llf?P3 r gly Jlvd
1086 V/eck Anny 8-6-65 125161 Claim pers injury $35.00 ' Weler John 2-6-6? 132216 Atty - workmens compensation claim Week Russsll B 5-5-6? 132216 ©tal - Atty aattlmt S-l4 workmons comp claim #26,054 Weigand Shirley 10-18-65. 125965 ' Pregerson & Costley - "-^laim pers' injury Sc auto dama,i;e $20,100 The Wedding 5- 9-69 145171 Belles - by Diane Overton & Beverly ©offey - claim prop dmg ^£^77 45 Weddington Fred 6-2©-57 1315©I Mo adj inraemoryof-E Bernardi Weightman Virgil B"2-2-65 ' 121441" & Art L Barnholdt - re PC 17585 Amd Ccl Instruction & delete Fire Hydrant Welgle Wm L " 3-14-66 128780 claim pers Injury Weddington II-8-65 I26246 Investment Co PC I9O58 estab Bldg Line Tujunga Ave at Dilling St "Wednesday Morning 1-24-68 136777" Club - Resol coraraend on ?© anniv A Sn.vder Weihs Felice 5''25'65 12419? by Attys Caidln-Bloomgarden & Kalman-olaim pers Injury undeterminAt? amt: Well Herbert 1-3-6? I32586 Weeden & ©o 9-17-68 13836I Bankers Trst Co Chase Manhattan Bank NA - acc bid - Pol Dept .,, Bonds - Electn 1968 weeoman Chas 9-2-65 125510 Atty for Max Solomon - Clalra $10,090 taken from Ed Tarantino Weller John S 12-22-66 132495 olaim auto damage k pers Injury ' Claim auto damasce $46.68 Weeks Carolyn 12-22-66 1324?3' pet Imp Alley Wly Meyler St n r 9th St Imp #AH1-?1296 Weller R J ' 1-3-68 85©47 ' Bonds delivered to-proceeds of sale to Veh Prkg Dist #113-Treas rept "• Weller R J 5-7-68 95177 Adv $304,706 Veh Pkg Diet 111 Bonds delivered 5-3-68-Treas Weeks James 6-15-6? 132216 approp #33,537 settle sup 1? Workmen Comp clalms-Atty Weinberg A Brian IO-9-69 147430 ' Jos Tarhovicky-claim pers inj $15,000 Weeks Marvin G 9-14-66 13055© Atty for T Lindsey-req reconsldsi pers inj claim Weinberg Frederick 3-28-69 143510. Claim euto damage & pers injury W©©l©r Edward 11-29-65 12?O10 Off ded sawer easmt DLM 1903 Lot lOiPr 8853 Weinberg 2-24-69 142983 & Pachter for Frederick Margy ;, claim pers injury $23,000 Weems Vivian 6-3-68 139605 claim pers Injury $150,000 ' Wiinberg/Paehter 4-1-69 143536' for Mercury Sound Systeme Ine = Claim euto damaet i2$@10 V/eger Investments 5-9-66 ^ 129587 PC 19602 chg Bldg Ling W/S Berend St bet 1st k Nly 3rd St- Weinbrandt li=ll=68 l4i038i Russell 0 = PC iiOiO gn ehg S/8 Rayen St ily ialboa ilvd w©hnnan John 7-29-68 139990 Adj in memory - Qlbsoa Mo WQiner va Gity ?=li=68 137013 , ' Atty rept Calif Supreme Oeurt^ deeleion-Frent Yard requirematB ;Welder Nandor h-22-66 Claim personal injuries 129377 Welaer Aadi^w |-i4«6' llf?P3 ©t al-effer ded fer ' r gly Lindley Ave Nly Veatura Jlvd 1087 Welner Andrew W 9-15-65 125625 Appoal re ohg zone E sld© Shoup Ave bet Gilmore St & 270» SlyPC 18732-Plan Dept Welner Andrew W 10-28-68 14082? Appeal dec Plan Comsn re PC 21742 Welner.Andrew W 11-2C-68 l4l76l Appeal decision chg zone PC 21®8 Roscoe Blvd -Topanpra Cyn Blvd c. Welner Andrew 5-23-69 145357 et" al-req zn chg M / s Genesta ,. Ave & N/o Ventura Blvd-Plan ©orasn-PC g23©©&l Welner Herraan 1-31=66 128189 Atty rec acc comproraise tax claim Jp33.74 ' V/eihert Roger 7-12-65 Claira auto damag© #47o©l 12484© Weingart Jen 10-26-65 12608? Vac ptn Valley '-ircle ^ilvd at Rn.c^rnp b]vd - Tent Tr 23983 Weingart Ben —„ 4-2-68 138731 Appeal chg zone & BL Parthenla • St bet ©rion & San Diego Frwy PC 21282-3 "Weinreb Lawrence lC-2-67 136286 Lease office to ©elman Wilkinson1444 Reseda Blvd for Field ©ffice BPW Welnreb L A 6-14-68 139750 Atty for Betsey Ahn Wharton Claim pers inj $5,000- Welner Herraan 1-31-68 137907 R M Kay-F K Scharles et alClaim $1,990 refund business tax Welnrot Irving 10-21-69 !4?585 req zn chg-Bradley Ave fr Bledsoe St SEly- PC 22578 Weiner Ira 7-30-68 139532 Appl re zn chg PC 21538/39-Plan • Dept Weinstein ©t al 6-20-6? 13485? Attys for Phyllis B©rns-clalm auto damag© & pers Injury Weiner Jerome 9-8-6? 135979 Req remove barricade Lassen St -! n r r T o e p / * i r p T « o < 5 e - L'^t ' ' 1 TT* 1 . ^ 8 4 : Weiner & Kane 4-22-65 123764 Ins for Norita © ©ndr© - Claim auto, damag© $28068 V/einer Kaurice lC-28-65 120901 Ccimanic Fld Secy 10th DistKills-Moticn - reanntrnt ^ Weinstein et al 6-20-6? 134862" Attys for Craig B©rns-olalra p©rB Injury undet amt "Weinstein Baymoad 12=29=66' 132531 ; claim auto daraage #55o78 r^elnsteln Robt 4-16<• 6? 113^03 ^' Claim proinapty damai?e $100 : VTeiner Maurice " •" 2'-2'l-66 120901 Appt Ccimanic Field S©cy 10th Dist - Civ Serv ©xempt "Weinstein Robt ' 3-6-68 ' 138374 . Grant pet Harbor View Ave (nr Pnd St) Imp " Welner Monroe 4-9-69 1436?? Req chg zone & BL NW Corner Klftrldee St & Wilbur Ave PC 22234-5 ., . . . jWelner Ralph 1-2-68 137451 PC-21170 -zn chg/remove BL-NW Cor Reseda Blvd & Devonshire St "Weinstein Roberta 4=14-65 Welner Ralph 4-11-68 138899 PC-2l443/44-zn chg W/s Reseda Bl f bet Devonshire & Nly-rem BL N/s _ .D.eY_o.nahlr.e b.e.t...R.e.8eda, ,& .Wly .,, ; Welner Ralph 5-27-68 139532 6 Ira - Req chg zone & remove BL i 7 acres Reseda Blvd bet Devon8hire< . .&. Hlav.atha. St..^. .PC.,21538-9- -... IWelner k Rotman .1-27-6? 132930 , Attys for Linda J Abbot - Claim pers injuries undetermined amt i 12i440 ; Hesol conunend - Cassidy Peinstein Rosa 4-i5-^6 Claim pers injury li940? ; • Weinst66lt'ehas ^ ""^X^^m " 111000; "Chuek" s Retirement Resol eommend « Mills :^eln@toek Sarah 10-10-66 I3l§7i Olaiffl psrs Injury $?50 ; '°WilntharM9rirV^4-li'li|l?4 1 Claim pers Injury $15,000 1©88 Weisman Bernard ' v/ejntraub Charlotte I-7-69 l4250C Adjourn in memory - Bradley : V.eintraub Harry 6-3-65 75403 3PV/ rec deny claim fcr refund outlet sewer chg $756 - Victory & Yclanda -veintraub Harry 9-22-66 13 1393 Claira Befund sewer charge 3-1-68 1385©© Claim pers injury - undet amt Weiss Anne 7-26-68 140341 by Bermack Ins Agcy - Claim auto damage $49.22 'Veiss Bud 2-4-66 12754S'" Wholesale Wine & Liquor Sales- • mens Union Loc 151 -Bernardi sub •P?56 Weintraub Jerry 9-12-5?..;., ?5405 Rsq appear before Ccl re denial • of sewer ch,^ refund-PC 76?5 Weiss David •' 2-17-6? Bsrnard! resol command Weintraub Lorraine 5-17-68 1394©8 Claim property damage.$12,5© Weiss David 12-18-69 148430~ DeLonepre Ave & E ! Centro Ave ded 5^ Weiss Freda V/eir F J 12-1-65 I2695I Pet Horace Ave &, Adasbl Ave (Sc other Sts) Imp - Eng 4-26-65 1315©© 123791' Claim pers injury Wels Laura P 5-29-69 143100 Resol pay trlbute-R Wilkinson Weiss Gary A 12-3-69 148195 for Lillian Soloraon guardian Carl B Stevanson-clalm pers injur^ 12-19-67 137361 Wels Max Appeal chg zone SW c o m e r Wilbur Ave & Parthenla StPC 21066-Plan Dept Weiss George 9-2-66 F-I3II88 ' father of R Weiss-Claim auto dmg - $3,000 Welsbart Clpra 11-24-65 Claim prop daraage riot Weiss liarry E 126977. 4-10-6? I33510"; Claim property damage $9S6.00 Welsbart Ralph 8- 8-68 ©lalm auto dmg $ 5 4 4 , ? ! Welabsrg M 11-26-65 ©lalra p©r I n j u r y #4500 l4©47© 12?0O6 W©lsb©rg S©donlall-23-65 126810 . A & A F a i z a r a n o - Claim prop daraag© riot Weiss Harry E 7-8-68 l40039^ Atty for Claire Ellis BrooksClaim pers inj-undet amt Weiss Harry E 11-24-6? 13?048 & Leon Mayer Attys for Helen Gibhe - Clpim w.romfffui death ©f hyflbflnfii Mnson As^n non .= Veiss Henry 5-17-65 1240^9: Claim auto damage & pers prop loss $775. ' ° Weiss^'^ 10-8-68 " I4li00°l Mrs Jackie Dashiell Reeol command - Ferraro Weise! Lee D 1-2-68 137474 f o r Bernice Lemons f o r Bruce Lemons(a minor)-clalm $1,©©© •.'/eiser'tTiJf'Ttty' 6-23-6i5 124628" for V/ladyslaw Zolklewlcz •^Claira • p e r s i n j u r y i{j5,500.00 "Weiss John & \ 6=1^=65 124562^ Barbara' - Olaim pera preperty damage §2,200= Weiser Muriel 1-9-69 142353 Claim pers inj-excess $90,000 ^Weies Liiyari 5-2^-18 " "' 1394??" Claim aut© damafe $139.35 Weiser Saul 1-17-6?' 132779 k Snadra - Claim for Inverse condemn Alley S Vose St bet Coldwtr Cvn Ave & Van,Noord Ave Weiss Mark H §- i-iP 14|046 by geel A Qeldman Atty.°„_ ^ „ Claim pers Inj ©Ksess $iOO|00Q 1089 Weiss Marvin H 1-30-58 1378-92 Atty for I A & D Wiggins Claim .$525 - pr.op damage Welch James 8-22-6? claim false arrest Weiss Max ' 1-10-5? 132582 ' Req chg zone Topanga Cyn Blvd Dupont St to 300' Nly-PC 2©58© Welch John A 12-3-68 141889 Claim pers inj & prop drag$214,©0© ^' K a Weiss Michael l©-l©-66 Atty for LeJa Litewka Claim pers Injury Weiss Minnie H l-5=.66 claim property daraage }3!571 V/eldon Corp II-I6-65 Claim prop damage riot 135746 12646! Weldon Francis J I-7-69 14231© Clalra auto damage $59.75 127852 Weiss Nathan J 12-3-65 127269 Req chg zone Van Nuys Blvd Bartee Ave tol 10' NE-PC 19126 Weled Julius 4,^22-65 123761 Atty for C Santlllan ©laira pers injury ip3,250 : Weiss Richard 9-2-66 F-1311^^ George Weiss-father - Claim auto dmg - $3,©CO,00 Weled Julius 4-4-69 143616 Atty for Soledad Diaz for Rebecca Diaz - ©laira pers injury $5©,6©© Welker Louis E 6-18-69 145737 ' by Stephen R Rykoff-Claim false arrest & pers Inj $50,000 • Weiss Samuel J 1-21-66 128045 req estab bldg line S sld© Covello St bet Burnet Ave & Ely Sfinulveda Blvd=PC 19256Welas Sylvia 8=5-66 13©8l3 Clalra aute daraage #277o & pers Injury Weiss Sylvia 8-28-69 146892 by Raymond Utin-claira auto drag & pers inj '^'eisser Melvin Ml-24-66 128©8© req quitclaira Alley easmt rear orop 8364 Chimineas St-ptn Lot ^1. ; weist. Jaraes P 9- 4-68 14©8©3 et us - rec sale ©ity prop Wly Ranchito Ave at Erwin St . CAO T BPW - R/W., & Land, Weltz Aaron 2-^=6? 133131 . Library Dept denial claira for pers Injury to son Zacharlah Well Felix 5-20-66 128921 for Palisair Home ©wners Assnre limitations on Cond Use _ approyals-5 day notice :Weller Douglas 3-19-68. 138539 \ Claim pers injury over $75^C©© -' weller Joseph 9- 3-68 1023©4 i PC 11775 - zn chg - Wly term Gonzales Dr Wly/o Woodlake Ave Parcel Mp In H 6 u of Tr Map Wellesley Co 4-15-56 129255 ; Open Space Mtnce ©rd - pet imps ' & plantings in open space Tr 28329 %eils Adolphus Jr 10-2©-66 1315©© i Resol commend Staff Sgt-Bradl©y Weltzer !©-!-69 147296 Lawrence for Peter Rukstalls Clalra pers Inj over $157,©©© Wells Alan 5-13-69 !452©3 & Wayne E ©onnerS^Plalntlffs Atty req Atty defend Thos Reddin Weltzman Kenneth 3-5-69 143136 Dr - Claim pers inj-$5©.44 1/ells Elizabeth 5-24=66 129B04 | req amd MC Sec 42o©0 prohibit selling flowers adj freewy ramps Welch Ann M & 9-16-68 140922 Mark Eller by H Patrick McGarjT.-.Claim-auto dmg $700 & pers iftj & gen dmg in eSc6ss$2663 WeXch'^'Helo'ise'^ '"5-20-68' 139416 Accept "still Life with Pitcher* as gift - Mun Art Dept \. V/ells Ida iselle 7-26-5? 135001 | R©sol commend- G Lindsay "JWelii" Juiir etal "2-3^66 "128296^; PC 19257-NW cor Victory Bivd & " Cedros Ave - zn chs: -Anneal ,1090 Wells M B 1-10-66 127905 k Karen S Wells-Auto Club of So Calif-olaira auto damage Wendt Robt H 5- 7-69 .. 145143 Clalra property drag - $498.©© Wells Mgt © 11-25-69 148©98 Clalra pers Injury $1©,©©© Wenlg Edward 5-14-69 1431©© J - Ferraro Resol extend best wishes Teacher Reraerabrance Day Wentworth Theo 8-25-66 1310?4 Atty for R & J MacMlllan-clalm #225,©©0 wrongful death . D MacMlHan Wenzel Morgan 2-2©-6? 133233 i for Murl©l Lilly & Walt©r Monroe' Claira fals© arrest ov©r #2©,©©© Werkheiser Wayne S 5-31-68 139589 | req abandon plans widen Westwood^ Blvd bet Wilshire & Sta Monica Blvds Werllng Joe 6-5-68 139616; auth att Graphic Arts Internat'l Printing Equipmt Expo-ChicagoJune 20-26 1968-Supplies Dept-CAO Werner Beatrice 1-17-66 127979 claim auto daraage & pers Injury Wells Mary et al 9-3©-66 151459 Claim for death of father & husband - $2©©,©©© Wells ^iauryne B 6-1-6? 13455© claim $41.©4 prop daraage Wells Thos E 11-3-69 147762 Clalra auto daraage $136.21 Wells Virgil R 2-7-69 142747 Atty for Lisa Stuart-clalm auto damage & pers Injury over $1007000 Wells Vurgil R 4-10-6? 13392© for Constance & H G Russell Claim ners injurv k auto damasre $5.©©©" Welman 8-29-68 l4©759 Marinus J - ©laira auto drag $14©.83 Welmers" Everett 'Dr 11-14-68 141646 Appt raemb Commun Redev Agency term end 11-4-72 - Mayor Welsher James 10-15-69 148367 , claim false detention $15,000 "^ferner Carl F l©-13-6? 156456; Req chg zone Ventura Cyn Ave Sly Stagg St - PC 2G995 Werner Donald l©-15-69 147499 for M & E Enterprises dba Rainbow Liquors-claim prop dmg ^Werner Nelson 12-2-65 127153 ©laim prop daraage - relet Weltman Beatrice by 9-11-68 140872 B&L Ins Agency H Claim auto dmg $166,50 Welton W R 12-3-69 claim auto damage 148209 Welty Harold K 6-9-66 13©©2© Req chg zone ©xnard St Ely of Ethel Ave - P© 19737 Welvaert Sarah G 6-18-68 13979© Claim $624.75 auto damage & pers Injury ,'Wendeli Carol 5-5-66 129560" olalm death of animals by Animal; Reg Dept #50,000 Wendt Lauren 5-19-65 124102 Chief Aniraal Keeper Beo & Park- ' req inves employmnt - L K Baum ^Werner Sylvia 8-27-68 140540 Claim auto drag $107.25 Wern©r V©ra Ma© 11-10-66 131972 .1 Clalra pers Injury ,Wern!l Herbert P 4-11-68 138884i et al-PC-2l446-req zn chg-W/s Shirley Ave bet Runnymede St & _.- Six . ...-Wershow Milton J 2- 4-65 12260C, Agrmt w/Wtr & Pwr s e l l 5 Downtowii Office Bldgs - Resol#5?8 Werth Paul 2-20-6? 133213 Clalra auto daraage $113•58 nwertheimer Herman 2-16-68 138128 & Lester-comp settlemnt tax claim $15.76-Atty 1091 Werthimer R 8-19-65 125308 Atty tor 'rank b Cook Claim f.,lse arrest ;j;l©,0©©.0© Wesco Inc Inc 10-24-68 l4l4lO Cia im bus tax refund-$8l5 Wescott Donn G 4-21-68 139©23 Claim undet amt - auto damage & pers injury f/esley Leroy 3-5-65 Claim prop damage #13o5© 122978 Wesley Robert P 8-28-68 l4©©©4 Resol congrat - Wilkinson Mo Wesley Social I-31-68 156??? Service Center-Welghtlifting Club-r>1i lis-Resol congrat ,. V/est Coast 7-3C-65 125©89 Leasing Co -, A|.p! Variety Leasing. Co oper bus service to var servic shops West Coast Rent- 5-3-68 139253 Car System Inc - Req operate Bus Liraosine serv to Pico-Rivera West Coast 9-27-6? I36215" . Stationery & Printing Co ; Claim property damage $13i.49 Wast Coast Tip© Coll=22=65 126755 Claim prop damag© riot "West Coast Trans 1-31-66 110069 Co -Assign taxicab franch3up#2 granted to Tanner Motor Llvary Ltd Grd 13061? West Coast 6-5-6? 110069 Trans Co-Faithful Performanc© Bond #14098?? - PU&Trans Dspt W©3sl©r ^lohard 3-8=65 Shepard Resol coraraend 122888 West Coast Trans 7-18-67 l55l66 Uo- Req chg Ord ?700-Sec Sup #1 71.28- Increase taxi rates • ' Wesson Al l©-2-69 Ferraro resol comraend l46©©© West Coast Trans 8-2-68 l404l2 ^ Co-dba Santa Monica Yellow CoPU&Trans-req rates for wesson Shirley J 8-29-68 Clalra auto dmg' $52.73 !4©751 jwest Airline l-3©-68 1378?4 area-LA Intnl Airport-Bd ©rderA©-15©8-lease-Fed Avlatn Admln_ .i^eraote. rec.ei.ver/trangmltr West Airline l©-!4-69 !203?4 ratnce at Internatl Airport- Bd Airport Comsn-2nd amendmnt to Lease LAA-911 ..Order 16.86 West America 12-22-69 143650 Const Corp-Alley W/o Lurline Ave bet Marllla St & Superior St-ded "west American Ins 16-28-66 13178? Victor M H l a n Claim auto damage' $166.37 ,~West Barbara 11=25=69 Claim pers Injury l48095~ i West Beverly 8-2?-65 125445 iJemocratlc Club-Urg© rename In tei Airport Adla! Stevenson Internatl '< . . Ai rnor.t. <- .Timharlakfi,, . ..... . iWest Coast Basin 1-9-68 1376©! Barrier ProJ-Plans/Specs-LA Co Fld Cntrl Dlst-pbserv wells-Unit H 5-Llberator Av/9!st Pl-BPW West Coast 6=30-69 145900* Trans Co-Appl for Taxicab Franeh:* serve Highland Park=Eagle Rock El Sereno-WLA-Brentwood e|tc ^Westcoast Transp 10-14-69 l4?469 Co-appl renewal taxicab franchise Venice k Pacific Palisades area _ old CF H O O 6 Q Sun 42West Dennis 1-5-68 13756© Claim auto damge $87,90 , I 5°3°^5 123920 retirement S© Calif ldisoB° I Q S O I ©ommead<=>J Oibsoa West H C Mrs • 7=20=6? 132^00 , k Jack .Dilley= Grant pet imp Valaho Dr & Kalmont St= Eng ,-Wsst Heary H llot5.=69 148089°^ ' Claim aut© damagQ $63og6 WQst Sills Ds^s ll°io66 3J2.I&I ' .1 Hospital >= i Mssoi ro e@ats»Q@'^ f©r 9iao29g DOS'v2.§o ^ © s t Joseph ' """'i°i^=68' 139335I Claim aut© damage $374ogS i y, .X-i .092 '..est-Kennedy . 2-19-55 122?o3 Hssociates Inc - clai.m refund ous tax ^90© West Park 5-14-68 15954? Community Hosp - Claim refund West Leslie E 8- 7-69 l46001 Gibson Mo adj in raemory v/est Park Hospital 2-23-66 69060 L Pacoima Mem Lutheran Hosp Contract emerc med services 1 vr „. Kayor-CAG-Recg Hosp ' West Park Hospital 11-2-66 131865 S Mera©! r©n©w contr ©ra©rg S©rv also r© contr West Hills Dra Hosp 'West Lorand 1-14-65 122242 & Jerry Shea-offer ded easement Sly Oak Pass Hd Ely Hutton DrEng V/LA Buddist Church 6-27-66 127046 Mo grant use Civic Center Mall 8-2'7-'^5 - B^-gnde West Park ,8-6-69 146492 Coraraunity Hospital PoundatnClaira ref bus ;tax-$4,531.1© WLA C of C 11-29-65 12?©20" req us© VTLA Civic C©nt©r Plaza wy for n-n/:>f;7'ai'''S In Dec - Braud© mo WLA C of C 4-6-6? 133876 " Mo auth us© WLA Civ Center M a H . 5-5-6? hold commun event-Braude WLA c of c 3-8-68 135876 ~ Req use Civ Center Mall 5-25-68 1 to 5 PM - declare Spec Events'" -. Braude WLA Civic ©ntr 5- 2-69 l45©55 Braude Mo grant perrasn Youth Arts Centr^use W L A Civic Cntr Mall 5-17-69 hold art exhib ""West t"A 4-6-6? 1338?8 Lions Club- granted use Civic Center Mall 5-6-6?-commun event- 1 Braude :W L A Lions Club 1-24-68. 133878 granted use WLA Civic Center Mall 1-51-68-Braude-Mo WLA Lions Club 5-8-68 I33878 ~ Grante use WLA Civic Center MaH 5-25-68 - Sp©c Event - Braude v V/LA Lions Club 1-7-69 133876" Mo grant use WLA Civ Center Mall 1-20-69 - Nowell -« WLA Lions Club 3-25-69 133878 ~ grant use WLA Civ Center Mall 5-3-69 - Braude Mo ' WLA Optimist Club 1-23-6? ,West Mariena 11-25-69 Claim pers Injury •*. l48095 ",^ West' Pafft" ' '3".29-'6S'""" 138'68"3 ~ Commun Hosp Foundation - Claim • refund bus tax $?28,©© : a : INI. i. .^ West Valley Dental 12-4-69 148232' Lab - claim refund business tax ' "West Valley Refuse 4-4-69 1436©9' Collectn Dist #21© - Commun re working conds "West Woodrow W II-28-67 137062" Claim auto damage $238.31 Westchester Bldg 3-22-6? 133645 ' Co-o/z NE/S Foothill Blvd bet • Arroyo St & Vaughn St-PC 20503-4 Plan Comsn 'Westchester Bldg Go 7-14-67 13364*"' Offet ded drainage, easmt to Foothill Blvd- Tr 27189 'l/estchester 2=16-66 1221^3^^ Chamber of Commerce -proposals Convention Gtr k Exhibit HP.11 I3I50O Resol co'"'"end - M Braude West Pico Democrat 1-11-6? 