Lecture Notes in Social Networks 2014, pp 107-119, May 2014.
9.3 Peer-Reviewed International Journals
Rute C. Sofia, Paulo Mendes, José Manuel Damásio, Sara Henriques, Fabio Giglietto, Erica
Giambitto and Alessadro Bogliolo, Moving Towards a Socially-Driven Internet Architectural
Design (2012), in: ACM SIGCOMM CCR Newsletter, 42:3.
Namusale Chama and Rute C. Sofia, A Discussion on Developing Multihop Routing Metrics
Sensitive to Node Mobility, in: Journal of Communications, Vol 6, Vol6:No 1 (2011)(56-57).
Saikat Ray, Roch Guérin, Kai Kwong, Rute Sofia. Always Acyclic Distributed Path Computation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 18, Issue 1, pages 307-319,
February 2010.
Rute Sofia. A Survey of Advanced Ethernet Forwarding Approaches. IEEE Surveys &
Tutorials, vol. 11, number 1, first quarter of 2009.
Rute Sofia and Paulo Mendes, User-provided networks: Consumer as Provider. IEEE
Communications Magazine, Feature Topic on Consumer Communications and Networking Gaming and Entertainment, December 2008.
9.4 Peer-Reviewed International Conference Proceedings
Luis Amaral Lopes, Rute C. Sofia, Hassan Osman (UniK) and Huseyin Haci, A Proposal
for Elastic Spectrum Management in Wireless Local Area Networks (2014), in: Infocom 2014
- demo session.
Namusale Chama, Rute Sofia, Susana Sargento. Node Spatial Correlation aware Routing
Metrics for User-Centric Environments. 6th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (2014).
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Namusale Chama, Rute C Sofia, Susana Sargento, Multihop Mobility Metrics based on Link
Stability, Proceedings of the IEEE 27th International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications Workshops, pp 809-816, 2013.
Carlos Ballester, Jean-Marc Seigneur, Paolo di Francesco, Valentin Moreno, Rute Sofia,
Waldir Moreira Junior, Alessandro Bogliolo and Nuno Martins, A User-centric Approach to
Trust Management in Wi-Fi Networks, in: Infocom 2013 - demo session. 2013.
Tiago Condeixa, Lucas Gardalben, Tome Gomes, Susana Sargento and Rute C. Sofia,
Make-Without-Break Horizontal IP Handovers for Distributed Mobility Management Schemes
(2013), in: IEEE Globecom 2013 Workshop - Management of Emerging Networks and Services, October 2013.
Tiago Silvestre Condeixa, Susana Sargento, Andrea Giordanna Oliveira Nascimento, Rute
C. Sofia. Decoupling and Distribution of Mobility Management, 4th International Workshop
on Mobility Management in the Networks of the Future World (MobiWorld)/Globecom 2012.
Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, A Decoupling
Approach for Distributed Mobility Management, in The Second Workshop on Cooperative
Heterogeneous Networks (coHetNet 2012), ICCCN 2012.
Andréa Ribeiro, Rute C. Sofia and André Zúquete, Modeling Pause Time in Social Mobility
Models. inProc of The Ninth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems.
Paris, France, August 28th-31st 2012.
Antonio Junior, Rute Sofia, Antonio Costa, Energy-awareness in multihop routing. IFIP
Wireless Days (WD), 2012.
Antonio Oliveira Junior, Rute C. Sofia and António Costa, Energy-awareness Metrics for
Multihop Wireless User-centric Routing. InProc. The 11th International Conference on
Wireless Networks (ICWN’12) July 16-19, USA.
Antonio Oliveira Junior, Rute C. Sofia and António Costa, Energy-efficient Heuristics for
Multihop Routing in User-centric Environments. InProc. The 12th International Conference
on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN 2012). St.Petersburg,
Russia. August 27-29th 2012.
Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, A Characterization of Mobile Management in User-centric Network s. InProc. 11th international conference
on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (New2AN 2011), San Petersburg,
August 2011.
Tiago Condeixa, Ricardo Matos, Alfredo Matos, Susana Sargento and Rute C. Sofia, A
New Perspective on Mobility Management Scenarios and Approaches. InProc. MONAMI
2010: 2nd International ICST Conference on Mobile Networks And Management. Aveiro,
September 2011.
António Júnior, Rute Sofia. Energy-efficient Routing in User-centric Environments. The
2010 International Symposium on Energy-aware Computing and Networking (EaCN-2010) .
HangZhou China, December 2010.
