remix ensemble summer academy 2015
remix ensemble summer academy 2015
Academia de Verão Remix Ensemble Remix Ensemble Summer Academy th th 27 to 30 August 2015 REMIX ENSEMBLE SUMMER ACADEMY 2015 PETER RUNDEL INTERNATIONAL CONDUCTING MASTERCLASS 27th to 30th August 2015 This year, Casa da Música – Porto will promote the 2nd edition of the Remix Ensemble Summer Academy, which includes an international conducting masterclass with Remix Ensemble chief conductor Peter Rundel, along with workshops, chamber music recitals and concerts. The work will be towards pieces by Edgar Varèse, Olivier Messiaen, Claude Vivier, Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinski. 8 conductors from around the world will be selected as active participants that will work with the Remix Ensemble musicians as well the musicians/students of the Summer Academy that will form the Academy Ensemble. This conducting masterclass also includes at least one individual session (minimum 60 minutes) and group lessons with all conducting students based on videotaped rehearsals. The Summer Academy have two concerts featuring both Ensembles, which will provide the opportunity for the conducting students (chosen by Peter Rundel) to perform. 1. Calendar and schedule Thursday - 27th August 2015 10:00 – 10:30 Opening 10:30 – 17:30 Individual sessions 18:00 – 21:00 Rehearsal - Igor Stravinski: L’Histoire du soldat Friday - 28th August 2015 10:00 – 13:00 – Rehearsals | Individual sessions 14:30 – 18:30 – Rehearsals | Individual sessions Saturday - 29th August 2015 10:00 – 13:00 – Rehearsals | Individual sessions 14:30 – 18:30 – Rehearsals | Individual sessions 19:30 – Concert Igor Stravinski: L’Histoire du soldat Sunday – 30th August 2015 10:00 – 13:00 – Rehearsals | Individual sessions 14:30 – Dress Rehearsal Academia de Verão Remix Ensemble Remix Ensemble Summer Academy th th 27 to 30 August 2015 19:30 – Concert Edgar Varèse: Octandre Olivier Messiaen: Oiseaux Exotique Claude Vivier: Zipangu Arnold Schoenberg: Kammersymphonie op. 9 2. How to apply Candidates should send to Casa da Música the CV, a filled registration form and a video of a recent performance by email to [email protected] The video could be sent by DVD, MP4 or a link. Deadline for the application: 30th June 2015 The communication of the selected candidates will be done by email until the 15th July 2015 Price | € 600 per participant | 100 € per listener Does not include travels, accommodation and meals. The payment should be done until 30th July 2015. Information regarding the bank transfer arrangements will be communicated to the selected candidates. 3. Repertoire Edgar Varèse: Octandre - *1.1.*1.1 – – db – 7’ Olivier Messiaen: Oiseaux Exotiques - Piano solo - 2.1.*4.1 – – 6 perc – 14’ Claude Vivier: Zipangu - Strings ( – 16’ Arnold Schoenberg: Kammersymphonie op 9 - *1.*2.*3.2 – – str ( - 19' 4. Contacts/ Other information Applications email: [email protected] Address: Fundação Casa da Música Avenida da Boavista 604-610 4149-071 Porto, Portugal Tel: +351 220 120 200 Academia de Verão Remix Ensemble Remix Ensemble Summer Academy th th 27 to 30 August 2015 Additional information in: | Casa da Música reserves the right to record the sessions and the final concert for purposes that may include radio or television broadcast, and the participants waive any rights concerning these recordings. All of the participants will receive a certificate. Academia de Verão Remix Ensemble Remix Ensemble Summer Academy th th 27 to 30 August 2015 FICHA DE INSCRIÇÃO APPLICATION FORM Nome completo Full Name Sexo Sex: M F Idade Age Nacionalidade Nationality Morada Address Email Telemóvel Mobile N Obras sugeridas / Suggested works Pelo presente candidato-me a participar na Masterclass Internacional de Direcção orientada por Peter Rundel, Porto, Portugal, 29 de Junho a 3 de Julho de 2014, aceitando os termos e condições indicados. th I hereby apply to take part in Peter Rundel International Conducting Masterclass, Porto, Portugal, 29 June to3rd July 214, subject to the terms and conditions indicated. _____________________________________ Assinatura Signed _____________________________________ Data Date
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Avenida da Boavista 604-610
4149-071 Porto, Portugal
Tel:+351 220 120 200
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