Rijk Zwaan Recommended Codes for Pest Organisms in Vegetable Crops Based on: Recommended Codes for Pest Organisms in Cereal and Vegetable Crops (October 2006); Adopted by the Working Group established by the ISF Vegetable & Ornamental and Cereal Crops Sections Scientific name English common name Portuguese common name Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. conglutinans Fusarium yellows Murcha-de-fusário Albugo candida White rust/blister Ferrugem branca Mycosphaerella brassicicola Ring spot Vírus da mancha anelar Xanthomonas campestris pv. Campestris Black rot Podridão negra Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus Cucumber mosaic Mosaico do pepino Cucumber vein yellowing ipomovirus Cucumber vein yellowing Amarelecimento das Nervuras do Pepino Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder crinivirus Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder Crinivirus Papaya ringspot potyvirus (ex WMV-I) Papaya ringspot Mancha anelar da papaia Watermelon mosaic potyvirus (ex WMV-II) Watermelon mosaic Mosaico da melancia Zucchini yellow mosaic potyirus Zucchini yellows Cladosporium cucumerinum Scab and gummosis Corynespora cassiicola Corynespora blight and target spot Sphaerotheca fuliginea (now Podosphaeria xanthii) Powdery mildew Oídio Pseudoperonospora cubensis Downy mildew Míldio Erysiphe cichoracearum (Golovinomyces cichoracearu) Powdery mildew Oídio cucumber green mottle mosaic virus Cucumber green mottle BRASSICAS CUCUMBER Sarna e gomose GHERKIN Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus Cucumber mosaic Mosaico do pepino Cladosporium cucumerinum Scab and gummosis Sarna e gomose Pseudoperonospora cubensis Downy mildew Míldio Sphaerotheca fuliginea (now Podosphaeria xanthii) Powdery mildew Oídio Rijk Zwaan Recommended Codes for Pest Organisms in Vegetable Crops version May 2011 page 1 of 2 Rijk Zwaan Recommended Codes for Pest Organisms in Vegetable Crops Based on: Recommended Codes for Pest Organisms in Cereal and Vegetable Crops (October 2006); Adopted by the Working Group established by the ISF Vegetable & Ornamental and Cereal Crops Sections Scientific name English common name Portuguese common name Cucumber vein yellowing ipomovirus Cucumber vein yellowing Papaya ringspot potyvirus (ex WMV-I) Papaya ringspot Watermelon mosaic potyvirus (ex WMV-II) Watermelon mosaic Zucchini yellow mosaic potyirus Zucchini yellows Colletotrichum orbiculare Anthracnose Antracnose Lettuce mosaic potyvirus Lettuce mosaic Mosaico da alface Bremia lactucae Downy mildew Míldio Nasonovia ribisnigri Lettuce leaf aphid Piolho-da-alface Pemphigus bursarius Lettuce root aphid Rhizomonas/Sphingomonas suberifaciens Corky root Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.Lactucae Fusarium wilt Doença do escloroto Macrosiphum euphorbiae Potato aphid Piolho-da-batata Mosaico da melancia LETTUCE Rijk Zwaan Recommended Codes for Pest Organisms in Vegetable Crops version May 2011 page 2 of 2
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