Namusale Chama and Rute Sofia. Characterizing Multihop Routing Requirements for Node
Mobility Support. CRC 2010, Braga, November 2010.
Namusale Chama and Rute Sofia. Redefining Link Duration:Making Routing Sensitive to
Mobility, IEEE Globecom workshop SWM 2010. IEEE ed. 2010.
Luís Carvalho, Rute Sofia. A performance evaluation of multihop relaying vs. multihop
routing. CRC 2009, IST, Lisbon, October 2009.
Ling Chen, Xuejun Cai, Rute Sofia, Zhen Huang. A Cross-layer Fast Handover Scheme
for Mobile WiMAX. in 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-07), September
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Xuejun Cai, Ling Chen, Rute Sofia. A Dynamic and User-Centric Network Selection
in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. IEEE International Performance, Computing, and
Communications Conference, 2007. IPCCC 2007.
Saikat Ray, Roch Guérin, Rute Sofia. A Distributed Hash Table Based Address Resolution
Scheme for Large Scale Ethernet Networks. in ICC-07, June 2007, Glasgow, Scottland.
Saikat Ray, Roch Guérin, Rute Sofia. Distributed Path Computation without Transient
Loops: an Intermediate Variables’ Approach. in ITC-20, Ottawa, Canada, June 2007.
Rute Sofia, Pedro Veiga, Roch Guérin. Enabling Scalable Inter-AS Signaling: a Load
Reduction Approach. In ISCC’05, June 2005, Spain.
Rute Sofia, Roch Guérin, Pedro Veiga. SICAP, a Shared-segment Inter-domain Control
Aggregation Protocol. In Proceedings of the High Performance Switching and Routing, HPSR
2003, Torino, Italy. June 2003.
Rute Sofia, Roch Guérin, Pedro Veiga. An Investigation of Inter-Domain Control Aggregation Procedures. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Network
Protocols Pages: 354-363, ICNP, Paris, France. November 2002.
Rute Sofia, Pedro Veiga. Study and Presentation of the Security Architecture for IP,
IPSec. In Quarto Encontro Nacional do Colégio de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Ordem dos
Engenheiros, Lisbon, Portugal.
9.5 White Papers
Carlos Ballester (Université de Genève), Jean-Marc Seigneur (Université de Genève), Rute
C. Sofia, Christian da Silva Pereira, Waldir Moreira Junior and Alessadro Bogliolo, Trust
Management in ULOOP, White Paper 07 (2012). ULOOP European Project, gr. nr. 257418.
Paulo Mendes and Rute C. Sofia, Adoption of Social Principles into a Dynamic Internet
Design, in: FISA 2012.
Luis Correia, editor, Smart Cities Applications and Requirements, Net!Works Technological
Platform White paper, 2011.
Rute C. Sofia, Paulo Mendes and Graça Carvalho (CISCO), Social Sustainability Enabler:
a usage scenario for e-inclusion, EFIA 3rd UsageArea Workshop, 2011.
Rute C. Sofia and Olivier Marcé, User-centric Wireless Local Loop Framework, ULOOP
white paper 01, in: ULOOP. 2011.
Rute C. Sofia, Paulo Mendes, José Legatheaux Martins and Susana Sargento, 1st API
Think-Tank White Paper: the Impact of dot-socialism on the Internet end-to-end Principle,
API Interest Group, 2010.
Paulo Mendes and Rute C. Sofia, 2nd Think Tank White Paper: The role of the Informationcentric Networking Paradigm on Future Internet Architectures, API Interest Group, 2010.
Paulo Mendes, Rute C. Sofia, Susana Sargento and André Zúquete, 3rd API Think-Tank
Meeting White Paper: The Different Perspectives of the Impact of Virtualization on the
Internet, API Interest Group, 2010.
João Mota, Artur Arsénio and Rute C. Sofia, Combining Heterogeneous Access Net works
with Ad-Hoc Net works for Cost-Effective Connectivity, in: API Review, 1:1(41-43).
João Maurício, Artur Arsénio and Rute C. Sofia, Wireless Resources Aggregation: Leveraging Multiple WiFi Virtual Interfaces, in: API Review 2010, 1:1(47-49).
Rute Sofia, Paulo Mendes. User-centricity Impact on Future Internet Architectures. Future
Internet Assembly Workshop FI 2010.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
9.6 Posters
Namusale Chama, Rute C. Sofia and Susana Sargento, Impact of mobility on User-Centric
Routing, MAP-TELE Workshop 2012, 2012.
Andréa Ribeiro, Rute C. Sofia and André Zúquete, Improving Mobile Networks based on
Social Mobility Modeling, MAP-TELE Workshop 2012.
