ArmaSound Industrial Systems
ArmaSound Industrial Systems
Armaflex shall always be installed according to the recommendations given in the Armaflex installation manual. Additional application advice may also occasionally be published on the Armacell website and installations shall be compliant with this advice in addition to that stated in the installation manual. All materials shall be kept free from contamination and shall be clean, dry and damage free. 4. No PVC tape or any form of self adhesive tapes shall be installed on any seams or joints without the permission of the client/Armacell. INSTALLATION OF ARMASOUND 240 LAYER ArmaSound 240 shall always be installed as according to the recommendations given for Armaflex sheet in the Armaflex Installation Manual. The following shall be implemented as a minimum: The following recommendations shall also be implemented: 1. When the insulated pipework or equipment has an outer diameter greater than 500mm Armaflex sheet materials shall be installed with all over adhesive coverage to both the Armaflex surface and the under-laying substrate. Flat surfaces shall also require all-over adhesive coverage. 1. All over adhesive coverage is required only on flat surfaces and vessels. Note: the requirement for all over adhesive coverage on pipes with diameters greater than 500mm does not apply to this ArmaSound 240 layer. 2. All seams and joints shall be staggered on all layers. All Armaflex shall be fitted under compression on all “butt joints”. Note: It is very important that all material layers are fitted under compression with no gaps present. The installation of materials shall be treated as “cold work process” at all times. Staggering Pipes > 500mm & flat surface 2. All seams and joints shall be staggered on all layers. 3. All ArmaSound 240 shall be fitted under compression on all “butt joints” where possible. 4. Where possible seams and joints shall be kept to a minimum. 3. All “butt” joints shall be adhered to the pipe/underlying insulated pipework and “wet sealed” with the correct type of Armaflex Adhesive as per Armaflex Installation manual. 5. No PVC tape or any form of self adhesive tapes shall be installed on any seams or joints without the permission of the client/Armacell. 6. Armaflex adhesive shall be used on all fixing seams and joints on straight lines and other pipework fitting fabrications. In addition, any seams and joints that have gaps shall be filled with Arma-Chek mastic. 7. Following the application process until this point, all ArmaSound 240 materials shall be finally secured © ARMACELL UK LTD. 1 All statements and technical information are based on results obtained under typical conditions. It is the responsibility of the recipient to verify with us that the information is appropriate for the specific use intended by the recipient. For updates to this document please refer to our website pipe-work INSTALLATION OF ARMAFLEX LAYER APPLICATION GUIDE ARMASOUND INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS_ INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS APPLICATION GUIDE with 20mm wide by (0.50mm) thick type 304 stainless steel bands and wing seal fixings. Each 1 m length shall have a minimum of 3 fixing bands installed. ARMASOUND INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS_ pipe-work For Bends 8. When installing ArmaSound 240 materials onto bend fabrications, the ArmaSound 240 sheet shall be fabricated into segments and secured with the 20mm wide stainless steel band fixings, » see 7 above. INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS a minimum of 3 fixing bands installed. 2. All fabricated items shall, where applicable, have a minimum of 50mm overlapping on all seam and jointing details. The barrier mat - seam and jointing details shall be staggered away from the under-laying insulation seam details, and be positioned to avoid a direct pathway for possible water ingression in external locations. INSTALLATION OF ARMA-CHEK R COVERING Arma-Chek R covering shall be installed as detailed within the Arma-Chek installation manual and other current Armacell published literature relating to the installation of Arma-Chek R covering. The following shall be implemented as a minimum: Note: For smaller pipe sizes the use of 1-2mm stainless steel insulation wire may be appropriate. Please consult our Technical Department for details. 9. All gaps present around the installed segmented bend fabrications shall be filled with Arma-Chek mastic. All mastic shall be allowed to dry before covering with additional layers of insulation. 1. All Arma-Chek R covering shall be fixed to all under-laying insulation with all over adhesive coverage on both fixing surfaces, when pipework installations outer diameter is above 500mm. All flat surface applications shall follow this application process. Note: It is not advisable to “spot” apply the adhesive in any situation. 