132?lo'^ Club-reso! re prev©nt repeat attack on Jewish population by Nazi garbed men-Fairfax area-Bradle West Rosecrans 8-I6-68 133646 Gasoline Co- req terra Pac Indemnity Co Bond #123253PU & Trans Bd West Valley 11-4-69 14??9© Commun Hosp Foilndatlon Claim refund bus tax $l4,365.?0 " Weetehee'ter 10-24-68 'l41390 1 Citisens Comt et al appl auth ©reet Veterans Mem ManehQSte^. at^Llnooln •" West chaster Fir a" i2=7=6f "i2744i ' Ins Co f o r Savaga Ol©thini= Claim prop damage = riot \ieitchQstbr Homo 7=£|-67"° 13^285 ] Jwneri Protec Aiioe^Raq lnv§a out=©t settlewt-Airaorfc Fdi- re acind Issui=9412 Iniieperfc Avo 1093 Weatch©ster 8-8-66 130820 J r C of C - Agrmt r© I n t l Coramuri Dev Conf - LA - Oct - Atty sub Westchester 11-5-5? 155??? Lariats - Resol con,gratulate on 1000. perform.ance - Timberlake Westco -Products 3-11-66 128?59 req permit overhisad crossing alley rear of 1654 Long Beach Blvd Westco Products 9-15-5? 155055 Grant pet Alleys S of l5th St W of Staunton Ave Imp - Eng Westco Products 11-6-68 I28759 Ord auth Issue perrait const 2 Pipeline bridges Westcott Olive C 2-21-69 141200 Resol coramend - G Lindsay Westem Airlines 12-4-67 137158 Airport Comsn Order 1463-amend pipeline Llc Agrmt 637 readjust date pmt fees to 1-1-7! Western Airlines 8- 7-68 103855 Inc -Addl spec© Sat©l!lt© Bldg#5 AO-1464 -arad L©as© LAA-44-! (?th Amdrat) Western Air 5- 2-69 145©28 Lines-Airport Corasn Order AL-1588- Lease LAA-367 Hangar/ mtnce LA Intl Airport c^ Westem Alr Lines 9-16-69 146609 Protest Appl Alr Calif & pet to Intervene to PU&T Dept Western Airlines 10-9-69 !25©64 Bd Airport Corasn-araendrat to .. il^rori^-LnnkE^k^ Internatl _ Western Brass Works 4-6-66 129146 Claim refund bus tax $1,00© Westdale 10-6-65^ 125877 Properties-PC 18916-7 zone chg SE/s Sardis Ave SWly Sepulveda Western Causalty 4-29-68 139154 & Surety ©o - Claim $15.42 auto damage Westergard Cyril 5-5=6? 131500 Bradley resol on retlrarasat Western Commander 6-27-6? 134915~ Req app lease - Runway 26- Van Nuys Airport- Bd Airport Comsnrs Westerman P K & 7- 1-68 139989 Jean -auth sale City prop W/o »ey -CAO-BPW Walgrove S/o Dewey "Western 3-23-6? 133677' Continental Bldg Corp-release restrictn vehicular access 9455 Arleta Ave re Tr,I3I78 Western Airlines Flag Mexico Placed In archives NO CF Western Dept Stor©ll=igc65 1266?3 Ciaira prop dassiag© riot Wosteim Alr Lines 3=9-65 95I|.6l ; Airport Comanrs 4-th Amaad to leas^ 36? - Hangar & Mtneo fae Intl _ Airport Western Development 2-15-65 12265?^ PC 1795? - zone chg SW/s Winneba go St Nly Minnehaha St W©3t©rn Alr lln©s 7-29-65 125064 t & oth©r alrlln©s=AO 123? thru 124.^^ am©nd l©as© 1111 thru 1115 ino •' W©stern Electric 4-20-65 123496 Rod k Gun Club-Favor renarae V©nic Pier after lat© Jara©s Smith ' ''•^'©stern Airl!n©s 12-6-65 1038$5 3rd Araendrat to L©as©-Sat©ll!t© ' #5 bldg-0rd©r A01192-Alrport Cprass "Western Engineering 2-19-65 1 2 2 ? ^ & Mfg ©0'= claim'refund bus tax $479.12 : Western Airlines 2-21-66 Leas© 4th Ara©ndmt #LA-441 - Space; Satellite Bldg #5 Intl Almort Bd .Airport. Comsn .Qrder..A0,,l278 Western Exter,^ 5«29'^68 mlnatbr Co » ciaim au'to damage $64,94 I W©stern Airlines 6-1-66 Western 2^19-69 U2914 Exte^lnator Co^clalm auto d£unage $99,05 129885 Airport Resol 3764 -Leas© Sat©!-lite Bldg #2 - Int'l Airport j Western''Air"l£rie'B 16-20-67 "I03855 ©rder l483 - 6th Amendmt Lease 1114 - Increas© landing fee « Airport Comsn « I ' ' • ^' " ^.. i/estern Federal 3=30^66 129Q2Q Say & L oan Asin^ Ciaira refund ,©00 bus tax 1094 Western Federal 6- 1-66 129899 Savings k Loan Assoc - Refund bus tax $2,500 Westem Pioneer 6-12-68 139685 Co-claim refund bus tax $1,000 l\?estern Govt 8-16-66 13©939 Research Assn ©onf- Palra Springs 9-29- BPW auth Harry Johnson att Westem Spring 2-24-69 142973 & Mfg Co-claim refund bus tax $1360 Western Government! 9-28-6? 136255 Research Assn - Req emps Bur of Eng attend conv-Lake Tahoe-l©-5-5 Western Union 5-28-65 123926" Telegraph Co -Llndsay-iiesol coramend equal qpcrtunity employer Western Greyhound 5 - 6 - 6 5 123980 Lines Corp-Llc Agrmt park City equipmt & veh Bur St Mtnine-W side M a d e Ave bet 6th k 7th Sfca V'/estslde Hosp I-I6-69 1©5©24 Req reopen vacate ptn Alley N San Vicente-Fairfax to ©range Grv "'V(/estern Insulated 4-8-65 123560 Wire Co - © H i m refund $928.85 bus tax Western Union 3-1-6? 133398; Telegraph Co - claim refund bus tax #1,44© Western Investrat 1-28-66 1281?4 Ltd & Home Investrats Ltfl-offer ded easemt Lots 5 & 6 Tr 23©68Blantyre Dr to Mulholland Dr westerh Ihvestmt l©-24-66 123©?? Ltd - Req perrait record 3 raaps in lieu of 2 - PC l8©4l Western Jewish Inst 6-3-65 124322 Revocable Permit const Pedestrjai bridge Alley Nly Beverly Bl bet , pSinsettia ri/Alta Vista -"Ar-BPW Western Marine 3-17-6? 133594 ; Supply-reo vac prop S/S Venice Blvd bet Redondo Blvd & Sycamore Ave Western l©-!8-66 131655 Mobilehorae Assoc - Req changes MC re Mobilehorae & Trailer Pks n^estern Oil k Gas 1-27-66 108?90 Assoc- req ©xt termination date c of drill r© amend MC Sec 13.01-J Western Un Tel ©o 1-4-68 . 137519 Notice prop tariff chgs Westem Video 12-23-65 12??26 Transmission Corp - Appl for CATV franchis© in City LA westgate-Cailf I-36-67 "13294©: Corp - Lease #92-const fish canneries on harbor land Biy of Ways St - Harbor Comsn-©rd 365© Westgate-Calif 1-5-68 137556 ] Foods Inc - Lease oper fish can- ' neries Terminal Island - 25 yrsHarbor Comsn order 3734 Westheimer Co 6-25-68 139877 claim refund bus tax $880.40 West Hill Doctors 7-12-6? 135122 | Hospital- Appeal chg zn NW cor Sherraan 'A'ay & Royer Ave- PB 20?15 Westminster 1-24-68 1378©9 i Ave School-LA ©ity School Distreq vac Wave ©rest Ave bet Main St ._ Sr. NElv Westminster 7-17-69 l46l5g Book Store - ©lalm ref bus tax ' $5©3.57 • Western Pioneer Co 12-18-68 l421©6i Claim bus tax refund-$l,7©© Weston C L 5^11=.66 129641 i et al!=pet sewers NiehPls Cyn Rd & LaCastana Dr & other sts?" ' : Western Pip© 8-16-6? 134541" Plaintiff's Compact- re emp spec Counsel- V/&P Rssol 143 "Weston Ernest 3^26^68 Claim auto damage $g6,©5 : Western Pioneer 2-l()=6'5' ' 12263T Ins Co - Claim auto damagepers Injury : Weston John W 12^1^66 ] req vacate Gold Pl adj prop 1001 N Ave 6? jWestem Pioneer 6-24-68 139861 Ins Co for J D Sessions Jrclalm auto damage $425 U/esfcoaJohn V: Jr 8=23,6? Ipgiy Eeq post Surety Bond re iup #1 vac Gold i-iaee adj prop at IQQI ij Aye 6? 1095 Weston Joseph 9-21-5? 135l48 Clal:v: property da-age $50.00 'Weston Stanley 11-15-5? I56922 Comp Tax claim settlement $57.45 City vs Westphalen Leonard 4-5-66 128254 Reduce assrat property Virgil Ave sidewalk improverat - BPW V/est Hosecrans 3-22-6? 133646 Gasoline Co-Appl renev; pipeline franchise-Shoestrlnp- Strip bet 12>th & 133rd Sts " Westsonian 4-3-6? - 133813 Institution - Req City consider bu.y prop bdd Fiscusroa-lst-Fremont Diamond Sts _ Waatsonlan 5-10-6? 134388 Workshop - D Brown- urge lower grade on Burikar Hill Westway Petroleum 1-18-65 122280 Co-Appeal re chg zn NE corner Vanowen St & Independence AvePGs 1?682-1?683-Plan Dept Westway Fetrol©um 3-19-65 123713 R©q relraburs© relocate traf sig Ventura Blvd & Colfax Av© "West Wilshire 5-16-66 1296?6 Medical Center-req ehg zon© NE side Barry Ave Ely Wilshlrepc 19671 ;Westways 6-15-6? I315OO Resbl oomraend-B Mills Westwood Art Assn 1-5-68 'A'estwood Village 4-1-56 129©?© CH Developmt Co - Req vac ptn Alle'^ Galey Ave-Kln ross to Lindbrook ' Westwood Village 1-25-69 142526 Developmt Co - Appeal zone chg Glendon Avp -f'v Wpvmmith l^^f-f to Slv 4 3 Q ' Wetzel Ben F 5-21-69 1431©© Wilkinson Resol comraend Wetzel Harvey J 4-29-65 1.2387f PC l8©95-6 -Appeal zone chg & RL - E/s DeSoto Ave bet Nordhoff A-. Dearborn Sts _ Wetzel Harry 6-9-66 1299©© r . Resol commend - Timberlake Wetzel T L 3=21^=6^ Claim auto daraage #84°65 123302 W©xl©r Harold 2=23-6? Claim auto damage #52o 133268 " tfexler Howard A 4-25=6? 134l69 ~ Claim auto damage & pers Injury Weyand Harvey Ed 8=13=65 125263 Cl«»i»" Aii.to damawo fir porp inju'n' • Weyburn Medical ^-13-66 140552 Building - Claim f.r0f. clmg $25» 136??? Resol commend - ed©!man Westwood Cooperative 8=8-68 140468" , Folk Dancer - Spec Event-WLA M^10-20-68 - BIW . Westwood Fed 8'=4i.c:.66 130570 Republican Women- sug ohg Lk Intl Airport to Wto H" Parker Ais>p6i "Westwood Warth© 12=12=66 13234-6" chg zone Nly Hart St & Ely Fulton Ave-PC 20295 Westwood ResearCh'6-23-6?,. 122183 Inc-Rept re study of LA Conv &':.Sxh Ctr-lssue $35.©©©,©©© Rev. ..Eoads...::-Eayjar. >. Westwood Village 5°18°65 l^^Mhf Development by Consolidated Ilutual Ins CoaMary Hiokok-elBis) ' pers injury WeyerhausQr C© " loi7^66" ' 12799©" 1 Bd Bee S Park Comsaro Sosel 5367s^q permissioa S Q I I 130 ohar@o gteek Whole as Crow' ' 12=30=69 "1483601 TabQra-elQim eefuad b@v tas ' $628 . Leoa 3°7=67 ©mp ia^pos Humaa Rolatioas Advisa, May©r tub req Human Relation Bus' ' Whaley Leen E 1-12-68 135435 i Human Relatns 0©men=app as Ijtee Direetr Human Relatne Bur-Olvel = Bmr.v fixemat^Boa ... ..... >...... =, Whallay Rey M 9°ll=6i 140902 i I Claim paro inj 1100.00 1096 Whan Voren E 2-13-6S 135002 adjourn In memory-J Potter mo Wheeler Genevieve 12-9-68 Claira auto drag-$131.43 'Jhapeles-Harold C 9-19-68 141004 65 3 H Bauch - Claim auto dmp $121.32 ^' Wheeler George A 6-11-68 132216 et al-Atty rec approp $48,100 settle claims - Workmen's Comp ' Wheeler H T 5-31-66 129870 Grant pet Imp -Cynthia Ave nr ©leland Av© imp -Eng Wharton Betsey Ann 6-14-68 13975C by L A Welnreb Atty -Claim pers ini S5,nnoWharton Marie l©-2©-69 147548 Claim prop drag undet amount Whatley Jerry 2- 1-65 122499 Eng recora grant pet imp Hart St nr St Clair Ave Imp Whatley Miriam 5-4-6? I3432I Mo appt as Sr Clk Steno fill in absences in Ccl offices-Mills Whatley Mriam lC-3-69 l458?l Mills Mo app Admin Secy off 13th Dist eff l©-6-69 Wheatley W© V 2- 5-65 II67OO Prof Fire Fighters Inc Loc 748 Arad Ord 77738 sst limit 9 vol deductions per pay check Wheatman Paul 8-12-69 146582 Claira prop damage $5© Wheaton Alma 1-6-6? 1315©! Adjourn in memory - Mills Wheaton Betty 3-8-6? .133454 • for Anthony Henry - Claim pers Injury #5©,©©© Wh©eland Elizabeth 1-26-66 128128" et al-pet-Telfalr Ave & lakeside St Imp #AH1-61824-Eng • Wheeler Aaron 7-11-69 !46©74 l4l9?4 ' Wheeler Henry 2-5-68 - 137967 Issue dupl Bond & couponsBond #12-0swego St- series 4Treasurer ^heeler John E 9-8-65 125530 Besol oommend retirementL Nowell Whe©l©r Julle 3-6-6? 133423 Claira false arrest #2,5©© Wheeler 4-29-69 1436?© Leonara H - Snyder Mo adj In memory Whelan John 6-14-66 112923 Approp $1©,424 settle ct case Wherle & Anderson 12-31-69 148610; Attys^for F N Pauly et al Claim rental fr prop $1,0©©.©© •'.i/herry Charles I-15-69 l424lo' Claim auto damage $96,35 Whisenant John W 8=18-69 l46001 Sgt - Snyder Mo-Adj in memory • Whit Inc 3-26-69 143464 Claim property damage $5j549.28 Whitaker Beverly 12-16-69 claim false arrast 148397 Wheeler Donald 14-19-65 126701 quitclaim, future Alley Lots l=2=t ? Tr 16754 & Lots 2-3 Tf I6383 Wheeler Ernest M 9-16-68 140937 Claim auto dmg $146.73 . :, White Alio© 4-1=68 138400 ' Snyder-adjourn in memory of Wheeler Eva lC-23-68 141373 Claim auto dmg-pers inj ©xc©ss $212.45 White Andrea 10-17=68 1413( by S M Dana = Claim oersonal injury = exoesi ©f $1Q5>000.C Claim i7?o5l aute domoge 1097 White Art 1-15-6? 132?6l Mo ineestigate Ccl accudes acc " payment place Prop "P" on ballot Nowell - CH White Ernie Ins 3-15-66 1288©5 Co for Herbert S t u l b e r g - Clalra , auto daraage #75.8? White Bruce A 11-27-68 l4l359 ' Claim pers injury $25,0©© White Ernie Ins 12-1-67 137145 Inc-Paul E S t e m - c l a i m auto damage $164.22 V/hite Clara 11-19-68 l4l7l6" Claim auto damage $165.©7 i/hlte Ernie Ins 7-29-68 !4©349 Inc & E l i e Jones - Claim auto • drag $242.99 White Charles I32605 White Front S t o r e l l - l ? - 6 5 126510 ~ Claim prjp damag© riot 134©55 " "White Front Stores 12-9-65 127504"" Inc by Interstat© Dept Stores Inc - claim prop damage -riot 1-3-6? Claim auto damage $?©© "Whit© Charles 4-19-6? Claim auto daraage $841.11 Whit© Georg© & R 11=23=65 126854.: Claim prop damage riot White Charles l-lC-68 156777 Artist-MHls-Resol commend White Don Lee l©-20-6? 155©©! ~ White Georg© 3-22-68 138606 | Claim pers property damage Resol commend - Bradley White Donald 7-25-69 146314" for Kenneth White a minor-claim daraage undet arat White Georgia ' 3-I7-67 (Sister)-Rcsol commendJ Cassidy I31500 White Donald E 7-7-69 145998 claim auto damage $82.25 ,^ White Geraldine 2=13-69 142813 claim auto damage $178.70 White Douglas Q 5-27-68 138400 adjourn in memory-A Snyder "white Glen P 7-25-67 132^^16: Settle V/orknien's ^omp Sup 21' claim- Atty • White Edith.E 4-25^6? 134166" Claim auto damage & pers injury undat amount '"White Harold E 2-'2"9-68 I38OO© •' "Hack" - Resol commend E Bernardi " w h i t e Edward l=30o67 F a r r a r o mo adj memory " Whit© Harry C 8-15=68 140004 Resol oommend- John Marshall Hi Soh- Snyder Mo I3l501 ~ Whit© Emma 2-26-65 93515 raq r©mov© namas fr pet spaylag '•• of animals •' White Emmett M 6-17-66 !3©!54 . Claim return personal property "White Ernestln© '8-10-65 12519? claim pers Injuries $273.50 White E m i © Ihs 2=14-66 128370 Co for Harry R Ceasar = claim ' auto damage $33e90 ^ ' White Horse 8-25=69 146803 Inn aka White Oak Poods-Claim bus tax ref= ll.,457.^9 'white Horse Ina 8=25=69 l468l3 aka White Oak Pda lne= Claim bus tajs ref = 1551^3.^8 l\rhit® leabQl " 4=2d=6| iaiil? . Qrant ^et imp 2nd Alley W of • Cahuenga bet Ragal Fl k Alloy Sly _iPW .,., .., . =, Whit© Ivan L ^f29=6| 123i?7' . W/i Craner Ava Nly Lamay St ° In.? •= ''©e aee ^ffer ded ^aewt !i 1098 White Gretchen 12-30-69 148575 claim pers injury $5,000 White Patricia 4-1-59 l4354l Claim pers injury $!©,©©© white Jay 5-19-66 129754 by D Lander- Claim false imprison" $27,©0© '//hitd Paul 4-17-69 145822 Claim auto damage & pers injury White Jerome M 4-22-69 145884 Claim refund bus tax $5©2 i/hite Ray l©-24-66 • 131722 Pet granted Colon St-Alaraeda St (& other Sts) I-np White John T 1-4-66 12?836. claim auto damage (riot) White Robert B 6-14-6? 134?92' Appeal c/z W/s Woodlake Ave sly 1 Ingoraar St-PC-2©64©-4l './hite L L (Dr) 10-15-65 125622 Holraan Methodist "-^hurch Edelman Re.sol-commend " White Robert E 7-7-69r: 145996 claim auto daraage $191.29 White Lawrence E 11-4-69 l4?796 Req vacate ptn Topanga ©yn Blvd adj 9©12 Topanga Cyn Blvd " White Robt L 6-17^66 13©l48 • Claim auto damage White ^eon 5-15-6? 1344-39 . ©laira pers Injury #5©,©©© White Ronald Le© 2-10-6? Braude resol commend White L©wis W l©-l?-66 131456 Att League Calif Cities San Diego - 10-16-66 - CAO " White Mable 8-II-69 14656© " Claim pers Injury & prop damage White S S Co 2-27-6? 133312 Claim refund bus tax #582»4.5 White Marion 3-13-68 138468 Claim pers injury undet amount White i'^emoria! 11-15-65 ' I26369 Hospital- quitclaim s©w©r ©asmt ptn New Jersey St bet Boyle k Bailev- Store-WesterfeJd etal White Michael 11-2-66 131501 & Steven B- Nowell mo adj raemory V/hite Myrtl© M 9-28-65 125771 131500 White Thomas 2-7-68 135002 adjourn in memory-J Ferraro wwh-it,p k 8-23-65 111746 J M Arnoff Propertiea - Req accept future sts Tr 29686 White Wm B{Mrs) 2-18-65 ""122731 ' . Alleys Sly 90th St k &ly Main St Twn - Ens recom erant pet imp " White Willie 3-28-69 14350?' Req Atty defend Sanit Bur ©mp So Bay MUn Ct 4-2-69 - BPW ' Whitehead James I-7-69 142309 i Claim auto damage $165.94 Claim auto daraag© $92.14 White Oak Foods 8-25-69 146813 Inc dba White Hors© Inn-claim bue tax ref - $5,103.58 Whit© Inc bus : White Oak Foods 8-25-69 146803 " dba Whit© Horse Inn-Claim tax ref-$1,457.99 Ola I-fae 11-3-6? 136?53' Clalra pers Injury $15,0©0 "Whitehead Joe 3=12=69 , 143100 i Resol eemmend = Perrar© "Whitehead TaubQ C 10=5=66 Hrs-olaiffl prep damage I3152i "Whitehead W L 10-27-6? 13^669 _, Claim preperty damage $33i.?3 no.-<- r 1099 "Whitehouse" 5-6-68 119849 Endorse Pinnacle ©rganization req lower age permit particinate in dance concerts - Ferraro " Whltehill, Jess 12-6-66 1322?2 for Ruth Schumacher-claim for death ^^ax Schumacher \.^ Whltlock Raymond 4-?-69 143636 Grant pet for Alley N Poplar Blvd (nr Stockbrldze Ave) Imp Whitlow Raymond B 5-14-68 I39356 Claim auto daraage $45,25 '/fhitehill Rosalie 9-27-6? !362©6 Claim auto daraage & pers injury $1©,©©© Whitraan Gertrude 4-6-65 123495 Recora deny claim for pers injury • Rec & Fk Dept VJhitehouse Jack- ? 8-8-6? 135528 Claim $6?,©0''auto dmg Whitraore Howard 6-20-68 139799 pet Imp Alley S/1 Golden Ave (nr Wadsworth Ave) Imp A'11-81395 Whiteman Airport l©-9-69 l4?424 Whlteman Mfg Co-req vac prop & st easmt "Whitnall Brysis 2-10-69 (Mrs)-adj in memoryTimberlake - Mo Whiteman Mfg Co lC-9-69 l4?424 Req vac prop st & easmt In 'vTiiteman Airport Whiteman Paul 1-2-60 155©02 '" Bernardi-Mo-adJourn in memory of Whitnall Gordon 3-13-6? 13246© appt to Blue Ribbon Citizens Comt-L E Tirabsrlak© Whiteside Wm A 9-4-69 l460©© Thanks for contributions Gibson tv-hitfield Joan ^ 6-22-65 124593"" ^laim p e r s . i n j -undetermined araount. 142300 'fhltnall Gordon 5-24-68 138©©© . Rasol congrat - Bradley "Whitney Robt R li=?-68 l4i588 ' Clalra pers Injury $50s©00 ."Whitsett Wra Paul 4-9-65 122100 "' Adjourn in meraory - oernardi Whitfield Jordan 11-13-6? 1350©2~ Adj in memory - Laraport-Kotlon (See G Woodfifild-Nep-ro Actor) Whitt Leonard 9-27-6? 132216 Approp fds settle Sup 23 Workmens Comp claim-Atty Whitfield Lynda G 6-20-69 145763^ Claim pers InJ undet amt " Whlttaker Corp 10= 7-65 125901' Claim refund bus tax $l?,83So?8^ Whitfield 10-21-68 141200 Vantlle - M l H s resol commend "whlttaker Corp Whiting Bemle 6-9=69 145573 clalra false arrest & pers injury $13^500 Whlttaker Corp Whiting D B Inc 1-18-68 137726 ' Claim undet amt - auto damage ° Whlttaker Corp Whiting Malcolm 7-28=69 146001 Marine Pfc = Wilkinson rrio adj memory "Whltlock Brent K 3-15-68 I38503 Claim auto damage $851.34 9=28-6? 136236; Claim refund bus tax $10,689.6© 9-28-6? ' 136237 ', Claim refund bus tax ^3j441.0? '9=28=6? 136i39] Claim refund bus tas $6,495.60 Whittakir'"HortVn"sTT=3°66 • "126247 "(• POi 19346=7=S 020th St=Qraffl@rey Pl/Wly Wiitern Ava° §a ehg & BL ; . . . . khittofeor &au?Q 3°3j=65 liiSSS 1 1100 .Whlttaker Stephen 1-5-68 157511 ©laim $5,©©0 - pers injury WhittlnghlH's 5-26-69 145464 Restaurant Claim property damase ^5,549.28 Whittle H F 9-19-68 l4©985 by St Paul Fire & Marine Ins dup coupons - Alley W/o Meyler nr Crestwood - Treasurer Whittlesey Andrew 6-28-68 139931 req c/z £e b/1 Balboa Blvd bet Magnolia & Otsego Sts-PC 21615Plan Dept '/jliolesale Wine & 2-4-66. 