Antonio Oliveira Junior, Rute C. Sofia and António Costa, Energy-efficient Routing, in:
19th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2011) - PhD Forum. Vancouver (Canada), October, 2011.
Namusale Chama, Rute C. Sofia and Susana Sargento, Impact of Mobility on User-centric
Routing, Doctoral Programme MAPTELE Workshop (MAPSHOP) 2011, 2011.
Namusale Chama, Rute C. Sofia and Susana Sargento, Impact of Mobility on User-centric
Routing , in: 19th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, PhD Forum(286288).
Andréa Ribeiro and Rute C. Sofia, Improving Mobile Networks based on Social Mobility
Models, Doctoral Programme MAPTELE Workshop (MAPSHOP) 2011, 2011.
9.7 Relevant Technical Reports
Antonio Oliveira Junior and Rute C. Sofia, UCR: User-Centric Routing: Report on ROLL
IETF Working Group related activities, SITI-TR-12-09, 2012.
Andréa Nascimento, Rute C. Sofia, Tiago Condeixa and Susana Sargento, UMM Work
package 3: User-centric Mobility Management Technical Report 2011/2012, SITI, Universidade Lusófona and IT Universidade de Aveiro, number SITI-TR-12-02, 2012.
Tiago Condeixa, Susana Sargento, Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, UMM Work
Package 2: Handover Management Optimization Technical Report 2011/2012, SITi, Universidade Lusófona and IT/Universidade Aveiro, number SITI-TR-12-01, 2012.
Jon Crowcroft, James Kempf, Paulo Mendes, Rute Sofia, User-Centric Networking, Dagstuhl
Seminar Proceedings 10372.
Andréa Ribeiro and Rute C. Sofia, A Survey on Mobility Models for Wireless Networks,
SITI, University Lusófona, number SITI-TR-11-01, 2011.
Rute C. Sofia, Social Mobility, from Modeling to Reality, SITI - University Lusófona,
number SITI-TR-11-08, 2011.
Rute Sofia (editor). API Review, Approaches to Paradigms of a Future Internet. 2010,
ISSN: 2182-1844.
Burkhard Stiller, Frank Eyermann, F. Heursch, Peter Racz, Rute Sofia. Internet economics
IV. No. TR-2004-04. Universitaet der Budeswehr Muenchen Neubiberg, 2004.
Burkhard Stiller, Burkhard Stiller, Arndt Heursch, Peter Racz and Rute Sofia. Mobile
Systems III, Vol. 2004, No. 2, IIS, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Fak. für Informatik,
Rute Sofia, Roch Guérin, Pedro Veiga. SICAP, a Shared-Segment Inter-domain Control
Aggregation Protocol. University of Lisbon and University of Pennsylvania. TR-02-04, March
Rute Sofia, Roch Guérin, Pedro Veiga. An Investigation of Inter-domain Control Aggregation Protocols. University of Lisbon and University of Pennsylvania. (TR-02-08. July
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
9.8 IPRs
EP 13186562.9, Rute Sofia, Mobility Management Method and Apparatus. COPELABS
(SITILABS). August 2013.
EP 13191667.8, Hassan Osman, Huseyin Haci, Huiling Zhu, Luis Amaral Lopes and Rute
C. Sofia, Method and Apparatus for communication in a wireless network. University of
Kent, August 2013.
EP 1883196 A1, R. Sofia, Axel Hof, Stefan Wevering. Method for packet-based data transmission in a network having mobility functionality, Siemens AG, 2008.
WO2008104497, R. Sofia, T. Camilo, A. Hof, P. Sandrine, P. Nunes, Method for enabling
network node redundancy in an access network, messages and nodes. Nokia-Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG.
WO2008055908, T. Camilo, R. Sofia, S. Pasqualini, S. Wevering, P. Nunes. Method for
forwarding address prefix data in a network and device. Nokia-Siemens Networks GmbH &
Co. KG.
WO2008031868 (A1)/US2008069107, R. Sofia, R. Guérin, S. Ray. Scalable packet based
network. Siemens AG.
EP1903718, T. Camilo, R. Sofia, S. Pasqualini, S. Wevering, P. Nunes. Method for forwarding data packets and access node device. Nokia-Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG.
EP1883196, R. Sofia, A. Hof, S. Wevering. Method for packet-based data transmission in a
network having mobility functionality. Siemens AG.
DE102006015044, T. Camilo, R. Sofia, S. Pasqualini, S. Wevering, P. Nunes. Method of
communication of terminal devices via packet-switched mobile radio networks. Siemens AG.
