Atomic resolution electron microscopy: Challenges on data treatment and modelling at the nanoscale Daniel G. Stroppa [email protected] Quantitative Electron Microscopy, INL, Braga, Portugal 02/12/2014 Checklist 1 – Electron Microscopy introduction 2 – Experimental setup automation 3 – Intensity maps and 3D reconstruction 4 – Atomistic models simulation and refinement 5 – Some other possibilities (S)TEM Introduction Imaging Diffraction Spectroscopy Electron-matter interaction (after Williams and Carter) (S)TEM Introduction TEM and STEM basic instrumentation (S)TEM Introduction Bright Field TEM High resolution TEM C: Mass-thickness C: Diffraction Interference pattern! Si (Claudio, T.) and ZrO2 (Dalmaschio, C.) (S)TEM Introduction Annular Scattering Scattering cross sections HAADF ABF >80 mrad Z contrast (~Z2) ~ 13 – 23 mrad contrast for low Z GaAs – AlGaAs (Claro, M.) and YH2 (Ishikawa, R.) (S)TEM Introduction Electron Energy X-rays Energy Loss Spectroscopy Dispersive Spectroscopy EELS – Energy loss chart and instrumentation scheme (S)TEM Introduction Aberrations Spherical aberration Chromatic aberration Corrector Based on EM multipoles And many others! Limits on electron microscopy – Part 1 Envelope functions Spatial coherence Temporal coherence (S)TEM Introduction Materials limitations State of the art Spatial resolution (TEM) 50 pm (@300kV) Spatial resolution (STEM) 63 pm (@300kV) Energy resolution 10 meV (@100kV) Sample instability Actual energy loss 170 meV Dose and signal limits (SNR and SBR) Chemical element imaging H-U Chemical element spectroscopy H-U Signal delocalization Sample preparation Single atoms imaging and spectroscopy! Practical aspects Atomic resolution 3D reconstruction! Experiments Automation What limits (S)TEM nowadays? Data extraction Modelling and simulation Limits on electron microscopy – Part 2 Experimental setup automation Trivia 1) Total analyzed volume by TEM until today ~ Facts 1931 – First TEM prototype a) 10 mm3 1939 – First commercial TEM b) 1 cm3 1970 – HRTEM imaging c) 100 cm3 d) 10 m3 e) 1 km3 ~ 5.103 instruments worldwide Experimental setup automation 3mm Trivia 1) Total analyzed volume by TEM until today ~ a) 10 mm3 b) 1 cm3 c) 100 cm3 d) 10 m3 e) 1 km3 Experimental setup automation Automated image collection ??? Experimental image analysis 104 images, projection of single (few) objects Single particle analysis Intensity maps and 3D reconstruction Inorganic systems Typically poly-disperse Important questions at nanoscale Size: d, A, V Terminations / Capping Distortions / Defects Few approaches available Restricted / “Handcraft” ZrO2 (Dalmaschio, C.) Intensity maps and 3D reconstruction IHAADF Z~2 (t) Images – SW 1 (DM) Peak finder – SW 2 (CMr) STEM - HAADF imaging CeO2 Intensity maps and 3D reconstruction “Quantization” Atomic columns thickness Intensities classification (GMM) GMM – SW 3 (Igor) Approximate 3D model d, A, V Symmetry operations Model construction – SW 4 (CMr) Intensity maps and 3D reconstruction Image simulation Results display SW 5 (Megacell) and SW 6 (Dr. Probe) SW 7 (Chimera) Intensity maps and 3D reconstruction Mini summary Atomic resolution images Counting atoms 3D reconstruction Approximate d, A, V 2 nanoparticles (200 nm3) 1 month (7 + x) SW Atomistic models simulation and refinement HRTEM imaging FT indexing Crystallography analysis Modelling Image simulation Matching Approximate 3D model d, A, V Sb-doped SnO2 (Silva, R.) Atomistic models simulation and refinement Projected potential !! WF phase x thickness !! Crystal model Multislice image simulation (up to EPWF) Atomistic models simulation and refinement Multislice image simulation (from EPWF) !! MgO (Jia, C.) – Nature Materials, Sept 14 Some other possibilities Single atoms detection Re-doped MoS2 (Yadgarov, L.) Some other possibilities Single atoms identification HAADF monitoring EELS - SI ~1000 spectra Reference region Re-doped MoS2 (Yadgarov, L.) Some other possibilities Species quantification Ce3+ (%cat) Gd (%cat) VO (%sites) Exp. - 30.0 ± 8.2 37.7 ± 4.1 Theo. 25.2 30.0 13.8 Gd-doped CeO2 (Dalmaschio, C.) Some other possibilities Species quantification Ce3+ (%cat) Gd (%cat) VO (%sites) Exp. - 30.0 ± 8.2 37.7 ± 4.1 Theo. 25.2 30.0 13.8 Gd-doped CeO2 (Dalmaschio, C.) Conclusion Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy Materials characterization “to the atom” A lot of useful information there (not just “pretty” images) Science and Technology impact Very limited analysis range: Sampling “Handcraft” analyses Conclusion HL: I would like to do HRTEM on every material I grow! (~10 a week) DGS: @#$%&#$!!! (2014)