127549 & Liquor Salesraens Union Loc 151by Bud V/eiss - att to file Wian Robert 7-16-69 l46l55 Chas - Mayor appt as mbr Bd^^ Pension Corasn-term end 7-1-71 vacancy resig.Paul J Marache Wick LeRoy G 1-27-65 122429 et al-req chg zn NW.slde Grand Ave bet 39th St & 35©' NElyPC 17875-Plan Comsn Wickens Lillian 4-15-68 158919 Claim. $'275 - pers injury . Wickersham lC-23-69 147623 V/yman-for Mildred Peironnet claim pers inj - $7,329.5© Wlckham V Berle 9-11-69 146980 req trans territory fr City LA td Glendale-loc Glendale City limits SWly/o Sleepy Hollow Dr Wickliffe Willie 4«S;0-6? 133915 Denial of claim for Bers injury Rec & Pk Comsn V/icklin Roy Van 10-2c-65 125^2i D R Lavery-D L Lyon-'v.' Valley Pol - Explorer Post ^515 i3oy . 3couts-3hepard-"esol ^Widdows Dr WalterH-lO-65 Claim prop damage - riot 126298 Widdows Walter II-I8-65 Claira prop damag© riot I26569 ,. . Widgerson Michael 3-20-6? 1315©l" adj In memory-Paul Lamport Wldlss Al & L 11-23-65 126802 ,B1-Rlte Furniture Co- Claim prop damage riot Widoff Joyce l©-27-6? 156657 Photo Exhibit l©-51-6?-CH Galler^ Mo declare Spec Event - Lindsay " itfidom Chester A I-I9-66 122628; et al re juris over grading operations at Jnt ©omt mtg of *" Bpw & B&S -E Edelman Wieder Harriett M 9-I6-65 119800 exempt fr Civ Serv Prov-olase Adrain Coordinator-Mayor Wlederholt 12-11-69 148317 " Caroline by B Wiederholt-claim pers Injury Wiedmann 0 Ev 4-7-65 123525 Clalra refund $218.5© w©©k abaterat Wiener Alexander 1-11-6? 132706 " Submit Notice of Intention recall Cclman Louis Nowall Wiener'Alexander 4-14-6? 133953 , re ords open flame torches-trashcoitalners-emersc phone numbers stores k commerciai establlshmts. Wiener Goldie l©-19-6? 1327©6 ' et al- Notice of Intent petition for recall Cclman Loula R Nowell Winner Kr & Mrs 7-10-6? 134913 ' Harry- re hrr; bef or© Sup //2 ' Ccl re 6-23-6? Century Plaza Hotel raatter Wiener-Mour 6-6-6? 134698 & Klein for Joyce Jarrett-olalm • pers Injury Wlener-Mour-Kleln 12-31-69 l486l2 , k Aronson Attys for R Donathan Appl flle late claim for pers •Inl - ITnrtt flmt Wiesenthal Dr A H 11-10-65 I26285, Claim prop damage - riot •"WlgaarAflihS 4-17-6? 102696 . Notiee ext least 1 yr rent Radio Transmit sit© Oat Mt Mayor-BPW Wigg Marjorie 3''9-66 128733. ©lain aut© damage i75»00 "Wiggini Bobby 1=13=69 142378 Appl file lata claim Ss Claim aut© damage $150 ' 'Wiggini Irving A 1 .30-68 1371 & Daviel - Claim ^525 = prop damagt ^a HOl Wlr.ginton John R 7-5-67 Rec set.fcle claim- Atty 132216 Sup 20 Wigraan Tys Jr 5-24-6? 134553 etal - offer easmt Lot 55 Tr 5471 Clayton Ave Sly Ronda Vista Dr Wigod Belle 8-1-6? 135359 C-omplaint- /^.an, TV noiseKec anti-i«oise Urd Wilber F Parker 9-10-69 146000 resol extend thanks-G Lindsay V/il-Ber Bldg Co l G - 1 0 - 6 9 147445 P l a n Case 22565'- r e q zn chg Berendo St .Nly••'WHshire Blvd Wi.l/Ber Properties 4-2-59 145554" Inc - Rea chg zone 2 lots PC 22215 ^Wilborn Mrs A T 11-12-65 126322 pet imp Tarzana Dr nr Mecca Ave Imp ^Wilborn Rlchnrd L 3-21-6? claim auto damage §38.4© I33630 ; Wilbur Dorothy' M '5-26-69 145468 Claim property damage $50 ' Wilburn Curtis 4-15-65 123654 Claim pers injury $6,000 Wilburn Teddy 10-2-68 Claim auto drag $65,5? 141152 Wilcox E L 3-12-65 123107 etal- Claira refund lic tax #475 Wilcox Frank H 5-7-65 12392© acclaim distinguished entertainex J Cassidy resol i Wilcox Idiinyrtle 8-15-6?. 13420i ' tiP\,V rec req for assmt sidew&lk repair 213© 3rd Ave be denied Wilder K M .4-50-59 145972 for Std ©11 co-zn chg- v//s Roxford st bet Foothill -Blvd & *Foothill Frwy-PC 22140-Plan Dept Wilding Michael 5-6-65 123975 req quitclaim deed sewer ©aserant & offer ded addl easerat-Lot 3© Wiles Gordon W 4-8-65 123566 Clciim refund-~$152.68-xbus tax " Wiley Eugene H 10-27-65 ' 12474© Holland-Mo-Adj in memory..j._. • Wiley James G 5-11-65 Co-claim refund bus tax $2,1©1H1 Wiley James G Co 129633 6-24-66 15024? ; Claim refund bus tax $2,950.64 "Wilhite Everett 10-2©-6? 156575 Claim refund 4l78.76-Assmts Bur Wilk Barry R 7-19-68 138773 ' 474.2 Conchlta Way -Item #8? ' Sidewalk Repair Retp #908 Cancel assmt #3©.33 - BPW-St Mtnce Wilk Le./is 12-1-65 12?08C Cl-jiirc prep damage - riot Wilk Nat 11-29-66 132183 for.Sam Frederick- Claia pera injury $5©j,©©© V/ilk Richard 12-1-65 127114 Claim prop daraage - riot Wllken Leone 1-22-68 137778 Claim $258.04 - auto damage ""Wilkerson Dorothy 3-17-5? 13099? exempt lorov CS pos Motivational SpeciaHst-office Commun DevHayor Wilkerson Kenneth 12-3-69 148210 , claim auto damage : Wilcox P IJirs' 3-4-68 156926 Deny protest sidewalk repairs 2150 5rd Ave ' Wilkerson 9-1-66 F-131173 Liilie Mae - Claira auto dmg$282.38 IWild He^nry G/ * "'2-2Y-66' 128546 Cosette - Atty req approp $136.TDnpy Par l ^ Sc Rk R/w 25270 - Wilkerson Paul 3-12-65 Claira auto daraag© #72. : Wilder Chas T 11-8-6? II9856' Req waive Cond #2 re vac 55th St Carolina St to Alley Wly Wilkes Gail E" ^-1-o8 -' Ciaira auto dmg $85.31 123118 140394 1102 Wilkins Harold 11-27-68 141851 Estab bldgline Ashton Ave bet Veteran & Midvale Aves-PC 21962 Wilkins Ike 6-28-66 12420? Req. auth defend - Atty Wilkins Lady Mrs 5-7-69 Wilkinson Robert o-2-6? 135389 ;• i-io inst assmt prcdgs- i/ordhoff St. 'oet Sylmar Ave-Sepulved^ tilvd 134?65 • '"V.ilS:irison Robert d-3-5? 13134© 1 Ko process w/exp prcdrs Sup #1 Roscoe blvd nr Ov^ensKouth Ave Imp './Hkins Marion ?-lc-67 135195 Claim excess :p200.84 pers inj Sc auto dmg Wilkins Ronald 1-29-58 13?870 Leroy-Claim undet amt - false arrest Wilkins Ronald 11-6-68 l4l551 Claim false arrest $75©© Wilkins Wm E '^T — •^ •-» . - n - JU r^ 6-20-69 145751" ^ w«.«v f* "^ c r\ Wilkins Wm T 3-15-6? Hesol commend-B Hills 1315©©" Wilkinson Bud 11-21-69 •l46000 Resol commend - Ferraro Wilkinson Kenneth 4-8-.66 12918? Claim auto damage V/ilkinson Robertll-1-65 Shepard resol conmiend Vvilicinson Robert 5-2-5? 1353o8 i-:0- inst assmt prcdgs- nordhoff St bet Sepulveda Blvd-Balboa Blvd 142500 Adj in raemory - Bernardi Wilkins Marion 6-13-6? claim pers injury V/ilkinson Robt 8-1-6? 13537? • Resol Airport Dept inves flying out of Van Nuys Airport 126100 \vilkinson Robert 7-24-57 .135262 Resol desig V//o Balboa blvdbound by Vanov/en-V/ilbur-i'^icoriugeVanalden Sts-V/ Vailev Ad:i:.in .Ctr I V/ilkinson Robert 7-25-6? 135281 • • Mo instit assmt prcdgs- Imp W/s Rayen St- E / o bertrand Aviw t o ...indley Ave !Wilkinson Robt 7-31-5? 135364 Mo-t-ag rept conditions Canoga i^lectronics Corp gain drivaway access to V.iH'.iec-ka Ave Wilkinson Robt' ' 8-3-6?""" 10402© " Mo CAJ study use Saugus Sup #6 • Re'r:iab Ctr as '""Regional Emerg . Training Facility" 'v/ilKinson Robert o-3-6? 135002 i I-io idj memory Kathryn "Mom" McCre»die 1/vilkinson Robt 3-8-6? 102679 1 Mo-CAO rept addtl ;!il5,200Uorbin Ave nr Lanark St Imo ProjAHl-81358 ' . . .., Wilkinson Robert 8-8-6? 124256 •.: Mo process Lindley Ave &,. Sup #1 "' Chase St imp with expedited prcdrs V/ilkinson Robert 8-10-5? 1312y4 Mo Atty prep Urd-levy 3/i Sup #2 utility use tax on gas-elect-tel "V/ilkinson''Robert 8-15-6? 135632 ": Mo inst assmt prcdgs-' Haskell Ave bet Superior St-i/ordhoff St . Imp . . Wilkinson Robert 8-15-6? 135633 i Mo -inst prcdgs 1911 Imp Act' Hoskell Av^ Det Nordhoff-Chase Sts Oombine v;/Hcskell oet Raveri-Chiise "v/ilkinson Robert 8-15-5? 128965 i-io expand Hayvenhursti Av Sup #1 Nr Napa St Imp V/iikinson Robert 8-15-6?' 135001 Resol commend Dr V-.arren Campbell ' V.-iikinson Robert 8-15-57 135645 | Mo inst ossmt prcdgs Haskell Av bet Ssii Fdo Mission Blvd-Tulsa St _ .. & be.t, S.^tn Oieero Fv.'v-Giivnor. Ave ._ ' Wilkinson Robert «-l6-6? 1356/^5 j • Mo inst assmt prcdgs LaSsen St bet Hayvenhurst Ave-bal&o« bl & _ ...-bet Vini-,ii.i>ft S.t - Li .'-.sfinSt . ^V/ilkinson Robert o-17-6? 13565? ^• ': Ko Dur St Mtnce const temp sidev;alk E/s V/ilbur Ave oet Napa-Ciiase Sts •-*T. N O J..-).* : I 1103 VV'ilKinson Robert 8-18-6? 1356?6 i-.o iiisb prcdgs .V/oodley Ave bet R i n a l d i St-San Ferni;ndo Mission blvd 'V/ilkinson Robert 8-13-6? 1355?? i.O Bur fi/vv L Land o f f e r ded Chc-tsworth St L Hayvenhurst Ave Wilkinson Robt 9-18-6? 156090 i Mo inst prcdgs for Tupper St bet San Diego Frwy & Haskell Ave Imp v/ilKinson Robert 8-l8-5?> 135675 Iio l a s t assriit p r c d g s - Roscoe Bl 'bet V/oodley Ave-balboa blvd jmp Wilkinson Robt 9-18-6? 15609I Mo inst prcdgs imp Nordhoff St Bet Louise & Zelzah Aves V/ilicinspn Rooert 5-22-6? 13572';^ i.O i n s t assmt prcdgs 3 / s Stagg St o.et Kncino-V.'hite Oak Av.e S.. E / s ' \ . n i t p Oa;: r^ve bet S t a s s - i i a c i c o v S t s .V-ilicinson i'ooert 6-22-6? 135732 Uhi i ; . ! .0 . St iio i n s L. c i o osrr. o e t ivnite J a - c - L i n d l e y Aves &. Ja.niieson Jive IJIV uiiase St i.^iikinson R o b e r t 3 - 2 2 - 5 ? 135731 i-lo j n s t p r c d g s Ii.:p S / s I/aoa S t b e t Yolanda t, V.ilbur /ives >/ilkinson Robt 9-18-6? I56092 ^ Mo inst prcdgs imp Parthenla St ' bet Haskell S Gothic Aves Iviiicinson R o b e r t 0.-22-6? 135730 . i-.o i n s t assn.t prcd^'s San J o s e S t Det i i / n c i n a - i e l z a i i Aves o.. \./'s _. riiicin-n o e t Sao J o s e 3 t c2 S l v V/ilKinson K o b e r t O - 2 O - D ? 135802 I-.o-inst assr:it prcugs P a r t h e a i a St uet oaiCdiUc-"inn.(jxj<a .^.ves V/ilkinson I^o'bert 0-28-6? 135803 i.o i n s t assi.;t prcdgs i//s iioscoe olvd oet i-u-tiiDura jiVs-UcBeaa blva • V/iikinson 'Robert o-2d-57 135804 i-.o i n s t assiut prcdgs Partliieuia St bet iVn.igo Ave-Alliso Creek ."Wilkinson Robert 8-51-6? 1558?5 "" Resol declare Spec Event L A Indian Fair - 9-9-6? '•.VilRinson Robt 9-6-6?' 155956 ' Mo amend P&F Sal Stand ©rd provid tlelicopter Pay for P&F assigned' to detail _ "Wilkinson Robt 9-5-6? 155935" Mo inst assmt prcdgs Nordhoff St Balboa Blvd to Louise Ave ["Wi-lkinson Ro'ot 9-6-6? . 15595? ^ Mo inst prcd.gs i.mp Nordhoff St .Reseda Blvd'to Tamna Ave "Wilkinson Robt 9-6-6? 155938"" ^. Mo inst prcdgs imp Nordhoff St Zelzah Ave to Reseda Blvd ; Wilkinson Robt 9-8-6? 102686 • Mo process Reseda Blvd bet Roscoe Blvd & Strathern St with Curb-to-curb imn fds-addtl ^6 OOQ Wilkinson Robt 9-8-6? 155969 Mo inst prcdgs for Hayvenhurst A & for Parthenla St V/ilkinson Robt 9-l8-6? I56095 Mo amend Charter estab Ccl as single Sal Fixing Authority for all City emos Wilkinson Sobt 9-19-6? 155001 <' Resol commend G Carlos Smith Jr Wilkinson Robt 9-19-6? 155l06' Mo inst prcdgs Parthenla St & Haskell Ave Ltg Dist Wilkinson Robt ' 9-26-6? 156198 ; Mo inst prcdgs Nordhoff St & • Hayvenhurst Ave L D "Wilkinson Robert 10-2-5? ' 156285',' Lease Field office 1444 Reseda • Blvd fr L Weinreb-begin 10-1-6? BPW Wilkinson Robt 10-2-6? I5628I i Resol install sidewalks Devon- ' shire St bet Oklahoma & DeSoto Aves Wilkinson Robert 10-5-6? 155001 Resol commend Judge Donald A ©dell - retirement Wilkinson Robert 10-5-6? 155555" Mo inst prcdgs complete im.p ' ' " ©akdale Ave bet Roscoe Blvd & Saticoy St "Wilkinson Robert 10-11-6? '155001 Resol set aside Week 16-l4-6? •Nalt Newsnanerboy V/eek "Wilkinson Robert 10-11-6? ' 156^3? Mo waive rt to notice or protest appl of K-Tax Inc for liauor lie 8201 Canoga Ave WilkinsonRobert 10-15-6? IO5545 . Appt to LA Co & Cities Disaster & Civil Sefense Comsn Wilkinson Robt 10-15-6? Resol commend Joe Benaron l'55001 1104 Wilkinson Robert 10-17-6? 10050© Appt.serve as designee on Comt on Prpposed Legislation - Timberlake Wilkinson Sobert 11-6-6? I5677/' Resol express appreciation to Wilkinson Robert lC-17-67 156482" Mo auth assmt prcdgs com.plete DeSoto Ave bet Gresha.ra &. .Roscoe Blvd Wwilkinson Robert l©-17-67 156485 Mo auth- assmt prcdgs- coraplete Roscoe Blvd bet Winnetka & Oso & bet De Soto & Variel Aves Wilkinson Robert 10-17-6? 15648^; Mo auth assmt prcdgs complete Lassen St bbet V/hite Oak Ave & ?.e. "Zelzah Ave & bet Lindle.v & Reseda Wilkinson Robt 10-17-6? 156502 Req auth assmt prcdgs comnlete Roscoe .Rlvd bet Corbin/O-'^'Tdsle Aves imp "Wilkinson Robert 10-17-6? I56505 Mo auth- assmt prcdgs comolete DeSoto Ave bet Nordhoff St & Osborne St Imp Wilkinson Robert 10-18-6? '129668 Mo invest re leases & contracts granted by Harbor Comsn without bids Wilkinson Robert 10-18-5? 155485" Mo auth assnt prcdgs co.mplete Saticoy St bet Mason & DeSoto Avet Wilkinson Robert 11-8-6? 1568©?; Mo att Town Affiliation Conf Week of ll-5©-67-statler-Hilton Wilkinson Robert 10-13-6? 156485" Mo auth assmt prcdgs com.plete Saticoy St bet DeSoto Ave & Canoga Ave 'Wilkinson Robert 10-13-6? 156488"" Mo auth assmt prcdgscomplete Saticoy St bet Wilbur &'Corbin Aves Wilkinson Robert 10-19-6? 155001 Resol commend Pacif Tel & Tel Co Police Recruiting Program Wilkinson Robert 10-19-5? 155002"" Mo adjourn in mem Robt B DriscoH"' Wilkinson Robert 10-27-6? 155001 Resol commend Insp Henry W Kerr UDon retirement Pol Dent " Wilkinson' Robert 10-27-6? I56661 Mo inst prcdgs imp Mason Ave bet Rosoce Blvd &"Saticoy St ; Wilkinson Robert 10-50-6? 155001Resol commend Metromedia Inc & ''Wilkinson Rob nv. 10-50-6? 156687 bert imp Plummer St fr Mo inst prcdgs Van Nuys Blvd to San Diego Frwy Q-rrip-r o f Mp-ri gri-l c-f;,Q_lCn pr^TliV Wilkinson Robt 11-15-6? I25589 '• Mo initiate zone chg prcdgs SW- • cor ©akdale Ave & Devonshire St . -hrg within ?5 days Wilkinson Robt ll"-2©-67 I56987 ; Mo inst prcdgs imp .median islanai Parthenla Pl & in Sepulveda Blvd Wilkinson Robert 11-21-67 Resol adjourn in memory William.G Lauesen 135002 ; Wilkinson Robt 11-22-5? 81615 ! Amend instructions PC 8556 & 1222 permit zone chg by 6 insteao of 4 ords & tr maps Wilkinson Robt 11-22-67 157016 Mo inst prcdgs i.m.p under Dual nrbj De Soto Ave bet Devonshire •Wilk^n^^i^"'"^o^bt''"^^ 11-22-57 ' •15701? Mo inst prcdgs im.p Reseda .Blyd • bet Plummer & Nordhoff Sts Dual & CAP Imp projs Wilkinson Robt 11-22-6? 15?0lS; Mo inst prcdgs imp Reseda Blvd ' Lassen to Plummer Sts under Dual & Cap Imn Pro.js Wilkinson Robt ""11-22-6? 157019 ' Mo inst prcdgs imp Reseda Blvd Devonshire to Lassen Sts under Cap Imp Projs "Wilkinson Robt 11-27-6"? 156???! Resol commend Glen A Berry Wilkinson Robert 11-27-67 Resol adjourn in memory Roy E Noon 135002 \ Wilkinson Robert 12-7-67 137208 ; Mo-trans $5,000 to Cap Proj Woodley ave (W/s) fr Nordhoff to Parthenla Sts r Wilkinson Robert 12-8-67 135677 j Mo trans $23,000 to Chatsworth ' St & Hayvenhurst Ave LD Wilkinson Robert 12-8-67 137249: ; Mo-BPVJ assign emerg priority 3 imn Droi.<?-Nnrdhoff Rt nr- Woodley Ave & 2 others . . . Wilkinson Robert 12-26-67 135002 , adjourn in memory Rose Torrence. 1105 Wilkinson Robert 12-26-67 135002 adjourn In raemory Nettle Perrish Wilkinson . 1-2-58 157455 Mo-1968 Legis Program-distlnguislbusiness invent pers prop fr other tazable prop Wilkinson I-I7-68 156777 Resol commend Ned N Shafer WHk.inson 1-24-68 I2652O Resol-Calif Hwy ©omsn amend Simi Valley Fvr/ Agrmt move DeSoto Ave V/ilkinson .,., ... .1-26-68 157846 , Resol-laws to illegal use LSDmar ijuana/danger ous drugs-place Wilkinson -. 1-29-68 155002 Adjourn in mi'emory of-Ma J Gen--- --•— Clarence A Shoop Wil'k.inson ' •: T-'50-68 157757 Resol-CAO rept-CA© Unit coordinate State/Fed asst programs Wilkinson • '1-51-58 15677? Resol pay tribute to Luther Skaggs Jr • Wilkinson Robert 2-6-68 137979 req install loudspeaker fr Ccl Chamber PA system to Room 320BPW Wilkinson Robert 2-13-68 135002 motion adjourn in memory Donald L Highley Wilkinson Robert 2-16-68 138137 Mo-inst assessmt prcdgs imp Swinton Ave E/s bet Chatsworth St & 660» Sly Wilkinson Robert 2-26-68 138232 Mo-ihvestlgate proposed Plan Depf mtg 2-26-68 at Furniture Mart Wilkinson Robert 2-27-68 138000 ' Resol commend 136th Military Airlift Group & Maj Gen Glenn C Ames "^ Wilkinson Robt 2-29-68 1380©0 " Resol designate Fir© Fighters Day 2-29-68 Wilkinson Robt 3=1=68 138323' Resol Atty furn members City ' Comsns with copy Brown Act as amended "Wilkinson Robt '3-6-68 " 130?3l'" Mo inst zon© chg prcdgs 16 acrei, Reseda Blyd bet Citronia k 96I' h Wilkinson Robt . . 5-11-58 1S84©C Adjourn in memory Benjarain 'Donnp.y Wilkinson Robt 5-12-68 . 158455' Mo prcdgs complete ©wensraouth • Ave bet Devonshire & Iferilla Sts Wilkinson Robt 5r2©-68 , 1384©© Adjourn in mem Chas E Fuller •//ilkinson Robt 5-21-68 I2632© Resol amend Sim! Valley Prwy ap;rmt move DeSoto Ave interche into County V'Jilkinson Robt 3-25-68 . 138©©© ' Present resol to Maj Gen Glenn C Ames for 146th Alrallft Group Wilkinson Robt ,3-25,-68 1384©© Adjourn in raemory Navy Kospital man Miohnel, B Bprrett •,7ilkinson Robt^ 3-27-68 128441 " • Mo elira prop progress paymts fr Azul Circle & Azul Trail & other Sts Imp Wilkinson. Robt ,3-'28-68 1386?3 Mo inst prcdffs Roscoe Blvd fr Aliso Creek (W.ly Wilbur Ave) to Corbin Ave '/(/ilkinson Robt . :3-28-63 l3S6?4 ' Mo inst prcdgs Haskell Ave fr San Jose St to DfivonshirR St Wilkinson Rob©rt 4r8-68 136282' Mo-CA© trans Qas Tax Fds fr various projs to Hayvenhurst Ave , ;nr Napa St Imp proj Wilkinson Robert 4-8-68 138821 Mo-auth assmt prcdgs 1911 Imp Acl Ord 102,700-imp Chase St bet ... Lindlev Ave & Re.^eda Blvd Wilkinson Robert 4-8-68 138OO© Resol commend Oliver Hardy Wilkinson Robert 4=15=68 138929 Mo-BPW rept to CAO-aoe neo R/W Bidewlks-S/i Laiien St bet Wilbur .. Ave k Vanalden Ave-Nobel Jr, Hi Wilkinson Robert 4-15=68 138928 Mo-OAO rept-trani $500 unexpend ' Qas Tax Fds to-Hoso©e Blve nr Reseda Blve Imp .pr©j .., •. ; _. Wilkinson Robert 4-15-68 1389it • Mo-initall temp'sldewlks-W/s Zelzah Ave bet Kalisher/Rlnaldl St. Ss Rinaldi at llam Sehoel Wilkinson Rbbtrt 4=l§-68 138000 Resol QOfflffl©nd=Iarl L Radkt 1106 Wilkinson. Robe'tt- 4-18-68 138OOO Resol best wishes-Highland- H a H School ••. • Wilkinson Robert 4-18-68 1580OO Resol best wishes-Thelma T Mahoney Wilkinson Robert 4-22-68 138©©© Resol coraraend-William Guralnick Wilkinson Robert 4-22-68 1584©© adjourn in raeraory of-Louis N Schacher Wilkinson Robert 4-25-68 158©©© Resol deslgnate-Flre Service Day 5-4^68 - .. Wilkinson Robert . .4-25-68 138©©© Resol .comraend-Post.3834-VFW: & post 845 American lJig/©ommandrs D P •Mackin/D K ©!iver-Patrl4tle Wk • Wilkinson Robt 5-8-68 : 1584©© Adj IA memory Cpl Geoffrey R • Taylor Wilkinson Robt 5-13-68 ,1384©© Adj in mera ©pl Patrick Bruckner Wilkinson Robt 5-14-68 .1384©© Adj in mem ©scar Bryant Wilkinson Rob.t 5-14-68 !3,8©©0 Resol commend Dr Ralph Prator • / ' • . ' • Wiikinspn Robert 6-6-68 M o - a d j o u m in memory Cpl Joe R Courtney Jr 138400 Wilkinson Robert 6-12-68 . 