9.9 Standardization
Qing Zhou, Sebastian Peters, Fikret Sivrikaya, Rute Sofia. LMA Coordination in a Dynamic LMA Environment. IETF Informational draft, NETEXT working group, version 00.
January 2014.
Antonio Junior, Rute Sofia, Energy-awareness metrics global applicability guidelines. InternetDraft, version 01. ROLL Working Group.
H. Chan, Requirements of distributed mobility management. version 00, IETF informational
draft, Distributed Mobility Management Working Group. March 2012.
J. Manner (editor), Analysis of Existing Quality-of-Service Signaling Protocols. IETF RFC
4094. (Contribution to section 7.2 SICAP), May 2005.
S. Jiang, C. Bouras, D. Primpas, K. Stamos, R. Sofia. Survey of IPv4 Dependencies in
global Grid Forum Specifications. January 2004.
P. Nesser II, R. Sofia. Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Application
Area Standards (version 2), IETF RFC 3795, June 2004.
IPv6 Portuguese Task Force. IPv6 Mobility Working Group coordination. R. Sofia (editor),
Análise de cenários de mobilidade IPv6 (Analysis of IPv6 mobility scenarios). April 2004.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
10 Most Recent Software
Mentioned software is usually available via LGPLv3, at, Software.
Luis Lopes, Rute Sofia. WiRank - a tool to improve Android wireless connectivity, COPESITI-14-SW-01, 2014. Java for Android, concept supervision (based on the Mtracker proofof-concept application).
Luis Amaral Lopes, Hassan Osman (UniK), Rute Sofia, Elastic Spectrum Management,
SITI-SW-13-03, 2013, C.
Namusale Chama, Rute Sofia, Mobility-aware metrics for multihop routing, ns module,
COPE-SITI-SW-13-04, 2013, C/TCL (ns2 extensions).
Jonnahtan Saltarin and Rute C. Sofia, MTracker, a mobility estimation Tool, SITI-SW-13-02,
2013. Java for Android.
Jonnahtan Saltarin and Rute C. Sofia, A modular NTCIP extension for ITS architectures,
SITI-SW-12-08, 2012. C++.
Andréa Nascimento and Rute C. Sofia, Decoupling control and data plane of MIPv6 - ns2.33
extension, SITI Software SITI-SW-12-01, 2012, C/TCL (ns2 extensions).
Rute C. Sofia and Christian da Silva Pereira, Mtracker v2.0, SITI-SW-12-07, 2012. Java for
Namusale Chama, Rute Sofia, Multihop routing metrics - Link Stability approach, ns2 patch,
SITI-SW-12-03, 2012.
Ribeiro, Comunity based model standalone simulator with Pause Time modeling function
P(i), SITI-SW-11-01, 2011. C.
Antonio Oliveira Junior, Rute C. Sofia and António Costa, Implementation of energy-aware
metrics for AODV and OLSR protocols in NS-2, SITI-SW-11-05, 2011. C/TCL, ns2 extensions.
Andréa Nascimento, MIPv6 patch for NS-2 2.33, SITI-SW-11-02, 2011. C/TCL, ns2 extensions.
11 Events
11.1 Event Organization
ULOOP Project Exhibition @ICT2013. Vilnius, Lithuania, 6-8th November 2013.
EU IST FP7 ULOOP (User-centric Wireless Local Loop) Second Industrial Workshop. ICIN
2012, October 11th 2012, Berlin, Germany. Presenter and Organizer.
U-NET 2010: 2nd edition of the User- provided networking workshop. Technical Programme
Committee Chair and Organizer. Co-located with IEEE Globecom 2010, Miami, USA.
API 6th Think-Tank: Cooperative Sensing. Organized with CISCO (Graça Carvalho).January
26th 2012, Cisco Portugal, Lisboa. Organizer.
API: Approaches to Paradigms of a future Internet. Portuguese Support Action. Organizer
and Steering Committee Member.
Wordcamp Lisboa, Portugal. University Lusofona organizer.
Dagstuhl Seminar on User-centric Networking. Wandern, Germany.
CeBit2010 workshop - Recoop, Cooperative Wireless Networks. Organizer.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
U-NET workshop, collocated with ACM CoNext’09, Rome, December 2009. Organizer and
TPC member.
ICT 2008 Networking Event Organization, title “User-centric networking: challenges and
opportunities”, Lyon, November 2008.
