Clàriant Office 35%


Clàriant Office 35%


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CLÀRIANT ANGELUS® HOME 10 e 16% yy Tooth whitening should always be carried out under the supervision of a dentist; yy The patient must be in good oral and general health; yy This product is not recommended during pregnancy, brea...

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12xx - 10501200 - 0303042014 - Clàriant Home - Bula.indd

12xx - 10501200 - 0303042014 - Clàriant Home - Bula.indd yy Le patient doit être prévenu à propos d’une augmentation possible de la sensibilité dentaire visà-vis de stimulations froides durant le traitement. Pour stopper cette sensibilité, il suffit de d...

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Bula - Angelus

Bula - Angelus yy En fonction de la sensibilité, plusieurs applications peuvent être réalisées, mais jamais plus d’une fois par jour. yy Clàriant D-Sense doit être utilisé sous orientation du chirurgien-dentiste....

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CLÀRIANT ANGELUS® HOME 10 e 16% yy Tooth whitening should always be carried out under the supervision of a dentist; yy The patient must be in good oral and general health; yy This product is not recommended during pregnancy, brea...

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poladay CP poladay CP poladay CP

poladay CP poladay CP poladay CP • Store product in the refrigerator (2°-8°C / 35°-45°F). • Do not use after expiration date. • Use product at room temperature. PRECAUTIONS: • To be used by dental professionals only. • Wear g...

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Bula - Angelus

Bula - Angelus non cambia il colore dei restauri dentali. yy Lo sbiancamento dei denti può essere inefficace nei casi di denti strutturalmente modificati (amelogenesis o dentinogenesi imperfette, fluorosi) o con ...

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Bula - Angelus

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