139707 Kor.CAO Sa Atty sub prop., Charberr Amendmt require -est revenue for .,:, prop.; budget, available prior adoptn Wiikinspn Robert 6-14-68 115798 Mo- Cost of Living prov for Disabled pensioners & survivlnp widows & dependents -Flre/Pol Wilkinson Robert.. 6-18.-68 139.778' Mo-assmt prcdgs 1 9 H Imp Act& ord l©2?©©-Encino Ave bet Chase ... .<;t-. fr. •Ropcoft Blvd Wilkinson Robert 6-18-68' H 3 9 7 7 9 : Mo-assmt prcdgs 19II Imp Act & ©rd l©2?©©-McNulty Ave b©t Hatton ... S't & Saticoy S t ' Wilkinson: Hobert 6-18-68 138.0©©. R.esol 'congrat-Larwln Group, Companies 2© Anniversary' ' Wilkinaoni Robert 6-24-68 139873" Resol Calif Hwy Div advance scheduling Fwy Agrmt for Whitnall . Fwy across San Fndo Valley Wilkinson Robert 6-24-68 115710 trans $54,899 to Parthenla St (nr Louise A v e ) fr 4 projects Wilkinson Robert 6-28-68 138000 ; Resol commend & urge select aa one of Ten Outstanalng Men of . America Wilkinson Robt M 7- 3-68 140004: Resol commend John E Miehelmors- ' . Wilkinson • Robt 5-21-68 13944? Mo acq r/w imp Citronia St bet Reseda Blvd & Yolanda Ave-Yolanda bet Allso Creek & Plummer St Wilkinson Robt 5-21-68 139448 " Mo acq R/S complet© Imp San Jose' St bet ©klahoma & Mllwood Aves Wilkinson R M ?- 8-68'.140462 , Resol- Waive annex fee -parcel • vio DeSoto St extens/Simi Valley Prwy if annex prcdgs filed 6 moa Wilkinson R M 7-16-68 139990 ' Mo - Adj in memory Harry Engelund Wilkinson Robt 5-24-68 1384©©"" Adj In mera Capt John E Duples Wilkinson R 7-26-68 140331 ; Mo-RebHpap & PU&Trans make study Priv Aaoul Operators mak© veha avallabi© provfflfaergfraaap Wilkini©n R M 7=g6o68 ii{.0004 Res©l pay tribute-f©0hir© Shimaifi©uoi^O©noul General Japan Wilkinson Robt 5-24-68 138400 Adj In mera Terry Hwrrlngton Wilkinson Robt 5-24=68 138©00 Resol commend Bro John McLaughln Wilkinson Robt 5-24-68 130000 Statement of Fln Comt re 1968-69 City budget , Wllkin0©n R 7-E6=68 M©-afi©pges)ey Fr©©io ©n a l l hirlag & prem©ins Gol o©ntr©ll©d depto uniQSQ app by C©l'»lnd©p d©p Wllkini©n Rebirt M 8=6-68 l4044l M©-ingt aoamt predgs-1911 Aot & , Qrd 102.700-Am©at©y Av© bst Tuba/ ./ 'UIO? Wilkinson Robt 8-13-68 Mo- adj in raeraory Rayraond L Blessing Wilkinson Rbt 10-21-68 l4l359 Mo-inst assrat prcdgs Nordhoff St bet De Soto & Canoga Aves • . . Wilkinson Rbt 10-21-68 14134© Mo-lnst assrat prcdgs Roscoe Blvd bet Balboa BlvdZelzah Ave Wilkinson Rbt 10-21-68 141357 Mo-inst assrat-^ prcdgs Devonshire St bet OklahomaCanoga Aves Wilkinson Rbt lC-22-68 139819 Mo-reimburse ©elman Snyder $245.72 represnt City LA Araer Lep'ion Indiananolis lC-14-68 Wilkinson Rbt l©-25-6^, l4!4i5 Commun fr Wm Korst r© Sales Tax Tablss us©d by R©ta!lers 139990 Wilkinson Robt 8-22-68 139819 & Snyder $55© ea - Natl Conven New ©rleans 9/5-13.for Conven 1971 in'LA - LaraoortMo Wilkinson Robert 8-28-68 140004 Resol congrat Robert P Wesley Wilkinson Robt- 9- 4-68 I3856I Mo & Atty rept- City LA O'Melveny & Myers- sale Pol Dept Bonds be approved Wilkinson Robt 9-l©-68 15999© Adj inraeraoryPol ©ff Gary, Wayne Murakarai Wilkinson Robt .: 9-l©-68 15999© Adj in memory LCpl Michael G Hutson ' Wilkinson Rbt l©-28-68 ' 13999© Adj msmory Mrs Arthur Freedman Wilkinson Robt 9-17-68 14©952 Mo- Rec & Pks Dept rept f©as Install Drag Strip - San Perndo Valley Wilkinson Robt. 9-17-68 15999© Adj inraeraorySpec 4 Gary R McPall • Wilkinson Rbt l©-29-6& Resol commend John P Tarquinio Wilkinson Robt 10-31-68 l4l493 Mo ©xpedlte ord prohibit estab commerciai uses in industrial zones Wilkinson Rbt 11-7-6& 13999© Adj msmory Lloyd Parker Wilkinson Robt 9-2©-68 13999© Adj in raemory - Aklra Ikeda Wilkinson Robt 9-18-68 13999© Adj In memory Army Spec 4 David © ©ahlln Wilkinson Robt 9-26-68 124256 Mo -, approp $5,©6© ret wallguard rail & cert sidewalk Lindl©y Av© & Chase, St Imo Wilkinson Robt !©-l-68 136226 Mo-am©nd Cc! instructn 12-27-67 r© PC 2©96l Wilkinson Rbt M !©-2-68 !4©9?7 Mo-L R Nowell-LD 0111DC Tlllraan attd mtg Washingtn DC Sepulvda Dam-water reclam plant Wilkinson Rbt lC-21-68 l4l336' Mo-lnst assmt prcdgs Parthenla St bet Lurllne" Ave/ ©anoga Av© Wilkinson Rbt l©-21-68 l4l34l° Mo-lnst assmt prcdgs Saticoy St bet Topanga Cyn Blvd-Shoup Ave . Wilkinson Rbt l©-21-68 124256 Mb-CAQ rept addtl approp 13,060 to proj Llnd!©y Ave & Chase St I 1412©© Wilkinson Robt ll-l4-68 141200 Apprec Assmblyman Frank Lanterman Wilkinson Robt lfc-22-68 l4l200 Salute members Orover Cleveland & Jas Monroe Hish School Wilkinson Robt 11-22-68 l4l?90 Mo inst prcdgs Plummer St bet Seoulveda Blvd k Woodley Avo CF Wilkinson Rbt 12-12-68 136IO8 Mo-resoind Cel aotn 9-19-67 v" re Parthenla St k Haikell Ave LD Wilkinson Robt 12-11-68 "l4lg00 Commend Arlen© Roberts-Miss Teen-Aae LA Wilkinson Robt 12=13-68 136198 Mo-reseind actn 9=26=6? ©©mp elea lti sys N©rdh©ff=w©©dley= Balbaa 5 Hayvenhurst=N©rdhfr=Sunbux Wilkinean Robt l2»31-68 141155" Mo Clth Clk ©btain eapiii Srand Jury transeripti Indlettd City ©ffleials ^um Wilkinson Robt M I-3-69 l4l2©© Resol commend Andrew Saphiloff . Wilkinson Robert 2-4-69 141200 Reso! comraend Charles W Janess Wilkinson Robt I-6-69 l4!2©© . Resol salute Chas Langhuaser Wilkinson R 2-4-69 adjourn In memory Delorss Swartz Wilkinson Robt 1-7-69 l4l20© Resol salute Canoga Park Hischoc Football team & coaches Wilkinson Robert 2-17-69 141200 Resol wish contd success Wm W Putney Wilkinson Robt l-lC-69 142362 Mo ord estab Sewerage Fac Charge based on land use of increased /Sewage discharge • Wilkinson Robt . I-I5-69 1425©0 Adj inramemoryLloyd Puller & . Wm Park inson «/ilk.inson Robt 1-15-69 • l4l2©© Resol pay tribute Chancellor Band - Chatsworth Hi School Wilkinson Robt l-l?-$9 Adj in mem Army Spec 4 Gregory L Rice a425oc Wilkinson Robt I-22-69 l4l5©0 Resol commend \<Iw, J Dickerson 142300 Wilkinson Robert 2-19-69 141200 Resol ext©nd good wishes Leon C Owsns Wilkinson Robert 2-20-69 113054 Mo-Atty obtain Order Immiad Possssslon re easmts & rts Wilbur Ave (nr Strathern St) Wilkinson Robert 2-21-69 1423©© Adj .'mem Army .'Sgt John S Plnn©y Wilkinson Robert 2-2?-69 Adj'niem Luther B Carson 1423©© Wilkinson Robsrt 2-28-69 ' 1423©© Adj mem Mrs Lou Cusanovich Wilkinson R 1-22-69 142300 Adjourn In me'mory Dora Helfman Wilkinson Rbt 2-28-69 125229 Mo-Atty obtain Order Immed Possessn-Lfttnarah St k Variel Av* Wilkinson R 1-23-69 142300 adjourn In memory Daniel & Edward Salisbury Wilkinson Rbt 2-28-69 l43©84 Resol-lncl $50,0©© Budget bid rec & exhib Cntr San Fdo Vally Wilkinson R 1-23-69 142300 adjourn In memory Frank Donato Wilkinson R 1-23-69 142300 adjourn In memory John Rauh Wilkinson R 1-23-69 142300 adjourn in memory Robert & Donald Cassol Wilkinson R 1-24-69 142300 adjourn in memory Marine Pfc Victor W Bullard Jr Wilkinson Robt I-28-69 Comend Ralph J Mereier 141200 Wilkinson R 1-29-69 142300 adjourn in memory Natale (Nick) laRosa Wilkinson Robert 3-4-69 l42l68 Amend Ccl actn -^inatr City Clk draw demand 32,445.20 to Holmes & Narver Ino Wilkinson Robert 3-5-69 143155 ' ' Mo-Rev/Tax Comt study propsIs re Oov Advisory Coman Tax Reform Wilkinson Robert 3-5-69 143100 Resol congrat Oeorge Damain Wilkinson Robt 3=6=69 142300 Adj in mem L Cpl Deuflai Baetyr' ' Wilkinsan Rebt 3=6=69 l4a300 Adj in mem Stephen S Nliderhausfe "Wilkinsen R©bt 3=l4-69 l43l00j Resol salute ^&•i Lori Bales OIH 1109 Wilkinson Robt 3-17-69 142365 Mo-emergcy legis prov auth OT'osecute non-st\idents loiterns; 6n/nr school prop-disrupt activ Wilkinson Robt 5-20-69 l425©0 adj in mem ©pl Jas R Harrison Wilkinson Robf '5-21-59 1451©© Resol commend Ben F Wetzel Wilkinson Robt . 3-2©-69 l425©©' Adj in mera Cpl Jas R Harrison Wilkinson Robt . 5-22-69 1431©© . Respl salue Billy Boyd Smith " Wilkinson Robt 3;-2©-69 l45l©©. ^*Coraraend Adelbert H Hoy upon retirement Wilkinson Robt 5-27-69 l425©© Adjourn ih mera Andrea L Wilson Wilkinson Robt. 5-27-69 l425©© Adj In mera John A Lestelle II V/ilkinson Robt 5-21-69 1436?© Mo adj inraeraoryWm R Poulson Wilkinson: Robt 5^26-69 143!©© M ^ ° y salute 'Delraar T ©viatt . IL«rg§!iggf ^^^^^ San Ferndo Wilkinson Robert 5-26-69 Mo-adjoum in memory Dennis K Ashley 143670 Wilkinson Robert 5-29-69 143670 Mo adj in memory Tom Duggan Wilkinson Robt 4-2-69 1423©© Adj in memory Karl.L Rundberg Wilkinson Robert 5-29-69 143100 Resol pay tribute Laura P Wels Wilkinson Robt 4-5-69 145599 Mo reimburse $5©© travel exp att mem services Dwight Eisenhower - Lamport Wilkinson Robt 4-25T'69 . 142849 Resol file appl for Fed Relmbursmt Storm Dlsaster-fr l=17-'^9 Wilkinson Robert 6-12-69 145663 Mo-Atty prep Ord remove Vehicle access restrictn fr Lot 1 Tr . .28289 to Haskell Ave Wilkinson Robert 6ol6-69 143670 Mo-adi o u m in memory Atus P Reuther Wilkinson Robt 4-29-69 l431©© Comraend .Michael R Gonsor Wilkinson Robt 5- 6-69 1436?© Mo adj in,meraory Army Capt. Benjarain Burgarln Wilkinson Robt 5-12-69 143858 sub comm Donald J Bend designer of Parade Float- offering services Wilkinson Robt 5-I2-69 1431©© Rssol congrat Chas Pinney Wilkinson Robt 5-I6-69 1431©© Resol salute Brigadier Oen Car! W Hoffman Wilkinson Robt 5-I9-69 145300 MO.subj app Mayor approp $5©0 St Lt Bur re So Flower Dr bet 58th/39th Sts Wilkinson Robt 5-20-69 1436?© Mo adj In memory Marine Pfc Peter L Jakobsen Wilkinson Robert 6-18=69 14367C adi in memory Brian Sullivanmptlon Wilkinson R H 6-23-69 141000 Mo - reapprop $94«500 Log ,^g@M Sxport Promotion in City C3©n Purp Fd 7-1=69 Wilkinson Robt M 6-24c>69 143813 Mo-inv@s Newport "69 Pop Muaie ' F«sfelval=r>e^»onBhie9 Do^-ma S=20/22 Wilkinson Robert 6=24=69 143191 Mo=Clty Clk draw addl $133.17 Travel Exp Aeet=r©lroburi B Mills att American Mgmnt Agsoc m m i n a s Wilkinson Robt ' ?- 2-69 146001 , M© adj in memory Paul Lipaeomb Wilklns©n R©bt 7=14=69 146001 Mo adj in memory Samuel W Manhtim Wilkinson Robt 7°l|=69 . 146113 Me-rests re SpQQ C©mt/Q©ffl|n aub t© Col prler t© prasa e©nf = Stat© Paliey of Ool Ill© . Wilkinson Robt 7-2I-69 146001 Mo adj in meraory Mrs Gladeys Hardy Wilkinson Robt 8- 6-69- . •l465©8 Mo inst assmt prcdgs Etiwanda Ave bet Rayen St & Parthenla St Wilkinson Robt 7-22-69 14150C 1969 State Legis Prog include oppose AB.l6l5 re excise tax on local govt prov utility serv Wilkinson Robt M 8- 7-69 14651S Mo -1911 Imp Act prcdgs Lurllne Ave-Londelius/Roscoe and Bryant St-Lur!ine/DeSo.to Wilkinson Robt M 8- 7-69 14652C Mo-lnst !9H Irap Act prcdgsZelzah-Lassen/Halsted- WhlteOsk Superior St Wilkinson,Robt 8- 7-69 146©©! Mo-adj inraeraoryWalter Kruckraan Wilkinson Robt 7-23-69 1460©0 Resol salute Gordon L Hough Wilkinson Rob.ert 7-25-69 113054 Mo-exp $130,38! Gas Tax Fds incl in 1969-70 Budget fln Wilbur Ave bet Strathern & Vanowen Sts Wilkinson Robert 7-25-69 146315 Resol req LA Co Bd Supvsrs articlpate study Valley Conv ultura! Center-$50,000 Wilkinson 7-28-69 146001 Robert - Mo adj memory Marine Pfc Malcolm Whiting ilkinson Robt 8-11-69 "146©©C Salute Western Boys Baseball Assn- 1969 World Serl©s Wilkinson 7-28r69 146001 Robert - Mo adj raem Navy Gunners Mate 2C Robert G Easton Wilkinson Robt 7-29-69- 146©©0 Resol commend Amer Statistical Assoc Wilkinson Robt 8-I9-69 ' !46?©7 • Mp-CpntrPller attend Ccl ses 8-21-69 & discuss City's forthcomlne; prop tax rate Wilkinson Robert 9-15-69 ' 146311 Mo- $2,500 be approp for exhibit Nagoya Japan Annual Festival Wilkinson Robt 7-30-69 135281 Mo-rec hrg before Ccl 8-27-66 ri assmt proj Rayen St (nr Llndley Ave) WHklnson, Rpbt , 9-I5-69' l460©! Mo-adj;in mempry Pfc Frederick H .Barrett Wilkinson^ Rpbt 8-, 7-69' 1.46©©! ;.Mo.-a3j-in ;mempry Waiter Kruch' g Wilkinson Robt 7-3©-69 146378 Urge State Legis adopt legislati. re motorcyclists or passengers wear helmets • Wilkinson Robt M 7-31-69 l46©® Resol congrat Mark W Eisner Wilkinson Robt Mq 7-31-69 Resol congrat Linda Kay 146000 Wilkinson RPbt 8- 6-69 146509 Mo inst assmt prcdgs Napa St bet Encino Ave & Shoshone Av & Encino Ave bet Parthenla & Ra.vmer Wilkinson Robt 8- 6-69 146503 Mc inst assmt prcdgs Balboa Blvd bet Index & Lassen St & Index bet TViThna. fr. V n n n RnhlPS Wilkinson Robt 8- 6-69 146505 Mo inst assrat prcdgs Lurllne Ave bet Mayall & Vintage St Wilkinson Robt 8- 6-69 146506 Mo Inst assmt prcdgs- Oak Park ' Ave bet Parthenla St k Chase St Wilkinson Robert 9-16-69 147107 Mo-excuse Billy Mills fr Ccl sea Dec 26 thru Jan 2 & fr Aut 17 thru Sept 16 ,1970 Wilkinson Robert 9-17-69 147101 Mo\inst assmt prcdss-Zelzah Ave bet Plvunmer & Nordhoff Sts & 3 other sts Wilkinson Robt M 9-19-69 l4?15g Mo inst prcdgs Alley S Chatsworth (nr Encino Ave) Itw Wilkinson Robert 9-23-69 146000 Congratulate officials & Citisena Nagoya Japan 14S34S Wilkiaoon Robert 9=21= Mo=p©rmit individual d.e/s ro PC 22328 N/o Napa St ~ 13 J« Ily Darby Ay© Wilkina©n Robt 10-15=69 146000 Commend James W Rogers Wilkinson Robt IO-17-69 146000 Ext weloom© Qoodwill MlsilonNagoya Japan 111!' V/ilkinson Robt . lC-23-69 147615 Mo-Library Dept 'display flag of US at each Library Bldg Wilkinson Robert 12-15-69 148378 Director of Planning be present when Planning matters before Ccl Wilkinson Robt l©-27-69 146854 rep City- Calif Water Resources Assn- Sacramento .Nov 1.4-15 . Lorenzen Mo Wilkinson Robt 10-27-69 147333 Adj in memory Ruth Reinhardt Wilkinson Robert 12-16-69 147333 Kathrjm Larson-adj in memory Wilkinson Robert 12 -19-69 146000 Resol congratulate Sanford Astor Wilkinson Robt 11-4-69 l477?2 Mo pub bldg restrooms oper by City provided free Wilkinson Robert 12-19-69 146000 congratulate John L Moriarity Wilkinson Robt II-7-69 l46©©© Salute r dustria! Assof of San Fdo Valley Wilkinson Robert 12-19-69 Resol congratulate Raymond Church 146000 Will Louis© M 2-25-65 Claim pers Inj $1,000- 122842 Wilkinson Robt 11-7-69 ©oram©nds Aerospace Corp El Seeundo l46©©©~ pf Wilkinson Robert 11=10-69 147333 adj in memory Clyd© L R Canada Wllklnson Robsrt .11-10-69 147333 adj in memory Richard Mann©raann Wilkinson Robt II-I8-69 14?9?? Mo Plan Dept study ©llm portable signs hlnd©rlng visibility & trfli Wilkinson R 12-1-69 135930 Plummer-Reseda Prop & BazaVentura Inc-vehlcular access fr Gledhlll & plummer Sts Wilkinson Robert 12-3-69 148206 Mo-W&P D©pt reconsider terminate 300 empls Wilkinson Robert 12-4-69 147000 Mo-Mrs Pat Russell use Rm 242-B until 12-8-69 . Will Rogers St 5- 2-69 1©48!0 Beach-BPW-R/W & Ld- acq easmt fr State Calif at Temescal Dr Willard C R 9-11-69 146981 et al-8ub pet oppose widening Vanalden Ave fr Ventura Blvd Sly to Wells Dr Willard Frances 2-34-6? 131500 Day 2-17-67- Milla resol willard Jess 12-16-68 Nowell - Adj in memory Willard Otis 4-13-65 139990 123626 Cldim proi.erty damage Wilkinson Robert 12-4-69 148239 Mo-San Fndo Mission Blvd bet Balboa Blvd & Hisperia Avecombine Cap Imp & Assmt proj Wilkinson Robert 12-8-69 148284 Mirlsch Productions Inc use garage City Hall one day film motion picture Wilkinson Robert 12-9-69 147747 G Lindsay excuses att receptns Mexico City Dec 11-12 "Willenberg Ernest 3-l|-^7 131500 •Dr-Hesol oommend-J Gibson Wilkinson Robert 12-9-69 147747 Mexico City DF-adopt as Sister City - Resol Willens Nathan 12-7-6 Olal® aute daaage W * Willens 12-26-68 139990 Benjamin - idelman adj memory Willens Marvin E l-i-6? I3i6i6 Claim pr©p©rty damai© $75.00 laJi^c Willett Gloria 3-29-66 129011 Clalra auto damag© #91.4-2 Willett Hugh C 6-19-69 143100 Dr - Resol commend - A Snyder Williams Austin 5-25-66 12950© Rev-resol oommend-J Gibson Williams Belinda lG-6-67 13^362 Claim pers injury & auto damage ' undet amount Williams Bennie Mrs Il-l4-69l4?949 Villey Eugene H 10-25-65 Holland mo adj raemory 12474© Claim property damages $?© Willford Wayne 7-12-68 l4©©89 Atty for Elaine Nussi-Claim undet amt-auto/general damages Hilllara Georg© ^-2-6? 134243 & L Bal111© - Clalra prop daraag© #75,7©© 'Vn.lliam Leola Green 6-23-65 12462? Claim prup damage ^575.00 Williaras Rsv A E 1-30-6? Mills mo adj raomory Williams Alfr©d D 11-14-69 Resol comraend - Ferraro WHliams Alvin L I-6-69 Claim auto damage 131501 l46©©© 142291 Williams Annabelle 1-2-68 135©02 Rucker-Lamport-Mo-adjourn in memory of Williaras Albert 11-25-69 l48©9? Claim auto damge & pers injury Williams Arlene M 7-13-6? 134755 Fet ren hrg PC 2©460-N/s Bohlig ' Hri bet HifThbury Ave-W/n Lillyva?e Ave-Student Dorm ©on Us© Williaras Arthur J' K 6-l©-66 1299©C Resol comraend - Lindsay V/illiams Arthur 1 - 7 - o b Lindsay Mp adj mewpry 130201 Williams Benson 5-6-68 158582 Grant pet imp Alley E Main St (nr H l t h Pl) Imp - Ens Williams Bess!© I-26-65 122395 by Sokol-Flshman & GeorgeNotice Int flle olalm for auto daraaff© Williams 2- 2-65 " l;S2395 " Bessie Mae - claim gen daraages etc by Atty Sokol-Flshman k Oeorge Williams.Beverly J 2-1-65 122497 Ridc.k f k ©omsn rec claim for prop damage be denied Williams Bill 12-16-69 148418 claim refund bus tax-$1,490 Williiims bill u - U - 6 7 ' 13569? Ult*if.'i V C H . O O rof und Dus tax Williaras Brian 8- 6-69 14648? Claim embarrassment- $2©0.©0 Williams Carl 12-2-68 Claim pers inj-$15,000 l4l894 Williams Carlton I I-15-68 120351 Mills-Mo-app appt-exempt pos Ccimanic Field Depty-llth Dist 'Williaras Carlton 1 1-24-68 120351 Mlll9-Mo=©mpley bal flioal yrI2th Colmanlo Diat-©ff 1-15-68 Williams Charles 7=8-6^ 12481^ Claim aut© damage ° als© appl file late olalm Williams Arthur 2=13-68 138065 claim pers injury undet ant Williajng Chat D g<.6-6§ 99a6a Protest Montalv© & L©tu§ St I B • unleeg grade Olenalbyn rg@tered° Williams Atlee by 9-18-68 140959 Edgar A Nathan - Claim pers InJ $250,000.00 Wllliame Chag ll".l&-&7 13&944 " Mo att Hsfeg & Urban S@v©l©B QQ'ni ian Franeise© = ll=iO°67 ° Lindsay ., ^^I£J 1113 Williams C,prnelia8-25-68 l4©583 Balboa Insurance Co - Claim auto drag $l64.24 ^Williams Fred .4-l8-6? 134046 Claim false arrest k pers InJurj i55©.©0© Williams ,C6rnelia 2r27-,69 14305.9 Appl file late claim-auto damaee $154.00 * V/illiams Frederick 4-26-65 123790 Claim.pers injury $6,©©0 . Williams David 5-17-6? 1344.?? Nte of Int for recall Cclraan Lamport Cclman 13th Dist fl/ililams G©o 3-18-65 123188 Claira over #15©,©©0 damag©s pers ;Injury Williams David C 1-25-68 Claim $60 - auto damage Williaras Geo W 15?'823 9-2^-65 125759 Claim auto damage $166»07 "Williams Don. 3^10-65 125179" Keq issue Dupl Bond-Ostronic Dr Series 1 - ^reasurer Williams Georgia 5-29-^69 145460 claim pers Injury undet amt Williams Donald M 11-14-69 l460©0 Resol coraraend - Stevenson Williams Gertrud'e 1-29-68 ' 157864 Claim $56 - auto damage Williams E L ?=?