11.2 Committee Participation
ACM CONEXT 2015, December 1-4 2015, Heidelberg, Germany. Technical Programme
Committee member.
EUCNC2014, European Conference on Networks and Communications, Bologne Italy. June
23-26th 2014. Technical Programme Committee member.
IEEE ICC 2013 - Optical Networks and Systems. December 2013. Technical Programme
Committee member.
Infocom 2013 - Demo/Poster Session. Technical Programme Committee member.
Future Network and Mobile Summit 2013. Technical Programme Committee member.
ICCC 2012 - Communications QoS and Reliability (CQR). Technical Programme Committee
UNET2012, IEEE workshop on user-centric networking. Co-located with ICC2012, Ottawa,
Canada. Steering Committee.
IEEE Baltic Congress on Future Internet and Communications. Technical Programme Committee, 2012.
Future Network and Mobile Summit 2012, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2012. Technical Programme Committee Member.
IEEE Baltic Congress on Future Internet and Communications. Technical Programme Committee, 2011.
Ardworks show-room, Augmented reality with Arduino. Organizer. 2011
Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011, Future Network and Mobile Summit 2011. Technical Programme Committee Member.
EU IST FP7 ULOOP (User-centric Wireless Local Loop) First Industrial Workshop. Berlin,
September 2011.
CRC2011, 12th national conference on computers and networks. Technical Programme Committee member.
CNRS2011, 1st Portuguese Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Coimbra, Portugal.
Technical Programme Committee member.
IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Advances in Communications and Networks. Technical
Programme Committee member.
Mobifnet2010, First International Workshop on Mobility in Future Networks. Technical
Programme Committee member.
CRC2010, 11th national conference on computers and networks. Technical Programme Committee member.
IARIA ACCESS 2010. First International Conference on Access Networks, Services, and
Technologies. Technical Programme Committee member.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
ICC2010 NGS - Next-Generation Networking and Internet Symposium. Technical Programme Committee member.
Mobiwac2009 - 7th ACM International Symposium on. Mobility Management and Wireless
Access. Technical Programme Committee member.
IFIP TC6 Networking 2009. Technical Programme Committee member.
IARIA NEUTRAL09: The First International Workshop on Neutral Access Networks, Cannes,
August 2009. Technical Programme Committee member.
IARIA INTERNET 09. Technical Programme Committee member.
IEEE Globecom 2008 Next Generation Networks, Protocols, and Services Symposium. Technical Programme Committee member.
2nd ERCIM Workshop on eMobility, 2008. Technical Programme Committee member.
IFIP TC6 Networking 2008. Technical Programme Committee member.
ACM CONEXT 2007. Technical Programme Committee member and Session Chair.
20th International TELETRAFFIC CONGRESS, 2007. Technical Programme Committee
IFIP TC6 Networking 2007. Technical Programme Committee member.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2007 - Networking. Technical
Programme Committee member.
QofIS 2004. Technical Programme Committee member.
IEEE LANMAN 2004. Technical Programme Committee member.
IEEE Globecom 2003. Technical Programme Committee member.
11.3 Invited Participation and Talks
Rute C. Sofia, Pervasive Data Sharing, New Directions in IoT / Relevancy in an Industrial
Internet, Event: Siemens AG CT IC2, July 2014.
Rute C. Sofia, The Role of Pervasive Sensing in Connected Mobile Environments, TUM
Kolloquiumseries, April 2014. E43 Rute Sofia. Moving towards a Socially-driven Internet
Design. 4th European Summit on the Internet. Session 2, Internet architectures - fixed and
wireless. 13th June 2013.
UNET 2012: User-centric Networking. third workshop edition, co-located to ICC 2012, June
10th-15th 2012. Keynnote speech.
R.Sofia. ULOOP: Standardization Aspects. Future Internet Assembly Aalborg, Denmark,
Standardization session. May 7-11th 2012.
R. Sofia, Olivier Marcé. ULOOP, The Second Generation of User-Centric Networking.
UNET 2012, ICC2012, Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15th 2012.
Future Internet Assembly Conference, ULOOP: User-centric Wireless Local Loop. User in
Control session, Poznan, November 2011.
R. Sofia, P. Mendes (SITI/ULHT), Graça Carvalho (Cisco). Social Sustainability Enabler.
3rd Usage Area Workshop, European Future Internet Alliance. June 2011, Brussels.
R. Sofia, Advances in Forwarding and Routing. May 2009, invited lecture in University of
Alcalá, Madrid.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
R. Sofia, MAP-TELE Doctoral Programme Seminar, Advances in Forwarding and Routing.
March 2009.