2. All fixing seams and “butt joint” overlap details shall be a minimum of 50mm. 3. All overlaps shall have Armaflex adhesive applied to both overlapping surfaces and allow to tack dry following instructions of the Arma-Chek installation manual. 10. No PVC tape or any form of self adhesive tapes shall be installed on any seams or joints without the permission of the client/Armacell. 11. Avoid using damaged material! Note: Stainless steel band fixings shall be used in all situations for fixing security of the material on pipework, flat surface and vessel equipment types. INSTALLATION OF ARMASOUND BARRIER T Where the barrier mat material is required, the following application process shall be followed. 4. All bend and fitting fabrications shall be installed as per Arma-Chek installation manual. Always allow a minimum of 10mm overlap on segment fabrications on bend applications. 5. All bend and fitting fabrications shall be installed with all over adhesive coverage on both fixing surfaces. Note: It is not advisable to “spot” apply the adhesive in any situation. 6. On the final outer Arma-Chek R Covering layer apply a “bead” of Arma-Chek mastic, minimum 10mm wide - 3mm thick, to all seams and joints in order to finish the installation process. 1. The barrier mat shall be fixed and secured tightly around the insulated equipment throughout. The barrier mat shall be secured with 20mm wide by (0.50mm) thick Type 304 stainless steel bands and wing seal fixings. Each one metre length shall have 2 © ARMACELL UK LTD. All statements and technical information are based on results obtained under typical conditions. It is the responsibility of the recipient to verify with us that the information is appropriate for the specific use intended by the recipient. For updates to this document please refer to our website INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS APPLICATION GUIDE PIPE SUPPORTS & STEEL WORK STORAGE OF ARMACELL PRODUCTS a.) For pipe supports and steel work installations, where the complete specified insulation thickness cannot be implemented, due to space restrictions, the insulation layer shall, where applicable, be cut around the steel leg support. The “cut outs” shall be neat/tidy and accurate with no gaps present. Store in a safe place, following all procedures of the client and Armacell relating to Health + Safety, storage and handling procedures. Armacell publication relating to installation procedures b.) The “cut out” details shall be sealed at all times with Armaflex adhesive / Arma-Chek mastic at all times. Note: In order to gain the maximum performance from both the materials and the acoustic value requirements it is important that a high standard of workmanship is achieved during this type of application. All installers shall have attended an Armacell Installation Training Course and be certificated before commencing application process’s as detailed below. ARMASOUND INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS_ c.) For optimum performance, in order to avoid acoustic bridging, all steel work directly attached to the main equipment shall be insulated to the same thickness and product combination d.) Final system appearance All unwanted Armaflex adhesive marks and spillages on the final outer Arma-Chek R covering layer shall be easily cleaned away using Armaflex Cleaner applied using a clean cloth. It is recommended that this procedure is followed whilst cleaning the seam and joint details prior to applying the mastic as the final application detail of the insulation system. Note: Ensure the Armaflex Cleaner has dried away, before applying the mastic. This should take 2-3 min. for the solvents to evaporate. © ARMACELL UK LTD. pipe-work » Armaflex Installation Manual » Arma-Chek Installation Manual 3 All statements and technical information are based on results obtained under typical conditions. It is the responsibility of the recipient to verify with us that the information is appropriate for the specific use intended by the recipient. For updates to this document please refer to our website INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS ARMASOUND INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS_ pipe-work APPLICATION GUIDE Armacell UK Limited · Mars Street Oldham, Lancs. · OL9 6LY · Tel 0161 287 7100 · Fax 0161 633 2685 · [email protected] Subject to alterations · Printed in UK 038-005-0507-EN (UK,ROI) © ARMACELL UK LTD. All statements and technical information are based on results obtained under typical conditions. It is the responsibility of the recipient to verify with us that the information is appropriate for the specific use intended by the recipient. For updates to this document please refer to our website
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