-66 1275?8 ©tal - Atty auth d©f(Bnd vs Booksr T Hendricks Williams Gladys 8-27-68 140713 Marie - Claim pers inj undeter Williaras Earl 7-26=66 I30628 Claim i*rongful doath of child #10©,©©© - Zo Ann Williams Edith E 6-8-6? . Resoi commendsJ Holland I3I5OO Williams Hal W 12-29-66 I32532 claim auto daraage #44o28 Williams Harold • ib-3-69' 147337 ' J r -claim pers InJ - $5©,©©©.©© Williaras Elder© 8^27-68 140709 Claira auto dmg & pers Ini $10,000.00 "' W H H a m s Harry D . •4-5-65 129152 Req chg zone Westlake Ave SWly .. . 3r.d .St - PC 19516, , Williams Ernest: 1-14-66 127??? "Drippy"-Besol oommend-G Lindsay "v/iHiams Hazel -6-4-65 124300 &'Mildred McKinney -Mills-Resol commend Henrietta BQ«uty<'-School "williaras Ernest A 2-2-66 128220 ' Proj©ct ©oordinator -©ffic© ©omm.unity Developmt Mayor's OffCiv Serv exempt pos - Mayor Williaras Ernest A 6-21-66 '.12822©'; Appt Asst Dir Community Developmj exempt CS Prov - Mayor ] Williams Florence 12-29-6? 13?428~ • Claim $4,5©© - genl damages Williams Frances 12-7-67 137230 claim pers injury undet aint Villiams Frank 2-25-66 127111 retireraent W&P DeptResol express annrec -Potter Wlll&ams Hazsl Mills resol Williams H©rman 2-10-6? 4-13-65 133.5©©. 123613 , Claim pers injury k false arrest Williams Howard A 6-21-68 139851 i et imp Penfield Ave (nr Chase St) ng ..Williams James A 8-30-5? 135S52 / • olaim i)3k:,358.?8 prop drag ' g Williams Jaraes 3-9-66 128728 by Herraan J Isman-clalm pars injury 1114 ^/llllams James C 3-9-65 Rundb©rg coram©ndS" • 122888 Williams Jas C 12-6-65 127342" Williams Leon 11-26-65 126995 & J Broadway- BPW auth pay |895 r© physical Planning Vernon & Centi Williams Lewis 5-13-69 14521? ©laira auto dmg - $45©.©0 Claira auto damage - riot Wiliiams Jamraie 1-15-69 Claim false arrest 142435 Williams Jes.se l-9'-6& MlHs-Resoi coramend 156??? Williams Jimmie I-I5.-69 Claim false arrest 142456" . Wlli-iams-Joe 6-9-66... 150016 Claira property damage "/illiams doei.Sgt 7-19-6? 135002 i-:o adj raemory of- b G Mills Williams Lewis B 6-11-68 132216 et al-Atty rec approp $48,100 settle claims-Workmen's Comp " Williams Llla 1-7^65 122165 by Atty Milton Sidley-clalm pers injury & auto damage #5»©00 Williams Lila 1-29-65 122165 by Milton '-'idley Atty - claim nfirs I n ifr.anto dams»e - amended _•./ claims- " ;. . "vWiliiaras Lottie 9-14-66 131291 e.t''al-re4'chg zone' N aid© 60th St Ely Crenshaw BlVd-PC 2©©59 Williams. MC- 5--2-68 I3919O , Claira property damage $87.94 Williams John 6-26-69 Claim auto drag $230,-30 145839 " VvHllams. Johri(Jr) 6^ I-65 124261 Claim pers inj undeterrained arat (hv .Ralnh S Rosen) •V/illiams.Johh Jr .6-I6-65 1,24523 Claim pers' injury" uridetermihed amount Williams.John F 8-19-66 127964 .Atty auth r©p ©mp s©w©r Mtnc© Divsn vs Angel Ray Sandoval WlHiams'john H l©-l©-69 S O . C P Gas ©p- commun re Legislative Advocate 14744© "Williams Maria 4-10-6? 133925 • Claim pers injury & auto damage •$20,©©0 , Williams Mattie 1-12-68.. 156??? ; Bradley-Resol commend ""Williiims'>;elvina 7-19-67 Cl'aim^^7,500 pers inj 1-35220 Wffts-Miller & Wms 1I-I2-69 14790© Attys- for Patricia Ann Cote Claim wrongful death pf husband & father $5,5©©,©©© Williams Ollv© M 5-25-6? 134586 ' Pol ©prasnrs app contd ©mp aft©r 7© yrs ag© Williams ©ra Lee l©-ll-67 156426: v/illiams John T 8-26-65 124777 Mills Resol Commend on ©pmmunity Service- . ©laim pers injury undet amount Wlliiaras Johnny 2-21-6? Mills mo adj meraory Williaras Paul 9-14-65 12553© .' Bradley resol - resig Mun Art ©oraii. 1315©! Williams Juanita ?- 1-68 139952. Claim Unlawful Search - $15,2©©. Wllliaraa Leon 5-3-65 123910 Claim auto damage undetermined amt Williams Hichard 11-8-6? II9836, Req waive cond #2 re vac 35th St ©arollna St to Alley Wly Williams Robert 1-26-67 Workmens Comp claira settlement 13^216 . Sup #2 ' 1115 Williams Robert J 5-10-6? 131500 Laraport rssol oommend WlHiaras 8-27-69 . 146857 Virginia H- by Rpbt J Hallclaim auto dmg & pers inj Williams Robert J 11-7-5? 15680I Apptmt as Supt of Building for City LA - Mayor Williams Robt P Williaras Warren 11-21-68 ©laim auto daraage $238 10-24-66 125©59 " Williams Wayman : 4-22-6.6 Req represent PQ! ©fficer-Atty Williams Rose 5-2©-66 129763' claim pers Injury |3©,000 Williams Roy &'4-21-65 123723 Claim auto damage $35© l4l7lo 129382 Claim auto damage Williaras 9-17-68 !4©943 Willie E - ©stab BL - NW/s Palms Blvd bet Greenfield/ Veteran Aves - PC 2180© Williams Wm R 3-28-6? 133734 Claim property damage $54»48 V/illiams Ruby J 10-13-65 121023 Braude-Mo- appt to 8th Dist as • Clk St.eno Williams & WlHlams! 2-1-68 137928 , Attys for J'J Beiden - Claim undet amt - pers Injury Williams-Ruby J 9-22-69 121025 Mo approve ap|)t as Sr Clk steno"' 8th Dist - Gibson "Williams -Wprdrow 133160 . Williams Wright 9=18-69 147140 claim refund et ltg Assessmnt $48,21 Williams Zachary 12-5-69 claim auto dam'age Williams Spencer 12-17-69 147333" T Bradley resol-adj in memory 1-6-6? 132643" Claira pers injuriss on duty "tfllliams 2-10-65 122630" Transportation Co-Raympnd J Bytm, Attv- claim prppsrty damage Williams Trans C P 2-2C-68 138l?6 Req vac Alley-Sly !©th St bet Nacmi Ave & Hppper Ave I Williams Velma Lee 9-8-6? 135962"" 1 ©laira illejzal entry undet ameunt Williams Verdie ?-3©-69 146396 fpr spn Jess© Wlmberly-Atty Alan SraPtkin - Claim pers inj W U n a m s Vernie © 11-27-68 l4l834" commun r© emerg room Morningside Hosp - 148253 Williamsburg .4-8=65 123565 .Developmt Corp -.Claim refund $375 bus tax I Williams Theodore 136599 ©laim auto damage $191.©5 WiHiams Samuel 9-18-68 140960 by Edgar A Nathan - Claim ners inj $175,000.00 Williaras Sarah 2-14-6? Clalra pers Injury #510 l©-23-6? f Williamsburg 8-9=65 12516? Developmt Corp=Req chg acne PC I8574 - Gladstone Ave NWly Polk St = Williamson Anthony8- 9-68 140511 L - Claim auto dmg & pers inj $1,256.00 WHliamson-Dicki© 4=18=69 Mfg Co = 143848 Claim refund bus tax •^Is^^^o^O Williamson Edith 12=16=65 127663 ' Claira peri injury-fgii© arrest, WilliaaaoB F 9 Igo^o^g l^$Q$^ P©1 ©ffl©@?=Atty Quth dQfgnd^ 0 QutlerrQg^plaintiff Williamsen IsabQl 4=i4=68 139081 ' Olaim undit m t ° aut© damaio 1116 Williamson Jessie:' 2-28-6?' claim auto damage ^29.18 Williamson Ralph 12-5-68 Claim Workmen Comp Atty- 13334© 132216 sup 3? Willlford Stanley 5ri6-68 '1395?? Claira auto damage $16©.54 V/illingham Asa 11-12-65 126321 pet irap Alleys Sly 84th Pl nr Wall St Imp Eng Willingham Glen 2-6-69 142722 claim auto damage $89.84 Willingham Pauline 5-14-6» Claim prop :damage Vi^l'M- Wilmington Cab lC-23-69 11©©69 ©o- Req 1© yr est franchise granted by Ord !5©766 Wilmington Cab Co 6-19-68 159781 Atty defend actn against by ownr prop adj Wilmington sub-statn Pol bent-BPW V/ilmington.C/C . 2-23-66' 113248 Req all north-south sts open pending new Pac Cst Frwy bet Alameda St S. Harbor T r w y . , ' , Wilmington Jr lC-3-69 .146©©© Chamber -of Commerce- -Gibson resol coramend . Wilmington Marin© 9-3©-66 !3l4?2 Servic© Inc - Ren©w i© yr Leas© B©rth 162-Bldg & Repair yard Harbor Comsn V/ilmington Transfer 12-17-65 11:^84 Co - permit use land r©ar B©rth 86-10 yrs- ©rder 3519-Harbpr Cp 145l©3 Wlllins Rose 4-2'3-68 •l39©6l ©lalm excess of $82.95 - pers Injury W H n P r Cprp 5- 6-69 Claim ref bldg permit $5,229.©2 Willis Allan D .. 4-24-68 !39©88 Claim $ 2 © 8 H 6 - - auto daraage V/ilscher E H a Mae 10-27-65 I26096 • Claim 'pars inj undetermined amt V/i H i s Edwin E .8r2'5-65. 124777- Resol welcome Congressraain-Shej-ard Willis Herbert 7-21-6? . . 118403 & Sydelle-rea elim ded addtl 2' along Kiillon St re PC 16173 Willis Jphh A 4-27-6? 134212 Claim autp damg©' & pers Injury over $12,35© Willis Kenneth 7-2-68 139985 PC 21575-sstab BL Laurel Cyn Bl SEly Perclva! Pl-Wly/o Myra Trail Willis Sterling 4-11=69 l43?28' Claim pers Injury $1©,0©0 Willis Willie H • 4-3-68 138?64 & Police Dept-clalm $!?? - pers : prop loss I Wiiison Meredith 6=7-6? Resol oommend-P Lamport Wilmington Cab 10-14-65 Faithful perf bond Bd PU&T Bub I3150O IIOO69 Sup #4 ' Wilsey & Harri 12-15-69 .148344 Beatrice St bet Alia Rd & Beethoven St-vacate ptn Wilshire Beverly 3-3-6,6 . 124839 Asspoiates Ino-Ist amendmt to lisaee oover area Internatl Airpor« Order #1269-Bd Airport Corasnrs Wilshire Center 1-26-68 136??? C pf C & Joe J Houeer-Perrarp Respl commend 'Wilshire Cprp 11-20-6? 136992 Req chg zpne-BBdg line-Height- • Wllshire-Ardmere-Klngsley areaPCs 21122-23-24-25 '"Wilshire-Downtown 9-5-69 l46000 Optimist Club - Resol congrat Snyder Wilshire Federal 1=26=66 IgSllg' Sav k L©an»©hg son© S old© Vaasij Av© Nly Savonshire it^fC 19334« Plan Ceman Wilshire Ins Oo 1=17=6? 133310 ; Atlas Budget Plan° Clain aut© damag© ||7loil Wilshire I-17-68 13770g , LaCienega Oardens c©-raq vacCreseent Hgti Blvd/f©lnt View St Nly/© Cadillac Ave 1117 Wilson ©has H 12-29-^65 127788 Recora accept settlmt claim for Pol Officer vs Keith Hubbard Atty . Wilshire Properties 4-21-66 129344 Wilshire Blvd N on Catalina Stc/z - PC 19561 wilshire Properties9-7-66 131198 BPW acrrat constr sewers Wilshire iBlvd N/S bet Kenmor© & Mariposa .§.^7 hXn . V/Hshire Sales Corp 6-27-6? 13491? A-opeal zn 6hg- E/S Reseda Blvd S/o Cajllins St- PC 20638 Wilshire Sales ©orp 11-17-6? 156957 Appeal chg zone Reseda Bivd bet Collins St fr, Ventijrn Prwv , PC 20982 V/ilshire Serrano l©-l©-69 147444 Bldg-req zn chg Serrano Ave Nly Wilshire 31vd-PC ,22552 V/ilshire Terrace 6-24-65 12464? Claira prop damage $15 000 Wilshlre-Van Ness 12-12-69 148326 Properties - Appeal re c/zPC 22250 WHshusen George 12-3©-68 ©laim autP drag-$99'.75 142213 Wilson Charles © 6-I8-68 , 13978? I l l - Claim $19?.©2 auto daraage Wilson C r y s t a l R 9 T 1 9 - 6 B < 141012 Claim p e r s i n j $700.00 Wilson Darryl A 6-I6-66 13©©92 Claim personal injury $20©,©©© • Wilson;David H 8- ?-69 14.6©©! . II -Army Spec 4 - Braud© Mo adj in memory •" Wilson Donald Dr 1-1?=67 132??4 Resol coramend Dir of Teachers Education Projects-nroclalm NAtl Teachers' Corns Day 1-25-67 v/iisjn Donald E. 5-29-6? 135001 • Resjl cji.J'iittnd - T isradley. Wilson Dereths" 5»10-67 134393 Claim psrs u Jury |35e 000 Wilson Adrian 4-21-66 129352 & Assoc _ Design re prop ext' Spring St bridge connect Mall -Mayor Wilson Edwin J.4-9-65'. J235, Atty for Tpraare Clark.- '*-^5 Claim pers injuries Wilson 5-15-69 1431©© Adrianne W - .Glbspn ResPl commend Wilson Edwin 5=19-66, 129755 fpr Calvin Carter- Claim false arrest $100,000 Wllspn Andrea.L 3-27-69 14230© Adjourn un memory - Wilkinson Wilson Ardie 6-16-66 13©©92 for son Darryl Claim pers injury $2©©,©©© Wilson Bathesheba 1°2?=65 122422 by Atty F Dunoan-olalra fals© Imprisonment 150,000 Wilson Bernard 12-19-68 Claim pers Inj-undet amt 142119 Wilson C E 3=18°66 125396 & R E Minton c Atty auth defend plaintiff Sabmy I^e George Wilson Charles H 9-17=65 Besol oommend'B Mills 3J|Js5 ~Wilson Eldon © 9-20-6? Terry H Hargrpve Claim autp damage $8©© "wiASpn Jiidpn ' lO-19-b? 136121 ' 136547 't Claim auto damage $798.45 Wilspn Enrichetta 12-17-65 I27669 Claim autp damage iflieon lra©0t 3-3.7°6^ U $ m R Langd©3= Claim bus tax |160 Wilson Evan 1=18=6? 13i786 Claim gpoBQrty leoo $768 "Wllion Evelyn 9=14-b? 136948 & Erie Wilson - Claim aut© damg k peri injury $§5*000 1 ) f-.- 1118 Wilspn Ez© 2-20-6? 133212 Glalra auto daraag© $66'i5l Wilson Joanne ' 6-20-6?. ' ', 13'4863 claim Tvere. injury for children §125, obo- Wilson Fay © 11-17-66 13150© (R N)commend& - Holland-Resol Wilson Joan9-17-65 125654 claim auto damage k pers Injury WHson Francis Wilson Joe 6-5-69 143670 adj in meriiory-E Bernard! mo l©-l8-67 I36528 Claim loss of nay i6l.74 Wilson Geo 10-29-^69 " 147703. for Gladys Mildre'd Barrettclaim false arrest-$35,00© Wilson Keith 1-19-66. Claim pers prop damage.. 128022 Wilson-Gilbert 5-15,^68 15936? Const Co - Req vacate NE corner ; Ventura Blvd & Woodlev AveTr 2955 - Lot 5 Blk 25 Wilson Glenn 7-18-69 1246H t exempt pos Field Deputy 7-22-59-5 Mills-llth Dist "Wilspn Lance . 11-20-68 . l4l?4© Claim p©rs property Idss - Wilson Gordon 7-11-66 130419 Claim auto daraag© Wilson Lois 9-14-65 ,'. 125603 by Donald Zola- Claira.psrs injur> & auto daraag© also appl leav© pr©s ... late c.lflim vaison Lois J 2-7-66 128271 .Claim pers inj & auto damage $3385o50 ? Wilson Grace H 4-25-68, 124636 MlHs-Mo-app appt-exempt posltn. Cclraanic Field Dep-6th Dist-eff .4-29-68 Wilson Harry 2-23-68 138189 et ux-req quitclaim drainage facil 1244 W Denni St Wilson Henry L 7-12-66 I3044.6 Trsas auth Issue dupl bond #?» Imp Halstsad St Wilson High. 6-17-68 138©©© students of World Friendship ©lul Snyder-Resol commend Wilson Dr Howard 8-18-66 Edelraan mo adj raemory 130201 WHson J 11-15-65 126355 Wilsons Hous© of Su©de- Claim prop damag© $4,000 riot Wilson Lewis 7-26-66 12?230 etal- Pol Off- Pol Comsnrs auth Wilspn M B 9-26-68 138361 '; Asst City Clk & RPbt Shadfprth-' Trsas - auth travel New Yerk del P P ! BPnds - Lampprt MP Wilson Marlort J 5-5-6? 132216 etal - Atty settlrat S-14 workmens comp olaim $26,054Wilscn Marvin 2-10-65 122623 Constr Co -Voorheis Trindle Co Offer ded St Ltg easmt Let 25 Tract 27667 -Surfview Lane "Wilson Marvin 12-19-66 132439 ohg zone W/s Balboa Blvd Nly Devonshire St-PC 20336-20337Wilson Marvin 3-3-65 12293? ^ Constr Co = Claim refund B&S permits |244 Wilson Jack 2-21-69 Resol commend-G Lindsay 141200 "wilson Melvin 10-14-69 Mills Mo-adj in memory Wilson James 10-21-68 Shepard resol commend , retiremt• Eng Bur 141200 "Wilson Merl 3=21=6? 133639' & Vlrglnia=oialm prop damaa© VvHson James W 11-3-65 I26178 Claim peop damage $65«25 147333 : 'Wili©n Patricia 3=5=68 138367 Claim pers Injury over $25,459 OSH 1119 Wilson Penny 3-1-6? 13337© & Harlene Armstrong-claim §uto damage .& pers injury Jilzig H .7-16-6?. 13518? C d bchuessler & J Cox- Claim 5(5650 refund bus tax W H s o n Penny 3-1-6? claimi pers injury Wiman Al ' 133371 l©-5©-6?. 155001 Resol commend - Wilkinson Wilspn Property 12-30-66 132546 Services Inc- zn chg-NW cor Woodley Av© & SanFernando Missioti • Bl -PC 2C349 Wilson. Rayraond l©-29-69 147679 • Req'chg zn & BL-S/o ©xnard St .. E/O Costello-PC 22598-99 - Wiraberly Jesse 7-50-69 146396 by Verdie Williams Mother Atty Alan Smotkin-Claim pers •.: i n j . Winans Merrill 4-3©-68 I38822 Re selection bf Architects Engineers & contractors Wilson Robert, . .5-l!^-65 I24O8© PC 18351 chg zone W/S Laurel Cyn Blvd: fr Hart ,St to Sly- Wlnard Harold 2-27-69 143038 j^George - claim refund bus tax ; Wilson Robt L 4-3©-69 143986 ©lalm prop drag-$45,©©© & pers prop drag $25,0©© & pers inj undet amt Wlnard Harold 8«^27-69- !468?6 & George-claim ref bus tax *1,©©0.©0 Wilson Robt E l©-3-69 claim prop dmg-$119.5© Winchell L A Inc 7-25-69 146313 claim auto damage $328.12 !4?345 Wilson Ronald A 11-14-68 l4l6?5 Claim property damage $45.©© Wilson S J " a-14-67 135513' Suggest cat-T&xon cat food I Windham David L 4-9-68 , Claim $12© - prop damag© 138841 V/indsPr Builders 11-2=65;. 126163 Inc- PC 19031 chg zpn© Lennps Ave Sly Sherman Way , Wilson St©ph©n 3-2 3-65 123258 Claim auto damag© $115e4l Wlneman Samuel 11=18=68 ,, Req disturbance of peace laws include owners of barkins doas Wilson Verne 12-13-67. 137287 et al-pet Lemona Ave (nr Superior St) Imp #A'11-31987-Eng ¥iner David 12-2-65' 127252 ^eq abandon easmt Minnehaha' St Lot 3 Tr 24416 Wilson Victor E 4-25-66 1291©© " Resol coraraend advance study on Negro History - Mills ,'wilson W l H l e 4-19-65 123703 Claim false arrest $10,000 Wilson Wpodrpw 8-2?-69 146852 Claim prpp dmg- $357.65 Wilsons House pf 11-15=65 .126355 • Suede- Claim prpp damag© $4ii000 i rlpt Wilstein Phyllis 8=11-66 130881 , Clalra pers injury #10,000 ?g R 2. 7=i|o66 pta All&f reas" Let 8 f r l8396=©aafflt sly pta 1702? Vlata^ 'Wing°L©sii©- A L 8=30=6? 13^833' Doris ^- Acc oompromls© tax claim 0jb.95= Atty ree Wing Robt 1 5=a=68 Adj in,memory = Snyder 138400 Wing Ye© & 12= 9=65 127494 i Lillian Ya© = dba Columbia^ Liquor Stor© = Claim prop ^osaf© ^lot "wingato 8 l> ©tal' 3°il=66 liil3"^ • • ©uth defend ?©l §ffo ff J L FillQS' 1120 Winkler Gene 8-30-68 140776 by F Walter French - Claim false, arrest $5,000.00 Winkler Iris 7-9-65 • Claim psrs injury 124833 Ralph H V/inkler ' 2-l?-66 for Mabel~Fa'irbanks-Claim-12S456 Carl/Ann Jorgensen " . 12845? Eugene/Laure Lourie ." 126458 James R Low " • 128454 Catherine M Cox " 128455 Henry A Fields " 125460 Murray I/Ph/llis Brill " 128461 James/ohristine'Shade " 128462 John R/Joan C McMurray " 12c463Winkler Raymond 2-15-66 126394 etal - Eng rec grant pet imp sewer - Goll Ave-Stagg St & •v:-','^ Arminta w t Imp 'A'fH^3i849 'ankp 'Corp/ ' . '9-29-66 . '. 13l45i| offer of painting - Mun,Art Comsnrs auth accept offer Winn Calvin N 12-12-66 13235? " for Javier Qu©v,edo-clalm auto damage & pers Injury Winn Calvin N 3r21-68. 13S582 for Frank G Carlisi - Claim false arrest $115,©©© Winn Fiorenc© 4-7-65 12351? Pet Culver Blvd (N Rdwy) near Corinth Ave Imp - Winnlck Herman 2-7-6? 133©?© PC.2©44.© - chg zon© FaHbrook Ave Nly Oxnard St Winograd© Dr S 8-25-66 131©?© ©laira auto daraag© $?4.66 Winsco 5-3-65 123901 Instruments & Controls CoClaim $346.0? refund business tax •• V/inship Edwin 11-2-6? 136734 Claim auto damage $124.©© Wlnstpn Albert E 1-22-65 122365 / req chg zn E side Burnet St 153' Wly Parthenla St-PC 1?852-Plan _. Corasn. • ._ Wlnstpn Albert 1-17-66 127982, by j Pastor Atty-req vao & reloc Easemt rear 10?48-68 Rose Ave & 10747-6? Woodbine St Winston Wlater !l-ig-$5 126680.' Claim prop damage riot • Winter Harold 4-9-69 143689 Enterprises Inc Claim refund bus tax .'6823.18 "winterpark . .2= 9-65 122601^ by Barry Ope - req proceed ' ne£i;ptlatli.n estab in Elysian • Park:' Winters Lulu 12-11-68 139990 Mrs - Adj memery - Pptter- Winnert Ben 2-19-68 135002 (Mrs)-adjourn In memoryE Bemardi Winters Marcy 5-13-68 Adj in memery - Newell Winnetka Land Co 9-15-65 12562? Appeal chg z n B/s Winnetka Ave 883' Sly Wells Dr to 130' Nly Po© Ave-PC 18?86-Plan Dept • -rfinnetka Land Co 10-26-65 12607r Req vac ptns 'winnetka Ave-NomaP Dr-Nomad P!-'<»innetka ©t (•', Cleve Ct re Tent Tr 23676 Winaetka Land Co 4-19-66 •126©76 Req addtl ptn Nomad Dr vacated re Tent Tr 23676 Winters Wm H 4-25-69 143913 Pol Chf Chula Vista - recom as P P ! Chf for LA - Geo Edwards Wintjen N C 12-8-65 138400 125163 Atty represent in Court Case= Wintrow Dewey 2=i3»67 Claim prop damage |36e 133178 Winnetka Land Cp 9-12=66 131165 req b© not if lod of r©d©slgnlng 'c. of Tract 28003 M p f f Lan© H 2-14=68 claim ISS6 aut© deuaago 138087' Winnott P 0 7-22-68 139990 Adj in m©mory - Ferraro Mo Wipranlk Sheldon l-2a-68 137768 PC-gll91-ssn Qhg=N/s lassaitier at E/o Beeman Av© 1121 Wire Prpducts 3-3-66 128632 Corp-r©q adv against fire hazard frpm crat©-yard Wise Robt E 1-17-69 ' 142453 Appeal chg bldgline Delano St Van Nuys Blvd to Ely-PC 2197^ Wirin-Rissman etc lC-3-67 Attys for pers injury clairas i©,oo© 156291 Joel Bass 15,000 156292 Ruth V Bortin Beverlee Bruce 7,50© 156295 Elinor Defibaugh $!