R. Sofia, SICAP, a Shared-Segment base Inter-domain Control Aggregation Protocol. Invitation by Siemens AG, Munich, Germany. July 2003.
R. Sofia, Campus Virtual Pilot: Wi-Fi and National Mobility for RCTS Users. In JOIN’03,
Minho University, Braga, Portugal. May 2003.
R. Sofia, J. Weinberger, Global Networking and Internet2 Digital Video Initiativ e at ICAIR,
demonstration at Terena Networking Conference 2000, Lisbon, Portugal. May 2000.
Pervasive Communication Systems, NEMPS - New Media and Pervasive Systems - PhD programme, University Lusófona. Lecturer: R. Sofia. Mandatory course, second semester.2012/2013;
2013/2014 and 2014/2015 edition.
http: // nemps. ulusofona. pt/ index. php? option= com_ content&view= article&id= 52&catid=
23&lang= en
Research and Innovation Methodologies, NEMPS - New Media and Pervasive Systems - PhD
programme, University Lusófona. Lecturers: R. Sofia (coordinator), João Canto, Universidade Lusófona. Mandatory course, first and second semesters. 2012/2013 edition.
http: // nemps. ulusofona. pt/ index. php? option= com_ content&view= article&id= 44&catid=
23&lang= en
PhD4 Cooperative Networking, MAP-TELE doctoral programme. Lecturers: R. Sofia (INESC
Porto), P. Mendes (coordinator, INESC Porto), André Zúquete (University of Aveiro/IT).
Optional course, second semester, 2009/2010 Edition - Broadband Multimedia Communications.
http: // www. tele. map. edu. pt/ edition-2009-2010/ optional-learning-units
Advances in Forwarding and Routing MAP-TELE doctoral programme. Lecturers: R. Sofia
(coordinator, INESC Porto), P. Mendes (INESC Porto), André Zúquete (University of
Aveiro/IT). Optional course, second semester, 2008/2009 edition - Broadband and Mobile
http: // www. tele. map. edu. pt/ edition-2008-2009/ optional-learning-units\ #AFR
Cooperative Networking, MAP-TELE doctoral programme. Lecturers: R. Sofia ( INESC
Porto), P. Mendes (coordinator, INESC Porto), Maria João Nicolau (University of Minho).
Optional course, second semester, 2008/2009 Edition - Broadband and Mobile Communications.\#CN
Advances in Forwarding and Routing, MAP-TELE doctoral programme, Seminar. March
http: // www. tele. map. edu. pt/ edition-2008-2009/ seminars\ #19
Methodologies of Research and Development, the process from academia to industry. Master
of Business Administration, University Lusófona. Lecturer: Rute Sofia. 2013/2014 and
2014/2015 edition
http: // copelabs. ulusofona. pt/ scicommons/ index. php/ publications/ show/ 353
Scientific Research Methodologies. Master in Informatics Engineering and Information Systems, University Lusófona. 2011/2012 edition. Lecturer: Rute Sofia
http: // copelabs. ulusofona. pt/ scicommons/ index. php/ publications/ show/ 209
Methodologies of Research and Development, the process from academia to industry. Master
of Business Administration, University Lusófona. 2012/2013 edition. Lecturer: Rute Sofia
http: // copelabs. ulusofona. pt/ scicommons/ index. php/ publications/ show/ 353
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
To Share or to Aggregate, User-provided wireless networks vs the Infrastructure mode. Master
in Informatics Engineering and Information Systems, University Lusófona, October 2010.
Lecturer: Rute Sofia.
Delay Tolerant networking, Master in Informatics Engineering and Information Systems,
University Lusófona, November 2010. Lecturer: Rute Sofia
Mobile Systems III, Vol. 2004, No. 2, IIS, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Fak. für
Informatik, Seminars, 2004. Lecturers: Burkhard Stiller, Arndt Heursch, Peter Racz and
Rute Sofia.
http: // www. dtic. mil/ dtic/ tr/ fulltext/ u2/ a438636. pdf
Internet Economics IV. Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Fak. Informatik, Seminars, 2004.
Burkhard Stiller, Oliver Braun, Frank Eyermann, Arnd Heursch, Peter Racz, Jan Scheffczyk,
Rute Sofia.
http: // www. dtic. mil/ dtic/ tr/ fulltext/ u2/ a438627. pdf
13.1 PhD Supervision
A. Ribeiro. Social Mobility Modeling.Doctoral programme MAP-i, PhD thesis. Advisor:
Rute Sofia, André Zúquete (Universidade de Aveiro). 2009-.
A. de Oliveira Júnior. User-centric routing. Doctoral programme MAP-i, PhD thesis. Advisor: Rute Sofia, António Costa (Universidade do Minho). 2008-2014 (26.09.2014).
N. Chama, Impact of mobility on user-centric routing. Doctoral programme MAP-TELE
PhD thesis. Advisors: Rute Sofia, Susana Sargento (Universidade de Aveiro). 2008-2014.
13.2 MSc Supervision
J. Maurício, Aggregation of Wireless Resources. MERC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa.
Advisors: Prof. Artur Arsénio (NSN/IST), Rute Sofia (SITI/ULHT). Concluded with 15
out of 20. 2013.
J. Mota, Combining Heterogeneous Access Networks with Ad-hoc Networks for Cost-effective
Connectivity. MERC, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa. Advisors: Prof. Artur Arsénio
(NSN/IST), Rute Sofia (SITI/ULHT). 2009-2011. Concluded with 17 out of 20. 2012.
L. Carvalho. User-provided Networks: Relaying vs. Routing. MSc thesis, MIEEC 2008/2009,
DEEC, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto. Supervisors: Rute Sofia, Prof. José
Ruela (FEUP). Concluded with 18 out of 20. 2009.
D. Jianglin. Adjusting Ethernet Principles to Large Scale Networks. MSc Thesis, Communications Engineering Program, Technische Universität München . Supervisors: R. Sofia
(Nokia-Siemens GmbH & Co. KG), Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Eberspächer (TU München),
C. Merkle (TU München). 2005.
W. Paprowicz. Enhancing the Ethernet Forwarding: an Analysis. MSc thesis, Communications Engineering (MSCE), University of Cracow, Poland, 2005. Supervisors: R. Sofia
(Siemens AG), Prof. Andrezj Pach (University of Cracow).
M. Rajyalakshmi. A Study on Current Networking Simulation Tools. International Master
of Science in Communications Engineering, Technische Universität München. Supervisor:
Rute Sofia (Siemens AG). 2005.
M. Popa, An Investigation of Real Internet Topologies and AS Relationships, Universitaet
der Bundeswehr, Muenchen, Fakultat fuer Informatik. 06.2004, Msc thesis (Diplomarbeit).
Supervisors: Dr. Rute Sofia, Prof. Dr-Ing. Burkhard Stiller.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
F. Brieler. Designing and Securing an Implementation of SHARK, Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Muenchen, Fakultat fuer Informatik. 04.2004, MSc Thesis (Diplomarbeit). Supervisors: Dr. Rute Sofia, Prof. Dr-Ing. Burkhard Stiller.
M. Meinig, IPv6 Advanced Networking Scenarios I : IPv4-IPv6 Migration Testbed, Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Muenchen, Fakultat fuer Informatik. 03.2004. Studienarbeit nr.
1002627. Supervisors: Dr. Rute Sofia, Prof. Dr-Ing. Burkhard Stiller.
T. Beyer, IPv6 Advanced Networking Scenarios II : IPv6 Multimedia Services. Universitaet der Bundeswehr, Muenchen, Fakultat fuer Informatik. 03.2004. Studienarbeit nr.
1002610.Supervisors: Dr. Rute Sofia, Prof. Dr-Ing. Burkhard Stiller.
13.3 Diploma/Internship Supervision
Patrícia Simões. Hotspot Tracking through Cooperative Networking. University Lusófona,
Cinema, Video and Multimedia Communication. Inês Oliveira and Rute Sofia. Internship.
Ana Luz, A Visualization Platform: the Mood of University Lusófona. University Lusófona,
Cinema, Video and Multimedia Communication. Inês Oliveira and Rute Sofia. Internship.
14.1 Academic Juris
Juri element, PhD thesis proposal “Improving Mobile Networks based on Social Mobility
Modeling”, by Andrea Ribeiro, July 2012, University of Porto.
Juri element, PhD thesis proposal “Impact of Mobility on User-centric Routing”, by Namusale
Chama, July 2012, University of Minho.
Juri element, PhD thesis proposal “Energy-aware User-centric Routing”, by Antonio Oliveira
Junior, July 2009, University of Minho.
External examiner of the MSc dissertation “Wireless Resources Aggregation: Leveraging Multiple WiFi Virtual Interfaces”, by João Maurício, Instituto Superior Técnico. 2011.
External examiner of the MSc dissertation “Combining Heterogeneous Access Networks with
Ad-Hoc Networks for Cost effective connectivy”, Instituto Superior Técnico.