©,©©© 15.6294 -- " - -.552'155295 Norraan Katz fcl5,©00 ^10,000 156297 Joseph Ketchum Wirin-Rissraan etc 10-5-6? Attys for pers injury claims Joh Maksik ,'fel?,500 1^5-501 Donald Moore 10,0©© 1565©2 Bob Reese $ 7,5©© 156503 Jack Sandwelss k 7,5©© 1565©4 Leslie Sparber $10,©©© 1363©5 Henry Webb $ 7,50© 1365©6 Wirin-Rlssman etc 11-9-6? 136845 Attys for Prank Miller - ©laim general damages i5,0©© - pers injuries $5,©©©. Wirt Frank 2-18-65 12274© Claim pers inj & medical undetermined amount Wishnow Sara 1-24-6? 1328?? & Bertha - Appl present late claira .for. death -Waiter Wishnow Wirt Richard E 1-4-68 137543" et al - pet fbr stormdrain Baypolnt Ave & R/W N bf (near Lomlta Blvd) Imp - Grant Wirth Selma G- IO-26-67 13664© Claim pers injury undet amount Wirtschaf ter 11-8-68 14160?' Arthur - Accept comp tax claim Wlthrow Wayne M 3-21»66' • 128896 Claim refund bus tax #53?<.21 Wltraer Keith 3-13-69 143285 Clalra pers Inj & false arrest "Witmer Rose F 12=30-68 13999© Adjourn In emmory - Begnardl "Witt oresslQ S 8-30=6? 13583? Olaim undet amt auto drag k pors inj Witt Tome E l©-l-68 l4l200 Glbs^on-Resol-commend _ .' retirement W/P Dept Witte 1 0 '• i-7^65 117008 req imp Alley Sly Ahahelra St {nr Lagopn Ave) Imp • Witt© Merlin 11=»17=66 132043 , Claim auto damage #563,46 Witteman Matthew 9=17-69 147111 claim MMto damage $179.53 settlmt tl'.2?.,20 Wirtz Jan T IO-5-66 131513" elalm auto.daraage undetermined amt Witters Mary 0 3-18-68 138518 Claim auto damage $185.4l "wittmaak David M Wlsch Alvin D 8-15-69 146645 sub comraun re Alcoholism Counseling for.City Employees Wlse-KHpatrlck 10-21-69 l4?566 & Clayton-Lorraine Qomex-clalm pers inj & false arrest-$l©©,©00 Wlse-KHpatrlct 10-21-69 l4?565 for Raymond Maese-claim pers inj & false arrest-$100,©00 Wise Leo 2-6-6? 131216 Atty = worlpsess oompenQatioa olalm Wise Robert 11-28-6? I36??? Respl congrat being named Liberty Man of Year - Edelman 3=11=68 138429" Claim aute damage k pers injury over ^IC^OOO Wlock CharlQs 11=7=69 l4?846 Claim refund bua tax $536066 Wealfl© F Rodman 12=22=69 U S 4 7 7 for Emanuel Sehwartg=@lali3a pera injury > . "Weerg Paul P'atal 3=27-67 133707 ] Petn for Sr Cltlg©ns t© ^ y Q©lf on City ©ours© at half rate© "Wolas Irving 4=21=66 li936o Riq ehg gon© Irwln St Wly Shit^ ' Oak Av© = PC 19583 1122, •Wolawitz Iffrieda 4-22-69 145865 Claira pers injury undet amt Wolderaar F©rd 3-18-65 123203 P© 18©85 chg zon© Cz©ta-Hllldal© Shorehara Nly Sunsot, BlvdWolf Al l©-li-66 13l5©l Resol adj inraeraory- Ferraro wolf Rabbi 5-13-69 14310© Alfred - Ferraro resol salute Wolf Herbert M 12-51-69 Claim prop drag $125,©©© 148598 Wolf Lloyd S 5-28-69 145426 for Donald Edward-Wright Claim false arrest & pers inj Wolf Lloyd S 5-28-69" •• 145.425 for^ Shelton CasH-las - Claim pers inj & false^arrest Wolf Lloyd S 5-29.-69 145467 for Otis L.Smith-claim pers inj V/olf Nathan 1-6-6? • ,1525.9? Claim auto damage $275 Wolf Robert l©-4-66 1515©9 Recom deny clalra auto daraage Rec k Pk Corasn Wolf ftobsrt 11-15-66 1315©© Potter reisol cprara©hd Wolf Samuel 5-25-65 124194 by Atty Milton Sldley-clalm pers injury undetermlried amt Wolf Shirley 12-22-69 claim pers Injury 148480 Wolf Sinclair 11-19-65 126655 A J Market - Claim prop damage riot V/oife A! C 4-5-65 12348? "" Cldtiiri auto damag© $133.34 "Wplf© Bernard 12-2-65 12?115' Claim prpp uamage - riPt Wolf Lloyd S 7-24T69 146283 for James Moran-claim false arr 6e pers injury $100,000 V/plfe Bernard M 11-15-65 • 126335 • 5 Claims prup damg© - rlPt V/olf Curamlns & 9-24-68 l4l©38 Dubin for Charles'Balls Claim pers inj $7,5©©.©© WPlfe Bruce P 1-2-68 137468 for Bonnie/Michael Q Bauder Claim $2©,©©© pers Injury Wolf Jo© 1.2-3-65 127215" Claim prop daraag© - riot Wolf Jos H 7-22-66 130575 P© 19894.-5-6 - chg zone k Bldg Linos Adams Blvd bst R©dondo Blvd ff. AlsflftA A V A WPlfe Bruce P., 1-25-68 13783© ' Atty fpr L A & J Katz-Clalm $20,©©© autp damage k pers Injury Wplfe-Eiener etc 4-26-65 123^28 C H i m refund $502.40 bus tax Wolf Lloyd S 9-25-68 141058 for Hubert J Lockman - Claim autp drag & pers Inj $!©!,©©©.©© V-'oife a 8-17-67 133900 ', ojmmun req aal inc for Sup # 1 Ct.lli^rti'pher=Pi4m Illuitretr= .. GrauhicB 8uD«yrvigr- a u willa Wolfe Katerina 4=5=65 122835 Estate- Protest aiismt against prot W Ave 43 s *^ i^ Wolf Llpyd S 11-27-68 l4l84© for Arthur G Pierce = Clalra felse arrest & 'oers Inj ^200.000 Wolf© Kenneth 7=11=68 140104 : rea an ohi-NW o©rn©r Y©landa Ave ' & irwln St-PC 11650 Wolf Lloyd S 7-31-69 l464o4 for Robt Wm Hawkins - Claim false arrest & pers Injury $25©,©©© 1/olf© L©uia H-9-65 126216 • Credit Gorp = Claim refund bui •' tax $1,292.09 Wolf Lloyd S 9-10-68 140852. for Patrick G Rowbottom - Claim pers Inj $103,000.00 in excess 1123 Wolfe Louis 5-15-68 . 138O©© Resol comraend - Edelman Wolfe Mario ll-l©-67 I5685O Claim pers injuries $5©jOOO auto damage undet amount Woik Martin S 12-5-69 148270 et al-pet const storm drain bet Ventura Blvd & LA river along van Nuys Blvd Wollam Stanley S 12-18-69 148436 et al-Longfellow St fr Ave 56 to Sly term-vaca.te Wplfe Mario L 12-19-67 137352 claim auto damage $172,05 WoHens James 6.-26-69 145845 claim pers injury $100,000 Wolfe K Kev d-k-'l-b? ij5>U©2 Ko adj memory .of- 'i'iir.DerlaKS Si. Gibson Wolfe Robert A -6-5-67 i/ollenzier Wra 3-1-65 1229©6 ©tal - ©lalra auto daraag© & pers injury #25,2©2o©4 Wolpe Zelda 11-28-66 132163 Claim pro p damage $95,000 131501 adj in meraory-J Potter Wolpe- Zelda S i=13=69 146603 Req rescind Sec 91.0103 (N)-MC re protect homepwners against develO. pers & inspectprs WPlper David L . 1-24-6? 1315©© ', wolfer Elmer ' 1-51-68 157900 Clalra $1,490.14 - auto damage " Wolff Frafek sll-3-69 l4??56 Claim false arrest $9©,©©© Respl pay tribute - Edelman V/plper Frpducfl'Pns'3-14-6? 131754 ' Inc-Agreemerit with''City for 'Official City Pllm-Atty • Waiff Gary Realty 12-1-65 127221 Go'- Keq quitclaim storra arain easrat 2500 Nottingham Wolver k Wpiver 2-7-6? 133051 for H C Blshpp = vae 20» paper at Hattaras = 5759 Fallbrook Ay© Wolff Harry ..8-12-66 130893 PC 19948 ohg zon© NW/S Sardis Ave sly Sepulv©da Blvd v/olff Laurence. 8-3G-65 125479 Atty for Larry S Renda © H i m pers injuries Wolff Lewis N 7-28-69 146©©© & John W McMahan - Develppment Research A S S P C - Ferrarc Respl cengrat & commend Wplfrum Chester 5=13-'66 129624 Appl - 4th Colmanio Dist Wolfson Bruce 6-24-65 I24646 Atty for Allan Gruener - claim ' rier.s inj - undetfirra amount ."Wong Albart H ' 12=19-66 13244? ' Sam Sing Co-olaim suto damago $3C)o91 "Wong Edward D 12-21-66 I315OI " . adjourn in memory^? Lamport mo Wong Fred W 8=19-65 105620 Aj/jt memb Bd *'onin.g Ajijistmt terra end 7=1=70=vac Fr Kelley 'W©ng Fred 12-29=66 132|20 ^ appt member id Administration of City Emp's Retirement SyatQmvae resig Mildred X©uaf9|» Wong George L Flora 6=21=6? ,1356S'd Chg zn S a / i Bis,n Pedro St=SW/© kdmu iJlvd- PU 20389 , . Wolfson Burnett 3-6-6? 131501 Superior Judge- Braude @o adj raemory' Wolfson Yehuda 12-12-69 148334 com re Legis Advocate registratn Wolins Marshall J 5=21-65 I24l6fc req vac Alley NWly Jeffer'son Blvd & NEly Centinella Blvd ' Woni Hehry 11=16=65 12643d.' Oliiim prop damage $2p54lol9 rist ll=30c Olaim prep daHafo li4f 3.^ \ 1124 V/ong Henry 12-2-65 127148 & Mary Claim prop damage - riot V/ong Henry W 12-2-65 127149 Claira prop daraage - riot Wood Jack L 6-10-68 139668 by Rudolph Rivas-claim pers injury undet amt Wood John 1C-9-6S Claim prop dmg-$6©0 pers inj-$1,00© I4l2l6 Wong Hong C 5-29-69 145447 claim $614.79 auto damage Wood Karen M ?r7-66 Claim auto damage $64*31 13036O Wong James 10-14-69 147355 Stevenson Mo-adJ in memory Wood Lamar 3-11-66 olalm for false arrest 128??5; Wong Jas S F 5-19-69 145589 ©lalra auto daraage $189.©5 V/ong Ka! Wood kark 8-3C-65 125475 Atty for Earl L Rogers - Claira wrongful death of son 126938 Wood .:Wary L 3-30-6? ' claim pollc© brutality 127139 Wong Madeline '!,l-27-67 . 12461.1 Mp appt,as Sr Clk Typist office' llth' Dist - Mills Woods Merlin 7-7-69 125433 (Jack)-appt mbr Bd Zoning Appeal, term end 7-1-74 succeed RimselfMayor ' • Wood, rttltoh 8-18-66 ' 130201. Bradley Mo adj meraory Wong Paul H 8-25-69 14682© by Skaggs & ©o- ©lalm auto dmg Wood, P.earl C 1-27-67 1315©© Resol commend - Bradley II-3G_&5 133751 Claim prop daii,a,2e - riot Wong Leonard 12-2r65 . Clalra prop damage - riot $!•=;?.15 V/bhg Quong L 2- 8-65 \ 12193© 601-603 N La Brea Ave & In ©llntpn St - deny protest $94.60 reconstr work = BPVif Wong Yeef Goon II-3O-65 • 126938 Claim prop daniage - riot Wonzo Clarence 1-4-68 Claira $50 - 'prpp damage 13754© Wpod Robert D 12-20-66 Heap! oommend-J Ferraro Wopd Robert . 8-18-69 Nowell Me-AdJ In memory 131500 146001 WpPdard Annette 11-14-6? 136890 ; Recom claim for pers injury , be denied - Rec/Pk Cbmsn tfoodkrd 066 4-12-6?' 131Sl6~j Recom approp settle Workmen's Comp claim Woo Michael 8-20-68 140632 Calif Jr Statesmen of Araerica Req permis use Ccl Chambers for convention Wood Alexander 10-10-68 14120© Retirrant ©lty Clerk Bradley Resol cpmmend Woodard Willa C 4-10-68 1388641 PC-2l401-appl zn ohg-V©nlo© Ilvd & St Charles Pl Wood Erma B 5-11-65 124©49 k Wm Ford-Claim $240,00 auto damage Woodbury Oollef© i=l-6? 131988 i req inatall traff signals interow Wilship© Blvd & it Paul Av© Wood Erma 1-18-6? -• 104697" Accept offer ded easmts Vanowen St Ely Longrldge Ave - Eng Wood©©x Orley ll=l5«66 I3il|0 Olaim ©^erehg weed ©laaraneg ©hf 179.17 ; 1125 Woodell-Arthur R 1-24-68 152216 A Burgess-R Canady-D Hall-D Hindi J Nichols-C Perry-L Reid-Atty.•^^P-OOO-settle claim : : Wcpdell Marjorie 5 - 2 1 - 6 5 1011?6 Pres. Hoover Area Imp Assoc-req perrals make presentation i*e Hoover Area Urban Renewal proj Wopdell Marjorie 1-20-66 101176 for Hoover Arlea Imp Assoccoramun reconsIder Hoover Bedev Proj . Woodell I'-Iarjorie 2-8-66 101176 Pres Hoover Area Iraprov Assoc-' re Use of Referendum or Initia-f^t Petn allow voter decision Woodell Marjorie 1-14-69 1 4 2 4 H Commun re Richard Mitchell Admin Communit.v Redev Ao-py Wooden John H o-lG-b? 135573 f'or Robert H L&Douceur- Ciiiim undet amt auto dm^ V.'ooden John R H-I8-65 126l©0 UCLA Basketball Coach- Edelraan commends Wooden John R 5-4-6? .13l500 UCLA-NCAA champ basketball team Edaiman rasol " woodf ield Geo 11^13-67 135©©2 '" Mo adj in memory - Lamport Woodford Mrs James 8=24=66 I31038 Claim auto daraag© |l66o57 ' woodland Hills 1-50-68 ." I51265 Country Club-CA©-BPW-Assmt Bur reot-approp $5,559.19-assmt. prop . nvjned bv-Puente Pd-Morro DrWoodland Sav & 5-17-6? 1344.75 Loan Assoc - req r©l©as© d©©d restrict Tr 6l?0 E / S Marmol D r WJ-7- .San MlcfiiBl' St Woodruff Alice J 1-31-69 142642 claim pers Injury $50,000 Woodruff Charles 6-3-68 139601 claim auto damage $110,93 "Woodruff Gladys ft 6 = l 4 - 6 6 : 1 2 3 4 5 0 Appt-Exec Secy Fir© k Police Pension ©ff 7-1=57 Wopdruff Investmt -6- 1-^65 124282 Co Inc - P© 16402 -zone chg E/s ShouD Av© 209' Nlv Schoolcraft Woodruff Seth 4-18-68 13899? M Rlfkin-E Nelson-auth atnd-Calif Wtr Pollutn Cntrl Assoc-Sta Rosa „ 4-24/26-68-Mayor-CA©-Enp; . V/oods. Alan 5-6-66 129565 Claim prop damag© WoPds Arthur 5- 9-69 1436?© L Marine Pvt - Lindsay M P adj In mempry 'Wpcds k Ballpu 6=29-65 12468? Attys fpr Ardis Mack - claira prop damage & pers inj "Woodfork Frank ll-l©-.67 136852" Marie Woodford claim per injury • & death of husband damages ._. & Ballou 9^16-69 147091 Attys for John Wade-claim per© injury undet amt ; Wopdfprk Marie ll-l©-b7 136852 Claim damages fpr death.husband Frank - & pers injury Wppds Barry by 10-2-68 l4ll2? Howard.D Sacks = C3a Im pers inj $26,0©© ^ Wpodhouse Bruce 3-13-68 132216 Settle Workmen's Comp clai:i'?n 28 V/oodlake ©orp '6-11-65 124452" 6/0 "nson-Gleaves & Larson Claim refund deppsit Tr-29211 $1©.78© - BPW Woodlake Park West 7-21-69 146233 req c/z SW cor Ventura Blvd & Kelvin Ave-PC 22426°7-Plan Dapt Woodland Hills 5-1^-6? 131000 C of C - Shepard resol also Owen Showalter Woods Clayton ?-25=6?'" 132^16' Sup 21' Settle Workmen's ©omp claim "lifoode Clyde ^ 7=20=66 ajOlSJ r aiaiffi fals® Arrea^ llOpOOO Woods Daniel 11-12=65 '126316';' Atty comp settlmt tax elaia $24.90 •" Woedo 0©© e 10=17=66 • 1308751 Ree©[n deny pr©teBt aiainat ^ asofflt 4907 LankQrDhim ilvd 1126 Woods Gebrge T 12-14-67 137314 for Wm L Barnes-claim pers injury undet amt Woods Lamont 3-5-69 ©ommun re terminatn-fr Rec/Pks Dept 143151 Woolf Jack 1-22-69 12295.5 Protest imp & assmt Magnolia Blv T.yrone to Hartsook Aves Woolf Ruth 11-6-6? 136789 ' •Claim auto damage & pers injury undet amount Woolfson Barbara 6-30-69 145932 claim prop daraage $14.18 Woods Madge S 7-1-69 124910 Lease office space for 5th Ccl Dist-1054 S Robertson Blvd eff 7r8-69-$250 per mb-BPW-CAO Vv'oods .Merlin 8-26^65 125433 (Jack) - Appt merab Bd Zoning Adjustment - term end 7-1-69 Mavor Woods Michael 4^5-68 • : 138785 Claim' $6?5 - loss of ppop & auto damage 'Wppllett Wm 7-12-66 130449" reapppint member Cultural-Heritage Bd-Munlc Art Cprasn Wo.dds Reglnal T 5-l©-6? I34.38O Clalra fals© arriest $4,560 'ifoollett William 7-13-6? 130449' Rea'npt member Cultural Heritag© Ed- Mun Art ©omsn Woods Willard L 6-3.-65 124314 Atty for Caroliner E Edwards Claim auto damase $4©0 & pers . inj -undetermined amt. • Woodson John C 3-14-67 133544 claim prpp damage $ 7 6 , 9 9 Woodward-Clyde 5- 2-69 145©23 Assoc - ©lalra bus tax refund ?©© t Wpodward Donald 9-22-65 125211 et ux-req BPW hold pub hrg prior quitclaim easemt bet Lankershlm 6lvd & terra Terrvvlew Dr Woodward Shirley 5 - 1 6 - 6 6 I2965I claim for pers Injury de.nledEec & Park Corasnrs Bd Woodward Terry 5-19-6? 134510 Claim exo©ss of $25*000 psrs Injury Woodyard Geo 10-18-66 131665 Claim prop damage $25©.0© V/oolard Warden 2=17-65 Henry-Mo-adj in memory 122100"' Wooley Julius 2-27-69 143054 claim auto damage undet amt Woplf Ann 9-26-6? Resol commend - Lamport 135001 rJWIr'il'll lit U, C, A, Wppllett '^/ra. S-I8-65 105176 Reappt as raember Cultural Heritaee Bd - Bd Munic Art r©n "'iifppliey Jo'hn'chas 8-3-6? Settle V/orkmen's Comp claim- Atty rec 132216 Sup 22 Woolley & Woolley 11-7-66 131928 for Wm Young- Appl prdsent late claim auto damage k. F pers injury .. ikor\(^ nnn a u „ Woolinan © E 6-16-66 1299©© Resoi coramend - Lamport "Woolworth p w Co 4*13-67 133982 Claim refund bus tax $91?.90 ' Woolworth F W Co 4-10=69 I43?l4 Claim property damage $17.85 V/ooten John H 6-30-65 124300 f.y Bradley resol - retirement Worohell larry 1-7-66 127898 req romov©, slop© ©asamt^Kl oorn©r Olyrapie Blvd k Fedora St Worden Frederic 11=21=68 141772 - Req gon© variance 2502 Grand Oanal-Venie© Work Wear Corp 3-1=68 138313 Claim refund bus tax $1,101.40 Workingfflans.Do'pt II-IO-65 126293 Stor©= Ola iffl prop d;nag@ = riot 1127 /orkman Emma I r e n e 1-3-69 Adj lh memory - F e r r a r o 1423©© Workmens Auto 3-29-65 123374. I n s Co- Geo Llraar- Clalra a u t o daraag© $677.16 Workm©ns Auto 5-10-66 129605 Ins Co f o r J E P a n t a l l l o n - c l a l m a u t o damag© ^765,16 World Vision 8-26-68. !407©6 Intl req use Rotunda CH for Intl Childrens.Art Talent Contest l©-28 to 11-4-68 World Wide Foods 3-7-68 133059 Inc-reo amd Ccl Instructns re PC 20415-parcel map requiremts World Wide News 4-4-56 129©83 ©o - Req Atty defend Pol ©hlef Parker in Court Case-Pol Comsn Worley Earl 10-23-68 Workmen's Auto 4-15-68 13892I 5^-%?v-'->%.^'': .Claim pers prop loss Ins Co & Romualdo A Trejo Claim $532.11 - auto daraage Workmen's Auto 9-17-69 147113 for Dorothy Heard-clalm auto damage $377.48 Workmen's Auto 12-22-69 148474 Ins 6e Arthur Patterson-claim auto damage '.•;orld-oine Assoc 10-2©-65 I26OO6 Co - r;rant permit use First St Steps 10-2? - film scene World Friendship 6-I7-68 . 138000 Club students of-Wilson HlghSnyder-Resol commend World Press 3-7-69 143100 Photo Exhibition & Contest Snyder resol congrat !4l3?? '.'forrell Claude I-13-69 l4238l Atty for Irene Boddle- Clalra $5,©©©,©©© wromffful death of husband James Worrell-Miller 12-9-65 127544 etc Attys for Rpsie A Smith Appl fpr leave present late Claim , Wprshim- Jake 3-2©-68 I38563 Claim accumulated pvertlme $211.48 Wprster OePrg© E 1-14-66 12??78 adjpurn in memory-T Shepard & L Timberlake motion Wprth Dpnna 3-14-6? claim pers Injury 133543 Wcrld Savings 5-17-66 129680 & Loan Asspc-olalm prop damage $43,300 Worth & Nasoh Ino 6-27-6? 134933 Chg zn SE cor Reseda Blvd & Vinoennas St - PC 20?95 World Savings 5-23-66 129791 & Loan Assn-req vacate Alleys blk bnd by WHshlre Blvd-Barry Ave-Ooshen Ave-San Vicente Blvd World Sav & Loan 8-22-66 130993 PC 19939- chg zone SE/S Goshen Ave & San Vicente Blvd to Barry Av©chg hgts Dist World Svgs/Loan 12-3-68 l4l902 Assoc - Claim bus tax rpfund $650 . j; Worth Robt C Inc 12-9-t>5 127571 Claim prop damge = riot Wortiiington iilyvie' 8-10=67" 13556a Oli»ijii i^2b^^,,U0 auto dmg "worthington Wm J 3-12=68 1334?? Comm un,support Tule Elk Refug© World Savings 2-19-69 142919 & Loan Assn-clalm refund bus tax $4,900 Werthington W J 8ela69 137^81 Oppos© Whitmor© Hot Springs elesed te publi© ..' World Title Co 3-1-68 133316 Claim refund Realty Transfer Tax $1,''95.'>0 Werthlngten W J 12=30-69 LF 69=2 Owens Vallay game refuge ^ World Title Co 2-5-69 142708 claim refund bus tax $2^706.80 Worthy Phyllio ia<=.ge=66 l^^k$k e/s Hgt Slst #1 t© H|t Bist m NE/e iarrisft©R Ave illy Wilohir© Blvd t© Alley NWly fexas Ave "^ ChAlNUfX CiT. .a. l.a. I * 1128 • Worthy Phyllis l-lC-67 I32658 Appeal zpne chg Barrington Ave Wilshire Blvd to Nly Texas AvePC 2©5l8 Worton Wra A 5-25-68 . 