External examiner of the MSc dissertation “Simple and Stable Dynamic Traffic Engineering
for Provider Scale Ethernet”, by António Edgar Carvalho Teixeira, Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, September 2010.
Internal examiner of the MSc dissertation “User-provided networks: relaying vs. ad-hoc
routing”, by Luís Carvalho, University of Porto, February 2009.
Main external examiner of the MSc dissertation “Quality of Service in WiMAX Networks”
by João Diogo Mamede Monteiro, University of Aveiro, Department of Electronic, Telecommunications, and Informatics, 2008.
Main external examiner of the MSc dissertation “Definition of Mechanisms for Communication among Processors and FPGAs”, by Vítor Rogério Gomes Pardal de Oliveira Pascoal,
University of Aveiro, Department of Electronic, Telecommunications, and Informatics, 2008.
Internal examiner of the Diploma “An Investigation of Real Internet Topologies and AS Relatioships” by Monica Popa, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Fak. für Informatik, 09.06.2004.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Internal examiner of the Diploma “Designing and Securing an Implementation of SHARK”
by Florian Brieler, Univ. der Bundeswehr München, Fak. für Informatik, 17.09.2004.
IEEE Communications Magazine Special Issue on User-centric Networking and Services,
Parts I (September 2014) and Part II (December 2014). Guest Editor.
IEEE Transactions on Networking, reviewer since 2012.
Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, reviewer since 2010.
Theoretical Computer Science, reviewer since 2012.
Networks and Communication Technologies Magazine, editorial board member since 2011.
Invited as Independent Expert for the Agency of Innovation, within the context of evaluation
of the National Strategic Reference Framework, 2009.
16 Pedagogical Dinamization
Co-leader of the development of the research and development unit COPELABS - Association for the Research and Development of Cognition and People-centric Computing, which
integrates an interdisciplinary vision between informatics and psychology. 2013.
Co-leader of the evolution of the research and development unit SITI - Informatics Systems
and Technologies - to a private, non-profit association model - SITILABS. 2012.
Co-leader of the five-year plan for the research and development unit SITI - Informatics
Systems and Technologies, 2010.
Co-leader of the PhD programme NEMPS - New Media and Pervasive Systems - proposal
which was accredited via the "Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior"
(Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education - A3ES), 2010 and 2011.
Responsible for the development of the series of brainstorming meetings C-BRAIN from
COPELABS, which are open to the global community, comprise national and international
speakers. 2014.
Responsible for the development of the series of brainstorming meetings S-BRAIN from
SITILABS, which are open to the global community, comprise national and international
speakers. 2010-2013.
Active participation in the University Lusofona Master of Informatics Engineering and Information Systems, having been responsible for the definition of the Research and Methodologies
syllabus. 2010/2011.
Active participation in the University Lusofona New Media and Pervasive Systems (NEMPS)
PhD, having been responsible for the definition of the curricular units Pervasive Communication Systems, and having been actively involved in the definition of all of the other curricular
units. 2012/2013, 2013/2014.
Co-leader of the Interest Group API - Approaches for Paradigms of a Future Internet. API
summoned together several experts from the portuguese and brazilian industry and academia,
in a total of 8 events. 2009-2013.
Co-leader of the proposal and setup of the Internet Area Networking (IAN) work area in
INESC Porto. Work developed with Paulo Mendes. 2007.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia
Curriculum Vitae
Helena Rute Esteves Carvalho Sofia
Active participation in the University of Porto Doctoral Programme MAP-TELE, having
been responsible for the definition of the optional curricular units Advances in Forwarding
and Routing, and Cooperative networking. 2008/2009, 2009/2010.
Responsible for the development of an individual planning and assessment methodology for
the researchers in INESC Porto, 2008.
Responsible for the conception and installation of the INESC Porto Planetlab site being the
purpose to allow researchers and students to take advantage of a wide experimental platform.
Responsible for the conception and installation of the IIS Bundeswehr University Planetlab site being the purpose to allow researchers and students to take advantage of a wide
experimental platform. 2004.
Co-responsible for the portuguese IPv6 task-force mobility working group. 2003-2004.
17 Others
17.1 Scientific and Professional Communities
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers member 41484235, Communications Society, since 2000.
• Association for Computing Machinery member 7103401, SIGCOMM (Special Interest Group on Data Communication), since 2010.
• Direction board of ANICT - National Association of Science and Technology Researchers, 2011.
• Member of ANICT - National Association of Science and Technology Researchers, between 2009 and 2012.
Curriculum Vitae - Rute C. Sofia