158©©© Major General - Resol coramend -Ferraro Woskow Martin 9-27-66 131423 re nuisance calls to LA Police ; Dept - sug written complaint Wozab Mary E , lG-28-69 117374 appt .'as Sr Clk Typist 1st Dist e^^ 11-5^69- Mills Mo Wrenn Stafford 8-1-66 130?19 Claim auto damag© $235•02 Wright C A 10-21-65 123612"' Robt "J Helder-F B- Berk -req auti . defend Fol Offs -MCC 202,921 Wright Harlan 11-3-6? I56765 Claim.pers injuries & daraages $8,507.5© Wright Harold W Wright Charles 9-13-66 13125? Appeal clarificatn conds of Parcel Map 386 Wright Chas 9-29r69 147238 BPW-auth convey City prop Par 3.1R exch for Par 2A-Jefferson Bi & Rodeo Rd-pmt of $4,000-CAO Wright Crlspus A 2-15-68 138110 Atty for Rosa E Boutte-clalm pert, injury V/rlght Deborah 4-4-69 l436li" Claira autp damage & pers injury 124740 '" Mo adjourn in memory - Cassidy Wriight Linrlck J 1-24-66 • 120891 K"-;.: H J L Good-R Livingston-T Richardson-Atty-$i|, 000 settle •, claim' Wright Margaret 5-31-66 129872 Chrran Action ©orat-Trinity St Sch -traf hazard vie school V/right Norman S . 11-8-6? 136821 & © d of So Calif - Claim refund bus tax $6©5 V/right P Ja.mes 4-15-68 158953 req vac Alley W/o Avalon Blvd het 112th St & Lanzlt Ave ' V/r ight Charles 7-7-65 124763 ©ffer dsd easrat Lot 1156 Tr 61?0 San Feliciano Dr 8-3O-65 ,* ' "Wright Peter 1-lb-fa? 132?8e" Pet imp Alley Ely Tcwne Ave bet H l t h k 112th Sts ft bet 112th St &•Lanzit Ave "Wright Richard 12-29-66 ' 132534 . olalm auto damage k pers injury . Wright Rhoda T 8-15-69 146626 bv AutP Club- Claim autP dmg $98.62 Wright Rpbert 12-3©-68 ' 142202 Re waiver various City license, fees - Proj Head Start Wright Sharon 4-4-69 143611 Claim auto damage & pers injury Wright Donald 5-28-69 145426 by Lloyd S Wolf - .'Claim false arrest & pers inj /right Stariine 7-5-66 13035C by Transnatl Ine Co - Claim auto dme ^101.4 J. Wright Edward T 6-19-68 adj In memory-P Lamport Wright Theda E 6-7-68 13964o' claim pera injury $3,400 138400 Wright Frances A 9-2?-68 13418© Re vac Kendall-Bushnel! WayPullman & LaDue Way - req reconsider Ccl actn Wright Gordon III 11-28-6? 136?77 Resol coramend - Mills Wright Gretchen 11-24-6?. 137039 " Claim auto damage & petsonai injuries undet amount Wright Vaasi© D l"g6-65 Resol oommend-B Millo 88??? Wright Jfrs Vaooio S-'3-66 II636I 1 May©r appt ao altera mbr Sl Pu©bl© de Loa Angoleo Stat© Hiat Wright vSSH© D 2-13=68 138000 1 Reeol e©ngratulae0=T Bradley 1129 Wright W Clarence 1-15-5? 1515©© Commendatory resol - Ferraro Wyatt -Evelyh. R - 7-i©-69 • • 146©©© Snyder Resol commend'. Wright W H S 7-2©-65 . 124655 US Dept Array- Lt Gen comraun r© Array Reserv© r©a!ignm©nt proposal V/yatt Jane. 1-4-68•' 136777 & March of Dimes-Lindsay resol commend Wright Walter E •6-9-55 12441©"" .Atty rec.acc $9i550 in comprora settlement claim - St t^se .Insp Wyatt Benjamin N 1-19-65 12231? for Robert Lee Vanoe-Claira false arrest $10©,©00 "Wright V/m E , 4-8-65 123563 Claim refund $112, bus tax Wrlghtwood Estates 5-2h-66 111722 " Co-const storm drain Frpdonla Dr & Regal Pl re Tr 26342 wrigl©y Wra Jr Co 2-15-6? 133177 ©lalra auto daraage $8?.54 Wrubelle L Marcelle 1-18-65 122140 resol cpmmend retirement Eng BurJ Hplland Wu Ke & Elizabeth 5<=10»65 124036 a mlnpr-Clalm $1002.14 auto damage & pers Injury undetermined amt , Wuichet Mark 4-7-66 1291©© Resol commend upon retirement Holland Wiilfsberg Carl .12-4-68 141931 Pet imp "B" St W/s nr King Ave , Eng- rec grantWuHiger R C Atty 2-8-66 128310 for Adolph J W Zlemba - Claim pers Inj & auto damage Wurlltzer .lC-22-68 141365 Frederick P (Mrs) - Claim prop damage - $4©.©© Wurst Leroy G 8-22-66 130995 Atty corap settlrat tax elalm $26.60 Wurtzel Lewis N 6-10-68 136498 req adv any actn re protest J Ladln against assessmt 3361 W 1st St & 3554 Beverly Blvd Wurtzel Lewis 1-23-69 l40906 " Atty, for Jack Ladln estateNotices of sidewalk repairs 3361 W 1st St & 3554 Beverly Blvd Wuttken Burt II-18-69 124611 Mo appt Ccimanic Field Deputy exempt pes - llth Dist = Mille Wyatt Harry L 8-22-68 1©9293 arad ©cl actn 1-31-63-vac NW cor Landale &. Cahuenga - Cond #2 _. oblig Install st Igts Wylan Peter 11-29^66 132186 Complaint against main branch Public Library "Wylie C S 9?»7-65 125540 et al-pet imp Hesby St (near Firmament Ave) Imp A«llo317?®c, Eng Wylle Frank S 4-28-69 . 143946' •Req chg zone 4 lots Curson'Ave . SWly WHshlre Blvd Wylie Noel .12-2-05 12?255 rteq zpne chg Tuxfprd St S¥ pf ^.Glenoaks Blvd - P C 19137-8 Wpiaa Rosalind 1-7-65 122168 Motion«Inst prodgs 19II Imp Aot reconst eleotrolier ltg system Westwopd Village Lfcg Dist Wyman R i-ll-65 122100' Mptibn adjourn in memory Nrs Leonard Firestone Wyman R 1-11-65 122191 ' Beeol-Heo k Parka Dept answer complaints re price gouging by food oonoessionaires H@or©atn C@nt@3, Wyman H 1=13-65 122231 , Motion-Traf Comsn mak© study r© plao® Stall Markings where St Prkg Wyman E , 1-15-65 ' 121140! Basel oongratulat© Jewish Frt© Loan Assoc 60th Annivorsary - .1 Wyman H y 1-15=65 112168 Motibn=$lO,600feraaato n©w prep^ for ltg Cheviot Hills Clubheua© & Parking inl L©t''M©tor Ave<»Pl©© ll Wyoan § l°l =65 1113.40 Besol apprso idlda ooll@©t©r 1130 Wyman E 1-26-65 122140 Resol commend Marilyn Reece Wyman R W 3-1-65 122100 Mo adj rtEmory Rev Raynbld B Bod©n Wyman R 1-26-65 1223.88 Motion-Fire Dept Investigate feasibility install Luminous Fire Wyman R W 3-3-65 • 122951 Mo simplify lease agrmt ..req create oil drill dist & req ©ity _P],UffS nnthnri t.-v Wyraan R W 3^8-65 1228-38 Resol comraend Beverlywood Jewish .C©nt©r & Rabbl Harold Sharfraan Wyman H 1-28-65 12214© Resoi commend fine work occasion ©olden *nniv Dirner L.A .Area Ccl Wyman H 1^28-65 122439 Resol-Bd Pub Util & Trans rept rr remove bus stop red curb marking Sta Monica Bus Line #13 City LA //yman R W " 2- 1-65 12214© H Lew Zuckerman - Man. of the Y©ar Resol commend Wyraan R 3-16-65 122888 Command r e Camp Fir© Girls 55th y©ar . ifyman R W 2- I-65 12214C Calif Fashion Designers k June Linderaan - Resol commend Wyman R W 3-19-65 122888 coramend Dorothy Chandler - Man bf Year- B H Bnal Brlth '-Vyraan R ' 2-10-65 12214© Resol-commend scholars American Heritage Lincoln's birthday Florence Goodman & Justin Turner V/yman R 2-11-65 12214© Irving Thalberg B'Nai B'Rith Lodge Wyrjan R W 3^2^-65 122888 Coraraend, Coach J Wooden -team UCLA '^rulns -noaketball Championship Wyman R W 2-15-65;. . 122100 Motion - Adj in memory of Nat King Cole Wyman R W 2-17-65 118852 Amby Martin etux - r e q names a'id«=>d to net Iran All©v Nly Burtrn V/ay nr Sherbourne Dr . Wyman R W • 2-19-65 122183 Mo-CAO inves const & finance convention & Exhibit Hall vie 3port4'Arena .hyraan R W . 2-19-65 12214C' Resol - commend. Hadasaah Week Feb 21/28-65 Wyman R \f ' 2-25-65 12214C Pack 165 © of the Cub Scouts P o t3 n ]^ _ C nTnm f>nd Wyraan R W 2-25=65 12214© . R e s o l Araer Canc©r S o c i e t y Wyraan J 3-11-65 122888 . CoramenS-Rabbl Samusl Katz V/yman R W 3-24-65 Cpramend Judge Ben Koenig ' V/yman R W 4-6-65 122888 123440 "" Commends Ethel Levine • Wyman R/ 4-20-65' 123440 Resbl extend wishes State of Israel, pn 17th Anniversary "Viryman R.W 4-28-65 123855 Mption trans $7,812 unexpended f d Fico to Monte h&r Dr to oeverlywcod Pk Wyman B 5-4-65 123933 Besol endorsa Assembly Bill ^1755 by State Legislature re genoolde Wyman K v; 5-5-65 110521 Mo oppose AB 749 re appl landing provate Helicopter© Wyman R W 5-5=65 Reaol Bill Dana = 12 3920 /•. Wyraan R, W .2-26-65 12214© -"• Rosol Worasna ©ulld of Cedars' Sinai Medical Center Wyraan R W 3-1-65 122888 coraraend Pol Sgt Carleton B Clark' r©tlr©ra©nt Wymaa 1 1-7-61 114010 r© add'l Ceatraot proposed b©t fraffio Gofflaa & Monageffliafe feeh lae for oontd study ei^y Sraffie. Wymaa 1 5-?»^l liilOO, Motloa adj©ura ia mamory Jam@0 Krebo 1131 Wyman E 5-12-65 123920 Hesol commend Henri TeralankaWyman H 5-13-65 1240?! Hesol support acq Alr Force Reserve Center by LA ©lty Schools Wyman E 5-24-65 123920 Besol declare June 10-2© 1965 Home Show Week & coramend deslscner Bonald E Goldman Wyman B 5-24-65 123920 Besol commend Consul General Mordecha! Shalev of Israel V/yman R W 6- ?-55 12430© Resol commend Reiss Davis Clinic Wyman R 6-18-65 1243©© Resol= Kartin Lowitz & Design 0<>ntf>r RlHoV/yman Rosalind-V/' 6-24-65 1243©© Gibson-resol- leaving Ccl wyman u 6-28-65 124300 Resol' -commend Clarence Cam.pbaLNational Hockey Leagu© Wyman R , ,6-28-65 122100. Mo adjraaraoryM©ndal Silberberg Wyraan R W 6-28-65 122100 Mo adj mamory Ed Lybec^ - Xanthos/Carlonl'l©-a5r-67 I36625 Attys for Theoharis Peratis eta! Req vacate Villla St bet Mission Rd & Gallardo St Xerox Corp .5-29-69 145479 clalra refund business tax $8,254.88 Ximines Vincente- 11-27-6? I36777" Resol welcome to LA - Snyder Yablon Dr L 11-15-66 132G20 pet irap Aberd©©n Av© & Iv©rn©ss " Ave Irap = landscap© traff Ial Yablon Mary 12-19-68 14212! ; Claim pers inj & appl for leave file late claira Yamada Albert 2-14-69 142829 claim autp damage $239.10 Yamada Masao 11-30-65 ©tal- Claim prop daraage 12691? riot yamamotP Rampn 12-2C-68 Claim autP dmg-$295.5! 142133 Yamamoto Rodney I8-27r68 140710 Claim pers inj undetennined Yamamoto Tatsuo 12-23-65 12773? Claira auto damage. "Yamashlta 'Kuniakl 4-13-66 129245 Claim autP damage Wynar Lillian 4-30-69 143979 Claim prop drag - undet amount Yamasakl John M 12-28-66 131500 Rev-resol oommend-0 Lindsay ' Wynn Bros Aute 12-3-65 12?29? Parts Claim prpp damage - riet Yameogo Maurioe 3-26=65 U3338 Rep of Upper Volta » Mayor req $1500 fr Dignataries visit aoot Wynn Ed 6-20-66 127778'' Adjourn In memory - Holland Wynne Douglas 8-24-65" 125394" Claim prpterty damage Wynne Douglas W 8-12-68 119666 Master Plan Sta Monloa Mtn area delete exten El Medio&Las Pulgas Rd- clarify rdwy Temesoal Dr The Yankee 7-30=69 1463?1 aka Bruce Claim ref & busJ©|n"©i9®M^85 tax $2,1^^.03 . .Yankee-Walter .9-§l=6? •' 13616^' Corp .. Claim refund bus tax $2,000 ¥ap Antheny L 2=23-61 131213 elatffi aut© d^aag© 161.20 -H-32 Yarborough Tom 5-26-69 1425©© Adjourn In memory - Bradley Yegar Moshe 6-10-69 143100 coraraend for service for State of Israel-A Snyder resol Yarbra Louise 5-3-6? ©lalm prop damage $7©0 Yellin E 12-6-65 127286 req remove Blag line Magnolia Blvd bet Yarmouth & 2elzah Aves BZA PC 19124 Yellin Edward 12-12-66 I32359 clalra prop damage 1343©6 Yarmat Rhoda 8.-27-69 1468?© by Jerrold A Bloch - claim pers inj - undet amount Yarnold 7-&-.68 l40022 Kenneth Wynne - Cliaira auto dmg-$5©© & pers inj-$100 _ Yarrow Peter 7-2-65 124??? Paul Lamport resol honorpet©r-Paul & Mary Yates Leicester B 6-4-69, 143100 Resol commend oh retirementP Lamport Yates Morton J 2-14-68 138088 Atty for Wm A Filler-claim auto damage $201.75 Ybarra Carlos 2-24-69 142962 claim auto damage $204.55 Ybarra Jose.G 8-16--68 . 14©©©4Reso! commend- Sociedad Progresista Mexicana- Bradley Mo Yellin Edward 8-15-68 H4©5! et al-' Tr 6©76 Lots ^46-63 & 58 zn chg- Yarmouth bet Magnolia & Margate St Yellow Cab, Co 1-7-65' IICO69 . Margaret E Chrlsty=ooraplalnt re poor service "bellow ©ab ©b 1-28-65 122453' estab tax! zn adj Universal City's Studio Tours offioe 3900 Lankershlm Blvd-Pub Util & Trans "Yellow.Cab Co 2-25-65 122826' Appl Tax! Cab zone at Bpnnle Brae St Nly Olympic Blvd-T-269 . . .Bd PU&T sub req Y©llpw Cab CP. 4-9-65 123579 Appl for taxicab zone Beverwil D. NlyiPlcp Blvd -.FU&T Bd Yellow Cab Co 5"6-'65 123992 req estab Taxloab zone 112? ' Wilshire Blvd-Pub Util & Trans Bd Ybarra Le© G 9-6-66 130200 commond oh ro'tlreitient-T Sh©pard "Yeliew Cab Go •6-29-65 124710' estab taxi zpne 32I NP Larc|mient Blvd- Bd PU&T appl Yeager Carole A 2-26-69 143019 claim auto damage $61.00 YellPW Cqb CP 6-29-65 124709 taxi zone- Bd PU&T appl Mayflewei' Hpteli- relpc 535 So Grand Ave Yeager James M 2-24-69 142983 claim auto damage $162.23 Yellow Cab Oo 7-1-65 IIOO69 Bd PUOT grant 5'yr freuaohia© Yaager Thomas C 10-13-66 I315©© Rasol commend Judge - Ferraro Yee Vi/lng & ' 12- 9-65 ' 127494"' Lillian - dba ©olumbia Liqupr store - claim prep damage-ript' Yellow Cab Co 7-22-65 I2lj.959 oanoel Taxi zone Western Ave Nly Adams Blvd- Bd PU&T aub req Traf ••X^ff^wcao CO 10-25=65 126082' Taxicab 2ns-6414 Hellywood Blvd Vermont Wly y/aahinfton 126083 Robartson sly Flee Bl 126084^ " Yellow Cab Oo 10*27=65 11006S ^60,000 Faithful Performane© Bond - taxicab franflhii© Yee Yobk C lC-6-66 13153© Beq purch ptn alley adjacent 5948 Burchard Ave ^ Yellow Cab C© 12-6=65 127280 Appl taxieab gone 26O La area Bd PU&T Yee David 2-25-66 I27778 raotion adjourn in raemory' P lamport Yellow Cab Co 12-14-65 103:016 A'ppI es-.ta.b, -taxicab stand at T04C & cancel at 1113 Gayley Ave Bd FIIAT Yellow Cab Co 12-14-65 12?608 appl for taxicab zone Sc stand 1230 Stoner Ave - FUi.T Bd Yellow Cab Co 12-22-65 I2O493" Appl est-ab taxicab zone 7306 So Vermont abandon 7218-PU&T Bd Yellow Cab Co 8-5-66 13©792 J ©ustafson comraun re poor ,servic© Yellow Cab Co 8-5-66 13©8©2 Claira auto damage ^28.5© Yellow Cab Co 8-3-66 13©8l9 Appl estab zone 6312 York BlvdBd PU&T Aopl Yellow Cab Co 9-26-66 131405 req cancel Taxicab Stand & ZOKD at 4219-4221 So Central Ave . Yellow Cab Co 9-30-66 15l4?6 Req reduce taxicab zone 4t 749 So Hill St - PU&Trans Yeliov; o^b Co 6-22-6? 1357^'5 Appr wy''.Cate '/\}o:fvaiis--eo''j^o Ci.x:!' stc>ads-S/s Oth St Ely Los Angeles .''.1-.. ;.• '\^-. J•r \.t: R*-. ,',;i \' 7i-.h .st-. Yellow Uao uo b-^9-6? 135?^'© Taxicao an- E/s broadvvay oet Manchester Avfi-ol^fn t l - i''iK.TrHas Bel rr.-.-j .reduction ^ ,.,^^,^ " Y t H o w Cab Co 9-5-5? 155919 Rea estab taxicab zone Broadway nr "Temple St - PU&T Bd " Yellow Cab Co 9-28-5? 156259 Claim auto damaee ^245.01 "Yellow Cab Co 10-5-6? 115792"' Req abandon taxicab zone 527 so Main St Yellow Cab Co 10-9-6? 155575 Appl for taxicab zone 545 So Kenmore-abandon 6^? Alexandria PU&T Bd Yellow Cab Co l-8-b8 15751? P.Ui§c'T'rans Bd cancel taxi zn T-4 558 S Los Angeles St (old _ Cf-59052) , Yellow Cab Co 1-9-58 -1^7^8.'^ of Calif-Claim $71.50-auto"' damage :"" Yellow Cab Co 9-50-65 1514?', Req reduce taxicab zone 610 So Main St - PU&Trans Yellow Cab Co 2-16-68 138132 claim auto damage $795.77 Yellow Cab Co 11-7466 131941 Complaints on poor service of taxicabs- Edelman resol Bd PU&T consider hrp; Yellow Cab.Co -11-16-66 130792 Com.plaint of bad service & unfair monopoly - Mrs Prances Triest " Yellow'Cab Co ,5-15-58 158515 ~ Estab taxicab zone 244 K Wester;^ Ave - San Marcos. Hotel-PU&T Bd Yellow Cab Co 5-17'-6?' 13hX taxi zon© T-14.3 S/S Bdwy at Varnon - FU&T Dept rec cancel Yellow Cab Co 5-25-6? 131+585 Claira refund bus t ax #561.6© :Yellow Cab Co 6-6-6? 134683' ' req estab Taxi zone W/s Los Angeles St Sly Commercial StPU&Trans Dept r^el'-LOw Cab Co 6-30-6? 134978 •Claim auto dm.5 & pers injexcess of $870.32 ^Yellow Cab Co" '7-10-6? 1350?1. App estab taxi stand/zn- T-304 Occidental Ctr- H 5 0 S Olive. StPU&Trnns Dept Yellow Cab Co 4-15-63 158915 appl-estab taxi zn T-5'08 adj Cit\ Natnl 3k Bldg-424 W Sth St-&cancel zn T-237 Yellow"Cab Co 4-50-68 159221 Req estab taxicab zone Hollywocc Blvd at 7026 and cancel 7©66 PU&T Bd Yellow Cab Co lC-25-68 l4l455 Claim auto dmg-$51.50 Yellow Cab Co 5-12-69 145189 taxicab zn T-282-Vernon Ave at Avalon Blvd-req abandon - PU. & .. Trans Bd . Yellow Cab Co 5-19-59 145294 driver-circuitous route Eastman Kodak Co complaint Yellow Cab Co 5-26-69 145584 req reloc taxicab zn T-I66 to 5000 Melrose Ave-Bd PU & Tran 1134 CF Yellow Cab Co 6-10-69 145625 of Culver City-claim auto > damage $359.60 Yellow Cab Co 7-8-69 14601?" estab rates & chargesrPU&Trans Dept-Bd-Order #217 Yellow Cab Co. 10-2©-69 147557 PU & Trans appl of Yellow Cab Co for taxicab- franchise Ciilver Cit-.r Yellow Cab Co 11-7-69 1163971st Amendmt to Lease LAA 704 addtl 1.2 acre in Air Cargo " City Intl Airport 'Yeoman F G \ 1-24-68 157696 CH et" al-Wire/Signal Div-Ala rm •Signal/Tele Electricn-sub req- •" Yeoman Haf.pld L 4-15-6? 15398c Claim prop damage undetermined :'YeriganMax D 3-25-68 I38621 Claim, auto damage undet amount Yoon Harold 8-I6-68 14©6©7 Complaint-Loud Noise & Sanitary Cond- 'It Club' 4751 WasbinEton Blvd York Lucy forjames 9-13-68 140897 Crotzer c/o Boxer & Stroll Claim pers inj undeter York. Valley "Amer 4-15-69 14510© Legion Pose 726 - Resol commend - Nowell York Victor 1-13-66 127949 claira auto damage §15©.46 Yorkshire Estates 4-25-68 I589OO : & Canterbury Estates-aool re PC -21451-Plan Dept Yorkshire Estates 5-7-69 l45l84 Req zn chg Farralone Ave bet Plummer St & Nly PC 22l66 Yorty,Mayor 7-23-65 - 124998' Inaugural Ball- 7-22-65-Lindsay mo com.mend Oscar Tript:e t 127338 Yorty Sam 10-21-66 131715 ~" Req accept '5 paintings Mun Art Dept ;"Yniguez Barbara J 4-5-66 129125 '•-•''• Claim false arrest $4,000 Yoi'ty Sam 12-51-68 142242 " Req declare Dr Lee Dubridge recep"tion I-2-69 Spec Event Yeskin David 12-6-65 Claim prop dmg - riot . Yoeman Harold 4-10-6? 13393© Claim property damage $7.,0©0 r Yokoyama Fred S 10- 7-65 12589?" dba Olympic pisposal -claim, auto damage Yolles Louis 6-1-6? 134655 & Bleanor-estab b/1 E/s Gakhurst Dr bet.1st alley Sly Pico Blvd & Alcott -Ave-Zoning-Adj Bd-P© •2©71'+ ~ Yonam'ine 8-22-69 146786 Horace T - Claim auto dmg - Yosemite Ins Co 1-20-67 152597 Nathan Wolf - Claim auto dam.ase $272.58 .Yosemite Ins Co 12-7-67 137228 for Oura Lee & Andrew Carterclaim auto damage-pers injury unaec amt _ _ "' Yosemite'Ins "8-21-69^ 146748 Co for Thos ffethie -.. Claim auto drag - .t4o^.l5 10-8-69 14740? Yosemite Ins Co Claira auto dmg • $556.90 $149.50 Yonker. John W 2-15-65 ' 122381" Protest taxation for rapid transit system Yoo Chin H 3-5-65 Claim pers injury $6,725 12298? ' Yoo Chin Hycng 3-23-65 123253 ClpHra auto damage & pers injury -Yoshlda Shigeru 10-50-6? 155002 ' Mo adjourn in memory - Timberla'-'e .- :1:0shida Yasuo 11-2^-67 157029i ; Req chg zone Russell/Melbourne Ave Wly fr Hlllhurst Ave PC ?lll4 'YoshimotP Sharon 5-17-66 1297©5i claim auto damage-pers injury W' '>..w!r. 1135 Yoss Charles ' 10-25-66 131742 Req chg zone, Vanowen St bet Variel & Eton Aves-PC 20159 • • ' ' • . I ' . • Young Earl L lC-8-68 . Claim Workmen Corap Atty 132216 sup 36 . Yoss J ©has . 10-28-66 I31821 Req chg zone'& BL Independ©nce Ave *; Vanowen, St-PC 2©l4©-l Yoss J Charl©s 12-6-67 137203 req c/z & remove b/1 Fallbrook Ave bet Vanowen St 6e 320' SlyPC 21134-21135 ^ YOSS J Charles 1-19-68 1572©5 PC-21153-54-55-zn chg/BL-Plan Comsn rec deny appl-Pallbrook Ave bet Vanowen St & Sly Yoss J Charles 7-18-68 140212 PC 21621/22/23-zn chg-E/s Fallbrook Ave S/o Vanowen St Yoss J Chas 9-24-68 14©212 Appeals re PCs 21621-22-23 rec deny - Pain Dept - E/s Fallbrook Sly Vanowen St Yoss J ©has "•:••' 9-24^68 !4©211 Appeal - re PC 21624-5 - rec (deny, -^Plan, Dept E/s Pallbrook Sly Vanowen St Youlln Enibloma Ino 11-18-65 126602 Claim prop damage riot Young Edward S 11-10-66 13196I Claim auto daraag© $250 Young Edward 10-31-68 141498 for Edward Ypung - Claim autp damag© & p©rs injury Young Ernest H III 4-l©-68 1384©© Army Pfc-Perraro-adJourn in memory of Young Foster 2-21-6? 133252. Atty R C Tucker - ciiiim loss cf business - $800 Young Ging 12-2-65 Claim prop dmg - riot Young T Harwood 6-12-69 Resol commend-P Lamport 127130 143100 Young Jefferson 5-2-68 139252 Req approp $3800 settle claim 126282 ,roung Jerome X 3-b-68 138422 Claim prop damage $1,800.00 Young Ben 1-3-68 !375©6 Claim $164.9! - auto damage Young ;jim • 4-17-69 13?888 Nominate memb Bd Oreater Watts ~ Model Neighborhood - Mayor Youlln Hurray li-lO-65 Clidm prop damage - riot Young Carlos A 6-30-69 143670 Pfc-adj in memory - A Snyder mo Young Carter 2-11-69 142779 claim auto damage $37.78 Young Chestine 3-13-69 Claim prop drag-$101 143305 "Young Joseph S 4-12-66 105922 Re Wtr k Pwr juris Calabassas area "Young Joseph 6-9-66 1059221 Req title k See Law that iiv©8 ' rti to local agcy in Co territory Young Kenneth 12-2-65 127131 " & Tong D Claim prop damage - riot Young Clyde A 6-3-69 145518 et al-claim business losses$5,000,000 "Young Lionard W l-i-69 1411661 Claim iuto d8ffl«i© & ptrs Ihjury Young Cynthia M 12-31-68 142248 Claim pers injury & prop damage Yeung Mary illen 6- 4-65 114313 ' ,' Wm Jehnaen Atty- ©laim fala© pfr^flt, ffl6no,000- Young D 11-28-66 132151 pet imp Valjean Ave k Kittridge St Iml A*11-71323 'Yeung Mary h 6-11-61 II4II6 \ Woediaan, Ave 61' Nly Meerpark it 1136 Your:;^- •.;i,; Mel son Young Mary 11-14-66 !32©©2 * PC 2©247 remove Bldg Line Woodman Ave nly Moorpark St Young Wra 11-7-66 131928 Appl present lat© clalra auto daraag© & p©r3 Injury #2©©,©©0 Younc: Willie Young Men's 4-2?-65 12344© Christian Assn - Resol salutei-'dlls Young Women's 1-9-66 Christian Association Resol comraend - Ferraro & imnr-i ."ssonTnent .ii500,000 r Young Rpfet P 3-20-D7 133?26 1315©© "Youngblood N E 1-5-6? 13253?" Atty for Gerry Aldrich Claim property damage $8©,©©© Young ©tis . 9.-12-68 !4©©©4 Resol congrat - Screen Gems Inc AB©-TV - new series The ©utcasts Mills Mo Young Paul D 12-5-66 132238 Mrs-claim auto damage #?6.48 Pfi.HVl 129273 "Young Women's 1-27-69 l4l200~9 ©hrlstlan Assoc - Resol Comment Ferraro Young Michelle L 6- 4-65 124354 by V/m Johnsen- claim false arres rlnncrh-hpi" T l a - r n l v n 4-14-66 Claira pers injury Younr^ Hen£ 3-2?-67 131500 Christian Ao-^oc - i'.'errarosol commend Young-Prenner lC-1-69 l4?297 & Hews- for Elizabeth Pellyclalm $75,©©© wrpngful death 124740 j-iOtion ctajcurn in iwemory-Cassidy Young Mayme M 12-30-65 126100 Besol best wishes on retlreraentH Henry Young People 8-4-66 130785 Holy Assoc- Quadrennial Bible Ch Sch- r©q invlt© to LA 197© 8-23-65 Younger Evelle J 1-6-66 125694 oommun re Responsibility of Diet; Atty in complaint8 against policeMayor ' jfounger Evelle i©-9-6? 135188 Dist Atty sub report re invest Valley Music Center-No Grand Jury action Younger Mildred 8-26-65 125432° Appt memb Bd Admin City Emps' Retirement Syatera-tsrm end 7-1-70 1970 - Mavor ,, , „ Younger I»J.ldred , ,7-15-06 1254:^*! Mayor ai'jrt - Rd or Library Coius • tenn ena 7-I-71 ' Claim auto damage $42.©5 Young Rosamond 1-31-6? .13298© ©lalm auto damage |850 " Younglin Wm 8-25-69 l46809 Grant pet for Alleys Wly of Inglwood Blvd Slu Allin St Imp Young Samuel L 6-23-69 143670 adjourn in memory - P Lamport mo "Youngman E M 11-3-6? 136757' Claim property damage $15.00 YYoung Socialist 11-13-68 141636 Alliance - demand hrg re terrlrorlst bomblnffs Young Tyrone 12-12-68 Claim auto dmg-$l64.53 142050 Young Virginia' 12-22-66 Claim pers Injury 132498 Young Wesley"A 3-29-68 138OOO Respl gppd wishes uppn retiremt Snyder "Youngqulst Wm 12-19-66 132433" olaim return lt@ms taken as evldene© sec #328*863 "Younker Maizie 6- i-65 1243^2' Claim par© inj $10,000Youne Everett g 7-lO»@i 140004 & Bulldera imporlus »S@mardl« reaol greet °Yount Harry ' " 11-14-68" 'l4i6?4" Claim pers injury $50,000 1137 Yousem Philip 10-31-66 131822 ©ste- req vac ptn California Ave R/W bet Lincoln Blvd & Frederick Youth Arts Cntr 5- '2-69 145055 Braude Mo-grant permsn use V/LA Civic Cntr Mall 5-17-69 - hold art exhib Youth Services 1-6-59 142235 Plan C^:l - Mo correct tax Inineauit.v Citv taxpa.yers na.v for Co pi^s - Mills Yriffoyen Carlos 9-19-o6 13133© father of 0 Yrieoyen Jr-CHim Pers inj - undet amt Ysais Cecelia ?-6-65 Claim auto damage #38o35 124772 Ysidro Land Co 7-2C-65 124938 D P Buhler- ©ff ded aly ntn Lot 33 Tr 2©668 Ely/s '^ummltridg© Dr Yuasa Hardware 5 - 1 7 - 6 6 Co-claim auto damage Yuasa Hardware Co 6 - 6 - 6 6 129?1? 129964 C .laim auto damage Yuok George 11°19=65 Claim prop daraag© riot 126651 Yudlevltz Edith 2-13-68 138084 req stPrm drain be not abandoned bet Norton Ave & Irving Blvd & 1st St & Beverly Blvd irue George r©-9-67 136383" Grant pet irap ©renshaw Blvd (nr 56th St) Imp - Ena Yunker John M Jr 2 - ^ 6 8 138I67 Atty for R L Mak!nspri\& R^R Chitwood - Claim undet^amt prop daraage & pers Injury Yunk'er-Morton k 2- 4-65 122550 Dplley - claim refund t'lre Prmt $360 'Yuravlch Michael 11-14=69 l4?94l Claim autP damage $4©3.91 Zaback Georg® H 6=30=65 108072 B&S Corasn adv reappt to Housing Advisory & Appeal Bd "Zaback Geo H 6-13-66 1080?2 Appt member Hsng Advlspry/Appea" Bd for 1966-67 - B&S Corasn Zaback Geo 5-20-59 , 108©72 Lester Parker et al - Bldg & Safety Comsn app appt as rabrs Housing AdY & Aop Bd Zabala Ernesto P- 6-20-69 145756 Margarita Peres-Ernesto Peres Jt by Thos R Hunter Atty -Claim auto dmg & pers inj .'!accaHin H-jhn 5-12-68 . 158451 R'^:o ch=r zone Inglewood Ave fr 115th St to 12©' Nly-PC 21585 Zaccaglin John 4-9-68 158451 appJ declsn zn chg req-W/s Ingiev/ood Ave-l!5th St Nly Zaehary Ben 11-2-6? 156?22 Claim property damage $612.55 Zacks Arthur H 6-3-69 145516 for N Avsharian-clalm pers inj Zacuto Rbt J lC-21-68 l4l333 •PC 2189©-! chg zn & BL E/s Laurel Cyn Blvd Nly ©xna,rd St Zaffuto John P 1-14-65 122238 req clig zn. N side Sherman .Way 610' Ely Sepulveda Blvd-PC 17775Plan Cpmsn Zaft Sylvia 5=26-6? 134606 Clalra p ers Injury #2,000 Zager Rapond L S'-ZS^SS 124200 Clalra l53o?0 property daraag© Zager Raympnd IO-I8-66 131668 for Tyrpne Scott - Claim asoault & battery and false arreot Zahler Geo 3-12-69 Acc Comp Tax Claim Atty- 143261 Zahn Fred 1=26-65 1094|6 et al-oppoa© to City issu© permit oonst bldg hillsid© lot adj Vista .. Dfll Mar SlSehHl .BridBO Z6hn i.&ri6ret iu 8-9=6? 131136 Claim 4160pOOO pors inj Zaleh-katt J C© 9=2a-&5 1257?i Claim refund bu§. tax $1 Zall Herbert 7-|i°6| Ii4f6f • PC 18637 ©atab l5' BL SW/i Sawtell© lly^l bet Pearl St & ilj iRpealtien Blvd H-38 Zakaryan George 12-12-67 137212 Contract with City consulting Services re City Economic Dev Prog-one yr $15,000 -BPW Zakaryan George M 1-12-68 135??? Edelman-Resol commend Zamudlo Alice 11-10-65 126275 clalra pers Injury $100,000 Zakaryan Robt M 7-28-66 130200 Laraport coraraend on r©tlr©ment Zanicchi Jacqueline !©-ll-66 131594 Zalben Mik© 12- 9"^65 127489 dba U S Trading Co - claira prop (^o-m^trei Zander Hans 5-7-69 Claira autb drag-$215.68 l45l87 Claim auto damase undetermined Zankich Sylvia 4-19-68 139OO5' • Claim undet amt-pers injury —. r.-i.ob Zalben Mike 12-7-65' . 127469 ~ ©laira prop damage - riot Zaliblir David h-22-66 12956? Corap tax claim settiement $14.20 - Atty ... ' • _ Zalkin Ruwin9T22-6? 156i?3 Claim property damage $52.00 Zanklck Sylvia lC-28-68 l4l443~ Appt mbr Social Serv Comsnrs terra end ?-l-69 - Maypr Zanklck Sylvia 7-7-69 141443^ appt mbr Bd Social Service comsnrs term end 7-1-74 -succeed .. herself - Mavor Zanuck Richard D 2-25-69 142998 app install name in sidewalkHollywood Blvd-BPW Za.lud Charles E 9-19-69 lk47!55~ Req quitclaim easmt Lot 1 Tract l?4o4 -18754 Devonshire St "Zappa Donna 1-27-69 142535" Claim auto damage $121.96 Zamberlln Vincent 12-27.-66 ill478~ et al-Eng reo deny pet Imp AlleyWly Carolina St (nr 2?th St) Zapplen Nancy 8-2©-69 l46?21 by Thos Salciccla - Claim pers injury - undet amoitnt "2ambros 2-11-65 122634" ©hristppher John - '''lalm pers Inj In eKcess of $65,©00 zar Kay 6-10-69 145631 claim auto damage $482.96 Zamen ©orp & 12-9-65 127564 & Transamerica Co Claim prop damage - riot ""Zamllnsky Carl 1-27-65 122430 req chg zn parcel 100' SWly Whittier Elvd & 125' SEly Fresno _ St-PC 1?878-Plan.Cpmsn Zampra Carlos M 4-21-68 139022 ©lalm undet arat - auto damage k pers Injury Zaroff Joseph 12-1-65 127094 ' " -Claim prop damage - riot "Zarubica '^o Inc 2-19-65 122766 ^laim refund bus tax $150 ~Zaun Cecil 0 8-22-69 Edelman Resol commend 146000 Zamora Guadalupe J 2-14-69 142837 claim auco damage over $72.21 Zavala Donaro 5= 6=69 145116 Claim auto dmg - $529.63 "Zamora Marlanp 1-5-68' ' I37566 ©laim false arrest $1©©,©©© Zavala Rosalio D 8-I6-68 140004 ROBOl o©fflra©nd- S©oiedad Frogroeista Maxioana- Bradley Mo Zambukakls A 8-8-69 ' 146450 Req blow whistles and ring church bells welcome astronauts Zdana Helen 11-26-65 127002 Olalm aut© damag© k pere injury l|6,442,30 i. i . _ . . u ^ - — ' • . : . . ^ : - ^ • • r\.w r 1^39 zZdana-c Joseph CO 43f8-66 123128696 • r s t a l - p e t nlmpoHlllcrbftc;Dr-Val I vYerde.cDrrv& o t h e n R/W') Imp-Eng Zdenek A l b e r t 79il6=69 1470065 e t aaJr o f f e v. uded dp rope rea rcTent k TF>C3QS0I4-W/S Independence Ave Sly Pavthenla St .ZeerWi'^. i Hnicn H22i6'5'' i"26l62 pet imp A s t o r i a ot nr-Bradley Ave ijii^ai-: aug^gaama.^ti.- 3>r,. .' Ze'ffJ ANrn-ol-dlas i-5-r2©-i68 ' 11+394-2'© C?>^c,^.n3'ilf.cl%i%a^asmt ptncLot 7 - • , T'r 9578 -77f5 W'81st''Sf' z'ehligutoiErama •'lS-.i8>i68 127!'4:2b93 i Claim auto dmg & pers i n j undfe^t.i.'amtiato daraatje Zeiehj 'i^rm.^ V 774l'846'7 ]!3-5>2©4^ b y; liias.e T|;i5X;e in>Ma nias:- diiteira' 4i2'5,000. f^alse a r r e s t & Jos^hln© - Ed©lraan r a s o l comra©u • -..LlUiJli - >ji.Sillu Ave I 'iZ-ephy.r-:omi!^«a-cr> 1210-5-/^-65 • - 1-2582? .IOH0nij^r:b!du'ctlU'H'arbcr-ilarid's- -WHrn- • tlfn'gt^h «Mayb^-F-^©AajrBdI'^Hat*bo"r ^Orda- • • 3478 ZeppohrGa'tari'fta l3s8S687 , 138418 £nupdatn Cor-re^ eliw ccnd i-'ev'^u. •. Yl^iffipP^ESainJury^ l e i f a i r Ave r Z i J - n v e v - j a r r « r t „ IZ'olSoiS^Q iLSiiiX Zervaa„Chrls T * ^ 8 , T 2 3 -W^a^Birrd,,^' 68 ,14Q69© ^zKPs"^''?,C^2i?l\6?:f .*^Avg'*b'et^WyandSttetst^s5'i|iyr ^ve.. ^^, -. WM" Mayor-CAO-Pl?re^^Depf_ Z e l l -Walter F e2-lf-,69 141200, Sgt f. Resell commendT -- A Snyder LrOii* 2ZeoMr-Eaulreli t l2'-'6>69'7 !l'^2'^20 FcialnRrauCo^'daWage\ia"pprdp'^$2l2-^ subdivsn map as cono va:; i .' T e l f a i r Ave g o n v e r - J a r r e t t 12-15-6/ . I©e6'va 2epgdadS§.ta'14na©q .(7Jrirl-68lei<39964 fi!^lmsPei!3dInJ.urytr$25f©©© a v t "ZZ^ph'yr''%W^(?p^. 1'-^ " 2 ^ 2 6 5 •^f227f5 " ^Zerwekh^ EdwardS 3 r 3 W 6 ' 6 . , ^ -^£66^5 ;^C6--^b-ralW reY-und'^|l;0"59^-61=" 'bu'si^ess t a x :Ze:2ulac-Pr,ankort 4'-lC-69'- 143?12 w-i? 4'" ot'T.lM-n 1 n i t n -f or iJ c-ht' •i..;.i. s^MPcP-^?Pi?,Ti?ys <laniage^ $15.00 t!Bv.t Stoj^ea. •=' di3CAor±l^^iQ a a l o ACT- Jn^p-go ^-uPMimn,$21.,p,00,.fpr death of Jewell A Hall •RhPirmnn WAV '?e.!d!l%ilJIar,Yln li.0>.S-6'8' ]!.*ri'9!3^ Ca;llm:ravtto^ dnigc$>38c2"5-.h St & Hope St - PC 22553 - Plan Deot :• Zeleddn.iAlva'ro G 12-16-69 148395© c l a l m i p r o p o l o s s $2,i73r7ory cPiran^nd Z^enith Canst •|Oii4i65 11^0912 by Voorheis T r i n d l e - f i l e withovt -prejudice ded"easmBaw]ii?^'"6gk •_'. Ave Sc J e l l i c o - BPi-/ rec Z l n i t h National 1 J 1 2 > 3 ' - 6 9 -148218 x«yi.ciik^%/c>-'acci m t k i M W ^s'e~tta%meirt^ i'ixis-^.mi^m^^^-'^ Ze'idler %fZ-'© I d l e r t^-f^^^iS^^ 1 2 ^ 8 ^ Ltd- Glat'm-yprbV JdSim-g©''"='^ iCfoT'^^^ " ,Eng :E'2eiglecaHai:ris if8.-1t1r65 1'l252&i3 Corp - Claim refuna Bud t a x ' Cli{>90OyOOund ij;109.60 cuo ...... \%^ki^J^^Mimit l-2A.lfel68 22.eritthrC6nstr C© 717^-565 1 2 9 ^ | 6 RBpt/erldarb^^Sb^nderfe^da^-^tto0i|'12i;0Q© Sprbi87^6'i J ^ l i f l o fe & "•''Zfe'irif ^ M P H ' ' '^6-2Vit5 124300 S^PAPfi^Mn-d^f:^^' r e t i r s m e n t IJlsfflt injury k auto damage also appl 1 ti o xrio r-iin C O •l a t a ril o ^ m .' pamper C p - C ' l a l r r ' r e f 'bus t a x $lf(04'3.4© : Zeaiinan©yi*:23€B©n 12i-::7465S5 1'2?46.5.)5 ciaira pere Injury Claira prpp damag© - r i p t Z©ma!ita.iit:l8 Broriiua? 5--.17-67 jl34457 cXa.ijBrjijitp .daniage'. V,485^^ "^Zie^g'ler ^Edward" 2-7l-i^&-69^ ' '-i46l35 Mayor aopt as mbr Traf Coman ctermn enS>i?-:iir-.7lfetvaoanoy' Ivan Smith * , "zuZieglerjcEdward ^I,29^4>i69 1^46940. • ^ l^Cl'aiWmtVv'dSMal©^^. 00 • IZiegler^sHarry ;5i-?2-:68'.'; 139239 'Claim ^auto"* damage $206,39 ^ 1140 Ziegler Isldor .7-29-66 13©679 '•'• ©laim refund bldg permit Zimberg x'-urray 10- 6-65 125674 et- al - £ng grant pet imp Regent St nr Military Aye Irap $1,©68. Ziegler Isldor l©-5-66 131511 c/z -^ side Reseda Blvd bet Frairle St & Sly-PC 2©1©1 . Ziegler Isldor l©-15-68 l4l268' Ded drain easmt Sly Prairie Ely fr Reseda Blvd Ziegler Milton 1-18-6? I51511 ©ffer ded prop Lot 1©5 Tr 2554 widen Reseda Blvd & provide alle3/ Ziegler William 1-28-65 12214© Resol apprec retirement from Police Dept-B Mills • Ziemann J H Hon l©-24-66 ••. 1315©!" Adjourn in ©memory - Cassidy Zieraba Adolph 11-17^65 I26477 ©laira auto damage $14?.25 Zlemba Adolph J VJ 2-8-66 128310 Richard C V/ulliger Atty Claira oers in.i & auto dama.ee Zierenberg Roger 9-14-6? I36059 Claim auto damage $50.00 Zim-i:er Kenneth 3-22-6? I33656' claim auto damage #216.6''? &• lossof pa;/ for Thomas H Rooney Zimmer Max 9-17-65 Hesol commend-E Edelman 125530 Zimm.er V/m C 3-23-67 I33663 auth att conf American Society for Pub Admin-San FranciscoMar 27-30-3F'.',f_CA0 Ziramer W i H lam C 6-22-6? 13489© Claim workman's compensation $1,151.3© Zimmerer Donald H 1-11-6? 132?©?' Claim pers injury on duty Zimmerman A 5- 6-69' !45!©6 P©'s 22l68-9-7©&71-2n °hg & BL N/s Sherman Way W/P Sepulveda Blvd & WyandPtte-Plan CPmsn Ziraiiierman Llpyd 12-27-P5 127758 et al - pet for Alhama Dr & RiPS St Imp - Eng Zimmerman Paul 7-2-68 140©©4 Respl ccmmend - Ferrarc Zieve Don 3-1-6? 13338? for Sobert J Siegel-claim auto • dam,age #53.1? Zimmerman Paul 10-31-68 l4l20© Day - Designate 10-31-68 Lampert Zik Adlr 6-2-67 134663 claim pers injury undet amt Zinman Marvin 6-14-68 Atty fpr Irving ArouthClalm auto dmg $1,712 Zlff Barry 6-6-69 145548 c/z N/s Napa St to 145' Ely Darby Ave-PC 22328-Plan Comsn Zlnn Robt W Jrq 6-27-66 130256 Req geolpglcal study landslide area - South Shores 139748 Ziff'Natalie 10-15-65 125947 et al - Claim prop damage <p411 ' Zlnner Arlene Ziff Richard 11-7-68 141582 Claim auto damage $112.54 'jins Hary M 7-7-6? 135001 Hesol commend- E Edelman Ziff Rita " " 12- ?-'65 127395 dba Harvard Auction HPUS© Claim nrop dama.e:© Zillgltt Donald H 5-21-68 138400 Adjourn In memory - Timberlake 5-4-6? 134313 Claim auto damage $112.3? Zionist 8-14-69 146000 Organizatn - Edelman resol welcome Zlppi Anthony 12-3-69 148199. claim prop dainage I «•.• !^ Zirpolc /u.ierico 4-,13-65 123621 req chsj .ione' Cold'e.n Ave tlly Veri;!cnt .4ve - FC IBI97 71rwe3 J G 7-19-65 124925 Claira for auto damage- i^ec & Pk rec deny Ziskind Hf?len • 8-31-57 155'573 r •> r r 1141 % Zonis Arnold '. 1-28-65 122446 Req esteib.;bldg .'line W side Corning St bet.-2©l' & 282' Nly ©lin St-?C 1786©-Bd Zoning Adj Zonliek Polly -'5-14-68 139358 Claim pers injury undet amount f Zonne Phillip II-7-69 147829 Claim auto damage $7©.75 Claim'auto dama.cce i75.00 /..itko Nicholas 4-25-59, 145928 " Claim auto damage $117.5© Zito John 12-8-65 127526 . Cldira auto damage Zito Ronald V 7-17-68 l4©l64 Claim $5©.©© - auto damage Zitto Lane 10-24-66 131724" nr Greeley St Imp - pet granted Eng Zivetz Harold J 4-5-65 . 123493 Claim refund $169.6© bus tax ' Zizicas George ?-H-oo 'Bradley - adj in me/.iory HO^Ul Zobelein Co l©-8-69 147422 req zn chg NE cor 38th St & Hope St - PC 22533 -Plan . Deot Zobelein John 0 1©* 4-65 12474© Cassidy-Mo-Adj in memory Zodys Discount 7-25-68 140OO4 Dept Stores - discontinue eaie all Firearms - Braude-Resol command _ Zola Donald 9-14-65 125603 for Lois Wilson - Claim pera injury & auto damage also appl Zolatone, Process 2-17-66 128465 Inc - .^laira rafund bus tax $900' Zoltan Albert 12=7=66 claim pers injury Zolkiewicz \Alladyslaw 132305" 6-23-65 124628 claim pers inj "Zonver-Jarrett 12-15-67 108931/ Foundatn Co-req waive cond file ' subdlvsn map as cond vac ptn^'^ Telfair Ave .. - ' Zonver-Jarrett 12=15-67 108698 Foundatn Co-req elim file tr map as cond vac ptn Telfair Ave Zonver-Jarrett 12-15-67 112623 Foundation Co-req elim flle tr map as cond vacate ptn Telfair Ave Zonver-Jarrete 12-15-67 112861" Foundation Co-req elim file tr map as cond vac ptn Telfair Ave Zonver-Jarrett 12-15-67 114883" Foundatn Co-req elim cond requir tr map vacate ptn Telfair Ave Zonver-Jarrese 12-15-67 115567 Foundatn Co-req ©lim cond req tr map re vaeaen ptn Telfair Ave Zorastor Albert 3-23-6? 133666 member LA City Charter ComsnMayor "Zoraster Albert 1-19-68 137^166" sub communicatn for sched alrservice-VanNuys Alrpprt Zpraster Albert 11-6=69 l478l? Pretest pesting unathprized signs on business property Zornlzer Silvana 6-20-66 =30135 Claim auto damage "Zsupnik Ous 12-9-=65 127573 Claim proi;^ damags - riot iuaaleh John ^^U^^B ' Claim pors Injury (^450 Iwbla m m Q l ll 12,°3.0°65 i n ^ W elaiffl fclsQ ar?©o^ ©vs? m B ^ C " 1142 Zuckerman ./ 12-4-68 l4l923 Donald N - Claim pers injundet arat Zuckerman H Lew 2- 1-65 "Man of the Year" Wyman Resol comraend 122140 Zuckerman Stanleyll-22-65 126?5? Claira prop daraag© riot '" Zukeriiun I 8-2?-65 125446 Accept cor.,], tax settlmt. $196.20 - Atty Zuckerman Ted 10-11-6? 155001 Resol commend Man of the Year • - Kdelman Zuckert Ida 4-19-68 1384©© (Mrs)-Lindsay-adjourn in memory of Zullo Fred A 4-18-58 158998 Claim .$10 - auto damage . Zuniga Charles E 2-13-68 adjourn In memoryA Snyder motion 135002 Zuniga Joseph Cpl 5-5-68 13$4©©' Adjourn in memory - Snyder Zunlga Sally 2-23-6? 133271 ©lalra pers Injury over #5©»0©U Zurich-Ara©r Ins Co?-26-66 130619 Sub var claims for thru riot damage 130621 Zusserman Lewis 9-12-69 147023 Cal Mode-Lampshade-clalm auto damage $40 Zv/ebell Arthur 7-19-66 1305)1 req imp A H e y E/o Laurel Cyn Bl ni- ''i'/ooubrid^e St - Eng Zwelg Glenn H 6-10-69 145619 claim flood damage $18,952.51 Zwlcker Wm 4-2-68 138738 Req chg zone Coronado St SWly of , Wilshire Blvd - PC 2l42? Zwlcker William 3-4-69 143120 Req zn chg PC 22l4! Burlington Ave bet Olympic Blvd , NEly Zwirn Sol 4-26-6? 134195 Grant pet''for La Canada Way (nr Wheatland Ave) Imp - En^
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